status of exchange deployment

Status of Exchange Status of Exchange deployment deployment Alberto Pace for the IT/IS group http:// Desktop Forum, April 3 rd 2003

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Status of Exchange deployment. Alberto Pace for the IT/IS group. Desktop Forum, April 3 rd 2003. From last meeting (October 2002). Mail Migration task force created, representatives from all divisions ( ) Meeting once or twice every month - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Status of Exchange deploymentStatus of Exchange deployment

Alberto Pace for the IT/IS group

Desktop Forum, April 3rd 2003

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From last meeting (October 2002)From last meeting (October 2002)

Mail Migration task force created, representatives from all divisions (

Meeting once or twice every month General place to coordinate and discuss

organizational and technical issues

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Migration statusMigration status

More than 1600 today

From 180 users end of October

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Migration strategyMigration strategy

Mainly division by division but Volunteers from other divisions welcome Users allowed to delay their migration

Currently focused on IT, SPL and AB divisions ST, AT, EST in the pipeline

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Migration workflowMigration workflow

Very little changes for the users not interested in the new features Main change: Mail Password = NICE password Pine users must use pine version 4.44

default on LXPLUS and on recent CERN linux distributions

However, users are interested in the new features (see later)

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Migration workflow (2)Migration workflow (2)

Ask for migration Mail Accept / Delay form

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Migration workflow (3)Migration workflow (3)

Migration Form User accepted migration. Accessible directly from MMM homepage.

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Migration statisticsMigration statistics

630 Users migrated alone (!)294 Users migrated following workflow13 Users asked to delay their migration148 Users did not respond

310 Users requested Office XP installation

323 Mail password synchronized.241 Nice password synchronized.

294 Total users: migrated following workflow.

166Total users: migrated after Ask for

migration mail

72Total users: migrated after first reminder


56Total users: migrated after many reminder

mails58 Total users: asked for a delay.

Statistics have been made on the last 924 users of the Statistics have been made on the last 924 users of the service. All other users (>800) have migrated “alone”service. All other users (>800) have migrated “alone”before the official migration workflow was available. before the official migration workflow was available. These users have not been counted in the statistics.These users have not been counted in the statistics.

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Once mail is migratedOnce mail is migrated

Users can continue to use mail as before (no changes) … or use the extra features:

Web interface ( Secure communication Anti-Spam filters Calendaring and collaborative tools

To use some of these features,the mail client needs to be reconfigured Some support issues

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Migration task force reportMigration task force report

Users are migrating “faster” than planned Several action taken to ensure smooth migration

Training sessions for the local support staff Recorded seminars for end-users Improved end-user documentation Technical documentation for support staff

Road Show and live seminars 20 and 27 March, AB division April 3, SPL division April 8, ST division April 10, AT and EST EP forum foreseen

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Migration Task Force Report (2)Migration Task Force Report (2)

Some division are interested in using the collaborative features calendars, shared mailbox, task assignments, workflow,

follow-up, etc… They need to deploy Office XP mail client

Do all changes in one go The current migration is ‘server side’ to (only) allow willing

users to use the new features Reinstalling the mail client requires user support

Contacts / Local mail should be migrated from local files into the mail server

We have invested lot of effort in documentation, seminars and local support training for these migrations

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Non responsive usersNon responsive users

15 % of the users do not respond to migration mail Remember: The mail allows users to delay the migration

A large majority of these are unattended mailboxes Remember: CERN has 15’000 mailboxes but only 2’700 staff members

CERN computing rules enforce the statement that users MUST be responsive to service mails

We cannot migrate a mailbox when passwords are not synchronized

Remember: we do not know users’ passwords Proposal (for the long term):

After several (more than 4) unanswered mail (spanning several months), the user’s password will be reset and the mailbox migrated.

This will de facto block the account. The user will have to contact the helpdesk to have his password changed back to a known value.

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Good collaboration with Task Force members Migration on going, smoothly 25 % of “Active users” already migrated Zero users have expressed the wish (or the need) “to

go back” to the old service On going work to improve the migration to Outlook XP

on Windows Remember: not mandatory Only for users willing to do so