st michael and all angels - pm.pdf · of all the ways that each one of us...


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MARCH 2018


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Incumbent The Rev Canon James Campbell 01892 770069.

The Rectory, Withyham, TN7 4BA

[email protected]

Churchwarden: Mr Richard Carden 01342 822491

Cat Street House, Upper Hartfield, TN7 4DP

Churchwarden Mr Antony Cumberland 01892 864347

The Beeches,Stonewall Park Road, Langton Green, Kent, TN3 0HG

Sexton&Verger Mr John Collins 01892 662389

9 Whitehill Close, Crowborough TN6 1JG

LicensedReader: Mrs Elizabeth Parish 01892 864989

6 Lynwood, Groombridge TN3 9LX

Licensed Reader: Mr Donald Yonge 07872529740

Organist: Mrs Sue Stone GRSM ARCM DipEd 01892 770978

Deputy Organist: Peter Ellefsen BSc CEng MIEE 01892 653965

Bell Tower Captain: Rosemary Russell 01892 610659


Hon. Treasurer: Mrs Anne Barker, 01892 661393

Hillside, Lye Green, Crowborough TN6 1UU

Asst. Treasurer: Mrs Pauline Cremer 01892 663469

Pembury, Myrtle Road, Crowborough, TN6 1EY

Hon. Secretary: Mrs Gilly Halcrow 01892 770607

Backshaws, Cotchford Lane, Upper Hartfield, TN7 4DJ

Safeguarding Officer: Mr Donald Yonge 07872529740

[email protected]


Mrs Sue Schooling 01892 740397

Other Representatives

Withyham Flower Guild: Jill Pardey 01892 661882

Blackham Flowers: Sue Schooling 01892 740397

Withyham Altar Linen Diane Pedder 01892 770240

Withyham Church Caretakers: Diana Muckleston 01892 864410

Diane Pedder 01892 770240

Chichester Cathedral Link Rep: Sheila Jones 01892 864117




WITH ALL SAINTS, BLACKHAM Saturday 3rd 8.30 a.m. Men's Breakfast at the Rectory

Sunday4th Third Sunday of Lent

11.00 a.m. Sung Eucharist

6.30 p.m. Evensong

Wednesday 7th 7.30 p.m. Lent Meeting, the Rectory

Thursday 8th 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 11th

Fourth Sunday of Lent

11.00 a.m. Mothering Sunday Service

6.30 p.m. Evensong

Wednesday 14th

7.30 p.m. Lent Meeting, The Rectory

Sunday 18th

Fifth Sunday of Lent

11.00 a.m. Matins

6.30 p.m. Evensong

Wednesday 21st 7.30 p.m. Lent Meeting, The Rectory

Thursday 22nd 10.00 a.m. Holy Communion

Sunday 25th

Palm Sunday

11.00 a.m. Matins

6.30 p.m. Evensong

Wednesday 28th

7.30 p.m. Lent Meeting, The Rectory

Thursday 29th Maundy Thursday

7.00 p.m. Holy Communion

Friday 30th Good Friday

2.00 p.m. Service of Reflection

Sunday 1st April Easter Day

11.00 a.m. Easter Communion Service

All Saints, Blackham: No services in March Parish Registers – February 2018 FUNERALS On 7

th February, the cremation took place at Tunbridge Wells Crematorium of Ann

Jefferson EDMONDS who died on 18th January aged 97.

On 20th February, the cremation took place at Tunbridge Wells Crematorium of

Charles Alfred BURTON who died on 25th January aged 98. His ashes were

interred at St. Michael’s Church, Withyham on 23rd


On 22nd

February, the burial of ashes took place at St. Michael’s Church, Withyham

of Patricia Anne TUSON who died on 7th December aged 70.


Letter from the Rectory – March 2018

Dear Friends,

Many of us are dog-lovers, for others it is cats – and a small

minority manage to live happily with both.

Dogs are not known as ‘Man’s best friend’ for nothing: they are

almost always excited to see us return home – however late; affectionate

without demanding much; uncomplaining company and deeply

appreciative. Of course, they have their limitations, can be disobedient

and highly impatient; their table manners leave everything to be desired

and some enjoy rolling in unmentionable things in the Forest. But as long

we keep our side of the bargain – providing food and exercise – most dogs

respond with great affection and loyalty. Some of course sadly bare the

scars of ill-treatment in youth. If they’re treated right, a dog will do

anything for their master.

At the end of this month, we remember an event in which someone

made the greatest sacrifice of all, not just his friends, but for every single

human being. In Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection, God

demonstrated his unconditional love for mankind. As John, the author of

the fourth Gospel, wrote in one of his letters, ‘That is how we know what

love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us’ (1 John 3:15).

Dogs aren’t perfect: they do need constant discipline. It is

interesting how they usually respond to such correction. Initially they

may keep their distance but quite quickly, all is forgotten, and they creep

back to our feet in loyalty and obedience.

Jesus died on that cross because of the sins of the world – because

of all the ways that each one of us have gone our own way, done our own

thing. There are, I think, some parallels between God’s love for us

expressed in what Jesus went through on the cross and dogs’ behaviour.

However, there are many more differences. Dogs have limited memories

and like routine – so quickly return to their master, having forgotten. On

the other hand, because of the cross can enjoy forgiveness – in which God

is the one who does the forgetting – and a restored relationship with God,

for ever: something that is of eternal significance.

James Campbell


MEN’s BREAKFAST Saturday 3

rd March at the Rectory, Withyham 8.30-10.00am

Come and enjoy bacon, egg and sausage - cooked to order by an accomplished

local chef - toast and coffee etc. After breakfast the speaker will be Ian Roberts, a

retired Baptist Minister, now based at All Saints Church, Crowborough. For 24

years he worked for the Christian relief and development organisation Tearfund.

He will talk about a Christian view of disasters.

For further details, contact James Campbell 01892 770069

[email protected]

During Lent

The Prayer Course Continues on Wednesday Evenings

at the Rectory

Supper at 7.30pm

Ending by 9.30pm.

Churchwardens' Notes The Lent course on the subject of Prayer is being held in the Rectory on

Wednesday evenings, starting at 7.30. The format for the evening is supper

provided by Mary, a short film presentation followed by discussion groups. The

opening sessions have been well attended and we recommend this course to you

as thought provoking. We are very grateful to Mary and James for their

hospitality and effort. It is pleasing that they allow the Rectory to be put to such

good use.

The annual Church spring clean will take place on Saturday 17th March

starting at 10.00. We would be grateful for volunteers armed with cleaning

equipment to give the Church a thorough “once over”

The date for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting has been set for

Monday, 23rd

April, at 7.00pm in the Rectory. In the absence of any other

candidates, we are willing to offer ourselves for re-election as Church Wardens at

this meeting.

Finally we would like to offer our sincere thanks to Richard Pardey who,

after very many years as your editor, has elected to retire. He has developed and

kept the Church Magazine alive and we owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

Richard Carden and Anthony Cumberland


Parish Magazine – Editor After 21 years, this issue of the magazine will be the final one edited by

Richard Pardey. Richard has performed a really sterling task over all these years,

whilst in addition co-ordinating the advertising in recent years. We are enormously

grateful to him and wish him a happy retirement to enjoy the freedom from those

monthly 25th of the month deadlines.

We are delighted that Stephen Whittaker from Blackham has agreed to take

over as editor with effect from the April issue. We are really most grateful to him.

Stephen has set up a new email contact: [email protected] to which

content for April should be sent.

A big thank you too to Anne Barker who has agreed to manage the


We remain very grateful to all the deliverers who enable c. 300 households

to receive the magazine, and to Janet Funnell who co-ordinates this work. To all of

you, thank you.

James Campbell

Editing the Wthyham & Blackham Parish Magazine It is with some sadness, tinged, however, with relief, that I tell you that this

magazine will be the last for which I shall be your editor. I am delighted that

Stephen Whittaker has agreed to take over as the editor, and that Anne Barker will

be doing the advertising. I know that you will be giving Anne and Stephen the

same generous support that I have been given. I look forward to reading

Stephen's magazines and wish him the very best of good fortune.

Richard Pardey

EASTER LILIES There is a tradition at St Michael's that people who wish to commemorate

their loved ones who have departed this life, present lilies, which form the basis

of the floral decorations of the church at Easter.

During March, a list and envelopes will be placed at the back of the

church. Please write the names of those to be remembered on the list and donate

£1.50 per lily (cash or cheque made out to the Withyham Church Flower Fund).

Please put your name on your envelope and get it to Jill Pardey

CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL EVENTS Details are on the Church notice board or from me. For more information,visit, or contact me: Sheila Jones 01892 864117



Jesus was tempted in the wilderness


Join in the annual

WITHYHAM LITTER PICK Meet opposite St. Michaels School at 10am

Saturday 17th


For any enquiries, or in the event of bad weather on the day, phone 01892 740777

Everyone welcome.

We will supply bags, rubber gloves and litter pickers


Would you like to know a simple way to handle your


Here are three options for keeping your passwords under your control.

You can write passwords in your diary.

Simple and safe from computer failure, but in danger of fire and theft.

You can use the password manager (these are built into modern browsers

such as Chrome, Firefox or Safari), but are vulnerable to computer failure

and only available at your computer. Another option is lastpass which is

software that works with your passwords safely online, available to you at

any computer.

But third - and best - is to remember your passwords.

This means that they are always at hand and never stolen. This can be easier

than you might think. Make each password a sandwich with the same slices of

bread but a different filling. For example:

Let's take two slices of bread: JACK and 123jill. For Amazon the filling would, of course, be amazon. So your amazon

password would be JACKamazon123jill. And your ebay password would be JACKebay123jill. Note that upper and lower case letters and numbers are included.

You can make the slices as complex as you like, but you will still find that

the passwords are easy to remember.

Forget a password? Recalling possible fillings is simple for you to guess.

Don't make a meal of your passwords, make a sandwich.

Please contact Roger Lyon at [email protected]

or telephone 01342 825209.

The Hartfield Singers' next concert will be at 7.30 p.m.on

Saturday 21st April in Holy Trinity Church, Colemans Hatch,

We shall be singing Faure's Requiem and his Cantique de Jean Racine.

Tickets: £12 (to include buffet) are available online

at, from Robert Jackson on

01342 823081, or from Hartfield Stores, High Street, Hartfield.



"Forgiveness is God's command." Martin Luther

"Human societies could not exist without forgiveness and the public

acts of contrition and confession that make reconciliation possible."

Hannah Arendt.

"He who cannot forgive, breaks the bridge over which he himself

must pass." Thomas Fuller

"Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has

crushed it." Mark Twain

"An ounce of apology is worth a pound of loneliness."

Joseph Joubert

"I can only say: However much we have been wronged, however

justified our hatred, if we cherish it, it will poison us. Hatred is a devil to

be cast our, and we must pray for the power forgive, for it is in forgiving

our enemies that we are healed." Sheila Cassidy

"Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and realising

you were the prisoner." Max Lucado

"Once a woman has forgiven a man, she must not reheat his sins for

breakfast." Marlene Dietrich

"When you forgive, it takes you from the place of the victim to that

of the victor."

"The day a child realises that all adults are imperfect, he becomes an

adolescent; The day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he

forgives himself, he becomes wise." Alden Nowlan

Resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to

die." Malachy McCourt

"Holding a grudge is letting someone live rent free in your head."


The Kings’ Hall Withyham 100 Club We are pleased to let you know that improvements are being made

to the hall, including dimmable LED lighting, redecoration of the

main hall and roof repairs to the Hudson Room. There are though

more areas needing attention. We receive rental income, organise

fund raising events and seek grants to maintain and improve the

hall. We are very grateful for everyone’s support but hope to

encourage more local people to become members of the 100 Club

to help our fund raising. Each number costs £12 per year, if you

would like to join please contact Rick Hunnam (01892) 770347 or

email [email protected]

February winners:

£20 Linda Charlton £15 Ralph Millington £10 June Noble

♫ JAZZ AT BLACKHAM ♫ Experience a great fun evening of easy-going, feel-good, foot-

tapping swing jazz, with…...

Ted Beament (piano)

Humphrey Lyttleton’s pianist for many years

Pete Beament (drums)

Ex BBC Concert Orchestra & revered kit drummer

Paul Kimber (bass)

Royal Opera House & renowned jazz & session musician

* Admission: £10 including food at the interval *

Licensed bar *

Blackham Village Hall

Thursday 22nd March @ 8pm Tickets: Penny – 01892 740574


The Withyham Parish Amblers Walking at a relaxed pace for pleasure

MARCH WALK Date: Saturday 24th March 2018

Meeting Point: The layby on the A264 by Ashurst Railway Station (Blackham side of the bridge) Time: 09.15 for 09.30 departure

Join us for a pleasant circular walk around the Blackham & Withyham

countryside Refreshments will be available after at the

Community Cafe in Groombridge Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes approximately. Type of walk: Undulating walk along wide footpaths. Suitable walking attire and footwear recommended. Dogs: Well behaved dogs very welcome but may need to be on leads at times. For more information: [email protected] 07941 055 011 [email protected] 01892 864 557

NEWS FROM THE BELFRY We resumed learners practices on Mondays during February and I am

pleased to say that Tilly Wilson is now ringing with us for Sunday services.

There was a well attended Friday practice at the end of the month

when visitors from neighbouring towers joined us. There is to be a peal

attempt (3hours) by a visiting band on Thursday 1st March.

Rosemary Russell.

EASTER Someone said to Joseph of Arimathea, "That was such a beautiful,

costly, hand-hewn tomb. Why did you give it to someone else to be


"Oh," said Joseph, "He only needed it for the weekend."

"Because of Easter, our coffins are nothing but canoes bearing us

across the Jordan River to fairer worlds on High." Herman Melville

Because of Good Friday, you can look back and not be afraid.

Because of Easter, you can look forward and not be afraid.

Because of Ascension Day you can look up and not be afraid.

Because of Pentecost you can look in and not be afraid.



WPC welcome three new members of the parish ‘team’: Linsey Winter WHO

attended her second council meeting in February, as a co-opted councillor, Sam

Thomas who will be undertaking parish maintenance activities and Chris

Harrison, our Community Warden.

ESCC and WDC Reports:

ESCC has set its 2018/19 budget at around £330M following further cuts. Funds are

insufficient for ESCC to deliver all that Government expects of them.

ESCC explained that they have been advised to cull around a third of the deer on

Ashdown forest each year in order to maintain a stable herd.

WDC had considered whether to introduce on-street car parking charges in some

towns and larger parishes as the police wish parking to be decriminalised. The

decision is to retain free parking across Wealden as WDC still feels that this is

important to both residents and local businesses and the costs would be prohibitive.

Community Warden: Chris Harrison is undertaking 10 hours duty per month on a

varied shift pattern. Residents can contact him on the Clerk’s email address, or on

Chris’ dedicated mobile 07734 392141.

Grombridge: The Recreation Ground will be used for the May Fair on 7th May and

the Pre School Royal Wedding celebration on 19th May.

St John's: A tree had fallen from Ashdown Forest Conservators’ land across

St John’s road, damaging a resident’s fence.

Withyham/Blackham: Residents have raised concerns about security of garages in

Balls Green with the landlords, WDC, which is looking at solutions including

lighting which will not cause light pollution

Litterpicks: The annual village litterpicks, taking place in Groombridge 3rd March,

St Johns 10th March and Withyham 17th March.

Annual Parish Assembly: This year, the Annual Parish Assembly and the

Community Café will be hosted by WPC on Saturday 24th March at Groombridge

Village Hall.

Balls Green Community Space: Residents are asked to help with the final stages of

work so that we may open the new community space by Easter! If required there

will be a celebratory opening in May.

Grants: £319 was agreed for a new dishwasher for Blackham Village Hall.

Data Protection regulations: WPC will ensure compliance with these regulations

which will become enforceable in May. Local businesses, clubs and societies which

hold individuals’ personal data such as contact details should also comply. Useful

information can be found at

protection-regulation-gdpr/, particularly the guide ‘12 Steps To Take Now’.

Diana Kelly: Chair,



A"Lexophile" is a word used to describe those that have a love for

words, such as "you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish", or "to write

with a broken pencil is pointless."

A competition to see who can come up with the best lexophiles is held

every year in an undisclosed location. Here are this year's results.

When fish are in schools, they sometimes take debate.

A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.

When the smog lifts in Los Angeles U.C.L.A.

The batteries were given out free of charge.

A dentist and a manicurist married. They fought tooth and nail.

A will is a dead giveaway.

With her marriage, she got a new name and a dress.

A boiled egg is hard to beat.

When you've seen one shopping centre you've seen a mall.

Police were summoned to a day care centre where a three-year-old was

resisting a rest.

Did you hear about the fellow whose entire left side was cut off? He's

all right now.

A bicycle can't stand alone; it's just two tired.

When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.

The guy who fell onto an upholstery machine is now fully recovered.

He had a photographic memory which was never developed.

When she saw her first strands of grey hair she thought she'd dye.

Acupuncture is a jab well done. That's the point of it.

And the cream of the twisted crop:

Those who get too big for their pants will be totally exposed in the end.


The Lighter Side






While addressing a crowd at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park, the distinguished

Methodist Minister, Lord Soper, was interrupted by a heckler, who kept shouting

"What about flying saucers?" Finally, Lord Soper silenced him with:

"I cannot deal with your domestic difficulties now."


Now that I'm older, here's what I've discovered:

I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it left.

My wild oats are mostly enjoyed with prunes and all-bran.

Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded

Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded

If all is not lost, then where the heck is it?

It was a whole lot easier getting older than getting wiser.

I wish the buck really did stop here; I could surely do with a few of them.

It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.

The world only beats a path to your door when you're in the bathroom.

If God wanted me to touch my toes he'd have put them on my knees.

When I'm finally holding all the right cards, everyone wants to play chess.

It's not hard to meet expenses... they're everywhere.

The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth.

These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the hereafter.... I go somewhere for

something, and wonder what I'm "here after".

Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded

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KINGS' HALL WITHYHAM Your local village hall makes a great venue for Parties, Weddings,

Anniversaries and Children's parties. Hire it from only £10 per hour

Bookings and enquiries (01892) 770035 or 770347

or e-mail Meg Stafford on [email protected]

or Rick Hunnam on [email protected]

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with the Early Years FoundationStage. Please visit our website at call us on 01892 770830 for more information

about any aspect of Playschool.Charity No. 1158901.




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Funeral Directors

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At a sensitive time we take care of everything personally

BLACKHAM VILLAGE HALL Ideal for: Parties, Receptions, Fitness Classes, Martial Arts, Dances, Tea

Parties, Rehearsals, Concerts etc. etc. etc…….

Disabled Access & Facilities, Central Heating, Fitted Kitchen, Raised

Stage with Curtains, Small Private Garden Area, Licensed Premises

A friendly Market & Café with a huge range of local produce & gifts is

held from 10.00 to 12.30 on the 1st Saturday of every month (except


Hire Rates from only £5 per hour. Contact Penny on 01892 740574

Seamstress Do you have a pile of sewing jobs that you never seem to get round to?

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FRESH MILK & DOUBLE CREAM Just off the A264, halfway between

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Local Chartered Accountants

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Kings’ Hall Withyham

Chairman Rick Hunnam 01892 770347

Lettings: Mrs Meg Stafford 01892 770035

Blackham Village Hall Bookings:Mrs P Hawes 01892 740574

Doctors Dr A Wolfle, Dr M James The Nook Surgery Groombridge 01892 863326

And the Hartfield Village Surgery

Saxonbury House, Crowboro’ 01892 603131

Beacon Surgery, Crowboro’ 01892 652233

District Nurse Sister Kay 01892 603109

Family Social Work Mrs MiriamBoobier 01892 662780

Withyham Art Group Mrs RosemaryGoolden 01892 770351

St Michael’s School Headteacher Mrs Katie O’Shea 01892 770307

Dorset Arms Angling Club Fred Stillwell 01892 770661

Withyham Cricket Club Peter Hamerton 01892 655932

Blackham Country Players Linda Weekes 01892 740261

Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Crowborough, selected hours 01892 655303

Council for the Protection of Rural England Local Office 01825 890975

Withyham Parish Charity This Trust provides financial help for those in need.

Applications should be made to Richard Carden, 01342 822491

Timetable Information National Rail Enquiries03457484950

Arriva Buses 03448 004411

Brighton & Hove Buses 01273 886200

Withyham Parish Council(WPC). Office: The Old Station, Groombridge,



Email: [email protected] 01892 864557

WPC Office hours Monday 09.30 - 17.00

Tuesday to Friday 09.30 - 12.30

Councillors hold “surgeries” on 3rd

Saturday each month 08.30 - 10.00

Telephone Numbers for the reporting of incidents Highway lights and Footpath damage (location and problem) 03456 080193

Vandalism and Abandoned Vehicles (all relevant details) 01243 642222

Waste collection queries 03456 080194

Trading Standards 03456 080197

Problems can also be reported to:

Magazine Editor (after March) Stephen Whittaker

Email: [email protected]

Magazine Advertising Mrs Anne Barker, 01892 661393

Hillside, Lye Green, Crowborough TN6 1UU