st. bartholomew sb.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. for those...

ST. BARTHOLOMEW Armley, with ST. Mary of Bethany New Wortley APRIL 2020 Read the latest in these unprecedented times! (No hard copies available) Our Mission is: To extend the kingdom of Christ, by showing His love to all those with whom we come into contact.

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Page 1: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

ST. BARTHOLOMEW Armley, with

ST. Mary of Bethany New Wortley



Read the latest in these unprecedented times!

(No hard copies available)

Our Mission is:

To extend the

kingdom of Christ, by

showing His love to

all those with whom

we come into contact.

Page 2: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

The Vicar’s Letter Dear Friends,

There has never been a time quite like this and pray God, there never will be again. When

have the churches ever had to close, I suspect never. When have we ever been told that it is

unsafe to be in the company of someone, probably never since the Great Plague of 1665, so

there is little wonder that people are afraid, confused and bewildered?

I am writing this on the Feast of the Annunciation (March 25th) the day we are told that Jesus

is to come into the waiting world by the message of the Angel Gabriel to Mary. One of the

sentences I have read today says “Lowliness was taken by majesty, weakness by strength,

morality by eternity.” That sentence talks about the lowliness, weakness and mortality taken

by Jesus but I think it really says something about where we are now.

As we move towards Holy Week and Easter we see even more fully the lowliness, weakness

and mortality of the One who came to put it all right. This year more than ever we are

contemplating those three features as the virus among us comes to be seen as the great


Coronavirus may be totally consuming at the moment but given the history of our individual

lives, the history of our nation and the history of the world it is actually as nothing and a

brighter dawn will break. I know I have used this many times before and I make no apology

for using it again. Probably my favourite Easter hymn is “A brighter dawn is breaking” with

the words of the last verse being: In sickness give us healing,

In doubt thy clear revealing,

That praise to thee be given

In earth as in thy heaven.

At this rather strange time those simple words make a very profound prayer.

I have been told tonight that Fr Jeffrey John, the Dean of St Albans Cathedral, has announced

(not by the message of an angel but on Youtube) that Easter will surely happen, it will just be

a little delayed this year.

In these dark times let us all eagerly await the joys of the Resurrection, even though they may

be a little delayed.

With love and prayers for health and safety and the coming of the great feast.

Fr Michael



Departed Pray for the repose of the souls departed,

for their families, friends and loved ones:

Jose Brewer, Alan Walker

“Rest eternal grant unto them, and let light perpetual shine upon them”

Page 3: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

Sent to all parishioners, via churchwardens,

from the Archdeacon of Leeds, the Ven. Paul Ayers:

Things have developed rapidly since I wrote to you as churchwarden last week, so I thought I

should get in touch again to see how you are getting on.

Today’s readings are Exodus 4.27-6.1 and Hebrews 10.19-25.

How ironic! The writer to the Hebrews says we should not neglect to meet together, as is the

habit of some… That’s precisely what is so frustrating at the moment.

I am bewildered by my empty diary. I love nothing more than meeting with my fellow

Christians. Most of my work time is with others, with colleagues in the office, with various

groups to plan and review work, and especially in one-to-one meetings with fellow clergy. I

love visiting the clergy in their homes, just to listen about how things are going and offer

mutual support. I love visiting parishes to meet churchwardens and PCCs, and to preach and

preside at services.

The apostle Paul communicated by letters, of course, but he spent much of his time travelling

to see people. For example, he wrote to the Thessalonians, As for us, brothers and sisters,

when, for a short time, we were made orphans by being separated from you—in person, not

in heart—we longed with great eagerness to see you face to face. (1 Thess 2:17)

In one of the dusty corners of the New Testament, the Second and Third Letters of John, we

read the same feeling: Although I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper

and ink; instead, I hope to come to you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be

complete (2 Jn v.12, cf 3 Jn v.13)

The word for meeting together is ‘episynagoge’, literally ‘synagoguing’. It reminds us that

our relationship with God, which is always deeply personal and individual, is also always

lived in relationship with others.

So despite the restrictions, I know that you church leaders across Leeds have instantly found

ways to keep in touch. You are using phone, text, email, and video conferencing to do what

Hebrews says: Let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds…

encouraging one another.

And some of us are finding more time for the exhortation earlier in this passage: let us

approach God with a true heart in full assurance of faith… (Heb 10:22). We have more time

for prayer and study of the Scriptures. I notice that it was Pharaoh, the enemy of God’s

people, who thought that ‘time is money’. He was furious that worship was not economically

productive, just an excuse not to work. But you shall require of them the same quantity of

bricks as they have made previously; do not diminish it, for they are lazy; that is why they

cry, “Let us go and offer sacrifice to our God.” (Ex 5:8). It may be that some of us can’t

make ‘bricks without straw’ while we are confined to staying at home. But Pharaoh was

wrong. If we use some of that time to draw closer to God for ourselves and for others, that is

time well spent.

We do all this in the light of God’s eternal life. This disease crisis reminds us of our mortality

– and surely Christians have something to say about that. It’s the Gospel promises of

resurrection on the Day of the Lord that lie behind the exhortations in Hebrews (…and all the

more as you see the Day approaching v.25). The previous chapter puts it bluntly and

powerfully: And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once, and after that the judgement,

so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not

to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him (10:27-28).

Page 4: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

• Let’s use some of this enforced ‘sabbath’ (those of us to whom this applies) to draw

close to God.

• Let’s keep trusting God who has always been reliable (v.23).

• Let’s keep encouraging each other – especially those who are even more busy

because of the crisis.

Thank you, as always, for all your prayer and work. If you have any particular concerns or

questions that you think I might be able to help with, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Every blessing,



Get the Government to Pay

for the Church’s Upkeep! Use Gift Aid if you are a Tax Payer and are

making any sort of monetary gift to the church.

Whenever you see:-

‘Please tick here to use Gift Aid’ Tick the box!

Result: The Government give your charity

(the church) an extra 25% from their

own pocket!

And, Collect as You Buy!

If you shop on-line, first visit

‘’ and select

‘St. Bartholomew’s Church – Armley’

as your cause.

Enter ‘easy fundraising’.

Result: You pay the same and the stores give

various amounts up to 10% back to the church!

See Jon Kaye, or Thelma Collins for details.

Page 5: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

STATIONS OF THE CROSS A station is simply a place to stop, as you look at the pictures let your mind stop and spend a moment reflecting.

The First Station—Jesus is Condemned We think of all who administer justice and especially those who abuse their power After each reflection I love you Jesus, my love above all things; I repent with my whole heart of having offended you. Never allow me to separate myself from you again. Grant that I may love you always, the do with me what you will. The Second Station—Jesus Receives his Cross. We think of all who are disabled, of those who have a cross to carry in life. The Third Station—Jesus Falls for the First Time We think of all whose faith has lapsed and those who try to prevent others from having faith

Page 6: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

The Fourth Station—Jesus Meets his Mother We think of all mothers and the responsibilities they have for their children and for all who support the young The Fifth Station—Simon helps Jesus to Carry the Cross We think of all who work voluntarily especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus We think of all who care for the needs of the sick and those who help those who are oppressed. For all who sooth all who are in distress The Seventh Station—Jesus Falls for the Second Time We think of all who do not acknowledge their own weaknesses and for those who have fallen through addictions.

Page 7: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

The Eighth Station—Jesus Speaks to the Women of Jerusalem We think of all who are victims of domestic violence and abuse The Ninth Station—Jesus Falls for the Third Time We think of our own faithfulness that we may not fall in our faith during times of trial and tribulation The Tenth Station—Jesus is Stripped We think of the poor and the homeless, of those who struggle on benefits. Of all who have lost their dignity The Eleventh Station– Jesus is Nailed to the Cross We think of all who live in constant pain and for all who willingly hurt others through their actions

Page 8: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

The Twelfth Station—Jesus Dies on the Cross We think of our own needs and our own mortality The Thirteenth Station-Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross We think of all who mourn for the loss of a loved one especially for parents mourning the loss of a child The Fourteenth Station—Jesus is Placed in the Tomb We think of all who have died, for funeral directors and those who work in cemeteries and crematoria The Fifteenth Station—The Resurrection of Jesus We give thanks for our life in Christ and we remember all who bring hope into the world

Page 9: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

St Bartholomew’s Armley


We have been informed by the latest statement from the government that

churches must be closed with immediate effect. This is a cause of sadness but

we have no choice but to comply with government instruction.

The mass will continue to be said and prayers will continue to be offered for the

parish, for the sick and for the benefit of God’s people. If there is anything you

would like remembering in prayer or at times of extremis do please let me know

0113 2797 766 or [email protected]

On the website are links to the Church of England Daily Prayer and to

Universalis Daily Prayer. The readings for each Sunday will be posted and so will

the pew-sheet with the names of the sick and the years’ mind so that those

whom we care about can still be remembered. Let me know if there is anyone

who would need anything posted out to them.

Especially keep in touch with those who we know to be vulnerable and offer

them what support you can so that no one feels as though they are being


Fr Michael


Contact – 0113 2797766

email address: [email protected]

St. Bartholomew’s Church, Armley, Leeds LS12 1SR

Church website:

Schulze organ website:

Page 10: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus


APRIL No services or meetings in the church or the church hall until further notice



At the end of last year, I wrote an article in this magazine about making a will. I’d like to

make a bet that you thought that you should at the time, but haven’t quite got around to doing

anything about it yet.

If you do decide that now is the right time, then please consider leaving a gift in your will to

St. Bartholomew’s Church. You can be sure that it will be used to good effect.

St. Bartholomew’s Legacy Policy

Here at St.Bartholomew’s, we welcome all gifts in wills, however, large or small, and we

promise to use your gift to make a difference in our parish.

Our PCC Legacy Policy is to use gifts to help fund significant development projects, however

large or small, and whether buildings or equipment.

Since needs change over the years, we encourage you to leave a gift in your will for the

general purposes of the parish rather than for a restricted purpose. We will discuss possible

uses of your gift you’re your executors when the time comes, bearing in mind your known

areas of interest in the church (e.g. music, buildings, children and youth, overseas mission or

aid) and the church’s priorities at the time.

You can be confident that your gift will be used to make a real difference to our future

mission and ministry.

We will acknowledge gifts in whatever way the donor and/or his/her executors feel most

appropriate to. Equally, we can make sure that gifts remain anonymous if the donor prefers.

If you would like to talk to someone in confidence about the sorts of purposes your gift might

fund, and how/if you would like your gift to be acknowledged, please contact:

Canon Fr. Michael Wood, our Priest-in-charge on 0113 279 77766

If you would like to make a gift to our church in memory of a loved one, please do come and

discuss this with us too. Jon Kaye


Corrections and Clarifications.

In last month’s magazine, the heading for the Mass held on

2nd February should have been ‘Candlemass, Mass & Parade’, not ‘Mothering Sunday, &

Parade’. Apologies for the confusion this will have caused many of our readers.

(Expect more errors, editor isn’t getting any younger. Perhaps it’s worth reading the

magazine even more carefully to spot these far from deliberate mistakes.) Ed.

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Sunday, 19th April, after Mass


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Meetings are held in the Scout & Guide Headquarters Wesley Road, Armley, Leeds LS12 1SR

For boys & girls aged six & seven Meet FRIDAYS 18:00 to 19:30

For boys and girls aged eight to ten Meet MONDAYS 19:00 TO 20:30

For boys and girls aged ten to fifteen Meet THURSDAYS 19:15 to 21:15

Support Group

For people aged fifteen to twenty See West Leeds District Scout Web site for details Aged 18 or over. Meetings are held in St. Bartholomew’s Social Club 3rd TUESDAY in the month 20:00 to 22:00

Contacts: Beavers Josh Ketteringham 2797678

Cubs Nigel Kent 0789 5303 549

Scouts, Explorer Ron Pilkington 2630144

Group matters Avril Threapleton 2630900

or email: [email protected]

Page 14: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

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Page 15: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus


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Page 16: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus

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Page 17: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus
Page 18: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus
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Page 20: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus


Featuring the Armley Schulze Organ

restored Harrison & Harrison 2004



But, hopefully ……..

Summer Bank Holiday, 31st August, 11:00

Stefan Kag (Herforder Munster, Germany)

Programme to be announced

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Page 22: ST. BARTHOLOMEW SB.pdf · especially for those who support asylum seekers and refugees. For those share the burdens of others. The Sixth Station—Veronica Wipes the face of Jesus



Mrs.Thelma Collins

L.R.A.M, L.G.S.M.

Tel: 0780 8443 354

email: [email protected]

Child Protection Officer

Mrs. Avril Threapleton


[email protected]

P.C.C.Treasurer & ACS


Mr. Jonathan Kaye B.Pharm.

Tel: 2636745

email: [email protected]

Electoral Roll Officer

Mr. D. Threapleton

Tel: 2630900


[email protected]

Lay Rep.Churches Together L12

Mrs. Jean Smith

Tel: 2790661

email: [email protected]


Prof. Graham Barber

B.A., M.Mus., F.R.C.O.

Tel: 0142 3871365

email:[email protected]

Mothers’ Union

Miss Brenda Nichols

email: [email protected]


Please submit all articles to

Fr. Michael or Thelma

by the 15th of the month.

e-mail: [email protected]