step by step. aubergine vs eggplant


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Page 1: Step by step. Aubergine vs eggplant


Page 2: Step by step. Aubergine vs eggplant

1.1. The class will be divided into pairs (one will represent a British student and he/she will be called “the aubergine” and the other one will be an American student, “the eggplant”).


The class will therefore be divided in two groups at the same time: aubergines (British) and eggplants (Americans), hence they can share ideas or vocabulary to create their roles.

CC: The Clear Communication PeopleAubergine

Page 3: Step by step. Aubergine vs eggplant

1.2. They will have to write to each other as penfriends because they are supposed to be into an student exchange program. They can write like themselves or like an invented character.

They will use Twiducate: log in it with a code that the teacher will provide.They will have to use the vocabulary that they have searched in the webs we have provided them and others they have found. They will have also to do a research about the cultural habits of every country.

This part of the activity will last 1 week (3 hours).

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CC: Nicolas Raymond English Language Grunge Flag

Page 5: Step by step. Aubergine vs eggplant

1.3. Then, they will have to make a presentation about themselves, their interests, hobbies, etc. in class through an interactive avatar: Voki. With this avatar they can record their own voice before the last step.

This part of the activity will last 1 week (3 hours).

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1.4. After that, they will create a comic with a simple script based on the imaginary situation that takes place when the two characters meet face to face for the first time. This comic will be short (just three panels).

This comic will be represented by them in a short drama in class.

This part of the activity will last 1 week and a half (4 hours).

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1.5. During the development of the activities we will guide and encourage them so that they can do the activity well and explain any doubts they might have. Once they finish the activity, we will give them the feedback as to improve. On the fourth week, they will have the chance to correct the mistakes that we pointed out in the feedback.

They will have 2 hours for doing that, then, we will assess the activity.

CC: Colegio Jean Piaget Primeros días de clase

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1.6. Finally, in the remaining hour of the fourth week they will have to do a reflection about their job.

This will last 2 hours.

First of all, we will explain them what we consider a good reflection is:

When you analyse the story from your own point of view, giving your own opinion and perspective.

CC. Hermann Kaser Libreta

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Then, in order to make it easier for them, we could give them a guide consisting of questions that they must include in their reflection:

-What was the best part of each activity? Why?-And the worst? Why?-Did you notice differences of any type between Spanish, British and American people? Explain them.-And similarities? Explain them.

Once they finish, they will hand it in to the teacher at the end of the class.

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2nd Explain the evaluation criteria:

What are we going to take into account?

• We are going to mark the speaking in the presentation and drama: if they are understandable and the speaking makes sense. If they know how to start, maintain and finish a conversation. Originality bonus.

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• Vocabulary: whether they use several words in British and American English. If they use more words than the basic ones such as my name is, I’m…, etc. Expressions.

• Writing: if they write properly, without mistakes and using a variety of vocabulary, and also British and American terms.

CC: Guillermo Letras

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• Grammar: if they use the present simple, verb to be, possessive pronouns, and state verbs such as love, like, hate, etc.

• Attitude: if they are involved in the activity, collaborate with their partner or their groups and they work hard.

• The elaboration, creativity and usage of the tools in the artifacts.

In order to pass the activity, students must get at least 5 (average) in each skill and category.

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