step-by-step tutorial your interactive world history notebook set-up

Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Upload: damian-fitzgerald

Post on 30-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Page 2: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

What you need

Spiral Spiral NoteNotebook book with with

a a FoldeFolde

r r


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andand TapTapee

Page 3: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 1: Front Cover…Write:


Make it personal-Decorate and design the front cover

Page 4: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 2: First Page– Staple the “Interactive Notebook Directions Sheet”

Page 5: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 3: Turn the Page: Table of Contents [TOC]

1 2Table of Contents

Write in the page number and


Table of Contents

Page # Assignment Description Page # Assignment Description

Page 6: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 3: Turn the Page: Table of Contents [TOC] Continued….

3 4Table of Contents

Write in the page number and


Table of Contents

Page # Assignment Description Page # Assignment Description

Page 7: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 4: Turn the page…Keep numbering until you finish the notebook

5 6Chapter 1 Vocabulary Political cartoon Liberty

Page 8: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

Step 4: Turn the page…Keep numbering until you finish the notebook

7 8Chapter 1 Cornell Notes 2nd treatise of government

Page 9: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

For every assignment, this is the proper heading



Title of Assignment

And then fill it into the Table of Contents,

including page # and title

Page 10: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

RIGHT SIDE- STUDENT SIDE: OUTPUTRequires students to interact with the information and do something with the notes on the right Reflects how students learn and apply the information


SIDE: INPUTAll information the student is supposed to know/learnTeaches students effective note-taking strategies

Could include:-Notes , Class handouts, Discussion Notes, Movie Notes, Guided Notes, Vocabulary, Maps, Data, Concept Map, Question strips, Articles

Could include:-Thinking Maps, Structured Writing, Foldables, Golden Line, Brochure, Mind mapping, Analysis, Illustrated outlines, Reflective Writing, 3-2-1, Quick Write, Roving Paragraph, Political cartoons, Timelines

How Notebook will work!

Page 11: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

How it works!

• Everything we do will be either written onto the notebook directly or stapled in– Assignments that are not graded like notes and in-

class work will be automatically put in – Assignments that are graded will be done on a

separate piece of paper, turned in, graded, returned, and then you will staple it into your notebook

Page 12: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

When you have a homework assignment

• Let’s say I give you a homework assignment and I tell you that this will go on page 12 of your IWHN when its graded/returned to you– Say you get home and forget how to do the

homework– You go onto the blog

• Under World History– Click on WH Notebook Assignments on page numbers

» Click on #12 and there will be the directions

Page 13: Step-by-Step Tutorial Your Interactive World History Notebook Set-Up

How you will be graded Formal Notebook Check [Summative and every 3-4 weeks]: Looking for the organization and notebook upkeep

10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 0 points

Table of Contents TOC is complete 1 missing entry 2 missing entries 3 missing entries N/A

Headings All pages have a heading, title, date, and page #

1 page has a missing or incomplete heading

2 pages have a missing or incomplete headings

3 pages have a missing or incomplete headings


25 points 20 points

15 points 10 points 0 points

Entries on Left Side LS work is all complete 1 blank/missing page

2 blank/missing pages 3 blank/missing pages N/A

Entries on Right side RS work is all complete 1 blank/missing page

2 blank/missing pages 3 blank/missing pages N/A

20 points 15 points

10 points 5 points 0 points

Color/Neatness Exceptionally maintained with color and neatness!

Very colorful and neat

Colorful and neat Somewhat colorful and neat

Not colorful or neat

Total Score:[maximum 50 summative pts]

1st card marking

2nd card marking

3rd card marking

4th card marking

5th card marking

6th card marking

/90 /90 /90 /90 /90
