st. mary's beacon (leonard town, md.) 1853-03-24 [p ] · 2017-12-13 · nv george s. king. kw...

nv GEORGE s. king. KW NKKIIX LEOXAKP TOWT. wo.. TnißSl# iHOR.M.IK. MAKfH PUBLISHED tFKUY THURSDAY MV CEORCK t, JtISC, toiroa A.ID MortIETAI, fesut er Kcsr arerrov.—.#).9u pr tn <* •** PH wttWn Viv •m*nlh. No toWrip ti-s will he received for * aborter period (ban •i v mnn : b. and ho (taper be <W*nliNe4 until •* *****'*£' 9r * ! M' J . vvert At the option of If*# TKaas nr XnvcevrsiHa.—at.on per aquar* o- three ft. *t inrertiouv. and 25 rents for every subsequent insertion. Twelve Hne* or less eon- •fitMts a Tera. If fS ny.niter ..f inaerfion* he not tfisrke.l on the will be pub. kshe.| until fVhi.l, an I ebarge j eeeor>ling)v. A liberal deduct!.)* mads tu those wbo adverliao by the venr. 1 n reeenre v*fen!lon, alt addressed to this viirt until bs mir-Mia. TUE 155 T FVMIT.V Vr'-V-iPiPCR IX J IIL WOItT.U New Year—New rrtores -New Type, THE HO M I*! J OUR \ \ \ Sf roat.tvMv.o *rr./T tnrtoit. m tui ritf r iks-t ti sr me iiv ernes or ft Sat an sr u. ON R VTURTiA V. THE FIRST f) \ V ttl’ J \ .VJ.\RY next, the r;aaT ni’mvi s tvr k nsw r.-;r,s of tllia refined t iqunnf, ch-ap. an I uu'versallv popular Familv Sf\\sr\rr.-z, will be p>-esof,ted t the pijhtic. printed r>n fine white na per, an-1 a new and beautiful type, man nfacMre-l etjeesly Hr the purpose. Thie will slTord all who desire |.j receive the.uork. an opnorl't- nitv of* cim ;envsn tfieir au'-Hcriptlon with the !e.<!-itl|'* ef vjr, A NKW NOVEL, t r ans'r' * h Gsr.nxn hr i fu> en-i brilliant Ameriewn aufhor, enli- llrd 'V 11. D FLOWERS, wi.l a i'rn t ie cutunina of tha (brthcem ing nen series. Mr. W j!!]* will rontinue his usual odiional 1> n*urs writing on tho pt v.iri j I'pies i’Uarest a.i they occur. F| will a'so fir*, frun time jo time passage*. his 1 ;ave! in tha T>epics, an*l In the South and W *jl. Ilia entirs lime being Jevofed M the paper, the well- kr.ntrn vartetr sn_d industry of r<*n v.-jll he een in .’ w v Inruns as bo fare. But we have s o*’v fhvo-e fr off-e from the pen of M/. Wiilis and ona that w# believe n* ih : period of a*to for p'c turings oi rea: ife will ho pre-eminent, ly attravJrve He to aeries of sketches d.-scriptive of CuUNTKV -!!• WITHIN CITY- Tl T-m, as iiprrlvfsra. will Hr a leading tnj.ic : n * its trilies, fashions and ainneii)-ut in*’rly. though :hee ar* noted with oare. The weekly ebronude of the Town, cnnp.-i-ea notices, mare or lens niMiuir, a*r*<tiJing to circmntisn ees, of tl;e ijnportafit lr* lures, works n| a-\ sebenv-j of improremetit and Iten-vaienne, rnt-rpii-rs J]j roveries and inven.ions, as Weil as the papular entertainmenta. I;;t6SSI:RC Vin the title of one department. Special pains are taken tt> select from the news and litera- ture of the world ths farts tin I ideas which are of pecuUai imjotance to the W>rrten of \morica. A fairer field for their industry, an I wider sc pa far the exercise of iheir ge,,iiis art atnnng th neceftti'tes of the time to which we shall endeavour to attract public attention. Tnr rSK:;*x Pa will continue to be carefully oiaminrd. nriJ everythin? •f home interest extracted, and a>rnnge<: under the head of •* Rea fines in Foreign Journals,'' Amene.m papers, for a aintilar pttrjMHe, will be diligently ran- sacked- A large number of able and dimin. gutnhed persiko* are aecnstanted tr>a%ail themselves of the erifumra of ti. Home Journa! whenever they desire to com municate with the public. tributions are a valuable feature of tue P*PT r ; Thin cophms. comprehensive and ele- gantly printed Femilv Newspaper is now acknowledged to be the tmfb>p>iiaekbl- dravring-rtvom g ante of tho country. A home ia hardly complete, we think we rnav nafelt venture to say, without the O* E iOURNA. which is the Chronicle of all lht interests all classes of Society, and of the intelligence which mdot enlivens an Americah Home. New- York is the great c*nte, and here, at the fountain head of novelty, incident, literature and foreign news, the Home Journal is printed and published. Its editors. Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Wil, lia, devote their entire time, skill and experience to the task of giving, each week, Rvaavrntxo Wobth Ttaxs. For one ropy. ; tor three copies, #A, <rr for- one o*>py for throe j years, -ala*,4 in advance. Sub- j scribe with#t dalav. Address. MORRIS ft WILLIS. Kdttora, 107 Pulton aircet, Kew-York f yotiabtr 11, H3I - LITTKf.L’S living age.! fROIPBCTCI. Th’S work is conducted in (It* spit It of ! LrHell s usemn of l'orp{H Litmlarf, i I** I' 6 * l wa * favorably received by the i i public for twenty ywr 4mh n. Ii is, ; twice as lefge. ami ppe a# * mt* often, we rot only jitspirit and freshness to h by I many things which were excluded by a month a delay, but while thus extending our scope and gathering a greater and | ’more attractive variety, are abje eo to ) increase the aolid and substantial part of nur literary, historical and political j k ,r,r **t •* fully to satisfy the wants of the American reader. ... - I aJ^^!* 1* 5 ft.saya of f "ftdfnbiirgh. Quarterly, and other ! i R** v iew* ; and Blackwood's noble criti- ! ctsms on Poetry, hi* k~*. political C-mi | menu nes, highly wrought Tales, and, vivi.J descriptions of rural and mountain , Scenery ; and the contributions to Liters- i tu e, Hutory, and Common Life, by the I S f eutator, the sparkling Exsmi. 1 ner, the judicious Athei sum, the busv ( and industrious Literary Gazette, the J l *o*ihle and comprehensive Britannia, the sober and respectable Christian Ob j *etyer ; these are intermixed with the iliiary and Naval reminiscences of tha j I Lulled Service, and with the best snides ! of the Dublin University. New monthly* j b raser’a Tail’-, Ainsworth's, ood's, and j Sporting Magazines, and of Chamber's j admirable J >urna!. We do net consider J it beneath our dignity to borrow wh and ' wisdom from Punch; and, when we think it good enough, make use of the thunder I of The limes. Wa shall increase onr ' variety by importation* firm the continent ot Europe, and from the new growths.©! the British colonies, 7he steamship has brought Europe. Asia, and Africa, into our neighborhood ; and will greatly multiply our connect ion*, a Merchants, 1 tavellers, and Politician*, with all part* of the world ; so that much more than ever it now becomes every i intelligent American to he informed of the condition and change* Of foreign countries. And ibis not only because of their nearer connection with ourselves, but because the nations seem to be has foiling, through a rnpiH process of change./ * to some new mate n f tilings, which the mereV political prophet cannot compute or fnrset. G .*..*£rapl.ical Discoveries, the projjre** ¦if Colon, Xut it*** /wliiak •tie whole wuridj and Voyages' am* will he favorite matter f r onr selections; and, in general, we shall sya'ematically and very fully acquaint onr traders with tha great department of foreign affairs, without entirely negleg. dnr our own. * j Whi’e wr aspire to make the Living | j At?* d sirahle to all who wish to Icerp I themseUcs informed of the rapid progress i '*f the movement —to .S alesmen, Divines, ( bxwy v, and Physicians—to men - of 1 ' and men of leisure—it is Mill a = -trong-r object to make it attractive ard I ti-etnl to their Wires and Children.' AVe j | leliere that we can thus do some good in j j our day and generation ; and hope to j make tha work indispensable in every ! firmed family. We say indispet). saMe, because in this day of cheap lifers- inre it i not possible to guard against the influx of what i* had in taste and vickme in morals in any other .way than he fur- nihing a sufficient supply of a healthy, character. The mental and moral appe i the tn.Vif be gratified. I We hope that, by g'the j h*at from the chart*, *- by providing abundantly for the imagination, and by a * large collection of Biography Voyages, Travels,History, and more jo lid matter, we may produce a work which shall he popular, while at the same lime it will aspire to raise the standard of public taste. Thc Living Age ia published every Saturday, by E, Littell Ac Co , corner of Tremont and Bromfield at*, Boston ; Price 12} cents a number, or six dollars a year in -advance. Remittances for any' petiod will bo thankfully received and prompt I v attended to. POST AGS FREE. . W e will send the work POSTAGE FREE to alt subscribers in Hie United Slate*, who remit in advance directly to the office' of publication at Down*, the stun of Six Dollars x—thus placing our distant subscribers on the same footing as' those nearer to .us ; and making lb# whole country our neighbourhood. December 9, 1832. V ; V ¦¦ - ~ bba nr-sxae ci-srnixo. BPALDISO& GRK&NWEI.L be just received one. of the largest- assort ment of Ovca, Sack, and Faces Coats, ever offered in this county, which they will sell at Baltimore prices. ¦ The Ktgbest market price, In Cash or I Goods *i|b be given ht O/flba “or Dft* \ Hides. . ——w - I Nw. 4th. W, ' 1 -v f! —-4 :.. •; 'iO * PCT A M\*l MONTHLY. THE subscriber responding to ttfl repented and urgettily-express#! winh of eitiinent ami judicious persons l variout sections of the country, havfl decided ta commence on the first of JaniM ary, 1953. an Entirely original cal under the ah>>ve title It ia intended to combine the light*# characteristics of a popular magasiml with tier higher and graver qualities ohl quarterly review filling a position bitbefi to unoccupied in jur literature. While aftraciiv* variety ftir the geaerfl reader ia thus obtained,j>e atiki W ISr tuvj*He**#tffP , Tsk!*uiiii excellence in each department. To accompliah * this, we intend 'that the work in all of its mechanical and business aspects shall he such as will meet the views jfour most distinguished writers; such a medium as they would seek for , in communicating with the world, and such as may tempt some to write, shiv and profitably, who have not hitherto contributed to periodicals. We intend that ail articles admitted into the work shall tie liberally paid for. We believe there is ample material for such a work ; that there is no lack either of talent among onr writers or of appre- ciation on th** part of the resiling public ; and tuat a properly conducted periodical of this kind may bring to light much true genius an yet undeveloped. Punani'a M uiih’y” will be devoted to the interests of literature, science, and An. in their best and pleasantest aspects. Entirely independent of all merely selfish interests or partisan or sectional leanings in its management, it will he open to competent writers for free discus- sion of such topics as arc deemed impor- tant and ef pnbl.c interest. The critic*! department will he wholly indepenXml of the publishers, and. as far as possible, #f all personal influence or bias. Wholesome castigations of public abuses wilt be allowed a fair field without fear or favor. An elevated national lona and spirit, American snd independent, yet discrimi- nating and just, both to the literature and to the social condition and prospects of hnih hemispheres will be cultivated a a leading principle of the work. Special attention will be given to mat- ters connected with social policy, munici pal regulations, public health and safety, . ¦ •¦**.. : -* mt irrmry vi^y tite. When a subject needs illustration, or pictoral example, such iliuvtrations will be occasionally given ; hut it is not expected that the success ef the work is to depend on what are termed embel- lish merits." The following among many others have expressed their hearty approval of the plan, and will all give it their genera! cooperation, while nearly all of them will ha contributors to the WYrrk : Washington Irving, Hon. E. O. Sqnter, Nathaniel llawthrone, Donald (*. Mitchell, R**v. Dr; Hawks, .Miss Warner, Author of Wide World," f?on. Oeorga 4 Rancrefi Rev. Dr. Robinson, K. P. Whipple, Prof. B Siiliman, jr. Miss Cooper, Rev Dr Way land, Re* Orville Dewey, Pres H P Tsppan, Miss Sedgwick, If W Long- fellow, George Sumner, W C Bryant Fi’z Green llallcck, George William Curtis. Rt Rev BKlinp Potter, of Pennsyl- vanla. R B Kimbell. Rev E I? Cbaptn II Waldo Emerson, Professor Gillespie Mrs Kirkland, Prof Henry Reed, dtc. A full list will ha hereafter. Price per annum, or 25 cents per number. Tends for clubs, dec. will be given in separate, circulars. Order* received hjr all booksellers throughout ihe United States and by tht Publisher's. G. f. PCTNAN ft Co. 16 Park Place, Naw York. November 28. 1852. THREE TUN HOTEL, At the Comer, of Prmd ‘end Pace Sireele BALTIMORE: ¦ -AJI Accommodations equal to HiiiJ an J *n tbs city. Board— Dollar Px* Day. Sta- attached to the estab- lishment. Call and see. T- B. ROBEY, Proprietor. •'*oHft iT cl c : 1 V LIME AMDFEED STORE- Jfmhm He**#, No. 3 Hollixswobts axd Gkaxt STS. * •• Near Praw Street Wharf, A HAS eonstamly-o# hand a full stock of* ktme {wood burnt). Bricks, fTmii 1 , Cement. Clalcraed Plaster, Com, Oats. Corn Meal, Chop Rye, Mill Peed, ect., all of which be wil) sell at the lowest market rat##. Orders for say of the above article# will be attended to ?lih pramptneke, bud satisfacuod be guaranteed. September f, 4*3l—y - •Vrir jeer rraLisnso by A. P. BURT, | f JY*. 7 BaUimore sfrret , Tlnltfwrt .7gofic Doubts relative to Napr.leo j Bonaparte by Richard Wbatcfy. DDn A Areht*ihop of Dnbhu. Second Am**r- icta edition, !Bno, 72pp., paprr mver. cents. Ry remitting the price of Sftdbk Bonk, po-t pniri. it will Lh* etl fret- i M 7 P* r t #f the United Slates. J9wC#techism of the Protestant Cpisco- 9|HSBBHhnircLywo—•—r.—t-ili fn ¦^¦•rn T _ stcrrolvp’e p?ae*, prinle- 4 in rules, with i handmnie frontispiece, 32.n0, $1 25 per hundred. * ( i November C5. i | GUANO. GUANO, GUANO. j OMIOMAS W. lIKLLEN, No. 15-ii J Dugan's Wharf, al>ve the Fiatr 1 ! W arehouse, ko-ps constantly on hand a : large supply of GUANO, of direct trn portation, w hich he ofTen to eell on a accommodating terms as any cnc in the i , market. Also. Calcined Plaster, Ce. | , ment, Lime, Bricks, Day, Com Meal, 1 Flour, family, extra and superfine, to- gethcr with every variety of article ap pertaining to bis Lusinesn. Ilis friends will find it greatly to tbeir advantage to send direct to him for any article they may want in his line, as all orders will be promptly attended to. Baltimore, July 22, 1882—tf. l.nno BOOK AGENTS WANTED. To Sill Virioria 1 . and Useful Woiks for ; ihe Year 1853. Dollars a Yeas ? XT7“ A NTUD. in every Couxtt or txe i Tv United Stats, active and enter- j prising men, to engage in the rale of some of the l*st Boi>ks pnMinhed in the conn- 1 try. To men of good address, possessing i a small capital of from $25 to SIOO, such inducements will be offered as to.j enable them to make from •* to f > a ; dav profit. tea- The Books published by ns are ! •II Useful in their character, extremely popular, and command larga sales ' wherever they are offered. Fc|* further particulars, address, ('por- j lagejjiahi.l *w*rr 2T. 1953- " 1 i KVcpkinx V FalrrhMd, beet EASORS TO OtEM liorK H*. MKnnMXT So. 230 Baltimore at., N. W. (Tome* •rCiiirlo i BAI.f I.MOUK. A large assortment of Uhady-Mapk | Clothing of Sttperior qualify. ONE PRICE ONLY. April I, 1552— f. Robert Lnwßoii, Jr., I SADDLE. TRUNK H ARNESS AND COL- LAR MANUFACTURER, Wholesale and Retail, j No. 42 South Street, One door from Lombard, BALTIMORE. TIDE above articles are ananufacturrd ! . of the best a’rria's, an I will bo : sold at the Intrerl prices. Merchants and Wholesale Dealers arc invited to call and examine my stock b j fore making purchases, being prepared to sell goods as low as they can lie pur. rhasrd in any of the Northern or Eastern Cities, and pledge myself Id duplicate any bill mado in those cities. Please 1 call and satisfy yourselves of the fact. M.jr 20 ISs2—Uta. Mia vex Wanted THE subscriber is permanently loca- ted at Middleville, Charles County, (immediately on the road from Fort To- -1 baeco to Alien’s Fresh,) where he will the pleased to buy anv Slaves that are for sale. The ext rente value will be given stall times, and liberal commissions paid for information leading to a purchase. Apply personally, or by let- er addressed to Allen's Fresh, Charles Countv. JOHN G. CAMPBELL. Middleville. Sept. 25.1851. NOTICE WHEREAS several trespasses have j been committed upon my land greatly to my prejudice, this u therefor* i to camion and warn all persona from , gunning on my premises or trespassing thereon in any other manner as I am determined rigidly to enforce the laws of i th# country against any and every person I i a# offending. , BENEDICT I HEARD. . February ink 1333 -ly- llcaam. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, NEWS. AijICULTURE AND INTELLIGENCE. TO THE FARM Ell# OF ST. MARY* COUNTY. dr JOHNSON are ' manufacturing, and offer ft>r sale, their celebrated improved Hurxu Power slid Threshing Machines. Tliey are guaranteed to thresh as clean and as much as any otther machine ; besides, they are more durable, !cs likely to get out of order, and work easier than any machine in the world I Persons who may wish to purchase machine# this year, are refer red to those gentlemen in the cotintv that ig# sold to last Tear. COTTINGItAM & JOHNSON. No. 121 Pr*tt Street Wharf. April 1, 1852 Baltimore Francis W. KH’chner, FASHIONABLE HOOT It AMOK MAKER, No. 105 West Fayette Stbkt, Opposite She Liberty Engine Huosr, U \LTIMORIb. Respectfully informs his VST that hr has purchasul^^a the old w"*-i4Sa S !and 0 f Mr. J. Ha rmtii, and is prepared to supply them wi.h Opera iirmiA. (Jailers, Bcott-h B'r>!s and Slioes of ail kinds, for gentlemen's wear, made of the best materials. By atrict attention to Iruj-inens, Its hope* to merit a shara of the patronaga exiended tot the late pro- prietor. , Augmt 5, 1832. FREELAND 4’ HALL Grocery (c CcM*itfON .Merchasts No 69 Light Blreef Whatf BALTIMORE. OFFER for sale the most reason, able terms a choice and freh se- lected slock of Groceries, con*isting in part of 150 Begs Rio Coffee various grades. I*2o do Government Java Coffee 4-' do old white MaracaiNt do 60 Chests of Gunpowder Imperial de T. Hyson Ten. 30 lilfChcsts Oolong Ai Chilian Black do 50 half Boxes double refined I .oaf Sugar 6.5 Barrels Cnuhed Pulverized dc Clarit fied d > 40 llhds Porto Rico Ac Cuba Molasses 5 lllids family Syrup 30 Hhds New Orleans, Cuba Ac .Porto Rico Sugar*. rvCi.-Xi,- r- P.ratt and t'nmmtr*- •*****. RKTIOVA 1.. COTTINOH AM Ac JOHNSON have removed to No. 121 Pratt Street WtTAxr, corner of Hollingsworth and Pravt streets, a few doors from their old stand, where they will continue to manr ufacture and sell on as liberal terms ae any other House in the city of Balti- more, every article that the Faimer or Planter may wish to use. They are hankful for past favors, and solicit a continuance of the public patronage. Balturorc, Feby. 26. 1852. OKORC-i: 3L.ITUR, Or the late Firm orCiMtovc & Ruates, Wholesale Uroc'r* and Coin miaaion Merchant* No. 10 Commercial tieet, BUGS to inform hi* friends in Leon ard Town and St. Mary’s county that he will continue at the old stand where he will feel most happv in attend ing to whatever orders they may please favor him with. Baltimore,Sept. 25, 19S). SHERIFF * SAlaF* BY virture of a writ of* Fieri Facias issued from the Circuit Court for St. Mary *s County at the suit of .Young P. Da" kins against the godHs and chattel* land and tenements of Edward Johnson and to me directed, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest, claim, property and demand whatsoever, at law and in equity of the said Edward Johnson, in and to the fol- lowing property, to wit: A tract or par cel of land called Piney Neck containing 100 acres; a tract or parcel of land cal led Deptford, containing f? 0 'acre*; a tract or parcel of land called f* Part of St. Joseph Manor." containing 1$) acre*; —the said rac! together forming the estate better known a* KIXGSTO.r containing in a?l-820 acres of land, more or less. * Artd I hereby give notice (hat on Tue#- day the Bth day of March next, between the hours uf 16 A. *M.* and 4 o'clock P. M.. { will offer at public sale at the Court House floor in Leonard Town, tha above described property, no seized ami taken ir execution, *.o the highest bidder far cash. C. J. DURANT. Sheriff. February ICth ISM—4. a. . .1 *i - .- #1.50 PER ANNUM T®l. 8.-No. 9ft Watches, Gold and Silver . Ware*. L, I!. Hi Li.EH. A CO.* Watch a Jkwuit Mortk .To. fit Baltimore ft. 5. R. car af Chart— af IMPORTERS nf English ami Bwh Watches and Tools of evenr deaerip* !io, Watch Case Maker* and Mwufcc* | Hirers of Fine Gold Jewelry. We sail ' Ihe alien!ion of Southern and Western 1 dealers i,n Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware, to our very extensive *tqpk, assnr- them that in no jartiete fit osr Jins shall allow any establishment in swr. pass us, cither in quantity, quality or ! low pi ices. We are the only Wholesale 1 House in this branch of trade in Balti- more, an:l hai! use every fair means in induce Southern and Western merchants to open accounts with us. Our term* shall be a< liberal and acewnrnm ating as ca i possibly he found in th** United Stales. We will take pleasure in showing our good* to Southern and Western merchants, whether thev open accounts with tie or not, L. 11. MILLER & CO.. Importers of Watches,*Baliimora. February t, ISM, ! i fttale or Maryland. \ T an Orphan's Court held for Sain* -i~ \- Mary's County, at the Court House, in Leonard Town, on the 11;h day ot January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. Present, BenKlltl I. Esq., Chief Judge, Richard 11. Herder and James R. Hopewell, E-qrs., Associate Judges, C. J. Hu rant, Sheriff, and G. Combs, Register. Among other proceedings were the i following, to wit : On application of j Georye C. Morgan and Joseph Spalding, administrators, w. a., of tlwily Smith, ! late of Saint Mary’s county, deceased, it 1 is ordered hy the Court, that the said 1 administrators give the notice require I by law for the creditors to file thrir ! claims again-M Ihe estate of the said de- ceased, for dividend, in the Register qf W ill’s office,shi* or before the second . Tuesday of March next, and that tins j order be published in the St. Mary a I Beacon once a week until the second | Tuesday uf Marcii next. ? In testimony that the aforegoing is a copy taken fiom ono of the records r BPne Durrlnr- Court for St. Mary’s county, f *L. S jfc 1 have hereunto subscribed my name, and* affixed the seal of the said Couit. this 11th day of January, > in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred . and fifty.three. GEORGE COMBS, Register^ IN conformity with the above order, j we hereby gitre notice to all persons hdv. i ing claims against the estate of the Ist* Elwily Smith, to file the same frfr dHi- dend, in the office of the Register of Wills, on or before the second Tuesday in March next; otherwise, they will be excluded fiom all be ns fit of tha aaid estate. * GEORGE C. MORGAN, JOSEPH SPALDING, .. Administrator*. Jan. 27—id. I . L A N DQ N ACA UE M V. niI.ITARY IWriTCTt). JOTI* R. JOSBH, Principal. - THIS Institution, delightfully situated near Crbana, Frederick couhty, | Md., three mile* from the Igamuvilln ; depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail | Road, and immediately on the stage toad | leading from Washington city to Freder- ick, is now in full operation. The foca- ! lion is proverbially hoalihy-the buildings . commodious, snd ifie rooms larg* and : com forts ble. The course of atudieeem- j braces the English, Latin. Greek, French, ! Spanish and German languages. Mathe- matic*. Natural and Mqral Philosophy. The military exorcises do* not' iai trie re with the academicjdoliea. Tea**.—For board* tuition, washing, fuel, light*, and servants* attendance $l6O for the session of tan months. Circulars containing paniculatW'may be had en application id the Principal at Urbans. Frederick oeuaty. lid. J . ¦* f '< ¦<• . . d Cbarlfn Ffriwan,’ * Gaecaa Ik Coaauuoc Mtuiurr >'o..€ Li{ht Street . . . wyv * * KEEPS constantly on hand a large and welJLacleaUjd arock ©f Groce- ciee. Teas, Wines TdqUdrt nnd which he is prepared to Mil as low ae any otheiiicuse here. > He has also had 13 yean Experiem in selling Tobacco and Grain aodffauexa i himself he can give Wtufaetion to ’tlo*a who will intrust their produce*fj hia Care. •' ¦. * Balilwsr* Tebriary U, T*si—fa.

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Page 1: St. Mary's beacon (Leonard Town, Md.) 1853-03-24 [p ] · 2017-12-13 · nv GEORGE s. king. KW NKKIIX LEOXAKP TOWT. wo.. TnißSl# iHOR.M.IK.MAKfH PUBLISHED tFKUY THURSDAY MV CEORCK

nv GEORGE s. king.



fesut er Kcsr arerrov.—.#).9u pr tn<* •**PH wttWn Viv•m*nlh. No toWrip

ti-s will he received for * aborter period (ban•i v mnn :b. and ho (taper be <W*nliNe4 until•******'*£'9r * !M' J . vvert At the option ofIf*#

TKaas nr XnvcevrsiHa.—at.on per aquar*o- three ft. *t inrertiouv. and 25 rents for everysubsequent insertion. Twelve Hne* or less eon-•fitMts a Tera. If fS ny.niter ..f inaerfion* henot tfisrke.l on the will be pub.kshe.| until fVhi.l, an I ebarge j eeeor>ling)v. Aliberal deduct!.)* mads tu those wbo adverliao bythe venr.

1 n reeenre v*fen!lon, altaddressed to this viirt until bs mir-Mia.


New Year—New rrtores -New Type,

THE HO M I*! J OUR \ \ \Sf

roat.tvMv.o *rr./T tnrtoit. m tui ritf•r iks-t ti sr me iivernes or ft

Sat an sr u.

ON R VTURTiAV. THE FIRSTf) \ V ttl’ J \ .VJ.\RY next, the r;aaTni’mvi s tvr k nsw r.-;r,s of tllia refinedtiqunnf, ch-ap. an I uu'versallv popularFamilv Sf\\sr\rr.-z, will be p>-esof,tedt the pijhtic. printed r>n fine white naper, an-1 a new and beautiful type, mannfacMre-l etjeesly Hr the purpose.Thie will slTord all whodesire |.j receive the.uork. an opnorl't-nitv of* cim ;envsn tfieir au'-Hcriptlonwith the !e.<!-itl|'* ef vjr,

A NKW NOVEL,t rans'r' * • h Gsr.nxn hr ifu> en-i brilliant Ameriewn aufhor, enli-llrd

'V 11. D FLOWERS,wi.l a i'rn t ie cutunina of tha (brthceming nen series.

Mr. W j!!]* will rontinue his usualodiional 1> n*urs writing on tho pt v.iri jI'pies i’Uarest a.i they occur. F| willa'so fir*, frun time jo time passage*.

his 1 ;ave! in tha T>epics, an*l Inthe South and W *jl. Ilia entirs limebeing Jevofed M the paper, the well-kr.ntrn vartetr sn_d industry of r<*nv.-jll he een in .’w v Inruns as bo fare.But we have s o*’v fhvo-e fr off-e fromthe pen of M/. Wiilis and ona that w#believe n* ih: period of a*to for p'cturings oi rea: ife will ho pre-eminent,ly attravJrve He to •

aeries of sketches d.-scriptive ofCuUNTKV -!!• WITHIN CITY-

Tl T-m, as iiprrlvfsra. will Hr aleading tnj.ic : n * its trilies, fashions andainneii)-ut in*’rly. though :hee ar*noted with oare. The weekly ebronudeof the Town, cnnp.-i-ea notices, mareor lens niMiuir, a*r*<tiJing to circmntisnees, of tl;e ijnportafit lr* lures,works n| a-\ sebenv-j of improremetitand Iten-vaienne, rnt-rpii-rs J]j

roveries and inven.ions, as Weil as thepapular entertainmenta.

“I;;t6SSI:RC Vinthe titleof one department. Special pains aretaken tt> select from the news and litera-ture of the world ths farts tin I ideaswhich are of pecuUai imjotance to theW>rrten of \morica. A fairer field fortheir industry, an I wider sc pa far theexercise of iheir ge,,iiis art atnnng thneceftti'tes of the time to which we shallendeavour to attract public attention.

Tnr rSK:;*x Pa will continue to

be carefully oiaminrd. nriJ everythin?•fhome interest extracted, and a>rnnge<:under the head of •* Rea fines in ForeignJournals,'' Amene.m papers, for aaintilar pttrjMHe, will be diligently ran-sacked-

A large number of able and dimin.gutnhed persiko* are aecnstanted tr>a%ailthemselves of the erifumra of ti. HomeJourna! whenever they desire to communicate with the public.tributions are a valuable feature of tue

P*PT r;

Thin cophms. comprehensive and ele-gantly printed Femilv Newspaper is nowacknowledged to be the tmfb>p>iiaekbl-dravring-rtvom g ante of tho country. Ahome ia hardly complete, we think wernav nafelt venture to say, without theO* E iOURNA. which is the

Chronicle of all lht interests all classesof Society, and of the intelligence whichmdot enlivens an Americah Home. New-York is the great c*nte, and here, atthe fountain head of novelty, incident,literature and foreign news, the HomeJournal is printed and published. Itseditors. Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Wil,lia, devote their entire time, skill andexperience to the task of giving, eachweek, Rvaavrntxo Wobth

Ttaxs. For one ropy. ; tor three“

copies, #A, <rr for- one o*>py for throe jyears, -ala*,4 in advance. Sub- jscribe with#t dalav. Address.

MORRIS ft WILLIS.Kdttora, 107 Pulton aircet, Kew-York f

yotiabtr 11, H3I • -

LITTKf.L’S living age.!fROIPBCTCI.

Th’S work is conducted in (It* spit It of !LrHell s usemn of l'orp{H Litmlarf,

i I**I'6*l wa* favorably received by the ii public for twenty ywr 4mh n. Ii is, ;

twice as lefge. ami ppe a# * mt* often, werot only jitspirit and freshness to h by

I many things which were excluded bya month a delay, but while thus extending

• our scope and gathering a greater and| ’more attractive variety, are abje eo to

) increase the aolid and substantial part ofnur literary, historical and political

j k ,r,r**t •* fully to satisfy the wants ofthe American reader. ...


I aJ^^!* 1*5 ft.saya off "ftdfnbiirgh. Quarterly, and other !

i R**v iew* ; and Blackwood's noble criti- !ctsms on Poetry, hi* k~*. political C-mi |menu nes, highly wrought Tales, and,vivi.J descriptions of rural and mountain ,Scenery ; and the contributions to Liters- itu e, Hutory, and Common Life, by the IS feutator, the sparkling Exsmi. 1

ner, the judicious Athei sum, the busv (and industrious Literary Gazette, the Jl *o*ihle and comprehensive Britannia,the sober and respectable Christian Ob j*etyer ; these are intermixed with the

iliiary and Naval reminiscences of tha jI Lulled Service, and with the best snides !of the Dublin University. New monthly* jb raser’a Tail’-, Ainsworth's, ood's, and jSporting Magazines, and of Chamber's jadmirable J >urna!. We do net consider Jit beneath our dignity to borrow wh and 'wisdom from Punch; and, when we think •it good enough, make use of the thunder Iof The limes. Wa shall increase onr 'variety by importation* firm the continentot Europe, and from the new growths.©!the British colonies,

7he steamship has brought Europe.Asia, and Africa, into our neighborhood ;and willgreatly multiply our connect ion*,a Merchants, 1 tavellers, and Politician*,with all part* of the world ; so that muchmore than ever it now becomes every iintelligent American to he informed ofthe condition and change* Of foreigncountries. And ibis not only because oftheir nearer connection with ourselves,but because the nations seem to be hasfoiling, through a rnpiH process ofchange./


to some new mate nf tilings, which themereV political prophet cannot computeor fnrset.

G .*..*£rapl.ical Discoveries, the projjre**¦if Colon, Xut it*** /wliiak•tie whole wuridj and Voyages' am*

will he favorite matter f r onrselections; and, in general, we shallsya'ematically and very fully acquaintonr traders with tha great department offoreign affairs, without entirely negleg. •

dnr our own. *

j Whi’e wr aspire to make the Living |j At?* d sirahle to all who wish to Icerp

I themseUcs informed of the rapid progressi '*f the movement —to .S alesmen, Divines,( bxwy v, and Physicians—to men - of1 ' and men of leisure—it is Mill a =-trong-r object to make it attractive ard Iti-etnl to their Wires and Children.' AVe j

| leliere that we can thus do some good in jj our day and generation ; and hope toj make tha work indispensable in every

! well.infirmed family. We say indispet).saMe, because in this day of cheap lifers-inre it i not possible to guard against theinflux of what i*had in taste and vickmein morals in any other .way than he fur-nihing a sufficient supply of a healthy,character. The mental and moral appe

i the tn.Vif be gratified.

I We hope that, by “ g'thej h*at from the chart*,*- by providingabundantly for the imagination, and by a

* large collection of Biography Voyages,Travels,History, and more jolid matter,we may produce a work which shall hepopular, while at the same lime it willaspire to raise the standard of public taste.

Thc Living Age ia published everySaturday, by E, Littell Ac Co , cornerof Tremont and Bromfield at*, Boston ;

Price 12} cents a number, or six dollarsa year in -advance. Remittances for any'petiod will bo thankfully received andprompt Iv attended to.


W e will send the work POSTAGEFREE to alt subscribers in Hie UnitedSlate*, who remit in advance directly tothe office' of publication at Down*, thestun of Six Dollars x—thus placing ourdistant subscribers on the same footing as'those nearer to .us ; and making lb# wholecountry our neighbourhood.

December 9, 1832. V

;V¦¦ -


bba nr-sxae ci-srnixo.BPALDISO& GRK&NWEI.L be

just received one. of the largest- assortment of Ovca, Sack, and Faces Coats,ever offered in this county, which theywill sell at Baltimore prices. ¦

The Ktgbest market price, In Cash orI Goods *i|b be given ht O/flba “or Dft*\ Hides. .

——w -

I Nw. 4th. W, '

1 -v f! —-4:.. •; 'iO



THE subscriber responding to ttflrepented and urgettily-express#!

winh of eitiinent ami judicious persons lvariout sections of the country, havfldecided ta commence on the first of JaniMary, 1953. an Entirely originalcal under the ah>>ve title

It ia intended to combine the light*#characteristics of a popular magasimlwith tier higher and graver qualities ohlquarterly review filling a position bitbefito unoccupied in jur literature.

While aftraciiv* variety ftir the geaerflreader ia thus obtained,j>e atiki W ISrtuvj*He**#tffP,Tsk!*uiiii excellencein each department.

To accompliah * this, we intend 'thatthe work in all of its mechanical andbusiness aspects shall he such as willmeet the views jfour most distinguishedwriters; such a medium as they wouldseek for , in communicating with theworld, and such as may tempt some towrite, shiv and profitably, who have nothitherto contributed to periodicals.

We intend that ail articles admittedinto the work shall tie liberally paid for.

We believe there is ample material forsuch a work ; that there is no lack eitherof talent among onr writers or of appre-ciation on th** part of the resiling public ;

and tuat a properly conducted periodicalof this kind may bring to light much truegenius an yet undeveloped.

“Punani'a M uiih’y”will be devotedto the interests of literature, science, andAn. in their best and pleasantest aspects.

Entirely independent of all merelyselfish interests or partisan or sectionalleanings in its management, it will heopen to competent writers for free discus-sion of such topics as arc deemed impor-tant and ef pnbl.c interest.

The critic*! department will he whollyindepenXml of the publishers, and. as faras possible, #f all personal influence orbias. Wholesome castigations of publicabuses wilt be allowed a fair field withoutfear or favor.

An elevated national lona and spirit,American snd independent, yet discrimi-nating and just, both to the literature andto the social condition and prospects ofhnih hemispheres will be cultivated a aleading principle of the work.

Special attention will be given to mat-ters connected with social policy, municipal regulations, public health and safety,

. ¦ •¦**.. : -* mt irrmry vi^ytite.

When a subject needs illustration,or pictoral example, such iliuvtrationswill be occasionally given ; hut it is notexpected that the success ef the work isto depend on what are termed embel-lish merits."

The following among many others haveexpressed their hearty approval of theplan, and will all give it their genera!cooperation, while nearly all of them willha contributors to the WYrrk : WashingtonIrving, Hon. E. O. Sqnter, Nathanielllawthrone, Donald (*. Mitchell, R**v.Dr; Hawks, .Miss Warner, Author of“Wide World," f?on. Oeorga 4RancrefiRev. Dr. Robinson, K. P. Whipple, Prof.B Siiliman, jr. Miss Cooper, Rev DrWay land, Re* Orville Dewey, Pres HP Tsppan, Miss Sedgwick, If W Long-fellow, George Sumner, W C BryantFi’z Green llallcck, George WilliamCurtis. Rt Rev BKlinp Potter, of Pennsyl-vanla. R B Kimbell. Rev E I? CbaptnII Waldo Emerson, Professor GillespieMrs Kirkland, Prof Henry Reed, dtc.

A full list will ha hereafter.Price per annum, or 25 cents per

number. Tends for clubs, dec. will begiven in separate, circulars.

Order* received hjr all booksellersthroughout ihe United States and by thtPublisher's.

G. f. PCTNAN ft Co.16 Park Place, Naw York.

November 28. 1852.

THREE TUN HOTEL,At the Comer, of Prmd ‘end Pace Sireele

BALTIMORE:¦ -AJI Accommodations equal toHiiiJan J *n tbs city. Board—

Dollar Px* Day. Sta-attached to the estab-

lishment. Call and see.T- B. ROBEY, Proprietor.

•'*oHft iT cl c :1 V


No. 3 Hollixswobts axd Gkaxt STS.*

•• Near Praw Street Wharf,A

HAS eonstamly-o# hand a full stockof* ktme {wood burnt). Bricks,

fTmii1, Cement. Clalcraed Plaster, Com,

Oats. Corn Meal, Chop Rye, Mill Peed,ect., all of which be wil) sell at thelowest market rat##.

• Orders for sayof the above article# will be attended to?lih pramptneke, bud satisfacuod beguaranteed.

September f, 4*3l—y -

•Vrirjeer rraLisnso by

A. P. BURT, |f JY*. 7 BaUimore sfrret , Tlnltfwrt

.7gofic Doubts relative to Napr.leo jBonaparte by Richard Wbatcfy. DDn

A Areht*ihop of Dnbhu. Second Am**r-icta edition, !Bno, 72pp., paprr mver.

cents. Ry remitting the price ofSftdbk Bonk, po-t pniri. it will Lh* etl fret- i

M7 P* rt #f the United Slates.

J9wC#techism of the Protestant Cpisco-9|HSBBHhnircLywo—•—r.—t-ili fn ¦^¦•rnT


stcrrolvp’e p?ae*, prinle-4 in rules, with ihandmnie frontispiece, 32.n0, $1 25per hundred.* (

i November C5.


j OMIOMAS W. lIKLLEN, No. 15-iiJ Dugan's Wharf, al>ve the Fiatr 1! W arehouse, ko-ps constantly on hand a :large supply of GUANO, of direct trn ‘portation, w hich he ofTen to eell on aaccommodating terms as any cnc in the i

, market. Also. Calcined Plaster, Ce. |, ment, Lime, Bricks, Day, Com Meal, 1

Flour, family, extra and superfine, to-gethcr with every variety of article appertaining to bis Lusinesn. Ilis friendswill find it greatly to tbeir advantage tosend direct to him for any article theymay want in his line, as all orders willbe promptly attended to.

Baltimore, July 22, 1882—tf.

l.nno BOOK AGENTS WANTED. •To Sill Virioria 1. and Useful Woiks for ;

ihe Year 1853.Dollars a Yeas ?

XT7“ A NTUD. in every Couxtt or txe iTv United Stats, active and enter- j

prising men, to engage in the rale of someof the l*st Boi>ks pnMinhed in the conn- 1try. To men of good address, possessing ia small capital of from $25 to SIOO,such inducements will be offered as to.jenable them to make from •* to f > a ;dav profit.

tea- The Books published by ns are !•II Useful in their character, extremelypopular, and command larga sales 'wherever they are offered.

Fc|* further particulars, address, ('por- jlagejjiahi.l

*w*rr 2T. 1953-" 1


KVcpkinx V FalrrhMd,beet EASORS TO OtEM liorK H*.

MKnnMXT 230 Baltimore at., N. W. (Tome* •rCiiirlo i


A large assortment of Uhady-Mapk |Clothing of Sttperior qualify.

ONE PRICE ONLY.April I, 1552— f.


LAR MANUFACTURER,Wholesale and Retail,

j No. 42 South Street,One door from Lombard,


TIDE above articles are ananufacturrd !. of the best a’rria's, an I will bo :sold at the Intrerl prices.

Merchants and Wholesale Dealers arcinvited to call and examine my stock b jfore making purchases, being preparedto sell goods as low as they can lie pur.rhasrd in any of the Northern or EasternCities, and pledge myself Id duplicateany bill mado in those cities. Please

1 call and satisfy yourselves of the fact.M.jr 20 ISs2—Uta.

Mia vex Wanted

THE subscriber is permanently loca-ted at Middleville, Charles County,

(immediately on the road from Fort To--1 baeco to Alien’s Fresh,) where he will

thepleased to buy anv Slaves

that are for sale. The extrente

value willbe given stall times,and liberal commissions paidfor information leading to a

purchase. Apply personally, or by let-er addressed to Allen's Fresh, CharlesCountv. JOHN G. CAMPBELL.

Middleville. Sept. 25.1851.


WHEREAS several trespasses have jbeen committed upon my landgreatly to my prejudice, this u therefor* ito camion and warn all persona from

, gunning on my premises or trespassingthereon in any other manner as I amdetermined rigidly to enforce the laws of

i th# country against any and every person Ii a# offending. ,

BENEDICT I HEARD.. February ink 1333 -ly-



dr JOHNSON are' manufacturing, and offer ft>r sale,their celebrated improved Hurxu Powerslid Threshing Machines. Tliey are

guaranteed to thresh as clean and asmuch as any otther machine ; besides,they are more durable, !cs likely to getout of order, and work easier than anymachine in the worldI Persons whomay wish to purchase machine# thisyear, are refer red to those gentlemen inthe cotintv that ig# sold to last Tear.

COTTINGItAM & JOHNSON.No. 121 Pr*tt Street Wharf.

April 1, 1852 Baltimore


No. 105 West Fayette Stbkt,Opposite She Liberty Engine Huosr,

U \LTIMORIb.Respectfully informs his

VST that hr has purchasul^^athe old

w"*-i4SaS!and 0f Mr. J. Ha rmtii, and isprepared to supply them wi.h OperaiirmiA. (Jailers, Bcott-h B'r>!s and Slioesof ail kinds, for gentlemen's wear, madeof the best materials. By atrict attentionto Iruj-inens, Its hope* to merit a shara ofthe patronaga exiended tot the late pro-prietor. ,

Augmt 5, 1832.

FREELAND 4’ HALLGrocery (c CcM*itfON .Merchasts

No 69 Light Blreef WhatfBALTIMORE.

OFFER for sale the most reason,

able terms a choice and freh se-lected slock of Groceries, con*isting inpart of150 Begs Rio Coffee various grades.

I*2o do Government Java Coffee4-' do old white MaracaiNt do60 Chests of Gunpowder Imperial de T.

Hyson Ten.30 lilfChcsts Oolong Ai Chilian Black do50 half Boxes double refined I .oaf Sugar6.5 Barrels Cnuhed Pulverized dc Clarit

fied d >

40 llhds Porto Rico Ac Cuba Molasses5 lllids family Syrup30 Hhds New Orleans, Cuba Ac .Porto

Rico Sugar*.

rvCi.-Xi,- r- P.ratt and t'nmmtr*- •*****.


COTTINOH AM Ac JOHNSON haveremoved to No. 121 Pratt Street

WtTAxr, corner of Hollingsworth andPravt streets, a few doors from their oldstand, where they will continue to manrufacture and sell on as liberal terms aeany other House in the city of Balti-more, every article that the Faimer orPlanter may wish to use. They arehankful for past favors, and solicit acontinuance of the public patronage.

Balturorc, Feby. 26. 1852.

OKORC-i: 3L.ITUR,Or the late Firm orCiMtovc & Ruates,

Wholesale Uroc'r* and Coin miaaion Merchant*No. 10 Commercial tieet,

BUGS to inform hi* friends in Leonard Town and St. Mary’s county

that he will continue at the old standwhere he will feel most happv in attending to whatever orders they may pleasefavor him with.

Baltimore,Sept. 25, 19S).


BY virture of a writ of* Fieri Faciasissued from the Circuit Court for

St. Mary *s County at the suit of .Young P.Da" kins against the godHs and chattel*land and tenements of Edward Johnsonand to me directed, I have seized andtaken in execution all the right, title,interest, claim, property and demandwhatsoever, at law and in equity of thesaid Edward Johnson, in and to the fol-lowing property, to wit: A tract or parcel of land called Piney Neck containing100 acres; a tract or parcel of land called Deptford, containing f? 0 'acre*; atract or parcel of land called f* Part ofSt. Joseph Manor." containing 1$) acre*;—the said rac! together forming theestate better known a*


containing in a?l-820 acres of land, moreor less. * ‘

Artd I hereby give notice (hat on Tue#-day the Bth day of March next, betweenthe hours uf 16 A. *M.* and 4 o'clockP. M.. { will offer at public sale at theCourt House floor in Leonard Town, thaabove described property, no seized amitaken ir execution, *.o the highest bidderfar cash.

C. J. DURANT. Sheriff.February ICth ISM—4. a.

. .1 *i - . -•

#1.50 PER ANNUMT®l. 8.-No. 9ft

Watches, Gold and Silver .

Ware*.L, I!. HiLi.EH. A CO.* Watch a Jkwuit Mortk.To. fit Baltimore ft. 5. R. car af Chart— af

IMPORTERS nf English ami BwhWatches and Tools of evenr deaerip*

!io, Watch Case Maker* and Mwufcc*| Hirers of Fine Gold Jewelry. We sail' Ihe alien!ion of Southern and Western1 dealers i,n Watches, Jewelry and Silver

Ware, to our very extensive *tqpk, assnr-them that in no jartiete fit osr Jins

shall allow any establishment in swr.pass us, cither in quantity, quality or

! low pi ices. We are the only Wholesale1 House in this branch of trade in Balti-more, an:l hai! use every fair means in

induce Southern and Western merchantsto open accounts with us. Our term*

shall be a< liberal and acewnrnm ating asca i possibly he found in th** United Stales.

We will take pleasure in showing ourgood* to Southern and Western merchants,whether thev open accounts with tie ornot, L. 11. MILLER & CO..

Importers of Watches,*Baliimora.February t, ISM,



fttale or Maryland.\ T an Orphan's Court held for Sain*

-i~ \- Mary's County, at the Court House,in Leonard Town, on the 11;h day otJanuary, in the year of our Lord onethousand eight hundred and fifty three.

Present, BenKlltl I. Esq.,Chief Judge, Richard 11. Herder andJames R. Hopewell, E-qrs., AssociateJudges, C. J. Hu rant, Sheriff, and G.Combs, Register.

Among other proceedings were thei following, to wit : On application of

j Georye C. Morgan and Joseph Spalding,administrators, w. a., of tlwily Smith,

! late of Saint Mary’s county, deceased, it

1 is ordered hy the Court, that the said1 administrators give the notice require Iby law for the creditors to file thrir

! claims again-M Ihe estate of the said de-ceased, for dividend, in the Register qfW ill’s office,shi* or before the second “

. Tuesday of March next, and that tinsj order be published in the St. Mary a

I Beacon once a week until the second| Tuesday uf Marcii next.? In testimony that the aforegoing is a

copy taken fiom ono of the recordsr BPneDurrlnr- Court for St. Mary’s county,f *L. S jfc 1 have hereunto subscribed my

name, and* affixed the seal ofthe said Couit. this 11th day of January,

> in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred. and fifty.three.

GEORGE COMBS, Register^IN conformity with the above order,

j we hereby gitre notice to all persons hdv.i ing claims against the estate of the Ist*

Elwily Smith, to file the same frfr dHi-dend, in the office of the Register ofWills, on or before the second Tuesdayin March next; otherwise, they willbeexcluded fiom all be ns fit of tha aaidestate.



Administrator*.Jan. 27—id.

I .


niI.ITARY IWriTCTt).JOTI* R. JOSBH, Principal. -

THIS Institution, delightfully situatednear Crbana, Frederick couhty,

| Md., three mile* from the Igamuvilln; depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail| Road, and immediately on the stage toad| leading from Washington city to Freder-

ick, is now in full operation. The foca-! lion is proverbially hoalihy-the buildings. commodious, snd ifie rooms larg* and

: com forts ble. The course of atudieeem-j braces the English, Latin. Greek, French,

! Spanish and German languages. Mathe-matic*. Natural and Mqral Philosophy.The military exorcises do* not' iaitrie rewith the academicjdoliea.

Tea**.—For board* tuition, washing,fuel, light*, and servants* attendance$l6O for the session of tan months.

Circulars containing paniculatW'maybe had en application id the Principal atUrbans. Frederick oeuaty. lid. J

. ¦*f '< ¦<• .

. d

Cbarlfn Ffriwan,’* Gaecaa Ik Coaauuoc Mtuiurr

>'o..€ Li{ht Street.

.. wyv

* *

KEEPS constantly on hand a largeand welJLacleaUjd arock ©f Groce-

ciee. Teas, Wines TdqUdrt nndwhich he is prepared to Mil as low aeany otheiiicuse here.

> He has also had 13 yean Experiemin selling Tobacco and Grain aodffauexa

i himself he can give Wtufaetion to ’tlo*awho will intrust their produce*fj hiaCare. •' ¦. *

Balilwsr* Tebriary U, T*si—fa.