st luke's fall 2011 newsletter

fall 2011 newsletter In This Issue On Fire! 2-4 Adult Classes 4 L-Teams 5 Missions 6 Fall Drama 6 Information & Announcements 7 Operations 8-9 God Stories 10-11 Staff 12 Beginning this fall Sunday, Sept 11 9:30 am My Dear Friends in Christ, It has been over a month now since my installation, and what a month it has been! Christina and I have been blessed beyond what we could have imagined since our arrival, and the blessings keep coming! I want to thank you for all of the encouragement and for all of the prayers. I daily keep you all in my prayers as I ask for wisdom and discernment in serving you as Associate Pastor. The other day, Christina and I had the chance have an elegant dinner with the call team. How great it was to talk with the men and women that had such an intimate role in the decision to call me to this amazing congregation! We shared stories back and forth about the call process, and I was able to get a better grasp of what the call process looked like from the “other side of the fence.” Knowing that this call was the result of two years of hard work and searching humbled me. I have been humbled since the moment we arrived—the excitement and the encouragement has been overwhelming. I pray that I am able to serve you to the best of my abilities— relying on Jesus for everything that I do. I didn’t think that it was possible, but I am even MORE excited than I was when I arrived. God has ignited a fire in me and it has continued to grow with each new relationship formed. So, who exactly did St. Luke’s call to be their Associate Pastor? I want to take this time to let you know a little bit more about me and my own personal walk with Jesus. A large part of who I am is tied to a very personal family story that I will, God willing, share with you in person (perhaps in a sermon?). We all have a story. God calls us in different stages and in different times in our lives. Some stories begin with a life-altering event and some begin in the home. My story begins where all of our stories can be eventually traced to: the font. My story began at my baptism. If you ever want to know about my personal walk with Jesus, I could probably sum it up in that one word: baptism—or rather, baptized. What do I mean by this? My salvation is an act of God alone and not mine. Thank God that my salvation is not placed on my commitment! I know that I am saved, chosen, forgiven, made new, not because of my action, but because of God’s action. In Romans 6:4- 5, Paul writes, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” So then, each and every day is a walk in my baptism: I have been claimed by a loving Father and united with Jesus, who died on a cross and rose from the dead. Every morning I put to death my sins by repenting and, because of Jesus, I can walk in a new life—a life that is forgiven and OVERJOYED to bear witness to the fact that I will rise with my Savior and Lord on the Last Day. How do I know this? Baptism! It’s all because of Jesus. This is some good stuff! “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). It’s free. It’s powerful. It’s life changing. This is the free gift of God given to us at our baptism. Only Because of Jesus, Pastor Jake Allstaedt

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A quarterly newsletter for St Luke's Lutheran Church, Federal Way, WA.


Page 1: St Luke's Fall 2011 Newsletter

fall 2011 newsletter

In This Issue

On Fire! 2-4

Adult Classes 4

L-Teams 5

Missions 6

Fall Drama 6

Information & Announcements 7

Operations 8-9

God Stories 10-11

Staff 12

Beginningthis fall

Sunday, Sept 119:30 am

My Dear Friends in Christ,

It has been over a month now since my installation, and what a month it has been! Christina and I have been blessed beyond what we could have imagined since our arrival, and the blessings keep coming! I want to thank you for all of the encouragement and for all of the prayers. I daily keep you all in my prayers as I ask for wisdom and discernment in serving you as Associate Pastor.

The other day, Christina and I had the chance have an elegant dinner with the call team. How great it was to talk with the men and women that had such an intimate role in the decision to call me to this amazing congregation! We shared

stories back and forth about the call process, and I was able to get a better grasp of what the call process looked like from the “other side of the fence.” Knowing that this call was the result of two years of hard work and searching humbled me. I have been humbled since the moment we arrived—the excitement and the encouragement has been overwhelming. I pray that I am able to serve you to the best of my abilities—relying on Jesus for everything that I do. I didn’t think that it was possible, but I am even MORE excited than I was when I arrived. God has ignited a fire in me and it has continued to grow with each new relationship formed.

So, who exactly did St. Luke’s call to be their Associate Pastor? I want to take this time to let you know a little bit more about me and my own personal walk with Jesus. A large part of who I am is tied to a very personal family story that I will, God willing, share with you in person (perhaps in a sermon?). We all have a story. God calls us in different stages and in different times in our lives. Some stories begin with a life-altering event and some begin in the home. My story begins where all of our stories can be eventually traced to: the font. My story began at my baptism.

If you ever want to know about my personal walk with Jesus, I could probably sum it up in that one word: baptism—or rather, baptized. What do I mean by this? My salvation is an act of God alone and not mine. Thank God that my salvation

is not placed on my commitment! I know that I am saved, chosen, forgiven, made new, not because of my action, but because of God’s action. In Romans 6:4-5, Paul writes, “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” So then, each and every day is a walk in my baptism: I have been claimed by a loving Father and united with Jesus, who died on a cross and rose from the dead. Every morning I put to death my sins by repenting and, because of Jesus, I can walk in a new life—a life that is forgiven and OVERJOYED to bear witness to the fact that I will rise with my Savior and Lord on the Last Day. How do I know this? Baptism! It’s all because of Jesus. This is some good stuff! “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). It’s free. It’s powerful. It’s life changing. This is the free gift of God given to us at our baptism.

Only Because of Jesus,Pastor Jake Allstaedt

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ON FIRE!FAMILIES ON FIRE!What an exciting time it is at St. Luke’s! As our building project comes to a close and we look at new opportunities to open our doors, we are also entering a new adventure with the families of our church and community. Our dream is to see families walking together On Fire with the love of Jesus – experiencing God’s guidance and grace each day, and that those lives become a witness to a hurting world of the joy and hope we have in Jesus. In order to see this dream a reality we are developing our ministry in three key areas:

Building parent and family communities by age/grade. We know that raising children doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Every parent needs people to support, encourage, share ideas with and share life with. Kids need a broader community in which to engage. The people surrounding our kids have a tremendous impact on who they will become. Throughout the year On Fire will provide many sharing and learning opportunities for parents to grow and find support in this important role.

Offering a comprehensive curriculum plan for our children & youth ministries. One of the greatest things we can give our children is a understanding of God and His Word. Each year On Fire includes a specific theme as well as memory verses to teach our children truths that will bless and protect their lives. Each year students will have events designed to creatively show them the gift of walking in God’s Word.

Creating a culture of joyful anticipation. We believe life was made by God for joyful adventure. God has a good plan for our kids, and we want them looking forward to what is next instead of living in depression and fear. Through On Fire we hope to provide an atmosphere of excitement as kids engage in serving their world and see the exciting adventure God has for them.

Watch for ways to be involved as together we help our children walk with Jesus. Whether you are raising your own or just love kids and desire to see them grow up in the Lord. Come be a part of Spark (Ages 0-5), Flame (1st-6th grade), or Ignite (7th-12th grade) as God works through us to teach and touch the next generation with the love of Jesus! Pastor Chris

Come As You Are! – Spark, Flame, & Ignite ParentsSundaysSpark - 3rd Sunday, 9:30am Flame - 1st Sunday, 9:30am Ignite - 4th Sunday, 11:00amThese monthly times together are for parent sharing, growing, and support. Each age level (Spark – 0-5; Flame – elementary school; Ignite – jr high and high school) have their own unique challenges, frustrations and joys in parenting. This hour is less of a class and more of a time for parents to connect with other parents and have that much needed support in Christian parenting. Though each age group will have a Sunday of the month, you may find that hearing from parents in a different age level will be helpful, too!

FLAME - (grades 1 - 6)

Sunday School Opening DaySunday, September 11, 9:30amClassroom location maps are available in the lobby. Children should go directly to their classrooms that day and we ask that parents pick their children up at their classroom after class at 10:30am. This will allow you to meet your child’s teachers, see their classroom and be given special parent information. Sunday School registration forms are available in the lobby at the Sunday School table. Children are welcome to invite friends to be a part of our Sunday School!

Children’s ChoirAll children in grades 1-6 are welcome to join our St. Luke’s Children’s Choir, directed by Mitzie Ollila. Our choir rehearses every Thursday night from 6-7pm in Music Room #100. Rehearsals begin September 15. Contact Mitzie at St Luke’s if you have questions. This choir sings for regular worship services usually at 11am and for special programs and services.

Kids For Christ - KFC456All kids in grades 4, 5 and 6, and their friends are invited to our fall monthly activities. Our first meeting is Sept 21 from 6:30-8:30pm in Malkow Hall for “Radical Relays.” Dinner will be served for kids and parents. There will also be a Parent Meeting that night at 7pm. On October 19 we will have “Weird Science Night” (same time and place) with dinner. November 16 is “Mission Mania.” We are counting on parents to help and donate food for the dinners, snack time and activities.

Second Grade BiblesOn October 9, second graders and their families are invited to the 2nd grade Sunday School classroom for a brunch at 9am followed by a Bible Game time with the parents and children during the Sunday School hour. At the 11am worship, the children will be presented with their own Bibles and will have the opportunity to have them personalized.

Openings in Preschool & Kindergarten ClassesWe have openings now in our current 2011-2012 preschool classes for 3 and 4 year olds. We also have openings in our all day kindergarten class. Contact Heather in our church office for registration information.

Building DedicationIt has been exciting watching the building going up. Exciting to see how God has provided every step of this journey. Exciting to think of the possibilities going forward. Exciting to think of the new people whose lives will be touched by Jesus in this place. The time has come to not merely be excited but to open the doors of this building and open the doors of our hearts to this community. We will be dedicating the new facility October 16 at 2:00 pm.

At the dedication you will have an opportunity to walk through and see the plans that we have for this new setting. We will pray over this new space and ask God to use it to bring Jesus and His love into our community. And we will CELEBRATE!!! Singing, dancing, and shouting is encouraged!

We will be joined by ministry and community partners on this special day. So mark your calendars, invite your friends, and pray for God to begin a new work in this new place. Sola de Gloria!

SPARK - (age 0 - kindergarten)

Sunday School Opening DaySunday, September 11, 9:30amCelebrate a new phase of life for your 3-year-old – Sunday School! At the beginning of the 9:30 service, there will be a special sending/prayer time for 3’s and their parents allowing us to celebrate this milestone as a community – our church family. Contact Jan Grothe for more info: [email protected].

Presentation of Toddler BiblesSunday, September 25, 11:00amTwo year olds are able to sit for a few minutes and listen to short, short stories. We have a special toddler Bible just for 2’s! Presentation and story time for 2’s and their parents will be at the 11:00 service on September 25. Contact Taia Smith for more info: [email protected].

Backstage TourSaturday, October 22, 3-4:30pmA special event for kindergarten kids and their parents to see what happens behind the scenes in worship. Tour backstage with Pastor Chris. Interact with Larry and the band. Learn the whys behind what we do each week. Contact Dennette and Carl Church for more info: [email protected].

Meet the BabiesSaturday, October 22, 10-11:30amWho are the parents of babies at St. Luke’s? This is a time to meet other parents and talk about the life change of having a baby in the house, sharing experiences, joys, frustrations, and help for others. Contact Carrie Andrew for more info: [email protected].

Starting RightNovember 6 & 13, 9:30amNow you are responsible for another life – your child! With all the choices out there, how are you going to raise your child? Pastor Chris teaches these two sessions to help parents walk through this decision-making process for a Christ-centered home life.

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New L-Team?It’s easy to start an L-Team! Check out our website for the variety of L-Teams we have. Email Jan Grothe at [email protected] or go to the St. Luke’s website, log in, then click on “Start a new L-Team” and fill out the form. Not sure? Give me a call and we can talk through your ideas and the process. Jan at 253.941.3000.

Membership ClassDiscover Life with God – This workshop and Next Steps events are designed to learn more about what it means to be in relationship with God. We cover topics in the Christian faith, including Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, as well as the vision and purpose of St. Luke’s. This workshop is held three times throughout the year. The next dates are: Sept 30/Oct 1, Jan 20/21, and April 13/14.

GriefShareThe worst possible thing has happened, and now your life will never be the same. How can you survive this grieving as you try to live without that person in your life? You feel like no one could possibly understand. You say – “How come people seem to avoid talking with me?” “When will my sadness go away?” “Why can’t I think clearly?” “Why can’t I stop crying?” “Who can I turn to that understands what I am going through?”

St. Luke’s offers a Christ-centered, Biblically-based grief recovery program called GriefShare. GriefShare is a weekly video seminar featuring some of the nation’s foremost experts on grief recovery topics. Each seminar includes a grief support group discussion, time to allow group participants to view the content of the seminar, and if they choose, to share about how they are dealing with the death of their loved one.

Rick and Jean Ford have walked this journey and will continue to do so. When the Lord nudged their hearts to facilitate this group, they knew their sorrow and pain were going to be used to help others.

GriefShare begins on Sunday, Sept 11, 12:30-2:30pm, at St. Luke’s, room 312. Call St. Luke’s, 253.941.3000 or email Jean and Rick, [email protected] to register.

Surviving the HolidaysIn past years, the Christmas holiday season may have been a time of great anticipation and excitement … but this year, the prospect of facing the holidays without your loved one may cause anxiety and dread. You are not alone.

“Surviving the Holidays” is a GriefShare seminar, which offers practical ideas for surviving the deep sorrow and pain you may experience, words of encouragement to help you during the holiday season, and decreasing your stress in the process. “Surviving the Holidays” will be offered at St. Luke’s on Saturday, Nov 5, 9:30 – 11:30am. There is a $10.00 registration fee for materials and lunch. Contact Rick and Jean Ford for more information: 253.839.8583 or [email protected].

Sunday School Christmas ProgramsMark your calendars and plan ahead for our Sunday School Christmas Programs. Our 3, 4 and 5 year old Sunday School classes will present their program on Dec 4 at 9:30am and y will begin rehearsing in October. Grades 1-6 will present their program on Dec 11 at 11am. There is a dress rehearsal on Saturday, Dec 10 from 1-2:30pm for all children in grades 1-6.

Make-N-Take Craft FestivalBring family and friends to our annual Make-N-Take Christmas Craft Festival on Sunday, Nov 27 from 2-5pm in Malkow Hall. There are over 15 different projects to make, celebrating the birth of our Savior. This year in celebration of our 10 year anniversary of this fun event, we will offer new activities, peppermint ice cream, music, balloons and other surprises!

In The BeginningThis class will look at historic s c i e n t i f i c i n f o r m a t i o n through the confirmation of the expanding universe and see how it coincides with

the Bible. Doug Deems will facilitate discussions, video, and books to navigate this interesting topic.

Upcoming Special Events Sept 11 Sunday School begins Sending and Prayer for 3-year-olds at 9:30 worship

Sept 25 Presentation of Toddler Bible to 2-year-olds at 11am worship

Oct 7 Gift Challenge Night for 6th graders and parents 7pm, Malkow Hall

Oct 9 Brunch and Bible Games for 2nd graders and parents 9am-10:30 in Sunday School classroom and presentation of Bibles at 11am worship

Oct 22 Meet the Babies at 10am Backstage Event for 5-year-olds and parents 3pm, Worship Center

Oct 23 Celebration for 5-year-olds, 11am worship

Nov 4 Secret Agent Initiation for 4th graders and parents 7pm, Malkow Hall

Upcoming Holiday EventsOct 31 Harvest Carnival 5-8pm, Malkow Hall

Nov 23 Family Worship Thanksgiving Eve 7pm

Nov 27 Make-n-Take Craft Festival 2-5pm, Malkow Hall

Important Date ChangesThere is a big change in our Sunday School schedule that parents will want to be aware of. In months with five Sundays, no Sunday School will take place on the fifth Sunday. On those Sundays families are encouraged to come together as a full church community for worship. The dates of these special Sundays are October 30, January 29, and April 29. There will be other Sundays off due to holidays, which are indicated in the Sunday School calendar.

Early Communion class for 5th graders and their parents begins in January, on Wednesday evenings (formerly offered on Tuesdays). The class runs for six weeks and culminates with 5th graders receiving thier first communion during the Ash Wednesday service.

Women’s MinistryLadies! Gear up for a new year! We’re testing the waters and trying something different. This year, we will have a monthly format (first Saturday of the month) with a variety of topics, presentations, and events: Biblical, home life, relational, inspirational, financial, family, personal, shopping and more!

The year will start with Ann Murphy leading the topic in October. Ann is a highly regarded, inspirational speaker and leader. She has led many studies and topics in various groups. She is a community leader as well as a church leader and is involved with missions at St Luke’s. Her first topic will be Saturday, Oct 1, 9-11am.

What is an L-Team?People engaging in a Live.Love.Learn. activity where relationships are built and Christ is shared.

L-Teams are not small groups• They may or may not meet weekly• They may or may not open a Bible or pray or talk about Jesus

L-Teams can include anyone, meet anywhere and do almost anything• They are not just for St. Luke’s people - invite co-workers, neighbors and friends• They can meet at your house, at church or at the bowling alley

L-Team samples: Golf Tournament, Sip ‘n Score, NFL Pick ‘Em League, Christian Motorcyclists, Afternoon Tea, and STOKE. We’ve also had a neighborhood trash pick up L-Team and Mirror Lake community service teams, We have boy scouts, small group teams, hospital visitors, potlucks, thrift store shopping, and bowling.

For more information, contact Jan Grothe: 253.941.3000 or [email protected]

L-Team Leader (Captain) TrainingWe have had 277 people who have gone through the training for leading L-Teams! An L-Team is a fantastic and easy way to connect with people and to bring God’s love to those who may not know Him. What has God put on your heart to do? What are you already doing? Email Jan, [email protected], or call 253.941.3000 to set up a time to talk about where God is leading you and for a short training session.

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Abigail Allen Lindsy RonishColin Babcock Molli RonishDaniel Brinkman Kira SmithRowan Church Hannah SoltisAdam Grieger Stephanie StahlneckerAlexis Hill Zachary StevensonSonia Klouse Matthew StraumeNathan Means Luc TousignantAbigail Nelson Christopher WoodJacob Ronish

HAPPENINGS AT ST LUKE’S!Please update the church office, 253.941.3000 with new addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses.

Baptized:Carter LaLonde 04/03Journey Golden 04/30Carter Kirse 05/29Elizabeth Kirse 05/29Sydney Robinson 05/29Alison Hunt 06/05Daniel Hunt 06/05Ethan Stoker 07/09Eliana Quiles 07/16Nevaeh Gottlieb 07/17

Weddings:Jason and Jaime (Salyer) Brucker 04/30Richard and Rebecca (Jaquish) Stork 07/09Rob and Aurea (Magbalot) Grothe 07/23

First Communion:Alyssa Larson Jacob Allen

New Members:Harrison Duckworth Erica NeumillerChris and Kristie Hunt Cathy Nolan (Emily, Alison and Daniel) April PerigenRon Kirse and Jenny Bird (Zachariah and Owen) (Elizabeth and Carter) Louise PotockiCraig and Lynette Neumiller (Carsten)

Transfers:Robert and Sandi Jonson to Peace Lutheran, Kent (LCMS)Jeff and Jennifer Scott (Rachael and Jacob) to Bethany Lutheran, Spanaway (ELCA)

Death:Paula Brown 07/06

St Luke’s Pictorial DirectoryIt’s time to create a new church family album, and we want you to be a part of it! This is a great opportunity for us to update our photo directory, so that we can all connect names and faces of our fellow members.

For all you pet lovers, feel free to include your pets. After all, for many of us they are family members too! It won’t matter if you are a member or potential new member, every family will receive a complimentary 8x10, and the church will receive a free directory for every family that participates, which we will distribute to the congregation.

Lifetouch offers a program called Feed the Need. There are two parts to it. The first - for each family that participates in our photography sessions - Lifetouch will send our church money to feed four meals to a family in need. This is a wonderful service where they are helping feed people in our own community! Secondly, if you bring in non-perishable food on your day of photography, you will receive a $5.00 off coupon for your portrait order! When you combine that with the $10.00 off coupon you receive for giving your email address when you sign up on line, you will have $15.00 towards your purchase!

Finally, in addition to a pictorial directory, we will also receive an online community. This is a safe, secure, web-based photo directory that only the members of our congregation have access to. Each family will receive their own unique user name and password, and will be able to decide which information they want displayed. We will be able to list our activities, both in the church and for play, as well as occupations, so that we can support each other in business.

Please visit our website and sign up for your appointment. Portraits will be taken on October 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 26, with three additional dates if needed. This album will not be complete without you!

If you have questions, please contact Janet Britt, 253.941.3000.

Back to School Bash 2011 AND 2012Thank you to all of you who gave time, energy and resources to our Back to School Bash at Mirror Lake Elementary. The event is a huge blessing to the families and staff!

Thinking ahead…if you happen see great deals on school supplies after the school year starts, please pick up some items for next year’s event! Wide ruled paper, scissors, markers, pencils, etc! Drop off in Jaye’s office.

Family Mission TripOur first ever family mission trip is happening this coming Labor Day weekend at Camp Primetime. Please pray for the families participating (Mann, Blackmon, Howard Britt, Zern and Ken Breyer families). Pray for wisdom and peace, great opportunities for service and conversation and fun! This is a mission trip we hope to continue in the future.

The Giving Tree (Christmas thoughts already…)The Giving Tree will be up the weekend before Thanksgiving. We will be shopping for students at Mirror Lake Elementary and residents of Life Care Center. We will also deliver the gifts to the families on December 18. Mark your calendars to participate in this great opportunity!

make it right. eventWomen of Vision is presenting a seminar – Make it Right. From Oppression to Opportunity. This is a fundraising event to raise awareness of global women’s issues. Cheryl WuDunn, co-author of the book, Half the Sky will be the guest speaker. This book is a must read and the event will be great! Check out for more details.

Krispy KremesOpening Day, Sunday, September 11Plan on picking up a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts sometime in the morning! Just $10 per dozen or $1 each. Funds go to Swaziland Vision Team.

MISSION TRIP OPPORTUNITIES Medical Ministries InternationalMission trip to southern Mexico in February. Medical skill or none, all are welcome! Check out for more details.

LCMS World MissionMission to Macau to serve alongside one of our members, Serena Little. English conversation and service projects and missionary support will be involved. Applications are due December 1 for May 2012 trip. Check for more details.

St Luke’s LibraryOur library is located on the upper level of our main building. Take the elevator up. You will find a variety of Christian books. We use a self check-out system so you are welcome to check books out at any time. Especially popular is our large section of Christian fiction. We also have children’s books, Bible references and study guides, devotionals, books on parenting, series for small group studies and many others.

Into The Woods, Jr.St Luke’s Family Theatre Company proudly presents our Fall Drama for 2011-Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods, Jr.

The musical intertwines the plots of several Brothers Grimm fairy tales and follows them further to explore the consequences of the characters’ wishes and quests. The main characters are taken from the stories of Little Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel, and Cinderella, tied together by a more original story involving a baker and his wife and their quest to begin a family, most likely taken from the original story of Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm. It also includes references to several other well-known tales.

Performance dates are November 4, 5, 6 and November 11,12,13.

Please check the church Website or watch your weekly News and Notes for show times!

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Building UpdateConstruction

What’s Happening? (as of August 3)• Final taping and mudding of upper floor drywall• Interior painting of lower and upper floors• Installation of drop-down ceiling grid on lower floor• Installation of exterior siding• Assembly and installation of cabinetry beginning• Construction of new “Welcome Center” beginning (aka – Information Counter

/ L-Team Tables)• Final earth work of south parking lot renovations

What’s Coming Up Next?• Final coat of paint for upper and lower floors• Installation of drop-down ceiling grid on upper floor• Installation of carpet and tile flooring• Final installation of electrical, HVAC and fire system controls• Painting of exterior siding (including new paint for existing building)• Complete south parking lot renovations (curbing, paving, painting)• Installation of exterior and interior signage

What to Pray and Give Thanks For?• Pray for each individual of the building committee (Shane Doig – chair; Teri Sato;

Dave Ramsay; Tim Waisanen; Todd Zern; Pastor Chris Davis) as they continue to make decisions on various financial and design changes

• Pray for Abbott Construction as they proceed with final details• Pray for Abbott Construction and BPH Architects as they continue to pursue a

mid-September completion date• Pray for Church leadership as they prepare for the building transitions (moving of

Childcare, Youth Ministry, and Operation Blessing programs)• Thanksgiving for New Hope Church in continuing to host the Operation Blessing

ministry for the duration of the construction project• We can never thank you enough to the following St Luke’s members who have

continued to volunteer their skill, time and efforts towards this project: Jerry Church (plumbing installation), Dale Rene (signage design, materials and installation), Mark Taylor (data communications/network design and installation), David Emmert(audio-visual design and installation) and Ken Breyer & Company (cabinetry assembly and installation)

For Those to Come Building Expansion FundingFirst of all, thank you so much for your continued support of this exciting project!! We are thrilled to move forward together with you in partnership in how God is leading us in living out the Gospel in our community. As we look at the physical progress of construction, together with the monetary support we have received thus far, we cannot help but be grateful and filled with joy. Thank you!!

Secondly, a quick summary of our fundraising progress is shown to the right. Both the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the Building Committee are confident with the progress being made in our budget as well as our fundraising. However, we still have some ground to cover to fill the gap between our current donations on-hand and what it takes to complete the goals of this construction project. By the print date of this newsletter, we will be implementing a last push in which to bring us closer to our original pledge goal of 2 million dollars. Prayerfully consider how God is leading you to help us complete this exciting goal!!

Help Us Purchase Furniture and Equipment Interested in helping us purchase new furniture and equipment for the new building? Consider donating money towards chairs, kitchen appliances, childcare center cubbies, various audio-visual equipment, etc. Check our Building Expansion bulletin board in the lobby to learn more.

Financial Update Giving: Privilege in PartnerhsipGod gives all of us the great privilege of partnering with Him in His mission at St. Luke’s and in Federal Way. St. Luke’s is committed to reaching those who are far from God, offering compassion in a broken world, and turning us into increasingly devoted followers of Christ. We do this with a full commitment to bring the message of hope and love that comes through Jesus Christ.

Through your generous support you have enabled our church to make a difference in many lives. Because of you, so many good things are happening in and through St. Luke’s. From our children’s ministry, including the Preschool & Kindergarten and Childcare programs, to our worship services, which help connect us to God, and from our youth ministries to our L-Team ministries, your giving enables St. Luke’s to meet the needs of people who come here. Your gifts have a direct impact on what happens here at St. Luke’s, and we encourage every person/family to prayerfully consider how God is leading you to financially support His ministry in this community!

Operating Budget (Q3 Results | January - March 2011)

Revenue and ExpensesTotal income (church, preschool & kindergarten, childcare, rental groups, and interest/investment) as of March 31, 2011 of $1,398,203 exceeds net operating expenses of $1,311,281 by $86,922, although our general fund offerings of $846,893 are under budget by $68,107 (-7.44%). After mortgage principle payments, the current budget surplus to date is $67,104. This surplus is due to a number of contingencies built within the budget, as well as keeping a watchful eye on spending, and the money is not spent until after the fiscal year is complete in which the ELT will then recommend how it will be utilized. In years past, this money has been applied to the mortgage principle, capital improvement projects and/or safety reserves.

General Fund CashGeneral Fund Cash (aka – “Cash Surplus”) at the end of this reporting period is $1,127,677. $500,000 has been dedicated by the ELT to the current building expansion project (as approved by the congregation in April 2010), and the remaining $627,677 is dedicated towards the church’s safety reserves, which will be dedicated towards upcoming operating budget shortfalls due to the new facility’s mortgage payment.

Giving: Q3 Results (January – March 2011)Below is a brief review of the 3rd quarter results of fiscal year 2011. Even though we are challenged by a decrease in giving, we have made the necessary expense adjustments to maintain a positive cash flow. However, we strongly encourage each member to prayerfully consider their financial support.

NOTE: 4th quarter and year-end results for 2010-2011 were not officially published at the writing of this newsletter.

Capital Improvement FundThe Restricted Capital Improvement Fund (aka – the “Building Fund”) is $122,527. The above noted operating budget surplus includes the spending of $31,501 to date for the Voice Over IP phone system (VoIP – aka Internet based phones) and computer network replacement capital improvement projects. The journal entries for these expenses have not been against our Restricted Capital Improvement Fund as of this March 2011 statement.

St. Luke’s Giving GuideGeneral offerings, stock donations and even legacy planning… learn about the many ways you can support the present and future ministries of St. Luke’s. The new St. Luke’s Giving Guide will help direct you towards the many ways you can allocate funds to His ministry. Download a copy at: Us / Giving) or pick up a hardcopy edition at the Information Counter.

“Come on in, and join us...”

Project Funding ReviewOriginal Pledge Commitment(March 2008-March 2011)

$2.00 million

Pledged Funds Received(as of August 7, 2011)

$1.686 million (84% to goal)

General Fund Cash Used(Savings Account)


Mortgage Loan(Lutheran Church Extension Fund)

$2.315 million

Total Funds Received to Date(Pledged funds, general fund cash, loan)

$4.501 million

Total Construction Cost $4.814 million

Minimum Funds to be Raised to Meet Budget $313,000

Q3 (January - March) | FY 2011 vs FY 2010

FY 2010 Gen Offerings YTD $ 877,614

FY 2010 Gen Offerings Avg/Week $ 22,503

FY 2011 Gen Offerings YTD $ 846,983

FY 2011 Gen Offerings Avg/Week $ 21,718

FY 2010 Avg Offering / Active Family TD $ 1,389

FY 2011 Avg Offering / Active Family TD $ 1,340

FY 2011 vs. FY 2010 -3.50%

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If you want to see Caleb Allen’s eyes light up, ask him about futsal. Futsal is a variation of soccer, played on a basketball court, with a special low bounce ball. The game originated in Brazil, but it’s a natural game for the rainy Northwest.

Caleb started a futsal club at St Luke’s about a year and a half ago. He wondered if he would have a lot of red tape as staff processed what this would mean for scheduling and for having an indoor sport where people were kicking a ball. To his surprise, he quickly received the word, “Go for it. Let’s try it and see what happens.”

The club plays on Sunday afternoons in Malkow Hall, our gym. Kids and parents come for the fast-paced two hour game time. Players are changed every five minutes, so everyone has a chance to play without cooling down. It’s fun and exhausting. Most of the kids are between the ages of 10 and 12, though there are older and younger kids, too. Parents are on the floor dribbling, passing, and scoring right alongside their kids. It’s a competitive, but fun, family time.

In this first year of futsal, the club has had two significant events. They conducted a successful fundraiser, to get soccer balls for kids in Africa through World Vision. They hope to do another one soon. The second noteworthy event is their first futsal tournament. Not only did they enter the event in April 2011, but they took first place! Congratulations!

Are you wondering what any of this has to do with God? After all, isn’t that what these articles are about? It has EVERYTHING to do with God. Moses had his burning bush. Elijah had his still small voice. King Belshazzar had writing on the wall. Caleb has futsal.

Caleb has spent significant time figuring out what God has wanted him to do in service to Him. He has tried several “churchy” things and found that none of them fit. As a new Christian, he heard (and knew in his heart) that he should be serving the Lord. However, everything he tried felt awkward and forced. “Serving” was painful, not joyful. He was beginning to question the whole “serve with gladness” thing. Then L-Teams came along. Could a “Live” L-Team of futsal be what God was calling him to do? It seemed too easy and too fun. Can the pure joy Caleb feels as he leads the futsal club really be “serving the Lord”? The answer is YES!

He loves interacting with people in an athletic environment and has created a fun atmosphere for families. The club now has fathers who are investing their time in helping the club succeed and are becoming involved in serving. Caleb is also growing. The ‘task master’ part of his personality, which is great at work, doesn’t cut it on the futsal court. As he prays about these things, he knows God is helping him have patience, be flexible, and adjust to enable others to enjoy themselves.

Futsal has been a chance for Caleb to be with his son, Jacob, and to learn together about serving others. They serve side by side to set up/take down every week (along with help from Robert Baker). Jacob is also learning to help others grow in the skills of the sport as he assists his dad in the beginners practice time. Serving together has been a rewarding time for father and son. Caleb talks about service to Jacob, but as Caleb says, “Kids watch us! If I’m not doing anything, he sees that.”

God has touched Caleb’s heart in a unique way. We each have a special calling from God. What’s yours?

I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!by Jerry Blessing

In our house our daughter Jordan caught a concept that made me do what Philippians 4:8 says….”to think about such things.”

Since Jordan was very little I have outstretched my arms as wide as I can and say, “Daddy loves you this much!” Probably most of you have done the same with your child, too. She in turn has learned to respond saying, “I love you this much too daddy.”

If I’m out of town on business and talking to Jordan on the phone I will repeat that phrase, “Daddy loves you this much,” and she knows my arms are outstretched. Admittedly sometimes when she is mad at me she holds her thumb and

index finger and says she only loves me this much (not very much). I anticipate more of that as she gets older.

R e c e n t l y , we had our n e i g h b o r watch Jordan


This trip to Cameroon was like all of the mission trips I have gone on before: incredible, life changing, fun, emotional, tear jerking and all-around God inspired. Besides the fact that I have a hard time writing down my feelings it is doubly hard to explain what a trip to the middle of Africa, days into the jungle down riverbed roads, sleeping on each other in vans, and not knowing where you will be the next day is like. But let me tell you, if we could afford it we would be doing as many of these trips a year as possible.

Kids so enjoyed playing with us and us with them they just wouldn’t let us go. They love balloon hats and animals, something so simple, yet they will wait for hours for it. Several of us would skip lunch to just blow up balloons as fast as we could, and make them into something. To see their faces light up when you pick them out of the crowd to get the treasured prize, was worth a thousand pictures.

The smiles we saw were abundant, no matter what seemed to be the problem. Believe me, these people have the same problems we do, with the exception of living in a tropic with different diseases. What they don’t have is easy doctor or dental care to take care of it. One little lady we saw (who brought us bananas) walked 7 miles to get to the village that we were in.

The Pastor who selects the villages in Cameroon that we go to, finds ones where they have not heard God’s loving Word. Most are very receptive to hearing about our Lord and Savior, and many would pray with us. It was very obvious we were there by God’s choosing, not our own.

One scene was very common to us. A family was bathing. If wells were not available to them, they would get their water, then bathe and do laundry.

In 6½ clinic days our team of 17 doctors, nurses, dentists and assistants, a full pharmacy, and

a pastor, visited four villages and traveled about 700 miles to treat 3,500 patients. So many of them received Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

“God so Loved the World.” Let us do the same!

at the house while Julia and I were working. Just as I was leaving, in front of our baby sitter (who doesn’t know Christ yet), I repeated the familiar line, “Daddy loves you this much” while holding my arms out wide. Jordan stopped eating her breakfast and started to do the same but stopped. Then she said, “Daddy, Jesus was holding his arms just like this on the cross.” I affirmed her conclusion, and said, “Yup…Jesus loves you that much, too, to die on the cross, but he rose again!”

Growing up in the church and seeing a crucifix thousands of times, I never thought about Christ’s arms being outstretched like that and in essence saying,“ I love you this much.” What meaningful symbolism there is in that! As Christ willingly suffered, in pain he had his arms opened wide showing his love for us. As he took his last breath his arms were opened wide saying, “I love you this much.” As we love him just a little, he still loves us this much.

Philippians 4:8 (Jerry’s paraphrased) says if anything is: “true, noble, right, lovely, admirable or excellent to think about such things.” How often do I only love Jesus a little (my thumb and index finger), while Christ loved us this much (with his hands pierced and opened wide). So, his outstretched arms will have a new meaning that is personal to us, from now on every time I see a crucifix.

Jesus loves you THIS MUCH!

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program staff support staffgeneral infochris davis

lead pastor

jake allstaedtassociate pastor

janet brittassistant to the lead pastor

jan grothedirector of spiritual growth

larry kruegerdirector of worship and arts

mitzie olliladirector of children’s ministries

jaye zerndirector of missions

todd zerndirector of operations

donna breyerassistant to the associate pastor

heather halbakkenpreschool registrar

karla harvathassistant to dir of spiritual growth

worship servicessaturday - 5:00 pm

sunday - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 am

nursery care - available at all services

children’s church and sunday school

- available sunday mornings

contact515 s 312th street

federal way, wa253.941.3000

St. Luke’s Church515 South 312th StreetFederal Way, WA 98003


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PAIDFederal Way, WA 98003

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