starting out as an internet marketer


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Page 1: Starting out as an Internet Marketer


Page 2: Starting out as an Internet Marketer


LEGAL NOTICE: The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation

of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any

time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the

Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this

publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary

interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons,

peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of

income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their

individual circumstances to act accordingly.

This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or

financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals

in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. Within the book you will find

numerous links to different sites. Some of these are affiliate links, and the reader

must assume that if the links are clicked on and a product purchased, the publisher

will make a commission from the sale.

You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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Table of Contents

1. Day #1: Welcome - Finding your Niche........................... 4

2. Day #2: Domain Names and Hosting.................................11

3. Day #3: Search Engine Optimisation...............................17

4. Day #4: Generating Traffic...............................................27

5. Day #5: Google Adwords and Adsense............................31

6. Day #6: Tapping in on Social Media.................................35

7. Day #7: The Power of Article Writing..........................40

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Day#1 – Welcome To Your E Course

Welcome to this e-book training course on getting started in internet marketing.

Within this book, I have covered some basic topics in affiliate and internet marketing,

and how you can get into this amazing job of earning money from the comfort of your

own home.

Before I start, I am going to tell you one hard truth about internet marketing - There

are no quick fixes, there are no working get rich schemes and it will take you time to

make money. If you are new in internet marketing, you will soon realise that you wish

you had someone to guide you. There appears to be a common misconception that

signing up as an affiliate with sites such as Clickbank, Paydotcom or Clicksure will

automatically start to make you money - the truth of the matter is it can take weeks to

months before you start seeing any returns. Remember, there are hundreds if not

thousands of people trying to do the same thing as you - and many probably making

the same mistakes as you are; some are also making a ton of cash.

In this series of reports, I will cover, in a step-by-step fashion, how to get into internet

marketing, what tools to use and help you create your own cash generating website.

You will learn how to drive traffic to the site, and how to convert visitors into leads,

and more importantly, leads into sales.

So sit back with a hot cup of coffee (or any other beverage should you prefer!), and

let’s get on with day 1.

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"How to Create Your Own Website and Internet

Business E Course"

Hi, my name is Vikky, and you will find me on forums under the name Vikky B, along

with a weird caricature drawing of me back in the day when I loved to DJ! At the

moment, I run three websites on complete auto pilot and they bring me good

earnings from them each month.

My online journey did not start this way though. I spent almost a whole year trying to

learn how to do things online. It seemed to me that all the experts and marketing

‘gurus’ knew the best ways to make money online, but not one actually showed me

how to get started from scratch. I personally found that extremely frustrating. While

one expert said to start a blog and write 20 articles a week (!!) - Another one said go

into affiliate marketing, another one said use the ‘power of Facebook’.... I was

reaching the end of my tether and had lost all hope as nothing was working!

This took me a whole year to find the best solution to decide what I was going to do.

Some days sitting in front of computer for hours and hours trying to find an easy way

to start my online business.

The truth I discovered after spending some of my savings is that -

'There is no clever formula or a quick get rich scheme

that works. The only way to make money online is to

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have a plan and to keep everything as simple as


However, the fact still remains - you WILL make money on the internet, and you will

get rich from the internet. It will take time. Don't give up if you make any mistakes or

you do not understand something. It took me a year to make my first website, not

because it was difficult, I was just lazy. I did as little as possible while I

was searching for a miracle product online. I spent hundreds of dollars of my hard

earned cash, and it was getting me nowhere! Bu then I found a program that helped

me immensely - and I will talk about it later. The guys set up my website for free, and

now this website is now primary income source. When I look back now, I am quite

upset that it took me all of this time to get started, and I wish someone had just

pointed me in the right direction.

In the next few days, you will receive my step by step guide on creating an online

business which took me nearly a year to prepare. You get it all for free. In return I

ask only one thing from you -

Take your time with each step and do not rush until you complete one section.

I want your FULL commitment!

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In this E-Course I have included the links and sites where I got all the answers I was

looking for. I will talk about these in detail, and will make sure that you get the

maximum out of this e-course with minimum expenditure to you.

It’s time you stopped spending all your hard-

earned cash and started making money!

The idea behind the course is to teach anyone as to how they can have a website

and online business without spending all their savings.

So, I have no big promises for you. All I promise is when you finish my course, you

will learn -

How to get your own cash-generating website for FREE

How to get FREE traffic to your site

and most importantly.....

How to make money from your site!

This e-course, if you treat it right, will turn into a money making machine. Most

people won't take action, but a few that do take the necessary steps will not regret

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the time they have spent. So, if you are in that elite group, then get prepared to start

your journey.

If this is not you, you can unsubscribe and look for the next 'get rich quick scheme

with their wonderful promises'.

Great! You are still here.....

Scroll down and let’s get on with your first part of your course!

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Finding your Niche Market

A ‘niche’ refers to a subset of the market on which a specific product is focussed

upon. Choosing your niche is the first step you need to take. It is not uncommon for

you have to ask yourself -

What is it you love? What are you passionate about?

Finding a niche market is the most important factor in your online business. Find

something that you are passionate about, and you will, by default, work hard on

promoting your business. This simple step took me nearly 6 months until I decided

where my passion was and I have not looked back since.

There are a ton of niches out there. You may be interested in health and fitness, and

within that niche are ‘sub-niches’ or ‘micro-niches’ such as women’s health or

nutrition. Choose carefully and wisely.

If you already have your Niche Market chosen, you have

completed a very big step of the set up for your business.

new internet marketers to into affiliate

marketing and start promoting anything

and everything on Clickbank, wasting

too much time and making no money

whatsoever. So before you jump in ,

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If not here are my tips on how you can find a great niche market. Unfortunately, this

is one area you need to put a lot of your own work in as everyone is unique and

only you know what you want to work with.

A simple starting point could be to write down a list of 10 possible markets you would

like to create your website around. Once this list is done, ask yourself these three

questions regarding each of these markets -

Question #1 - Are people buying stuff online from this market?

Question #2 - Can you reach these people from your website?

Question #3 - Are you interested in this market?

Simple as it sounds, this is a big task. And it’s tough.

So your homework for today:

Take your time, make lots of notes and find out which market you want to be in.

Remember, you are going to work within this market, so make sure it is a subject you

enjoy and feel passionate about.

I will send you the next lesson in the next 2-3 days, and we will be discussing

Domain registration


Your FREE Website!

Before we close for the day, I leave you with the following quote -

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‘You've been walking in circles, searching. Don't drink by the water's edge.

Throw yourself in. Become the water. Only then will your thirst end’ - Jeanette


Until next time.....


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Day #2 -You have your Niche Market,

now we need a Domain and Web Hosting


I am so glad to see that you are reading this, and clearly you are committed to being

a success in the world of internet marketing.

Hope you are well. Today, we will cover the next big question on our list.

How can I start building my website?

First step towards building your website is choosing a Domain Name and Hosting.

It is great news that both of these steps do not cost a lot of money as you might have

thought. There are many companies to choose from. I changed a few hosting

companies along the way, due to problems with their upload times and customer


a. Domains

I am now settled with Namecheap and I strongly recommend them. You can buy

both your Domain name and Hosting with them if you wish, though I do not do that

anymore as I have found cheaper and better options. Domain names costs start at

$2.49 a year! That’s just crazy cheap. In addition, they have a brilliant customer


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Before buying a domain name, make sure you choose something catchy and one

that customers will remember. For example, if you are promoting a diet and weight

loss site, you would not want to be calling your site ‘’ ; a title such

as ‘slim-jims-diet’ might sound better, as it gets the word ‘slim’ across, which is

closely related to weight loss. You can use domain superstar to help you choose the

right domain name if you wish. A short domain will be easier to remember for your

visitors. Domains are mostly an overlooked part of a successful website. If you

choose something that is a fancy name but nothing related to your niche market, it

will make your customers not value your site high. Also, it will take search engines

like Google to index you a longer time.

When you sign up with Namecheap they have a domain check facility. Here you can

start searching for domain names related to your niche market you have chosen. For

your website, try and get a website with a ‘.com’ suffix. For my squeeze pages, I use

a ‘.in’ suffix as it is really cheap.

Tip: You do not have to worry about buying anything extra from

your hosting company; just get the cheapest domain and hosting

plan. If you need extras like "daily back-ups", "IP privacy" you

can get them later on, when you start making money from your


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Once you have chosen a suitable name for your domain, sign up and sometimes it

can take a few hours for your domain to be registered. You will get the confirmation

by email and they will pass you all your passwords for signing in. Keep this email


So far you have successfully completed the following:

Decided on your niche market

Registered your domain name

b. Hosting

A host is a server(s) where your website is located on the world wide web. When

choosing a host, you need to consider how good their servers are, and if your

website is uploaded to their servers, whether when searched on the internet there

are no constant crashes or slow uploading.

I have tried a few hosting companies, and currently I use two of them, that I have

found cheap and have great customer service.

HostGator - brilliant hosting. They have different packages and have a great

customer support system

GVO - I use them for 2 of my sites and for my squeeze pages. They have an

easy to control control panel, and are reasonably priced too.

Once you have chosen your hosting company, its time to move on and create your


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How to easily publish your first pages of your Website

OK, I have a confession to make. I am no internet genius, no web designing guru. I

have no idea how to design websites using complicated HTML code.

What you want your website to be about depends on you. You could have an

Amazon affiliate site where you sell products from Amazon or a review site where

you post reviews on different Clickbank products with affiliate links. The choice is

yours. I have both, and they seem to do well.

When I started out, I trawled the internet to see if I could find someone who would

create a website for me for free (or cheap). I found the following -

1. My FREE website - I found a millionaire internet marketer who was helping

internet marketing starters create their first cash-generating website for free. In

addition to creating the site, they also offer hosting with GVO, which makes life so

simple. They are called Affiliate website Generator, and the great thing is once you

sign up for free, your website will be ready in a few minutes! It’s based on the ever-

popular WordPress platform, which makes it versatile and extremely user friendly. As

an internet marketing newbie, I found it so simple to use, to update content and drive

traffic to the site.

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2. - Now, if you are not happy with getting a free website made for you,

you can hire someone on and get your website created for you for a mere

$5. You will still have to purchase the domain name and hosting, and it will cost you

a bit more to get the site uploaded to the server (an additional $10 - $20), unless you

know how to do that yourself. If you are like me and have no clue how to do that, I

would stick with option 1 and have my website made for me in minutes.

3. Other cash generating site creators - If you have some money to spare, then there

are other programs that you could use to create your cash-generating site. These

vary between $19 to around $100, but once again, you get the advantage of a

professional doing them for you. One such example is here.

4. Hire a web designer - This is not easy. A lot of web designers charge by the hour,

with rates varying from $20 to $50 per hour. This can cost you a lot (up to $1000),

plus you have to spend time designing the site and telling the web designer what it is

you want to see. It takes a long time to set up as well.

I would strongly recommend option 1. It is created by a team that knows what

converts, and won’t cost you anything to set up. It is complete in a few clicks of the

mouse too! All you will have to pay for is the domain name and hosting, which turns

out a lot cheaper than all the other options.

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You now have your own domain name, your hosting package and

your very own website! It’s entirely up to you what content you

want in your site, and you can be as active as you want with it,

and can fill it with rich high quality content that will bring you sales

an make you money!

Sadly, that’s all for today’s part of the course.

Before I go, I leave you with this thought of the the day -

‘It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do

not dare that they are difficult’ -Seneca

Take care!

Your friend,


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Day #3 - Search Engine Optimisation - SEO

Hello again!

Well, I hope you guys are learning something useful and having fun at the same

time, and are starting to see that making money online only requires a few simple

steps. So before we go ahead, why don’t we pop open a bottle of bubbly! Cheers!

Now that we have finished celebrating and are feeling rather inebriated, it is time to

tuck into that fry up, grab a glass of water and start the third day of your E -course!

Today we will cover a very important part of your website -

Choosing your KEYWORDS

Adding Keywords to your Website

Just to quickly recap what we have achieved in the last 2 training modules -

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We have decided on a niche market

Registered a domain name and decided on your hosting provider

Got a really cool catchy awesome website name

Got your free website up and running.

Now is the time to start playing with your website. Learn how to create new pages,

new posts, add videos, add links, add advertisements....the list goes on. If your site

is built on WordPress platform, it is very easy to use. I always found any answer I

wanted on YouTube - just type in what you are stuck with and you will have your

answer. Easy!

However, there is one important thing to remember when you are filling your website

up with your thoughts and products -

Keep the content unique. It does not matter how good the

content looks and how colourful the site is, if it is filled with

useless content, then nobody will find it.

And by nobody, I mean search engines. They just don’t bother these days with

content that is boring and copied.

Search Engines list the results of any search regarding to the content of the web

pages. They spend millions of dollars each year to improve organic search results. It

is a huge business and just in a nut shell, if your content is unique, informative and

closely related to the search topic then you are in a good position to rank higher on

search engines.

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Copied content, duplicate content and SPAM are definitely something to avoid all

together. Remember, you are creating a business that will stay with you and keep

making you money for many years. You do not want to be enemies of search

engines; otherwise they could ban you from appearing in any of the results.

Why is it so important to rank so highly on search engines?

Well, simple - you want people to see your business when they search for something

related to that. Studies have shown that when a potential customer searches for

something on Google, almost 99% of them do not go beyond page 2. Most of them

do not go past page 1! So if you are page 2 or beyond, you can pretty much kiss the

chances of you ever making money online goodbye.

How do the search engines find your website?

Search Engines have something called SPIDERS (robot software) that search each

website on different intervals. As spiders do in nature, these virtual spiders ‘crawl’

through the site, hunting for good and unique content. If it is good, you are in. If it’s

boring and useless, you are out.

One of the things that these spiders look for is repeated keywords. Once they see

words repeated in a comfortable way, several times in your content - they then

decide that your content must be about these repeated words. These important

words are called KEYWORDS. They can be just one word or a short phrase. I am

not going to go into too much detail regarding keywords and SEO here, but will cover

some of the basics that will help you.

Let’s take this example -

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Let’s say you own a business that sells golf balls. If you search for ‘golf balls’ on

Google, you will get over 53 million hits! You can only imagine how hard it will be to

get your site, which like all the others selling golf balls, will be to get on the first page

of Google!

However, if you design your website well, and place your keywords well, the spiders

that will be sent out to crawl all over your site will like what they see, and place you

higher up. Now, there are other ways to do this, and I will discuss this later, but for

now, just remember to keep your keywords smartly placed within your text. Do this,

and your website will rank highly on Google.

However, please bear the following in mind. A lot of internet gurus will tell you that

your website will be on the first page of Google overnight. This almost never

happens. It takes time, but sometimes it is achievable in around 4 days to a few


How to choose the right Keywords?

Earlier, I mentioned that you need to choose your keywords wisely. There are many

tools online to help you search for keywords and get ideas. I use the following as

they are very useful

1. Google Keyword tool - This is completely free, and will give you a large list of

keywords for any niche that you are looking to sell in. However, it can be a bit tricky.

The key is to get a few keywords and use them, and see what sort of traffic you get.

It can be a bit hit-and-miss, but eventually you will get there. I aim for any keyword

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that generates more than 1000 and less than 20,000 monthly search results. Also, I

check the left hand side of the results to see if the advertisers bar is not too high.

2. Jaaxy - This is a brilliant tool. Unfortunately, it requires a subscription, though the

first 30 or so searches are free, so make use of them. It uses a color coding system

that identifies the best keywords to use, and those will get you ranked highly on

Google. Green indicates it’s a great keyword. I would strongly recommend using this

free service before you decide to pay for anything.

Let’s take an example -

‘Golf’ search returns - 331million results

‘Golf Balls’ returns - 53 million results

‘Used Golf Balls’ returns - 42 million results

and so on…..

Can you see how you can narrow your results this way?

I am sure you have a few questions, so hopefully the frequently asked ones will

cover them -

1. What is a page rank?

Each website goes through a review from search engines for their value on internet

once they index website pages. This is what is known as page rank. They value

each page with 0 to 10. Google will rank new websites 0 for a few months and then

they start going up the ladder.

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2. Do I need to have high page rank to be on Google's top page?

Not really, if you have the right keywords and you have great unique content, you

can always get listed higher than some website who has higher PR than your


Of course, nobody knows exactly how Google makes their lists. They have their

formula and algorithms. What I know is ' unique content is KING', you will always

have visitors to your website and they refer people to you.

So, now you have keywords that you want to use, with

the right amount of competition. What’s next? Where do

you put your keywords in your website?

Well, try and incorporate your keywords in the following places

Page Title

Page Description

Meta Tags

Meta Tag Description

Headers of each page

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Body part of each page

End of each page

Word press has a number of SEO plugins that you can easily download to your site. I

use the plugin by Yoast - it’s easy to use and it’s a great free SEO tool.

If you find any of this difficult, please give yourself

time. Try to make a test project. Don't be scared to

make mistakes

If you have used any images on your webpage, then you can name the images with

your keywords. Use a different keyword for each image.

After completing all the above, you can submit your website to search engines. Here

are the links to submit your website to Google, Yahoo and MSN. Once your web

pages are indexed in the big 3 search engines, rest of the search engines will index

you as well.

Submit Your Website to Google Here

Submit Your Website to Yahoo Here

Submit Your Website to MSN

It normally takes around a week to get indexed. Please make sure you only submit

your website when the above sections are completed and you do have at least 3

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pages including a HOME page. Google does not like indexing websites that are

under construction.

We have covered a lot today, so please go back read anything that you have not

completely understood. Here is a quick checklist of your progress towards your

online business.

You should now have the following steps completed.

Choosing a Niche Market

Domain Name and Hosting

Created your free website

Got a minimum of 15 keywords for each of your webpages

Learned the basics of SEO

Created our first pages with keywords in the right places.

Submitted Website to the biggest 3 Search Engines

There are a lot more ways to get your website on the first page of Google. One of the

ways to do so is drive a lot of traffic to the site for free. Google recognises this and

starts to rank your site higher.

In the next training session, we will briefly cover ’Getting free Traffic to Your

Website’. Until then, I leave you with this thought to ponder upon -

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‘Life is not about finding yourself - Life is all about creating yourself’

George Bernard Shaw

Your friend,


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Day #4 Getting Traffic To Your Website

Congratulations on getting this far! Now that you have, let’s go a bit further.

Today we will look at one of the most important aspects of making money online.


By now you would have realized that you may have the best website in the world, but

it means nothing if you don’t have quality traffic. There is no point in having a website

that has 10 visitors a day. It is not uncommon for a lot of new internet marketers to

concentrate all their efforts on just creating a website. Some go to the extent of

paying a web designer up to $1000 to design a website of their dreams.

But all this is useless if there is no traffic to the site.

They won’t even break even; just leading them on to the next attempt at making

money online.

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Right, I have to admit that I am no SEO expert, and talking in detail about different

traffic strategies is out of the scope of this series. However, I am going to mention

some great training programs below that will help you get a ton of traffic to your site.

The strategies are explained in detail with video explanations as well. It covers both

free and paid traffic.

However, I will talk about some of them in brief, and will cover only the simple

strategies. Let’s talk about free traffic first

1. Free Traffic

a. Facebook - Create a Facebook page and like other people’s pages in the same

niche. Chances are they will like you back, and you can develop a fan following over


b. Twitter - Create a twitter account and start following people, who will hopefull

follow you back. Tweet interesting topics from time to time, and people will get to

appreciate the stuff you tweet about. This will increase your fan following, and more

people will visit your site.

c. YouTube - Create a YouTube video about your business or post a review on a

product. Place the link to your site at the bottom of the video, and this will drive free

traffic to your site

Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have been discussed in detail on Day#6 of this


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d. Forums - Join an active forum or two and post useful comments. In the signature

section, place a link to your blog or website. Do not place affiliate links - you could

get kicked off the forum.

e. Blogs - Have a review blog or a blog on something that interests you. Use Google

Blogger or WordPress as your platform. Write regularly and use good keywords and

you will get traffic. Place links strategically, and this can increase your sales when

the visitors click on them. You can also place advertisements on your site.

f. Generate back-links - Once you post on your blog or website, create back-links to

your site by visiting or Alternatively, you can go to and type in ‘link pyramid’. Sort results by ratings and use them to create

back-links for you. This will raise your page rankings on Google.

These are the common ways to get free traffic.

2. Paid traffic

This is better than free traffic as the visitors to your site will be targeted visitors

looking to buy the product you are selling. The only issue is that you will have to shell

out big bucks that can be quite worrying. But if it works, you will make a ton of


a. Google adwords - Google lets business owners advertise their websites, though

they have strict rules to abide by. However, it drives great traffic to your site. It has

been discussed in day#5 of this course.

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b. Facebook ads - Facebook hosts a huge platform to advertise your product given

the number of users it boasts. Definitely worth using this.

c. Banner ads - Most affiliate networks provide banner ads that can be posted on

your own site or on sites that allow banner ads. One such site is buysellads, that has

a ton of websites that allow banner ads. Use them wisely and you will make money.

There are many other paid ways to generate traffic. As I mentioned earlier, I am no

expert, but will strongly recommend Chad Hamzeh’s Traffic Black Book system

coaching. He is an active warrior on the Warrior forum, and has received amazing


I hope you find these useful. These only cover the basics, and hopefully in the near

future I will have a more descriptive e-book on traffic generation for you.

Till next time....

Without wisdom, gold is quickly lost by those who have it. - from ‘The Rıchest

Man in Babylon’ by George Clason.


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Day #5 - Google Adsense & Google Adwords

Hello again!

Today we will cover what is probably the biggest advertising platform there is on the

planet -

With billions of users, the chances of increasing the number of visitors to your site is

extremely high. Google have 2 main platforms related to advertising. You can join

these programs for free and all you need to do is open a Google Account.

Today, I will explain in brief how each one of them works and how you can start

making money from your website with them.

Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a platform where you can advertise anything you want (well,

almost everything!) and bid for appearing on the first page of Google.

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When you search for any word on Google, you will notice that on the right side of the

results, there are sponsored ads. Also, on some websites you can see a box or

sidebar with advertisements. These are called Google Adword ads. Advertisers bid

to appear on top of the results for their chosen keyword. They can bid from $0.10 to

100s of dollars. They only pay Google this money when someone clicks on their ads.

This can make it quite expensive, but has the potential of bringing in great returns.

You can advertise your website on Google by signing up to Google Adwords. It’s

simple to set up an account and to write your advert. However, they are very strict

with what they accept and what they do not approve to advertise through their

platform. In particular, they are not fond of Clickbank or any similar sites and it’s a

good idea to get an adwords expert to help you out. They do not like adverts that

make false claims - say something like losing 4 kilos in 1 day or something similar. If

you continue to submit many ads to Google that they keep disapproving, then you

could get banned permanently from ever advertising with them, which could take a

huge chunk out of your income.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is a system where you can earn money from displaying Google

Adwords on your website pages.

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Simply, Google will give you a HTML code, to place it in your website (check the

terms & rules at Google) when you sign up and you can choose where to display

them on your website.

Once a visitor click on one of these adverts, then you will earn anything between

$0.10 to $40 or more per click. It is called PPC (Pay Per Click). Google will check

your keywords and try to place relevant ads to your website. It might start slow with

Google Adsense, however it will develop into a nice earner when your traffic


What to do and not to do with Google Adsense

Place a maximum of 2 text ads codes in your pages and 1 image ad code. You can

check Google Terms for exact numbers to display. But remember -

Never click your own ads or ask your friends to click on them.

You will get banned, Google has an impressive check up service, and click fraud is

bad news.

If I were you, I wouldn’t tell anyone I made money from my website. Just tell them

you are rich :) and you don't need to work as hard as before. Because, sometimes

friends try to help you with clicking on these ads and of course this will get you

banned. Google check each IP address where the clicks come from.

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Spend time learning both of these products. They are very valuable and a great

starting point for a new online business.

If you are looking to learn a lot more about advertising your website using Google

adwords and using Google adsense as a source of income, I would strongly

recommend enrolling on Chad Hamzeh’s Traffic Black Book course. You can sign up

for only a dollar!

Tomorrow, we will how to get unlimited traffic from Social Networks.

As always, I leave you with the thought to ponder on

‘A person starts to live when he can live outside himself’ - Albert Einstein



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Day #6 - How To Get Traffic from

Social Media

In keeping with discussing promoting your site, in this chapter, I shall briefly discuss

using social media to promote and expand your business. Of these, the three biggest

platforms include Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, though newer ones (like

Pinterest) are cropping up every day.

1. Twitter

Twitter is definitely a great way to build lots of free traffic. It is a very simple format

and allows business to freely advertise their products.

Sign up to Twitter if you haven’t already and start following people who are in your

niche. Try and get a twitter account with one of the keywords of your website or your

businesses name within it. Start searching for related businesses and people. I made

my mission on the first day that I would add 50 new names to my followers. From

this 50 people, normally you would get 30 of them following you back. So, with some

quick maths, in a few months you should have more than 1000 people whom you

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have direct contact with. This only means one thing - more people will read your

tweets as you...well....tweet!

Try to write down everything you want to say to your followers on a small notepad

and then make a new tweet each day. Try not to over do it as people may not follow

you. You could maybe do it later when business is booming and you have a huge

customer database. Make the tweets interesting and use 'story telling' or 'newspaper

headline types' on your tweets. Add your links to the end of the tweet. You can use

programs like tiny url for making your URL's shorter. As you may know, twitter only

allows 140 characters in the message. While this may not seem like much, it still is

enough to get the word out regarding your business.

Stick to tweeting, and watch your business grow!

2. Facebook

Facebook is now pretty much a household name, will nearly a billion users. Creating

a Facebook account / page now forms the basis of every successful business.

Creating an account is simple and takes only a few minutes. All you need is to use

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one of your email accounts from your website and choose a profile name. Once

again, find a profile name that will help people to find you easily.

On Facebook, you can create a page for your business and add some of your

website links. Like twitter, you must add more people each day until you reach 1000

people on your Facebook Business Page. This will take some time, but ‘like’ other

peoples pages (in your niche) and chances are they will ‘like’ your page back.

Creating a Facebook page does require some skill, and there are people on who will do it for you should you have problems creating one. It is

essential that you keep the page attractive, post material often, maybe some photos

and videos as well. All these will help.

More recently, Facebook advertising has become a major avenue pursued to

generate revenue. Create an advert on Facebook, and once it is approved, it will

drive traffic to your site. Although this is paid and can be a bit expensive, it is

definitely worth the investment. In particular, it is great at driving targeted traffic to

your site, as adverts can be targeted to groups of your choice. There are rules and

regulations to observe, but most adverts do get approved.

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Another recent concept that is now emerging is cloning Facebook adverts and

generating revenue. However, this is fairly new, and as far as I am aware, the only

software that does it is Facebook ad clone. This can certainly generate large sources

of income and is worth the investment.

3. YouTube

One word. Amazing. You don’t need to have to create your own videos; you can hire

someone on to do it for you. Create a few advertising videos, or create

product reviews and post them on YouTube. However, do keep in mind that traffic

does not come automatically, and the best way to drive traffic to your site is to post

comments (constructive or appreciative) on others videos. You can also get people

on to do testimonials for you on video that you can post on YouTube to

promote your business.

4. Other Social platforms

Many other social platforms exist that can be used, though they are not as huge as

the two above. These include (and are not limited to) -

a. Pinterest - Here you create a board where you ‘pin’ topics of interest, including

stuff about your business. Follow people on there, and chances are they will follow

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you too. It is a growing social media site, and is considered by many to eventually as

big as Facebook.

b. Myspace - This is not that great a platform as it is not as targeted as others.

c. Forums - These are brilliant. Join a forum in your niche and provide useful

contributions. Just writing ‘good post’ or ‘great stuff’ or ‘thank you’ is pointless. Write

material that will contribute to the forum and help people, and as and when your

posts increase, people will get to know you, and are more likely to visit your site.

Some of these forums will let you add your links on the signature part of your

response. All of the above links will count towards your websites popularity. Good

forums to join in the money-making niche are Warrior Forum and UK Business


In conclusion, social networking is important. It requires commitment and time. Once

you are prepared to give these, you will succeed in bringing tons of traffic to your

website in no time.

On Day#7 we will cover article submitting and driving traffic from article directories.

Until then -

‘Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance’ - Will Durant

Your friend,


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Day #7 - The Best Article Directories

Welcome back! I hope you have found what you have read useful so far. I

understand it’s not gone into too much detail, but does cover the essentials and the

basics required to start an online business.

Today I want to give you an insight secret on the best way to get links to your new

online business. If you get this right, you will have constant traffic from Google,

Yahoo and MSN.

This is of course, article submission to the best directories. Some say article writing

as a source of income is dead, but people are always looking for good information

online, and there is always a chance that someone will read what you have written.

These days it is not absolutely necessary to write articles yourself - you can hire

people to do it for you.

What article writing involves is writing something on a topic that you know a lot about

or are learning about. Say for example you are interested in the health and fitness

niche, and you have good knowledge on a particular aspect of it - maybe weight loss

for women following pregnancy. You could write an article of around 400 to 500

words and submit it to top article directories such as Ezine articles. Most article

submission sites do not allow inserting affiliate links in the body of the article, but you

could always place a link back to your website in the bottom of the article (signature

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section). I recently wrote an article on affiliate marketing for newbies and placed a

link in the signature section. After it was approved and published online, I had a fair

few visitors to my site within a couple of weeks. This could work for you too.

The key principle to observe with article writing is to keep the content unique. Do not

copy and paste something that you have found online. Plagiarism is considered a

serious offence in the academic and literary world, and you could get barred from

ever submitting any articles to any sites. Basically, you completely shut down one

modality of free traffic to your site.

Now coming to the hard bit - writing the article. While it is great if you write the article

yourself and enjoy the feeling you get when it is published online, this is not an

absolute necessity. There are people who will write the article for you for a small fee.

Some of the best sites to find freelance writers include fiverr, iwriter and odesk. Just

tell them what you would like and they will write the article for you. Makes life a lot

easier, but remember this does cost money and you are doing all this to make

money. Make sure you are satisfied with the content before you submit it to article


Another method you could adopt is article spinning. Utilising software such as

content professor and unique article wizard , you could ‘spin’ prewritten articles

around any keyword you wish and churn out different articles every time. The

problem with that is it costs money, sometimes a monthly fee. There may be an

option for a free trial, which you should make use of fully. But if it is something you

can afford, then go right ahead!

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Yet another way to write articles is to purchase PLR articles. PLR stands for Private

Label Rights, and consists of articles that you purchase off a website and use as you

please. And it is completely legal. They can be relatively cheap, costing a few cents

an article, and are great if you have a blog and are struggling to fill it with content.

Keep in mind however that a lot of PLR articles are mediocre, and it does cost a lot

more to get articles to be written by a professional. In addition, there might be

hundred of people who would have purchased those articles from the same site and

are using it the same way you do, so your content will not be unique, unless you

make changes to them and personalise them. Sites that sell PLR articles can be

found here and here.

Once you have written your article or had it written by someone else, the next thing

is to get the world to see it. You either post it on your blog, or submit it to article

directories. Some of the best article directories include

Ezine articles

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and that’s just naming a few. You can find a bigger list right here.

So how do you make money writing articles? Well, by inserting your affiliate link

strategically. Beware that some article directories do not allow that anymore, and

make sure you familiarise yourself with who does not allow them. Also, keep in mind

you will not make money from just one article - you will need to write a few at least

so that people reading them will consider you an authority and this raises your

credibility and trust as a seller.

In a nutshell, article writing still remains a good way to earn money online. There are

various methods that can be adopted to create high quality articles. The good thing

about submitting to the best article directories is that there is already a ton of traffic

to those sites, so there is a high chance your article will be seen and any links you

post will be clicked on. Submit many articles over a period of time (not all in one

day!) and you will start to see some income being generated.

Congratulations! You have completed this basic 7 day E-Course, and I hope you

enjoyed it. The main aim of this course was to introduce you to some of the basic

principles of affiliate and internet marketing, and to reassure you that you can make

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money online. Apply what you have learned here and use the links I have provided,

and you should be able to get your business going soon and start to reap the


Online coaching

Do remember, there is always help at hand. If you are looking for an internet coach

to get you into internet marketing, then I would strongly recommend joining Russell

Brunson’s DotcomsecretsX program. It is what got me started, and he has helped

thousands of people. Best of all, it only costs one dollar to start, and you can cancel

before 30 days if you don’t make any money. You can sign up here for free.

If you are looking to start out in affiliate marketing, then Affilorama is the place to

start. Their course is no doubt the best on the internet, and covers everything in

detail, including training videos and lectures. It’s brilliant. Sign up here if you wish to.

If you wish to start your own website, then sign up to affiliate website generator to

create your free website. Everything is created for you, so makes life a lot easier.

Sign up right here.

If you are looking to learn techniques to drive traffic to your site, then there is nothing

like Chad Hamzeh’s Traffic Black Book system. It covers strategies and tips that will

get you a ton of traffic in a short time. Keep in mind that this is paid traffic, and

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remains the best traffic to get to your site as it is highly targeted. The reviews on the

Warrior Forum are great, and he is a very active member there, providing valuable

tips and updates on traffic strategies. Sign up here for his program. Newer training

includes Dan Brocks Viral Traffic Optimiser, but reviews are limited as it is still fairly


Finally, if you wish to expand your existing business, please visit my site (that I have

set up with internet millionaire Michael Cheney) We

have some great guides and audio and video information on there that will help you

boost your online sales and business. We are giving away 4 free guides as well, so

make sure you stick around till the end of the video.

Sadly, I have to say goodbye to you at this stage, but hope to write further e-books

that I trust you will find useful. It has been a pleasure, and I wish you all the very


Your friend,
