star presentation

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler

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  1. 1. "The illiterate of the 21stcenturywill not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." -- Alvin Toffler
  2. 2. McKinney Boyd Star Chart 2009
  3. 3. What is the Star Chart?
    • The Teacher STaR Chart survey enables teachers to see what the expectations for Technology and Instruction are for all teachers, and to self-assess their progress toward meeting these expectations
    • Shows the technology expectations for all teachers.
    • Allows teachers to self assess their own progress.
    What is the Star Chart? School Technology and Readiness Chart
  4. 4.
    • Define the STaR Chart process.
    • Review Scores from 2006 to Present.
    • Identify Trends.
    • Share reasons for STaR chart Trends.
    • Direct teachers to the TEA website for more Star chart information.
    Todays Objectives
  5. 5. 20062009 Results 2008-09: Advanced Tech 2007-08: Advanced Tech 2006-07: Advanced Tech 2008-09:16 2007-08:18 2006-07:18 Support Infrastructurefor Technology 2008-09: Advanced Tech 2007-08: Advanced Tech 2006-07: Advanced Tech 2008-09:15 2007-08:18 2006-07:17 Leadership,Administration, & Instructional 2008-09: Advanced Tech 2007-08: Developing Tech 2006-07: Developing Tech 2008-09:17 2007-08:13 2006-07:11 Educator Preparation & Development 2008-09: Advanced Tech 2007-08: Developing Tech 2006-07: Developing Tech 2008-09:15 2007-08:14 2006-07:14Teaching & Learning
  6. 6.
    • Discuss possible reasons this trend is positive.
    • Refer to your handout for detailed information.
    • List the factors for the trend.
    Trends Trends Positive Trend 2008-09:15 2007-08:14 2006-07:14Teaching & Learning
  7. 7.
    • Discuss possible reasons this trend is positive.
    • Refer to your handout for detailed information.
    • List the factors for the trend.
    Trends Trends Positive Trend 2008-09:17 2007-08:13 2006-07:11Educator Preparation & Development
  8. 8.
    • Discuss possible reasons the decline in this area.
    • Refer to your handout for detailed information.
    • List the factors for the trend.
    Trends Trends Declining 2008-09:15 2007-08:18 2006-07:17Leadership Administration& Instructional Support
  9. 9.
    • Discuss possible reasons the decline in this area.
    • Refer to your handout for detailed information.
    • List the factors for the trend.
    Trends Trends Declining 2008-09:16 2007-08:18 2006-07:18Infrastructure for Technology
  10. 10. Summary
    • The Long-Range Plan for Technology identifies four Key Areas:
      • Teaching and Learning
      • Educator Preparation and Development
      • Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support
      • Infrastructure for Technology.
    • Each Key Area is divided into Teacher STaR Chart Focus Areas.
    • Each Focus Area has indicators that assess the teachers Level of Progress.
    • Boyd HS has shown Advance progress in the areas of Teaching and Learning, andEducator Preparation and Development.
    • Boyd HS needs to reverse the decline in the areas of Leadership, Administration & Instructional Support, and Infrastructure and Technology.
    • In order to generate a summary report, complete the online Texas Teacher STaR Chart .