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Education NETWORKING INNOVATION MAY 22-23, 2017 RADISSON IN MANCHESTER, NH MONDAY & TUESDAY NRRA School CLUB Northeast Resource Recovery Association NRRA School CLUB Hands-on workshops and activities for teachers and students 8th Annual School Recycling Conference May 23, 2017 1 Day Event! Northeast Resource Recovery Association’s 36th Annual Conference & Expo May 22-23, 2017 2 Day Event! Engaging Speakers Workshops Exhibits Presented by REGISTER TODAY! STAY CONNECTED

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Page 1: Stay ConneCted - Constant · new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through


May 22-23, 2017Radisson in ManchesteR, nh

Monday & tuesday


Northeast Resource Recovery Association


Hands-on workshops and

activities for teachers and


8th Annual School Recycling

Conference May 23, 20171 Day Event!

Northeast Resource Recovery Association’s

36th Annual Conference & ExpoMay 22-23, 20172 Day Event! Engaging SpeakersWorkshopsExhibits

Presented by


Stay ConneCted

Page 2: Stay ConneCted - Constant · new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through

Northeast Resource Recovery Association

StAy CoNNeCted

ConferenCe & expo

7:30 aM Registration opens

8:00 aM exhibit Hall opens and Breakfast in the exhibit Hall

9:00 aM - 10:00 aM Welcome and Introductions - Governor Chris Sununu Keynote Address: Back to the Future for Recycling…It’s time!

10:00 aM - 11:00 aM Coffee Break in armory exhibit Hall

11:00 aM - 12:00 PM ConCurrent sessions

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Lunch & nRRa Recycling awards

opportunities and threats to organics Management in Vermont and new HampshireCindy Sterling & norm Staunton - nrrA

the northeast resource recovery Association (nrrA) was recently named a 2016/2017 recipient of usdA’s rural utilities service solid Waste technical Assistance Grant Program for their project to Expand Plastic Incentives and Composting to Uphold Recycling Efforts (EPICURE) in Vt and nH. this presentation will highlight nrrA’s findings to date in assessing systems and tools for managing food scraps and yard waste, and will include opportunities and threats facing organics management in both states.

Here’s Johnny! Gold, that is – “If it Rips, SeLL It!” the past, present and future of the fibers markets

Johnny Gold - Gold Consulting Group

Mr. Gold specializes in paper and plastic commodities. Focusing on industry advocacy, quality control, safety training and education, this workshop is sure to help you understand the fiber market and what may be in store for the future.

Plastics 101-What is driving the industry? Is it just the price of oil or is there more to it? What to do with Pouches & Films?

Karl Hatopp - tABB Packaging solutions/Cleantech recycling

Plastics lend themselves to virtually limitless use and reuse due to their exceptional flexibility and durability. Clean tech leveraged these features by configuring its manufacturing to reclaim bottles, reducing the amount of new plastics created. the Pet and HdPe bales used by Clean tech come from more than 350 recycling centers. every bottle recycled by Clean tech eases the strain on the environment and helps reduce its carbon footprint.

Solid Waste environmental excellence Protocol – Which Metric is right? Is there “one Ring to Rule them all?”Rob Watson - Cso ecoHub & sWeeP Co-Chair

Come learn about a new effort that will soon be sWeePing the industry! the solid Waste environmental excellence Protocol (sWeeP) has begun to develop a national standard that will identify, certify and reward leadership in sustainable material management programs of municipalities and industry best practices.

John Casella, Chairman & CEO, Casella Waste Management

John will take us ‘Back to the Future’ as he shares his unique perspective of this ever evolving industry. He will draw on his 45+ years of experience in solving the waste stream challenges in the northeast region. Mr. Casella will discuss the industry of the past, what the current status looks like and, ultimately, what the future holds. the waste industry has grown and evolved from back yard cans to managed landfills, curbside pickup and single stream facilities. As the sole regional ne company, Casella Waste solutions has a unique point of view in running operations which have to deal with six different statutory environments. in addition to the marketing challenges of commodities fluctuating over the years, the overall capacity of aging infrastructure creates its own unique challenges. A packer truck may not look like the deLorean car from the movie, but it certainly has evolved with time.

Monday | May 22

Page 3: Stay ConneCted - Constant · new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through

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Stay ConneCted Monday | May 221:30 PM - 2:30 PM ConCurrent sessions

Jerry Powell, President, Resource Recyling, Inc.

Jerry Powell, President, Resource Recyling, Inc.

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM session sPeAKers: Bonnie Bethune, Mike Nork, Marilyn Weir, and Tonya Randall

2:30 PM - 3:30 PM dessert with the exhibitors in the exhibit Hall

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM ConCurrent sessions

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM after Hours with the exhibitors in the exhibit Hall

drop-off Roundtable discussion – Featuring Construction of the new derry transfer StationMike Fowler - derry dPW director & Joan Hamel derry Facility Manager

Mike and Joan will discuss their brand new, source separated facility in derry, nH and how they made it happen. this session will also provide an opportunity for open discussion of challenges and opportunities facing drop off facilities throughout the region.

Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law (act 148) — three years InJosh Kelly - Vermont Agency of natural resources

Passed unanimously by the legislature in 2012, Vermont’s universal recycling law is the state’s comprehensive change to the solid waste statute with the goal of reinvigorating recycling and launching organics diversion statewide. this presentation will give a brief overview of the law and a status report on its implementation including: the results since the ban on blue bin recyclables went into effect, how statewide Pay as you throw was received, and what the challenges and opportunities are for organics diversion going forward.

nH Solid Waste operator training Programtara albert - nH department of environmental services

new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through many changes in 2016 and now has a full-time Coordinator. We will discuss the changes that the sWot Coordinator has implemented, including increased communication about upcoming classes and the availability of continuing professional development opportunities. We will review rule revisions to env-sw 1600, which are the body of rules for solid waste operators. We will wrap up by discussing the Coordinator’s vision of where she sees the program progressing.

an analysis of an organic Waste diversion Pilot Program at a Military Installationdr. Jo ann Ratto - us Army & debra darby - organix solutions

opportunities for organics recycling programs are growing but along with policy and needed build-out of a regional infrastructure to manage organics processing, industry expertise and public education are needed on an ongoing basis to support the significant change expected. this workshop will discuss a pilot demonstration study of organics diversion at a Massachusetts Army installation. the importance of this research is to examine and evaluate how private and public entities

collaborate to expand collection of organic waste to divert that material from the municipal solid waste (MsW) stream.

Maximizing the Value of your Scrap: a Sustainable Partnership for a Sustainable Future

Ira Gross - schnitzer steel

schnitzer and nrrA have been working together for decades to help communities with scrap metal recycling programs. this workshop, presented by schnitzer’s ne region general manager, will cover topics including maximizing the value of your scrap through material separation, discussion of sample loads, operational challenges and also explore how schnitzer can better meet client needs.

e- Waste Panel: CRt’s yesterday, Flat Screens today… tomorrow, Who Knows?

Robin Ingenthron - GPr, Rick norton - urt, Mike doran - rMG

the Crt and electronics landscape is changing rapidly. More companies are forced to raise pricing or go out of business altogether. these three experts in the field will share their best information on what is coming

down the road, and offer tips on how you can minimize costs and weather the approaching storm in the electronics markets.

Contamination in the Recycling Bin — What is it and How do We Reduce it? ted Siegler - Partner, dsM environmental services & Janice Paré - MassdeP

As we have moved from source separation to dual stream and on to single stream recycling, participation rates and capture rates have increased significantly, but so have contamination rates. the Massachusetts department of environmental Protection (MassdeP) recently funded a major study to learn more about what the contaminants were, and what techniques work best for reducing contamination. this presentation will provide detailed information on the approach used in the four pilot communities,

as well as the composition of the recyclables and the composition of the contaminants, both before and after the pilot program.

Join us for some tasty appetizers and a cash bar with the Exhibitors. Vote on your Favorite exhibit Booth and see who wins.

the exhibitor Hall of Fame Awards will be announced too!

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Stay ConneCted

northeast Resource Recovery association

7:00 aM - 8:00 aM Registration opens & Breakfast in the exhibit Hall

8:00 aM - 9:00 aM ConCurrent sessions

9:00 aM - 10:00 aM Coffee Break in the exhibit Hall

10:00 aM - 11:00 aM ConCurrent sessions

11:00 aM - 11:30 aM exhibit Hall, LaSt CHanCe to BId on tUB aUCtIon IteMS!!

LdPe Recycling Market development and Logistics in new Hampshire and Vermont norm Staunton - nrrA

the northeast resource recovery Association (nrrA) was recently named a 2016/2017 recipient of usdA’s rural utilities service solid Waste technical Assistance Grant Program for their project to Expand Plastic Incentives and Composting to Uphold Recycling Efforts (EPICURE) in Vt and nH. one of the project goals is to assist solid waste management entities, recyclers, transfer station operators, farmers, and planning and conservation districts in Vermont and new Hampshire to expand markets for LdPe recycling, develop efficient collection logistics and to coordinate compatible regulatory frameworks across state lines. this presentation will highlight nrrA’s findings to date in assessing systems and tools for

managing both clean and dirty LdPe waste, and will include opportunities and threats facing LdPe management in both states.

Hunting for treasure – Starting a non-ferrous Recycling Program eds Harding - Harding Metals & Roland Girard - Candia transfer station

do you have unknown treasures in your scrap metal pile? not sure where to start? in this hands-on session eds Harding from Harding Metals and roland Girard of the transfer station in Candia, nH will provide an overview of common non-ferrous metals and easy ways to get started with separating non-ferrous items.

Tuesday | May 23

drop-off Roundtable discussion – Featuring Construction of the new derry transfer StationMike Fowler - derry dPW director & Joan Hamel - derry Facility Manager

Mike and Joan will discuss their brand new, source separated facility in derry, nH and how they made it happen. this session will also provide an opportunity for open discussion of challenges and opportunities facing drop off facilities throughout the region.

PGa (not the Golf association) “you Bet your Sweet Glass”Richard Lee - new London, nH dPW, Ivar Martin - Glass Crushing services, Bonnie Bethune - nrrA

Making lemonade out of the lemons the glass market hands you, this session will discuss the opportunities that processed glass aggregate provides in recycling glass when other options, like source separation, just aren’t cost-effective. Learn what efforts are underway to find additional uses for PGA to reduce MsW budgets and more.

Building a ne Regional Paint Product take Back Program – eliminating Border Concernsed Hsieh - executive director Massrecycle, dan Connelly - ML strategies, John Hurd - PaintCare

this session will discuss the opportunity for getting the entire new england area to have consistent paint take back legislation. this legislation has been proposed, tested, and implemented in 10 other states. A joint coalition of ne states around product stewardship would be very timely, as the paint manufacturers are eager to have consistent regulatory requirements across states.

organics and Composting in new englandMichael Simpson, Antioch university new england

Composting meat and dairy food scraps is not only feasible, but is becoming more of a necessity as more states pass regulatory requirements. this session will introduce the basics that must be mastered in order to operate a municipal/agricultural-scale composting facility that is within compliance and avoids potential impacts to neighbors and the environment.

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Stay ConneCted

11:30 aM - 12:30 PM ConCurrent sessions

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch, School awards, School Keynote Speaker, allie Campbell & Closing Remarks

Construction and demolition Waste – What’s in it, and How Much Can Be Recovered?ted Siegler & natalie Starr - Partners, dsM environmental services

Construction and demolition (C&d) waste can represent 25 percent or more (depending on the economy) of total waste disposed in a state in any given year. yet often there is a limited understanding of what it is composed of, and what could be done to divert materials from landfill. this presentation will provide detailed information on the composition of incoming C&d waste to processors, recovery rates by material type, markets available for the recovered materials, and trends in processing

and marketing of these materials going forward. it will include an overview of the Massachusetts ban on landfilling of certain C&d materials, and the objectives and success of that program.

Tuesday | May 23

Preventing Hearing Loss – Six Components of a Hearing Conservation Program

Helene Freed & andi Hengen, industrial Hearing testing

An effective hearing conservation program can prevent hearing loss, improve employee morale, well-being and quality of production as well as reduce the incidence of stress-related diseases. the six components of a hearing conservation program will be reviewed with an emphasis on legal requirements, osHA compliance and best practice. depending upon size of the group and if time allows, the attendees will have the opportunity to try on several types of hearing protection to “experience” their differences.

2017 Media Partners:

register online at

nH Solid Waste Facility Recordkeeping and Reporting nH department of environmental Services

the solid Waste Management Bureau at nHdes has developed new reporting forms for operating and non-operating facilities. these forms are intended to clarify the maintenance, monitoring and reporting requirements for all permitted solid waste facilities in the state. We will discuss these changes and how the Bureau plans to use reporting to more effectively and efficiently regulate management of solid waste in new Hampshire to assist operators in protecting the public health and safety, and the environment.

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Stay ConneCtedTuesday | May 23

7:30 aM - 8:30 aM Registration opens & Breakfast in the exhibit Hall

8:30 aM - 9:00 aM activity Booths

9:00 aM - 9:45 aM ConCurrent sessions

10:15 aM - 10:45 aM Coffee Break in the exhibit Hall

10:45 aM - 11:30 aM ConCurrent sessions

11:30 aM - 12:15 PM trash on the Lawn day (toLd) armory/exhibit Hall

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Lunch, School awards, Closing Remarks

8th Annual School Recycling Conference

teachers and students will not only have 6 educational and thought-provoking workshops from which to choose, they will also have the opportunity to learn with fun, hands-on activities set up in our exhibit hall!

Introducing nRRa’s new teacher Resources: 3 R’s of the Common Core & teaching toxicsCindy Sterling - nrrA school CLuB educator

thanks to a usdA rural development Grant, nrrA has updated these resources and tied them to the Common Core standards. Learn how to use these innovative resources and bring recycling into your standard curriculum. turn readin’, ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmetic into reduce, reuse and recycle!

yes, We do! Recycling at Campbell High School dennis Perreault - Campbell High schoolJoin teacher dennis Perreault and two of his students in a video presentation of the award-winning Campbell recycling Advocacy Project (C.r.A.P.). these students do it all, from stripping wires for copper to baling their own cardboard. Learn how they grew their program!

Back to nature: Using the Backyard to Model Composting for young Students - Mother nature does not waste anything!

Brenna toman - Central Vermont sWMdthis presentation will give teachers and educators the tools to use nature to relate the banana peel in a child’s hand to a fallen log in the forest. even very young students can learn how composting works in nature.

How to Reach 100% in eliminating School Food WasteHeather Smith - st. Albans City schoolst. Albans City school has successfully eliminated all of their food waste through making smarter food choices to reduce waste and through composting, both on site and by using a commercial composting farm. From soup to nuts, st. Albans handles it all!

Greening your School from the Insideeric Magers & emily arthur - seaside sustainability

Who is going to be affected most by climate change? We must offer our students, our future leaders, the tools and opportunities to make a difference in their world right now! this award winning program, created by a teacher of the year, has earned national recognition for producing student change makers in their communities and beyond!

earth day Celebration IdeasKimberlie Berrigan & anthony Blinn - Allenstown elementary school

Allenstown, nH elementary school has been recognized for its outstanding earth day celebrations for two years in a row. in this workshop, you will hear from the teacher and principal about the recycling activities that students and staff participated in throughout an entire week. From songs to crafts to games and more, use these great ideas to create or improve your school’s earth day/Week!

trash on the Lawn day (toLd) is the nrrA school CLuB’s thought-provoking, service-learning project that assesses a school’s waste management issues and opportunities for improvement by literally sorting through a day’s worth of waste “on the Lawn”

Featuring School Keynote Speaker, allie Campbell of Hollis Brookline High School!

Keynote Speaker

aLLIe CaMPBeLLLearn how one student’s passion for the outdoors grew into the desire to protect and give back. Hollis Brookline High school senior, Allie Campbell, has initiated a plastic film waste program in Hollis, nH and started her own blog to inspire and empower others to make more sustainable choices.

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

School Recycling Conference


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General Conference Information

2017 Recycling awards Presented at Lunch -12 Noon on Monday, May 22nd, 2017

nominate a deserving individual , facility, brochure or website for a recycling Award!

Can you think of that individual, recycling program, brochure /website or volunteer in the world of recycling that deserves recognition? these are some of the award categories to be considered:

•Most Programs thru nRRa in 2016•nH the Beautiful 2017 environmental Stewardship award•nRRa 2016 “outstanding Recycling Program” •nRRa 2016 “Volunteer of the year”•nRRa 2016 “Business of the year” •nRRa 2016 “Rookie of the year”•nRRa “Special Recognition award” •Sami Izzo “nRRa 2017 Recycler of the year”

*For more information go to 2017-nrra-annual-conference-expo/ or email [email protected]

2017 exhibitor/Sponsor awardsPresented Monday Night during the After Hours Event

from 4:30-6:00 PM•Best Booth in Conference• Spin the Wheel award• exhibitor Hall of Fame award(s) - Exhibitors that have exhibited with us

for 10 or more years (not necessarily consecutively) will be given an award!

spin the Wheel to win a prize from one of our participating exhibitors!

Back by Popular Demand

Special Value Package (SVP)Only Available until April 17th!

the “sVP” includes: two day registration with one overnight accommodation (Monday night) in a standard room with

two double beds or one queen bed.

Additional nights are available for $132 per night if reserved by April 17th.

See Registration Page for SVP pricing details!

2017 School Recycling awards

Presented at Lunch-12:30 PM on Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017nominate a school, Green team, student, Faculty Member, event or Facility Person for a recycling Award!

does your school have an individual, program or an event that deserves recognition for outstanding work in recycling? these are some of the award categories to be considered:

•School Recycler of the year•Rookie Recycler of the year•Best Composter•outstanding Recycling Fundraiser•2016-2017 Student Recycler of the year•outstanding Community Involvement•teacher Recycler of the year•Best earth day/Recycling event 2016-2017

*For more information go to or email [email protected]

tUB aUCtIon! this combination of the silent auction with the tub raffle was very popular last year! this is a fundraiser that’s sure to please fans of

both activities! Place your bid on one of our spectacular gift baskets and you’re sure to be a winner! All proceeds support

nrrA/school CLuB educational programs.

northeast Resource Recovery association

*NEW* 2017 NRRA Golf Tournament

Kick off your conference attendance early by joining us for a round of golf on Sunday, May 21st. tee time is at 12:00 PM (scramble format) at Candia

Woods. Price is $85.00 per person and includes tax and golf cart. Golfers must provide their own transportation to and from the golf course. email [email protected] for registration and details!

register online at

Page 8: Stay ConneCted - Constant · new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through

NH-The-Beautiful NHtheBeautiful

northeast Resource Recovery association | 2101 dover rd., epsom, nH 03234 | 603.736.4401 | 800.223.0150 |

Media Partners:

We very much appreciate your support and contributions to our organization.

Thanks to all of you, our annual conference has been a success for 36 years.

northeast Resource Recovery association

Presented by:

Michael Durfor, Executive Directorand the NRRA Board and Staff


8th Annual School Recycling Conference

Northeast Resource Recovery Association’s

36th Annual Conference & Expo

May 23, 20171 Day Event!

May 22-23, 2017 2 Day Event!

Page 9: Stay ConneCted - Constant · new Hampshire’s solid Waste operator training & Certification (sWot) Program has gone through

[ ] Daily Registration (per person)

[ ] Monday [ ] Tuesday $ _______ [ ] Both Days

[ ] Special Rate* for Additional Municipal Operator/Volunteer

[ ] Monday [ ] Tuesday $ _______ [ ] Both Days

[ ] Special Rate** for Students, Teachers, Admin. & Legislators

[ ] Monday [ ] Tuesday $ _______ [ ] Both Days

[ ] Special Value Pkg. (SVP) Register for the Entire Conference & Expo at ONE LOW PRICE (does

NOT include parking).

SVP Includes Entire Conference & Expo & One night’s accommodation at ONE LOW PRICE!

$ _______

[ ] Additional Hotel Nights

@$132/night (includes tax)

[ ] Fri. May 19

[ ] Sat. May 20

[ ] Sun. May 21

[ ] Tue. May 22

[ ] Wed. May 23 $132 X ____ = $ _______

36th Annual Northeast Recycling Conference & Expo Registration Form

May 22nd & 23rd, 2017 Attendee’s Name: ____________________________________________________ Title:___________________________________________________

Organization/City or Town: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Town/City: __________________________________________________________ State: _______________ ZIP Code: _____________________

Phone #: ______________________________________________________________ Fax #: _________________________________________________

E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________ NH DES Training Credit? [ ] Yes [ ] No

** NH Student or Teacher? Contact the School CLUB at [email protected] or 603-736-4401 for possible matching funds for conference attendance.

*** After April 17, all Attendees are responsible for registering at the “Daily” rate (for the appropriate number of days attending) and for making their own overnight accommodations by calling the Manchester Radisson Hotel directly (603) 625-1000 or go to www.radisson/manchesternh and be sure to use PAC Code NERR17

$135 Mon. Only

$110 Tues. Only

$245 Both Days

$160 Mon. Only

$135 Tues. Only

$295 Both Days

$235 Mon. Only

$185 Tues. Only

$420 Both Days

$260 Mon. Only

$210 Tues. Only

$470 Both Days

$80/Day $105/Day $155/Day $180/Day

$50/Day Students

$75/Day Teachers/Admin.

$75/Day Legislators

$60/Day Students

$90/Day Teachers/Admin.

$75/Day Legislators

$360 Not

Available*** $535 Not


Includes two days registration and one overnight accommodation for Monday night, May 22nd; a standard room w/two double beds or one queen bed.

After Hours with the Exhibitors: Monday, May 22 from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Visit and network with the Exhibitors,

while enjoying appetizers, entertainment and a cash bar. This event is open to all attendees!


By April 17 After April 17 By April 17 After April 17 TOTALS:

TOTAL DUE: $ _________

Register online @ OR fax this form to 603-736-4402 OR mail it to NRRA, 2101 Dover Rd., Epsom, NH 03234

[ ] Check Enclosed (Payable to NRRA) [ ] Charge: [ ] Visa [ ] MC

Card#: _________________________________________________________ Expires: ____________________ Security Code: _______________

Name as it Appears on Card: __________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________

Card Billing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Checks and money orders must be payable in US funds and payable to NRRA. NRRA reserves the right to change the program or make cancellations without notice. NRRA may not accept forms which are not filled out correctly or where payment is incorrect. To reduce waste, NRRA does not mail confirmation notices. Howev-er, you may call or email ([email protected]) to confirm your registration.

All requests for refunds must be in writing and received prior to April 14, 2017. Refund Requests will be processed within 30 days FOLLOWING the Conference. A cancellation fee of $30 per registrant will be deducted.

* In order to receive the “Special Rate,” additional Municipal Operator/Volunteer registrationsmust be accompanied by one fully paid Daily Registration.