state building in europe chapter 15. focus question describe 2 events that lead to european monarchs...


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Page 1: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power


Chapter 15

Page 2: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Focus Question

Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power.

Page 3: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Social Upheaval in Europe

Between 1560 and 1650 Europe suffered economic and social crises as well as political upheaval. In addition to the religious turmoil and wars, other factors contributed. Economy began to retract. Italy, which had been an economic hot-bed of trade during the

renaissance period was eclipsed by Atlantic powers. Spain’s fortunes declined. Mini-ice age after middle of 1500s hurt agriculture, leading to

dislocation of farmers and intermittent food shortages. Results in leveling and even slight decline in the

population of Europe after 150 years of growth following the period of the Black Death.

Page 4: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Absolutism (1648-1763)

System where a ruler holds total power Only England and the Netherlands lacked an

absolute government in Europe 17th century Europe – Tied to the idea of

the divine right of kings Rulers received their powers from god Rulers were only accountable to god

France was the model for the new system

Louis XIV’s Versailles at night

Page 5: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Origins of the State

Evolution Theory Force Theory Divine Right Social Contract

How did states and governments come into being? Four theories:

Principles of Government

Page 6: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Social Contract

Jean-Jacques Rousseau – The Social Contract (1762) – The general will is sacred and absolute and reflects the common interests of all the people.

General will is not necessarily the will of the majority

Page 7: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Social Contract ~ Hobbes

17th Century & The Age of Enlightenment,

People begin to challenge the monarchy and the idea of Divine Right

Thomas Hobbes promotes the concept of government by social contract

Principles of Government

Page 8: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Hobbes ~ Social Contract His 1651 book Leviathan

established the foundation for most of Western political philosophy from the perspective of social contract theory

In a “state of Nature” there is nogovernment and man is free.

However, absolute freedom has a price… life is “cruel, brutish and short” Why?

To escape this cruel reality, men would give up some freedom to the state; in return the government (state) would offer people security through law & order

Principles of Government

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Locke ~ Social Contract

John Locke took Hobbes ideas one step further by promoting the “right to revolution” – Second Treatise of Civil Government

Natural Rights – government should protect our life, liberty, and property

Locke believed that if the government fails to provide people with security or if the state abused its power over the people the people could change the government. Does this happen today?

Principles of Government

Page 10: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Fall of the Spanish Hapsburgs

Loss in the 30 years war – cemented the fact that Spain was no longer the European power – Netherlands independence – Cut ties with the Austrian branch of the family

No domestic economic base – No Jews and Muslims Fell behind other countries in technology and business Phillip II has depleted the Spanish treasury in battles against

Turks, Dutch and English. Bankrupt Spain is spread very thinly with its many over-seas possessions. Philip II dies in 1598 – In 1700 Charles II dies with no heir – War

of Spanish Succession

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The Thirty Years War (1618-1648)

Last of the religious wars, but also dynasty rivalry and balance of power.

Started in the Holy Roman Empire Protestant Union Catholic League

Austrian and Catholic Hapsburgs v. French Bourbons

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Page 13: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Four Phases of War First phase–

civil war in Bohemia as Bohemians fought for independence from Austrian Hapsburg rule.

Holy Roman Emperor, Ferdinand II totally defeated Protestant forces. (¾ land burned)

Second Phase—Danish Phase Denmark intervenes to support Protestant forces.

Catholics roll up victories. Third Phase—Swedish Phase

Swedish King intervened to support the Protestant cause.

Decisive for the Protestants and ended Hapsburg ambition of uniting all the German states under imperial authority.

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Four Phases of War

Fourth Phase—French/International phase Death of Swedish King prompts French to enter the

war to ensure that HRE does not remain strong. France declares war on Spain and sends assistance

to protestant forces in Germany. War drags on with French, Dutch and Swedes,

supported by Scots, Finns and German mercenaries burning, looting and destroying German agriculture and commerce.

1/3 of urban and 40% of rural population destroyed. Economy ravaged.

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Peace of Westphalia—1648

Terms End of HRE as real political entity. Each of the

German princes recognized as sovereign, independent authority

Independence of United Provinces of the Netherlands acknowledged.

France gets Alsace, increasing its size and prestige. France allowed to intervene at will in German affairs. Pope denied the right to intervene in German affairs. Portugal recognized as independent of Spain.

France emerges as the dominant nation in Europe.

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Page 17: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Focus Question

Is there really “equal rights” in the U.S.? What are some examples of people not having “equal rights”?

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Bourbon France

St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre, 8/24/1572 – Queen Catherine attacks the Huguenots (French Protestants)

Civil Wars retarded France’s development as an international and colonial power

Wars lasted for 30 years.

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House of Bourbon

Bourbons(Huguenot) become the ruling family.

Henry IV (1598-1610) – Had no choice but to convert to Catholic

Edict of Nantes (1598)— Catholicism is the official religion of

France Huguenots guaranteed freedom of

worship and right to all political privileges. Huguenots have the right to fortify their

castles and towns.

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Louis XIII (1610) – He takes over at age 8 and mother helps out

At 15, he throws mother out and takes over.

She convinces him that he needs an advisor

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Cardinal Richelieu (reason of state)

He eliminates all enemies Strips noble’s of authority Attacks the Huguenots Richelieu dies in 1642 and

Louis XIII dies a year later

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France and Louis XIV (1643-1715)

His reign is regarded as the best example of absolute monarchy in the 17th century Most powerful monarch in

French history 1643 – Louis came to the

throne at the age of 4 or 5 – Cardinal Mazarin Fronde – Riots in Paris

force him in hiding

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Sun King

23 – Louis took absolute control Said “I am the state”

Called the Sun King because he was the source of light for all of his people – Estates General

Anti-Protestant Destroyed churches and closed

schools (1685) Revoked Edict of Nantes,

which had given Protestant Huguenots freedom of religion

Protestants fled France

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VersaillesSlide show

Established royal court at Versailles(1664-1697) Greatest danger came from nobles and princes

Louis had complete authority over foreign policy, the church, and taxes – Colbert (mercantilism) His power was limited at the local level

Nobles, local officials, and town councils had more influence than the king

Louis bribed people to make sure his policies were carried out

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Louis XIV

Developed standing army of 400,000 in times of war Added territory to France France was the strongest

power in Europe and had many enemies

War of Spanish Succession dragged on for 13 years – Philip Anjou wants to become king of Spain – Philip is grandson of Louis XIV

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Louis XIV

He loses the war of Spanish Succession – Defeated by the English, Dutch and Austria

Treaty of Utrecht - He has to give up land in North America – Spain had to give up Italian land and the low countries (Netherlands) – Balance of Power

Legacy for France after the death of the Sun King Great debt (bankruptcy) Surrounded by enemies His successor was 5 (great-grandson)

On his deathbed, he told Louis XV to try and be at peace

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Parliament – weakens monarch

representatives elected by landowners

Parliament and Monarch were interdependent, not rivals – Conflict?

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Constitution – A set of unwritten or written precedents, laws, and royal acts

Common Law – legal practices and customs

Magna Carta – all people equal under the law

Tudor’s Legacy

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James I (1603-1625)

First of the Stuart Dynasty - Scot He derives his power from God Spends too much money –

Parliament Puritans – They want to purify

the church of all Catholic rituals and symbols – Opponents of James I

Died of stroke – age 59

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Charles (1625- 1647)

Married to French Princess (Catholic)

Parliament would not give him money, so he raises taxes

He forces people to house soldiers – at war with France

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Petition of Right - 1628

King forbidden from collecting taxes and forcing loans

Could not imprison anyone without just cause

Troops could not be housed by citizens Could not declare martial law unless at


Page 32: STATE BUILDING IN EUROPE Chapter 15. Focus Question Describe 2 events that lead to European Monarchs having Absolute power

Civil War (1642-1647)

Charles dissolves Parliament for 11 years Charles recalls Parliament – Money?

Conflicts with Ireland and Scotland Puritan controlled Parliament Roundheads Vs. Cavaliers Cromwell leads the Roundheads to victory

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New Government

Commonwealth – State governed by elected representatives

Parliament would not hold re-elections - Puritans

1653 – Cromwell takes over He puts in strict Puritan laws 1658 – He dies and his son takes

over – malaria – age 59

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Back to Monarchy

Cromwell’s son is forced out Parliament decides to give power back to

the Monarchy, but no absolutism Stuart Dynasty would Continue – Charles II

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Charles II (1660-1685)

He allows Parliament to run the country

Church of England becomes official religion

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James II (1685-1689)

Charles’ brother Catholic – ignores religious

laws Leads to division in

Parliament – Exclusion Bill (Whigs and Tories)

He orders to bring back the Catholic Church without the blessing of Parliament

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Glorious Revolution 1688

Parliament names William and Mary as the new King and Queen – He is king of Netherlands and she is daughter of James

They force James II to exile They rule from the Netherlands Parliament is even stronger

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William and Mary (1689-1702)

They sign the English Bill of Rights

Laws, taxes, army all were placed under the Parliament’s control and a list of basic rights established.

Act of Settlement – no Catholic can become king

Ireland forced to be Protestant Property owners can vote (4%) End of the Stuarts

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The economic doctrine that government control of foreign trade is of paramount importance for ensuring the military security of the state- Balance of Trade

Mercantilism was a cause of frequent European wars in that time and motivated colonial expansion.

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High tariffs, especially on manufactured goods, are an almost universal feature of mercantilist policy.

Building a network of overseas colonies; Forbidding colonies to trade with other nations; Monopolizing markets with stable ports; Banning the export of gold and silver, even for

payments; money system – exchange of currency

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Forbidding trade to be carried in foreign ships; Export subsidies; Government funded Promoting manufacturing with research or direct

subsidies; Limiting wages; Maximizing the use of domestic resources; Restricting domestic consumption with non-tariff

barriers to trade. Colonies

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The New Austrian Empire

Hapsburgs had been leaders of Holy Roman Empire They lost their empire in Germany Created a new empire in Austria, Hungary,

and Central Europe 1713 – Pragmatic Sanction – Charles VI

wants his daughter, Maria Theresa, to succeed him – He asks other European leaders to accept the succession. Yeah right

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Maria Theresa (1740-1780)

Her government pays for health care, roads, and prisons

She encourages trade and industry – Austria prospers

And she raises 16 kids – 3 queens and 2 kings

Died at age 63

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Prussia and Frederick the Great

Emerged as one of the great European powers following the Thirty Years’ War Very clever in diplomacy Frederick built a large and efficient

standing army As many as 85,000 men

Prussian kings initially didn’t want to fight in any major wars

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Frederick the Great

War of Austrian Succession Turned back by Charles VI’s

daughter, Maria Theresa

Promoted economic activity Created strong bureaucracy Began state-sponsored

school system

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Seven Years’ War (French and Indian War in the Americas)

Two sides: Austria, France, and Russia

vs. Britain and Prussia

Prussia wins in Europe France and England were

battling for colonies in the Americas – England wins all land West of the Mississippi River, Canada and India

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Russia and Peter the Great

Predecessors: Tsar (czar) Ivan the Great (III)

Freed Moscow from Mongols and used centralized rule

Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) Michael Romanov founded the Romanov

dynasty (1613-1917) He was chosen by representatives from 50

Russian cities

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Peter the Great (1689-1725)

Absolutist monarch who claimed divine right to the throne

Eventually made himself head of the Russian Orthodox Church

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Peter the Great (1689-1725)

Fascinated by Europe and the sea Westernization

Wanted to make Russia respectable to the West Men asked to shave beards and wear Western clothes Women received more freedom

Reorganized Russian army Copied European militaries Standing army of 210,000

Included peasants who were drafted for 25 years Added infantry

Hired European officers to train the soldiers

Created Russian navy

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Peter the Great (1689-1725)

Encouraged education for nobles Especially in math and technical subjects

Changes were selective Applied only to nobles, not to peasants Workers were serfs rather than free laborers

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Peter the Great (1689-1725)

• Moved capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg

Swampy As many as 100,000 peasants died while

building the city Peter ordered that all nobles move from Moscow

to St. Petersburg

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Peter the Great (1689-1725)

Expansion Fought for 21 years against Sweden to get

access to warm-water ports on the Baltic Lost to Ottomans – Black Sea

1725 – Death

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Catherine the Great (1762-1769)German

Replaced her husband Enlightened Despot – educated

the public, except the serfs Defeats the Ottomans – Black

Sea Partition of Poland (1772) –

Divide the land in 3 parts – Russia, Prussia, and Austria

Poland would not be free until 1919