std four (4) english

CONTENT Uni t Content Page 1 Spelling, Grammar: Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing 1 2 Spelling, Grammar: Countable And Uncountable Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing 3 3 Spelling, Grammar: Proper Nouns, Comprehensions: The Funny Characters In My Family, Writing 6 4 Spelling, Grammar: Collective Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing 8 5 Spelling, Grammar: Singular And Plural Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing 12 6 Spelling, Grammar: Agreement, Comprehensions, Writing 14 7 Spelling, Grammar: Gender , Comprehensions, Writing 17 8 Punctuations, Grammar: Possession– Nouns, Adjective and Pronouns , Comprehensions, Writing 20 9 Social Expression, Grammar: Forms of 24 the verb, Comprehensions, Writing 10 Social Expression, Grammar: Present Continuous Tense, Comprehensions, Writing 29 11 Social Expression, Grammar: Simple Present Tense, Comprehensions, Writing 32 12 Social Expression, Grammar: Present Perfect Tense, Comprehensions, Writing 35 13 Social Expression, Grammar: Simple Past Tense, Comprehensions, Writing 38 14 Social Expression, Grammar: Adjectives, Comprehensions, Writing 41 15 Social Expression, Grammar: Adverbs, Comprehensions, Writing 45 Grammar Revision 50 Sentence Construction 60 Information Transfer 65 Model Test – Set 1 72 Model Test – Set 2 75

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English exercises



Pusat Tuisyen Ilmu Didik



1Spelling, Grammar: Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing


2Spelling, Grammar: Countable And Uncountable Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing


3Spelling, Grammar: Proper Nouns, Comprehensions: The Funny Characters In My Family, Writing


4Spelling, Grammar: Collective Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing


5Spelling, Grammar: Singular And Plural Nouns, Comprehensions, Writing


6Spelling, Grammar: Agreement, Comprehensions, Writing


7Spelling, Grammar: Gender

, Comprehensions, Writing


8Punctuations, Grammar: PossessionNouns, Adjective and Pronouns, Comprehensions, Writing20

9Social Expression, Grammar: Forms of the verb, Comprehensions, Writing


10Social Expression, Grammar: Present Continuous Tense, Comprehensions, Writing


11Social Expression, Grammar: Simple Present Tense, Comprehensions, Writing


12Social Expression, Grammar: Present Perfect Tense, Comprehensions, Writing


13Social Expression, Grammar: Simple Past Tense, Comprehensions, Writing


14Social Expression, Grammar: Adjectives, Comprehensions, Writing


15Social Expression, Grammar: Adverbs, Comprehensions, Writing


Grammar Revision50

Sentence Construction60

Information Transfer65

Model Test Set 172

Model Test Set 275

Model Test Set 378

Model Test Set 481

Model Test Set 584

Units 1

Exercise 1 - Spelling

Choose the word with the correct spelling.1.We change into our _______

before going to bed.

A payjmas

B pijamas

C pyjamas

D pejamas

2.The fierce dogs are________

at the strangers.

A braking

B barking

C bakring

D brakin

3.The farmer plants ____

on his farm.

A veegtables

B vegetables

C veagtables

D vegtaebles

4.Faridah ate some___

when she felt hungry.

A biscuits

B bicsuits

C biskits

D bisuitcs

5.The _______ is a sweet

and juicy fruit.

A waertmelon

B watemerlon

C wetarmerlon

D watermelon

Exercise 2 Grammar: NOUNSPick out the nouns in these sentences.Example : Most birds build their nests in trees.

Most birds build their nests in threes.

- birds, nest, trees

1.The careless boy lost his pen.____________________________________________2.I went to the market with my mother. ____________________________________________

3.The girl fell down the stairs.____________________________________________4.Is there any water in the vase?____________________________________________5.We used to live in that house across the river.____________________________________________6. My grandfather has an old car.____________________________________________7.Cats love to eat fish.____________________________________________8.I heard a noise in the middle of the night.____________________________________________9.This dictionary consists of two thousand pages. ____________________________________________10.The typist can type sixty words in a minute. ____________________________________________11.The fishermen are drying their nets in the sun. ____________________________________________12.The scout jumped into the pond to save the child. ____________________________________________

13.Cakes are made of flour, eggs, butter and sugar.____________________________________________14.She received a present for her birthday from her aunt. ____________________________________________15.The robbers broke into the shop and took all the money.____________________________________________Exercise 3 : Comprehension

Study the pictures below and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1.Who is the man speaking to the villagers? (village - chief)

_____________________________________________________2.What is he talking to them about? (gotong-royong)

_____________________________________________________3.What is a gotong-royong'? (day - villagers - get - together - clean - village)

_____________________________________________________4.What kind of work can the villagers do together? (cut grass - clean - drains - remove rubbish - river)


_____________________________________________________5.Why is a gotong-royong' a good form of activity? (promotes - unity - cooperation - villagers)


Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe an incident. Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.

Jenny Nita jogging park tired bench - restman jogged past wallet dropped - pocket

picked ran after returned - wallet





________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 2 Exercise 1- Spelling

Choose the word with the correct spelling.

1.My father wears a ________ at home.

A singlet

B sinlet

C singletg

D selting

2.She went to school wearing


A diryt

B dirty

C drity

D ditry

3.If we go along Jalan Istana,

we will be able to see

the _________.

A libarary

B library

C librrary

D libraary

4. You can get those writing materials

at the ______ shop.

A stationary

B stationery

C stationerry

D stationry

5.The _______ of that college

is Mr. Paul Tham.

A Principle

B Prinsipal

C Principal

D Prinsiple

Exercise 2 Grammar: COUNTABLE AND

UNACOUNTABLE NOUNSPut a or an where necessary. Do not write anything in the blanks if it is not necessary.

Example: _____knife is made of ______ steel.

A knife is made of steel.

1.______ book is made of ______ paper.2. He is drinking _____ cup of tea and reading _____ newspaper.3. She ate _____ orange and _____ banana just now.4. _____ barber is ____ man who cuts_____ hair.

5. I usually have ______ bread and ______ butter in the morning.

6. We must drink ______ water with ______ cup or ______ glass.

7. ______ cigarette is made of _____ tobacco and _____ paper.

8. _____ mutton is the meat of ______ goat.

9. Do you eat ______ meat on ______ Fridays?

10. We can live for ______ day without _____ water, but we cannot live for _____ hour without _____ air.

11. He drew ______ circle on _____ piece of _____ paper.

12. I must write this letter in _____ ink. Please lend me _______ pen.

13. There is ______ grain of ______ salt in this tin of ______ milk.

14. There is _______ leak in your roof. A few drops of _______ water are dripping in.

15.There is no _______ smoke without ______ fire.

Exercise 3: Comprehension

Read Puan Jamilahs monthly expenditure and answer the question that follow.

Puan Jamilahs earns a monthly salary of RM2500.

She spends her salary on the following.

Grocery household goods

RM 700.00

Utility bills

(water, electricity etc)

RM 200.00

House rental

RM 400.00

Allowance for two sons

RM 100.00

Newspapers and magazines

RM 50.00

Medical expenses

RM 100.00


RM 100.00

Installments (T.V, sofa, Hi fi ect)

RM 400.00


RM 250.00

Entertainment and others

RM 200.00


RM 2500.00

1.Puan Jamilah spends the least on ...A reading materials


Butility bills

D allowances for children 2.She spends RM300 on A utility bills and installments

B allowances, medical and clothing

Centertainment and savings

D house rental alone

3.Puan Jamilah goes out for dinner with her family once in a month. This expenditure comes under

A food and beverages

Butility bills

Centertainment and others

Dallowances for children

4.How much money does she keep for "for a rainy day"?

A RM400.00

C RM200.00B RM250.00

D RM700.00

5.How would you describe Puan Jamilah as?

A Careless and carefree spender

B Wise and careful spender

CClever and intelligent spender

D Big and small spender

Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe a boy, Steven. Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the picture. You may use the words in any order you like to make your description more interesting. Write your answer in the space provided.

Steven ten years old likes reading -muchgoes library borrow books to read - sometimes

exchanges books with friends increase - knowledge





__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 3 Exercise 1- Spelling

Choose the word with the correct spelling

1.Peter went to watch a movie at the ________.

A theatre

B teathre C teather

D teahter2.She looked very ___________ in her new dress. A bautyful

B beautiful C baeutiful

D beautifool3.The____________ of the toy car is very expensive. A prize

B prise C price

D pryce4. The____________ between the two students took place in the Assemby Hall.

A dilog

B dilogue C dialogue

D dialog5. What are your favourite ________ programmes? A talvisyen

B televisyen C television

D talevision

Exercise 2 : Grammar PROPER NOUNS

Write down the special names of the following.1. Five countries: ______________ , ______________ , ____________________ ,______________________ , _____________________________ .2. Five towns: _____________ , ______________ , ________________ ,_____________ , ____________ . 3.Five rivers: _______________________________ , _______________________ , ___________________ ,_______________________ , __________________ .

4.Five boys or girls: __________________, ______________, ________________________ ,_____________ , ___________________ . 5.Five animals: _____________ , ______________ , ________________ ,_____________ , ____________ .

6. Five streets: _____________________________ , ________________________ , __________________ ,______________________ , ___________________ .Exercise 3: Comprehensions

Read the following information carefully and answer the question that fallow.

The Funny Characters In My FamilyThis is my father. He is always shouting here and there. Afraid of no one. Brave, but when he sees mothers angry face, he quietens down.

Well, this is the Empress of the House. Always as busy as a bee. Never attends meeting, Clubs or associations. Home is the heaven for her.

He is the Dennis the menace of my house. Mum has ordered a cane specially for him. When mother chases him, papa is the rescuer.

And thats my sister, the Britney Spears of my house. The sound of music in the room is enough for mum to breathe out hot air.

And of course, this is me. I dont know what my family members think about me, but I am always happy and thank God for giving me such a wonderful family.

1. Altogether there are __________ members in the writer's family.A two B four

C five

D six2.Who controls the running of the house? The writer's ________.

A father

B mother

C sister

D brother3.Why is the writer's mother called the "Empress of the House"? A.She likes to cane the writer's brother

B.She takes total control of the house

C.She is always as busy as a bee

D.She likes to show her angry face to her husband4."Dennis the Menace" refers to a boy who is ______.A. intelligent

B. smart

C. mischievous

D. brave 5. Which statement below is incorrect?

A. The writer's sister is fond of music

B. The writer's brother is very naughty

C. The writer's father is a brave man

D. The writer's mother never gets angryExercise 4: WritingThe pictures below show the hobbies of three persons.

Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. You may use the words in any order you like to make your description more interesting. Write your answer in the space provided. Lina listen radio loves - music Her sister Shila likes sing play -guitar her brother James likes painting -reading

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 4 Exercise 1: SpellingChoose the best phrases to fill in each of the blanks.

1.The pupils lined up at

the ________.A.cantin



D.kanteen2.During the concert, the girls danced _________.



D.gracefuly3.A crocodile and a snake are ___________.A.reptles



D.reptiles4.Sheela wears a sweater to keep herself __________.A.warm


D.wam5.Her tabby-cat gave birth to four ______ kittens.A.litter




Exercise 2: Grammar COLLECTIVE NOUNSLook at the underline words in the pictures.- Such the words are nouns.- They are the names of a number of persons, animals or thing grouped together and spoken of as one whole.- They are army, herd and cluster.

- They are called Collective Nouns.

an army of soldier a herd of cattle

a cluster of starsA Collective Noun - is the name of number of persons, animals or things grouped together of as one whole.

Study this list of Collective Nouns.People

A company of actorsa posse of policemen

a host of angelsa school/class of pupils

a troupe of dancersa crew of sailors

a board of directorsa horde of savages

a party of friendsa staff of servants

a gang of labourersan army of soldiers

a bevy of girls; ladiesa choir of singers

a bench of magistratesa crowd of spectators

a band of musiciansa staff of teachers

a tribe of nativesa gang of thieves

a band of pilgrimsa congregation of worshippers


a swarm of bees

a troop of lions

a flock of birdsa plague of locusts

a herd of buffaloesa nest of mice

a herd of cattlea troop of monkeys

a brood of chickensa team of oxen

a herd of elephantsa litter of pups

a shoal of fisha nest of rabbits

a gaggle of geesea flock of sheep

a shoal of herring

a flight of swallows

a stud of horsesa school of whales

a swarm/plague of insectsa pack of wolves

a litter of kittens


a flight of aeroplanesa crate of fruit

a quiver of arrowsa suite of furniture

a bunch of bananasa tuft of grass

a peal of bellsa stack of hay

a library of booksa group of islands

a batch of breada fleet of motor-cars

a hedge of bushesa string of pearls

a pack of cardsa collection of pictures

a set of chinaa bundle of rags

a packet of cigarettesa fleet of ships

a suit of clothesa skein of silk

a sheaf of corna collection of stamps

a bale of cottona cluster of stars

a cluster of diamondsa flight of steps

a chest of drawersa bundle of sticks

a clutch of eggsa heap/pile of stones

a hail of firea set/kit of tools

a bouquet of flowersa clump of trees

Fill in the blanks with the correct Collective Nouns.Example: A fleet of ships has anchored at the harbour.1. Our school has a large _________ of books of all kinds.

2. My father smokes a _________ of cigarettes every day.

3. The little girl presented Ms. Sabrina with a __________ of flowers.

4. In the evening a _________ of cars passed by my grandparents house.5. Kee Sang returned home with a new _______________ of clothes.6. A _________ of locusts destroyed the farmer's paddy.7. A __________ of labourers fought near the wharf.

8. There was a large ______________of spectators at the football match.9. A ___________ of cattle is grazing down in the valley.10.He was greeted by a ________ of friends at the airport.11.The gardener is trimming a _____________of bushes in the garden.

12.My brother has a fine _____________ of stamps in his album.13.Her father gave her a ___________ of pearls for her birthday.14.Captain Kalim and a _______ of sailors stood on the deck of the ship.15.We saw a ____________ of monkeys at the Penang Botanic Gardens.Exercise 3: ComprehensionStudy the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1. What is Mr. Leong's occupation? (fruiterer)

_____________________________________________________2. What does he sell? (kinds - fruits)


3. Name 3 fruits that he sells? (watermelons, bananas, grapes)



4. How does he weigh his fruits? (weighing - scale)


5. Why do many people buy his fruits? (smiling -friendly -fresh)____________________________________________________Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe an incident. Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. You may use the words in any order you like to make your description more interesting. Write your answer in the space provided.

morning Ahmad walking school compound saw two students - fighting

tried stop continued fighting teacher - cametook boys headmasters room Ahmad - witness

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 5

Exercise 1- SpellingChoose the best phrases to fill in each of the blanks.1.She is crying becauseshe hurt her ___________




2.The teacher asked them to do the homework by _______ .A.themself


D.theirselves3.A few men were standing ________ her.A.bihind


D.bihend4.He can play the ________very well.





5.Every Sunday, Kumar washes

his _______.





Exercise 2: Grammar Singular And Plural Nouns

Rewrite these sentences, making the words in bold plural, and making any other necessary changes. You should not make every noun plural that would be silly!

Example: There is a box in the corner.Answer: There are some boxes in the corner.1.There is a picture on the wall

(Use some)_____________________________________________________2.Is there a picture on the wall

(Use any)_____________________________________________________

3.There is a match in the box.

(Use some)_____________________________________________________

4.Is there a match in the box?

(Use any)_____________________________________________________

5.There is an elephant in the jungle.

(Use some)_____________________________________________________

6.Is there an elephant in the jungle?

(Use any)_____________________________________________________


7.There is a bottle of ink on the desk.

(Use some)_____________________________________________________


8.Is there a box of chalk on the table?(Use any)_____________________________________________________

9.There was a woman at the gate.

(Use some)_____________________________________________________

10.Was there a woman at the gate?

(Use any)_____________________________________________________

11.He drank a cup of tea just now.

(Use a few)_____________________________________________________

12.Did he drink a cup of tea just now?

(Use any)_____________________________________________________


13.Is your friend a postman?

(Don't use any)_____________________________________________________

14.That isn't a worm; its a snake.

(Use arent & theyre)_____________________________________________________

15.This is a baby's cot.

(Use babies')_____________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Comprehension

Study the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1. What are the two boys doing in the picture? (growing flower - plant)


2. What will the man use to hang the picture? (hammer - nail)


3. What is the couple's daughter doing? (refer to picture)


4. Who is drying the clothes? (children's mother)


5. How will you describe the family? (Student's own answer)________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe an honest girl. Use the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.Janet found wallet money- headmistress

assembly headmistress praised teachers - wallet

gave present RM100 being honest girl - proud

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 6 Exercise 1- Spelling

Choose the best phrases to fill each of the blanks.

1.The robber snatched her handbag, so she ________ for help.A.shuted


D.shouted 2.The rat bit the net and set the lion _________.A.frie

D.freed3.We must drink at least 8________of


D.glasses4.You cannot carry all the books by yourself if they are __________.



D.heavy5.If the lake is too deep, it is ___________ to swim there.



D.dangerousExercise 2: Grammar - Agreement

Turn these sentences plural.Example: The boy goes to school on his bicycle.

The boys go to school on their bicycles.1.She is planting the flower in the pot._____________________________________________________2.A bird loves to sing._____________________________________________________3.The child looks after the goose._____________________________________________________4.This girl is calling for her mother._____________________________________________________5.The thief has stolen my watch._____________________________________________________6.The ship always stops here for refuelling._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________7.My friend has promised to come to visit me next week._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________8.That girl is my friend's daughter._____________________________________________________9.She likes to play the piano._____________________________________________________10.I am very happy to see him._____________________________________________________11. The lady's child was hurt._____________________________________________________12. He has seen that lady before._____________________________________________________13. She smiles whenever she sees me._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________14. The woman cleans the house once a week.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________15. His sister does not know what is in the box.

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________16. I am going to school with my brother.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________17. My foot is badly hurt.

_____________________________________________________18. That room is rented to the salesman._____________________________________________________

19. The postman is cycling to distribute letters now.



20. The roof of that house is new._____________________________________________________

21. This book belongs to Soo Ching._____________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Comprehension

Study the picture carefully and the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1. Why are the children so happy? (Mother's Day) They are ______________________________________________2. What are the children doing?. (presents - mother)_____________________________________________________3. What are Melissa and her sister, Janet giving their mother? (bouquet - flowers)

Both of them___________________________________________

4. How do you think Madam Raj feel ? (happy proud - children) She feels_____________________________________________

5. What will the family do after this? ( Mr. Raj wife children lunch restaurant)____________________________________________

Exercise 4: Writing

The picture show a traditional game competition. Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.

Haji Ayut Din good top spinners make good - topsmade many tops ready - competitioncompetition day Haji Ayuts top spinned longest prize RM1000

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 7 Exercise 1 Spelling

Choose the best phrases to fill in each of the blanks.1.The man earns a living by being a __________.A.cobbler


D.coobler2.I saw a ______ of birds flying above the mountains.



D.flok3.Dont worry. My grandfather is as _____ as an owl.A.wise



D.vise4.The teacher _______him because he didnt do his homework.A.skold


D.scolded5.A cow is an animal that gives us ______and _______.A.bif , milk

B.beef , milkC.bif , mik

D.beef , mlik

Exercise 2: Grammar - Gender









uncleauntwasher manwasher-woman




Boy ScoutGirl Guidegandergoose













son-in-lawdaughter-in lawdogbitch

Change the words in bold from feminine to masculineExample: The woman took her daughter to school.

The man took his son to school.1.The girl looks very much like her mother.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.The duchess spoke to the washer-woman kindly._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________3.The mistress gave her maidservant a present._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________4."Hasnt the priestess come yet? she asked the empress._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________5:The nun heard the duck quacking._____________________________________________________6.The mare is running around with the filly._____________________________________________________


7.The heroine is the heiress to the throne._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________8.Her grandmother is talking to the Negress._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________9.The conductress collected the fares from the women. _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________10.The authoress is a widow._____________________________________________________11.The farmer has a goose and a she-goat. _____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________12.The postmistress was the murderess._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________13.The poetess is a spinster._____________________________________________________14.The instructress is the duchess' daughter-in-law._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________15.The witch changed the lady into a tabby-cat._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________Exercise 3: Comprehension

Read the advertisement and the dialogue below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.



31 August 2005

Visit our:

Ladies Department (1st Floor)

Mens Department (2nd Floor)

Toys Department (3rd Floor)

School Corner (4th Floor)

Sports Department (5th Floor)Every purchase of goods above RM200 entitles you to a complimentary meal at the Perdana Food Court.

1.When will the Perdana Shopping Mall be opened? It will opened on __________A.Labour's Day

B.Mother's DayC.National Day

D. Christmas Day

2.If the normal price of a handbag is RM150, how much can Mrs. Wong buy it on the opening day?

A. RM100.00

B. RM200.00

C. RM75.00

D.RM225.00 3.Peter needs a pair of boots, a badminton racquet and a few tennis balls. Which floor must he go to?

A. 2nd Floor

B. 3rd FloorC.4th Floor

D.5th Floor 4. The word "complimentary" in the above advertisement means ...

A. free

B. tasty

C. expensive

D. cheap

5.On which date did the above conversation take place?

A. 30 August 2005

B. 31 August 2005

C. 29 August 2005

D. 28 August 20056. How many people were talking?A. three

B. four

C. two

D. fiveExercise 4: Writing

Study the pictures and information given, then fill in the blanks with the correct information.A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A POSTMAN (En. Hisham)

postmanWakes up at 7.00a.m.

Arrives post office at 7.30 a.m.

Has breakfast with friends in canteen.

Sorts out letter into various post codes.Delivers letter to house and office on motorcycle.In the evening, goes home

Encik Hisham is a postman. He (1) _________________in

the morning. After doing some exercise, and taking a bath,

he goes to the post office. He arrives (2) ______________.

He goes straight to the canteen (3) _______________. He

start work at 8.00 a.m. First of all, he (4) _______________.

Then, he delivers the letters to (5) ____________________

_____________. At 4.30 p.m in the evening, he goes home.

Units 8 Exercise 1 - PunctuationChoose the sentences below that show correct usage of various punctuation marks.

1.APeter John Samy and Ali are my friends.

BPeter, John, Samy, and Ali, are my friends.

CPeter, John, Samy and Ali are my friends.

DPeter, John, Samy, and, Ali are my friends.

2.AAren't you going for the movie tonight?

BArent you going for the movie tonight?

CAren't you going for the movie, tonight?

DAren't you going for the movie tonight.

3.A To be successful you must read a lot.

B To be successful you must, read a lot.

CTo be, successful you, must read a lot.

D To be successful, you must read a lot.

4.AWho is in charge of this project.

BWho is in charge, of this project?

CWho, is in charge of this project?

D Who is in charge of this project?

5.AJulie won't come for the party will she.

BJulie will come for the party, wont she?

CJulie will come for the party, won't she?

DJulie will come for the party won't she?

6.AHe said, "they were not here:"

BHe said "they were not here."

CHe said, "They were not here:'

DHe said. They were not here.

7.A. Mary planned to have noodles, beans, lettuce and ice-cream for


B. Mary planned, to have Noodles, Beans, Lettuce and ice-cream

for dinner.

C. Mary planned to have, noodles beans lettuce and ice-cream for


D. Mary planned to have noodles, beans lettuce and, ice-cream for


8.A Ali spends his time reading books on animals, space, and


BAli spends his time reading books on animals, space and oceans.

CAli, spends, his time reading, books on animals space and


D Ali spends his time reading books, on animals, space, and

oceans.Exercise 2: Grammar PossessionNouns, Adjective and PronounsPut in an apostrophe only where it is necessary.Example: Terrys father won the Old Boys race at the sports meet.Answer: Terrys father won the Old Boys race at the sport meet.

1.This is not Alices umbrella; it is Swee Lans._____________________________________________________2.Those are not boys shoes; they are girls._____________________________________________________3.I saw your friends daughter in the childrens park.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.An owls eyes are large and round._____________________________________________________5.He promised to write to me in a weeks time._____________________________________________________6.I am going to the butchers stall to get some bones for my dogs._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________7.Look! That tree in front of Eng Hocks house has shed nearly all its leaves._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________8.I think Chong Mengs bicycle is among those bicycles - I mean those girls bicycles._____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________9.Some of my friends say that goats milk is more nutritious than cows milk.


_____________________________________________________10.What do people mean when they say right from the horses mouth'?_____________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________11.That book isn't mine. It's someone elses book._____________________________________________________12.Our neighbours garden is separated from ours by a fence.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________13.Mei Lings bag is green but her friends is blue._____________________________________________________14.It is about ten minutes walk from here to my uncles shop.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________15.The doctor wrote down the patients temperature on the card.


_____________________________________________________Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct words showing possession.Example: That bag belongs to me. It is ______dress.

That bag belongs to me. It is my dress.

1.That dress belongs to her. It is ____________ dress.2.That hat belongs to him. If is ___________ hat.3.Those apples belong to them. They are ___________ apples.4.These are our boxes. They are ____________.5.Will you please lend me _____________ pen for a while?6.I'll be down in a minute. I'm washing _____________ hands.7.He puts _________________ pen into the box.8.This is our boat. It is _______________ .9.They took off _____________ shoes before they entered the house.10.She picked up _____________ bag and left the house.11.That is his knife. It is ________________.12,Our cat is limping. It has hurt _______________ foot.13.Please lend us your pencils. We have forgotten to bring _______________.14.The man lost all ______________ possessions in the flood.15."Is this _____________ book, Jim? It has _____________ name in it."

Exercise 4

Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. You will have to use some of the words more than once.Example: Look at that lizard. It has lost _____ tail.

Look at that lizard. It has lost its tail.

1.The cat licked _______ body with its tongue.2.The players are putting on ___________ jerseys now.3.You can't park __________ car here. It is against the law.4.I can't use this pen _________ nib is broken.5.Kah Woon is crying. Somebody has stolen ________ bicycle.6.We will have to continue the journey by train, _________ car has broken down.

7.She looked in the mirror and saw a cut on ______forehead.8.My father gave me this bag for _________ birthday.9.He loves that girl as if she were _________ own daughter.10.This pair of shoes has lost ________ shine.11.Anyone who has not done _______ homework will be punished.12.I did not enjoy the show. All the people in the audience were stamping __________ feet.13.The boys cheered happily when they heard that _________school team won the match.14.He took off ___________ clothes and jumped into the pool.15.We were cleaning _____________ house when Macy came.Exercise 5: Comprehension

Read the newspaper report below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

BATU PAHAT: Four family members and a family friend in a car were killed in a head-on collision with a lorry while on their way to attend a wedding.

The tragic outing occurred at the 91st kilometre of the Johor Baru-Malacca road in Rengit at 11.00p.m on Saturday.

The impact dragged the car for several metres before it landed in a drain with the truck, laden, with chicken, lying on top of it.

The accident killed 78-year old Mek Wah, her daughter Tee Yoke Lan, 38, and grandsons Kim Fatt, eight, and Kim Seng, six and the car driver, Adam Mutalib, 34, who was a family friend.

Tee's sister Kim Moi, 35, suffered serious injuries and has been warded at the Sultanah Aminah Hospital in Johor Baru. The truck driver was unhurt.

Tee's brother-in-law, Desmond Toh, who was travelling ahead with his family in another car, said they were on their way to Muar to the wedding and had stopped in Pontian far dinner.

"Everybody was happy and we enjoyed our dinner. I did not expect it would be our last dinner with them," said Toh, 42, a salesman from Taman Johor Jaya in Johor Baru.

Toh said he heard a loud crash behind him while driving his car.

He said he looked behind but could not see the ill-fated car.

I stopped and returned to the place and was shocked to see that the car had been dragged into a drain by the roadside," he said.

Toh said he could not do much as the car doors were totally wrecked.

He said firemen arrived at the scene minutes later to extricate the bodies. Batu Pahat Deputy OCPD Supt Azman Abdullah said the accident occurred at 11.00 p.m. The Star

25 OCTOBER 2004.

1.The accident above happened in the state of ...

A Johor

B Pahang

C Penang

D Perak 2.What was the lorry carrying with it?

A TimberB Chicken

C Cars

D Steel bars3.Who was the oldest among the dead victims?

A Mek Wah

B Tee Yoke LanCKim Fatt

D Kim Seng

4.The word "wrecked" in the report above can be replaced with the word ...

A collided B dragged C damaged

D warded5.One statement below is not true of the newspaper report. Pick it out. A The family were on their way to Pontian for a wedding

B Tee's sister, Kim Moi did not die in the accidentCFiremen were called to take out the dead bodies D The accident happened at night

Exercise 6: Writing

Read the life of a fisherman daily and complete the blanks with the phrases or words given.A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A FISHERMAN1.










Returns from sea with fish

Sells his fish at the market

Catches fish using a net

Rows sampan to the sea

Gets up early in the morning




Units 9Exercise 1- Social ExpressionFor each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.


A.I cant see anybody beside me.

B.Hes my uncle from Kuantan.C.Which man are you talking about?D.Oh! His name is Mr. Low.


A.Our past Prime Ministers have done a lot for the country.B.Who was our fourth Prime Minister?C.Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad was a great Prime MinisterD.Who is the Prime Minister of Malaysia now?3.A.Why do we take all kinds of vitamins?B.Why did you become a doctor?C.Why must we be clean always?D.Why must I visit the dentist?4.

A.Be patient. Lunch

will be ready in a few

minutes time.B.How can you swallow

a cow?C.Go and wash your hands first.D.You are forever hungry!5.

A.I will get it for you, dad.B.I remember seeing it under your bed, dad.C.You mean the First-Aid-Kit?D.You need a screwdriver, dont you?Exercise 2: Grammar Forms of the verb

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of the verbs in the left column. The first one is done for you.Every dayNowYesterdayTomorrowAlready

1. He runHe is runningHe ranHe will runHe has run

2. I sit

3. She stands

4. You catch

5. They beat

6. We tear

7. He finds

8. She sees

9. I come

10. She washes

11. They bring

12. I do

13. You shoot

14. He arrives

15. We cut

Exercise 3

Rewrite these sentences changing always to (a) last week, (b) already and (c) soon.

Example: He always eats a lot.

(a) He ate a lot last week.

(b) He has already eaten a lot.

(c) He will eat a lot soon.

1.My neighbour always mows the grass.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________2.His mother always bakes cakes.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

3.She always thinks up some good ideas.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

4.The farmer always ploughs the field.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

5.Our dog always runs after the chickens.(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


6.We always wake up at seven in the morning.(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


7.Sally always comes to our house.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

8.Chee Seng always takes that bag to school

(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


9.The farmer's children always feed the chickens.(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


10.Stephen always shows his friends his collection of stamps

(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


11.Kar Ling always write to her(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

12.They always send me a card for my birthday.(a) ________________________________________

________________________________________(b) ________________________________________


(c) ________________________________________


13.She always talks to them.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

14.They always win the game.(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

15.These trees always shed their leaves.

(a) ________________________________________

(b) ________________________________________

(c) ________________________________________

Exercise 4: Comprehension

Study the pictures below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1. What incident is going on above? (flood)

It is _________________________________________________ .2. Why is there a flood? (Heavy rain - non-stop two days)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .3. Where did the flood happen? (Kampong Jawa, Klang, Selangor)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

4. Where were the flood victims taken to? (school - up-hill)

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

5. Who helped them to move out? ( Red-Crescent Society - members)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .Exercise 5: Writing

Study the instructions carefully and fill in the blanks with the correct information. Cut a piece of paper so that it measures 30 cm by 40 cm. Fold the paper in half the long way to crease it. Then unfold it. Now you fold the paper in half across its width so that it now measures 30 cm by 20 cm. Fold the top corners down to meet at the centre. Fold the bottom up on each side to make the brim for a soldier hat. To turn the soldier hat into an elf hat, you have to tuck in the corners and hold them in place with cellophane tape. Finally, you spread open the bottom and put on your hat!HOW TO MAKE PAPER HATS 1. Cut __________________






2. ____________________







3. ____________________







4. ____________________







5. ____________________







Units 10

Exercise 1: Social ExpressionFor each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

1.A.Maybe they are

practicing climbing.B.Quick! Lets call

the police.C.Just dont look at

them.D.Let them do what

they like.


A.Is this cows milk?B.I am not thirsty.C.For your information,

this is my second glassD.Milk is good for our bones.3.

A.Thats why he looks so happy.B.Dont worry. Youll do

better the next time.

C.We should encourage him

to do better the next time

D.Lets mind our own business.


A.Im planning to visit my


B.Im hungry. Lets go for lunch.

C.The holidays are approaching


D.Can I share your plans?


A.Is that bicycle yours, Peter?B.Can you lend me your bicycle?C.A bicycle has two wheels.D.I bought a new bicycle.

Exercise 2: Grammar Present Continuous Tense

Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.

1.Please shut the window. The rain ______________ (beat) in.2.Switch off the radio. I ______________ (try) to read this book.3.The water ___________________ (boil) now. Let's make some tea. 4.Please be quiet. The children __________________ (sleep) upstairs.5.Its a lovely day, the birds _________________ (sing) away.6.The tap __________ still ______________ (run). Please turn it off.7.It's going to rain. The people __________________ (hurry) home.

8.Listen to them. They ________________________ (shout) in the room.

9.Look! The sun ___________________ (rise) above those hills.10.Someone______________________ (knock) at the door. Please see who it is.11.She _______________________ (read). She ________

________________________ (not cook) in the kitchen.12.The men _____________________ (rest). They ________

_______________________ (not work) now.13.It is time to go home. The pupils_________________ (pack) up their things.

14.You can see the moon now. The clouds __________________ (not hide) it.

15.That road is under repair. The buses___________________ (not run) along it today.

Exercise 3: Comprehension

Study the picture below carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.

1.What event can be seen in the picture? (birthday - party)

This event is ___________________________________________ .2.Whose birthday is it and how old is she? (Fatimah's - eleven)

_____________________________________________________.3.Who else are celebrating with her? (classmates - friends)

_____________________________________________________.4.What can you see on the table? (a lot - food - drinks)

_____________________________________________________.5.What other activities can you see in a birthday party? (singing - dancing - games)_________________________________________________________________________________________________Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe an incident. Use ALL words given to describe the pictures. You may use the words in any order to make your description interesting. Write your answer in the space provided.

David walking alone - RM10 note ground - picked

Happy Uncle Donalds Fried Chicken - restaurant - chickensaw beggar gave balance beggar happy - day



Units 11 Exercise 1 Social Expressions For each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.1.A.How much is the drink?B.How about a glass of lemonade,

John?C.Its okay. I had just finished

two glasses of lemonade?D.Thats two ringgit, please?


A.Sure, Mrs. Raj. Please

wait a minute.

B.They cost RM3.00 per


C.We dont have any more

tapioca flour.

D.How about three kilos,

Mrs. Raj?


A.I can smell the sweet

aroma.B.No wonder I cant stop


C.Lets go and enjoy her


D.Tell her to add more chilli

to the chicken.


A.Sure. I really need some

extra hands.B.Mind your own work,

Juliana.C.Get me a pail of water,


D.Please do not disturb me.


A.I always look sad, Julie.

B.Someone stole my wallet,


C.Is it wrong to be sad? D.I am hungry and angry.Exercise 2: Grammar Simple Present TenseFill in the blanks with the Simple Present tense of the verbs in brackets.

Example: The train usually_____ (leave) here at eight oclock. The train usually leave here at eight oclock.

1.I ________________ (write) to my pen-pal once a week.2.The earth ______________(move) round the sun.3.She _______________ (drink) coffee every morning.4.He______ (be) good at football. He ___________ (practice) every evening.5.Ducks _______ (have) webbed feet and they ______ (swim).6.I usually ________ (read) a book when I ______ (be) free.7.I seldom _________ (talk) to Kean Soon. I _____________ (not like) him.8.Cocks ___________ (crow); a hen ___________ (cackle).9.I usually ______________ (cycle) to school, but sometimes I ______________ (walk).10.Do you often ________________ (watch) television at night? No, I usually __________________ (listen) to the radio.11.Miss Chan ______ (be) our form teacher. She __________ (teach) us English and History.12.My friend ______________ (speak) Chinese but he __________ ________________ (not know) how to write it.13.We often __________ (go) for a swim in the lake. Sometimes we __________ (camp) near it during week-ends.14.Most birds _________ (fly) but some _______________ (do not).15.Mosquitoes ______ (be) harmful insects. They _________ (suck) our blood and ______________ (spread) diseases.Exercise 3: ComprehensionStudy the picture carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given to help you.

1.Where is the picture taken? (dental - clinic)


2.Who is the man in the picture? (dentist)


3.What is the dentist doing? (checking - Nita's teeth)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________4.What will the dentist do with Nitas bad tooth? (extract - bad - tooth)

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________5.With whom did Nita come to the clinic? (mother)____________________________________________

Exercise 4: Writing

Study the procedure of making nasi lemak and then complete the blanks given with the phrases given. Mother prepares ingredients rice - coconut milk - chillies - anchovies - prawn paste

Cooks rice adds coconut milk

Meantime prepares sambal using anchovies and prawn paste and pounded chillies

Rice cooked serve with cooked sambal

Can serve cucumbers chicken - eggs

My mother cooks nasi lemak very well. First, she prepares the ingredients such as (1) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Then, she cooks the rice using (2) ______________________________________.

In the meantime, she prepares the sambal using (3) _____________________________________________________________________________________.

When the rice is cooked, she serves the rice with the (4) _________________________.

We can also add (5) ___________________________________________________________ if we want.

Units 12 Exercise 1 Social ExpressionsFor each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

1.A.Thats why she is

popular with the students.B.Is the married or not?C.She teaches us

Mathematics.D.Some of us do not like her.2.

A.Port Dickson is a beautiful

seaside destinationB.Did you enjoy yourself in

Port Dickson?C.Port Dickson is in

Negeri Sembilan.D.Do you enjoy swimming?


A.I always talk a lot everyday.B.Do you need more

information?C.I was happy to be one of the

speakers.D.You can call me whenever

you want.4.

A.How many rooms are

there upstairs?B.No, I only want to be

downstairs.C.Thats very kind of you.D.I wan to paint the


A.Whats for breakfast,

mother?B.Wheres my chocolate

cake, mother?C.The cake looks tasty,

mother.D.Can I have that cake,

mother?Exercise 2: Grammar Present Perfect TensePut in the Present Perfect tense of the verbs in brackets.Example: Heres your bicycle. Seng Onn _____ (just return) it.

Heres your bicycle. Seng Onn has just retuned it.

1.I have some good news for you. You ______________ (pass) your examination.

2.My father _____________ (buy) a new car. He drives us to school every day it.3.You can eat the food now. I _____________ already cooks it.

4.I can't pass up my work today. I ____________________ (not finish) it yet.

5.You can go home now. The bell ______________________ (just ring).

6.The jug is still empty. She ________________ (not fill) it with water yet.

7.He hasn't a cent with him. He ___________________ (spend) all his money.

8."Please may I borrow your pencil? I_________________ (leave) mine at home."

9.The bus __________________________ (not arrive) yet. Many people are standing at the bus-stop, waiting for it.

10.Look! The door of the cage is wide open and the bird ______________________ (fly) away.

11.You can have the book. I _________________________ (already read) it.

12.The pipe ___________________________ (burst). Water is gushing from it now.

13."Where is Don?" He ______________________ (just walk) down the road."

14.Mr Wong ________________ (already close) his shop. You can't buy the book now.

15. _______ they _______ (tell) her the news yet?" "No, they havent."Exercise 3: Comprehension

Study the pictures and the words given carefully and then answer the questions that follow.


Ah Keong and Ariram going to school(b) On way see accident van - car

(c) driver car lying road injured(d) passer-by - ambulance and police

1.Where were Ah Keong and Ariram going to?_________________________________________________2.What did they see on the way?_________________________________________________3.What vehicles were involved in the accident?_________________________________________________4.Who was lying on the road?_________________________________________________5.Did anyone call the police?Yes, ______________________________________________Exercise 4: Writing

The pictures describe an incident Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. You may use the words in any order you like to make your description more interesting. Write your answer in the space provided.


Cik Minah sold nasi lemak under tree near house.


Many customers open food stall successful.


Owns Minahs Curry House popular restaurant Kampung Perdana

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Units 13 Exercise 1: Social Expressions

For each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

1.A.How about choosing a

class monitor?

B.Any names for our

class monitor?

C.He should be very responsible.D.The monitor can be a male

or a female.2.

A. Why don't we report it to the

discipline master?

B.The teacher is making

noise too.

C.Let's join together and

make noise.

D.Who is the teacher in

charge today?

3.A.What's for lunch today,


B.Where is mother, dad?

C.Oh! Not your cooking again!

D.Let me go and buy some food.4.

A.Is that Mishas sister

over there?

B.She is a very pretty girl.

C.I wan to talk to her.

D.Who is that pretty girl

over there?


A.Come, let me cool it

down for you.

B.Drink while it is very hot.

C.Let me get you more milk.

D.Its not coffee. It is tea.

Exercise 2: Grammar Simple Past Tense

Fill in the blanks with the Simple Past tense of the verb in brackets.

1.I _________ (receive) his letter about a week ago.

2.I _____________ (reply) to his letter last night.

3.I __________ (post) the letter early this morning.

4.Poh Wah __________________ (not play) badminton last evening.5.We __________ (catch) a lot of fish yesterday, but we ________________ (not eat) any of them.

6.The lights __________ (go) out last night, so we_____________ (light) some candles.

7.We ___________ (visit) Swee Lan last week but she ______________ (be not) at home.8.They ___________ (plant) a tree in their garden last month but it _________ (die) a week later.9.He __________ (hurt) his leg when he _________ (fall) down just now.

10.She ________ (be) ill yesterday morning, so she

___________________ (not go) to school.

11.The glass _____________ (break) when she ______________ (drop) it just now.12.We ________ (meet) your brother just now. He ___________ (speak) to us for a few minutes and then he ____________ (drive) off.

13.He _________ (come) home at a quarter past twelve last night. Then he ________(go) straight to bed. He _____________________ (not wake) up until it _________ (be) eleven o'clock this morning.

14.I ____________ (visit) Australia in July last year. I ____________ (enjoy) my stay there. I even _________ (take) a photograph of a kangaroo, but I _____________ (forget) to take it home with me when I ___________ (leave).

15.Last Sunday my father ___________ (take) us to the beach. Half-way through the journey it ___________ (start) to rain. The road ____________ (become) very slippery. Suddenly our car ______________ (skid) at a sharp bend in the road and ______________ (crash) into a big drain. Luckily none of us __________ (be) hurt.

Exercise 3: Comprehensions

Study the picture carefully and answer the questions using the words given.

1. What is the scene above? (night - market) It is a scene____________________________________________.2. When is it usually held? (night)


3. What can we buy from the night market? (various - food - clothing)


4. What else can we buy there? (fruits - vegetables - toys - stationery)____________________________________________


5. How do the "pasar malam" traders attract their customers? (shout - aloud - call - customers - stall)________________________________________________________________________________________.

Exercise 4: Writing

Study the information and pictures on how to make a kite and then complete the blanks with the given phrases.


2. 3.



ties a stringtakes his kite to the fieldtwo bamboo sticks

a piece of paper over the

framewaits for a windy day

Adid Making His Own Kite Adid wants to make his own kite. First, he takes (1) __________________________________________ and ties them into a cross.

This is the frame of the kite. He then pastes (2) _____________________________________________________________________________.

After that, he (3) _________________________

_________________ to the kite.

Next, he (4) _____________________________

____________________________. When the windy day

arrives, he (5) _________________________________

________________________ to fly it. The kite files high up in the sky.Units 14 Exercise 1: Social ExpressionsFour each question, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks.

1.A.Lets go for the

football match

B.It will start in another

two hour time.

C.What football match

are you talking about?

D.I forgot to wind my watch.


A.I dont think so.

It looks so weak.B.All dogs can jump over

the fences.C.Lets see how it jumps.

D.Whose dog is that?

3.AWhat are cream-crackers?

B.Cream-crackers are very

expensive nowadays.

C.Im sorry. We have run

out of stock.

D. How many pieces do

you want?

4.A.Where is it coming from?

B.Our cat must be

scratching the door.

C.It sounded like an


D.It must be raining



A.Oh! Thats a wonderful


B.I wont attend the


C.When is your sisters


D.When are you getting


Exercise 2: Grammar - Adjectives

late expensive

right dirty long large




just damaged





1.My school has a ________________ playground.

2.Their king was a kind and _____________ ruler.

3.Iron is a _______________ metal.

4.The buffalo is a __________________ animal.

5.I like this chair. It is _________________ . 6.The gardener swept up all the ________________ flowers.

7.I can't afford to buy that shirt. It is too ________________ .8.Open the window and let some _____________ air in.

9.Please pour some water into that ______________ vessel.

10.Although he is poor, he is ________________ .11.Which is the ______________ way to the railway station?12.He missed the bus because he was ______________ .13.Can you climb up that __________________ tree?

14.The giraffe has a _________________ neck.

15.Mr. Chan has brought his _______________ car for repairs.Exercise 3

1. I enjoyed the film. It was _______ .

A. dull

B. silly

C. exciting

D. boring

2. It is ________ to play with matches.

A. safe

B. dangerousC. fun

D. harmless3. He was _______ to tell the truth.

A. brave

B. cowardly

C. stupid

D. clever

4. I am _______ to hear about your success.

A. sad

B. moody

C. delighted

D. disappointed

5. He is only fourteen years old. He is too ______ to drive a car.

A. old

B. small

C. young

D. childish

6. It was _________ of you to bring me a gift.

A. naughty

B. thoughtfulC. thoughtless

D. stingy

7. It was _______ of her to tease her sister.

A. good

B. smart

C. naughty

D. polite

8. We shall be ______ if we do not win the match.

A. angry

B. happy

C.disappointedD. delighted

9. I like Mrs. Jones. It is _______ to talk to her.

A. pleasant

B. nave

C. unpleasant

D. delicious

10. Your question is silly. It is ______ to answer it.

A. possible

B. genius

C. impossible

D. affordable11. Zin was ________ to make such a mistake.

A. brave

B. stupid

C. cleaver

D. smart

12. It was _______ of you to leave the door open.

A. careful

B. easy

C. careless

D. successful

13. Wow! The bag cost RM500. It is too ____ for me, I cant afford.

A. cheap

B. stylish

C. expensive

D. lousy14. My sister cant ride a bicycle. It is too ______ for her.

A. easy

B. difficult

C. simple

D. lazyExercise 4: Comprehensions

Study the pictures below and answer the following questions using the words given.

1. What are the two games being played? (football - hockey)_____________________________________________________

2. Are the games played by boys or girls? (boys)_____________________________________________________

3. How is the hockey game played? (hit - ball - stick - goal)

We must _____________________________________________ .

4. What is Sukairi trying to do with the football? (trying - kick goal -mouth)_____________________________________________________

5. Which game between the two do you like? Give a reason. (Pupils own answer)_____________________________________________________


Exercise 5: WritingThe pictures show how Devi celebrated Deepavali this year. Use ALL the words given to write good sentences about the pictures. Write your answer in the space provided.


Deepavali morning Devi early took bath after applying oil(b)

pray together family members - temple


Devis friends visit served tosai mutton curry murukku cookies - drinks

















Units 15

Exercise 1: Social Expressions1.

AWhat is the name of

the book?

BSure, Kancil stories are

my favourite.

CWhere did you buy

that book?

DIt's about a mousedeer

and a tiger.

2. AThank you for your

confidence in me, sir.

BWhen can I get my salary?

CI will think about it, sir.

DAm I the manager now?

3. AHow about having a

big party?

BI hope to excel in my


CDon't forget to buy

the cake.

DYes, I forgot about my


4.A. I like X-Files very

much.B.What are horror


C.No, they make my hair

stand at ends.

D.Lets go for a horror


5. A. Please dont disturb me.

B.Thats a good ideal.

C.I dont have money to

do any shopping.

D.Dont you have better

things to do other

than shopping?

Exercise 2: Grammar - AdverbsPut the adverb of manner correctly in the sentence. Sometimes you can put it in more than one position.Example:(a) (beautifully)She dressed herself beautifully.

(b) (beautifully) She sang beautifully in the hall.1.(angrily)He tore up the letter._________________________________________________

2.(angrily) She spoke for a few minutes._________________________________________________

3.(carefully)She arranged the flower in the vase._________________________________________________


4. (immediately )

He sent an email to his father._________________________________________________

5. (slowly)

I saw him eating in the shop.


6.(closely)He looked at me and then let me go._________________________________________________


7.(tightly)He tied the rope around the post and lowered

himself into the hole._________________________________________________


8.(quickly)She washed her blouse with soap to remove the



9. (abruptly)He got up and left the room without a word.



He was cold and hungry, but he waited for his

little brother.



11. (accidentally)He tripped over a wire and fell flat on his




12.(suddenly)He raised his hand and put on the brakes.


13.(cautiously)He pulled out the pin, and then threw the hand grenade.



14.(swiftly)They dared not swim in the river as it was flowing._________________________________________________

15. (quietly)He tiptoed into the room and went to bed._________________________________________________

Exercise 3: Grammar - AdverbsPut the adverb correctly in each of these sentences.

Example:(usually)He gets up at six every morning.

He usually gets up at six every morning.

1. (never)

It snows in that country._________________________________________________2. (never)

I have been to Japan. _________________________________________________

3. (often)

He comes to my house._________________________________________________

4. (often)

He is busy in the office._________________________________________________

5. (always)He washes his hands before he eats._________________________________________________


6.(always) There is a watchman at the gate._________________________________________________



This mineral is found here._________________________________________________


He writes to me these days._________________________________________________

9.(frequently)I meet him in the morning._________________________________________________

10.(frequently)He is absent from school._________________________________________________

11. (generally)

We go to the seaside on Sundays._________________________________________________



Those women are hard to please._________________________________________________

13.(seldom)I listen to the radio at night._________________________________________________

14.(seldom)She is around when you need her._________________________________________________


15.(usually)I read the newspaper before breakfast._________________________________________________


16. (usually)You can find him at the club._________________________________________________

Exercise 4: : Grammar - AdverbsRewrite each sentence, putting the adverbials in the right order.

Example:He was reading (in the room; for an hour; quietly)

He was reading quietly in the room for an hour.

1. We reached (yesterday; at 3 o'clock; Tokyo)._________________________________________________

2. Please be (on Tuesday morning; at 9 o'clock; here)._________________________________________________

3. Mr. Jones spoke (yesterday; at the meeting; very well)._________________________________________________


4. She sang (sweetly; a week ago; at the concert)._________________________________________________

5. I woke up (at 6 o'clock; yesterday morning)._________________________________________________

6. I have been (several times; to the beach; this year)._________________________________________________

7. The dog was barking (at the gate; loudly; the whole of last night)._________________________________________________


8. We were playing (when it started to rain; happily; in the garden)._________________________________________________


9. She wrote her name (a moment ago; at the bottom of the page; neatly)._________________________________________________


10. I'm going to meet her (on Monday; outside the Royal Cinema; in the afternoon; at 2 o'clock)._________________________________________________


11.He missed his parents (while he was in Japan; badly; last year)._________________________________________________


12.I have been thinking it over (in my office; carefully; for a long time)._________________________________________________


13.He was talking (quietly to himself; when I saw him; in his room).


14.Our school team played (in the semi-finals; badly; yesterday evening)._________________________________________________


15.The boy slept (for an hour; soundly; in the chair; near the window)._________________________________________________


Exercise 5: Comprehensions

Study the pictures and answer the questions that follow. Use the words given as a guide.




1.Where are Jason and his brother Desmond? (garden)_________________________________________________2.What are they doing in the garden? (looking - beautiful - flowers)_________________________________________________


3.Why is Desmond screaming? (snake - nearby)_________________________________________________4.What did Jason do? (stick - hit - dead)_________________________________________________5.How would you describe Jason as? (brave bold)_________________________________________________

Exercise 6: WritingThe pictures describe an incident. Use ALL the words given to write good descriptions about the pictures. You may use the words in any order to make your description interesting. Write your answer in the space provided.


Johnny school big bully stopped took money(b)

school reported headmaster telephoned - police


police caught bully police station













_____________________________________________________GRAMMAR REVISION


(a) We use 'a' with singular nouns which begin with consonant sounds.

(b) We use an' with singular nouns which begin with vowel sounds. Choose the correct answer for the following sentences.1. I am very hungry and thirsty. Please give me ____ plate of rice and ______ glass of iced-lemonade.

A an - a

B a - an

C an an

D a - a

2. When I grow up, I either want to be ___ engineer or ___ lawyer.

A a - an

B an - a

C an - an

D a - a

3.My brother-in-law is ____ American. He works in ____ investment company.

A an - an

B a - a

C an a

D a an4. My hair is long and my shoes are torn. I need to see ____ barber and ____ cobbler.A a - an

B a - a

C an - a

D an an(c) We use the when a person, animal, plant, place or thing is mentioned a second time. (d) We also use the when there is only one such thing.

Eg.: The sun, The earth, The moon.

(e) We also use the before ordinal numbers. E g.: She lives on the fourth floor.

My wedding is on the third of July.

5. ____ water in that pond is dirty. Let us look for ____ cleaner pond.

A. The - an

B. The a

C. The - -

D. The - the6. ____ Petronas Twin Towers are one of ____ most beautiful buildings in the world.

A. A - the

B. An - the

C. The -the

D. The - an

7.I bought ____ book at that stall. ___ book costs RM18.50.

A. a - A

B. a - An

C. an -The D. a The8. Did you see____ cat that killed ___ snake last night?

A. a - the

B. an - the

C. the - a

D. the an9. We bought ___ beautiful poster for ____ large room.

A. an - the

B. the - an

C. the - a

D. a the10.She is confident that ____ earth is round and ____ sun is a ball of fire. A. a a

B. the - the C. the - a

D. the an


(a) Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. (b) We use a pronoun in place of a noun so that we do not have to repeat the noun.Eg.: Aida likes pets. She has a parrot, a cat and a rabbit.

Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks.1. The flowers are beautiful. I bought _____ in Jalan Petaling.

A her

B it

C them

D they2. Kuala Lumpur is a very beautiful city. ______ has many tall and exclusive buildings.

A She

B They

C It

D He3. Mr. Lam is the football coach.____ is scolding the players._____ played a better game in the second half.

A She - they B He They

C They -They D They he4. Ahmad likes to read books. ____ started reading _____ when he was only 5 years old.

A She - them

B He it

C She it

D He them5.My maid is from Indonesia. _____ cooks Indian food very well.

A He

B She

C They

D We6. The animals are running wildly. ____ are afraid of the tiger. _____ will attack them any moment now.

A It - They

B It It

C They It

D They They7. My mother and