star wars ccg - coruscant rules

Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 1 B of 3  P olitical Effects — This is a new type of Effect card in this set. A Political Effect is deployed just like a normal Effect, and can be canceled by any ga me text that would cancel Political Effects or an Effect of any kind. Cards placed on a Political Effect (as described in their game text) are not on table. A genda —  Many gures involved in the political process are trying to further their own causes or beliefs, referred to as their agendas. A chara cter’s agenda(s) is listed in a sentence of their game text, immediately following the bolded keyword “Agenda(s).” For example, Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo  has the agendas of ‘justice’ and ‘peace. ’ Other game t ext can t hen provide a benet or disadvantage based on a condition relating to that agenda. When referring to two characters, a matching agenda exists if either of them has one agenda that the other character also possesses. GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUC ASF ILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DEC IPHERINC. Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 1 A of 3  G alactic Senate — The seat of political power in the Republic, this enormous establishment provides a place for senators of all the member systems, as well as lobby and special interest groups t o have their issues raised and debated in the hope of action. Coruscant: Galactic Senate is not a battleground. S enators — “Senator” is a new characteristic of character cards, and follows all normal characteristic rules. P olitics — Many new characters have a numerical value entitled Politics , indicating their relative political power. A character whose politics = 0 (even if temporarily reduced) is a character without politics. A character without politics can have his politics added to by other game actions. If one player’s total politics at the Galactic Senate is greater than their opponent’s total politics there, that player has a senate majority. All that player’s characters at the Galactic Senate are then “in a senate majority. GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUC ASF ILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DEC IPHERINC. Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 2Bof 3  P alpatine & The E mpe ror — These two characters are represented by two completely separate personas, a nd as such there is no relationship betw een the two in gameplay. Any rule or game text reference to the persona name Palpatine refers purely to any character cards representing Senator or Chancello r Palpatine only. Any rule or game text reference to Emperor (for example, Sim Aloo) applies only to cards representing the Emperor as seen during the classic movie trilogy. Thus both characters can be on table at once, and no persona replacement is permitted between the two personas. J edi Master Icon  altered rule  The round Light or Dark Force icon depicted on any Jedi Master character card adds 1 to the Force generation a player activates for him or herself. It does not count as an icon at a location for any purpose. Thus, for example, this Force icon cannot be canceled by a Sleen, does not add to an Ewok’s power or forfeit, and will not make a non-battleground into a battleground. GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUCA SFILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DECIPHE RI NC. Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 2Aof 3  D roids With Presence — A new icon is used to indicate a unit (such as a battle droid or droid star ghter) that is optimized for terrain acquisition and control. A card with t his icon has pres ence at its location for all purposes , even though it does not have ability. Thus, a Destroyer Droid may occupy and control a location, Force drain, block an opponent’s Fo rce drain, battle, be battled, etc. Additionally, a card with this icon may not be the target of a Restraining Bolt, and may not be ‘purchased’ by Wioslea. S tarships With  Uniqueness — The Trade Federation Droid Control Ship  , is the rst starship with a uniqueness of , which indicates that it has a deployment restriction. A starship may not be deployed to a location where another copy of that starship already exists. Similarly, a starship may not move to the same location as another copy of that starship. GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUCA SFILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DECIPHE RI NC. Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 3Bof 3  E pisode I Environme nt — Tatooine and Corus cant ( as well as the upcoming Theed Palace) expansions des ignate many c ards with an Episode I icon. These cards are compatible with the entire Star Wars  Customizable Card Game universe, but they may also be combined together to form a stand-alone Episode I only environment designed especially for exciting constructed play. Visit Decipher’s website at for more information on exciting tournaments being held. T rade Federation Icon — This icon on a starship or vehicle card indicates an allegiance to the Trade Federation. Such a starship or vehicle is not Rebel, Imperial, or independent. Characters aligned with the Trade Federa tion say so in t heir lore. Look for these exciting new products in 2001 ! Star Wars  CCG — Reflect ions II I Star Wars  CCG — Theed Palace www.decipher. com GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUCA SFILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DECIPHE RI NC. Coruscant  Expansion Set  RULE CARD 3Aof 3  N aboo Location Deployment — The peaceful planet of Naboo includes the locations of Naboo, a s well as those of the Royal Theed Palace. The layout of Naboo locations is depicted here: GAM EAID– NOTFORPLAY. © 2001LUCA SFILMLTD. &TM. TM, ®, &© 2001DECIPH ERINC. I/E       T       h     e     e       d       P     a       l     a     c     e       T       h     r     o     n     e       R     o     o     m       I     n      t     e     r       i     o     r       T       h     e     e       d       P     a       l     a     c     e     s       i      t     e     s       T       h     e     e       d       P     a       l     a     c     e       D     o     c       k       i     n     g       B     a     y       T       h     e     e       d       P     a       l     a     c     e       C     o     u     r      t     y     a     r       d       N     a       b     o     o       E     x      t     e     r       i     o     r     s       i      t     e     s       U     n       d     e     r     w     a      t     e     r       N     a       b     o     o       S       i      t     e     s       N     a       b     o     o       S     y     s      t     e     m I I E E U S

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Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 1 B of 3  

P ol i t ica l Ef fect s —  This is a new type of Effectcard in this set. A Political Effect is deployed just

like a normal Effect, and can be canceled by any game textthat would cancel Political Effects or an Effect of any kind.Cards placed on a Political Effect (as described in theirgame text) are not on table.

Ag e n d a —  Many figures involved in the politicalprocess are trying to further their own causes or

beliefs, referred to as their agendas. A character’sagenda(s) is listed in a sentence of their game text,immediately following the bolded keyword “Agenda(s).” Forexample, Queen Amidala, Ruler Of Naboo   has the agendas of‘justice’ and ‘peace.’ Other game t ext can t hen provide abenefit or disadvantage based on a condition relating to thatagenda. When referring to two characters, a matching agenda exists if either of them has one agenda that the othercharacter also possesses.


Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 1 A of 3  

G alact ic Senate —  The seat of political power inthe Republic, this enormous establishment provides a

place for senators of all the member systems, as well aslobby and special interest groups t o have their issues raisedand debated in the hope of action.Coruscant: Galactic Senate is not a battleground.

S enators —  “Senator” is a new characteristic ofcharacter cards, and follows all normal characteristic


P ol i t ics —  Many new characters have a numericalvalue entitled Politics , indicating their relative political

power. A character whose politics = 0 (even if temporarilyreduced) is a character without politics. A character withoutpolitics can have his politics added to by other gameactions. If one player’s total politics at the Galactic Senateis greater than their opponent’s total politics there, thatplayer has a senate majority. All that player’s charactersat the Galactic Senate are then “in a senate majority.”


Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 2 B of 3  

P alpat ine & The Empe ror —  These twocharacters are represented by two completely separate

personas, and as such there is no relationship betw een thetwo in gameplay. Any rule or game text reference to thepersona name Palpatine refers purely to any charactercards representing Senator or Chancellor Palpatine only.Any rule or game text reference to Emperor (for example,Sim Aloo) applies only to cards representing the Emperor asseen during the classic movie trilogy. Thus both characterscan be on table at once, and no persona replacement ispermitted between the two personas.

J e d i M a s t e r I c o n —  altered rule  —The round Light or Dark Force icon

depicted on any Jedi Master character card adds 1 to theForce generation a player activates for him or herself. Itdoes not count as an icon at a location for any purpose.Thus, for example, this Force icon cannot be canceled by aSleen, does not add to an Ewok’s power or forfeit, and willnot make a non-battleground into a battleground.


Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 2 A of 3  

D roids With Presence —  A new icon isused to indicate a unit (such as a battle droid or droid

starfighter) that is optimized for terrain acquisition andcontrol. A card with t his icon has presence at its location forall purposes, even though it does not have ability. Thus, aDestroyer Droid may occupy and control a location, Forcedrain, block an opponent’s Force drain, battle, be battled, etc.Additionally, a card with this icon may not be the target of aRestraining Bolt, and may not be ‘purchased’ by Wioslea.

S tarships With  ◊ Uniqueness —  The Trade Federat ion Droid Control Ship  , is the first starship with a

uniqueness of ◊, which indicates that it has a deploymentrestriction. A ◊ starship may not be deployed to a locationwhere another copy of that ◊ starship already exists.Similarly, a ◊ starship may not move to the same locationas another copy of that ◊ starship.


Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 3 B of 3  

E pisode I Environme nt —   Tatooine andCoruscant ( as well as the upcoming Theed Palace)

expansions designate many c ards with an Episode I icon.These cards are compatible with the entire Star Wars  ™

Customizable Card Game™ universe, but they may also becombined together to form a stand-alone Episode I onlyenvironment designed especially for exciting constructedplay. Visit Decipher’s website at formore information on exciting tournaments being held.

T rade Federat ion Icon —   This icon on astarship or vehicle card indicates an allegiance to the

Trade Federation. Such a starship or vehicle is not Rebel,Imperial, or independent. Characters aligned with the TradeFederation say so in t heir lore.

Look for these excit ing new products in 2001 !Star Wars  CCG — Reflect ions I I IStar Wars  CCG — Theed Palace

www.dec iphe r .com www.s ta rwa rs .com


Coruscant Expansion Set  

RULE CARD 3 A of 3  

N aboo Location Deployment — The peacefulplanet of Naboo includes the locations of Naboo, as

well as those of the Royal Theed Palace. The layout ofNaboo locations is depicted here:



      T      h

    e    e


      P    a

      l    a    c    e

      T      h

    r    o    n    e

      R    o    o    m

      I    n     t    e    r

      i    o    r

      T      h    e    e


      P    a

      l    a    c    e

    s      i     t    e    s

      T      h

    e    e


      P    a

      l    a    c    e

      D    o    c

      k      i    n


      B    a    y

      T      h

    e    e


      P    a

      l    a    c    e

      C    o    u    r

     t    y    a    r


      N    a

      b    o    o

      E    x     t    e    r

      i    o    r

    s      i     t    e    s

      U    n

      d    e    r    w    a     t    e    r

      N    a

      b    o    o

      S      i     t    e    s

      N    a

      b    o    o

      S    y    s     t    e    m