stargazer may-june 2012

Getting back on track and loving it! In October, 2010, my wife Louise signed up for the STARplex Fitness Centre’s Body Transformation Challenge. Both of us had let the last decade slip away under a cloud of thoroughly enjoyable over indulgence, which included the arrival of our new born son, James. After previously living a life where I ran and cycled long distances regularly, I noticed my fitness deteriorate very quickly once I stopped. Even my job became more difficult to manage as my fitness and over all health deteriorated and things I used to be able to do easily, become increasingly difficult. As a career, I play the clarinet professionally in the Adelaide Sym- phony Orchestra – it is a full time, permanent job requiring up to six hours a day sitting still, playing the clarinet (which weighs around 1kg) resting on my thumb and this weight transfers through my right arm, through my shoulder and into the middle of my back. Multiply that by 20 years in the profession and you can see the recipe for disaster! For the last ten years I have been unable to per- form this task without the aid of a very incon- venient neck strap which holds the weight of the clarinet. This was necessary after suffer- ing severe symptoms of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), which has led to the end of a career for many musicians in the past. Pro- fessional orchestral musicians are in the top percentile of occupational injuries due to the often awkward position they need to sit to play their instrument and the very long hours required in rehearsal and practice. At the awards night for the BTC in 2010, I met Paul Pearce and had a conversation with him about my previous passion for running and cycling and he encouraged me to come along to an RPM class. After (story continued on page 3) The Truth about Sport Drinks pg 3 Keeping motivated and loving the competition pg 4 Les Mills Asia Pacific says goodbye to a Legend pg 4 Victory for Shaun Hahn in SSSSA Triathlon Championships pg 5 When the Superheros’ Arrived pg 6 STARstore a great place to shop pg 7 Trinity College Open Day pg 7 Riding is our passion pg 7 Off the Cuff—SA Police Band 18th May Blue Light Disco—18th May, 15th June & 27th July Memories of Memphis 16th June Swim Centre Holiday Program 2nd—6th July Bronze Medallion Course 2nd—6th July Senior First Aid Course 3rd July STARfun Holiday Program 9th & 10th July Satisfaction 13th July STARplex Mini Olympics 15th July Me & My Guise 11th August Issue 15 May/June 2012 Listen and Learn A father of two, loving nurtur- ing family man, did I mention traditionalist? Only joking, I’m currently a 16 year-old Gawler citizen undergoing Year 12 at Trinity College Senior. I am just like an ordinary person with a hobby or personal obsession. However there is a slight difference between a hobby and having a grasp for personal fitness. The differ- ence lies in your com- mitment. Whilst setting a goal in the gym, especially in the field of body building, you must understand that the goal WILL affect your academic, your social and your family life in a predomi- nantly positive way. Total commitment and success will occur imminently if you incorporate it positively in your routine. However your goals have to be realistic! The best way to discover how a gym can help you is to listen and learn! By all means YouTube and Google rou- tines to find your dream chest or immaculate biceps. But the best lessons are learnt from those who are experienced! Don’t be arrogant but be confident. It is a daunting step to take, walking into a gym with guys and even some girls, five times your size, but treat it like an apprenticeship. To me, the gym is one of the most precise instruments to cultivate and spend built up aggression. I will be honest, I’m not the best tempered person on the street, but this particular personality trait I (story continued on page 4) *See back page for details We want to hear from you. Do you have a story about your experience at STARplex that you would like published in The STARgazer. By submitting a story you will go into the monthly draw to win a $100 STARstore voucher. Stories can be sent to The STARgazer editors via contact details on page two of this edition. All stories will be subject to approval by the STARgazer editors.

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STARgazer the STARplex Journal. News, nutrition, sport, fitness & wellbeing for all


Page 1: STARgazer May-June 2012

Getting back on track and

loving it!

In October, 2010, my wife Louise signed up for the STARplex Fitness Centre’s Body Transformation Challenge. Both of us had let the last decade slip away

under a cloud of thoroughly enjoyable over indulgence, which included the arrival of our new born son, James. After previously living a life where I ran and cycled long distances regularly, I noticed my fitness deteriorate very quickly once I stopped. Even my job became more difficult to manage as my

fitness and over all health deteriorated and things I used to be able to do easily, become increasingly difficult. As a career, I play the clarinet professionally in the Adelaide Sym-phony Orchestra – it is a full time, permanent

job requiring up to six hours a day sitting still, playing the clarinet (which weighs around 1kg) resting on my thumb and this weight transfers through my right arm, through my shoulder and into the middle of my back. Multiply that by 20 years in the profession and you can see the recipe for disaster! For the last ten years I have been unable to per-form this task without the aid of a very incon-venient neck strap which holds the weight of the clarinet. This was necessary after suffer-ing severe symptoms of RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), which has led to the end of a career for many musicians in the past. Pro-fessional orchestral musicians are in the top percentile of occupational injuries due to the often awkward position they need to sit to play their instrument and the very long hours required in rehearsal and practice.

At the awards night for the BTC in 2010, I met Paul Pearce and had a conversation with him about my previous passion for running and cycling and he encouraged me to come along to an RPM class. After (story continued on page 3)

�� The Truth about Sport Drinks pg 3

�� Keeping motivated and loving the competition pg 4

�� Les Mills Asia Pacific says goodbye to a Legend pg 4

�� Victory for Shaun Hahn in SSSSA Triathlon Championships pg 5

�� When the Superheros’ Arrived pg 6

�� STARstore a great place to shop pg 7

�� Trinity College Open Day pg 7

�� Riding is our passion pg 7

Off the Cuff—SA Police Band 18th May Blue Light Disco—18th May, 15th June & 27th July Memories of Memphis 16th June Swim Centre Holiday Program 2nd—6th July Bronze Medallion Course 2nd—6th July Senior First Aid Course 3rd July STARfun Holiday Program 9th & 10th July Satisfaction 13th July STARplex Mini Olympics 15th July Me & My Guise 11th August

Issue 15 May/June 2012

Listen and Learn A father of two, loving nurtur-ing family man, did I mention traditionalist? Only joking, I’m currently a 16 year-old Gawler citizen undergoing Year 12 at Trinity College

Senior. I am just like an ordinary person with a hobby or personal obsession. However there is a slight difference between a hobby and having a grasp for personal fitness. The differ-ence lies in your com-mitment. Whilst setting a goal in the gym, especially in the field of body building, you must understand that the goal WILL affect your academic, your social and your family life in a predomi-nantly positive way. Total commitment and success will occur imminently if you incorporate it positively in your routine. However your goals have to be realistic!

The best way to discover how

a gym can help you is to listen and learn! By all means YouTube and Google rou-tines to find your dream chest or immaculate biceps. But the best lessons are learnt from those who are experienced! Don’t be arrogant but be confident. It is a daunting step to take, walking into a gym with guys and even some girls, five times your size, but treat it like an apprenticeship.

To me, the gym is one of the most precise instruments to cultivate and spend built up aggression. I will be honest, I’m not the best tempered person on the street, but this particular personality trait I (story continued on page 4)

*See back page for details

We want to hear from you. Do you have a story about your experience at STARplex that you would like published in The STARgazer. By submitting a story you will go into the monthly draw to win a $100 STARstore voucher. Stories can be sent to The STARgazer editors via contact details on page two of this edition. All stories will be subject to approval by the STARgazer editors.

Page 2: STARgazer May-June 2012

Hello Readers,

The excitement of the forthcoming Olympic Games in London is building. TV reports about the successes and disappointments

confronting athletes trialing for final places on the Australian Olympic Team are becoming more regular. For those who have won selection the final

touches to many thousands of hours of training and skills development are being undertaken at locations across Australia.

I always look forward to watching the Olympic Games as it is a rare chance to see athletes from 29 sporting disciplines trying to perform better than they have ever done before and in so doing to win against the best in the world. The excitement and competition of the games can bring out the very best performance results and reveal the true character of our elite athletes. They provide moments of great pride and joy and sometimes moments of deep disappointment and sadness.

The 2012 games declared goal is to reach out and engage young people in sport. In recognition of this worthy goal and to celebrate the coming of the London games STARplex is planning to run a Mini Olympics on Sunday 15th

July 2012, open to all-comers.

This one day event will include an Opening and Closing ceremony and a

variety of Olympic sports, some modi-fied to encourage participation from all age groups and ability levels. I would invite you to register as an individual or even better as a family and make this a day to be physically active and take up the Olympic values of “respect, excel-lence and friendship”. What better way to teach our children about the spirit of the Olympics and enjoy good company and healthy competition.

If you are interested in volunteering as an official to assist in the smooth opera-tion of sporting events please leave your contact details at STARplex Reception. The Reception team would love to hear from you.

Keep an eye on the STARplex website or Facebook page for up to date information about registration and the sporting events to be offered.

Yours in Fitness, Wellness and Performance

Dale Martin


EditorsCandice Butler, Dawn Mettyear &

Jeff Guess All enquiries regarding feedback or potential articles to The STARplex Journal to be sent to Dawn Mettyear at [email protected] STARplex18-20 Alexander Ave Evanston Park SA 5116 Telephone (08) 8522 0622 Facsimile (08) 8522 0684 Web

STARS in my eyes 'Look, with all your eyes look.' Jules Verne

It is not enough to be fit and healthy, as crucial as that is. It isn’t! Unless we are awake we are simply not living or being alive. The awake person knows that being fully in tune with the world is the best definition of happiness. Let me give

you an example: now is the time of the crab apple and the four splendid trees outside of the Roma Waite are bearing their tiny, gorgeous fruits and will soon be moving through a spec-trum of yellow and greens to the fires of orange and red. I’ve commented to several of my colleagues about them and the response has always been the same, ‘What crab apple trees?’ There is absolutely no criticism or judgment here at all. Bogged down in the rota of the day with all of its demands and pressures – noticing things like crab apples perhaps has to be a last priority. It’s such a pity because at such a moment if we did notice the crab apples we might stop and only for a moment sense what it is to be truly alive, perhaps sense the divine in the ordinary and feel surging through us a happiness the material and avaricious world can never compete with.

Now is the time of the crab-apple; small coals of fire

beneath the frost cracked panes of winter. Whoever planted you?

had faith in this morning and this moment:

magpies carolling your nativity. And it is only you that connects

us with an ancient paradise filled with grace.

An Eden of dreams, imagination and delight. Now is the time

of the crab apple we harvest in our hearts and store for darker times within our souls.

Jeff Guess

Page 3: STARgazer May-June 2012


The Truth about Sports Drinks

For optimal sporting perfor-mance it is important that athletes remain adequately hydrated and fuelled during exercise. The type of fluid ingested before, during and after sport has been widely researched and as a result

there are countless beverages that are closely linked with sport and exercise.

Sports drinks contain a combination of carbohydrate and electrolytes (sodium and potassium) which have proven performance benefits. The carbohydrate content of sports drinks (approximately 6-8%) helps supply the muscles and brain with a rapid fuel source as well as improve its palata-bility. The electrolytes are added to sports drinks for a number of reasons with the main being sodium, helping with fluid absorption (from GI tract) and retention (allows the athlete to hydrate quicker compared to water). Sodium and Potassium are also lost through excessive sweating and sports drinks can provide a source of replacement. Electrolyte losses due to sweating generally only becomes an issue with long duration endurance exercise >60 minutes). Sodium also triggers the thirst reflex which can help encourage the athlete to drink.

Although I have mentioned some strong benefits supporting the use of sports drinks it is important to understand when they are best prescribed. Sports drinks are best used during and post exercise to help rehydrate, provide fuel (carbohydrate) during and after to enhance recovery. Generally sports drinks are only recommended for exercise exceeding 60 minutes and at a high intensity.

A common misconception by the general public is that sports drinks are ‘healthy’ to consume throughout the normal day. Although many of them taste nice they are also high energy drinks (750-800kJ per 600ml bottle) and will lead to excessive energy intake and weight gain if not consumed with adequate exercise. For the many people exercising with a primary goal of weight loss or improving muscle tone sports drink may well be counterproductive and slow your progres-sion towards targets.

Other drinks that are also linked with sport and exercise such as energy drinks need to be consumed with caution as often they have much higher carbohydrate concentrations which actually slow the rate of water absorption and not linked to any performance gains. Obviously regular intake of these types of drinks will provide you with lots of energy (Calories) and may end up being stored on the hips.

Heath Commane Exercise Physiologist/Dietician

Getting back on track and loving it!

(story continued from page 1)

Louise’s great success in the BTC, I was inspired to take up the opportunity and was hooked immediately. I enjoyed the motivation and support I received so much that I eventually signed up for individual personal training sessions to increase my overall fitness and strength. My main aim initial-ly, was to increase my cardio vascular fitness, but I took the great advice from the trainers at STARplex and also added a weight program. The results were immediately beneficial!

Shortly after committing to the program, I was able to play in the orchestra for greater lengths of time without the aid of a neck strap. One day, I left the neck strap at home accidentally and had to play the whole day’s rehearsal without it, and to my surprise, due to the functional strength work I had been doing in my training program, I felt no ill effects by the end of the day whatsoever. I have never used the neck strap again since that day. This really is the true definition for me of functional strength.

As an added bonus to the career enhancing benefits of greater functional strength, I can now also participate in my true love of middle distance running at a competitive level. A

year ago, I would not have been able to run to the end of the street and back without collapsing! I have just undertaken my third 10km race in a time of 43 minutes – for me this is a very good time, although the most sobering conclusion to this was the fact that even with this good time, I was still 9th in my 40 – 44year old age group!!! The fact that much older people were getting even faster times (some as fast as 35 minutes) put into perspective for me, how sedentary we can all become in our every day lives. These people are just normal people with “day jobs”, who take care of their health and fitness, and whilst not everyone can run 10kms in 35 minutes, (or would even want to!), it does illustrate that we all have the potential to do so much better if our passion and desire to do so is there. For this reason alone, I cannot recommend highly enough how beneficial signing up to a gym with such incredible supportive and motivating staff such as we have here at STARplex. Not only has it extended my career as an orchestral clarinetist, I now have a reinvigor-ated lifelong interest in middle distance running and I know I have the right people and support around me to help me achieve my goals.

I may never run 10kms in 35minutes, but I am sure going to try!

Darren Skelton

Page 4: STARgazer May-June 2012


Listen and Learn (story continued from page 1) found to be so useful within the gym scene. There is no better feeling than finally tipping a 100kg bench or devel-oping strong form with dumbbells or even jumping the ‘can’t be bothered today’ hurdle.

Results come from a combination of factors! I am my own worst critic. I never see results. But my family friends and sometimes teachers notice it. Don’t push your boundaries. Instead, figure out different techniques to smash your

boundaries. Commit to the gym, not as a hobby but a lifestyle, eat your six meals a day, do not cheat and devour an entire box of chips, drink water and work extremely hard.

Someone that has kick started my endeavour to build my body to a decent size is Beau. He is an approachable lad who I recommend to anybody who wants to break the ice and plunge into the world of self-fulfillment. He pointed me in the right direction and will contin-ue to do so! So thank you Beau for kicking my a*** and teaching me

valuable lessons.

I will end by saying that the gym is NOT a fashion accessory; bring your Weight worth in motivation, your Mind worth of learning, and your Guts worth of heartache!

“The gym is a precision instrument to cultivate and use built up aggression constructively.”

Daniel Marinelli Year 12 Trinity College

Keeping motivated and

loving the competition

Competing in his second JT Cycles Gattis Sports Triathlon on the 25th of March, you could say that Steve Brown is now hooked on the sport. The event consisted of a 300m swim, 13k bike ride and a 3k run. Finishing at the 49 minute mark and placing 12th in his 35-39

age group, is an outstanding effort. Losing a bit of time in the swim, due to the water being extremely cold and chop-

py and making up ground on the bike and the 3k run, Steve describes the event as “something different and something I didn’t think I would get into, but now I’m hooked. It’s good to have three different things to race against the clock and I like the competitiveness and the friendly atmosphere of fellow athletes and spectators”, says Steve.

Steve commenced training in the STARplex Swim Centre to perfect his swimming technique and swims twice per week as part of his training regime. He also participates in two Les Mills RPM Classes per week and includes some resistance cardio, running on the treadmill and some weight resistance to strengthen his core in the Fitness Centre. He also takes his training outside on the weekends to increase his speed and endurance on and off the bike.

Steve would like to complete the whole JT Cycles Series which comprises of six races from November through to March next year. Once he feels this has been mastered he (story continued on page 5)

Les Mills Asia Pacific says goodbye to a Legend! Paul Pearce bids farewell to his role as a National Trainer and Presenter for Les Mills Asia Pacific.

Paul began his journey with Les Mills during 2006 when he took on the chal-lenging role of training group fitness instructors in the Body Pump Program. This involved working with instructors and coaching and developing them to a

level to confidently instruct Body Pump classes. Les Mills instructors are some of the best trained professionals in the industry - with world class training conducted across Australia and South East Asia every single week. Paul then began training instructors in RPM (indoor cycle classes), and more recently in 2010 CXWORX (Core Training). His passion and enthusiasm for helping, developing and educating instructors has been fantastic. He has motivated, encouraged and mentored instructors in the Les Mills programs throughout Australia for the past six years and his personality will be sadly missed at Quarterly workshops by many.

As part of his many achievements with LMAP he was fortunate to rise to “senior” status and at one particular time was responsible for delivering the Les Mills Program across Tasmania, Victoria and South Australia. He was also selected by LMAP to attend a

special training camp in 2011, open to the “elite” National Trainers only and be the first to train in their new core program (CXWORX).

Over the span of his six years with LMAP, Paul conducted more than 120 training modules and trained over 1000 instructors across Australia. Les Mills awarded him SA instructor of the Year in 2007 at the Rec SA awards and in 2012 awarded him the “One Tribe” award for displaying the values of a LM Trainer.

Paul has given up his work with Les Mills to focus more closely on his role as STARplex Fitness Centre Manager and spend more time with his beautiful family. Good luck and thanks for all your inspiring work over the past six years as a trainer.

Alli Thompson STARplex Group Fitness Co-ordinator

Page 5: STARgazer May-June 2012


Keeping motivated and loving the Competition

(story continued from page 4) will think about progressing to the next division which will comprise of a 700m swim, 25k bike ride and a 5k run. Competing in the Claire Fun Run on Sunday 1st of April and then training for the City to Bay is also on the agenda.

“Keeping active and having something to train for keeps me motivated. I am also studying for my Welders Supervisor’s Certification and exercise helps break up the monotony of study and is great for stress relief”, says Steve.

Congratulations on your achievement Steve and also to STARplex Fitness Centre members Karen Coulle, Louise Skelton and Brenton Craig who also competed in the event.

Dawn Mettyear

Victory for Shaun Hahn in SSSSA Triathlon Championships

Congratulations to Shaun Hahn, aged 14 years, from Nuriootpa High School who competed at the 2012 Second-ary School Sports of South Australia (SSSSA) Triathlon Championships where he was awarded “State Champion” in the U17 Intermediate Male category after crossing the line first in a finish time of 0:59:43. He was also selected to represent South Australia at the 2012 Triathlon Champion-ships in Busselton, Western Australia in April. The intermediate boy’s triathlon involved a 600 metre swim, a 17 kilometre bike ride and a 4.5 kilometre run.

Shaun then competed at the 2012 Secondary School Sports of South Australia (SSSSA) Triathlon Champion-ships, in Busselton, Western Australia in the U17 Individual Intermediate Boys category placing 28th overall. Shaun's

best leg of the Triathlon was the swim placing 13th overall. Shaun started swimming at the STARplex Swim School when he was six years old. He progressed through the swim school to squads and was invited in 2011 to be part of the High Performance Squad coached by Head coach Steve Garner. Shaun is a member and competes for the STARplex Swim Club at State level.

Shaun has trained and competed in Little Athletics since he was six years old and is registered with the Barossa Valley Little Athletics Club coached by Ross and Cathy Lambert and Jim Ireland. He is now also currently working with Brian Gillies of the Trikings Triathlon Club to further develop specific skills in Triathlon.

Shaun participated in his first Triathlon in the 2009 Weet-Bix kids TRY-athlon when he was 11 years old and competed the following year. He also competed for Nuriootpa High School at the 2011 Secondary School Sports of South Australia (SSSSA) Triathlon Championships placing third in the U15 Junior Male category and went on to be selected to represent South Australia at the 2011 Triathlon Championships in Redcliffe, Qld where he was the first South Australian Junior Male across the line. Shaun has also competed over the summer at the JT Cycles Specialized Triathlon Series 2011/12 held at West lakes where he won the series in the Tinman Male 13-15 age group and won the Franklin Island Triathlon Sprint Distance 14-15 years Male at Victor Harbor.

Shaun’s ultimate goal after the National Triathlon Champion-ships is to gain qualifying times for selection to attend the National Junior Development Camp and entry into the Australian Junior Triathlon Series which he will be eligible for, once he turns 16.

Melanie Rachwal

I would like to acknowledge and thank STARplex for the tickets provided to Make-a-wish foundation for Dorothy the Dinosaur show. My daughter (Rachael) and I attended. To add to the surprise, Rachael was taken back stage, after the show, and per-sonally met with Dorothy the Dinosaur. Photos capturing the moment were taken by Sam from STARplex and then emailed through to me later in the day, which was absolutely fantastic, as we then could share the excitement with the rest of the family.

Rachael has a rare chromosone disorder called 'Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome'. She is 17yrs of age but has the physical and mental capabilities of a seven year old. Rachael has been a 'Wiggles' fan for 15 years now. Meeting Dorothy the Dinosaur was a first for her. Later in May, thanks to Make-a-wish, Rachael is going to meet the Wiggles in Adelaide.

To all who helped make Rachael's day last Friday, we say a BIG THANKYOU!!!! It meant so much to all of us...... Chris Doecke

Page 6: STARgazer May-June 2012


kick-off the next part of the launch, followed by Cxworx, Body Combat, Sh’Bam, Body Vive, Body Step, Body Attack and finally Body Balance. Fantastic effort by all who attended the fun event! It was great to see so many individuals joining in on classes that they hadn’t tried before.

Congratulations to everyone who stayed throughout the whole launch in true superhero style, fantastic effort! The room was filled with smiles, laughter, energy and sweat! A successful and enjoyable night was had by all!

Candice Butler

When the Superheroes Arrived

On the 12th of March 2012, STARplex Fitness Centre evolved into a Superhero Homeland, hosting the first Group Fitness Launch for the year. The atmosphere was buzzing and the splashes of bright colours and capes looked fantastic. The launch started with a RPM class where each superhero used their pedalling powers to work as hard as possible. The superheroes then flocked into Studio 1 where Sportacus (Paul Pearce) was performing in true Sportacus style, with headstands, splits and encouragement to get all superheroes ready to go. Body Pump was the first class to

The STARstore—a great place to shop!

Jacqui Langstreth is well known in the Trinity Community and has an important role at Trinity College. Employed through a Government Initia-tive for the past seven years and employed by Trinity College for the past four years as a Defence Transition Aid, her role is to assist defence families settle into a new school

of the STARstore ladies and mentioned that the help that the STARstore ladies have given with getting their children kitted out for school is really amazing, they know all the rules and regulations and exactly what each family need. They are honest in their dealings with families and if they feel that something is not needed or something works better then they will let us know, this is something families really appreciate” says Jackie.”

Next time you visit STARplex, please say hello to the lovely STARstore ladies, whether you have a child starting school or you wish to browse at the handbags or other giftware, it is worth a visit just to have a friendly chat.

Dawn Mettyear

environment. This includes supporting children and their families with long deployments, organizing social activi-ties and also being the person of contact for information regarding the new school environment and local community.

With Jacqui’s husband being in the forces she has an insight into what defence families need when posted to a new area. There are currently approxi-mately 26 defence families that she supports at Trinity College.

At one of the many morning teas that Jacqui hosts for defence families there was some discussion between the mums regarding school uniform and the STARstore here at STARplex. “The parents were really singing the praises

Page 7: STARgazer May-June 2012


Ryan rides for Norwood Cycling club and races twice a month competitively and Megan supports him and is quite a vocal spectator, according to Ryan. “I don't compete but I do love it passionately and one of my goals is to ride and see all three Grand Tours ie: Giro d Italia, Tour de France & Vuelta Espania. So far we have done the Giro & TDF so I am organising our third trip. One of my favourite cycling moments was riding up Alpe du Huez in France and it started snowing”, says Megan.

Ryan is keen to further develop his skills in health science in the area of sport and exercise and has gone back to university full time to further his studies. Both Megan and Ryan are also keen to commence training in the new Les Mills CXWORKS core training class.

Join Ryan on Tuesday nights at 6.30pm and Megan on Wednesday nights at 5.30pm for their intense but fun classes. “If you are passionate about something and willing to work hard the results will come”, says Ryan.

Dawn Mettyear

STARplex Staff Profile - Riding is our passion

The STARplex Fitness Centre welcomes Ryan and Megan Duffy, our newest Les Mills RPM instructors to the team. Ryan and Megan started cycling in 2003 to spend more time together as a couple. Their enthusiasm for riding grew and they soon found themselves following the Tour

deFrance and other bike events around the country.

In 2007 whilst working in America they both joined the local gym and started getting a taste for the fitness scene. When returning to Australia they participated in Les Mills RPM classes regularly to keep up their training for the Tour deFrance and then commenced their training to become Les Mills RPM instructors.

Trinity College Open Day With warm weather and blue skies the 2012 Trinity Open Day drew big crowds to enjoy the hospitality of our P&F Associations, entertainment from our various performers, a thrilling cricket game with our First XI and the U17 Cricket World Singapore team and much discussion about displays of student work in every classroom.

Many parents took the opportunity to explore and discover our Senior School facilities including the Trade Training Centre, Ag Farm and specialist classrooms, where activities were hands on with experiments, robotics, catering and more. Tours of STARplex were also scheduled into the day’s events and our new neighbours, Aspire and Orleana Waters hosted displays of their land release opportunities which drew much attention. Tours were full and further tours of Trinity College are planned this term. Please contact Jenny Searle, Enrolments Registrar on 8522 0666 to secure a place.

Kay Fyfe

STARplex staff recognized for giving excellent customer service in April 2012

Trish Stirling STARplex Crèche

Megan Duffy STARplex Fitness


Joseph Campbell STARplex Courts

Bev Selway & Chris Targett STARplex Swim Centre

Maria Lavender Training & Safety

OfficerWendy Underwood

Wellness and Rehabilitation

Page 8: STARgazer May-June 2012

Blue Light Disco Date: Friday 18th May, 15th June & 27th July Time: 7.00pm— 10.00pm (lock-in) Ages: 8-17yrs Tickets: $6

Coming EventsAll Bookings at STARplex Reception (08) 8522 0622 for further details please refer to our website

La De Da MarketDates: Friday 4th May Time: 3.30pm - 8.30pm Cost: Gold Coin Donation to various charities including Juvenile Diabetes & Starlight Over 60 new and well known stalls, raffles, lucky dips, face painting, balloons. Cash only please.

SATISFACTION - The Rolling Stones ShowDate: Friday 13th July Time: 7.30pm for 8.00pm show Dinner & Show Tickets: Adults $44, Concession $39 Show only Tickets: Adults $27, Concession $22Presented by Paul Sharman & STARplex Songs with piano, guitar, organ harmonica, pounding drums, saxophone and of course a sexy lead male and female singer.Yes the hits - remember ANGIE, HONKY TONK WOMEN, SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL, WAITING ON A FRIEND, BEAST OF BURDEN, JUMPING JACK FLASH, WILD HORSES and of course our song SATISFACTION…plus another 90 minutes of hits. Its only Rock 'N Roll – but you’ll like it – yes you will...Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Me & My GuiseDate: Saturday 11th AugustTime: 7.30pm for 8.00pm show (Dinner from 6.00pm)Dinner & Show Tickets: Adults $42, Concession $37 (on sale soon) Show only Tickets: Adults $25, Concession $20 (on sale soon) Greg Hart presents a show about the musical influences in his life and how they have inspired him through the years. He’ll be paying tribute to ROY ORBISON, NEIL DIAMOND, ELVIS, JOHN LENNON, TOM JONES and JOHNNY O'KEEFE. It will feature an 8 piece band, great costumes and visuals.

'Off the Cuff' - SA Police BandDate: Friday 18th May Time: 11.00am show All Tickets: $15 - on sale now! Presented by OOTS The SA Police Band plays a variety of popular and modern brass and big band classics, which is sure to add a bright and energetic spark to your day.

Memories of Memphis Date: Saturday 16th June Time: 7.30pm for 8.00pm show (Dinner from 6.00pm) Dinner & Show Tickets: Adults $42, Concession $37 (on sale from Mon 2nd Apr) Show only Tickets: Adults $25, Concession $20 (on sale from Mon 2nd Apr) Andy Seymour and band pay tribute to the world’s most famous singer Elvis Presley, woven together with stories from his life, his loves and music.

STARplex Holiday Programs Date: 2nd July—13th July` Activities: Learn to Swim, 2 Day STARfun Holiday Program. Other programs to be confirmed. Information available from STARplex Reception.

Mini Olympics at STARplex Date: Sunday 15th July A one day event, including a variety of Olympic sports. Open to individuals and families. For more information

Bronze Medallion Date: Monday 2nd to Friday 6th JulyTime: 9.30am – 12.00pm Ages: 14 yrs + Cost: $125, includes manual & exam fee

Are you 14 years or over? Can you swim 400 metres? Looking to work for VAC Swim/Lifeguarding? Want to gain SACE points?

Senior First Aid Date: Tuesday 3rd July Time: 9.00am – 5.00pmCost: $155, includes manual & certificate on completion ...whether you are just learning to drive, starting a family, new job or looking after your grandchildren someone will need first aid at some point. Course includes epi-pen and asthma training.1 day course.