star trek™ customizable card game™ glossary version trek customizable card game glossary...

T his document is comprehensive; it contains all Star Trek Customizable Card Game rules and rulings as of August 2002. We recommend that you discard all rules documents (booklets, supplements, FAQs and Current Rulings) dated prior to August 2002 and refer to this Glossary for all rules questions. Periodic updates to the Rulebook and Glossary will be published in a separate Current Rulings document. Supplemental rules documents available on the Decipher website include the Dilemma Resolution Guide (application of the dilemma resolution rules to each dilemma). Many players find these optional documents to be useful references. In addition, the Official Tournament Guide includes full details of tournament scoring. How to use the Glossary – You do not need to read this document from cover to cover. Instead, use it as you would a dictionary, to learn as you go. For example, if you have a gameplay question about a card (or card combination), look up the card title(s) first; if you don’t find your answer there, look up the concept or gameplay term you are questioning (battle, capturing, card play, affiliation, skills, downloading, probing, etc.). In many cases, we have included cross-references in boldface type to help you find your way. Entries are arranged alphabetically, ignoring apostrophes and quotation marks and treating hyphens, dashes and colons as spaces (e.g., the entry for Q-Flash is sorted as “Q Flash” and appears before Qapla’!, while K’chiQ is sorted as “KchiQ” and appears after Kahless). Entries for card titles starting with “The” are sorted under the second word of the title (e.g., the entry for The Emissary is in the E’s, not the T’s). Universal Borg drones are listed by their designations (e.g., Interlink Drone, not Nine of Eleven); unique drones are listed by their card titles (e.g., Seven of Nine). Some Glossary entries provide revised game text or lore for cards. In most cases, these revisions merely make the proper gameplay of a card more clear, or implement a rule or ruling directly on the card itself. In other cases, the game text revisions represent gameplay changes relative to earlier versions of the cards, in order to correct a wording error, address a gameplay concern, or correct some other problem. These revisions are marked “Errata” and printed in gray type, with the most relevant changes highlighted (or struc k out in the case of a deletion). All such revised cards are listed in Appendix A. A few cards have been reprinted (1995 “beta” printing of the Premiere set, black-border printings of preview cards, reprints in pre- constructed decks, foil versions, and Voyager versions with new lore and images) to use the revised wordings. Other cards will use the newer wordings in any future printings. In either case, the game text provided here defines the correct gameplay for all versions of the clarified cards as of August 2002. Other cards have received very slight wording changes, primarily for consistency(for example, changing “All attributes +3” to “Attributes all +3”) or to correct typographical errors. Such changes do not change a card’s gameplay or understandability, and are not included in this Glossary. Text in square or angle brackets represents an icon. Icon abbreviations are listed in Appendix B. GLOSSARY 1 Tribble – See once per turn. 10 and 01 – See Bynars card, dual-personnel card, gender. 10/20 rule – See Warp Speed. 30/30 rule – Your seed deck may contain no more than 30 seed cards (not counting missions and sites, which seed for free) and your draw deck may contain no fewer than 30 cards. 35th Rule of Acquisition – You may not use this event for a download or card draw at the end of your first turn. Playing a 35th Rule card nullifies all 34th Rule cards already in play, and vice versa. A 35th Rule card in play does not prevent the play of a 34th Rule card (or vice versa). See turn. ’45 Dom Perignon – Discarding this equipment to replace a ship is not a valid response to any other action (such as battle) and does not suspend play. You may replace a ship with one of different affiliation only if the class name is identical and any personnel aboard are compatible with the new ship (you may not place them under house arrest). You may not replace one “UNKNOWN CLASS” ship with another (e.g., Mercenary Ship with Fesarius). See ship class, exchanging cards. 62nd Rule of Acquisition – This event is nullified if you play or have played Scan or Full Planet Scan on any mission, or if you begin an attempt of the mission on which it is played with <3 or >7 personnel. Attempts of other missions have no effect on this event. 75th Rule of Acquisition – See helps. 1962 Roger Maris Baseball Card – You may not trade this artifact for another unless you are immediately able to play that artifact as your own (this does not count as your normal card play). Traded artifacts are returned to their owners at the end of the game. See in play. A Fast Ship Would Be Nice – When encountering this dilemma, you may not substitute a ship for the victim if your opponent is playing Borg. See commandeering. Abandon Ship! – For this dilemma, you may choose which of your personnel will fulfill the staffing requirements. A [Cmd] personnel may fill a [Stf] requirement. In addition to printed staffing requirements (if any), a ship requires at least one matching personnel aboard to be staffed. You may not rescue or capture the abandoned personnel during a mission or scouting attempt or during your opponent’s turn. See damage, attribute modifiers, capturing, quarantine, ship staffing. abduction – Cards such as Assimilate Counterpart, the Talon Drone (Three of Nineteen), or Reassimilate Lost Drone may allow your Borg to abduct a personnel. If this occurs during personal combat, both combatants cease to participate in the battle and may immediately beam away (if possible), but are still “stopped.” The abducted personnel is escorted by your Borg present and may be moved around like equipment. If the abducted personnel is ever unescorted, your opponent can rescue them with his own personnel present. Abducted personnel are disabled, and do not participate in battles. They are not captives and are not affected by cards that affect captives, such as Rescue Captives. An abducted personnel who becomes assimilated is no longer considered abducted. aboard – See present. Access Denied – See Ferengi Ingenuity. acquired – See artifact. actions – An action is one operation that you perform in the game. Examples of actions include playing, drawing, or discarding one card, moving a ship from one location to another (possibly passing other locations on the way), moving personnel by beaming or other means, using a personnel’s special skill (except automatic modifiers), battle (from initiation until a winner has been determined and damage or deaths have been resolved), and attempting or scouting a mission. Applying automatic modifiers (e.g., “your personnel are STRENGTH +2 where present”) and checking conditions (e.g., battle affiliation restrictions) are not actions. actions – group – An action may cause other actions to occur within itself. For example, a personnel battle includes sub-actions of creating a combat pile, individual personal combat engagements, determining the winner of the battle, and discarding killed cards. An action in place of your normal card play, in place of a card draw, etc. may also consist of several sub-actions (such as playing multiple cards under Red Alert!). This is called a group action, and until it has finished, neither player may initiate any other actions except actions that suspend play, or responses to the group action or a sub-action. Valid responses may be made to each sub- action of a group action. For example, when a ship is reporting with crew, a player may choose to play an Energy Vortex on the ship, or on a specific personnel being reported. Likewise, you may play Android Headlock or use Hypospray’s text in response to a specific combat pairing. actions – interrupting – You may not interrupt an action by another action, unless the second action: • is a valid response to the first action or one of its sub-actions; or • explicitly “suspends play” (according to a card text or rule). For example, you may make valid responses to the encounter of specific dilemmas during a mission attempt, but you may not play interrupts between dilemma encounters. See actions – step 2: responses. actions – sequence of steps – Every action has three steps that must occur in order: 1. Initiation (declaring the use of a multi- function card, meeting conditions, choosing targets, and paying costs). 2. Optional responses (attempts to cancel or modify the action). 3. Results (gameplay consequences of the action). These steps are described in more detail in the following sections. actions – step 1: initiation – Initiating an action may include any or all of the following, in this order: • declaring the use of a multi-function card (e.g., you may play Going to the Top to return a personnel to hand OR to download a personnel; you may discard a Space-Time Portal from the table for one of five possible results); • meeting conditions of rules and game text (e.g., battle affiliation restrictions; an open Alternate Universe Door to play an [AU] card; game text such as “plays at start of battle”); • choosing targets (e.g., selecting a player to draw cards with Kivas Fajo – Collector, an outpost at which to report a personnel; choosing a ship to attack, or a drone to download from your draw deck with the Borg Queen’s skill); and Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ GLOSSARY Version 1.8 – August 2002 page 1

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Page 1: Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ GLOSSARY Version ...Star Trek Customizable Card Game GLOSSARY Version 1.8 – August 2002 page 2 • paying costs required by rules or game text

This document is comprehensive; it containsall Star Trek Customizable Card Game rules

and rulings as of August 2002. We recommendthat you discard all rules documents (booklets,supplements, FAQs and Current Rulings) datedprior to August 2002 and refer to this Glossaryfor all rules questions. Periodic updates to theRulebook and Glossary will be published in aseparate Current Rulings document.

Supplemental rules documents available onthe Decipher website include the DilemmaResolution Guide (application of the dilemmaresolution rules to each dilemma). Many playersfind these optional documents to be usefulreferences. In addition, the Official TournamentGuide includes full details of tournamentscoring.

How to use the Glossary – You do not needto read this document from cover to cover.Instead, use it as you would a dictionary, to learnas you go. For example, if you have a gameplayquestion about a card (or card combination),look up the card title(s) first; if you don’t findyour answer there, look up the concept orgameplay term you are questioning (battle,capturing, card play, affiliation, skills,downloading, probing, etc.). In many cases, wehave included cross-references in boldface typeto help you find your way.

Entries are arranged alphabetically, ignoringapostrophes and quotation marks and treatinghyphens, dashes and colons as spaces (e.g.,the entry for Q-Flash is sorted as “Q Flash” andappears before Qapla’!, while K’chiQ is sortedas “KchiQ” and appears after Kahless). Entriesfor card titles starting with “The” are sortedunder the second word of the title (e.g., theentry for The Emissary is in the E’s, not the T’s).Universal Borg drones are listed by theirdesignations (e.g., Interlink Drone, not Nine ofEleven); unique drones are listed by their cardtitles (e.g., Seven of Nine).

Some Glossary entries provide revised gametext or lore for cards. In most cases, theserevisions merely make the proper gameplay of acard more clear, or implement a rule or rulingdirectly on the card itself. In other cases, thegame text revisions represent gameplaychanges relative to earlier versions of the cards,in order to correct a wording error, address agameplay concern, or correct some otherproblem. These revisions are marked “Errata”and printed in gray type, with the most relevantchanges highlighted (or struck out in the caseof a deletion). All such revised cards are listed inAppendix A.

A few cards have been reprinted (1995 “beta”printing of the Premiere set, black-borderprintings of preview cards, reprints in pre-constructed decks, foil versions, and Voyagerversions with new lore and images) to use therevised wordings. Other cards will use thenewer wordings in any future printings. In eithercase, the game text provided here defines thecorrect gameplay for all versions of the clarifiedcards as of August 2002.

Other cards have received very slight wordingchanges, primarily for consistency(for example,changing “All attributes +3” to “Attributes all+3”) or to correct typographical errors. Suchchanges do not change a card’s gameplay orunderstandability, and are not included in thisGlossary.

Text in square or angle brackets represents anicon. Icon abbreviations are listed in AppendixB.


1 Tribble – See once per turn.10 and 01 – See Bynars card, dual-personnel

card, gender.10/20 rule – See Warp Speed.30/30 rule – Your seed deck may contain no

more than 30 seed cards (not countingmissions and sites, which seed for free) andyour draw deck may contain no fewer than 30cards.

35th Rule of Acquisition – You may not usethis event for a download or card draw at theend of your first turn. Playing a 35th Rule cardnullifies all 34th Rule cards already in play,and vice versa. A 35th Rule card in play doesnot prevent the play of a 34th Rule card (orvice versa). See turn.

’45 Dom Perignon – Discarding thisequipment to replace a ship is not a validresponse to any other action (such as battle)and does not suspend play. You may replace aship with one of different affiliation only if theclass name is identical and any personnelaboard are compatible with the new ship (youmay not place them under house arrest). Youmay not replace one “UNKNOWN CLASS”ship with another (e.g., Mercenary Ship withFesarius). See ship class, exchanging cards.

62nd Rule of Acquisition – This event isnullified if you play or have played Scan or FullPlanet Scan on any mission, or if you begin anattempt of the mission on which it is playedwith <3 or >7 personnel. Attempts of othermissions have no effect on this event.

75th Rule of Acquisition – See helps.1962 Roger Maris Baseball Card – You may

not trade this artifact for another unless youare immediately able to play that artifact asyour own (this does not count as your normalcard play). Traded artifacts are returned totheir owners at the end of the game. See inplay.

A Fast Ship Would Be Nice – Whenencountering this dilemma, you may notsubstitute a ship for the victim if youropponent is playing Borg. Seecommandeering.

Abandon Ship! – For this dilemma, you maychoose which of your personnel will fulfill thestaffing requirements. A [Cmd] personnel mayfill a [Stf] requirement. In addition to printedstaffing requirements (if any), a ship requiresat least one matching personnel aboard to bestaffed. You may not rescue or capture the abandonedpersonnel during a mission or scoutingattempt or during your opponent’s turn.See damage, attribute modifiers, capturing,quarantine, ship staffing.

abduction – Cards such as AssimilateCounterpart, the Talon Drone (Three ofNineteen), or Reassimilate Lost Drone mayallow your Borg to abduct a personnel. If thisoccurs during personal combat, bothcombatants cease to participate in the battleand may immediately beam away (if possible),but are still “stopped.”The abducted personnel is escorted by yourBorg present and may be moved around likeequipment. If the abducted personnel is everunescorted, your opponent can rescue themwith his own personnel present. Abducted personnel are disabled, and do notparticipate in battles. They are not captivesand are not affected by cards that affectcaptives, such as Rescue Captives. Anabducted personnel who becomes assimilatedis no longer considered abducted.

aboard – See present.Access Denied – See Ferengi Ingenuity.

acquired – See artifact.actions – An action is one operation that you

perform in the game. Examples of actionsinclude playing, drawing, or discarding onecard, moving a ship from one location toanother (possibly passing other locations onthe way), moving personnel by beaming orother means, using a personnel’s special skill(except automatic modifiers), battle (frominitiation until a winner has been determinedand damage or deaths have been resolved),and attempting or scouting a mission.Applying automatic modifiers (e.g., “yourpersonnel are STRENGTH +2 wherepresent”) and checking conditions (e.g., battleaffiliation restrictions) are not actions.

actions – group – An action may cause otheractions to occur within itself. For example, apersonnel battle includes sub-actions ofcreating a combat pile, individual personalcombat engagements, determining the winnerof the battle, and discarding killed cards. Anaction in place of your normal card play, inplace of a card draw, etc. may also consist ofseveral sub-actions (such as playing multiplecards under Red Alert!). This is called a groupaction, and until it has finished, neither playermay initiate any other actions except actionsthat suspend play, or responses to the groupaction or a sub-action.Valid responses may be made to each sub-action of a group action. For example, when aship is reporting with crew, a player maychoose to play an Energy Vortex on the ship,or on a specific personnel being reported.Likewise, you may play Android Headlock oruse Hypospray’s text in response to a specificcombat pairing.

actions – interrupting – You may not interruptan action by another action, unless the secondaction: • is a valid response to the first action or one

of its sub-actions; or• explicitly “suspends play” (according to a

card text or rule).For example, you may make valid responses tothe encounter of specific dilemmas during amission attempt, but you may not playinterrupts between dilemma encounters. Seeactions – step 2: responses.

actions – sequence of steps – Every actionhas three steps that must occur in order:1. Initiation (declaring the use of a multi-

function card, meeting conditions,choosing targets, and paying costs).

2. Optional responses (attempts to cancel ormodify the action).

3. Results (gameplay consequences of theaction).

These steps are described in more detail inthe following sections.

actions – step 1: initiation – Initiating anaction may include any or all of the following,in this order:• declaring the use of a multi-function card

(e.g., you may play Going to the Top toreturn a personnel to hand OR to downloada personnel; you may discard a Space-TimePortal from the table for one of five possibleresults);

• meeting conditions of rules and game text(e.g., battle affiliation restrictions; an openAlternate Universe Door to play an [AU]card; game text such as “plays at start ofbattle”);

• choosing targets (e.g., selecting a player todraw cards with Kivas Fajo – Collector, anoutpost at which to report a personnel;choosing a ship to attack, or a drone todownload from your draw deck with theBorg Queen’s skill); and

Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ GLOSSARYVersion 1.8 – August 2002

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Star Trek™ Customizable Card Game™ GLOSSARY Version 1.8 – August 2002

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• paying costs required by rules or game text(e.g., using your normal card play to report apersonnel card; forfeiting a card draw toinitiate a download; using a specialdownload icon).

Once you begin to choose targets for anaction, you must complete the initiation of thataction (if legal). For example, if you startlooking through your draw deck for a targetcard to download with the Ops text, you maynot decide to abort the download by notselecting a target; if you have any valid targetcard available, you must select one andcomplete the download . See showing yourcards.Dilemma encounters – The initiation of adilemma encounter is complete (i.e, it hasbeen “just encountered” and may beresponded to) once any targets for thedilemma have been chosen and you havechecked to see if the crew or Away Team canmeet the dilemma’s conditions (if any). If thedilemma requires a trigger or specifies targetswith specific features which are not present,the dilemma will have no effect, but theinitiation is still complete. (See dilemmaresolution.)For example, your Away Team encountersNausicaans. The target must be selected andyou must check the Away Team’s totalSTRENGTH to see if it is greater than 44before you may nullify the dilemma withInterphase Generator or your opponent mayrespond by replacing the dilemma with a Q-Flash (using Beware of Q).Some cards, such as Mission Fatigue andCyrus Redblock, add a sub-action todilemmas, randomly selecting a personnel tobe “stopped” or killed before the dilemma’sown game text is resolved. The dilemma hasbeen “just encountered” and may beresponded to after you complete initiation ofthis sub-action (choosing a target to be“stopped” or killed). If the opponent respondsby swapping the dilemma for a Q-Flash, thepersonnel is not “stopped” or killed becauseno results are obtained from the dilemma.

actions – step 2: responses – After an actionhas been initiated and before its results begin,optional responses are allowed. A validresponse must specifically relate to (modify,cancel, nullify, or prevent) the action.For example, if you initiate a personnel battleat a site, any action that says it “plays at startof battle,” occurs “during battle,” “cancels (orprevents) a personnel battle,” plays when anadversary is “just engaged,” etc. would be avalid response. Smoke Bomb and PhaserBurns are valid responses to personnel battle.Going to the Top is not a valid response topersonnel battle; although returning apersonnel to hand or downloading one couldaffect the outcome of the battle, Going to theTop does not specifically say that it is relatedto battle.Likewise, Hugh is a valid response to theattack of a Borg Ship dilemma justencountered, because it nullifies that attack.Playing Temporal Rift on the ship andreturning the ship to your hand by discarding aSpace-Time Portal are not valid responses toencountering a Borg Ship (or any otherdilemma).A card play or other action that may occur atany time (e.g., playing an Interrupt card,revealing a hidden agenda) is not a validresponse to an action unless it specificallyrelates to that action. For example, a card maynot be played via “Devidian Door” to an AwayTeam during a mission attempt or battle. A card which says it suspends play may beplayed at any time (not just during theresponse step of an action), and maytemporarily suspend any action, whetherrelated or not. (The suspending action may beresponded to normally, and after it iscomplete, the suspended action resumes.)

Using a special download icon also suspendsplay. Thus, a personnel’s special downloadicon may be used to download a card during amission attempt or battle, and Launch Portalmay be used to download and launch a shuttleduring battle. See downloading.More than one valid response may be made toan action. For example, if I play Palor Toff, youmay respond first with Countermanda to placethree cards out of play, and then with AmandaRogers to nullify Palor Toff.Interrupts and skills that “prevent” an actionmay be used as a response to that action. Ifthe action thus prevented is a card play, itnullifies that card play. For example, if I playYou Dirty Rat on Anya to morph her into a rat,you may respond with Howard HeirloomCandle to prevent her from morphing andnullify You Dirty Rat. (See battle.)When all responses are over, or if neitherplayer chooses to respond, the action has itsresult.If a properly initiated card play is nullified, anycosts paid are not recovered, but all results ofthe card play are canceled. For example, youplay Q’s Tent and I nullify it with Wrong Door.You cannot play another Q’s Tent this turn (acost of playing the card), but you do not losethe ability to draw cards this turn (part of theresults of the Q’s Tent).Responses modifying targets or conditions –If a hidden agenda is activated as a responseto an action, all of its effects are retroactive tothe start of the initiation of the action, as if thehidden agenda had already been revealedbefore the action was initiated. Thus, if thehidden agenda invalidates a condition for anaction, the action becomes illegal. If the actionwas a card play, the card returns to your hand.For example, you initiate the play of ActivateSubcommands, and I respond by activatingComputer Crash. Since ActivateSubcommands requires a download, it is nowillegal and returns to your hand.If a condition for an action becomes invalidbefore the action resolves, for any reasonother than the activation of a hidden agenda(e.g., through the play of another card in aManheim effect “hiccup”), it has no effect onthe initiation. For example, if you initiate theplay of K’chiQ, and I close your AlternateUniverse Door with a Revolving Door during a“hiccup,” you can still play K’chiQ because thecondition was met during the initiation and isnot re-checked. If a target of an action becomes invalid afterthe action is initiated, then the action is“played out” without results. If the action is acard play, that card is discarded. For example,if you target an outpost to play K’chiQ, and Ithen destroy the outpost with a Supernovaduring a Manheim “hiccup,” you must discardK’chiQ.

actions – step 3: results – When an actionbegins to have its results, this typically causesone or more other actions to occur. Forexample, the result of playing Kivas Fajo –Collector is that the target player must drawthree cards. Each of the three card draws isan action with its own three steps, and eachmay be responded to (e.g., with SubspaceSchism). However, no more responses to theoriginal action (the card play) are allowedbetween those actions, because Kivas Fajo –Collector’s optional responses step is pastand it is currently having its result.When you play a card that is discarded afteruse (e.g., most interrupts), it is discarded afterit has its results.

actions – taking turns – Players alternateinitiating actions. You may initiate the firstaction of your turn. After your action has hadits result or is cancelled, then your opponentmay initiate the next action, and so on.Whenever it is your turn to initiate an action, ifyou do not wish to do so you may “pass.” You

must allow your opponent ample time toinitiate an action or “pass.”When an action you initiated is in its optionalresponses step, your opponent has the firstopportunity to initiate a response; when thatresponse is complete you may initiate aresponse, and so on. Whenever both playerspass consecutively during the optionalresponses step of an action, that actionproceeds to its result. In the rare case where both players initiate anaction at the same time (e.g., revealingadversaries for a combat pairing), and bothplayers wish to respond to that action, theplayer whose turn it is may initiate a responsefirst; players then alternate actions as usual.For example, if both players wish to make aresponse to a combat pairing (such as playingan interrupt or using a personnel’s “stun” skill),the player whose turn it is may respond first.You cannot initiate any action (including usingyour personnels’skills which are notautomatic modifiers) during your opponent’sturn except:• you may make valid responses;• you may play interrupts (between other

actions or as valid responses); and• you may play a card or use game text that

specifies it may be used “at any time” or“every turn,” that “suspends play,” or that insome other way indicates that the actionmay be taken on the opponent’s turn.

See skills – using.actions – “just” – Some actions may be

initiated only just after some other action orcondition has occurred, before anything elsecan intervene (except another “just” action).These are typically indicated by the word“just” in game text. It may be a response toanother action (e.g., “just initiated,” “justplayed”), or it may be a new action that followsthe result of the other action (e.g., “justcompleted,” “just reported”). An action may beresponded to or followed by any number ofapplicable “just” actions.“Just” actions always take place before non-“just” actions. This may allow or require you toinitiate an action when it would otherwise beyour opponent’s turn to do so. For example,you initiate a planet mission attempt and solvethe mission. Although it is normally youropponent’s turn to initiate the next action, youmay first play Particle Fountain (“play...on justcompleted planet mission”).

actions – required – Required actions areusually indicated by “must” or “must donothing but.” There are two types of requiredactions, moving and non-moving.Moving required actions include Cytherians(you must travel to the end of the spaceline),Incoming Messages (you must return to anoutpost), and Conundrum (you must targetand “chase” a ship).Additional personnel and equipment may bebrought aboard the ship by beaming, reporting(e.g., to a Borg Cube), or any other methodthat does not require the ship and crew totake an action such as docking. Personnel andequipment may not be removed from the shipby any means.The only other action the ship and crew mayperform is moving. (“Ship must do nothingbut...” means “ship and crew must do nothingbut...”) It may not cloak, phase, or initiatebattle, including a counter-attack (though itmay return fire if attacked). The crew may notinitiate battle against an intruder, but maydefend themselves if attacked. The ship maynot time travel to a time location, even with theintention of time-travelling to the end of thespaceline on the next turn (e.g., with Orb ofTime).When a moving required action states that aship must travel at “normal speed” or “fullspeed,” it means you must use all of itsavailable RANGE each turn (assuming that

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the ship is staffed to move), including anyautomatic modifiers such as a PlasmadyneRelay aboard, even if this will place the ship ata hazard such as Gaps in Normal Space. Youmay stop at intermediate locations.You may use Lakanta’s or The Traveler’s skills,Where No One Has Gone Before,Wormholes, Transwarp Network Gateways, orother such means to shorten the travel. Youare not required to do so.The ship can be affected by cards played on itor encountered on the spaceline, such asWormholes, Gaps In Normal Space, etc.Non-moving required actions includeSamaritan Snare (you must attempt themission, if Federation) and Conundrum afteryou reach the targeted ship (you must attackthe ship).If a ship is targeted by a non-moving requiredaction, you must perform that action as soonas possible, typically as your next action.Responses to that action (e.g., battle-relatedcards or Senior Staff Meeting) may be played.When your cards are required to take morethan one action, you may choose the order inwhich to take those actions. For example, ifyour Federation ship affected by Cytherians isat Samaritan Snare, you may choose whetherto move the ship (if you have availableRANGE) or attempt the mission as your nextaction.A ship under the influence of a required actionremains under that influence after it iscommandeered or assimilated; the newcontroller must complete the action.

Activate Subcommands – This event maydownload a drone which has all threesubcommand icons (e.g., Seven of Nine) asany one of the three subcommands. You mustalso download two other drones of the othertwo subcommands.

Activate Tractor Beam – The first function ofthis interrupt allows you to tow one ship forthe extent of your available RANGE on thecurrent turn; the interrupt is then discarded.When played for the second function, theinterrupt remains on the ship to add theTractor Beam permanently. You may play twocopies of this interrupt on a ship, one to add aTractor Beam and one to tow a ship. Seetowing.

active – An active personnel is one which is not“stopped,” not disabled, and not in stasis.

Adapt: Modulate Shields – See immune,Remodulation.

Adapt: Negate Obstruction – Revised text:Nullifies a dilemma (except a Q-relateddilemma) just encountered ...A dilemma may be nullified by this interruptonly just after it is encountered in a Borgscouting attempt. You must play another copyof the interrupt each time you encounteranother copy of a dilemma that you wish toadapt to. See Q-related dilemma.

Add Distinctiveness – For this incident, seedcards (which must be placed out-of-play)include missions, dilemmas, artifacts, and anyother card which is only seedable (has nonormal “play” function). See outside thegame.Any non-Borg personnel or ships obtainedfrom an expansion pack with this incident areconsidered assimilated as drones (seeassimilation – personnel) before you reportthem for duty. You may report such cardsimmediately (ships to any spaceline location oryour Borg Outpost; personnel to any of yourships or outposts or to a planet) withoutregard to [AU] icons or native quadrant. Ifyou place them in your hand to play later, youmust obey all normal reporting requirements.If you obtain Jean-Luc Picard from anexpansion pack using this incident, you maynot play him immediately if you have Locutus

of Borg in play, but may later perform apersona exchange with the two cards.

adjacent – Two spaceline locations areadjacent to each other if there is no otherlocation between them (even if a card whichdoes not form a location, such as Q-Net, isbetween them.)

Admiral Riker – This personnel’s specialdownload requires him to be aboard yourmatching facility. The Reflections foil versionrequiring a compatible facility is a misprint (noterrata).

affiliation – There are 13 affiliations: Bajoran,Borg, Cardassian, Dominion, Federation,Ferengi, Hirogen, Kazon, Klingon, Neutral,Non-Aligned, Romulan, and Vidiian. Eachaffiliation has a distinct border color (but seeCaptain Proton cards) and a uniqueaffiliation icon in the upper left corner of eachPersonnel or Ship card (lower left corner ofeach Facility card). A few cards are multi-affiliation. (Equipment and Site cards haveno affiliation.)Cards from different affiliations are notnormally compatible, except Non-Aligned andNeutral cards which are compatible with anyaffiliation except Borg. Special cards such astreaties,The Kazon Collective, Emblem of theAlliance, and Temporal Micro-Wormhole maymake two or more affiliations compatible,allowing them to mix and work together.

affiliation and ship origin – Some cards,such as tactics, affect “Klingon ships,”“Romulan ships,” etc. These cards apply toships currently holding that affiliation as wellas ships that “originated” with that affiliation. Aship’s class or lore may indicate that its originis different from its affiliation. For example, theB’Rel, a Ferengi-affiliation ship identified in itslore as a “Klingon Bird-of-Prey,” is both aKlingon ship and a Ferengi ship. The Cha’Johis a multi-affiliation [Rom][Klg] ship ofKlingon origin (“Bird-of-Prey”); thus, it is aKlingon ship regardless of its current affiliationmode, but a Romulan ship only in Romulanaffiliation mode. A Romulan shipcommandeered by Klingons is both a Romulanship and a Klingon ship. The Naprem (K’Vort-class “Bird-of-Prey”) is ofKlingon origin; the Stolen Attack Ship(“Jem’Hadar attack ship”) is of Dominionorigin.

affiliation and species – Cards that affect“Klingons”, “Romulans,” etc. apply to personnelof that affiliation as well as that species(including hybrids). Thus, Worf, K’Ehleyr, andQuark Son of Keldar (in Klingon mode) all areKlingons for Klingon Death Yell. Ba’el andSimon Tarses are Romulans for D’Tan’sINTEGRITY enhancement. Miles O’Brien(Fajo Collection) will not work with Garak (ineither mode), Dukat, or Evek. A “non-Klingon”personnel is neither Klingon by species norKlingon affiliation.Espionage cards and cards that refer to anaffiliation by its icon (such as Kira Nerys) referonly to affiliation, not to species.

affiliation attack restrictions – See battle.affiliation icon – A round icon in the upper left

corner of a Personnel or Ship card or lowerleft corner of a Facility card, indicating thecard’s affiliation. Also, a rectangular icon on aMission card indicating which affiliations canattempt the mission.

Airlock – Either player may use the text of thisdoorway if his personnel is present with anappropriate target, but only on each of hisown turns. An opposing personnel must havelower STRENGTH or CUNNING than thepersonnel tossing him out. A Rogue Borgmust have lower STRENGTH. See battle –non-battle cards.

Ajur and Boratus – To use their special skill,your Ajur or Boratus must be on a planet withonly one other of your personnel, who has theskill of Archaeology. They are considered to

be “with” the Archaeology personnel even ifone of them is “stopped.” Likewise, they arenot “alone with Archaeology” if there is anyother personnel (even “stopped”), belongingto either player, on the planet.They may destroy only cards that are seededface down under the mission, and only if theremore than three; you cannot use the skillsolely to shuffle three or fewer seed cards.See once per game, mis-seeds.Select the three cards to be retained as forany other random selection, by shuffling thecards and allowing the opponent to selectthree. If the cards’ ownership is identifiable,they must be concealed (e.g., by having thetournament director assist with the selection).

Alien Abduction – Revised text:Most CUNNING Away Team member(owner’s choice if tie) is held by aliens untilmission completed OR 3 Leadership present.

Alien Parasites – This entry covers both theoriginal Alien Parasites dilemma and theversion included in the combo dilemma AlienParasites & REM Fatigue, whetherencountered on a planet or in space.When you encounter this dilemma and fail tomeet its conditions, the mission or scoutingattempt immediately ends. At a planet mission,beam the Away Team back to the ship orfacility with which they are associated, if any (ifnot, they remain on the planet surface) or havethem reboard their landed ship withouttransporters. At a space mission, the crewremains aboard their ship.Your opponent then chooses whether or not totake control of the ship/facility and the crew orAway Team. If he chooses to take control, yourturn is suspended (you may not initiate actionsexcept as normally allowed during youropponent’s turn) while he temporarily controlsthe ship or facility (if any), the Away Team orcrew which encountered the dilemma, and anyother personnel aboard that ship or facility. (Ifany personnel aboard are already “stopped,”they remain so unless your opponent plays acard that “unstops” them, such as Distortionof Space/Time Continuum; they then join therest of the crew.) He does not control anyother ship or facility at the location or anypersonnel who were previously “stopped” onthe planet. He may not take any actions thatwould normally occur only during his turn,except those using your ship and crew whichhe controls.Your opponent may take legal actions (seecontrol for limitations) with the ship and crewuntil they become “stopped” (he may not thentake any action to “unstop” them) OR hecannot take any further meaningful actionswith them (e.g., he may not simply beam themup and down endlessly) OR he chooses notto take any further actions with them. Thencontrol returns to you and your suspendedturn resumes. If the ship and crew are not already “stopped”(or if your opponent chose not to take control),the personnel who originally encountered thedilemma (and the ship, if encountered at aspace mission) are now “stopped” by theirfailure to overcome it. The dilemma is replacedunder the mission to be encountered on thenext mission or scouting attempt. If your opponent’s Borg scout fails toovercome this dilemma, you must follow allBorg Away Team and battle restrictions, andthe Borg may not attempt missions. You mayuse the controlled Borg to scout for your owncurrent objective if you are playing Borg.If you are playing Borg and control a non-Borgship and crew, they may attempt and solve amission, but neither player scores the missionpoints.

Alien Probe – See Telepathic AlienKidnappers, Battle Bridge side deck,Tribble side deck.

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All Threes – To play this interrupt, you musthave at least six cards in your draw deck toreveal. Reveal the first three cards and thenext three cards from the top of your drawdeck in two sets, which you may notrearrange. See any, in play.

Alliance Interceptor – See interceptor.Alternate Universe Door – A seeded copy of

this doorway allows your [AU]-icon cards toenter play. See Alternate Universe icon. Youmay not play or download this doorway to thetable for this purpose. You may play this doorway to nullify aTemporal Rift only during your own turn(unless downloaded by discarding a Space-Time Portal). This use is a card play thatreturns to your hand rather than discarding(not “showing a card”) and may be affected byEnergy Vortex.

Alternate Universe icon [AU] – You maynormally seed or play cards with this icon onlyif you have an open Doorway or other cardwhich allows such cards to enter play, such asAlternate Universe Door, Space-TimePortal,or the Seal Rift mission. (Using“Devidian Door” to report a card also requiressuch a Doorway card at the time the reportingfunction is used.) Time locations also allowcertain cards “native to the timeline” to reportthere without such a Doorway card.If the card allowing your [AU] cards to play isclosed or discarded, you may not playadditional [AU] cards until it is re-opened orreplaced. [AU] cards already in play or alreadyseeded are unaffected by closed or discardeddoorways. If the doorway is closed (or hasbeen discarded) when a legally seeded [AU]card is encountered, the [AU] card still has itsnormal effect. However, if an earned [AU]artifact goes to your hand, you do need anopen doorway to play it later.

Altonian Brain Teaser – On this dilemma, thephrase “if their CUNNING <15” means “ifthat personnel’s CUNNING <15.” If theaffected personnel’s CUNNING is lessthan15, any bonus points (positive ornegative) scored at that location are not lostor cancelled, but are not counted in your finalscore for the game, whether scored before orafter the dilemma was encountered. Seepoints, Balancing Act, In the Zone, dual-personnel cards.• The points from Cytherians are affected by

an Altonian Brain Teaser only at the far endof the spaceline where the points arescored, not at the location where theCytherians was encountered.

• Music personnel are not worth points for aRessikan Flute while at the location wherethe Altonian Brain Teaser was encountered,regardless of where the Flute was earned.

Amanda Rogers – Errata:Nullifies any one Interrupt card just played(except Kevin Uxbridge or another AmandaRogers card) OR any one artifact other cardjust played as an Interrupt card.An Artifact or Doorway card is “played as anInterrupt card” only if its text specifically saysso. For example, Space-Time Portal may bediscarded from the table to “play as a secondWormhole interrupt.” See card types.

Amanda’s Parents – Plays on table until any Q-Flash. Each timeyou play an Amanda Rogers card (except tonullify a [Q] icon card) opponent may takethat Amanda Rogers (and any two othercards) from your discard pile and place allthree out-of-play.This Q-icon event appeared in two slightlydifferent versions in the original print run. Thecorrect gameplay is indicated above.

Ambush Ship – See WEAPONS.Anastasia Komananov – To use her special

skill, this personnel must have been aboard

the opponent’s ship (like an infiltrator) sincethe start of the opponent’s last turn.

android – “Android” is a species. The termincludes any personnel identified in its title orlore as an android (such as any Soong-typeandroid), Exocomps, and Commander Data.Androids are affected normally by all cardsunless otherwise specified.

ANIMAL – This classification has severalimportant differences from otherclassifications. ANIMAL may not be selectedas a skill or classification. In addition,ANIMALs may not• attempt missions alone;• meet ship staffing requirements, including

the matching affiliation requirement;• enable the use of hand weapons or initiate

battles;• commandeer, or apply their affiliation to a

commandeered ship or facility;• use their classification to staff a Kurlan

Naiskos; or• be assimilated or targeted for assimilation.A personnel of this classification remains ananimal even if its classification is removed orchanged, and is subject to all the normalrestrictions on ANIMALs. Otherwise,ANIMALs are affected normally by all cards.

Anti-Matter Spread – The phrase “opposingships’ WEAPONS” on this interrupt refers toships that are opposing the ships of theplayer playing the card. You may not play it onbehalf of the Borg Ship dilemma to reduce theWEAPONS of your opponent’s ships beingattacked by the dilemma.The reduction of WEAPONS for personnelwith CUNNING<8 applies only to Ship cards,including Borg-affiliation ships. The reductionof WEAPONS to 16 applies only to the BorgShip dilemma.

Anti-Time Anomaly – Revised text:Plays on table. Kills literally ALL personnel inplay (both players’ cards) at the end of yourthird full turn, unless anti-time anomalydestroyed first.This event kills all personnel (not Rogue Borginterrupts) on or off the spaceline in allquadrants, at timeline locations, in a PenaltyBox, being held by aliens, in stasis, etc.(Holographic personnel deactivate as usualinstead of being killed.) The only personnelwho are protected are those who are time-traveling into the future (i.e., in a Temporal Riftor Time Travel Pod) at the time the Anti-TimeAnomaly resolves. See in play.

any – If a card refers to a specific Star Trekcharacter using the word “any” (e.g., “anyMiles”), it refers to any Personnel cardrepresenting the specified character, including[AU], [MQ], and [Holo] personnel (but notimpersonators). Thus, both Chief O’Brien andSmiley are “any Miles;” and both MontgomeryScott and Mr. Scott are “any Scotty;” but OdoFounder is not “any Odo.”“Any Enterprise” is any ship with “Enterprise”in its card title. “Any Nor” is any stationidentified in its title or lore as a Nor (includingDeep Space 9).For equipment, “any” (or “a”, “an”, or “one”)refers to any Equipment card (or artifact usedas Equipment) designated by the givencharacteristic in its card title or lore. Forexample, “any disruptor” includes Varon-TDisruptor, Klingon Disruptor Rifle, and BreenCRM114.For other card types (e.g., events andinterrupts), “any”, “a”, “an”, and “one” refer toany card with the designated words in its cardtitle. For example, “Any Emblem card” includesEmblem of the Empire and Emblem of theAlliance (but not cards displaying the iconsrepresenting those emblems); “any Bynarscard” includes Bynars Weapons Enhancementand Bynars Data Transfer (but not a Personnelcard depicting Bynar personnel).

When a card refers to a specific card titlewithout a modifier such as “any”, it refers onlyto a card of that exact title (or a member ofthat card title group). For example, InvestigateCoup requires Tomalak and cannot be solvedby Ambassador Tomalak.

anywhere – When a card allows a personnel ortribble to report, beam, or relocate to“anywhere,” it must be aboard a ship or facility,or on a planet surface. You may not report,beam, or relocate personnel or tribbles off thespaceline or timeline (such as to a PenaltyBox) or into space.

Aphasia Device –See quarantine.acquired – See artifact.Arachnia – See Borg (Borg-affiliation ships).Arbiter of Succession – The two Klingons

targeted by this interrupt may belong to thesame player.

Arne Darvin – This personnel does not allowyou to draw a card for his own report aboardK-7.

Art of Diplomacy, The – This incident allowsyour personnel to use 2 Treachery as if it were1 Diplomacy (either one personnel withTreachery x2, or two personnel, each withTreachery). For example, two personnel whohave Treachery and another who hasTreachery x2 can provide 2 Diplomacy (if anyare mission specialists, this counts as usingtheir skill to meet a mission requirement forthe Assign Mission Specialists objective). Apersonnel may not use their skill as Treacheryand Diplomacy at the same time. You do nothave to declare in advance how you are usingthe 2 Treachery; when a requirement forDiplomacy arises, you may meet thatrequirement by showing 2 Treachery onqualifying personnel in the crew or AwayTeam.

artifact – A card type representing a rareobject with special powers. Artifacts must beseeded during the dilemma phase, underplanet missions only, unless a card allows orrequires seeding at a space mission, and youmay seed only one artifact under each missionunless otherwise specified (see mis-seeds).A seeded artifact is earned when the missionis completed, not when the artifact isencountered. (The Borg must complete anobjective that allowed scouting a locationbefore the Survey Drone can acquire anyartifacts seeded at that location.) “Earned” issynonymous with “acquired.” Cards seededlike artifacts are earned or acquired in thesame way as artifacts. See scouting.Artifacts cannot be used until they have beenearned, for example:• by completing the mission (or, with the

Survey Drone, a Borg objective whichallowed scouting that location);

• with a card such as The Charybdis or HQ:Return Orb to Bajor; or

• with a card that allows an artifact to beearned without seeding, such asReclamation or Starry Night.

An artifact may be downloaded only by a cardthat specifically downloads artifacts (e.g.,Secret Compartment) or that has a specialdownload icon for a named artifact (e.g.,James Tiberius Kirk for Tantalus Field). Forexample, Bareil may not download a Varon-TDisruptor. When a card specifically downloadsan artifact, that artifact is earned.If an artifact leaves play, it cannot be broughtback into play unless it is earned again (forexample, by re-seeding under Q’s Planet andcompleting that mission, or with one of thecards listed above). See MasakaTransformations.An artifact that is “used as equipment” joinsyour crew or Away Team when earned; someartifacts are placed in your hand to play later;and others are resolved immediately,according to their game text.

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When you acquire multiple artifacts or cardsseeded like artifacts at a single mission, youmay generally resolve them in any order youchoose. For example, if you acquire youropponent’s Magic Carpet Ride OCD and yourown Varon-T Disruptor, you may choose tohave the Varon-T Disruptor join your AwayTeam before your opponent may relocate yourship and Away Team.However, if two copies of a non-duplicatablecard are earned, the first one encountered isacquired and the second copy is discarded.For example, if both you and your opponentseed a copy of Ressikan Flute under amission, you acquire only the first copyencountered and discard the second. (Thisalso applies if you acquire another instance ofa persona which you already have in play, or aBorg counterpart when you already have acounterpart in your collective.)

Artificial Intelligence, The – This personnel’s“NO STRENGTH” is an undefined attribute.

Assign Mission Specialists – Errata andclarifications:Seeds or plays on table. You may downloadto one of your outposts up to two differentmission specialists (personnel whose onlyskill is a regular skill) that you do not alreadyhave in play. Also, while in play, each of yourmission specialists scores 5 points wheneverthey use their skill to meet a missionrequirement. You may voluntarily discardobjective at start of any of your turns.(Captain’s Order. Unique.)This objective has two effects. First, it allows aone-time download of two mission specialiststo an outpost (not to any other type of facility).If you choose to use the optional download,you must do so immediately upon seeding orplaying the objective. (The mission specialistsare not seed cards.) If you wish to playanother Assign Mission Specialists later todownload two more specialists, you must firstdiscard the one in play at the start of your turn.(See unique and universal.) If the downloadof the mission specialists is prevented by theactivation of Computer Crash, the objectiveremains in play on the table for its secondfunction. The download opportunity ispermanently lost.Second, while you have any Assign MissionSpecialists card in play, any missionspecialists you have in play (regardless ofwhether downloaded or played normally)score 5 points when using their skill tocomplete a mission.You decide which of your personnel presentuse their skills to meet mission requirements.Multiple copies of the same mission specialistmay not score points for the same mission,even if multiples of that skill are required. Seecumulative.For example, the mission Reported Activityrequires Navigation + Honor x2. It is solved bythe following Away Team: mission specialistsB’iJik (Navigation), Konmel (Navigation),Kahless (Honor x2), and two copies of Batrell(Honor), plus non-mission specialist GovernorWorf (Honor x2 plus other skills). A maximumof 15 extra points may be scored (5 byKahless, 5 by one copy of Batrell, and 5 byeither B’iJik or Konmel, but not both). Kahlessis not forced to meet the entire Honor x2 byhimself, nor is Governor Worf required to usehis Honor at all. A skill with a multiplier, such as Honor x2, isone skill. Any special skill, including a specialdownload, disqualifies a personnel from beinga mission specialist. For example, Tarus(Stellar Cartography) and Kahless (Honor x2)are both mission specialists. John Doe, whoseonly skill is a special skill, and Madam Guinan,who has two skills (one regular and onespecial), are not mission specialists.You cannot create a mission specialist byremoving skills from a multi-skilled personnel

(e.g., with Tsiolkovsky Infection). If a cardreplaces a mission specialist’s single skill withanother regular skill (e.g., Reflection Therapy),that personnel remains a mission specialist. Ifa personnel loses mission specialist statusdue to a card such as a Medical Kit or Mot’sAdvice, he regains it if separated from the kitor if the card is nullified.

Assign Support Personnel – A skill with amultiplier, such as Honor x2, is one skill. Anyspecial skill, including a special download,disqualifies a personnel from being a supportpersonnel for this objective. See Major Rakal.If a multi-affiliation personnel has different skillsets for each affiliation, the skill set for theaffiliation selected for reporting determinessupport personnel status. For example, Stefande Seve is a support personnel if reported inRomulan mode, but not in Federation mode.

Assimilate Counterpart – Participating in anybattle at the location of the target preventsyou from probing to complete this objective,even if the target is no longer at the location ofthat battle. Simply placing an unabductedtarget on an Assimilation Table (e.g., byrelocating him there with Mysterious Orb) isnot sufficient to allow you to probe. You mustfirst battle and abduct the target as stated.See drone, showing your cards.

Assimilate Homeworld – If the target of thisobjective is destroyed (e.g., by a Supernova),discard the objective (and any Stop FirstContact or Build Interplexing Beaconsuspending it) immediately. See mirroruniverse.

Assimilate Planet – Revised text: Plays on table. Target an unassimilated, non-homeworld planet mission with a point boxshowing at least 35 points. Your Borg mayscout that planet. After scouting complete, ifyou have Borg at that location, you mayprobe ...See point box.

Assimilate Species – You may not target anunnamed species with this objective (e.g.,Vekor, Fennim). Your opponent need not showyou his personnel until after you have targeteda species. See showing your cards.

Assimilate Starship – Revised text: Plays on table. Target an opponent’s ship.Your Borg may scout that ship. (Whenever noactive Borg aboard target during your turn,you may beam one scout aboard.) Afterscouting complete, if your Borg haveComputer Skill aboard that ship, you mayprobe ...See active, showing your cards.

assimilated counterpart – See assimilation– personnel, counterpart, He Will Make AnExcellent Drone.

assimilation – You may assimilate planets oryour opponent’s personnel and ships by usingObjective and other cards that allowassimilation. You may assimilate only cardswhich you do not already control, and only if acard or rule allows it. Assimilated cardsundergo specific transformations detailed inthe following sections.

assimilation – personnel – When your Borgassimilate an opposing personnel, it becomesa Borg drone under your control (however,your opponent must still obey the personarule and may not report another instance of anon-universal persona) and it undergoes thefollowing transformations:• Its affiliation changes to [Borg].• Its gender becomes irrelevant to the Borg.• Its classification (if any) becomes its first-

listed regular skill.• It retains any existing subcommand icons. If

it was non-Borg-affiliation, its staffing abilitychanges to a subcommand icon, as follows:

Old Staffing New Icon[Cmd] [Com/Blue]

[Stf] [Nav/Green]Neither icon [Def/Red]

A drone will never have more than one copyof each subcommand icon. For example, if[NA][Fed] Seven of Nine is assimilated as adrone, her [Stf] icon is lost rather thanconverted.

• Its attributes adapt to service the collectivebased on its subcommand icons, as follows:

[Com] icon sets INTEGRITY to 7[Nav] icon sets CUNNING to 7[Def] icon sets STRENGTH to 7

Any attribute not set by a subcommand iconis set to 5.

Borg do not assimilate (or target forassimilation) ANIMALs or holographic re-creations. Such personnel are excluded fromany selections for abduction or assimilation.All other personnel, including androids,changelings, and your opponent’s Borg, maybe assimilated normally unless otherwisespecified by a card. For example, if youropponent has The Kazon Collective in play, hisKazon are immune to assimilation.In addition to drone assimilation, you mayassimilate a male personnel as a counterpartby completing the Assimilate Counterpartobjective. When this occurs, the counterpartundergoes the same transformations as adrone, with the following exceptions: • He retains his gender for Borg-related cards

only. For example, a counterpart is notaffected by Male’s Love Interest.

• His staffing ability adapts to service theCollective by changing to all threesubcommand icons ([Com][Nav][Def]). HisINTEGRITY and CUNNING remain thesame, and his STRENGTH is +3 (if he wasalready a counterpart, all attributes remainthe same).

• His previous affiliation remains relevant forall cards requiring a matching counterpart,such as Assimilate Homeworld or Servicethe Collective. If he is multi-affiliation, all ofhis affiliation icons may be used for thispurpose.

Your Collective is limited to one counterpart(or personnel targeted as such) at a time.While any personnel is targeted to become acounterpart, that personnel may not beassimilated as a drone and is excluded from allsuch selections. Dual-personnel cards maynot be targeted for assimilation as acounterpart. A counterpart may be convertedto a drone with He Will Make an ExcellentDrone.Any cards already played or placed on thepersonnel before assimilation remain in play(you do not recheck the conditions or targetsfor playing that card). The Borg overlays from the EnhancedPremiere product do not allow assimilation ofcards and cannot be placed on non-Borgcards to allow them to be stocked in yourdeck. They may be sleeved with Personnelcards you assimilated as a memory aid for thetransformations.

assimilation – ship – When your Borgassimilate an opposing ship, you take controlof that ship (but your opponent must obey thepersona rule) and it undergoes the followingtransformations:• Its affiliation changes to [Borg].• Borg staffing requirements do not change.

Non-Borg staffing requirements adapt toservice the Collective:

Old Requirement New Requirement[Cmd] [Com][Stf] [Nav]Other icon [Def]Other requirementsIrrelevant

Any carried ships aboard are assimilated (butpersonnel and equipment aboard are not). Anycards played on or placed on the ship prior to

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assimilation (such as a Kurlan Naiskos) comeunder your control.

assimilation – planet – When you assimilatea planet, any opposing personnel, equipment,and landed ships on that planet areassimilated. Any opposing facilities at thatlocation, all personnel and equipment in oraboard a facility, and all ships docked at afacility are also assimilated. Personnel andequipment aboard a docked or landed shipare not assimilated. The affiliation of anassimilated facility changes to [Borg], and youmay report cards to it in accord with normalnative quadrant reporting rules.If your Survey Drone, Sixteen of Nineteen, ison the planet when it is assimilated, it mayacquire any seeded artifacts. If not, anyartifacts (or cards seeded like artifacts) areplaced face up on the planet and may be lateracquired by your Survey Drone or by any non-[Borg] personnel present. Mission attempts may not be made atassimilated planets, and the mission affiliationicons become irrelevant (facilities requiring amatching affiliation icon may no longer be builtthere).

assimilation – facility – See assimilation –planet.

Asteroid Sanctuary – This interrupt is a validresponse to the initiation of a ship battle. Itcancels the battle (but all cards involved arestill “stopped”). See actions – step 2:responses. It may not target a docked ship.

at any time – This phrase indicates that anaction may be used during any phase of eitherplayer’s turn (except start-of-turn or end-of-turn), between other actions or as a validresponse. It may not interrupt other unrelatedactions. See actions – step 2: responses.

Atmospheric Ionization – This event allowsup to 3 personnel to beam, up or down, everyturn (e.g., 2 down and 1 up or any othercombination).

ATTACK bonus – A feature of Tactic cards. In aship battle, the ATTACK bonus on your currenttactic (if any) is added to the total WEAPONSof your ships firing to calculate your ATTACKtotal. The ATTACK bonus is not an attributeenhancement. See battle – ship.

attempt – Non-Borg affiliations may makemission attempts and commandeeringattempts. Borg may make scouting attempts.

attribute – A feature of Personnel, Ship, andFacility cards. Personnel have three attributes– INTEGRITY, CUNNING, and STRENGTH.Ships have three attributes – RANGE,WEAPONS, and SHIELDS. Facilities mayhave WEAPONS and/or SHIELDS. Seeattribute enhancements, attributemodifiers, undefined attribute, variableattribute.

attribute enhancements – Attributeenhancements refer only to positive changesin the attributes of a ship or personnel.SHIELD extension from a facility and ATTACKand DEFENSE bonuses are not attributeenhancements; thus, Shipwreck and WeakSpot do not affect a facility’s ability to extendits SHIELDS around ships. See attributemodifiers, battle – ship.The attributes of ships with a restriction boxsuch as the Keldon Advanced are notenhanced by the presence of the required skillor characteristic aboard (in this case,Obsidian Order); rather, they are reduced ifthe required skill or characteristic is notaboard.

attribute modifiers – If more than one cardmodifies an attribute of a ship or personnel,add or subtract first, then multiply. (The orderin which the cards were played is irrelevant.)For example, if you have both a PlasmadyneRelay (RANGE and SHIELDS +2) and aKurlan Naiskos (all attributes x3) on the U.S.S.Enterprise (9-8-9), which also has Strafing

Run on it as a damage marker (all attributes–1), its attributes would be:RANGE and SHIELDS: (9 + 2 – 1) x 3 = 30WEAPONS: (8 – 1) x 3 = 21.However, if a card or rule changes an attributeto a specific value (rather than adding orsubtracting), treat it as if the changed valuewere printed on the card. For example, if Data(8-12-12) is affected by Frame of Mind (setsattributes to 3-3-3) and has a phaser(STRENGTH +2), his STRENGTH will be 5.Rotation damage to a ship, which reduces itsRANGE to 5, is a rule that sets a value ratherthan modifying it.When resolving dilemmas, determiningSTRENGTH in battle, etc., always apply anyrelevant modifiers to cards in play. Modifiersdo not affect cards in your hand (e.g., forRoyale Casino dilemmas). See automaticmodifiers.An attribute is considered reduced (for cardssuch as Abandon Ship! or U.S.S. Enterprise-B) if it is affected by a card that says it isreduced (e.g., Baryon Buildup), is –X (VoleInfestation), or is “disabled” (“Pup”), even if itis also affected by a card that enhances thatattribute by the same amount (PlasmadyneRelay). Also, the RANGE of a ship that hasrotation damage applied is reduced. A shipthat “cannot move” (Menthar Booby Trap)does not have its RANGE reduced. Attributesmay not be reduced to less than 0. Anundefined attribute may not be modified.

automatic modifiers – Any modifier whichsimply states that it occurs, without a wordsuch as “may” to indicate that it is optional, isautomatic and mandatory. For example, “Whileon your ship, RANGE is +1” is an automaticmodifier, whereas “if on a ship, may reduceRANGE or WEAPONS by 2 until end of turn”is optional.

Away Team and crew – When your personnelare aboard a ship or space facility that youcontrol, they are a crew. In all other situations,they are an Away Team. When aboard a shipor facility controlled by your opponent, theyare also intruders. (Equipment cards may becarried by crews or Away Teams, but an AwayTeam or crew must contain at least onepersonnel.)Your opponent may not look at the cards inyour Away Team or crew, except whennecessary for verification. See showing yourcards.Borg-affiliation personnel may not form AwayTeams unless counter-attacking or allowed bygame text. Holographic personnel andequipment may exist only on ships orfacilities, unless a card such as Mobile Holo-Emitter or Holo-projectors allows them toexist on a planet surface.Cards referring to an Away Team normally donot include crew. For example, a GenetronicReplicator prevent deaths only in your AwayTeam, not in your crew. (A few [S/P] dilemmaswhich incorrectly refer either to a ship’s crewor to an Away Team have been revised toinclude both.)All your compatible personnel aboard oneship or facility (at one site, if a Nor), or on oneplanet (outside a facility or landed ship) form asingle Away Team or crew, except personnelwho are “stopped,” disabled, or in stasis, whoform a separate group during your turn. Whena dilemma “stops” some of your personnel,they temporarily form a separate Away Teamor crew which does not participate in themission attempt. See dilemma resolution.Any such separate groups automatically rejoinwith other compatible Away Teams or crewspresent when your turn ends.An Away Team can be associated with onlyone ship or space facility at a time. If youbeam Away Teams from multiple ships orfacilities to the same planet, you must

designate which single ship or facility the newcombined Away Team will be associated with.An Away Team remains associated with theship it beamed (or disembarked) from untilthey board another of your ships or spacefacilities, become associated with anothership by joining that ship’s Away Team, or areseparated by the departure of the ship or theAway Team from that location (including theship time-traveling into the future via TemporalRift). For example, if you play Memory Wipe onyour ship, beam an Away Team to a planet,and move the ship to another location, thosepersonnel revert to their normal affiliations.

Away Team battle – This phrase (or “AwayTeam or Rogue Borg battle”) on a card issynonymous with “personnel battle,” whichmay include Away Teams, crews, and/orRogue Borg.

Bajoran – An affiliation and a species. Seeaffiliation and species.

Bajoran Civil War – Both downloadedpersonnel must be ❖, whether they areOFFICER, SECURITY, or Resistancepersonnel. See Computer Crash.

Bajoran Interceptor – See interceptor.Bajoran Raider – See report with crew.Bajoran Resistance Cell – Revised text

(correction of typographical error):...may download a Bajoran espionage card toone of your missions...A Resistance personnel is one withResistance skill. See Espionage cards.

Bajoran Shrine – “Using a disruptor at anadjacent site,” which can destroy this site,means that a personnel is present there with adisruptor which he can legally use (seeequipment). For example, a Klingon coulddestroy the site if he is carrying a KlingonDisruptor, but not a Romulan Disruptor. Thedisruptor does not have to be used in battle,nor does destroying the Shrine count as abattle.The “other Bajoran” who must be present forthe Prylar, Vedek, or Kai to conduct servicesmay be any other Bajoran Personnel card,including another Prylar, Vedek, or Kai (even acopy of the first one).

Bajoran Wormhole – Whenever you play ordownload this doorway to the AlphaQuadrant, you must use its text to downloadanother copy to the Gamma Quadrant(creating that spaceline if there are nomissions there yet). The Alpha QuadrantBajoran Wormhole card must be placed orinserted adjacent to a Bajor Region location ifany are on the spaceline. If not, the doorwaymay be inserted anywhere on the spacelinethat is not within another region, creating aBajor Region. If one end of the BajoranWormhole is destroyed, the other end isdiscarded also. See doorways, wormholes –movement through.

Bajoran Wormhole: Mirror Universe –When you seed or play this doorway, you arenot required to download [DS9] BajoranWormhole, but if you fail to do so, thedownload opportunity is lost. Only one playermay download [DS9] Bajoran Wormhole; theplayer who seeded or played BajoranWormhole: Mirror Universe gets the firstopportunity to do so. This doorway is notdiscarded if the [DS9] Bajoran Wormhole isdestroyed. See between, card titles.

Balancing Act – The point loss for thisdilemma is not scored at any specific locationand thus is not affected by Altonion BrainTeaser.To see if you are affected by this dilemma,count all your missions with point boxes in allquadrants. A dual-icon mission is both [S] and[P] and is counted twice. A mission locationdestroyed by a Supernova is not counted atall. Examples:5[P]–1[S] or 5[S]–1[P] = 4. You lose points.

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4[P]–2[S] or 4[S]–2[P] = 2. No point loss.1[S][P] + 4[S] + 1[P] = 5[S]–2[P] = 3. Youlose points.

banned cards – The only card banned fromtournament play is Raise the Stakes. All otherissued cards, in all border colors, includingfoils, are allowed in tournament play.

Barash icon [Bar] – This icon, found on cardssuch as Admiral Picard, is used by the BarashPersonnel card and a few other cards.

Barclay Transporter Phobia – This interruptplays as a response to the initiation oftransport. The affected personnel refuses allbeaming, including the transport just initiated.Place the interrupt on the affected personnelas a marker.

Bareil – This personnel cannot download anartifact used as equipment.

Bareil of Borg – See counterpart.Barzan Wormhole – Reporting a ship with

crew is a result of playing this doorway, whichyou may do at any time during your turn. Itdoes not use your normal card play. Seebetween, Supernova, report with crew.

Bashir Founder – This personnel cannot usehis special download while aboard a cloakedor phased ship. See cloaking and phasing,WEAPONS.

battle – A conflict you initiate during theexecuting orders segment of your turn. Twotypes of battles can occur: ship battles (whichmay also involve facilities or the Borg Shipdilemma) and personnel battles (which mayalso involve Rogue Borg). (“Personnel battle”is synonymous with “Away Team battle” or“Away Team or Rogue Borg battle.”) Thefollowing rules are common to both types ofbattles:• You may initiate battle only during your own

turn.• You may attack only cards which you do not

control, unless a card or rule requires orallows you to attack your own cards. (TheBorg Ship dilemma and Rogue Borg areconsidered self-controlled.) You may attackan opponent’s ship or facility even if youhave intruders aboard.

• You may attack only cards which arepresent with your cards (for personnelbattle) or at the same location (for shipbattle). Personnel and Rogue Borg arepresent together if they are on the sameplanet, ship, facility, or site. Ships, spacefacilities, and the Borg Ship dilemma mayattack other ships or facilities in space, orplanet facilities, at the same location.Landed ships may not attack or be attackedunless a card specifically allows it.

• Each of your non-[Borg] ships, facilities, orAway Teams that wishes to initiate an attackmust have a leader present (if playing[Borg], each must have a [Def] personnelpresent instead). A leader is any personnelwith Leadership skill or any OFFICER. Eachship or facility must also have at least onepersonnel of matching affiliation aboard(which may or may not be the leader). If thefacility is a Nor, the leader and matchingpersonnel must be in Ops.

• No other actions can occur during a battleunless they are a valid response or suspendplay, or a card specifically allows them. Forexample, you cannot beam personnel offyour ship during a battle without a card suchas Emergency Transporter Armbands.

• When a battle is over, all cards involved inthe battle are “stopped.” If a properlyinitiated battle (or “attack”) is cancelled,prevented, or nullified (e.g., with Hugh or I’ma Doctor, Not a Doorstop), all cards involvedhave still participated in a battle and are“stopped.”

• If your opponent attacks you, during yournext turn you may initiate one or morecounter-attacks against any or all of your

opponent’s ships, Away Teams, facilities,crews (if you have a way to beam throughthe SHIELDS), etc. which are still at thelocation of the opponent’s attack, regardlessof the form of the original attack. (You maybring additional forces to the location.)When you counter-attack, no leader or [Def]personnel is required and no affiliationrestrictions apply. Your opponent, on hisnext turn, may then initiate his own counter-attack, and so on. Counter-attacking isalways optional. A counter-attack is a newbattle, not a “continuation” of the previousbattle.

Non-battle cards – Cards that kill personnel ordamage and destroy ships do not constitute abattle unless they specify that they include abattle or attack involving your opponent’spersonnel or ships, or Rogue Borg or theBorg Ship dilemma. For example, destroying aship with Romulan Ambush or a Nemesis iconis not a ship battle; tossing a personnel out anAirlock is not a personnel battle. A dilemmasuch as El-Adrel Creature, which “attacks”your personnel, is not a battle.

battle – affiliation restrictions – Mostaffiliations have restrictions on whom they mayattack. Normally, an affiliation may attack anyaffiliation other than their own. There areexceptions: • Klingon, Kazon, Non-Aligned, and Neutral

forces may also attack their own affiliations.• Federation forces cannot attack any

affiliation (except Borg).• Borg forces may not initiate battle except

when allowed or required by a card. Whenallowed to initiate battle, they may attack anyaffiliation including opposing Borg.

A mixed force is subject to all the attackrestrictions of its members. For example, amixed Away Team of Federation and Non-Aligned personnel, or a Federation crewaboard a Non-Aligned ship, is a Federationforce, and may not initiate a battle (exceptagainst Borg). A Romulan crew aboard a Non-Aligned ship is a Romulan force, and may notbe attacked by other Romulans. (The BorgShip dilemma and Rogue Borg interrupts arealways able to initiate battle.) Aboard a Noryou control, your affiliation battle restrictionsare determined by all your personnel aboardwho are compatible with the station’saffiliation. If a card allows you to attack a specificaffiliation, then you may attack any forces thatinclude that affiliation, even if other cards areworking with them. For example, AdmiralLeyton allows you to attack aDominion/Cardassian force.When a card, such as Emblem of the Empire,removes affiliation attack restrictions from agroup of cards, they may attack any affiliation,including their own. If cards from that groupmix with other cards whose affiliation attackrestrictions have not been removed, the entireforce is subject to the restrictions of thesecond group. A card that allows a specificattack (e.g., Captain Kirk may initiate battleagainst non-[Fed]) does not remove affiliationattack restrictions.

battle – personnel – Personnel battles mayalso include Rogue Borg. Throughout thissection, “personnel” should be taken to mean“personnel or Rogue Borg.” See Rogue BorgMercenaries. Special rules also apply toholographic personnel.1. Announce your attack. Identify which one

of your Away Teams or crews is attackingand which one of your opponent’s AwayTeams or crews they are attacking. (Thegroup that you attack may includepersonnel which are disabled, though theydo not engage in personal combat, but notthose in stasis.) The battle has now beeninitiated.

2. You and your opponent may now use anycards that apply at the start of battle.

These responses to the battle initiationmay include an interrupt such as VulcanNerve Pinch or equipment that may reportto a just-initiated battle such as D’k Tahg.See Emergency Transporter Armbands.

3. Shuffle your personnel (not including anywhich are disabled, stunned, or mortallywounded) and place them face down toform a “combat pile.” Your opponent doeslikewise.

4. You and your opponent thensimultaneously turn over the top card ofyour combat piles, and these twoadversaries engage in personal combat.Compare their individual STRENGTHattributes (applying relevant modifierssuch as phasers or Lower Decks):• If one personnel’s STRENGTH is greater

than the other’s, the higher-STRENGTHpersonnel may choose to stun hisadversary (temporarily rotate theadversary card 90 degrees).

• If one personnel’s STRENGTH is morethan double the other’s, that personnelmay choose to mortally wound hisadversary (temporarily rotate theadversary card 180 degrees).

• If the two combatants have equalSTRENGTH, neither may stun ormortally wound the other.

Repeat this step until one player’s combatpile runs out. Any cards remaining in theother player’s combat pile are then turnedface up.If both cards in a combat pairing have astun effect, or if both players wish to makea response to a combat pairing, the playerwhose turn it is has the first opportunity todo so. For example, your Data justengaged your opponent’s Fek’lhr who has‘45 Dom Perignon present. You wish toplay Android Headlock, while youropponent wishes to use the ability of the‘45 Dom Perignon. If it is your turn, youmay play Android Headlock first.

5. To determine the winner of the overallpersonnel battle, compare your totalremaining STRENGTH to your opponent’s(or the Rogue Borg’s) total remainingSTRENGTH (applying relevant modifiers).Stunned and mortally wounded cards donot add their own STRENGTH to thetotal, but may still modify other cards (e.g.,a stunned Shakaar Edon still makes otherBajorans stronger). The force with thehigher total is the winner, and immediatelykills one opposing personnel (randomselection from among those not mortallywounded, but including those who arestunned or disabled). If the STRENGTHtotals are equal, no one wins or loses theoverall battle.

6. After the personnel battle is over, mortallywounded cards die (discarded), stunnedcards recover from being stunned, and allsurvivors of the battle are “stopped.”

battle – ship – Ship battles may also includefacilities or the Borg Ship dilemma. Theserules apply whether Battle Bridge side decksare being used by zero, one, or both players.1. Announce your attack, then identify which

of your ships and/or facilities will be firingand which enemy ship or facility they aretargeting. You can use any or all of yourcompatible ships/facilities at that location,but can target only one enemy ship orfacility per battle. (Borg Ship dilemmasand Borg-affiliation ships with aMultiplexor Drone aboard are allowed tofire WEAPONS against two or moretargets in the same battle. See battle –ship – multiple targets.) If the card youare targeting had been “stopped,” it is“unstopped” for this battle. Each of yourships or facilities that will be firingWEAPONS must have WEAPONS>0, be“unstopped,” undocked, uncloaked, and

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unphased, and have a leader and apersonnel of matching affiliation aboard.

2. If your opponent wishes to return fireduring this battle, he must also nowidentify which one of your ships orfacilities (involved in the initial attack) hewill be targeting, and which of his shipsand/or facilities there will be returning fireagainst that target. Each of youropponent’s ships and facilities that returnsfire must also have WEAPONS>0, be“unstopped,” undocked, uncloaked, andunphased, and have a personnel ofmatching affiliation aboard (but no leaderis required). The battle has now beeninitiated.

3. You and your opponent may now use anycards that apply at the start of the battle.These responses to the battle initiationmay include cards which will allow you todraw extra Tactic cards in the next step,such as Battle Bridge Door or AttackPattern Delta.

4. Each player who has a Battle Bridge sidedeck may do the following:• draw up to two Tactic cards (or more if

allowed by a card played in step 3) fromthe top of his side deck (he may look ateach one before deciding whether or notto draw the next);

• choose one of those Tactic cards(regardless of how many ships are firing)to play face down on the table as hiscurrent tactic (optional); and

• place his unplayed Tactic card(s) face-upunderneath his side deck. (Used Tacticcards never go to your discard pile.Instead, whenever one of them isdiscarded or otherwise leaves the table,place it face up underneath your sidedeck. When your Battle Bridge sidedeck runs out of face-down Tactic cards,shuffle the face-up cards and placethem face down again underneath yourseeded Battle bridge door.)

Any current tactics played on the table arethen revealed at the same time.

If you choose to use a special downloadicon for a Tactic card, you must do so atthe time you would normally draw Tacticcards, and you must use thedownloaded tactic as your currenttactic.

You may use a current tactic even if youronly card participating in the battle is afacility. ATTACK and DEFENSEbonuses work normally; if the facility hasno usable WEAPONS, it cannot targetan opponent’s card and thus cannot usethe ATTACK bonus.

5. Compute your ATTACK total by addingtogether the total WEAPONS power of allyour attacking cards (counting allapplicable attribute enhancements fromother cards) plus the ATTACK bonus fromyour current tactic (if any). (The ATTACKbonus is added only once, not once foreach ship.)Your opponent computes his DEFENSEtotal by adding the SHIELDS of histargeted ship or facility (counting allapplicable enhancements) to the 50%facility SHIELDS extension (if the target isa docked ship) plus the DEFENSE bonusfrom his current tactic (if any).Now compare the two totals to see if youscore a hit (but damage is not applieduntil after your opponent’s return fire, ifany).• If your ATTACK total is greater than your

opponent’s DEFENSE total, you score ahit.

• If your ATTACK total is more than doubleyour opponent’s DEFENSE total, youscore a direct hit.

• If your ATTACK total is less than or equal

to your opponent’s DEFENSE total, thetarget is not hit.

6. If your opponent announced during theinitiation of the battle that he would returnfire, he does so now. He computes hisATTACK total (including his currenttactic’s ATTACK bonus) and you computeyour DEFENSE total (including yourcurrent tactic’s DEFENSE bonus). Yourship may suffer a hit or direct hit asdescribed above.

7. Apply any damage caused by either orboth players. If you scored a hit or directhit on your opponent’s ship or facility,indicate the damage as follows:• If you are not using a Battle Bridge side

deck, apply rotation damage – rotate thetarget 180 degrees to indicate that it isdamaged, with these effects: RANGE isreduced to 5 (if it is already less than 5,it remains the same), Cloaking Device isoff line and HULL integrity is reduced by50%. (If it is damaged again beforebeing repaired, reducing the HULLintegrity to 0, it is destroyed.) If youscored a direct hit, HULL integrity isreduced by 100% and the target is thusimmediately destroyed.

• If you are using a Battle Bridge sidedeck, the amount of damage to youropponent is determined by symbols onyour current tactic, and the kinds ofdamage are marked by one or more ofyour Tactic cards (which are referred toas damage markers).

This symbol on your current tacticmeans you place this card on the targetas a damage marker.

This symbol on your current tacticmeans you draw a new Tactic card fromyour side deck to place on the target asa damage marker.

• If you are using a Battle Bridge sidedeck, but you chose not to play a currenttactic in this battle (or it was nullified),your opponent suffers default damage.Default damage is two cards from yourside deck ( ) for a hit, or four cards( ) for a direct hit.

If your side deck is completely out ofTactic cards, you will be unable to furtherdamage your opponent until some of yourdamage markers return to your side deck.See damage for further details.The player whose ships and/or facilitiessustain the least HULL integrity loss(maximum of 100% loss per ship orfacility) during that battle is the winner. (Ifthe HULL integrity losses are equal, thereis no winner or loser.)

8. At the end of the battle, discard yourcurrent tactic (face-up under your BattleBridge side deck) unless it was used as adamage marker. Destroyed ships andfacilities (and all cards aboard them) arediscarded and all surviving ships, facilities,and crews involved in that battle are“stopped.” Ships which had been dockedat a destroyed facility are not destroyed(unless landed on Docking Pads).

battle – ship – multiple targets – Borg Shipdilemmas and Borg-affiliation ships with aMultiplexor Drone aboard are allowed to fireWEAPONS against two or more targets in thesame battle. This expands the fire (or returnfire) portion of the battle into two or moreengagements. Each engagement has only onetarget, but it is possible to have multiple cardsfiring upon that target.Compute separate ATTACK and DEFENSEtotals for each engagement, repeatedly usingthe appropriate bonuses from each player’scurrent tactic each time. In other words, eachplayer is limited to one current tactic for thebattle, but it will apply to each engagement.If your multiplexed Borg ship scores a hit (ordirect hit) against two or more targets and

your current tactic has a symbol, use thatcard as the damage marker for one of thosetargets (your choice) and treat that symbol as

for damage to each remaining target. Alldamage markers drawn from your side deckmust be placed on the hit targets randomly,without looking at the markers before placingthem; choose a ship, draw and place themarkers for it, choose another ship, and so on.Because ships and facilities destroyed inbattle are not discarded until the end of thebattle, you cannot retrieve any damagemarkers from targets at -100% HULL integrityto use in separate engagements of the samebattle.

Battle Bridge Door – The second function ofthis doorway enhances the WEAPONS ofonly those ships and facilities involved in thebattle, and only for the duration of that battle.

Battle Bridge side deck – This side deck ismade up of Tactic cards which increase youroffensive and/or defensive capabilities duringship battle and also indicate damageaffecting your opponent’s ships and facilities.You can have as many Tactic cards in yourside deck as you like, even duplicates. Theside deck is activated during the doorwayseed phase by a Battle Bridge Door cardplaced face up on top of the side deck. Seebattle – ship.Your Tactic cards are not part of your hand,and thus are not affected by cards such asAlien Probe and Energy Vortex. Your usedTactic cards do not go to your discard pile.Instead, whenever one of them is discarded orotherwise leaves the table, place it face upunderneath your side deck. When your sidedeck runs out of face-down Tactic cards,shuffle the face-up cards and place them facedown again underneath your seeded BattleBridge Door.

beaming – Beaming uses transporters totransfer personnel, equipment, and tribblesover short distances. All ships and facilitieshave their own transporters unless the cardindicates otherwise. To beam to or from a shipor facility, its SHIELDS must be conceptuallydropped by a player, or a card or rule mustspecifically allow dropping or beamingthrough the SHIELDS. Transporters andSHIELDS may be operated by the player whocontrols a ship, or by any player who isallowed to use a facility. (You need not have aPersonnel card aboard a ship or facility inorder to use its transporters.) For example,you may normally beam cards to or from youropponent’s headquarters, but not to or fromyour opponent’s ship or outpost which isprotected by SHIELDS. If SHIELDS=0 or aredisabled or off line, you may beam freely.You may beam cards between two shipsand/or facilities that you control or are allowedto use, or between a ship or facility and aplanet surface. The starting and ending pointof the transport must be at the same locationand a ship or facility must be compatible withany personnel beaming aboard, unless you areinvading an opponent’s ship or facility that youare not allowed to use. (Equipment cards haveno affiliation.) You may not use thetransporters of one ship or facility to transportcards directly between a planet and anothership or facility without transporters. You maynot beam any card into space unless a cardspecifically allows you to do so. Because dropping a large space station’sSHIELDS to permit beaming is risky, you arenot allowed to beam cards (except tribbles)to, from, or within a Nor unless a card allowsit. Thus, you cannot normally beam from a shipdocked at the Nor to the planet it orbits,between two docked ships, or between adocked ship and an undocked one. (If a cardallows you to beam aboard a Nor, personnelneed not be compatible with the Nor.)To beam cards, announce the beaming,remove the cards from the ship, facility, or

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planet, and move them to their destination,placing them under a ship or facility or on topof a planet. All cards in a group beamsimultaneously unless you specify otherwise.There is no limit to the number of times youcan beam during your turn. Special beaming cards such as Near-WarpTransport or Emergency TransporterArmbands, or dilemmas such as Extradition,do not overcome obstacles to beaming, suchas Atmospheric Ionization, Katherine Pulaski’sbeaming restriction, Barclay TransporterPhobia, or being “stopped,” and do notprovide transporters, allow you to use youropponent’s transporters, or allow beamingfrom a Nor unless specified.

between – When a card allows a ship orpersonnel to move between one location andanother, it may move in either direction. Forexample, Bajoran Wormhole: Mirror Universeallows a ship to move “between here and a[DS9] Bajoran Wormhole.” The ship may moveeither from or to the [DS9] Bajoran Wormhole.

Beware of Q – When you seed this objective(and have a Q-Continuum side deck), youmust declare which function you are seedingthe card for. If you wish to use the first twofunctions, you must have two copies in play.The first function does not require a Q-Continuum side deck or a seeded Q-Flash. Itallows seeding of Q-icon dilemmas only (notother Q-icon card types).Using this objective to replace a dilemma witha Q-Flash is a valid response to the initiationof the dilemma encounter. See actions – step1: initiation. If you replace a dilemma with aQ-Flash at a location where you seededanother Q-Flash, the second one revealed isdiscarded as a mis-seed. The secondfunction of this objective can be used toreplace a dilemma seeded at Empok Nor.If a mission has already been solved (or aBorg objective allowing it to be scouted hasbeen completed), seeding a Q-Flash under itdoes not allow it to be solved again, ortargeted with another Borg objective.See encountered, Q-icon cards, scoutinglocations.

Beyond the Subatomic – If the last card inyour deck is the card type you named whenyou played this interrupt, you do not lose thegame.

Big Picture, The – Once you have solved (orscouted) both a space mission and a planetmission (either before or after The Big Pictureis played), this event no longer affects you.See victory conditions.

Birth of “Junior” – Revised text:Place on ship. End of each turn, RANGEreduced by 1; if reduced to 0, ship destroyed.Nullify with 3 ENGINEER.A ship whose RANGE is disabled by “Pup”has not been reduced to 0 by Birth of “Junior,”and thus is not destroyed.

Black Hole – This doorway may only be playedbetween two of the missions named ❖ Space,not other universal [S] missions. This doorway will pull in all cards (includingships) at the adjacent location even if a Q-Netis between the Black Hole and the adjacentlocation. If it pulls in the last location on eitherend of the spaceline, it stops alternating andcontinues to pull in locations from theremaining side. Cards that can close adoorway (e.g., Revolving Door) suspend theBlack Hole’s game text and are not pulled in.When a ship in a Temporal Rift (or Time TravelPod) is located at a spaceline location that ispulled into a Black Hole, the ship is notimmediately discarded, because the ship istime traveling and thus not at that location “inthe present”; the card only indicates where itwill eventually reappear. Move the ship to theBlack Hole location itself until it reappears.

Blended – This dilemma’s requirement of “anyScotty” refers to any representation of theMontgomery Scott character.

Blood Screening – On this event, “poolingskills” refers to two or more personnelcombining their skills together for a dilemma,mission, etc.

Bok – See characteristics, Non-Aligned.bonus point area – When you score points

from any non-mission card with a point box,that card (unless it remains on a target) isplaced in a bonus point area near your discardpile, as a reminder of those points, even if thecard says to discard it. This is not part of yourdiscard pile and is unaffected by cards suchas Res-Q or Fire Sculptor.Cards in the bonus point area are no longer inplay unless otherwise specified. For example,if a unique captive is placed in the point areausing Relics of the Chase, its owner mayreport another copy of that personnel.If points are scored from a card without apoint box (such as Lack of Preparation), thatcard is discarded when resolved, not placedin the point area. You must keep track of suchpoints by another method.

bonus points – See points, bonus point area,Altonian Brain Teaser, Intermix Ratio.

Boratus – See Ajur and Boratus.Borg – There are a number of important

differences between the Borg and otheraffiliations. An overview is presented here.Although “Borg” is considered both anaffiliation and a species, unless otherwisespecified, throughout this section, the term“Borg” refers to cards of [Borg] affiliation.The Collective and Hive – All of your Borg-affiliation cards in play make up your Borgcollective. All of your Borg-affiliation cards atone spaceline location (or time location),whether in space, on a planet, aboard a shipor facility, etc., make up a Borg hive.Borg Personnel – Most Borg Personnel cardsrepresent drones. A drone’s lore identifies itas such and lists its species of origin (or“Biological Distinctiveness”). The BorgQueen, assimilated counterparts such asLocutus of Borg, and former Borg of non-[Borg] affiliations are not drones. A Borg isconsidered to be both Borg species and itsspecies of origin.Gender is irrelevant to the Borg. Borg-affiliation cards are not affected by gender-related game text on non-Borg-related cards(e.g., Love Interests, Matriarchal Society,Arachnia).Borg personnel have no classifications,though several of the personnel types appearas skills. Regular skills (including the BorgQueen’s selected skill) may be sharedthroughout a Borg hive using the InterlinkDrone’s skill or the Borg Vinculum. (See skill-sharing.) Your Borg may also shareCUNNING using the Unity Drone’s skill.Each Borg personnel has an icon identifyingwhich subcommand ([Com] Communication,[Nav] Navigation, or [Def] Defense) it isassigned to within the Borg collective.Subcommand icons are used primarily to staffBorg ships, but also have other uses indicatedby cards. Some Borg, such as the BorgQueen, have more than one subcommandicon, but may each contribute only one icon ata time to meet ship staffing requirementsunless otherwise specified. See Seven ofNine.Borg-Affiliation Ships – Each Borg ship has abonus point box. These bonus points do notcontribute to a Borg player’s score, but areearned by your non-Borg opponent wheneverhe destroys your Borg ship in battle (and onlyin battle). Borg-affiliation ships are not affected byPlasma Fire, Warp Core Breach, Isabella, IntoThe Breach, Hugh, or the second function of

Anti-Matter Spread. (They are affectednormally by the first function of Anti-MatterSpread, like any other ship.) Cooperation – Borg don’t mix or cooperatewith cards of other affiliations (they are notcompatible with them). A player using [Borg]-affiliation cards may not stock any non-[Borg]-affiliation personnel, ships, or facilities in theirgame deck or any side decks, including formerBorg such as One, or a Mission II with a built-in non-Borg outpost (even if they do not usethat function of the card). If a player has[Borg] and non-[Borg] cards present together(The Naked Truth, Frame of Mind, etc.), normalhouse arrest rules apply. (A card bearing the“Borg Use Only” [BO] icon in its title bar canbe stocked in your deck and used only whenplaying the Borg affiliation.) See playing Borg.Objectives – Unlike other affiliations, Borgnever attempt missions. Instead, a Borg playeruses Objective cards to accomplish goalssuch as destroying a ship, scouting a spacelocation, or assimilating a planet. Some Borgobjectives score points; others confer differentbenefits, such as disrupting the timeline (seeStop First Contact). When you are playing Borg and you have anuncompleted [BO] (Borg Use Only) Objectivecard face up in play, this is defined as yourcurrent objective. You are limited to one [BO]current objective at a time. You may have anynumber of non-[BO] objectives in play at atime. (You may also have other [BO] cardssuch as incidents in play.)When you play (or activate) a [BO] Objectivecard, you must immediately target anappropriate location, ship, personnel, etc., asspecified by the objective. Objectives maytarget solved or unsolved mission locations.The objective then allows your Borg to scoutthe ship or location, initiate battle, abduct atarget, etc. See scouting, scouting locations,scouting ships.Your Borg must complete scouting (if anobjective involves scouting) and meet anyother listed requirements (such as havingBorg present at the location) before you mayprobe (usually at the end of your next turn) todetermine your current objective’s outcomeand score its points, if any. See probing.Scoring points – A Borg player scores points,both positive and negative, only from [BO]cards and cards which specify that they affectBorg. When you or your Borg are confrontedwith any other card which is point-related, playout the card but ignore the points. If that cardpresents a choice, you must choose an optionwhich is not point-related, if possible. Pointsyou score from completing [BO] objectivesare non-bonus points. Any other points youscore are bonus points (for example, pointsfrom the [BO] Add Distinctiveness incident orthe negative points from Balancing Act).Assimilation – You may assimilate planets oryour opponent’s personnel and ships by usingObjective and other cards that allowassimilation. (Also see abduction.)Borg Away Team Restrictions – Your Borgmay not form Away Teams (either on a planetor on an opponent’s ship or facility) exceptwhen counter-attacking or when allowed byyour current objective or another card (e.g.,Emergency Transporter Armbands, Near-WarpTransport, Iconian Gateway, Devidian Door).Borg Battle Restrictions – Your Borg may notinitiate battle except when counter-attackingor when allowed or required by your currentobjective (e.g., Assimilate Counterpart,Eliminate Starship) or another card (e.g.,Conundrum, The Issue Is Patriotism). Whenallowed to initiate battle, they may attack anyaffiliation, including Borg. Other Borg Restrictions – Borg do notcommandeer (they assimilate instead), and donot use hand weapons for any purpose.

Borg-affiliation ships – See Borg.

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❖ Borg Cube, Locutus’ Borg Cube, Queen’sBorg Cube – Revised text:...Your equipment and Borg personnel mayreport aboard....These ships allow reporting of any equipmentaboard (not just [BO]). Personnel may reportto this ship using its game text even whileaffected by a moving required action. Seeactions – required.

Borg Nanoprobes – This Equipment card isnot a hand weapon. A “Species 8472-relateddilemma” is one that mentions Species 8472in its lore. See drone.

❖ Borg Outpost – Revised text:Seed one at any [S] mission with no affiliationicons OR build at such a mission (or at anassimilated planet) where you have a BorgENGINEER. [SD] Transwarp NetworkGateway

Borg Queen – See enigma icon, unique anduniversal, skills – modifying, skill-sharing.

Borg Scout Vessel – See report with crew.Borg Ship – This dilemma attacks only when it

is first encountered; when it moves to a newlocation at the end of every turn; and when atarget arrives or appears at its location. (Itdoes not attack when reappearing from aTemporal Vortex.) A “target” is any ship orfacility that may normally be targeted in a shipbattle. When encountered and when it movesto a new location, it attacks all targets at thatlocation. When a target arrives at (and stopsat) or appears at its location, it attacks onlythat target. (A moving ship may fly past thedilemma without being attacked.) A target may“appear” by decloaking, dephasing,reappearing from a Temporal Rift, time travel,or reporting.If you have “unstopped” ships at the locationof a Borg Ship dilemma during your turn, theymay attack the dilemma. It will return fireagainst all ships (and facilities) that attacked it(but not other targets that were not involved inthe attack).The battle is conducted according to normalship battle rules, with the exception that theBorg Ship dilemma fires on multiple targets(see battle – ship – multiple targets). Hits,direct hits, and damage to the dilemma arecalculated and applied as if it were a ship. Itsbonus points are earned when a non-Borgplayer destroys the dilemma in battle (and onlyin battle).Battle Bridge side decks affect this dilemmaas follows:• When battling the Borg Ship dilemma, you

may use a current tactic and may placedamage markers on the dilemma ifappropriate.

• The dilemma does not use either player’sTactic cards; thus, your ships and facilities ithits suffer default damage (two damagemarkers for a hit, four for a direct hit) if youropponent is using a Battle Bridge side deck,or card rotation damage if your opponent isnot.

• When the dilemma is attacking both players’cards, it does so as two separate battles.The player whose turn it is chooses whichhappens first.

• If both players have damaged the Borg Shipdilemma but only one of them has a BattleBridge side deck, some of the dilemma’sdamage will be indicated by damagemarkers and some of it will be indicated bycard rotation. The card rotation damage isequivalent to HULL -50% and combineswith the damage markers to determinewhether the Borg Ship dilemma isdestroyed.

The Borg Ship dilemma attacks Borg-affiliationcards normally. It is not a ship and is notaffected by cards that affect ships (such asCalamarain, Q-Net, Wormholes, etc.) or byPlasma Fire, Warp Core Breach, Isabella, Into

The Breach, or the first function of Anti-MatterSpread. See Hugh.

Borg subcommand icons – See Borg.Borg Tactical Cube – This ship is a “Borg

cube” (for cards such as Commandeer Shipor Harness Particle 010) but may not bedownloaded by Retask (which downloads theship named ❖ Borg Cube).

Borg Use Only icon [BO] – A card bearing thisicon in its title bar can be stocked in your deckand used only when playing Borg.

Borg Vinculum – See skill-sharing.bottom seed card – The bottom seed card at

a mission is the card on the bottom of themission stack (the first card you wouldencounter if attempting the mission).

Brain Drain – See showing your cards.Brainwash – This event does not change a

captive’s affiliation, but makes it compatiblewith your personnel and removes all affiliation-based restrictions on using the Brainwashedpersonnel as your own. (See capturing.)Examples:• Galen will work with the Federation if

Brainwashed, or with a BrainwashedFederation personnel (even if notBrainwashed himself).

• A Brainwashed captive in your crew or AwayTeam does not add affiliation-based attackrestrictions (e.g., a Brainwashed Federationcaptive will not prevent your Klingons frominitiating battle).

• A non-Borg captive Brainwashed by theBorg is not assimilated and thus may notshare skills or scout, but may attemptmissions of his affiliation (the Borg may notjoin the mission attempt and the Borg playermay not score the mission points). Thecaptive’s skills may be used for otherpurposes, such as using SCIENCE toenhance SHIELDS with MetaphasicShields.

• A Borg captive, Brainwashed by a non-Borgcaptor, will work with that affiliation, but maynot join mission attempts. The captive’sskills may be used in other ways, such asusing Transporter Skill to nullify an Anti-Matter Pod. A Brainwashed Talon Dronecould assimilate an opposing personnelstunned in battle (it would immediately beplaced under house arrest or would becomea separate Away Team).

Breen CRM114 – This Equipment card mayreport wherever your Breen or arms dealer ispresent, and only where your Breen or armsdealer is present, even when reporting byusing another card (e.g., Devidian Door,Security Office). A Breen or arms dealer neednot be present to acquire a Breen CRM114seeded at Search for Weapons.Using this disruptor to damage a planet facilityor landed ship is a special kind of attack(battle), requiring a leader in the Away Teamand subject to all normal attack restrictions.The attack automatically succeeds; place onedamage marker on the target from your BattleBridge side deck (no damage is applied ifyou aren’t using the side deck). Cardsinvolved in the attack are “stopped” and youropponent is allowed to counter-attack therenormally. See once per turn.

B’Rel – See affiliation and ship origin.brig – See capturing.Brunt’s Shuttle – See report with crew.Build Interplexing Beacon – See Stop First

Contact.Bynars card – A “Bynars card” is any card with

“Bynars” in its title. See any, card titles.Caithlin Dar – See Release This Pain.Calamarain – This event’s owner moves it in

the same way as he would move a ship, but itis not a ship, is not affected by cards thataffect ships, such as Q-Nets or Wormholes,and cannot move through the Bajoran

Wormhole. Discard the event after either use(damaging a ship or killing Mortal Q).Calamarain cannot damage a cloaked orphased ship. See cloaking and phasing,Explore Interstellar Matter.This event may not cause damage that willdestroy a ship. When used with a BattleBridge side deck, it causes default damage.Draw the two damage markers from your sidedeck, one at a time, and place each one onthe ship unless it would destroy that ship (inwhich case discard that damage markerinstead).

cancel – Act of preventing an action (such as acard play or a battle) from having its result.Any costs paid to initiate that action remainpaid. When you cancel an action that waslimited to once per turn, that action may notbe initiated again during that turn. See nullify.

Captain Kirk – This personnel’s special skill,“May initiate battle against non-[Fed],” allowsonly his ship to initiate battle. Your otherFederation ships (or ships with any Federationcrew) present may not participate in thatbattle. (He may also lead an Away Team orcrew in personnel battle.) See battle –affiliation restrictions.

Captain Proton cards – Several cards in theHolodeck Adventures set represent peopleand things from Tom Paris’ holoprogrambased on the 1930s sci-fi serial, TheAdventures of Captain Proton. Like the worldof Captain Proton itself, these cards areentirely in black-and-white. Any iconsappearing on them should be treated asnormal, color versions of those icons. Thus,Captain Proton is treated as a normal, Non-Aligned personnel; also, if you are probing forOmega Directive and reveal him as your probecard, his special download icon triggers the“Threat eliminated” outcome.

Captain’s Log – Errata:Plays on table. Any of your personnel aboarda ship he or she commanded or captained(as referenced in ship lore) raises SHIELDS+3 and WEAPONS +3. (Not cumulative.) Eachof your ships with its matching commanderaboard is WEAPONS and SHIELDS +3.(Captain’s Order.)See matching commander.

Captain’s Order – In addition to the cardsmarked with this phrase, Captain’s Log, LowerDecks, Yellow Alert, and Senior Staff Meetingare also Captain’s Order cards. You need nothave Ready Room Door or Commander’sOffice (which list this definition) in play forthese cards to be Captain’s Orders anddownloadable by James T. Kirk. Red Alert is not a Captain’s Order.

captives – Personnel who are “held” by adilemma are not captives. See capturing.

capturing – Some cards and rules allow you tocapture your opponent’s personnel (never apersonnel you control). Captives are disabled(unless a card such as Brainwash specifiesotherwise). The captives are escorted by yourpersonnel as follows:• Upon capture, captives are immediately

relocated to one of your crews or AwayTeams at that location, if possible (to thespecific crew or Away Team making thecapture, if any, such as when using IlonTandro or Captured).

• Otherwise, the capturing card remains inplay and serves as a temporary “trap” tohold the captives on your side of thatlocation until your personnel can arrive totake them into custody. (If there is a planetat that location, the trap is on the planet.)Your ship with transporters (in space) oryour Away Team (on a planet) cansubsequently take custody of the captives ifpresent with the trap, then discard the trapcard.

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Each of your crews and Away Teams mayescort any number of captives, and may movethem like Equipment cards.At any given time a captive can be in one ofthree conditions: (1) held by a trap, in a Brig,or by escorting personnel, (2) Brainwashed,or (3) left unattended. You may change thecaptive’s condition during your turn.A trap card placed on a captive is not in play;it is a marker of captive status and can nolonger be nullified. For example, you maynullify Mandarin Bailiff with Q2 or Q-Flashwhen it is encountered (after the captive isselected but before placing the card on it as atrap), but not later.You may not initiate battle against personnelyou have captured, unless a card allows orrequires it. See White Deprivation.All captured cards are returned to their ownerat the end of the game.Brigs – Some cards allow you to add a Brig toa ship or facility. While you control the ship orfacility, you may move captured personnel intoand out of the Brig during your turn (while inthe Brig they are held but not escorted). Ifyour opponent commandeers or assimilatesthe ship or facility, his personnel maysubsequently release any of his otherpersonnel held captive in the Brig (if present).Rescue – Captives that are held orBrainwashed may be rescued only by using acard that specifically rescues or releasescaptives (such as Rescue Captives, His HonorThe High Sheriff of Nottingham, or PrisonerExchange). Unattended captives, however, areconceptually “tied up and left behind” andthus may be rescued by their owner’s otherpersonnel present, without any special card.Whenever a captive is rescued or released, allcapturing-related cards played on thatcaptive are discarded.

capturing-related card – This phrase, used onPrepare the Prisoner, includes any card that• captures personnel or prevents their

capture;• specifically affects captives or allows them

to be used in any way;• has an effect when a captive is taken or

escorted; or• downloads, nullifies, or modifies another

capturing-related card (specified by title).Examples of capturing-related cards includeThine Own Self, Ilon Tandro, Wolf, Brainwash,Rescue Captives, Impersonate Captive,Holding Cell Door, Fajo’s Gallery, Gul Madred,and Madred.

card draw – A card draw refers to any carddrawn from your draw deck (or from yourdiscard pile, if using Carlos’ skill; but not froma side deck), either as the player’s end-of-turndraw(s) or through the use of a card thatspecifies that you “draw cards,” such as KivasFajo – Collector. (Cards chosen from yourdeck using a Betazoid Gift Box are not“drawn.”) Each card draw is a separate action.An action that is “in place of one card draw”may replace any card draw. Unless the actionis explicitly restricted to once per turn, youmay replace as many card draws as you areentitled to. For example, downloads with theBorg Queen’s special skill may replace any orall of the three card draws from Kivas Fajo –Collector. The replacement action must beperformed at the time you would normallymake that card draw.You may perform as many actions as you likeeach turn that have the restriction “draw nocards this turn” (e.g., playing a Q’s Tent,downloading with Ops). You may not thendraw any more cards for the remainder of theturn, by any means (normal card draw, KivasFajo – Collector, Masaka Transformations,etc.), or use an ability (such as the BorgQueen’s special skill) that allows you toperform an action in place of a card draw.

However, if the first action you performimposing a restriction of “draw no cards thisturn” triggers a “just” action or valid responseof drawing a card, the “just” action or validresponse occurs before the restriction takeseffect. See turn, actions – “just.”

card play – A card play refers to any cardplayed by any means (normal card play for theturn, normal interrupt or doorway play, a cardplayed “for free,” downloaded into play,Devidian Door, etc.), except those “drawn”from a side deck (such as a Tactic card drawnfrom a Battle Bridge side deck). Card playsare of two types: Personnel, Ship, Equipment,and Tribble cards report (for duty), while allother card types are simply “played.” Seeentries for specific card types for details ofplaying that card type.Your normal card play is defined as the onecard play you are allowed each turn by rule.Although optional, this must take place beforeexecuting orders. Interrupts and doorwaysdo not use up (or count as) your normal cardplay. All other playable card types use yournormal card play unless otherwise specified,or unless brought into play via a mechanismsuch as downloading or as the direct result ofplaying an interrupt or doorway (such asBarzan Wormhole). If you are allowed toreport a card using ongoing game text of acard that remains in play, such as Caretaker’sArray, then that report uses your normal cardplay (unless otherwise specified).Cards are always played face up, unless theyhave a hidden agenda icon. Except whenplaying a hidden agenda card, announce thename of the card when you put it into play.Your opponent may examine any card that youplay face up at the time of play, but not laterunless allowed by a rule or card. (Seeshowing your cards.)An action that is “in place of your normal cardplay” must be performed when you wouldmake your normal card play. Such an actionmay be a group action with several sub-actions; interrupts may not be played betweenthose sub-actions. See actions – group. Onlyone such “replacement” action may beperformed each turn. For example, twoSpacedoors will not allow you to downloadtwo ships.

card titles – Cards (other than Personnel andShip cards) are grouped together in terms oftheir interactions with other cards by their cardtitles. A card title group consists of a card with abasic card title, plus one or more cards withthe same basic card title followed by a colonor dash and an additional phrase. (Cards suchas “HQ:” cards also form a card title group,even though there is no card named “HQ”.)When a card refers to the basic card title of acard title group (e.g., nullifies it, downloads it,is immune to it, plays on it), it applies to allcards in that card title group. Examples:• Calamarain is immune to both Kevin

Uxbridge and Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence.• Incoming Message: Attack Authorization and

Incoming Message – Federation are bothnullified by Subspace Interference.

• Bajoran Wormhole and Bajoran Wormhole:Mirror Universe may both be downloaded byUltimatum or The Emissary.

If one card title includes another, but they arenot differentiated by a colon or dash, thosecards do not form a card title group.Examples:• Neela cannot download Bajoran Phaser

Rifle.• Long-Range Scan cannot be used to initiate

battle at Nebula.Sometimes a card or rule will refer to the titles(or part of the titles) of cards that are not partof a card title group. These references arepreceded by the word “a”, “an”, “any”, or “one”,

or are followed by the name of a card type orby the word “card.” Examples:• Open Diplomatic Relations may retrieve

either Organian Peace Treaty or any“Treaty:” card, such as Treaty:Federation/Romulan.

• Orb of Time and Mysterious Orb are both“Orb artifacts”.

• Yint may download any Equipment card with“Disruptor Rifle” in its title (Klingon DisruptorRifle, etc.).

• Disrupt Alliance may download eitherEmblem of the Empire or Emblem of theAlliance.

Personnel and Ship cards do not belong tocard title groups; they are covered by thepersona rule. A Personnel card is nevergrouped with a non-Personnel card. Forexample, Jovis cannot download Kivas Fajo –Collector. See “any”.Words in lowercase (e.g., “disruptor”) are notnecessarily references to card titles; they referto any card with those characteristics.

card types – The current card types areArtifact, Doorway, Dilemma, Equipment, Event,Facility, Incident, Interrupt, Mission, Objective,Personnel, Ship, Site, Tactic, Time Location,Tribble, and Trouble.The following are not separate card types:cards of different affiliations; Outpost, Station,and Headquarters (all are Facility cards); Q-icon cards (a Q-icon dilemma is a Dilemmacard, etc.); Mission II (Mission cards); andCombo dilemmas (Dilemma cards).A card that says it is “played as” or “used as”another card type counts as both card typesfor all purposes. (But a card that “seeds like” adilemma does not count as a dilemma, and acard that is “moved like” equipment or a shipdoes not count as an Equipment or Shipcard.) For example, an artifact that plays as anEvent card can be nullified by Kevin Uxbridge:Convergence. An artifact that is used as anEquipment card may be stolen by aProcurement Drone, discarded to satisfyRebel Encounter, or (if reclaimed from discardpile with Reclamation) reported in any waythat an Equipment card may be reported.Artifacts must still be earned legally beforeuse.

Cardassian – An affiliation and a species.See affiliation and species.

Caretaker’s Array – This incident allows a shipto relocate here from any Badlands Regionlocation in any quadrant. It allows any shipwith fewer than four staffing icons to reportwith crew here, regardless of the nativequadrant of the ship or crew members (butyou may not disregard [AU] icons or ship textrestricting where it may report). Reportingwith crew uses your normal card play andmay not be combined with other reportingmechanisms (e.g., the Delta Flyer may notreport with crew for free aboard your Voyagerat the Caretaker’s Array). The ship may notreport landed, but may report docked at yourcompatible outpost there.

Cargo Bay - You begin a cargo run (asdescribed on this site) when one or more ofyour personnel aboard a facility pick up one ormore Equipment cards aboard that facility andcarry them directly aboard your ship at thesame location. You must announce the runand show your opponent which personnel andequipment are involved (but you do not haveto specify now which personnel, equipment, orCargo Bay you will use to complete it). Whenthat ship arrives at a different facility anynumber of turns later, any of those samepersonnel who has been a member of theship’s crew since the run was announced maycarry any of those equipment cards directly tothe Cargo Bay to complete the cargo run.You may not begin or complete a cargo run bybeaming a crew member with equipmentbetween universes with a Multidimensional

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Transport Device, or by beaming them aboarda ship with Invasive Transporters and then toCargo Bay. You may not complete a cargo runbegun by your opponent (e.g, if you takecontrol of the ship with Neural Servo Device).Your ship can take any path from the startingfacility to the ending facility, giving you creditfor each mission passed (except starting andending locations). You may count eachmission only once per cargo run. See passinglocations.While you may have multiple ships makingcargo runs concurrently, a single ship’s crewcan complete only one at a time, earning carddraws or Latinum downloads for only onepiece of equipment. To deliver any additionalequipment, a crew must begin a new cargorun.See report.

Cargo Rendezvous – Revised text:ENGINEER + Physics + INTEGRITY>30OR Greed + Treachery + CUNNING>32

cargo run – See Cargo Bay.Carlos – This personnel’s special skill has no

effect on probing or any other function thatinvolves the draw deck, other than drawingcards.

carried ships – One ship may not be carriedaboard another ship unless a card, such asEngage Shuttle Operations or Borg Sphere,allows it. If the “mother ship” is destroyed, anyship it carries is also destroyed. If a carriedship is destroyed, the “mother ship” isdamaged.Game text that allows you to launch carriedships also allows you to load or recover suchships. For example, Engage ShuttleOperations allows you to launch shuttlecraftfrom, and re-load them aboard, your ships withTractor Beam and ENGINEER. Launchingand loading require full staffing (seemovement).Personnel aboard a carried ship are also partof the crew of the carrying ship, or areintruders if the carrying ship is controlled by adifferent player.Cards that may not target docked ships alsomay not target carried ships.If you launch a carried ship into space from alanded ship, it counts as both launching andtaking off; reloading a ship aboard a landedship counts as both reloading and landing. Forexample, to launch the Delta Flyer from yourlanded U.S.S. Voyager, you must have a cardsuch as Blue Alert to allow it to take off, using2 RANGE.

Cha’Joh – See multi-affiliation cards,affiliation and ship origin.

Chamber of Ministers – The text “A Nor maycoexist here” on this facility overrides thenormal rule that you may not establish morethan one facility at a location. However,Chamber of Ministers is not required in orderto seed Deep Space 9/Terok Nor at Bajor. “ANor” is a reference to the type of station(allowing Deep Space 9 or Terok Nor to seedthere), not to the card named “Nor,” which maynot be established at a Bajor region location. This facility can play (but not seed) on theMirror Universe Bajor. No cards may reportthere because the facility is not in its nativequadrant.

chameloid – See shape-shifter.changeling – A species. All changelings are

shape-shifters. (But not all shape-shifters arechangelings.) See assimilation – personnel.

characteristics – Personnel, Ship, andEquipment cards have game-relevant featurescalled characteristics (e.g., human, female,admiral, leader, shuttlecraft, Jem’Hadar ship,disruptor). Some characteristics (species,gender, ship origin) are determined from acombination of affiliation, appearance (cardimage), and lore. Others are defined by a rule

or card text, based on skills or other featuresof the card (e.g., a leader is any personnelwith OFFICER or Leadership). However, manycharacteristics, especially ranks and titles, areprinted on the cards, usually in the card title,ship class, or lore. For example:• The characteristic “admiral” is found in

Admiral McCoy’s card title and NorahSatie’s lore.

• The characteristic “Nagus” is found in Krax’sspecial skill.

• The characteristic “shuttlecraft” is found inthe class of Quark’s Treasure and RomulanShuttle, and in the lore of Type 18Shuttlepod.

• The characteristic “Jem’Hadar ship” is foundin the card title of Jem’Hadar Attack Shipand the lore of Stolen Attack Ship.

• The characteristic “disruptor” is found in thetitle of Romulan Disruptor Rifle and the loreof Breen CRM114.

Context determines whether a word actuallydefines a characteristic or not. For example,the phrase “Uses the same hull as theCardassian shuttlecraft” in the lore of PatrolShip does not make this ship a shuttlecraft.A personnel may be identified in its card titleor lore as currently or formerly having acharacteristic. A title with the prefix “vice”counts as that title. For example, AlynnaNechayev (“Vice-Admiral”) counts as anAdmiral for Going to the Top or Office of thePresident; Bok (“former Ferengi DaiMon”) isenhanced by Calandra.Information on other cards (such as a Shipcard) may not be used to define acharacteristic for a personnel (except formatching commander, which may useinformation from either the personnel or shiplore). Thus Alidar Jarok (“Conscientiousadmiral...”) may report for free to the Office ofthe Proconsul, but not Mendak, who is notidentified in his card title or lore as an admiral(although the Devoras identifies him asAdmiral Mendak).The presence in lore of a word or phrase thatis the name of a skill is not a characteristic anddoes not confer that skill on a personnel. Forexample, Jaron (“former member of the TalShiar”) does not have Tal Shiar skill and is nota “Tal Shiar personnel” (e.g., for ContinuingCommittee).

Characterize Neutrino Emissions – You mayseed any number of different Orb artifacts (noduplicates) under this mission, regardless ofwhether the artifacts may normally be seededin space, in place of the single artifactnormally allowed at a mission.

Chief O’Brien – See once per turn.Children of Light – This incident allows you to

capture your opponent’s [Holo] personnelpresent with your Iden (or aboard a damagedship at his location).

Chinese Finger Puzzle – Revised text:If android present, crew or Away Team isstopped until end of turn and androids arestopped for X full turns, where X = number ofandroids present. Discard dilemma.

Chula: The Abyss – If more than one Quark’sBar is in play, the player encountering thisdilemma chooses which one to relocate hispersonnel to.

Chula: The Chandra – For a personnel tocontinue past this dilemma, at least oneattribute number must match the sameattribute on the randomly selected personnel(e.g., INTEGRITY must match INTEGRITY).Apply all relevant attribute modifiers. Seedual-personnel cards.

Chula: The Way Home – If more than oneQuark’s Bar is in play, the opponent of theplayer encountering this dilemma chooseswhich one to relocate the personnel to.

Chula: Trickery – For this dilemma, youropponent “recites [the personnel’s] attribute

numbers” by reading the printed attributes offthe card, in order (INTEGRITY, CUNNING,STRENGTH), without applying modifiers.Attributes of dual-personnel cards are notadded together, but are read as printed, forexample, 3+3, 8+8, 5+5.

Clan People – Revised text:To get past, must have Kai Opaka present ORCUNNING>38 from up to five Away Teammembers.

clarifications – See revised text.class – See ship class.Classic Communicator – The skill added by a

personnel with this Equipment card is retainedonly while that personnel is present with thecommunicator and the personnel from whomthe skill was added remains at the samelocation, or until you re-select the skill. Seeskills – modifying.Because this card is not cumulative, you maynot use two copies to add two skills to thesame personnel, but you may use two copiesto add a skill (the same or different) to twodifferent personnel (even in the same crew orAway Team).

Classic Films icon [CF] – This icon (formerlyknown as the Excelsior icon) appears onpersonnel and ships from the “Classic Films”era of the late 23rd century. It is used as aspecial ship staffing icon and for otherpurposes defined on various cards.

Classic Medical Tricorder – This Equipmentcard works like the Classic Tricorder.

Classic Tricorder – When this Equipment cardjoins your crew or Away Team, select whichskill the [OS] ENGINEER- and SCIENCE-classification personnel present add. Theyretain that skill until they are no longer presentwith the tricorder, or until you re-select the skilladded by that tricorder (see skills –modifying). If more personnel of appropriateclassification join the crew or Away Team, theyadd the same skill already selected.Because this card is not cumulative, you maynot use two copies to add two skills to thesame personnel. If you combine two personnelgroups, each with a skill added from a ClassicTricorder, choose one tricorder to add itsselected skill to all applicable personnel.

classification – A personnel’s classification isfound only in their classification box. Apersonnel type such as MEDICAL in theskills box is a skill, not a classification. A cardreferring to “MEDICAL-classificationpersonnel” refers only to personnel who haveMEDICAL in their classification box. Borgpersonnel have no classification. See skills.

cloaking and phasing – A ship may cloak orphase if it has a Cloaking Device or PhasingCloak (either in its game text or added byanother card). To cloak or phase a ship, turnthe Ship card face down; to decloak ordephase, turn it face up. You may cloak,decloak, phase, or dephase your ship onlyduring your own turn, unless a card allowsotherwise, and only if it is not “stopped.” Aship may perform only one cloaking,decloaking, phasing, or dephasing action eachturn and it may not be cloaked and phased atthe same time. A ship may not enter playcloaked or phased.Cloaking and phasing are different gameconditions. Cards that specifically affectcloaked ships, such as Tachyon DetectionGrid, La Forge Maneuver, T’Rul, and theTachyon Drone, do not affect phased ships.Engage Cloak specifically states that it appliesto both cloaking and phasing.A cloaked or phased ship is invisible; inaddition, a phased ship is “out of phase” withthe universe and thus can fly through planetsand other obstructions and cannot interact inany way with the rest of the universe. Whilephased, the ship receives a RANGE

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enhancement as indicated on the cardproviding the phasing ability.A cloaked or phased ship (and its crew)cannot be affected by any external action thatwould require that a lifeform could see orsense the ship. For example, the ship may notbe attacked, boarded (e.g., with InvasiveBeam-In), or targeted with Establish TractorLock, Long-Range Scan, Romulan Ambush,Rogue Borg, or Isabella; a crew member maynot be targeted by Protection Racket (unlessthe threatening Ferengi is aboard the ship);the Tantalus Field on a cloaked ship may notbe used to kill a personnel outside that ship.A cloaked ship can be affected by cardsrepresenting external cosmic phenomena,spontaneous events, or inanimate objects thatare independent of the visibility of the ship. Forexample, a cloaked ship may not pass througha Q-Net and may be damaged by Stellar Flareor Anti-Matter Pod, destroyed by Supernovaor Black Hole, disappear into a Temporal Rift,or be returned to hand with a Space-TimePortal. However, a phased ship is not affectedby any external phenomena such as these.Both phased and cloaked ships are vulnerableto global effects caused by changes in thetimeline, such as Anti-Time Anomaly and StopFirst Contact. A cloaked or phased ship mayalso receive communications that do notdepend on the visibility of the ship (e.g., anIncoming Message).A cloaked ship may execute all normalmovements, including docking, undocking,landing, taking off, launching, and loading,using RANGE, Wormholes, TranswarpNetwork Gateways, or Bajoran Wormhole. Aphased ship may move only by using RANGE;for example, it may not move through theBajoran Wormhole. A phased ship may notdock, land, or load; if it phases while docked,landed, or carried, it “passes through” the shipor planet and ends up in space. Youropponent may verify the RANGE of yourcloaked or phased ship.A cloaked or phased ship, and its crew, maynot affect anything external to the ship. Thus, itmay not initiate battle, attempt or scout amission, allow probing for an objective with anexternal target (e.g., Assimilate Planet,Establish Gateway), provide opposition forPatrol Neutral Zone or a ship presence tomaintain Post Garrison, prevent youropponent from passing Quantum Fissure, playHail on a passing ship, use a tractor beam, orload or unload personnel or equipment (eitherby beaming or by walking on or off whiledocked at a facility) or a carried ship; a Borgcrew may not share skills with other Borg notaboard. It may scan a mission, because thescan does not affect the mission.A cloaked or phased ship is affected normallyby cards or actions that are internal to theship. For example, Plasma Fire and Auto-Destruct Sequence may be played on acloaked or phased ship, and you may probe tocomplete Assimilate Counterpart if the targetis on an Assimilation Table aboard the ship.Also, cards may report to a cloaked or phasedship (when reporting is allowed by a card suchas Ready Room Door, Borg Cube, TheEmissary, Dr. Telek R’Mor, Assign SupportPersonnel, etc).Unless otherwise specified here, any Glossaryreference to cloaking applies to phasing aswell.

cloaking device – When engaged, thisspecial equipment makes a ship invisible andinvulnerable to attack. See cloaking andphasing.

Clone Machine – This incident does not allowyou to have more than one version of apersona in play at one time. Boreth is thepremiere mission Investigate Disturbance. Nomission at Mariposa exists yet.

Clown: Playing Doctor, The – See skills –First-listed skill.

Coalescent Organism – This dilemma can bepassed on to anyone who is present at theend of the turn, regardless of ownership. Thedilemma is played on the selected personnel.Discard it if the personnel dies alone or fromsome other cause.

collective – All of one player’s [Borg] affiliationcards in play.

Colony – The Away Team must be “in” thisfacility to score points.

combo dilemma – A combo dilemma is a two-dilemma combination in one Dilemma card.(See card type.) Encountering a combodilemma is like encountering two separatedilemmas: if you meet the conditions of thefirst half, you continue on to face the secondhalf; if not, you place the card back under themission and will have to face the first halfagain. However, some combo dilemmas withconditions say “not repeatable” in the firsthalf; this phrase takes the place of “discarddilemma” and means that the first half isconceptually discarded after you face it; whenyou or your opponent encounter that sameexact card on another attempt, the first half ofthe combo is skipped. If the first half has noconditions (e.g., Male’s Love Interest), it isalways conceptually discarded after it has itseffect. See dilemma resolution.Cards that specifically affect the first half of acombo dilemma do not automatically affectthe second half. For example, if Male’s LoveInterest is replaced by Beware of Q,overridden by Jealous Amanda, discarded bySenior Staff Meeting, or nullified by KareenBrianon, you still encounter the TarellianPlague Ship half of the card. Similarly, if youfail to overcome Alien Parasites and youropponent uses your personnel to re-attemptthe mission, they will begin by facing REMFatigue Hallucinations. However, MissionFatigue “stops” a personnel before eachsubsequent dilemma, so one personnel will be“stopped” before each half of the combo.You may not legally seed a combo dilemma atthe same location as either of the originaldilemma cards on which it is based; thesecond one encountered would be a mis-seed. (See copy.) If the mis-seed is the firsthalf of a combo dilemma, place it“conceptually” out-of-play while you encounterthe second half, then place it physically out-of-play (instead of discarding it) once the secondhalf has been resolved.

Commandeer Ship – The personnel whocommandeers a ship with this objective maymeet any three staffing icon requirements,whether he has those icons or not. Forexample, Christopher Hobson maycommandeer the Decius and meet its entirestaffing icon requirement of [Cmd][Stf][AU].

commandeering – When your opponent firstestablishes a facility or reports a ship, hecontrols it. (It is also controlled by theaffiliation printed on the card.) You maysubsequently commandeer that facility or shipusing a card that allows commandeering. Forexample, you may commandeer a Nor byhaving any of your Computer Skill personnelunopposed at its Ops site, as stated in theOps text (a Nor without an Ops site may notbe commandeered). You may commandeer aship using a card such as Commandeer Shipor Outgunned.When you commandeer a ship or facility, itcomes under your control, and its affiliationchanges to match the affiliation of one of thenon-ANIMAL commandeering personnel (yourchoice) in the Away Team (e.g., Ops orCommandeer Ship) or crew(s) (e.g.,Outgunned). If you have no personnel at thelocation (e.g., A Fast Ship Would Be Nice),the ship’s affiliation does not change until yourpersonnel arrive to take custody of the ship.You do not take control of any opposingpersonnel or equipment aboard unless

otherwise specified by the card allowing youto commandeer.You continue to maintain control of the facilityor ship, even if you have no personnel aboard.However, your opponent may retake controlby bringing unopposed Computer Skill toOps, or by using a ship-commandeering card.You may commandeer only cards which youdo not control (including a Nor or ship thatyour Borg opponent assimilated from you),and only if a card allows it. (Borg may notcommandeer a ship or facility; instead, theymust use a card that allows them to assimilateit.) See facility – Control of facilities, EmpokNor, docking, actions – required.

Commander Data - This personnel is anandroid.

compatible – Your cards of different affiliationsmay mix and work together only if they arecompatible.• Cards with the same affiliation icon are

compatible with each other.• Non-Aligned and Neutral cards are

compatible with all affiliations except Borg.• Borg cards are not compatible with any

other affiliation.• If a card allows cards of different affiliations

to “mix” (or “mix and cooperate”), it makesthose cards compatible with each other.Some cards that make different affiliationscompatible are Treaty cards, Brainwash,Ferengi Trading Post (only while aboard),The Kazon Collective, Temporal Micro-Wormhole, and Memory Wipe (seeded).

Compatible personnel may mix in the samecrew or Away Team and board compatibleships and facilities. Personnel and ships mayreport to compatible facilities. However, youmust still have a personnel of matchingaffiliation when required by a card or rule.Example: If you have a Treaty:Romulan/Cardassian in play, your Romulan,Cardassian, and Non-Aligned cards arecompatible with your Cardassian Outpost,with Central Command, and with aCardassian Nor, but your Klingon cards arenot. Only your Cardassian cards match thefacilities.• Your Romulan and Non-Aligned cards may

report to your Cardassian Outpost, toCentral Command, or to a Cardassian Nor(but may not be downloaded using the Opstext, which requires a matching affiliation).

• Your Romulan and Non-Aligned personnelmay supply staffing icons for your [Car] ship,if at least one [Car] personnel is aboard (seeship staffing).

• You may attempt a mission using a mixedRomulan/Cardassian/Non-Aligned crew orAway Team as long as at least onepersonnel matches one of the mission’saffiliation icons.

• Your Romulan forces may assist yourCardassian forces in battle, but your Klingonforces may not.

If a card allowing compatibility is nullified ordestroyed, incompatible personnel aboard aship or facility are placed under house arrest.If a mixed Away Team is on a planet, theincompatible personnel form a separate AwayTeam and cannot return to the ship.The text does not work with means the cardsare incompatible.

Compromised Mission – You may attemptthis mission with a crew containing apersonnel of the affiliation matching an icon onthe end facing you.

Computer Crash – You may activate thishidden agenda event as a response to anattempt to play a Q’s Tent or a card requiringdownloading (e.g., Activate Subcommands),or an attempt to download a card (e.g., byusing the Borg Queen’s skill or any specialdownload icon), but not during the seedphase. The Q’s Tent or card requiring

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downloading becomes an illegal card play andreturns to the owner’s hand; an attempteddownload is simply aborted (and does not useup any resource). See actions – step 2:responses.If you initiate the play of a multi-function cardsuch as Bajoran Civil War, and select afunction that requires a download, it may beresponded to by the activation of this event.The card returns to your hand; you may thenplay it for its other function, but you are notrequired to do so.A card may allow but not require downloading,and thus may be played despite ComputerCrash. For example, if Computer Crash isactivated in response to an attempteddownload with Assign Mission Specialists, thedownload is prevented, but the card remainsin play.You may not suspend the activation of thisevent by using a special download icon.

Construct Depot – This mission may not beattempted or scouted by the opponent. Youmay not download a Remote Supply Depot ifyou already have a facility at this missionlocation.

Construct Starship – This objective allows youto download a facility only if it has text allowingit to play (or be built). For example, HusnockOutpost cannot be downloaded because itmay only be seeded.

Containment Field – If this incident isdiscarded or placed beneath the draw deckusing Q the Referee, any cards stacked on itare likewise discarded or placed beneath theirowners’ draw decks. See Devidian Door.Activating this incident will nullify a DestroyRadioactive Garbage Scow that is already inplay on a mission. The mission’s point value isrestored (even if it has already been solved)and the owner of the Destroy RadioactiveGarbage Scow places the interrupt in hisbonus point area to score –10 points.

control – Some cards allow you to take controlof an opponent’s cards permanently (bycapturing, commandeering, assimilating, orstealing) or temporarily. (All controlled cardsare returned to their owners at the end of thegame.)If you control your opponent’s ship, any cards“played on” or “placed on” the ship (such asKurlan Naiskos or Cytherians) come underyour control also. Cards that are aboard theship (personnel, equipment, carried ships) donot come under your control unlessspecifically stated by the card or rule givingyou control. If you control your opponent’spersonnel, any cards “played on” or “placedon” the personnel (such as Ocular Implants orMobile Holo-emitter) come under your control.Only your own treaties, ship enhancementcards, etc. apply to the controlled cards. Thus,your Bynars Weapons Enhancement wouldincrease the ship’s WEAPONS, while youropponent’s Metaphasic Shields would notincrease its SHIELDS.Temporary control – When you temporarilycontrol a ship and crew with a card such asAlien Parasites or Neural Servo Device, treatthe ship and personnel as if they were yourown with regard to attempting missions,encountering dilemmas and Q-Flashes,scoring points, playing cards that play on“your ship” (such as Auto-DestructSequence), etc. The only exception is that youmay not bring the personnel aboard one ofyour ships or facilities and you may not bringyour personnel aboard their ship.You may use only “legal moves” – e.g., theship and crew must still obey affiliation attackrestrictions and Borg Away Team restrictions,may attempt only missions of appropriateaffiliation, etc. Within those constraints, youmay move the ship, abandon personnel onplanets, engage in battle, attempt missions (if

you solve a mission, you score its pointsunless playing Borg), etc.

Conundrum – When you fail to overcome thisdilemma, your ship and crew are “stopped”and you must immediately target one of youropponent’s ships. (If there is no valid target,the dilemma is immediately discarded withouteffect and your cards are not “stopped.”)Once “unstopped,” the ship and crew mustchase and attack that target. This is a requiredaction (see actions – required), and must becarried out alone; your other ships at thelocation may not join the battle.Cloaked, phased, or landed ships, or ships ina Temporal Rift or Time Travel Pod are invalidtargets. You may change targets at any time. Ifthe selected target at any time becomesinvalid or leaves play, you must target adifferent ship. If at any time there are no validtargets in play, the dilemma is discarded.Moving to a different spaceline or to a timelocation does not invalidate the target. Onceyou have attacked a target ship, the dilemmais “cured” and discarded.

cooperate – See mix.copy – A copy (or duplicate) of a card is

defined by its card title and, for personnel andships, its game text. Different images,copyright dates, lore, expansion icons,affiliation border colors, or property logos donot affect whether cards are copies.Personnel and ships: Two Personnel or Shipcards are copies of each other if their cardtitles and game text are the same (taking intoaccount revised titles and game text ofreprinted cards). Examples of copies:• Alyssa Ogawa (First Contact) is a copy of

Alyssa Ogawa (Trouble With Tribbles starterdeck reprint with a tribble in the card image).Alyssa Ogawa (Premiere) is not a copy ofthis card because her game text is different(they are two versions of the samepersona).

• Quark Son of Keldar (First Anthologypreview) is a copy of Quark Son of Keldar(Blaze of Glory reprint) despite a minorrewording of his game text and the Blaze ofGlory expansion icon.

• Tasha Yar - Alternate (Alternate Universe) isa copy of Tasha Yar – Alternate (Reflectionsfoil). Her special skill was changed by errata.

• Lwaxanna Troi (Premiere alpha printing) is acopy of Lwaxana Troi (Premiere betaprinting).

• B’Elanna Torres (blue Federation border) isa copy of B’Elanna Torres (gold Non-Alignedborder). See multi-affiliation cards.

Other cards: Other than personnel and ships,two cards are copies of each other if theircard titles are the same (taking into accountrevised titles of reprinted cards). Also, eachhalf of a combo dilemma is considered acopy of the original dilemma on which it wasbased (the “card title” included in its gametext). Examples of copies:• Radioactive Garbage Scow (Premiere) is a

copy of Radioactive Garbage Scow(Voyager) and of the Radioactive GarbageScow half of Female’s Love Interest &Garbage Scow. You may not seed morethan one of these under one mission; yourBorg could Adapt to any of them afterencountering any version.

• Medical Kit (Premiere) is a copy of MedicalKit (Voyager). You may not use a copy ofeach to add two MEDICAL skills to yourOFFICER.

• Ready Room Door (First Contact) is a copyof Ready Room Door (Voyager). You may notplay both during one turn.

• ❖ Klingon Outpost (Trouble With Tribblesstarter deck reprint) is a copy of the Outpostcard titled “Klingon” (Premiere). The cardtitles of most outposts have been revised.You may seed only one.

corresponding – The corresponding spacelinelocation for a time location is the mission withthe same location in its lore. For example, themission Agricultural Assessment (Sherman’sPlanet) corresponds to the time locationSherman’s Peak (2267 Sherman’s Planet).A corresponding location or region in an“opposite quadrant” is a location or regionwith the same name. For example, Bajor in thenormal universe (Alpha Quadrant)corresponds to Bajor in the mirror universe(Mirror Quadrant).

Council of Warriors – This objective may notbe nullified once it is relocated to your pointarea. Bringing a non-Klingon personnel intoplay by persona exchange, earning aCryosatellite, or switching the affiliation of amulti-affiliation personnel is not “playing a non-Klingon personnel.” See card play, report,affiliation and species.

countdown icon [1][2][3][4][X] – When yourcard with a countdown icon enters play (isplayed face up, activated, or encountered), itnullifies itself and is discarded at the end ofthe specified number of your turns (regardlessof when it is played or activated or whoencounters it). If the card enters play duringyour turn, it counts down at the end of thatturn. For example, your card with a countdownof 3 nullifies itself at the end of your third turn.A convenient way to keep track of yourcountdown icons is to turn the card 90degrees at the end of each of your turns.

counter-attack – See battle.Countermanda – This interrupt is not an

“Amanda Rogers card.” See card titles,discard pile.

counterpart – A counterpart is a Borgpersonnel with “assimilated counterpart” in hislore, or a personnel assimilated with theobjective Assimilate Counterpart. An“assimilated counterpart” may be used as a“matching counterpart” for the objectiveAssimilate Homeworld. However, when a cardrequires that a counterpart match the affiliationof a homeworld, it must also match thehomeworld’s universe. See mirror universe. A counterpart may not be downloaded oraffected by cards that specify drones.Your collective is limited to one counterpart inplay at a time. Thus, if you have onecounterpart in play, you may not play orassimilate another, and if you acquire anotherone (e.g., from a Cryosatellite), the secondone must be discarded. A counterpart may beconverted to a drone with He Will Make anExcellent Drone.The assimilated counterparts are native to theAlpha or Gamma Quadrant and may notreport to a Borg Outpost in any quadrant (seefacility, native quadrant).An assimilated counterpart’s skill thatenhances their ship’s WEAPONS andSHIELDS +4 against their former affiliationworks against any force that includes thataffiliation. For example, Locutus of Borg’s skillwould enhance his ship against a Non-Alignedship with some Federation crew or a mixedfleet of Federation and other ships undertreaty.

counting cards – At any time, you may countthe cards in your own hand. You may requestthat your opponent count his own hand andtell you the correct count. You may also countthe seed cards under a mission and checktheir orientation to determine the owners.

Covert Installation – Revised text (lore):Neutral Zone Region • Devora

crew – See Away Team and crew.Crew Reassignment – The ship to which a

personnel may report using this event musthave the icon as one of its staffing icons. Forexample, [AU] personnel without an [OS] iconmay not report to Starship Enterprise (Trouble

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With Tribbles) using Crew Reassignment. Seeship staffing.

Crisis – Because the ship at the location is notactually attempting the mission, the ship andcrew are not “stopped” if this dilemma is notovercome. Only the attempting Away Team is“stopped.”

Crosis – See Rogue Borg Mercenaries.Crossover – When this incident allows your

[MQ] personnel to ignore their [MQ] iconwhen reporting, treat them as if they have noquadrant icon (i.e., as if native to the AlphaQuadrant). Thus they may report to a nativeAlpha Quadrant facility, or (if [AU][OS]) toSherman’s Peak.The incident is discarded only when youreport a Multidimensional Transport Device asyour normal card play and then download oneof the listed personnel to that Device.If you report Ezri without this incident in play,and immediately use her special download forCrossover, you cannot then use Crossover todownload a Multi-Dimensional TransporterDevice to Ezri because it is no longer “justafter” she reported. See actions – “just”.

Cryosatellite – Revised text:Seed at a space location. May seed oneadditional artifact and up to 3 [AU] personnelhere. They are earned when Cryosatelliteearned; then discard Cryosatellite.All cards seeded with this artifact count asseed cards. They are seeded one at a time,not as a group. See personnel – seeded.

Crystalline Entity – This dilemma is anexception to the normal rule that dilemmasaffect only the personnel in the crew thatencounters the dilemma. It “kills all life onship,” including tribbles, intruders, andpersonnel who are “stopped,” disabled, etc.,and not participating in the mission orscouting attempt. (However, it does not killpersonnel in stasis.)If this dilemma is encountered after DNAClues with Lore in play, 6 MEDICAL and 2SCIENCE are required to pass the dilemma.See dilemma resolution.

cumulative – If a card is cumulative, multiplecopies of the card can have the same effecton the same target(s) at the same time.Damage markers (Tactic cards) arecumulative, as are cards specifically marked"cumulative." All other cards are notcumulative.While you may have multiple copies of a non-cumulative card in play, they cannot have thesame effect on the same targets at the sametime. Also, multiple copies of a non-cumulativecard “played” or “placed” on the same cardmay not have the same effect at the sametime, even on different targets.Targets may include cards (e.g., personnel,ships) or a player. An action (such asbeaming, ship movement, a battle, or amission attempt) is not a target. Examples of effects include modifying skills,attributes, or mission or dilemmarequirements; killing a personnel; damaging aship; and generating benefits (such as carddraws or points) for a player.For purposes of cumulativity only, all end-of-turn actions (or start-of-turn actions) areconsidered to occur “at the same time.”Multiple responses to a single action (such asa battle) generally resolve one at a time, andthus are not restricted by cumulativity rules(unless they generate a continuing effect).Cards that may be played or have effects"once per (each, every) turn" are covered bythe "once per turn" rule.Examples:• HQ: War Room: Multiple copies may not

enhance the attributes of the samepersonnel at the same time.

• Science Kit: Multiple copies may not add

multiple SCIENCE skills to the samepersonnel at the same time.

• Reflection Therapy: Multiple copies may notreplace multiple skills on one personnel atthe same time.

• Process Ore, Colony: You may not processore at more than one Nor or score points atmore than one Colony (start-of-turn actions)each turn. (The player is the target.)

• Telepathic Alien Kidnappers, The Traveler:Transcendence: Multiple copies of eachcard do not allow you to “guess” multiplecards or draw multiple extra cards (end-of-turn actions) each turn.

• Transwarp Conduit: This card generates acontinuing effect (for the rest of the turn). Asecond copy played on the same ship whilethe first is still in effect will not quadruple itsRANGE.

• Automated Security System, Dal’Rok,Establish Tractor Lock: If multiple copies areplayed or placed on the same Ops, mission,or ship, only one copy of each card can kill apersonnel each turn or immobilize a ship,even if different targets are present.

• Fajo’s Gallery: Multiple copies will notgenerate additional card draws when youcapture a unique personnel.

• REM Fatigue Hallucinations: If two copieson the same group of personnel are cured atthe same time, only one will score points.

• Personnel: Multiple copies of the samepersonnel (whether universal or unique) maynot score points for Colony, Ressikan Flute,or Assign Mission Specialists, or extrapoints for missions such as EstablishSettlement or A Good Day to Live, at thesame time. (But they may be used to meetmission or dilemma requirements.)

• Romulan Disruptor: This card is marked“cumulative.” Each personnel present withthree disruptors will be STRENGTH +6.

• Android Headlock, Antique Machine Gun,Barclay Transporter Phobia: The effects ofmultiple copies of each of these cards occuras separate actions (not at the same time)and have different targets, and are thus notrestricted by cumulativity rules.

• Alas Poor Drone, Cybernetics Expertise,Borg Nanoprobes: Although these cards arenot restricted by cumulativity, they have“once per turn” effects that are governedby that rule.

current objective – See Borg, objective.Cyber Drone (Five of Eleven) – This

personnel’s special skill only prevents Borgpersonnel from entering stasis, and cannotrelease them from stasis once established. Forexample, a Cyber Drone in a group of Borgrelocated to an unsolved Qualor IIRendezvous would prevent them from enteringstasis, but it cannot release them if broughtthere after the relocation.It does not prevent ships from being placed instasis (e.g., by the Quantum SingularityLifeforms dilemma), though it can prevent theBorg personnel aboard from entering stasis.

Cybernetics – This skill no longer has a built-infunction, but is utilized by the incidentCybernetics Expertise.

Cyrus Redblock – This personnel’s specialskill includes dilemmas with variants such as“murdered” and “murderous” in title or lore(but not synonyms such as “assassinated”).See actions – step 1: initiation.

Cytherians – This dilemma represents amoving required action. When it isencountered, the mission or scouting attemptimmediately ends. If Mission Debriefing is inplay, the crew is “stopped” before they canuse any remaining RANGE to move that turn.The dilemma does not relocate your ship; youmust use normal ship movement to move tothe far end of the spaceline. Once the far endof the spaceline is identified (i.e., right or leftend), that destination does not change even if

the spaceline is rearranged with Q. Seeactions – required, ties.

Cytoplasmic Life-form – For this dilemma,“different personnel” may include multiplecopies of a personnel. For example, a missionwith requirements of Computer Skill x2 +Navigation would require three personnel tocomplete, and could be solved with threecopies of Sam Lavelle. A “skill requirement”includes skills that are personnel types, suchas MEDICAL.

Dabo – While you may have a copy of thisincident in play on each of two Quark’s Bars,you may not get probe results using bothcopies at the end of a turn. See cumulative,probing, Writ of Accountability.

Dal’Rok – This dilemma is an exception to therule that dilemmas affect only the personnel inthe encountering crew or Away Team. Even atfirst encounter, all personnel at the location(including the opponent’s) must be checkedfor lowest total attributes. The total attributes>150 required to nullify the dilemma must bein one crew or Away Team. See ties.

damage – When you are using a Battle Bridgeside deck, any damage to your opponent’sships or facilities, whether from a hit in battle,dilemmas, or other causes, is indicated bydamage markers, which are Tactic cards fromyour side deck. The damage results appear atthe bottom of each Tactic card. See battle –ship.Some damage results are immediate and havea one-time effect (such as killing a crewmember or downloading a Warp CoreBreach). Other damage results have anongoing effect (such as reduced attributes oroff-line transporters) as long as that damagemarker is in play. Most damage markers alsospecify a reduction to HULL integrity. When aship’s or facility’s HULL integrity is reduced to0%, it is destroyed.Multiple copies of the same damage markerare cumulative, including reductions toattributes and HULL integrity.If your side deck is ever completely out ofTactic cards (because they are all in play asdamage markers), you will be unable to furtherdamage your opponent until some of yourdamage markers return to your side deck. Youmay not mix damage markers and rotationdamage on your opponent’s ship.Rotation damage –If you are not using aBattle Bridge side deck, any damage to youropponent’s ship (from a hit in battle or from acard such as a dilemma) is indicated byrotating the target 180 degrees to indicatethat it is damaged, with these effects: RANGEis reduced to 5 (if it is already less than 5, itremains the same), Cloaking Device is off line,and HULL integrity is reduced by 50%. If youscored a direct hit in battle, HULL integrity isreduced by 100% and the target is thusimmediately destroyed. If a ship with rotationdamage is damaged again before it isrepaired, the additional HULL integrityreduction of 50% also destroys the ship.A ship is damaged (for dilemmas such asAbandon Ship!) if it has any damage markerson it (even if there is no HULL damage), orhas received rotation damage. Reduction ofattributes from other causes is not “damage.”You may never substitute rotation damage fordamage marker symbols (e.g., BreenCRM114, HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform). Touse such symbols you must have a BattleBridge side deck.Off line – When a damage result indicatesthat something is off line, the affected itemmay not be used in any way as long as thatdamage marker is in play. Attributeenhancements being off line affects allenhancements to the specified attribute.Default damage – When you are using aBattle Bridge side deck, sometimes youropponent’s ship or facility will be damaged

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when you do not have a current tactic (suchas when encountering a dilemma or during abattle in which you choose not to play acurrent tactic). Whenever this occurs, thedefault damage is two cards from your sidedeck, or four cards for a direct hit. (Defaultdamage should not be confused with “cardrotation” damage, which applies only whenyou are not using a Battle Bridge side deck.)Order of damage results – In most cases, thesequence in which you apply damage resultswill not matter. Occasionally the order may besignificant. In these cases, carry out immediatedamage results first and check the HULLreduction last.For example, suppose the HULL integrity ofyour opponent’s ship has already beenreduced by 80% when it is damaged again,and the two damage markers from your sidedeck each specify one casualty and HULL -30%. If your opponent wants to play anEscape Pod, he must suffer both casualtiesfirst, so the Escape Pod saves only theremaining crew.See repair.

Data’s Body – This personnel counts as aseed card if “reported” at your outpost duringthe seed phase.When your Data’s Body is present with yourData’s Head, you may declare them to beattached (or detached) as desired during yourturn. See disabled. When attached, Data’sHead is no longer treated as an artifact (andthus is immune to Disruptor Overload, forexample); instead, the two cards together areused as a single Personnel card. If thecombination is discarded, the two cards areno longer attached and Data’s Head is againtreated as an artifact. Like any other artifact,Data’s Head must be earned before use.

Data’s Head – See Data’s Body.Data’s Medals – See battle – personnel,

battle – ship.Dathon – This personnel is the matching

commander of the Tama. His special skillnullifies El-Adrel Creature and Shaka, Whenthe Walls Fell.

David Marcus – This personnel’s special skillallows you to ignore the text “If not playing[Fed]” on The Genesis Device if you place iton a planet you seeded.

D’deridex Advanced – This ship is consideredD’deridex-class for any card that requires thatclass of ship, such as Romulan Ambush,unless otherwise specified. See attributeenhancement, skills – using.

deactivated – See holographic personneland equipment.

Dead End – This dilemma is discarded only ifthe player first encountering it overcomes it byhaving at least 50 points. Otherwise, it isplaced atop the mission and remains therepermanently (unless nullified by Dropping In);you may re-attempt the mission if you havemore than 50 points, but this does not nullifyor discard the dilemma. Although it will “stop”a Borg scout on initial encounter, it does notprevent later scouting.

Dead in Bed – You choose the personnel instasis to be killed when you play this interrupt.

Deanna Troi (First Contact) – This personnelmust be part of the “stopped” Away Team to“unstop” them. For example, if two otherpersonnel in her Away Team are “stopped” byParallel Romance, they become a separateAway Team. She may not “unstop” thembecause she is not part of that Away Team.See once per game.

death – See discarding.deck – There are two parts to every game deck:

the seed deck and the draw deck. Inaddition, you may have one or more optionalside decks.

Deep Space 9 – Deep Space 9 and Terok Norare two versions of the same conceptualstation, which is not duplicatable (see uniqueand universal). Thus, if a player seeds DeepSpace 9 during the dilemma phase, hisopponent may not seed Terok Nor during thefacility phase; it is instead placed out-of-play.See Chamber of Ministers.This station has no matching commander,which are defined only for ships.

Deep Space Station K-7 – Like all stations,this station has no built-in reporting, docking,or repair functions. No sites may play here.However, because this station is at a timelocation, compatible personnel andequipment native to the timeline may reportaboard the station using the time location’sreporting function.

default damage – See damage.Defend Homeworld – When this objective

allows a download of personnel and ships inresponse to battle, it is to a specificdestination (“download there”) and thus thecards may report anywhere at the location(e.g., personnel may report aboard ships),ignoring quadrants. However, a SECURITYpersonnel downloaded with the objective’sfinal function must be reported to a facility orother place where that personnel may normallyreport, because no destination is specified.See downloading. If a facility or site providesthe place for the downloaded SECURITYpersonnel to report, both the personnel andfacility must be in their native quadrant. Youmay not download cards with this objectivewhen your opponent attacks your Non-Alignedship at your homeworld, even if there are crewmembers aboard matching the homeworld’saffiliation. The specific card that is attacked(the ship) must match the homeworld and itsuniverse (see mirror universe).An attack by a Borg Ship dilemma or RogueBorg, which are self-controlled, will not allowthe download. Your opponent must attack yourcard with his ships or personnel.

DEFENSE bonus – A feature of Tactic cards.In a ship battle, the DEFENSE bonus on yourcurrent tactic (if any) is added to theSHIELDS of your ship that is being fired upon(plus any SHIELDS extension from a facilitywhere the ship is docked), to calculate yourDEFENSE total. The DEFENSE bonus is notan attribute enhancement. See battle –ship.

Dejaren – See dilemma resolution – Targets.Deliver Supplies – The freighter or transport

used to solve this mission must be in orbitwith Transporter Skill aboard. See dual-iconmissions.

Delta Quadrant – A “Delta quadrant mission“is one with a Delta Quadrant ∆ icon in its pointbox.

Delta Quadrant icon ∆ [DQ] – Personnel,ships, and facilities with this icon are native tothe Delta Quadrant. See native quadrant.

Delta Quadrant Spatial Scission – Thisincident does not allow you to have more thanone version of the same persona in play atone time. When you use it to place a card out-of-play, you may choose to do one of thefollowing: play two cards OR draw two cardsOR play one card and draw one card (in anyorder). You may not draw two cards AND playtwo cards.

Denevan Neural Parasites – See dual-personnel cards.

destroy – See nullify.Destroy Radioactive Garbage Scow – You

may not reduce the same mission’s pointsmore than once with multiple copies of thisinterrupt. See cumulative. The points are notbonus points because the mission’s value isreduced. If the mission has already beencompleted, no points are lost. SeeContainment Field.

Devidian Door – Although this doorway isnever “played,” it has an [AU] icon andrepresents the use of an [AU] effect. Thus, youmust have an open doorway (e.g., AlternateUniverse Door or Space-Time Portal) whichallows the play of [AU] cards in order to play apersonnel or equipment card with a DevidianDoor. (The use of the [AU] function countstoward your limit of one [AU] card per turnallowed by a Space-Time Portal, so you maynot report an [AU] card using only the Spoce-Time Portal.) If the doorway is closedafterwards, you may still show the DevidianDoor on your next turn. “Showing” theDevidian Door cannot be affected by anEnergy Vortex.You may show the Devidian Door at any timeduring your next turn. If the game ends on orbefore your next turn, you must immediatelyshow the doorway from your hand. If you donot show the door when required, or mustskip that turn because of Containment Field,you automatically lose the game with a0(–100) score. If you report multiple cards bysaying “Devidian Door,” you must show thesame number of Devidian Doors from yourhand during your next turn.You may not play a card by “Devidian Door”when playing in a restricted environmentwhere this doorway is not a legal card.See anywhere, Ophidian Cane, Persistenceof Memory, report.

Deyos – Using this personnel’s special skill todraw a card is a “just” action; it must be usedimmediately after the non-Youth Jem’Hadarenters play at his location, even if thatJem’Hadar enters play as a sub-action of agroup action (e.g., multiple reports under RedAlert). See actions – group, actions – “just”,card draw.

dilemma – A type of card hidden beneathMission cards, which create hiddenchallenges to be dealt with when attemptingmissions. Dilemmas must be seeded duringthe dilemma seed phase. There are threetypes: planet [P], space [S], and space/planet[S/P]. See combo dilemma.Dilemmas are encountered and resolved oneat a time during a mission or scouting attempt.Each dilemma describes what happens whenyour crew or Away Team encounters it. It maylist certain skills, attributes, equipment, orother requirements to overcome, cure, ornullify the dilemma; specific types of personnelthat it affects; and various results such asdamaging or destroying a ship or “stopping,”disabling, or killing personnel. Some dilemmashave bonus points that you score when youovercome the dilemma. See dilemmaresolution, dilemma timing.

dilemma resolution – This section applies todilemmas seeded under a mission (or EmpokNor), including Q-icon dilemmas seeded as[S/P] dilemmas (e.g., Hide and Seek, or withBeware of Q). It does not apply to Q-icondilemmas encountered during a Q-Flash.Unless otherwise specified, all references inthese sections to a “mission attempt” includescouting or commandeering attempts. Anoverview explaining how to apply the rules inthis section can be found under dilemmaresolution – summary. Also see thesupplemental Dilemma Resolution Guide forapplication of the rules to specific dilemmas.Dilemmas are encountered and resolved oneat a time. (Some special rules apply to combodilemmas.) When you attempt a mission,slide out the bottom seed card under themission, turn it over, and read it. (Dilemmasare meant to be read by the encounteringplayer. See your.)Each dilemma may have one or more of thesefeatures, described in more detail below: atrigger, targets, a nullifier, conditions, and/or acure. Nullifiers, conditions, and cures arecollectively referred to as requirements. Forexample, Ancient Computer, Isolinear Puzzle,

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and Phased Matter all include requirementsfor ENGINEER (conditions, nullifier, and cure,respectively). However, No Loose Endstargets ENGINEERS but does not requirethat skill.A requirement such as STRENGTH>40 refersto the total STRENGTH of the Away Team orcrew. When requirements or targets includeattributes, apply any relevant attributemodifiers, such as Lower Decks, phasers, TheEmissary, etc. A requirement for a personneltype, such as MEDICAL, may be met by eithera skill or a classification, unless otherwisespecified. A requirement for multiples of a skill,such as “2 Navigation”, may be met by twopersonnel with Navigation or by one personnelwith Navigation x2. (However, a requirementfor “a personnel with 2 Navigation” must bemet by a single personnel.)If a card “doubles a dilemma’s effects”(Howard Heirloom Candle), it doubles only theresults, e.g., kills two personnel instead of one.If a card “doubles a dilemma” (Taar, Lore), itdoubles all features of the dilemma(requirements, results, point values). If adilemma is affected by a card that adds orsubtracts requirements and another thatdoubles requirements, add or subtract first,then double. A requirement may not bereduced below zero.Only personnel in the crew or Away Teamattempting the mission may trigger, betargeted by, overcome, nullify, or cure adilemma during the mission attempt.Personnel who are “stopped,” disabled, instasis, intruders, etc. are not affected bydilemma text targeting “crew,” “entire crew,”“all crew,” “Away Team,” or “entire Away Team”(which refer only to the crew or Away Teamfacing the dilemma). If a dilemma “stops,”disables, or places in stasis part of the crewor Away Team, they are no longer participatingin the attempt and thus may not affect or beaffected by subsequent dilemmas. If personnelare placed or “held” with a dilemma atop amission, “held by aliens,” etc., they may notuse (or share) their skills or attributes.Only dilemmas using broader terms such as“all life on ship” or “personnel at this location”can affect personnel not involved in a missionattempt, when the dilemma is encountered.Dilemmas that enter play and have continuingeffects may affect other personnel, even theopponent’s, after the mission attempt is over.See Crystalline Entity, Dal’Rok, present,“stopped.”If a dilemma states that it “damages” yourship, apply default damage of two damagemarkers (if your opponent is using a BattleBridge side deck) or “rotation” damage (if heis not).Triggers – A trigger is an element that must bepresent (or a situation that must exist) for thedilemma to have any effect. This is stated atthe beginning of the dilemma and is oftenpreceded by the word “if”. If the trigger is notpresent, discard the dilemma immediatelywithout effect (unless it has an “otherwise”clause with an alternate effect). Examples:“If the Traveler: Transcendence is affecting

you…”“If this is a Federation Ship…”“‘Stops’ SECURITY androids and OFFICER

androids, if any present. Otherwise, kills onenon-android Away Team member…”

Targets – The targets of a dilemma include thecards it affects (e.g., personnel selected todie), a personnel, ship, or facility that thedilemma is placed on, or a target destinationfor a relocation.Targets may be chosen by random selection,opponent’s choice, or owner’s choice. When adilemma specifies a superlative such as“strongest,” “most CUNNING,” or “highesttotal attributes,” and there is a tie, the

opponent of the player encountering thedilemma gets to choose.If no personnel remain to be targeted by adilemma just encountered, because you usedgame text that allows you to remove them,replace that dilemma under the mission (themission attempt ends). For example, ElimGarak (“May avoid any random selection”)encounters Armus – Skin of Evil. If you chooseto have Elim Garak avoid the randomselection, there is no one left to be targetedby Armus, and it is replaced under themission. Another card that might remove allpersonnel before you can resolve a dilemma isFlight of the Intruder.However, if a dilemma targets cards withspecific features (e.g., a personnel withEmpathy, a male, a non-Cardassian), and thereare no cards present with those features,discard the dilemma immediately withouteffect, as when a trigger is not present. (Thisdoes not include personnel with specificfeatures which are required as a condition forovercoming the dilemma. See Conditionsbelow.) If two targets with different specificfeatures are specified (e.g., one [Holo]personnel and one non-[Holo] personnel), andonly one is present, target that one. Aspecified number of personnel is not a“specific feature;” if a card specifies that twotarget personnel are to be selected but onlyone personnel is present, it selects that one. Also discard the dilemma if there is no ship orfacility to place the dilemma on, or nodestination for a relocation (e.g., “furthestplanet” when there is no other planet on thespaceline).Nullifiers – A dilemma may list skills,attributes, other characteristics, personnel,equipment, an action, or a card play that cannullify the dilemma. Also, another card maystate that it nullifies a dilemma. (Some form ofthe word “nullify” is always used; conditionsand cures are not nullifiers.) Nullifying adilemma is a valid response to the initiation ofthe dilemma encounter. See actions – step 1:initiation. If the nullifier is present (or a nullifiercard is played) when the dilemma isencountered, the dilemma is discarded andhas no effect. Some dilemmas that enter playor have a lasting effect on a personnel or shipmay also be nullified after the initial encounter.(Such a nullifier acts similar to a cure.) Adilemma with a countdown icon self-nullifiesafter the specified number of turns of theplayer who seeded it, and is discarded at thattime. Examples:“Nullify dilemma with Shelby OR 4

SECURITY.”“To nullify, evacuate ship at your outpost until

end of turn.”“Nullify with Plexing.”“Nullifies Tamarian-related dilemmas where

present.” [Dathon]Conditions – One or more skills, personnel,equipment, attribute totals, or othercharacteristics that must be present to avoidthe ill effects of a dilemma, often indicated by“unless” or requirements “to get past” thedilemma. A few dilemmas have conditions thatapply to the player rather than the Away Team(see last example). Examples:“Unless SECURITY and MEDICAL present...”“To get past requires Empathy, Diplomacy,

Morn or any Scotty.”“To get past, most CUNNING MEDICAL

present must help aliens (relocated withdilemma...)” [Note: the MEDICAL is notconsidered a target for purposes of dilemmaresolution.]

“Unless you have at least 50 points...”Not all uses of “unless” identify conditions. If adilemma has a delayed effect “unless” therequired skills, etc. are present by a specifiedtime, that is a cure, not conditions. See thelast example under Cure.

If your Away Team or crew can meet theconditions of a dilemma, they automaticallyovercome and discard it. You cannot choosenot to overcome a dilemma with conditions.See meeting requirements.Cures – One or more skills, personnel,equipment, or other characteristics that, ifpresent, will cancel a dilemma’s ongoing ordelayed effect. Diseases most commonly havecures. An action, such as playing a card orreturning a ship to the outpost, can also be acure. When the requirements for a cure aremet, the dilemma is discarded. Examples:”Cure with 2 MEDICAL and Biology.””Cure with Emergency Transporter Armbands,

Timepod Ring, or new ENGINEER arriving.””[Ship] is destroyed at the end of your second

full turn unless 2 SCIENCE OR 2ENGINEER aboard by that time.”

When a dilemma has an effect that can becured, that effect happens; then, if therequired skills are still present, it is curedimmediately, before proceeding to the nextdilemma. This is different from a dilemma witha nullifier, which is discarded before takingeffect.“Stopping” – A dilemma only “stops” the AwayTeam or ship and crew if it has conditions andyou fail to overcome those conditions. (See“stopped”.) A dilemma without conditionsnever “stops” your cards unless it explicitlysays it does. If not “stopped,” the remainingAway Team or crew must continue the missionattempt.Entering play – Any dilemma with a long-termeffect “enters play.” The dilemma may statethat it is played on table or placed on apersonnel, ship, facility, mission, or thespaceline; or it may be implied that it entersplay as a marker for an ongoing effect. Adilemma that enters play may have acontinuous effect or one that occurs at thestart (or end) of each turn of the playerencountering it or every turn of both players.Such a dilemma will be discarded when it isnullified, cured, expired, or otherwisedestroyed. For example, when a dilemma isplaced on a personnel, it will be discarded ifthe personnel is discarded for any reason.Examples of dilemmas that enter play are BorgShip, Harvester Virus, Nitrium Metal Parasites,Rascals, Hyper-Aging, Lethean TelepathicAttack, and Interphasic Plasma Creatures.Discarding – A dilemma is discarded withouteffect if a required trigger or a target withspecific features is not present, or if it isnullified.If a dilemma has conditions, and you do notovercome it, replace the dilemma under themission to be encountered again, unless itenters play or says “discard dilemma” or“mission continues.” When you overcome thedilemma, discard it. For example, if you do notovercome the following dilemmas: AncientComputer is replaced under the mission;Gravitic Mine (“Discard dilemma”) andGaranian Bolites (“Mission continues”) arediscarded; Lethean Telepathic Attack isplaced on a personnel; Interphasic PlasmaCreatures plays on the table.If a dilemma has no conditions, it is discardedafter you follow its instructions (unless itenters play), whether it has any effect or not.Examples include Maman Picard, OobyDooby, and Shot in the Back.Choices – Some dilemmas require the playerto make a choice between ways to resolve thedilemma. Once you make your choice, carryout that part of the game text and ignore theother choice. Examples:“Abandon mission attempt until any player has

completed a different mission OR continuebut lose points if you fail this turn.”

“One Away Team member is killed OR beamup that personnel at a penalty.”

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Dilemmas with choices do not generally haveconditions. See Tarellian Plague Ship.Point boxes – A dilemma may have a positiveor negative bonus point box. The points arescored when you overcome its conditions(e.g., Chalnoth), when you cure it (e.g., Hyper-Aging), or according to the dilemma’sinstructions (e.g., Cytherians, Borg Ship, EdoProbe). Place the dilemma in your bonus pointarea, even if says to discard it. (Discard thedilemma if you are playing Borg.) You do notscore bonus points for a dilemma that isnullified or discarded for lack of a trigger ortargets, or when you fail to meet its conditionsor cure it.Scouting vs. mission attempts – Dilemma textsuch as “mission continues” or “abort mission”refers to both mission and scouting attempts(for the Borg, they mean “scouting the missioncontinues” and “abort scouting of themission”). However, dilemma text referring to“mission attempts,” “attempting a mission,” or“solving a mission” does not include scoutingattempts.

dilemma resolution – summary – Resolve adilemma by checking its features in thefollowing order.1. If a required trigger is not present (and

there is no “otherwise” clause), OR if thedilemma specifies targets with specificfeatures, and no such target is present,discard the dilemma without further effect,and continue the mission attempt.

2. If the dilemma has conditions, check tosee if the crew or Away Team meets theconditions.• If you meet the conditions, discard the

dilemma (place in your bonus point areaif it has a point box). The crew or AwayTeam must proceed with the missionattempt.

• If you do not meet the conditions, carryout the dilemma’s instructions. The AwayTeam or ship and crew are “stopped”and the mission attempt ends (unlessthe dilemma says “mission continues”).Unless the dilemma says “Discarddilemma” or “mission continues,” or itenters play (placed on a mission, ship,personnel, or the spaceline), replace itunder the mission, face down under thestack, to be encountered again.

3. If the dilemma does not have conditions,carry out the dilemma’s instructions. Theship and crew or Away Team are not“stopped” (unless the dilemma explicitly“stops” one or more cards), and remainingpersonnel must continue the missionattempt. Discard the dilemma unless itenters play (place in your bonus point areaif it has a point box).

4. If you nullify the dilemma with skills,personnel, etc. present, or by playing acard or taking a specified action, discard itwithout further effect, and continue themission attempt.

5. If the dilemma has a cure, first it takeseffect. Then, if the skills still remain in thecrew or Away Team to cure it, discard thedilemma (place in your bonus point area ifit has a point box) before proceeding withthe mission attempt. Any temporary effectssuch as disabling are cancelled when youdiscard the dilemma.

Note: this summary assumes that youropponent does not make any responses to thedilemma encounter (such as replacing it with aQ-Flash using Beware of Q). A dilemma maybe responded to only after any targets for thedilemma have been chosen (or a trigger/targethas been found to be absent) and you havechecked to see if the crew or Away Team canmeet the dilemma’s conditions (if any). Seeactions – step 1: initiation.

dilemma timing – A mission, scouting, orcommandeering attempt is a single action,

with sub-actions of encountering seed cards(and for a mission attempt, completing(solving) the mission). An attempt may not beinterrupted except by valid responses andactions that suspend play. See actions –interrupting.You may make valid responses to theencounter of specific dilemmas during theattempt or to the results of a dilemma. Forexample, Eyes in the Dark is a valid responseto any dilemma, Q2 to any Q-related dilemma,and Howard Heirloom Candle to AnaphasicOrganism, Empathic Echo, or CoalescentOrganism; Strike Three is a valid response toa battle initiated by the Cardassiansdownloaded with Sleeper Trap. A dilemmamay also be interrupted by a card or actionthat “suspends play.” See actions – step 2:responses.

Diplomatic Conference – Revised text:One V.I.P. from each of three alignedaffiliations + one Non-Aligned V.I.P.This mission creates a temporary “all-waytreaty” on the planet surface, but only duringthe mission attempt (it does not extend toother actions, such as building a Colony withGi’ral and Tokath). Form your Away Team withpersonnel from any affiliations (at least onepersonnel’s affiliation must match one of themission icons) and attempt the missionnormally. The three V.I.P.s of different alignedaffiliations may be from any three affiliations,not just the affiliations whose icons appear onthe mission.

direct hit – If your ATTACK total is more thantwice your opponent’s DEFENSE total, youscore a direct hit on the target ship. Seebattle – ship , damage.

disabled – A disabled personnel isconceptually unconscious. Personnel may bedisabled by a card (e.g., Hypospray, KtarianGame) or by a rule (e.g., captives are disabledunless Brainwashed). They remain disableduntil the card or effect is cured or nullified.Also, holographic personnel who aredeactivated are treated as if disabled.Disabled personnel may not be used in anyway (including game text, attributes, icons,lore, skills, traits such as gender, species, ormatching commander status, etc.), may notenable game text requiring that personnel tobe in play, and may not perform any actions.They may be beamed or moved in the sameway as Equipment cards (but are not treatedas equipment in any other way). For example, a disabled Treachery personneldoes not allow you to download personnelthere with Recruit Mercenaries; a disabledandroid aboard a ship at Paxan “Wormhole”cannot prevent that ship from being relocated;and a disabled Data does not allow you tochoose for All Threes. See present. (If apersonnel worth bonus points when killed,such as Aamin Marritza, is killed whiledisabled, the disabling effect ends when he iskilled and the points are scored.)When a crew or Away Team that includesdisabled personnel is attacked in personnelbattle, the disabled personnel do not engageadversaries, but may be randomly selected todie at the end of the battle.Though similar in some ways to personnel instasis, disabled personnel are not affected bycards that specifically affect personnel instasis. A ship attribute that is “disabled” (e.g., by“Pup”) is an undefined attribute. Whenspecial equipment is disabled (e.g., by VoleInfestation), it is “off line” and not usable forany purpose (see damage). A disabledattribute or special equipment does notdisable the ship itself.

discard pile – You may not rearrange or lookthrough cards in any player’s discard pileunless a card allows you to. For example,Palor Toff – Alien Trader allows you to look

through (but not rearrange) your discard pileto choose a target card. You must discardface up, and any time you retrieve a card fromyour discard pile (except for seed cards to beplaced under a mission such as Q’s Planet, orwith Hide and Seek), you must show it to youropponent.When you play a card which allows you to“exchange” it for a card in your discard pile(e.g., Palor Toff – Alien Trader, Res-Q), the twocards trade places: the card from the discardpile goes into your hand, and the card youplayed takes the position of that card in thediscard pile. Selecting the target card is partof the results step of the action. (Only thediscard pile itself is targeted in the initiationstep.) For example, you initiate the play of Res-Q without naming an intended target; youropponent may respond with Countermanda,removing three cards from your discard pilebefore you look through the pile and select acard to exchange for.Unless otherwise specified, all discardedcards (except those which enter play fromcertain side decks) go to the original owner’sdiscard pile. (Cards with point boxes for whichyou score the points discard to your bonuspoint area.) A discarded artifact may not be reused, evenif returned to your hand, unless you re-earn it.When a card is discarded, all effects on thatcard end and are not reactivated if the card isretrieved and replayed. For example, if apersonnel affected by Frame of Mind is killedand discarded, he is no longer affected byFrame of Mind if he is replayed. (But once pergame text may not be used again.)

discarding – You may not discard cards fromyour hand or from the table unless a card orrule allows or requires you to do so. Discardedcards normally go to the owner’s discard pile,unless a point box or other card allows orrequires you to discard it to your bonus pointarea, under The Next Emanation, orelsewhere. (Also see side decks.)When multiple discards result from the sameaction (e.g., you discard a destroyed ship andall cards aboard; you discard your entire handusing Handshake), place the cards in yourdiscard pile one at a time (allowing youropponent to see them), in the order youchoose. When a mission allows or requires you todiscard a card as part of its requirements, orfor extra points, that card must come from thecrew or Away Team attempting the mission,not from your hand, at the time the mission issolved. All other discards (e.g., for StaticWarp Bubble) come from the hand unlessotherwise specified. A single discard cannotsatisfy two discard requirements. For example,the required discard for Static Warp Bubblecannot also be used to reopen a Spacedoor.Cards that have a long-term effect on one ormore personnel, such as Barclay’s TransporterPhobia or Brain Drain, are “played on” theaffected personnel, even if the card text doesnot say so explicitly. The card functions as areminder of the effect, and will only bediscarded if nullified, cured, or expired, or ifthe personnel is discarded.A personnel who is “discarded” according tothe text of a dilemma or other card is notconsidered to die or be killed unless the cardcausing the discard specifically says so (Yutais an exception).See in play.

Discommendation – See battle – personnel,battle – ship.

Disrupt Alliance – See card titles.Disruptor Overload – Errata:

Plays on any ship or Away Team. OneEquipment card OR one artifact played as anEquipment card is destroyed at that locationWhere present, destroys one Equipment card

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or one card used as an Equipment card(random selection).This interrupt is not a valid response to theplay of an Equipment card.

Distortion Field – Errata: Plays crosswise face up on any planetlocation. On each of your turns Once eachturn, flip card over. While face up, preventsany beam down/up here unless PatternEnhancers in play all beaming up/down here.(Cumulative.)This event must be flipped during the turn onwhich you play it.

Distortion of Space/Time Continuum –Revised text:Plays on any ship. “Unstops” ship, crew andship’s Away Teams and restores any of thisturn’s RANGE already used by that ship.See Away Team and crew.

Dixon Hill – This personnel’s skill allows you toignore the requirements of a mission onlywhen solving it. Ignoring requirements is notthe same as meeting requirements. Forexample, if his Away Team encounters Lack ofPreparation and would not have been able tomeet the requirements at the start of thatmission attempt, they lose points and are“stopped.”

Dixon Hill’s Business Card – In FederationStandard, this interrupt/event would read:

Interrupt: If any personnel (except a Borg)was just killed and there were no otherpersonnel present, select any otherpersonnel controlled by the same player.That personnel is captured.Event: Plays on table. The opponent’s nextpersonnel to report for duty must beuniversal or a holographic re-creation. Thenplace this card out-of-play. (Event is notduplicatable.)

If you play this card as an interrupt when oneof your own personnel was killed, the selectedpersonnel is captured by your opponent. Seereporting for duty, capturing.

DNA Clues – Once this dilemma is placed onthe mission and the choice is made either tocontinue or to “stop” (if possible), the alteredMEDICAL requirements for further dilemmasencountered at that location affect bothplayers. The DNA Clues dilemma is notencountered again, so no future Away Teamor crew can alter those requirements. Thedilemma remains on the mission even after it issolved. The MEDICAL requirements may bereduced to zero.

do not count toward winning – See points.docked ship – The following cards may not

target a docked ship (or a carried ship):Asteroid Sanctuary, Loss of Orbital Stability,Near-Warp Transport, Temporal Rift,Wormhole (on a ship as it undocks orlaunches), and Temporal Wake (to force it tofollow another time-traveling ship). All othercards that target a ship may target docked orcarried ships (if applicable) unless otherwisespecified on the card. See docking.

docking – You must indicate which of yourships are docked (placed under an outpost, oron top of docking site at a Nor) and which areundocked (placed on the spaceline). When aspace facility allows a ship to report there, theship must report docked. Docking orundocking is a form of movement andrequires the ship to be staffed. Docked shipsare protected by extension of 50% of thefacility’s SHIELDS, but may not attemptmissions or fire WEAPONS. Docked ships arenot damaged or destroyed when the facility isdestroyed (unless landed on Docking Pads).Certain cards may not be played on a dockedship.Any card or rule that requires a ship to “returnto” a space facility implies that it must dock atthat facility. For example, a ship must dock at

an outpost to be repaired by a Spacedockthere or to cure REM Fatigue Hallucinations.You may not undock a ship docked at anopponent’s facility (even a commandeeredship) unless specific game text allows it (e.g.,Croden’s Key, Docking Ports).When compatibility with a facility is required todock a ship, only the ship itself must becompatible with the facility; incompatible crewmembers aboard do not prevent docking.Such personnel cannot board an outpost fromthe ship, but they may board a Nor.

Docking Pads – Errata:This site is located on the Habitat Ring.No other cards (such as Establish LandingProtocols) are needed to enable ships with nostaffing requirements to land (dock) and takeoff (undock) at this site. The site itself allowsthe ship to land and take off. A ship docked atthe Docking Pads site is both docked andlanded, and is subject to the rules applying tolanded ships.While a docked ship is normally not affectedwhen the facility is destroyed, a ship dockedat Docking Pads is actually “aboard” the Norand thus would be destroyed along with thefacility and discarded.

Doctor, The – This personnel is not a version ofthe E.M.H. Program persona and cannot bedownloaded by Beverly Crusher.

does not use – See equipment.does not work with – A card that “does not

work with” a particular group (affiliation,species, specific skills) cannot mix orcooperate with cards of that group in any way,in the same way that cards of incompatibleaffiliations cannot work together without atreaty (see compatible). For example:• Lore “Does not work with [Fed] affiliation.”

He doesn’t mix with [Fed] personnel, cannotboard a [Fed] ship, and cannot report to orboard a [Fed] facility.

• Miles O’Brien “does not work withCardassians.” He doesn’t mix or cooperatewith personnel of Cardassian species oraffiliation, even under treaty. If he is aboardyour ship, it cannot assist another of yourships in battle if it has Cardassians aboard.

If a personnel is inadvertently placed in asituation where he is mixing with cards that he“cannot work with,” he will form a separateAway Team or (on your ship or facility) beplaced under house arrest. For example,Solkar “does not work with personnel whohave Treachery.” If your opponent boardedyour ship and played Reflection Therapy onone of your crew to give him Treachery, Solkarwould be placed under house arrest. You maynot deliberately place your personnel in such asituation.“Does not work with” restrictions that arecompletely affiliation-based are overcome byany card that allows cards to mix “regardlessof affiliation,” such as Brainwash and TemporalMicro-Wormhole.

Dominion – An affiliation.Dominion War Efforts – See multi-affiliation

cards.doorway – A card type representing a physical

door or a passage to another time or place inthe space/time continuum. A seedableDoorway card must be seeded during thedoorway phase, unless otherwise specified.Playable doorway cards do not use yournormal card play and may play whenever anInterrupt card play is legal, but only duringyour own turn, unless its text explicitly statesthat it suspends play or may play at any time.There is no limit to the number of Doorwaycards you may play per turn, unless statedotherwise on a card.Doorways that remain in play may be “closed”(made inactive) by other cards. A card thatcloses a Doorway card (such as Door-Net orRevolving Door) may be played on a doorway

that is already closed. When a doorway isclosed, its ongoing game text related to its“doorway functions” is not active. For example,no cards may be taken from a closed sidedeck, a closed Ready Room Door does notprotect an event from nullification; a doorwaywith a countdown icon stops counting down(the countdown resumes if the doorway isreopened). Game text relating to how thedoorway is played (e.g., creating a spacelinelocation and its span) or nullified, terms suchas “Not duplicatable,” “Unique,” or “Limit one,”and icons such as [AU] or [Ref] that are notpart of the game text are not affected. Thus,while a ship may not pass through the BajoranWormhole if either end is closed, it may stillstop at the location and requires 1 RANGE tomove to the location. Also, another BajoranWormhole may not be played in eitherquadrant if the existing one is closed.

Doppelganger – With this event in play, if twocopies of a unique Personnel card are in playat two different locations, and one moves tothe location of the other, the non-moving oneis discarded. If the two cards are always at thesame location (even if they are movingsimultaneously), no one is discarded.Reporting, beaming from a planet to a ship, ormoving from one site to another is not “movingto a location.”A “duplicate” is equivalent to a copy. Otherinstances of the same persona (even with thesame card title) are not duplicates. Forexample, Jean-Luc Picard (Premiere) is not aduplicate of Jean-Luc Picard (First Contact) orGalen.

double turn – When a card allows you takedouble turns, you take one complete turn frombeginning to end, then another complete turnfrom beginning to end (not one turn with twocard plays, two end-of-turn card draws, etc.).A double turn counts as two of your full turns.

doubling – When numerical values, such asattributes or point boxes, are simultaneouslymodified by a card that adds or subtracts andanother card that doubles (or triples) thatvalue, add or subtract first, then multiply. Seeskills – modifying.

downloading – When you download a targetcard, you first look through any or all of fourplaces: your hand, draw deck, ZalkonianStorage Capsule, and Q’s Tent (if open). (Ifthere is more than one possible target card forthe download, you do not name a specifictarget before looking for and choosing one.)When you choose the target card you mustshow it to your opponent (even if it has ahidden agenda icon), then you mustimmediately play or report the card, unless thecard allowing the download:• requires or allows you to download to hand

(e.g., Quark’s Isolinear Rods, 1st Rule ofAcquisition); or

• works “in place of one card draw” (e.g.,Blood Oath, Borg Queen), in which caseyou may either play the card or place it inyour hand (however, you may not downloadfrom your hand to your hand).

If you are required to play the card but cannot,the download is invalid. An artifact may be downloaded only by a cardthat says it downloads artifacts, or that namesa specific artifact.Other rules for downloading are as follows: • A card or rule may allow or require a

download from another source, such as yourdiscard pile (Examine Singularity) or from aside deck (Storage Compartment Door; alsosee Tactic).

• Downloading does not count as your normalcard play(unless so specified), and is notconsidered a card draw. If the card isplayed or reported for duty, this card play issubject to all normal responses, such asnullification. It is “played from” the source itwas downloaded from, e.g., “played from

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your hand” or “played from your draw deck.”• If a card says “download in place of one

card draw,” you may use this ability eachtime you are allowed to draw a card.

• If the downloaded card has a hidden agendaicon, you may not activate it as part of thedownload (unless it is a valid response, orwas downloaded by a special downloadicon).

• Although some downloads are optional,others require you to download a certaintarget card (or group of target cards). If youcannot do everything required, the entiredownload is invalid. To verify that you couldnot carry out the download, your opponentis allowed to look through your hand, drawdeck, Zalkonian Storage Capsule, and Q’sTent (if open), or any other source specifiedfor the download.

• Attempting a download usually requires theexpenditure of some resource such asplaying a card, using a special icon, orforfeiting a card draw. That resource remainsused even if the download is invalid.

• If you attempt a download using a resourcesuch as your card draw and the download isinvalid because no target card is available,you may not attempt to use that downloadagain unless a downloading source isreplenished (discard pile regenerated intothe draw deck) or reopened (a closed Q’sTent).

• If any player looks through your draw deckor any side deck during a download, youmust reshuffle it afterwards.

• If you can download multiple cards to aspecific destination, you must download allcards to the same destination.

• A download does not suspend play, exceptfor special downloads and cards thatspecify that they suspend play.

• Downloads allowed by a special downloadicon � have special requirements. Seedownloading – special download.

When a card is downloaded into play, youmust obey all normal requirements for playingthat card, whether stated in the rules or thecard’s game text.Downloading Ships, Personnel, andEquipment: When the text of a facility or siteallows you to download and report a Ship,Personnel, or Equipment card, both the facilityand the downloaded card must be in theirnative quadrant and all other applicablerequirements for reporting (such as a doorwaythat allows [AU] cards to report) must be met.For example:• Ops allows you to download a matching

SECURITY-classification personnel toSecurity Office; that personnel (and the Nor)must be its native quadrant.

• Empok Nor, when commandeered, allowseach player to “download to station anynumber of different compatible Site andEquipment cards.” You must obey the siterestrictions for downloading equipment (e.g.,MEDICAL-related equipment to Infirmary).

When a card other than a facility or site allowsyou to download a Ship, Personnel, orEquipment card, but does not specify whereyou may report it, you must obey all normalreporting requirements and report the card toa place that card could normally report (e.g.,to a compatible facility and/or an appropriatesite, in its native quadrant). For example,Defend Homeworld allows you download aSECURITY personnel, but does not specify adestination. You must report the personnelsomeplace it could normally report. In mostcases this will be a compatible facility in itsnative quadrant; however, a Borg player coulddownload a SECURITY Borg aboard a BorgCube (which allows reporting aboard), and adownloaded Luther Sloan could reportanywhere, as specified by his skills.

When a card other than a facility or site allowsyou to download and report a Ship, Personnel,or Equipment card to a specific destination(such as “download to here,” “to this location,”“to one of your ships,” “to an outpost,” etc.),you must report the card where specified;normal reporting requirements related towhere you play the card (e.g., a facility,appropriate site, native quadrant) do not apply.A special download [SD] icon also implies aspecific destination (“here”). For example:• Assign Mission Specialists allows you to

download two mission specialists “to one ofyour outposts.” Neither the personnel nor theoutpost needs to be in its native quadrant.

• Recruit Mercenaries allows you to downloadcertain Treachery personnel “to where youhave Treachery present,” whether they areaboard a facility or ship or on a planet, in anyquadrant.

• Anya has a special download icon for Salia.You may report Salia anywhere at Anya’slocation, aboard a facility or ship or on aplanet surface, in any quadrant.

You must still obey any reporting restrictionson the downloaded card, such as an [AU]card requiring an open doorway that allowssuch cards to report, and personnel playedaboard your ship or facility must becompatible with that ship or facility (and anyother cards aboard).If a card allows you to download a personnelor equipment card during a mission attempt, itcannot join the attempt unless downloaded bya special download icon at the missionlocation.Downloading Facilities: When a card allowsyou to download a facility to a location, youmust meet all normal requirements for building(playing) the facility, unless specificallyoverridden by the card text. Theserequirements include a non-homeworld,matching affiliation mission for outposts, noother facility controlled by you at the location,and any play requirements in the facility’sgame text (such as an appropriateENGINEER for building an outpost).Examples:• You may not download Primary Supply

Depot with Establish Dominion Foothold,because that outpost may only be seeded,not built. You may download Remote SupplyDepot only to a non-homeworld, [Dom]mission where you have no other facility andwhere you have a Dominion ENGINEER.

• Subjugate Planet specifically states that youmay download Remote Supply Depot to thenon-homeworld, non-[Dom] planet missiontargeted by the objective. This overrides thematching affiliation requirement, but not therequirement for a Dominion ENGINEER.

Downloading Sites: When a card allows thedownload of a Site card to a facility, the sitemust be allowed to exist on that facility. Forexample, you may not download Garak’s TailorShop to Empok Nor, because that site playsonly on Terok Nor or DS9.

downloading – special download – A cardwith a special download icon � allows you tosuspend any play phase action at any time(even during your opponent’s turn) while youdownload the specified target card andimmediately play it. Special downloads maynot be used during the seed phase. If thecard is played at (or to affect something at)one particular spaceline or timeline location,the special download icon must be at thatlocation. (If it is not possible to play the cardaccording to these rules, then the target cardmay not be downloaded.) For example,Arandis may download Jamaharon at any timeto nullify a Horga’hn (because that artifact isnot specific to any location), but maydownload it to relocate a male to Risa only ifshe is at his location. See suspends play.When you use a special download icon todownload a hidden agenda card, you must

play that card to the table, then immediatelyactivate it and follow its game text (targetingsomething at the location of the specialdownload icon if applicable).A card with this icon allows a specialdownload only once per game, no matterhow many copies of that card you use duringthe game. On a Personnel card, this icon isdefined as a special skill.

Dr. Farek – See Non-Aligned.Dr. McCoy (The Motion Pictures) – This

personnel’s special skill allows you to lookthrough your discard pile (without rearrangingit) until you find the topmost personnel (it neednot be the topmost card).

Dr. Q, Medicine Entity – This Q-icon interruptmay affect Event cards on ships, personnel, orany other cards present at a spacelinelocation.

Dr. Reyga – See Non-Aligned.Dr. Soong – This personnel may “reprogram”

only those androids which have variablefeatures chosen when it reported for duty. Hemay replace the classification and/or genderof the ❖ Soong-type Android, and mayreplace one or both of Lal’s two selected skillswith regular skills present with her at the timeof reprogramming. He may reprogramandroids belonging to either player, but onlyonce during each of his owner’s turns. Seeskills – modifying.Dr. Soong’s “nemesis” is Lore. See nemesisicon.

draw – See card draw.draw deck – Your draw deck may be of any

size, as long as it contains at least 30 cards.You may put any card in your draw deck(except Tactic, Tribble, Trouble, and Q-iconcards), although you should avoid cards thatmust be seeded rather than played – such asdilemmas – because normally there is no wayto use them in your draw deck. You mayinclude as many copies of each card as youlike.

draw no cards this turn – See card draw.drone – A Borg drone has “Drone” as part of

its Identification. All personnel your Borgassimilate are drones unless assimilated as acounterpart using the Assimilate Counterpartobjective. The Borg Queen, counterparts, andnon-[Borg]-affiliation personnel who are Borgor former Borg are not drones and may not bedownloaded or affected by cards that specifydrones. A Borg drone has no gender and maynot be targeted with Assimilate Counterpart orany card that specifically targets a male orfemale personnel.

Drought Tree – This event is discarded and itspoints are lost if the mission it is played on isdestroyed.

D’Tan – This personnel’s special skill works onhimself as well as on others, giving him anINTEGRITY of 8.

dual-affiliation – See multi-affiliation.dual-icon missions – Dilemmas of all types,

and Q-Flashes, may be seeded at a dual-iconmission. To begin or continue a mission orscouting attempt, or to solve such a mission(even using alternate requirements providedby an objective such as Subjugate Planet),you must have both a crew on a ship in orbitand an Away Team on the planet (each groupmust have a personnel whose affiliationmatches one of the mission’s icons). If eitherthe crew or the Away Team is “stopped,”disabled, killed, or otherwise removed, theattempt immediately ends. (If either group is“stopped,” the other group is also “stopped.”)Space dilemmas affect the ship and crew.Planet dilemmas affect the Away Team. Whena Space/Planet dilemma (or a Q-icon card) isencountered, the player attempting themission chooses whether it applies to thecrew or to the Away Team. (When a Q-Flash is

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encountered, X = the number of personnel inthe crew and Away Team combined.)See scouting locations, mission attempt.

dual-personnel cards – A dual-personnelcard, such as Sons of Mogh, is one card thatincludes two personnel. Classifications,staffing icons, and attributes on a dual-personnel card appear in the same order asthe individual personnel’s skills are listed. Forexample, on Sons of Mogh, Kurn’s skills,classification (OFFICER), and STRENGTH(8) are listed before Worf’s.Anything that happens to one of theindividuals on a dual-personnel cardautomatically happens to the other. Forexample, if one individual is selected to die,the other individual also dies. If the card isdual-affiliation, both personnel must have thesame affiliation at the same time, and cardsthat affect the affiliation of one of thepersonnel on the card affect the affiliation ofboth personnel. Thus, Data and Picard bothbecome Non-Aligned if Lore’s Fingernail is inplay. See Q-Type Android.Random selections – To make a randomselection from a group including one or moredual-personnel cards, select the appropriatenumber of cards (as if all were singlepersonnel) and apply the results to allpersonnel selected. Examples:• Armus – Skin of Evil randomly selects one

personnel to die. Select one card; bothpersonnel will die.

• Denevan Neural Parasites randomly selects“half the Away Team.” If your Away Teamcontains six personnel cards, your opponentwill select three cards. All are killed,regardless of the total number of personnelaffected. (Two phasers or disruptors arerequired to protect both personnel on a dualcard.)

• If a dual-personnel card is randomlyselected for Chula: The Chandra, allpersonnel with at least one attribute numbermatching either of the dual personnel wouldcontinue. (If a single personnel is randomlyselected, a dual-personnel card will followhim if either of the dual personnel has anattribute that matches.)

If a card targets a personnel of a specificgender, include a male/female dual-personnelcard in the selection regardless of gender. Forexample, if Beverly and Will are in the AwayTeam encountering Parallel Romance, includethe card in the selections of both the male andthe female. If Will is selected as the male to be“stopped,” Beverly is also “stopped,”regardless of who is selected as the female tobe “stopped.”Opponent’s or owner’s choice – When aselection is made by choice, select theappropriate number of personnel, which mayinclude one individual on a dual-personnelcard. The result of the selection will then affectthe other personnel on the card as well.Examples:• Outpost Raid allows your opponent to

choose two personnel to be killed. He mayselect Lursa (on Sisters of Duras) andTomalak. B’Etor will also be killed along withLursa and Tomalak.

• Mercenary Ship requires [Stf][Stf] forstaffing. For the Abandon Ship! dilemma,you may choose Beverly (on Beverly andWill) and Narik to staff it. Since Beverly mustremain on the ship to staff it, Will remainsalso.

• With Extradition, your SECURITY personnelcapture both personnel on a dual-personnelcard if their STRENGTH exceeds that ofeither individual.

• You select Lursa (on Sisters of Duras) to becontrolled by a Ceti Eel. B’Etor is alsocontrolled by the same Ceti Eel card.

Specific criteria – If a dilemma targets apersonnel who meets specific criteria, such as

the “most CUNNING” or “lowestSTRENGTH,” examine the relevant attribute ofeach individual on a dual-personnel card. Ifeither individual meets the criteria, bothpersonnel are affected by the dilemma. Forexample, if the “most CUNNING” personnel inyour Away Team is Nog (on Jake and Nog),then both Jake and Nog are “stopped” byAltonian Brain Teaser. (They pool theirCUNNING for the “If their CUNNING <15”clause.)Reporting and downloading – If one of thepersonnel on a dual-personnel card can bereported for free (e.g., an android withCybernetics present) or downloaded (e.g., aSECURITY personnel with DefendHomeworld), the other individual is alsoreported for free or downloaded. Costs and benefits – If you pay a cost forreporting or downloading a dual-personnelcard, you pay that cost only for theindividual(s) to whom the costs apply. SeeFerengi Conference. If you gain a benefit(such as scoring points) based on the featuresof an individual personnel, you get that benefitonly for the individual(s) on the card withthose features. See No Way Out.Personnel battle – Both individuals on thecard jointly engage a single adversary,combining their STRENGTH values togetherto determine the outcome of the personalcombat. Assimilation – Dual-personnel cards may notbe targeted for assimilation as a counterpart. Ifone individual is assimilated as a drone, theother is also assimilated. Each individual’sstaffing icons and attributes are adjustedseparately. See assimilation – personnel.Personas – Some dual-personnel cardscontain versions of single-card personas. Forexample, you may not have Sisters of Duras inplay at the same time as Lursa and/or B’Etor.Persona replacement must include bothindividuals.

Dukat of Borg – See counterpart.duplicate – See copy.duplicatable – See unique and universal.Duranja – See in play.each turn – See turn.earned – See artifact.Earring of Li Nalas, The – This artifact must

have been brought into play prior tocompleting Rescue Prisoners in order todouble its point box. The doubling effectremains even if the Earring leaves play. Seeonce in play.

E.C.H., The – This personnel can download anycard with “Maneuver” in the title. See any,card titles.

Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone – ThisEquipment card does not engage adversariesin personal combat. It is used only at the endof a personnel battle to increase your totalSTRENGTH. It cannot contribute STRENGTHfor other purposes (overcoming dilemmas orsolving missions). It is not a hand weapon. TheSTRENGTH goes up by 10 after eachseparate personnel battle.

Edo Probe – Revised text:Abandon mission attempt until any playercompletes a different mission OR continuebut lose points if you do not solve missionthis turn.Because this dilemma has no conditions, theAway Team or crew is not “stopped” and thedilemma should not be returned under themission. Place it on top of the mission to serveas a marker until the dilemma is resolved, thendiscard it.

Edo Vessel – Any time this ship is fired upon(even by return fire), there is a 50/50 chancethat the attack is nullified. You may determinethe 50/50 chance by any agreeable, randommethod (e.g., coin toss).

Eli Hollander – This personnel is “any Data,”but is not a version of the Data persona.

Elim Garak – This personnel is removed fromthe selection pool before any randomselection is made. Even if he is the onlypersonnel present, it is still considered arandom selection, which he can avoid, if acard specifies a random selection. Seemission attempt, dilemma resolution –targets.The personal combat phase of a personnelbattle is not considered a random selection,so he cannot avoid personal combat and maybe stunned or mortally wounded in battle.He may avoid the random selection for deathat the end of the battle if he is not stunned ordisabled.

Eliminate Starship – See showing yourcards.

Emblem of the Empire – This incident givesimmunity to Navigate Plasma Storms to your[TE] facilities and [TE] ships. It removesaffiliation attack restrictions only from [TE]cards and the four personnel listed, not fromother cards that they mix with. For example,while Benjamin Sisko has no affiliation attackrestrictions, he cannot initiate ship battle whileaboard the U.S.S. Defiant, because the ship issubject to normal Federation attackrestrictions.

E.M.H. Program – Although this holographicpersonnel may be downloaded to an outpost,he will be deactivated until taken aboard aship or facility with a holodeck. If downloadedto a ship with a holodeck during a missionattempt, he joins the crew attempting thatmission, even during a dilemma. A MobileHolo-Emitter or Holo-projectors does notovercome his restriction box. See Doctor,The.

Emergency Transporter Armbands – Errata:Beam your Personnel up or down at any time,except during a dilemma (unless specificallypermitted). May be used during battle beforethe winner is determined.With the exception of Firestorm, this interruptmay not be used to escape a dilemma. Beaming your personnel “up or down”includes beaming them between ships orbetween a ship and facility at the samelocation (including a landed ship). You may play this interrupt at any point fromthe initiation of a personnel battle up to thepoint of determining the winner, either beforeor between combat pairings. You may notinterrupt a combat pairing. If you remove allyour personnel from a personnel battle withthis interrupt before any personal combattakes place, the battle is cancelled and thereis no winner or loser, but all participants are“stopped.”You may play this interrupt to beam personnelto or from the ship after the initiation of a shipbattle and before the actual attack, betweenthe attack and the return fire, or after damageis assigned and before the ship is destroyed.

Emissary, The – See affiliation and species,in play, report, Ops.

Emperor’s New Cloak, The – See stealing.Empok Nor – This facility allows both players

to seed dilemmas that are “related to EmpokNor” (i.e, have “Empok Nor” in their lore)underneath the Facility card, which must thenbe encountered and resolved before thefacility can be commandeered. To do so,simply announce that your Away Team in Opsis making a “commandeering attempt,” thenencounter and resolve the dilemmas as youwould for a mission or scouting attempt. Oncethere are no longer any dilemmas to beencountered, the attempt ends, and anyplayer’s Away Team may subsequentlycommandeer Empok Nor normally with aComputer Skill pesonnel unopposed in Ops.(The actual commandeering is a separate

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action from the commandeering attempt,which does not require Computer Skill.)You may deliberately mis-seed cards that arenot Empok Nor dilemmas under this facility asa bluff. When discovered, such mis-seeds areplaced out of play as usual. However, if youreveal your own mis-seeded card whenmaking a commandeering attempt, you maynot commandeer Empok Nor as long as itremains uncontrolled. (If your opponentcommandeers it, you may then commandeer itfrom him.)“No reporting aboard” means that you may notuse the text of any site cards to report cardsaboard. Another card’s text may allow a cardto report aboard. For example, Luther Sloan“may report anywhere,” including to a site onan uncommandeered Empok Nor. The gametext on all Site cards on Empok Nor is inactiveuntil it is commandeered, other than the Opstext allowing commandeering, docking site textallowing docking and undocking, and any textrelated to the placement of the sites (includingthe module locations and the Commander’sOffice placement restriction). (However, acard that plays on a site, such as WeaponsLocker, may be played on anuncommandeered Empok Nor site.) All non-Borg affiliations are compatible with theNeutral uncommandeered station.When this station is first commandeered andflipped over, each player may download to thestation any number of different compatibleSite and Equipment cards. Thecommandeering player performs all of hisdownloads first, then the opponent. While thedownloaded cards must all be different foreach player, both players could downloadcopies of the same card (but not the sameunique site). These downloads are all resultsof the action of commandeering the station.Thus, a Computer Crash will cancel alldownloads attempted at that time.Even though Empok Nor seeds uncontrolled,for purposes of seeding or building otherfacilities there, you remain its owner, and maynot seed or build another facility at the samelocation (unless Empok Nor is commandeeredby your opponent).

empty ship – An empty ship has no personnelor Rogue Borg aboard. See occupied ship.

encountered –Seed cards are encounteredonly during a mission, scouting, orcommandeering attempt. A card is notencountered when looked at outside of amission, scouting, or commandeering attempt,such as with a Scan card or Ocular Implants.Dilemmas that enter play, such as Cytherians,Borg Ship, Coalescent Organism, andFriendly Fire, are not considered encounteredwhen they affect you later on the spaceline.See actions – step 1: initiation.Normally, an artifact is moved to the back ofthe seed stack when encountered. It is notearned until the mission is completed, unlessa card allows it.A mis-seed is not encountered whenrevealed. For example, a [P] dilemma mis-seeded at a [S] mission may not be replacedby a Q-Flash with Beware of Q, and does notuse up the effect of a Senior Staff Meeting if itis the first dilemma revealed. Also, an Orbartifact mis-seeded at a [S] mission could notbe earned with HQ: Return Orb to Bajor.A dilemma is not considered to beencountered if it is a unique dilemma which isdiscarded because another copy is already inplay (e.g., Dead End). See unique anduniversal.

end of spaceline – See spaceline.end of turn – See turn.End Transmission – You may repeatedly

postpone the same end-of-turn actions byplaying additional copies of this interrupt onsuccessive turns. Because the effects ofmultiple copies are not happening at the same

time, this is not affected by the cumulativerules.

energy dampener – A type of ship’s specialequipment. It has no built-in functions but isused by the Breen Energy-Weapon Dampenercard.

Energy Vortex – You may play this interrupt toprevent the play (but not the activation) of ahidden agenda card. Thus, you will not knowthe identity of the card whose play youprevent. It may not be played to stop the“showing” of a Devidian Door or when a cardis downloaded or played from any placeexcept the hand. See downloading, BattleBridge side deck, Tribble side deck.The replacement card may be a copy of theoriginal. The replacement card play may in turnbe interrupted by another Energy Vortex; inthat case, the original card may now beplayed.If you have any card in your hand that you maylegally play, you must play it. For example, ifyour only card is Kevin Uxbridge, you mustplay it if there is any legal target event in play.But if you have already used your normal cardplay this turn and play a Doorway card whichyour opponent interrupts with Energy Vortex,you may not play an Event card instead. If youhave no legal card to play, you must allow youropponent to verify it by looking through yourhand. See verification.

Engage Cloak – When a cloaked or phasedship placed on this objective is about todecloak and is returned to its former location,it decloaks after it makes any of the allowedmovements. No other actions may beperformed between the movements orbetween the last movement and decloaking.See cloaking and phasing. The objectivedoes not itself allow you to decloak ordephase a ship on your opponent’s turn (butdoes have its effect if another card allows orrequires the ship to decloak at that time).The movements allowed for each full turn onthe objective are separate movements of up tothe ship’s RANGE. For example, a ship withRANGE 8 which stays on Engage Cloak forthree full turns may make three separatemovements of up to RANGE 8 each (not asingle movement of RANGE 24).A ship on Engage Cloak is not on thespaceline. It may be targeted by any cardwhich may normally target a cloaked ship andwhich does not require the ship to be presentor at the same location with anything else. Forexample, it may be targeted by TachyonDetection Grid but not by La Forge Maneuver.If the ship’s original location is destroyed by aBlack Hole, upon decloaking the ship must bereturned to the Black Hole location.

Engage Shuttle Operations – This eventallows shuttles to be loaded and carriedaboard, and launched from, a ship with TractorBeam and an ENGINEER aboard. Launchinga shuttle from the ship uses no RANGE.Landing on or taking off from a planet requiresthe full movement RANGE of the shuttle(including any modifiers). Launching, loading,landing, and taking off require full staffing. Seemovement, characteristics, carried ships.

Engage Shuttle Operations: Dominion –Jem’Hadar attack ships, which may be carriedaboard another ship using this event, includeDominion ships with “attack ship” in the shipname or class. Any card which affectsEngage Shuttle Operations by name (suchas Launch Portal) also affects this card. Seecard titles, characteristics.

enhancements – See attributeenhancements.

enigma icon ✶ – This symbol representsthings whose nature is mysterious orunexplained, such as the Borg Queen andFontaine. Each player may have only one copyof each enigma card (or the same persona) inplay at any time. However, such cards are

neither unique nor universal, and thus are notaffected by cards that specifically affectunique or universal cards.

Ensign Tuvok – Revised text:Once per game, may cancel ship battle atsame nebula.See nebula, battle – ship.

Equinox Doctor – This personnel’s “NOINTEGRITY” is an undefined attribute.

equipment – A card type, representing devicessuch as phasers, tricorders, and plasmadynerelays which enhance the performance of yourAway Team, crew, or ship. (A Ship card’sspecial equipment is listed in game text andis not related to the Equipment card type.)Most Equipment cards are not carried by aspecific personnel, but “belong to” the entirecrew or Away Team (see Away Team andcrew), and are “stopped” by the samecircumstances that “stop” personnel cards. (Afew Equipment cards are “worn” or “placedon” a personnel. See Data’s Head, MobileHolo-emitter.) If an entire Away Team is killed,the equipment remains, but may not be takenor used by the opponent unless a card allowsit. (See stealing.)Equipment can “work” unattended unless itstext requires the presence of personnel. Forexample, you may discard ’45 Dom Perignonto replace a ship without any personnelpresent, and a Plasmadyne Relay enhancesthe SHIELDS of an empty ship.Because Equipment cards have no affiliationicons, they may be reported and carried inAway Teams or aboard ships (even by Borg)without regard to compatibility. Thus, aBajoran Phaser may be reported to aFederation Outpost and carried by aFederation Away Team. However, to use equipment that is restrictedto the use of a specific affiliation/species, theAway Team or crew must contain at least onemember of that affiliation or species. (Seeaffiliation and species, ProcurementDrone.) Once any requirements to use theequipment are met, it enhances all personnelspecified by the card (e.g., “each of yourpersonnel present”), not just the affiliationsrequired to use the card.Thus, Cardassian Disruptor (“Cardassian andNon-Aligned use only”) enhances theSTRENGTH of all personnel of any affiliationin an Away Team or crew containing anyCardassian by affiliation or species OR anyNon-Aligned personnel. Bat’leth, on the otherhand, has no restrictions on who may “use” it(e.g., anyone could discard it for points atKressari Rendezvous), but it enhances onlyKlingons (by afifiliation or species) in the AwayTeam or crew.“Using” affiliation/species-specific equipmentmeans deriving any benefit from it, includingits stated game text purposes (e.g., enhancingSTRENGTH), overcoming a dilemma (Zaldan),solving a mission (Samaritan Snare), orincreasing its points (Kressari Rendezvous).Borg-affiliation personnel do not use handweapons in any way, even if stolen.A personnel whose restriction box states thathe “does not use” a type of equipment may bein the same Away Team with it but may notenable its use and is not affected by it. Forexample, Odo’s STRENGTH is not enhancedby hand weapons in his Away Team.If an Equipment card, such as a Tricorder,grants a skill to personnel of a particularclassification, only that classification (not askill) will allow the equipment to function, andonly a skill is granted (not a classification).Borg may not gain skills from such equipment,because they have no classifications, but theycould use a Tricorder to pass Alien Labyrinth.An Equipment card is “related to” a personneltype if it has that personnel type in its gametext. For example, an Engineering Tricorder is

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both MEDICAL-related and ENGINEER-related; a Plasmadyne Relay is not related toany personnel type.See movement.

equipment – ship – See special equipment.erase – See holographic personnel and

equipment.errata – See revised text.Espionage cards – These events allow you to

attempt a mission with personnel of a differentaffiliation from that printed on the Missioncard. (Normally, a personnel of matchingaffiliation must be in the crew or Away Team.)They do not override cards that prevent youfrom attempting or solving an opponent’smission, such as Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon. The affiliation reference does notinclude species (see affiliation and species).A “Bajoran espionage card” is one that allowsBajorans to attempt another affiliation’smissions. For example, Espionage: Bajoran onCardassian is a Bajoran espionage card, whileEspionage: Cardassian on Bajoran is aCardassian espionage card.

Espionage Mission – Revised lore:Sector 001 Region • EarthYou may attempt this mission if • you play an Espionage: [your affiliation] on

Federation card on the mission (e.g.,Espionage: Klingon on Federation allowsyour [Klg] Away Team to attempt themission); or

• you have Selok in your Away Team; or• an objective specifically allows you to

attempt it (e.g., HQ: Secure Homeworldallows your [Fed] Away Team to attempt it);or

• a card allows you to add your affiliation iconto the mission (e.g., Bribery adds a [Fer]icon which allows your [Fer] Away Team toattempt it).

Establish Gateway – Revised text:Seeds or plays on table. Target a spacemission with a point box, if not yet scouted.Your Borg may scout that location. Afterscouting complete, if you have Borg at thatlocation, you may probe ...

Establish Tractor Lock – A cloaked or phasedship may not be targeted with this objective.Phasing an already-targeted ship breaks thetractor lock and discards the objective;cloaking an already-targeted ship does not.See cloaking and phasing.

Establish Trade Route – See missionattempt.

Evek – See Non-Aligned.event – A card type representing an event that

took place in the Star Trek universe. It mayplay on and affect another card, or may playon the table to have a widespread effect onvarious aspects of the game. While mostevents have a lasting effect on the game(unless the card is nullified or destroyed), afew say to discard them after use. A seedableevent may be seeded during any seed phaseunless otherwise specified. Playing an Eventcard uses your normal card play.

every turn – See turn.exchanging cards – When a card in play is

exchanged for another card (e.g., personareplacement, one Founder morphing intoanother, Young Jem’Hadar exchanged for auniversal Jem’Hadar) or replaced (discarded)by a downloaded card, any cards alreadyplayed on, placed on, or aboard the card thatis leaving play transfer to the replacementcard unless their results are now inapplicable.You do not re-check the conditions (or targetsfor playing a card) for such cards. For example, you would discard Adapt:Modulate Shields from an Equipment card thatmorphed into a Founder using In the Bag, ordiscard Reflection Therapy if the skill it was

replacing did not exist on a new version of apersona just exchanged. However, damagecan apply to both a Borg Ship dilemma and aBorg Cube, so any damage would transferwhen Retask is played; and when a ship istransformed by ‘45 Dom Perignon, its crewtransfers to the new ship.When a card in play is exchanged for a card inhand (either by persona replacement or witha card that allows such an exchange, such asIn the Bag), the new card is not reporting forduty. When a card in play is discarded andreplaced by a card downloaded into play (e.g.,Transporter Mixup), the downloaded card isreporting for duty.

executing orders – Following the card playsegment of your turn (during which you mayonly play cards, download cards, and performactions that suspend play or may occur “atany time”), you may optionally execute orders– that is, perform actions such as movementor a mission attempt, using your cards alreadyin play. Using game text such as “cycling” a[Ref] card with Q the Referee is alsoexecuting orders. There is no limit on thenumber of orders you may execute in one turn.Executing orders includes (but is not limitedto) the following actions during your turn:• Moving personnel and equipment (see

movement, beaming, walking)• Staffing and moving ships (see ship

staffing, movement)• Attempting missions (see mission attempt)• Scouting locations or ships (if playing Borg)• Commandeering facilities or ships• Initiating battleActions that are permitted at any time may beperformed during your card play segment oryour executing orders segment. Actions thatyou take during your opponent’s turn are notexecuting orders.

Exocomp – See android, gender.Explore Gamma Quadrant – See Gamma

Quadrant.Explore Interstellar Matter – If you have

more than one copy of this mission on thetable when you play Calamarain, youropponent may start your Calamarain at anyone of those missions. See for free.

Extradition – You may take only one personnelcaptive with this dilemma, regardless of thenumber of SECURITY personnel you beamonto the ship. The captive must have lowerSTRENGTH than the total of the SECURITYpersonnel. See dual-personnel cards.The dilemma does not allow a download of theSECURITY personnel, provide transporters orallow you to use your opponent’s transporters,or allow beaming from a Nor. For example,the Cardassians downloaded to a planet orsite with a preceding Sleeper Trap may not beused to take a captive with Extradition.

Eyes In The Dark – This interrupt adds theregular skills and attributes to the crew orAway Team as a whole, not to a singlepersonnel. For example, if Kova Tholl isselected from the opponent’s ship, yourcrew’s total INTEGRITY is +8, totalCUNNING is +6, and total STRENGTH is+2, plus one Diplomacy skill is added to thecrew’s pool of skills.

Ezri – See Crossover.facility – A card type representing installations

throughout the galaxy. There are three kinds offacilities: outposts, headquarters, and stations.(These are not considered separate cardtypes.)• Your outpost represents a remote space

facility where your personnel, ships, andequipment may report for duty, and whereships may dock and be repaired.

• A headquarters represents an affiliation’scenter of government on its homeworld,where both players’ personnel, ships, andequipment may report for duty.

• A station represents any one of a variety ofinstallations such as mining stations,colonies, etc. The Cardassian-origin miningfacilities of the same design as Deep Space9 are referred to collectively as “Nors” andare always used in conjunction with anothercard type, sites. Stations do not allowreporting, docking, or repairs unlessspecified by game text on the station or itssites.

Card references to the “outpost phase” meanthe facility phase. However, card references tothe outposts (or stations) themselves do notinclude other facilities. For example, aSpacedock may be played only on an outpost,not on a station or headquarters.Seeding and building facilities – Seedablefacilities seed during the facility seed phaseunless otherwise specified (e.g., Deep Space9). Most outposts state “seed one” in gametext, allowing each player to seed only onecopy of that Outpost card. A few just say“seed,” allowing you to seed multiple copies.Additional copies may be built during the playphase if the game text allows it, using yournormal card play. The game text of eachheadquarters (and some stations) specifiesthat it is not duplicatable. A station that is notso labelled may be seeded or built in multiple.(See unique and universal.) You may seed facilities (and build stations andheadquarters) of any affiliation regardless ofthe affiliation(s) you are playing. All outpoststhat read “Seed one if playing [affiliation] ORbuild...” have received errata and now read“Seed one OR build...” You may build anoutpost where you have a compatibleENGINEER of the specified affiliation orspecies at a suitable mission location. (Seeaffiliation and species.)Facilities may seed only in their nativequadrant (but may be built during the playphase in any quadrant, if appropriate). Youmay seed or build an outpost only at a mission(either [P] or [S], belonging to either player)with a matching affiliation icon (unless theoutpost’s text specifies otherwise, such as theNeutral Outpost). You may not seed or buildany outpost at any homeworld mission,regardless of affiliation icon, unless a card orrule specifies otherwise (e.g., a Borg Outpostmay be built at an assimilated planet, even ahomeworld). A headquarters may be seededor built only on the specified homeworld.Stations may be established only at thelocations specified on the cards. You may notseed or build any facility at a location whereyou already have a facility, unless one allowsanother to “co-exist” there (e.g., Chamber ofMinisters). (However, you could have twofacilities at a location as a result of moving orcommandeering one.)Most facilities (including all outposts) areconceptually located “in space,” even whenseeded or built at a planet location. (A few,such as headquarters, specify that they areseeded or built on a planet.) Only spacefacilities allow ships to dock.Using facilities – You may not use youropponent’s outposts (or operate theirSHIELDS, transporters, holodecks, or otherfeatures), unless a card allows it. Both playersmay use headquarters and stations,regardless of ownership, unless otherwisespecified. Your cards must be compatiblewith a facility (except a Nor) to report to, dockat, or enter the facility. They may report to ordock at any Nor according to the text of itssite cards. They may board a Nor and exit fromany facility even if incompatible with thefacility. (See beaming.)Whenever you have personnel or ships aboard(or docked at) a facility, stack them on top ofthe appropriate site (for a Nor) or underneaththe Facility card (for any other facility). Stackpersonnel aboard a ship docked at an outpostunderneath the Ship card; stack personnel

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aboard the outpost itself between the Shipcard and the Outpost card.For personnel to use a planet facility (such asby scoring points at a Colony), you mustindicate that they are “in” the facility bystacking the Away Team under the Facilitycard, rather than on top of the Mission card.All facilities have transporters, unlessotherwise specified. However, you may notbeam cards (except tribbles) to, from, or withina Nor unless a card allows it. See beaming.All outposts allow ships to dock. Other spacefacilities allow docking only if specified in theirtext (or the text of a docking site). Whendocked at a space facility, a ship is protectedby the extension of 50% of the facility’sSHIELDS (the number is added to thedocked ship’s DEFENSE total; the facility’sSHIELDS are not reduced), but may notattempt missions or fire its WEAPONS, evenin retaliation. Ships cannot dock at a planetfacility and receive no protection from itsSHIELDS.Damaged ships may be repaired by docking atan outpost or Docking Pylons site for a periodof time. See repair. No other facilities canmake repairs unless specified in their gametext.Control of facilities – When you seed or builda facility, you control it, and it is under thecontrol of the affiliation whose icon is printedon the card, regardless of the affiliations youare playing or treaties in effect. (Empok Norseeds uncontrolled.) Thus, Deep Space 9 isunder Bajoran control when you seed it, evenif you are playing Federation (with or without atreaty).When you commandeer a Nor, it is under thecontrol of the commandeering affiliation. Forexample, if you commandeer your opponent’sDeep Space 9 with your Romulan Away Team,its affiliation changes to Romulan, as though itwere printed on the card. (Though it is flippedto the Terok Nor side, its affiliation is notCardassian.) See Ore Processing Unit.Reporting cards for duty – When a facility (orits site) allows you to report a card for duty,you may do so only if that card and the facilityare both in their native quadrant. Equipmentcards are native to all quadrants and thus mayreport to any appropriate facility that is in itsnative quadrant. You may report any compatible cards to youroutpost. Ships report docked.Headquarters cards allow both players toreport any compatible cards and to use thegame text on the headquarters card.Reporting is not restricted to the cards listedon a Headquarters card, such as CardassianGuls and Legates, which may report for free.(See characteristics.) Ships report in orbit ofthe planet.You may report cards to sites only inaccordance with the text of the Station andSite cards (matching affiliation, compatible,or “regardless of affiliation”; if not specified,compatibility is not required). Each site lists inits game text what kinds of cards may reportto that site (personnel classifications, types ofequipment, staffing requirements for ships).Ships report docked at an appropriatedocking site. Reporting cards to any site isallowed only if that Nor has at least onedocking site. Stations without sites (such asColony and Deep Space Station K-7) do notallow cards to report unless the station itselfhas text explicitly allowing reporting.Battle – Facilities participate in battle and aredamaged or destroyed in the same manner asships. See battle – ship, damage. When afacility is destroyed, all personnel aboard or“in” the facility are killed. Ships docked at thefacility are not destroyed (except those landedon Docking Pads).

facility phase – See seed phases.

Fair Play – Revised text:Seeds or plays on table; may not be nullified.No player may solve an opponent’s uniquemission unless its point box shows at least40 points OR both players have a copy of itin play.Activating this hidden agenda event is a validresponse to solving a mission, a sub-action ofthe mission attempt. After the last seed cardhas been resolved, check conditions (having amatching affiliation personnel and the missionrequirements present) for solving the mission,after which your opponent may respond byactivating Fair Play, which prevents solving themission. It is not a valid response to theinitiation of a mission attempt, because it doesnot specifically modify a mission attempt. Seeactions – step 2: responses.You may not solve your opponent’s uniquemission without a point box (e.g., Q’s Planet).Espionage cards or other cards that allowyou to attempt missions of other affiliations willnot allow you to solve an opponent’s uniquemission if this event is in play.

Fajo’s Gallery – The card draws allowed bythis event are a “just” action that must beperformed immediately after the action occurswhich allows the card draws. See actions –“just”.

far end of spaceline, farthest planet, etc. –When a dilemma is to be placed at or movetoward the far end or long end of thespaceline, once determined (see ties) the farend or long end does not change. That is, ifthe far end is the left end, it remains the leftend even if the spaceline is rearranged.

Federation – An affiliation.❖ Federation Outpost – See outpost.Feedback Surge – This incident causes your

opponent to lose 10 points for each seed cardhe discards using the listed cards, whetheryou reseed them or not.

Ferengi – An affiliation and a species. Seeaffiliation and species.

Ferengi Bug – See Telepathic AlienKidnappers.

Ferengi Conference – If you download adual-personnel card with this objective, onlythe [Skill] icons of Ferengi CIVILIANs on thecard count toward the maximum of 11. Forexample, if you download The Trois, onlyDeanna’s [Skill] icons count, but if youdownload Jake and Nog, all their [Skill] iconscount.

Ferengi Financial Data Net – “Unique”means“non-universal” (not “the only copy in play).For example, this event allows you to draw acard for each copy of Quark you have in play.

Ferengi Ingenuity – When affected by AccessDenied, this dilemma reads as follows: “If onepersonnel present has 3 Computer Skill,discard dilemma. Otherwise, to get past, placeon 2 most CUNNING Computer Skillpersonnel present (“stopped” duringcountdown).”

Ferengi Trading Post – Both players may usethis outpost regardless of ownership. Yourcards (including ships) may report and mixaboard (i.e., they are compatible with eachother and with the outpost), board anddisembark from your own ships, dock andundock, and beam to and from the outpost.

FGC-47 Research – The minimum span for thismission is 0.

Fifth – This personnel cannot return to hand a[BO] objective which has been completedand relocated. See in play.

Firestorm – Errata: Kills all Away Team members withINTEGRITY<5 unless thermal deflectorspresent (but Away Team may escape usingEmergency Transporter Armbands). Discarddilemma.

The original text on this dilemma referring toThermal Deflectors is redundant; that eventspecifies that it nullifies Firestorm.

For Cardassia! – You may play multiple copiesof this objective on multiple legates. If they allhelp complete HQ: Secure Homeworld, youmay discard each objective; only one mayplace cards out-of-play to score points, whilethe rest may each download two Cardassianswith Honor. See helps.

for free – A card that plays (or reports) for freedoes not count as your normal card play. Itmust be played during the card play segmentof your turn, unless otherwise specified.

for uniqueness only – See in play.force – A group of cards belonging to one

player which may participate in a battle. Inpersonnel battle, a force may be an AwayTeam or crew. In ship battle, a force mayconsist of one or more ships and/or facilities,including their crews (or your Away Team inyour planet facility).A force may include one or more affiliationswhich can restrict it from initiating battle orprevent it from being attacked. For example,any force which includes at least oneFederation-affiliation card, such as a Non-Aligned ship with a mixed Non-Aligned/Federation crew, is a Federation forceand may not initiate battle except againstBorg. A Klingon ship with a mixedKlingon/Romulan crew is both a Klingon forceand a Romulan force. It may not initiate battleagainst Romulans or be attacked by theopponent’s Romulan force.

Forced Labor Camp - This objective refers totwo planet locations: Cardassia IV (RescuePrisoners) and Ligos VII (Distress Mission).See mission attempt.

Founder – This characteristic is a “political”designation, not a species. A personnel isidentified as a Founder in its name (card title).Although Founders are changelings (aspecies) and shape-shifters, the terms are notinterchangeable. For example, Odo is achangeling but not a Founder. A card thatrefers to a Founder (e.g., “your Founder”)means any Founder, not necessarily the cardnamed ❖ Founder.

Fractal Encryption Code – A ship affected bythis interrupt may move by a means that doesnot require use of RANGE (e.g., Wormholes,time travel).

Frame of Mind – Revised text:One personnel present (random selection)now becomes Non-Aligned with attributes of3-3-3 and only two skills (opponent’schoice). Cure with 3 Empathy present.The personnel affected by this dilemma losesaffiliation (as with Memory Wipe). All skills arelost and any two regular skills in the game maybe selected. See timeline disruption, skills –modifying.

Frank Hollander – This personnel is “anyData,” but is not a version of the Datapersona.

Friendly Fire – This dilemma is discardedimmediately if its conditions (2 Leadership and2 SECURITY) are met when encountered. It isnot placed on the mission to count down. Seedilemma resolution. When placed on EmpokNor, it prevents both commandeeringattempts (dilemma encounters) and actualcommandeering.

Full Planet Scan – Revised text:Glance at all seed cards located under oneplanet mission for twenty seconds.

full speed – See actions – required.full turn – See deck – See text – Gameplay information in the large

text block at or near the bottom of each card(or on each end of a Mission card). Seemission.

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Gamma Quadrant – A “Gamma Quadrantmission” is a mission with a GammaQuadrant Γ icon in its point box.

Gamma Quadrant icon ΓΓ [GQ] – Personnel,ships, and facilities with this icon are native tothe Gamma Quadrant. See native quadrant.

Gaps In Normal Space – This event creates aspaceline location of unspecified type. If theevent is nullified (discarded), the “gap” in thespaceline is closed. Any cards played directlyon the event are also discarded. Any ships orother cards at that spaceline location arerelocated to one adjacent spaceline locationby the player who nullified the event.

Garak –Errata: May replace anyone present randomlyselected to die here.

Garak Has Some Issues – The personnelaffected by this dilemma is “stopped” onlyuntil the beginning of the next turn, as usual.

Gegis – This personnel’s special skill makes allyour [Holo] and [Fer] personnel at his locationcompatible.

gender – Gender may be male, female, orneuter (which includes androgynous, such asSoren). Borg drones have no gender, even ifgender-specific pronouns are used in theirlore. Whenever a personnel’s gender is notindicated by the card’s image, game text, title,or lore, that personnel is considered to bemale.

General Korrd – See Release This Pain.Genesis Device, The – Once placed atop a

mission, this artifact is no longer being usedas an Equipment card, may not be destroyedby Disruptor Overload, stolen, etc., and maynot be removed from the mission likeequipment. It cannot be used to alter the pointvalue of a mission that is already solved. Seeplaying an affiliation, point box.

Genetronic Replicator – This event affectsonly Away Teams, not crews. (See AwayTeam and crew.) Thus, it can prevent thedeath of your personnel aboard an opponent’sship, but not aboard your own ship. The 2MEDICAL required to prevent deaths must bepresent in the Away Team with the personnelselected to die (e.g., in the combat group for apersonnel battle, or in the Away Team facing adilemma), and must not themselves bestunned, disabled, mortally wounded, orotherwise selected to die. For example,Genetronic Replicator cannot save anyonefrom Barclay’s Protomorphosis Diseasebecause all MEDICAL present are targeted todie. See battle – personnel.Personnel are not “stopped” by the use of thisevent, although they may be “stopped” by theaction or card that would have caused theirdeaths (e.g., battle, failing to overcome adilemma).

George and Gracie – Gracie’s special skillworks while this dual-personnel card is onplanet at Espionage Mission (Earth) or at anytime location identified as Earth (unless its textsays otherwise, such as Cetacean Institute).See ANIMAL.

Gift of the Tormentor – You cannot encounterthis Q-icon interrupt from your own Q-Continuum side deck. See Q-icon cards.Because it specifies that it is placed in adiscard pile, this card overrides the rule toreplace it face up beneath your Q-Continuumside deck.

Gi’ral – This personnel must be madecompatible with Tokath to build a Colony withhim.

Going To The Top – In order to download apersonnel with this interrupt, the personnelcard must be identified by one of the listedcharacteristics in its card title or lore. Thus,Kahless may be downloaded (“Installed as aceremonial Emperor...”), but not Gowron,whose lore does not state that he is a

chancellor. The downloaded personnel mustbe compatible with the two [Cmd] personnel.

Gomtuu – This ship’s WEAPONS are anundefined attribute.In a ship battle that includes Gomtuu,determine your ATTACK total normally, withGomtuu contributing 0. Regardless of whetheryou score a hit, determine at this time (beforedamage is applied) whether Gomtuu is able to“hurl” the target; it may do so only if thetarget’s SHIELDS (not the DEFENSE total)are less than 9. If so, “hurl” the ship after anydamage for a hit or direct hit is applied.“Hurling” a ship does not in itself damage thetarget. Gomtuu cannot target or “hurl” anyfacility. See battle – ship.Empathy x2 is a staffing requirement, not aspecial ability of the ship.

Gowron of Borg – See counterpart.Grebnedlog – If this personnel captures an

ENGINEER who received that skill from anEquipment card, the Equipment card is notrelocated along with the captive.

group actions – See actions – group.Guardian of Forever, The – To use this

doorway to “return here from there,” at leastone of the personnel returning from the timelocation must have originally time traveled tothat time location from planet Gateway usingThe Guardian of Forever. They may performother actions (including other forms of timetravel) between the original time travel and thereturn. To draw cards, your Archaeology orAnthropology personnel must time travel to,and return from, a time location using theGuardian.

Guest Quarters – “Not cumulative” on this sitemeans that if you have two Guest Quarterssites in play, you may not use the text of bothsites to replace one card draw with a doubledraw. If you are entitled to two card drawsduring a turn, you could replace each of themwith the double draw from one of the twoGuest Quarters sites.

Guramba – A Nausicaan skill from a wordmeaning “courage.” Wherever your crew orAway Team has Guramba, your opponentmust have two leaders present (Borg musthave two [Def] personnel instead) in order toinitiate a personnel battle (unless counter-attacking). Guramba has no effect on shipbattle.

Hail – Although the ship targeted by thisinterrupt is not “stopped” (e.g., it may initiatebattle or attempt a mission), it may not movethis turn. See passing locations.

hand weapon – A hand weapon is anyEquipment card (or card “used asequipment”) which is identified in its title orlore as a phaser, disruptor, blade weapon, orweapon (if it is clear from the lore, game text,and/or image that it is used as a handweapon). Echo Papa 607 Killer Drone andBorg Nanobrobes are not hand weapons.

Handshake – When you play this incident forits first function, the number of cards you havein hand includes the Handshake card.

Harness Particle 010 – This objective doesnot work with Service the Collective orPopulation 9 Billion – All Borg, because itdoes not target a mission (it targets anOmega Particle). However, because theobjective allows scouting of the location, yourBorg may acquire any artifact or card seededlike an artifact if the Survey Drone is presentwhen you complete Harness Particle 010.See doubling.

Hate Crime – See species.Hawk – See nebula.He Will Make An Excellent Drone –

Converting a counterpart to a drone with thisinterrupt (either a Borg pre-assimilatedcounterpart or your opponent’s personnel thatyou assimilated as a counterpart) transformsthe counterpart as if he were being

assimilated as a drone. That is, it retains itsexisting three subcommand icons and itsattributes become 7-7-7. See assimilation –personnel.

headquarters – A kind of facility. When aheadquarters allows a Personnel card to play“here” for free, that personnel must reportinside the headquarters (as with normalreporting using your card play). The term“here” applies to the free play of HQ cards,which can play anywhere at the location (e.g.,on the homeworld, or on a personnel aboard aship or facility at the homeworld).

helps – A personnel helps solve a mission orhelps complete an objective if he activelycontributes a skill, attribute, or characteristicrequired by the mission or objective. Justbeing in the Away Team or crew is not“helping.”

here – In the context of a specific site, the word“here” (or “there”) means at that site. In thecontext of a spaceline location or timelinelocation, it means anywhere at that location(e.g., on the planet, aboard a ship in orbit, on afacility there). See headquarters.

Hero of the Empire – The mission pointadjustments from this objective apply to allmissions completed during that game, eventhose completed before the timelinedisruption. Because the mission points arechanged, the adjustments are non-bonuspoints. See objective, mission.

hidden agenda [HA]– Cards with this iconrepresent secret objectives or otherclandestine strategies. When you seed or playsuch a card, announce it as a hidden agendacard and place it face down on the table,normally without showing it to your opponent(if downloaded or played for free, e.g., using Qthe Referee, the card must be shown forverification purposes). This counts as your turnduring that seed phase, or as your normalcard play, as appropriate. While face down, itis not in play, its identity is concealed, and it isimmune to general-use cards (e.g., KevinUxbridge).You may activate a hidden agenda card byturning it face up at any time, between otheractions or as a valid response to anotheraction (see actions – step 2: responses).Activating a hidden agenda does not suspendplay. (A seeded hidden agenda may not beactivated until after the play phase begins.)This immediately activates the card’s gametext. If there are any conditions specified bythe card, you must meet them at this time (ifyou cannot, you must immediately turn thecard face down again). Once activated, thecard remains face up. When you use a special download [SD] iconto download a hidden agenda card, you mustplay that card to the table, then immediatelyactivate it and follow its game text (targetingsomething at the location of the specialdownload icon if applicable).If you seed or play a card as a hidden agendawhen it does not bear a hidden agenda icon,you lose the game. Upon request, you mustshow any such cards at the end of the gameto verify their status.If a card such as The Line Must Be DrawnHere or Mirror Image is activated in responseto the play of one of the cards affected by it, ittakes effect immediately in reference to thatcard play. For example, if you activate The LineMust Be Drawn Here in response to youropponent playing Kevin Uxbridge, he loses 5points for playing that card (even if is thennullified).

Hidden Fighter – This interrupt downloads aship to your Away Team on a planet surface(outside a facility or landed ship).

Hide and Seek – This Q-icon dilemma/eventcan be used in three different ways:1. Seed it directly under a mission like a

normal dilemma.

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2. Seed it face down on the table as ahidden agenda event.

3. Stock one or more copies in your Q-Continuum side deck; whenever youropponent faces one, you decide whetherit is a dilemma or an event (the latter isplayed face up on table).

The first two uses do not require you to have aQ-Continuum side deck or a seeded Q-Flashdoorway.If you encounter one copy of this card seededunder a mission as a dilemma, and anothercopy during a Q-Flash encountered under thesame mission, both cards have their effect. Asecond copy would be discarded only if bothwere seeded under the mission, or if bothwere encountered during a single Q-Flash.See Q-icon cards.The universal personnel which triggersdiscarding of the dilemma is “stopped.”When your opponent overcomes his own Qdilemma, you activate this card seeded as anevent after he discards the remainingdilemmas, which may be among those youseed under the mission.

Hippocratic Oath – This dilemma may notrelocate across quadrants except when theAid Fugitives mission is in play (in which case,it must relocate there). See movementbetween quadrants. If there is no otherplanet on the spaceline where this dilemma isencountered (and Aid Fugitives is not in play),discard the dilemma for lack of a target planet.To pass this dilemma, the most CUNNINGMEDICAL personnel must be able to relocateto another planet and still have MEDICAL skillafter relocating. If he is unable to meet theseconditions (e.g., a holographic personnelwithout a Mobile Holo-Emitter, or a Borgwhich has MEDICAL skill through skill-sharing), or if there is no MEDICAL present,the Away Team or crew is “stopped” and thedilemma is replaced under the mission. (Youmay not choose to relocate a MEDICAL oflower CUNNING.) If the most CUNNINGMEDICAL is an OFFICER enhanced by aMedical Kit, the Medical Kit must relocate withhim. See quarantine.

Hirogen – An affiliation and a species. Seeaffiliation and species.

His Honor, The High Sheriff Of Nottingham– When you choose the second option on thisQ-icon dilemma (“return a captive to thislocation”), you select one of your personnelheld captive by your opponent to be returnedto the location of your crew or Away Teamwhich encountered the dilemma. The dilemmahas no effect on any of your opponent’spersonnel whom you are holding captive. Seecapturing.

hit – If your ATTACK total is more than youropponent’s DEFENSE total, you score a hiton the target ship. “If you hit” means “if youscore a hit or direct hit.” See battle – ship.

hive – All of one player’s [Borg] affiliation cardsat one location, whether in space, on a planet,aboard a ship or facility, etc.

holodeck – A type of special equipment,found on ships and a few facilities, whichpermits holographic personnel andequipment to be used aboard.

Holodeck Door – This doorway in play on afacility allows your compatible [Holo] cards toreport aboard regardless of quadrant.

holographic personnel and equipment –Holographic [Holo] personnel and equipmentcan only exist aboard ships and facilitiesunless a card such as Holo-projectors allowsit to exist elsewhere; they are deactivated ifthe ship or facility they are aboard does nothave a Holodeck they are allowed to use. (Adeactivated personnel is disabled; adeactivated Equipment card may not be usedin any way.) However, a hologram who iswearing a Mobile Holo-Emitter does not need

a Holodeck and is not confined to ships andfacilities. If their Emitter is removed when theyare not aboard a ship or facility (or on a planetwith Holo-projectors), they are erased(discarded).A hologram is deactivated when reported, andmay be activated on the same or asubsequent turn (if aboard a ship or facilitywith a Holodeck, or wearing a Mobile Holo-Emitter) by any of your “unstopped” personnelpresent (even another active hologram). If yourhologram is later deactivated, it may bereactivated in the same way during one ofyour subsequent turns (not on the same turn itdeactivates).• Death and Destruction: When a holographic

personnel would normally be killed (or aholographic Equipment card would bedestroyed), whether by battle or by a card,they are instead deactivated. (A hologramthat is “discarded” or “erased” goes to thediscard pile.) If a ship or facility is destroyed,any holographic cards aboard arediscarded.

• Dilemmas: If a dilemma (or other card, suchas Escape Pod or Penalty Box) requires ahologram to leave a ship, facility, or planetwith Holo-projectors, without immediatelyboarding another ship or facility, they insteaddeactivate (unless they are wearing a MobileHolo-Emitter).

• Battle: “Holographic safety protocols”normally prevent holograms from killing otherpersonnel. They may stun (but not mortallywound) non-holographic adversaries. If totalSTRENGTH at the end of a battle is entirelyderived from holograms, they may win thebattle but may not kill an opposingpersonnel.

• Assimilation: Borg do not assimilate (ortarget for assimilation) holographicpersonnel. Exclude holographic personnelfrom any selections for abduction orassimilation.

• Capturing: A hologram without a MobileHolo-emitter may be captured if it can berelocated to the opponent’s crew aboard aship or facility at the same location;otherwise it deactivates because the trapcard would remove it from the ship. (Ahologram with a Mobile Holo-emitter iscaptured normally.) See capturing.

Except as noted above, holographic personnelshould be treated exactly like normalpersonnel. They do not require any“supervision” from other personnel whenstaffing ships, attempting missions, etc. Regardless of their appearance or lore, thegameplay species of all holographicpersonnel is “hologram.” Thus, Sumek may notuse a Vulcan Nerve Pinch, nor may Data if a[Holo] icon has been added to him byHoloprogram: 221B Baker Street. Hologramsmay use game text relating to affiliation. Forexample, when in [Hir] mode, Iden may use aHirogen Talon.

Holoprogram: 221B Baker Street – When apersonnel is placed on this incident, yourcopies do not have a [Holo] icon until they arein play; you may not report them as [Holo]personnel (e.g., to a ship with a HolodeckDoor).

Holoprogram: The Office of Dixon Hill – Ifyour opponent chooses the first option whenyou use this incident to request “the item,” andyou cannot legally play the card (or choosenot to), you may not draw a card.

Holo-projectors – Errata:Plays on table. This technology allows yourholographic re-creations to be projected andused on any of your ships or Away Teams.(Immune to Kevin Uxbridge.) Plays on aplanet mission. [Holo] cards may exist on thisplanet.This event, like a Holodeck, allows [Holo]cards to be active on a planet surface or

inside any facility or landed ship on thatplanet. It affects both players’ [Holo] cards. Ifthe event is nullified while [Holo] cards are onthe planet without a Mobile Holo-Emitter, theyare erased. See holographic personnel andequipment.

Holosuite – This site allows only personnelnative to the quadrant to report.

Home Away From Home – See infiltrationicon.

Homefront – This incident has no effect onheadquarters game text allowing seeding orplaying of the headquarters or co-existencewith another facility, or on normal reporting tothe headquarters. A player without 4SECURITY on the planet is prevented onlyfrom using text allowing free card plays andThe Great Link’s text keeping Ketracel-Whitefrom counting down.A SECURITY personnel downloaded with thisincident may not report for free using the textof a headquarters or other card. Your normalcard play is an explicit cost of the download.The personnel must match both the affiliationand universe of the homeworld. See mirroruniverse.

homeworld – Most affiliations have their ownhomeworld, as indicated in the lore of therelevant Mission cards:

Alter Records – “Bajor … Bajoranhomeworld”

Orb Negotiations – “Cardassia Prime …Cardassian homeworld”

Intelligence Operation – “Founders’homeworld ... Dominion homeworld”

Espionage Mission – “Earth … Federationhomeworld”

Deliver Message – “Ferenginar ... Ferengihomeworld”

Expose Covert Supply – “Qo’noS …Klingon homeworld”

Cloaked Mission – “Romulus … Romulanhomeworld”

Disrupt Alliance – “Mirror Universe … Bajor…Bajoran homeworld”

The affiliation “matching a homeworld” (e.g.,for HQ: Secure Homeworld) is the affiliation towhom the homeworld belongs, not theaffiliation(s) whose icons may be printed onthe mission. To match a homeworld affiliation,a personnel or ship must also match thathomeworld’s universe. See mirror universe.Only affiliations have homeworlds. Forexample, Symbiont Diagnosis, Observe Ritual,and Liberation are not homeworlds becauseTrill, Vulcan, and Ocampa are not affiliations.No outposts may be seeded or built on anyhomeworld. Other facilities may beestablished there if the location meets therequirements of the Facility card.

Horga’hn – When you earn this artifact, youmay take another turn immediately followingyour current turn.You “use” the Horga’hn (for purposes of cardssuch as Temporal Narcosis and Writ ofAccountability) each time you choose to takea double turn. You are not required to takedouble turns.

house arrest – Your personnel may mix only ifthey are compatible. If you have personnel ofdifferent affiliations together aboard your shipor facility, and the treaty or other card that ismaking them compatible is nullified, thepersonnel who are incompatible with the shipor facility are placed under house arrest. If allare compatible with the ship or facility, or atthe same site on a Nor, or aboard youropponent’s ship or facility, the minority groupis placed under house arrest. (Incompatiblepersonnel on a planet surface split into twoAway Teams instead.) They remain underhouse arrest until they are transferred to aplanet or to your compatible ship or facility, orthey walk to another site.

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Personnel under house arrest may not staff aship, attempt missions, participate in battle,etc. (See present.) You place under housearrest only cards you control – never youropponent’s intruders, captives, etc.House arrest may also occur when youacquire an incompatible personnel aboard aship (e.g., from a Cryosatellite or The NakedTruth). However, you may not voluntarily placeyour personnel in a house arrest situation. Forexample, without a treaty, you may not report aKlingon to a Romulan Outpost or Romulanheadquarters (or to a Neutral Outpost whereyou have Romulans present), beam yourKlingons aboard your Romulan ship, allowyour Klingons and Romulans to stop at thesame site, report Dr. Telek R’Mor aboard yourKlingon ship, or switch Major Rakal’s affiliationto Federation while she is aboard a Romulanship. See treaties.

HQ: Defensive Measures – For this objective,“attempting” to seed a copy of a missionmeans seeding a copy. For example, if bothyou and your opponent seeded ❖ PatrolNeutral Zone, he may attempt your copy.(Duplicated unique missions which arestacked are always considered “yourmission.”)

HQ: Ferengi Credit Exchange – This incidenthas three separate options: “score 2 points,”“draw one card,” and “place any one card fromdiscard pile beneath draw deck.” You maychoose only one option for each Latinumdiscarded.

HQ: Orbital Weapons Platform – Thisincident may “fire upon” a target even if youdo not have damage markers to place on it(you may not apply rotation damage instead),and may still exclude the target from battle. Itmay “fire upon” an opposing ship that was notparticipating in the attack; that ship becomesinvolved in the battle (and is therefore“stopped” afterward).

HQ: Return Orb to Bajor – The MysteriousOrb may be earned upon encounter by the[Orb] personnel affected by this objective, butit may not be “returned to Bajor” for the carddraw or points, because it cannot be“present” with that personnel on Bajor. Seeencountered, present, stealing.

HQ: Secure Homeworld – See missionattempt.

HTSBEG – Holographic Tal Shiar Barberingand Engineering Guild. Covert intelligenceagency jointly operated by Romulans, Bolians,and disguised quantum singularity lifeforms.Rumored to have infiltrated Sector 001Headquarters and to have significant influenceon expansion plans in the quadrant. Recentlyscored a major coup by gaining control ofcommunications and intelligence.

Hugh – This interrupt nullifies the attack of theBorg Ship dilemma (for the rest of the turn),not the Borg Ship dilemma itself. All cardstargeted by the cancelled attack are“stopped.” See battle.

HULL integrity – If a ship or facility (or theBorg Ship dilemma) has its HULL integrityreduced to 0, it is destroyed. See damage.

human – See species, timeline disruption.Hunter Gangs – See zero, dilemma

resolution – Targets.Husnock Outpost – You may seed more than

one of these outposts at separate missions,but you may not build any additional onesduring the game.

Hyper-Aging – See quarantine.I Do Not Take Orders From You! – This

interrupt cannot be used to kill Rogue Borg.I.K.C. Bortas – Revised lore:

Flagship commanded by Gowron during theKlingon Civil War of 2367-68.

I.K.C. T’Ong – This ship can report to anyspaceline end, in any quadrant. It may report

to a facility only if located at a spaceline end.The report with up to three personnel is not areport with crew action (full staffing is notrequired, and no equipment may report).

icons – In this Glossary, icons are representedby text in square brackets. Most iconabbreviations are listed in Appendix B; aseparate full-color icon identification sheet isalso available on

icons in game text – Game text may use anicon to refer to a trait of another card, such asa [Fed] personnel or a [Ref] card. Such areference always refers to an icon in its normallocation on a card, not to an icon within gametext. For example, Q the Referee allows a [Ref]card to play for free, meaning any cardidentified by the [Ref] icon in its title bar (orwith the icon added by Q the Referee). Saavikand Chula: Crossroads are not [Ref] cards,even though they have the [Ref] icon in theirgame text.

Iconia Investigation – Revised lore:Neutral Zone Region • Iconia

immune – If a card is immune to another card,it may not be affected by that card in any way.For example:• An Event card that is “immune to Kevin

Uxbridge” may not be nullified by KevinUxbridge.

• When Adapt: Modulate Shields is played ona Vidiian Harvester, your Borg may not bestunned or mortally wounded using thatweapon, and it may not be be used toharvest their organs with Organ Theft.

Impersonate Captive – See skills –modifying.

impersonator – See persona, infiltrationicon.

implant card – This phrase, used onAssimilation Table, refers to any card with theword “implant” in the title, such as OpticalImplants.

Impose Order – After this mission has beensolved, non-Borg players can “steal” its pointsback and forth from each other (slide theMission card toward whomever stole thepoints last).

Impressive Trophies – See selections,showing your cards.

in orbit – A ship is in orbit or orbiting a planetwhen it is in space, undocked, at a planetlocation. A docked ship is not considered tobe in orbit even if the facility is orbiting aplanet.

in place of a card draw – See card place of normal card play - See card play – A card is “in play” if it

• has been played or seeded face up; or• has been exchanged for a card already in

play; or• has been activated by turning it face up

(hidden agendas); or• has been encountered like a dilemma or

during a Q-Flash; or• has been earned or acquired like an artifact

(unless placed in the hand for later play);AND it has not left play.A card in play may leave play by beingdiscarded (to the discard pile, bonus pointarea, The Next Emanation, etc.), placed out-of-play, re-seeded (e.g., with Q-Type Android),relocated as a marker (e.g., a completedobjective such as Assimilate Homeworld), orreturned to a player’s hand, draw deck, or sidedeck; it is then no longer “in play.” (A cardsuch as Jem’Hadar Shrouding may alsospecify that certain cards are not in play.) Anycards placed on (or under) or played on (oraboard) that card are treated likewise (exceptcards which are exchanged for a card in handor replaced by another card, and cards whichare protected from Borg timeline disruption;see exchanging cards, Stop First Contact).

Thus, a Personnel card is “in play” whetherreported for duty, exchanged for anotherpersona version, or recovered from an earnedCryosatellite. The personnel aboard aCryosatellite are not “in play” until theCryosatellite is earned and the personnelcome aboard the ship. Personnel who arecaptured, in a Penalty Box, under The Nexus,“held” by a dilemma, or “lost” to Thine OwnSelf, are still in play. Game text may say that a Personnel cardplaced in the point area is in play foruniqueness only – if non-universal, you maynot report another copy of that personnel (oranother version of that persona). Cards instasis or in a Temporal Rift or Time TravelPod are also considered in play foruniqueness only. The skills and other featuresof such cards may not be used. For example,Kai Opaka placed in your bonus point areawith Duranja does not prevent Orb artifactsfrom being nullified; while in a Temporal Rift,10 and 01 cannot nullify Computer Crash andThe Emissary does not enhance theINTEGRITY of Bajorans in play. However, youmay not play another copy of Kai Opaka, 10and 01, or The Emissary (or any other versionof the Benjamin Sisko persona) under theseconditions.When a personnel or ship leaves play, allprevious effects on that card are cancelled(except use of a once per game function). Ifthe same card is reported again, treat it as if itwere a new copy of the card being reported.For example, replayed cards are “unstopped,”a ship is undamaged and any RANGE usedthis turn is restored, a personnel is no longeraffected by Frame of Mind, and one who hasalready “walked” this turn can walk again.When an effect depends on another card “inplay” or when another term not specifying“present,” “with,” or “location” is used, it maybenefit from either player’s card (unless “your”or “opponent’s” is specified, as with RessikanFlute or Flaxian Assassin). Examples:• Your opponent’s Kareen Brianon enhances

your Ira Graves’ skills.• Your K’nera scores points if either player’s

Korris or Konmel is killed in battle.Disabled cards and cards in play foruniqueness only cannot trigger such effects.

In the Zone – For this incident, the points youscore during a turn are the net total of positiveand negative points scored. The points thatdo not count toward winning are the lastpositive points scored during a turn in whichyou score more than 50 points. For example:• You complete a mission for 45 points. Later

that same turn, you complete a Cytheriansdilemma for 15 points, for a total of 60points. 10 of the 15 Cytherians points donot count toward winning.

• Reversing the previous example, youcomplete a Cytherians dilemma and thensolve a 45-point mission on the same turn.10 of the mission points do not counttoward winning.

• Continuing the second example, you thenscore -5 points from The Higher... The Fewerin the same turn. You now have a net total of55 points; 5 of the mission points do notcount toward winning.

The effects of In the Zone, Intermix Ratio,and Altonian Brain Teaser are independent;each one could affect the same points. If youare affected by more than one of these cards,evaluate your points that count towardwinning for each card separately; the lowesttotal is your current “points that count towardwinning.” Example:• You are affected by both Intermix Ratio and

In the Zone. You solve a mission for 30points and earn a Ressikan Flute with 9Music personnel in play. Your actual score is75. For In the Zone, 25 Ressikan Flutepoints do not count toward winning, for a

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“winning score” of 50. For Intermix Ratio, 15points do not count towards winning, for a“winning score” of 60. In the Zone thuslimits you to 50 points counting towardwinning.

• Next turn you score 15 bonus points for atotal score of 90. For In the Zone, 25 pointsstill do not count toward winning, for a“winning score” of 65. For Intermix Ratio, 30bonus points do not count toward winning,for a “winning score” of 60. Now IntermixRatio is the card that limits your score to 60points toward winning.

incident – A card type similar to an Event card.It may play on and affect another card, or mayplay on the table to have a widespread effecton various aspects of the game. Mostincidents have a lasting effect (unless the cardis nullified or discarded according to its gametext). A seedable incident may be seededduring any seed phase unless otherwisespecified. Playing an Incident card uses yournormal card play.

Incoming Message – Federation, etc. – Seeoutpost.

Incoming Message: Attack Authorization –If you use this interrupt to attack your ownship when using a Battle Bridge side deck,you may draw and use a current tactic. Thesingle current tactic applies to both theattacking and defending ships. However, ifeither of your ships is damaged, damage isapplied as usual from your opponent’s BattleBridge side deck (or rotation damage if he hasno side deck). See battle – ship.

infiltration icon <Fed> <Klg> <Rom> <Baj><Dom> – Your personnel who has a diamond-shaped infiltration icon may infiltrate youropponent’s cards, if your opponent is playingthat affiliation, in one of two ways:• It may report to your opponent’s side of the

table, to a compatible facility (regardless ofquadrant); or

• It may report for duty normally, and infiltratelater in the game, during either player’s turn,if present with an opponent’s crew or AwayTeam compatible with that affiliation.

If your opponent is not playing that affiliation,you may not infiltrate his cards with thatpersonnel. See playing an affiliation.When your personnel starts infiltrating, itsaffiliation changes to match that of theinfiltration icon and it becomes an infiltrator.• The infiltrator is part of your opponent’s

crew or Away Team, but is still under yourcontrol. For example, your opponent may nottreat the infiltrator as “his personnel” tobenefit from his hand weapons. (Yourinfiltrator may not take your equipment intoyour opponent’s Away Team.)

• Your opponent may not treat your infiltratoras an intruder (e.g., his cards cannot initiatebattle against your infiltrator, and vice versa).However, you may treat your infiltrator as anintruder for cards such as The Walls HaveEars.

• Whenever any of the opponent’s personnelpresent take any action (e.g., beam, attempta mission, initiate a personnel battle), yourinfiltrator may choose whether or not toparticipate (or to contribute to ship staffingrequirements). He may also moveindependently, during your opponent’s turn,by beaming, walking, etc. He may controlthe opponent’s transporters and SHIELDSlong enough to move or beam himself to,from, or between your opponent’s ships,facilities, etc. He may not take any otheractions unless specifically allowed by acard.

Your infiltrator stops infiltrating if he is“exposed” during either player’s turn, eithervoluntarily; by a card such as Caught Red-Handed; by being present with any true ormirror version of the persona he or she isimpersonating; or by returning to your own

crew or Away Team. When exposed, thatpersonnel reverts to its previous affiliation andis no longer an infiltrator; if aboard theopponent’s ship or facility, he becomes anintruder. He cannot infiltrate again until afterbeing away from (not present with) all of theopponent’s personnel.If an incompatibility situation arises where yourinfiltrator would be placed under house arrestby your opponent, the infiltrator may choose tobe exposed instead.

infiltrator – A personnel with an infiltrationicon is not an infiltrator unless he is actuallyinfiltrating the opponent’s cards. A personnelwho is infiltrating cannot oppose theopponent’s cards unless allowed by a card.Mirror versions of personnel are notimpersonators or infiltrators. See persona –Mirror versions.

insert into spaceline – When a card isallowed to be inserted into the spaceline, itmay be placed at either end of the spacelineor between two cards already on thespaceline.

Intercept Maquis – See WEAPONS.interceptor – Some ships of this class have a

variable RANGE. For example, Bajoran andAlliance Interceptors have RANGE 5+X,where X=4 if moving within a region.When you move one of these ships from alocation in a region of space to anotherlocation in the same region, without “flyingpast” any location that is not part of the region(e.g., an inserted ❖ Space), your maximumavailable RANGE is 9 (less any RANGEalready used that turn). At all other times(including when the ship is not moving), yourmaximum RANGE is 5, less the RANGE usedthat turn.Thus, when moving from Kressari Rendezvous(Cardassia Region, span 2) to EstablishStation (no region, span 5), your RANGE is 5and will be exhausted by the move. Whenmoving in the other direction, your RANGE isalso 5, and at the end of the move yourremaining RANGE is 3. If you then make aseparate move from Kressari Rendezvous tothe adjacent Orb Negotiations (CardassiaRegion, span 4), your RANGE at the start ofthe move will be 7 (9 - 2 used), and at the endyour remaining RANGE will be 3 (for furthermoving within the region).Rebel Interceptor work the same way exceptRANGE is 6+X and X=3 if moving within aregion.Some interceptors also have the ability to takeoff or land once each turn. If another cardallows the ship to land or take off, it does notuse up the one landing or takeoff per turnallowed by the ship’s own game text. Forexample, if Establish Landing Protocols is inplay, the ship may land or take off once perturn using its own text, and land or take offonce more per turn using the event’s text (andusing 1 RANGE).

Interlink Drone (Nine of Eleven) – Thispersonnel enables skill-sharing within a hive.

Intermix Ratio – This event prevents bonuspoints in excess of your non-bonus pointsfrom counting toward a winning score (butdoes not cancel them). See points, In theZone. Example:You have 20 non-bonus points and 80 bonuspoints. 80:20 is greater than a 1:1 ratio, sothe excess 60 bonus points do not counttoward winning. A total of 40 points (20 non-bonus + 20 bonus) count toward winning.However, if you encountered the Dead Enddilemma, you would pass it, because youactually have 100 points.If you score another 30 non-bonus points, younow have 50 non-bonus points and 80 bonuspoints. The excess is now only 30 points, and50 of the bonus points count toward winning,so you win with 100 points.

Your bonus point total is the total of yourpositive and negative bonus points; e.g., if youhave 45 bonus points and then lose 10 pointsto Edo Probe, your bonus point total is 35. Ifyour bonus point total is negative, you have no“excess bonus points” and the ratio will benegative (less than 1:1), so Intermix Ratio hasno effect on your score.

Interrogation – You do not lose any pointsalready scored with this event if theinterrogated personnel is rescued. Forexample, if on three successive turns youropponent answers “Four,” “Four,” and “Five,”you score a total of 12 points (1+1+10) andthen return the captive to your opponent’soutpost. See Madred, outpost.

interrupt – A card type which generally has atemporary impact on the game, and is thendiscarded (though a few remain in playpermanently or until a countdown hasexpired). An interrupt does not use yournormal card play. You may play as manyinterrupts as you like, during either player’sturn, and at any time between other actions.Some Interrupt cards specify that theyrespond directly to another action, allowingthem to literally “interrupt” that action (forexample, to nullify it). See actions –interrupting.

Into the Breach – Because all damage isresolved as a group, this Q-icon event will notrepair a ship that has received enoughdamage to destroy it. It does not affect [Borg]ships or the Borg Ship dilemma.

intruder – Your personnel aboard a ship orfacility controlled by your opponent is both anAway Team member and an intruder. RogueBorg interrupts aboard any ship or facility arealso intruders (unless Lore Returns makesthem its crew). Intruders cannot attempt orscout missions.

Intruder Alert! – Activating this incident is nota valid response to the play of Rogue Borg.See hidden agenda, Intruder Force Field,protecting cards.

Intruder Force Field – When this event“reverses Telepathic Alien Kidnappersaffecting you,” interpret your opponent’sTelepathic Alien Kidnappers as though youhad played it. That is, you now guess a cardtype at the end of each of your turns and pointto a card in your opponent’s hand. Only onecopy may affect Telepathic Alien Kidnapperseach turn (the copy played by the opponent ofthe player using Telepathic Alien Kidnappers).See cumulative.This event disables Rogue Borg unless thereare at least three aboard your ship. This effectmay be extended to personnel intruders withIntruder Alert!

invalid card plays – See actions – step 2:responses.

Invasive Beam-In – See landed ship,Transporter Skill.

invasive transporters – A type of ship’sspecial equipment. It has no built-in functions,but is activated by the Invasive Beam-in card.

Investigate Incursion – This mission is worthextra points if an appropriate Borg-relatedcard is at that spaceline location when themission is solved. See report with crew.

Investigate Legend – When Aldea, the planetrepresented on this mission, is cloaked, cardsmay not beam to or from the planet and shipsmay not land or take off. Iconian Gateways,Dimensional Shifting, Love Interests, and othersuch forms of movement function normally.Turn the Mission card face down when itcloaks. The mission acts like a cloaked ship interms of interactions with the “outside world.”(See cloaking and phasing.) For example,the mission may be attempted or scoutedwhile cloaked by an Away Team already on theplanet; you may probe to assimilate the planetwhile it is cloaked if you have Borg on theplanet surface (but not if all your Borg at the

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location are on a ship in orbit). An outpost atthis location is located in space and thus isnot cloaked. See points.The 2 Youth discarded to solve this missioncan be part of the 3 Youth used to fulfill thefirst part of the mission requirements.You may score a maximum of 15 points fromAssign Mission Specialists, even if you solvewith five different Youth mission specialists.Discarding a personnel card does not use itsskill.

Investigate Shattered Space – Revised lore:Neutral Zone Region • Near Neutral Zone

Investigate Time Continuum – To completethis mission using the Time Travel Pod, youmust play it as an interrupt on the mission anddiscard it.

Isabella –This interrupt does not affect [Borg]ships. The ship is destroyed at the end of thenext turn of the player who plays the interrupt.See nebula.

Ishka – See skills – modifying.Isolytic Burst – When this tactic is your

current tactic and you hit your target, thecurrent tactic is placed as the first damagemarker. It kills one personnel with its damagetext, plus an additional personnel according toits game text. Additional copies placed asdamage markers take only one casualty.

Issue is Patriotism, The – This Q-iconinterrupt forces you to initiate a battle only ifopposing ships or Away Teams are alreadypresent together at any location; if not, discardthe interrupt without effect. You are notrequired or allowed to move a ship orpersonnel to another location in order toinitiate battle. “Opposing Away Teams” mayinclude any two groups of opposingpersonnel, whether crew or Away Team.

Issue Secret Orders – This objective requiresthe owner of the ship and crew to use them tomove to and attempt the targeted mission. Theinfiltrator’s owner does not control the shipand crew. See actions – required.The opponent must attempt the missiontargeted by this objective “if possible.” Thatmeans the mission must be attemptable bythe opponent’s affiliation and must not havebeen made unattemptable (e.g., with I Tried ToWarn You).In general, the entire crew must participate inthe attempt. However, affiliated personnelcannot be forced to beam to Qualor IIRendezous; since they would be placed instasis upon beamdown, it is not possible forthose personnel to attempt this mission.

Jake and Nog – This dual-personnel cardcannot probe for Visit Cochrane Memorialbecause it contains only one human withENGINEER x1/2. The other “halfENGINEER” is Ferengi species. However,they could build a Ferengi Trading Post if inFerengi mode, because together they haveone Ferengi-affiliation ENGINEER skill. Seeskills.

James T. Kirk – See Captain’s Order, helps.Ja’rod – See skills.Jean-Luc Picard (First Contact) – This

personnel is not Borg.Jem’Hadar – See ketracel-white icon.Jem’Hadar Warship – This ship may not carry

any other ship unless a card specifically allowsit (such as Engage Shuttle Operations:Dominion).

Juliana Tainer – This personnel is unaware thatshe is an android. She becomes aware if sheis in a situation which either requires anandroid (and no other androids are present) ortreats androids differently from regularpersonnel. Once she becomes aware, she canuse her full CUNNING and STRENGTH butis “stopped” for the rest of that turn. Cardsthat affect androids affect her (making heraware) even if she is unaware that she is an

android. For example, she becomes Non-Aligned when Lore’s Fingernail is in play.

“just” – See actions – “just”.just encountered – See actions – step 1:

initiation.just initiated – See actions – step 1:

initiation.just played – A card has been “just played”

when the card play has been initiated, butbefore it has its results. See actions – step 1:initiation.

Kahlest – This personnel’s special skill workson herself as well as on others, giving her aSTRENGTH of 6.

Kahn – See any, does not work with, playingan affiliation.

Kai Winn – See characteristics.Kal-Toh – See verification.Kazon – An affiliation and a species. The

Kazon affiliation is composed of differentsects, such as Kazon-Nistrim and Kazon-Ogla.The sects represent factions of the affiliation,not different species, e.g. Culluh and Kardenbelong to different sects, but are both Kazonspecies, while Seska (in Kazon affiliationmode) is a member of the Kazon-Nistrim sectbut Cardassian species. See battle –affiliation restrictions, affiliation andspecies.

Kazon Collective, The – This incident’s gametext, allowing mixing with an additionalaffiliation, is active as soon as it is seeded. Youdo not have to declare a specific affiliation tomix with, or change it as a game action.

K’chiQ – This personnel cannot select a skillwhen recovered from a Cryosatellite, becauseshe is not reporting for duty. At the start ofyour next turn you may change her “no skill” toany regular skill. See report.

Keldon Advanced – See attributeenhancement, skills – using.

Ketracel-White – This Equipment cardprevents the White Deprivation incident fromaffecting [KW] personnel. It has a countdownicon [3] which counts down only if any [KW]personnel are present with the equipment(even if White Deprivation is not in play). If no[KW] personnel are present, all Ketracel-White cards stay at their current count. Unlessrationed by a Vorta, all Ketracel-White cardspresent with any number of [KW] personnelcount down at the end of each of your turns.For example, three Ketracel-White cards willall count down at the end of your turn,whether you have one [KW] personnelpresent or ten. At the end of the countdown, aKetracel-White card self-nullifies and isdiscarded.Rationing: If your Vorta is present with multipleKetracel-White cards and at least one [KW]personnel at the end of your turn, he may“ration” them so only one counts down. Selectone card to count down (turn it 90 degrees).The rest stay at their current count. You mayselect a different card each turn, leaving onecountdown for each card “unused” so thecard is not discarded. If you let any card countdown for three turns, it self-nullifies and isdiscarded as usual.Resetting: Primary Supply Depot and RemoteSupply Depot both “reset” countdowns ofKetracel-White aboard. You must carry orbeam unexpired cards from your ship to theoutpost to reset the countdowns. Whileaboard the outpost, they count down normallyat the end of your turn (if a [KW] personnel ispresent) but immediately reset.

ketracel-white icon [KW] – This icon on apersonnel card indicates a dependence uponthe isogenic enzyme known as “the white.” Ifany player has White Deprivation in play, your[KW] personnel will battle and die at the startof each of your turns according to thatincident’s game text, unless prevented byKetracel-White cards present.

Kevin Uxbridge – Errata:Destroys Nullifies any one Event card in play(except for Treaty cards) OR any one artifactother card played in play as an Event card.This interrupt may be played as a response tothe play or activation of an event.

Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence – Thisinterrupt nullifies all unprotected events at thespaceline location where it is played. It maybe nullified by Q2. See card titles, cardtypes.

Khitomer Research – Errata: (Affiliation icons): [Rom] [Klg]

killed – See discarding.Kira Nerys – This personnel’s fourth skill is

Navigation x2 and she is a former member ofthe Shakaar resistance cell. The Reflectionsfoil version is misprinted (“Navigation” and“Skakaar”).

Kivas Fajo – “NO INTEGRITY” on thispersonnel is an undefined attribute.An “unduplicated artifact” is one that is notduplicated anywhere in play. An artifact justearned is not present unless it joins the crewor Away Team. Making “parallel use ofopponent’s Palor Toff” means that each timeyour opponent plays Palor Toff – Alien Trader,you must also use that card’s game text, ifpossible (i.e., you must retrieve a non-Personnel card from your own discard pile). ACountermanda suspending your opponent’sPalor Toff does not affect your discard pile.

Klaestron Outpost – This outpost does notprovide a built-in treaty, nor does it require atreaty for use. Like all multi-affiliation cards,you must declare its affiliation when seeded orplayed (at a mission bearing that affiliationicon), and may switch the affiliation as a gameaction during play. At any time, personnelaboard and ships docked at the outpost mustbe compatible with the outpost’s currentaffiliation.

Klingon – An affiliation and a species. Seeaffiliation and species, battle – affiliationrestrictions.

Klingon/Cardassian Alliance icon [KCA] –This icon indicates members of the dominantmirror universe power in the 24th century. It isa special staffing icon, and also has otheruses defined by cards.

Klingon Civil War – Points scored with thisevent are based on the printed values ofWEAPONS and SHIELDS on the Ship cardsdestroyed. No modifiers are applied.

Klingon Death Yell – Either player may playthis interrupt when any Klingon with Honordies, subject to normal timing rules. You donot need to actually yell to score the points.

❖ Klingon Outpost – See outpost.Klingon Painstik – If this interrupt is played to

prevent a unique personnel from beingreported for duty again, it prevents reportingof any instance of that persona. Becausepersona replacement and morphing of oneFounder into another are not reporting forduty, this interrupt will not prevent suchexchanges from taking place.

Kova Tholl – Like all cards with a point box,this personnel is placed in your bonus pointarea if you score the points, and thus cannotbe retrieved and replayed. You may playanother copy.Retaliation against an opponent’s attack mayinclude returning fire (see battle – ship),attempting to kill opposing personnel (e.g., byplaying Phaser Burns or choosing to mortallywound an adversary; see battle – personnel),and counter-attacking on your next turn (seebattle). If you return fire or attempt to killopposing personnel during the battle, you maynot score Kova Tholl’s points. Once you scorethe points, you may not counter-attack.

Kressari Rendezvous – See discarding.

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Kurlan Naiskos – This artifact requires theoriginal seven personnel types (OFFICER,ENGINEER, SCIENCE, MEDICAL,SECURITY, CIVILIAN, and V.I.P.). Seeattribute modifiers.

La Forge Maneuver – “If the next action is anattack against that ship” refers to the nextaction of the player who played this interrupt(or to an attack by a Borg Ship dilemma). Ifyour opponent takes an action immediatelyafter you play La Forge Maneuver on his ship,it does not cancel La Forge Maneuver’s effect.

Lack of Preparation – On this dilemma, “Non-Borg” and “Borg” refer to the player, who is“playing a non-Borg affiliation” or “playingBorg affiliation.” For a Borg player, the threerequired subcommand icons may be providedby one or more personnel. For example, theBorg Queen can overcome this dilemma. Seeplaying Borg.To get past this dilemma, the non-Borg playermust have been able to meet the missionrequirements when the current missionattempt began (not when the mission wasfirst attempted).

Lal – See report, skills – modifying.landed ships – A ship may not land unless

allowed by its own text (e.g., Vulcan Lander) orthat of another card (e.g., Engage ShuttleOperations, Establish Landing Protocols).Landing and taking off use RANGE only ifspecified by the card allowing it to land. Forexample, the Vulcan Lander uses 1 RANGE toland or take off; the Bajoran Interceptor usesnone. See carried ships.Unless a card (such as Orbital Bombardmentor Breen CRM114) explicitly allows it, alanded ship may not attack or be attacked bya ship in orbit, and also may not attack or beattacked by an Away Team. A landed ship maynot be targeted by any card that targets aship, unless the card specifically allows it totarget a landed ship. Thus, landed ships areimmune to cards such as Temporal Rift, Lossof Orbital Stability, Wormholes, Warp CoreBreach, Magic Carpet Ride OCD, RogueBorg Mercenaries, etc. Cards may beam to and from a landed shipeven if a card (such as Invasive Transportersor Transport Drone) is required to enable thetransport. Such cards do not target a ship butsimply allow beaming through SHIELDS.Cards may report aboard a landed ship (ifreporting is allowed by card text).

Lansor – When this personnel reports (or isseeded face up at an outpost in Warp Speedplay), you may download Marika and/orP’Chan if each is not already in play. You mustdiscard Lansor at the end of any player’s turnunless both Marika and P’Chan are in play.Either player’s Marika or P’Chan in playprevents a download and keeps Lansor frombeing discarded. Marika’s and P’Chan’s skillsand restrictions work similarly.

Latinum Payoff – Revised text:Plays if Greed aboard your ship when itdestroys another ship in battle (once perdestroyed ship). X=3 for each OFFICERaboard destroyed ship.

launching ships – See carried ships.Launch Portal – This doorway allows you to

launch any carried ships at the time you playthe doorway, even without Engage ShuttleOperations in play. It may download EngageShuttle Operations: Dominion. See cardtitles, characteristics. It does not allow you tobreak a quarantine.When this doorway is played during a spacemission attempt to launch some or all of thecrew on a different ship, the ship with thelarger crew must continue the mission attempt(owner’s choice if tied), if possible.

leader – A leader for battle (or for a cardreferring to a leader) is any personnel withLeadership skill or with OFFICER skill or

classification; or any personnel allowed by acard to act as a leader (e.g., Prepare AssaultTeams). Being a leader does not conferLeadership skill on a personnel. A personnelsuch as Lon Suder who is allowed to initiatebattle is not a leader.The Borg affiliation may not use a leaderinstead of a [Def] personnel to initiate battle.However, for cards that specifically require aleader, the Borg must use a leader as definedabove.

leaving play – See in play.Line Must Be Drawn Here, The – See

hidden agenda.Li’seria – See Son’a ships.Live Long and Prosper – If this interrupt

returns to your hand a personnel who scorespoints upon dying (e.g., Aamin Marritza), youdo not score the points.

location – There are two kinds of locations:spaceline locations (e.g., missions andBajoran Wormhole) and timeline locations(e.g., Montana Missile Complex). Site cardsare not “locations” for gameplay purposes. Acard that refers specifically to spacelinelocations (e.g., The Traveler) does not includetime locations, and vice versa.Locations may be planet [P], space [S], or“unspecified type” (created by cards such asBajoran Wormhole, Black Hole, Gaps inNormal Space, or Supernova).Cards may be “at the same location,” whetherin space, aboard one or more ships, facilities,or sites, on a planet, in an Escape Pod, etc.(Cards seeded face down cannot affect or beaffected by other cards at the same locationuntil encountered or earned, or unless a cardexplicitly allows interaction with a seededcard.) Unless otherwise specified, thisdefinition includes both players’ ships andpersonnel, and no treaties are required forcards to be “at the same location.” Seepresent, here. Examples:• Zalkonian Vessel will kill either player’s John

Doe.• Ves Alkar can gain Diplomacy from an

opponent’s female Empath.• The two leaders for Arbiter of Succession

may belong to either or both players.Locutus’ Borg Cube – See Borg Cube.Locutus of Borg – See counterpart.Lon Suder – This personnel’s special skill

allows him to initiate a personnel battle inplace of a leader.

long-term effects – A long-term effect (on apersonnel or ship) is one that lasts until theend of the turn or longer, or until cured ornullified. Examples are Brain Drain and REMFatigue Hallucinations. The death of apersonnel is not considered a long-termeffect. See discarding.

Long-Range Scan Shielding – A type ofship’s special equipment which renders aship immune to Long-Range Scan.

lore – This text, appearing on many card types,presents background information about thecharacters, ships, and other elements of theStar Trek universe. Lore sometimes containsterms that are relevant to gameplay, such aspersona identification, matching commanderinformation, species, ranks and titles, etc.However, mention in the lore of a term whichis the name of a skill (such as Tal Shiar) doesnot confer that skill on a personnel and doesnot satisfy a requirement for that skill. Seeskills – using, characteristics.

Lore – When either player has this personnel isin play, the STRENGTH of every Rogue Borgin play is doubled, and all numerical featuresof all Crystalline Entity dilemmas seeded orencountered by either player are doubled (seedilemma resolution). Two Lores in play donot quadruple Rogue Borg and CrystallineEntities. However, Lore and Crosis may each

double the STRENGTH of the same RogueBorg. See Rogue Borg Mercenaries,cumulative.Lore’s nemesis is Dr. Soong, Data (FirstContact), and/or Data and Geordi (dual-personnel card). See nemesis icon.

Lore Returns – When you play this event on aship, your Rogue Borg take control of(commandeer) that ship. They may move it andinitiate battles regardless of staffing or leaderrequirements. The use of the name “Lore” inthe game text is a reference to the event itself,not to the Lore personnel card.

Lore’s Fingernail – This event allows anyandroid to report for duty as Non-Aligned. Forexample, with Lore’s Fingernail in play you mayreport Data to an outpost after Earth has beenassimilated. See loses affiliation, Stop FirstContact, Juliana Tainer.

lose the game – You may lose the gameaccording to card text (e.g., Writ ofAccountability, Devidian Door, Beyond theSubatomic) or if you seed or play a card as ahidden agenda when it does not have thaticon. In each case (in a tournament), youreceive a score of 0 (–100); your opponentreceives a score of 2 (+100). If both playerslose a game in this manner (e.g., one fails toshow a Devidian Door and the other loses toWrit of Accountability), the game is scored asa true tie.

loses affiliation – This phrase on a card (suchas Memory Wipe) means that conceptually thecard’s affiliation icon(s) are replaced by the[NA] icon.

losing battle – See battle – personnel, battle– ship.

Loss of Orbital Stability – A landed ship ordocked ship is immune to this interrupt. Seein orbit.

Lumba – This personnel is male (he justappears female). See skills – modifying.

Madam Pulaski – This personnel’s special skillgives you additional points for each uniquemission you solve which was seeded by bothplayers (i.e., both players seeded a copy of thesame mission), not all unique missions seededby either player. She must be in play when themission is solved (but need not be present).

Madred – This personnel does not haveObsidian Order skill. See lore, skills – using,Non-Aligned.This personnel may add 1 to Interrogation orTorture only when Madred and the captive areboth aboard the same outpost. If he adds 1 toInterrogation, you score 2 points each timeyour opponent resists interrogation, and 11points if he complies and you return thecaptive to him. If he adds 1 to Torture, youropponent loses 1 extra point each turn (thepoint box reads –7; if Madred “adds 1” foreach of the three turns of the countdown, youropponent loses a total of 10 points).

Magic Carpet Ride OCD – This artifact mayrelocate a docked (but not landed) ship at itslocation. If the ship is docked at its opponent’sNor, its crew disembarked on the Nor are anAway Team and subject to relocation with theship. Any Away Teams associated with theship are relocated to the planet surface at thenew location. See Away Team and crew.The owner of this artifact must use its gametext immediately upon either player earning oracquiring the artifact. If there is no ship at thelocation to relocate, or if he chooses not to doso, the artifact is discarded.

Major Rakal – Errata (lore):Physically altered, the half-Betazoid, half-human Deanna Troi was coerced to assumethe identity of a Tal Shiar major in the 2369M’ret defection plot.This personnel retains her [AU] icon. Herattribute adjustments in Federation mode are aspecial skill. See Assign Support Personnel.

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Makbar – See dilemma resolution.Make It So – This incident does not restore a

ship’s RANGE when it “unstops” the ship andcrew.

Make Us Go – The ENGINEER who passesthis dilemma is relocated from the ship orplanet (even though at the same location). Hemay not use or share skills. See quarantine. Ifthe dilemma is cured, the ENGINEER returnsto the crew or Away Team that cures it (notnecessarily to where it was encountered).

Mandarin Bailiff – You may “post bail” for thisQ-icon dilemma by transferring points to youropponent even if your score is zero or less.This will give you a negative score.“Transferring points” means that you losepoints, while your opponent gains points.

Manheim’s Dimensional Door – When thisdoorway allows a card to be played during a“temporal hiccup,” that card may itself besuspended and allow another card to beplayed, and so on. It is suggested that youtake the suspended cards and put them in astack. When no more temporal hiccups occur,resolve the suspended cards in order from thetop of the stack to the bottom. Each card playmay be responded to normally, and a card maybe played that affects an earlier, suspendedcard play. See actions – step 2: responses.Example:1. I play K’chiQ. You show a K’chiQ from

hand; mine is suspended.2. You play Palor Toff. I show a Palor Toff;

yours is suspended.3. I play Q’s Tent. You show a Q’s Tent; mine

is suspended.4. You play Q’s Tent (the same one you

showed earlier). I show no Q’s Tent (myoriginal one has been set aside and is notin my hand), so the card plays start toresolve.

5. Your Q’s Tent resolves; you retrieve WrongDoor from your Tent.

6. I attempt to resolve my Q’s Tent, but yourespond with Wrong Door. I play AmandaRogers to nullify your Wrong Door. My Q’sTent resolves and I retrieve aCountermanda.

7. You attempt to resolve Palor Toff. I playCountermanda, suspend your Palor Toff,and take three cards out of your discardpile. Your Palor Toff resolves; if no cardremains to retrieve, simply discard PalorToff.

8. My K’chiQ resolves and reports for duty.Treat this doorway as if it read, “...wheneverany player has a card in hand matching onejust played face up by opponent...” Thus, youmay not use the Manheim effect when ahidden agenda is played (because it must beplayed face down, and is immune to “generaluse cards”) or activated (because it was not“just played”). A “matching” card is a copy.

Marika – See Lansor.Martia – See shape-shifter.Martok – Revised text:

[SD] D’k TahgMasaka Transformations – If you have

earned an artifact that is placed on the bottomof your draw deck due to this event, you maystill play that artifact if you later draw it backinto your hand. You must be able to verify thatthe copy you draw is the same copy that youplaced under your deck.

Mask of Korgano, The – Playing this event ona unique personnel does not allow you tobring another copy of that personnel (or anyother instance of the same persona) into playat the same time. The presence or absence ofan [AU] icon does not affect the underlyingpersona.

Ma’sud – This personnel may download CetiEel to the adversary he just stunned only ifyour Khan is present, and only to a non-[Holo],

non-android personnel, as required by CetiEel’s text.

matching affiliation – Two cards are ofmatching affiliation if their affiliation icons arethe same. For example, if you have aRomulan/Cardassian treaty in play, yourCardassians match your Nor, but yourRomulan and Non-Aligned cards do not (theyare, however, compatible). If a site refers to amatching personnel, it means matching theaffiliation of that facility. See loses affiliation.When a Nor or ship is commandeered and itsaffiliation changes to match one of thecommandeering personnel, treat it as thoughthe new affiliation icon were printed on thecard. For example, if you commandeer youropponent’s Cardassian Terok Nor with aRomulan Away Team, it now conceptually hasa Romulan icon; your Romulan cards nowmatch the station’s affiliation, while youropponent’s Cardassian cards do not.A personnel matches a mission’s affiliation ifhe has one of the affiliation icons printed onthe card (or added conceptually by a cardsuch as Bribery or Arandis). A personnelmatches a homeworld’s affiliation if he is ofthe affiliation that belongs to that homeworld.For example, Cloaked Mission (Romulus) isthe Romulan homeworld, but has a [Klg]affiliation icon. Gowron matches the mission’saffiliation (icon), while Tomalak matches thehomeworld’s affiliation.

matching commander – A personnel is thematching commander for a ship if either theship lore or the personnel lore states that thepersonnel is or was the commander or captainof the ship. (Also, a few personnel, such asRinnak Pire and Regent Worf, have specialgame text that allows them to act as, or assignanother personnel as, the matchingcommander of a ship.) For example, Jean-LucPicard (Premiere) and Admiral Picard are bothmatching commanders for the U.S.S.Enterprise, while Jean-Luc Picard (FirstContact) is the matching commander for theU.S.S. Enterprise-E. Both Jean-Luc Picardsare matching commanders for the U.S.S.Stargazer. When specified in the ship’s lore, only thenamed personnel is the matching commander;another version of the persona with a differentname, or an instance of a different persona,cannot serve as the matching commander.When specified in the personnel lore, no otherversions of that persona (even with the samename) can serve as matching commander fora ship, and a ship must be specified by name(not by class). For example, The Emissary isnot the matching commander for the U.S.S.Defiant; Commander Data is not the matchingcommander for the U.S.S. Sutherland; Jean-Luc Picard (Premiere) is not the matchingcommander for the U.S.S. Enterprise-E;Tomalak is not the matching commander of theD’deridex.A statement that a ship “transported” or was“used by” a personnel does not qualify thatpersonnel as the ship’s matching commander.For example, Kivas Fajo and Gowron are notmatching commanders for Zibalian Transportor I.K.C. Buruk respectively.Unless otherwise specified (e.g., Cha’Joh),each ship can benefit from only one matchingcommander at a time. For example, the U.S.S.Enterprise does not gain +4 RANGE fromDefiant Dedication Plaque with both Jean-LucPicard (Premiere) and Admiral Picard aboard.The matching commander must not bedisabled, in stasis, etc. (See present.)Matching commanders are defined only forships; facilities get no benefits for acommander mentioned in the personnel orfacility lore.Most matching commanders may be easilydetermined directly from the ship and/orpersonnel lore, following the rules givenabove. Two need clarification:

I.K.C. Bortas has revised lore (Gowron isits matching commander).

Tama: “Dathon, speaking first” is Tamarianfor “commanded by Dathon.”

Matthew Dougherty – See helps.meeting requirements – You choose which

personnel to use to meet mission and dilemmarequirements, and in which order. Any“excess” personnel are not required to applytheir skills, etc. toward meeting therequirements. Thus, a personnel with Picard’sArtificial Heart will not die when facing adilemma with a STRENGTH requirement ifyou can satisfy the requirement with otherpersonnel in the Away Team.

Memory Wipe – This event implements aspecial play environment when playing StarterDeck II vs. Starter Deck II. You and youropponent must each seed the card and maynot nullify it. This allows each player’s cards ofdifferent affiliations to mix without having touse one or more Treaty cards.It may also be used in the normal playenvironment for either function, but youropponent is not required to use it and eitherplayer is free to nullify it. See Away Team andcrew, loses affiliation, Stop First Contact,multi-affiliation cards.

Mendak – See Going to the Top, facility,characteristics.

Menthar Booby Trap – Errata:Place on ship; it cannot move. UnlessMEDICAL present, one crew member killed(random selection). Discard with Ship can’tmove until 2 ENGINEER present aboard.

Mickey D. – This personnel automatically winsa Royale Casino side game for you if he is inyour Away Team attempting the mission (not ifhe is in your hand).

Mila – This personnel cannot download anartifact used as equipment.

Mining Survey – If you add an affiliation iconto this mission (e.g., a [Fer] icon with Bribery),you may attempt it with that affiliation withoutcontrolling a Nor with Ore Processing Unitthere.

Minuet – See Bynars card.Miracle Worker – This skill includes

Transporter Skill.Mirasta Yale – This personnel may not be

reported normally, by downloading, byDevidian Door, etc. She may only be broughtinto play by seeding like a dilemma underMalcor III (the mission First Contact). Unlike apersonnel seeded like an artifact, she entersplay immediately when encountered by anAway Team during a mission or scoutingattempt, even though the mission is notsolved, joining the Away Team, forming aseparate Away Team, or being captured asappropriate (see personnel – seeded).

Mirror Image – When this hidden agendaevent is activated in response to the play ofone of the target cards, the target cardimmediately takes effect for all players. Forexample, if Kivas Fajo – Collector is playedand Mirror Image is activated in response,each player must choose someone to draw 3cards. If they both choose the same player,that player must draw 6 cards.Revealing this event is not a valid response toyour opponent encountering Thought Fire.See actions – step 2: responses.This event is a successful probe for an [Ev] or[HA] icon, even though the icons appearreversed.

Mirror Quadrant – The Mirror Quadrant iscomposed of missions with the MirrorQuadrant M icon in their point box. Thesemissions are also identified in their lore asbelonging to the mirror universe.

Mirror Quadrant icon [MQ] – Personnel,ships, and facilities with this icon are native tothe Mirror Quadrant. See native quadrant.

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mirror universe – The mirror universe isrepresented by the Mirror Quadrant. (Thenormal universe is represented by the Alpha,Gamma, and Delta Quadrants.) In general, theMirror Quadrant functions exactly like otherquadrants (for example, to report a card to afacility or its site, both the card and the facilitymust be native to the quadrant; cards thatallow travel between “normal” quadrants alsoallow travel to and from the Mirror Quadrant).Cards that are physically in one universe (on aspaceline) do not normally affect cards in theopposite universe. For example, closingBajoran Wormhole: Mirror Universe does notaffect movement through the BajoranWormhole between the Alpha and GammaQuadrants.However, when game text refers to cardsmatching the affiliation of a homeworld (orvice versa), it applies only to cards that alsomatch the universe of the homeworld. Forexample, HQ: War Room on the mirror-universe Bajor will enhance the attributes ofyour [MQ] Bajorans, but not your AlphaQuadrant Bajorans (regardless of whichquadrant the personnel are located in);Homefront on mirror-universe Bajor will allowyou to download only [MQ][Baj] SECURITYpersonnel; downloading cards with DefendHomeworld depends on your [MQ][Baj] cardbeing attacked at mirror-universe Bajor; andAssimilate Homeworld requires a counterpartmatching the homeworld's universe andaffiliation.Also, if an Assimilate Homeworld objective iscompleted on Bajor in the mirror universe,mirror-universe Bajorans may not report to anyoutpost for the rest of the game, but normal-universe Bajorans are not affected and maystill report to outposts in the normal universe.Borg timeline disruption does not affect cardsnative to the mirror universe. See Stop FirstContact, Hero of the Empire.Some cards refer to “opposite quadrant;” theAlpha Quadrant is the opposite of the MirrorQuadrant, and vice versa. Seecorresponding.

mis-seeds – If you seed, under one mission:• more than one copy of the same dilemma

(or card seeded like a dilemma): the first hasits normal effect, the second is a mis-seed.

• more than one artifact (whether duplicatesor not): all your artifacts there are mis-seeds.

• more than one copy of a card seeded like anartifact (such as personnel at RescuePrisoners): all copies are mis-seeds.(Personnel may not be seeded in duplicate,even if they have a universal icon.)

If you and your opponent each seed anartifact, or a copy of the same card, under onemission, each has its normal effect (unless it isnot duplicatable; see unique and universal).When a mis-seed is revealed during a mission,scouting, or commandeering attempt, it isplaced out-of-play. Mis-seeds are notencountered; for example, a mis-seededdilemma may not be replaced with a Q-Flashusing Beware of Q.You may deliberately mis-seed cards under amission as a bluff. When discovered, suchmis-seeds are placed out-of-play as usual.However, if you reveal your own mis-seededcard under any mission, you may not solvethat mission (or complete any objectivetargeting it) for the rest of the game. (If youreveal your own mis-seeded card underEmpok Nor, you may not commandeer thatEmpok Nor while it is uncontrolled.) Revealingyour opponent’s mis-seeds, or your opponentrevealing your mis-seeds, does not affect yourability to solve a mission or commandeerEmpok Nor.Mis-seeds include (but are not limited to) non-seed cards (such as Equipment cards) placedunder a mission as a bluff, multiple copies ofthe same card seeded under one mission by a

single player, multiple artifacts seeded underone mission by a single player, spacedilemmas seeded under planet missions (andvice versa), and personnel with no game textallowing them to seed (such as Mirasta Yaleunder a mission other than First Contact).If cards you seeded legally become mis-seedslater in the game, they will not affect yourability to complete a mission. For example,using a Pla-Net to discard a Cryosatellite willnot make any personnel seeded with theartifact prevent you from completing themission (but you may not earn the personnel).

mission – A card type representing a locationin space, in the present time of the Star Trekuniverse, where missions and objectives canbe accomplished and battles may take place. There are three kinds of missions: space [S],planet [P], and dual-icon missions [S][P].During the mission seed phase, missions arelaid out in one or more spacelinesrepresenting different quadrants of the galaxy.A mission’s quadrant may be determined fromits point box (if any). Gamma, Delta, and MirrorQuadrant missions have a Γ, ∆, or M symbol intheir point boxes. Missions with no symbol (orno point box) are Alpha Quadrant missions. Allmissions may be seeded only on theappropriate spaceline. Missions without pointboxes (including Q’s Planet) may not beseeded (or played) in any quadrant exceptAlpha. Missions (and other spacelinelocations) may not be moved betweenquadrants by cards that relocate locations.A mission’s lore may indicate that it belongs toa specific region of space (locations in thesame region must be seeded adjacent to eachother).You may seed multiple copies of missions withthe universal ❖ icon, but only one copy of aunique mission (without the icon); if a uniquemission is a duplicate of one your opponenthas seeded, stack your mission on top of histo form a single location.Mission cards are designed with relevantinformation facing both players. A summary ofthe mission faces your opponent; completeinformation faces you. Sometimes theinformation facing your opponent isintentionally different from the informationfacing you. Unless otherwise specified by acard, each player is affected by the followingonly on the end of the mission facing him:mission requirements, special instructions(italic game text), affiliation icons (or otherindication of who may attempt a mission),point box, and span. Thus, Construct Depotmay not be attempted or scouted by theopponent, because the opponent’s end hasno affiliation icons or text enabling an attempt,and no point box. Any information not normallyincluded in the opponent’s mission summary,including quadrant icons, [S] and [P] icons,and the mission name and lore (includingregions) apply to both players.Icons (or game text) at each end of theMission card indicate which affiliation(s) orother groups can attempt the mission. Gametext also lists the requirements (skills,attributes, and other features) you must meetto complete (solve) the mission. (If there areno such icons or game text, or norequirements, that mission cannot beattempted.)Game text in italic type on a mission cardrepresents special instructions for use of themission (not requirements for solving themission). Unless the text specifies when ittakes effect (e.g., “when mission solved”), it isalways in effect. For example, no ship-to-shipbeaming is allowed at any time at QuashConspiracy, before or after the mission issolved. All special mission text applies evenwhen the mission is attempted and solvedwith alternate requirements (e.g., SubjugatePlanet). See Reunion, mission attempt.

You may not reduce a mission’s point value toless than zero (e.g., with The Sheliak and Heroof the Empire). A mission without a point boxhas no point value (it is undefined) and thus isnot affected by cards that change missionpoint values.

mission II – (The following rules apply tostandard constructed-deck play. Some specialrules, described in the Warp Speed rulessupplement, apply to Warp Speed sealed-deck format play.)Each of these double-sided Mission cards hasa built-in wormhole or outpost. (See cardtype.) They seed normally, and you maychoose which side to have face-up initially.However, when you are using one or moredouble-sided missions, you must notify youropponent, and after you shuffle your missionstack he or she is allowed to see whether adouble-sided card is on top and choosewhether or not to cut the stack. See Borg –Cooperation.Each Mission II represents the same locationas the corresponding original mission. Forexample, Secret Salvage and Secret SalvageII both occur at Wolf 359. Thus, you may notinclude both versions in your mission selectionand if one player seeds Secret Salvage andthe other seeds Secret Salvage II, they mustoverlap each other because they areduplicates of Wolf 359. If you solve such amission, you score the points on your Missioncard. Cards that specifically work with theoriginal mission work with the correspondingMission II; for example, Timicin scores 10points if he helps solve either Test Mission orTest Mission II. (“Typhon Expanse” and “BetaStromgren” are corrections of misspellings onthe original missions, and are the samelocations as “Typhone Expanse” and “BetaStromgen.”)Built-in Outpost: Mission II outposts do notprevent you from seeding other outposts ofthe same affiliation. For example, you couldseed one Secret Salvage II, one Explore BlackCluster II, and one Klingon Outpost card.However, you may not establish a regularoutpost at a location where you have a face-up built-in outpost or vice-versa.Cards that work with regular outposts, suchas Spacedoor, work normally with built-inMission II outposts. If the outpost isdestroyed, any cards in play on the outpostare discarded when the mission is flippedover.If a built-in outpost must be placed out-of-play(e.g., a Federation outpost when the Borgdisrupt the timeline), the mission should beflipped to the back side, placing the outpostconceptually out-of-play (it may not be rebuiltfor the remainder of the game).To show that a ship is docked or thatpersonnel are aboard a built-in outpost, placethose cards so that the mission partiallyoverlaps both the seed cards and your cardsaboard or docked at the outpost.Built-in Wormhole: You may move in eitherdirection between your [Wmh] mission and anon-[Wmh] mission where you play aWormhole interrupt. You may not movebetween your opponent’s [Wmh] mission anda non-[Wmh] mission. If your opponentnullifies your Wormhole interrupt, your shipdoes not move through the wormhole and youdo not flip the [Wmh] mission. You may notdiscard a Space-Time Portal as the Wormholeinterrupt (it may be discarded only as thesecond Wormhole interrupt of a pair).If you move between two of your own [Wmh]missions, flip only one of them (your choice). Ifyou move between your [Wmh] mission andyour opponent’s [Wmh] mission, flip only yourown mission.

mission attempt – Completing missions is theprimary method of scoring points for allaffiliations except Borg. You attempt a mission

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by bringing one or more personnel to themission location and encountering andresolving any dilemmas which may be present.If the personnel remaining after all dilemmashave been resolved have the skills, attributes,and other features required by the mission (orif you bring more personnel for anotherattempt), they complete (or “solve”) themission and score its points. A mission maybe solved only once per game.For a mission to be attemptable, it must havemission requirements (either printed or addedby an objective such as Establish TradeRoute), plus one or more affiliation icons(either printed or added by a card such asBribery) or game text indicating who mayattempt the mission (e.g., “Any crew mayattempt mission”), on the end of the Missioncard facing you. Thus, you may not attempt ❖Space or ❖ Nebula from either side, orConstruct Depot from the opponent’s side.Artifacts seeded at an unattemptable missionmay not be acquired.To begin or continue a mission attempt, or tocomplete the mission, at least one crew orAway Team member must match one of themission’s affiliation icons (if any); other (non-matching) personnel in the crew or AwayTeam can assist in the attempt. (Dual-iconmissions require a matching personnel in boththe crew and the Away Team. Also, to attempta space mission, at least one crew membermust match the ship’s affiliation. The shipdoes not have to be staffed for movement ormatch the mission’s affiliation.) If you lose allmatching personnel during the missionattempt, the mission attempt ends. (However,if you remove all matching personnel during adilemma encounter with a card that suspendsplay, such as Flight of the Intruder, but othernon-matching personnel remain, the dilemmaresolves normally with the remaining personnelbefore the attempt ends.)If an Objective card requires a crew or AwayTeam of a specific affiliation to attempt orsolve a mission, the crew or Away Team mustinclude at least one member of that affiliation(but may include other affiliations unlessotherwise specified). For example, EstablishDominion Foothold requires you to solve themission with “your Dominion personnel.” Amixed Away Team of Cardassian, Non-Aligned,and Dominion personnel may solve themission. Either player may attempt a mission withappropriate personnel, regardless of whoplaced the card on the spaceline. Missionattempts may be made at scouted orunscouted locations, but may not be made atassimilated planets.Planet missions can be attempted by an AwayTeam on the planet’s surface (outside a facilityor landed ship). Space missions can beattempted by the entire active crew of oneundocked ship. (Dual-icon missions requireboth a ship with crew in orbit and an AwayTeam on the planet.)A mission attempt is a single action which maynot be interrupted except by valid responsesor actions that suspend play. See actions –interrupting. A mission attempt lasts from thetime you announce you are attempting themission until one of the following occurs:• The entire crew or Away Team is “stopped”.• No one remains in the crew or Away Team.• A dilemma prevents the mission attempt

from continuing (e.g., Radioactive GarbageScow).

• All dilemmas are resolved but the crew orAway Team does not meet the requirementsto solve the mission. (They are not“stopped” unless Mission Debriefing is inplay.)

• The mission is solved.Once the mission attempt is ended by one ofthese circumstances (except by solving the

mission), you may reattempt the mission onthe same turn with “unstopped” personnel(and an “unstopped” ship for a spacemission). This constitutes a new missionattempt, not a “continuation” of the attempt.All Mission cards state what skills and otherrequirements are necessary to complete themission. For example, if a planet missionrequires Computer Skill x2, at least twopersonnel with Computer Skill (or onepersonnel with Computer Skill x2) must bepresent in the Away Team for you to completethe mission. However, the requirements forcompleting the mission need not be present inorder for the crew or Away Team to attemptthe mission (encounter dilemmas). (When amission requires or allows you to discardcards as part of completing the mission, thosecards must come from the crew or Away Teamattempting the mission, not from your hand.)See meeting requirements.When you meet the requirements for solving amission, you first score any mission points,then resolve any special game text on thatmission (or on any objectives targeting it),then earn and resolve any artifacts or cardsseeded like artifacts. Equipment and artifactsthat say “use as equipment” join your crew orAway Team; personnel that you seeded joinyour crew or Away Team (if compatible;otherwise they are under house arrest orform a separate Away Team); and personnelthat your opponent seeded are captured. (Seecapturing. If scoring the mission points bringsyour score to victory conditions, the gameends immediately and you do not resolve anyartifacts.)A mission attempt may not be voluntarilyaborted, either between dilemmas or beforesolving, unless specifically allowed by a cardsuch as Mr. Garak. If you resolve all dilemmasand Q-Flashes and the remaining crew orAway Team meets the mission requirements,they must solve the mission (for example, theymay not wait until a mission specialist joins theAway Team or crew for bonus points).Once you complete a mission, its points areyours to keep. Cards which affect a mission’spoints or attemptability (e.g., Supernova,Mordock, The Sheliak, Assimilate Planet) donot affect your score if they occur after themission is completed (unless otherwisespecified, as with I Tried to Warn You or Heroof the Empire).Alternate mission requirements – A missionattempt using alternate requirements providedby an objective is exactly like any othermission attempt. You do not need to have therequirements in the Away Team (i.e., you canredshirt), and you score the point value of theunderlying mission when you complete it. Themission cannot then be completed with itsnormal requirements.In order to gain any additional benefits fromsuch an objective (such as Establish TradeRoute’s download of a Ferengi Trading Postand equipment upon completing the mission),you must complete the targeted mission usingthe objective’s alternate requirements.If an objective allows a different affiliation toattempt a mission than the icons on theMission card, only that affiliation may use therequirements provided by the objective.

mission attempt – example – The followingexample shows how to attempt a planetmission with dilemmas and artifacts present.(A space mission is attempted in a similarfashion, with an entire ship’s crew instead ofan Away Team. See dual-icon mission.)Select and beam your Away Team to theplanet, or have them disembark from yourlanded ship or exit from a planet facility. (At aspace mission, select one ship and crew toattempt the mission; undock and/or decloak ordephase the ship, if necessary.) Announcethat you are attempting the mission.

Slide out the bottom seed card under themission and turn it over. Look only at thebottom card. (If you encounter an artifact or acard seeded like an artifact, move it to the topof the seed card stack, sliding it just beneaththe Mission card. Artifacts are not earned untilthe mission is completed.) If more than onecopy of any card, seeded by the same player,is encountered under one mission, any copyafter the first is placed out-of-play as a mis-seed.Read the first Dilemma card aloud. (Dilemmasare intended to be read by the playerencountering them.) Resolve the dilemmafollowing the instructions under dilemmaresolution. Failing to overcome a dilemmathat has conditions immediately “stops” yourAway Team and ends that mission attempt. Adilemma without conditions does not “stop”your crew or Away Team – they must continuethe mission attempt unless otherwisespecified. • Personnel who die and ships or equipment

that are destroyed are placed in yourdiscard pile. (Holographic personnel andequipment are not killed or destroyed; theyare deactivated instead.)

• Personnel may be chosen for death or othereffects by random selection, opponent’schoice, or owner’s choice. See ties.

• In addition to dilemmas, you may encountera Q-Flash doorway seeded like a dilemma.When you do, your crew or Away Team mustcollectively face a number of cards fromyour opponent’s Q-Continuum side deckequal to the number of personnel present.

Repeat this step for each dilemma (or Q-Flash) in turn until no more remain. Eachdilemma must be resolved in turn before themission can be completed. Once you have resolved all the dilemmasunder a mission, if your remaining “unstopped”personnel can meet the mission requirements,you score the mission points and earn anyartifacts present. To score the mission andmark it complete, slide the Mission cardtoward yourself about one-half card length.The completed mission remains on the tableas a spaceline location, but it cannot beattempted or scored again.Your “unstopped” Away Team is free to beamback up to the ship and continue if desired.(Failing to complete the mission does not“stop” the Away Team.)

mission continues – See dilemmaresolution.

Mission Debriefing – This event “stops”personnel after any mission attempt, whethersuccessful or not. For example, if your AwayTeam resolves all dilemmas but cannotcomplete the mission, that mission attemptends (unsuccessfully), and the Away Team is“stopped” if this event is in play. Additionalpersonnel brought to the mission maycomplete the mission (and then will also be“stopped”), but the “stopped” personnel fromthe previous attempt may not assist them.

Mission Fatigue – While this dilemma is inplay atop the mission, treat each subsequentdilemma or Q-Flash encountered as if it hadthe following text before its actual text: “‘Stops’ one personnel (random selection);cannot get past unless any other personnelremain.” (A Q-Flash will “stop” only onepersonnel, not one for each Q-icon cardencountered.) In other words, the randomlyselected personnel is not “stopped” until thedilemma is revealed and encountered, butyou must have at least one personnel left toface the actual dilemma text.Personnel are “stopped” normally (until start ofnext turn), not for the duration of thecountdown. The subsequent dilemma isresponsible for “stopping” the personnel, notthe Mission Fatigue dilemma.

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See actions – step 1: initiation, combodilemma.

mission requirements – alternate – Seemission attempt.

mission specialist – See Assign MissionSpecialists.

mix – This term is interchangeable with mix andcooperate. When a card allows cards ofdifferent affiliations to mix, those cards arecompatible.

Mobile Holo-Emitter – This Equipment cardmay be placed on a deactivated (disabled)holographic personnel. It is still being “worn”even if the hologram is deactivated. “Whileworn, does not count as an Equipment card”means it cannot be targeted as an Equipmentcard (e.g., it is immune to Disruptor Overload,Common Thief, stealing, etc.).

Mona Lisa – You are directly responsible fordestroying this artifact if you play a card, suchas Disruptor Overload, Plasma Fire, or Loss ofOrbital Stability, with the intent of destroyingthe artifact or the ship it is on; or if you attackor return fire against a ship it is on, destroyingthat ship and the artifact. Playing a spacelinehazard, such as Subspace Warp Rift, whichyour opponent is not required to cross, doesnot count. If an outside force that neitherplayer controls (such as a Borg Ship or aSubspace Warp Rift) destroys the ship, thenno points are lost.

Montana Missile Complex – Seeding aPhoenix from outside the game beneath thistime location is mandatory. If you do not havea Phoenix to seed, you may not play the timelocation.“Once Phoenix has taken off or Vulcan Landerhas landed here, nullifies Stop First Contact”means that all Stop First Contact objectivesare nullified for the rest of the game (similar tothe once in play rule). The Phoenix that takesoff to nullify Stop First Contact must be theone seeded under the time location, not aplayed copy.

Mordock – If you participate in any battle at anytime during the game (before or after youscore points with Mordock), you lose anybonus points already scored with thispersonnel’s skill, and you may not score anyfurther points from his skill. You haveparticipated in a battle if you attack or areattacked by your opponent or another force(such as Rogue Borg or the Borg Shipdilemma), whether you return fire or not. IfMordock is killed, captured, loses his skill, etc.,you keep the bonus points scored as long asyou do not battle (but the points are still lost ifyou battle after he is killed).

Mortal Q – This personnel’s CUNNING of “Q”is an undefined attribute. It is not affected bythe value of “Q” defined by Ar-Q-ologist orThe Higher... The Q-er. See skills, once inplay.

mortally wounded – See stunned andmortally wounded.

most cunning, strongest, highest totalattributes, etc. – See ties.

movement – There are two kinds of movement:• Normal movement – often indicated by the

word “move.” This is the default type ofmovement when a card does not specifyotherwise. “Stopped” cards cannot performnormal movement.

Normal ship movement includes usingRANGE, landing, taking off, launching,loading, docking, undocking, time travel(Orb of Time, first function of TemporalVortex), and use of cards such asWormholes, Transwarp NetworkGateways, and Bajoran Wormhole.Normal movement requires full shipstaffing.Normal personnel movement includesbeaming, walking between sites,boarding and disembarking from a

docked, landed, or carried ship, enteringand exiting from a planet facility, timetravel, and placing a personnel on anAssimilation Table.

• Relocation – identified by the word“relocate” (Mysterious Orb, second functionof Temporal Vortex) or by a euphemism suchas “hurl” (Gomtuu), “transport” (MamanPicard), or “must follow” (Temporal Wake).Relocation does not require full ship staffing,and “stopped” cards may be relocated.

You may move a card any number of timesduring your turn (except by walking).Whenever a card or rule allows or requiresyour personnel to move (e.g., Security Office,Emergency Transporter Armbands, walkingbetween sites), they may carry Equipmentcards with them.You may not transfer any card into spaceunless a card specifically allows you to do so(e.g., Airlock, Anti-Matter Pod).Your staffed ship can move along your side ofthe spaceline in either direction. The distanceyour ship can move on one turn is limited byits RANGE. You determine how far it cantravel by adding up the span numbers on eachMission card the ship moves to (or passes),not counting the location where it begins. Forexample, three consecutive missions A, B, andC on a spaceline have spans of 2, 4, and 3. Aship starting at mission A will use 7 RANGEto reach mission C, and 6 RANGE to returnfrom C to A.A ship does not have to move all of itsRANGE on a turn. A ship can stop at eachlocation as it moves, or it can “warp past”locations without stopping there (but stillusing RANGE). A ship flying by a locationcannot affect, and is not affected by, cards atthat location (unless the card says it affectsships passing by), even if an action suspendsplay at the moment the ship is passing thelocation. For example, if play is suspendedwhen a ship is passing the ❖ Nebula missionand the opponent scores points while play issuspended, that ship does not face adilemma.You may move any number of ships on yourturn, but they must move one at a time (not asa “fleet”).See movement between quadrants.

movement between quadrants – Any gametext which allows or requires a card to movedirectly from one location to another maypotentially relocate or allow that card to moveto a different quadrant. Examples of cards thatcan work across quadrants include BajoranWormhole, Mysterious Orb, Iconian Gateway,Transwarp Network Gateway, Go BackWhence Thou Camest, Where’s Guinan?, andWormhole. However, if game text uses the wordspaceline or a reference to distance (e.g.,nearest or farthest location, or a span) in thiscontext, the movement is restricted to thecurrent spaceline. In other words, “to anyother spaceline location” means “to any otherlocation on this spaceline,” “farthest planet”means “farthest planet on this spaceline,” etc.Examples of cards that are limited in this wayinclude The Traveler, Where No One HasGone Before, Magic Carpet Ride OCD, Dr. Q,Medicine Entity, Gomtuu, and Love Interestdilemmas. See Hippocratic Oath.

movement between time location andspaceline – See time travel.

Mr. Scott (The Motion Pictures) – Thispersonnel’s special skill allows him to meettwo staffing requirements: one using a staffingicon found on his card ([Cmd], [AU], or [CF]),and any other staffing requirement (whetherhe has that icon or not).

multi-affiliation cards – Multi-affiliation cardshave two or more affiliation icons. Their skillsand other features may differ according totheir current affiliation “mode.” Declare the

affiliation of a multi-affiliation card when youseed or play it face-up (personnel or shipaffiliation must be compatible with the facilitywhere it reports; an outpost’s affiliation mustmatch an affiliation icon on the mission) orwhen you earn it (if seeded under a mission). A multi-affiliation card (including a dual-personnel card) may use only one affiliationat a time, but you may change its affiliation atany time (between other game actions), anynumber of times during the course of thegame. For example, Lursa on the Sisters ofDuras cannot be [Klg] while B’Etor is [Rom]; ifMajor Rakal encounters Zaldan while in [Fed]mode, she cannot change to [Rom] modeduring the mission attempt.When a multi-affiliation personnel is aboardyour ship or facility, you may not change theaffiliation of either the Personnel card or theship/facility if it would cause that personnel tobe placed under house arrest. You mustremove the personnel from the ship/facilitybefore changing its affiliation. You may notsimultaneously change the affiliations of oneor more Personnel cards, ships, and/orfacilities; each change is a separate gameaction. Thus, if the Sisters of Duras are aboardthe Cha’Joh, both in Romulan mode, you maynot change either the Sisters of Duras or theCha’Joh to Klingon mode without removing theSisters first.If a multi-affiliation personnel, whose featuresare dependent on their affiliation mode, isassimilated or made Non-Aligned (e.g., byMemory Wipe), they may still switch “modes”as a game action.In the Voyager and later expansion sets, dual-affiliation cards are printed with two differentborder colors, one for each affiliation. Theaffiliation icon matching the border colorappears on the left in each case. A card withone border color is a copy of the same cardtitle with the other border color, and they haveidentical gameplay.If a report or download requires a personnel’saffiliation to match a ship or facility, you mustreport or download the personnel in matchingaffiliation mode (without creating a housearrest situation). For example, to useDominion War Efforts to download Darwithout discarding Assign SupportPersonnel, you must download him in [Dom]mode to a [Dom] ship or facility. If youdownload him in [Hir] mode to a [Hir] ship orfacility, you must discard Assign SupportPersonnel.

Multidimensional Transport Device – Thisequipment may be beamed along with thepersonnel it is affecting, or left behind. Seecorresponding, mirror universe.

multiple targets – See battle – ship.Multiplexor Drone (Nine of Seventeen) –

This personnel’s skill allows its ship to fireWEAPONS against multiple targets during abattle, if a current objective or other card (e.g.,Gowron of Borg) allows targeting of multipleships, or if returning fire or counter-attacking.For example, if your opponent attacked any ofyour forces on the previous turn, and he hastwo ships and an outpost at the location ofthat attack, your Borg Cube with a MultiplexorDrone and two other [Def] Borg aboard mayattack both ships and the outpost with 24WEAPONS against each of the three targets.See battle – ship – multiple targets.

must do nothing but – See actions –required.

Mutation – This interrupt is discarded after youshuffle the top two cards of your discard pileinto your draw deck or discard a card to drawtwo. See actions – step 3: results.

Mysterious Orb – See HQ: Return Orb toBajor, anywhere, Assimilate Counterpart.

Naomi Wildman – This personnel doubles thefirst-listed skill of other personnel only if it aregular skill. See skills, skills – modifying.

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Naprem – See affiliation and ship origin.native quadrant – All personnel, ships, and

facilities are native to the Alpha Quadrant,except those that have a gamma Γ, delta ∆, ormirror M icon. See report, facility.

native to this timeline – See time location.Navigate Plasma Storms – This objective’s

probe result applies to each Badlands Regionwhere there is a ship. Thus, for example, afacility in the mirror Badlands Region is notaffected by a flare-up or maelstrom unlessthere is a ship there. A cloaked ship (but not aphased ship) in the Badlands triggers probingfor, and may be damaged or destroyed by, thisobjective. See cloaking and phasing.

Near-Warp Transport – You may use thisinterrupt to transport through a Q-Net, but itdoes not allow you to overcome any obstaclesto beaming. It may not target a docked ship.

nearest planet, etc. – See ties.nebula – A location is a nebula if it has the

word “nebula” in its card title or lore. ❖ Nebula – This mission may seed only in the

Alpha Quadrant and is not attemptable (it hasno mission requirements).If you play Scan to initiate a ship battle at thismission location, you do not also get to scan amission’s seed cards.Dilemmas may be seeded under this mission.If you have an undocked, uncloaked,unphased ship at the location with any crewaboard (not disabled, in stasis, or under housearrest) when your opponent scores points,that ship and crew must face the next dilemmaunder the mission. If you have more than oneship at the location, you choose which shipwill face the dilemma. Docked ships, emptyships, and ships moving past the mission(even if points are scored while play issuspended) are not affected. This is not amission attempt, does not require“unstopped” personnel, full staffing, or apersonnel matching the ship’s affiliation, anddoes not allow acquisition of artifacts seededunder the mission. See movement.

Needs of the Many, The – A Tactic card justplaced as a damage marker is “about todestroy your ship” if that marker will reducethe HULL integrity to 0 or less. A dilemma is“about to destroy your ship” if your opponentis not using a Battle Bridge side deck and thedilemma damages an already-damaged ship asecond time (or the Borg Ship dilemma isdestroying it in battle); or if its direct effect isto destroy the ship rather than damage it (e.g.,Cosmic String Fragment).

nemesis icon [Nem] – Nemesis icons identifya relationship between personnel and/or shipsthat lead to the destruction of one of the pair.Two cards that have a nemesis relationshipwill have icons of the same color but pointingin different directions.If two or more personnel or ships withopposing nemesis icons are present witheach other at the end of a player’s turn, thatplayer must choose one of them to beimmediately killed (personnel) or destroyed(ships), regardless of ownership. (If a nemesisship is cloaked or phased, it is not affected by– and cannot affect – an external nemesis.)This is not a battle.For example, if your Pralor Unit 3947 is on aplanet with your opponent’s Cravic Unit 122at the end of your turn, you must choose oneof them to be discarded. If you have left yourPralor Unit 3947 aboard your Cravic Warshipat the end of your turn, you must choose oneto be discarded. (If you choose to destroy theship, all personnel aboard – including PralorUnit 3947 – will be killed.)

Neural Servo Device – See control.Neutral – An affiliation consisting of only a fe

cards (not a full affiliation). While similar toNon-Aligned, neutral cards are neither analigned affiliation nor Non-Aligned.

❖ Neutral Outpost – Errata: Seed one at any [S] mission Space locationOR build later at any [S] mission a Spacelocation where you have any ENGINEER ispresent. No repairs here. Does not repairships.See repair.

Nexus, The – This doorway destroys all shipspresent when it is placed on the far end of thespaceline; when it moves to a new location atthe end of every turn; and whenever a shipmoves to or appears at its location. (See BorgShip for a definition of “appears at”.) See farend of spaceline.A player may relocate their personnel fromunder The Nexus either while it is on thespaceline or after it is placed on table.Personnel under The Nexus are in play andmay use skills when appropriate, but may notinitiate personnel battle.

Nightmare – This incident is not nullified if thenumber of cards in hand is momentarilyreduced below the number of stored cardsduring the resolution of a card such asMasaka Transformations.

NO – Indicates an undefined attribute, as in“NO INTEGRITY.”

No Way Out – This incident does not force youto initiate battle. If your personnel are involvedin a battle while it is in play, mortally woundingor stunning is not optional.If you use this incident to place a dual-personnel card in your point area, you scorepoints only for the INTEGRITY of eachindividual on the card who has Honor x2. Forexample, if Sons of Mogh are killed in battle,you score points only for Worf. See in play.

Non-Aligned – An affiliation. Non-Aligned (andNeutral) cards are compatible with (may mixand work with) cards of any affiliation (exceptBorg). Thus, personnel and ships of allaffiliations may report for duty at Non-Alignedor Neutral outposts, but incompatiblepersonnel or ships may not mix aboard ordock at the outpost at the same time. Non-Aligned and Neutral cards may initiate battleagainst any affiliation, including their own. In allother respects, the Non-Aligned and Neutralaffiliations work exactly like other affiliations.All Non-Aligned personnel of Cardassian orFerengi species remain Non-Aligned byaffiliation.

non-Federation, non-[Fed] – A non-[Fed]Away Team, crew, or force is one that containsno [Fed] cards.

Nor – Generic term for a Cardassian-originmining station, a type of facility.

Nor, control of – See facility.normal card play – See card play.normal speed – See actions – required.not duplicatable – See unique and universal.not repeatable – See combo dilemma.nullify – To nullify a card is to cancel and

discard it. If a card is nullified before itresolves, the nullified card has no results.“Destroy” on a card means the same as“nullify” (except in the context of physicaldestruction such as battle, Black Hole, orSupernova). See actions – step 2:responses.The effect of a card can be nullified withoutthe card itself being nullified. For example,Hugh nullifies the attack of a Borg Shipdilemma, not the dilemma itself.“May be nullified by...” – A card containing thisphrase may be nullified by the card listed, aswell as any other applicable nullifying cards.For example, Frigid is a Q-icon event which“may be nullified by Fire Sculptor.” It may alsobe nullified by Kevin Uxbridge or by Q-Flash.“May be nullified only by...” – A card containingthis phrase cannot be nullified by any cards

other than the one listed. For example,interrupts may normally be nullified by AmandaRogers. However, the Q-icon interrupt, Gift ofthe Tormentor, “may be nullified only byCountermanda,” so it is immune to AmandaRogers (and Q-Flash).“May not be nullified.” – A card containing thisphrase may not be nullified by any card(unless another card specifically states that itnullifies that card by name). For example, Hideand Seek, when used as a Q-icon event, “maynot be nullified.” It cannot be nullified by KevinUxbridge, Mercy Kill, Q-Flash, or any othercard that may normally nullify events or Q-iconcards.

Obelisk of Masaka – You may use thisincident to download Masaka Transformationsonly during your own turn. It does not allowyou to convert card draws to downloads; itlimits the number of card draws you mayconvert to downloads using another card withsuch a function, such as the Borg Queen.

objective – A card type representing anassignment or task to perform, which mayscore points or provide other benefits. It mayplay on the table, or play on and affect anothercard. A seedable objective may seed duringany seed phase unless otherwise specified.Playing an Objective card uses your normalcard play. An objective may require you to target (select)a ship, planet, personnel, etc. If the target ofthe objective is removed from play orbecomes an invalid target, the Objective cardis immediately discarded. Otherwise, theobjective remains in play until nullified,discarded, or relocated according to its gametext. Once an objective is completed orresolved and is relocated somewhere to markthis (e.g., Establish Gateway, Hero of theEmpire), it may no longer be nullified.Points for an objective with a point box arescored when the objective is successfullycompleted. Performing other listed results ofthe objective are additional results and haveno effect on scoring the points. A Borg player is limited to one Borg Use Only[BO] current objective at a time. Any playermay have any number of non-[BO] objectivesin play at a time.

Observe Ritual – This mission is not ahomeworld.

Obsidian Order – See skills – using.occupied ship – Your ship is occupied if you

have any crew aboard. See empty ship.Ocett – See Non-Aligned.Ocular Implants – This event may be used to

look at the bottom seed card under a planetmission only. The personnel “wearing” theOcular Implants must be on the planet. Seepresent.

Odo – See line – See damage.Omega Particle – This event may play only on

your outpost, even if downloaded withHarness Particle 010.

on planet – Cards which are in a planet facilityor aboard a ship landed on a planet are also“on planet.”

on table – A card that “seeds on table” or“plays on table” is placed in a special area onthe table away from the spaceline. Cards onthe spaceline are not considered to be “ontable.”

once each (every) turn – See once per turn.once in play – When a card has an effect

“once in play,” that effect continues for the restof the game, even after the card is no longer inplay (unless another card specifically cancelsthe effect). For example, Mortal Q’s restrictionbox says, “Once in play, your Q-Continuum isinactive.” Even if Mortal Q is killed, your Q-Continuum remains inactive for the rest of thegame. However, if you nullify (discard) your

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Mortal Q with Immortal Again, your Q-Continuum is reactivated, as stated onImmortal Again. See rest of game.

once per game – When a card has an effectthat may be used “once per game” (includingspecial downloads), you may use that card’seffect only once during a game, no matter howmany copies of that card you have in playduring that game (even universal cards). Forexample, you may download ReflectionTherapy only once per game with Suna’s skill,even if you play multiple copies of Suna. Youand your opponent may each use such textonce per game if you each control a copy ofthat card.If the same “once per game” skill is includedon different cards, you may use the skill oncefor each card; for example, you may use theability to destroy seed cards once per gamefor Ajur and once per game for Boratus.“Twice per game” and “thrice per game” worksimilarly – you may use such an effect onlytwo or three times per game, regardless ofhow many copies of the card you have in play.

once per turn – A card whose effect is limitedto use “once per turn,” “once each turn,” or“once every turn” can be used only onceduring a turn regardless of the number ofcopies of that card you have in play, except forcards with a universal ❖ icon and cumulativecards. Each copy of a ❖ or cumulative cardmay use a “once per turn” effect once duringa turn.

One – This personnel shares skills from otherBorg present (but they do not share his skills).See skill-sharing. He has built-intransporters, as stated in his lore, and needsno ship or facility transporters to beam. Like allpersonnel, he may carry equipment whenbeaming.

Open Diplomatic Relations – Each seededcopy of this objective allows you to seed onetreaty during the doorway seed phase.

Operate Wormhole Relays – Seewormholes – movement through.

Ophidian Cane – This artifact is played as aresponse to saying “Devidian Door,” allowingthree Personnel and/or Equipment cards to bereported to the same destination.

opponent’s choice – See selections.opposing – An opposing personnel, ship, or

facility is one controlled by your opponent andwhich is not cloaked, phased, disabled, or instasis. See unopposed, Patrol Neutral Zone.

opposite – See persona, mirror universe.Ops – The affiliation of a personnel or ship

downloaded to any site using this site’s textmust match the affiliation of the Nor. A treatymakes cards compatible but not matchingaffiliation. You are not required to have apersonnel in Ops in order to download a cardto any site. Only the destination site must beunopposed.A “card which may play there” is one which isallowed to play there by the text of thedestination site (e.g., Security Office,“SECURITY-classification personnel and handweapons may report here”), or by its own text(e.g., Weapons Locker “plays on ... SecurityOffice”). If an additional card is required toallow the card to play there, it may not bedownloaded (even if the additional card ispresent). For example, you may not downloada non-SECURITY Bajoran to Security Officeeven if The Emissary is there; you may notdownload a Breen CRM114 to the SecurityOffice even if a Breen or arms dealer is there.

Orb Negotiations – You may seed any numberof different Orb artifacts (no duplicates) underthis mission, in place of the single artifactnormally allowed at a mission.

Orb of Prophecy and Change – On thisartifact, “Insert it anywhere within your drawdeck” refers to the top card of your draw deckthat you just looked at, not the Orb itself.

orbiting – See in orbit.Ore Processing Unit – If you commandeer

your opponent’s DS9 with Klingons, it is underKlingon control. You may process ore (usingthe Process Ore objective) even if you haveBajorans aboard and a Klingon/Bajoran treatyin play, but only with a [Klg] ENGINEER orSECURITY personnel at this site. Seecommandeering, facility – Control offacilities.

Organ Theft – See immune.Original Series icon [OS] – This icon appears

on Personnel, Ship, Facility, Equipment, andother cards from the original Star Trek series,as well as a few cards from Star Trek: DeepSpace Nine™. It is used as a special staffingicon and for other purposes defined by gametext.

out-of-play – When directed to place a cardout-of-play, place it in a pile separate from thediscard pile. A card placed out-of-play may notbe returned to the game by any means (exceptby reversal of a Black Hole). Discarded cardsare not out-of-play (although they are not inplay, either). When you place any card out-of-play (including unused seed cards), you mustfirst show it to your opponent.

outpost – A kind of facility. An outpost is aspace facility, even if located at a planetmission (it is in orbit of the planet). The Bajoran, Cardassian, Federation, Ferengi,Klaestron, Klingon, and Romulan Outpostshave errata, where XXX is the affiliation orspecies name (see also Borg Outpost,Neutral Outpost):Seed one if playing XXX OR build later at anylocation where you have a XXX ENGINEER ispresent.The card titles of the Bajoran, Borg,Cardassian, Federation, Ferengi, Husnock,Klaestron, Klingon, Neutral, and Romulanoutposts have been revised to explicitlyinclude the word “Outpost.” In addition, alloutposts without an Enigma icon have animplied ❖ symbol in the card title. Theserevisions will be incorporated into any reprintof these cards. Thus, the card titled “❖Klingon Outpost” from the Trouble WithTribbles preconstructed deck is the same cardas the Premiere outpost titled “Klingon,” andyou may seed only one.If you have no outpost in play, no player mayplay a card requiring you to return a personnelor ship to your outpost (e.g., Rescue Captiveswith no Prepare the Prisoner in play, IncomingMessage cards), nor may you choose aneffect on a card that would require an outpost(e.g., replying “five” to Interrogation).

outpost – built-in – See Mission II.Outpost Raid – “If at your outpost” means if

you encounter this dilemma at a locationwhere you have an outpost, whether it is aplanet or space mission. “Outpost” does notinclude other types of facilities. Personnelaboard the outpost are not affected by thedilemma.

outside the game – A card brought in fromoutside the game may not be one of yourcards currently out-of-play or a copy of oneof those cards. Any cards added to your deckfrom outside the game (e.g., Phoenix seededunder Montana Missile Complex or thecontents of a First Contact expansion packadded by Add Distinctiveness) must beremoved at the end of the game, and yourdeck restored to its original condition.

overlays – Borg – See assimilation –personnel.

owner – The owner of a card is the player whooriginally stocked that card in their game deck.All cards temporarily controlled by theopponent (e.g., captured, commandeered,assimilated, stolen) are returned to their ownerat the end of the game.

Palor Toff – Alien Trader – See discard pile.

Panel Overload – You may use only one copyof this incident to kill a Computer Skillpersonnel each time your opponent plays aScan or Full Planet Scan. See cumulative.

Parallax Arguers – This interrupt has multiplefunctions. During initiation of the card play,you must declare which function of theinterrupt you are using and meet anyconditions for using that function. If you do notmeet the conditions for that function, it is aninvalid card play and the card returns to yourhand. See actions – step 1: initiation.The condition for using the first function of thecard is that “that [the previous game action]was cool.” This means that you say it wascool, and your opponent does not disagreewith you. (He does not have to actively agree.)The condition for using the second function ofthe card is that “you just argued” over thecoolness of the last game action. This meansthat you said it was cool, and your opponentdisagreed. No other “arguments” count forthis card.Here’s how to play Parallax Arguers (PA) forthe first two functions:1. Just after a game action is completed, say

“That was cool,” and attempt to play PA. Ifyour opponent does not disagree, carryout the results of the first function: placethe PA in your bonus point area, with X=5.If your opponent disagrees, return the PAto your hand; it was an invalid card play(the condition was not met).

2. You now meet the conditions for thesecond function. If you want to use thatfunction, say, “We just argued,” and playthe PA. Carry out the results of the secondfunction: play an Event card from yourhand, and place the PA in your bonuspoint area with X=0. If you do not want touse this function, you don’t have to.

Here’s how the third function (nullifyinganother PA) works:1. I play a PA (for coolness). X=5, but...2. You respond by playing a PA to nullify my

PA. Mine is discarded; for yours, X=10,but...

3. I respond by playing another PA to nullifyyours. Yours is now discarded; for mine,X=15.

In other words, if we play a chain of PAs, eachone nullifies the previous one, and the lastplayer to play a PA scores a total of 5 pointsfor each PA in the chain. All PAs except thelast, unnullified one are discarded. The lastone goes in its owner’s bonus point area.Unless nullified, this interrupt is placed in yourbonus point area regardless of its use, even ifits point value is 0. (X=5, 0, or “opponent’sArguers points + 5.”) Thus, it may not beretrieved and reused after using it to play anevent.

Particle Fountain – You may play this interruptonly on a mission that you completed.

particle scattering device – A type of ship’sspecial equipment. It has no built-in function,but is activated by the Particle Scattering Fieldcard.

passing locations – To “pass” or “fly by” alocation (e.g., for Cargo Bay, Subspace WarpRift, or Hail), your ship must move to it fromone location and away from it to a differentone, all using span numbers. The ship is notconsidered to pass a mission if it moves awayfrom it back in the direction it came from (e.g.,picking up someone stranded at the end ofthe spaceline), or if it moves to or from themission without using span numbers (e.g.,Wormhole).

Patrol Neutral Zone – Revised lore:Neutral Zone Region • NebulaThere are “no opposing ships in Neutral Zone”if your opponent has no opposing ships(including landed and docked ships) at anylocation that is part of the Neutral Zone (see

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regions of space). See unopposed,cloaking and phasing.

Paul Rice – This personnel may nullify oneEcho Papa 607 Killer Drone per turn.

P’Chan – See Lansor.Penalty Box – This Q-icon event is not a

capturing-related card.Persistence of Memory – This artifact

“reverses” the effect of one of a number ofcards. The following entries are the officialdefinitions of “reverse” for the cards affectedby Persistence of Memory:Horga’hn – Artifact allows opponent to takedouble turns from now on. (Not cumulative.)Thought Maker – Look at your draw deck forten seconds and rearrange as desired.Mona Lisa – If destroyed, the opponent of theplayer directly causing the destruction (if any)loses points. (Not duplicatable.)Static Warp Bubble – You must discard onecard before ending each turn. (Notcumulative.)Kivas Fajo – Collector – Opponent choosesany player to immediately draw three newcards from the top of their draw deck. Discardevent after use.The Traveler: Transcendence – That player’sopponent must draw one extra card at the endof each turn. Also, while in play, nullifies StaticWarp Bubble. (Not cumulative.)Devidian Door – Allows you to send a card “tothe future.” Whether or not you currently havea Devidian Door in your hand, at any time say“Devidian Door” and take (from anywhere inplay) one of your Personnel or Equipmentcards to your hand. However, any time duringyour next turn, you must show opponent aDevidian Door from your hand and place itout-of-play, or you lose the game. (Note thatyou play Persistence of Memory on the“Devidian Door” announcement, not when theDoorway card is shown.)Black Hole – Remains a location with span of1. Every four full turns, inserts one new ❖Space location from outside the game(regardless of out-of-play restrictions).Alternates, first inserting one on your left, thenon your right, and so on. (Not duplicatable.)Supernova – Remove from mission (discardevent). Everything previously destroyed thereremains destroyed except Mission card (whichis restored and may be attempted unlessalready solved).Anti-Time Anomaly – Regenerates literally ALLpersonnel from discard piles (both players’cards) at the end of your third full turn, unlessanti-time anomaly destroyed first. Players taketurns placing their personnel anywherepersonnel can normally exist in play(regardless of uniqueness and reportingrestrictions).

persona – Two Personnel or Ship cards areinstances of the same persona if they areduplicates (copies); or if they have the exactsame card title; or if one has the other’s namein boldface type in its lore; or if they both havethe same persona name in boldface type intheir lore. The presence or absence of [AU]icons does not determine whether two cardsare instances of the same persona.You may not have more than one instance ofthe same non-universal persona in play at thesame time, including cards which have beencaptured, commandeered, assimilated, or areotherwise controlled by your opponent, unlessa card specifically allows it. You may havemultiple instances of a universal persona inplay. See unique and universal. You and youropponent may each have a copy of the samenon-universal persona in play. Examples: Jean-Luc Picard (Premiere), Jean-Luc Picard(First Contact), Locutus of Borg, and Galenare all instances (different versions) of thesame persona (the “Jean-Luc Picard”

persona). You may have only one of them inplay at a time. Admiral Picard and Lt. (j.g.)Picard are instances of different personas(one from Barash’s illusion, and one from analternate timeline). You may have Jean-LucPicard and Admiral Picard (for example) inplay at the same time.Starship Enterprise (The Trouble WithTribbles) and Starship Enterprise (The MotionPictures) are two instances of the same shippersona; you may have only one in play at atime. U.S.S. Enterprise and Future Enterpriseare instances of different personas; you mayhave both in play at one time.You may have any number of copies of ❖Linda Larson in play at the same time; they areall instances of the Linda Larson persona.Only one copy may probe (once per game) forVisit Cochrane Memorial if It’s Only a Game isin play. You may also have any number ofcopies of ❖ Starship Constitution (TheTrouble With Tribbles) and ❖ StarshipConstitution (The Motion Pictures) in play atone time.Two nonidentical instances of the samepersona are not duplicates (e.g., forDoppelganger) or copies, and may not besubstituted for matching commanders,mission requirements, etc., if they do not meetother applicable criteria (same name,matching commander lore, etc.). For example,The Emissary is not the matching commanderfor the U.S.S. Defiant, which states thatBenjamin Sisko is its commander.Some cards, such as Delta Quadrant SpatialScission and Clone Machine, allow you tohave more than one copy of a uniquepersonnel (or ship) in play, but do not allowyou to have more than one version of a uniquepersona in play. For example, if you have twocopies of Tom Paris in play, you may notexchange one for a Captain Proton from yourhand.Treat non-duplicatable facilities in the sameway, i.e., you may not have more than oneinstance of a non-duplicatable station“persona” (such as Deep Space 9 and TerokNor) in play at the same time.The persona rule does not apply to other cardtypes such as events or interrupts. See cardtitles.Persona replacement – When you have oneversion of a personnel or ship persona in playand a second version of that same persona inyour hand, you may exchange them at the startof your turn for free. (Facilities may not beexchanged.) All cards aboard orplayed/placed on the first version (e.g., OrbExperience, Framed For Murder) , and anyrotation damage, are transferred to thesecond version, if applicable. Those cards notapplicable return to their owners’ hands. Youmay not replace the same persona more thanonce at the start of a turn. Replacing apersona is not a card play or reporting forduty. See exchanging cards, in play.Persona replacements involving dual-personnel cards must exchange versions ofboth personas on that card. For example, youmust replace Sisters of Duras with both Lursaand B’Etor (or vice versa).To replace one version of a persona withanother, the first version must have beenoriginally played under, and still be under, yourcontrol (not your opponent’s). Thus, you maynot replace your personnel or ship which hasbeen captured, commandeered, abducted, orassimilated; and you may not replace a Jean-Luc Picard you assimilated from youropponent with your Locutus of Borg. (You canstill play your Locutus of Borg, because youdid not play Jean-Luc Picard.) See AddDistinctiveness.Impersonators – A personnel who has a bolditalic “persona name” in its lore, and adiamond-shaped infiltration icon, is an

impersonator, not a true version of thatpersona. An impersonator may not beexchanged for any version of that persona andmay not be substituted for a matchingcommander, mission requirement, or dilemmacondition, cure, or nullifier. See species.Mirror versions – A personnel who has a bolditalic “persona name” in its lore, and a mirrorquadrant icon, is a mirror version, not a trueversion of that persona. You may have both inplay at the same time. Regular version(s) of apersona are called the opposites of the mirrorversion, and vice versa. For example, themirror universe personnel Mr. Quark is theopposite version of Quark, Lumba, and QuarkSon of Keldar, and he does not qualify asQuark unless the reference is to “any Quark.”A mirror version may not be exchanged for aregular version of that persona and may not besubstituted for a matching commander,mission requirement, or dilemma condition,cure, or nullifier (unless the requirement is for“any [name]”).

personnel – A card type representing acharacter from the Star Trek universe.Personnel have eight different classificationsand three attributes – INTEGRITY,CUNNING, and STRENGTH. Theseclassifications and attributes, along with skillslisted on the cards (e.g., Navigation or StellarCartography), are used to overcome dilemmasand complete missions. Personnel also mayhave icons indicating such features as ship-staffing ability, origination in an alternateuniverse or timeline, Orb experience, ormembership in the Maquis. (Borg have noclassifications, and have special subcommandicons.)

personnel – seeded – Some game text allowsyou to seed Personnel cards under a mission(e.g., Cryosatellite, Rescue Prisoners, ToraZiyal, Q-Type Android). Such cards areseeded face-down, like artifacts, and areearned when the mission is solved or a Borgobjective targeting the mission is completed (ifthe Survey Drone is present). (Mirasta Yale isan exception; she seeds like a dilemma and isearned when encountered.) Seededpersonnel that you own join your crew orAway Team, if compatible; otherwise they areplaced under house arrest (on a ship) or forma a separate Away Team (on a planet).Seeded personnel owned by your opponentbecome your captives. See capturing, mis-seeds.

personnel movement – See movement.personnel type –The eight personnel types are

OFFICER, ENGINEER, MEDICAL,SCIENCE, SECURITY, V.I.P., CIVILIAN, andANIMAL. All personnel types appear asclassifications; some also appear as skills. Ifa card requires a personnel type withoutspecifying either a classification or a skill,either will satisfy the requirement.

Phased Matter – Revised text:Away Team is split into two Away Teams(owner’s your choice). Only the smaller teammay beam up Larger team is phased andcannot beam until cured by ENGINEER andSCIENCE present in another Away Team onplanet.If you split the Away Team encountering thisdilemma into two groups of equal size,designate one the “larger” group. If there isonly one personnel in the Away Team, yourtwo “groups” contain one and zero personnel.The smaller Away Team must continue themission attempt (if possible).Like phased ships, phased personnel are bothinvisible and untouchable. They are notaffected by external phenomena (e.g., TheSheliak), and may not affect non-phased cards(e.g., engage in battle with non-phased cards,attempt or scout missions), but remainvulnerable to global effects caused bychanges in the timeline (e.g., Anti-Time

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Anomaly, Stop First Contact). See cloakingand phasing, Thine Own Self.Phased personnel are initially unaffected by aSupernova, but will be killed upon exposure tospace (except Borg or androids).

Phaser Burns – Errata:If you have phasers or disruptors presentduring an Away Team a personnel battle,before a winner is determined randomlyselect two opposing personnel stunned cardsto die.

phasing – See cloaking and phasing.phasing cloak – This special equipment

allows a ship and its crew to go “out of phase”with the universe. The ship is both invisibleand untouchable, and thus can fly throughplanets and other navigational obstructions.While phased, the ship receives a RANGEenhancement as indicated on the cardproviding the phasing ability. See cloakingand phasing.

Phoenix – This ship must be undocked to be inorbit of a planet and worth bonus points. Ifreported in space, it is consideredconceptually to have already taken off and socannot take off again if landed. “NOWEAPONS” is an undefined attribute. SeeMontana Missile Complex.

Picard’s Artificial Heart – This Q-icon artifactcan be stocked only in your Q-Continuumside deck. When your opponent encountersit, immediately seed it under the missionwhere encountered. Whenever the mission iscompleted (or scouted), you – the card’sowner – always take it into your hand. Seemeeting requirements.

Plain, Simple Garak – This personnel’sspecial skill allows you to perform a personareplacement at any time, rather than only atthe start of your turn. He may be replaced onlyby another true version of the Elim Garakpersona. (The [AU] Garak and [MQ] SecurityChief Garak are not true versions of the ElimGarak persona.)

planet facility – A planet facility is anyheadquarters or station which says that itseeds or plays on a planet (whether it names aspecific planet or not). All other facilities,including all outposts, are space facilities.

Plans of the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar– The personnel with Obsidian Order or TalShiar skill must be at the mission locationwhere you play your Espionage card for free.You do not need such a personnel in play touse the other functions of these objectives.

Plasma Fire – The ship is damaged by thisevent at the end of each of the turns of theship’s owner, beginning at the end of theowner’s next turn.

play phase – After the seed phases are over,shuffle your draw deck and place it face downon the table. Draw seven cards to form yourstarting hand. (There is no limit to the numberof cards you may hold in your hand during thegame.)The starting player (chosen before the seedphases began) takes the first turn, thenplayers alternate turns until one player scores100 points, or until both players’ draw decksrun out. See winning the game.

played as – See card types.playing an affiliation (non-Borg) – You are

“playing [affiliation]” or are an “(affiliationname) player” if you have played, seeded face-up, or seeded face-down and acquired, anypersonnel, ship, or facility of that affiliation, orused a multi-affiliation card you seeded orplayed in that affiliation mode at any timeduring the game, regardless of whether anysuch cards are still in play. Your opponent’scards that you control with Brainwash, CetiEel, etc., or that have been reported to you byThe Naked Truth, do not cause you to be“playing that affiliation.” See playing Borg.

playing Borg – You are playing Borg (or are a“Borg player”) if you stock any [Borg]-affiliation personnel, ships, or facilities (or any[Borg Only] cards) in your game deck or inany side deck, even if you have not seeded orplayed them. If playing Borg, you may notstock any non-[Borg]-affiliation cards. You arenot playing Borg if you stock non-[Borg]-affiliation Borg personnel such as One orIcheb.

point box – A point box on a card may containa number (a point value) or a variable such asX or 10X. “A point box” is any point boxregardless of its contents. “A point box with anumber” is one with just a number and novariable.When a card refers to a mission point box“showing at least 40 points,” it means theactual number printed on the card, not whatthe mission may be worth. Thus, the point boxon Quest for the Sword always shows 40points, even after The Sheliak arrives andmakes the mission worth 0 points. Likewise,Reunion’s point box never shows any points,although it may be worth 15 or 40 points.

points – “Scoring points” refers to any changein a player’s score, either gaining or losingpoints. A card with a negative point valuereduces your score by those points, possiblyresulting in a negative score. For example, ifyour score is 0 and you score a dilemma witha –10 point value, your score is –10.Points scored from Mission cards and [BorgOnly] Objective cards are non-bonus points.Positive or negative points from any othersource are bonus points.When points are transferred between players,the changes in score are treatedindependently. For example, if you nullify apoint loss from Mandarin Bailiff with Bribery,your opponent still gains points. If you areplaying Borg and cannot gain bonus points,your non-Borg opponent will still lose them.If a card, such as Intermix Ratio or In theZone, says that certain points “do not counttoward winning,” those points are not countedin your final score for the game (whether youwin or lose), either for determining a winnerand loser or for calculating differential. Thepoints are not lost or cancelled, and still countfor other purposes, such as passing DeadEnd.

pooling skills – See Blood Screening.Post Garrison – See cloaking and phasing.Prefix Code Transmission – You may play this

interrupt on your ship if it is firing on a multi-affiliation ship that has an affiliation iconmatching yours, even if the target is notcurrently in that mode.

Prepare Assault Teams – Activating thisobjective is a valid response to the initiation ofpersonnel battle, activating all its text. You maydownload a weapon or use SECURITY as aleader even if you do not split your AwayTeam. If you split your personnel, each assaultteam must have at least one personnel card init; it may not consist solely of Equipmentcards. If you initiated the battle, your assaultteam that you choose to participate in thebattle must contain a leader (unless counter-attacking).

Prepare the Prisoner – See capturing-related.

present – Your personnel and equipment arepresent together (or “with” each other) if theyare in the same crew or Away Team.Personnel who are “stopped,” disabled, instasis, or under house arrest form a separatecrew or Away Team during your turn. (SeeAway Team and crew.)Your personnel and equipment in a separatecrew or Away Team may not contribute skillsor enhance others to battle, to solve missions,or to overcome, nullify, or cure dilemmas or Q-icon cards during a mission attempt. They may

not trigger or be targeted by dilemmas or Q-icon cards encountered by the attemptingAway Team or crew.Your personnel are present with youropponent’s personnel if they are on the sameplanet (but outside a facility or landed ship), oron the same ship, facility, or site.You may not benefit from your opponent’spersonnel who are present with yours, unlessa card affects “all” of a type of personnelpresent, but they may be adversely affected. Examples:• Your Kahlest increases the STRENGTH of

your Klingons with Honor during a personnelbattle or mission attempt only if she isparticipating in the battle or mission attempt.

• Your K’mtar’s attributes are enhanced onlyby your Alexander Rozhenko in the sameAway Team or crew.

• An android in stasis or under house arrestwill not trigger, or be “stopped” by, ChineseFinger Puzzle.

• Your opponent’s personnel may pass on aCoalescent Organism to one of yourpersonnel on the same planet.

• Your opponent’s Targ enhancesSTRENGTH of “all non-TargKlingons...where present,” including yourKlingons.

If a dilemma “holds” or otherwise separatespart of a crew or Away Team (for example,Alien Abduction), your other personnel may beconsidered “present” for purposes of curingthat dilemma, even during the mission attempt.“Aboard” (a ship or facility) is usedinterchangeably with “present” for many spacedilemmas and other cards. For example,dilemmas which affect personnel “aboard”during a mission, scouting, or commandeeringattempt affect only the crew participating inthe attempt. Personnel on a ship or facilitywho are intruders, disabled, or under housearrest may be affected later by dilemmas thatenter play or by other cards that affectpersonnel “aboard,” but they may notcontribute traits or skills for staffing ships, forcuring or nullifying dilemmas that have long-term effects, or for such cards as Paxan“Wormhole,” Defiant Dedication Plaque, KurlanNaiskos, or Navigate Plasma Storms. See“stopped.”Your personnel (and equipment) are presentwith other cards (e.g., event, interrupt, ordoorway cards, seeded cards outside thecontext of a mission attempt, dilemmas thatenter play) if they are on a ship or spacefacility at the space location where the card isplayed or seeded (or where the card is movingdown the spaceline); on the planet surface(outside a facility or landed ship) where thecard is played or seeded; on a ship, facility, orsite on which the card is played; or presentwith a personnel on which the card is played.A seeded card may not be nullified by apersonnel “present” until it is encountered in amission attempt. Examples:• A personnel wearing Ocular Implants may

look at a seed card under a planet mission ifhe is on the planet surface, and under aspace mission if aboard a ship or facility atthe location.

• Guinan may nullify Frame of Mind if she is inthe encountering Away Team or crew, or(after the mission attempt) if she is presentwith the affected personnel. She may nullifyThe Whale Probe if she is in theencountering Away Team or, after it entersplay, if she is aboard a ship or space facilityat its location.

• The human ENGINEER who enablesprobing for Visit Cochrane Memorial mustbe on the planet surface, not in a landedship or facility.

• Borg Nanoprobes can nullify Your Galaxy Isimpure on the planet surface or aboard aship at its location.

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• John Doe can nullify an Espionage card oneither a planet or space mission.

Two ships or facilities are present with eachother if they are either in space at the samelocation or on the same planet. A ship ispresent at a site if it is docked at that site.A ship is present at a mission if it is at themission location. It is present for a missionattempt or dilemma encounter only if the crewof that ship is attempting the mission.(Quantum Singularity Lifeforms is anexception.)An artifact just earned is not present (e.g., forKivas Fajo or HQ: Return Orb to Bajor) unlessit joins the crew or Away Team. Thus an Orbof Prophecy and Change is present with theAway Team when earned, but a MysteriousOrb or Horga’hn is not.See Away Team and crew, here, in play,location, “stopped.”

prevents – See actions – step 2: responses.Primary Supply Depot – This outpost may be

seeded at any non-homeworld GammaQuadrant mission, regardless of affiliationicons. It may not be built later. See repair,Ketracel-White.

probing – Probing is a feature of someObjective and other cards which uses cardicons to determine a randomized outcome.When a card requires or allows you to probe,you do so at the end of your turn (just beforeyour card draw) by revealing and examiningthe top card of your draw deck, called theprobe card. (If your draw deck is empty, youmay not probe.)• Start with the first icon in the objective’s

probe list. If that icon appears anywhere onthe probe card (in game text, as a staffingicon, etc.), first replace the probe card onyour draw deck and then execute theappropriate outcome for that icon. (Thus, ifthe outcome allows you to download a cardfrom your draw deck, the probe card will beshuffled into the deck before you take yourend-of-turn card draw.) If not, look for thesecond icon in the probe list, then the third,and so on. Always examine the icons in theprobe list from top to bottom, and executeonly the first appropriate outcome. Theposition of the icon on the probe card isirrelevant.

• If none of the icons in the probe list appearon the probe card, but the word “Otherwise”appears at the end of the probe list, replacethe probe card on your draw deck andexecute that outcome.

• If there are no icon matches and no“Otherwise” in the probe list, simply replacethe probe card. This is defined as probingwith no outcome.

Some probe outcomes “complete” theobjective (e.g., the last outcome on NavigatePlasma Storms) and tell you to discard it orrelocate it as a marker. Other outcomes allowthe objective to remain in play (e.g., both ofthe outcomes on Promenade Shops). You maycontinue probing on successive turns until theobjective is nullified, discarded, or completed.As an example, Visit Cochrane Memorial hasthe following text:

[Fed], [Obj]: “Oooh.” Draw one card.[Ev], [Int]: “Aaaaah.” Play one card.[Fajo], [Eq]: “Wow!” Download one card.[NA], [Door]: “I thought it’d be bigger.”Discard one card.

The probe list consists of the icons. Theoutcomes are “Draw one card,” “Play onecard,” and so on. If either the [Fed] or [Obj]icon appears anywhere on the probe card,replace the probe card on your draw deck andthen execute the outcome “Draw one card.”(You will draw the probe card.) This is theappropriate outcome, even if another icon,such as [NA], also appears on the probe cardand regardless of the order in which those

icons appear. For example, if the probe card isChakotay (either the gold-bordered or blue-bordered version), you execute the “Draw onecard” outcome for his [Fed] icon. All outcomesallow you to continue to probe on each turnthat you have an unopposed humanENGINEER present.If two or more cards allow or require you toprobe, announce all of them at once andreveal only one probe card (using it to resolvethe probes in any order you wish). However,cards which instruct you to “immediatelyprobe” are resolved individually, withoutwaiting for the end of your turn.If a Borg objective involves scouting a ship orlocation, you may probe only after scouting iscomplete, and not at the end of the same turnyou completed scouting. Also, you may notprobe to complete any Borg objective (exceptone that says “immediately probe”) if yourBorg participated in any battles at the locationof the objective’s target during your currentturn or during your opponent’s previous turn.If a card has received errata that gives it anew icon, treat that card as if the icon wereprinted on it for purposes of probing. Forexample, Tasha Yar – Alternate is asuccessful probe for Under Fire.See Captain Proton cards, Mirror Image.

Process Ore – See Ore Processing Unit.Procurement Drone (One of Eleven) – This

drone may steal any equipment card for theBorg to use, regardless of that equipment’saffiliation restrictions. However, the Borgnever use hand weapons. See stealing.

Proficiency Drone – See Seven of Nine.Protect Shipment – See WEAPONS.protecting cards – When a card, such as

Ready Room Door or Intruder Alert,downloads and protects another card fromnullification, the card is placed to protect thedownloaded card only after the opponentdeclines or fails to nullify that event. A hiddenagenda card may not be protected until after ithas been activated.

Protouniverse – If you nullify this interrupt, the“Subspace Seaweed” dilemma is discardedalso.

“Pup” – See disabled, Birth of “Junior.”Q – Revised text:

Unless 2 Leadership and INTEGRITY>60, Qallows opponent to rearrange spacelinelocations. Otherwise, discard all dilemmasseeded under here. Discard dilemma.You may rearrange only the spaceline wherethis dilemma was encountered. Move eachlocation card and all cards there (includingships and facilities) as a single unit. You mayrelocate a Q-Net between any two adjacentspaceline locations. Regions of space maybe rearranged, breaking up the region. Overcoming this dilemma allows you todiscard only Dilemma cards seeded under themission, not cards seeded like a dilemma (e.g.,Q-Flash) or Q-icon dilemmas encounteredduring a Q-Flash.Nullifying or discarding the Q dilemma (e.g.,with Q2 or Mortal Q) does not overcome thedilemma or allow you to discard the otherdilemmas seeded there.

Q-Continuum side deck – This side deck ismade up of cards identified by the [Q] icon.You can have as many Q-icon cards in yourside deck as you like, even duplicates. Theside deck is activated during the doorwayseed phase by a Q-Flash doorway seededface up on top of the side deck. Seed more Q-Flash doorways like dilemmasunder any mission (no more than one permission) to cause your opponent to face thecards in your Q-Continuum. (Additional Q-Flash doorways may be stocked in your drawdeck or Q’s Tent for nullifying Q-icon cards or

for seeding during the game using theobjective Beware of Q.)When your opponent encounters a Q-Flashunder a mission, his crew or Away Team mustcollectively face a number of cards from yourQ-Continuum side deck equal to the numberof personnel present. (See dual-iconmission.) Draw and resolve Q-icon cards oneat a time. If the same Q-icon card occurs morethan once during a given Q-Flash, discard anyduplicates without drawing more cards toreplace them. (If you encounter one copy of aQ-icon dilemma seeded under a mission usingBeware of Q, and another copy during a Q-Flash at the same mission, both cards havetheir effect.) When you have finished resolvingthe required number of cards, discard the Q-Flash doorway.Your used Q-icon cards from your side deckdo not go to your discard pile if you have a Q-Continuum side deck. Instead, whenever oneof them is discarded or otherwise leaves thetable, place it face up underneath your sidedeck. When your side deck runs out of face-down Q-icon cards, shuffle the face-up cardsand place them face down again underneathyour seeded Q-Flash doorway. (Q-icon cardsthat come into play from any source other thanyour Q-Continuum side deck, such as Q-icondilemmas seeded under a mission withBeware of Q, are discarded normally after use,even if you also have a side deck.)If an entire crew or Away Team is killed,captured, relocated, or otherwise unable tocontinue a Q-Flash, do not draw anyremaining Q-icon cards. Unless otherwisespecified, a Q-icon dilemma encounteredduring a Q-Flash does not “stop” a crew orAway Team that cannot meet its requirements.You never encounter your own Q-Continuumside deck. If you encounter a Q-Flash,regardless of who seeded it, you encounteryour opponent’s Q-Continuum. If youropponent does not have a Q-Continuum sidedeck (or if its doorway is closed), discard thatQ-Flash.

Q-Flash – This doorway seeds like a dilemma;it is not used as a dilemma and is not affectedby cards that affect dilemmas. See cardtypes, Q-Continuum side deck.

Q-icon cards – Cards identified by the special[Q] icon, representing actions of Q or one ofthe other Q entities, come into play onlythrough a special Q-Continuum side deck,unless a card’s text allows them to be used inanother way (e.g., Q’s Planet, Hide and Seek,Beware of Q). (If so, you do not need a Q-Continuum side deck, or any seeded Q-Flashdoorways, to use these cards.)Although labeled as interrupts, events,dilemmas, and other card types, they cannotnormally be used the same way as other cardsof those types. The objective card Beware ofQ allows Q-icon dilemmas (but not other Q-icon card types) to seed as normal [S/P]dilemmas. Q-icon cards can be nullified in thenormal ways (dilemmas by Q2, events byKevin Uxbridge, and interrupts by AmandaRogers) unless otherwise specified. Seenullify.A Q-icon card that contains the phrase “untilany Q-Flash” has its effect only until the nextQ-Flash card is played from a hand orencountered by any crew or Away Team, thenis discarded.

Q-Net – This event affects only Ship cards. Ithas no effect on The Sheliak, the Borg Shipdilemma, Calamarain, The Nexus, etc. Seeadjacent.

Q-related dilemma – The phrase “Q-relateddilemma” (on Q2 and Adapt: NegateObstruction) refers to regular Dilemma cardswith Q’s name in the title, such as the Qdilemma, Q’s Vicious Animal Things, and QGets the Point, and to any Q-icon Dilemma

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card. A Q-Flash doorway is not a Q-relateddilemma.

Q the Referee – When you use this incident toplay a [Ref] card with a Hidden Agenda iconfor free, you must show the card to youropponent to verify its [Ref] status beforeplaying it face down on the table. Activatingthis incident does not suspend play and is nota valid response to any action. You mayactivate it only between other actions. Theincident must already be face up before youmay suspend play to download another [Ref]card. See icons in game text.

Q-Type Android – When your Personnel cardis seeded by your opponent under Q’s Planetwith the second function of this Q-icondilemma, it is no longer in play until earnedwhen the mission is solved. See personnel –seeded. If two copies of the same personnelare seeded there, the second oneencountered will be a mis-seed and placedout-of-play (if revealed by your opponent, hecannot solve the mission).If a Borg is altered by this dilemma, theirbiological distinctiveness or species becomesandroid and their STRENGTH is +4 (but theyare still Borg). A holographic personnel who isaltered by this dilemma remains “hologramspecies;” it is now a hologram of an androidwith increased STRENGTH. If a dual-personnel card containing an android and anon-android is selected for the first function,the species of both personnel are altered. Theandroid becomes human and the non-androidbecomes an android.

Q2 – See Q, Q-related dilemma.Qapla’! – In Federation Standard, the title, lore,

and game text of this interrupt would read:SUCCESS!When threatened, fight. When in doubt,surprise them. Brute strength is not the mostimportant asset in a fight. Real power is inthe heart. A Klingon does not run away fromhis battles.If an opponent attacks you, during that battleyour Klingons with Honor add INTEGRITYto STRENGTH. (Not cumulative.)

Q’s Fantasy Women – Errata:DILEMMA EVENTThis Q-icon card is an EVENT (as indicated bythe game text “Discard event”), not aDILEMMA. See helps.

Q’s Planet – This Q-icon mission is not seededat the beginning of the game, but comes intoplay later. (See Q-icon cards.) You may stockit either in your Q-Continuum side deck or inyour Q’s Tent. When your opponentencounters this card from your Q-Continuum,you immediately insert it anywhere in theAlpha Quadrant spaceline, regardless ofwhere it is encountered and even if there areno missions yet on that spaceline. Startingwith your opponent, both players take turnsplacing seed cards under the mission (up to 3each). You may not “pass” during the seedinguntil you have no cards left to seed. You mayplace seed cards only face down under themission and all normal seeding and mis-seedrules apply.If stocked in your Q’s Tent, Q’s Planet may beretrieved normally by playing a Q’s Tent fromhand (or by a card that allows it to bedownloaded). You may insert it into the AlphaQuadrant spaceline as your normal card play(or play immediately if downloaded). Playersthen place seed cards as described above.While it may not be nullified by a counter-card(such as Q-Flash), Q’s Planet may bedestroyed by a Supernova or Black Hole.Once destroyed, its game text requiring anadditional 40 points to win is no longer ineffect. See nullify.Treat this mission like a unique mission in caseof duplication. If you attempt to play a copy ofQ’s Planet when your opponent’s copy is

already on the spaceline, place your copy ontop of the one already in play. It is treated byboth players as “their” mission for allpurposes, including Fair Play. See seedphases. Like any unique mission, Q’s Planetcan be solved only once per game. If it isdestroyed after being solved, any copysubsequently played by any player enters playalready solved, and no cards may be seededthere.

Q’s Tent – This doorway requires you to choosea target card to take into your hand as part ofinitiating the card play. Announce the play ofQ’s Tent (without naming a target card), lookthrough your Q’s Tent side deck and choosea card, and show it to your opponent, whomay then respond by nullifying the Q’s Tent orrevealing a Computer Crash. See actions –step 1: initiation.After you play this doorway, you may not drawany cards for the remainder of the turn. Seecard draw.

Q’s Tent side deck – This side deck allowsyou to stock up to 13 different cards (noduplicates) which you can access during play.You may stock any card in your Q’s Tent sidedeck except a Q-icon card (unless allowed bythe card), or a Tactic, Tribble, or Trouble card.Cards that must normally be seeded (e.g.,missions, dilemmas, and artifacts) can beplaced in your Q’s Tent, but you will not beable to use them unless a card allows it (Q’sPlanet, Hide and Seek, Starry Night, etc.). Theside deck is activated during the doorwayseed phase by a Q’s Tent doorway placedface up on top of the side deck. There are three ways to retrieve cards fromQ’s Tent:• You may stock additional Q’s Tent doorways

in your draw deck. You may then play a Q’sTent doorway from your hand at any timeduring your turn (subject to normal timingrules) to take a card from your Q’s Tent sidedeck (either randomly or selectively, asdescribed on the card) into your hand. Youmay then play the card normally from yourhand, whenever you may legally play thatcard. You may not play a Q’s Tent from yourhand if your Q’s Tent side deck is empty.

• You may use a card that allowsdownloading to access cards stocked inyour Tent.

• Some cards specifically allow you to takecards from Q’s Tent (e.g., Q’s Planet, Hideand Seek).

If the seeded Q’s Tent doorway is closed, youmay not retrieve cards from Q’s Tent unless acard explicitly allows you to access a closedTent.

quadrant rule – See reporting for duty.Quantum Drone (Six of Eleven) – Revised

text:When on your ship, may download anAlternate Universe Door in place of one carddraw.

Quantum Fissure – A cloaked or phased shippresent does not keep you from passing thisdilemma. See cloaking and phasing.

Quantum Singularity Lifeforms – Any ship ofRomulan affiliation or origin at the missionlocation will trigger this dilemma (not just theship attempting the mission). Only ships andpersonnel at the location when the dilemma isencountered (including personnel aboard afacility at the location) are placed in stasis;ships and personnel arriving later do not enterstasis. Any player may bring in a newENGINEER or play Emergency TransporterArmbands to cure the dilemma and release allships and personnel from stasis. Seeaffiliation and ship origin.

Quantum Slipstream Drive – “Full RANGE”,which must be available in order to use thisevent, includes a ship’s printed RANGE plusenhancements. The ship must have nothing

reducing its RANGE and must have used noRANGE yet this turn.

quarantine – When a card places a ship,facility, or planet under quarantine, personnelmay board the ship or facility, or beam to theplanet, but none may leave except in thefollowing circumstances:If a dilemma instructs you to move or relocatea personnel (either as a condition for passingthe dilemma or as part of the results), itrequires you to move them out of a quarantine.For example, Love Interests, Hippocratic Oath,Make Us Go, Tarellian Plague Ship, andAbandon Ship! all override quarantines. Othercard types, such as Mysterious Orb, do notoverride quarantines.

Quark’s Bar – See reporting for duty.Quark’s Isolinear Rods – This incident

nullifies cards preventing you from playing aQ’s Tent only when you are actually playingone. For example, it will not nullify a RevolvingDoor on your Q’s Tent side deck when you aretrying to download a card from there.

Quash Conspiracy – This mission’s specialtext “No ship-to-ship beaming” does notrestrict beaming to and from an outpost or adilemma (Tarellian Plague Ship).

Queen’s Borg Cube – See Borg Cube.Quinn – You may play up to three copies of this

interrupt per game. Each copy is placed inyour bonus point area (if successfully played)or in your discard pile (if nullified) after use.That is, one Quinn does not nullify three cards.See once per game.

Radioactive Garbage Scow – Revised text:Place on spaceline here. Mission cannot beattempted where present. Ship with TractorBeam and 2 ENGINEER can tow scow.When this dilemma is encountered and placedon the spaceline, the mission attempt endsimmediately. (It does not affect Borgscouting.) The ship and crew (or Away Team,when encountered on a planet in the Female’sLove Interest & Garbage Scow combodilemma) are not “stopped,” because thedilemma has no conditions.

Rager – See helps.Raise the Stakes – This event is banned from

tournament play.random selection – See selections.ranks and titles – See characteristics,

matching commander.rationing – See Ketracel-White.Reaction Control Thrusters – When you

move a facility with this event, any dockedships are carried along (this is not normal shipmovement), while undocked ships are leftbehind.

Reactor Overload – For this incident, you have“processed ore to draw two cards” if youcreate two card draws during one turn usingthe Process Ore objective, even if you convertone or more of those draws to downloads orother actions.There are no conditions for placing thisincident on a ship or facility for the secondfunction. The incident is “used” and returns tohand even if there are no androids, [Holo]personnel, etc. aboard to affect.

Ready Room Door – You may dispose of thisdoorway in any of the three ways listed,whether it was used to download a matchingcommander or a Captain’s Order. Seeprotecting cards.You may download another matchingcommander to a ship that already has oneaboard (though the ship may not benefit frommore than one, such as with Captain’s Log).

Reassimilate Lost Drone – Once you achievea successful probe for the first icon in thisobjective’s probe list [Def], and abduct thetarget, you ignore that probe icon in

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subsequent probes. Only the second outcomeis relevant once the target has been abducted.

Rebel Interceptor – See interceptor.Receptacle Stones – When you encounter a

dilemma with this artifact in play, apply thedilemma first to your own ship, then to theopponent’s ship, as if it had just encounteredit at that ship’s own spaceline location. Both[S] and [S/P] dilemmas encountered at aspace mission affect the opponent’s ship.

Recruit Mercenaries – The negative points forthis event are scored (“paid”) at the locationwhere you download the mercenaries. SeeAltonian Brain Teaser.

Red Alert! – Revised text:Plays on table. In place of your normal cardplay, you may report for duty any number ofShip, Personnel, and Equipment cards.Interrupts may not be played between theindividual cards reported, but each card playmay be responded to appropriately. See cardplay, actions – group, actions – “just”.

reduced attribute – See attribute modifiers.referee icon [Ref] – This icon is used by Q the

Referee.Reflection Therapy – This objective can

change a regular skill that does not actuallyappear in a skills box, but was added by anEquipment card, Mot’s Advice, etc. If thepersonnel is separated from the Equipmentcard, or Mot’s Advice is nullified, discard theReflection Therapy objective, because thetarget skill no longer exists.The new skill may be selected only at the x1level. If the replaced skill is at the x2 level, theentire skill is replaced. For example, you maychange Honor x2 to Treachery. See present,Assign Mission Specialists, skills –modifying.

Refuse Immigration – See WEAPONS.Regenerate – If seed cards such as dilemmas

or artifacts are shuffled into your deck usingthis event, you may not use or discard themunless a card specifically allows it. Seediscard pile, discarding. The Regeneratecard is discarded after the deck regenerationis complete.

Regent Worf – When this personnel assigns anew matching commander to a ship, thissupersedes the ship’s previous matchingcommander, if it had one. (The assignedpersonnel must match the ship’s affiliation.)The assignment remains in effect until hereassigns it, even if Regent Worf is no longeraboard that ship or leaves play. Matchingcommander assignments are for specificcopies of a Personnel card and a Ship card;they do not extend to other copies of auniversal ship or personnel.

Reginald Barclay (The Borg) – Thispersonnel scores bonus points only formissions you solve while he is in play.

regions of space – Certain mission locationsare known to be in the same region of space(as defined in the mission lore). Also, othercards may form locations that belong to aregion (e.g., the Alpha Quadrant end of theBajoran Wormhole creates a location in theBajor Region). Whenever a regional card isbeing added to the spaceline, it must beplaced (or inserted) next to another location inthe same region, if possible.Some cards, such as ❖ Space, Gaps inNormal Space, Blade of Tkon, and the Qdilemma, allow non-regional locations to beinserted between regional locations. Suchinserted cards are not considered to be partof the region (unless specified on the card).Thus, for example, a ship is “in the NeutralZone” only when it is actually at one of theNeutral Zone mission locations listed below. The following regions of space are defined forpre-Deep Space Nine cards: the Neutral ZoneRegion, consisting of Covert Installation,

Iconia Investigation, Investigate “ShatteredSpace,” and Patrol Neutral Zone; and Sector001 Region, consisting of EspionageMission (Earth) and Reunion (Mars). Thesemissions have errata defining their regionalstatus.Beginning with the Deep Space Nineexpansion, regional missions are clearlyidentified in the lore as regional (e.g., AlterRecords, “Bajor Region • Bajor”). Thefollowing additional regions now exist: theBajor Region, the Cardassia Region, theBadlands Region, the Demilitarized Zone, theMirror Universe • Bajor Region, the MirrorUniverse • Badlands Region, the NekritExpanse Region, and the Briar Patch Region.

related – See equipment (for MEDICAL-related, etc.), Empok Nor-related, Q-related,etc.

Release This Pain – St. John Talbot, GeneralKorrd, and Caithlin Dar (unless they are alsocontrolled by Release This Pain), cannot workwith others controlled by this incident ifincompatible with them.

Relics of the Chase – See bonus point area.relocation – See movement, movement

between quadrants, time travel.REM Fatigue Hallucinations –

Entire crew or Away Team dies in three ofyour full turns unless 3 MEDICAL presentOR ship returns to outpost first.This dilemma affects only the crew or AwayTeam that attempted the mission andencountered the dilemma. It will not affectother personnel who later join the Away Team,or other crew members if the Away Teambeams back to a ship.Either cure (returning to and docking at anoutpost, or bringing 3 MEDICAL to theaffected personnel) earns the 5 point bonus.Returning to another type of facility does notcount.

Remodulation – Errata:Nullifies Adapt: Neutralize Weapon ModulateShields. OR “Remodulates” your hand.Discard one or two cards and draw an equalamount number from the bottom of yourdraw deck.

Remote Supply Depot – This outpost may bebuilt at any mission with a Dominion affiliationicon in either quadrant. It may not be seeded.See repair, Ketracel-White.

repair – If your ship’s damage is indicated byyour opponent’s damage markers, you mayremove one damage marker (randomselection) at the end of each of your turns thatship remains docked at an outpost that makesrepairs or a Docking Pylons site for the fullturn.Whenever a ship or facility is fully repaired bya card such as Defense System Upgrade,Exocomp, or Spacedock, remove all of itsdamage markers. Damage markers are alsoremoved if the ship or facility leaves play forany reason (for example, being returned tohand or placed out-of-play).If your ship’s damage is indicated by cardrotation (because your opponent is not usinga Battle Bridge side deck), you may repair itby docking at an outpost that makes repairs ora Docking Pylons site for two of your full turns.Any outpost can make repairs unless its textsays it does not. A Spacedock played on afacility allows immediate repair of ships thatdock there, even if the facility itself does notallow repairs. Facilities may be repaired onlyby a card that allows it, such as DefenseSystem Upgrade.

replacing cards – See exchanging – Personnel, Ship, and Equipment cards

must normally report for duty to a compatibleoutpost, headquarters, site, or other place thatallows reporting (i.e., personnel may notnormally be reported directly aboard a ship or

to a planet). Place the card face up at thefacility or site and announce the card name,then stack the card under the facility or ontop of the site. Small Tribble cards may report“anywhere.” You may not report any card(except a ship) into space.When a facility or its site allows you to reporta card for duty, you may do so only if that cardand the facility are both in their nativequadrant. (Equipment cards are native to allquadrants and thus may report to anyappropriate facility that is in its nativequadrant.) For example, your Morn may notreport to Quark’s Bar or download to CargoBay on Mirror Terok Nor. Also, when a siteallows you to report (or download) cards, youmay do so only if that Nor also has at leastone docking site. If the card allowing a card to report for duty isnot a facility or site (such as The Emissary orDevidian Door), the card may report to anyquadrant (even if it happens to be reportingaboard a facility) unless otherwise specifiedby the game text; and a docking site is notrequired on the Nor. Thus, you may reportcards outside their native quadrant usingcards such as Assign Mission Specialists,Assign Support Personnel, Spacedoor,Space-Time Portal (report with crew function),Sleeper Trap, Borg Cube, Temporal Micro-Wormhole, and Barzan Wormhole. (However,if a card requires that a card match theaffiliation of a homeworld, it must also matchthe homeworld’s universe. See mirroruniverse.)A ship, even if landable, always reports inspace (usually docked) unless a cardspecifically allows or requires it to reportlanded. For example, you may not report aRebel Interceptor landed, but a RomulanShuttle downloaded with Hidden Fighter mustreport landed (“Downloads ... to your AwayTeam on a planet”). Reporting a card is synonymous with playing acard. Any personnel, ship, or Equipment card“played” by any means (e.g., normal card play,Devidian Door, downloading into play) is“reporting for duty.” Any action that may ormust take place upon reporting takes place atthe time of play.Personnel seeded under a mission (e.g., witha Cryosatellite, under Rescue Prisoners,Mirasta Yale) have already conceptuallyreported for duty. Thus, they do not report forduty when acquired, but simply join your crewor Away Team (if your opponent seeded them,you capture them). See personnel – seeded.Actions dependent on reporting cannot takeplace.Persona replacement is not a card play orreporting for duty, but an exchange for apersonnel who already reported for duty. Seeexchanging cards.Selected or shared features or skills do notexist until you have reported the personnel forduty. For example, a Soong-type Android maynot report to a site allowing a certainclassification to report, because it has noclassification before reporting; skills are notshared by drones being reported to a hivewith skill-sharing enabled, until after they havebeen reported. See skills – modifying.See showing your cards.

report with crew – When a card allows a shipto report with crew, you may report the shipwith any number of compatible Personneland/or Equipment cards from your handaboard (you may not download the cardsunless specified). You must report at leastenough personnel to meet the staffingrequirements. Each card is reported as aseparate sub-action of the report with crewgroup action, and may be responded toappropriately. See action – group.Reporting with crew replaces your normalcard play, except for the reports allowed by

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Space-Time Portal, Sphere Encounter, andBarzan Wormhole. You may not replace anadditional card play, such as one allowed byDelta Quadrant Spatial ScissionWhen a ship’s text allows it to report withcrew, you may not use that text in combinationwith game text allowing the ship to report insome other way. For example, if you downloadBajoran Raider with Hidden Fighter, it may notreport with crew.If game text does not use the phrase reportwith crew, it is not a report with crew action,even if it allows you to report a ship withspecified personnel aboard (e.g., I.K.C. T’Ong,Retask).

Reported Activity – Revised text:Navigation + Honor x2 OR Navigation +ENGINEER x2

reporting for duty – See report.required action – See action – skills – See skills – modifying.Res-Q – See discard pile.rescue – See capturing.Resistance Is Futile – See Harness Particle

010.responses – See actions – step 2:

responses.Ressikan Flute – This artifact is worth a

variable number of points (it does not scorepoints each turn), depending on the number ofpersonnel with Music skill you have in play(not the number of Music skills). For example,if you have four personnel with Music skill inplay when you earn the Flute, it is worth 20points. If you report another Music personnelfor duty, it is worth 25 points. If two of thosepersonnel are killed, it will be worth only 15points.Two copies of a universal personnel withMusic cannot both affect the value of the Fluteat the same time. See cumulative.

rest of game – When a card has an effect thatlasts for “rest of game,” the effect continueseven after the card is no longer in play (unlessanother card specifically cancels the effect).For example, Tomalak of Borg says, “For restof game, all your ships have Cloaking Device.”Your ships continue to have Cloaking Deviceseven if he leaves play. See once in play.

restriction box – Some personnel havelimitations listed just above their skills in anarea called a “restriction box.” These are notskills and are not affected by cards that affectskills.

retaliation – See Kova Tholl.Retask – When this event is played, any

damage (either rotation damage or damagemarkers) on the Borg Ship dilemma istransferred to the Borg Cube. Seeexchanging cards.Replacement of a Borg Ship dilemma with adownloaded universal ❖ Borg Cube and theseven specified drones is not a report withcrew action; you may not report additionalBorg (or Equipment cards) with the sevendrones.

return to a facility – See docking.return to hand – Cards that are returned to

hand always return to their owner’s hand. Seein play.

Reunion – Revised lore:Sector 001 Region • Utopia Planitia, MarsStationIf you solve this mission with the alternaterequirements of Subjugate Planet, its pointvalue (and therefore the STRENGTHrequirement of the objective) still depends onwhether you have Miracle Worker,Cantankerousness, and/or Spock present inthe Away Team. • If none are present: 0 points,

STRENGTH>0 required.

• If one is present: 15 points,STRENGTH>30 required.

• If all three are present: 40 points,STRENGTH>80 required.

See point box, mission attempt.reveal – When a card such as All Threes tells

you to reveal cards, both players are allowedto see the cards.

reverse – When a card is reversed, that cardhas its game text conceptually changed towork in an opposite way. To ensure consistentgameplay, an official definition is establishedin each case. See Intruder Force Field,Persistence of Memory.

revised text – Cards with revised game text orlore (both errata and clarifications) are listed inAppendix A. See the Glossary introduction formore information on revisions and theindividual Glossary entries for the actualrevised text.

Revolving Door – See doorway.Rituals of the Hunt – This incident is not

discarded until after a capture is fully resolved,including any “just” action triggered by thecapture. Thus, you may not use HirogenHunt’s text to convert a Fajo’s Gallery carddraw to a download to immediately playanother Rituals of the Hunt, because theincident is unique. See actions – “just”.

Roger Maris Baseball Card – See 1962Roger Maris Baseball Card.

Rogue Borg Mercenaries – This interrupt maybe played in multiples. The STRENGTH ofeach individual Rogue Borg depends on thenumber that are present together. Forexample, two Rogue Borg have a STRENGTHof 2 each; five have a STRENGTH of 5 each.If Crosis is in the group, he counts as a RogueBorg and doubles the STRENGTH of eachone in the group. In this group of five (fourRogue Borg Mercenaries plus Crosis), eachRogue Borg’s STRENGTH is 10. If eitherplayer has the Personnel card Lore in play,each Rogue Borg’s STRENGTH is alsodoubled. (In this example, each would have aSTRENGTH of 20.)The term “Rogue Borg” includes both RogueBorg Mercenaries and Crosis. The term“Rogue Borg Mercenaries” includes onlycopies of the Rogue Borg MercenariesInterrupt card.Rogue Borg can play as a response toanother Rogue Borg play, or as a response tothe initiation of an automatic Rogue Borgbattle at start of turn. Each of these RogueBorg may be responded to individually (e.g.,by Amanda Rogers). Once the player has“passed” (finished playing Rogue Borg), theentire group of Rogue Borg may beresponded to (e.g., by Hugh). If not canceled,the result will then begin with the attack of theRogue Borg in a normal personnel battle.Rogue Borg can be played at other times in anew action. If played where the player haspreviously played Rogue Borg, the new oneswill battle by themselves before joining withthose other Rogue Borg at the end of the turn.If the entire crew is killed, surviving RogueBorg remain on the ship, but cannot use theship unless the event Lore Returns is played.Rogue Borg Mercenaries and Crosis areconsidered “rogue” and not part of any Borgcollective. Thus, they affect Borg-affiliationcards normally.

Romulan – An affiliation and a species. Seeaffiliation and species.

Romulan Ambush – The captive that you takewith this interrupt is selected and relocated toyour ship before the ship is destroyed. If thecrew is saved with a card that plays during thedestruction (such as Escape Pod), the captiveis not saved. See battle – non-battle cards.

Royale Casino: Blackjack – See RoyaleCasino side games.

Royale Casino: Craps – If you can’t show aPersonnel card for this dilemma, youropponent wins the points. See Royale Casinoside games.

Royale Casino: Slots – If Mickey D. is in theAway Team that encounters this dilemma, hewins 5 points. See Royale Casino sidegames.

Royale Casino side games – The attributenumbers on the Personnel cards in your hand,used in the Royale Casino dilemma “sidegames,” are not affected by attribute modifierssuch as Lower Decks or PADDs. See variableattribute, Mickey D.

Saavik – See icons in game text.Sabotage Drone (Six of Seventeen) – While

this personnel’s special skill of reducing aship’s RANGE or WEAPONS may be usedduring the opponent’s turn (“Once everyturn...”), it may not interrupt a mission attempt.Thus, you may not use a Sabotage Dronedownloaded to the opponent’s ship withUndetected Beam-In to reduce the ship’sRANGE before encountering Abandon Ship!See actions – interrupting.

Saltah’na Clock – While affiliation attackrestrictions do not apply (i.e., any affiliation,including Borg, is required to initiate battle),this artifact does not allow or require you toattack your own cards. The requirement toinitiate battle is a non-moving required action.See actions – required.Any personnel aboard the affected ship orfacility (whether crew or intruders) must, ontheir owner’s turn, initiate either a ship battleor a personnel battle, depending on what ispossible and/or appropriate. For example, ifthe Clock is on a ship with both a crew andintruders aboard, the crew, on its owner’s turn,must initiate either a personnel battle againstthe intruders, or a ship battle against anopponent’s ship or facility at its location(owner’s choice). On the opponent’s turn, hisintruders must initiate a personnel battleagainst the crew.

Salvage Starship – Searching youropponent’s discard pile for a ship is optionaland has no effect on scoring the points forthis objective. See objectives, specialequipment.

Samaritan Snare – On this mission, thephrase “Federation must attempt mission ifpresent” includes any ship and crewcontaining Federation cards, even if the shipitself is of a different affiliation. After themission attempt has ended (even ifunsuccessful), they are free to move away(even on a later turn), but are required to re-attempt the mission (if unsolved) each timethey stop (or undock from a facility) at thelocation. See actions – required, Treaty:Federation/Romulan/Klingon.

Samuel Clemens’ Pocketwatch – Thisartifact allows you to perform now one actionwhich must happen on your next turn (anyaction that is scheduled to happen, or whichyou are required to perform by a card or rule).It does not allow you to perform an optionalaction, such as playing a card. Examples: • Drawing a card: You may take your next

turn’s mandatory end-of-turn card draw now.You may not then draw a card at the end ofyour next turn.

• Showing a Devidian Door: You are requiredto show the Door during your next turn, soyou can use SCP to show it immediately.

• Countdown icons: Your card with acountdown icon must count down at theend of your turn, so you can use SCP tomake it count down once now. It will thennot count down at the end of your next turn.

• Time effects without a countdown icon (e.g.,Temporal Rift, diseases): If the effect isscheduled to resolve on your next turn, youcan use SCP to force it to resolve now. Youmay not “remove” a turn unless the effect is

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scheduled to resolve on your next turn,because (unlike a countdown icon) nothingis scheduled to happen on your next turn.

• Cytherians: If your ship is affected by amoving required action such as Cytherians,you will be required to move it next turn. Youmay use SCP to move it now and may notmove it again next turn.

• Borg Ship dilemma and The Sheliak: Thesecards must move down the spaceline at theend of your next turn, so you may give theman extra move this turn with SCP. They willnot move at the end of your next turn, butthey will still move on your opponent’sintervening turn.

Scan – Revised text:Glance at all seed cards located under onespace mission for twenty seconds.

Science Lab – See bottom seed card.Scorched Hand – See counting cards.scoring points – See points.scoring tournaments – See the official

tournament guide.Scout Encounter – If you download a scout

ship (see characteristics) when youropponent encounters this dilemma, you mustalso download at least one compatibleuniversal crew member. (This is not a reportwith crew action.) The downloaded ship mayinitiate battle (if the ship has a leader, amatching personnel, and no affiliationrestrictions), move away (if the ship is staffedfor movement), or do nothing. A landable shipmay “move away” by landing on the surface ofa planet at the same location but may notmove to another location and then land. Theship and crew may not perform any otheractions until your turn unless a cardspecifically allows it.

scouting locations – Unlike other affiliations,Borg never attempt missions. Instead, theyuse Objective cards to scout locations.Scouting conceptually represents overcomingresistance (encountering dilemmas and Q-Flashes) and gathering data. Before you may scout a location, you musthave an activated current objective targetingthe location. A dual-icon mission may betargeted either as a space or a planet location,but only one Borg objective may becompleted targeting that mission. Begin scouting the location as you wouldbegin a mission attempt with non-Borg:select and beam your Away Team (of any size)to a planet, or select a ship and crew at aspace mission (both at a dual-icon mission),then announce that you are scouting thelocation. (While an objective that allows you toscout a planet location allows you to formAway Teams for that purpose, you may alsouse an Away Team already on the planet byother legal means, e.g., EmergencyTransporter Armbands, and they may be joinedby more of your Borg.)Borg encounter and resolve dilemmas and Q-Flashes in the same way that non-Borg doduring mission attempts (see dilemmaresolution), subject to a few additional rules:• When your Borg are confronted with a

dilemma or Q-icon card which is point-related (and does not specify that it affectsBorg), play out the card but ignore thepoints. (Discard the dilemma when you aredone with it rather than placing it in yourbonus point area.) If that card presents achoice, you must choose an option which isnot point-related, if possible.

• Discard gender-related dilemmas such asLove Interests or Matriarchal Society.

• Any cards which specifically require orchange classifications, such as ScottishSetter, do not affect Borg. However, adilemma which specifies a personnel type,such as OFFICER, without specifying

classification or skill, will affect the Borgnormally.

• Dilemma text such as “Abandon missionattempt...” or “Mission may not beattempted” does not affect Borg. Ignoresuch text, and discard the dilemma if it iswholly inapplicable. However, “Missioncontinues” means “Scouting continues” forBorg.

When Borg are scouting a location, anyartifacts encountered there are moved to theback of the seed stack as usual. The Borgmust complete an objective that allowedscouting of that location before the SurveyDrone can acquire any artifact(s) present.(Picard’s Artificial Heart is acquired by itsowner upon completion of scouting. At a dual-icon mission, space-permissible artifacts maybe acquired upon completion of a spaceobjective; planet artifacts may be acquiredonly after completion of a planet objective.) Ifyou have no Survey Drone on the planet (oraboard a ship at a space location) when youcomplete the objective, the artifacts areplaced face up on the mission and may beacquired later by your Survey Drone or by anynon-[Borg] personnel present. (However, theSurvey Drone may not beam down to a planetwithout a card allowing him to do so. Oncethe objective is complete, it no longer allowsscouts to beam to the planet.) Cards seededlike artifacts (e.g., seeded personnel) areacquired in the same way as artifacts.Like mission attempts, a scouting attempt isone action that may not be interrupted (exceptby valid responses to dilemmas or Q-iconcards and by actions that suspend play), andmay not be aborted unless the entire AwayTeam or crew is “stopped” or removed fromthe location.After a scouting attempt is over (whetherscouting is complete or not), your“unstopped” Borg are free to beam back up tothe ship if desired, or remain to acquireartifacts, if any, when the objective iscompleted. If an objective requires that youhave Borg or a counterpart “there” or “at thatlocation” to probe, they need not be on theplanet.Scouting a location is complete when yourturn ends if you have scouted it at least once,and no dilemmas or Q-Flashes remain to beencountered, even if no Borg remain or if theyare “stopped” by the last dilemma. (A dilemmathat has entered play, such as Friendly Fire orCytherians, no longer remains to beencountered, and so does not preventscouting from being complete.) Completion ofscouting is permanent. Addition of a seedcard (such as a Q-Flash, using Beware of Q)after scouting is complete has no effect onthat status.Your Borg must complete scouting before youmay probe to determine your currentobjective’s outcome. You may not probe onthe same turn in which you completedscouting (except with Service the Collective).You also may not probe if your Borgparticipated in any battles at the targetedlocation during your current turn or during youropponent’s previous turn. Probing takes placeat the end of your turn.When an objective calls for scouting a missionlocation, you must scout even if there are nodilemmas remaining when you begin scouting(because none were seeded, or youropponent cleared them during a missionattempt). In other words, you must bring onescout to a planet mission, or bring a ship andcrew to a space mission, and announce thatyou are scouting that location. When that turnends, scouting is complete.When an objective requires you to target amission “if not yet scouted,” it must be amission which neither you nor your Borgopponent has completed scouting. Theabsence of dilemmas for other reasons (such

as a non-Borg opponent attempting themission) does not mean the mission has beenscouted. If your opponent completes scoutinga mission after you have targeted it, it doesnot discard your objective.An objective that allows you to scout alocation requires you to complete scouting forthat objective in order to probe to complete it.For example, if you scout a mission withEstablish Gateway and resolve all dilemmas,then switch to another objective bydownloading A Change of Plans in place ofyour normal card draw at the end of your turn,scouting is complete at the end of that turn forEstablish Gateway, but not for the newobjective. You must scout the mission againbefore scouting is complete for the newobjective.

scouting ships – An Objective card may directyour Borg to scout a ship. Scouting a shipconceptually represents overcomingresistance and gathering data. Before youmay scout a ship, you must have an activatedcurrent objective targeting the ship.Begin scouting an enemy ship by beamingover a single scout. (If you already have one ormore Borg aboard the ship from UndetectedBeam-In, Borg Servo, counter-attacking, etc.,they may scout the ship.) You must have adrone who allows you to beam through youropponent’s SHIELDS. Until the objective iscompleted or discarded, if at any point you donot have an active Borg aboard the ship, youmay beam another single scout aboard duringyour turn.If your opponent attacks your scout during histurn, you may counter-attack during your nextturn with any number of Borg (if the shipremains at the location of the attack). ThoseBorg are free to remain on the enemy ship. Scouting an enemy ship is complete at theend of your turn if you have any active Borgaboard that ship. Your Borg must completescouting before you may probe to determineyour current objective’s outcome.You may notprobe on the same turn you completedscouting, or if your Borg participated in anybattles at the location of the targeted shipduring your current turn or during youropponent’s previous turn. Once scouting iscomplete, you do not have to completescouting again (with another delay beforeprobing) if your scout is killed before you canprobe (though you must meet therequirements of the objective, such as havingComputer Skill aboard). Probing takes placeat the end of your turn.

Seal Rift – This mission allows [AU] cards toreport there without requiring an AlternateUniverse Door or other doorway allowing [AU]cards to play.

Search For Weapons – This mission’s specialtext (“May seed hand weapons here”) doesnot allow you to seed the Varon-T Disruptor inaddition to another artifact. While the Varon-TDisruptor is a hand weapon, the mission textdoes not override the “one artifact permission” rule.

Search for Rebels – See card titles,Caretaker’s Array, Navigate Plasma Storm.

Secret Agent Julian Bashir – This personnelprevents all your personnel where he ispresent (including himself) from beingcaptured.

Secure Station – See WEAPONS.Security Office – See movement.seed deck – Your seed deck may include

several types of seed cards.• It may include up to 30 of the following:

Dilemma and Artifact cards, plus any othercards which are allowed or required bygame text to be seeded, such as certainFacility, Doorway, Objective, Incident, andEvent cards. (If you seed any card that is nota seed card, it is a mis-seed.)

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• It may include up to six Site cards, whichseed for free (i.e., in addition to the 30 cardsin the first category).

• It must include exactly six Mission cards,which also seed for free. Each of your sixmissions must be different, except for thosethat are universal (their card title begins withthe universal ❖ symbol).

Your mission and site cards which seed forfree must be kept separate from your 30“counted” seed cards throughout the seedphases. Site cards included in the “seed forfree” portion of your seed deck may not bemis-seeded under a mission as a bluff ormisrepresented as possible seeds during thedilemma phase, but may only be seeded on aNor or placed out-of-play at the end of theseed phases. If you choose to include sites inyour 30 “counted” seed cards, they may onlybe mis-seeded as a bluff or placed out-of-play.Moving Site cards between the “seed for free”and “counted” portions of your seed deck isan illegal change to your deck.All cards that you seed (or “place during theseed phase”) are counted as seed cardsunless a card or rule specifically states thatthey seed for free. Thus, the personnel seededwith a Cryosatellite, the doorways that activateyour side decks (but not the contents of theside decks), Data’s Body, etc., all counttoward your maximum of 30.When a seeded card allows a downloadduring the seed phase (e.g., Assign MissionSpecialists, Ultimatum), the downloaded cardsare not seed cards; they come from your drawdeck or Q’s Tent.See counting cards.

seed phases – There are four seed phasesthat must occur in sequence: the doorwayphase, mission phase, dilemma phase, andfacility phase (called the “outpost phase” onsome cards).During each phase, players take turns seedingcards on the table. The starting player goesfirst in each phase. Each time it is your turn,you may either seed a card or say “pass.” Assoon as both players pass consecutively, thatphase ends (even if you wanted to seed morecards in that phase).Before the seed phases begin, shuffle anyside decks you have.Doorway Phase – You and your opponenttake turns placing seedable doorways (suchas the Alternate Universe Door), and any othercards that may or must seed during this phase(such as Open Diplomatic Relations), on thetable, on top of side decks, or elsewhere, asspecified by the card’s game text. SeeAlternate Universe icon.Mission Phase – You and your opponentcreate from one to four lines of Mission cards,called spacelines. Each spaceline representsa different quadrant of the galaxy. Thespacelines function like a gameboard whereyour other cards will move and interact.Shuffle your six missions and place them facedown in a temporary pile; your opponent doeslikewise. If you are the starting player, draw thetop mission from your pile and place it face upon the table. Take turns with your opponentplacing each successive mission face up oneither end (your choice) of the spacelineappropriate for that mission. A mission’squadrant and spaceline may be determinedfrom its point box (if any). Gamma, Delta, andMirror Quadrant missions have a Γ, ∆, or Msymbol in their point boxes. Missions with nosymbol are Alpha Quadrant missions. You maynot pass until you have no missions left toseed. (A mission that says it may be insertedin the spaceline may be placed anywherewithin or on the end of the spaceline.) Seeregions of space.Missions without the universal ❖ symbol intheir title are unique and not duplicatable.When you attempt to seed a non-universal

mission that is already represented on thespaceline, place your copy on top of the onealready seeded (leaving half of youropponent’s copy exposed). The mission istreated by both players as “their” mission forall purposes; each player ignores the“opponent’s end” of the cards. (Thecompleted spaceline will have one fewermission.) The mission may only be completedonce. See unique and universal.Dilemma Phase – You and your opponentseed dilemmas and artifacts face down undermissions. If you are the starting player, insertone card of your choice face down beneathany mission, then take turns until you and youropponent consecutively pass. Whenever youseed a card beneath a mission, that cardalways goes on the bottom of any other cardsalready stacked there. (Thus, when youattempt a mission during the play phase, youwill slide out the bottom card – the last oneseeded – and encounter it first.) The rules forseeding cards during this phase are asfollows:• Planet dilemmas and artifacts seed under

any mission with a planet icon.• Space dilemmas seed under any mission

with a space icon.• Space/planet dilemmas seed under any

mission.• You may not seed more than one copy of

any card under the same mission.• You may seed as many different dilemmas as

you like under each mission, but only oneartifact (unless a card states otherwise, suchas Cryosatellite or Orb Negotiations). If youillegally seed two or more artifacts at thesame location, all of your artifacts there areconsidered mis-seeded.

• Some game text allows you to seedPersonnel or Equipment cards beneathmissions. Such cards are seeded face-down, like artifacts, and are earned whenyou solve the mission (except Mirasta Yale).

• You may seed Q-icon dilemmas undermissions only when you have previouslyseeded the Objective card Beware of Q, orif the card’s text says it may be seeded(such as Hide and Seek).

Any cards seeded under missions other thandescribed above are mis-seeds and areplaced out-of-play when revealed. Facility Phase – After the dilemma phase iscompleted, you and your opponent take turnsestablishing seedable outposts, headquarters,and stations (and any related sites) in theirnative quadrant. Place each of your Facilitycards face up in front of a mission on yourside of the spaceline.

Facilities – See facility for rules on seedingdifferent types of facilities (number,location).Sites – You may seed up to six sites duringthe facility phase. Each site may be added toany appropriate station, as indicated on thelower left of the Site card, no matter whichplayer seeded that station. (The six sitesseed for free. You may not seed additionalsites as part of your 30 seed cards.) Sitesmust be arranged in the modules specifiedon each site card.While you are not required to seed or playany specific sites on a Nor, all reporting,docking, repair, and other functions areenabled by site text (not the Nor itself). Also,reporting to any site is allowed only if thatNor also has at least one docking site.

Other Seeding Rules• Some cards have text that specifies that

they seed during a different phase thanusual for the card type.

• A few Event, Objective, Incident, and othercards have game text which allows them toseed. Unless they specify a particular phase(or require a facility or other card alreadyseeded), you may seed such cards during

any seed phase.• Cards seeded under a mission and cards

with a hidden agenda icon always seedface down. All other cards seed face up.

• When a card seeded face-up allows animmediate download during the seed phase,the downloaded cards come from your drawdeck or Q’s Tent (they are not seed cards).

• Regardless of which phase it is or whichtype of card is being seeded, you and youropponent always take turns seeding orpassing. For example, during the missionphase your opponent might seed a mission,then you might seed an objective, then youropponent might seed his next mission. Youmay not seed multiple cards at once (e.g., agroup of dilemmas, multiple sites at a Nor, ora Cryosatellite and its contents).

• The only actions you may take during theseed phases are seeding cards and carryingout game text that takes place immediatelyupon seeding a card face-up, such asdownloading Bajoran Wormhole withUltimatum or an Emblem card with DisruptAlliance. You may not activate a hiddenagenda or use special download icons or“play phase” game text such as effects thatsuspend play or may happen “at any time” or“each turn.”

• After all the seed phases are over, show anyunused seed cards to your opponent andthen place them out-of-play.

seeds or plays – Cards with this phrase maybe seeded during any part of the seed phase(unless they belong to a specific phase, suchas doorways) or may be stocked in your drawdeck to play normally. Alternate seeding cardsnormally, regardless of the seed phase or cardtype being seeded. Cards with a hiddenagenda [HA] icon must be seeded face downand cannot be activated until after the seedphase. All other “seeds or plays” cards mustseed face up.

Seismic Quake – See zero.Seize Wesley – This interrupt may not be

played as a response to your opponentencountering the Ktarian Game dilemma. Theship must be “under the influence” of thedilemma, which occurs only if the remainingcrew (after one is disabled) does not haveCUNNING>30 or an android to cure thedilemma.

selections – Many dilemmas and other cardsrequire one or more cards to be selected froma crew or Away Team, from other cards in play,or from your hand. Selections may be random,opponent’s choice, or owner’s choice.Random selection: When game text specifiesthat a card is to be chosen by randomselection, shuffle together all eligible cards,hold them so the faces of the cards cannot beseen, and let your opponent draw a singlecard, at random, from this group.Opponent’s choice: When game text or a rulestates that a card is selected by opponent’schoice, your opponent may examine all of yourcards in the group fully (look at each entirecard) before making the selection, even if onlysome of them meet specified criteria. Forexample, when you encounter ImpressiveTrophies, your opponent may examine all thecards in your crew or Away Team beforechoosing a captive meeting either of the listedcriteria. See showing your cards, ties. If a selection method is not specified by thecard or by a rule, it is the choice of the playerwho played the card or who encountered thedilemma or Q-icon card. For example, whenyou play Brain Drain (“Removes all skills andCUNNING from any one personnel...”), youchoose the personnel. When you encounterthe Tarellian Plague Ship dilemma (which killsyour crew “unless MEDICAL ‘beams over’(discarded) to Tarellians),” you select whichMEDICAL to discard.See dual-personnel cards.

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Senior Staff Meeting – This interrupt isplayed “just before” a mission attempt; onceplayed, neither you nor your opponent maytake any other action before the attemptbegins (except valid responses, such asAmanda Rogers). If nullified, you must stillbegin the mission attempt and may not playanother Senior Staff Meeting.The first attempt of a mission made by anyplayer is “the initial attempt” of that mission. Ifyour opponent has already attempted themission, you may not play this interrupt foryour first attempt.If the first seeded card is a Q-Flash, then it isnot discarded and has its normal effect.However, if a Q-icon dilemma is encounteredwithin the Q-Flash, it is discarded as “the firstdilemma encountered.” If no dilemma isencountered during the initial mission attempt(e.g., you encounter only a Q-Flash and no Q-icon dilemmas are faced), then no results areobtained from the interrupt. It does not carryover to another attempt. Mis-seeds are notencountered.If the first dilemma encountered is a combodilemma, only the first part of the combo isconceptually discarded. The crew mustimmediately face the second part.

Sense the Borg – Errata:Plays if a Borg ship, Borg personnel, BorgShip dilemma or Rogue Borg just enteredplay. Download to hand Weak Spot OR HughOR Borg Neuroprocessor OR Ready RoomDoor.

Seska – See Kazon.Seven of Nine (The Borg) – This personnel

may apply one, two, or all three of itssubcommand icons (OR its [Borg] icon)toward staffing a Borg ship. See ActivateSubcommands, drone.

Seven of Nine (Voyager) – This [NA][Fed]personnel is both human and Borg species.She is not a drone. See affiliation andspecies, assimilation – personnel, Lack ofPreparation, species.

shape-shifter – This characteristic includes allchangelings, and any other personnelidentified in their lore as having shape-shiftingability (e.g., allasamorphs and chameloids).“Shape-shifter” is not a species.

Sheliak, The – This dilemma is not a Ship cardand is not affected by cards that affect ships(Q-Nets, etc).“Mission then = zero points” applies only to anuncompleted mission. If you have alreadyscored the mission points, you do not losethem when The Sheliak arrives at the mission.It has no effect on what the point box of themission shows. The mission is worth 0 points.Only outposts, stations, and Away Teams aredestroyed (not headquarters or ships).

Sherlock Holmes – You must have fewercards in hand than your opponent to use thispersonnel’s special skill. If you choose to usethe special skill, you must continue drawingcards until your hand equals opponent’s (oryour draw deck is exhausted).

SHIELDS – See attributes, battle – ship.ship – A card type. Ships carry personnel and

equipment to mission locations and engage inbattle. Ships have three attributes – RANGE,WEAPONS, and SHIELDS – whichdetermine how far they may move each turn,as well as their offensive and defensivecapabilities. Some ships also have specialequipment, such as a Tractor Beam orCloaking Device, and/or special game text,such as a special download or “El-Auriansmay report aboard.”

ship attribute enhancements – Seeattribute enhancements.

ship class – A characteristic identified in aship’s class box (directly under the card

image). “UNKNOWN CLASS” is not adistinct ship class.

ship equipment – See special equipment.ship movement – See movement.ship origin – See affiliation and ship origin.ship staffing – Staffing requirements for each

ship are listed on the card, usually as icons.(Non-icon staffing requirements includespecific skills, such as Empathy x2, a speciesof personnel, such as a Vulcan, or acharacteristic, such as “Think Tankpersonnel”.) Any compatible personnel canbe used to meet a ship’s listed crewrequirements, but at least one crew memberof matching affiliation must be on board. (If aship lists no specific staffing requirements,any one personnel of matching affiliation canfly it.) Staffing icon requirements must be metby personnel. For example, you may not usethe [OS] icon on a Classic Tricorder to staff aStarship Constitution.Normal staffing icons include command ability[Cmd], staff ability [Stf], and Borgsubcommand [Com] [Nav] [Def] icons. Apersonnel with a [Cmd] icon can substitute fora [Stf] icon for ship staffing only (not for otherpurposes that specify a [Stf] icon, such as adilemma). Other staffing icons may notsubstitute for [Cmd] or [Stf] icons.Special staffing icons include any icon usedto staff a ship, except the normal staffing iconslisted above and affiliation icons (e.g, the [NA]icons on Zalkonian Vessel). Current specialstaffing icons include: [AU] [CF] [EE] [OCD][OS] [KW][KCA][TE][Maq].One personnel cannot supply more than onestaffing icon requirement, even if thepersonnel has more than one of the requiredicons, unless a card text specifically allows it(such as Seven of Nine). Therefore, a BorgCube normally requires seven personnel tostaff it, even if the Queen or Locutus isaboard. A dual-personnel card has only oneaffiliation icon, which may be used for staffingby either of the personnel. For example, Thirdand Fourth may contribute one [Com] iconand one [Borg] icon toward staffing a BorgCube.Ships must be fully staffed:• to perform normal movement;• for any other card or rule that specifies it,

such as the report with crew rule. Other ship functions do not require fullstaffing. A ship must have at least onepersonnel of matching affiliation aboard fornormal movement or to attempt a mission,initiate battle, or fire WEAPONS.If a ship loses one of its required crew, it willbe stalled (unable to move) until appropriatereinforcements can be brought aboard. Astalled ship is not “stopped” and can stillbeam Away Teams, attack and defend itself, orattempt the mission at its location.

ship types – See characteristics.Shipwreck – See attribute enhancements.showing your cards – When playing any card

face up, you must announce the card’s nameand show that card to your opponent.Afterwards, your opponent may only see yourPersonnel and Equipment cards whennecessary, such as during personnel battle, foran “opponent’s choice” selection or when youmust prove you have a particular skill, staffingicon, etc. He may see your ships only whenthey are undocked, uncloaked, and unphased,or when you must verify attributes and staffingrequirements for battle, movement, etc. Seefacilities.A card requires revealing your cards if it saysso explicitly (e.g., Long-Range Scan, or an“opponent’s choice” dilemma) or if it allowsthe opponent to target one of a group ofcards in a non-random manner (e.g., BrainDrain, Assimilate Counterpart, or EliminateStarship).

When required to reveal your cards, you needonly reveal those portions of the cardsnecessary for the situation. For example, whena card is played that allows the opponent totarget a personnel non-randomly, you needreveal only the names and locations of thepersonnel; to verify that you can overcome adilemma, only the relevant skills, attributes,etc. However, if a card allows “opponent’schoice” of personnel to be affected (including,for dilemmas only, a tie for “most CUNNING,”etc.), he may look at the entire card. Seeselections, ties. Although a hidden agenda card is played facedown, you must show it to your opponent ifyou download it or if you wish to play it for free(for example, using Q the Referee).If the conditions for playing a card in yourhand depend upon your opponent’s cards,you may ask them to reveal whether they meetthose conditions. (You must show the cardwhich requires that information.) Examples:• If you have Thine Own Self in hand, you may

ask your opponent how many personnel arein their Away Team.

• If you have a Dal’Rok in hand, you may askyour opponent to reveal the location of theirOrb Fragment in play.

• If you have Outgunned in hand, you may askyour opponent to reveal the total SHIELDSof their only undocked ship at a location.

side deck – Side decks are optionalcustomized decks of cards separate from, andin addition to, your normal game deck. Eachside deck is shuffled and placed face down onthe table, then activated or “opened” duringthe doorway seed phase by a Doorway card.This Doorway card is placed face up on top ofthe side deck and counts as one of your seedcards (the face-down cards in the side deckare not seed cards and do not count towardthe 30/30 rule). The four types of side decksare the Q-Continuum, Q’s Tent, BattleBridge, and Tribble side decks. You may useany or all of these side decks in the samegame, but you may have only one side deck ofeach type in play.Discarded cards from your Q-Continuumside deck, Battle Bridge side deck, andTribble side deck do not go to your discardpile, but instead are discarded by placingthem face up under the side deck. (Whenface-up cards are encountered in one of thoseside decks, shuffle the face-up cards andplace them face down under the seededdoorway.)You may not look through the cards in anyside deck unless a card allows you to. Forexample, playing a Q’s Tent doorway allowsyou to look through your Q’s Tent to choose atarget card. Whenever you “draw” a card from a side deck,it is not defined as a card draw for purposesof cards affecting card draws (e.g., SubspaceSchism). When a card just drawn from a sidedeck is played (e.g., your current tactic, a Q-icon card during a Q-Flash, or a Tribble orTrouble card), it is not defined as a card playfor purposes of cards affecting card plays(e.g., 211th Rule of Acquistion, Goddess ofEmpathy).

side game – See Royale Casino side games.Sigmund Freud – [AU] personnel and

equipment may report to this personnel only ifanother card allows [AU] cards to enter play.

Sisko 197 Subroutine – See your.Sisters of Duras – Because these personnel

do not work with Klingons who have Honor,you may not give either of them the skill ofHonor with Reflection Therapy. See dual-personnel cards, multi-affiliation cards.

site – A card type representing rooms andother areas inside a Nor where personnel canreport for duty, walk around, perform varioustasks, and engage in hand-to-hand combat

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with enemy personnel; and docking areaswhere ships can report for duty and berepaired. Each Site card states what kind ofcards may report there, such as personnel of aspecific classification, equipment that is“related” to a specific personnel type, or shipswith a certain number of staffing icons.Your seed deck may include up to six sites,which seed for free during the facility seedphase (even if the Nor seeded in an earlierphase). Any site may play during the playphase, using your normal card play.All sites added to each station are arrangedside-by-side in a straight line next to thatstation. Each site indicates which level of thestation it belongs to (Ops Module,Promenade, Habitat Ring, or Docking Ring),and the sites must be kept together on thetable in this order (from left to right). Whenplacing a site on the table, you may insert itbetween other sites, as long as you obey thisgrouping system.By default, sites are “unique per station.” Thatis, each station is limited to one of each kindof site card. However, some sites are ❖universal and thus may exist in multiple oneach station.

skill-sharing – Some cards, such as theInterlink Drone and the Borg Vinculum, allowyour Borg to share skills. (Cards that allowpersonnel to add skills from other personnel,such as Vulcan Mindmeld or ClassicCommunicator, do not enable skill-sharing.) Allregular skills are shared, including those thatdo not actually appear in skills boxes, such asthe selected skill of the Borg Queen and theclassifications of assimilated personnel whichhave been converted into skills. Sharing skillsis not optional.Example: you have an Away Team on a planetconsisting of two Borg:

Bio-med Drone, [Com], Biology, MEDICALTactical Drone, [Def], SECURITY

and you have a Borg ship orbiting that planetwith the following crew:

Borg Queen, [Com][Nav][Def], Empathy as“selected” skill

Gibson (assimilated), [Def], OFFICER,Navigation x2

Astrogation Drone, [Nav], Navigation,Computer Skill

Guard Drone, [Nav], MEDICAL, ComputerSkill

Interlink Drone, [Com], No regular skills butenables sharing in same hive.

Identify the highest individual level of eachdifferent regular skill among all of these Borg.(Special skills may not be shared.) In thisexample, these skills are Biology, MEDICAL,SECURITY, Empathy, OFFICER, Navigationx2, and Computer Skill. Thus, each of theseseven Borg has every one of these skills (notjust the [Com] Borg). Now suppose the Bio-med Drone is killed.Because there is no longer a [Com] Borg onthe planet, only the five crew members on theship share skills (they each have Empathy,OFFICER, Navigation x2, Computer Skill, andMEDICAL). A Borg does not have shared skills until after itreports for duty. Skill-sharing does not workbetween cloaked or phased ships.

skills – A skill is anything that appears in theskills box of a personnel card, includingpersonnel types such as ENGINEER. (Thepersonnel type that appears in theclassification box is not a skill.) “All skills”refers to everything in a personnel’s skills box,including skills conceptually added by anothercard. See skills – modifying, skills – using.Regular skills are one- or two-word skills, suchas Physics or Stellar Cartography. Specialskills are usually explained in a sentence witha period at the end, such as “Orb artifactsmay not be nullified.” Special download skills,

preceded by the special download icon �,and skills with negative modifiers, such asMortal Q’s Leadership -1, are also defined asspecial skills.When a personnel is assimilated, theirclassification becomes their first-listed skill(unless that personnel type already appears asa skill, in which case that skill’s level isincreased by one).First-listed skill – A personnel’s “first-listedskill” is the first skill printed in the skill box(whether a regular or special skill); or that skillas transformed by another card; or (ifassimilated) its former classification. When afirst-listed skill is “lost” (e.g., to a dilemma), theskill becomes conceptually blank or “no skill”(the second skill does not “slide over” tobecome a new first-listed skill). For example, Seskal is an OFFICER-classification personnel with SCIENCE,Stellar Cartography, and Anthropology skills.His “first-listed skill” is:• Normally: SCIENCE• After assimilation: OFFICER• When present with a Science Kit:

SCIENCE x2• After changing SCIENCE to Biology with

Reflection Therapy: Biology• After being selected for Rascals: Youth• While aboard a ship affected by Tsiolkovsky

Infection: no skillIf a personnel has no first-listed skill because ithas been removed by a dilemma, he is notaffected by subsequent cards affecting thefirst-listed skill, and no other personnel has“the same first-listed skill” for purposes adilemma such as The Clown: Playing Doctor.Most skills are preceded by a red [Skill] • icon.However, the number of skills a personnel hasis not necessarily the same as the number ofskill dots on the Personnel card. Skill dots arenot gained or lost when skills are added orremoved by a card; Juliana Tainer has fourregular skills and one special skill, but only twoskill dots; and special download skills have atriangular icon instead of a dot. When a cardsuch as Assimilate Counterpart refers to thenumber of [Skill] icons on a personnel, use theactual number of skill dots printed on the card.(If a card has errata, which are officialchanges, use the number of skill dotsspecified by the errata. See Tasha Yar –Alternate, T’Pan.)Skill Multipliers – A skill with an integralmultiplier (x2, x3) is a single skill at a high level(not two or three skills). For example, when acard causes a personnel to lose his first-listedskill of Diplomacy x2, all Diplomacy is lost (it isnot reduced to Diplomacy). If a personnel hasDiplomacy as a skill and adds anotherDiplomacy by mindmelding, they combine togive Diplomacy x2. A skill with a fractionalmultiplier (x1/2) does not satisfy a requirementfor that skill. For example, a personnel withLeadership x1/2 cannot solve a mission thatrequires Leadership, and does not count as aleader in battle. If he is present with anotherpersonnel with Leadership x1/2, together theyhave a full Leadership skill for these purposes.Negative Skills – A skill with a negativemodifier, such as Valeris’s Diplomacy -3, isdefined as a special skill (not a regular skillwith a multiplier).

skills – modifying – Some cards may add,remove, or modify skills.Removing Skills – When a card, such asFrame of Mind or Impersonate Captive,removes a personnel’s skills, both regular andspecial skills are removed.Selecting, Adding, Doubling, and SharingSkills – When a card allows you to select(e.g., K’chiQ, Lal, Reflection Therapy, Frame ofMind), add (e.g.,Vulcan Mindmeld), double(e.g., Ishka), or share (e.g., Interlink Drone)personnel skills, you may select, add, double,

or share only regular skills. If a skill is alreadypresent in the skills box, the level of that skill isincreased; skills not already present in theskills box are conceptually added to the end ofthe skills box for purposes of cards such asFightin’ Words. For example, if Lt. D’Amato(Geology x2, Archaeology) adds Geology witha Classic Tricorder, his skills will be Geologyx3, Archaeology; if instead he adds Physics,his skills will be Geology x2, Archaeology,Physics.Selected or shared features or skills do notexist until you have reported the personnel forduty. See reporting for duty, skill-sharing.When adding or doubling skills (or replacingone personnel’s skills with another’s, as withImpersonate Captive), skill multipliers areretained. For example, if Sarek mindmelds withRiva, Sarek would have the following skills:Diplomacy x5, Mindmeld. (See VulcanMindmeld.)When selecting skills, you may select a skillonly at the x1 level, and when a card requiresyou to select two or more skills (e.g., Lal), youmay not pick the same skill twice. Thus, ifDeanna Troi (First Contact) and Sarek werepresent when Lal was reported, she couldgain any two of the following skills:Diplomacy, Empathy, Navigation, or Mindmeld.She could not choose Deanna’s special skillor choose Diplomacy twice, nor could shechoose Sarek’s Diplomacy x3. Similarly,K’chiQ can select Diplomacy (but notDiplomacy x2), and Reflection Therapy canreplace Diplomacy x2 with Honor (but notHonor x2).When selecting skills for the Borg Queen,K’chiQ, Frame of Mind, etc., valid choicesinclude any personnel type except ANIMALand any regular skill that exists in the game.Currently, the following are all selectable asskills:

CIVILIAN, ENGINEER, MEDICAL,OFFICER, SCIENCE, SECURITY, V.I.P.,Anthropology, Acquisition, Archaeology,Astrophysics, Barbering, Biology,Cantankerousness, Computer Skill,Cybernetics, Diplomacy, Empathy,Exobiology, FCA, Geology, Greed,Guramba, Honor, Klingon Intelligence, Law,Leadership, Mindmeld, Miracle Worker,Music, Navigation, Obsidian Order, OrionSyndicate, Physics, Resistance, Section 31,Smuggling, Stellar Cartography, Tal Shiar,Transporter Skill, Treachery, and Youth.

Reselecting Skills – You may re-select theadded skill for only one Classic Tricorder, oneClassic Medical Tricorder, and one ClassicCommunicator each turn, regardless of howmany copies of each you have in play. Seeonce per turn. Re-selecting is executingorders and may not interrupt another action(e.g., you may not re-select during a missionattempt).

skills – using – In general, your personnel’sskills may be used only during your own turn.Using skills is an action (except applyingautomatic modifiers such as “Attributes all+5 if with Toral” or “Suspends effect ofDoppelganger where present”). Thus, duringyour opponent’s turn, you may use skills thatrepresent valid responses (e.g., “May replaceanyone randomly selected to die here”) or thatspecifically allow use during the opponent’sturn (e.g., special downloads, “Once everyturn, may ‘pounce’...”, “May be replaced byanother version at any time”). Examples ofskills that may not be used during youropponent’s turn include “Once each turn, mayreprogram any androids present” and “Onceper game, may kill any one personnel present.”See turn, actions – taking turns.If a card requires a personnel type such asMEDICAL without specifying either aclassification or a skill, either will suffice. Arequirement for a multiple level of a skill, suchas Navigation x2, may be satisfied by any

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combination of Navigation skills on one ormore personnel (unless “a personnel withNavigation x2” is specified).When a card such as Keldon Advancedrequires a skill, such as Obsidian Order, itmust be supplied by a personnel who has thatskill in its skills box. Mention of the term in thelore is not equivalent to having the skill. Forexample, Jaron does not have Tal Shiar skill.

solve – Solving a mission means completingthat mission, by meeting the missionrequirements. Solving a mission is a sub-action of a mission attempt.

Son’a ships – See attribute enhancement. Soong-type android – One type of android;

any personnel identified in its lore as a“Soong-type android” or as created by Dr.Noonien Soong.

❖ Soong-type Android – See ANIMAL,gender, report.

❖ Space – This mission counts as half a card.In other words, two ❖ Space missions plusfive other missions count as six missions.(Other universal missions count as a full card.)It is not attemptable. See mission attempt.“May insert into spaceline” means that youmay seed this mission anywhere on the AlphaQuadrant spaceline, either between twomissions already seeded, or at either end ofthe spaceline as usual. It does not allow you toadd the mission to the spaceline during thegame. If inserted into a region, it does notbecome part of that region. See regions ofspace.Span calculations are based on the number ofdirectly adjacent universal mission cards (notjust ❖ Space missions). The maximum spanfor one ❖ Space card is 5.

space – transferring cards into – You maynot beam, report, or otherwise transfer anycard (except a ship) into space unless a cardspecifically allows you to do so (e.g., Airlock,Anti-Matter Pod).

space facility – See facility.Space-Time Portal – This doorway allows you

to seed [AU] dilemmas, artifacts, or other seedcards. It does not allow seeding of [AU] cardsthat are not normally seedable, such aspersonnel or ships (unless another cardmakes them seedable, such as Cryosatellite).See Alternate Universe icon.It allows you to play only one [AU] card perturn, even if you have multiple Space-TimePortals in play (see once per turn). Its textdoes not restrict a seeded Alternate UniverseDoor, which allows you to play multiple [AU]cards each turn (e.g., interrupts, doorways, ormultiple card plays allowed by a card such asRed Alert!). Because this doorway allows you to seed orplay only one [AU] card per turn, you mayseed on;y one [AU] card under Q’s Planet,and only if you have not already played an[AU] card that turn.You may discard the doorway from the table“at any time” for any one of its functions –during either player’s turn, before or after yourcard play or executing orders, between otheractions or as a valid response to an action. Itis not a valid response to the initiation of abattle or the encounter of a dilemma; thus, youmay not escape from battle or a dilemmaencounter by returning a ship to your hand.See actions – interrupting, actions – step 2:responses.You may report an [AU]-icon ship with [AU]crew by discarding a Space-Time Portal evenif you have already played the one [AU] cardallowed by the Portal for the turn. (See reportwith crew.) An Alternate Universe Door maybe downloaded only for one of the “play”functions of that doorway; it may not bedownloaded “onto the table.” A Space-TimePortal discarded to “play as a secondWormhole interrupt” may be nullified by

Amanda Rogers. It is still a Doorway card,and may be closed (if the Wormholes are keptopen with Operate Wormhole Relays). Seecard types.

Spacedock – This event will repair any of yourships that docks at the outpost where theSpacedock is played, even if the outpost itselfdoes not repair ships. It plays only on aoutpost unless downloaded by ConstructStarship.

Spacedoor – This doorway seeds only on anoutpost (not other types of facilities). Whenyou return an empty ship to hand, any cardsaboard (equipment) or played on it (such asevents) are also returned to their owners’hands. See in play. If this doorway is closedby another card, such as Revolving Door, donot flip over the Spacedoor.You may seed more than one Spacedoor, butyou cannot overhaul or download more thanone ship per turn. You may download only oneship in place of your normal card play, even ifyou have Red Alert! in play. See card play.You may not use the discard for a Static WarpBubble or other card to also re-open aSpacedoor. See discarding.

spaceline – Mission cards are seeded to formone or more spacelines, representing differentquadrants of the galaxy. Gamma, Delta, andMirror Quadrant missions have a Γ, ∆, or Msymbol in their point boxes. Missions with nosymbol are Alpha Quadrant missions. Allmissions may be seeded only on theappropriate spaceline. Spaceline locationsmay not be moved between quadrants bycards that relocate locations.The effects of a card which references the“spaceline” apply only to the quadrant where itis played or encountered. For example, youmay rearrange only the spaceline (quadrant)where your opponent failed a Q dilemma; TheTraveler allows a ship to move only within onespaceline. See movement betweenquadrants, time travel.Cards “on the spaceline” include ships,facilities, and personnel on the spaceline (andcards played on them). Cards that seed orplay “on table” are not on the spaceline. Whena card plays at a “spaceline end,” it plays atthe last location on either end of thatspaceline. It does not form another location.Time locations are not on the spaceline.

Spatial Rift – If the two personnel randomlyselected by this dilemma do not meet the firstconditions (combined CUNNING>14), theyare discarded, the rest of the crew or AwayTeam is “stopped,” and the dilemma isreplaced under the mission. You do not facethe second set of conditions (Astrophysicsand 2 ENGINEER) unless you pass the firstset.

special download – See downloading –special download.

special equipment – When a card refers to aship’s “special equipment,” this means shipsystems expressed as a phrase of just a fewwords. Special equipment currently includesCloaking Device, Energy Dampener,Holodeck, Invasive Transporters, Long-RangeScan Shielding, Particle Scattering Device,Phasing Cloak, Tractor Beam, MEDICAL(U.S.S. Pasteur), and Stellar Cartography(U.S.S. Excelsior).Regular transporters (which all ships haveunless otherwise specified), specialdownloads, and other game text on the shipcard, usually expressed as a sentence with aperiod, are not special equipment. Forexample, the U.S.S. Stargazer’s text (“Onceeach game, may be taken from discard pile tohand.”) is not special equipment.

special staffing icon – See ship staffing.species – For most personnel, their images

(and affiliation) indicate their species. Forexample, a Federation or Non-Aligned

personnel who appears to be human isassumed to be of human species; a Klingon-affiliation personnel who appears to beKlingon is assumed to be Klingon species,etc. However, a personnel may appear to be onespecies, while their lore or a [Holo] iconindicates they are of another species. Forexample., in their lore Roga Danar and Lal,who appear human, are identified as Angosianand android; Riker Will, who appears Bajoran,is identified as human; and Lovok Founder,who appears Romulan, is identified as achangeling. Holographic personnel areconsidered to be of “hologram species”regardless of their appearance or lore. Thespecies established by the lore or [Holo] iconapplies for cards such as Hate Crime.“Terran” personnel are human. Calandra,Hannah Bates, and Lakanta are human.Marouk, Riva, and Vekor are humanoid (nothuman). (“Humanoid” is not a distinctspecies.)A personnel of mixed species is considered tobe a member of both species. For example,Alexander Rozhenko is both human andKlingon. K’mtar, on the other hand, isconsidered Klingon (because he appearsKlingon, and his lore does not stateotherwise), even though he is actuallyAlexander Rozhenko from the future. Borg andformer Borg are considered to be both Borgspecies and their species of origin.A term such as Klingon usually applies eitherto affiliation or to species. See affiliation andspecies.

Sphere Encounter – See report with crew.Spot – This personnel’s STRENGTH is an

undefined attribute. See ANIMAL. WheneverSpot is killed, if she has any lives remainingshe immediately pops back to life at the sameplace, but is “stopped.” Any cards played onSpot are not nullified by her first eight deaths.

St. John Talbot – See Release This Pain.staffing – See ship staffing.start of turn – See turn.starting the game – The game begins by

choosing a starting player using any mutuallyagreeable method. Each game consists of fourseed phases followed by the play phase.The starting player goes first in each seedphase and takes the first turn in the playphase.

stasis – A personnel or ship in stasis isconceptually in “suspended animation.” Theyremain in stasis until released as specified bythe card that placed them in stasis.Cards in stasis may not be used in any way(including game text, attributes, icons, lore,skills, ship equipment, traits such as gender,species, or matching commander status, etc.),and are considered in play for uniquenessonly. They may not perform any actions andmay not be moved or beamed. For example, a Treachery personnel in stasiswould not allow you to download personnelthere with Recruit Mercenaries; an android instasis aboard a ship at Paxan “Wormhole”cannot prevent that ship from being relocated;and Borg personnel may not be reported to aBorg Cube in stasis using the ship’s gametext. If personnel who are not in stasis areaboard a ship in stasis (e.g., because a CyberDrone was aboard when the ship enteredstasis), they cannot move the ship, or beam offusing that ship’s transporters.Cards in stasis may not be targeted in shipbattle and are excluded from personnel battle(and may not be randomly selected to die).Cards or rules that have a global effect, suchas Anti-Time Anomaly and Borg timelinedisruption, affect cards in stasis normally. Noother cards may affect or play on a card instasis unless they specifically permit it (e.g.,Dead In Bed). (If a personnel worth bonus

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points when killed, such as Aamin Marritza, iskilled while in stasis, the stasis effect endswhen he is killed and the points are scored.)Cards aboard a ship in stasis are also in stasis(unless prevented by the Cyber Drone). Acard already in play on a card in stasis issuspended, unless its game text affects aplayer or other cards not in stasis. Forexample, if a ship is in stasis, an AphasiaDevice will not disable personnel aboard, andcards with a countdown icon or effect (e.g.,Ketracel-White, REM Fatigue Hallucinations)will not count down on that ship. However,Writ of Accountability affects a player, so it isnot suspended if the personnel it is played onenters stasis.

Static Warp Bubble – See The Traveler:Transcendence, discarding.

station – A type of facility.stealing – You may not “steal” Equipment

cards, even if unattended, unless a cardallows it, such as Reginod or HQ: Return Orbto Bajor. When a card allows you to stealEquipment cards, they come under yourcontrol and you use them as your own,disregarding affiliation and speciesrequirements for use (e.g., “Klingon use only”).(However, a card which enhances onlyKlingons, for example, still enhances onlyKlingons, and other requirements for use ofthe equipment must still be met. For example,a Romulan Cloaking Device only functions ona Romulan ship, or an [OS] ship with 2ENGINEER aboard.) You cannot steal cardsthat you control. All “stolen” cards arereturned to their owners at the end of thegame. See Procurement Drone.

Stefan de Seve – See Assign SupportPersonnel.

Stolen Attack Ship – See affiliation and shiporigin.

Stop First Contact – This objective (or BuildInterplexing Beacon) disrupts the timeline withthe following effects:“Timeline disrupted in 2063” – If the Borgchange history by completing a Stop FirstContact or Build Interplexing Beaconobjective, the timeline is disrupted andFederation history ceases to exist. Cardswhich cease to exist include • humans, including Borg whose biological

distinctiveness indicates that they wereoriginally “human species” (but not“humanoids”), and

• [Fed]-affiliation cards (including multi-affiliation cards, regardless of current mode),such as personnel, ships, and facilities.

However, things from other universes and inother times are not affected by this timelinedisruption; thus, the following cards areprotected: • Cards which are at a time location or which

are time traveling into the future (e.g.,Temporal Rift or Time Travel Pod).

• Cards with an [AU] icon or a [MQ] icon.If a non-human personnel’s [Fed] affiliation is“lost” (e.g., to Memory Wipe or Frame ofMind) and the personnel “becomes Non-Aligned,” they are also protected from timelinedisruption. See “loses affiliation.”Except for cards which are protected, allhumans and [Fed] cards in play (in anyquadrant) and in both players’ hands, drawdecks, side decks, discard piles, etc., must beplaced out-of-play. (Reshuffle whereappropriate.) If any cards which do not ceaseto exist are aboard (or played on) a ship orfacility which ceases to exist, those cardsreturn to owner’s hand.

”stopped” – Cards may be “stopped” incertain situations.• Encountering a dilemma with conditions that

the crew or Away Team can’t overcome“stops” that entire Away Team or ship andcrew. (See dilemma resolution.)

• Participating in a battle “stops” all cardsinvolved in the battle.

• Carrying (and then dropping) or beaming aTribble card “stops” the personnel who didso.

• Some cards may explicitly “stop” one ormore personnel or ships.

Cards that are “stopped” may not be beamed,move, walk, cloak, phase, participate in abattle, staff a ship, or participate in a mission,commandeering, or scouting attempt.(Personnel selectively “stopped” by a dilemmaform a separate group and no longerparticipate in the mission attempt.) Cards maytarget “stopped” cards, as long as they do notrequire them to take any of these actions. Forexample, you may relocate a “stopped” shipwith Magic Carpet Ride OCD (seemovement), but you may not play EmergencyTransporter Armbands on your “stopped”personnel, because they may not beam.Cards that are “stopped” may perform otheractions and use skills. For example, a“stopped” personnel may operate transportersto beam “unstopped” cards, use adownloading skill, contribute traits or skills forsuch cards as Paxan “Wormhole,” DefiantDedication Plaque, Kurlan Naiskos, NavigatePlasma Storms, or Ketracel-White, and (ifBorg) share skills with the hive. (See present.)Also, whenever “stopped” cards are attacked,they are “unstopped” for the duration of thatbattle and may defend themselves.“Stopped” cards become “unstopped”automatically at the start of the next turn,unless a longer period is specified. When acard “stops” personnel for a specific duration(e.g., Parallel Romance, Chinese FingerPuzzle), they may still be “unstopped” by othercards (e.g., Distortion of Space/TimeContinuum, Deanna Troi).When an entire Away Team or crew is“stopped” by failing to overcome a dilemmawith conditions (e.g., Chula: The Dice), by adilemma that does not have conditions, butspecifically says it “stops” an entire AwayTeam or crew (e.g., Sarjenka), or byparticipating in battle, any Equipment cards inthat Away Team or crew are also “stopped.”When specific members of a crew or AwayTeam are “stopped” by a dilemma or othercard that specifically “stops” only selectedpersonnel (e.g., Lineup), any Equipment cardsare not “stopped” (even if the selectedpersonnel are the only ones in the Away Teamor crew).Some additional notes:• Failing to complete a mission after resolving

the dilemmas does not “stop” the crew orAway Team.

• Using up its maximum RANGE does not“stop” a ship.

• Your cards aboard your “stopped” ship arealso “stopped.”

• During a mission, commandeering, orscouting attempt, “stopped” personnelcannot contribute traits or skills to trigger,overcome, nullify, or cure dilemmas. Seepresent.

Storage Compartment Door – Drawing thethree cards allowed by this doorway isexecuting orders and must take place afterthe card play segment of your turn. The cardsdrawn are not part of your hand and must beeither played or discarded (face up under yourTribble side deck) immediately. See carddraw, card play, tribble.

Study Plasma Storm – This mission’s specialtext, “Computer Skill required to use anyequipment here,” applies both to Equipmentcards and ship special equipment.If Computer Skill is not present on the ship,Ketracel-White cards cannot be used at thislocation and thus do not prevent whitedeprivation. Because the Ketracel-White isnot being used, it does not count down.

Study Protonebula – This mission is anebula. The owner of this mission, if playing[Borg] affiliation, may not normally use thespecial text allowing the download of Onebecause they may not stock a non-[Borg]personnel. See Borg – Cooperation.

stunned and mortally wounded – Stunnedand mortally wounded personnel may stillmodify other personnel (for example, byadding to their attributes), but may not useother skills (e.g., stunned MEDICAL personnelcannot run the Genetronic Replicator; astunned Elim Garak may not avoid the randomselection of a personnel to be killed). Seebattle – personnel.

Subjugate Planet – You may not download aRemote Supply Depot if you already have afacility at this objective’s target location. Seedual-icon mission, mission, Reunion,mission attempt.

Subspace Schism – This interrupt may beplayed to affect any card draw a player makesduring a turn (including end-of-turn card drawsand Warp Speed evening up). It may not beplayed on a card drawn for an opening hand.

”Subspace Seaweed” – See Protouniverse.Subspace Transporter – If the personnel

beamed aboard an opponent’s ship using thisevent takes a captive (e.g., Ilon Tandro, orusing Captured), you may not beam thecaptive back. Only your Treachery personnel(and any equipment he is carrying) may bebeamed. See capturing.

Subspace Warp Rift – A ship that stops at thelocation of this event to avoid damage is not“stopped” (e.g., it may initiate battle or attempta mission). A ship that is relocated to or fromthe location of this event does not incurdamage. See passing locations, movement.

Suna – See once per game.superlatives – See ties.Supernova – This event plays only on a

Mission card, not on any other location. Themission is not discarded, but remainsunderneath for span reference only, leaving aspaceline location of unspecified type (neither[P] nor [S]). None of its game text, icons, cardtitle, etc. remain in effect other than the span.For example, if Wormhole Negotiations isdestroyed, you can no longer play a BarzanWormhole to report ships at that location.Any cards not affected by Supernova (e.g.,staffed Gomtuu, completed Borg objectives),and any cards in play on them, are notdiscarded.Tox Uthat’s stipulation that you “may playSupernova on a later turn” is a restriction; youmay not play Supernova on the same turn youplay Tox Uthat even if you have an extra cardplay or download.If a mission was assimilated before beingdestroyed, reversing the effects of Supernovawith Persistence of Memory does notunassimilate the mission (just as it does not“unsolve” a mission previously solved).Therefore it still cannot be solved or targetedfor assimilation again. If a mission that corresponds to a timelocation in play is destroyed by this event, thetime location is unaffected. See TemporalVortex.Once this event has resolved and destroyedall cards at the mission location, nullifying itwith Kevin Uxbridge or moving it with Dr. Q,Medicine Entity has no effect.

support personnel – See Assign SupportPersonnel.

Survey Drone (Sixteen of Nineteen) – Thispersonnel’s special skill allows it to acquireartifacts that have been placed on top of themission where a [BO] objective has beencompleted (or artifacts that could not beacquired when a mission was solved becauseof The Charybdis). It may not acquire artifacts

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that are still seeded under a mission or stealartifacts in play. See scouting locations.

suspends play – A card which specificallysays it “suspends play” may be played at anytime during the play phase (even during youropponent’s turn) and may interrupt andtemporarily suspend any action. Using aspecial download icon also suspends play.After the card play or special download hasresolved, the suspended action resumes. Seedownloading – special download, actions –interrupting.If no action is in progress, an action that maysuspend play (such as using a specialdownload icon) does not suspend anything.You may not suspend play during the seedphases.

Symbiont Diagnosis – See homeworld.tactic – A card type which comes into play only

through a special Battle Bridge side deck(you cannot stock Tactic cards in your drawdeck or your Q’s Tent). Tactic cards increaseyour offensive and/or defensive capabilitiesduring ship battles and also indicate specificdamage affecting your opponent’s ships andfacilities.If a card (e.g., Make It So, Falar) allow you todownload a Tactic card, it may be downloadedonly from your Battle Bridge side deck andonly at the start of battle (when Tactic cardswould normally be drawn). A Tactic card maynot be downloaded as a damage marker.Some Tactic cards (e.g., Breen Energy-Dampening Weapon, Chain Reaction Pulsar)have game text starting with a phrase like“Requires a ship with … firing.” Unlike mosttactics, which work for any ship but givebonuses for particular kinds of ships (seeaffiliation and ship origin), these tacticscannot be used as your current tactic unlessyou have the required ship firing in the battle.When damage text takes a casualty, thepersonnel is selected from all appropriatepersonnel aboard the ship, including intruders.

Tal Shiar – See skills – using.Talosian Cage – See selections, showing

your cards.Tama – The lore on this ship is written in

Tamarian. The phrase “Dathon, speaking first”means that Dathon is its captain and thus itsmatching commander.

Tamarian-related dilemmas – See Dathon.Tantalus Field – You may not use this artifact

to kill a personnel if either the artifact or thepotential victim is aboard a cloaked or phasedship. See cloaking and phasing.

Tarchannen Study – See dual-icon missions.Tarellian Plague Ship – Revised text:

Entire crew immediately dies from plagueunless MEDICAL “beams over” (discarded)to Tarellians. Discard dilemma.An OFFICER with a Medical Kit overcomesthis dilemma if both cards “beam over” (arediscarded). Borg may overcome this dilemmaby “beaming over” a [Com] Borg with sharedMEDICAL skill. (The requirement for aMEDICAL to “beam over” is not a choice; it isa condition for overcoming the dilemma.) Aholographic MEDICAL may “beam over” topass this dilemma only if wearing a MobileHolo-Emitter (both are discarded). Seeholographic personnel and equipment.Barclay Transporter Phobia is a valid reponseto an attempted “beaming.” If the firstMEDICAL is prevented from beaming over,another MEDICAL may be selected to do so. This dilemma is assumed to providetransporters if your crew or Away Team doesnot have them available, but it cannotovercome obstacles to beaming such asDistortion Field.See Quash Conspiracy, quarantine.

Targ – See ANIMAL.

target – Act of selecting and identifying aparticular thing such as a card, discard pile,draw deck, player, etc. for a purpose specifiedby a card or rule. Also, the thing that istargeted. A card does not have to explicitlyuse the word “target” to target something.Targets are selected during the initiation stepof an action. You cannot target an action. Forexample, Barclay Transporter Phobia targets apersonnel, randomly selected from a groupthat is beaming. It does not target thebeaming action itself. See showing yourcards, actions – step 1: initiation.

Tasha Yar – Alternate – Errata:Armed with [SD] Starfleet Type II PhaserThis personnel has only two red [Skill] • icons.

Tekeny Ghemor – See playing an affiliation.Telepathic Alien Kidnappers – Using this

event, you guess a card type at the end ofeach of your turns, just before your card draw.See Intruder Force Field.When you have this event and any cardforcing your opponent to reveal his hand (e.g.,Alien Probe, Ferengi Bug) both in play, youmust allow your opponent to shuffle andconceal his hand before you make theselection.

Temporal Causality Loop – If one of theactions to be undone by this dilemma cannotbe undone, then the results of the action areleft intact. If the action was initiated by a cardplay, that card returns to your hand. Forexample, if you played a Scan card, youcannot “undo” having seen the seed cardsunder the mission, but the Scan card returnsto your hand. If you played a Regenerate toshuffle your discard pile into your draw deck,the draw deck remains intact (because youcannot separate the cards), and theRegenerate returns to your hand.

Temporal Micro-Wormhole – This doorwaydoes not allow you to download personnel(other than Dr. Telek R’Mor) or give permissionto play a card. It provides a destination forreporting a personnel (e.g., one played as yournormal card play, or downloaded with anothercard that does not provide a destination, suchas the last function of Defend Homeworld). A personnel reported to your ship using thisdoorway may mix even with an affiliation thatpersonnel normally does not work with. Seecompatible. However, the doorway does notallow you to stock Borg-affiliation cards in anon-Borg deck, or vice versa. (See Borg –Cooperation.) The allowance for a personnelto mix with your other affiliations “for rest ofgame” applies only to the copy of thepersonnel you reported aboard your ship (notto additional copies or other versions of thepersona). If that copy leaves play, the effectdoes not apply to the same or another copy ofthe card reported again normally. See onceper game.If you download Dr. Telek R’Mor with thisdoorway, you may use the doorway’s text toreport him aboard any of your ships and allowhim to mix with all your affiliations (discard thedoorway), or his own text to report him aboardyour compatible ship without “mixing”permission (do not discard the doorway).

Temporal Narcosis – See double turn,Horga’hn.

Temporal Rift – This interrupt is not a validresponse to battle or a dilemma, and may notbe used to “escape” them. It may not target adocked ship or carried ship. See actions –step 2: responses.Cards may not be played on a ship in aTemporal Rift, and you may not discard aSpace-Time Portal to return the ship to hand.A card in a Temporal Rift is in play foruniqueness only; it is not in the present, socards like Anti-Time Anomaly cannot affect it.Countdown effects and icons, such as PlasmaFire or Ketracel-White, also do not count

down while a ship is in a Temporal Rift. Thesame rules also apply to a ship affected by aTime Travel Pod. See time travel, Black Hole.

Temporal Vortex – When played for its lastfunction, this doorway relocates only one ship,one time. Although it has a countdown icon, itcannot perform any additional relocationsduring the countdown. (Play the doorway onthe ship, and discard it at the end of thecountdown.) If played on a Borg Ship when encountered,the dilemma does not attack (so your cardsare not “stopped”), nor does it attack when itreappears after the countdown expires or ifthe doorway is “closed.”If a mission that corresponds to a timelocation in play is destroyed by a Supernova,the location remains the “correspondingspaceline location” for time travel using thisdoorway.

Temporal Wake – This interrupt may not targeta docked ship or carried ship to force it tofollow a time-traveling ship.

Terok Nor – See Deep Space 9.Terraforming Station – This station allows

you to “terraform” (redefine) the requirementsof a planet mission for a subsequent gamewith the same opponent. You may choose toreplace each requirement with anotherrequirement of the same type. You mayreplace personnel types with personneltypes, other regular skills with regular skillsthat are not personnel types. and attributeswith attributes. In addition, you may redefinethe name of a Personnel, Equipment, orArtifact card. You may not redefine numbers,icons, or special requirements such as “3 [AU]icon Personnel,” or create redundantrequirements (such as “Treachery +Treachery”).For example, if a mission requires “MEDICAL+ Guinan + CUNNING > 30” it could bechanged to “SECURITY + Spock +INTEGRITY > 30.” The redefinition works forboth ends of the mission. The mission losesthe redefinition after your next game with thesame opponent, even if you don’t use thatmission.You must define the new requirementsimmediately after the game ends. Intournament play, give the redefinition to thetournament director in writing, before thecards are removed from the spaceline; it willaffect a later match in that same tournament, ifyou play the same opponent. A redefinition ofmission requirements made outside of aspecific tournament cannot affect a matchwithin that tournament.

Terran – See species.Terran Empire icon [TE] – This icon indicates

Terrans (and their allies) from the mirroruniverse. It is a special staffing icon, and alsohas other uses defined by cards.

Terran Rebellion HQ – When this facility is inplay at the Search for Rebels mission location,that location becomes a homeworld for allFederation cards with a [TE] Terran Empireicon, and thus may be targeted by cards suchas Assimilate Homeworld and Gold-PressedLatinum. To “match the affiliation of thehomeworld,” a personnel card must have[Fed], [TE], and [MQ] icons.

Tetryon Field – A ship without Navigationaboard must stop moving at the location ofthis event and cannot move for the remainderof the turn, but is not “stopped” (e.g., it mayinitiate battle or attempt a mission).

The – Card titles starting with “The” are sortedunder the second word of the card title (e.g.,The Big Picture is under “Big”).

there – See here.Theta-Radiation Poisoning – Only one

Medical Kit is required aboard the ship oroutpost affected by this dilemma to prevent

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any personnel from dying at the end of eachturn.

Thine Own Self – Revised text:Plays on opponent’s one- or two-personAway Team on a planet (unless in a facility).Away Team is “lost” (place under mission).Capture (or opponent rescues) by solvingmission.This interrupt remains on the “lost” Away Teamuntil they are rescued or captured. Seediscarding. The “lost” personnel are still anAway Team and are vulnerable to cards suchas Anti-Time Anomaly, Risky Business, orDal’Rok, but they cannot use any skills orfeatures (as if disabled). They are placedunder the mission only as a marker of their“lost” status and are not considered seedcards that can be discarded with Ajur orBoratus. A “lost” Borg scout may not beretrieved when the Borg complete theirobjective. See Away Team and crew.You may play this interrupt on personnelphased by the Phased Matter dilemma. Youmay not play it on an Away Team at a timelocation, because it requires you to placethem under a mission.

Third of Five – See drone.Thought Fire – Revised text:

If The Traveler: Transcendence is affectingyou, all crew or Away Team members with(CUNNING+INTEGRITY)<12 are killedunless Empathy present.

thrice per game – Three times per game. Seeonce per game.

ties – When a dilemma specifies a superlativesuch as “strongest,” “most CUNNING,” or“highest total attributes,” and there is a tie, theopponent of the player encountering thedilemma gets to choose (unless the dilemmastates otherwise). See selections.To determine such things as “nearest planet”and “far end of spaceline,” compare thenumber of cards in each direction; if there is atie, then compare the total span in eachdirection. If still a tie, the opponent chooses.

ties (scoring) – See the official tournamentguide.

time location – A card type representing alocation in the past or future of the Star Trekuniverse. Time locations may be [S] or [P]locations. A time location is not a mission orspaceline location, but it has a correspondingmission identified by the lore of both cards.For example, the mission AgriculturalAssessment corresponds to the time locationSherman’s Peak; both are located atSherman’s Planet. You may not seed or play atime location unless the correspondingspaceline location is in play.A time location is placed by itself on the table,creating its own planet or space locationseparate from the spacelines. The card mayhave special instructions to be carried outwhen it is seeded or played; if you cannotcarry out all instructions, you may not seed orplay the time location. Playing a time locationuses your normal card play.Cards that affect the mission, such asSupernova or Black Hole, have no effect onthe time location. Cards at the time locationare not at the corresponding mission andcannot attempt it. Ships and personnel maytravel between the time location and themission using a card that allows time travel.The cards listed on a time location as “nativeto this timeline” may be reported directly tothe location if it is in play. You may choose toreport personnel on the surface of a planettime location, aboard any of your compatibleships or facilities at the time location, oraboard any opponent’s facility there that youare allowed to use (e.g., Deep Space StationK-7). You may report a ship or facility in spaceat the location (in orbit of a planet). Whenreported in this manner, you do not need an

open doorway, such as an Alternate UniverseDoor, to allow you to report these AlternateUniverse icon cards.You are not required to have the time locationin play to use cards native to that location, orto report them to that time location if it is inplay. They may be reported normally to afacility on the spaceline, or by any other legalreporting method, if you have an openDoorway card which allows [AU] cards toplay.

Time To Reconsider – You may play thisinterrupt to “stop” your ship and crew on yourturn, but it will have no effect on anopponent’s ability to counter-attack on his turn(because it only prevents a counter-attack“this turn”). If you attacked your opponent thisturn, you may play the interrupt on your shipduring his turn to prevent him from counter-attacking.

time travel – There are two forms of timetravel.• Movement between a time location and a

spaceline is possible only via a pair ofWormhole interrupts, a Q-related “relocatorcard” such as Where’s Guinan or JealousAmanda, or any card that specifically statesthat it allows such movement, such asTemporal Vortex or Orb of Time. Cards suchas Iconian Gateway, which do not sospecify, do not allow time travel.Time travel is not restricted to“corresponding spaceline location” unlessspecified. For example, the Orb of Timeallows you to move from any spacelinelocation (in any quadrant) to any timelinelocation, or vice versa; or between two timelocations.

• Temporal Rift and Time Travel Pod representa different form of time travel, moving fromthe present into the future while remaining atthe same physical location. The ship and allcards aboard are in play for uniquenessonly, and are not affected by cards thatresolve while the ship has “disappeared,”such as Anti-Time Anomaly, Stop FirstContact, or Supernova.

Time Travel Pod – This artifact refers to the fullturns of the player whose ship the card isplayed upon. See Investigate TimeContinuum, Temporal Rift, time travel.

timeline disruption – The existence of timelocations makes it possible to conceptuallygo back in time and alter history in such a waythat you change conditions in the present.This will typically have a dramatic effect on thegame. The effects of Stop First Contact andBuild Interplexing Beacon are described underStop First Contact. The effects of othertimeline-disrupting cards, such as Hero of theEmpire, are described on the card.

Timicin – See helps.timing – See turn, actions.Tomalak of Borg – See counterpart, rest of

game.Tommygun – See holographic personnel and

equipment.Tongo – To “declare a move” for this incident,

you must have a bet to show. There is nowinner or loser if your opponent has no bet(they must show their hand to verify this) or ifthere is a tie for highest total attributes.

Toral – See skills.Torture – See Madred.tournament scoring – See the official

tournament guide for details of scoring victorypoints and differential. Also see points, bonuspoints, winning the game.

towing – A ship may not tow anything unless acard allows it, such as Activate Tractor Beamor Radioactive Garbage Scow. When a shiptowing another ship or Scow moves orrelocates in any way (e.g., through the BajoranWormhole, with Wormholes, The Traveler, timetravel, etc.), the towed ship is also moved or

relocated. A ship in tow cannot tow anothership. A towed ship may cloak (but not thetowing ship). See cloaking and phasing,tractor beam.

Tox Uthat – If you use this artifact to allow theplay of a Supernova, it is discarded even ifthe Supernova is nullified. See actions – step1: initiation.

T’Pan – Errata: • SCIENCE • MindmeldThis personnel has two red [Skill] • icons andis not a mission specialist.

tractor beam – A type of ship’s specialequipment. A tractor beam has no built-infunctions, but is activated by other cards, suchas Activate Tractor Beam, Engage ShuttleOperations, and Ship Seizure. See towing.

Transporter Drones – This Equipment card’sSTRENGTH cannot be used outside of battleor modified by cards that affect personnelSTRENGTH. It is not a weapon.

Transporter Mixup – Because a group ofpersonnel beams simultaneously, all four ofthe personnel discarded by this incident areconsidered to leave play simultaneously (thecards are still placed in the discard pile one ata time so the opponent can see them). Seeexchanging cards.

Transporter Skill – When using a card (suchas Invasive Beam-in) requires Transporter Skillaboard a ship, the Transporter Skill personnelmust remain on the ship to operate thetransporters. See Miracle Worker, tribble.

transporters – All ships and facilities havetransporters unless otherwise specified. Youmay not operate your opponent’s transportersunless you are allowed to use his facility(except when infiltrating; see infiltration icon).Transporters are not special equipment. Seebeaming.

Transwarp Drone (Two of Nineteen) – Thispersonnel may download one doorway orinterrupt whose title includes “Transwarp,” i.e.,Transwarp Network Gateway (doorway) orTranswarp Conduit (interrupt).

Transwarp Network Gateway – Revised text:Seed one during facility phase on anyspaceline end OR play on any spacelinelocation where you have a [Nav] Borg. Anyplayer may play a Transwarp Conduit (oranother copy of this doorway) to allowmoving any or all of that player’s ships ...To move ships through Transwarp NetworkGateways, there must already be in play twocopies of this doorway at different locations.You must play another Transwarp NetworkGateway doorway or a Transwarp Conduitinterrupt each time you wish to move a ship(or group of ships) through the gatewaynetwork. This does not use any of the ship’sRANGE, but is still normal ship movement,requiring full staffing. Playing a TranswarpNetwork Gateway requires a [Nav] Borgpresent even when download (e.g., with theBorg Outpost’s special download icon). Seespaceline.

Traveler, The – This personnel’s skill enablesnormal ship movement requiring full staffing,similar to the Wormhole interrupt, but isrestricted to the current spaceline.

Traveler: Transcendence, The – This eventnullifies all Static Warp Bubbles in play orplayed later, either yours or your opponent’s.

treaties – Treaty cards make one player’s cardsof two or more different affiliations compatibleand allow them to mix and cooperate. They donot change any card’s affiliation or make themmatching affiliation. If a treaty is destroyed,incompatible personnel aboard a ship orfacility are placed under house arrest. Treaties do not “chain.” If you have Treaty:Federation/Bajoran and Treaty:Federation/Klingon in play, your Bajorans maynot mix with your Klingons. You must also play

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Treaty: Bajoran/Klingon for all three groups tomix.A “Federation treaty” is any treaty whichincludes the Federation as one of the parties.For example, Treaty: Federation/Klingon andOrganian Peace Treaty are both Federationtreaties as well as Klingon treaties.

Treaty: Federation/Romulan/Klingon – Youmay not use this event’s provisions if you haveany side deck in play (even if closed orempty), including a Battle Bridge side deck.Only your Federation, Romulan, and Klingonaffiliations are restricted from attempting youropponent’s missions; your personnel andships of all other affiliations may attempt any ofyour opponent’s missions that has anappropriate icon or text.Playing an Espionage card will not permit youto attempt an opponent’s mission while thistreaty is in play. However, a required action(such as Samaritan Snare) may compel you toattempt an opponent’s mission despite thetreaty restriction. See actions – required.

tribble – A card type which comes into playonly through a Tribble side deck. Tribblecards represent single tribbles and groups of10, 100, 1,000, etc. They may report or breedas noted on each card.You may play one Tribble card each turn pergroup of your tribbles (whether the cards weredrawn from your side deck or downloaded byplaying a Storage Compartment Door). All ofyour tribbles on one ship, facility, site, orplanet are one group. Reporting a 1 Tribble or10 Tribbles card where there are no tribblescreates a new group; you may not playanother Tribble card to that group on that turn.You must have at least the required number oftribbles present to breed tribbles. (You maynot breed tribbles from your opponent;stribble group.) For example, the 100 Tribblescard “Breeds from 10 tribbles.” You must haveat least 10 tribbles present (either ten 1Tribble cards or one 10 Tribbles card) to playa 100 Tribbles card to that group. When youbreed a tribble card, the tribbles required tobreed that card remain in play. The small Tribble cards – 1 Tribble and 10Tribbles – may be carried like equipment byeither player’s personnel. Each personnel maycarry only one small Tribble card; when theyeventually “drop” it, they are “stopped.” He isnot required to put it down while he performsother actions, such as attempting a mission.The large Tribble cards – 100 Tribbles andgreater – may not be carried, but may bebeamed by any Transporter Skill personnel.Each personnel may beam up to one largeTribble card for each unit of that skill theyhave, then that personnel is “stopped” andmay beam no more Tribble cards that turn. Youmay lower the SHIELDS of your Nor to beamlarge Tribble cards. Although small Tribblecards may not be beamed, you may beam thepersonnel who are carrying them (this doesnot require Transporter Skill and does not“stop” anyone).You may beam large tribble cards betweenyour opponent’s ship and your own ship (if acard, such as the Transport Drone or InvasiveBeam-In, allows you to beam cards throughSHIELDS). Your opponent must allow you tosee the tribble cards to select one or more forbeaming.Each denomination of Tribble card (e.g., 1Tribble) comes in multiple versions, withdifferent images and card numbers, and adifferent special colored icon such as Go,Poison, and so on. All versions of adenomination are treated as the same card inthe Star Trek Customizable Card Game (theyare not cumulative); the special icons are usedin the Tribbles Customizable Card Game™.(Tribble cards from the Tribbles CustomizableCard Game may not be used in the Star Trek

Customizable Card Game, because they haveno game text allowing them to play.)

Tribble Bomb – Your Barry Waddle must be atthe same location as your tribble group toallow you to play this incident (not just to playit for free).This incident cannot be moved except asallowed by Trouble… in the Transporters, evenwhen Tribble cards from the tribble groupwhere it is played are carried or beamed.

Tribble side deck – This side deck is made upof Tribble and Trouble cards. You can have asmany Tribble and Trouble cards in your sidedeck as you like, even duplicates. The sidedeck is activated during the doorway seedphase by a Storage Compartment Door cardplaced face up on top of the side deck. TheStorage Compartment Door allows you todraw and play (or discard) up to three cardsfrom your side deck during each of your turns.Your Tribble and Trouble cards are not part ofyour normal hand, and thus are not affected bycards such as Alien Probe and Energy Vortex.Whenever a card from your Tribble side deckis discarded or otherwise leaves the table,place it face up underneath your side deck.When your side deck runs out of face-downcards, shuffle the face-up cards and placethem face down again underneath yourseeded Storage Compartment Door.

trouble – A card type which comes into playonly through a Tribble side deck. You mayplay Trouble cards only where you havetribbles present. You may play one Troublecard each turn per group of your tribbles.Each Trouble card lists the minimum numberof tribbles required to “activate” portions of itsgame text. If you do not have the minimumnumber present, the Trouble card stays in play,but its game text is inactive. If you have notribbles present with a Trouble card, it isdiscarded.Whenever any of your Tribble cards (or yourTribble Bomb) are moved, any or all of yourTrouble cards present may go along withthem.

tripling – see doubling.Trouble … on the Bridge – When this Trouble

card is present with at least 1,000 tribbles ona ship with more than 10 personnel in itscrew, that crew may not attempt missions.

Trust Me – A Borg player may use this Q-iconevent to place non-Borg personnel or ships inhis discard pile and may use them normally ifretrieved to hand, but they may not mix withhis Borg.

Tsiolkovsky Infection – Errata:(Not cumulative.)See skills.

turn – Players alternate taking turns throughoutthe play phase. During your turn you will do upto five things, in this order:1. Perform any actions required or allowed by

game text that says it takes place at “startof turn.”

2. Play a card from your hand. This “normalcard play” is optional. All cards exceptinterrupts and doorways may be playedonly at this time, even those that play “forfree,” unless a card specifically allows acard play at another time. During this segment of your turn, you maytake no actions other than:• playing and downloading cards;• actions that suspend play;• actions that may occur at any time(including activating hidden agendas andplaying interrupts and doorways); and,• sub-actions of these actions. Any other action advances you to the“execute orders” segment of your turn,after which you may no longer play cards(except interrupts and doorways).

3. Execute orders. This generally means

moving and/or using cards already on thetable, and is also optional. See executingorders.

4. Perform any actions required or allowed bygame text that says it takes place at “endof turn.” (Probing is also defined as anend-of-turn action unless otherwisespecified.)

5. Draw a card from your draw deck to yourhand. This is mandatory and signals theend of your turn. See card draw. If you areprevented from drawing a card (forexample, by the game text of Q’s Tent orthe Ops site, or because there are nocards left in your draw deck), then yousimply announce when you are done withyour turn.

Game text that says it may be used “at anytime” may be used out of the normal turnorder, or during your opponent’s turn, even ifthe card type is normally playable only duringyour own turn (e.g., an event or doorway).However, such game text may not interrupt anunrelated action. See actions – interrupting.You may choose the order of start-of-turn andend-of-turn actions. For example, you mayprocess ore either before or after a RogueBorg battle; you may probe either before orafter counting down countdown icons ormoving a Borg Ship dilemma. No otheractions may take place between start-of-turnor end-of-turn actions, other than validresponses. However, your normal card draw(or any action that replaces it), is always thelast action of your turn. (In Warp Speedformat, evening up is the last action,immediately following your card draw.)If a card such as 35th Rule of Acquisitionallows you to draw a card at “end of eachturn” when conditions are met (but does notsay it is an extra or additional card draw), it isthe result of an “end-of-turn” action, whichmust take place before your normal card drawwhich ends your turn. However, if a cardallows an “extra” or “additional” card draw atthe end of your turn (e.g., The Traveler:Transcendence or Quark’s Bar), it is amodification to your normal card draw, andthus is not an “end-of-turn” action.Your separate Away Teams merging at the endof your turn and “stopped” cards becoming“unstopped” at the start of a turn are notactions. They are changes of status that occurautomatically when a turn ends or starts.A few other uses of the term “turn” areclarified below:• A “full turn” is one complete turn of one

player, from beginning to end, not includingthe current turn.

• “Owner’s turn” refers to the owner of thecard being affected, rather than the cardplayed.

• “Every turn” means every turn of bothplayers.

• “Each turn” means each turn of the subjectof the game text (skipping the other player).The subject player is usually indicated by aword such as “you,” “opponent” or “owner.”(“You” or “your” refers to the person playingthe card or encountering the dilemma.) Itmay also be implied by game text instructingthe person who played the card to takespecific actions. If no player is specified orimplied, then the subject of the game text isthe player whom it affects. If it affects bothplayers equally, the subject is the personwho played or encountered the card.

Examples:• Temporal Rift: “Ship … must reappear here

after two of your full turns.” The subject isthe person who played the interrupt.

• Hyper-Aging: “Away Team... dies at the endof your third full turn.” The subject is theplayer encountering the dilemma.

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• Warp Core Breach: “Ship explodes at endof owner’s next turn.” The subject is theowner of the ship.

• Telepathic Alien Kidnappers: “At end of eachturn, guess a card type...” The subject is theperson who played the card, who isinstructed to guess a card type.

• Plasma Fire: “Fire damages ship at end ofnext turn.” The subject is the owner of theship.

Turrel – See in play.twice per game – See once per game. Twin Mistresses of Evil, The – Each of the

personnel on this dual-personnel card maydouble the regular skills of only one Tom Parisor Harry Kim present. See skills – modifying.

Two-Dimensional Creatures – Revised text:Place on ship. Empaths aboard are disabled.Ship can’t move until SCIENCE andENGINEER aboard, discarding dilemma andcuring empaths.

Type 18 Shuttlepod – This ship may reportwith crew to the location of your Defiant-classship, in space (not aboard). The requirementfor Navigation skill applies only to personnel,not to Equipment cards.

Ultimatum – To score points with thisobjective, at least one of your ships firingWEAPONS in the battle that destroys theship must be a Dominion ship. See affiliationand ship origin.

undefined attribute – If a card has anundefined attribute (e.g., Mortal Q’sCUNNING of Q, Kivas’ Fajo’s “NOINTEGRITY,” or Spot’s STRENGTH, which isnot a number but is explained in the skills box),it is treated as zero for purposes ofcomparisons or totalling attributes. Undefinedattributes cannot be modified with othercards. For example, Kivas Fajo will be killed bythe Firestorm dilemma, but his INTEGRITY isnot enhanced by Kukalaka.A “disabled ship attribute” (for the dilemma“Pup”) is treated as an undefined attribute. Avariable attribute is not undefined unless it isunusable for some reason.

Undetected Beam-In – If your opponentencounters this dilemma, you may downloadup to four Borg drones (to the planet, if any, orto any ship or facility at the location). If youdownload them to a ship or facility controlledby your opponent, the drones are intruders.Rogue Borg Mercenaries downloadedthrough this dilemma battle for the first time atthe start of the next turn, even if more RogueBorg are played normally on the current turn.They may play only on an occupied ship.

unique and universal – Universal personnel,ships, sites, missions, and time locations arethose with the four-diamond ❖ universalsymbol at the beginning of the card name.(Universal facilities will also be marked withthe ❖ symbol in future printings.) Thosewithout the ❖ universal symbol are unique(unless they have an Enigma icon ✶). Allother card types are universal unless marked“Unique” or “Not duplicatable.” • Each player may have only one copy of a

particular unique (or Enigma) personnel orship (or of the same persona) or non-duplicatible facility in play at any time. Anynumber of copies of a universal personnel,ship, or facility may be in play at the sametime.

• Unique sites are “unique per station.” That is,each Nor is limited to one of each kind ofSite card. Universal sites may exist inmultiple on each Nor.

• Unique missions (including Q’s Planet) andtime locations are not duplicatable. Theremay be only one copy of a time location inplay at a time, for both players. Uniquemissions are stacked to create a singlelocation. Each player may seed more thanone copy of any universal mission.

• Each player may have multiple copies of afacility, artifact, dilemma, objective, etc. inplay at a time, except for cards marked“Unique” or “Not duplicatable” in their gametext.

When any card marked “Unique” in its gametext, or any unique or Enigma personnel orship, is in play, another copy or instance ofthe same persona may not be played by thesame player, and if another copy belonging tothe same player is encountered (e.g.,dilemmas), earned (e.g., artifacts), or activated(e.g., hidden agendas) by any player, that copyis discarded. When any card marked “Not duplicatable” inits game text (or any unique time location) is inplay, another copy may not be seeded orplayed by any player, and if another copy isencountered, earned, or activated by anyplayer, that copy is discarded. When a playerseeds any unique mission which has alreadybeen seeded on the spaceline, the secondcopy is stacked atop the first to create asingle location. See Deep Space 9, seedphase.

Unity Drone (Two of Seventeen) – Thispersonnel allows your Borg to shareCUNNING in the hive. Example: You have anAway Team on a planet consisting of threeBorg, with a total CUNNING of 15:

Bio-Med Drone, [Com], CUNNING 5Tactical Drone, [Def], CUNNING 5Talon Drone, [Def], CUNNING 5

You have a Borg ship at a neighboringspaceline locationwith the following crewaboard, with a total CUNNING of 17:

Astrogation Drone, [Nav], CUNNING 7Guard Drone, [Def], CUNNING 5Unity Drone, [Com], CUNNING 5

If you bring the ship to the planet location (inthe same hive), the CUNNING of the ship’screw is added to the total CUNNING of theAway Team, giving the Away Team a totalCUNNING of 32 when facing a dilemma.Likewise, the Away Team’s CUNNING isadded to that of the ship’s crew, so the crewhas an effective total CUNNING of 32. Thishas no effect on the CUNNING of eachindividual Borg.If the Bio-Med Drone is now killed, so there isno longer a [Com] Borg on the planet, theAway Team now has a total CUNNING of only10, and the ship’s crew has a total CUNNINGof only 17.

universe – See mirror universe.universal – See unique and universal.unopposed – Your personnel are unopposed if

your opponent has no personnel present withthem on a planet, ship, facility, or site. Yourship is unopposed if your opponent has noships at the same spaceline or timelinelocation. A site is unopposed if your opponenthas no docked ships or personnel at that site.Cards that are cloaked, phased, disabled, orin stasis do not oppose. See opposing,Patrol Neutral Zone.

until any Q-Flash – See Q-icon cards.U.S.S. Danube – Errata:

Reports for free to Runabout Docking Pads.U.S.S. Dauntless – This ship may be fully

staffed by Arturis even if it is in Federationaffiliation mode.

U.S.S. Enterprise-B – See attributemodifiers.

U.S.S. Enterprise-C – This ship can report toany location, in either quadrant, or to a timelocation. It may report to a facility, but cannotavoid being damaged. If your opponent isusing a Battle Bridge side deck, he appliesdefault damage (two damage markers) whenyou report the ship. If reported with crew viaSpace-Time Portal, damage is applied to theship before the crew is reported aboard (nocasulaties will occur).

U.S.S. Excelsior – This ship has specialequipment providing one Stellar Cartographyskill. This skill may be used to overcome spacedilemmas or satisfy requirements of spacemissions.

U.S.S. Pasteur – This ship has specialequipment providing one MEDICAL skill. ThisMEDICAL may be used as one of the sevenpersonnel types required by the KurlanNaiskos. The U.S.S. Pasteur’s nemesis is theI.K.C. Chang. See nemesis icon.

U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang – This ship iscompatible with the Bajoran affiliation. It maybe staffed by Bajoran-affiliated personnel(without a matching Federation personnel),and reported and docked at a Bajoran facility.It is still a Federation ship and must abide byFederation attack restrictions.

use – See equipment.Valeris – See infiltration icon, skills.Vantika’s Neural Pathways – A mission

specialist affected by this dilemma remains amission specialist, with a skill of Treachery x2.See Assign Mission Specialists.

variable attribute – Some personnel have anX in one of their attribute boxes, with acorresponding special skill such as “X=2 or 7.”Each time you need to know the value of avariable attribute (even when the card is inhand, such as for a Royale Casino dilemma),the owner of the card may choose one of thelisted values at that time. Whenever thespecial skill is unusable (for example, becauseof Brain Drain or Hate Crime), the attribute isan undefined attribute, treated as zero.

verification – When a card or rule requires youto perform some action which you are unableto complete, your opponent must be allowedto verify that you are unable to do so. Forexample, if you cannot play a card whenrequired to by a card such as Visit CochraneMemorial or Energy Vortex, your opponent maylook at your hand to verify that you are unableto do so. See showing your cards.

version – A “version” of a personnel refers toany true version of that specific persona. Forexample, Elim Garak, Elim, Mr. Garak, andPlain, Simple Garak are all versions of the ElimGarak persona. Thus, Plain, Simple Garak maybe replaced at any time by Elim Garak, Elim orMr. Garak. Garak and Security Chief Garakare not true versions of the Elim Garakpersona, and may not replace Plain, SimpleGarak.

Vic Fontaine – This personnel’s downloadingskill does not supply a destination for thedownloaded card, so it must be played orreported where it could normally be played orreported. His skill may be used once per gameper dilemma title (e.g., if he has downloaded acard when your personnel are "stopped" bySarjenka, he cannot download again whenthey are "stopped" by another copy ofSarjenka at another mission). He cannotdownload an artifact. See Mission Fatigue.

victory conditions – See winning the game.Victory Is Life – See helps.Vidiian – An affiliation and a species. See

affiliation and species.Vidiian Boarding Claw – If your Vidiian

Cruiser that allowed you to play this incidentleaves your control (e.g., commandeered orassimilated) or leaves play, discard the VidiianBoarding Claw.

Vidiian Harvester – See immune.Vidiian Sodality, The – This incident’s game

text, allowing mixing with an additionalaffiliation, is active as soon as it is seeded. Youdo not have to declare a specific affiliation tomix with, or change it as a game action.

Vorgon Raiders – See in play, stealing.Voyager stand-alone formats – When

playing Voyager stand-alone Warp Speed andfull game formats, you may use any cards with

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a Star Trek: Voyager logo (including thosefound in First Anthology, the OfficialTournament Sealed Deck, Blaze of Glory,Mirror, Mirror, Holodeck Adventures, and TheMotion Pictures) as well as any missions witha Delta Quadrant icon.

VR Headset – This Equipment card aboardyour [Dom] ship does not allow you todownload a Vorta as its matching commanderusing Ready Room Door. The Vorta is not thematching commander until he is present withthe VR Headset.

Vulcan Mindmeld – Revised text:Plays at any location. Each of your Mindmeldpersonnel there may select another of yourpersonnel present and add that personnel’sskills to their own until end of turn.This interrupt adds only regular (not special)skills. (See skills – modifying.) YourMindmeld personnel may meld with anypersonnel, including androids and holograms.The personnel need not remain together afterthe meld to use their added skills.Mindmeld may not be “chained.” If Sarekmelds with Riva, and Spock melds with Sarek,Spock gains only Sarek’s Diplomacy x3 andMindmeld; he does not also gain Riva’sDiplomacy x2.

Vulcan Nerve Pinch – Revised text:Plays at start of personnel battle. YourVulcans and Soong-Type Androids may eachplace one opposing personnel or Rogue Borg(random selection) in stasis until end of yournext turn.

Wajahut – See once per game, movement.Wake of the Borg, The – This interrupt does

not destroy landed, cloaked, or phased ships.See landed ships, cloaking and phasing.

walking – Your personnel aboard a Nor maymove (“walk”) from site to site, individually oras a group, and they may carry Equipmentcards with them. Move the personnel or groupalong the row of sites, one site at a time, untilthey reach their destination. (They mustactually “pass by” each site in turn; they donot relocate from site to another.) They maywalk along more than one site each turn;however, as soon as they stop at any site, forany reason, they may not walk again that turn(although they may perform other actions,such as boarding a ship docked there).Example: you have the following sites on yourNor, in order: Ops, Security Office, GuestQuarters, Ore Processing Unit, DockingPylons. Your personnel may walk from Ops toDocking Pylons on one turn, moving from onesite to the next in turn, and may board yourship docked at Docking Pylons. But if theystop to pick up a hand weapon from theSecurity Office, they may not walk any furtherthis turn. Likewise, if two [Cmd] personnelwalk from Ops to Guest Quarters and stopwhile you download a personnel there withGoing To The Top, the [Cmd] personnel maynot walk further this turn.Entering or exiting from a docked or landedship or planet facility is not “walking.”

Walls Have Ears, The – See infiltration icon,intruder.

Warp Core Breach – This event does notaffect [Borg] ships.

Warp Speed – The following special rulesapply to the constructed and sealed deckWarp Speed formats. For more details, seethe separate Warp Speed rules sheet.Deckbuilding: Your deck must follow the10/20 rule – no more than 10 cards in theseed deck (plus up to three missions, whichseed for free), and no fewer than 20 cards inthe draw deck. Your 10 seed cards mayinclude one Personnel, Ship, or equipmentcard to be seeded face up aboard youroutpost, or one ship to be seeded face up atthe Caretaker’s Array. You may seed no morethan one outpost of any kind.

Seed Phase: You choose the order forseeding your missions (they are not shuffled),ignoring regions of space. If you seed anoutpost, it must be at your left-most mission,regardless of what that mission is (e.g., youmay ignore the seeding location requirementon a Nekrit Supply Depot). Players alternateseeding missions from the starting player’s leftto his right. Duplication of unique missionsbetween players is allowed (they are notstacked).Each player may seed up to four differentcards under each mission. Batch seedingunder missions is mandatory.Play Phase: Warp Speed adds the followingrules:• Each player may make up to two normal

card plays each turn.• All non-Borg affiliations are allowed to mix

and cooperate as if there were a universaltreaty in effect. (A matching personnel is stillrequired for staffing ships, mission attempts,etc.) A player using [Borg]-affiliation cardsmay not stock any non-Borg-affiliationpersonnel, ships, or facilities in their gamedeck.

• Non-Borg affiliations have no affiliationattack restrictions. Normal attack restrictionsapply to the Borg affiliation.

• Ignore quadrant reporting restrictions andAlternate Universe icons. That is, whenreporting to a facility, you are not restrictedto reporting personnel and ships only in theirnative quadrant, and no doorway is requiredfor playing [AU] cards. You must still meetany stated native quadrant requirements touse a card such as Home Away From Homeor Delta Quadrant Spatial Scission.

• [Holo] icons on personnel cards are ignoredfor all purposes in Warp Speed.Holographic personnel move normally anddie rather than deactivating; any other cardreferring to a [Holo] icon does not affect(and is not affected by) a [Holo] personnel.For example, in Warp Speed it is notpossible to score the extra points for a[Holo] personnel on Answer Distress Signal.

• A player may not attempt their opponent’smission, or target it with a Borg objective.

• If either player has Red Alert! in play, itapplies to both players.

• At the end of each of your turns, you mustdraw one card (plus any extra draws allowedor required by a card such as The Traveler:Transcendence or Ancestral Vision). Then, ifyou do not hold exactly seven cards in yourhand, you must “even up” by drawing ordiscarding cards to bring your hand back toseven (if possible). Card draws required to“even up” your hand may not be convertedto downloads. If you use game text that says“draw no cards this turn,” you may not drawcards to “even up” your hand.

• If necessary, each player will “regenerate”their draw deck once per game. The firsttime you need to draw a card and cannot,take all the cards from your discard pile thatreport for duty (personnel, ships, andequipment) and reshuffle them to replenishyour draw deck. (Leave the non-reportingcards in your discard pile.)

Winning: Games have a 30-minute time limit.The first player to solve one of their planetmissions and one of their space missions (or,if playing Borg, to complete an objectivetargeting one of their space missions and anobjective targeting one of their planetmissions) scores a full win.If no player achieves a full win (either becausetime runs out or because both players exhausttheir draw decks again after regenerating),then a modified win is awarded to the playerwho solved the most missions. If the playershave solved the same number of missions,then a modified win goes to the player with

the most points. (If players are tied for bothmissions and points, this is a true tie.)Differential is calculated normally (as stated inthe Tournament Guide). If you achieve a FullWin with a lower score than your opponent,your differential is +1 and your opponent’s is–1.

Warped Space – The owner of this missionuses the span of 5, and the opponent usesthe span of 1. Any card that moves like a shipwith RANGE, such as Calamarain or TheSheliak, uses the span on the end toward themoving card’s owner.

Wartime Conditions – This event may beplayed on any turn after the initial attack (notnecessarily immediately after the attack). Itapplies to both players while in play.

We Look For Things – When you discard thisincident to “acquire” a card enhancing theattributes of an opposing ship, you mustimmediately place the card in play. AnEquipment card is relocated to your Pakledship; an Event card is played on your side ofthe table or on one of your suitable ships atthe location, as appropriate.

Weak Spot – See attribute enhancements.WEAPONS – You cannot use your ship’s or

facility’s WEAPONS for any purpose unless itis uncloaked, unphased, and undocked, itsWEAPONS are greater than zero, and youhave a matching personnel aboard. (If thefacility is a Nor, the matching personnel mustbe in Ops.) “Using WEAPONS” includessatisfying the requirements of any cardrequiring WEAPONS, such as Outgunned orRefuse Immigration.To fire its WEAPONS in battle, the ship orfacility must not be “stopped.” (A cardtargeted by an attack is automatically“unstopped” and thus may return fire.) Unlessreturning fire or counter-attacking, the ship orfacility must also have a leader (Borg musthave a [Def] Borg instead) in its crew, andmust not have any affiliation attack restrictionsthat prevent it from firing at the target. (If thefiring card is a Nor, the personnel requiredabove must be in Ops.)If the requirements to solve a mission includeship’s WEAPONS above a certain level (e.g.,Ambush Ship), and it does not say “totalWEAPONS,” then the single attempting shipmust provide the WEAPONS requirement. Ifthe requirements to attempt or solve a missioninclude “total WEAPONS” above a certainlevel (e.g., Intercept Maquis), that total may beprovided by any of your compatible ships atthat location.

Whale Probe, The – This dilemma placescards in stasis when it is first placed on themission; when it moves to a new location atthe end of every turn; and when any ship orpersonnel moves to or appears at its location.See far end of spaceline, Borg Ship (fordefinition of “appears at”).

Where No One Has Gone Before – Only onecopy of this event is needed to affect bothspacelines. However, it does not allowmovement between quadrants.

White Deprivation – Personnel who have a[KW] icon suffer “white deprivation” whenthis incident is in play, unless they haveKetracel-White Equipment cards present toprevent it.Your white-deprived personnel will attack evencaptives (belonging to either player) if present.You may not prevent them from fighting byusing cards such as Emergency TransporterArmbands, Prepare Assault Teams, I’m aDoctor Not a Doorstop, Smoke Bomb, etc.When your own personnel are attacking eachother, even though they are separate assaultteams they are still a single crew or AwayTeam. Thus, cards that affect the battle (suchas hand weapons) apply to both teams. Echo

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Papa 607 Killer Drones do not participate inbattles caused by white deprivation.One Ketracel-White card in a crew or AwayTeam prevents white deprivation for anynumber of [KW] personnel.A disabled Jem’Hadar (including a captive)cannot initiate battle, but if white-deprived isstill subject to death by random selection.

winning battle – See battle – personnel,battle – ship.

winning the game – Players take turns untilone player scores 100 points (the normalvictory conditions) and is declared the winner,or until both players’ draw decks run out (atwhich point the player with the most points isdeclared the winner).Some cards, such as Q’s Planet and The BigPicture, may alter the victory conditions of thegame for one or both players. The first playerto achieve or exceed his victory conditions isthe winner. If both players achieve their victoryconditions simultaneously, the player with themost points is the winner.Some cards or actions may cause you to losethe game.

Wormhole – This interrupt plays “just as [aship] begins to move,” that is, after anyoptional responses to the initiation ofmovement and just after the results step of themovement action begins. The movementaction may be any normal ship movement,including time travel, e.g., with the firstfunction of Temporal Vortex. Thus, a responseto the initiation of movement (e.g., EstablishTractor Lock to prevent movement) cannotplay after the ship has moved throughWormholes. Also, a ship wormholed to thelocation of a hazard such as a Borg Shipdilemma or Paxan “Wormhole” need not stopat that location and can continue to moveaway from the hazard (RANGE permitting).Wormholes allow movement betweenquadrants or time travel between thespaceline and a time location (or between twotime locations); the movement uses noRANGE. Thus, you may move your ship withWormholes even if it has no RANGEremaining (but not if affected by a card thatsays the ship may not move) or if there is noadjacent location to move to. The ship mustbe fully staffed.The same player must play both Wormholes(i.e., your opponent may not “complete” yourWormhole with his own to redirect your ship).If your second Wormhole is nullified, the first isalso nullified unless you immediately playanother Wormhole.A ship always emerges from a Wormhole inspace, not landed or in any other place suchas a shuttlebay. This interrupt may not beplayed on a docked ship (as it undocks). A Wormhole interrupt may also be used withthe built-in Wormhole on a planetary MissionII card.See Space-Time Portal, Operate WormholeRelays.

wormholes – movement through – Movingthrough a pair of Bajoran Wormholedoorways, or a pair of Wormhole interruptskept open by Operate Wormhole Relays, canbe part of a single movement action to themouth of the wormhole and through it(continuing along the spaceline upon exit ifWormhole Navigation Schematic is played atBajoran Wormhole).

worth points – A card that is “worth points”while some condition is met does not scorethose points each turn; it scores positivepoints when the condition is first met andscores negative points if there is a change inthat status. For example, you score 20 pointsonce with Dr. Tolian Soran, when he is placedunder The Nexus. If he leaves The Nexus, youscore -20 points because he is no longerworth points.

Writ of Accountability – Activating thisincident to place it on a [Fer] FCA personnelalready in play is a valid response to any of theactions that cause your opponent to lose thegame. Activating it to download an FCApersonnel is not a valid response to thoseactions and thus may be done only after youropponent’s action is complete, and only if youropponent did not already win the game bycompleting his action.For purposes of this incident, you have notused your own dilemma to score points if youropponent’s action directly caused you toscore points from that dilemma. For example, ifyour opponent “posts bail” for a captive takenby your Mandarin Bailiff, or his personnel dieswith your Vendetta in play on it, you did notuse that dilemma to score points.If you score points by wagering a dilemmawith Dabo, you have used that dilemma toscore points. See Horga’hn, winning thegame, stasis.

you – See your.You Dirty Rat – The shape-shifter morphed by

this interrupt may not be targeted by anything(not just in battle).

your – “Your” personnel, ship, or facility is onethat you control, even temporarily. Forexample, you may play Auto-DestructSequence on your opponent’s ship that youcontrol using Alien Parasites. You may not playSisko 197 Subroutine on the Ops of anEmpok Nor that you seeded but have not yetcommandeered.On other cards (events, interrupts, dilemmas,etc.), “you” or “your” in game text refers to theplayer who played a card or who encountereda dilemma or Q-icon card. For example, if youropponent encounters your dilemma that refersto “three of your full turns,” it means youropponent’s turns; but if you play Beyond theSubatomic, “Discard from top of your drawdeck” refers to you.See owner.

Your Galaxy Is Impure – This dilemma may benullified by Borg Nanoprobes if present whenencountered, or later, after it has been placedon the mission.

Yuta – The personnel discarded by thisdilemma dies. The death is a “randomselection.” If no personnel matches thenumber chosen, the dilemma is discarded.

Zaldan – Revised text:Unless 2 Treachery OR a disruptor ORWesley Crusher OR Exobiology present, killstwo Away Team members who haveDiplomacy (random selection).

zero – Zero is an even number.Zon – Revised text:

May nullify Nausicaans dilemma wherepresent.


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TM, ® & © 2002 Decipher Inc., P. O. Box 56, Norfolk,Virginia U.S.A. 23501-0056. All Rights Reserved.Customizable Card Game, Expand Your Power in theUniverse, and The Art of Great Games are trademarks ofDecipher Inc.

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All cards with errata or revised text are listedhere, except those with minor typographical

corrections or changes made for wordingconsistency. See the individual entries for theactual revisions.

Adapt: Negate ObstructionAlien AbductionAmanda RogersAmanda’s ParentsAnti-Time AnomalyAssign Mission SpecialistsAssimilate PlanetAssimilate StarshipBajoran Resistance CellBirth of “Junior”Borg Cube, Locutus’ Borg Cube,

Queen’s Borg CubeBorg OutpostCaptain’s LogCargo RendezvousChinese Finger PuzzleClan PeopleCovert InstallationCryosatelliteDiplomatic ConferenceDisruptor OverloadDistortion FieldDistortion of Space/Time ContinuumDocking PadsEdo ProbeEmergency Transporter ArmbandsEnsign TuvokEspionage MissionEstablish GatewayFair PlayFirestormFrame of MindFull Planet ScanGarakHolo-projectorsI.K.C. BortasIconia InvestigationInvestigate “Shattered Space”Kevin UxbridgeKhitomer ResearchLatinum PayoffMajor RakalMartokMenthar Booby TrapNeutral OutpostOutpost (8 outposts listed with similar errata)Patrol Neutral ZonePhased MatterPhaser BurnsQQ’s Fantasy WomenQuantum Drone (Six of Eleven)Radioactive Garbage ScowRed Alert!REM Fatigue HallucinationsRemodulationReported ActivityReunionScanSense the BorgTarellian Plague ShipTasha Yar – AlternateThine Own SelfThought FireT’PanTranswarp Network GatewayTsiolkovsky InfectionTwo-Dimensional CreaturesU.S.S. DanubeVulcan MindmeldVulcan Nerve PinchZaldanZon


[AU] Alternate Universe[Bar] Barash[BO] Borg use only[CF] Classic Films[Cmd] Command[Com] Communication subcommand (blue)[Def] Defense subcommand (red)[DQ] Delta Quadrant[EE] U.S.S. Enterprise-E[GQ] Gamma Quadrant[Holo] Holographic re-creation[HA] Hidden Agenda[KW] Ketracel-White[KCA] Klingon/Cardassian Alliance[Maq] Maquis[MQ] Mirror Quadrant[Nav] Navigation subcommand (green)[Nem] Nemesis[OCD] Optical Compact Disk[Orb] Orb[OS] Original Series[P] Planet[Q] Q-Icon card[Ref] Referee[Rule] Ferengi Rule of Acquisition[Skill] Skill dot[S] Space[S/P] Space/Planet[SD] Special download[Stf] Staff[TE] Terran Empire[Tri] Tribble[Tro] Trouble[univ] Universal[3] Countdown box[35 Pts] Point box

Affiliation Icons[Baj] Bajoran[Borg] Borg[Car] Cardassian[Dom] Dominion[Fed] Federation[Fer] Ferengi[Hir] Hirogen[Kaz] Kazon[Klg] Klingon[NA] Non-Aligned[Neu] Neutral[Rom] Romulan[Vid] Vidiian

Infiltration Icons<Baj> Bajoran<Dom> Dominion<Fed> Federation<Klg> Klingon<Rom> Romulan