starwood vol 4 hotel crisis vol... · c:1 crisis response organizational chart ... if hotel is...


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Page 1: Starwood Vol 4 Hotel Crisis Vol... · C:1 CRISIS RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ... If Hotel is evacuated or inaccessible, set up offsite Command Center at pre-determined location
Page 2: Starwood Vol 4 Hotel Crisis Vol... · C:1 CRISIS RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ... If Hotel is evacuated or inaccessible, set up offsite Command Center at pre-determined location

1111 WESTCHESTER AVENUE, WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK, 10604 T 914.640.8100 F 914.640.8310

Page 3: Starwood Vol 4 Hotel Crisis Vol... · C:1 CRISIS RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ... If Hotel is evacuated or inaccessible, set up offsite Command Center at pre-determined location

1111 WESTCHESTER AVENUE, WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK, 10604 T 914.640.8100 F 914.640.8310

This Emergency and Crisis Management Plan has been developed through the efforts of many people within Starwood

Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc.

It is in four major sections: Preparation, Threat, Emergency and Crisis. Much of the information and procedures herein

generally reflects best practices that have been identified among many fine hotels, resorts and vacation ownership

properties. Many other sections are new in our attempt to expand the scope of our planning and preparation in managing

the kinds of threats we face in today’s world.

This is also a continuing work in progress and will be updated periodically as warranted and requires input from your

management team to make it work best for your property. To fully serve its purpose, it must become part of each

Hotel’s day-to-day operations. It is presented in this form to make it more practical to update as necessary and to add, as

appropriate, the specific information for your property. As you will see, it provides guidelines and direction along with

forms, templates and checklists, which we believe will be invaluable in dealing with the many kinds of issues which our

managers and associates may face.

Given the breadth of geographic and cultural reach of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, it is impossible to produce a single

document that meets every need of every property. For some properties, this Plan will exceed your needs. For others,

hopefully, it will provide a solid base upon which you can build. In every case, it will require your attention and input.

Further, to the extent local laws or regulations require additional or more stringent protocols or practices, it is expected

that our hotels will comply with those laws and regulations.

I am confident that all associates understand that the safety of our guests and associates is of utmost importance. This

manual was created to help preserve that safety, and, very importantly, to guide our management teams in how to

properly prevent or respond to an emergency or crisis that threatens the well-being or comfort of our guests and


Thank you for your continued dedication. If you have questions about the Emergency and Crisis Management Plan or

can provide additional input or comments, please contact your division crisis representative.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................. 1

C:1 CRISIS RESPONSE ORGANIZATIONAL CHART ...................................................................................... 3

C:2 PROCEDURES AND CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................. 4

C:3 CONTACTS ................................................................................................................................................ 12

C:4 INCIDENT FACTS REPORT FORM .......................................................................................................... 13

C:5 INCIDENT ACTIVITY LOG ......................................................................................................................... 15

C:6 INITIAL HOLDING STATEMENT ............................................................................................................... 17

C:7 GO-TEAM CONCEPT ................................................................................................................................. 18

C:8 FAMILY ASSISTANCE – FEI BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ............................................................................ 20

C:9 STARWOOD CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS RULES ................................................................................. 22

C:10 NOTES ........................................................................................................................................................ 23

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 1

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Given the nature and global scope of Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ business, we must be ready to respond to major incidents at our

properties that might negatively affect our businesses and reputation, or diminish the value of our well-known brands. Certainly,

managers at our individual properties demonstrate daily their expertise for addressing the routine crises. But we must also be

prepared for more far reaching events, particularly in today’s new world where terrorist attacks could be aimed at our properties, our

guests or visitors, or where a natural disaster or physical trauma could result in significant loss of life.

This Crisis Response & Communications Plan is designed to assist management at all levels of our company manage the critical,

and often unfortunate, process of resolving a crisis and dealing with the human element that is always present at such times. This

plan is not designed to answer every question or anticipate every scenario that we may face, but to provide our management the

tools required in the event we face a crisis.

It is intended to help our managers structure how they will operate; what teams of managers and vendors are needed to work

through the minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, day-by-day decisions that must be made—almost always under stress. Perhaps the

most striking characteristic of such mega-events is the speed with which they move, starting the moment an incident takes

place. There is little time to prepare or strategize. Emotions run high. Events can outpace our ability to control them. Our company

can instantaneously find itself at the center of a public spotlight.

To ensure pro-active decision making and orderly management, Starwood has adopted a Corporate Crisis Response policy that has

three basic tenets:

Address the situation in the most expeditious manner possible keeping in mind that the safety of our guests and associates

is paramount;

Communicate effectively and honestly with our guests, associates, the news media, government officials and other publics;


Demonstrate the professionalism and compassion of our company through a calm, efficient and open response to the

immediate event and subsequent developments and public scrutiny.

Because of the sophistication of modern news-gathering technology, particularly the Internet and satellites, reporters are able to

receive information and transmit pictures and data to the public almost instantaneously, 24-hours-a-day. Therefore, it is critical that

our crisis response team—and especially our public relations efforts—be up and running very quickly.

Starwood’s Crisis Response Teams will be our first line of defense, with Public Relations as an especially important focal point. Our

company will be besieged with questions that go far beyond news media attention. Friends and relatives of affected guests, as well

as members of the general public, can be expected to seek information. Foreign governments may demand information. U.S.

political officials may approach the company through any number of avenues. And Starwood associates and business partners

worldwide will have legitimate interest and questions. All deserve timely, accurate, consistent answers.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 2

During a major incident, the company itself is by no means the only source of information. The public will be bombarded with

information and reaction from eyewitnesses, survivors, relatives, experts (self-styled as well as legitimate), critics, regulators and

other government officials, and many others. It is therefore important that Starwood’s voice be heard, to balance those critics

who would speculate and rush to judgment about us.

Every crisis is different, shaped by the nature and severity of the incident, the geographic and political nuances of the event, and

even how various constituencies (such as firefighters and police, politicians, eyewitnesses, etc.) react to what has happened. The

important thing to remember is that although the particulars will vary, the need to remain poised, professional and compassionate,

and to exercise extremely good judgment, remains the same regardless of circumstance.

Although there are few hard ground rules for communicating in a crisis, there are some time-tested guides:

Speak with one voice.

Tell the story, and get it out quickly.

Deal in absolute facts. Never speculate.

Never be afraid to express regret or compassion.

This plan is Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ blueprint for managing such a crisis with consummate professionalism.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 3


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The following procedures and checklists provide a framework for responding to an emergency or crisis. However, no checklist can

substitute for judgment. For example, local customs may dictate a different order of actions. Or, the time of day may require

different decisions. The situation likely will be out of control for the first few hours. This is a game of catch-up. The No. 1

requirement on the crisis checklist is to exude calm confidence and professionalism.

Within this Checklist, references to various sections may be for this Crisis manual or the Preparation manual. For this manual,

references will begin with the letter C (example C3). For Preparation, references will begin with the letter P (example P1.2.2).

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Initial When



Determine whether this is an Emergency or Crisis.

Complete Incident Facts Report Form (section C4) so all available information will be in front of you. Do not delay notification for information

not readily available.

If this event fits the category of an Emergency, notify AMD/RVP and Division (section C3, P1.2.1 and P1.2.2). If you can’t reach Division,

contact Corporate (section C3 and P1.2.3)

If this event fits the category of a Crisis, notify AMD/RVP and BOTH Division and Corporate.

If it is difficult to decide which category, be cautious and notify AMD/RVP and both Division and Corporate.

Contact local authorities as appropriate (section P1.3)

No Action Required, For Your Information

If the crisis warrants a Go-Team to be dispatched, Division will take that action.

If Corporate determines the need, the Corporate Crisis Response Team will be activated at headquarters in White Plains.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 7


Initial When



Activate the Hotel’s Emergency/Crisis response team (section P3) and notify to meet in the Emergency/Crisis Command Center as pre-

determined per section P4.1 to assess extent of event and prepare response.

Assignments for members of the Hotel Emergency/Crisis Response Team:

General Manager

Manager on Duty

Security Supervisor


Front Desk Manager

Sales & Marketing


Human Resources

Convention Services/Banquet Manager

Other Department Heads

All team members should seek assistance from and coordinate with their Division and Corporate counterparts.

Inform DCRT and CCRT the name of each individual with responsibility on Emergency Response Team

Maintain contact with appropriate local authorities (section P1.3) and establish ongoing communications with each organization as required.

Set up Hotel Emergency/Crisis Response Command Center (P4.1)

If Hotel is evacuated or inaccessible, set up offsite Command Center at pre-determined location. (P4.1)

Secure guest list to provide to Corporate and Go-Team.

Secure information on all meetings and functions on property at time of event, including host contact information and any other information

available to provide to Corporate and Go-Team.

Secure information on Associates on duty at time of event to provide to Corporate and Go-Team.

Determine any other information available about vendors or other visitors on property at time of event to provide to Corporate and Go-Team.

Notify front desk, switchboard, security personnel and hotel management team where to send inquiries. Contact information will be provided

by Corporate as soon as the numbers are staffed and ready for inquiries.

News media – toll-free 866-500-0455, toll & international 914-694-1635

Friends and family – to be provided at time of crisis.

Other public - refer to hotel brand Web site.

Establish live communications with Division and Corporate via Crisis Conference line arranged by Corporate.

Assign responsibility of maintaining live contact with DCRT and CCRT at all times. Do not put calls on speaker phone, which adds to noise via

“open mic.” Only use speaker phone when necessary to include entire Hotel ERT.

Establish location at boundary of police lines for :

Off-duty associates to report

Alternate command center could be established temporarily

Appropriate media center for hotel and other parties could be established temporarily

Families of detained associates/guests could await more information

Consider need to set up Emergency/Crisis response command center and media briefing center nearby but away from the location, depending

upon circumstances.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 8

Initial When



Notify local authorities who will be official liaison from Hotel.

Arrange with authorities for Hotel’s ERT members to access Hotel and/or cordoned-off areas.

Coordinate arrangements for arrival and initial setup for Go-Team from Division, if it is dispatched.

Appoint a public relations/communications liaison to Corporate and Division crisis response teams who can:

Research and provide factual information.

Serve as a possible media liaison and potentially as interim spokesperson, if required

Maintain open communications with Division/Corporate crisis response teams.

Issue news releases and statements locally, when directed to do so by the Corporate Crisis Response Team.

Assist the Division Go-Team, if deployed.

Set up Media Briefing Center.

Establish incident activity logs. (Section C5)

Locally issue a media alert with contact information when provided by Corporate.

Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

If injured guests/associates are taken to hospital, assign ERT member to be stationed at hospital.

Secure video surveillance, if applicable.

Be prepared to issue a holding statement to the local news media (using the template provided at C6) in consultation with Corporate PR.

Otherwise, make no immediate statements to the news media unless advised to do so by Division or Corporate.

Communicate with associates and on-site contractors as possible, but only communicate the same information that is being released to the

public or via the Intranet. The exception is, of course, information required to reestablish safe operation of your hotel. Request that

associates refer all outside inquiries to authorized company spokespersons.

Help Corporate and Division teams identify/contact likely non-Starwood news sources for coordination of response and public


Emergency responders, in coordination with security

Government officials, in coordination with public affairs

High profile guests, in coordination with sales

Other affected parties (guest organizations, unions)

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 9


Initial When



Emergency/Crisis Response Team meeting to assess situation, review status and determine critical next steps.

Hotel Emergency/Crisis Response Command Center and Media Briefing Center complete and staffed.

Contact Starwood properties in area to ensure support as needed.

Consider “Joint Press Center” approach at location, i.e., opening the location briefing center for use by other emergency responders or


If significant casualties or fatalities exist, coordinate with Division and Corporate concerning next-of-kin notifications in accordance with local

customs and the scope of effort required of FEI Behavioral Health (C8)

Take digital photos or capture live video to provide baseline information on event as soon after event as possible.

Locally issue initial and subsequent news releases and statements when furnished by the Corporate Crisis Response Team (General release and

reporter-specific based on location inquiry logs.)

Notify insurance carrier (P1.6).

Establish a concierge service to assist guests with special needs, including airline reservations, retrieving luggage from areas inaccessible to

guests, provide overnight supplies if luggage remains inaccessible.

Contact off-duty associates to give them appropriate directions; report to work or not; report to alternate location or inform of safe routes to use to

reach Hotel.

As appropriate, provide advance copies of all news releases and statements to local emergency responders and law enforcement officials.

Provide initial news release and subsequent statements to hotel associates.

When informed by Corporate and verified locally, the Internet and Intranet corporate sites will become a source of information on the event; notify

associates and public inquirers, as appropriate.

Consider unionized worker ramifications, union leader coordination.

Provide input to Corporate Crisis Response Team for an assessment of political ramifications; counsel in development of a political contact/action


Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

Brief DCRT and CCRT on status/actions.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 10


Initial When



Emergency/Crisis Response Team meeting to assess situation, review status and determine critical next steps.

Arrange Hotel’s flags to be lowered to half-mast, if appropriate.

Arrange Hotel’s signage/logo lighting to be turned off.

Determine if Go-Team will need translation services and provide internal or external resources identified in P1.8.

Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

Arrange mobile phones for each member of Go-Team. Ensure phones have international calling authority.

When provided by Division/Corporate, locally issue second news release. Subsequent news releases will be issued as

events warrant.

Coordinate with Reservations and CCRT to contact future guests as appropriate.

Brief DCRT and CCRT on status/actions.

Begin preparation for next steps, as appropriate to extent of crisis for the needs of guests:



Retrieval of belongings

Location for assembly of family members

Diverting arriving guests and future reservations

Stop scheduled deliveries, as appropriate

If property is closed, what will need to be done to reopen

Communicate with guests on all steps being taken for them

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 11


Initial When



Emergency/Crisis Response Team meeting to assess situation, review status and determine critical next steps.

An on-site news briefing may also be appropriate. If so, either a Division executive or the location general manager will likely be the

spokesperson. (Scripts and instructions to be supplied by the Corporate Crisis Response Team.)

Monitor local news reports and provide summary to Corporate Public Relations.

Continue execution of all previous activities.

Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

Review Hotel emergency/crisis staffing requirements and adjust as possible. Ensure team members have scheduled relief and planned rest as


Arrange food and refreshments in command center.

Review Starwood or brand public websites and intranet for accuracy of materials. Report inaccuracies to Corporate Public Relations.

Brief DCRT and CCRT on status/actions.

No Action Required, For Your Information

Upon arrival of Go-Team, provide support as requested but primary responsibility for managing crisis shifts to the Go-

Team to allow Hotel management to operate the facility as possible and attend to the needs of guests and associates.


Initial When



Emergency/Crisis Response Team meeting to assess situation, review status and determine critical next steps. If Go-Team is on site,

responsibility for managing crisis shifts to Go-Team. If not, continue with activities.

Brief DCRT and CCRT on status/actions.

Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

Review news clips for accuracy; inform Corporate Public Relations of inaccuracies.

Continue execution of all previous activities.

Emergency/Crisis Response Team change of shift/hand-off briefing (12-hour shifts) to backup Team members. Post schedule of staff on

response team and those working hotel operations. Include information as to where those off-duty can be located.

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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 12


Initial When



Emergency/Crisis Response Team meeting to assess situation, review status and determine critical next steps.

Brief DCRT and CCRT on status/actions.

Provide DCRT and CCRT update on activities of any involved law enforcement agencies.

Review news clips provided by Corporate; identify significant inaccuracies.

When provided, locally issue news release, updating and summarizing.

Continue execution of previous day activities.

Prepare activities checklist for next 24 hours.

Emergency/Crisis Response Team change of shift/hand-off briefing (12-hour shifts) to primary Team members. Post schedule of staff on

response team and those working hotel operations. Include information as to where those off-duty may be located.

Take digital photos or capture live video to review and compare versus earlier pictures/video.

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Property Name

Description of Emergency or Crisis

Time occurred or began?

Time now?

Is it still under way?

Time ended?

Guest Injuries? Yes/No?

Number if known

Guest Deaths Confirmed? Yes/No?

Number if known

Registered guests or other guests involved?

Associate Injuries? Yes/No?

Number if known

Associate Deaths Confirmed? Yes/No?

Number if known

How did event occur?

(Facts only, do not speculate.)

Where on property did it occur?

Has it spread to other areas or is it confined?

What actions taken thus far?

Evacuation required? Yes/No?

Shelter in Place required? Yes/No?

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Local authorities notified? Yes/No? Who?

Local authorities on-site?

Yes/No? Who?

News media on site? Hotel contacted by

news media?

Other important information

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C:5 INCIDENT ACTIVITY LOG Nature of Emergency:_____________________________ Date of incident:____________________

Property Involved:_________________________________ Date of log:__________________________



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STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS WORLDWIDE, Emergency & Crisis Management Plan 8/15/05 Highly confidential and proprietary. ©2005 Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. 20


Nature of Emergency: Explosion Date of incident: 11/21/03

Property Involved: Sheraton Somewhere Date of log: 11/21/03



13:05 Smith Notified by Security (Jones) of suspicious package, appears to be a

possible bomb.

13:08 Smith Notified local authorities.

13:12 Smith Activated Hotel Crisis Response Team.

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I can confirm that an apparent (broad event descriptive – explosion, attack, invasion, etc.) has occurred at the (hotel name) this

(morning, afternoon, evening). Our entire staff is currently responding to the aftermath of this event and caring for our guests and

associates. Once we have completed this phase of our work, a spokesperson for the hotel will be made available to the news

media later today to take your questions.

You may want to leave your name, affiliation and contact information with us, so that we can get back to you.

Until then, you may reach a representative of (brand) at 866-500-0455 or


Name News Outlet Phone Fax Email Address

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C:7 GO-TEAM CONCEPT In the event of a major crisis, Starwood will mobilize a small group of diversely qualified individuals to travel to the scene of the crisis

as soon as possible. Once on site, that team, known as the Go-Team, will take over responsibility for managing the crisis, in

coordination with the Corporate Crisis Response Team. The team will be able to evaluate the loss and implement the response

plan in an effort to minimize human suffering as well as impact to the corporation from a financial and brand perspective.

This is a new concept within Starwood’s crisis planning, although this same approach has been used for many years by airlines. An

aviation accident’s high profile, typically large scale of loss, and extensive governmental involvement require a skilled rapid

response team on the scene as soon as possible. The Go-Team approach adopted by Starwood is based on best practices learned

over many years of airline go-team responses both internationally and in the domestic U.S.

Consistent with the organizational structure at Starwood, there will be a Go-Team for each of the four Divisions. The Starwood

Division responsible for the hotel or resort involved in the crisis will be accountable for the response effort. Consistent with the day-

to-day business of individual hotels being locally managed under their individual brand name, crisis response will also be in the

name of the hotel brand involved in the crisis.

There are references to the Go-Team throughout this plan. At the Hotel level, the responsibilities regarding the Go-Teams are all in

support of the Go-Team and in making arrangements for the Go-Team’s activities once on site. At the Division level, the

responsibilities for Division management who are not primary members of the team are to assist the Go-Team in its departure

preparations and monitor Hotel activities and assist the affected Hotel until the Go-Team arrives.

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The Starwood Crisis Go-Team will be the operative responder. The responsible Division’s senior management will oversee the

team’s activity and make progress reports to Starwood’s Corporate Headquarters. The team leader will be empowered to manage

on-site activity in concert with the Corporate Crisis Response Team (CCRT).

A member of senior management from the Division will lead the go-team. Members of the Go-Team will include:

Division President

Public Relations


Human Resources

Technical Services/Engineering

Divisional Representative to the CCRT

Additional members of the team may be required from:


Risk Management


Hotel staff from the affected hotel, as well as possibly from other Starwood properties in the area, will supplement the Go-Team as

requested. But, once the Go-Team has arrived, the staff of the affected hotel can return to its primary duties of operating the hotel

and serving our guests.

A Go-Team will not typically be able to arrive at the affected hotel site immediately. It could take a number of hours or even a day

for the team to assemble and travel to the hotel. Many factors could delay the team’s arrival. The Go-Team is envisioned to take

over responsibility for the crisis upon arrival, but the local management, in concert with the Division, is expected to manage the crisis

during the interim. AMDs and RVPs will also play an integral role in both the interim management of the crisis as well as supporting

the Go-Team upon arrival.

Detailed plans and checklists for the Go-Teams are contained in a separate crisis response plan, which is in the hands of each Go-

Team member.

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C:8 FAMILY ASSISTANCE – FEI BEHAVIORAL HEALTH A major crisis of the proportions that would involve a Go-Team from Division and the Corporate Crisis Response Team activation

would also likely involve casualties—or sincere concern of casualties—among our guests and associates. Such an event, which

certainly will generate national and international news coverage, will create immediate and substantial concern among family

members of our guests and associates. Those family members will want to know, and know quickly, what has happened with their

loved ones. And, if we do, indeed, have significant casualties, we will need to provide on-site and remote assistance, comfort and

support to those injured as well as family members of all who were injured or killed.

To assist Starwood and provide us with the expertise to meet these urgent needs, we have contracted with the most experienced

and qualified company in this field, FEI Behavioral Health. FEI has global operation resources and translation capability in more

than 140 languages. FEI’s clients include more than 40 airlines, numerous companies in the hospitality industry and the U.S.

federal government, including the Department of Justice and National Transportation Safety Board.

There are references to FEI in different places in the Crisis Response & Communications Plan. FEI is under contract to work with

us in at least two main areas (crisis call center and on-site family assistance) where we don’t have the experience or trained

manpower immediately required during a crisis.


Within about one hour of being notified by Starwood of the crisis, FEI will announce phone numbers which can be used by family

members and friends who are concerned about their loved ones. If the crisis is in the U.S., FEI will provide both a toll-free number

that can be called from within the U.S. and a toll number that can be reached by international callers along with collect-call

instructions. If the crisis is outside the U.S., FEI will provide a phone number that can be dialed locally in the affected country along

with direct-dial toll and toll-free numbers within the U.S. (We will have different phone numbers for the news media or other public.)

FEI can provide capability in more than two dozen languages. If we are fortunate to not have substantial casualties, our needs for

this call center service will quickly diminish. If the needs continue, the support will be there for as long as we need it.


In the tragic case of substantial casualties among our guests and/or associates, FEI will send teams of experienced specialists to

the site to work directly with those who are injured and family members of the injured or killed. These teams will work with the

authorities in charge of the investigation and with members of the Starwood Go-Team and possibly the hotel crisis response team.

FEI’s job, acting on behalf of Starwood, is to provide all assistance possible to those guests, associates and family members

dramatically affected by the crisis. The FEI team members will be the liaison between Starwood and those needing such

assistance, support and comfort. They would arrange, for example, transportation to the site for family members, transportation

home for any injured and their families, assistance with funeral planning, transportation of remains, temporary housing in the city

where the crisis event occurred, and such other support needed. The on-site assistance will be coordinated with a designated

member of the Go-Team.


The Corporate Crisis Response Team has the responsibility to determine whether to activate FEI’s services. No direct action is

required by the hotel or Division to activate FEI or make any arrangements on their behalf initially. Depending upon circumstances,

members of the hotel’s crisis response team or the Division Go-Team, may be called upon to interface with FEI representatives but

such requirements will be defined at the time of the need.

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C:9 STARWOOD CRISIS COMMUNICATIONS RULES Following is a list of best and worst practices for dealing with the news media during a crisis. These rules represent a consensus of

crisis communications experts, derived from sometimes painful experiences during actual events.


DO designate only ONE spokesperson to represent the hotel and Starwood at the scene of a crisis event. (GM is recommended.)

DO coordinate with Divisional and/or Corporate Public Relations every time before making any public statements.

DO make a spokesperson available and communicate frequently with news reporters. This is the only way to control rumors.

DO express sorrow or sympathy for the victims, but do not speculate about or accept responsibility or blame for the incident.

DO remember that the reputation of Starwood and its brands is on the line with customers, shareholders and fellow employees.

DO be patient, the media aren’t experts in our business.

DO be completely factual and truthful.

DO double-check all information before making a public statement.

DO coordinate statements and information with spokespersons for other organizations involved, such as police, fire departments, emergency response organizations or government officials.

DO immediately correct any false or misleading information, whether inadvertently released by a Starwood spokesperson or incorrectly stated by a news reporter.

DO repeat your key messages every chance you get.


DON’T release the names of injured or deceased individuals to the public. Leave that to the appropriate authorities, such as local police, hospitals, etc. (In instances where local custom calls for a business to release casualty names, double-check information and get assurance from authorities that next-of-kin have been notified prior to any release of information.)

DON’T guess or speculate on anything or give opinions. (Cause of event, responsibility, cost estimates, etc.)

DON’T attempt to answer questions that are best left to someone else, such as emergency responders, investigators or local authorities.

DON’T be afraid to say “I don’t know the answer to that, but I will see what I can find out for you.” (Make sure you follow-up.)

DON’T try to answer hypothetical questions.

DON’T be rude to a reporter. Be firm, but polite. Remember, news reporters always get the last word.

DON’T lie, mislead or cover-up public information. It will get out anyway and during a crisis the company’s credibility is under intense scrutiny.

DON’T attempt to use humor in the presence of the news media.

DON’T lose your temper.

DON’T play favorites. Everyone in the media gets the same information at the same time.

DON’T say “no comment.” If you cannot answer a question, just say so and give a brief explanation why.

DON’T repeat accusations, inflammatory remarks or speculation

DON’T give “background” information or go “off the record.”

DON’T discuss specifics of company insurance or financial impacts. Just say that the hotel maintains adequate insurance but considers details to be proprietary.

DON’T discuss sensitive information while using cellular telephones.

DON’T be defensive; make positive statements.

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