step by step enabling power boost and pitch tuning

Step by step enabling power boost and pitch tuning Siemens provided Digsilent model has the default initialization settings for normal 2.3MW/3.0MW output. If customer need curtailed the turbine output or enable power boost feature to output 3.15MW power, customers have to change the model settings and tune the pitch angle manually to get flat start simulation. Digsilent model zip provided by engineers has described in details on how to tune pitch angle/enable power boost in the manual. Here, the project power boost feature is enabled and pitch angle is tuned as an example. To be able to output 3.15MW power, 1. Change the Nominal Apparent Power to 3.15MW on both basic data 2. Change the load flow active power to 3.15MW

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Step by step enabling power boost and pitch tuning

Siemens provided Digsilent model has the default initialization settings for normal 2.3MW/3.0MW output. If customer need curtailed the turbine output or enable power boost feature to output 3.15MW power, customers have to change the model settings and tune the pitch angle manually to get flat start simulation. Digsilent model zip provided by engineers has described in details on how to tune pitch angle/enable power boost in the manual. Here, the project power boost feature is enabled and pitch angle is tuned as an example. To be able to output 3.15MW power,

1. Change the Nominal Apparent Power to 3.15MW on both basic data

2. Change the load flow active power to 3.15MW

3. Tune pitch angle in aerodynamics model

4. Enable power boost by changing default parameter of 0 to 1.

5. Tune pitch angle pitch_0 in Model_Part1

6. Setup the output channel for Pitch angle of turbine “SWP_GEN WTG_TH-26”:

7. Setup the output channel active power

8. Start initializaion and start simulation for 15s or till the turbine reach the stable operation point. Then catch the pitch angle at stabel point, which is 4.482 degree in the example case.

9. Updated the pitch angle of 4.482 degree in both aerodynamics model and Model_Part1 in step 3 and step 5.

10. Go back to run step 8 again till the whole system simulation reach the acceptable flat start operation point.

For the given Tres Hermanas case, the monitored park power and voltage has been tuned from the unstable start point to the falt start point as shown below. During tuning:

After tuning: