stay warm and save money this winter

Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter Keeping warm inside can be expensive, and though turning up the thermostat may warm the body, the consequential upturn of your electric or gas bill only does hurt to your peace of mind. If your windows are ten years or older, you should assess them to see if they need to be repaired or replaced. If you have single-paned windows you should have them replaced to reduce heat loss in your home. Fresh, tight sealing and up to date windows are the first line of defense against that invasive cold air, but here are a few subsidiary tricks that can help you stay warm and save money on heating this winter season. 1. Tin foil behind the radiator. Placing a piece of tin foil between your radiator and the wall (particularly external walls) will prevent heat from seeping through by reflecting it out into the room. 2. Thick curtains. Curtains have long proven to be an effective way of insulating your home, working to both keep heat in and keep cold out. The thicker the curtains, the better the insulation. Keep them open during the day though, keeping sunlight outside won’t do you any favors!

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Post on 22-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter

Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter Keeping warm inside can be expensive, and though turning up the thermostat may warm the body, the consequential upturn of your electric or gas bill only does hurt to your peace of mind. If your windows are ten years or older, you should assess them to see if they need to be repaired or replaced. If you have single-paned windows you should have them replaced to reduce heat loss in your home. Fresh, tight sealing and up to date windows are the first line of defense against that invasive cold air, but here are a few subsidiary tricks that can help you stay warm and save money on heating this winter season.

1. Tin foil behind the radiator. Placing a piece of tin foil between your radiator and the wall

(particularly external walls) will prevent heat from seeping through by reflecting it out into the room.

2. Thick curtains. Curtains have long proven to be an effective way of insulating your home,

working to both keep heat in and keep cold out. The thicker the curtains, the better the insulation. Keep them open during the day though, keeping sunlight outside won’t do you any favors!

Page 2: Stay Warm and Save Money This Winter

3. Chimney balloons. Fireplaces are great for bringing people together and warming a room, but if you don’t use yours, block it up with a chimney balloon. This can be purchased for relatively little money, just be sure to remove it before lighting a fire.

4. Draught excluders. An old trick, but a good one! Lots of air enters in from under the door,

so plug it up. You can fashion your own draught excluder out of old leggings and socks or whatever unused cloth laying around.

5. Keep your radiators open. Furniture is commonly pushed up in front of the radiator, but this

is extremely inefficient. Furniture saps much of the heat coming out of the radiator when shoved in front, and that heat is meant for you...after all, your couch isn’t footing the bill!

6. Shut the doors to unoccupied rooms. Keep the warmth localized in your location, always

shut the door behind you in the winter time.

7. Lay a rug down. As much as ten percent of the heat loss in a given house can be credited to the floor, if not insulated. Rugs keep a lot of heat from escaping through the floorboards, and have the added perk of keeping your feet warm, too.