st. landry democrat (opelousas, la.) 1879-04-12 [p ]€¦ · bound to get that gal, if i have to...

ST. LANDRY DEMOCRAT. AUSTIN D. WILLIAMS, «Publisher. TERMS FOR SUBSCRIPTION : Ove Doi.i.ak ami Fifty Cknts a year, in ailranrc- The year can lie begun at any tiuie, as fifty-two numbers of tlie paper make u year'» subscription. 03 $ 59 Vi at « e e * a; * r. I "C ! 8 Sc fi fc < X a e ft * H S- < K » « « £ JIOICIAI. ABVEBTINK ÎIIi,\TS. VOLUME 2. OPELOUSAS, LA., SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1879. NUMBER 12. OPKLOl'SAS, SATl'RDAT, APRIL 12, 1H70. 'In Providence we trust"—everybody elso cash Tlic Maw-Woman. TIIK "DUSKY BELLE" MHO PLAY KO "POKEU" OX ATCHAKAI.AVA RIVER, FLIRTED IN WASHINGTON AND NOW PLAYS " CHECKERS " WITH HER NOSE IN THE PARISH JAIL IN OPELOl'SAS. On Saturday last at a colored fair or some such gathering in t!ie town of Washington, therii was noted among the bevy of dusky belles one who seemed to gather around her, more than her fair share of the beaux present. Her height was above the average height of women ; her carriage graceful and dignified; her manner lively, but not forward, and in fact she presented to the beholder the embodiment of a self* possessed and intelligent young lady of the "cullered persausin." She was ., v neither black nor yellow, but rather inclined to be a glitte. Her eyes were large, dark aud had that peculiar look which drew the colored gentlemen Bear, and once within the magic circle of her gaze they became like moths around a candle,Minable to do aught but flutter around that bright and glorious crea- ture, who seemed to have dropped from some unknown world. Her lively res- ponses to her admirers, her wit aud vivacity was the theme of the evening. Ominous growls and black looks were cast upon her from her sister belles. " Stuck up gal from New Orleans/' " ainfc got no manners, think she's smart!"&c., from the females, "Aint ehe a stunner !—purticst£al I ever seotW bound to get that gal, if I have to follcr lier to Mexico," &c., from the men. Her dress was of a modest hue, fitting lier form like a glove, and her hair from lier water fall to the ringlet, which hung gracefully behind, was the perfection of a hair dresser's skill. Her feet were shod wit?! a pair of light fitting button kid shoes No. 5. Everything about her was in perfect taste. She danced with lier numerous admirers, showing no de» cided preference. The question was soon agitated throughout the room, as to " who she was," "where she was gwin to" and " who she belonged to," &c. 'She answered all such queries by stat- ing that she was a young widow, just arrived from the State of Virginia, and in search of a long lost father, who had left her upon the charity of an unfeel- ing and cold hearted world, and when but an in niifant of four years. As she answered lite questions it was noticed that her eyes rested upon an old colored gentleman of fifty odd summers, who seemed to be under the supervision of hi» young wife of US years, she being, vre suppose, fearful that even hpt'&poftse might succumb to the attraction of the youuf,- widow. At the name of " Old Virginia," aud "4 year old daughter," the old man pricked up his ears, Step- ping forward aud in a tremulous voice lie asked : 1" Young'ooman, is your name Lon-i-saî" "It is," she answered. "Was your mammy's name Peggy?" he again asked, drawing " It was," she answered wjth a sof tening of lier voice. " Was your daddy named George Washington ? " sung out the old man in stentorian tones. "Jt was," she again answered, beaming upon the old man a kindly smile of interest. Thank de lord; Kingdom come! oh my long lost dangliter, I'm your daddy; come to my arms ! " aud a thousand such ejaculations in the same breath came from the old man's lips as he jumped the intervening space which separated him from her, and clasped her in his arms. There \vae nothing to be heard for a few minutes, but the sound of kissing and tlip most endearing epithets. Father and daughter separated for 20 years to be re-united at last was a pleasant sight. The old man having regained his com- posure he introduced his youug wife to her future step-daughter. To the disgust of the fair Louisa's numerous 'mirers, she took her departure in company with her newly found rela- tives. Theoîd man on arriving at home, killed the "fatted rooster 1 ' and prepara- tions for gumbo began. It was late at night ere they finished their conversa- tion and the father kindly consented to give up his place iu his bed aud seek a neighbor's cabin, they having but one bed in the establishment. The step- mother was kindness itself, (as all step- mothers are in the beginning) and lav- ished every attention 011 the daughter. On flu; following day the daughter's trunk and her four months ohl baby were installed in uncle Geo. Washing- ton's cabin. For one or two days every- thing was blissful. Our dusky belle of an evening in her faultless attire would walk the street, admired by all. It is said that bouquets were^plentiful. We draw the curtain for a few days, as we don't know the particulars, but suffice to say that some one found out something, and told somebody, and the consequence was that rt crowd called upon Miss Louisa, and 0I1, terrible to reveal, they accused her of being a MAN. Old Geo. Washington wept and swore, the step-mother blushed and hid her face, and the crowd took forcible pos- session of Louisa. A constable appear- ing, she was rescued from the 1110b and placed in jail. A guard was found necessary to l>e placed around the jail to protect her from the indignant popu- lace. Physicians were called in and, to use an old nigger 's expression, "dey held a post mortim examination on de body," and the verdict of the jury was "man in woman's clothes." Sheriff Du sou being in Washington, the prisoner was turned over to him, and committed to the parish jail, on the charge of being a suspicious character. We understand the "would- be-woman " acknowledges that he has been wearing woman's clothes for a number of years, and has acted as lady's maid iu several families in ad- joining parishes. Since writing the above we under- stand fron) Judge Morris, from the At- chafalaya river, that "this damsel" landed near Churchville a few weeks ago, and engaged herself as a cook to some colored laborers on Mr. W. C. Gordon's plantation. Her chief occu- pation was playing that little game called "poker." Judge Morris says she cleaned out the wholp pplpred popula- tion out of their stray nickels, by her enticing ways and skill in the game. She left for pasftH'PS pi'W, and landed in Washington, He is still in jail and swears lie will die rather than put on the breeches. Q, We were happy to grasp the hand and see the handsome face of that popular gentjeiiian Wm, Pomerade, traveling agent of the house of Wang &Cottam, grecersof New Orleans. We congratulate the lirai on having such a representative, ;u;d sincerely hope that his present tour through tiijs pietrjpt wjil prove a remunerative one. If you want fresh groceries and the best of their kind go to Munzesheimer. He has every thing you can call for in that line and at prices to suit the hard times, which is a prime consideration with a good many of us. The exportation of live animals from tljis country is an enterprise of recent growth, and twelve years HgQ was uu- lieard of. The following is a statement of the shipments of each year since the business began to attract attention : t Years. Value.)Years. Value. " l«fi8 $ 733,395 1874 $3,310,388 1889 917.0*61875 2.672,505 187 0 1,046,03Ui 167« 2,403,287 187 1 1,019,fi04|1787........... 3,325,203 187 2 1,773.716 1878...... :...: 5,g44,65e 1873 2,033,388| Ilioreiue from 1868 to 1878 $5,111,258 Last year, of the live animals exported, 54.33 per cent went to Eugland, 14.91 per cent to Cuba, 11.92 per cent to Canada, 0.85 per cent to British West Indies, 3.3G percent to Mexico, and the balance was sent to Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Sandwick Islands and other countries, between the first of May and the first of September last, au aver- age of three thousand head were shipped from this country to Europe every week, and the loss was less than 1 per cent. Experienced shippers say that, ou the hoof cattle can be shipped during the summer months across the sea with very much less loss than occurs in ship- ments the same distance on land, and during the wiuter months shipments can be made of beef which is slaugh- tered pn tjiis side. It is estimated by writers on this subject that England alone can absorb 4000 head of American beef every week.—[N T . 0. Democrat. The New York Herald lias a long ar- ticle on preachers' salaries, from which lye gather that the average compensa- tion of clergymen,of tfli denominations, city and country, is less than a year. Beecher's'salary, once $330, is now $20,000 a year, with a three mout hs' vaeafipn; Dr. Halladay, who does the real work of geppher's pastorate, gets $3000; Talmage receives $'i3',6öö; Mor- gan Dix, $15,000; Dr. Will, T" v '"i'- $H,0Q0; Dr. Hepworth's salary is $5000, Which lie .80.V8 is never paid him ; Dr, Störes gets §l0,ö0ö; Dr. Guylei, $8000 : Dr. Hall, $15,000; Dr. Potter, $11,000; Dr.Tiffany, $10,000; Dr. Morgan, $15,000; Dr. Tyng, $8000 ; Dr. Stoue, $12,000 ; Dr. Chapin, $8000 to $10,000. The Metho- dist clergymen in the cities range from to tj;e Presbyterian, from $13,000 to $10,000, and the Uougregatioij- alists from $1500 to $30,000. The Epis- copalians average $3000, the Baptists $3000, aud tlie Unitarians $4000.—[N. O. Democrat. The end of the kid-glove controversy in New York la a complete viçtpry for the Western and Southern merchants, and the treasury departmept, in their protest against dishoneit undervalua- tion. The collector at. New York sus- tains the valuation of fifty-two francs per dozen made by the general apprais- er, being feu francs higher than the valuation placed upon the gloves by the importers.—[N. 0. Democrat, The assessable wealth of Missouri, as returned to the State Board of Equali- zation, amounts to $509,624,423, of which amount a little less than uije-fhird is assessed to the city of St. Louis.—[N. 0. Democrat. JA»t Leitern Remaining ill the Post. Office at Opßlnugae, Lft.. April l#t, 1879, and if not taken out before May 1st, 1879, will be sent to the Dead Letter Otltee at Washington I). O. Crossley Jane Le (via JJannel JlOK iAI, ADVEUTIMEiHEXTM. £1I1EKIFF'S SAI,K, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 12C38. ALCUS SCHERCK & A UTE Y VS. EMANUEL PHILLIPS, ET ALS. DISTRICT COURT PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 12694. KATZ & HARNETT VS. TITOS. C. ANDERSON PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 1917. WALLACE it CO. IN LIQUIDATION VS. EMANUEL PHILLIPS, ET ALS. PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 2016. B. & W. CRONER VS. EMANUEL PHILLIPS, ET ALS. DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 12659. KEIFFER BROS. VS. TIIOS. C. ANDERSON. PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY. No. 1903. DARCY it WIIEE1 ER VS. EMANUEL PHIL- LIPS, ET ALS. DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, NO- 120U7- SCHMIDT i ZEIG LE R VS. EMANUEL PHIL- LIPS, ET ALS. DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 1-J487. BIENVENU STEELY VS. STAN VILLE PRE- JEAN. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT, DIS- TRICT OF LOUISIANA, No. 7304. E, D. CLARK, J. ^ BURBRIDGE A CO., SUBROGATED, VS. L. D. PRESC'OTT ET ALS. By virtue of eight wi lts of alias fieri facias issued out of the above Courts in ami for tiie Parish of St. Landry, and an alias writ of fit ri facias issued out of the United States Circuit Court DiatricJ of Louisiana, in the above nuin- betrd i'tiiu entitled suits, and to inj) itkepted, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Opelousas, on SATURDAY, the 17th day of Wgy, 187», at H o'clock A. m,, the. following pescribed property spü'ud an 'the' property of Thomas C, Andersua, to-wit ; 1. A certain tract of land measuring 87 and 36[100 acres, situated in township 6 south range 5 east, being fractional section 8 thereof, being same property purchased by defendant at col- lector's stile, made November 30th, 1875, from tax sale aud recorded book C No. 2, page 487, recorder's office, parish of St. Landry. 2. A certain tract of lam} situated on the At- chafalaya river, measuring 160 acres, being the east half of the south westquarterof section No. 1 township6southrauge7 east, beingsame prop- erty purchased by defendant at collectors sale made December 7th, 1875, from tax sale and recorded book CNo.2, page 489, recorder's office, parish of St. Landry. 3. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Marie Croquant, measuring 'Mi and ltipoo acres, bounded north by land of Thos. C. Anderson, south by lpnd pf Adolphe Arnaud and west by Bayou Marie Croquant, beiuy suiu^ property purchased by détendant at collector's sale, made December loth', 1875, from tax sale, and recorded book C No. 2, page' *90, recorder's office, St. Landry, JI Dlt'IAIi ADVEBTISEJIfiiM«. Win. Dejean May 17th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2 at page 2»5, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. 15. A certain tract, of land situated in the parish of St. Landry, in Prairie Châtaignier, measuring twelve arpents front by nix arpents in depth, bounded on the north by tho land of Edgar S. Fusilier, 011 the south by the land of Bertrand Poussan, on the east by tlie land of John Bte. 1*. l'ontenot and on the west by tli< land of Henry P. l'ontenot, being the "same property purchased by defendant'' at a sale passed before J. M. Thompson, Recorder, from Dr. Theogene Chachere, and recorded, hook A No. 2, at page 422, recorder's office, St. I.andrv parish. 1(5. Forty acres of land situated in the, parish of St. Landry, on Bayou Marie Croquant, being the lower half of the one hundred acres of land purchased by Onezime Carrière from W111 Henry Anderson, as per act the 2d of October, 1867, passed before Yves D'avy, recorded in book U page 0'Ji, the said forty acres to be taken out of section 35 township 5 south range 1 east, being the same property purchased by détendant by sale made before Joins N. Ogden deputy recorder made September 27th, 1x7;-), from W. W. Shutfand recorded, book A No. 2 at page 46f. recorder's office, St. Landry. 17. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Mallet, measuring about six hundred and forty arpents, being section nixty, township 7 south range 2 east, being the same property purchased by defendant, Irom tax sale made October 4th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2, at page 492, recorder's office, St. Lanitry parish. 18. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Plaquemine, measuring six hundred and eighty six a;[loo acres, being section fortv-live in town- ship seven south range 2 east" end section 76 township 8 south range 2 east, being same property purchased by defendant from tax Sale made October 4th, 1873 and recorded book A No. 2, at page433, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. 19. A certain tract of land situated 011 Bayou Caranerow, measuring tUty arpent», being the iiiiU of tho tr«U't assessed 111 the name of Pierre Cormier & Co., bounded north by lands of S. Hardy, south by liayou Caranerow, east by lands of Broussard and west by lands ol F. W. Hardy, being the same proper!v pur- chased by defendant from tax sale made Oc- tober 4th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2, at page 494, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. 20. A certain tract or parcel of land si nated in the town of Opelousas, parish of 3t, Landry, bounded as follows; 011 tho east by lands of H (.'iiier, im the south by (pole street and part of the sauie tract sohl to T, if, Lewis, on the west by lands of of the heirs of Etienne 1,. Lonallier aud part of the same tracf belonging or sold to said Lewis and 011 the north by lands formerly belonging to the estate of Homere Delachaise, said tract originally contained titty and 50(100 arpents, about twenty-seven arpents of which have been sold to various parties by said vendors, the remainder twenty arpents more or less, being what is now go d to pur- si-r, being the same property purchased by umlaut by an act under private signature Carrier mine Veuve Dupre Francois jr Davis J.W * - Fuselier Homer Guillory Martin Guillory Jeun Paul Glron miss Victoria Garicq Valstn Jourdon rar# Martlia Jones Eolle eol Lemmie Albert Myers D F Millard J W Manwell Mary Jane Mil I an JoaoJiim McPliatUir mrs Irene Alerk Richard mrs Lucia Syinc Lodorc SlcmnndH mrs Matin# Keary miss Josephine E Seymour A Kirkwood Henry Vassenr Tlieogcnc Lewis Rossond White W C Wiltva mrs Euieline CHA8. M. THOMPSON, P. M, i. A certain tract of land situated near Big _ »>>«. measuring about 800 acres, bcinv 11.<« north west quarter und west half of the north east, quarter of section No. 21. also the north west quarter and west half of the north east quarter and west half of the south cast quartet of section No. ào and tho south west quarter of the south'cast quarter of section No. 17, all in township 3 south range 5 east, being the same property purchased by defendant at collector's sale, made No- vember 22d, 1875, from tax sale and recorded book C No. 2, page 491, recorder's office, St. Landry. 5. A certain tract of land lying on Bayou Bœuf, measuring three hundred acres, being section 47 in township 4 south range 4 east and fractional section No. 3 in township 5 south range i east ; also another piece of land meas- uring 331 and 42[loo acres, known as the Bend- field, sann; being a part section 44 m township 4 south range 4 east ; also another tract of land measuring 1140 acres, lying 011 Bayou Bœuf, bounded south by lands of Peter Collins, east by Bayou Bœuf and west by Bayou Crocodile, being same property purchased at collector's sale made December 13th, 1875, from tax sale and recorded, book C No. 2, page 491, recorder's oflice, St. Landry. 6. A certain tract or parcel of land with all the buildings and improvements, situated in the parish of St. Landry, on the east bank of Bayou Tf-clic or Mario Croquant, containing thirty-six and 68[loo superficial acres, fronting on said Bayou, running back to land of Valurè Arnaud, and bounded above by laud of Stephen W. Osborn and below by that of T. C. Anderson, beingsame property purchased by defendant at notorial sale, made before A. P. Williams, notary public, from Solomon D'avy and re- corded, book C No. 2, page 756, recorder's office, St. Landry. 7. A certain plantation, situated in the parish of St. Landry, together with all the buildings and improvements, containing sixty arpents more or .less having three nrpents front by twenty Iii depth, bounded 011 the north by land of Cleoplias Comeau, south by property belong- ing to Dr. Vincent Boagni now to John Loise alias Chevis, east by Dr. R. H. Litte 1 and west by Thos. C. Anderson, being same proriertv itfirölntsed pj. ilerejiuani, iit;t »aiu (nuae j/etom Lilurent Dupre, notary public, ft-om Eldlce Chenier and'recorded, book D No. 2, page 276, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. 8. A certain tract of land, together with all the bujIdiusrs and improvements thereon. sit. uatcd' iiU' lî'ayOu siaVi« (jroq'mint or Teelié, containing flii rty-se veil aud 49iww acres, liohüded north by lauds now belonging to T. C. Ander- son, south by the Gillet place now property of T- v. Anderson, epxt by M, L. Mulinioon and wear, by I he Bayou, being same property pur- chased by défendent ut a sale passed before James M. Thompson, recorder, from Wm. Bun- dick, October 23d, 1874 and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 544, recorder's oflice, St, Landry. 9. A pertain tract of land formerly belonging to James Henderson, situated <>u Bayou Rouge, Containing phö hundred and sixty acres or arpents, being the south west quarter of section 25, township 3 south range 5 east, being the same property purchased at collector's sale, made December 3d, 1874, from tax sale and recorded, book B No. 2, page 593, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. 10. A certain tract of land formerly belonging to J, L. Vatmell, Situated on Coulee OrOclie, containing 200 acres, being the south west quar- ter of section 22, north west quarter of section 27, frrvushiji 8 south range 3 east, being same property purchased by defendant at col- jeptor's sale, November Sth, I87Q, from tux sale and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 5i|t, record- er's office, St. Laudry parish. 11. A tract of land formerly belonging to Leon Durbois, situated 111 Pi-aine Hayes, containing 320—t»o acres, being tho west half of »cotton 27, township 7 south range 1 east, being the same property purchased by defendant, at collector's sale, made November 8tli, 1870 and recorded book B No. 2, at page 594 of recorder's office! St. Laudry parish. 12. A tract of land assessed in the name of Thomas Palmer, containing 94 acres, situated on Biiyoii Coiirtiiole'au, ueihg tue north lia)t or lot No. 1, township 6 south range 7 east ; also the smith half of lot No. 4, township 6 south range 7 east, being the same idbpeny purchased by defendant at; collector's sale, 'made Novem- bprsjh, 3870 and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 5Ü5 of recorder's office, et Landry parish. 13. The undivided half fit fraction of lot ac: .cording to plat of the town of Washington, to- gotiipr Wftli all the buildings and improvements thereon, bounded north by Washington street, south by Bridge street, east by Water street and west by that portion of said lot belonging to D. E. Moore, being same property purchased by defendant at ifteriffs sale, made January 7tli, I1S73 and recorded, book A No. a, nt page 18, recorder's office, St. Landry parish, 14. The south half of section 18 in township 7 south of range 2 east, situated in the parish of St. Landry and containing three hundred and thirty-tire acres more or less, being the same property purchased by defendant at. a sale passed before O. II, Violet, notary public, from Iroio Muliudii TUiiiiipsou, uiaito November 2Cth 1873 "and recorded, book'A No. 2, at page" 568* recorder's office, St. Laudry parish. ' 21 r A eertaitt tract of laud, being the north piu't ol ltd riß. 1 aud g of section 10 township 3 South range 1 east, containing forty acres; an other lot of ground in tlie village of Bayou Chicot, being tiie same property purchased by defendant at sheriffs sale made Octobes 4th, 1856 and recorded, book P at page 1324, record- er's oilice, St. Landry parish. 22. The Beaver Creek springs, an establish- ment known by that name and situated iu the jiftrisjli pf st. LiiiiiLy, uutiel«(iug of two tracts of hind, viz : the east half ot north east quarter of section 30 in township 3 south of range 1 west, coutaiuing eighty-one acres and 26[loo and the west half of north west quarter of section 29 in township 3 south range 1 west, containing eighty-one aeres'and 50(11)0, together witii all tue buildings and improvements there- on, erected and thereto partaining, being same prpjiei jy purchased, by defendant by an act passed before Joel H. Sandoz, from Alexandre Donas and recorded, book T, at page 630. re- corder's office', St. Laudry parish. 23, Two hundred and ninety arpenta of land fronting on Bayou Tt-'che. bounded on one side by land formerly owned by Baptist Latteur and now his widow and widow Louis Vaiiere, 011 the other nide by land of William Moore and at the end iu Prairie Basse, 21. A certain tract of land situated in the quarter called Prairie Basse, sidelining the above described tract, bounded north by land formerly owned by George King now LRs.tie Nezat and Uiger R«y. wost lyr £Jypt'cs$ swaiini, south by the widow' and heirs of Joseph V. Mayers, widow Baptist Eatjeur and the tract auuve described, east by the division line or publie road leading from Opelousas to Petit Bois, being the same property purchased by defendant by act. before Y. Davy, recorder, made November 23d, 1866 aud recorded, book U. at page 33J, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. . 25. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, of tho following des- cribed tracts of land ; A tract of land jyiug on the left bank of the Bayou Teche in the parish of St. Landry, bounded above by lands of Stephen W. Osborn, below by lands of Desmaret and O. O. Foster, the said lots containing one hundred and seventy-nine 01[100 acres, being the same property purchased by defendant, T. C. Anderson, at the successlonül sale «f Dub- reuii Olivier, made on 7th May, 1870, by James G. Hayes, sheriff and ex-officio auctioneer, as per plat of said land marked B, in the record of said succession and recorded on page 466, book X ol' alienation record of the parish St. Laiidfy. 26. A certaiu traet iand lytng 011 the right bank of the Bayou Courtableau in the parish of St. Laudry, measuring twenty arpents front. 011 said Bayou oy fifty in depth, containing eight hundred superficial arpents or six hundred and 02[loo acres, being section 39 in township 6 south range 6 east, being same property purchased by defendant from sheriff's saie made April 1st, 1871 and recorded, book Y, nt page 438 x-ecord- er's office, St. Landry parish. - 27. A certain tract of land situated on Buy on Jji-.k, mCiUtinpy Lai; hundred and forty ôâiloo acres, lieiiig'in section 3 and 2, 4 township 3 south range 5 east, bounded iiorth by 1 Say on Jack and by land of Casou, Norwood, east by lauds of Dr. Chas. Mi!Ian and west by Cason and Nor- wood, together with all the buildings and im- provements thereon, being same property pur- eliased by defendant from tax sale made Oct)««* lier 3d, 1871 and recorded, book Y page 016 recorder's office, St. Landry narisli, ' 28. A çertaip tract of land situated on Biiw Jack measuring six hundred 4ftU;i0 „,.7 "" bounded by Bayou Jack, south ai d east bv SS" i a. VË12 «L3S* J l ® buildings an lipiiig In sect 5 eUgt and in section ï7'ahcj'iCtVAvirsfù : p3Voî'ith range 6 east, being same property purchased by defendant trou» collector's «.,1e made October 3d, 187} ant} recorded Imoit V, at pasre 616, re- corder 1 » office, St. Luudry parish. 0l * tUu fractional north west quarter, lot No. 2, section No. 20 and the south east quarter of section 32 in township No 7 south of range. No. 3, containing two hundred and sixty-nine 271100acres. 2d. LofNq. 5 of fractional north-west quarter of north west quarter of section 24 same township range. 3d. Lot . Nos. 1 and 2 of section No. 35 in township No. 9, south of range 2 west, containing two hundred and thirteen arpents. 4th. Lots Nos. l and 2 of sec- tion. 38 in township 9 south of range 2 west. 5th. The sixteenth part, undivided, of a certain tract of land situated in the quarter and wood of Bayou Plaquemine Brulee in the parish of St. Landry, containing four hundred Und thirty superficial arpents, bounded north b" the land of the government of the United States by Joel West, east by land of Jean Bte. Lu fleur aud west by public domain, being the Same prop- erty purKiased by defendant at sheriff's saie made September 0'4,1871 and retqrtyil l>ook Z Page 33, recorder's oflice, St. Landry parish. 30. A pertain tract of land situated on the Nes-Pique, measuring (077 2lloo) six hundred and seventy-seven 2(100 acres being section 38 township 3 south range l west, being the same ; property purchased by defendant at collector's sale made October 24th, 1871, recorded, book Z page 80, recorder's office, St. Laudry parish. 31. A certain tract or tracts of land situated on Turkey Creek in the Northern portion of the parish of St. Landry, together with alj the buildings and improyeiaentâ thpreoi*, and the surins üipi eou ft's the' Bel>e Cheney GREAT BARGAINS -AT- EUGENE LEMONTEY'S, ~W asliington, portion of land, measuring one hundred anil ten feet in length by fifty feet in depth and between Bayou Courtableau and Fiont street, west of the terminus of Main street and front- ing on said Bayou Courtableau. and all his right, title and interest in and to the warehouse there- on. The lease runs to 1st October. lss4. is sub- ject to payment of an annual rent of fifty dol- lars and is granted by an act passed,sth October, 1S74, before J. H. Milspaugh, notary public ami recorded in book of miscellaneous act No. ti office of recorder of St. Landry. The following described lots situated in tlio town of Washington, parish of St. Landry, to- wit ; .1, according to the plat of the unded by Main, St. John, Sittig 34. Lot Ni said town, b< and Water st 35. Lot No. 74 according to said plat, bounded by Carrière and Dupre streets, aud by lots No«. 68 and 77. 36. Lot No. 21, according to said plat, bounded by Main, Washington, Sittig and Water streets. 37. 1600 acres of land 011 Ne/.-Fique. Terms—Cash. C. C. DUSON, apl 12 Sheriff of the Parish of !St. Landry. DE A LESS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS. TOYS, dfaO. He lias recently returned from Paris, with a full stock of BROCADES, CASSIMERES, ALPACAS, And other French goods. Also, FRENCH WINES, COGNACS AND CORDIALS. His goods are of tlie best and sold the cheapest. Be sure to call on liiiu, at his old stand, corner Main and Dejean streets, Washington, La. Feb. 15,1879—tf EUG. LEMONTEY. BUY YOUR MEDICINES AT TIIE i. Landry Bra? Emporium. If. O. POSE*',. -:0:- :0: . Proprietor* ^llEKII'l'iS SAl .Ii. PAKI8H COURT, PABIlHI OF ST. LANDRY, Ni). 160-J. ESTATE OF JOHN.DA VIS FX KF.L., F. MAL- LARD, TLST. EX Ii., ET ALS VS. THOMAS C. ANDERSON. By virtue of a writ out of t lie honorable 1' the parish of ,<t. Lnudr. suit, and to 111c directed at public auction, t of fieri facias issued risli Court, in and for . 111 tile, above entitled 1 will proceed to sell highest bidder, at We have on hand and are constantly receiving now supplies of DRUGS & CHEMICALS, BOOKS & STATIONERY, PATENT MEDICINES, CHOICE PERFUMERIES, PAINTS, OILS AND BRUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, * Together with every other article found in n first-class Drug-Store—all of which will be sold at Cash Prices and on a Cosh Basis. PRESCRIPTIONS—a Specialty—night or day, by the Proprietor, whose residence is immediately in rear of the store, Thanking the public for past favors, and tendering my services for the Now Year, I remain, respectfully, W. O. POSEY. Jan. IS—tf Opelousas Drag Store. nm OF THE MOßTAß. ]\Xain Streets Opelousas, -:0: La- I have just returned from New Orleans with a large and well select- ed stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS AND TARNISHES, GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES, & PAINTERS TOOLS, Blank; Books and Stationery, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, ETC., Which have been purchased for Cash, and will be sold exclusively on the same terms, the the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Opelousas, on HATl'KDAY, the 17th day of May, 1S7U, at 1:1 o'clock A. M., the following des- cribed property, to-wit : 1. A certain tract of land being the south half of section eighteen, township sewn, south range two east, containing three hundred and thirty-live acres, being sntne property purchased by T. C. Anderson from William Dejean on May 17th, 187;*., and recorded on pages "'isri and 28G of alienation book A. No. 2 of recorder's oltico 111 and for the parish or St. Landry. 2. A certain trai t ot bind situated in Prairie Hayes, containing three hundred and twenty» two and 2(1(10? acres, being the west hall î>f section twenty-seven, south range nuu east, being the nori'h west half of the lie" ,n wi st quarter, south went quarter of t.î-.e ,.,rîh west quai ter. north east quarter of noi ,1 west quar- ter, south east quarter of north west quarter, north west quarter of southwest quarter, south west quarter ol south west quartet, north east quarter of »,111th west quarter, south east quar- ter of south west quarter, being same property purchased at tax collector'« sale, made by D.C. Sittig, tax collector ot the parish of ft. Landry. 3. The undivided one halt of a lot situated Ii» Washington, Louisiana, bounded west by WOo'n- ingtou street, east by Water street, sent h by Bridge street ; nil west by the otlie'- portion of said lot belonging to E. W. Moore, with ali tho buildings and improvements thereon. 1. A certain tract of land ni»v.«tofl In the par- ish of St. Landry, in tills Stute, on the cast side, of Bayou Maiie Croquant t»r Teche. bounded aboTC by lands belonging ty Mmid aud below by lands of Terrell, laying u £i,.,ut of eighteen arpents on p;v,il Bayou by forty arpents 11101e 01 less in '\eptli and containing about, seven hundred and eighteen superficial arpents, to- gether with all the buildings and improvements therpou, 5. The following di seribed property tsit-.ated in tho town of Washington, to w it ; l";,, number Ave according to a plat of said , n, together with all the buildings Improvements'tlBero- on, bounded f"!lu\v» : on one side by Main street, on another side by Water ktreet-wn the. north or upper side by st. John street «Jid on the other or western side by sittig sireet. 6. A certain tract of laud situated near tho town of Opcloiwas, the residence of defendant, containing about ninety and lii[loo superficial arpents ltmre or less, bounded as follows, to- wit : North and west by land formerly of Raphael Ilollier, School Gully and CVinetary south by lands of Veillaud Chaehc;® (>r publ'ic road, east and north by lands of 'f, Vmler^on and estate of his deceased wif{, i u euminmiity and being same property Ciiuired at the suc- cession sale of the etfecUof tlie estate of Vallier Key, dcceasi'O,, and De.mire Hollicr, widow Clemcn| |Iplliér, deceased. The above property being seized to satisfy a twelve montHM bond, will be sold without bene- fit of appraisement. Term g—, C. C. DUSON, aprtl 5 Sheriff of the Parish of st. Landry. J^nKUIFV'M SAI.K. PARISH COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 1C02. ESTATE OF JOHN DAVIS KX UKt., F. MAL- LAltD TEST. J'.Xlv, ET ALS VS. THOMAS C. AND^vHâON. PARISH COURT, PARISH OP ST. I.ANDRV, No. 189'J, JAMES R. MITCURL VS. THOMAS C. AN' DE'RSON. By virtue of two writs of fieri facias, (a pllir- iu8 writ of fieri facias iu the first and an ulias writ of fieri facias iu the second above entitled suit) issued out of the honorable Parish Court In and for thjo parish ot St. Landry, in thé above entitled suit and to me directed I pro- ceed to sell at public sale, to the highest bidder at the Courthouse of said parish. In the town of Opelousus, on SATURDAY, (Ue nth day of May, 1879, at 11 o'clo.cll -V, S J., the following described property, to-wit : All the riglit, ritle and interest of defend- ant T!H);iias C. Anderson in and to the plan- tation 011 wliich Wm. F. llardy, deceased, late of said parish Inst resided, contain- ing about fourteen hundred acres with all the building* and improvements thereon, *it- uated near (irand Coteau, parish of St.. Landrv bounded in Mttrch, 1H63, north by hind of Joseph B. Richard and Manin, south by Bayou Carau- cro, east bj laud of widow Augustin lloutUuimr and land supposed to belong to Lessain lirous- sard and ou the west lands of Joawitl Richard and Oncf.imc Carntlierti, also ;iuce black mare nutles, live black horse ui'Ale#, t\vo sorrel liorsa mtues, on said plantation, Terms—Cash. ftpl 12 C. C. DUSON, Sheriff of the Parish of st. Landry. Jan.IS—tf At the Luvest Rate». C. MAYO, AOEIYT. nth, Ï87-2. recorded, book Z, page ^VoTOrder'W omce, St. Landry parish, - .MA cemin tract of land .?itu;ited, in jparisU of St- Landry, near the town of Op'etoii-fàé containing——aefes, bounded îfoi'tlr lïy land of the present purchaser, south by ?r mad o„n- nepting y'tU Siiutli Strept letjifing from tlie tov.'u of Opelouaas to the vcsideuce of B. A Mattel, spath roiKl dividing about 3 acres of vendor and vendor's l-itu} gut Qf the public, Vast by a road leading from, Oppiuitsasio prairio Basse and L;iure;it and "to Bftrry's Landing being tlie same property purehaaert by defend- ant from Seholastique Chachere wife of John M. Milsted, by act before P. Perrodin, made July 15th, 1872, recorded, book Z, page 391 re- corder's office, St. Laudry parish. 33. All the right, title and interest of Thomas C. Anderson, in and to the lease of a certain [Continued ou Seventh Column,] •ab O O (Q CL «S JL t i w m RS m d S «0 M 3 3 O o î- 3 Z s ;i £«Ä o n s z 9&ir r s a i52 1 b ** * . u îls3 5 l Z. r t " c s \ « - u -a i «r - 3 w ~ S w> o » - * m m ^ i S3 g 3o © > a * Afi 9 S - r;---, MALE, DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OF ST. LANDRY, No. 12CU9. JOHN I. ADAMS & CO., VS. FRECK. MUN- ZESHEIMER ET AL. By virtue of an alias writ of fieri facias /«Kited out or the honorable District Court, in for the Parish of St. Laudry, in the. above entitled suit, and to mci directed, I will proceed to se,h at publie auction to tho highest bidder, at thfi Courthouse of i<aid parish, in the town of 0>ie- lousa#, 011 SATURDAY, the 17tli duv of \f*v 1879, at 11 o'clock a. M., the t'olloV ,, 1ir cribed property, to-wit: h A certain judgment rendered 1n the District- FebruJev A 1 'I ü | "n the 171)1 day of r' aV i « } U\ fcrtit entitled Tlionm» t AH'deroon y^. xvcuu«»tU Btullio. No. 12649, of tnenlort of the suul judgment Iminir for the (\t siv hmidred aud eighty «even and 'UllQO dollars at 8 per cent per annum in- West from November 12th, 1873, until paid. Terms—Cash. apl 12 . C. C. DUSON, Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landrr. ^HEKIFP'!« DISTRICT COURT, PARISH OFST. LANDRY, No. 10340. DANIEL MCBANIEI, VS. DOMINIQUE LA- I I.ANNE. By virtue o# a writ of fieri facias, issued out of tlie honorable District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled BUit, and tome directed, 1 will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at tho Courthouse of «aid parish, in the tow n of One« lousas, 011 SATURDAY, the 17th day of Mny 1879, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following des* eribed property, to-wit : ® »AV' ,n ", t ' llu i ot °. f Kround f.ltuated the town i -in this pari^lv, number of tiie plat of «aid tow^, lymuded north hy ierhot street, «äst U>; \\ nulling ton street, soutU iy Short *troeÇ ^(1 \tesi by Main street, witli .11 tlie t^ldlngs and improvements thereoiiv r Jfe^n»j—CiWhi o. e, nusox, aj)l 12 Sheritf oX the PavUlt of 81. Landry. For Sale, 100,000 A wry. i BEICKS. One hundred thousand A No. l bricks, newly biu-ned on my plantation in Bellevue, 'on tho Bayou Callihan, 3 miles from Opelousas, at per thousand, delivered at the kiln Axiply to DR. G. H. GAKDIN*",» ( i> A P w Pla<, e, <>r A - r - , iLLIAMS, Ojielousas. March 8-tf •*. l'eir Colonies of Italian Bees Feb. 1-tf FOU SALE. Apply at fliln olTIec, JOr. a, it. Gardiner, Formerly of Grand Coteau, having potuiti' nently bw-afed in Bellevue, near Calliham's iindge, offers si is professional services to tlm cUizensof that" courmmity. Pel» ot-tf

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Page 1: St. Landry democrat (Opelousas, La.) 1879-04-12 [p ]€¦ · bound to get that gal, if I have to follcr lier to Mexico," &c., from the men. Her dress was of a modest hue, fitting




Ove Doi.i.ak ami Fifty Cknts a year, in ailranrc- The year can lie begun at any tiuie, as fifty-two numbers of tlie paper make u year'» subscription.

03 $

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a ; * r. I "C ! •

8 Sc !» fi fc < f« X a e ft * H S-< K

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'In Providence we trust"—everybody elso cash

Tlic Maw-Woman.







On Saturday last at a colored fair or some such gathering in t!ie town of Washington, therii was noted among the bevy of dusky belles one who seemed to gather around her, more than her fair share of the beaux present. Her height was above the average height of women ; her carriage graceful and dignified; her manner lively, but not forward, and in fact she presented to the beholder the embodiment of a self* possessed and intelligent young lady of the "cullered persausin." She was

.,v neither black nor yellow, but rather inclined to be a glitte. Her eyes were large, dark aud had that peculiar look which drew the colored gentlemen Bear,

and once within the magic circle of her gaze they became like moths around a candle,Minable to do aught but flutter around that bright and glorious crea­ture, who seemed to have dropped from some unknown world. Her lively res­ponses to her admirers, her wit aud vivacity was the theme of the evening. Ominous growls and black looks were cast upon her from her sister belles. " Stuck up gal from New Orleans/' " ainfc got no manners, think she's smart!"&c., from the females, "Aint ehe a stunner !—purticst£al I ever seotW bound to get that gal, if I have to follcr lier to Mexico," &c., from the men. Her dress was of a modest hue, fitting lier form like a glove, and her hair from lier water fall to the ringlet, which hung gracefully behind, was the perfection of a hair dresser's skill. Her feet were shod wit?! a pair of light fitting button kid shoes No. 5. Everything about her was in perfect taste. She danced with lier numerous admirers, showing no de» cided preference. The question was soon agitated throughout the room, as to " who she was," "where she was gwin to" and " who she belonged to," &c.

'She answered all such queries by stat­ing that she was a young widow, just arrived from the State of Virginia, and in search of a long lost father, who had left her upon the charity of an unfeel­ing and cold hearted world, and when but an in niifant of four years. As she answered lite questions it was noticed that her eyes rested upon an old colored gentleman of fifty odd summers, who seemed to be under the supervision of hi» young wife of US years, she being, vre suppose, fearful that even hpt'&poftse might succumb to the attraction of the youuf,- widow. At the name of " Old Virginia," aud "4 year old daughter," the old man pricked up his ears, Step­ping forward aud in a tremulous voice lie asked : 1" Young'ooman, is your name Lon-i-saî" "It is," she answered. "Was your mammy's name Peggy?" he again asked, drawing " It was," she answered wjth a sof tening of lier voice. " Was your daddy named George Washington ? " sung out the old man in stentorian tones. "Jt was," she again answered, beaming upon the old man a kindly smile of interest.

Thank de lord; Kingdom come! oh my long lost dangliter, I'm your daddy; come to my arms ! " aud a thousand such ejaculations in the same breath came from the old man's lips as he jumped the intervening space which separated him from her, and clasped her in his arms. There \vae nothing to be heard for a few minutes, but the sound of kissing and tlip most endearing epithets. Father and daughter separated for 20 years to be re-united at last was a pleasant sight. The old man having regained his com­posure he introduced his youug wife

• to her future step-daughter. To the disgust of the fair Louisa's numerous

'mirers, she took her departure in company with her newly found rela­tives. Theoîd man on arriving at home, killed the "fatted rooster1 ' and prepara­tions for gumbo began. It was late at night ere they finished their conversa­tion and the father kindly consented to give up his place iu his bed aud seek a neighbor's cabin, they having but one bed in the establishment. The step­mother was kindness itself, (as all step­mothers are in the beginning) and lav-

ished every attention 011 the daughter. On flu; following day the daughter's trunk and her four months ohl baby were installed in uncle Geo. Washing­ton's cabin. For one or two days every­thing was blissful. Our dusky belle of an evening in her faultless attire would walk the street, admired by all. It is said that bouquets were^plentiful. We draw the curtain for a few days, as we don't know the particulars, but suffice to say that some one found out something, and told somebody, and the consequence was that rt crowd called upon Miss Louisa, and 0I1, terrible to reveal, they accused her of being a MAN. Old Geo. Washington wept and swore, the step-mother blushed and hid her face, and the crowd took forcible pos­session of Louisa. A constable appear­ing, she was rescued from the 1110b and placed in jail. A guard was found necessary to l>e placed around the jail to protect her from the indignant popu­lace. Physicians were called in and, to use an old nigger 's expression, "dey held a post mortim examination on de body," and the verdict of the jury was "man in woman's clothes." Sheriff Du sou being in Washington, the prisoner was turned over to him, and committed to the parish jail, on the charge of being a suspicious character. We understand the "would-be-woman " acknowledges that he has been wearing woman's clothes for a number of years, and has acted as lady's maid iu several families in ad­joining parishes.

Since writing the above we under­stand fron) Judge Morris, from the At-chafalaya river, that "this damsel" landed near Churchville a few weeks ago, and engaged herself as a cook to some colored laborers on Mr. W. C. Gordon's plantation. Her chief occu­pation was playing that little game called "poker." Judge Morris says she cleaned out the wholp pplpred popula­tion out of their stray nickels, by her enticing ways and skill in the game. She left for pasftH'PS pi'W, and landed in Washington,

He is still in jail and swears lie will die rather than put on the breeches. Q,

We were happy to grasp the hand and see the handsome face of that popular gentjeiiian Wm, Pomerade, traveling agent of the house of Wang &Cottam, grecersof New Orleans. We congratulate the lirai on having such a representative, ;u;d sincerely hope that his present tour through tiijs pietrjpt wjil prove a remunerative one.

If you want fresh groceries and the best of their kind go to Munzesheimer. He has every thing you can call for in that line and at prices to suit the hard times, which is a prime consideration with a good many of us.

The exportation of live animals from tljis country is an enterprise of recent growth, and twelve years HgQ was uu-lieard of. The following is a statement of the shipments of each year since the business began to attract attention : t Years. Value.)Years. Value. " l«fi8 $ 733,395 1874 $3,310,388 1889 917.0*61875 2.672,505 187 0 1,046,03Ui 167« 2,403,287 187 1 1,019,fi04|1787........... 3,325,203 187 2 1,773.716 1878......:...: 5,g44,65e 1873 2,033,388|

Ilioreiue from 1868 to 1878 $5,111,258 Last year, of the live animals exported,

54.33 per cent went to Eugland, 14.91 per cent to Cuba, 11.92 per cent to Canada, 0.85 per cent to British West Indies, 3.3G percent to Mexico, and the balance was sent to Germany, France, Belgium, Japan, Sandwick Islands and other countries, between the first of May and the first of September last, au aver­age of three thousand head were shipped from this country to Europe every week, and the loss was less than 1 per cent. Experienced shippers say that, ou the hoof cattle can be shipped during the summer months across the sea with very much less loss than occurs in ship­ments the same distance on land, and during the wiuter months shipments can be made of beef which is slaugh­tered pn tjiis side. It is estimated by writers on this subject that England alone can absorb 4000 head of American beef every week.—[NT. 0. Democrat.

The New York Herald lias a long ar­ticle on preachers' salaries, from which lye gather that the average compensa­tion of clergymen,of tfli denominations, city and country, is less than a year. Beecher's'salary, once $330, is now $20,000 a year, with a three mout hs' vaeafipn; Dr. Halladay, who does the real work of geppher's pastorate, gets $3000; Talmage receives $'i3',6öö; Mor­gan Dix, $15,000; Dr. Will, T"v '"i'-$H,0Q0; Dr. Hepworth's salary is $5000, Which lie .80.V8 is never paid him ; Dr, Störes gets §l0,ö0ö; Dr. Guylei, $8000 : Dr. Hall, $15,000; Dr. Potter, $11,000; Dr.Tiffany, $10,000; Dr. Morgan, $15,000; Dr. Tyng, $8000 ; Dr. Stoue, $12,000 ; Dr. Chapin, $8000 to $10,000. The Metho­dist clergymen in the cities range from

to tj;e Presbyterian, from $13,000 to $10,000, and the Uougregatioij-alists from $1500 to $30,000. The Epis­copalians average $3000, the Baptists $3000, aud tlie Unitarians $4000.—[N. O. Democrat.

The end of the kid-glove controversy in New York la a complete viçtpry for the Western and Southern merchants, and the treasury departmept, in their protest against dishoneit undervalua­tion. The collector at. New York sus­tains the valuation of fifty-two francs per dozen made by the general apprais­er, being feu francs higher than the valuation placed upon the gloves by the importers.—[N. 0. Democrat,

The assessable wealth of Missouri, as returned to the State Board of Equali­zation, amounts to $509,624,423, of which amount a little less than uije-fhird is assessed to the city of St. Louis.—[N. 0. Democrat.

JA»t Leitern

Remaining ill the Post. Office at Opßlnugae, Lft.. April l#t, 1879, and if not taken out before May 1st, 1879, will be sent to the Dead Letter Otltee at Washington I). O. •

Crossley Jane Le (via JJannel




No. 12C38.




No. 12694.



No. 1917.




No. 2016.




No. 12659.



No. 1903.




NO- 120U7-




No. 1-J487.





No. 7304.




By virtue of eight wi lts of alias fieri facias issued out of the above Courts in ami for tiie Parish of St. Landry, and an alias writ of fit ri facias issued out of the United States Circuit Court DiatricJ of Louisiana, in the above nuin-betrd i'tiiu entitled suits, and to inj) itkepted, I will proceed to sell at public auction, at the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Opelousas, on SATURDAY, the 17th day of Wgy, 187», at H o'clock A. m,, the. following pescribed property spü'ud an 'the' property of Thomas C, Andersua, to-wit ;

1. A certain tract of land measuring 87 and 36[100 acres, situated in township 6 south range 5 east, being fractional section 8 thereof, being same property purchased by defendant at col­lector's stile, made November 30th, 1875, from tax sale aud recorded book C No. 2, page 487, recorder's office, parish of St. Landry.

2. A certain tract of lam} situated on the At-chafalaya river, measuring 160 acres, being the east half of the south westquarterof section No. 1 township6southrauge7 east, beingsame prop­erty purchased by defendant at collectors sale made December 7th, 1875, from tax sale and recorded book CNo.2, page 489, recorder's office, parish of St. Landry.

3. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Marie Croquant, measuring 'Mi and ltipoo acres, bounded north by land of Thos. C. Anderson, south by lpnd pf Adolphe Arnaud and west by Bayou Marie Croquant, beiuy suiu^ property purchased by détendant at collector's sale, made December loth', 1875, from tax sale, and recorded book C No. 2, page' *90, recorder's office, St. Landry,


Win. Dejean May 17th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2 at page 2»5, recorder's office, St. Landry parish.

15. A certain tract, of land situated in the parish of St. Landry, in Prairie Châtaignier, measuring twelve arpents front by nix arpents in depth, bounded on the north by tho land of Edgar S. Fusilier, 011 the south by the land of Bertrand Poussan, on the east by tlie land of John Bte. 1*. l'ontenot and on the west by tli< land of Henry P. l'ontenot, being the "same property purchased by defendant'' at a sale passed before J. M. Thompson, Recorder, from Dr. Theogene Chachere, and recorded, hook A No. 2, at page 422, recorder's office, St. I.andrv parish.

1(5. Forty acres of land situated in the, parish of St. Landry, on Bayou Marie Croquant, being the lower half of the one hundred acres of land purchased by Onezime Carrière from W111 Henry Anderson, as per act the 2d of October, 1867, passed before Yves D'avy, recorded in book U page 0'Ji, the said forty acres to be taken out of section 35 township 5 south range 1 east, being the same property purchased by détendant by sale made before Joins N. Ogden deputy recorder made September 27th, 1x7;-), from W. W. Shutfand recorded, book A No. 2 at page 46f. recorder's office, St. Landry.

17. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Mallet, measuring about six hundred and forty arpents, being section nixty, township 7 south range 2 east, being the same property purchased by defendant, Irom tax sale made October 4th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2, at page 492, recorder's office, St. Lanitry parish.

18. A certain tract of land situated on Bayou Plaquemine, measuring six hundred and eighty six a;[loo acres, being section fortv-live in town­ship seven south range 2 east" end section 76 township 8 south range 2 east, being same property purchased by defendant from tax Sale made October 4th, 1873 and recorded book A No. 2, at page433, recorder's office, St. Landry parish.

19. A certain tract of land situated 011 Bayou Caranerow, measuring tUty arpent», being the

iiiiU of tho tr«U't assessed 111 the name of Pierre Cormier & Co., bounded north by lands of S. Hardy, south by liayou Caranerow, east by lands of Broussard and west by lands ol F. W. Hardy, being the same proper!v pur­chased by defendant from tax sale made Oc­tober 4th, 1873 and recorded, book A No. 2, at page 494, recorder's office, St. Landry parish.

20. A certain tract or parcel of land si nated in the town of Opelousas, parish of 3t, Landry, bounded as follows; 011 tho east by lands of H (.'iiier, im the south by (pole street and part of the sauie tract sohl to T, if, Lewis, on the west by lands of of the heirs of Etienne 1,. Lonallier aud part of the same tracf belonging or sold to said Lewis and 011 the north by lands formerly belonging to the estate of Homere Delachaise, said tract originally contained titty and 50(100 arpents, about twenty-seven arpents of which have been sold to various parties by said vendors, the remainder twenty arpents more or less, being what is now go d to pur-

si-r, being the same property purchased by umlaut by an act under private signature

Carrier mine Veuve Dupre Francois jr Davis J.W * -Fuselier Homer Guillory Martin Guillory Jeun Paul Glron miss Victoria Garicq Valstn Jourdon rar# Martlia Jones Eolle eol

Lemmie Albert Myers D F Millard J W Manwell Mary Jane Mil I an JoaoJiim McPliatUir mrs Irene Alerk Richard mrs Lucia Syinc Lodorc SlcmnndH mrs Matin#

Keary miss Josephine E Seymour A Kirkwood Henry Vassenr Tlieogcnc Lewis Rossond White W C

Wiltva mrs Euieline CHA8. M. THOMPSON, P. M,

i. A certain tract of land situated near Big _ »>>«. measuring about 800 acres, bcinv 11.<« north west quarter und west half of the north east, quarter of section No. 21. also the north west quarter and west half of the north east quarter and west half of the south cast quartet of section No. ào and tho south west quarter of the south'cast quarter of section No. 17, all in township 3 south range 5 east, being the same property purchased by defendant at collector's sale, made No­vember 22d, 1875, from tax sale and recorded book C No. 2, page 491, recorder's office, St. Landry.

5. A certain tract of land lying on Bayou Bœuf, measuring three hundred acres, being section 47 in township 4 south range 4 east and fractional section No. 3 in township 5 south range i east ; also another piece of land meas­uring 331 and 42[loo acres, known as the Bend-field, sann; being a part section 44 m township 4 south range 4 east ; also another tract of land measuring 1140 acres, lying 011 Bayou Bœuf, bounded south by lands of Peter Collins, east by Bayou Bœuf and west by Bayou Crocodile, being same property purchased at collector's sale made December 13th, 1875, from tax sale and recorded, book C No. 2, page 491, recorder's oflice, St. Landry.

6. A certain tract or parcel of land with all the buildings and improvements, situated in the parish of St. Landry, on the east bank of Bayou Tf-clic or Mario Croquant, containing thirty-six and 68[loo superficial acres, fronting on said Bayou, running back to land of Valurè Arnaud, and bounded above by laud of Stephen W. Osborn and below by that of T. C. Anderson, beingsame property purchased by defendant at notorial sale, made before A. P. Williams, notary public, from Solomon D'avy and re­corded, book C No. 2, page 756, recorder's office, St. Landry.

7. A certain plantation, situated in the parish of St. Landry, together with all the buildings and improvements, containing sixty arpents more or .less having three nrpents front by twenty Iii depth, bounded 011 the north by land of Cleoplias Comeau, south by property belong­ing to Dr. Vincent Boagni now to John Loise alias Chevis, east by Dr. R. H. Litte 1 and west by Thos. C. Anderson, being same proriertv itfirölntsed pj. ilerejiuani, iit;t »aiu (nuae j/etom Lilurent Dupre, notary public, ft-om Eldlce Chenier and'recorded, book D No. 2, page 276, recorder's office, St. Landry parish.

8. A certain tract of land, together with all the bujIdiusrs and improvements thereon. • sit. uatcd' iiU' lî'ayOu siaVi« (jroq'mint or Teelié, containing flii rty-se veil aud 49iww acres, liohüded north by lauds now belonging to T. C. Ander­son, south by the Gillet place now property of T- v. Anderson, epxt by M, L. Mulinioon and wear, by I he Bayou, being same property pur­chased by défendent ut a sale passed before James M. Thompson, recorder, from Wm. Bun-dick, October 23d, 1874 and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 544, recorder's oflice, St, Landry.

9. A pertain tract of land formerly belonging to James Henderson, situated <>u Bayou Rouge, Containing phö hundred and sixty acres or arpents, being the south west quarter of section 25, township 3 south range 5 east, being the same property purchased at collector's sale, made December 3d, 1874, from tax sale and recorded, book B No. 2, page 593, recorder's office, St. Landry parish.

10. A certain tract of land formerly belonging to J, L. Vatmell, Situated on Coulee OrOclie, containing 200 acres, being the south west quar­ter of section 22, north west quarter of section 27, frrvushiji 8 south range 3 east, being same property purchased by defendant at col-jeptor's sale, November Sth, I87Q, from tux sale and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 5i|t, record­er's office, St. Laudry parish.

11. A tract of land formerly belonging to Leon Durbois, situated 111 Pi-aine Hayes, containing 320—t»o acres, being tho west half of »cotton 27, township 7 south range 1 east, being the same property purchased by defendant, at collector's sale, made November 8tli, 1870 and recorded book B No. 2, at page 594 of recorder's office! St. Laudry parish.

12. A tract of land assessed in the name of Thomas Palmer, containing 94 acres, situated on Biiyoii Coiirtiiole'au, ueihg tue north lia)t or lot No. 1, township 6 south range 7 east ; also the smith half of lot No. 4, township 6 south range 7 east, being the same idbpeny purchased by defendant at; collector's sale, 'made Novem-bprsjh, 3870 and recorded, book B No. 2, at page 5Ü5 of recorder's office, et Landry parish.

13. The undivided half fit fraction of lot ac: .cording to plat of the town of Washington, to-gotiipr Wftli all the buildings and improvements thereon, bounded north by Washington street, south by Bridge street, east by Water street and west by that portion of said lot belonging to D. E. Moore, being same property purchased by defendant at ifteriffs sale, made January 7tli, I1S73 and recorded, book A No. a, nt page 18, recorder's office, St. Landry parish,

14. The south half of section 18 in township 7 south of range 2 east, situated in the parish of St. Landry and containing three hundred and thirty-tire acres more or less, being the same property purchased by defendant at. a sale passed before O. II, Violet, notary public, from

Iroio Muliudii TUiiiiipsou, uiaito November 2Cth 1873 "and recorded, book'A No. 2, at page" 568* recorder's office, St. Laudry parish. '

21r A eertaitt tract of laud, being the north piu't ol ltd riß. 1 aud g of section 10 township 3 South range 1 east, containing forty acres; an other lot of ground in tlie village of Bayou Chicot, being tiie same property purchased by defendant at sheriffs sale made Octobes 4th, 1856 and recorded, book P at page 1324, record­er's oilice, St. Landry parish.

22. The Beaver Creek springs, an establish­ment known by that name and situated iu the jiftrisjli pf st. LiiiiiLy, uutiel«(iug of two tracts of hind, viz : the east half ot north east quarter of section 30 in township 3 south of range 1 west, coutaiuing eighty-one acres and 26[loo and the west half of north west quarter of section 29 in township 3 south range 1 west, containing eighty-one aeres'and 50(11)0, together witii all tue buildings and improvements there­on, erected and thereto partaining, being same prpjiei jy purchased, by defendant by an act passed before Joel H. Sandoz, from Alexandre Donas and recorded, book T, at page 630. re­corder's office', St. Laudry parish.

23, Two hundred and ninety arpenta of land fronting on Bayou Tt-'che. bounded on one side by land formerly owned by Baptist Latteur and now his widow and widow Louis Vaiiere, 011 the other nide by land of William Moore and at the end iu Prairie Basse,

21. A certain tract of land situated in the quarter called Prairie Basse, sidelining the above described tract, bounded north by land formerly owned by George King now LRs.tie Nezat and Uiger R«y. wost lyr £Jypt'cs$ swaiini, south by the widow' and heirs of Joseph V. Mayers, widow Baptist Eatjeur and the tract auuve described, east by the division line or publie road leading from Opelousas to Petit Bois, being the same property purchased by defendant by act. before Y. Davy, recorder, made November 23d, 1866 aud recorded, book U. at page 33J, recorder's office, St. Landry parish. .

25. Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, of tho following des­cribed tracts of land ; A tract of land jyiug on the left bank of the Bayou Teche in the parish of St. Landry, bounded above by lands of Stephen W. Osborn, below by lands of Desmaret and O. O. Foster, the said lots containing one hundred and seventy-nine 01[100 acres, being the same property purchased by defendant, T. C. Anderson, at the successlonül sale «f Dub-reuii Olivier, made on 7th May, 1870, by James G. Hayes, sheriff and ex-officio auctioneer, as per plat of said land marked B, in the record of said succession and recorded on page 466, book X ol' alienation record of the parish St. Laiidfy.

26. A certaiu traet iand lytng 011 the right bank of the Bayou Courtableau in the parish of St. Laudry, measuring twenty arpents front. 011 said Bayou oy fifty in depth, containing eight hundred superficial arpents or six hundred and 02[loo acres, being section 39 in township 6 south range 6 east, being same property purchased by defendant from sheriff's saie made April 1st, 1871 and recorded, book Y, nt page 438 x-ecord-er's office, St. Landry parish. -

27. A certain tract of land situated on Buy on Jji-.k, mCiUtinpy Lai; hundred and forty ôâiloo acres, lieiiig'in section 3 and 2, 4 township 3 south range 5 east, bounded iiorth by 1 Say on Jack and by land of Casou, Norwood, east by lauds of Dr. Chas. Mi!Ian and west by Cason and Nor­wood, together with all the buildings and im­provements thereon, being same property pur-eliased by defendant from tax sale made Oct)««* lier 3d, 1871 and recorded, book Y page 016 recorder's office, St. Landry narisli, '

28. A çertaip tract of land situated on Biiw Jack measuring six hundred 4ftU;i0 „,.7 "" bounded by Bayou Jack, south ai d east bv

SS" i a. VË12 «L3S* Jl® buildings an lipiiig In sect 5 eUgt and in section ï7'ahcj'iCtVAvirsfù:p3Voî'ith range 6 east, being same property purchased by defendant trou» collector's «.,1e made October 3d, 187} ant} recorded Imoit V, at pasre 616, re­corder1» office, St. Luudry parish.

0l* tUu fractional north west quarter, lot No. 2, section No. 20 and the south east quarter of section 32 in township No 7 south of range. No. 3, containing two hundred and sixty-nine 271100acres. 2d. LofNq. 5 of fractional north-west quarter of north west quarter of section 24 same township range. 3d. Lot . Nos. 1 and 2 of section No. 35 in township No. 9, south of range 2 west, containing two hundred and thirteen arpents. 4th. Lots Nos. l and 2 of sec­tion. 38 in township 9 south of range 2 west. 5th. The sixteenth part, undivided, of a certain tract of land situated in the quarter and wood of Bayou Plaquemine Brulee in the parish of St. Landry, containing four hundred Und thirty superficial arpents, bounded north b" the land of the government of the United States by Joel West, east by land of Jean Bte. Lu fleur aud west by public domain, being the Same prop­erty purKiased by defendant at sheriff's saie made September 0'4,1871 and retqrtyil l>ook Z Page 33, recorder's oflice, St. Landry parish.

30. A pertain tract of land situated on the Nes-Pique, measuring (077 2lloo) six hundred and seventy-seven 2(100 acres being section 38 township 3 south range l west, being the same;

property purchased by defendant at collector's sale made October 24th, 1871, recorded, book Z page 80, recorder's office, St. Laudry parish.

31. A certain tract or tracts of land situated on Turkey Creek in the Northern portion of the parish of St. Landry, together with alj the buildings and improyeiaentâ thpreoi*, and the surins üipi eou ft's the' Bel>e Cheney


EUGENE LEMONTEY'S, ~W asliington,

portion of land, measuring one hundred anil ten feet in length by fifty feet in depth and between Bayou Courtableau and Fiont street, west of the terminus of Main street and front­ing on said Bayou Courtableau. and all his right, title and interest in and to the warehouse there­on. The lease runs to 1st October. lss4. is sub­ject to payment of an annual rent of fifty dol­lars and is granted by an act passed,sth October, 1S74, before J. H. Milspaugh, notary public ami recorded in book of miscellaneous act No. ti office of recorder of St. Landry.

The following described lots situated in tlio town of Washington, parish of St. Landry, to-wit ;

.1, according to the plat of the unded by Main, St. John, Sittig

34. Lot Ni said town, b< and Water st

35. Lot No. 74 according to said plat, bounded by Carrière and Dupre streets, aud by lots No«. 68 and 77.

36. Lot No. 21, according to said plat, bounded by Main, Washington, Sittig and Water streets.

37. 1600 acres of land 011 Ne/.-Fique. Terms—Cash.

C. C. DUSON, apl 12 Sheriff of the Parish of !St. Landry.



He lias recently returned from Paris, with a full stock of BROCADES, CASSIMERES, ALPACAS,

And other French goods. Also, FRENCH WINES, COGNACS AND CORDIALS.

His goods are of tlie best and sold the cheapest. Be sure to call on liiiu, at his old stand, corner Main and Dejean streets, Washington, La.

Feb. 15,1879—tf EUG. LEMONTEY.


i. Landry Bra? Emporium.

If. O. POSE*',.



. Proprietor*

^llEKII'l'iS SAl .Ii.



By virtue of a writ out of t lie honorable 1' the parish of ,<t. Lnudr. suit, and to 111c directed at public auction, t

of fieri facias issued risli Court, in and for . 111 tile, above entitled 1 will proceed to sell

highest bidder, at

We have on hand and are constantly receiving now supplies of





Together with every other article found in n first-class Drug-Store—all of which will be sold at Cash Prices and on a Cosh Basis.

PRESCRIPTIONS—a Specialty—night or day, by the Proprietor, whose residence is immediately in rear of the store,

Thanking the public for past favors, and tendering my services for the Now Year, I remain, respectfully,

W. O. POSEY. Jan. IS—tf

Opelousas Drag Store.


MOßTAß. ]\Xain Streets Opelousas,

-:0: La-

I have just returned from New Orleans with a large and well select­ed stock of




Blank; Books and Stationery,


Which have been purchased for Cash, and will be sold exclusively on the same terms,

the the Courthouse of said parish, in the town of Opelousas, on HATl'KDAY, the 17th day of May, 1S7U, at 1:1 o'clock A. M., the following des­cribed property, to-wit :

1. A certain tract of land being the south half of section eighteen, township sewn, south range two east, containing three hundred and thirty-live acres, being sntne property purchased by T. C. Anderson from William Dejean on May 17th, 187;*., and recorded on pages "'isri and 28G of alienation book A. No. 2 of recorder's oltico 111 and for the parish or St. Landry.

2. A certain trai t ot bind situated in Prairie Hayes, containing three hundred and twenty» two and 2(1(10? acres, being the west hall î>f section twenty-seven, south range nuu east, being the nori'h west half of the lie" ,n wi st quarter, south went quarter of t.î-.e ,.,rîh west quai ter. north east quarter of noi ,1 west quar­ter, south east quarter of north west quarter, north west quarter of southwest quarter, south west quarter ol south west quartet, north east quarter of »,111th west quarter, south east quar­ter of south west quarter, being same property purchased at tax collector'« sale, made by D.C. Sittig, tax collector ot the parish of ft. Landry.

3. The undivided one halt of a lot situated Ii» Washington, Louisiana, bounded west by WOo'n-ingtou street, east by Water street, sent h by Bridge street ; nil west by the otlie'- portion of said lot belonging to E. W. Moore, with ali tho buildings and improvements thereon.

1. A certain tract of land ni»v.«tofl In the par­ish of St. Landry, in tills Stute, on the cast side, of Bayou Maiie Croquant t»r Teche. bounded aboTC by lands belonging ty Mmid aud below by lands of Terrell, laying u £i,.,ut of eighteen arpents on p;v,il Bayou by forty arpents 11101e 01 less in '\eptli and containing about, seven hundred and eighteen superficial arpents, to­gether with all the buildings and improvements therpou,

5. The following di seribed property tsit-.ated in tho town of Washington, to w it ; l";,, number Ave according to a plat of said , n, together with all the buildings Improvements'tlBero-on, bounded f"!lu\v» : on one side by Main street, on another side by Water ktreet-wn the. north or upper side by st. John street «Jid on the other or western side by sittig sireet.

6. A certain tract of laud situated near tho town of Opcloiwas, the residence of defendant, containing about ninety and lii[loo superficial arpents ltmre or less, bounded as follows, to-wit : North and west by land formerly of Raphael Ilollier, School Gully and CVinetary south by lands of Veillaud Chaehc;® (>r publ'ic road, east and north by lands of 'f, Vmler^on and estate of his deceased wif{, iu euminmiity and being same property Ciiuired at the suc­cession sale of the etfecUof tlie estate of Vallier Key, dcceasi'O,, and De.mire Hollicr, widow Clemcn| |Iplliér, deceased.

The above property being seized to satisfy a twelve montHM bond, will be sold without bene­fit of appraisement.

Term g—, C. C. DUSON,

aprtl 5 Sheriff of the Parish of st. Landry.






By virtue of two writs of fieri facias, (a pllir-iu8 writ of fieri facias iu the first and an ulias writ of fieri facias iu the second above entitled suit) issued out of the honorable Parish Court In and for thjo parish ot St. Landry, in thé above entitled suit and to me directed I pro­ceed to sell at public sale, to the highest bidder at the Courthouse of said parish. In the town of Opelousus, on SATURDAY, (Ue nth day of May, 1879, at 11 o'clo.cll -V, SJ., the following described property, to-wit :

All the riglit, ritle and interest of defend­ant T!H);iias C. Anderson in and to the plan­tation 011 wliich Wm. F. llardy, deceased, late of said parish Inst resided, contain­ing about fourteen hundred acres with all the building* and improvements thereon, *it-uated near (irand Coteau, parish of St.. Landrv bounded in Mttrch, 1H63, north by hind of Joseph B. Richard and Manin, south by Bayou Carau-cro, east bj laud of widow Augustin lloutUuimr and land supposed to belong to Lessain lirous-sard and ou the west lands of Joawitl Richard and Oncf.imc Carntlierti, also ;iuce black mare nutles, live black horse ui'Ale#, t\vo sorrel liorsa mtues, on said plantation,


ftpl 12 C. C. DUSON,

Sheriff of the Parish of st. Landry.


At the Luvest Rate».


nth, Ï87-2. recorded, book Z, page ^VoTOrder'W omce, St. Landry parish, -

.MA cemin tract of land .?itu;ited, in jparisU of St- Landry, near the town of Op'etoii-fàé containing——aefes, bounded îfoi'tlr lïy land of the present purchaser, south by ?r mad o„n-nepting y'tU Siiutli Strept letjifing from tlie tov.'u of Opelouaas to the vcsideuce of B. A Mattel, spath roiKl dividing about 3 acres of vendor and vendor's l-itu} gut Qf the public,

Vast by a road leading from, Oppiuitsasio prairio Basse and L;iure;it and "to Bftrry's Landing being tlie same property purehaaert by defend­ant from Seholastique Chachere wife of John M. Milsted, by act before P. Perrodin, made July 15th, 1872, recorded, book Z, page 391 re­corder's office, St. Laudry parish.

33. All the right, title and interest of Thomas C. Anderson, in and to the lease of a certain

[Continued ou Seventh Column,]



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By virtue of an alias writ of fieri facias /«Kited out or the honorable District Court, in for the Parish of St. Laudry, in the. above entitled suit, and to mci directed, I will proceed to se,h at publie auction to tho highest bidder, at thfi Courthouse of i<aid parish, in the town of 0>ie-lousa#, 011 SATURDAY, the 17tli duv of \f*v 1879, at 11 o'clock a. M., the t'olloV ,,1ir cribed property, to-wit: h

A certain judgment rendered 1n the District-FebruJev A1'Iü| "n the 171)1 day of r' aV i « } U\ fcrtit entitled Tlionm» t AH'deroon y^. xvcuu«»tU Btullio. No. 12649, of tnenlort of the suul judgment Iminir for the (\t siv hmidred aud eighty «even and 'UllQO dollars at 8 per cent per annum in-West from November 12th, 1873, until paid.


apl 12 . C. C. DUSON,

Sheriff of the Parish of St. Landrr.



No. 10340.


By virtue o# a writ of fieri facias, issued out of tlie honorable District Court, in and for the parish of St. Landry, in the above entitled BUit, and tome directed, 1 will proceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at tho Courthouse of «aid parish, in the tow n of One« lousas, 011 SATURDAY, the 17th day of Mny 1879, at 11 o'clock a. m., the following des* eribed property, to-wit : ® »AV',n",t'lluiot °.f Kround f.ltuated the town i -in this pari^lv, number

>ê of tiie plat of «aid tow^, lymuded north hy ierhot street, «äst U>; \\ nulling ton street, soutU iy Short *troeÇ ^(1 \tesi by Main street, witli .11 tlie t^ldlngs and improvements thereoiiv

rJfe^n»j—CiWhi o. e, nusox,

aj)l 12 Sheritf oX the PavUlt of 81. Landry.

For Sale, 100,000 A wry. i BEICKS.

One hundred thousand A No. l bricks, newly biu-ned on my plantation in Bellevue, 'on tho Bayou Callihan, 3 miles from Opelousas, at per thousand, delivered at the kiln

Axiply to DR. G. H. GAKDIN*",» ( i>

A P w Pla<,e, <>r A- r- , iLLIAMS,

Ojielousas. March 8-tf

•*. l'eir Colonies of

I t a l i a n B e e s

Feb. 1-tf

FOU SALE. Apply at fliln olTIec,

JOr. a, it. Gardiner,

Formerly of Grand Coteau, having potuiti' nently bw-afed in Bellevue, near Calliham's iindge, offers si is professional services to tlm cUizensof that" courmmity. Pel» ot-tf