st. viator college newspaper, 1930-05-05

f1 I lfiiatnrian VOL. XLVII. Annual Retreat During Holy Week Fransciscan Preacher Senior Baseball Le a gue Organized; 6 T earns To Compete Atta.ngC'mcnts h'l.\ c ))j_\.'11 c.omple;tccl b\ F'lthet-.. h.e\1\ .uvl Jl'l. t t-,ton fot tho tot m d openmt, o1 ut mdoOL b..u.eball The Annual Retteat fOL the .::.tude>nts MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930 Cast for College Play Selected Cleary Leading Male Role Evar d Gets 3rd Pl ace in Selection Mason First Place \\ill! tm \It "'Oll fJf Ft• mmgton ('l.p Number 12. D ebating Team Closes Season Beats Southw estern htll ftlm lllf] OllC' 01 lht> OUl'>llnfllllf:, Tht fll1 t1 flrhtlL f1 lhf '>fc:l..,Oil oi the Aeadem) and Dep'tt t IC't-.ue "IHch 1:::. to t th:e pla(.c m the Of th e \\CCI.. of Aptil 28 Tht::. 0\\ing l<) Lht. fall thtl the tl)OUL"' ftt\\dtfl'- o( lh< <:Jiatr l"' this yc.u "! I ld 11 lhf ( luiJ f!O(ITI"> Oil the ments, both tl?'<::.tdent and "1s helrl t:::. to OJ)(Jnte una ti:'P,Uid,t :::.c l, ed lOJ Collc&e Club ThtC'C \\t% 110 t 'dul.hlr nc 1 n 1,.. of Ap11l J'j \'<Jth bt "\1..1U.Jr this yea1 durmg- Hoi\ \Y€'cJ... The te ule Ol ::.!'\': .;arne<:> ;.t \\e<.k until school b) \uc.,Un &l!Ong un .... ue li) th<. \l tr of 1) of lhr> Collrf.t obtunm., .:t ('ntlr J!lrl..-'e rlc rreat began on the C\enmg of All games to be plt)(.ll 1.t l(<,..,ful Lht. coa< h of t.IH' pll.) Ml the !JOPUI"ll DrvllE:"\ for\\llrl c1c., 100 V\lr South\\e<,tc.rn l lll\tr<tlly day, Apnl 16th nncl the i'ol GJO p 1\1 J LillC'i A Noltn <:.clec.Ltt l thP \\"l"> drc.,i,..ntlf'rl '1.., th<' tthlrle mo<..l E'n of u, 9 Anh,r!Pc., (Gth(rlnlt Although 1ow1ng SatUJda, motnmg The Ret1e1.t Mastel "as r"ltheJ Yalellll ' 0 F i.\I The m ·ul::tge•s ot tile ...,b ... tel.m.., hc:t\ A been elected and the) m tu1 n h.1' c ..,e n'tLUt d ttlc.nt ftom the ll">t of ..,tudcnt<:t titled to the 'lnnud foutnai'JtJn<.,rnpt mt'-rz tiJlf \\l'tthn a.nrl a.n unt;rtunatP ,, 19 hll1g to tal,<. pazt t\\dl!l a hand<:..onw o..,J!vet l0\11lh cup JHr<.- o( crrnvctltzt>n m an Arademy Jead el' Ill the C hl ca,.{o La\ men s Rc tJ-eat mo,en"lent The students " ete h:.cted the mcmbets ot thPll 1 c..., pHtl\ Mut.11 mtti C"lt 111 cil'lnl.l.lH .. .:. b<.en ol tmpo.;,mg appe'lt ancc )!!Cal < ontrc.,t ((Jll<,('lff'(l to Ierluf'e p, c.tptu ' the tlophy :VI ,c.,on lmec., th( Lud1 Pnce to a dt':Jaga.eo:tlJIP mm1 te Each manage 1 1 ..., a\lo" ed to a.t \ a nd undf"l very much captnated b\ the mtotmal c.Ul) l\\eJ,.e pl"lvet/3 l JC'>tclc..., IHm::.e lf on the dtJt..ctzm of 1\ll J A No lan thr up \\Jth tho..,F of nthPl <:tUP t nf murn th(.. d1 baH in the opmiOn of the and m1.nne1 adopted b\ ht::. pa)JOII The fftliO\\lllg <:.tudellt::. pit\ ...,hould IJe <t .... It t <c. planned the CirCUit \\ho hl\e r tJntte onec, \\ho CJUld att nd 't\as Father Yale1tus m conductmg the te Lei to the !Jlt.} clutmg commf"n<.c. "rn ..... m!l'l.J rli'itlnC'tzon m the ptc.,t ti"£' bt..,t of the )t...:t.r 'lht. que·HIOn \\oa-s treat numet ous commentc; '' etc h e.Jtd 11 l\ e been elected m Ultt,eJ" mt.nt \\C.<.k llld thu ... c.nai.Jie a numbet .among thP pre\ H)U"'l "mncrc. tt>e muc.h O\rl dz<,cu<.<:.ed themr <f Com to the effect that the tetteo.t was the 0 "ell GILl Donahue Lo f · h 1 11r Tin!, Smtlc.} of 1\Ionmouth Lom<, plf' e IJi&GLrmo.mPnt "\tatot fo11Pge most succhsful h eltl hete zn recent gan l\Iattv Toohtll. .Ld llunt and tl;,"'•::tns TE.Chct of Blo:tdlc) <\nd<I'iOil of h 1 th' o.ttumatJ\e 1n the debate, rears E.:\.e t'<' tses \Ye ll A tte nd C (l H' John ?\lt..Gtath "" ""' l\lut..h mtelbt has. sho"n b' the emu c ::.tudent bud' 111 bl.ckms this 'I'h €' leadnH., male z ole Conlon Schu' Although thete wete fou1 conferences kat5U< and pla<.ttc.tll\ e\CI.} student let ,.., .l. )Olin!.! man of , e1y mudetn a day, Stations of the Cros<:. ,, 110 1 ., not out fot the \<:J.IcltJ mne \\H::. tull of wmanc.e ambttton Sptritual Readmg and the Cet emon1es '' hKh n doul;t \\ t\1 be ably ftlled bY of Holy \\ eek the students \\Cte ' e'Y ::.ignlfted ht<.. mtentton cf pla)mg Ptt Cleat) the d a5h tn g r..omeo of tn Hugo Lm(l(!Ut"lt of \\P<,((.'vtn and \[r Hl)mond bO}<:Jen and Mr tnd Ll'vd< \fcQucen of BzadiE>v Jchn " St.anord as -,praktr<, Both of L\al<l of St Vlntn "ac., t thud to \\ a"'lelE.I,..,kJ and :\I<.eh'l.n of \\ e<sleJ 'l.n men "ere ..t.PPf lllnC: tn lhen mtPrc.ollegnte debate d.nd c.m<c.erLuently 1 c lo..,t> rout th \ otC'" a ... made to The t 11 Pd to m'l.\..A a c., b1g n hzt a<::. possible f u1nal Tr.ln":>crzpt bv 1S coo.c.he .... nf the Ali of the m l.nclgPl ... ,;ue bu<,tlv out expemplarv m theu· atten d ance an d at hnm.., thell plan::. of attacl;: fot the <.om the ctmpus The feml.le tole ((nfetfnc"' folio\\ tEntJOn to all the e'\.et·cisec:; One of the Jn.;r se.1son and Jt a<:. If Connte Fa 11 c h 1ltl 1 ::. none othet than one \T1.son Bt tdi €'.} rhe df'r-tc,Ion saHl the) ''ere _ l nd ..,1, dlfl P1 ote"!!:>Or Sandfot rl ':> de cia 17 Jl.ll'1n that 1\[t Po\sen \\a-, h1 0 h pomt 15 m1n ot .t<.. pquncllent of lhP debate most tnstructtve a nd JHOfJtablc e::\et l\larh and John :t\fcGn.\\ \\Ill ha'e <:..ume oi ou 1 fall co e ct .... 1\1t & Rna Mmpln \\ ac:,ele\\::. lo :Cmeka cises oi' the retreat ''•lS the Holy Hom \\II)' JJ\alc:, tn the ne\\Jy ,,ho falls m \o'e \\Jth P'l.t r::, ttd St Y1at01 held on the e'enmg ot Holv Thursda) league 1'hL Thzee \\ ise ate thtee \l C'ehan \\ e<.Ie,an before the :Cles.;;ed Sacrament tesened It 1 .., hoped that the league \\Ill de old .;entlcmen 01 r1.thet Uubbell McKendree in the reposttory rather Va1et!US des \elope (utme '!VOl) fot the 'ar"3tt\ IJacheiOlS \\hO \erv C.,UCCP.s--.fu l In llotner !\f_o_n_m_n_u_th ___ _ cended from the altar mto the bod) of l1fe but se(:'m to ha\C Collen mto a. rut the chapel and spoke famtharly and All mdtcatiOns pomt to a lughh ">liCcec.,-, t: h fcl.llzng to the 1 eal beauties A Letter From H 13 ta lt fo nHa Team E>.pC t le n ced The Iepre..,entati\e<, of touchmgly of Our Lord m the Blesc;ed ful sea::.on !OJ the n•'" OI g"O.muttJOn ot hfr.> Mr d. fmanctct of no 11 ( nnet5ltJ \1r Frank and 1\Ir 10 Henn F'1scher \\ere the one a <,emor, the othtl a c,econd yeat la'i\ the t\\O gentlPment ha\e \\un an 1ng numbet of cupc., o.nrl tor !1ilaire Bello< Sacrament as the Teachet of all .;,mali mean<. a 1ather oo:tbb) old dC'h'ltmg e'\.tPITJIJ'll'e speaktng and all the \lrtues students must practice The Provincial Chapter untll,-the three bachelOis F'lthci Munsc.h 15 the proud po-:;se"3 that -c.,o 1t ts not sut pnsmg 1f they enthus1asm and attentzo n of the stu Meets in Chicago 1dopt the daughte 1 of a fotmer S\\eet .., 01 of a petsonal lettet· ftom H 1Ja 1re "ere able to electrlf'- the clUdJence wtth dents dunng thzc; Holy Hour e-, hea1t Miss Sidne) Fauchtld Thts tole Delloc \'i hzle the DuectoJ of St Ber ">PiendJd ora.tot' Of comse they pecmlly gratlf)mg Although Fathe1· On Tuesdav Ap 1!l 22 the o:.enu an wtll iJe t 1 lled b) Don Andetson the nctld "> "oulcl keenly bemg clac;c., zecened the pomt on delnen smce Valenus IS well ad, anced m )ea. rs he nua l Chapter of the Ch1 cago Ptovmce campus cut up !'he ot he 1 t\\O \\tse Nl o:tmong autot::"raph hunte 1.., et he l\Jr Staftol<l spohe thtoughout m an (Ju z te agreeab lv c..u rplJSed som of the of the CleJt Cs of St Yiator W'lS held tools Dr Gaunt and Judge Tlumbull It (tut'til.} v.ou ld J)n7.e an) tohen from unusual thtr<..lJ \Olce and i.\It llo,<;;en more sophJstJc.;1.ted students bv the at the PtovtnCili Rec.,ldenc.e %10 N ha\e fallen mto the tut but ::ue .,u<.,h 'l \\tztet and Catho dldn t Jealve he "ru:.n t addre-..!:>mg a thorough understa ndmg he has of mod Keel\ l.le A\enue Ch icago Th e Chaptel ttansfolmtd upon the appearance of lJc \Ir Belloc of \\hom he Is a XatJOna.l Con,entJOn ot somethmg un [ ern and of the dlfftcultles "..l."l callNI dnd Pt esicled O\ et bv the 1\1ic;::. F ..l.ll chtld The fOJ met "Ill be ftll c;mc.ete admu er One of Belloc s hoohs til he "a"3 neu h through The gentle- besetting the modern youth Pro,znc.Ial the Ver) Re' John p ed b' R HOO\Lr and the latte t by of ec.,"a'c; en htl Pd c 011 ,e1-.atJOns men !tom Ct ltf Otnt'l.. openeLI the debate H oly \Vce l< t.e Jemom ec; Observed 0 l\Iahon e) C S V i.\Io-.t of the Pt•est::. (,J\ J Middleton "Jth "ln >\.ngel a publlshmg fum ha<:. m tiue v.estern fashton \\tth a JOke Fot the ttme m many years the of the Cullege most of the VJatOizan .\f1c;s Luctlle Put7 "Ill take the paz t humo1 ouc;l) enough clas'ied among the JOke "a., repat tef"d Lac!, lnd torth Cetemonzes of Holy Vi.'eeh were obsetv cletgy te<c.tdent m Chzcago and a fe" or !\It<:. c:;tundcts the househeepe 1 r-:>ohr, fot Spu 1 tual Re1.dmg Tl11;s unttl the final gong The Be1gm Debat ed by the students at the College membet"- or the <.Ommumty \\hO do not \\J-ule Al Fu1long- \\Jil play the tole of ct-1tamly v.ould .. unuse Delloc and \\hen E'tc, of r.ourbonnat<:> "e1e not Ill e'enmg- Thursday motmng theJe \\as a Solemn te"tde at a dJ ::.tance attended the Gta\ the butler hiS attentton \\as called to Jt he \\tote dJe..,., a ... ts theti usual c u ...,tom but for High :\lass celebrated bv th e President Chapter \.a1tou-:. li11JIOtt'tnt questiOn::. The nunut wJII be ftllt-d by the as foliO\\::. S)me teason of the College the Vezy Re' J W R \\lth th e \\elfare of the p 1 - 0 follo\\mg Lett) \\otd€'n Poolp a Land di..,nzfted ctnd :\It St1.ff01d C S Y ThiS \\as follo\\ed 'mce tncl ol St Viat,c, Co llege we 1 e d(tectne of gteu.t ab11it) Ma1ty Too Shtple) Hot<c.ham dtdn t e\en \entwe a teJOtndet \\·hen hy the Euchanst1c Proce<c.<; ton to the Urought up at the meetmg and fully htll Denn\ the Duel, and G H\ nd-:. l.l F1.thE't Mun c;ch VIt Ft..,chel '>'lH.l the some one Altar of Repos1t z on b ea utifully decorat dt<:.cus<>erl Fath et 0 1\f'l.hcncy enterta.zn Ct t\\<,hd' l'h e la<,t two be 1ng Ven man\ thank..., 1 That angC'l ha<. pmned tJn SeCJetarv Stimson fot sug ed by Bt·other Carlon and se' et al Sts ed the mem1Je1 s of the C.hapte1 at a c. m, t cts "" o t n to ge t the }J fe of Judge had all of acl\ e ntut es One \\·Om 1n ..,e-:.ttnt::" ho\\ to along "Ith fe" et ters from Notre Dame Con\ent The dinner at the Pto,zncw.l Rec., tdeme T1umbul\ C CltffoHl \\tll take the part ''IOtf' to me aqh mp, tf 1t t eall.} -:; pol< e battlt"':lillp::. '>houlcl ha\e been £.1\·e n to fio\\ ers wet e purchased f1 om mon ev donated for the purpose by the stu dents DtstmgUJsh ed college men held Tu esda) noon of Doue,Jaq R TucJ, eJ the pol! ce m -t n and J Ha\ tlen "dl '1blv fill the pat t of Ciano a co-he lpe1 of Poole <\nothet netc,)n \\JOte to sav the1e \\'1."1 \It StctflOI d " ho harl })I e<..en ted some no cue h -but there 1 ::. lit 1 ..., fool plctn fo1· dotng "tthout "1.1 s ag'amst the S stde o( Cha1 tt e.., C1thc Ilhn otc.. Jucl ge Last Fight Show Of the canopy dur mg the proce"-ston ancl dt 1.1 'l he c t 1t1e Judge "ac; Pt ofe...,soi \\ P the Semor Classec., of the Academv and the Year Successful Ill" . C }} Stnce1eJv SctndtfOJd HC'ad ot the Dep11tment of College th e College Semot5 m Acade IDOlS 0 ege H Bclloc Publi c at the Unnetsttv of mlc gowns marched 1n the procession The se<.ond fight card of the yeat \\as Press Meeting ITe sucl the debl.te "a5 un com The mu-.1c "as furnish ed for th1s held Aplll '5 Thz& wo.s o:t ,ast -. -- 2nd Corridor Wallops monh close he c..a1d he "ould ha'e Well as for the othet ce1·emontes b) the tmpto,ement O\et the fir&t catd-the On 1\Ia\ 10 at llltnot::. \Ycl::! le)an Un1 J d C .d gnen the de(..t5Jo n at the end of the St Bemard Ha.ll Choir In th e aftet bouts \\ete fc.tster and the men quite Ill Bloommgton, lllmots the r ' 0rr1 Or <:tpee<.,hes to South\\eStetn noon the Statwns of the \\ell matc.hed Illmoic; College As&oc1at10n wtll , Glt 7 / Donahue thf" man \\hO di.., but that St V1atot & \\Oik 1n the JE.but Cross were he ld The ne'\.t morning Fnt.t: Broeker a dect::.JOn tu Jerry ho ld 1t::. etght h J..nnua l conventiOn St tal<:. en thp deiJate lOt them The Good Friday the lon g but tmptessJve Sullt\an to open the e'ent ngs e ntet Vzato1 Col leg<. t':t pltnntng to o:.end mem tho .. e plecwus arttcle<; <so dear to ch'l.Jtm'ln \\ a.b f' De" Loutu;:ts of ceremon ies \\Cre agazn obsenell tamment Sullnan fo1ced the fighting be1s of The YtatOitan <:ttaff ru:. t epte the he'.Ltt'3 of the Vtator stuclcntq IJ I O\ th€. Cla-.,c, of 1q33 J Ho:t.,.den ,.a lu ly The BJeqsed Sacrament \\a <:; again clll lhe "a) Fnt7 on the ropeb '3entathC'<.. The p1ogr1.m fot the day eel th1.t ill' could a \\tth 1blc. m the mtnlJHlittzon of the In,;e1 bl'rne in Solemn Pl'OC.e<:>SIOn back to and on the defen ... he v.tll mclucle st::.swns fo z Ed1t01s Bus! thC' '3'\me sk JII that he .., Jmf:'S <;heetc., 'lnd <,oil l!Hl lhf' t1me Cl.lrl" ' ptll0\\ cac;ec: "hen he t\\ nl ed the upper .. \e matn al tat, \\· here Fath e1 Maguu e T\\ o btg lJarl boJ s from the fou 1 th ntoc.,::. M tnagoe1.::; and F'l.culty Adv•<>ers cla<:...,mPn to a vic tot" O\·eJ om· fntnds \\ h eo!l'o n D e b1Lt <' ( loc.,e the Mass of the Pre '3anctl cottldor mJ'\..ed 111 the ne'\..t atfair \\hen A featu ze of each an nu al con,entton 1<:. On Aptzl \th \\ heaton IlltnOt<.. \\.l.S 'it'd Joe and Sly Kel\\111 tuggec.l the 'Be<:!t P apet C'onteo:st \\ht c.h \\III -the Fto ">h 'fhe 12 to I) scOJe behttlec; \J<.Jted fm tht.. f11..,t t1m( b' t dciJLtmg in Ytll age t huJ•t h Sa tUJ d a3- and pushed each other about the nng be JUd£eL1 In a commtttee (rom the GJIU 'i pel fot mance for many e1 to drl fz m St \ tdtot t \It Llo)d On Saturday mortung the cetemonicc., fot the tegulatzon three touncls The b 1 oom1nbton Pantag1aph Ft\e a\\ald"l <;\f'l'P ch tlk ed up agat n<:.t the dP(enc;P. (J \\ l\\1 Hl\mOJid 1 0\<,Pn and ' ete held in the Church of the '!\Iate1 "oke up tn t1me to dedat e the- ate to be rn l.lle tht ee zn A and V\ h1.t the htghet ups l'l.chcd tn field Mt John " (.,taftotll madE> lh< ttzp m :it} than l <s to the of the thm£ a dtaw t\\0 m Cla.s::. B lm: the) madL. up \\tth the \\zllo" The oJtlPJ to uphold thr ad' of com asto1·, Re, \Yalte1 J Surptenant c La,Iontagne tmned giant J-. 11 The a" 1.1d.., \\Ill be made at a ban pleotf clJ<4Um\ment l.gttn<,t lhP <'ld.Ck Y Father Maguzre, a<;St <:!tet bv let in the thtrd bout and knoch.ed out a quet held at noon at one of the Bloom hoy<, '30(.ked the hall to the f'lt COl nels u€'g.ltne team ftom \\ heaton College .. ather Landi oche and Father :1\Iarzano nev. comet named Pfetffer of "hom "e tngtrm C<>untJ v Cl ub<:i St Via tO! Col of Ber,E;"tn rt.,.ld and l'dn bd.< , Ia The \\ he ttnn team <.,ompo<,Pd of ::\'fr fficlatecl at t.he blesmg of the Ne'' ha'e he.Jtd before as the conquerot of lege has been Jmttecl to have one of her Cuvlr->t Log1.n and ClothJcJ \\alloped Ftnltv Mr 7ohn lnd L\fl Pt\ne (Co ntinuetl to Page 6.) (Contuwed to Page 6) 1 ep1 csentatt' e-, lead an hour c; (h..,c u s I home tun-:; off ''Bud on .;,port<:t. t\\Jtlel (Continued On Page 3) Ca.<:>sidJ the .,.rantPd the hv Prof('<..<.,ot M.oon

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVII, No. 11


Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

f1 I

mh~ lfiiatnrian VOL. XLVII.

Annual Retreat During Holy Week Fransciscan Preacher

Senior Baseball League Organized; 6 T earns

To Compete Atta.ngC'mcnts h'l.\ c ))j_\.'11 c.omple;tccl

b\ F'lthet-.. h.e\1\ .uvl Jl'l. t t-,ton fot tho

tot m d openmt, o1 ut mdoOL b..u.eball The Annual Retteat fOL the .::.tude>nts

MONDAY, MAY 5, 1930

Cast for College Play Selected

Cleary Leading Male Role

Evard Gets 3rd P lace in Selection

Mason First Place \\ill! tm \It "'Oll fJf Ft• mmgton ('l.p

Number 12 .

Debating Team Closes Season

Beats Southw estern

htll ftlm lllf] OllC' 01 lht> OUl'>llnfllllf:, Tht fll1 t1 flrhtlL f1 lhf '>fc:l..,Oil \1ra~

oi the Aeadem) and Colle~e Dep'tt t IC't-.ue "IHch 1:::. to t th:e pla(.c m the fu t ~Pd. tt Of th e \\CCI.. of Aptil 28 Tht::. 0\\ing l<) Lht. fall thtl the tl)OUL"' ftt\\dtfl'- o( lh< <:Jiatr l"' this yc.u "! I ld 11 lhf (OJif~f ( luiJ f!O(ITI"> Oil the

ments, both tl?'<::.tdent and <1~\\ "1s helrl IL~tguc t:::. to OJ)(Jnte una ti:'P,Uid,t :::.c l, ed lOJ th~.- Collc&e Club pl~lY ThtC'C \\t% 110 t 'dul.hlr flid.~(~,· nc 1 n 1,.. of Ap11l J'j \'<Jth bt "\1..1U.Jr

this yea1 durmg- Hoi\ \Y€'cJ... The te ule Ol ::.!'\': .;arne<:> ;.t \\e<.k until school Hool<.~ b) \uc.,Un &l!Ong "e~~;-• un .... u e li) th<. \l tr of 1) (Od,rhe<.~ of lhr> Collrf.t obtunm., .:t ('ntlr J!lrl..-'e ~ rlc

rreat began on the C\enmg of \Yednc~ clo~e., All games ~Hl' to be plt)(.ll 1.t l(<,..,ful Lht. coa< h of t.IH' pll.) Ml I'"Ollf('Jfn'~ the !JOPUI"ll DrvllE:"\ for\\llrl c1c.,100 V\lr South\\e<,tc.rn l lll\tr<tlly

day, Apnl 16th nncl clo~ed the i'ol GJO p 1\1 J LillC'i A Noltn <:.clec.Lttl thP bc<:~t \\"l"> drc.,i,..ntlf'rl '1.., th<' tthlrle mo<..l E'n of u,9 Anh,r!Pc., (Gth(rlnlt Although 1ow1ng SatUJda, motnmg The Ret1e1.t Mastel "as r"ltheJ Yalellll ' 0 F i.\I The m ·ul::tge•s ot tile ...,b ... tel.m.., hc:t\ A

been elected and the) m tu1 n h.1' c ..,e

n'tLUt d ttlc.nt ftom the ll">t of ..,tudcnt<:t titled to the 'lnnud foutnai'JtJn<.,rnpt mt'-rz tiJlf \\l'tthn a.nrl a.n unt;rtunatP ,, 19hll1g to tal,<. pazt t\\dl!l a hand<:..onw o..,J!vet l0\11lh cup JHr<.- o( crrnvctltzt>n m an Arademy

Jeadel' Ill the C hl ca,.{o La\ men s Rc tJ-eat mo,en"lent The students " ete h:.cted the mcmbets o t thPll 1c..., pHtl\ €

Mut.11 mtti C"lt 111 cil'lnl.l.lH .. .:. ht~ b<.en ol tmpo.;,mg appe'lt ancc (lr~1 t )!!Cal < ontrc.,t ((Jll<,('lff'(l to Ierluf'e

p, c.tptu ' m~ the tlophy :VI ,c.,on lmec., th( Lud1Pnce to a dt':Jaga.eo:tlJIP mm1 te tm~ Each manage1 1..., a\lo" ed to uuu~etl a.t ~t \ t~llo l Colle~c a nd undf"l

very much captnated b\ the mtotmal c.Ul) l\\eJ,.e pl"lvet/3 lJC'>tclc..., IHm::.e lf on the dtJt..ctzm of 1\ll J A Nolan thr up \\Jth tho..,F of nthPl <:tUP t <:~tarq nf murn th(.. d1 baH in the opmiOn of the

and mtete~tm,:! m1.nne1 adopted b\ ht::. pa)JOII The fftliO\\lllg <:.tudellt::. pit\ ...,hould IJe <t ~U<.(e& .... It t <c. planned the T~t ltle ~inltc.en CirCUit \\ho hl\e r tJntte onec, \\ho CJUld att nd 't\as

Father Yale1tus m conductmg the te Lei to plt<:~ent the !Jlt.} clutmg commf"n<.c. "rn ..... m!l'l.J rli'itlnC'tzon m the ptc.,t ti"£' bt..,t of the )t...:t.r 'lht. que·HIOn \\oa-s treat numet ous commentc; '' etc h e.Jtd

11 l\ e been elected m Ultt,eJ" mt.nt \\C.<.k llld thu ... c.nai.Jie a numbet ~ncludcd .among thP pre\ H)U"'l "mncrc. tt>e muc.h O\rl dz<,cu<.<:.ed themr <f Com

to the effect that the tetteo.t was the 0

"ell GILl Donahue 11 UJ!t~) Lo f · h 1

11r Tin!, Smtlc.} of 1\Ionmouth Lom<, plf' e IJi&GLrmo.mPnt ~t "\tatot fo11Pge

most succhsful h eltl hete zn recent gan l\Iattv Toohtll. .Ld llunt and ~ tl;,"'•::tns r~: 1~eeLh:· ~~Ltl:~ :~~~<.t;~; TE.Chct of Blo:tdlc) Ro~-, <\nd<I'iOil of h 1 th' o.ttumatJ\e ~Jrlf' 1n the debate,


E.:\.e t'<' tses \Ye ll A ttendC(l

H' John ?\lt..Gtath "" ""'

l\lut..h mtelbt has. b~t..n sho"n b' the emu c ::.tudent bud' 111 bl.ckms this 'I'h €' leadnH., male z ole Conlon Schu'

Although thete wete fou1 conferences kat5U< and pla<.ttc.tll\ e\CI.} student let ,.., .l. )Olin!.! man of , e1y mudetn

a day, bestcle~ Stations of the Cros<:. ,, 110 1., not out fot the \<:J.IcltJ mne ha~ \\H::. tull of wmanc.e ~mel ambttton Sptritual Readmg and the Cet emon1es '' hKh n :~ doul;t \\ t\1 be ably ftlled bY of Holy \\ eek the students \\Cte ' e'Y ::.ignlfted ht<.. mtentton cf pla)mg Ptt Cleat) the da5h tn g r..omeo of

\\e~lf) tn Hugo Lm(l(!Ut"lt of \\P<,((.'vtn and \[r Hl)mond bO}<:Jen and Mr

tnd Ll'vd< \fcQucen of BzadiE>v Jchn " St.anord as -,praktr<, Both of

L\al<l of St Vlntn "ac., t clO~P thud

to \\ a"'lelE.I,..,kJ and :\I<.eh'l.n of \\ e<sleJ 'l.n ~rh<'':le men "ere ..t.PPf lllnC: tn lhen la~t

mtPrc.ollegnte debate d.nd c.m<c.erLuently

1 c lo..,t> rout th \ otC'" a ... made to The t 11Pd to m'l.\..A a c., b1g n hzt a<::. possible

f u1nal Tr.ln":>crzpt bv 1S coo.c.he .... nf the Ali of the m l.nclgPl ... ,;u e bu<,tlv out

expemplarv m theu· attendance an d at hnm.., thell plan::. of attacl;: fot the <.om the ctmpus The le"l.cltn~ feml.le tole ((nfetfnc"' folio\\

tEntJOn to all the e'\.et·cisec:; One of the Jn.;r se.1son and Jt look~ a<:. If Connte l\·t 1 .:..~ F a 11 c h1ltl 1::. none othet than one \T1.son Bt tdi €'.}

rhe df'r-tc,Ion saHl the) ''ere c.,urc.e-..~ful

_l nd ..,1, dlfl P1 ote"!!:>Or Sandfot rl ':> de cia

17 Jl.ll'1n that 1\[t Po\sen \\a-, h1 0 h pomt

15 m1n ot .t<.. pquncllent of lhP debate most tnstructtve a nd JHOfJtablc e::\et l\larh and John :t\fcGn.\\ \\Ill ha'e <:..ume oi ou 1 fall co ect .... 1\1t & Rna Mmpln \\ ac:,ele\\::.lo :Cmeka

cises oi' the retreat ''•lS the Holy Hom \\II)' JJ\alc:, tn the ne\\Jy 01 ~anl/(..d ,,ho falls m \o'e \\Jth P'l.t r::, ttd St Y1at01 held on the e'enmg ot Holv Thursda) league 1'hL Thzee \\ ise Fool~ ate thtee \l C'ehan \\ e<.Ie,an

before the :Cles.;;ed Sacrament tesened It 1.., hoped that the league \\Ill de \~;?netable old .;entlcmen 01 r1.thet Uubbell McKendree

in the reposttory rather Va1et!US des \elope (utme '!VOl) fot the 'ar"3tt\ IJacheiOlS \\hO \erv C.,UCCP.s--.fu l In llotner !\f_o_n_m_n_u_th ___ _ cended from the altar mto the bod) of l1fe but se(:'m to ha\C Collen mto a. rut the chapel and spoke famtharly and All mdtcatiOns pomt to a lughh ">liCcec.,-, t: h fcl.llzng to ~ee the 1eal beauties A Letter From


13 ta lt fo nHa Team E>.pC t len ced

The Iepre..,entati\e<, of ~outh\\e~tern

touchmgly of Our Lord m the Blesc;ed ful sea::.on !OJ the n•'" OI g"O.muttJOn ot hfr.> Mr Ftntlel~r d. fmanctct of no

11 ( nnet5ltJ \1r Frank Col~ton and 1\Ir

10 Henn F'1scher \\ere the one a <,emor,

the othtl a c,econd yeat la'i\ ~tudent the

t\\O gentlPment ha\e \\un an a~tound

1ng numbet of cupc., o.nrl ttoph\~ tor !1ilaire Bello< Sacrament as the gre~l.t Teachet of all .;,mali mean<. 1~ a 1ather oo:tbb) old dC'h'ltmg e'\.tPITJIJ'll'e speaktng and all

the \lrtues students must practice The Provincial Chapter untll,-the three bachelOis F'lthci Munsc.h 15 the proud po-:;se"3 that -c.,o 1t ts not sut pnsmg 1f they

enthus1asm and attentzon of the stu Meets in Chicago 1dopt the daughte1 of a fotmer S\\eet ..,01 of a petsonal lettet· ftom H 1Ja 1re "ere able to e lectrlf'- the clUdJence wtth

dents dunng thzc; Holy Hour wa~ e-, hea1t Miss Sidne) Fauchtld Thts tole Delloc \'i hzle the DuectoJ of St Ber ~orne ">PiendJd ora.tot' Of comse they

pecmlly gratlf)mg A lthough Fathe1· On Tuesdav Ap1!l 22 the o:.enu an wtll iJe t1lled b) Don Andetson the nctld "> "oulcl keenly te~ent bemg clac;c., zecened the pomt on delnen smce

Valenus IS well ad, anced m ) he nua l Chapter of t he Ch1cago Ptovmce campus cut up !'he othe 1 t\\O \\tse Nl o:tmong autot::"raph hunte1.., \·et he l\Jr Staftol<l spohe thtoughout m a n

(Ju zte agreeablv c..u rplJSed som of the of the Cle JtCs of St Yiator W'lS held tools Dr Gaunt and Judge Tlumbull It (tut'til.} v.ou ld J)n7.e an) tohen from unusual thtr<..lJ \Olce and i.\It llo,<;;en

more sophJstJc.;1.ted students bv the at the PtovtnCili Rec.,ldenc.e %10 N ha\e fallen mto the tut but ::ue al~o .,u<.,h 'l \\tztet and Catho dldn t Jealve he "ru:.n t addre-..!:>mg a

thorough understa ndmg he has of mod Keel\ l.le A\enue Ch icago Th e Chaptel ttansfolmtd upon the appearance of lJc a~ \Ir Belloc of \\hom he Is a XatJOna.l Con,entJOn ot somethmg un

[ ern conditiOn~ and of the dlfftcultles "..l."l callNI dnd Pt esicled O\ e t bv the 1\1ic;::. F ..l.ll chtld The fOJ met "Ill be ftll c;mc.ete admu er One of Belloc s hoohs til he "a"3 neu h through The gentle-

besetting the modern youth Pro,znc.Ial the Ver) Re' John p ed b' R HOO\Lr and the latte t by of (a~ull ec.,"a'c; en htlPd c011 ,e1-.atJOns men !tom CtltfOtnt'l.. openeLI the debate

H oly \Vcel< t.e Je m om ec; Observed 0 l\Iahone) C S V i.\Io-.t of the Pt•est::. (,J\ J Middleton "Jth "ln >\.ngel a publlshmg fum ha<:. m tiue v.estern fashton \\tth a JOke

Fot the fzr~t ttme m many years the of the Cullege most of the VJatOizan .\f1c;s Luctlle Put7 "Ill take the paz t humo1 ouc;l) enough c las'ied among the JOke "a., repat tef"d Lac!, lnd torth

Cetemonzes of Holy Vi.'eeh were obsetv cletgy te<c.tdent m Chzcago and a fe" or !\It<:. c:;tundcts the househeepe1 r-:>ohr, fot Spu 1tual Re1.dmg Tl11;s unttl the final gong The Be1gm Debat

ed by the students at the College membet"- or the <.Ommumty \\hO do not \\J-ule Al Fu1long- \\Jil play the tole of ct-1tamly v.ould .. unuse Delloc and \\hen E'tc, of r.ourbonnat<:> "e1e not Ill e'enmg­

Thursday motmng theJe \\as a Solemn te"tde at a d J::.tance attended the Gta\ the butler hiS attentton \\as called to Jt he \\tote dJe..,., a ... ts theti usual c u ...,tom but for

High :\lass celebrated bv the President Chapter \.a1tou-:. li11JIOtt'tnt questiOn::. The nunut 10le~ wJII be ftllt-d by the as foliO\\::. S)me c,tl~tn.;<., teason ~cemed unu~ually

of the College the Vezy Re' J W R deo~Lhng \\lth the \\elfare of the p 1-0 follo\\mg Lett) \\otd€'n Poolp a Kmp:~ Land di..,nzfted ctnd ~t.ttous :\It St1.ff01d

~lagtl i z e C S Y ThiS \\as follo\\ed 'mce tncl ol St Viat,c, College we 1 e d(tectne of gteu.t ab11it) Ma1ty Too Shtple) Hot<c.ham dtdn t e\en \entwe a teJOtndet \\·hen

hy the Euchanst1c Proce<c.<; ton to the Urought up at the meetmg and fully htll Denn\ the Duel, and G H\ nd-:. n~,.. l.l F1.thE't Munc;ch VIt Ft..,chel '>'lH.l the med~ll some one

Altar of Repos1tzon bea utifully decorat dt<:.cus<>erl Fathe t 0 1\f'l.hcncy enterta.zn Ct t\\<,hd' l'he la<,t two be1ng e~ca ped Ven man\ thank..., 1 That angC'l ha<. pmned tJn SeCJetarv Stimson fot sug

ed by Bt·other Carlon and se' et al Sts ed the mem1Je1 s of the C.hapte1 at a c. m, tcts "" o t n to ge t the }J fe of Judge had all so z·t~ of acl\ entut es One \\·Om 1n ..,e-:.ttnt::" ho\\ to ~et along "Ith fe" et

ters from Notre Dame Con\ent The dinner at the Pto,zncw.l Rec.,tdeme T1umbul\ C CltffoHl \\tll take the part ''IOtf' to me aqh mp, tf 1t t eall.} -:;pol< e battlt"':lillp::. '>houlcl ha\e been £.1\·e n to

fio\\ ers wet e purchased f1 om monev

donated for the purpose by the stu

dents DtstmgUJshed college men held

Tuesda) noon of Doue,Jaq R TucJ, eJ the pol! cem -t n

and J Ha\ tlen "dl '1blv fill the pat t

of Ciano a co-helpe1 of Poole

<\nothet netc,)n \\JOte to sav the1e \\'1."1 \It StctflOI d " ho harl })I e<..en ted some

no cue h an~el -but there 1::. lit 1..., fool plctn fo1· dotng "tthout "1.1 s

ag'amst the S stde o( Cha1 tt e.., C1thc Ilhnotc.. Jucl ge Last Fight Show Of the canopy dur mg the proce"-ston ancl dt 1.1 'l he c t 1t1e Judge "ac; Pt ofe...,soi \\ P

the Semor Classec., o f the Academv and the Year Successful Ill" . C }} Stnce1eJv , 0 u 1 ~ SctndtfOJd HC'ad ot the Dep11tment of College the College Semot5 m Acade IDOlS 0 ege H Bclloc Public t-,pe'll~mg at the Unnetsttv of

mlc gowns marched 1n the procession The se<.ond fight card of the yeat \\as Press Meeting IlltnoJ~ ITe sucl the debl.te "a5 uncom

The mu-.1c "as furnish ed for th1s a<:~ held Aplll '5 Thz& se~swn wo.s o:t ,ast - .-- 2nd Corridor Wallops monh close he c..a1d he "ould ha'e

Well as for the othet ce1·emontes b) the tmpto,ement O\et the fir&t catd-the On 1\Ia\ 10 at llltnot::. \Y cl::! le)an Un1 J d C .d gnen the de(..t5Jon at the end of the

St Bemard Ha.ll Choir In the aftet bouts \\ete fc.tster and the men quite a~ Ill Bloommgton, lllmots the r ' 0rr1 Or con~truc.tne <:tpee<.,hes to South\\eStetn

noon the :Cucha11~t•c Statwns of the \\ell matc.hed Illmoic; College P1e::.~ As&oc1at10n wtll , Glt7

/ Donahue thf" man \\hO di.., but that St V1atot & \\Oik 1n the JE.but Cross were h eld The ne'\.t morning Fnt.t: Broeker lo~t a dect::.JOn tu Jerry ho ld 1t::. e tghth J..nnua l conventiOn St tal<:. " ·en thp deiJate lOt them The Good Friday the long but tmptessJve Sullt\an to open the e'entngs entet Vzato1 Col leg<. t':t pltnntng to o:.end mem pen~ec; tho .. e plecwus arttcle<; <so dear to ch'l.Jtm'ln \\ a.b f' De" Loutu;:ts of

ceremonies \\Cre agazn obsenell ~o lemn tamment Sullnan fo1ced the fighting be1s of The YtatOitan <:ttaff ru:. t epte the he'.Ltt'3 of the Vtator stuclcntq IJ I O\ th€. Cla-.,c, of 1q33 J Ho:t.,.den "a~ ,.a lu

ly The BJeqsed Sacrament \\a<:; again clll lhe "a) l~eepmg Fnt7 on the ropeb '3entathC'<.. The p1ogr1.m fot the day eel th1.t ill' could C'a~t a b'l.~eball \\tth 1blc. m the mtnlJHlittzon of the In,;e1

bl'rne in Solemn Pl'OC.e<:>SIOn back to and on the defen ... he v.tll mclucle st::.sw ns fo z Ed1t01s Bus! thC' '3'\me sk JII that h e .., Jm f:'S <;heetc., 'lnd <,oil l!Hl lhf' t1me Cl.lrl" ' ptll0\\ cac;ec: "hen he t\\ nled the upper

.. \e matn a ltat, \\·here Fath e1 Maguu e T\\ o btg lJarl boJ s from the fou 1 th ntoc.,::. M tnagoe1.::; and F'l.culty Adv•<>ers cla<:...,mPn to a vic tot" O\·eJ om· fntnds \\ heo!l'o n D e b1Lt <' ( loc.,e ~~'~lebrated the Mass of the Pre '3anctl cottldor mJ'\..ed 111 the ne'\..t atfair \\hen A featu ze of each an nual con,entton 1<:. On Aptzl \th \\ heaton IlltnOt<.. \\.l.S 'it'd Joe ~dUbhton and Sly Kel\\111 tuggec.l the 'Be<:!t P apet C'onteo:st \\htc.h \\III -the Fto">h 'fhe 12 to I) scOJe behttlec; \J<.Jted fm tht.. f11..,t t1m( b' t dciJLtmg

~t!tent omes in Ytllage t huJ•t h Sa tUJ d a3- and pushed each other about the nng be JUd£eL1 In a commtttee (rom the GJIU 'i pel fot mance for many e1 rOt~ to drl fz m St \ tdtot t ollc~t.. \It Llo)d

On Saturday mortung the cetemonicc., fot the tegulatzon three touncls The b 1oom1nbton Pantag1aph Ft\e a\\ald"l <;\f'l'P ch tlked up agatn<:.t the dP(enc;P. (J \\ 1n~ l\\1 Hl\mOJid 1 0\<,Pn and

' ete held in the Church of the '!\Iate1 "oke up tn t1me to dedat e the- ate to be rn l.lle tht ee zn Cia<:>~ A and V\ h1.t the htghet ups l'l.chcd tn field Mt John " (.,taftotll madE> lh< ttzp m :it} than l<s to the kinllne!:.~ of the thm£ a dtaw t\\0 m Cla.s::. B lm: the) madL. up \\tth the \\zllo" The oJtlPJ to uphold thr ad' tnlt~r.., of com asto1·, Re, \Yalte1 J Surptenant c TtmmJ~ La,Iontagne tmned giant J-. 11 The a" 1.1d.., \\Ill be made at a ban pleotf clJ<4Um\ment l.gttn<,t lhP <'ld.Ck

'· Y Father Maguzre, a<;St<:!tet bv let in the thtrd bout and knoch.ed out a quet held at noon at one of the Bloom hoy<, '30(.ked the hall to the f'lt COl nels u€'g.ltne team ftom \\ heaton College

.. ather Landi oche and Father :1\Iarzano nev. comet named Pfetffer of "hom "e tngtrm C<>untJ v Cl ub<:i St Via tO! Col of Ber,E;"tn rt.,.ld and l'dn bd.< , ~t Ia The \\ he ttnn team <.,ompo<,Pd of ::\'fr

fficlatecl at t.he blesmg of the Ne'' ha'e he.Jtd before as the conquerot of lege has been Jmttecl to have one of her Cuvlr->t Log1.n and ClothJcJ \\alloped Ftnltv Mr 7ohn lnd L\fl Pt\ne '\\a~

(Continuetl to Page 6.) (Contuwed to Page 6) 1 ep1 csentatt' e-, lead an hour c; (h..,cu s I home tun-:; off ''Bud

~ t on on .;,port<:t. r1f~hman t\\Jtlel (Continued On Page 3)

Ca.<:>sidJ the .,.rantPd the dcCJ~IOJl hv Prof('<..<.,ot M.oon

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

THE\l~TORJ _:\_~ ____________________________ ~:=:=:=:=~=Io=n=d=a='·=· =~=la=~:=:=== rP~4~~~·::T~#~~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~~::::::::::::::~;;~;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;~~;;;;: _: --xv===~ g ~~

THE VIA TORIAN Alumni Notes. ~~~rief>(~ Publi·h<d BI w,.rkly Throu~hout the Scholdstlc 'fear by the ~

Students of St VIator Coll,.~e r.. lh\l l n tl <'•

l-------------------------;:E-::d~I~to~r~m~-~C:;:h~Ie~f !' '' '1 1

u, 1

' 1'

JOH\1 W ') T Af I ORD :'vldndgms;: Ed1tor '' , , ll 1 H' fn• ' 11 ' ll

" ' • i L-lP l. I'

11 t n1' <. 1 ... r

if OYD 0 WAR [ Athl .. tics ', r "r 11 u- • m 1

Gll .l \1!LDD! E. I 0\1 KL"'i\F.1l l uon!IER Alumm E.chtor \ " ' ' l r ( l<!l u "' <n'' lh'n,

BLR'\AIUJ (. MuLVA,.,F'f FeatureWnter',~ ''t" ' '' '"' tnl<tl "'" JARLATI I M wArso r w t I ... jHull• 11 •h• ...... I,,~-· eature n er .tt 1.d c u I 1 1

J { PAUl \11 1LL...') Feature Wnte"T I .J\ In • hlc·t- l ,J .... \l.t \ r th• l.tlr 1 t p n 111 q, hl t.h llt~ J OSLI H l OGA Feature Wnter 1 11 , .._ 11111 1 ll \Iun 1 I• n lll n ' ' """" ROBr R T IuCKER R (., RA Y'v1C>ND SPR/\CU[ lnquntng f"porter '• ' h him th "' xl "t'-h•.., Tin t r~,.nt • ount' u 1 ' lll .... L tl {

PATR I(f... \1 CL[ARY Campus Bnefs t ' ' t tlr nl \\h t I ' n!d n u "''"moll> h<IJl \ numi><I ''"I Sf" V Jatonana t, _t tht-. .., t lu,., I tl t t \\t I m·.th. RA YMO"'D 1\1 BOY . G limpse 0 Gam es

RALPH I JOOVLR h" Ill h 11r , ,u .< ' r 1thn h lh

Circulation D epartment FRA'\C'IS CJ\RPOi L J AMES R H U LL


d 11 u 1 ht" I n ... t ~ h mn \h ....... .::,un 1'" \p11\ -th n ~t I Inlld">thmch

Chi l,..,">

1t .. '- n 1n.., ,•udt. nt<.. p '' lhf 1 '-'-It""" ...

t•l th \ lt. \ 1 n I h I I l I .., tl \l I

!i<:l t(n'-. or Jl:trth-, h1l ">lUdlnl., \'"l

J t ' ( lll

Compliment of



United Cigar Store Cor. Court and Schuyler

Complete Line of Smokers' Articles

Fountain & Ltmeheon Service

Sub•< npt1on R a te $2 00 per /\nn um IL-__________________ __

I ------------------------A ddre•• A ll (or r~'pond< nc<. R~ f e r nn~ E1ther to AdverttSmg o r Subqc nptiOn to Th .. Vtaton dn Bourbon nd iS lllmo1s

l ntcrtrl "' Steond C fasq Ma~t:~t th e Posto ffice o f Bourbonna iS Ill Unde r th~ /\<t o f March 3rd 18 79

A DIF FJCUL T Y ( olk!;'• r dutatJOn ,eem• to be a nece,SJty, or at feast a lmost

mdl'pLn-db le for dnyt hm~ hke succes. m the grea t w o rld to d ay I l owe~< r ,, cfo,e 0 b,en ~r of .... hat Coll e"'e [ d ucatJOP IS an d o f how the youth of 1 odny react' towards bemg p-1ve n a Coll ege [ ducd tiD n m 1gh t '"" f,u l to compehLnd why 1t shou ld seem so neces,ary

J 1 t 1 Sun 1 t I ulton T ShtE:.n om tllfnl H1m lilltllton \\hO.., :-

r1mt lllf" 1.., fllllt ftenu nth 111 th1-.. j

t. Iumn fct.l<J ql)mt\\h\t <ltpli'l'-( 1 th<

I h TJ t., J D t.nd_ d 1 v_Jtc.c:. of

I (lUI '-. '1 h h I II It f .til l'.tlll ."' 0\ll

t!J (<l\uu1Jtlto1..1ct">tm:. o:;,.,Lm 1m

th \Ht.h.l\ l c Hout Tl€.

Ul l(LtS f tJ P l 111 \\t-'1( lll !OlCl qt

11..., n 1 th CJU -..ti n<, '~"'"'' £.1 d m the

tt(l p It r lhP I til J \\t I h t Jl d

1 ... t (" dn .... Tht olhtl 1 chlJl 1

UJtt. l btt -,m'lllt 1 th 1n 11 un "1lh.<-d 1

up t ham tnl ud ....,n "-hJtlv ,.,rtl t m1tch '1 h{. c 1111. 1 ....,h It\ ,.,

'1 e thin.., \\ h1rh IJ m ll ,..., net hh. ')

h \\UC cnlifa.,f m n ftt~ ttl j

Grocenes Confectio nnry

Amedee J. Lamarre

Bourb01mais, lll

No ti ons 1 h._, u u d c u 1.n J d1 f' t m .tln(..J

t n 1 ul < l'\ Dt Shnn 1r .. t..t ,t., much

1 thp p J Uilll/lttcn 1 th£

L 1 Hem Jil€. 1ct1 1 t undlt tht ..,u1d Ofe orl '---------------

1 Uh£1 \ tlU.Jl.-, or Ch lC. \\ 1<.. Onf ~ ~ t the mo<.,t <:tl!CC" ..,.., ul d \ 1 ~tOt !{H J

\\( ( d ,, 1th pi ( ~c.,UJc. h utclt<:. ., me. t ime Ptlttl•llh <"\U\- ' ARSENEAU'S r n ~~~ l'lL\\ 1., m 1 C(.nt t<.,<,Ucs or s < \dl <..lltqfttd \\tth 11., m<:oJJilinb

\01(11 l t1ll~ 1.nd "tnt-.. to t"\.llt.:, ht<, lJJHt.

) IOthr I <.nur n t 1 1. he 1 \f 1):.. uu<. Cot )lt'ttn

... ph nHiet (_ s ' ln the Ht ltC.ll \Il<.,tCt 'lnd h ])(. to

" 1t('.., to 11 J ) ltll u<., th tt hE. l-01 Y'3 ht., '-E: hlm a~ 1m ur1< n tlH c'tmpus , tl b tn m<,t ttu tot tn "t \ 1 t uan

'1.-,cl 1.1 '\I<.ntHtl (':lnlh Ftom hiS

de'<. tJIIJll ot tht.- chrn tn th ... school

tt ,.-, E:\i.lent thH he I"> c:,ttll mtt<h mtet

, o;.tu1 Ill Chu1 ch l\Iuc.,I

<, \

n" I' tt~.-1 1..l f..t \ t:ttorc. (.hui<..h in

Ptt fleu' '1.,

thC' lP.ldtn-. m'ln fot th<. C )llc~e Club

(Conltnu{(l on P agr ) )

OBilUARY ( h!C.JC.O h 'I 1eu.ntl) t dLil ned C1 om thf' \'\ 1 C\tc.nU out .,, mp1lh\ to the ('lm

hJ<:.pllll \\htlc he.. und1 n\c.nt tn opo t Jl\ ct r, (.)I..,C r C:,utton 1nJ \h<:. ~I u tH n

PHtl Mel0 h(l I~ tll':ltlil""rl '1c.. (htE"f

I col kf'<'l PI' at th ~ntc r 1.nk 1.t Ot

tl\\a Ilhnotc;

Rc., r,<.. J "ihc1.. 1 '11111 JUI1Cf<:.

the.. dvl - 1tton 1l Imrr,culltc.. lonrpp

Lt n C hU! t h ll \\ 1UIH .... ln Ilhnotc, Th€'

Cl.l m;na.::. t tim.., pllce '\-In 11th "111

le P <t fmm d ln Bt"~ lmmlnr(" Gtct,.,c

... ll t Sutton .tnd mo..,l f ~~~fl'tli't to

hf 11 ft ut c;on<., 1-I'"llt' C'ha1lc<:. 1\o tl n 'llld AI nold "ho llt"n<l£ 1 St Vtl

t :>t ( lif ~ lb ut 110r, 1\ft Sutton It

'' ' II 1 tfnu .. miJI.-ttJ h l<:o bc.C'n 1. btl!J tr(l

!Jtmpl ') O IO!" \Plt<l .Llld 1r tt "PtE: not

fCI h1 c.,udJC'n clr .lth "nuhl h1.\P t1.hfn

r11t tn nl)tF t utnlmfnh H1~ \\J!e­i'\rrs \f-J.t...,'1Itt C::.utt n '"ho htc. bNn

_ltru<,l\ tll fot <:tC\'f'l 11 month~ d1nl

Llt dtn1.l \funJ£.1Ptn 1.nd Jl miSI-' to lJe .-,.hf I th tltPt hCI hu'3h'1n<l but Of'Itho

1 nc\\ of th{. othc.r s d'lnJet

'lhe Dlt\t tJf\\ unclu \\ t\ h'3.c., bPen \\r \eJf. !'"llt\fd to hc1.1 f lhP dc-1th

mtlmn~l I m 1Im"'m.., 1.hrut hP mP~"t f( '\fl';,<:. \ 11 Inll D mdon <:.l< cf


The College Boys' Favorite Place to Eat.

Bourbonnai.•, IlL I '------.1



Telephone Main 1987

Bourbonnais, III.


Sanitary Market 346 E. Court Street

Tele~ hone 137

r II 't of a ll w ha t I> Coll ege Educat iOn) There IS n o need to b~com< f1 1ppant m a ny d escnpt10n of the mad rdce fo r cred its that "' m' hrgtlv to , ons t1 tu te h tgher educat1on nowadays fo r a ll but th e mo't hopcle% conoen nt1ve adm1 t tha t th e tendency for long p ast h a::, ht l n t o pd) t oo m u c h a ttentio n to c r ed tts ar-Jd h o urs, a nd not enough to " ha t they are supposed to represen t But th e an om a ly 1-; ., tdl fat dtepcr [vet yo n e ,.., n ot evc:-n a~reed o n w h a t IS the r ea l p u rpo ... e o f h 1g h er ed uca ti o n Som e c;ay tt IS to teach men t o liv e bet ter , nd more happ ily other. 'ay 1t 1s to enable them m erely to mak e , belter lavmg a nd to a tta in a. certatn rneasu re o f w h a t IS c om­n1on1v k nown a~ ~uccec.,~ T h us o n e system o f educati on~ le t u s call 1t th e u t dt tau dn Wl ll m s t-.t on teach tng men h ow to m a k e m o n ey, h o"' to ge-t on 111 :,octety and nothm~ more Of course fo r som e 1eopnt to the pre jud tce' of a cu ltured but m fl uenttal m monty, there 1., tttdmed c\en m the c u tncu la of th e utt lt ta n dn sch ools certa tn ap­paitnlh purdy cu ltura l cour<e' but they a re a ltogeth er e lec ttve , and tt " "< II the; ,hould bt I< • they are 1rsmcere and worthi es> Bu• a' long "m<n" I b • L n ~b' e 'o ru;:ree "'hether 1t IS better to b e po01 ,,nd be nble t' a · r c " rulfv a rhapood} of Shelley L szt or TmtoiL to or to po»t ·' fab louo "ealth a long w1th the und e,eloped b t am.., cl 'l t1dpo lc thtrc v .. d l be no unan·nn1ty tn the e-d ucat1o n p ro <'e''l

J :~.n t.., tn 1 F1ed Dund n flu- f mE.lal m":> cf m'1n\· Jlumm anJ In l.H ... lttn":> I\1 ... ., \\CIC.. hriJ thr .. tl f Apnl IL-------------- '

n nn t tmo <:.tu,lent"> th1.t h.L\€' n t [,---------------

T ht. <..t.c....0nd ..,, ;,tern hbeTdl or cu ltur 11 educatiOn or whate '\ er ont: Ii1'\V de~ue to call It mu~h t a1m at de'\felopm£! man c;; fu ll est po"u' ol lp,>rtuatm!{ the nobthty '!nd beauty of the "orld ard to nnlt h own hl t noble and be~uttful Do the 'o Cdlled LJbPral Arh Collt_t, do th,' The} cion t dnd I th1'1k they don t even pr<tePd

1 €.. n h 1d t 1 tn f 1 \CU.., Ont Qf thP ~ 1~., -untc. m CQO.:.r .l.t~:t.~ng ~ath: I <tttLt ~ '1' r J 0 D nntll f cf Ot I,< n 1.nJ fl• 1m,:, h1m th~ 1r Ic;.hc.s CALL 76 • t \\l IJln c.,n"fhf•III c n!Otl't:.:~~:eeiEll. tllt It JH! th ht J n lo lr>~ '3nd FIVE CAN RIDE FOR THE ' 1

'"' " til fnl __ PRICE OF ONE -\ mntl-. h1.. 11=. ntl\ 1 ('€0~- n 1 J 11 \hll(.n \O f' 'fCL' rrj IN A YELLOW

I '

to uo th" -d '"' f01 they af,o ha' e lo,t ab,olu~e "n~leness of pur pc" \t d bo•ro" d l O"'J the c - mp of the uttfttanans rertam pract1 S

cal tou >t' •h•t mt~h· be of ,orne httle a1d I" the ftr-t tr}tns;: month

•e i I· ... , T -.c.P , I-- ~ J'tn<:.~, -1 I .l. 1 n t C In n ·' 11 nv n "\oi 1.1 I N o Charge fo r Extras. ~ ·;,: .a t " r - t€-crn 1 ( .rl ...., 1 t cMt 'l-.0 c.n-· hi--- pi 1d rP


ct \t: 1"' "'f .. t..t .7f"'l Ju'ltton o" Itt tt be cltarlv £;rac;ped that th ts qu ·1ht\ of tduut .on " not 'he1e "holh tondemned nor mdeed JS

1 .. 1nt M 1 tJ htt~ at all th'1t thf>.:;e bnrro'\<\ed tactics arf> ad,.-Isable It \\til be d t-,<..u.., ... ed tn -1 -..ub ... <'quent ed1tonal '"'hat the true optntor, of the '\ t t.., tn the:- m'lltet ~ lete the t.:~ ... e ac; It e"{t..,tct toda) ~"~ bemg prt:o:,<::nt-t; d '\\ tthout <..omn1tnt

The >ttond thm~ mentiOned ab ·,~e that mtght •tr ke the clooe ob-,u\t ot Colle_t. [~u<..t.hoT"' · tocla-... h the manPcr In '\Yhtch "outh rc: I'. I\ t: tht ~duut ton .;.en ed them \nd tht ... IS the true~ de-:.cnptton o! t'>t phenot 1enon ht 'tudenh tod" ' tan h ·udl~ be 'atd to seek

n .it_.r .,. .. on the, ""\It ~ -"ll rl-tt: mo,t- p'llrt e'-:>o .... ed to tt and tt ar} ot tt h rq) ptn':lo to t'\kt.; root In th.....m tt h '\\tthout rnt ch con~ctous ef iott ..,..h-. .. t.,. 1 gt"'et.,l 01 nLic-1~ o1e nlt~ht- torm from da a collected tn \ lit 'ln ( olle;;:t.... ~o '-a\ ho\\ C\ er there are ro e'-t...eptton... no not?ble e'-tepb~n.., but- a fe\\ e'-t.eptlon ... ,.,ould b ..... o he B t 1rr

J"tnt ~1 .. 'e~m.., .. 'h,t ':lo udent' do p .. otest- "l httle too muL.h "'h1le b"',ng e :h ' <d I ' ,u, ;::e,ted the " '- I •tie out,1de coll~te...U rearlm.i( on .... o.n~... 'lh'ctt b~11g ~tudted thtre ":lre moans tf the professor m1ldh '\d\ l't"' ht ........ udent.., to <.ontmue theu readtng:, tn a gn en bt1..n th Durn~ tl e .... i.lm ner Mont-h.., there are jeer~ There c; a dt-b'\t 1g tt rn .. o be o~Rr 7ed tt I' too mu ~ \\Orl.. the rno .... t ,~, ll -.a)

although the~ m1ght ~dm1t tt "ould be pmfitable to be able to speak

n :1 (" -1l 1 1 11., Hh r c.t 1 ~€ ~ 111 1 , t 1 l .1c:. 1 Ill h \f J.<.'::J \\ lll 1 Yell ow Cab Co.

Ch t n r •e 11 n

JS E r '~ : HI ..

n 1 r

qT< t- .. t Ot Jill,.-----------------------------well TI-e colle.:e pdper needs "nters but most college men don t I u en rearl the sc_hool paper so ho"' can they be sufftctently mterested I to wnte for 1t Campu:, organizations a}v,.-ays nef"d Zedlous commit eeme and generous workers reoort::. of c;tudent actP thes 1n local 'l curnals card, of th-nh., and lnrmal soeeches of g.atttude a lways

.... ,..n, e'\o the tmpres::.Jon that e"ervone on the campus strained hts u t­mo>t to make some particular affair a success but 1t IS on ly th e gulltble that don t realize that half" dozen stude-ts dtd oil the work olone BoJt ~h} mult Fl} motances tt onh tends to mal<e one pess1 "Tll"t c O\ter hp. 'alue of educalton to thtPl.. of the;:,e thtngs Yet tt IS

""\ certatr tr~. t-h t-h-:.t mo::.t s+-udentc; learn JUSt act much at school and ~-oec ~11 at College ao the, are forced to learr>

SoJ11e ... 11;-hth• more roseate-hued reflections on ho\\- th1s sttua •"J,..n m,~ht be bettered along \-\-ttP a sug;;ested plan for leadmg 4_ "'1e"r"J-an College::. oll'" of the hopele5."' T"aze of ronfuston and u-..­certamt:y m "'htch they are no-.. Jn\ olved, wtlt be presented here m the ne'\..t ref{Uiar .s::.ue of The \ 1atonar Is th1s o"er presumptlous J

I daresa'\o It 1::. but It rmght be Interesting too Since Jt Will be the re­action of a }Outh w1th coroVIctwros. -..ho IS about to hn1sh hJS college career

Every body Likes

CANDY W e Supply St. Viator Collegt

F. 0 . SA VOlE CO.



Arseneau's UniforiD BREAD


Bourbonnais, 111

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

Monday, May 5, 1930. THE VIATORIAN Page Three


Book Reviews.

THE ART OF Tllll\liC\'C: n,, ~\bbe Et nes t Dtmnet

Pelham Grenville \Vodehouse dedt

C<"l.tes one of hts gt eat book!:. To my

claughtet L eonoia, w tthout whose never

fathng S) mpathy an d encouragement

thts booh. would have been f tntshed m

half the t 1me' I amused on read

,mg thts and wondeted 1f I had been

m1ssmg anythmg of 1m pot tance m my

realling by not g lancmg at dedtcatwns,

prolegomena and all that So '"hen I

ptcked up · The Art o f , b)

L'Abbe Ernest Dtmnet I read e"e1y

thmg from tttle page to mdex, mclu

.:;tve Tt uly, I would have mtssed some

thmg had I n ot read all that busmess

publish ers msert at the be~;.mmng about

impresSIOn S, lWlntmgs and copynghts

F or I learned that the little volume I

was 1 eadm g belonged to the 130th

thou~and A nd It was punted "ay back

last ~ovember so a c .. mple of hund1ed

thousand copte5 may ha' e been let

loose upon the C(Jlmtry up till now I

was, tt IS ti ue, not am used a.t th is ltke

I was at the decl1Wtwn by t h e Cl ea. tor

or Jee' eb and Bet tie \Yooster, but there

was a motal How thoubht I wul d a

book be worth 1 eaclmg that had been

read by upwardt:. of a hundted thousand

or the Amettcan readm g pUbitc? Ho\\

ever, 'I was untld .. Unted and summoned

suff1 c1ent courage to read the thmg

When I come to the last lea rned

nam e ll1 the mdex I concluded that at

least 129 t h ousand of t h oJ:.e \\ ho had

t ead the book wete AmetiCan club wo

men and c.uper sophisticated coeds "ho,

1 eallzmg they couldn t thm l< up to pat

had r ead the book hopmg to decrease

then hand1cap I also saw that they L l oyd 0 \ Va 1 ne, '31

must have regatded the book as some thmg hl..:e a Manual for Raymond Lul to be Jemembei ed, concenttate

ly's f a moue; Logical Mach me that could new5p "tpet wtth a r ed penctl, SCissors

tmn out concluslons to syllogisms and a ''a-ste b'l.~ket keE>ptng the va tu

CJ utte as ea511Y as a penny at cade con able cltppmgs m old candy boxes ot

tt aptlon h~tnds you a. ::.ti ck of Beech the like Do Lhe::.e a nd sundry other things and you Wl1J soon f1nd yom !:.elf

nut thmktng ptO\Ided of course you rate

I am unabl e to say what proftt the above a ftcth c lass Imbecile m the p os­

fa•r 1 eaders gleaned from t he damty sessiOn of the natal gtay matter

p~ge.s Ueyond an intellectual tittllatwn :Cduc~ttJO n comes 111 fot a goodly

produced by t eading with pleasure what numbet of pages o f the cu::.tomaty ctrtr Lhey though to L>e a h1gh brow book.

\\'hat I gathered from the book. folio"'

ers The Abbe wntes Engltsh well for one

cJc;m Ametrcan ed ucation tend<, to be

O\ et ptactt<.al and merely utihtanan

<,avs the Ai)be, along wtth most othet

Wi l let~ on tluc; favonte theme But

'" h o5e native la n g uage tS not Enghsh Dun net I::. not gomg to be too dtscour

rt seems a ':lPeCt.tlly of the leruned Abbe tcou~ tO'\\atds a countt'Y that pays him to "1ite books m tlu ee lang uages \\ell f o1 Juc; book-; so he savs m 1et01t Flench, English and Latm Of course thJ.t F1·enc.h educatiOn IS not piactical

It mu~t boost one's title to Iearmng enough In many other matters of

con~i<lC l'J.bly to do this, but the ch i ef American custom a nd soCial ltfe he ad

advantage IS that ones work "'Ill not \ lnce~ vtemJsse5 )et fai l s to give the

John W Stafl'ord, '30

Gh alles R Mtu-ph )·, '31

Ral p h Hoovet·, '33

llwl{e i\lona.han, '32

O( the Unherslty or Chkngo &7 being

'Vhe tton s score and 85 St Viato1 '3

and the dl\ lsion of points to sho" rela

ll\-e strength Wheaton 3, St V iator 2

It "aCJ c.onceded by the Bergin bo' CJ

that Wheaton had about as good a

team ~ they had mPt this year and

h ul a t:~Y"-lem of negative d ebating that

\\ ts very tro·ublesome to meet Mr

\~,.arne bes-an by saying that the nega

the had to uphold the present <Jystcm of competJtne armaments or ~uggest

c::ome change other than complete dis

a1 mament \Vheaton d1d not choose to

Oo either of theC~.e thmg<:~ and all the

e loquencP of Mr \Va!"n ... ""'1d Mr Rc,y-.e..n

ncl ,.,,., l C..biC o~ !' • 8Ulffo1d cnuldn t

11 dt.ce ttem to do so \Vl-te::ttn 1 <i'\id n

e(Juality m arms was the cause of war,

and that this m equality ''auld be in

creased wtth disarmament St V tator

satd tt \\-OUldn't be, so there you ate

\\' h eaton quoted from lusto t), m amlv

Napol eons explotts and t h e

Ftench Revolutwn 1 tto pro'e that a

pohce Coree co-u ld be abu-;ed the Vm

t01 tan reJomde.r was some poet1cal

c;tatement to the effect that the Fren ch

nevolullon abused the exJ&tmg police

force m a manner not m eant by \Vhea

ton The debate "as fng htfully learned.

th1 oughout, and 1\<11. Staffot d tt is

satd "'as once on the verge o f g1vmg

h1s Greek quotatwn, when he suddenly

realized that 1t could be used to b es t

ad' antage on t h e negatl\ e stde The

famous St V Iator a ffirmative plan was

not \ety popular w1th the Wheaton

bo) s durmg the debate altho ugh after

Professor Moon had held the a utopsy,

they admitted 1t \\ ac; the best hooe)

they had heard thIS year for a plan

to take the place of "ar The audience wa::. the best St Vtator

College has met thl!:. year from the

standpomt o f quantit), and JUdgmg

Our S1.tmday mght boxmg matches also by attentiOn Smce the ltttle meet

have been cnu te a succe::.s The boxers m g '"ac: h eld m the collegmte church

who showed up to gootl ad\anta~;.e It IS not sut pnsmg that the audtence

were . Fm l ong ' Bassano, • Ed Shea only c;mlled at l\II Boysen s puns and Jokes

Dan n y 0 Con not \Vebet and !:.evetal T he sum m a r y o f the season follows mote But howe'\er, p lenty of amm.e ment g i ven to the fans, e g ' m St VIatot College defeate<1 Mt Morris,

the 'Happy and Hoffman, Cat ney and ~o t th Centu:t l St Xa' ter (here ),Day. ton (hete) Marquette (here), Marquette

Andetson, matches \\'e must mentiOn (there), and South\\ este rn St Vmtor

a cet tam south pa".. l)y the name of CollegC' was defeated by A ugustan a

Spud and a hd..fd hittm.., fteshma.n 1 llmo~-o \\ es leyan, Wheaton St Xavter

b) the name of Mooney-'\\ ho by then (the• e) 1.nd Dayton (there) The I e were

.splendid foOt\\ot l<, \\ On the ptl.£e (OI th1ee non dectsJon contest!:., wtt h St

cle ' erness Loms St Thomas and \:Vebet, and

The ball team look!:. plentv good- the• e '" d''' one debate forfet ted to St

and the 1930 squad really ought to Vt,ltor that P l ~tnned with Bradley That

come th• ·ou.;h-plent) of matettdl-and t<, c;e\en \\tn., and a Corfett f tve I0::.5Cs, and three non dec isiOn <; By means of a

no' el S)- stC'm o( f1gU1 m g percentage

"h1ch take'\) Into account wm <;, l osseCJ

n on deo<::.~on5 and fo tfeJtS The V ia ·

good ""eathet, sho uld g1ve u5 ~t \"\Inner

e-;pectally w1th the little old Rell Head

B11l Tudd Vatter~ p1tchmg .1ce

be " ca l<ened by t J·an slatton, a nd the umng t tt tatmg but l og teal conclusJOn­

A i>be couldn t at all n!:. l< that The he ts ~are for few of t he 130 thousand :-:

style is tllec;ome to one rea<lmg the \\Ill tea son and see a conclusiOn that CAMPUS BRIEFS

((ontmued From Page 2.)

The :C~'l":ltcr vac.atwn ts JU ':> t the best t011an IMs 1·atecl St V1ato • College a-s

:-: thmt:, 111 the <,cholastlc yeat thal 1s dt. 633 out or a poc,.,Jbl e 1 000 Thl":l same

book, as I did only to see "hy thous I 'S a. Cttttctsm of Amenca. 'I hate even co1 dmg to some of our noted campu5 lngemouq "'~\-stem places the seven Ber

Philoc;,opher.., On<ludmg Jim H tvden) £In clehatf'l s of the ycat· ac; follows

They a1gue- that the rest 15 needed by {~umbE> l 1n patenthP":ll~ des1gnatec: de

the <,tuclent baLly rurthf 1mo 1 e the b1.tet" h'lnd1eap I e number of de

folk!:. Uac.k home de<,ne to h ne then bate-; m '"hlch he performed)

p1 c5enc(. undet the fnmt l y 1 oof 01 m tY

nnds upon thousands had read It before tht~ 5ug-gE>'1lton of msinceuty Agam Pla) Three \\'1::.C Foolc; , there 1s no

me 'l~he Abbe becomes tuliCulous 111 Dmmet quotes nume1 ous modern ftee doubt that much romanc.e \\-Ill be d1~

numerous condcscentling ge~lUies of thmket-. and one gathers that he wants P Ia) ell At the p1 esent ttme 'Pat h old!:.

d1.tlogue bPt\\een himself and an Im tc 5hO\\ Jw, non Catholic reader!:. he ts he tecord fot rece1ving 'lette1·<>

aguuuy r eadm The \\hole boo!..: IS 111 ttutte liberal mmdetl but he quotes from ftom 'fnends' he h"l.s left at Qumcy rested "·Ith a queer megalomanta, mam Lhec;e (Jeethlnkets qutte Innocent pas f'ot p•oof of tht'> one need only "" be th(" net.;hbot., da,en]>nlt

Mr Mr



M1 Warne








1 000







Squ tt C hnc.tman h l<; hcE'n ~mokmg Mr Murphy re':lted m hundtecls of the most casual -;a~t...S lettmg lTic; Catholic. teadets kno" mto 204 and see the "aliou-, • p1ctwe<,

and tll\1:11 to humhed5 o! he 1!:. Otthodo'\. •n all has the 11ng of from the fatr one-s to the modE'In Ro the most cH::.hngu t::.hed Witters of all inc.mccttty But If I am tmprJntlng moo -;o m tny ten cont Cigar!:. that e"et y M1 Boyo:.en

the ~1ges Then too every pt omment motn cc; ... me cauc;a, I retract body c"en ht.., roommate ~ ~ \\ ondenng Mt Starrord

Ob,tousl) I dldn t ltke the bool< And There has been a great deal of talk whe-rP hf' got the po!Jtual chag Mr H oover

&'tts .t. chan<,o to ha"e u~ ! ... now he mv fmal JUdgement ts a parable An of hte 1Cgardmg the annual Vlatormn Th e :Cxp(lt Ac(ountant who drew up

m .. tn, ptc~umabl:t, Dim net has ever met

kno'\~ Dimnet "As Belloc once told \rab chief, centullcs ago when de::J banquet "hKh ts to t< place !:tome. 2nd Corridor Wins tht.'3e d.\":: t t..q u e<:~ t cll hl9 CJln

'rnc ' is \\hat I mean '!'he t!fect 1s .sick tJ 0, m~ a. , ac;t libt aJ Y IS reported by lime ne't month Of cout-<;e the onlv ro e ..t.pu l C'I~h., !)e p1 ec;cntcd to Mr

onmg Much ot the lntormallon •nd the hl•toll~n Dtlme& to have said .. It ones that '"II bo adJmtted to partake Second Game of Season Hoo,cJ Pc.f01 A ':.thool (lov ~ ln June It I 'I

man) of th<" quotatJOn::. are extremely these books ate c.ontJ'\ty to the Alcoran the bontlful food Will be those who

mtere-c:tm~ but the mnnnet ha'-.t almo ... t the" 5hould be burnt 1.S pernicious if h1.\6 futhfully \\Orked on the staff the

lll'g-ntiH-.1 tho mnttcr the' cue not t.Ontt L!'Y to 1t they ~hould pa.::.t 'ear and the nc.'t three 1-s

In thPir <,econd gdmc of the c;eJ..Son

th< c;.(C'ond c..ornd(lt Jut and run '-quarl

ct U'iht.d thr Ac.aclf my 2G to 4 Joe

hopc.d th~t thP Ht=>rg-Jn Deb Ltmg SOC!( ty

"111 bP able. to tt range.. a mpc.tlng for

the (lf>ftiOn of the. \ll'iou., lm1~1tant The dc5ct1ptton and stud" ot mans bet but nt a<> uselec;.s The application 11 .;;uec;

thmktng proces::. ls m nccord '' ith sound ( ne can think he- need not read "The 'lutphy and Pat Ftltlfll ('auld not Jf!!C(.":: for nl"xt Thfrf" h t.Vf also

phllo~oph' and 1':> presented mtelllgibh \t t of Thmlong tf one't thmk to !'=;() hN L' I c;.uppoc:e Dm1net lc;. to l>e 1 E ld It "' f)uld Ue fuhle-J-::1\ en c..redlt But his O"- n <JUggestluns

on ho"' to !'let ones thmh.m~Z ptocess 1 I \\ul·kinl,':' nt~ \Cr} bec..ause -.o

tt·l\ inl R(',ld books lnte-llige.ntlv a.nd

Ci]O\\ l). m-1"-0 note-::J of important thmgs

.Jl 'lOR 'lF.,IOR PRO" -'1 \Y 16 Ii: \ ' lL\REE HOTEL

FRE:,ffil\' IS t,E-~lAY 12.

BUJ 1\ Logan w 1shPq to announce thto" pao:.t Lrounrl 01 aboH thf' bats of l>C'rn f.tlnt 1 umor'4 tbout a IJUIP b~nquet

th1.t ft om now on the door of Room thf c.ollE>gc c.loutc 1 q The c.ontP<:Jt v.a<J ! 1 th£ elL ball r<.J c hd.ll man time kc epPrs

LOl "1ll be cloc;ert to the mob o! ' In r allrrl lt the end o! thP fl!th \\ hf n th(­

tl'llit;cnc.r Tec;t <,ceker<J Joe h'l'S beE>n l fuutth o:.cotf kerprr '\Hnt Jn"~anr>o ttymg

... o dJo;,turbecl m hls slc...ep lltel} that to r , d the. htlc;. 1 unq d.nd E>t ror~ The

hP can(c.lJeU hie; c;ub<:~Crlptlon !or the \tClON uc eagrt for gam~"':l and will

t.hiUlgo E\enlng American t t.k(.. on any campu'i nine

rh.t.ufffur~ and rootcr<J thd.t mldf> the

-11 tc,on po<,<JiblP, but d<> yet no on( h LB

m-tmfrc,tc<l uny onr o! the.. thref fJUull

ltt<J th t.t mi) cy c uro It Inge-nuity,

f.( nc.ron1ty md c...ouragP

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

WfH .. cY, 'nHr' '11LE--": I h• ob, ar~ hlu.-, th" WrHirl takrt on • ratenlr hur

• waii<•WO IH<I ylark• tnll and mg; and poy It kon~ "' ,..,..,.,ytfllng -- wh•n Cynth•a l'tTitltll

Will.:. CY, HIJ,\ f HOW ••• ll•rel ll•rrl lh 1 WJII ,J, now.

----:~ 1 fttn"l wr: wrrultl !.kt'! I() art': not tn thr h~adline':

"S, ~trfo•"' 1\l ( punr, Pnmo <'orn'f~. ,\n .Shir~:~~, Peggy Joyc~. 'Jf,,.,,,.. ff, fhn, I!,,,, f h11w, I l~nry Ford, Th~ ;\ League. nny rmrt n( thr. ''f•r~tH hunr:Jr,.d'".

----::---lit• J,, n Wt:<>knco• for hlondo. I'm dyt·IOI!( to rn,.,..l h1m.

----::---IJtd you },,...., nhnul thr frllow th.,t JUmprd off f ltllman'• last

"""'"'"' i I •w h,. flytnl!( through thr an pn t thr ftfth story, the fourth, th•· tlliJd thr fnot, hreaktnK h11 r.-ck on the •idewolk and -

n ... whnt '"""' thr. AC< ond) You mt ··d the second.

0 I £

I 0 0 ~ I

I 0 10 • Yt:a. hnl dwt'" another t~~tory altogtth,.r~

----::---I hry "''Y thnt t~ln••r• would gr..atly tmprove Ttlden' s game

--win• •·• of whnt)

0 0 l •

I 1 0

II 0


o o n u p

I 0 ---;:---

)'ou knnw that hod on the b,~ek of your n('ck Y•·uh, whnt nbout 1l?

J:o,..t..Ln Hakt•d lt:nnls h.dl~ nt [\"Ul tn:'m .wmzinli:' JH)\\"CrB. It 18 llh 'f t•cellu.:y lv 'lh I II t

:J 0 II II

II ,,.n't rlnn~rrou"· hut JU"t kr<"p your eye on it

out or h littl~ t 1nnCln. Ivan ot the rt'·l ~nJ lh~" 111.~1torm. IL l.'t c111t· gh1rlou.-.

cfhing f•Jitl 1 11 , king IIH m up hkc• a •ltllll.,ua dre.un fur Hlx.t•)" No\\ h r

n1grn ('ult"n l'i• kt·r ancl n•l•Jrnin...;lgrcts lhl' Cacl that tho reftl (or the Totultll

th· m \\lth a tlrhe that m.1kl'S IUxo•)" \\orhl (,.tnnot t:'l, Iv.,n \\t~rk. Suc-h a

:111 I I 21 14) I ----::---

!'latlh thr mmlrrn mtudrn-if I don't •how up at the weddtng clc~.u wt·ll ju!tt gi\'c me t\ nng.

~ 1 n v.lth tldli;ht The-y ha\'' Wen tluin,c: profu!iiOn ur I'IM·t•tl, un:w 1u·:r and tl.'c-h rlf:(\\TtlH

thl~ Bturr (nr an tuntr t~l•'h tlay rnr ovc1• nique ~udt n. mUtt'r:r of Rtrokf!IJ and lli<'k••>" rf

,\" It I( (I ,\ f: • I I 0 0

---::---fh,·y '"'V 1h,1t n htlhon a ycnr is •pent on Copenhagen snuff

nlnrH I wonder whf"rc at a11 ((oe!'l)

1 m nth now n,x••y L<: n put nny kind ( t•t ltu.Uion~ ~th.h an int:x .h·~t! ..,. t 3 n n

o one r.o. <-I ---::---

Cnlly lite you II"Y" over those pant< One of you will ""''" ~ct wor t•·d I thon~ht you fdlow• had fought it out last time.

o( ~, t:unu on tlw t..ull by -SIJttJJl)" '-'han .. hausLthh• (ountaln o! c1Wq;y o.nU tn· llnl+• 3h

lng the bort ~,.-n his ~,:.lflnun, .aml can Uuranl'C. It ~ cnouJJh ttl d tho worlcl PuttPntOn C'.(

( ll"t'Ct lh('l ba.ll to nn)" part o( the ~JUTt agog- noel stnd tho namt, or hnnllJJCh Swanl"•ll lh

" that he cnn with raeJlty. give Inw rcvN-~rat1ng 4lcroa~ Lho waten~ o.nd Clr<-IP 1r

practlcu In any kln•l oC: lila)· kno\\n in even to Lhe tlea<)late l:lltppes oC ~Iberia. l:>·nrtl :!t,

tht• tennis "orhl. And tlonl think !nr eut ht·rt! is tht., tHn:UlK • part o( It u.JI. Parkt~ C'

---::--- a m.-•menl thlll Hh.t•y dnt.!n-t know tho :\'1•1. a person has M(·•·n work out. T••.!t;tr P

Ohn I (:_)uolh ht". la, women ltke thee make men like me like tlltft:!rcnt klntls ur Jll y, Ho h<U4 ,.tudlcd No onu hiLS lhtl alight .. ..,t inkling thoU. nn.kH Jl

) r .th, hut th,. '" th~ •~cond Tunic wnr.

---::--- mo~L or: tht•m to ~uch 1111 extt·nt that in eng:a~cd In t•nl·hing Hu.!lsian tn the Tnt:Jl"

Wl)lll("r-\ lak(" thr<". t.'Vt'ry sl}"lt• and ha~. himf-:t•l(, mruJtercd tht• handsom•• young man, IHIJll'O~cdl)"


a I




I 0 I Ill 1 I

II 0 0 " I G

' ll


1 I 0

11 z• 1r • .:!

Dicl you ("\·r.t hf"nr our Scotch cure for eea-sickness-well here .._ !l''' m!nut••a he c tn, with his tru~tr Hixt·~· tarnll:r, hi In rt·:lllty the potPntlal Twu h'"'' hltw Ht~rnllrY, Hwnn,.tm,

It 1 • I L\\·(" the JlftliC'nt lean over the railing nnd place a gold coin in ~ mn"n, c..·•·miJine tho tint• p ... ,int.s o! 11la} \\Inner o! tht~ natinn<Ll prix•. Hixer hW'I ·rhrN .... tJ.I •• hit,. llkk('y • .I••IIJH'I', JfQJn, hi,. 1'1\\'l\lth u. ul by Cocht'l. H•.~rotra, l..a l oslt", a court con~tructe-<1 on n Uttle f'arkl .

---::--- Ttldt.·n, L~nglcn nn•l anyon l~t...w<.l Just orr ht, l'ountry t:stat.E>, A K•rrlfk,.A: l'nlt,.r"t'"·

\ Solution of the Collnr·Button Problt:m c ru to mention .. \l one mom•?nt he IKn•>l"&nt, Oouhl• ~~lnya: H.lfi)·P.yr•rd Bwan~V~n 2.

\lf",\ .. \11<" tllll i\ quort of Hydrochloric ncid Place over a slow l..e!t on l,a..~: VIAtor ~. J)(>rntur r, f11r \lntd at ,-onlt.:'( to a botl 01ssolve a sl1cf' of Sulphur sugar about ll another he Uelin·rs a long bounollns p(t_ ~r .. re I\"D.n shnw" up. So that we- l;ahiJl on l>tlll•: Mrv·key 1, Blkl'r :!,

llr ('If nn r~.,:: .' \ dd o. ~r.\m of pure !iOdium. \Vhen cool place the mix- J,.fl, nd gn. n he ae-nds in a emart may sa.Cely :otaY that l\,an 1 ~ a.s YN n StruC"k out MaC'k~y 1. Tf'Mr 1, Jlak•r

hur Ill t\ hrf",\ker l\nd d'~tdl. Thi~ process should take about two ~LL'4hlnt: tlrin, with Jlttlo or no hop, to the tPnntH w rid. :O:ot eve-n l.oelng pltrh•r· '1 ckey

hl-.UI ~ Now takC" the:" d1~tillcd l1qU1d It should be of a pale am beT knocking up tho du!tt In :;orne ! trth t the r nLlY fiU!'!peN v. hat hi! n ... dly ilt-- Hit J,y pltf·h,.r T1•aur 1

h~l<"') ilnd pi.\CI!" 1l 10 o\ hard glnss jar , orne folk~ prefer to use old v..1rner For o"er t\\C w('e-k he has hacl \\lth cne t•xc ·ptJon-ltfxf!ly 8 flaught~·r-\ ·Hl I I•\T" s(",\1 with a nH·tal cover, lt!aving an opening large han rmn!ic trylnb to gu•·ss what is .\h theN-'8 thP rub--~·aul knows l\.bfJUt (Qf", llh'l\' h~ k.l .. ·eo-1 to etutly th,.lr j.-J)'nw•

f"l1t'H~h f\l1 thf' tl\'f'r.\~(" collar- button .-\ her commg home from a t min~ ntl to make some k1ml o( u It Oue Junt..' C\'('ning !lh'' cam" h'~m., face-~t nntl C"art>-fn·•• t·hlhl h a<:tlnn•. m~ht ' 1 ~al. ho.\nquC'l, ''i\ke. etc. JUSt drop the collar·button in the "'l·hirn But n.t the mt m nt wt: open up from \ ' .t &'lr .ano.l~ fintlmse no one honw. han 1.-,~vf'tl c·hlldr~n und th~"Y nAturliiiY

.... nlutltln. \'\'hC"n rT('ded ag.\in 1t ·w-iJI be r<<-ldy as bright and shiny tht ZK't"lle I n ;tppt. to ha\t~ ga.lne•l .J: urru: H·d 1--"'' r to thf'l l!<~l.lnd , There llhe- lrK_,k to hlrn. ;-..:,,,,anti n~ealn he •tr,J,,....,t

·~ nr.'' Ju""'t un~C1<'''" the- cover nnd there'~ the old collar-button. 'me ma..sun· O\'CT the b..·wil ct·in:; at ""'t be-l the two c .. nr·~ltra,tf"sln :tclit)n, {o talk wHh them or tn c,,rrM thf'"lr

~unplr rnoul'h 1:-.n't at} The ~olution of course ~hould be renewed t ·k lie ha! jut ~tume-J a d.Jplica ntl stole f!Ul tl}· away alil'nln. But or rudy ht•;.vl (Jn('~ he carne UJ)(tn II wmj,o> <"'<"I\ f .. lttnt~ht '\or Tild ns cannonball sen·e, and t*rfaf"'t-!111ttl.-, younpt.u who "'Yfl'd him

p ~ ll\1-.. tnethod is r.ot good for metal buttons. The liquid l:o. ~h~hin~ away at a mean·h >pp1n~ Jla\1ng !in h('d hl:-t ..a.·orkout. and very RrlOlHilY

dt~ l'\h r 1\lC"t.,tlic . ubst~\m:f!"". Son1e prefer to use the. solution for old l:t"\erse-.\me-rH:an 1rn:e It s aheer d t! the dinner rather rough· •Jh·JI,, th~>r,. 1Htl~ fi!IIow" hP tal~ "' It-t\ h\1\.1 f bl.\dC"~ ._\nd "'3f~ty pin.;;;_ It 1"' n handy ,,·ay of getting rid light to wa.tch hl.!l n.~b)· bronze t:gure ly. 'lvnn ahppeol on a w-hllet .tnlo'efltt.·r, out rntrrlly. \""~t' thrm. and twlstlnt: about the court. H"er his cust6m:uy!l outfit anrl The lad acrutln.7~ him dOHI1'

---::--- plckmg up a bo "'C drh·e-, runn-'"lg took a atr II through the euburban "'f'blh!.ace-··. he aJd..

~\._,..,.\InC' It )t'l\1 don't stop that sw~arin~ you"lllose your soul. back!· r a hlgb-bouniJer, or d.uhtn~ t .. l\"hat wu thAt.'" aaJd Iran. It'' 1n\l\'a.\t("th\l to tn~. the nett_, r a cruhing 1)\'t-r·btoa.d re::.u..~. You·y~ get a t ~ Jlke a tU:b"". the

---::--- H~ r. t b anlm.3.te4 and h!,.. tY lad contfnu4P!d. He had ~en Hk1mtl1 taucht to ayak oat Ute trurh.

.. fl~Jt I y there. laddJJe. I nt that · Sn(n' lh""~und" 1 ... ur.doubtedly one of th~ ~:real poems of aU "'po..rkle with d tlght u he comes <k.wn

tinH''' \nd ) C't 'll ft"\\' pec..lplt- ever tel the drift. ly oo the coming !racu, but he had

n The Cmmbal Isle< l• I 1.\t(" h'\t d~nn("r) ) c.."'U shure is Everybody's eaten.

---::---\nd l<l Ill<' tell 'Nl 1.\d, a milli, n "ouldr:.'t buy her picture. \\ dl I'm one <'t th .. million.

R~. rdin,;:: the E<..<.a,. \ ('~ ll\\ \..d. th. t s tru<-. But on "' h t .,;::rounds

' "'\~' \.'• ~"\in I ""~r th(' t nlp ral Pl.""'' e-r of the pop~~? 1.. th~ \ ,\ i,·. n p und.


are you

("$. p\., ·t ... ""~t Rut r:.t."' ~ cept a idiot could live throu~h a

tr-t-.,trncnt h~ c th~t Th.t > tnt<' ~" ~h. But \'ou'll I" e ~hrou~h it allri-ht.

1ri n a hard bu:d.nt'3~ eantract wttb _. bit !bJ<"k-

P.1xey aM .-a.s now In a position to The boy •toto~J to eon lder tM mat .. .t at :.he banquet tabl-e of Amerlean ter m'1re ll'!'rV.»"tnd-y Then be c-a1"e h

t tho! Pluto- condwr!on. "llonestly, f wouldn I baYO

a ~ like tl>at tor a m!DI<m" ~n. be earr~ h:frn8i!,: .. t~"' ~ot

for two mm.Jon." fnn !"'1: a C.: net ae:uatlGn t.! ..U.

ank In U... boa .y •: hllo t , the IY>T cneptn~ on him. Wby,

H~"' ~ wa.o nlde.,... t:e CQU!dn't say. B · ""' ~ on lD

I"'-~7<= ch1ll=tl<> n'<!ry bG""" .Un'kY ll:e pl"i.Det'

-· !: and U, a <lin&" U:e w:L!b az:d "' DJ' tMr ," ho! """""" "w''>&l'o ttl nd ~~ boe that one~r:r~ ~~,. !JC" aDd ~.C":Ct· ~ &rJYW&~ ~~ nc loT~tllnf'S! ' ~t~- :U:.!Je ---------------

t:.:: .ren pol:te, bapgy ar..t we!k:ar.,..!. (oatla- lo P~• I I

Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

Monday, May 5, 1930. THE V IA TORIAN

Viator Loses Second I Irish Lose T 0

Tilt To Big Blue '29 Little 19 Champs Irish Open Season

With a Win J.,.

1dy Lucl.: continued to !town on B tm Al cAill"'LC't <J HJ10 ell u noncl c nlt y

the Yiator nme and as n. t c'lult, i\11\li St Yln.tot s IHomd ne" !nil ttam ~in tool\: the second game or the tltp, tlottcd out on the ltclrl Ap ttl l hJ t;l't' .. t g-ood account o r ll"!Llf on Sund1y

brthescoreof 3 to 1 :Ctrot-s wc 1o t he to g t\ C the Lillie 19 (.htmp<; a Lu-..,.1(' Apt!! 1'1th, "hen tho h .. Lnk-..k<c li'o•d':l,

cl~,,nfall of the Itl:jh, only one .. 1un in the openin g gnmo oC tho sca..,u n L lucnl semi P

10 ot~nnLru,twn \\<nl the

}leingeatned orr Pombe1t T\\0 of M1t \\hen the l 1st nhln ''n~ r o lilNl In the way of ul llnfc riot hnlllt.u.m ~ by LLidng­

likin's runs came tn \\hen Cn• ncy m 1s- n1nlh, Ililnots College L1nncxccl nve an 11 lo 7 dt ubblng

judged Gidcomb's flv, \\hlch \\Cnt fot a 1uns \\hile Vwto1 had only f0u 1 ll was Pombett and Chii<;Lmn.n ''cu t h r

double. Had 1t n ot been fo 1 this rn 1s a hcnt t bl c 1ker to lo.;;o nnU one of the bIt le t ) men fOI' the l•J .,h In the n1 'il llaP the score ''auld hn\ c been tiC'd and best games "ilnC'~Secl fo1 ~L' c • 1\ yea• 'i

'Viator g1Yen an even chance to win D1ll' Todd pitched "l. bc.Lutlt ul f.

pombett pitched good ball 111 his and out did lu <:: 1 h~oll.l Newkl1 1c in

11\C f•am e<;<oy unci Ah~.-atn ~up

planted the<Jo t\\ o while Todtl la<:J t

\ Lll "l J)Jlchlng 'l.CC came In ftom lhc..

outfl e lcl 111 tho r:.e,e nth to c..x.Ltil..ntc debut in mtet basf'U,:li l , aliO\\ (.\ety dcpa1tment Toa.det qent nine

of the champion s Jnc k o n ::.t ll kC<l to Sl l i\lnc..key f1 om n th;ht SltUttlnn The. In ing on ly s1>.. h1ts and one ea.• ned 1 un l1dd "'l.'i compo~cd of "c.bu fl1 qt

]_;\::ttd 1.t <Jecond, \\ooch at ....,hotl'i top ?Jillikm's blo\\s '' e1c \\ell sca.tlte1cd on the bench 1.nd \\Ondet '' h1t h1.ppc.. n

and did llttlc d'lmage 111 dtl\lllg 1 uns Nl to the btl! they \"\ Ci e g-oing- tu hit across. Y1atot'::. defense ,,as \\Obl>lv, It \\as a t\\ltlet's battle r 1 om r11 .,t to 1.nd D'l.'3Cilna at thl1cl The outn(ltl \\ 1q

four errors bemg 1 eco•-decl a~~1mst tt last T\\ o great pltc h c t., ,, e 1 0 , 1eJrg mo. de up of Cal n e\- m Il&ht L ,tffey m

The boys were \\eak \"\Jth the stick. "tth each other fo1 ~urnemaC'V .1nd ccnte t and Todd a n d m !crt

garnermg but the safe smacJ..,.., AH1cv 5 the best one lost Such &pcctlclc <:. ate l\IcCotmlcJ... a nd John...,on \\C.rc tho

:urre ball \\1-S ,,o1

J...1ng- to pe

1fectwn u::.uall) sa\ed f01 the Jtr;t Lla)'c; or the LJ;;JL& Pill pushltS \\hJie V Jcke J) 1.nd

L~l. rle ut dJd the t eCCIVlng Tho ld.tlet

The t\\ehe V1alot bnllerg collcc.ted

rood If 1 0 , l team to drop '"l game s u ch ac; thts but "e "til bet Roy Hall agam'3t th<' nunr:. b'l.tled m P ombPt t 4 Liqnoul 3

':lc.huc.ter 1 Bonch 2

T\\ o base htt~ Laffey

~omary 3b

~hnstman c :tombert p

0 1

5 1

0 4

:Com Jatl that the pe1 formanc..e

w<Jn t be 1 epeated when Ill. College ca1l .., here 'l!Hee base 111l<; 'Sharp Pombet t

AB R H 0 A E Home l uns Schustet, Pombetl rotals


::oulson 2b

\..ndrews lb

rarro rf _

;idcomb ss

{Irk If


:C\ ard 2b

ABRHO A E \\ood.._s

30 25

4 1

4 0

Ld.tfe) cf

\\ eb<> t lb

Ahea.I n c

C''"ltne' If

P ombert tf

Romar) 3b

Todd p

5 Double pia.) s Tocld to \ -\ ebet

Da.&e<J on balJc;. Todd 1 )..ev. h

St1 uck out Todd 9 1\e\\ hn h 4

li tts V1ator S Ill College 6

lesh cf

)urcell c

--Iankins 3b \!frey p

4 2 1 0

4 0 3


1 0 Totals

rotals 30 27 12 1 ILL COLL:CGE

luns batted m G1dcomb 3 Cat nev 1

rwo base Juts Tatro Gidcomb

3acrifices Alfrey, Chnstmn.n

Jouble plays G1dcomh Coulson And


.... eft on bases VIator 6, Millikin 5

3ases on balls Alfrey 2, Pombert 2

Struck out AlLrey 9, Pombei t 5

:..osmg pitcher Pombert W1Jd p1tch Pombert

':itolen bases Coulson, Laffey

Ragsd de If

Ged1tch rf

Schuster cf

Sha1p 2b

"lev. kirk p

Ltg noul lb

QUillma n ss

:Conch 3h

Jot lan c


4 1


0 1

0 1

33 4 22 9


3 0 0

4 1

2 10

4 0 3

2 4 0

1 0

31 24 13 1

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to Dhnms Umvers1ty

A Select Boa.rding School for Grrl'"i and Young Lad1es.

This institution is conducted by the SLSters of Notre Dame, a,nd offers every OpJXH-tunity to young Jad tes for a thorough Christian and secula r

education Prices r easonable. For Catalogue, address

SISTER SIJPERIOR, Notre Dame Convent


GOOD CLOTHES FOR EVERY MAN We have clothes for young men, mature men, university men­

in short we're now showing

~ Plant·Kerqer

"Nationally Known Men's Wear."

Lo....,mg pitcher Todd

\\ 1ld p1tch 1\e\\"ldt·k

Fashion Believes in G. G. G. Weaves


J?-IFFE~SONS -- .......--- HENS --...........__· '­~______Q __ UTF!TTE~

I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, Ill. I


Welcome Your Banking Business

Cor Court St and s~.huyler Avenue


A. C. C.

New Ka,nkakee Hotel

Barber Shop J Lamb, Proprietor


We Solicit the College Men's Patronage

Page Five

Amedee T. Betourne Baird ~Swann ell

Everything in Sport­ing Goods


Cut Rate Drugs 119 Court St., Kankakee, lll.

Einbeck' s Studio

Kankakee's Largest Stock


Edwin Pratt Sons Co. ''Inc.''

Our photogr,aphs are in expen­sive, yet treasured for their

worth as hvmg portraits

Ma.nura.c..turers of everything in Wjro and Iron Work, Fire Escapee, Wire and Iron Fences, Store Fronte, &tar Rai li ngc:~, SteeJ Stairways, Vent Guard•, Structura.l Steel Work

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kan:U.kee, Ul. KA~KAHEE


Barber Shop

When in Kan''"k~e You Are A lways Welcome at the

Merchants' Cafe Pullman Booths, Soda Foun·

tam. MajestiC RadiO While You Wrut.

Agent for Down-Town Clean· ing, Pressmg and Repairing


BOURBONNAIS, ILL. Phone 954 J. Bereo1os, Mgr



Students Are Especially Welcome

In Rear of Arcade Bldg.

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, Pres and General Manager


A hearty welcome awa1ts the student and friends of St. VIator College


SHIRTS rJ-ITJJj?. -~rf':onA KINGLY ~




252 South East Avenue

fociet;y !Bran() Clothes

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attendmg Surgeon to Students and Faculty of St. VIator College

Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m. 7 to 8 p. m.

Phone Office, Mam 3 3 7 Phone Home, Mam 3073

320-322 Arcade Bldg. Kankakee, Ill.

Leading P.urveyors to the Institutional Table

r<'\ "i'' en ..., E:. 'l.t::. c">..petJence m supply· , 111£ Qu liltv Fo d P1oclucts for instltu

twn ll mel 1 e!:.tam 1nt teqUJrementc::~ has peti<-ctt-d out &enH.e and our \alue~ be

, \OO.l C0ffilJUI')011

Om L le 1\\ e1s Tt tde ~ht k h..ts become th< ~' mbol of fmc cptd.lity foods eco uomtc lih p·u.ked All of out products u• p .ll..l ... <-d 1n the contam01::. most con 'c.mtnt 1.nd economtcal fot you


Sl.'Pelior 8 100 ILLI"-OI~. ORLE ,\'\S A'\D I{J', (s'>BURY '>TS CIDCAGO

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1930-05-05

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Pnnhn>; [ n~:ern mg Ofhct' S.1ppht' l oo-e le ,f

form• Bmder' l:.t~

264 East Merchant Street

Telephone 406 Kankakee, Ill.


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ElectncJan• for St VIato r College r , I' )~ r I

Ill til Cl )Jl \\t:ll lt \(.U n I Jl I Telephone 995 I ·11 I l I I '

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ll)lllld \\hen 1 ll J" to th ,. Jmd <.,cctK n !nil Llu1c.;.t 1t \\Ill ~o h t.. to J... "1. h.ctn

•cnckrr:-1 Aht..Tn hLipk...,s fh( fn,ht" t ... (h. h,..,ht 10 plJ\10, thf- rut ... Jlc lmf'>

\\Jli!Ull J hl 1\\lrtlul t )" 1l n on "1. t ehnl("ll TO Uh tOVLI'\l E D lh h · n..., um rt.,Jn 11 \-.I uric In

tLnl ll th l:tn "'JIH I rn th t u1 h.,(.n (Jotha .. t llJJ, 1n 1C..\ dc.d<:.Jon Annual Retreat 1 n rth 1 ctu < l1t ... t 11.., 1\llllll ... f om ·\1 lnl1 C l thu1 ptlul up 1n

t Jln 1.., 111 1 .,l nd the '>lt1l n on ul\ lc.1d o 1 l <' lnl'i 1nt1 uck 1t ' 1'::."\- During Holy Week tht pi!\ 1.., if Lit Jt t he lCUIJlll11t11lC, In th hill! IQtllld \\hen \] \\1<., I 0 ((..o n tmuul fi om Pdge 1 )

11 1! II h1 1 th Jll (<.;:hl ll"ln,., \\Ill t.")l1 tllrl to cL 111\ Inn...,

tmu 111 "Ill( ot tl lht 1nl\ -:t 1rtc 111Ht. 1111 \\111 1 \IJ) t• o,c i to bt. thP lulJc..., I liP the. btpL .. mtl font 'l.l1ll thP Pl<:.

In thltlh '-lll lllllntmntc, \\Ill 1fflll L th C\Cillll~ -\llutlcn.., mel 1...h:ll Cu1dlF.. ulm thr tclthtttlon Of

dtl\\ tlH c llt. t.., th t ](.c,ue to hnc Tel'' c..l c 1 pu ... h(..(l tncl c.hntht>tl for thtE>C. ;;,tiemn Jlt~h \lt<:. o:. tl thL do-,c lhc..

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l uc..<.lln~ Al the clr..,r oL th\ hlult,IC.ll

nho:.e1, "l.n< e... F l.lltu ' I 1.r:, u11 t. 1nnuunc

n t m(l U 1 t un 1 - t b : o ... Ltc.m tlr CIO\Hl

Last Fight Show Of the Year Successful

\(ontllluul lt om P u. .. t:. 1 )

lu Juntl\ 1111\\IC "' tl\\hn

h IHllltctlfelcl\\nr Jrtl ln.., unt

( lU-.t l\\o,.nl\ I \l ..,(.(.011 lc,

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,.., th\. nu...,ht\ "\lu-,c.J ~I ulm mc.t tlv I t ll0\\1 I I t...,·ln ll"' l I 11 Hull lht-

11. hlln lt ..,hmtn I ttnl t CU.., Ft.h- \u

thk \ lim he I tnt l lht IIIH. I ill ted t

t \\tl ft 111 hh<>h ulth. t lhch-:.ln.., IIull1

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ll ~ l

' h \ tt. ... 1 ,.., l h

lll1 t 01 1 u l'

1 n .... '- .. h 1 Lit

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, ill.

Cleanmg Pre ... mg Reprunng Prompt and EfflClent Sen'lc<

through our agent-

:'IIR E.l\ '\1!'\GER

Room 219 Roy HaL

\Jl 111 111 '"' t t'l 1 11Klmcd to ..,1\· ( tht

P tim t. l o hill tnd Hull In .tll the

h_ht._ ~o I u thL h- I c \"' <.,f( m 1 b1t rd the ch.H .... f tht-- C::.p1m~ \ "1.<. 1tton

111 I Ill• hnrd to t lht- tl m~._ E 1':>\ th tn 1nd 1.... n~r Hulllf 1 tht. ~tu l~"nt-.. -- n thf-'11

thE fh\\Ct~hto:. 'fhc. h - ntc.o;, h 1t much 1 Ultnu 'lnl -:,.-1{.-,aot!Jre m makm~

l 11 lc1 Lh ln the 'Lun~>:.tcrc, 1.nd It...un the. 1• t1r-H -.o ., Hl'h F1thc.r \ 1lc.

tc lhpLet c1ch othu muL11 c, cnL.t II IUS then "-P J ... e t fc" "otd'> antl c.loCJcd

PI nnent bf-,1.11 t:> ''' tl c l fltel.l \\tlh th{ PlP .l.l rlt-:.<:.m.;

Be a Builder of St. Join the Extension

Help Ra1~e T he

Viator Club

Million Dollar Endowment by outnght gilt, msurance, bequest or annuity You can ge t 6 "'c on your money and leave the

capi tal for the Endowment

TI 11te for p':lrtlcuhrs to

St. Viator College Extension Club Incorporated

19 39 Straus Bldg , 3 1 0 S Michigan Ave Chicago, Ill. Telephone Wabash 2 72 7

J P 0 l\1ahoney, Treasurer

~---------------------------------- !

Leave Your Laundry and Dry Cleaning With


Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners


D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practtce Limited to


Bell Telephone 253

602 City National Bank Bldg.

KANKAKEE PURE MILK CO. Milk and Cream Bulgarious Butter M k


Always Dnnk Pasteunzed M1lk Our Wagons Pass You Door Every Mornmg Before You Have Breakfast

Both Phones 45 DRJNK MJIC

McBroom's Cafe First Class Restaura Established 1908

Meals, Short Orders, Specials and 'Confectio !I Private Dining Room for Banquets and Parties



Insurance, Loans and Bonds

605-606 Volkman Bldg.

Compliments of

OSCAR "FOXY" BYRON Bourbonnais, Illinois

IDEAL SWEETS CO. Manufacturers of

IDEAL. ''That Good Ice Cream"

V\.nolesale Confectionery and FoUIJtain Supplies