stamp of bangladesh 1971

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Post on 25-Mar-2016




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Prior to Bangladeshi independence eight postage stamps were released with different motifs by the then Revolutionary Government of Bangladesh on July 29, 1971 simultaneously from the Mujibnagar Mission located in Calcutta, London and India.


Page 1: Stamp of Bangladesh 1971


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Page 3: Stamp of Bangladesh 1971

wU-kv‡U© gyw³hy‡×i WvKwUwKU

Postal Stamps of Liberation war of Bangladesh 1971in T-sirt

gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j evsjv‡`k miKvi (gywRebMi miKvi) cÖKvk K‡iwQj AvUwU WvKwUwKU| 29 RyjvB, 1971 G WvKwUwKU¸wj GK‡hv‡M cÖKvwkZ nq KjKvZv Z_v mgMÖ fviZ I jÛb †_‡K| fviZxq bvMwiK WvKwUwKU we‡klÁ wegvb gwj­K GB WvKwUwKU¸wji wWRvBb K‡ib| weªwUk Ggwc Rb †÷vbnvDm D³ WvKwUwKU¸wj B›Uvib¨vkbvj wmwKDwiwU †cª‡m gy`ªY I wecb‡bi e¨e¯’v K‡iwQ‡jb| gyw³hy× PjvKv‡j GB WvKwUwKU¸wj cÖPviYvi gva¨g wn‡m‡eB cwiwPZ wQj| gyw³hy‡× weR‡qi (16 wW‡m¤^i, 1971) ciciB 20 wW‡m¤^i 1971 †_‡K GB WvKwUwKU¸wj‡K evsjv‡`k WvK wefvM cÖKvwkZ cÖ_g WvKwUwKU wn‡m‡e MÖnY Kiv nq| evsjv‡`kx gy`ªv e¨e¯’v Pvjy n‡j WvKwUwK‡Ui g~j¨ gvb i“wci cwie‡Z© UvKvq cwieZ©b Kiv nq|

Prior to our independence eight postage stamps were released with different motifs by the then Revolutionary Government of Bangladesh on July 29, 1971 simultaneously from the Mujibnagar Mission located in Calcutta, London and India. Mr. Biman Mallick, a Philatelist and stamp designer of international repute made the designs of these stamps. They were printed by Format International Security Printing Press, London. A British politician and MP, John Stonehouse actively worked for printing and auctioning the stamps from London. Since Bangladesh were not yet liberated at that time these stamps were referred to as propaganda issues. But later, after liberation (from December 20, 1971) they became the first issues of Bangladesh postage stamps.

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