st. michael catholic parish - livermore,...

St. Michael Catholic Parish Where we celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people. Receive Texts & Emails at We’re Social! 458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 925-447-1585 St Michael School 925-447-1888

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Page 1: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

St. Michael Catholic Parish Where we celebrate the sacraments, grow disciples, and bring Christ to people.

Receive Texts & Emails at We’re Social!

458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 925-447-1585 St Michael School 925-447-1888

Page 2: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

Jesus came in the most unexpected of ways; the King of Kings was born in a manger as a baby. His coming was not shouted from the roo ops, nor did he come as a great warrior, like so many of the Jewish people expected. Since Jesus’s birth was concealed from most of the world, Italian crèches highlight this aspect of the Na vity. Unlike American Na-

vity scenes, they are extremely busy and showcase an en re village; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are not the prominent or central figures. The Italian crèche allows us to really un-derstand how Jesus came. He was hidden. His coming was humble, and it took a journey of faith and trust to find him. The magi in today’s Gospel had the wisdom and openness to see the light of the star and follow it. They were on watch, just as we were dur-ing Advent, and had a heart willing to follow the light that they saw. They set aside the tasks of daily life in order to worship the Messiah. Are we willing to do the same in our own lives? Do we seek Christ, and when we find him, do we worship him and pay him homage?

Isaiah 60:1–6 The Church understands this text from Isaiah as poin ng prophe cally to the Adora on of the Magi, which we celebrate on this feast of Epipha-ny, meaning “manifesta on.” “Your light has come,” Isaiah says, “the glory of the Lord shines upon you.” Indeed, light is a prominent theme in the Liturgy during this dark and cold

me of the year. Isaiah con nues, saying, “Na ons shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radi-

ance.” Let’s delve into this a li le further. On this solemn feast, it is precisely kings who walk by God’s shining ra-diance. The light of course comes from the star of Bethlehem. But what—or who—is the star? Christ is not only the babe born at Bethle-hem, but the Light of the World. In Revela on 22:16, St. John records Our Lord closing the revela on with

these words: “I, Jesus, sent my angel to give you this tes mony for the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning star.” Christ is both the babe lying below the star, and also the star that shines above. The light of the star that guides the Wise Men symbolizes the light that Christ casts by his coming into the dark of this world.

Ephesians 3:2–3a, 5–6 In St. Paul’s le er to the Ephesians, we see an expression of the fulfill-ment of the prophecy which the Ma-gi represent. The specific role that the Gen les (non-Jews) are to play is revealed in the living prophecy of the Wise Men. The Magi from the East come to pay homage not mere-

ly to the King of the Jews but to the universal King of the Na ons—the King of Kings. That Christ is the King of all mankind is not finally made clear, however, un l a er the birth of the infant Church and the special revela ons given to Sts. Peter and Paul that direct them to extend the Church to the Gen les. The early Church probably reflected on the Jewish Scriptures in the light of these new revela ons and realized that God’s promise to Israel had been a universal promise from the beginning. The first covenants were, a er all, universal. The covenants with Adam at crea on and with Noah a er the flood were intended to extend to the whole of the human family—all the descendants of those two covenant mediators. It is not un l Abraham that God chooses one people to me-diate his covenantal love to the rest of mankind. At every step of salva-

on history, however, God’s over-tures to his creatures are frustrated by human sin. So, finally, he sends his only Son who can act as the per-fect Mediator between God and man because he is both God and man.

Ma hew 2:1–12 The Wise Men le their homes in the East in search of the Messiah, which means “anointed one” in He-brew. Since the kings of Israel were anointed with oil like David (1 Samu-el 16), it was assumed that the Mes-siah would be a great king. David was called God’s anointed precisely because he was Israel’s king. The Wise Men followed a star, from which they inferred that the great

Page 3: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

King of Israel had been born. The next obvious ques on is, how did they know from the appearance of a star that the Messiah of Israel had been born? The answer may be found in the sto-ry of Balaam from the Book of Num-bers. The similari es between the two stories are striking. For example, Balaam happens to be a Magi from the East. The wicked King of Moab hired Balaam to use his magic to curse Israel. But every me Balaam a empted to curse Israel, he u ered a blessing instead. The Spirit of God came upon Balaam and, in blessing Israel, he prophesied that one day a star would come out of Israel signify-ing the coming of a great king as sym-bolized by a scepter. Many believe that the prophecy of Balaam was kept by his descendants—fellow Ma-gi—and, eventually, on to the three who visited Jesus.

As we reflect on the Magi’s journey of faith to meet Christ, let us consider how we can follow the light of Christ in our own life. Please take a few minutes and listen to Jim Beckman’s

insight into today’s Gospel by playing the Opening the Word video on In today’s Second Reading, St. Paul tells the Ephesians that the mystery of salva on is being revealed to them in a way unlike ever before. Salva on had been proclaimed for ages to the Jewish people, but it was never known how salva on would come to them. When have you been surprised by the way something worked out? Is it hard to trust that everything will “work out” in the end? Do you re-main hopeful and place your trust in the Lord when situa ons arise that you don’t have control over? In today’s Gospel, we hear of the journey of the Magi to meet the Christ Child. Their journey is one of great faith— though they are not Jewish, they have studied enough to recognize the star that leads them to the coming of the Savior as a new-born boy. As we can imagine, this is probably not what they expected to see. However, the wise Magi were able to recognize the King of Kings in a ny infant. Finally, they disobey a powerful ruler and change their route home because of a dream.

What provoked the Magi to begin this journey in the first place? Where in your life do you need to trust God as the Magi did?

Allegorically, the gi s of the magi signify the mystery of Christ incar-nate. Gold, a symbol of royalty, rep- resents the kingship of Jesus. Frank-incense, used in the worship of God, points to his divinity. Myrrh, a burial ointment, signifies the humanity of Christ, especially in his Passion and Death. Morally, the treasures signify the gi s we present to Christ in our daily lives. Gold is Christ’s wisdom, which shines in us, frankincense is the prayer and adora on we give him, and myrrh is our daily self-sacrifices (Igna us Catholic Study Bi-ble, 9).

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This Opening the Word reflec on by has been printed with permission from Augus ne Ins tute. Download this week’s Opening the Word prayer journal at

Page 4: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

To arrange a Mass inten on, please visit the Church Office.


Intentions Saturday 1/6

8:30am 5:00pm 7:00pm

Reinaldo Bustos Angel & Shirley Valenton Be y Taylor Aurora G. & Noli Tamase Uriel Cruz Benjamin Morales

Sunday 1/7

6:45am 8:00am 9:30am 11:00am 12:30pm 6:00pm

Ramiro Rezendiz Sofia & Hector Hernandez Lillian Hart Rosita Bamba Frances Sebben Carol Anne Bradley Jacob Benson Alfredo Camero Tanisha Renee Ismai Rene Alip

Monday 1/8


Mary Vinh Dinh Brendan Riley

Tuesday 1/9

8:30am The Souls in Purgatory

Wednesday 1/10

8:30am 7:00pm

Elizabeth Taylor Alberto Rojas

Thursday 1/11


Val Sepic Mary Kelly

Friday 1/12


Glen Renfro The Moriarty Family Parish Prayer Requests

For the many requests in the Book of Inten ons in our Chapel Please send your prayer requests to [email protected]

The readings today tell us of the grace we have received in having the opportunity to meet Christ. We, like the Magi, have the chance to meet him face-to-face. We can find him in every Tabernacle and have the priv-ilege to bow down before him and offer him our hearts. Let’s take some

me to be er understand the story of the Magi and how we can follow their example of faith and adora on of Our Lord. Prayer Medita on When the Magi arrived at the place where Jesus was born, they immedi-ately recognized him as their Savior, “[falling] down and [worshipping] him” (Ma hew 2:11). They saw this innocent child, their Lord, and offered him their best gi s—gold, frankincense, and myrrh. What gi s do you have to offer to Christ? Do you offer to him from your excess or do you offer him all that you are? As you heard Jim Beckman explain in the Opening the Word video on, the best you can give to Jesus is your very self—your heart. Have you offered it to him? What is holding you back from giving the infant Jesus your heart today? Resolu on The story of the Magi’s journey is truly remarkable. They are an example of a profound humility and trust in God. What area, of the four Jim spoke of, do you need to focus on this week? To refresh your memory, the first way we can model the example of the Magi is to do our part in studying and learning the Faith. The second is by prac cing humility and being open to what God wants to show us, especially when it isn’t part of our own plan. The third is to detach from the busyness of our daily lives and follow Christ. And finally, offer your heart to Christ. Don’t hold back from giving him your best. He longs for you, just as you are. Make a commitment to choose one of the four a ributes of the Wise Men to live out this week.

Page 5: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

Distribu on of St. Michael Centennial Directories will be a er the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am Masses and be-fore the 12:30 pm Mass in the breezeway near the Chapel on Jan 14 and 21.

Stop by the newly remodeled hall next week (Sunday, January 14) from 7:30 am – 1:00 pm for a Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast. All proceeds will go to the students’ annual Science Camp which is a highlight of the academic year. Enjoy a great meal served by the students and please make a generous contribu on. Also note the longer run me that allows 11 am mass a endees to eat a er mass.

I wish to thank all of our support staff who were involved in preparing the St. Michael Parish Christmas Liturgies. It takes a lot of planning, months before the great celebra on of Christmas. We are so blessed with talented and gi ed lay ministers who work behind the scenes to bring everything togeth-er. Liturgical planners, music, decora-tors, lectors, Eucharis c ministers, al-tar servers, office staff, communica-

on team, welcome ministry, ushers & greeters, maintenance, custodial, all come together to make St. Michael Parish so special. We owe them our apprecia on and thanks.

We welcomed many visitors over these holidays and welcomed new families who came to know St. Mi-chael Parish as home. I wish to invite you to add a New Year’s resolu on to you list. Keep your faith growing by a ending the Alpha dinner on January 9th or subscribing to See this bulle n or visit for infor-ma on. We all need to keep our faith growing! Now that the renovated Hall is open thanks to the generosity of the Paul Marco e family. Golden Friends will have returned to having the monthly Mass and lunch. This is great me to reach out and extend an invita on to our seniors who may not have par ci-pated in the past. This is another op-portunity to welcome home those seniors who have been away. We thank you, our parish family, for your Christmas and con nued Sunday

financial support. This is our parish and all of us together make St. Mi-chael Parish what it is today. Building on the legacy that others have given us, we are called to make our contri-bu ons of prayer, evangeliza on, fi-nancial support. Finally, I wish to thank those who made my 35th Anniversary of Ordina-

on Celebra on, Mass & Recep on such an exci ng event. Again, so many worked behind the scenes. Li-turgical Ministries, Welcoming Com-mi ee, the Knights of Columbus and all who gave of their me and talent. I gratefully appreciate everything you did for me. We have such a wonderful parish. Pray for our parish and keep Father Van in our prayers. God bless you. Deacon Dave Rezendes Pastoral Administrator

Due to the holiday off-hours, please watch for the collec on reports for the last few weeks in next week’s bulle n. Thank you!

Page 6: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

The Bap sm of the Lord

Readings: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Mk 1:7-11

Events: Training for New Readers at 7 pm in the Church sacristy.

Listen to The King is Born with your children on a mixture of tradi onal and new songs that fill the heart with worship and praise.

Readings: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25; Mk 1:40-45 Events: Bible Study on the Mass begins in the Convent. This 5-session series will meet on Thursdays from January 11-February 8 at 6:30 pm in the Convent. Contact Ken at [email protected] CYO Track sign ups for 3rd-8th grad-ers at 6:30 pm in the Hall

MONDAY, JAN 8 TUESDAY, JAN 9 WEDNESDAY, JAN 10 First Week in Ordinary Time begins

Readings: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 Events: Alpha Dinner at 6:30 pm in the Small Hall. Enjoy a free dinner with live music, watch a video about the ba-sics of Chris anity and engage in conversa on.


Readings: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10; Mk 1:29-39

Events: Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Awareness Poster Contest en-tries due by 10 am at St Michael School.

Puzzles Ministry meets at 6 pm in the Ed Center Conference Room.

Readings: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Events: Prepare for Sunday Mass by listening to the Opening the Word reflec on for Sunday, January 14 “Hearing and Seeing Spirituality” on Download the guide to use as a spir-itual journal for the upcoming week.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42

Events: Tradi onal La n Mass returns to St Michael’s. As part of our Centennial celebra on, we will offer the tradi-

onal La n Mass every second Sun-day at 8:00 am, from January through June. This is an opportunity to expe-rience the same Mass that parishion-ers at St Michael’s celebrated in this same building from 1918 through about 1970. Find out more here: n


St. Hilary

Readings: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17

Events: Confession at 9:15 am and 3:45 pm in English and 6:15 pm in Spanish

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Page 7: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

Sat, Jan 27, 12:30-2:30 pm Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco WANTED: 100 Pro-Life Parishioners from St Michael Parish to Walk! Join over 50,000 advocates for life from all over California at the 14th Annual Walk for Life West Coast in San Francisco on January 27, 2018. There will be Mass at 8:30 am at St. Michael's, followed by a rosary and hospitality in the courtyard. The rally begins at 12:30 PM in San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza, and the Walk begins at 1:30 PM. Visit for more in-forma on. Please join the communi es of St. Michael and St. Charles for the walk. We will assemble for the march at 1:00 PM on Grove St., between Larkin St. and Polk St. Look for the St. Michael banner. For ques ons, email [email protected].

Sat, Feb 10, 4 pm—11 pm Robert Livermore Community Center Join us for the best crab and pasta in town, live enter-tainment, dancing, raffles and auc ons! All proceeds go to Knights of Columbus chari es. Tickets sold a er Mass or by calling Mark & Claire at 925-443-5873 $55 per person

Wed, Jan 31 Asbury United Methodist Church St. Michael’s Parish provides volunteers every 5th Wednesday at Open Heart Kitchen, Tri Valley’s free hot meal service for those in need. Volunteers pre-pare the food on site as directed by the Open Heart Kitchen staff, set tables, serve the food, organize donated items and clean up a erwards. There are two shi s: 9:30 am-11:45 am and 11:45 am-2:00 pm. To volunteer, contact Diane Schord at [email protected] or 925-447-4344

Register by Wed, Jan 17 Come join the Golden Friends for a trip to Thunder Valley Casino on Feb 7. The price of $28 includes round trip bus fare, $15 slot play and $5 in food. Reserva ons and payment due by January 17. Make checks payable to St. Michael Church, please. Contact Wilma [email protected] or call 925-447-8198.

Mon, Jan 22, 7:00-8:30 pm St Joan of Arc Church There are endless examples of the Blessed Virgin Mary in pain ng, sculp-ture, and other forms. But those made especially for places where she has appeared to the faithful are a special category that a empt to cap-ture what the original “seers” experi-enced at specific mes and places. This slide lecture will look at evidence from Fa ma, Portugal, Lourdes, France, and Guadalupe, Mexico. It will be led by Barbara Mitchell, a PhD art historian and member of St. Mi-chael Parish in Livermore. Dr. Mitch-ell is also a docent at the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland. All are welcome.

Page 8: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

St. Michael Community, I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s. Thank you to our clergy, staff, ministries and all of our wonderful volunteers for your con nued love and dedica on to our St Michael community. I con nue to appreciate the outpouring of support and prayers as our dedicated staff works hard to serve and meet the needs of our growing community. I want to also thank our Pastoral Coun-cil, Facili es Commi ee and Finance Council who provide countless hours to serve and advise. Through God’s blessings and through all of your efforts, we had some great accomplishments in 2017. A few highlights from 2017 include the fol-lowing: • The comple on of our Hall re-

model through the very generous

dona on from Paul Marco e and his family.

• Exterior pain ng of our beau ful Church and our St. Michael School buildings.

• Revamp of our key system for our school and rectory buildings to provide improved security for our facili es.

• A new ministry room with the latest technology to open in a few weeks in our Educa on Center building.

Since I started a year ago, I've grown to deeply love this truly wonderful community and feel extremely blessed to minister and serve with all of you. We s ll have much to do as we prepare to celebrate the Centen-nial Anniversary of our Church build-ing and con nue to make facility im-provements and fixes. Through your con nued prayers, volunteerism and financial support, together we will do great things in 2018. May God con nue to bless you and your family. God bless. Eric D. Hom Business Manager - St. Michael Parish [email protected] 925.667.4052

OVERVIEW: Responsible for gree ng parishioners and helping them with their inquiries, answering telephone calls and provid-ing a variety of other clerical services. The Sunday Office Helper will report directly to the Parish Business Man-ager. RESPONSIBILITIES • Assist parishioners with their

needs and inquiries. • Answer telephone inquiries. • Enter Weekly Collec on envelope

contribu ons into Parish Data Systems (PDS).

• Perform a range of clerical func-ons including, but not limited to

filing, photo copying, and data entry as needed.

For the full job descrip on, please see If interested, please email Eric Hom, Business Manager at [email protected] or call 925-667-4052.

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession Forgiven explores the grace and heal-ing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God’s love. By looking at God’s revela on of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examina on of the Rite itself, Forgiven communicates God’s invita-

on to each one of us to come expe-rience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. Join us at 6:30 pm in the Large Hall for three nights exploring the Sacra-ment of Confession. Our mission se-ries will culminate with the Parish Reconcilia on Service in the Church. Thursday, February 15: Session 1 – Where are You? Thursday, February 22: Session 2 – An Encounter with Mercy Tuesday, February 27: Session 3 – The Rite Explained Tuesday, March 6: Parish Reconcilia-

on Service at 6:30 pm in the Church Please save these dates on your calendar. Watch for registra on instruc ons coming soon!

Page 9: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

La Misa tradicional en la n volverá a San Miguel, en el segundo domingo de cada mes, a las 8:00 AM., desde enero a junio. Esto es parte de los festejos del 100 aniversario de nuestra iglesia, y una oportunidad para celebrar la misa de la misma manera que las personas lo hicieron en esta Iglesia de San Miguel durante años. Es también una oportunidad, para que nuestras diver-sas culturas étnicas se unan en adoración. Tendremos misales disponibles con traducción del la n al español, para que podamos seguir las oraciones en la n. Obtenga su cuenta gra s usando código parroquial P4XNPZ

Hoy Isaías le recuerda al pueblo de Dios que recuperará su erra, que se alegrará al ver que las personas re-gresan del cau verio del exilio y que será una luz para todos los pueblos. En otras palabras, por medio del pueblo de Israel, el Salvador llegará a todos los pueblos que buscan a Dios con un corazón sincero. Esto traerá la alegría y el resplandor de la gloria de Dios a todo el mundo y a todos los pueblos. Gracias a la fidelidad del pueblo de Dios y, gracias a la fideli-dad de Dios con ellos, todos serán sus hijos y se alegrarán con el cumpli-miento de su promesa a Israel.

Primera lectura -- ¡Levántate y brilla, Jerusalén! La gloria del Señor aman-eció sobre (Isaías 60:1-6). Salmo -- Se postrarán ante , Señor, todos los pueblos de la erra (Salmo 72 [71]). Segunda lectura -- El misterio de que los gen les son coherederos, socios en la promesa en Jesucristo, se ha dado a conocer a los hombres (Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6). Evangelio -- Magos del oriente llegaron, diciendo: "¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha nacido?" (Mateo 2:1-12).

Page 10: St. Michael Catholic Parish - Livermore, · in order to worship the Messiah. ... Uriel Cruz Benjamin

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Mon-Sat | Lu-Sa 8:30 am Wed | Mi 7:00 pm (español) Sat Vigil | Vigilia del Sábado 5:00 pm (English), 7:00 pm (español) Sunday | Domingo 6:45 am, 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 12:30 pm (español), 6:00 pm Sign Language | Lenguaje por Señas 1st Sun, 11:00 am Primer domingo a las 11:00 am Vietnamese | Vietnamita 4th Sun, 3:30 pm Cuarto domingo a las 3:30 pm

Saturday, in the church | Sábado en la iglesia 9:00 am & 3:45 pm in English 6:15 pm en español 1st & 3rd Wed in the Convent Chapel, at 2:30 pm in English

1st Saturday a er 8:30 am Mass or by appointment: 925-447-1585 | 1er sábado después de las 8:30 am Misa o con cita previa: 925-447-1585

24/7 in the Chapel. For a er hours access code, call 925-980-4826 | 24/7 en la Capilla. Para el código de acceso después de las horas, llame al 925-980-4826

Rev. Van Dinh, Pastor Rev. Alfonso Borgen, Parochial Vicar Rev. David Staal, Associate Rev. Alfred Amos, In Residence Rev. Stanislaus Poon, Re red Rev. Deacon Bill Archer Rev. Deacon Rob Federle Rev. Deacon Dave Rezendes Rev. Deacon Bob Vince

Pastoral Council Chair: Mike Pereira [email protected] Eric Hom, Ricardo Echon, Fidelis Atuegbu, Jo Anne Lindquist, Dave Parks, Frank Draschner, Ken Varallo, Irving Garcia, Cynthia Garay and Glenda Dubsky.

Finance Council Chair: Dave Ruth [email protected] Fr. Van Dinh, Eric Hom, Cynthia Garay, Edna McCombe, Analy Palo-mino, Vanessa Suarez




925-453-6494 Niños

St. Michael Parish | La Parroquia de San Miquel 458 Maple St, Livermore, CA 94550 Tel: 925-447-1585 |ñol

Deacon Dave Rezendes, Temporary Administrator


Fr Alfonso Borgen, Parochial Vicar


Eric Hom, Business 925-667-4052

Deacon Bill Archer 925-667-4056

Kathy Hawkins, Bookkeeper 925-667-4058

Church Front Office 925-447-1585

School Front Office 925-447-1888

Lourdes Kay, Faith Forma on 925-667-4096

Priscilla Stutzman, DRE 925-667-4097

Joseph Garcia, Youth Minister


Tina Gregory, Communica on 925-667-4051

JaNet Hancock, Music 925-292-5071

Debbie Pizzato, Liturgy 925-667-4095

Marjorie Melendez, RCIA 925-447-2925

Ana Fregoso, RICA 925-344-7150

Fr Van Dinh, Pastor (on administra ve leave)

M-F 8:30 am—5:00 pm (closed dur-ing lunch) Sun 8:30 am—12:30 pm