statistical statistics for techniques in business … · correlation and linear regression / ch14...

統計 決策 39 38 年份:2017 規格:560 / 雙色 / 平裝 定價:800 ISBN-139789863413608 ISBN-109863413607 教學配件:PowerPoint 陳乃維 中國常州大學商學院教授 Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal & Samuel A. Wathen 本書主要是針對管理、行銷、財務、會計、經濟等領域的商學院 學生,提供敘述統計、推論統計學重要概念及相關領域的入門課 程,並藉由實用性範例,讓學生有系統地知道如何將學到的觀念 運用在日常生活及相關應用上。 同時,全書大量運用解釋範例的方式取代繁瑣的計算過程,以有 效幫助學生了解各式理論觀念並學習如何審慎判斷統計結果,進 而將大量數據資料化繁為簡成有意義的資訊。 1 何謂統計學? / 2 資料的描述:次數表、次數分配與圖形的呈現 / 3 資料的描述 : 數值的測量 / 4 資料的描述:展現與探索資料 / 5 機率觀念 概述 / 6 離散型的機率分配 / 7 連續型機率分配 / 8 抽樣方法與中央 極限定理 / 9 估計與信賴區間 / 10 單組樣本的假設檢定 / 11 兩組樣 本的假設檢定 / 12 變異數分析 / 13 相關分析與線性回歸 / 14 複迴歸 分析 / 15 非參數方法 : 名目與順序尺度資料的假設檢定 商用統計學 十七版 Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics 17/e NEW ! 即將出版 NEW ! 即將出版 年份:2018 規格:單色 / 平裝 定價:未定 ISBN-13:出版中 ISBN-10:出版中 教學配件:PowerPoint 方世榮 修平科技大學行銷與流通管理系講座教授 兼管理學院院長 張文賢 僑光科技大學觀光與休閒事業管理系副教授兼系主任 本書之目標希望能奠定初學者學習統計學的基礎,書中對於每個統 計基本觀念與定理公式皆清楚闡述,輔之以豐富的例題與詳細的解 答,讀者若能仔細閱讀本書並勤加演練,對統計學將不再心生畏懼, 且能增加學習的興趣與信心。 本書歷經七次改版,每次改版修訂皆盡可能納入讀者的寶貴意見於 其中,讓內容更為完善,更符合讀者之需求。本書秉持「深入淺出」 的一貫要旨,修訂重點除修正前版的錯誤外,各章節的引用例題改 以時事議題為主,不僅能提高讀者的學習興趣,亦能提升學習效果。 本書特色: 一、觀念解析條理分明,易讀易懂。 二、強調邏輯性的思考及深入淺出的解說。 三、清楚說明公式之來源與涵義,可免除「死記公式」之困擾。 四、每章的重要單元介紹完後,即編排該單元的練習題,提高讀者 演練習題的興趣。章後的習題作業豐富,尤其觀念題更可提供 讀者思考的訓練,有助於對觀念的透徹理解。 五、增列相關章節的 SPSS 練習題,讓讀者能實際操作常用的統計軟 體,將統計應用在實務的研究議題。 1 緒論 / 2 敘述統計 (1)—列表法與圖示法 / 3 敘述統計 (2)—統計 量數 / 4 機率 / 5 機率分配 / 6 常用的機率分配 / 7 抽樣與抽 樣分配 / 8 估計 / 9 假設檢定 / 10 兩種處理方法的比較 / 11 卡方檢定 / 12 變異數分析 / 13 迴歸分析與相關分析 / 14 無母數 統計 / 15 時間數列分析 NEW ! 即將出版 統計學導論 八版 Contents Ch 1 What Is Statistics? / Ch 2 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation / Ch 3 Describing Data: Numerical Measures / Ch 4 Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data / Ch 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts / Ch 6 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 7 Continuous Probability Distributions / Ch 8 Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem / Ch 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals / Ch10 One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch11 Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch12 Analysis of Variance / Ch13 Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal-Level Hypothesis Tests Contents PART I: INTRODUCTION Ch 1 Statistics and Data PART II: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Ch 2 Tabular and Graphical Methods / Ch 3 Numerical Descriptive Measures PART III: PROBABILITY AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS Ch 4 Introduction to Probability / Ch 5 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 6 Continuous Probability Distributions PART IV: BASIC INFERENCE Ch 7 Sampling and Sampling Distributions / Ch 8 Interval Estimation / Ch 9 Hypothesis Testing / Ch10 Statistical Inference Concerning Two Populations / Ch11 Statistical Inference Concerning Variance / Ch12 Chi-Square Tests PART V: ADVANCED INFERENCE Ch13 Analysis of Variance / Ch14 Regression Analysis / Ch15 Inference with Regression Models / Ch16 Regression Models for Nonlinear Relationships / Ch17 Regression Models with Dummy Variables PART VI: SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Ch18 Time Series and Forecasting / Ch19 Returns, Index Numbers and Inflation / Ch20 Nonparametric Tests STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES IN BUSINESS & ECONOMICS 17/e STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 13/e Lind/Marchal/Wathen is a perennial market best seller due to its comprehensive coverage of statistical concepts and methods delivered in a student friendly, step-by-step format. The text presents concepts clearly and succinctly with a conversational writing style and illustrates concepts through the liberal use of business-focused examples that are relevant to the current world of a college student. Known as a "student's text," Lind's supporting pedagogy includes self-reviews, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications including Excel, Minitab, and MegaStat for Excel. Contents Ch 1 What Is Statistics? / Ch 2 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation / Ch 3 Describing Data: Numerical Measures / Ch 4 Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data / Ch 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts / Ch 6 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 7 Continuous Probability Distributions / Ch 8 Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem / Ch 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals / Ch10 One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch11 Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch12 Analysis of Variance / Ch13 Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis Tests / Ch16 Nonparametric Methods: Analysis of Ordinal Data / Ch17 Index Numbers / Ch18 Time Series and Forecasting / Ch19 Statistical Process Control and Quality Management / Ch20 An Introduction to Decision Theory Contents Ch 1 Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking / Ch 2 Methods for Describing Sets of Data / Ch 3 Probability / Ch 4 Random Variables and Probability Distributions / Ch 5 Sampling Distributions / Ch 6 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Estimation with Confidence Intervals / Ch 7 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypotheses / Ch 8 Inferences Based on Two Samples: Confidence Intervals and Tests of Hypotheses / Ch 9 Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance / Ch10 Categorical Data Analysis / Ch11 Simple Linear Regression / Ch12 Multiple Regression and Model Building / Ch13 Methods for Quality Improvement: Statistical Process Control (Available Online) / Ch14 Time Series: Descriptive Analyses, Models, and Forecasting (Available Online) / Ch15 Nonparametric Statistics (Available Online) Douglas A. Lind Coastal Carolina University William G. Marchal University of Toledo Samuel A. Wathen Coastal Carolina University James T. McClave University of Florida P. George Benson College of Charleston Terry Sincich University of South Florida NEW ! 年份:2018 規格:863 / 彩色 / 平裝 定價:1280 ISBN-139781259921803 ISBN-101259921808 教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint / 題庫 / 習題解答 ) 年份:2018 規格:824 / 彩色 / 平裝 定價:未定 ISBN-139781292227085 ISBN-101292227087 教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint / 教師手冊/ 題庫 ) BASIC STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS & ECONOMICS 9/e BUSINESS STATISTICS Communicating with Numbers 3/e Douglas A. Lind Coastal Carolina University William G. Marchal University of Toledo Samuel A. Wathen Coastal Carolina University Sanjiv Jaggia California Polytechnic State University Alison Kelly Suffolk University 年份:2019 規格:624 / 彩色 / 平裝 定價:未定 ISBN-139781260287851 ISBN-101260287858 教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint / 題庫 / 習題解答 ) 年份:2019 規格:880 / 彩色 / 平裝 定價:未定 ISBN-139781260288377 ISBN-101260288374 教學配件:教師資源光碟( PowerPoint / 教師手冊/ 習題解答) NEW ! 即將出版

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Page 1: STATISTICAL STATISTICS FOR TECHNIQUES IN BUSINESS … · Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis

統計 決策


年份:2017規格:560頁 /雙色 /平裝定價:800元



編 譯 陳乃維 中國常州大學商學院教授作 者 Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal &

Samuel A. Wathen








目 錄

第 1 章 何謂統計學? / 第 2 章 資料的描述:次數表、次數分配與圖形的呈現 / 第 3 章 資料的描述 : 數值的測量 / 第 4 章 資料的描述:展現與探索資料 / 第 5 章 機率觀念

概述 / 第 6 章 離散型的機率分配 / 第 7 章 連續型機率分配 / 第 8 章 抽樣方法與中央

極限定理 / 第 9 章 估計與信賴區間 / 第 10 章 單組樣本的假設檢定 / 第 11 章 兩組樣

本的假設檢定 / 第 12 章 變異數分析 / 第 13 章 相關分析與線性回歸 / 第 14 章 複迴歸

分析 / 第 15 章 非參數方法 : 名目與順序尺度資料的假設檢定

商用統計學 十七版Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics 17/e



年份:2018規格:單色 /平裝定價:未定



作 者 方世榮 修平科技大學行銷與流通管理系講座教授


張文賢 僑光科技大學觀光與休閒事業管理系副教授兼系主任










一、 觀念解析條理分明,易讀易懂。二、 強調邏輯性的思考及深入淺出的解說。三、 清楚說明公式之來源與涵義,可免除「死記公式」之困擾。四、 每章的重要單元介紹完後,即編排該單元的練習題,提高讀者



五、 增列相關章節的 SPSS練習題,讓讀者能實際操作常用的統計軟體,將統計應用在實務的研究議題。

目 錄

第 1 章 緒論 / 第 2 章 敘述統計 (1)—列表法與圖示法 / 第 3 章 敘述統計 (2)—統計

量數 / 第 4 章 機率 / 第 5 章 機率分配 / 第 6 章 常用的機率分配 / 第 7 章 抽樣與抽

樣分配 / 第 8 章 估計 / 第 9 章 假設檢定 / 第 10 章 兩種處理方法的比較 / 第 11 章 卡方檢定 / 第 12 章 變異數分析 / 第 13 章 迴歸分析與相關分析 / 第 14 章 無母數

統計 / 第 15 章 時間數列分析


統計學導論 八版


Ch 1 What Is Statistics? / Ch 2 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation / Ch 3 Describing Data: Numerical Measures / Ch 4 Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data / Ch 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts / Ch 6 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 7 Continuous Probability Distributions / Ch 8 Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem / Ch 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals / Ch10 One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch11 Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch12 Analysis of Variance / Ch13 Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal-Level Hypothesis Tests


PART I: INTRODUCTION Ch 1 Statistics and Data PART II: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Ch 2 Tabular and Graphical Methods / Ch 3 Numerical Descriptive Measures PART III: PROBABILITY AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS Ch 4 Introduction to Probability / Ch 5 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 6 Continuous Probability Distributions PART IV: BASIC INFERENCE Ch 7 Sampling and Sampling Distributions / Ch 8 Interval Estimation / Ch 9 Hypothesis Testing / Ch10 Statistical Inference Concerning Two Populations / Ch11 Statistical Inference Concerning Variance / Ch12 Chi-Square Tests PART V: ADVANCED INFERENCE Ch13 Analysis of Variance / Ch14 Regression Analysis / Ch15 Inference with Regression Models / Ch16 Regression Models for Nonlinear Relationships / Ch17 Regression Models with Dummy Variables PART VI: SUPPLEMENTARY TOPICS Ch18 Time Series and Forecasting / Ch19 Returns, Index Numbers and Inflation / Ch20 Nonparametric Tests



Lind/Marchal/Wathen is a perennial market best seller due to its comprehensive coverage of statistical concepts and methods delivered in a student friendly, step-by-step format. The text presents concepts clearly and succinctly with a conversational writing style and illustrates concepts through the liberal use of business-focused examples that are relevant to the current world of a college student. Known as a "student's text," Lind's supporting pedagogy includes self-reviews, cumulative exercises, and coverage of software applications including Excel, Minitab, and MegaStat for Excel.


Ch 1 What Is Statistics? / Ch 2 Describing Data: Frequency Tables, Frequency Distributions, and Graphic Presentation / Ch 3 Describing Data: Numerical Measures / Ch 4 Describing Data: Displaying and Exploring Data / Ch 5 A Survey of Probability Concepts / Ch 6 Discrete Probability Distributions / Ch 7 Continuous Probability Distributions / Ch 8 Sampling Methods and the Central Limit Theorem / Ch 9 Estimation and Confidence Intervals / Ch10 One-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch11 Two-Sample Tests of Hypothesis / Ch12 Analysis of Variance / Ch13 Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis Tests / Ch16 Nonparametric Methods: Analysis of Ordinal Data / Ch17 Index Numbers / Ch18 Time Series and Forecasting / Ch19 Statistical Process Control and Quality Management / Ch20 An Introduction to Decision Theory


Ch 1 Statistics, Data, and Statistical Thinking / Ch 2 Methods for Describing Sets of Data / Ch 3 Probability / Ch 4 Random Variables and Probability Distributions / Ch 5 Sampling Distributions / Ch 6 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Estimation with Confidence Intervals / Ch 7 Inferences Based on a Single Sample: Tests of Hypotheses / Ch 8 Inferences Based on Two Samples: Confidence Intervals and Tests of Hypotheses / Ch 9 Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance / Ch10 Categorical Data Analysis / Ch11 Simple Linear Regression / Ch12 Multiple Regression and Model Building / Ch13 Methods for Quality Improvement: Statistical Process Control (Available Online) / Ch14 Time Series: Descriptive Analyses, Models, and Forecasting (Available Online) / Ch15 Nonparametric Statistics (Available Online)

作 者 Douglas A. Lind Coastal Carolina University William G. Marchal University of Toledo Samuel A. Wathen Coastal Carolina University

作 者 James T. McClave University of Florida P. George Benson College of Charleston Terry Sincich University of South Florida


年份:2018規格:863頁 /彩色 /平裝定價:1280元


教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /題庫 /習題解答 )

年份:2018規格:824頁 /彩色 /平裝定價:未定


教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /教師手冊 /題庫 )


BUSINESS STATISTICSCommunicating with Numbers 3/e

作 者 Douglas A. Lind Coastal Carolina University William G. Marchal University of Toledo Samuel A. Wathen Coastal Carolina University

作 者 Sanjiv Jaggia California Polytechnic State University Alison Kelly Suffolk University

年份:2019規格:624頁 /彩色 /平裝定價:未定


教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /題庫 /習題解答 )

年份:2019規格:880頁 /彩色 /平裝定價:未定


教學配件:教師資源光碟( PowerPoint /教師手冊/習題解答)


Page 2: STATISTICAL STATISTICS FOR TECHNIQUES IN BUSINESS … · Correlation and Linear Regression / Ch14 Multiple Regression Analysis / Ch15 Nonparametric Methods: Nominal Level Hypothesis

統計 決策


作 者 莊懿妃 銘傳大學企業管理學系教授

蔡義清 銘傳大學企業管理學系助理教授

俞洪亮 銘傳大學企業管理學系助理教授兼管理學院副院長

一、 調動章節順序:配合學術論文寫作,將原本的第 11章調整至第 3章,讓資料的呈現從敘述性統計、測量信效度,乃至假說檢定,以符合學術論文寫作的流程。

二、 內容範例以行銷為主:各章節範例以商管領域較常遇見的行銷案例為主,特別是在迴歸分析此單元,以網頁瀏覽之數位


章,新增近年愈來愈廣為使用的 PLS軟體的操作應用。

目 錄

第 1 章 資料概說 / 第 2 章 述統計 / 第 3 章 量表之信度與效度 / 第 4 章 假說檢定

程序 / 第 5 章 平均值檢定 / 第 6 章 單變量變異數分析 / 第 7 章 類別資料關係之探

討―卡方檢定 / 第 8 章 相關分析 / 第 9 章 迴歸分析 / 第 10 章 二元羅吉斯迴歸 / 第 11 章 因素分析 / 第 12 章 結構方程模式 / 個案分析案例 手機選購動機與使用滿


商管研究資料分析 SPSS的應用 三版


Ch 1 Introduction to Quantitative Analysis / Ch 2 Probability Concepts and Applications / Ch 3 Decision Analysis / Ch 4 Regression Models / Ch 5 Forecasting / Ch 6 Inventory Control Models / Ch 7 Linear Programming Models: Graphical and Computer Methods / Ch 8 Linear Programming Applications / Ch 9 Transportation and Assignment Models / Ch10 Integer Programming, Goal Programming, and Nonlinear Programming / Ch11 Project Management / Ch12 Waiting Lines and Queuing Theory Models / Ch13 Simulation Modeling / Ch14 Markov Analysis / Ch15 Statistical Quality Control

INTRODUCTION TO MANAGEMENT SCIENCE A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets 6/e

This text focuses on business situations, including prominent non-mathematical issues, the use spreadsheets, and involves model formulation and assessment more than model structuring. Nearly every chapter includes one or two case studies patterned after actual applications.


Ch 1 Introduction / Ch 2 Linear Programming: Basic Concepts / Ch 3 Linear Programming: Formulation and Applications / Ch 4 The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets / Ch 5 What-If Analysis for Linear Programming / Ch 6 Network Optimization Problems / Ch 7 Using Binary Integer Programming to Deal with Yes-or-No Decisions / Ch 8 Nonlinear Programming / Ch 9 Decision Analysis / Ch10 Forecasting / Ch11 Queueing Models / Ch12 Computer Simulation: Basic Concepts / Ch13 Computer Simulation with Analytic Solver

作 者 Frederick S. Hillier Stanford UniversityMark S. Hillier University of Washington


年份:2019規格:單色 /平裝定價:未定


教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /教師手冊 /題庫 )


作 者 Barry RenderGraduate School of Business, Rollins College Ralph M. Stair, Jr. Florida State University Michael E. Hanna University of Houston-Clear Lake Trevor S. Hale University of Houston-Downtown

年份:2018規格:566頁 /雙色 /平裝定價:1380元ISBN-13:9781292217659ISBN-10:1292217650

教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /教師手冊 /題庫 )


年份:2018規格:單色 /平裝定價:未定


教學配件:教師資源光碟 ( PowerPoint /習題解答 )
