staar review - _____ ©2017 koala case curriculum checks and balances - the system...

Name: ____________________________________ FORT BURROWS 2018 8 th Grade U.S. History STAAR Review Constitution

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8th Grade U.S. History

STAAR Review Constitution

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Name: ____________________________________

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VOCABULARY Confederation - A group of loosely connected nations or states that work together for mutual benefit.

Republic - A system of government where people elect their leaders.

Rebellion - An uprising, going against a government or authority openly and/or violently.

Convention - A meeting or gathering for a specific purpose

Delegate - Someone who is sent to a meeting to advocate for a group of people.

Consent - Agreement

Compromise - An agreement where both sides have given up some of what they wanted in order to

accomplish a goal.

Electoral College - The body of representatives that elects the president. Each state has a set number of

representatives—the number of members they have in the House

Representation - Having someone who can speak or act on your behalf in the government

Bicameral - Having two houses or sections

Senate - The body of Congress where all states have an equal vote. Each state has 2 Senators.

Constitution - The document that explains how the government is laid out.

Preamble - The opening of a document. An introduction.

Popular sovereignty - The belief that the power of the government comes from the people.

Separation of powers - The division of government operations into branches or sections. The government

was designed this way so that no one branch would have too much power.

Legislative Branch - The branch of the government that makes the laws. Includes the House of

Representatives and the Senate.

Executive Branch - The branch of the government that enforces the law. Includes the president, his advisors,


Judicial Branch - The branch of government that interprets the law. Includes the Supreme Court Limited

government - The idea that government should have to follow rules and laws and cannot expand its power

beyond what is written in the Constitution.

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Name: ____________________________________

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Checks and balances - The system that allows one branch to stop another from acting.

Law - A rule or a system of rules

Bill - A proposal for a law

Nominate - To select someone for a job, position or award.

Cabinet - A group of advisors that the President selects to give him advice on specific issues.

Impeach - To put a government official on trial.

Veto - To reject a law.

Unconstitutional - To go against the laws and rules set out in the Constitution

Federalism - The system where the national government shares power with state governments.

Ratification - A formal signature on a formal agreement like a treaty or contract

Federalist - Someone who supported the ratification of the Constitution as written at the 1787 Constitutional


Anti-federalist - Someone who did not support the ratification of the Constitution.

Amendment - A change made to the Constitution.

Bill of Rights - The first ten amendments to the Constitution.

Unalienable rights, Natural Rights - Rights that you are born with that cannot be taken away.

Grievances - Complaints

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Articles of Confederation

Weaknesses Powers Structure

Weak central government

no power to tax

no common currency

no national army

no power to enforce laws or regulate trade

Can declare war

negotiate treaties

print money

create a postal system

direct foreign affairs

One branch of government (Congress)

One vote in congress for each state

no national courts

no president

Explain why the specific weaknesses listed below were a problem for the United States.

No president

No power to tax

No national currency

No power to regulate trade between the states

No national army

All states have to agree to change the Articles of Confederation

No national court system

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Name: ____________________________________

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Northwest Ordinance


Created a government for the territory

Provided for the admittance of new states

RULES OF THE NORTHWEST ORDINANCE 1. Slavery was illegal in the Northwest territory 2. Encouraged free education 3. Religious freedom 4. Trial by jury 5. As soon as territories reached a population of

60,000 people, they could become a state

1. How many states were created out of the territory?


2. What geographical feature might have made people decide

to settle in the Northwest Territory?


3. What river borders the NW territory to the west?


4. What river borders the NW territory to the South?


Shay’s Rebellion

Poor farmers were upset that they were being taxed a lot, and were not making money from selling their food

If the farmers didn’t pay their debt, they were taken to prison

Farmers protested the government taking them to prison

There was no national army to stop the rebellion, but the state army stopped it

Many people now felt the need to change the government

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Name: ____________________________________

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Constitutional Convention

Influence of Major Historical Documents

Magna Carta 1215 Guaranteed trial by jury. The king could not impose taxes without the consent of the people

English Bill of Rights 1689 stated that Englishmen had guaranteed rights

Mayflower Compact 1620 Pilgrims agreed to form their own government and obey its laws

Federalist Papers 1788 Collection of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution.

Which historical document do you feel was the biggest influence on the Founding Fathers? Why? _______________________________________________________________________________________







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Name: ____________________________________

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Great Compromise

New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan

• favored small states • Legislature would have 1 house • Each state would get 1 vote in congress

• Favored large states • Legislature would have 2 houses • Both houses would get representation • Based on population or wealth


TWO house legislature 1) Based on population = House of Representatives

2) Equal number of representatives, 2 per state = Senate

Senate + House of Representatives = Congress Congress makes laws

3/5 compromise

During the Constitutional Convention, the Northern and Southern states disagreed about counting slaves as part of the population

The south wanted slaves to count because that would mean they get more representatives in Congress

The North felt this was unfair

The North agreed to count slaves as 3/5 of a person

Slaves still did not have citizenship or the right to vote

There are two ways two represent the 3/5 Compromise. Draw them both

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Name: ____________________________________

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Federalists vs Anti-Federalists

John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James

Madison Important People Patrick Henry, George Mason

Favored the Constitution Constitution Opposed the Constitution

Wanted limited state power. The Senate

gave enough power to the states (Strong

FEDERAL government) Power of the13 States

Wanted strong state power

(strong STATE government)

The Bill of Rights was unnecessary Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights was a must in order to

protect individual freedom

Wanted the Constitution instead of the

Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation could be fixed

We should be a large country Size of the Nation We should be a small country

Large farmers, merchants, Supporters Small farmers, often from rural areas

1. _______ “…A federal government…ought to be clothed with all the powers requisite to complete execution of its


2. _______ “Energy in the Executive is a leading characteristic in the definition of good government.”

3. _______ “A bill of rights…serves to secure the minority against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority.”

4. _______ “The states should respectively have laws, courts, force, and revenues of their own sufficient for their own

security; they ought to be fit to keep house alone if necessary.”

5. _______ “I am against inserting a declaration of rights in the Constitution…If such an addition is not dangerous, it is

at least unnecessary.”

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Name: ____________________________________

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Bill of Rights

1st amendment

Speech Religion Assembly Press Petition

2nd – bear arms 3rd – no quartering

soldiers 4th – search and

seizure 5th – due process 6th – speedy trial

7th – trial by jury 8th – no cruel or unusual

punishment 9th – people have other

rights 10th – powers not listed are given to the states


I had trouble with: _______________________________________________

I remembered ____________________________________________ very well!

I need to review _________________________________________________


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Name: ____________________________________

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Principles of the Constitution

Popular sovereignty rule by the people

Republicanism the right to vote for representatives

Federalism power is shared between the national

and state governments

Separation of powers branches that make, enforce or interpret


Balance of Power controls (checks) can be made on the

other branches

Limited government everyone is bound by the US


Individual rights personal freedoms are guaranteed by the

Bill of Rights

Read the statements below and choose which principle is being described. All answers

will be used only once.

Separation of powers Limited government Federalism Republicanism.

1. _______________ The President is commander in chief of the military, even

though Congress declares war.

2. _______________ The national and state governments can conduct elections.

3. _______________ The citizens of Texas vote for the new governor.

4. _______________ A President can only serve two terms.

Draw a picture that represents each principle

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Checks and balances Federalism Individual rights Republicanism

5. _______________ This principle divides power between the state and national


6. _______________ In 2000, Americans chose George Bush as President.

7. _______________ Congress has the power to confirm or deny the President’s


8. _______________ citizens are guaranteed the right to life, liberty, and the

pursuit of happiness.

If you had to get rid of ONE principle, which one would it be and why?





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Name: ____________________________________

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Amending the Constitution

A two-thirds vote of both houses of

Congress to propose an amendment Three-fourths of the 50 state legislatures

to ratify, or approve, an amendment New Amendment to the Constitution

If you could create a new amendment to the Constitution, what would it be and why?







I had trouble with: _______________________________________________

I remembered ____________________________________________ very well!

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Name: ____________________________________

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Grievances from Declaration of Independence

Grievance in Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us

Amendment #3: Prohibits the

quartering of soldiers in private

homes during times of peace

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world

Article 1, Section 8: Gives power to

Congress to regulate commerce with

foreign nations

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

Article 1, Section 8: Gives Congress

power to raise and collect taxes

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their

friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands

Article 4, Section 3: Congress shall

have the power to make all necessary

rules and regulations about the

territories and property that belongs

to the United States.

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an

Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit

instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

Article 1, Section 8: Gives power to

Congress to regulate commerce with

foreign nations

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; raising the conditions of new

Appropriations of Lands.

Amendment # 7: Rights guaranteed to

the accused

Article 1 Section 8: punish pirates

and punish people who break

international law.

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Name: ____________________________________

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Grievances from Declaration of Independence

Grievance in Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their

Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an

Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit

instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; raising the conditions of new

Appropriations of Lands.