statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions … · te al ano 1989- aqui presentamos la...

Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, Universidad de Costa Rica, 17(2): 77-119,1991 STATISTICSFOR AN UNDERSTANDINGOF FOREIGN INTRUSIONS INTO CENTRAL AMERICA FROM THE 1820 s TO 1930. Part HI. Concluded. Thomas and Ebha Schoonover Nota del Editor En este Fasciculo, ofrecemos la tercera y ultima entrega de tablas estadisticas sobre la penetra ci6n extranjera en Centro America entre la decada de 1820 y 1930, recopiladas por los profe sores norteamericanos, Thomas y Ebba Schoonover. Las primeras dos entregas fueron publi cadas en el Vol. 15, Fasciculos 1 y 2 del Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos correspondien te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos de comercio exterior. VI. Foreing trade and shipping by countries, 1830s to 1880s Central American data. (Tables 49-82) The statistical data for the commerce of nineteenth century Central America, especially before about the 1870s, are scarce and nor mally difficult to locate except for Costa Rica and Guatemala. Since therewere few reliable statistical annuals in the early and mid-ninete enth century (and those from the western powers often aggregated statistics on the Central American states with Mexico and/or parts of the Caribbean), I tracked down much of the data in the newspapers, Memoria, Informes, travellers' books, reports of foreign consuls or foreign naval officers, and in the extant archival records of Central American sta tes to which I had access (Guatemala repea tedly denied me permission to consult its rele vant Foreign Ministry records). Anyone who needs to verify the source for a specific piece of data, can contact me for the source, if they cannot find it in the items listed below. Since the sources for these tables are numerous and the citation would make the tables even more complex, I decided not to footnote each piece of data, but rather to supply six source notes, as follows: 1 a general source note on items useful for all or most of the five Central American states, thus these sources are appli cable generally to tables 49-82; 2) a note on sources relevant to the tables 49 to 55 on Guatemala; 3) a note on sources particularly relevant to tables 56-63 on El Salvador; 4) a note especially relevant to the sources on Honduras, tables 64-69; 5) a note on the chief sources for data on Nicaragua, tables 70-77; and 6) a note on the sources central to collec ting data for tables 78-82 on Costa Rica. The values are quoted in U.S. dollars or pesos. These currencies were essentially equal in value until about 1880. By the mid-1880s, the peso was only slightly below par with the U.S. dollar. Some data which I incoveren too late for inclusion in the Tables 49-82 (developed between 1976 and 1979) has been annexed at the end of each table. A brief description or analysis of each of the 34 tables follows. For some tables, therewas a discrepency between the individual pieces of data and the aggregate totals. I have handled this problem in the follo wing manner. Some tables use 'Total Exports" in comparison with the "Calculated Total" which I obtained by adding specific individual data pieces. The column labeled "Error" merely reflects the magnitude of the unexplained dis crepency between allegedly reliable aggrega tes and the sum of the specific individual unag gregated data. Perhaps a brief analysis of each

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Page 1: STATISTICS FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF FOREIGN INTRUSIONS … · te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos

Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos, Universidad de Costa Rica, 17(2): 77-119,1991


Thomas and Ebha Schoonover

Nota del Editor

En este Fasciculo, ofrecemos la tercera y ultima entrega de tablas estadisticas sobre la penetra ci6n extranjera en Centro America entre la decada de 1820 y 1930, recopiladas por los profe sores norteamericanos, Thomas y Ebba Schoonover. Las primeras dos entregas fueron publi cadas en el Vol. 15, Fasciculos 1 y 2 del Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos correspondien te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos de comercio exterior.

VI. Foreing trade and shipping by countries, 1830s to 1880s Central American data. (Tables 49-82)

The statistical data for the commerce of nineteenth century Central America, especially before about the 1870s, are scarce and nor

mally difficult to locate except for Costa Rica and Guatemala. Since there were few reliable statistical annuals in the early and mid-ninete enth century (and those from the western

powers often aggregated statistics on the Central American states with Mexico and/or

parts of the Caribbean), I tracked down much of the data in the newspapers, Memoria, Informes, travellers' books, reports of foreign consuls or foreign naval officers, and in the extant archival records of Central American sta tes to which I had access (Guatemala repea tedly denied me permission to consult its rele vant Foreign Ministry records). Anyone who needs to verify the source for a specific piece of data, can contact me for the source, if they cannot find it in the items listed below. Since the sources for these tables are numerous and the citation would make the tables even more

complex, I decided not to footnote each piece of data, but rather to supply six source notes, as follows: 1 a general source note on items useful for all or most of the five Central

American states, thus these sources are appli cable generally to tables 49-82; 2) a note on sources relevant to the tables 49 to 55 on

Guatemala; 3) a note on sources particularly relevant to tables 56-63 on El Salvador; 4) a note especially relevant to the sources on

Honduras, tables 64-69; 5) a note on the chief sources for data on Nicaragua, tables 70-77; and 6) a note on the sources central to collec

ting data for tables 78-82 on Costa Rica. The values are quoted in U.S. dollars or pesos. These currencies were essentially equal in value until about 1880. By the mid-1880s, the

peso was only slightly below par with the U.S. dollar. Some data which I incoveren too late for inclusion in the Tables 49-82 (developed between 1976 and 1979) has been annexed at the end of each table. A brief description or

analysis of each of the 34 tables follows. For some tables, there was a discrepency between the individual pieces of data and the aggregate totals. I have handled this problem in the follo

wing manner. Some tables use 'Total Exports" in comparison with the "Calculated Total"

which I obtained by adding specific individual data pieces. The column labeled "Error" merely reflects the magnitude of the unexplained dis

crepency between allegedly reliable aggrega tes and the sum of the specific individual unag gregated data. Perhaps a brief analysis of each

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table will offer readers a starting point for their own analysis and interpretation of the statistics

gathered in each table.

General sources for tables 49 through 82:

Foreing Office (hereafter F.O.) 15 (Guatemala), F.O. 21 (Costa Rica), F.O. 39 (Honduras), F.O. 56 (Nicaragua), F.O. 66 (El Salvador), Public Records Office, London, England; Diplomatic Despatches and Consular

Despatches, National Archives, Washington, DC; F12, BB4, Archive National, Paris, France; Archive du minist&re des affaires ?trangdres, Paris, France; Deutsches Zentralarchiv, Merseburg, Germany; Industrie und Handelskammer zu Dortmund, Germay; Politisches Archiv, Osterreiches Staatsarchiv, Vieenna, Austria; U.S. Congress, Serial Set; U.S., Commercial Relations of the United States

(Washington, DC, 1852 -); U.S. Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreing Relations

of the United States [annual since 1861] (Washington, DC, 1862-); France, Annales du commerce extgrieur. Fails commerciaux

(Paris, annually); Handels-Archiv (also Preussisches Handelsarchiv and Deutsches Handelsarchiv) (Berlin, 1847-); John Mac

Gregor, Commercial Statistics of America

(London, [1847D; M. H. Bosch Spencer, Commerce de la c6te occidental de l'am?ri

que du sud (Bruxelles, 1848); Alexander von

Bulow, Auswanderung und Colonisation im Interesse des dutschen Handels (Berling, 1849) ; John Baily, Central America (London, 1850) ; J.E. Wappaus, Handbuch der

Geographie und Statistik des ehemaligen spa nischen Mittel- und Sudamerika nebst den

europ&ischen Besitzungen (Leipzig, 1863); Ephraim George Squier, Notes on Central America (New York, 1855); Carl Scherzer, Travels in the Free States of Central America:

Nicaragua, Honduras, and San Salvador (2 vols.; London, 1857).

1. Guatemala (Tables 49-55)

Table 49: Guatemala: exports by country of

destination, 1839-1885. The British empire absorbed from 50 to 90%

of Guatemalan exports in the period 1839 through 1867. Beginning in 1868, The Bristish

share of Guatemalan exports fell permanently below 50% through 1880. Germany and United States competed with British merchants for Guatemalan exports. The United States took over 16% of Guatemalan exports in 1866 with that figure rising to about 30% by 1880 (except for 1876 and 1877, the last two years of the 1873 depression). Guatemalan exports to

Germany fluctuated between 3 and 13% from 1866 to 1869, then rose to values between 20 and 25% until 1880. French trade also varied from 5% to 16% in the period from 1866 to 1880. Spain purchased between 8 and 21% of

Guatemalan exports in the 1856 to 1866 years, but did little direct purchasing of Guatemalan

products in the 1867 to 1880 period.

Table 50: Guatemala: exports by product, 1839-1885

Cochineal mde up from 50 to 99% of Guatemalan exports between 1839 and 1861. From 1862 to 1871, cochineal's share of Guatemalan exports decreased to between 32 and to 57%, and the it fell steadily from 18 to 5% in 1877, before shrinking to about 1% or less through 1885. Guatemalan coffee exports reached 1% in I860, rose steady to 48% in

1871, then varied from 62 to 92% until 1885. Several crops played a role in easing the transi tion of Guatemala's export trade from cochine als to coffee. From 1864 to 1867, raw cotton

supplied between 5 and 19% of Guatemalan

exports. Sugar exports also played a modest role in the transition of Guatemala's export product, making up from 3 to 9% of Guatemalan exports in the 1839 to 1865 years.

Table 51: Guatemala: imports by country of

origin, 1839-1885 British goods captured from 47 to 85% of

total Guatemalan imports in the years from 1839 to 1877, then the British share of imports declined to a range of 30 to 54% between 1878 and 1885. U.S. imports varied from 1 to 5% of Guatemalan imports between 1846 and 1867, then rose to supply between 4 to 26% from 1874 to 1885. German products supplied from I to 4% of Guatemalan imports between 1839 and 1852, rose slightly to between 2 and 9% from 1854 and 1871, and then made up from II to 16% of Guatemalan imports between 1872 and 1882, before declining to 5 or 6% in

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 79

the years of 1883-1885. French luxury items were in stable demand in the Guatemalan eco

nomy. French products supplied from 5 to 12% of Guatemalan imports in 1839 to 1851 (except for 19% in 1842) and varied from 10 to 22% between 1852 and 1885 (except for 7% in both 1883 and 1885). Spain supplied between 10 and 22% of Guatemalan exports for the years from 1839 to 1847, about 7% in 1850, and the reduced to between 2 and 5% from 1851 to 1885. Switzerland supplied from 2 to 4% of Guatemalan imports in the years 1870-1885, while China suplied between 2 and 3% during the 1874 to 1885 period.

Table 52: Guatemala shipping by country of

origin, number and tonnage, 1851-1885. British vessels supplied considerable tonna

ge for the Guatemalan carrying trade. Britain's share declined, however, from 42% to about 10% between 1851 and 1868. In the 1880s, British tonnage only made up from 2 to 8% of Guatemalan carrying trade. The United States

only supplied between 2 and 8% of the tonna

ge in the early and mid 1850s, but beginning in the late 1850s, the U.S. share rose from 38% to 90% of the tonnage visiting Guatemala. This

vigorous U.S. role in supplying ship tonnage for Guatemalan trade was linked to the intro duction of several U.S. owned and operated Pacific coast steamship lines after the Panama railroad was completed. These U.S. shipping lines linked Central American ports with Panama City and San Francisco. Spain supplied from 6 to 18% of the tonnage visiting Guatemalan ports in the 1850s, and about 1 to 3% thereafter. German ships participated quite regularly, normaly supplying from 3 to 8% of

tonnage visiting Guatemala from 1851 to 1885. French vessels supplied between 3 and 11% of the tonnage in Guatemalan harbors in the 1850s and thereafter from 1 to 4%.

Table 53: Guatemala: Iztpa, Livingstone and

Champerico, number and tonnage shipping, 1851-1885.

Iztapa was used modestly as a harbor in the

early 1850s. Champerico was open in the

1860s, but only functioned as a major port in the 1880s. Livingston also was used actively for international trade in the 1880s, although well below the usage of Champerico.

Table 54: Guatemala: shipping, Isabel, num ber and tonnage 1845-1882.

In 1852 and 1853, Britain supplied 31% and 43% of the shipping tonnage which entered the harbor of Isabel, Guatemala. Between 1854 and 1869, the British supplied between 60 and 92% of the tonnage visiting that port Spanish vessels furnished between 9 and 30% of Isabel's tonnage from 1852 to 1865. In 1869, Spanish tonnage recorded 6%, its lowest ton

nage at Isabel in these pre-1886 years. Between 1851 and 1856, Guatemalan flagged vessels furnished from 15 to 46% of the tonna

ge stopping in Isabel.

Table 55: Guatemala: shipping, San Jos6 de

Guatemala, number and tonnage, 1852-1885. British vessels supplied 53% of the tonnage

at San Jos6 de Guatemala in 1852, from 21 to 29% of the harbor's tonnage in the years from 1853 to 1856, then from 1857 to 1865, the British share of the port's tonnage declined to between 5 and 18%. In 1883 and 1884, Bristish vessels furnished between 1 or 2% of the ton

nage entering San Jos?. In the period 1852

1856, U.S. ships supplied between 3 and 19% of the tonnage, visiting San Jos6 de Guatemala, but beginning in 1857 and lasting until 1885, the U.S. share of the tonnage visiting the har bor varied from 53 to 95%. Costa Rican, German, and Spanish ships played significant roles in supply San Josh's need for carrying trade in the 1850s until the U.S. regular steams

hip lines achieved a preeminent position at that harbor. Afterwards, Costa Rican vessels all but disappeared while those of Sapin an

Germany, along with Freeh vessels, played a

continuing minor role in the maritime activity of that port.

Sources for Guatemalan data, tables 49

through 55: El Ttempo (Guatemala), 1838-41; Gaceta de

Guatemala, 1841-76; Gaceta Oficial (Guatemala), 1846; El Noticioso (Guatemala), 1862; Boletin Oficial (Guatemala), 1872; El

Crepusculo (Guatemala), 1872; El Guatemalteco (Guatemala), 1874-80; El Bien Publico (Quezeltenango, Guatemala), 1880-82; Guatemala, Anales estadisticos de la Republica de Guatema (Guatemala, 1184); Guatemala,

Memoria de las secretarias de Estado del

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Gobierno de guatemala ... 1879; Guatemala, Informe... Fomento 1884; Guatemala, Informe de la oficina de estadistica 1885; Guatemala, Memoria de Hacienda [1880, 1882-86].

2. El Salvador (Tables 56-63)

Table 56: El Salvador: exports by country of

destination, 1845-1885. Data on which countries received El

Salvador's exports could only be located for the period after 1875. Great Britain's 51% share of Salvadoran exports in 1876 declined to 37 or 38% for the years from 1878 to 1883. The U.S. share of El Salvador's exports stood al 17% in

1876, but increased to between 24 and 28% for the period from 1877 to 1883. Various coun tries retained a secondary relationship in pur chasing El Salvador's exports. France's share varied from 9 to 17%, Germany purchased from 5 to 17%, and Italy acquired from 3 to 7%. The time period of these data corresponds with the rapidly rising number of Italian migrants to Central America.

Table 57: El Salvador: exports by product, 1845-1885

Indigo, El Salvador's chief export product in the colonial and early independence period, supplied between 81 and 91% of the value of Salvadoran exports for the years from 1845 to 1862. From 1863 until 1874, indigo's share of El Salvador's exportation dropped to between 45 and 72%. During the years from 1875 to 1884, indigo's share of El Salvador's exports declined

steadily from 37 to 21% (except for 43% in 1876). To replace the income and revenue lost as indi go sales declined, Salvadorans turned to other

export products which assumed larger roles. Coffee represented less than 1% of Salvadoran

exports from 1855 to 1861, from 2 to 8% betwe en 1862 and 1867, from 13 to 17% between 1868 and 1872, and then rose from 30% in 1873 to bet ween 52 and 59% during the 1880-1884 period. Among the secondary export products of El Salvador were skins and hides which regularly supplied between 1 and 6% of the country's exports, sugar which commonly varied from 2 to

10%, bullion which normally supplied from 1 to 8% (except in 1865 when it readied 12%), and tobacco and balsam wood, each of which had a

1 to 3% share of Salvadoran exports throughout the whole period

Table 58: El Salvador: imports by country of

origin, 1846-1885. Data on the origin of El Salvador's importa

tion was also only located beginning in the late 1870s. British imports captured between 33 and 44% of El Salvador's imports in 1875, but rose to 12% in 1876 and then to 35% by 1883. German

imports commanded between 3 and 11% of El Salvador's market while the French share decli ned from 35% in 1876 to between 15 an 23% for the years from 1878 to 1883.

Table 59: El Salvador: export and imports by port, 1850-1885.

La Uni6n was El Salvador's chief commercial

port measured by value, from 1850 until 1867 when the value of La Libertad's trade shoved La Union into second place. By 1882, the value of trade at Acajutla challenged La Libertad for the honor of being El Salvador's chief port.

Table 60: El Salvador: shipping, by country of origin, number and tonnage 184601884.

British vessels supplied between 25 and 42% of the tonnage which entered El Salvadoran

ports from 1846 to 1856. Beginning in 1857, the British share declined to from 6 to 16%. The

shrinkage was due to the institution of regular U.S. steamship lines to connect Central American ports with the Panama railroad and California (especially San Francisco). The U.S. share of the tonnage entering Salvadoran har bors had fluctuated from 4 to 18% between 1846 and 1856. Beginning in 1857 and lasting until

1878, the last year for which I could locate data, it rose to between 60 and 93%. Generally, France and Spain were seconday suppliers of

tonnage to El Salvador, although in 1846, France had in fact been the chief maritime nation in El Salvador. Italy, Costa Rica, Peru, Chile, and

Hamburg had all played short-term roles as sig nificant suppliers of shipping tonnage to El Salvador in the 1850s before the regular U.S. ste

amship lines displaced them.

Table 6l: El Salvador: shipping, La Uni6n, number and tonnage, 1853-1884.

In 1856, La Union's shipping tonnage needs were share by U.S., Peruvian, Italian, and

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 81

British vessels (each with between 15 an 19%). France, Germany, Spain, and Chile were

seconday suppliers (each with between 5 and 10%). The initiation fo U.S. Pacific coast ste

amship lines in 1858 made U.S. ships the chief

supplier of tonnage to La Union with 64%. Britain retained a 13% share, while Chile, Italy, Sapain, Peru, and Germany all were reduced to between 3 and 5%. The U.S. dominance in

supplying ship tonnage for La Uni6n strengthe ned in the 1860s, 1870s, and 1880s. Only Britain, Germany, and France retained modest

participation in meeting La Union's tonnage needs (between 3 and 10% each).

Table 62: El Salvador: shipping, Acajutla, num ber and tonnage, 1850-1885; imports 1855-1859.

Prior to the late 1850s, Acajutla's ship tonna

ge requirements were widely distributed. Even Central or South American vessels sup plied important shares. Britain normally led the list of suppliers, but the United States, Spain, Germany, Italy, Ecuador, and Costa Rica were

significant secondary suppliers of maritime ser vice. The regular U.S. steamship service allo wed the United States, to reduce competiton to furnish tonnage for Acajutla just as it had in La Uni6n and La Libertad. By 1870, U.S. vessels

represnted at least 80% and at times over 90% of the tonnage visiting Acajutla. The German, Freeh, and British retained modest roles, each

supplying 1 to 5% annually (except Germany which supplied 12% in 1885).

Table 63: El Salvador: shipping, La Libertad, number and tonnage 1856-1884; imports 1855 1859.

La Libertad, like La Union and Acajutla, experienced the impact of U.S. steamschip lines upon the pattern of foreing vessels visi

ting it wharves. Until the late 1850s, England, Spain, France, Germany, Ecuador, and Italy shared serving the shipping needs of La Libertad. About I860, the U.S. share increased to near 90% with only France and Germany retaining regular, modest secondary roles.

Sources for El Salvadoran data, tables 56

through 63: El Crepusculo (San Salvador), 1847; Gaceta del Salvador?! Salvador), 1849-63; El constilucional (San Salvador), 1864-68; El Faro

Salvadoreno, 1867-69; Boletin Oficial (El

Salvador), 1871-74; Diario Oficial (El Salvador), 1875-86; La Discusidn (El Salvador), 1881; La Republica (El Salvador), 1884; Diario

Oficial (San Salvador, El Salvador), 1884; El

Salvador, Direction general de estadistica, Anuario estadistica de 1913 (San Salvador, [1913D; Dano Gonzalez, Lecciones de geogra

fia (San Salvador, [18771); David J. Guzmin, Apuntamiento sobre la topografia fisica de El Salvador (San Salvador, 1883); Carlos J. Canessa, Lugar que ocupa El Salvador en la

produccidn mundial del cafe (San Salvador, 1929).

3. Honduras (Tables 64-69)

Table 64: Honduras: total imports and

exports, 1845-1886. Statistical data for nineteenth century

Honduras is uncommon in the printed records of Central American history. As this table indi

cates, estimates are more common than official

figures for Honduran trade. The table also reveals a rather stagnant Honduran import and

export trade until the mid-1880s. It was impos sible to locate more than very fragmentary and

irregular statistical data for Honduran trade eit her in terms of destination of exports or origins of imports.

Table 65: Honduras: exports by products, 1845-1883

Honduras1 chief export product in the mid nineteenth century was bullion which repre sented between 36 and 75% of total exports in the years from 1845 to 1855. In the 1870s,

Honduran bullion still made up from 25 to 27% of exports. Cattle, hides, and skins were

important export products from 1845 to 1873 Cattle usually supplied 11 to 15% of Honduran exports (in 1845 and 1873 only 3 and 3%), while hides and skins furnished bet

ween 5 and 16% of Hondurans exports. Brazilwood represented between 12 and 36% of Honduran exports from 1845 to 1855

(except in 1846 when it only supplied 2%).

Sarsaparilla furnished 7 and 10% of Honduran exports in 1845 and 1846, and retained 4 and 3% in 1870 and 1873. Tobacco

was a significant secondary export product in 1855 and 1870 with 10 and 4% of Honduran


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Table 66: Honduras, Omoa, export by pro ducts, 1853-1876

Cattle, hides, and skins made us between 37 and 53% of Omoa's exports between 1859 and 1862. Bullion and coin furnished between 17 and 43% of Omoa's exports in the same years. Sarsaparilla had a 8 to 21% share of Omoa's

export trade.

Table 67: Honduras, Truxillo and minor

parts export by products, 1854-1883 Catlle, hides, and skins made up between 60

and 87% of Truxillo's recorded exports betwe en 1857 and 1883 (except for 1876 when it

only supplied 19%). Mahogany which only supplied from 1 and 5% of Truxillo's exports between 1857 and 1861, increased eratically to 53% in 1876 and settle back to 11 or 12% in 1882 and 1883. Sarsaparilla supplied from 11 to 25% of Truxillo's exports in the 1851 to 1861

period, yet only retained a 1 or 2% share in 1882 and 1883- Bullion and coin represented from 6 to 15% of Truxillo's exports from 1857 to 1861, but were not even listed in the statis tics for 1876, 1882, and 1883.

Table 68: Honduras: shipping, Omoa, num ber and tonnage 1853-1876.

Data on Omoa shipping for the period 1854 to 1861 suggests that Honduran flagged vessels

were the chief suppliers of shipping at that port. England was normally second, barely ahead of the United Satates which was in turn barely led

Spain. Holand was normally in fifth position.

Table 69: Honduras: shipping, Truxillo, number and tonnage, 1854-1883.

In the years 1854 to 1877, ship tonnage in Truxillo was supplied by Britain, the United

States, Spain, Honduras, and Holland roughly in that order. Britain was clearly in first position

while the United States, Spain, and Honduras

competed closely for the next three positions. Holland was typically fifth, somo distance behind the others.

Sources for Honduran data, tables 64

through 69: El Redactor de Honduras, 1841-43; Gaceta

de Honduras, 1869-70, 1882-83; La Gaceta

((Honduras), 1883; Ephraim George Squier, Honduras... (London, 1870.).

4. Nicaragua (Tables 70-77)

Table 70: Nicaragua: exports by country of

destination, 1841-1886 For the period under consideration in these

tables, data on the country of destination for

Nicaraguan exports are only available for the decade from 1877 to 1886. The U.S. share of

Nicaraguan exports averaged just under 40% in this decade while the British share registered about 30% annually. France absorbed about 10% and Germany about 7% of Nicaraguan exports.

Table 71: Nicaragua: exports by product, 1841-1886

Aomong Nicaragua's chief export products, indigo had a significant if declining role in the 1841 to 1886 (except for 53% in 1858). Rubber became a major export item by the end of the

period under review. Rubber, first listed in 1865 when it represented 5% of Nicaraguan exports, grew to 13% in 1867, and then rose to between 16 and 37% for the years from 1871 to 1886. Woods (especially brazilwood and cedar)

were a major export item in 1844 and 1858 with 38 and 44% respectively. Beginning in 1865 and lasting until 1886, woods only made

up between 1 and 10% of Nicaraguan exports. Bullion, ore, and coins collectively represented a share of Nicaraguan exports which varied between 6 and 20% from 1865 until 1886.

Fustic, a wood used to produce a yellow dye had a share of Nicaraguan exports which grew from 2% in 1874 to 16% by 1886. The cotton

shortage linked to the U.S. Civil War allowed cotton to capture 47% of Nicaraguan export trade in 1865. With the end of the Civil War, cotton's share of exports shrunk to 9% in 1867 and 5% in 1871, before disappearing.

Table 72: Nicaragua: imports by country of

origin, 1841-1886.

England was the chief supplier of

Nicaraguan imports for each year of the period from 1873 to 1886 for which data was located. The United States ranked second in each year except for two 1875 and 1876 when France held the runner-up position. France normally occupied the third position followed by Germany and then the other four Central American republics collectively.

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 83

Table 73: Nicaragua: San Juan del sur and

Realejo exports and imports, 1846-1886. San Juan del Sur and Realejo were major

Pacific coast ports in the pre-1860 years. Around

I860, corinto displaced them because it appea led more to the U.S. steamship companies. Realejo retained a secondary role in Nicaraguan Pacific and international trade, however.

Table 74: Nicaragua: Corinto exports by products and imports 1863-1886

In the 1870s and 1880s, between one-third and three-fifths of Nicaraguan trade entered or exited via Corinto. Coffee was a major exports in 1865 and 1866, its share rose to 13% in 1867 and to 37% in 1874. Hides and skins supplied between 13 and 17% of Corinto's export trade in the years from 1865 to 1874 (except for 93% [sic-.l in 1866). Sugar supplied 6 to 10% of

Corinto's exports between 1867 and 1874. Woods represented 1 or 2% of exports at Corinto in 1865 and 1866, but rose to between 9 and 16% from 1867 to 1874. Cotton represen ted 82% of Corinto's exports in 1865, the last

year of the U!S! Civil War, then declined to 19% in 1868, 16% in 1871, and from 3 to 6% in the other years between 1866 and 1874. Coin and bullion represented only 1% of Corinto's

exports in 1865, but captured from 3 to 7% for the years from 1867 to 1874.

Table 75: Nicaragua: San Juan del Norte, exports by products and imports 1842-1886;

Rubber was one of San Juan del Norte's minor export products between 186l and 1868.

Afterwards, rubber's share of San Juan del Norte's exports varied from 2 to 20% until the mid 1870s when its value rose to represent from 29 to 61% of exports. Coin was a consistent

export item, its share fluctuating from 13 to 33% of San Juan del Norte's exports (except for 1868 when it only supplied 4%). Indigo supplied bet ween 16 and 56% of the prot's exports (except only 1% in 1868) between 1861 and 1873. From 1873 to 1877, indigo only managed a 3 to 7% share of exports. Hides and skins represented 18 to 22% of the exports from 1861 to 1864 and 4 to 11% from 1865 and 1877 (except for 18% in

1868). Coffee normally captured from 2 to 8% of

exports except for 1868 (28%), 1870 (0.04%), and 1876 (14%). Sugar was an important export product only in 1866 (28%) and 1868 (8%).

Nicaraguan cotton producers supplied between 2 and 19% of San Juan del Norte's exports for the years 1864 to 1868.

Table 76: Nicaragua: Realejo and Corinto, number and tonnage, 1839-1884.

Realejo's shipping needs were strongly influenced by U!S. vessels in 1850 when the

U.S.-owned Nicaraguan Transit Company used that port as a Pacific coast terminal. Corinto became the chief Pacific port of Nicaragua because the U.S. -owned Pacific steamship companies preferred that harbor to Realejo or San Juan del Sur. U.S. shipping dominated these harbors, but Germany, France, Britain, and Italy exercised significant secondary roles in Corinto's shipping business.

Table 77: Nicaragua: shipping, San Juan del Norte and San Juan del Sur, 1846-1884.

British vessels dominated San Juan del Norte's shipping between 1864 and 1884. U.S. shipping had been sharply competitive with the British in the 1860s, but only played a

very minor role thereafter. Germany's minor role in the early years became a significant secondary role according to the reports for 1876 and 1882. Spain held a significant secondary role in 1882.

Sources for Nicaraguan data, tables 70

through 77: Redactor Nicaraguense (Leon), 1842; Registro Oficial (San Fernando, Nicaragua), 1845; Bolettn Oficial (Nicaragua), 1861-62; Gaceta de

Nicaragua, 1864-74; Gaceta Oficial (Nicaragua), 1880-81; Nicaragua, Informe de Hacienda

[1872, 1875, 1877-78, 1881-861]; Nicaragua, Memoria de Fomento [1885-861; Alberto Lanuza

Matamoros, "Estructuras socioeconomicas, Poder

y estado en Nicaragua (1821-1875)" (Tesis de

grado, Universidad de Costa Rica, 1976); Ephraim George Squier, Nicaragua; Its People, Scenery, Monuments, Resources, Condition, and Proposed Canal (New York, I860); Revista de la Academia de Geografia e Historia de

Nicaragua, 31 (1965); Pablo Levy, "Notas geogri ficas y econ6micas de Nicaragua", Revista con servadora del pensamiento centroamericano, 62 (Nov. 1962); David R. Radell and James J. Parson, "Realejo: A Forgotten Colonial Port and

Shipbuilding Center in Nicaragua", Hispanic American Historical Review, 51 (May 1971).

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5. Costa Rica (Tables 78-82)

Table 78: Costa Rica, exports by country of

destination, 1843-1885. The British purchased between 21 and 51%

of Costa Rican exports for the years reported between 1855 and 1885. The U.S. share only commanded 4% of Costa Rican exports in

1856, but rose to 32% by 1885. French mer chants purchased between 20 and 41% of Costa Rican exports for the year 1856 to 1859, but only between 6 and 16% from 1865 to 1885. The German acquisition of Costa Rican

exports had generally been small in the 1850s and 1860s before reaching 10 or 11% for each

year from 1883 to 1885. In the 1850s and early 1860s, New Granada's share had been between 4 and 12% and in 1865 and 1867 it reached 20 and 30%, thereafter New Granada purchased few Costa Rican exports.

Table 79: Costa Rica: exports by products, 1843-1885

Coffee was Costa Rica's chief export crop throughout this whole period from 1843 to 1885, commanding from 72 to 99% of the

value of the nation's exports. Bananas appea red as an export product in the 1990s, suppl ying 8% of Costa Rica's exports in 1884 and 9% in 1885. Hides and skins regularly sup plied from 1 to 4% of Costa Rica's exports. Tobacco, an important export crop in the colonial and early independent years, sup plied 13% of Costa Rican exports in 1843 and 8% in 1845, but essentially disappeared from the export list thereafter.

Table 80: Costa Rica, coffee exports by country of destination. 1841-1885.

In the years between 1856 and 1885, Britain

purchased between 30 and 72% of Costa Rican coffee by weight. The United States acquired modest amounts of coffee in the 1850s, from 4 to 11% of coffee exports by weight, but from 1863 to 1885, the U.S. share of Costa Rican coffee increased, fluctuating from 13 to 29%. French

purchases of Costa Rican coffee had amounted to between 14 and 47% of the total weight exported in the 1856 to I860 period. From 1863 to 1885, the French share declined to between 4 and 13%. German purchases had only represen ted 1 and 4% of Costa Rica's coffee exports in

1856 and 1857, but from 1858 to 1870, Germany has taken between 10 and 25% (except in 1867 when it was only 6%) of Costa Rica's coffee. From 1873 to 1878, Germany's share had decli ned from 2 to 7%, but rose to 14% in 1885.

Table 81: Costa Rican imports by country of

origin, 184^-1885 British goods captured between 36 and

69% of Costa Rica's market for those years between 1853 and 1885 for which we have data reported. Germany, the United States, France, Central America, and Chile all played secondary roles to Great Britain in the 1850s each acquiring regularly a 3 to 18% share of Costa Rican imports. In the 1883-1885 period, the U.S. share waivered from 23 to 34%, the French share varied from 10 to 12%, and the German share fluctuated from 3 to 17%.

Table 82: Costa Rica: shipping, number and

tonnage 1843-1885 British ships supplied much of Costa Rica's

maritine tonnage needs in the 1840s and early 1850s until the regular U.S. steamer service was instituted. From 1858 to 1874, U.S. vessels sup plied between 59 and 96% of the tonnage visi

ting Costa Rican harbors. The opening of Puerto Limon on Costa Rica's Atlantic coast in the mid-1870s to service first the railroad and later the banana industry allowed the British to reenter the carrying trade of Costa Rica. From 1878 to 1885, Britain supplied from 26 to 47% of the tonnage visiting Costa Rican ports. In this period, the U.S. share declined to between 46 and 66%. In the 1840s and 1850s, various Central and South American states, France, Germany, Spain, Italy, and Denmark had sup plied important tonnage to Costa Rican trade. The role of Central and South American, Italian, and Danish vessels declined markedly in the 1860s and after. The German, French, and Spanish maritime interests retained modest roles in the Costa Rican carrying trade.

Sources for Costa Rican data, tables 78

through 82: Noticioso Universal (Costa Rica), 1834; El

Mentor Costarricense, 1844; El Costarricense, 1849; Gaceta del Gobierno (Costa Rica), 1850;

Boletin Oficial (San Jose, Costa Rica), 1856; Gaceta Oficial (de Costa Rica), 1855, 1860-61,

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 85

1864, 1867-69, 1874; Crdnica de Costa Rica, 1858; Gaceta Oficial (Costa Rica), 1871-72; La

Palanca (Cartago, Costa Rica), 1882; Costa Rica,

Informe lo Memorial de Hacienda [1849-53, 1856, 1861-62, 1864-66, 1869, 1871, 1873, 1877

791; Costa Rica, Informe de Gobernacidn, Guerra, Marina, fusticia y Fomento [1868-691; Costa Rica, Informe estadtstico, 1883-1893 (San Jos6, CR, 1896); Felipe Molina, Bosquejo de la

Republica de Costa Rica (New York, 1851).

Schoonover m

Foreign Trade and Shipping by Countries, 1830,s-1880's

(Central American data)

(1) Guatemala

49 Guatemala, exports by country of destination 1839


50 Guatemala, exports by product, 1839-1885. 51 Guatemala, imports by country of origin 1839-1885.

52 Guatemala shipping by country of origin, number

and tonnage, 1851-1885.

53 Guatemala shipping I Etapa, Livingston and

Champerico, number and tonnage, 1851-1885.

54. Guatemala shipping, Isabel, number and tonnage, 1845-1882.

55. Guatemala shipping, San Jose de Guat., number and tonnage, 1852-1885.

(2) El Salvador

56. El Salvador, exports by country of destination, 1845-1885.

57. El Salvador, exports by product, 1845-1885

58. El Salvador, imports by country of origin 1846-1885.

59. El Salvador, exports and imports by port, 1850 1885.

60. El Salvador shipping by country of origin number

and tonnage, 1846-1884.

61 El Salvador shipping, La Union, number and tonna

ge, 1853-1884.

62. EI Salvador shipping, Acajutla, number and tonnage, 1850-1885; imports 1855-59.

63. El Salvador shipping, La Libertad, number and ton

nage, 1856-1884; imports 1855-59.

G) Honduras

64 Honduras, total imports and exports, 1845-1886.

65 Honduras, exports by products, 1845-1883.

66. Honduras, Omoa, exports by products, 1853-1876.

67. Honduras, Truxillo and minor ports exports by pro ducts, 1854-1883.

68. Honduras shipping, Truxillo, number and tonnage, 1854-1883.

69. Honduras shipping, Truxillo, number and tonnage, 1854-1883.

(4) Nicaragua

70 Nicaragua, exports by country of destination 1841


71. Nicaragua, imports by country of origin, 1841-1886.

72. Nicaragua, imports by country of origin, 1841-1886.

73- Nicaragua, San Juan del Sur and Realejo, exports and imports, 1846-1886.

74. Nicaragua, Corinto, exports by products and

imports, 1863-1886.

75. Nicaragua, San Juan del Norte, exports by products and imports, 1842-1886.

76. Nicaragua shipping, Realejo and Corinto, number

and tonnage, 1839-1884.

77. Nicaragua shipping, San Juan del Norte and San

Juan del Sur number and tonnage, 1846-1884.

(5) Costa Rica

78. Costa Rica, exports by country of destination, 1843 1885

79. Costa Rica, exports by products, 1843-1885.

80. Costa Rica, exports of coffee by country of destina

tion 1841-1885.

81. Costa Rica, imports by country of origin 1843-1885.

82. Costa Rica shipping, number and tonnage, 1843


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Tabla 49 Guatemala: Exports by Country of Destination, 1839-1885

US US US England Belize Germany France Spain Italy Belgium Gentr Mexico Other Total Calculated Error New York Calif. N O Amer. Exports Exports 1839$ 863,971 % 1840$ 766,167 % 1841$ 675,121 H

1846$ 6,910 806,467 51,742 122,013 486 1,039,786 987,618 * 0.66 77.56 4.97 11.73 0 04 5.01 1847$ 1,014,465 H 1848$ 1,587,601 % 1849$ 1,047,210 %

1850 $ 896,589 % 1851$ 1,404,000 %

1852$ 868,550 % 1853 $ 599,047 % 1854$' 2,033,300 % 1855$ 1,282,891 %

1856$ 16,405 377,603 1,100,740 63,422 159,671 24,453 1,496,980 1,742,294 % 1.09 25.22 73.53 4.23 10.66 1.63 14 07

1857 $ 8,401 394,871 849,702 32,161 202,229 131,028 1,309,203 1,618,392 % 0.64 30 16 64.90 2.45 15 44 10.00 19 10 1858$ 7,937 703,351 695,448 21,581 154.788 1,958 32.678 1,953,926 1,953,926 % 0.40 35,99 35,59 1,10 7.92 0.10 1.67

1859$ 4,634 565,603 449,750 148,330 28,320 1,766,920 1,756,C'4 % 0 26 32 01 25.45 8 39 1.60 0.61 1860$ 2,592 470,665 310,432 20,506 29,148 338,420 1,632,735 1,916,327 % 0.15 28.82 1901 1.25 1.78 20.72 14.79

1861 $ 541,853 172,537 5,895 160,316 7,9^0 1,272,473 1,272,494 % 42.58 13.55 0.46 12.59 0 62 1862 68,374 226.996 28,641 17,092 218,750 33,900 1,568,900 1,523,655 % 4.35 14 46 1.82 1.08 13 94 2.16 2.88

1863$ 1,621,761 % 1864 $ 1,818,516 % 1865$ 1,833,325 %

1866$ 103,983 88,296 88,296 1,241,208 15,041 58,194 90,669 158,316 181,464 22,118 1,680,341 1,870,091 % 6 18 5.25 5.25 73.86 0.89 3 46 5.39 9 42 4.84 1.31 10.14 1867$ 319,950 974,670 156,745 105,215 1,996,450 1,556,580 % 16.02 48.82 7.85 527 22.03

1868$ 392,175 230,372 856,976 177,779 290,568 105,669 118,745 2,638 2,193,447 2,193,447 % 17,87 10.50 39.06 8 10 13 24 4.81 541 0.12 1869 $ 588,235 275,050 950,940 170,491 183,064 150,637 506 25 11,119 93,115 2.497,127 2,495,127 % 23.55 11.01 38.08 6.82 7.33 6.03 0 02 0 0 44 3 72 0.08

1870$ 617,195 773,835 158,640 597,095 2,391,414 2,146,765 % 25.80 32 35 6.63 24.96 10.23 1871 $1,198,190 649,785 107,150 561,820 2,747 789 2 516 945 % 43,60 23,64 3.89 20.44 8.40

1872$ 471,896 522,695 722,047 45,970 528,489 119,885 13,122 59,334 126,990 2,704,068 2,691,949 % 17.45 19 32 26 70 1.70 19 54 4.43 0 48 2.19 4 69 0 44 1873$ 558,123 676,873 659,228 100,776 845,023 319,021 650 39,978 12,625 79,481 3,456 3,363,062 3,363,062 % 16.59 20 12 19.60 2.99 25 12 9 48 0.01 118 0 37 2 36 0.10 0.00 1874 $ 337,514 766,738 783 454 132.692 767,318 404,607 83 20,931 30,010 8,784 3,300,621 3,300,621 W 10.22 23.23 23.13 4.02 23 24 12.25 0 00 0.63 0.90 0 26 0.00 1875 $ 824.384 1,070,692 120,474 770,406 323,747 830 10,103 60,118 3,217 345 3,217 345 % 25.62 33 27 3 74 23 94 10.06 0 02 0 31 1 86 0 00 1876$ 436,169

' 594,210 1,096,406 2,428 940,417 630,374 19,497 19 3,767,471 3,769,619 % 11 57 15.77 29.10 0 06 24 96 1 6?73 0 51 0 0.05

1877$ 193,252 103,753 1,073,977 181,660 826,175 311,870 17,808 3,773,184 2,739,396 % 5.12 2.74 28.46 4.81 21.89 8.26 Of 27.39 1878$ 149,127 1,330,713 1,130,908 145,092 489,647 491,621 5,855 34,272 91,379 816 3,918,912 3,918,912 H 3.80 34.10 28 84 3 70 12.49 12 54 0 14 0.87 2.33 0 02 0.00 1879 $ 341,129 1,012,126 1,295,044 278,157 733.164 583,867 19,042 3,335 102,633 178,287 4,607,497 4,607,391 % 7.40 21 96 28.10 6 03 1591 12.67 0.41 0 07 3 86 0.00 1880$ 520,318 1,255,897 834,906 44,993 859,6l6 727,331 10,568 5,653 23,993 70,257 1,575 4,425,337 4,465,336 % 11,75 28,37 18,86 1,01 19,42 16,43 0 2 3 0 12 0 54 1 58 0.03 0.89

1881 $ 4,084,348 % 1882 $ 3,719,210 % 1883$ 5,718,341 %

1884 $ 1,335,855 4,937,941 1,335,855 % 2705 72.94 1885$ 6,069,646

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 87

Tabic 50 Guatemala Imports by Products, 1839 1885

Coffee Indigo Cochineal Conon Cattle Hides Deer- Rubber Quinine Ores Coin Sugar Cacao Sarsa- Food Manu- Tabucco Vtool Mis- Total Calculated Error skins pamlta Stuff factures manu- cloth cella Exports Experts factured neous

1839 $ 13946 850025 863971 863971 _ H 161 98.38 000 1840 $ 4950 760650 255 181 92 766167 766168

H 64 99.27 03 02 .01 0.00 1841 $ 665663 675121 665663 H 9859 140

1843 $ 413101 413101 1844 $ 541351 *1W

11846 $ 140288 896831 1800 867 1039786 1039786 H 13.49 86.25 17 08 0.00 1847 $ 9000 932820 70000 360 2260 25 1014465 1014465

H .88 9195 6.90 .03 22 .00 0.00 1848 $ 376395 1178400 2617 47079 210 20160 150 18000 205 320 1587601 1645151

* 23.70 74.22 .16 2 96 .01 1.26 .00 1.13 01 .02 3.49 1849 $ 3281 1005009 38711 208 1047210 1047209

H 31 95.97 3 69 01 0.00 1850 $ 1520 810960 81730 108 100 2172 896589 896590

H 16 90.44 911 01 .01 24 0.00 1851 $ 144120 1156410 75200 1000 100 2170 1404000 1404000

* 1026 82.36 535 07 00 .15 0.00 1852 $ 276150 500000 450 67000 450 15000 200 1450 6000 868550 868550

% 31.79 57.56 05 7.71 05 1.72 .02 .16 .69 0.00 1853 $ 150 250150 312700 10 8799 1000 405 15888 174 1847 6400 198 599047 598447

H 02 41.75 5119 00 1.46 16 06 2.65 02 .30 1.06 .03 0.10 1854 $ 64 184470 1757300 M240 45 200 9720 900 58560 300 929 2033300 2033300

% .00 9.07 86.42 .70 .00 00 .47 .04 2.88 .01 .04 0.00 1855 $ 744 178748 985780 1670 26050 525 112 6600 80 1890 1888 69280 810 180 2024 1282891 1282891

H 05 13.93 76 84 .13 2.03 04 00 51 00 .14 14 5.40 06 .01 .15 0.00 1856 $ 1500 210318 1380920 34651 10680 1830 5493 520 8505 8226 35160 420 2750 1496980 1706973 % .10 14 04 92.24 2.31 71 .12 36 .03 56 .54 2.34 .02 .18 12.30

1857 $ 1017270 ,*?203 1017270 H 77.70 22 29

1858 $ 1107 175858 1366766 5859 96207 11900 2800 25870 37725 102825 187 32076 4336 61200 427 12549 1953926 1953929 H .05 9.00 69.94 29 4.92 60 14 1.32 1.93 5.26 .00 1.64 .22 3.13 02 .64 0.00

1859 $ 4680 237760 1131020 630 52724 1070 87500 78050 14600 63832 240 15810 5915 49240 2815 80 1766920 1766920 % .26 13 45 64.01 .03 2.98 .06 4.95 4.41 0.82 3.61 .01 .89 33 2.78 .15 .00 0.00

1860 $ 15350 1274240 78801 52377 42960 169007 1632735 1632735 % .94 78.04 4.82 320 2.63 10.35 0.00 1861 $ 53110 165900 694850 4840 53776 890 1808 93800 27250 27300 92228 60 4624 3532 1800 2600 319* 3751 1272473 1272473

H 4.17 13 03 54.60 38 4.22 .06 .14 7.37 2.14 2.14 7.24 .00 .36 .27 14 20 2.51 .29 0.00 1862 J 119076 221150 775630 1230 4265 94128 4364 4160 59956 210 1)2770 112452 660 11985 4077 222 44340 38211 1568900 1618706 H 7.58 14.09 49.43 07 .27 5 99 27 .26 382 .01 7.18 7.16 .04 .76 .25 .01 2*2 2.43 3 07 1863 $ 199830 132210 729810 16240 3l6l 37772 1750 7500 124768 1500 118150 137791 4275 4528 2575 286 83<w0 6655 1621761 1621261 % 12.32 8.15 45.00 1.00 .19 232 .10 .46 7.69 .09 7.28 8.49 .26 .27 .15 .01 5.15 .41 .03

1864 $ 192762 4200 68S080 240600 64894 76426 101104 194850 1818516 1562916 H 1059 23 37.83 13.23 3.56 4.20 5.55 10.71 14.05 1865 $ 265404 11238 889977 351425 3880 34538 3500 600 79918 1200 34200 60396 900 7005 3644 2092 73430 8703 1833325 1834325 H 14.47 .61 48.54 19.16 21 1.88 .19 .03 4.35 .06 1.86 3.29 .04 .38 .19 11 4.00 0.47 0.05 1866 $ 384936 14850 957)33 77875 5260 38372 5425 16660 17729 40730 22456 5632 6089 934 60000 24884 1680341 1680342 H 2190 88 56.96 4.63 31 2.28 .32 99 1.05 2 42 1 33 .33 36 .05 3 57 1.48 0.00 1867 $ 415878 98606 1068047 114939 2848 32623 4945 44326 23500 75963 6675 1081 1023 1080 136 82266 15762 1996450 1996428 H 20.83 4 93 53.49 575 14 1 63 24 2.22 1.17 3 80 .33 .05 05 05 00 4.12 0 78 0.00 1868 $ 788036 40602 891514 20485 1678 83949 11217 64360 52385 147462 3222 2452 644 12 855 53251 25399 2193447 2194197 H 35.92 1.85 40.64 93 07 3 82 51 2.93 2.38 6 72 .14 .11 .02 .00 .04 2.42 1.15 0.03 1869 $ 790228 57510 1266614 2350 63460 13580 27986 6427 117133 2991 9583 868 15 466 92175 26294 2497127 2497130 H 3164 2.30 5072 .09 2.54 .54 1.12 .25 4.69 11 38 03 .00 .01 369 105 0.00 1870 $1132296 42253 865414 12801 94952 69629 58537 15596 57622 33713 2391414 2391415 H 47.34 1.76 36.18 .53 3 97 2.91 2.44 .65 2.40 1.40 0.00 1871 $1312129 57238 876025 9624 880 143722 106435 90073 59890 202 14180 1421 280 818 58187 16684 2747789 2747788 H 47.75 2.08 31.88 .35 .03 5 23 3.87 3.27 2.17 .00 .51 01 .01 .02 2.11 .60 0.00 1872 $1669653 50166 495880 4903 95416 9844 124304 72350 48400 2803 5490 7244 97804 12542 2704068 2691799 S 61.74 1.85 18.33 18 3 52 36 4.59 2.67 1.78 .10 .20 08 3.61 .46 0.45 1873 $2408107 37393 498366 99915 9455 156125 13008 20615 3691 12131 173 918 53382 37285 33630W 3363064 H 71.60 1.11 14.81 291 26 4 69 .38 .61 .10 36 .00 02 1.58 1 10 0.00 1874 $2585341 81146 400509 100281 14068 12701 35040 13830 1078 13498 1036 1028 28484 3300621 3300633 H 78.32 2.45 12.13 3 03 42 .38 1.06 .41 .03 .40 .03 03 .86 0.00 1875 $2617278 1979 241013 980 140009 18402 4627 104397 2545 980 9463 854 46808 3217345 3217348 H 81.34 .06 7.49 .03 4.35 .57 .14 3.24 07 .03 .29 .02 1.45 0.00

1876 $3318403 4391 246338 88185 11211 5133 1035 5973 502 8960 5114i 3767471 3767472 H 88.08 .11 6.53 2.34 .29 13 18 .15 .01 .23 135 0.00 1877 $3358956 1842 181693 3800 62344 2723 2107 28306 2102 4844 1156 1808 115939 3773184 3773884 H 89.02 .04 4.81 .10 1.65 .07 .05 7 5 05 .12 .03 .04 3 07 0.01 1878 $3349740 1320 22684 2275 67030 1851 1541 320209 110635 2355 1812 4923 662 31508 368 3918912 3918913 H 85.47 .03 .57 .05 1.71 .04 .03 8.17 2.82 .06 .04 .12 .01 .80 .00 0.00 1879 $4032210 2424 65387 400 53347 566 262 402240 19052 1442 2010 9678 16555 4607497 4607496 H 87.51 .05 1.41 .00 1.15 .01 .00 8.73 .41 .03 .04 .21 .35 0.00 1880 $4056677 2581 24395 800 77959 3456 18533 140701 41055 219 3487 237 5364 47869 103 4425337 4425337 * 91.66 .05 .55 01 176 .07 .41 3.17 92 .00 .07 .00 .12 1.08 .00 0.00 1881 $3645220 3058 45077 1360 100293 6585 75272 2000 117187 1561 2832 11429 8229 1175 3818 48000 5945 4084348 4084267 % 89.29 07 1.10 .03 2 45 .16 1.84 .04 2.86 .03 06 .21 .20 .02 09 1.17 .14 0.00

1882 $3132716 3156 11869 116663 12903 224890 44755 82485 3781 12897 10964 5454 500 22935 8737 3719210 3719210 H 84.23 .08 .31 313 34 6.04 1.20 2.21 .10 .34 .29 .14 .01 .61 .23 0.00 18B3 $4M8833 26082 45 8672 151548 9233 224519 3216 145516 223136 3906 3321 13325 6402 181 31731 8366 5718341 5718341

H 8479 45 .00 .15 2.65 .16 3 92 .05 2.54 3.90 .06 .05 .23 .11 00 .55 .14 0.00 18B4 $4455677 7834 486 2J40 157776 9925 52003 32852 151828 597 6323 32209 2532 9254 2230 4937941 4936147

% 9073 15 .00 .04 319 .20 1 05 66 3.07 01 .12 .65 .05 .18 .04 0.00 1*5 $5333261 11984 6675 159489 786 91917 37772 317149 10737 10760 30931 2411 2432 27648 16642 6069646 6068148

H 87* 10 2.62 .01 1 51 62 5 22 17 17 .50 .03 04 .45 21 0.02

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Tabic 51 Guatemala Imports by Country of Origin, 1839-1885

US US US England Belize Germany France Spain Cuba Italy Belgium Swiu Central Mexico Colombia Ecuador Chile China Japan Other Total Calculated Error New York California New Orleans America ""P0"5 ""P0"5

1839$ 2,313 190,162 302,351 13,717 34,557 42,302 22,162 6o7'565 ?? H .38 31.29 49.76 2.25 5.68 6.96 3.64 000

1840$ 4,084 305,127 507.545 13,767 93.397 '.0? 961'293 961'294 nnn H .42 3174 52.79 1.43 3 77 9 71 10 0 00

1841$ 1,642 202,888 622,576 60,03 132,480 ' 019-62'f 1-0!9>624 H .16 19.89 61.05 5.8B 12 99 uuu

1842$ 3.290 108,364 279,304 19,349 127,427 118,078 655'812 655'812 ft? H .50 16.52 42.58 2 95 19.43 18.00 uw}

1843$ 4,186 45,095 220,099 5,000 45,062 94,886 > >.?? 42<'626 <2*'627 H .98 10.61 51.83 1 17 10.61 22.34 2^2 ouo

1844$ 2,509 199,887 269,312 9,968 25,699 96,357 379 15.376 614,487 619,487 % .40 32.52 43.82 1.62 4.18 15.68 06 2 50 u.W)

1845$ <26'379 H

1846$ 10,607 348,488 193,667 6,108 59,596 8,531 30,560 5,893 663,449 663,450 H 1.59 52.52 29.19 92 8 98 1.28 4.60 88 uw

1847$ 16,565 608,447 30 409 74,794 96,058 7-??J. 833'279 833'280 .? * 1.98 73.01 3.64 8.97 11 52 84 uw

,849$ 1'212-068 H

1850$ 5,843 207,593 121,049 8,983 16,521 65,658 5,186 1,083 2,475 11,654 923,644 446,045 H 0.63 22.47 13.10 97 1.78 7.10 .56 .11 26 1 26 >1./U

1851$ 71,807 1,200,384 58,218 183,049 64.666 3,760 1.581,884 1,581,884 % 4.53 75.88 3.68 11,57 4.08 23 ow

1852$ 26,943 475,580 119,509 36,928 189,285 46,013 41,679 31,076 9,285 645 977,252 976,943 H 2.75 48.66 12.22 3.77 4.70 3.17 .95 06 003

1853 $ 8,964 486,238 100,943 96,164 85,249 42,540 25,011 2,166 873,842 873.841 H 1.02 55.64 11.55 11 00 9.75 4.86 3 04 2.86, .24 0 00

1854 $ 28,114 19.277 424,782 77,899 18,864 139,567 29,376 38,271 38,387 11,944 826,481 826,481 % 3.40 2.33 51.39 9.42 2.28 16.88 3 55 4.63 4.64 1.44 0.00

1855$ 26.237 4,884 648,878 156,095 67,132 82,386 32,124 16,427 24,270 5.169 1,206,210 1,063,602 H 2.17 .40 53.79 12.94 5 56 6.83 2.66 1 36 2.01 .42 "82

1856 H 34,261 541,439 178,033 46,851 194,889 21,434 20,180 21,867 540 6,322 1,065,816 1.065,816 H 3.21 50.80 16.70 4.39 18.28 2.01 1.89 2 05 05 59 0.00

1857$ 12,317 836,823 65,355 140.922 50,665 14.242 H.605 1,136,517 1,134.929 H 1.08 73.63 5 75 12.39 4 45 1 25 1 28 0 13

1858$ 58,889 742,830 26,059 245,906 38,337 39,650 30,266 2,520 <0,379 1,224,835 1,224,836 H 4.80 60.64 2.12 20.07 3 12 3 23 2.47 20 3-29 0.00

1859$ 21,139 1,250 892,172 136,000 62,994 331,410 44,945 11,160 12,630 150 1,300 4,900 1,520,000 1,520,050 H 1.39 08 58.69 8.94 4.14 21.80 2.95 73 .83 0.00 .08 .32 0.00 1860$ 50,235$ 10,008 940,430 108,549 295,651 65,170 8,311 431 507 16,000 1.495,292 1,495,292 H 3.35 .66 62.89 7.25 19.77 4.35 .55 .02 .03 1.07 0.00

1861$ 27,909 950 616,517 80,546 184,731 79,403 13,207 800 330 5,176 240 8,672 1,020,076 1,020,076 H 2.73 .09 60.43 7.89 18.10 7.78 1.29 .07 .03 .50 .02 .85 0.00 1862$ 30,365 24,549 714,195 2,200 69.798 205.836 18,567 15,188 5,906 1,755 2,765 1,093,044 1,093,044 H 277 2.24 65.34 .20 6.38 1883 1.69 1 38 .54 .16 .25 0.00 1863$ 30,838 36,651 407,250 510 47,749 131,058 40,151 20,002 1,065 9,111 1,381 727,042 727,042 H 4.24 5.04 56.01 .07 6.56 18.02 5 52 2.75 .14 1.25 .18 0.00 1864$ 37.526 8,196 1,119,706 28,543 186.889 29,027 1,824 1,233 960 1.414,504 1,414,904 * Z65 .57 79.15 2.01 1321 2.05 .12 .08 .06 0.02

1865$ 39.959 1,136,495 3,239 82,678 296,531 26,429 19,184 128 13,808 4,104 791 5,914 14,312 6,280 1,649,712 1,649,912 H 2.42 68.89 19 5 01 1797 1.60 1.16 .00 .83 .24 .04 .35 .86 .38 0.01 1866$ 31,647 1,220,064 118,968 230,521 47,639 32,780 8,100 2,257 2,372 3,300 1,389 1,699.125 1,699,125 H 1.86 71.80 7.00 13,56 2.80 1 92 .47 .13 .13 19 .08 0.00 1867$ 34,280 1,079,119 110,994 262,347 13,068 16,892 23,122 2,185 1,200 15,933 8,055 6,784 1,574,587 1,574,587 % 2.17 68.53 7.04 16.66 .82 1.07 1.46 .13 .07 1.01 .51 .43 0.00

1868$ 100,301 1,017,413 148,035 325.036 54,151 9,517 1,679 3,918 600 648 1,664,842 1,664,842 H 6.02 61.11 8.89 19.52 3 25 . 57 .10 . 23 03 .03 0.00 1869$ 1,753,102 %

1870$ 40,343 48,835 1,234,026 148, 102,031 336.185 49,604 2.959 71 12,124 34,062 2,732 105 9,488 7,365 134 30,881 1,911,806 1,911,798 * 2.11 2.55 64.54 .00 5.33 17.58 2.59 .15 .00 .63 1.78 14 .00 .49 38 .00 !.6l 0.00 1871$ 62,094 42,684 1,285,458 84 209,637 240,210 36,560 7,278 956 38,402 42,472 1,928 11,290 4,671 20 25.320 1,221 2,403,503 2,010,563 H 2.58 1.77 53.48 .00 8.72 9.99 1.52 .30 .03 1.59 1.76 .08 .46 .19 .00 1.05 .05 " 16.34

1872$ 112,667 1,195,871 352,185 431,723 34,856 7,697 287 54,760 4r,783 5,149 11,243 3,334 97 14,961 590 2,269,214 2,274,203 H 4.96 52.69 15.62 19.02 1.53 33 .01 2.41 ..14 . 22 .49 14 .00 .65 .02 0.21 1873$ 70,673 52,587 969,411 >83.497 445,133 57,066 17,779 25,394 37,293 1,411 1,681 5071 7,494 15,946 852 1,991,830 1,991,831 H 3.54 2.64 48.66 14.23 22.34 2.86 .89 1.27 1.87 .07 .08 .25 37 .80 .04 0.00 1874$ 99,075 107,309 1.328,582 328,646 455,396 38,812 5,153 488 74,796 68,609 1,959 2,438 3,899 5,406 53.596 2,574,165 2,574,164 H 3.84 4.16 51.61 12.76 17.69 1.50 .20 .01 2.90 2.66 .07 .09 .15 .21 2.08 0.00

1875$ 204,182 1,082,580 241,396 480,157 40,641 6,701 3,377 24,496 38,233 4,005 872 3,662 7,960 35.142 2,173,754 2,173,753 H 9.39 49.80 11.10 22.08 1.86 30 .15 1.12 1.75 .18 .04 .16 36 1.6l 0.00 1876$ 245,868 1,125,150 264,288 449,537 83,893 8,611 3,441 19,830 34,332 2,289 1,500 4,262 3,614 725 16,293 2,264,832 2,264,831 H 10.85 49.67 11.66 19.84 3 70 38 .15 .87 1.51 .10 .06 .18 15 03 71 0.00

1877$ 178,188 201,565 1,208,995 317,368 458,162 46,993 6,307 1,773 24,812 54,673 3,329 237 10,541 4,323 1,420 49.197 931 2,571,678 2,571,678 H 6.92 7.83 47.01 12.34 17.81 1.82 .24 .06 .96 2.12 .10 .06 .40 16 .05 1.91 .03 0.00 1878$ 194,631 266,599 993,766 407,283 512,817 68,825 16,785 5,086 85,346 112,459 2,191 1,670 1,474 14,963 19,530 81,268 2,657 2,787,351 2,787,350 H 6.98 9.56 35.65 14.61 1839 2.46 .60 .18 3.06 4.03 07 .05 .05 53 70 2.91 .09 0.00 1879$ 145,569 478,745 874,935 392,130 487,664 76,702 24,694 3,696, 88,570 207,438 3,262 8,124 1,486 9,581 94,347 31,818 2,929,461 2,929,460 H 4.96 16.34 29.86 13.38 16.64 2.61 84 .12 3.02 7.08 .11 .27 .05 32 3.22 1.08 0.00 1880$ 141,591 502,955 11,367 1,037,225 40,595 424,937 535m684 46,988 8,295 6,084 49,771 25,168 65,659 5,630 10 223 22,706 9,658 74,540 12,673 3.035,537 3,035,537 H 4.66 10.65 .37 34.16 1.33 13 99 17.64 1.54 .27 .20 1.63 82 2.16 .18 33 .74 31 2.45 .41 0.00 1881$ 95,326 266,962 77,022 1.123,625 59323 418.754 501.237 64,569 17.628 14,962 88,764 62,985 65,376 2,025 16,481 19,830 58,548 37,683 2,991,098 2,991,100 % 318 8.92 2.57 37.56 1.98 14.00 16.75 2.15 .58 .50 2.96 2.10 2.18 .06 .55 .66 1.95 1.25 0.00

,882 7"',55 2i9& Ufi? *1'6?5 28'161 2461874 297'470 69'542 18'670 I0'W1 *<# 57,630 55.381 6,617 24,955 15,230 12,585 26,833 2,254,574 2,250,396 H 3.48 9 72 3.62 42.65 1 24 1094 1319 3 08 .82 .48 1.70 2.55 2.45 .29 1.10 .67 55 1 19 0.18 1883$ 92*458 827,575 56,630 128,296 149,687 65,470 14,937 39,672 76,278 35,364 34,523 11,794 54,855 2,030,893 2,024,539 * *-?7 *-W 2-78 6.31 7.37 3.22 .73 1.95 3 75 1.74 1.69 .58 2.70 0.31

1884$ 98,296 391,783 103,548 1,735,955 28,937 170,824 450,366 69,387 51,633 29,781 75,174 14,570 10314 2,536 48594 3281,698 3,281 698 % 2.99 11.93 3.15 52.89 .88 5.20 13.72 2.11 1.57 90 2.29 .44 * .31 .07 1.48 0.00

1885$ 391,837 1,278,660 11,836 164,796 386,483 82,629 45,277 52,968 94,473 106,529 15,278 61,452 3,103,278 2,692,218 * 1262 <1? 38 5.31 12.45 2.66 1.45 1.70 3.04 3.43 .49 1.98 1324

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 89

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 93

Table 56

El Salvador: Exports by Country of Destination, 1845-1885

United England Germany France Spain Italy Central Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Costa Colombia Ecuador Chile Peru other Total Calculated Error States America Rica Exports Exports

3845 $ $ 860,000

1846 $ * 905-500

1847 $ $ 924,000 1849 j ?536 25,460 38,886 35,155 $ 438,272 438.164 im

i 580 8.87 8.02 0.02

1850 $ * 316.378

1852 $ * 577.620

,853 $ $ 530'828

1854 $ * 786-711 1855 $ $ 765'324

1856 $ Jl.285'485 1857 $ ?.*X.102

1858 $ $ **&2

1859 $ $1-761'162 1860 $ $1-390'767

1861 $ "-290-507 1862 $ W3*>

1863 $ $1'673 025

1864 $

1865 $ $2'888-131 , 1866 $ ?-<34.*>2

1867 $

,868 $ ",468,206

1869 $ 361.688 ?.7^57 ? % 959

1870 $ $^3>558 1871 $ $3.?10'917

,872 $ ?'880'995

,873 $ ?'476'715 ,874 $ W'841'257

1875 $ $3>179-513

1876 $ 622 482 1.838.173 268.844 359.767 3.066 7,183 6.418 17,377 66,109 12,252 16,050 41,893 81.322 $3,605,023 3.348.633 % 17.26 50.98 7.45 9 97 .08 .19 17 .48 183 33 .44 1.16 2 25 7.11

,877 $ 959,630 ,,802.924 201,791 530,822 37,500 23,997 2,6,605 7,046 $3,960,932 3,957,676 % 24.22 4551 509 13.40 .94 .60 546 17 00?

1878 $1019 683 1 326,871 228,293 507,682 46,735 101.888 94,955 13.491 46,525 14.989 113,253 45.226 39.396 26.804 $3,625,791 3,625,791 %' 28.12

' 36.59 6.29 14.00 1.28 2.81 2.61 37 1.28 .41 3 12 1 24 1.08 .73 0.00

,879 $ 1 526 320 467 428 603,731 120,387 1,6,382 36,326 13,567 43,418 27,978 , 49,249 70,326 84,627 ,9,824 15,685 $4,122,888 3,295.248 H

' 3702 ,',.33 14.64 2.9, 2.82 .88 32 1.05 .67 3 62 1.70 2.05 .48 .38 20.07

,880 $ H273-088 1881 $1247,316 1,836,861 546,234 830,465 140,978 2,596 26,694 51,606 40.841 35,598 143,246 $4,902,436 4,902.435

% 25.44 37.46 11.14 16.93 2 87 .05 54 1.05 .83 .72 2.92 0.00

1882 $1,462,047 2,029,727 555,571 830,016 1 26,289 121,979 2,4.653 $5,230,702 5,461.400 % 27.95 38.80 10.62 15.86 2.41 2.33 4 10 422

1883 $1384 022 2,212 670 988508 512,221 43,295 406,399 1,190 11,994 6,080 ,2,765 33,885 70,626 14,873 20,158 88,368 $5,863,055 5,807,054 J* 23.60 37.73 16.85 8.73 73 6.93 02 20 .10 .21 .57 1.20 25 34 1.50 0.95

,884 $ a5-065-800

1885 $ J5>716'428

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 95

Table 58

El Salvador: Imports by Country of Origin, 1846-1885

United England Germany France Spain Italy Central Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Costa Colombia Ecuador South Peru other Total Calculated Error Slates America Rica America Imports Imports

1846 $ $ $ 902,000

1847 $ $ $ 931,000

1852 $ S $ 445,221

1853 $ $ . $ 481.342

1854 $ $ $1,015,926

1855 $ $ $ 698,219

1856 $ 50,625 $ 996,095 $1,046,720 1,046,720 H 4.83 % 9516 H 0.00

1857 $ 28,885 $ 831,219 $ 860,104 860,104 H 335 % 96.64 H 0.00

1858 $ $ $1,085,421

1859 $ . $ $1,306,378

1860 $ $ $1,246,720

1861 $ $ $1,130,558

1862 $ $ $1,304,440

1863 $ $ $1,300,000

1864 $ $ $1,233,711

1865 $ 9,231 $ 1,679,412 $1,688,643 1,688,643 H 0.54 % 99-45 H 0.00

1866 $ 85,555 $ 1,588,789 $1,644,345 1,674,344 H 5.20 % 96.62 H 1.79

1867 $ $ $1,876,444

1868 $ 144,380 $ 1,804.207 $1,948,587 1,948,587 H 7.40 H 92.59 H 0.00

1869 $ $ $3,728,995

1870 $ $ $4,199,186

1871 $ $ $2,579,675

1872 $ $ $2,951,010

1873 $ $ $2,103,218

1874 $ $ $2,835,076

1875 $ 236,486 124,861 $ 34,043 $2,689,967 2,689,967 % 8.79 4.64 H 1.26 % 0.00

1876 $ 258,406 884,876 66,894 725,674 10,175 2,338 5.039 35.582 46,247 9.924 $ 84.986 39.249 $2,101,611 2,178,094 % 12.29 42.10 318 34.52 0.48 0.11 0.23 1.69 2.20 0.47 H 44.04 1.86 * 3.51

,877 $ '

1878 $ 409082 1.088.388 74306 365,059 325 162 9,946 31,154 8,632 $ 173.032 43,610 5O.3O0 122,362 $2,500,613 2376,358 % 16.35 43.52 2.97 14.59 0.01 0.39 1.24 0.34 H 6.91 1.74 2.01 4.89 * 4.96

1879 $ 343,568 1,114.263 172,050 4,8,842 5.009 47.845 17.464 35.517 34.661 $199,249 81.996 29.605 34,919 $2,549,160 2,534,988 H 13.47 43.71 6.74 16.43 0.19 1 87 0.68 1.39 1 35 H 7.81 3.21 1.16 1.36 * 0.55

18B0 , $ $2,294,543

1881 $ 631,123 885,162 308,832 630.331 44.120 3,185 2,316 75.870 7,935 $ 10,243 20,720 25573 $2,705,410 2,705,410 H 23.32 32.71 11.41 23.29 1.63 0.11 0.08 2.80 0.29 H 0.37 0.76 316 H 0.00

1882 $ 728.032 J.243.872 214,191 596.136 14.416 58,074 $ 16.912 35,908 249828 55507 $3,160,056 3,160,056 H 23.03 39.36 6.77 18.86 0.45 1.83 * 0.70 1.49 7.90 1.75 H 0.00

1883 $ 829,916 842,490 72,285 463,461 3,268 12,877 5.333 5,823 13,803 4.942 $ 94.444 $2,401,463 2,401.462 % 3455 35X? 301 1929 6.13 0.53 0.22 0.24 0.57 0.20 H 393 H 0.00

1884 $ * $2'646-629

1885 $ $ $2'134-095

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Table 59

El Salvador, Exports and Imports by Port: 1850-1885

La Uni6n Acajutla La Libertad Total Total Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports

1850 316,378 316,378

1851 174,762

1852 577,620 445,221 577,620 445,221

1853 530,828 129,444 530,828 481,342

1854 483,166 168,659 211,402 786,711 1,015,926.

1855 323,760 185,552 50,141 765,324 698,219

1856 384,483 338,514 87,073 1,285,485 1,046,720

1857 685,882 401,346 300,726 68,487 1,304,102 860,104

1858 833,643 547,815 996,662 1,085,421

1859 695,166 240,193 372,858 280,990 233,990 1,761,162 1,306,378

1860 282,598 299,132 1,390,767 1,246,720

1861 966,395 686,078 439,641 400,122 2,290,507 1,130,558

1862 1,081,551 619,358 655,228 517,199 2,686,380 1,304,440

1866 869,302 737,411 2,434,802 1,644,345

1867 1,010,470 657,217 499,240 245,402 1,157,535 953,770 2,895,606 1,876,444

1869 723,566 338,019 3,768,357 3,728,995 1870 847,332 421,912 3,893,558 4,199.186

1871 1,470,272 729,125 915,025 462,804 1,425,620 1,359,611 3,810,917 2,579,675

1873 1,210,143 480,306 3,476,715 2,103,218

1874 1,070,469 674,553 1,346,013 747,363 1,424,774 3,841,257 2,835,076

1875 1,078,651 775,089 3,179,513 2,689,967 1876 1,279,896 3,605,023 2,101,611

1877 1,001,463 565,787 3,960,932 2,586,431

1878 1,089,931 3,625,791 2,500,613 1880 660,900 4,273,088 2,294,543

1881 881,928 680,758 723,583 1,418,243 4,902,436 2,705,410

1882 1,367,475 679,074 2,274,798 743,619 1,584,767 1,747,363 5,230,702 3,160,056

1883 2,114,601 642,146 1,737,010 5,863,055 2,401,463 1884 1,269,705 6,065,800 2,646,629

1885 1,096,708 5,716,428 2,134,095

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 97

if 1 ?11111355 3 | II I 1 1 1 1 1 I i I 1 g g I S

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Page 22: STATISTICS FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF FOREIGN INTRUSIONS … · te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos

Tabic 61


0 Salvador shipping. La Unidn, number and tonnage 1853-1884 00

United Ecuador Colombia Peru Chile Others Total Tool Calculated Tonnage Error Error

Sutes England Germany France Spain Italy Denmark El Salvador Casta Jtica Ships Tonnage Total Calculated Ships Tonnage No. Tons. No. Tom. No. Tons. No. Tons. No.Tons. No. Tons No. Tons No. Tom. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. ions. No. Tons No. Tons Ships

1853 55

1856 7 2,091 8 1,569 4 906 3 1.110 2 591 14 1,644 1 200 3 190 3 72 3 198 12 1,770 3 513 63 10,854 63 10,854

h 11.10 19.26 12.69 14.45 6.34 8 34 4.76 10.22 317 5.4422.21 15.14 1.58 1.84 4.76 1.75 4.76 0.66 4.76 1.82 19.04 16.30 4.76 472 0.00 0.00

1857 12 1,576 12 1,576

1858 26 14,729 12 3.467 2 573 1 275 3 706 4 989 1 160 1 18 2 206 6 157 3 575 6 1,085 67 23.020 67 22,940

M 38.79 6397 17 90 1505 2.98 2.48 1.49 1 19 4.47 3.06 5.96 4.29 1.49 0.69 1.49 0.07 2.98 0.89 8 95 0.68 4.47 2.49 8 95 4.71 0.00 0 34

1859 9 2,582 9 2,582

_ 49 28,800 1

1868 1

* 2<* 50 33.598 50 33.598

_ . 0.00 0.00

1869 27 27.253 9 3.168 7 1,318 3 1.037 2 425

h 5399 81.10 17.99 9.42 13-99 3 92 5 99 3.08 3 99 1 26 2 397 42 42 ^

^ 399 1.18 0.00 ?

1870 9 19 9 4 1 5

h 21.42 45.23 21.42 9.52 2.38 70 91,496 C

1878 7 82 90,549 82 ?

8.53 0.00

1881 60 2 7 4 1 O

h 73.15 2.43 8.53 4.87 1.21 84 23,635 ^

1882 1 65 W

h 1.21 m

.883 93 ? 1884 ?

I i

UUnion, El Salvador: shipping ^

exp. imp. exp. k>US imp from US tt

1851J 174,761* 22

1852 $ 577.620 445.8201 ?

1855$ 323.760b Q 1856$ 384.483b ^

1857 $ 685,882c 401,343* 1858$ 833,643c 547,815b

1859$ 695,l66b

1869$ 142,355d

1870$ 249,668 50.964d 1872$ 194,162 80,000d

1874$ 1.070,469 674,553 179.902 10,103d

"2.4.1, Abt. fl, Nr. 5197 CM. II Rep. 6, Nr. 1589). Deutsches Zenwfarchrv, Moscow* German Democratic Republic, hereafter, DZM.

b Rene Louis Marie Adosfe de Botmilian 10 MAE, 24 May 1860, Correspondence Consulatr et Gcmmerial, Guatemala, volume 6, p.43, Archive

du ministere des a/Tain etrangeres, Paris, hereafter CCC, Guat., v. 6. p.43, AMAE, value in pesot-doibrs.


djolnT.PlMiDStcS^SM 1869,6jaal871,131^ Ntfcml ArhJves, mshngion, DC^Iwsfct.CD,UUi*nltt39yM).

cAduamde U Unite, Boa* Q6cU Salvador), 13 Nov. 1874, WfO.

Page 23: STATISTICS FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF FOREIGN INTRUSIONS … · te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos

Tabic 62 El Salvador shipping, Acajuda, number and tonnage, 1850-1885 United England France Germany Spain Italy Hottand Denmark Norway Mexico Colombia Ecuador Peru Chile Costa El Other Total Value VWue

States Rica Salvador of of

No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. Imports $ Exports $

1850 3 2 1 2 1 3 1 13

MM 2 5 1 1 , 1 4 15 ^

1853 129,444 p. 18* 168,659 | 1855 185,552

1856 7 1756 14 2853 4 716 4 1051 3 556 1 200 j 14g , 6 A% 4l im jj

1857 8 1689 ^

1858 26 14798 14 3958 5 1741 1 125 4 1258 1 160 1 159 1 38 1 15 3 257 4 868 7 1219 5 90 73 24686 B.

1859 11 3563 372,358 240,193 |

1860 43 10 1 2 5 1 1 1 4 5 73 I

1867 245,402 499,240 W

1870 24 2895 7 2960 2 843 2 485 4 mo 39 33693 o

1871 ?W 915'025 &

1874 55 54440 3 1201 6 2588 8 2515 1 200 2 230 2 486 2 731 79 62391 J

1875 68 88675 5 5208 4 1951 4 1626 l m 5 1271 ! jqq gg ^46 875039 i>078t651 ^.

1876 59 71640 4 1526 4 1599 2 744 1 415 1 92 2 230 3 785 76 77031 H

1877 57 81128 1 329 3 1557 6 1850 2 365 2 m j 132 72 g^ ?2.

1879 71 94734 8 3743 5 1724 2 469 1 225 87 100895 c!

1880 660,900 B


1881 723,583 Q 1882 743,6192,274,798 S

1885 89 124035 6 4567 24 16686 1 382 2 515 2 720 m l46905


Acajuua, El Salvador: shipping

exp. imp. : 1855 $ 185,552* 1856 $ 338,5l4a 1857 $ 300,726*

1858 $ 330,147* 1859 $ 372,858"

ade Botmilian to MAE, 24 May I860, CCC Goat., v. 6, p. 43, AMAE, value in pesos-dollars.


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Table 63 X


El Salvador shipping. La libenad, number and tonnage 1856-1884

United England Germany France Spain Italy Denmark Nicaragua Costa

St2*** Rica Honduras Colombia Ecuador Others Total Total Calculated Tonnage Error Error

Ships Tonnage Total Calculated Ships Tonnage

No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons No Tons. No. Tons. No Tons. Ships

1856$ 3 981 2 762 2 681 1 120 8 2 544 8 2 544 % 37.49 38.55 24.99 29 99 29 94 24.99 26.76 12.46 4.71 ' ' 0 00 0 00

1857 $ 2 48 2 48

H 2 330 22 7 565 22 7 565

1858 $ 6 3,600 5 1,307 2 390 2 704 3 914 1 160 1 160 9 08 4 36 ' 0 00 0 00

% 27.26 47.58 22.72 17.27 9.08 5.15 9 0 8 9 30 13.63 12.08 4 54 2.11 4 54 2.11

1859 $ 5 1,568 5 li568

% 163 232

1878* 2 269 3 670 2 515 140 165,473 140 165,473

, *> 1.42 0.16 214 0.40 1.42 0.31 0.00 000

1879$ 110153,359 2 1,820 8 3,980 10 4,390 1 290 1 180 1 8 137 217 756 137 % 78.55 92.66 1.42 1.09 5 71 2.40 7.14 2.65 0 71 0 17 0.71 0 71 5 83 ' 0 00 1881$ 110 1 13 3 1 1 129 223 899

H 80.27 0.72 9 48 2.18 0 72 0.72

1882$ m 1883$ 153 |

1884$ C % >

La Libertad, El Salvador: shipping g3

Br. CA Fr. USA Germany O

* r* # t # t # t * t O


1875 8 3,500 10 4,500 5 2,000 6 2,700 g

1882 8C H

1884 3 4 18 Q


Denm. Norway Hawaii other total f # t # t * t * t * i Ci

1875 3 1,200 32 13,900^ 2

1882 5

1884 1 3 1 30c 9 a# -number of vessels; t or tons - tonnage of vessels

buu*1075, Archive de I'armee de b mer, Paris, hereafter Adam. Q

cBB4l596,Adam. g

Germany ships at La Libertad

* tonnage

1873 7 1178*

'14.01-Nr 865- Deutsches Zentrahrchiv, Potsdam, German Democratic Republic, hereafter DZP.

La Libertad, El Salvador: shipping exp. imp.

1855$ 50,141* 1856 $ 87,073* 1857 $ 68,487a 1858$ 136,043* 1859$ 233,989*

* de Botmilian to MAE, 24 May I860, CCC, Guat., v. 6, p. 43. AMAE, value in pesos- dollars.

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 101

Table 64

Honduras: Total Imports and Exports 1845-1886

Estimated Estimated

Year Exports $ Exports $ Imports $ Imports $

1845 426,000

1846 461,813 575,000 697,000

1851 1,125,000

1854 815,000 635,590 865,000

1855 333,600 535,000 474,536 675,000

1856 700,000 750,000

1857 650,000 419,139 695,000

1858 382,777 700,000

1859 453,218 900,000

1860 745,901 937,289

1861 295,045 800,000

1867 825,000 750,000

1870 1,311,700 1,141,700

1873 1,140,000 1,000,000

1874 1,000,000 1,000,000

1876 1,234,983

1877 595,000 640,000

1880 658,000 750,000

1882 1,000,000 700,000

1883 3,415,000 2,885,000

1886 2.250,000 2,250,000

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? ro

Table 65 Honduras exports by Products, 1845-1883 Sarsa Food Brazil- Bullion Cheese Manu- Tobacco Mis- Coffee Indigo Fustic Cattle Other Hides Deer- Rubber Total Calculated Error Total Estimated Estimated

pariUa stuff wood factures unmanu- cella- animals skins Exports Exports Imports Imports Exports

factured neous

1845 $ 28,000 50,000 280,000 1,000 10,000 57,000 426,000 426,000 426,000

H 6.57 11.73 65.72 .23 2.34 1338 0.00

1846$ 47,813 10,000 277,000 55,000 72,000 461,813 461,813 697,000 575,000

H 10.35 2.16 59.98 11.90 15.59 0.00

1851$ 200,000 400,000 400,000 125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000 1,125,000

H 17.77 35.55 35.55 11.11 0.00

1854$ 635,590 865,000 815,000


1855$ 120,000 250,000 35,000 55,000 45,000 30,000 333,600 535,000 474,536 675,000 535,000 Z

H 35,97 74.94 10.49 16.48 13.48 8.99 37.64

1856$ 750,000 700,000 2

* O

1857$ 419,139 695,000 650,000 O

% W

1858$ 382,777 700,000 ~j

* q

1859$ 453,218 900,000 2

* O


1860$ 745,901 937,289 O


1861$ 295,045 800,000

1867 $ 750,000 825,000 g


1870$ 50,000 10,500 20,000 350,000 20,000 10,000 46,000 10,000 5,000 295,000 38,000 200,000 15,000 46,000 25,000 1,200 1,311,700 1,141,700 1,141,700 2 % 381 .80 1.52 26.68 1.52 .76 350 .76 .38 22.48 2.89 15.24 1 14 350 1.90 .09 12.96 Q

1873$ 75,000 600,000 200,000 80,000 150,000 35,000 2,370,000 1,140,000 1,000,000 1,140,000 %

% 316 25.31 8.43 3 37 6.32 1.47 O

1874$ 35,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

H 147

1876$ 1.234,983


1877 $ 640,000 595,000


1880$ 750,000 658,000


1882$ 700,000 1,000,000


3.415,000 2*85,000


1896$ 2,250,000 2,250.000


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Table 66 Honduras, Omoa, exports by products, 1853-1876

Cade Calk Dee* Rubber Tobacco Toifce Indigo Fustic Mahog- Coins Button Susa- Ones Total Calculated Enor Total

**** **** she! ony padb Exports Exports Imports ^

1853 56350 121,120 g. 1854 $ 357,225 331,960 jl 1855 $ 181,040 281,410 g


1856 $ 191,285 ? 1857 $ 216,470- I. 1858 $ 152,086


,8594 14S US IS o3!? ? o3!! ? ? "S % ? 3 w 17i9* 0?> mm I

1860 $ 27,120 60267 <214 2,752 1,080 25,000 662Q3 20352 4300 211,288 211,288 14250 1 h Vm 28.52 1.99 130 0.51 11*3 3133 9.63 2.03 0.00 ?

1861$ 2*956 64,200 3$0 3^90 1,592 4*572 15310 15,800 182,021 182,020 136,845 ?

h 15.90 3527 \97 119 0.87 26j68 841 868 0.00 g

1862$ 11,760 35,537 7700 $6 5JS26 273 375 3,540 3,700 15,440 24,594 1,549 114,565 115,565 o

h 1026 31.01 6.72 0.78 5.09 023 327 3.08 322 13.47 21.46 135 0.00 ff

186^$ 26,517 5,012 g 18761 40,525 64300 ^

Honduo^On^expombypKxjkic^ P exp. imp.

1883 140^000 100,000a

aF127055, folder ttx^Aritemc^P&huateAN.


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Table 67 u


Honduras, Truxillo and minor ports exports by products, 1854-1883

r/ .- n

Cattle Cattle Deer Other Rubber Tobacco Tortoise Fustic Brazil Mahogony Other Coins Bullion ' Sarsa- Food Others Total Calculated Error Total

hides skins hides Shell wood voods ' parrilla stuffs Exports Exports Imports

1854 300,525 303,620


1855 152,555 193,125


1856 102,965


1857 200 63,231 23,830 378 1,700 7,475 350 8,094 35,442 141 140,842 140,841 157,669

H 0.14 44.89 16.91 0.26 1.20 5.30 0.24 5.74 25.16 0.10 0.00

1858 162,232


1859 27,470 58,100 7,889 210 2,002 5,220 9,960 39,016 162 5,331 155,360 186,740 > % 17.68 37.39 5.07 0.13 1.28 3 35 6.41 25.11 0.10 3.43 0.00 ?

1860 67,200 65,900 8,560 3,270 2,040 18,000 13,941 38,848 5,000 222,759 160,389 >

% 30.16 29 58 3.84 1.46 0.91 8.08 6.25 17.43 2.24 0.00 g

1861 46,680 54,175 6,525 7,005 1,625 24,890 18,120 12,560 171,580 171,580 86,815 O

% 27.20 31.57 3.80 4.08 0.94 14.50 1056 7.32 0.00 D


1876 24,600 69,000 38,000 131,600 131,600 m

% 18.77 52.67 29,00 0.00 J2

1877 331,600 97,600 S

% 2


1881 643,870 CO

* n

1882 500,000 24,000 15,800 14,200 80,000 10,050 644,050 644,050 W % 77.51 3.72 2.44 2.20 12.40 1.55 0.00 g 1883 650,000 30,294 16,398 279 19,077 88,000 9,502 804,550 804,550 S

% 80.79 3.76 2.03 0.03 1 27 10.93 1.18 0.00 ?

67: Honduras, Truxillo, exports by products S


Exp. Imp. 2

1856 102,968*

^ 1883 400,000 300,000b O


a Edward Hall to George Frederick ViUiers, Earl of Clarendon, 20 March 1857, Public Record Office, Foreign Office series 39, vol.1, London,

hereafter, PRO, FO 39/1. bF127055,fokfcrHond.,AN.

67a: Honduras, various ports, exports by product

Roatan Puerto Cortes Triona Amapala

exp. imp. exp. imp exp. imp. exp. imp.

1883 100,000 140,000 400,000 375,000 100,000 125,000 400,000 475,000a

1886 543,109b

1889 1,739,784 l,096,026c

V2 7055, folder Hond., AN. ^09.01. Nr. 52603, DZP.

CBB41255 and 1596, Adam.

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68 Honduras shipping,

Omoa, number and tonnage, 1855-1876

United States England Holland Spain


Total Total Calculated Tonnage Error Error

Ships Tonnage Total Calculated Ships Tonnage

No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. Ships.

1853 5 770 57 5,193 5 770

% 7.77 14.82 ^

1854 6 937 52 2,744 8 774 54 3,471 120 7,926 120 7,926 &

% 4.99 11.82 43.32 34.61



76 44.99 43.78 0.00 0.00 g

1855 6 979 53 1,421 14 1,376 41 2,342 114 6,118 114 6,118 ?f

% 5.26 15.99 46.48 23.22 12.27 22.48 35.95 38.27 0.00 0.00 g

1856 3 558 29 290 6 260 7 666 43 2,241 88 4,015 88 4,015 ?

% 3.40 13.89 32.94 7.22 6.81 6.47 7.95 16.58 48.85 55.80 0.00 0.00 g*

1857 8 1266 22 281 3 216 4 437 57 2,358 94 4,558 94 4,558 5

% 8.50 27.77 23.40 6.16 3.19 4.73 4.25 9.58 60.62 51.72 0.00 0.00 g:


1858 6 967 27 489 3 228 4 530 65 2,328 105 4,542 105 4,542 O

% 5.71 21.28 25.71 10.76 2.85

5 01 3-80 11.66 61.89 51.24 0.00 0.00 ^

1859 4 796 47 1,500 9 570 5 606 22 638 87 4,110 87 4,110 &

% 4.59 19.36 54.01 36.49 10.34 13.86 5.74 14.74 25.28 15.52 0.00 0.00 |.

1860 7 614 27 675 3 257 10 812 28 740 75 3,098 75 3,098 2

% 9.33 19.81 35.99 21.78 3.99


26.20 37.32 23.89 0.00 0.00 |

1861 6 854 31 1,003 3 360 1 89 61 1,577 102 3,883 102 3,883 e

% 5.88 21.98 30.38 25.82 2.94


0.98 2.29 59.79 40.60 0.00 0.00 g

1866 3 377 3 377 3

% 3

1876 16 1,952 16 1,952 16 1,952 &



0.00 ?


68: Omoa, Honduras: shipping



imports # tons to US from US

1844 10 1,284 23,802 22,000* aA. Follin to Sec. St., 7 Jan. 1845, CD, Omoa, Truxillo, and Ruatan: 1 (T 477/rl). -


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Table 69 Honduras shipping/Truxillo, number and tonnage 1854-1883

United Stales England Germany France Spain Norway Holland Guatemala Honduras Others Calculated

vI v, ? Total Total Total Tonnage Error Error >

No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. Ships Tonnage Ships Calculated Ships Tonnage g

1854 7 1,231 33 3327 1 297 1 124 12 1,146 28 1,902 82 7 927 82 7 927 O

H 8.53 15.52 40.23 41.96 1.21 3.74 1.21 1.56 14.63 14.45 34.14 22.72 ' O.rjO 0.00 O

1855 9 1,436 21 1,374 13 1,254 16 768 59 4,832 59 4.832 S

H 15.25 29.71 35.58 28,43 22.03 25.94 27.11 15.89 0.00 0.00 R

1856 6 1,116 19 1,814 9 858 2 144 18 379 54 4,311 54 4 311 rj

H 11.10 25.88 35.17 42.07 16.66 19.89 3 70 3 33 33.32 8.79 0.00 0.00 Q 1857 13 2,020 20 1,644 6 617 1 72 17 594 57 4,957 57 4 947 5 % 22.80 40.74 35.08 33 16 10.52 12.44 1.75 1.45 29 81 11.98 0.00 0.20

1858 8 1,404 19 415 8 1.123 2 124 16 778 53 3,844 53 3 844 8

% 15.09 36.51 35.84 10.79 15 09 29.20 3 77 3 22 30.18 20.23 ' 0.00 0.00 Z 1859 9 1,691 35 2,857 18 1.990 5 535 67 7,073 67 7 073 3

H 13.43 23 90 52.23 40 38 26.86 28.13 7.46 7.56 ' O.OO 000 6

1860 12 1.813 17 845 14 1.240 6 535 20 994 69 5.427 69 5 427 >

H 17.38 33.40 24.63 15.56 22.84 8.69 9.85 28.98 18.32 O.OO 0.00 M

1861 6 1,060 38 2,024 1 130 1 200 19 1,805 1 495 66 5,715 66 5 714 2

H 9.08 18.54 57.56 35.41 1.51 2.27 1,51 3 49 28.78 31.57 1.51 8.66 ' 0.00 0.01 Q

1876 6 762 17 1,613 1 1,134 2 260 2 998 1 528 29 5 295 29 5 295 Z

H 20.68 14.38 58.61 30.45 3 44 21.4! 6.89 4.90 6.89 18.84 3.44 997 ' 0 00 0 00 O


1877 21 1,150 55 5.250 5 2,560 81 8,900 81 8,960 000 066

H 25.92 12.91 67.89 58.97 6.17 28.75

1? 46 7,632 46 7632

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 107

Tabic 70

Nicaragua: Exports by Country of destination, 1841-1886

United England Germany France Spain Italy Central Colombia Chile Peru Other Total Calculated Error States Ameria Exports Exports

1841 $ $ 167,395

1844 $ $ 200,000

1845 $ $ 223,009

1846 $ $ 278,260

1853 $ $1,008,929

1855 $ $ 958,000

1856 $ $ 250,000

1858 $ $ 276,601

1860 $ $ 928,572

1861 $ $ 310,307

1864 $ $ 474,971

1865 $ $1,154,889

1866 $ $ 771,966

1867 $ $ 894,020

1868 $ $ 947,056

1869 $ $1,003,405

1870 $ $1,024,030

1871 $ $1,427,786

1872 $ $1,585,710

1873 $ $1,441,506

1874 $ $1,457,888

1875 $ $1,828,417

1876 $ $1,460,596

1877 $420,401 517,927 79,759 126,153 25,372 56,434 17,955 18,266 10,500 3,304 $1,276,069 1,276,071 H 32.94 40.58 6,25 9.88 1 98 4,42 1.40 1.43 0.82 0.26 % 0.00

1878 $396,234 498,534 77,998 123,104 2,500 191,147 16,636 11,045 1.990 $1,319,188 1,319,188 H 30.03 37.79 5.91 9.33 0.18 14.48 1.26 0.83 0.14 % 0.00

1879 $503,154 428,667 155312 139,932 $1,554,593 1,227,065 H 32.36 27.57 9.99 9.00 21.06

1880 $905,695 605,138 103,717 84,157 $2,057,623 1,698,707 H 44,01 29.40 5.04 4.09 17,44

1881 $761,536 639,285 56,897 197,807 34,718 130,354 7,838 125,749 $1,954,211 1,954,211 % 38.97 32.71 2.91 10.12 1.77 6.67 0.40 6.43 % 0.00

1882 $894,398 624,154 107,718 168,568 130 18,339 128,175 18,667 10,983 96,974 $2,068,106 2,068,106 H 43.24 30.17 5.20 8.15 0.01 0.88 6.19 0.90 0.53 4.68 0.00

1883 $973,487 718,157 133,656 281,503 7,350 22,608 128,558 16,089 180,572 $2,461,971 2,461,980 % 39.54 29.17 5.42 11.43 0.29 0.91 5!22 0.65 733 H 0.00

1884 $815,475 775,923 228,617 234,351 5,860 98,381 8,672 1,950 273,449 $2,442,678 2,442,678 H 33.38 31.76 9.35 9.59 0.23 4.02 0.35 0.08 11.20 % 0.00

1885 $826,828 604,678 244,052 300,005 5,248 18,456 25,585 3,750 3,778 136,043 $2,168,426 2,168,423 % 38.13 27.88 11.25 13.83 0.24 0.85 1.17 0.17 0.17 6.27 % 0.00

1886 $962,546 665,710 233,067 281,230 741 4,537 34,297 29,775 22,155 322,994 $2,557,590 2,557,052 % 37.63 26.02 9.11 10.99 0.03 0.17 1.34 1.16 0.86 12.63 % 0.02

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I?? 8

Tabte71 , (1 ???. Nicaragua: Export* by Product. 1841-1886

Coffee Indigo Tortoise Pumc Colon CanJe Other Hides Deer- Rubber Wxxfc Boa) Cedar Bui- Ores Com Sutar Cacao Sua Food- Stuck lice Fruit Cheese Manu- Tabacco Textiles Spirts Mis- Total Calculated Error

Sad aninaJi Skuas wood Ron parifti Stuff be- unmanu- cda- Exports Exports

tmcs raduied neous

1841 $ 568 139461 366 2)496 1240 2618 36

H .33 83.31 21 14.03 .74 1.56 02 9 167393 167794

00 0.23

1844 t 78000 5000 21000 75000 5000 12000

% 38.99 2.49 1150 37.50 2.49 5.99 200000 200000


1845 f

* 223009 1846 278260 1853 S 1008929 1855 J 958000 1856 i 250000

1858 $ 288 146000 100000 21000 1500 850 376 400 5577 276601 275991

H .10 5178 36.15 7.59 54 30 13 14 201 022 ?>.

1860 $ 928572 1861 S 310307 J^, 1864 $ 474971 g

1865 $ 29700 194585 10423 544368 86737 16809 60508 1336 ' 15656 95)8 141049 44208 6431 10 2464 1283 1154889 1165085 O

H 257 16.84 .90 47.13 7.51 1.45 5.23 11 1.35 .82 12.21 382 .55 .00 21 11 087 ^

1866 $ 771966 n

1867 $ 43500 400803 2307 800 83668 42556 42439 112500 44 11809 11065 101830 1224 15409 20418 330 961 365 180 456 1297 894020 893961 % 4.86 4483 25 08 935 4.76 474 1258 00 1 32 1.23 11.37 13 172 2.28 03 .10 .04 02 05 14 000 ?3

1868 $ 947056 H 1869 $ 1003405 2 1870 J 1024030 O


1871 $ 123441 378929 9591 71218 51864 48092 260194 35 35670 80627 152157 6775 38921 41446 20144 2658 13913 1380 206 2373 22825 171 17500 1448 5400 3774 1427786 1390752 ^

H 8.64 26.53 67 498 3.63 336 18.22 .00 249 5.64 10.65 .47 272 2.00 1.41 .18 97 09 01 16 1.59 .01 1 22 10 37 26 259 ?J

1872 % i 1585710 Z

1873 S 211310 182011 18710 114240 87817 520996 16438 51736 1627 158442 28526 5275 14142 2746 324 2135 9710 520 2800 1500 10375 1441506 1441380 ?3

H 14.65 12.62 1.29 7.92 6.09 36.14 1 14 358 .11 10.99 197 36 .98 .19 .02 14 .67 .03 19 10 71 000 g

1874 J 251059 27822 23381 11754 155655 95845 538426 1428 5024 99117 ' 207648 27740 41603 2016 30 2569 2320 501 1428 8789 729 3480 2188 7340 1457888 1517892 >.

S 1722 1.90 160 .80 10.67 6.57 3693 09 34 6.69 14.24 190 2.85 13 .00 .17 .15 .03 09 .60 05 .23 15 50 -395 ^ 1875 $ 250744 114059 6006 50426 10879 67110 150 134490 75990 462519 480 12419 167044 166762 16 175699 30494 29158 26022 2441 439 3371 23888 640 5988 6463 2645 1828419 1826342 ptj

H 1371 6.23 32 2.75 .59 3.67 .00 7.35 4.15 25.29 02 .67 9.13 9.12 00 9.60 166 1.59 1 42 .13 02 .18 130 03 32 35 14 011

1876 $ 280623 86276 4665 100866 3896 25785 2390 76462 41986 577586 21 2639 52748 225745 61082 38113 35338 23 4470 3325 3578 14065 443 5652 10547 2244 1460596 1460568 O

H 1921 590 31 6.90 .26 1 76 .16 5.23 187 25.85 00 .18 3.61 15.45 4.18 2.60 2.41 .00 30 .22 24 96 .03 38 72 15 000

1877 $ 293178 6232 5397 62608 1270 118714 27466 348732 375 7732 94248 164863 1429 80349 25070 1513 5228 848 2529 17247 10884 1276069 1275912 Z

H 22.97 48 42 490 09 930 2.15 27.32 .02 .60 7.38 12.91 .11 6.29 196 .11 40 06 19 1 35 85 001 Q

1878 $ 253220 11498 4979 66328 62470 19950 107652 16488 210080 567 1815 86452 209426 200 169782 26057 4887 21983 3471 2954 20521 8287 10045 1319188 1319132 ^

H 19.19 .87 .37 5.02 4.73 1.51 8.16 1.24 15.92 .04 .13 6.55 15.87 .01 1257 1.97 37 165 26 .22 1.55 62 76 0.00

1879 S 390395 11532 127736 75622 11092 365626 78304 96116 1554993 1156423 H 25.11 74 8.21 4.86 .71 2351 5.03 6.18 2561

1880 $ 465225 80641 114460 105986 61079 730346 290 39632 120071 2057623 1717730

H 22.60 3.91 5.56 5.15 196 35.49 .01 1.92 5.83 16.51

1881 $ 422846 81379 5262 93568 73136 4360 107300 35044 681089 2581 16093 227620 110 125749 31741 10418 9 423 450 19559 2930 7197 5350 1954211 1954214 H 21.63 4.16 .26 4.78 3.74 22 5.49 1.79 34.85 13 82 11.64 .00 643 1.62 .53 .00 02 .02 1.00 .14 36 27 0.00

1882 $ 659554 45259 14325 121972 410 85056 56100 73783 638110 3012 2360 20745 151619 96974 65421 514 490 5549 15579 2852 2310 5855 2068106 2067849

H 31.89 118 69 5.89 .01 4.11 171 356 30.85 .14 .11 1.00 7.33 4.68 316 02 .02 .26 75 .13 11 28 001

1883 i 516847 106107 12510 340340 91726 800 109232 51159 826386 930 9744 23418 136611 180542 13077 4819 1637 720 1458 21929 4830 3395 3725 2461971 2461972

H 20.99 4.30 50 13 82 3 72 .03 4.43 2.07 33 56 .03 39 95 5 54 7.33 53 19 06 02 05 .89 19 13 15 0 00

1884 $ 692649 83429 3218 305564 51510 100 129601 52730 491778 3554 4304 97542 197700 273416 15054 9365 2836 352 2 20498 240 9236 2442678 2442678

H 28.35 3.41 .13 12.50 2.10 .00 530 115 20.13 .14 .17 399 8.09 11.19 53 38 11 .01 00 .83 00 37 000

1885 J 701210 67606 11308 332845 783 6440 16)909 53399 514264 1663 504 66664 66479 136043 18662 5017 154 125 5966 7934 50 7402 2168426 2268427

H 32.34 3.11 .52 15.34 03 29 7.55 146 2371 .07 .02 307 627 .86 23 .00 00 .27 36 00 34 000

1886 S 723519 25527 3028 415444 1412 6678 176370 46994 583162 140 19900 173737 675 321146 7493 5583 29098 11961 5723 2557590 2557590

H 28.28 99 11 16 24 .05 26 6.89 183 22.80 .00 77 6.79 .02 12.55 29 21 1.13 46 22 000

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 109

Tabic 72

Nicaragua: Imports by Country of Origin, 1841-1886

United England Germany France Spain Italy Central Guatemala Honduras Costa Ro Colombo Ecuador Chile Peru other Total Calculated Error Sutes America sports Imports

1841 $ $ 1845 $

1846 $ $*7'550

1855 $ $1'000-000

1856 $ **W0O

1858 $ $ W202

1860 $ $ 972"851

1861 $ $2*635

1864 $ $?*433

1865 $ $721'579

1866 $ . $ " 1867 $ $771'576

1868 S $8*241

1869 $ $ 726'113

1870 $

1871 $

1872 $ $1'153^7

1873 $233049 956006 52 372 146982 647 2,745 12,396 975 607 4,698 440 4,631 3.980 $1,536,081 1,435.981 % 1117 62 340 9* 0O4 0.17 0.80 0.06 0.04 0.30 0.03 0.30 0.25 H 6.51

1874 $ *****

1875 $117 231 418195 41037 157 616 1,697 9,043 1,844 1.352 870 150 882 189,285 $ 951,141 951,144 H 1132 43.96 4 31 1657 017 0.95 0.19 0.14 0.09 0.01 0.09 19.90 % 0.00

1876 $ 73 336 435420 31979 170768 1,665 5,759 209 353 656 892 294,622 $1,031,098 1,031,098 %n\ 42 22 310 16.56 0.16 0.55 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.09 28.58 H 0.00

1877 $202,622 789,870 16,697 131.732 475 4,757 38.236 4 477 420 78 432 $1,267,716 1,267,718 H 15.98 62.30 1.31 10.39 0.04 0.37 3 01 0.35 0.03 6.18 H 0.00

1878 $196,258 450,712 22,471 149,983 979 6.434 29,835 1,803 5 715 49.271 $ 913.461 913,461 % 21.48 49.34 2.45 16.41 0.10 0.70 3 26 0.20 0.62 5.39 * 0.00

1879 $263,394 540,780 45,018 148.405 S^6V 997 597

% 21.33 43.80 3 64 12.02

1880 $395,892 651,682 25.762 160.212 $1372,271 1,233,548 H 28.84 47.48 1.87 11.67 w w

1881 $388,637 765.413 53,046 345,706 843 21,983 29.720 1.937 1 593 142,021 $1^750,898

1,750,899 % 22.19 43.71 3.02 19-74 0.05 1.25 1-69 0.11 0.09 8.12 * 0.00

1882 $424,269 613,262 78,361 295,601 248 6.839 48,583 <? J49

139147 $1,611,647 1,611,647 H 26.32 38.05 4.86 1834 0.01 0.42 3-01 ? ? 005 864 * 0 00

1883 $452,649 679.005 122,109 264,664 2,789 2,388 71,698 W 450 33J5

251 225 $1,855,058 1.855.059 % 24.40 36.60 6.58 14.26 0.15 0.12 3-86 0.25 0.02 0.18 13.60 % 0.00

1884 $478,354 731.374 188.871 297.439 745 3.648 47.060 1.374 1 368 18*693 $?939,923

1.939.926 * 24.65 37.70 9.74 1533 0.04 0.18 2.42 0.07 0 07 9.78 H 0.00

1885 $343,978 411.401 143,907 222.483 993 2.568 41,225 W 2 055 158 556 $1,816,223 1.333,610 % 18.93 22.65 7.92 12.24 0.05 0.14 2.26 0.25 0.10 0.11 8.73 * 2657

1886 $282,855 566,399 110,134 169.514 6.408 2,144 73.303 2,293 322 1 660 69164 $1,867,950 1.284.196 % 15.14 30.32 5.89 9 07 0.34 0.11 3 92 0.12 0.02 0.09 3 69 * 31.25

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Tabic 73

Nicaragua: San Juan del Sur and Realejo, exports and imports 1846-1886

San Juan del Sur Realejo Total Total Exports Imports Exports Imports Exports Imports

1846$ 125,000 150,000 278,260 367,550

1850$ 281,250 383,250

1859$ 52,573 118,296

1870$ 40,000 240,931 159,160 1,024,030 914,648

1871$ 152,619 107,162 1,427,786 1,022,164

1872$ 237,674 128,844 1,585,710 1,153,447

1873$ 241,685 110,275 1,441,506 1,536.081

1874$ 191,113 105.771 1,457,888 1,052,766

1875 $ 222,>;i 49,186 1,828,419 951,141

1876$ 155,622 65,891 1,460,596 1,031,098

1877$ 13,451 62,941 1,276,069 1,267,716

1878$ 150351 33,343 1.319,188 913,461

1881$ 198,068 116,018 1,954,211 1,750,898

1882$ 205397 193,742 2,068,106 1,611,647

1883$ 191,477 149,445 2,461,971 1,855,058

1884$ 141,087 118,886 2,442,678 1,939,923

1885$ 156,881 103,256 2,168,426 1.816,223

1886$ 164,418 137,634 2,557,590 1,867,950

SanJuandelSur Realejo

exp. imp. exp. imp.

1836$ 53,550*

1837$ 9,300 19,200b 66,880 94,700?

1838$ 90,200 98,7O0d

1839$ 72,100 70,250*

1850$ 56,250 73,650*

1860$ 273,998 172,0488

1870$ 149,960"

1872$ 237,674 128,854?

1873$ 241,685 110,279*

1881 $ 198,068 116,018)

1882$ 205,397 193.742)

a Frederick Outfield to Henry John Temple, Viscount PaJmerston, 25 Jan. 1837, PRO, PO 15/v. 19 (r.8), values in L

b Outfield lo PO, 15 Jan. 1838, PRO, FO15/20 (r.8), values in L

c Chatfield to paknerston, 19 April 1838. PRO, PO 15/v. 20 (r.8), values in L

d PRO, PO 15/v. 22 (r.9), values in L

e PRO, PO 15/v. 23 (r.10), values in L

f John Foster lo Chatrfield, 31 Dec. 1850, Consuhtsberichte - Band 1851 (Realejo), CorrmenbWiotek, hafxMskainmer, Hamburg,

gde Botmilian to MAE, 15 March 1861, CCC, GuaL, v. 6, p. 311, AN.

h 09.01, Nr. 56204, DZP.

'14.01, Nr. 865, DZP.

'BB41596, Adam.

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74 Nicaragua: Corinto exports by products and imports, 1863-1886

Cotton Cattle Deer- Cheese Rubber Indigo Fustic Brazil- Cedar other Coins Bullion Sugar Coffee Cacao Food- Others Total Calculated Error Total

hides skins wood woods stuffs Exports Exports Imports

1863$ 243*882 216,882


1865 $ 507,684 70,234 9,070 1,576 140 9,519 3,875 12,901 726 1,214 616,938 616,939 373,341

H 82.29 1138 1.47 .25 .02 1.54 .62 2.09 11 .19 0.00 &?

1856$ 3,520 25,143 30,286 546 400 59,895 59,895 g* % 587 41.97 50.57 .91 .66 0.00 g

1867 H 69,066 16,977 21.084 365 90 4,065 4,302 11,065 805 12,576 15,410 25,384 5,130 1,972 188,289 188,291 284,367 J?>

H 6.67 9 01 11.19 19 04 2.15 2.28 5.87 .42 6.67 8.18 13 48 2.72 1.04 0.00 %

1868$ 58,566 24,139 32,458 440 5,796 3,780 31,219 10,709 76 6,300 5,556 25,349 86,846 15,894 979 2,012 310,118 310,119 5

H 18.88 7.78 10.46 .14 1.86 1.21 10.06 3.45 .02 2.03 1.79 8.17 28.00 5.12 31 .65 0.00 g

1969$ 90,169 360,000 305,000

% 20.80 g

1870$ 368,400 412,498 S


1871$ 71,218 42,541 22,073 22,057 20,394 10,856 5 60,391 27.946 41,324 15,170 9,350 433,493 433,494 368,337

H 16.42 9 81 5.09 5.08 4.70 2.50 0.00 13 93 . 6.44 9 53 3 49 2.15 0.00

1872 $ 462,853 505,025 <?

* 3.

1873$ 18,710 67,271 56,932 9,710 14,396 22,438 15,600 51,736 14,135 28,474 136,524 3,833 18,841 4,989 463,587 463,589 528,771 1?

H 4.03 14.51 12.28 2.09 3.10 4.84 3-36 11.15 3.04 6.14 29 44 .83 4.01 1.08 0.00 C' 1874$ 11,754 104,838 64,148 8,789 6,709 5,522 23,381 3.956 99,117 3,048 21,750 41,602 243,846 4,532 9,472 652,464 652,464 523,999 2 * 333 16.06 9.83 1.34 1.02 .84 358 .60 15.19 46 3.33 6.37 3737 .65 1.42 0.00 g.

1875$ 793,603 320,300 5 18ft$ 497,676 372,868 0 1877$ 583,987 425,973 C

% ?

1878$ 575,122 347,209 ?T

528,093 539,399 g'

1882$ 809,587 723,442






1884$ 1,318,198 912,235


1885$ 1,237,921 828,568


1886$ 1,507,476 924,420 ?

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Tabic 75 Nicaragua San Juan del Norte, exports by products and imports 1842-1886

Conor Cattle Deer Other Rubber Tobacco Tortoise Indigo Brazil Cedar Coins Coffee Cacao Sugar Others Total Calculated Error Total hides skins hides shell wood Exports Exports Imports 1842$ 176,784 %

1846S 153,761 217 549 % 1861J 51,739 9,649 24,364 5,204 70,198 24.247 91,838 8,195 11 285,443 285,445 310306 H 18 12 3 38 8 53 1.82 24 59 8 49 32.17 2 87 0.00 0 00 1862S 1,152 52,357 9,703 37,413 6,305 86,506 11,484 89,119 8,012 5,006 164 307,579 307,581 % 0.49 17.02 3 15 12.16 2.04 28.12 3.73 28 97 2.61 162 0.05 0.00 1863 S 937 38,678 18,591 52,022 1,927 73,997 8,336 150,504 14,986 5,788 27 320,817 320,793 240 292 H 0 29 12.05 5.79 1621 0.60 23.06 2 59 32.88 4.67 1.80 0 01 0.00 1864$ 21,048 46,600 54,865 96,610 5,340 6,388 94,252 899 2,620 99,063 8,493 15,300 23,495 474,971 474,973 654 433 % 4 43 9 81 11.55 20 34 1.12 1 34 21984 0 18 0.55 20.85 1.78 3.22 4.95 0.00 1865 $ 36,684 16,305 7,740 60,509 11,198 194,585 15,516 2,137 137,175 16,799 5,704 33,600 537,952 537,952 348 239 % (:.S1 3.03 1.43 11.24 2.08 36 17 2 88 0.39 25.49 3.12 1 06 6.24 0.00 1866$ 10,335 33,3)1 19.984 85,625 1,697 12,189 156,250 19,082 3,656 130,944 23 473,096 473,096 487011 % 2.18 7.04 4.22 18.09 0.35 2 57 33 02 4.03 0.77 27 67 0.00 0.00 1867$ 14,604 25.582 21,356 112,412 2,307 396,739 7,508 50 90,478 18,115 15,619 96l 705,731 705,731 487 209 % 2.06 3 62 3 02 15.92 0.32 56.21 1 06 0.00 12.82 2.56 2.21 0.13 0.00 1868 $ 58,566 24,139 32,458 5,796 3,780 31,219 10,785 11,956 86,846 15,894 25,349 3,331 310.118 310,119 % 18.88 7.78 10.46 1.86 1.21 10.06 347 385 28.00 5.12 8.17 1.07 0.00 1870 $ 60 16,032 11.366 109,801 5,906 69,835 1.657 130,877 138 12,436 1,650 359,758 359,758 112,401 % 0.02 4.45 3 15 30.52 1.64 19.41 0.46 36 37 0.04 3 45 0.45 0.00 1871$ 23,362 9,000 233,966 9,591 325,378 17,666 151,273 18,219 3,139 10 12,096 803,698 803,698 542 M3 % 2.90 111 29.11 1.19 4048 2.19 1882 2.26 0.39 0.00 1.50 0.00

1872$ 834,994 5,0207 H 1873$ 46,969 30,885 506,270 7,872 159,573 838 145,934 74,786 1,442 3,347 977,918 977,918 1 007 309 % 4.79 3 15 51 77 0.80 16.31 0.08 14 92 7.65 0.14 0,34 0.00

' '

1874 $ 50,847 31,698 531,717 4,980 22,301 1,168 213,637 7,213 399 1,468 865,425 865,428 581,158 % 5.87 3.66 61.43 0.57 2.57 0 13 24.68 0.83 .04 0 l6 0.00 1875$ 49.636 28,287 481,864 7,533 28,634 1,388 257,832 30,890 2,544 888,605 888,608 687,887 % 558 3 18 54.22 0.84 322 015 29.01 3.47 0.28 000 1876$ 15,560 23,158 386,316 4,437 54,585 190,023 110,374 6,027 4,022 796,311 794,502 585,087 % 1.95 2.90 48.51 0.55 6.85 23.86 13 86 0 75 0.50 0.22 1877 $ 28,414 71,566 489.167 4,677 33,530 2,358 185 794 46 994 12,418 874,976 874,918 771,538 % 3.24 8.17 55.90 0.53 3 83 0.26 21 23 5 37 1.41 0.00

1878$ 503,424 523429 % 1881 i 1,193,505 1,090,373 % 1882$ 1,042,742 685 704 % 1883$ 1,184,108 770689 % 1884$ 962,203 903 914 % 1885 $ 771,337 491 995 % 1886$ 877,595 381 171 %

75: San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua: export and import data, shipping export imports US

exp imp. to US from US ' Ions

1856 67,599* 1858 49,695 17 4,41 lb

1859 74,897 3,600 25b 1860 150,000 30,00Oc

1861 31,641 11.659 5 5l6d 1862 6,561 13,700 9 l,632d

1863 320,817 242,292 70,379 1! H.550d 1864 474,971 654,433 30,033 6 3,477d 1865 537,952 348,239? 29,887 14 18,766d 1866 473.096 487,01 Ic 1870 414.701 352,190f 1871 241,088 108,1208 1874 750,303 153,6728 1875 302,724 1 26,7198 ?B. Squire Cotrell 10 Set. St., 31 Dec. 1856, CD, San Juan del Norte: 2 (T 348/r2) > Cotrell 10 Sec. St., 3 Jan 1859, Thomas S. Bell lo Sec. St.. 18 Oct 1859, CD, SJdN: 3 (T 348/r 3). c de Botmilian to MAE, 15 March 186l, CCC, Guat., v. 6, 311, AMAE. d Cotrell to Sec St., 4 Oct 1861,4 Oct. 1862,10 Oct 1863, 30 Oct. 1863,1 Oct. 1864, 18Jan. 1865, 31 Dec 1865, CD, San Juan del None: 4 (T 395/r 4)

e Cotrcil to Sec. St., 20 March 1866,10 Jan. 1867, CD, SJdN: 4 (T 348/r 4). f 09.01, Nr. 56204, DZP.

g 14 01, Nr 865, DZP

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Table 76 Nicaragua shipping, Realejo and Corinto, number and tonnage, 1839-1884

lealek?, Nicaragua. Shlppinc 1839-18)4

,,n^0l_ r_,?? ,_ c . , . Nofway Denmark Central Nicaragua Colombia Pert Chile Others Total Tonal Calculated Tonnage Error Error

N^^f ,J^L ,?fm?L /ranr* wSpaU1T ^'UlyT AmWca No Tons ^ Tons No Ton$ Tonnage Toul CalcuhS Ships Tonnage

No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons. No. Tons No. Tons. Ships

183^$ 22 3.250 1846 $ 25 0.00


1850 $ 59 13254 13 3109 5 1131 1 256 6 973 4 372 6 412 2 431 6 1396 1 216 103 21.550 103 21 550

H 57.27 61.49 12.61 14.42 4.85 5.24 0.97 1 18 5 82 4 51 3 88 1.72 5.82 1.91 1.94 1 99 5.82 6.47 .97 1.00 0.00 0 00


1867$ 39691 Corinto, Nicaragua: Shipping. 1867-1884 9 3043 42,704 9 42 734 CT

H 92.92 9998 7.12 07 ~

1869$ 49333 G> * 99.98 -r,

1873$ 2760 2717 1594 328 335 495 488 33 8,617 8,717 JJ 1874 $ 71 91756 2 875 9 3151 1 242 1 634 1 189 1 156 3 643 1 176 90 97 822 90 97R22 ?

? 78.87 93 78 2.22 .89 9 99 3 22 1.1! .24 111 64 1.11 .19 111 .15 3.33 6$ 1.11 .17 9' 90 ^ 0.00 0.00 ?

mi%S 9? 94 101,074 9 90.41 ^

1882$ 1 8 10 7 1 ,ftt cj

% 95 7.61 9.52 6.66 .95 105 27 74 27

1883 $ 59 90650 5 3204 16 7295 15 9458 7 4893 5 2184 1 234 I08 ,,,?? inft 11701fl Q:

H 54.62 76.86 4.62 2.71 14.81 6 18 13.88 8.01 6.48 4.14 4.62 1.85 92 .19 9 108 U7'918 00Q 0Q0 J5

1884$ 25 5 4341 34 13800 15 9024 13 9449 4 2042 . ,??, JU_ ^

% 17.23 3 44 3.12 23.44 9 94 10 34 6 50 8.96 6.80 2.75 1 47 145 138'786 96 J86^ Q

33 78 72 13

76: Corinto, Nicaragua: shipping 76: Nicaragua shipping, Realejo ft

Br. CA Ff. USA HambyOer. Sard/It. Col. Peru Br. CA Fr USA Hamburg Sardinia Col Peru 3

?l#t?l?t?t?t?l?t *^

. 1836 7 1,278 5 370 2 423 1 185 2 184 1 372 3 244 6 576 * 5

1850 13 3,109 7 372 5 1,131 59 13,257 6 412 2 431 P

1837 7 1,069 5 295 3 790 2 1 84 1 100 3 356 ?

1838 9 1,531 6 234 5 617 O

1839 9 1,403 2 50 2 194 1 319 3 307 1 202 Derm. Spain Brazil Chile toul ^

1875 3 1,625 1 909 10 5,150 1 273 8 2,650 1 429 ' 5

1850 6 973 1 256 1 216 6 1,396 103 21,550* ft

1882 11 8,956 1 8 3,299 7 6,022 w

1884 10 6,984 33 20,056 117 177.969 48 20,262 aJohn Foster to Chatsfield, 31 Dec. !8?^ ^

Denm Ecuador Norway Brazil Chile Tottl jjj^

1836 27 3,432* 3

1837 1 208 25 3,107b Q4

1838 20 2,382c p

1839 2 410 22 5,2*0*

1875 5 541 26 !1,586< 1882 1 344 28 18,621f 1884 I 234 209 245,760*

aChatficld to Palmersion, 25 Jan. 1837, PRO, FO 15/v. 19 (r.8), values in I b Outfield to Palmersion, 19 April 1838, PRO, FO I5/v. 20 (r 8), values in L.

cPRO, FO 15/v. 22 (r.9), values in L dPRO, FO 15/v. 23 (r. 10), values in I.

eBB4)075, Adam. t_ fBB4l 596, Adam.

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Tabic 77 Nicaragua shipping, San Juan del None, number and tonnage, 1846-1884

United Stairs England Germany France Spain Italy Denmark Holland Nicaragua Costa Rica Others Total Total Calculated Tonnage No. Ton*. No. Tons. No Tons. No Tons No. Tom. No. Tons. No Tons. No. Tons No. Tons. No. tons No. Tons. Ships Tonnage Total ships Calculated 1846$ 7 11 2 2 22 1,627 22

H 31.81 49.99 908 908 1858$ 17 4,411 17 4'411 H 1859$ 25 25 H

1861$ 5 516 5 516 H

1862$ 9 996 38 22.357 47 23,353 47 23.353 H 19.14 4.27 ?83 95.72

1863$ 11 11,550 11 11'550 H 1864$ 16 8,678 26 21,353 1 155 2 398 1 122 46 30,706 46 30,706 % 34.77 28.75 565 6953 2.17 0.50 4.34 1.29 2.17 0.39 1865$ 24 25,660 27 21,675 3 621 54 47,956 54 47,956 H 44.23 . 53 50 49.99 45.18 5.55 1.29

1871$ 3 53 3 H 5.65

1872 $ 2 H

1873 $ 3 546 20 35.874 4 934 2 570 2 540 1 250 1 700 54 620 87 40,034 87 40,034 * 3.44 1.36 22.98 8959 4.59 2.J3 2.29 1.47 2.29 1 34 1.14 0.62 1.14 1.74 62.05 1.54

1874$ 8 1,189 16 38,140 2 540 1 343 1 250 28 40,462 28 40,462 H 28.56 293 57 13 92.24 7.14 1 33 3.57 0.84 3.57 0.6l

1875$ 9 1,103 18 38,154 2 377 2 560 1 250 31 40,194 31 40,194 H 29.02 2.74 58.05 94.90 6.45 0.93 6.45 1.39 3.57 0.6l

1876$ 9 1,677 5 725 3 575 1 240 18 3,317 18 3,217 H 4999 92.12 27.77 22.53 17.87 5.55 745

1882 $ 4 675 26 38,863 8 6,500 1 295 9 6,432 2 509 1 260 1 170 52 53,704 52 53,704 H 7.69 1.25 49.99 72.35 1538 12.10 1.92 .054 17.30 11.97 3.84 0.94 1.92 0.48 1.92 0 31 1883 47 88,344 H

1884$ 12 3,958 49 73,456 3 1,014 64 78,428 64 78,428 H 18.74 5.04 76.55 93 64 4 68 1.29

77: Nicaragua shipping, San Juan del Sur USA Germany Ft. Br. Sp It. ? Tons. ? Tons. ? Tons. ? Tons Tons ? Tons

1837 5 680 3 150* 1841 5 1 3 1 3b 1884 57 79,352 3 2.390 1 4C

1 Chatfiekl to FO. 15 Jan 1838, PRO, FO 1V20 (r.8). bpRO, FO 15/32

^.Ol, Nr. 56204, ZDP

77: Nicaragua shipping Grcytown (San Juan del None) German

tonnage 1871 3 330* 1872 2 211* 1873 4 510* 1874 3 762s 1875 2 377* a14.01. Nr 865. DZP

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 115

Tabic 78

Costa Rica exports by country of destination 1843 to 1885

Year England Germany France United Spain New Peru Chile Central Mexico Italy Europe Other Total Calculated Error Hamburg Slates Granada America other Exports Exports %

1843 $ $ 243,070

1845 $ $ 631,700

1846 $ $1,250,000

1848 $ $ 800,000

1850 $ $1,000,000

1852 $ $ 798,140

1853 $ $ 765,000

1854 $ $ 821,185

1855 $ 330,950 $ 767,400 330,950 % 43.12 56.87

1856 $ 430,895 10 925 223,580 29,760 29,260 17,160 25,830 44,340 30,000 $ 841,810 841,750 H 51.18 1.29 26\55 3 53 3.47 2.03 3 06 5.26 3 56 H 0.00

1857 $ 441,035 47,240 502,835 80,190 155,320 1,315 59.430 $1,287,365 1,287,365 % 34.25 3.66 39.05 6.22 12 06 0.10 4.6l H 0.00

1858 $ 200,585 159,195 396,235 73,950 40,545 4,565 51,135 3,895 $ 964,235 930,105 % 20.80 16.50 41.09 7.66 4.20 0.47 5.30 0.40 H 3.53

1859 $ 682,065 10,165 274,240 97,730 158,800 6,110 7,415 2,000 135,415 $1,373,940 1,373,940 % 49.64 0.73 19.96 7.11 11.55 0.44 0.54 0.14 9.85 H 0.00

1860 $ 418,010 $1,165,340 418,010 H 35.87 H 64.12

1861 $ $1,568,142

1862 $ $1,502,739

1863 $ $1,454,990

1864 $ $1,711,246

1865 $ 616,590 147,445 136,995 243,420 360,885 2,315 29,805 11,645 $1,766,476 1,549,070 % 34-90 8.35 7.75 13 77 20.42 0.13 1.68 0.65 * 12.30

1866 $ $1,944,528

1867 $ 829,570 144,825 149,565 395,009 707,290 3,360 1,095 $2372,422 2,230,714 H 34.96 6.10 6.30 16.65 29.81 0.14 0.04 H 5.97

1868 $ $2,189,118

1869 $ $2,415,000

1870 $ $2,745,000

1871 $ $4,352,937

1872 $ $2,679,748

1873 $ 1,049,944 $6,619,646 1,049,944 % 15.86 % 84.13

1874 $ $4,212,446

1875 $ $4,183,451

1876 $ $2,559,089

1877 $ $5,307,405

1878 $ $3,709,455

1879 $ $4,478,002

1880 $ $3,524,810

1881 $ $2,435,507

1882 $ $3,701,330

1883 $1,165,218 263,631 263,076 660,831 68,221 3,340 7,318 $2,431,635 2,431,635 % 47.91 10.84 10.81 27.17 2.80 0.13 0.30 H 0.00

1884 $1,697,606 441,361 541,307 1,310,297 185,683 35,084 4,500 3,262 515 $4,219,617 4,219,615 % 40.23 10.45 12.86 31.05 4.40 0.83 0.10 0.07 0.01 H 0.00

1885 $1,362,190 375,192 325,212 1,058,519 317 60,893 5,118 5,472 101,299 400 1891 $3,296,508 3,296,508 % 41.32 11.38 9.86 32.11 0.00 1.84 0.15 0.16 3.07 0.01 0.05 % 0.00

Note (Costa Rica, Tables 78-62): see also Schoonover, Thomas "Costa Rican trade and navigation ties with the United States

Germany and gruope, 1840 to 1885" Jahrbuch Fur Geschichte von Staat, Wirtschaft und Gesellsehaft Lateinamerikas, vol.

14,1977, p. 269-309.

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Tabic 79.

Costa Rica exports by product, 1843-1885

Coffee ̂xxls H-des Deersktns Rub*r Ores Bananas Tobacco Cocoa Cotton Ind.go Sugar Toge

Cereals to Of* MJo* ^Tou. Ca??ed


1843$ 201.500 556 2,769 31,000 1425 5 060 192 243,070 242,502 % 82.89 0.23 1.13 1275 0.58 2.08 0.07 0.23

1845$ 507,500 12,000 6,000 50,000 20,000 3^00 25.000 1000 631,700 631,700

% 80.33 1.90 0.94 7.91 3.16 0.50 3 95 0 31 0.00

1846$ 900,000 ??g ,'250'000 ' ,00'000 n99 ft 71.99 1599 llyy

,848$ 800 000

1850$ ' ?00'000 1852$ 609.984 ^

ft 76.42 2357

,853$ 720,000 765'??? ^ % 9411 5W

,854$ 821'185 ,855$ %1'm ,856 $ 751 130 19 835 500 420 1,120 1,050 325 14,520 1,790 31,320 841,810 840,775

ft 89.22 2 35 0.05 0.04 0 13 0.12 0.04 1.72 0.21 371 0.12

1857$ ,,,81,085 16,070 W** ' ]8,'?85 ... % 9174 1.91 0"

1858$ 691,870 964.235 691.870 H 71 75 2824

,859$ 1,281,540 ' 373-*? 1,281,540 H 9327 t)Jl

,860$ 1,112,280 '>l65.340 1,112.280 ft 95.44 4'5 ,86,$ 1.468,142 L568.142 1.468.142

% 93.62 637 1862$ 1,402.739 '.502'739 1.402'739 _ ft 93 34 6 65

1863$ 1.339,990 M54.990 '.339,990 ft 92.07 /w

,864$ 1,576,246 1,711,246 1,576,246 ft 92.11 -7W

1865$ 1,618,546 29,076 18,395 2,870 24,120 77,039 1,766,476 1.772,496 ft 91.62 1.65 1 04 0 16 1 36 4.36 0 33

,866$ 1,839,528 WW 1,839.528 ft 94 60 5.39

1867 $ 2,300,521 32.035 29.022 2,600 950 540 630 1,611 2,456 $2,372,422 2,372,423 ft 96.96 1.35 1.22 0.10 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.06 0 ,0 0.00 ,868$ 2,170,806 2749 5795 540 2,492 1,540 40 125 2,104 1,726 2,189,118 2,189,117 ft 99.16 0.13 0.26 0.02 0,1 0.07 0.00 0.01 0.09 0.08 0.00

,869 $ 2,415,000 ,870$ 2,745,000

,87,$ 3,667,795 38,816 46,326 600,000 4,352,297 4,352,937 ft 84.26 0.90 , 06 1378 0.00 1872$ 2,679,748

1873 $ 6,099,187 57,566 136,200 6,000 20,692 300,000 6,619,646 6,619.645 ft 92.13 0.87 2.05 0.09 0.31 4.53 0.00 1874$ 4,018,852 57,730 60,404 14,166 15,575 1,210 300 413 78 43,514 4,212,446 4,212,446 ft 95.40 1.38 1.43 0.33 0.36 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.00 1.03 0.00 1875$ 3983,925 59,062 55,986 12,082 22,885 ,0,245 591 274 39,358 4,183,451 4,184,452 ft 95.23 1 42 1.33 0.28 0.54 0.24 0.01 0.01 0.94 0.00

1876 $ 2 102,644 10,692 68,057 11,223 23,771 3,101 609 885 338,019 2,559,089 2,559,090 ft 82.16 0.43 2.65 0.43 0 92 0.12 0.02 0.03 1320 0.00 1877$ 4,859,154 5,088 54,434 10,099 36,230 2,518 510 17,729 163 317.237 5,307,405 5,307.407 ft 91.55 0.10 1.02 0.19 0.68 0.05 0.01 033 0.00 5 97 0.00

1878 $ 3,251,737 6,620 80,977 8,448 31,292 2,388 1,459 240 60 79 324,981 3,709,455 3,708,956 ft 87.66 0.18 2.18 0.22 0.84 0.06 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00 8.76 0.01 1879$ 4,030,317 17,348 55,583 32,867 11,142 9,184 25 104 321,078 4,778,002 4,778,003 ft 90.00 0.39 1 24 0.73 0.24 0.20 0.00 0.00 7.17 0.00 1880$ 3,436,085 50,150 10,390 820 27,365 3,524,810 3,524,810 ft 97.48 1.42 0.29 0.02 0.77 0.00

,88,$ 2,242 226 2,0,8 93,823 6,758 24,264 4,106 1,164 2,022 9,961 3,320 5,117 $2,435,507 2,395.506 ft 92.06 0.08 3 85 0.27 0.99 0.16 0.04 0.08 0.40 0.13 0.21 1.64 ,882$ 3,512,445 100,240 8,880 57,765 9,240 790 , 2,000 3,701,330 3,701,360 ft 92.06 2.70 0.23 1 56 0.24 0.02 0.32 0.00

,883$ 2000 593 9,936 63,676 ,7,762 , 66,509 92,951 55,400 1,650 332 3.192 7,804 731 6,250 2,431.635 2,431,636 ft 82.27 0.41 2.61 0.73 6.84 3 82 2.27 0.06 0.01 0.13 0.32 0.03 0.24 0.00 1884$ 3615 433 47,634 71,549 8,985 68,021 614 336,000 3,228 565 555 1,785 10,646 280 30,318 21,799 4,219,617 4,219,617 ft

' 85.68 1.13 1.69 0.2, ,61 0.01 7 96 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.25 0.01 0.71 0.51 0.00

1885 $ 2,486 643 102,553 79,374 6,517 33.265 7,073 302,457 4,084 286 17 8.982 8,336 394 229,351 23,358 3,296,508 3,296,640 ft 75.43 3.10 2.40 0.19 1 00 0.21 9 17 0.12 0 01 0.00 0.27 0.25 0.01 6.95 0.70 0.00

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Statistics for an understanding of foreign intrusions into Central America... 117

Table 80 Costa Rica, exports of coffee by country of desunauon 1841-1885

Other Error Error Latin

Year England United States France Germany Panama Chile America Other Europe Other Total Total Calculated $ Kilos $ Kilos $ Kilos $ Kilos $ Kilos $ Kilos $ Kilos S Kilos S Kilos S Kilos S HKibs S Kilos Calculated % %

1841 4,500,000 1843 1,263,800 201,500

1844 2,500,000 1845 3,540,400 507,500 1846 4,153,700 900,000

1847 5,500,000 1848 7,500,000 1849 7,500,000 1850 7,000,000

1852 3,388,800 609,984 1853 4,000,000 720,000

1854 4,500,000 1855 3,252,614

1856 2,149,600 429,920 148,500 29,700 1,039,500 207,900 50,000 10,000 37,000 7,400 123,800 24,765 57,250 11,455 150,000 30,000 3,755,650 751.W0 3,755,650 751,140 H 57.23 57.23 3 95 3.95 27.67 27.67 1.33 1 33 0.98 0.98 3 29 3 29 1.52 1.52 3.99 3 99 0.00 0.00 1857 1,977,200 434,985 364,100 80,190 2,080,000 457,600 206,500 45,900 495,600 109,030 242,150 53,630 5,366,550 1.181,085 5,365,550 1,181,335 % 36.84 36.82 6.78 6.78 3875 38.74 384 388 9.23 9.23 451 4.54 0.01 0.02 1858 832,700 187,505 300,000 72700 1,298,750 285,725 328,450 85,190 134.550 30,820 123,300 29,930 2,776,330 691,870 3,017,750 691,810 H 29.99 27.10 10.80 10.50 46.77 41.29 1183 12.31 4.84 4.45 4.44 4.32 7.99 0.00 1859 2,911,700 668,305 355,850 88,230 1,120,900 269.030 19,150 6,965 503,100 122,910 508,400 126,100 4,994,818 1,281,540 5,419,100 1,281,540 H 58.29 52.14 7.12 6.88 22.44 20.99 0.38 .54 10.07 959 10.17 9.83 7.82 0.00 1860 1,646,200 413,010 353,750 84,900 598,950 143,745 1,056,500 253,560 819,150 186,590 22,900 5,475 4,137,654 1,112,280 4,497,450 1,087,280 * 39.78 37.13 8.54 7.63 14.47 12.92 25.53 22.79 19 79 16.77 0.55 0.49 7.99 2.24

1861 5,194,964 1,468,142 1862 750,000 4,963,538 1,402,739 750,000 H 15.09 84.91

1863 1,500,00 500.000 500,000 1,000,000 3,976,746 1.339,990 3,500,000 * 37.71 12,57 12,57 25,14 11.98 1864 2,000,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 5,179,094 1,576.246 5,000,000 H 38.61 28.96 9.65 19.30 3.45

1865 6,192,704 1,618,546 1866 2,504,750 1,104,400 576,200 850,530 8,344,216 1,839,528 5,035,880 H 30.01 1323 6.90 10 19 39.64 1867 3 603 950 1,074,196 1,621,700 445,361 763,650 200,676 534.250 165,284 296,500 84,520 281,550 80,330 9,200,000 2,300,521 7,101,600 2,050,367 H 39.17 46.69 17.62 19 35 8.30 8.72 5.80 7.18 3 22 3.67 3,06 3.49 22.80 10.87

1868 9,384,000 2,170,806 1869 4 660760 1 516 125 968,300 i.473,125 66,950 26,520 260 9,384,000 8,712,040

H 49.66 16.15 10.31 15.69 071 0.28 0.00 7.16 .870 7 183410 2,194,400 685,620 1,184,950 222,040 26,550 10,426,195 11,526,970 H 68.89 21 04 6.57 11.36 2.12 0 54 9 54

1871 1864 070 96655 51805 81,575 6,491,745 8,334,000 3,667,795 8,585,850 H 22.36 1 15 0.62 77.89 2.93

1872 U.592,000 1873 7 045071 3,138,932 1,117,664 582,994 225,743 231,775 135,955 10,986 6,223 12,495,339 6,099,187 12,495,343

H 56.38 25.12 8.94 4.66 1.80 1.85 1.08 0.08 0.04 0.00 1874 8 683,648 2,409,152 452,608 391,168 56,704 111,872 27,968 4,352 12,137,472 4,018,852 12,137,472

H 71.54 1984 3.72 3.22 0 46 0 92 0.23 0.03 0.00 1875 4,836,072 3,983,925 1876 11,175,700 2,102,644

1877 7 687 764 2,318526 981,099 853,650 150,066 106,281 72.135 11,151 26,019 12,206,691 4,859,154 12,206,691 H 62.97' 18.99 8.03 6.99 1 22 0.87 0.59 0.09 0.21 0.00

1878 4,942,895 2,097,254 765,168 238,018 43,314 52,236 5,141 13,000 11,587,170 3,251,737 8,157,026 % 42.65 18.09 6.60 2.05 0 37 0.45 0.04 0.11 29.60

1879 10,701,808 4,030,317 1880 7,934,080 3,436,085 1881 11,239,640 2,242,226 1882 7,408,300 3,512,445

1883 341,360 9,202,726 2,000,593 341.360 % 17.06 82.93

1884 828,030 16,629.521 3,615,433 828,030 H 22.90 77.09

1885 5,053120 1,134,300 2,084,015 447,600 1,280,771 275,153 1,408,349 302,580 74,550 16,800 10,060,982 2,486,643 9,900,805 2,176,433 H 50.22 45.61 2071 18.00 12.73 11.06 13.99 12.16 0 7 3 0.67 1.58 12.47

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Tabic 81

Costa Rica, imports by country of origin, 1843-1885

Year England Gemany France United Spain New Peru Chile Central Mexico Ecuador Other Total Calculated Error States Granada America Imports Imports %

1843 $ 106,649

1845 $ 463,000

1846 $ 1,000,000

1850 $ 1,000,000

1852 $ 718,140

1853 $ 965,000 65,000 1,450,930 1,030,000 % 66.50 4.47 29.01

1854 $ 710,000 1,025,610 710,000 % 69.22 30.77

1855 $ 265,500 706,555 265,500 % 37.57 62.42

1856 $ 359,000 173,830 28,220 100,240 32,420 33,725 100,495 71,785 949,845 899,715 % 37.79 18.30 2.97 10.55 3.41 355 10.58 7.55 5.27

1857 $ 75,000 200,000 75,000 % 37.50 62.50

1858 $ 683,000 100,000 92,000 75,000 5,000 5,000 40,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 % 68.30 10.00 9.20 7.50 0.50 050 4.00 0.00

1859 $ 403,550 911,000 403,550 % 44.29 55.70

1860 $ 395,300 1.089,050 395,300 % 3629 63.70

1861 $ 890,000

1862 $ 985,000

1863 $ 1.302,000

1864 $ 1,908,000

1865 $ 1,552,110

1866 $ 1,860,000

1867 $ 1.455,520

1868 $ 875,000

1869 $ 1,165,000

1870 $ 1,435,000

1871 $ 1,375,000

1872 $ 2,800,000

1873 $ 3,500,000

1874 $ 4,200,000

1875 $ 2,670,000

1876 $ 3,420,000

1877 $ 2,000,000

1880 $ 2,459,730

1881 $ 3,000,000

1883 $ 952,815 98,961 260,823 741,080 5,063 5,339 800 89,739 1.162 10,293 2,166,075 2,166,075 % 43.98 4.56 12.03 34.21 0.23 0.24 0.03 4.14 0.05 0.47 0.00

1884 $2,024,751 104,982 359,064 943,765 11,581 11,847 33,799 1.010 29,717 1,406 3,521,922 3,5#,922 _ % 57.48 2.98 10.19 26.79 0.32 0.33 0.95 0.02 0.84 0.03 0.00

1885 $1,687,940 605,016 443,302 856,645 4,297 6,144 5,188 5,472 25,584 813 20,600 3,660,931 3,660,931 % 46.10 16.52 12.10 23.39 0.11 0.16 0.13 0.14 0.69 0.02 0.56 0.00

Page 43: STATISTICS FOR AN UNDERSTANDING OF FOREIGN INTRUSIONS … · te al ano 1989- Aqui presentamos la sexta section del trabajo, el cual reune, pais por pais, los datos centroamericanos

Tlbfc (2

Inacd Saw Enghad France Germany Hmbutg Bmacn Spun na?y BHawa Denmark Norway Mexico CokMba Ecuador Pen (Me Cental America Com Id Othea Total Tool CafcutNed Tonmtc Enor Enor No. Tom No. Ton No Tom No Ton No. Tow No. Ton No Ton No Ton. Na Ton No. Tom No. Ton No Ton No. Ton No. Tom No Tom No Tom No Tom No. Tom No. Ton Shin Town* TotslsMm Calcubwl Ships Tonmgc

WO 15 12 1 2 9 7 6 $2 1,843 52

H 28.84 2307 192 3*4 17.30 13.4$ 11.33 0.00 K48 2 174 II 2,446 3 538 2 4)6 1 75 11 158 22 765 11 1,271 6 1,326 1 87 70 7,276

H 2*5 239 1571 3361 4 28 7.66 285 5.71 1.42 1 03 15.71 2.17 3142 10 51 15.71 1746 8.57 18 22 1 42 1.19

1*49 8 1,184 13 4,251 3 722 I 200 1 274 1 388 2 150 6 96 12 446 1 219 2 274 50 8.2M HIS.99 14.42 25.99 51.80 5 99 879 1 99 2 43 1 99 3.33 1 99 4.72 3 99 1 82 11.99 1.16 2399 5 43 1.99 2 66 3.9V 3.33

1850 13 3.163 20 4.775 4 888 2 616 I 255 3 750 7 1.271 II 941 5 186 4 618 3 689 3 90 76 14.242 76 14,242

HI7.I0 22.20 2.631 3352 5.26 6.23 263 4.32 131 179 394 5.26 920 8.92 14.47 660 657 1.30 5.26 433 394 4*3 3 94 0 63 0 00 O.OO

1851 22 4,726 25 6,776 5 1,151 2 504 1 102 I 120 2 580 3 543 I 127 6 406 2 38 10 1,475 3 683 8 504 91 17,735 91 17.735 H24.17 26.64 2746 3820 $ 49 6 48 219 2.86 1 09 0 57 1 09 0.67 2 19 3 26 3.29 306 1.09 0 71 6.59 2.28 219 0 21 10 98 8.31 329 3.85 8.78 2 84 % 000 000

1852 13 2,738 23 5,479 5 1.390 6 900 7 1.407 3 856 5 849 1 $0 7 934 1 67 1 49 M 1.967 3 450 18 1J64 103 18,479 103 18.500

H1161 14*1 22 32 2964 4 85 7 52 5.82 4 86 6.79 7.61 2.91 463 4.85 4 59 097 0 27 679 $.0$ 097 0 36 0 97 0 26 9 70 10 64 2.91 2 43 17 47 7 38 H 000 011

I8$3 II 2,177 17 4*19 2 506 3 332 5 823 55 9.016 80 14.075 38 8.657 ft

1M3.74 15.46 2124 34 23 2 49 3 59 3 74 2 3$ 6.24 $.84 8460 7945 $249 3849 ?

I8$4 10 2,330 1,438 14 660 9 1,103 6 84$ 6$ 11,346 65 11.346 5.'

H 15.38 20.33 1300 16.08 $.97 10.34 9.97 6*9 7.64 0.00 0.00 C.

18$$ 13 1*41 6 1.520 2 683 5 950 2 $60 9 744 3 438 18 $$4 9 1,603 6 80 15 1.372 87 11,502 U

H14.94 16.6$ 689 137$ 229 617 574 859 229 5.06 10.34 5.68 3.29 321 1977 4.06 9.88 11.77 3 494 6.88 0.72 17 23 1241

329 362 ft

1*56 20 3.195 7 2,074 4 1.432 6 1,194 10 , 10 680 3 280 9! 13.612 93 12718 S%

H2I.97 23.46 7.69 15.23 4.39 1051 6.59 877 10.98 10.98 4.99 329 20$ 21$ 6 56 ^

1857 9 1,863 2 5 2 468 1 108 8 194 2 443 4 857 31 7.020 94 4' 883 3

% 957 20.96 2.12 $.31 2.94 1.75 1.47 0.40 11.76 0.72 2.94 1.66 5*8 321 3297 79.01 $000 ?

1858 2$ K.009 9 2.975 6 2*63 4 839 4 977 1,146 4 635 5 113 6 822 6 1,011 2 36 1 300 68 26,669 68 26.069 3 *3i7$ 6001 1323 11 15 8*2 10 73 5*8 3.14 5.88 3 66 4.97 5.47 2.75 6*4 0.49 8.21 356 8.21 438 2.94 0 13 1 47 1 12 0 00 22<l Q.

1859 25 13,498 6 1,778 4 1.943 4 930 4 826 4 1,725 4 650 9 184 13 1.122 4 377 5 341 73 23,04$ 73 23.043 HH24 58.36 8 21 7 71 $47 843 $.47 4.03 $.47 358 5.47 358 4.49 1 35 1011 038 14.60 233 4.49 0.78 684 147 000 000 ft

1860 41 41,776 4 1.22$ 1 473 3 626 2 312 5 1.073 3 621 $ 62 10 801 1 172 3 9$4 89 48,126 89 49.424 J?

H44.06 86.79 449 2$4 1 12 098 337 1 30 224 064 $61 190 306 1.10 $10 011 10 20 1.42 1.02 0 30 3 37 1 98 0 00 2 62 3

18(1 47 48,401 $ 1,$3$ 2 793 6 1.591 3 572 5 2,015 2 294 9 102 10 47$ I 141 11 606 98 56,227 98 56.227 ft*

9*47.95 86.06 $.10 2 72 2.04 1 41 6.12 2.82 3 06 1 01 $10 332 208 0.48 937 0.16 10.41 0.78 1.04 0.23 11.22 1.07 000 000

1862 42 53.129 4 1,769 2 512 7 1,511 8 488 1 28 I 110 2 190 2 460 11 674 96 60.622 96 60.622 / ?

H43.74 8762 4 16 2.91 2.08 084 7.29 2.49 8.33 0.78 1.49 0.04 1.49 0.17 2.98 030 2.98 0.73 11.45 111 0 00 0 00

1863 47 57.209 2 1.322 1 436 2 318 2 921 1 290 2 40 1 158 1 17 6 1*90 67 62,468 67 62,46* ff?

H70.13 91.56 298 2.11 149 0.69 2.98 0.50 298 135 136 0.42 273 00$ 136 0.23 1 49 0.02 8.95 3.02 0 00 0 00 O

1864 49 65.162 4 1.819 2 726 1 188 5 84$ 1 409 4 837 1 67 1 40 1 713 73 68,108 70 70,558 2. H67.ll 9$.6$ $47 2.67 2.73 1 06 1 36 0.27 6.84 1.24 1 36 0.60 5.47 1.2$ 1.28 010 1.28 0.06 1.28 1.07 4 10 347 rfg

186$ $4 $9,510 7 2,088 1 437 2 261 2 700 2 619 3 1,045 3 1 339 78 66,621 78 66,656

%69.31 8931 897 313 128 0.6$ 256 039 2.56 1.05 2.56 0.92 384 1 56 384 1-28 0$0 000 0.0$ E?

1866 47 $0,474 8 2.983 4 l.$28 1 407 3 910 2 $07 3 694 1 358 1 179 I 188 1 305 72 $8,093 72 58.533 C

H&S.26 86*7 11.10 $13 $$$ 262 1.38 0.70 4.16 1.56 277 0.87 4.16 1 19 1 38 Oil 1.38 0.30 138 0.32 1 38 052 000 07$ g

1*67 6 2.590 72 72,768 78 75.358 78 75.358 &.

769 3.43 92.29 96.54 0 00 000 Q

186* (7 48.75$ g 1869 S3 $3,686 K* 1*70 87 $8.ri Q

1*71 83 12,604 16 7,661 4 1.267 2 $48 1 160 1 35 1 377 ' 1.076 1 843 138,007 11$ 138,007 f\

*7216 9131 13.91 $.$$ 347 091 1 73 0.39 0*6 0.11 0*6 0.02 086 0.27 '20 0.78 0*6 0.6l 000 W

1*72 ^ 10 4,506 10 4.506 B

1873 105 6 135 111 C-*

H77.76 4.44 17 77 ^

1*74 112 50 9 6 2 2 I I 24 2 2 3 214 175,68$ 214 P

%$2.32 2336 420 280 093 0.46 046 11.21 0.93 ?W 140 0 00 tj?

1(75 228 2.

1(7* 63 81.31$ 43 59.268 6 2,286 1 435 2 590 15 313 1 289 4 36 1 132 136 144,664 136 144.664 *>

H4631 5620 3161 4096 4.41 1 57 0.73 030 1.47 0.40 1102 0.21 073 0.19 294 0.02 0.73 009 000 000 I

1(79 68 93,853 40 44.168 6 2,808 3 906 1 3 18 315 9 $3 7 2,260 1$2 144,366 1$3 144,366

H44.72 65.00 2631 3058 394 1.94 1.97 0.62 0.65 11*4 0.21 5.91 0.04 4.60 1 56 0.00 000

1(80 68 89.713 41 66.917 7 3.409 II 5306 2 431 29 662 17 71 15 1,554 2 178 192 165.70$ 192 166.741

H35.4I $413 213$ 4037 3.64 205 $.72 229 104 0.26 15.20 039 ?? 0 04 7*1 0 93 1 04 0.11 0 00 0 62 1882 73 144*36 44 65.016 4 2,339 4 1$3 1 353 1 497 4$ 17.540 172 232,732 172 230.732

444143 62.22 25.57 27.93 232 1.00 232 0.06 0.5* 0.15 058 0.21 261$ 7.53 0 00 0 85

1(83 55 91,541 26 35,961 2 $24 4 3,192 6 $,$$4 I 523 2 774 3 58 1 4 $46 103 138.521 104 138.673 *53.3* 66.07 25.23 2195 194 0.37 388 2.30 5*2 4.00 0.97 037 194 0.55 2.91 0.04 0.97 3*8 0.39 0.96 010

1(84 91 126,472 88 129*96 3 1.074 15 6,096 4 4.372 3 1.653 2 9*7 4 68 17 5.032 I 382 228 276.032 228 276,032

*39.90 45.81 3859 470$ 1 31 038 6.37 2.20 1 75 1.58 1.31 059 0*7 035 175 0.02 745 1.82 043 0.13 000 000

1885 106 91 5 20 10 10 1 1 7 1 6 248 232J72 248 H4273 366* 2.01 8.06 4.02 0.40 0.40 2*2 0.40 2.41 000


5 Costa Rical. (Tables 78-82) *T?


1. See also-. Schoonovcr, thomas "Costa Rican trade and navigation ties with the United States, Germany and Europe, 1840 to 1805'Jjhrbuch Wr GeschidMc von Suat, wirtschan und Geseusc liaft laieinamerikas, vol. 14,1977, p. 269-309