st. john of the cross parish · hello! i am so thrilled to be the youth minister at st. john of the...

July 28, 2019 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~ In prayer God comes into the garden of our soul and plants divine love. St. John of the Cross Parish

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

July 28, 2019

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs 60558 ~ 708-246-4404 ~

In prayer

God comes into the garden of our

soul and plants

divine love.

St. John of the Cross Parish

Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

SJC July 28, 2019 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2

From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel

Blessings on the Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time. As was announced in this space last week, Katie Pruitt officially begins as our new Youth Minister on August 1. In this role, Katie will coordinate all parish activities with, to, and for our parishioners in high school. This bulletin has more information about her and her ideas regarding this vital ministry within our vibrant parish. The adjectives Vital and Vibrant are descriptors frequently employed in the Renew My Church process of the Archdiocese of Chicago. While our parish grouping, which includes St. Cletus and St. Francis Xavier in LaGrange, does

not expect to be activated until Wave 5 (2021) we will continue to coordinate some activities and schedules with our neighbors. One example of this collaboration is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). This bulletin has information about the process of preparing catechumens (unbaptized) and candidates to receive sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) at the next Easter Vigil. For additional information, please contact our Pastoral Associate, Steve Weigand. Four weeks ago, for various reasons, four priests left our Renew My Church grouping and have not (yet) been replaced. As I write, we continue to await word on the visa application that would allow for the Rev. Jesudas Gudime of Kadapa, India to be assigned as an Associate Pastor at St. John of the Cross Parish. Trusting in the Holy Spirit, I offer the Renew My Church prayer for our parish and for this local (diocesan) Church.

Let us continue to pray for one another and for our parish. Father Reszel

Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women who have gone before us. In every age and in our own time, you call to us and say: Renew My Church. Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you clearly to listen to each other attentively to imagine our future boldly to discern your direction wisely to persevere in your holy will courageously to stay together in charity to surrender our own plans readily to embrace the greater good to hand on your gifts to future generations. May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with patient confidence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen

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Welcome Katie Pruitt, Youth Minister

Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position from my path of exploration and many friendships at SJC. My husband, Tom and I, along with our daughters, Molly (17…rising senior) and Jane (13…beginning 8th grade), have been parishioners for 24 years at SJC. Molly has been involved with the SJC Crossroads Teen Program all through her years at LT, and Jane is preparing for her Confirmation this year through the YC program. As with many of us, there were seasons when we were not as involved at Church. But when Tom went through RCIA in 2010 during Molly’s second grade Communion year, we felt the pull to become more involved so we jumped in and became Crossroads leaders for our parish teens. I then joined the Women’s Club Board for 4 years and soon I was teaching YC for the girls which I continue today. I have been involved with the Women’s Club Garage Sale for 9 years and this past year I was fortunate to co-chair it. Very soon, in the bulletin and on our website, you will see many opportunities for ALL of our St. John of the Cross Parish teens to worship together, train to be Communion Ministers, enjoy fellowship, play sports together, volunteer for service outings and explore and grow in their faith through small group. Adults in the parish whose teens have flown the coop? You are invited, too. Are you a former teacher? Are you an active member of your college alumni association? Were you an awesome athlete in your day? Do you enjoy sharing your faith? We invite you, too, to join us. Our SJC teens are a vibrant, fun and energetic group, thirsting for faith and fellowship. Please be on the lookout for ways you, too, can help us build relationship and grow fellowship with our young parishioners. I look forward to getting started with a team of equally dedicated and passionate people to bring Christ to our teens. Please feel free to contact me with ideas, concerns or inquire about ways to help support us at [email protected].

Katie Pruitt

Dear young people,

you are not the future but the now of God

and he invites you and calls you

in your communities and cities

to go out and find your grandparents and elders;

to stand up and with them to speak out and

realize the dream that the Lord has dreamed for you.

Jesus wants to enter into and win over our hearts.

He wants to be our treasure, because he is not a

“meantime,” an interval in life or a passing fad;

he is generous love that invites us to entrust

ourselves. Jesus is concrete, close, real love.

The Lord and his mission are not a ‘meantime’

in our life, something temporary; they are our life!

Pope Francis World Youth Day 2019

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Today’s readings entreat us to ask daily for our true needs from God who desires to fulfill them. Our good Master shows us very clearly in the Our Father that we must first ask that God be acknowledged and adored by all. Then we ask for what is most necessary for us, that God’s Kingdom come. The Kingdom is the beginning and end for which we live. We desire to be inhabitants of heaven. Next, we ask that God’s will be done. After these requests, Our Lord makes it very clear that we must ask for our daily bread every day. In prayer God comes into the garden of our soul and plants divine love. In time, as we cultivate in prayer what God has planted in our hearts, we gain confidence in our growing friendship with God. So close does our friendship flower that we even ask God to give us what we desire. So, as well as praising God in prayer, we also ask God for all that is good. We can ask God for anything with the condition that what we ask for is in accord with God’s will and is for God’s greater glory. In prayer God gives us all the good thoughts we need to become whole. Prayer shows us how to perform all our actions well. Every action of those who reverence God is a continual prayer. Those who give alms, visit the sick, and practice other good works, are praying. They are voices praising God with their good actions. The end of prayer is to desire only God. Our Savior desires to plant in us an abundance of graces and blessings and even His heart, completely enflamed and burning with an incomparable love toward us. Let us pour out in His presence all our desires so that He may transform us entirely into Himself. How can we not open our heart in prayer to allow the Holy Spirit to flood it with divine love? Salesian Reflections-Oblates. Pasqualina Young

St. Paul asks us to reflect on the wonderful gift of redemption that is given to us as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection. We are sinners, but God’s love for us pardons all our sins and gives us new life in Jesus—a sharing in the very life of the risen Lord. Because of this sharing, we are able to approach God in prayer as Jesus did. We can call God “Father.” In our thankfulness, we want to hold God’s name as holy and we desire, as Jesus did, that the kingdom of God become present in us. Our requests must be simple:

Give us the bread we need for today: food for our bodies and the bread that makes us one in Eucharist.

Forgive our sins each day because we are willing to forgive the sins of one another.

Keep us safe and strong in our faith until the end. Jesus tells us more about our praying: “Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you.” Jesus never tells us what to ask for, all he tells us is that our Father will give us the Holy Spirit—his abiding presence in us and among us. What he is saying is that God will give us himself; he is the only good we will need. God’s one desire for each of us is that we be his children, trusting in his goodness. When we learn to pray with trust, then we will also learn to see the goodness of our God in whatever comes to us in our daily lives. The Spirit within us will give us the strength and courage we will need to handle the situations of our life– journey. Nothing will be too much for us to handle, because everything is coming to us from the hand of our Father whose only purpose for us is union with him, true happiness. Jesus teaches us how to pray. How we pray really does make a difference in how we live. May each of us learn to ask our Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit and then trust that he is with us as we go about our day. He will give us

Lord, teach me to pray just as you taught your disciples. Whatever my focus, help me to seek you

and your kingdom, that I might become one with you and live the words that you teach us.

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Lifelong Learning

Living the Gospel

The Our Father prayer is something we likely learned as children, perhaps one of the first memorized or rote prayers we acquired. So, today’s gospel and its version of the prayer might strike us as a bit odd. It’s not the version we find in Matthew, which is much closer to the version we have memorized and recite at Mass. Instead, Luke’s version is shorter, and has some elements that might be closer to the words uttered by Jesus himself. Luke’s version also begins dramatically with the direct address, “Father,” rather than the more communal, “Our Father.” The two petitions about the Father (three in Matthew) are shorter in Luke too, “hallowed be your name, / your kingdom come.” But there are elements in Matthew that point to the words of Jesus too. For it seems a favorite Lukan theme, “forgive us our sins” overcame the original, “forgive us our debts” that Matthew preserves.

In the end, this short prayer of Jesus addressed directly to the Father likely offended sensibilities of the time. This was not the mere recitation of a psalm; this was not a lengthy sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving; this was not rooted in prophets, Moses, or the Law. This was the prayer of Jesus given to his disciples. And yet, this prayer is not found in Mark, John, or anywhere else in the New Testament. Only Luke and Matthew give us their respective versions.

Next time we rush through this memorized prayer at Mass or another occasion, it might be good to set ourselves in the context of Jesus and his disciples, imagining receiving this prayer and his instruction. Let’s consider the words we are praying and the worldview they depict. Ultimately, the prayer constitutes a way of life and disposition much deeper than mere prattle. ©Living Liturgy

Jesus, our brother, son of the Father,

you taught us to pray in a way

that unites us all as God’s children.

Ever mindful of our identity,

give us a spirit of reverence

for all members of God’s family.

United in love may we serve one another

as you served those you encountered.

We ask this in your name.


Background on the Gospel

Luke gives more attention to Jesus' teachings on prayer than any other Gospel writer. He also mentions Jesus at prayer more than the others. In today's reading, from the beginning of Chapter 11 of his Gospel, Luke presents the core of Jesus' teaching on prayer. It consists of Jesus teaching a prayer to his disciples, a parable on the persistent neighbor, and assurances that God hears our prayers. The disciples notice Jesus praying “in a certain place.” They ask him to teach them to pray just as John the Baptist had taught his disciples. Jesus teaches them a simple version of the most famous Christian prayer, the Our Father, or the Lord's Prayer. Matthew's version shows signs of being shaped by public prayer. Luke's version is probably closer to the original form that Jesus taught. Stripped of much of the language we are used to, Luke's version seems simple and direct. We pray that God's name will be recognized as holy and that his rule over all will be established. This is followed by petitions for our needs for bread, for forgiveness, and for deliverance. Luke uses the more theological language of “sins” rather than “debts,” which is used in Matthew's version. Having taught his disciples a simple, daily prayer, Jesus goes on to reassure them that God answers prayers. First he tells a parable about a persistent neighbor who asks a friend for bread at midnight. The friend is already in bed and has no desire to disturb his family by opening the door. But because the neighbor is persistent, the sleeping man gets up and gives him all that he needs. If a neighbor is willing to help us if we are persistent enough, how could God not respond to our requests? This teaching concludes with the reminder that if we seek, we will get a response. If a human father, with all his faults, knows how to give good gifts to his children, how much more will our heavenly Father give us? Instead of good gifts, however, Luke substitutes the word Holy Spirit. This foreshadows the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is central to Luke's theology and who will play an important role in the growth of the early Church after Pentecost. The parable and the concluding teaching in this section should not lead us to think of prayer as a series of requests presented to God. Rather, as Jesus teaches in his model prayer, prayer consists in recognizing God's holiness and his rule over all things. Loyola Press

Monday Exod 32:15-24, 30-34 Ps 106:19-20,21-22, 23 John 11:19-27

Tuesday Exod 33:7-11; 34:5b-9, 28 Ps 103:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13 Matt 13:36-43

Wednesday Exod 34:29-35 Ps 99:5, 6, 7, 9 Matt 13:44-46

Thursday Exod 40:16-21, 34-38 Ps 84:3, 4, 5-6a and 8a, 11 Matt 13:47-53

Friday Lev 23:1, 4-11, 15-16, 27, 34b-37 Ps 81:3-4, 5-6, 10-11ab Matt 13:54-58

Saturday Lev 25:1, 8-17 Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8 Matt 14:1-12

18th Sunday in Ord. Time Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23 Ps 90:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 14 & 17 Col 3:1-5, 9-11 Luke 12:13-21

Lord on the day I called for help, you answered me. Psalm 138

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Retreat for Men

SJC Men’s Club invites all men of the parish to a 3 Day Silent Weekend Retreat for Men at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington. The retreat will be led by Fr. Mitch Pacwas, SJ. Register early as the retreat will fill up quickly. Questions? Contact SJC parishioner Dan King at 708-246-1971.

“How can God use a sinner like me?”

September 13-15, 2019 Retreat Master Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ

An Ignatian, Silent Weekend Retreat for Men Why isn’t the Church filled with saints? Why have their been scoundrels in the Church? We will reflect on Jesus’ mission to sinners and the way that he transforms them step by step, beginning with the apostles and continuing into the present time. The goal will be to see ourselves in the lives of the first disciples and their own relationship with Jesus Christ.

Meet Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ Fr. Pacwa was ordained in 1976 with the Society of Jesus. He is best known for his appearances on EWTN over the last thirty years. Fr. Pacwa is a best-selling Catholic author and has

written numberous books about scripture and our Catholic Faith. Fr. Pacwa’s vision is to create a “Legacy of Faith” for the next generation of Catholics who strive to grow and mature in their faith and become the future leaders of our Church. He reminds us all that through our baptism we are called to be sharers of the Church’s mission which is to continue the works of Jesus Christ and to make His name known and loved. For more information visit:

Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House, 420 W. County Line Rd, Barrington, IL 60010 Register at or call 847-381-1261

Weekend Retreat is $295 per person ($95 deposit)

Silence does not commence until after the welcoming social, dinner and Mass on Friday night and then lifts for lunch on Sunday, after which the retreat comes to a close. Learn more about the benefits of silence on our parish website home page.

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Outreach News Plan Ahead for Fall Children’s Choirs

Food Pantry Collection

St. Barbara's in Brookfield is our receiving parish for the month of July. They are anxious to see us as their shelves are bare and there are lots of hungry families in the area. Please bring nonperishable food and paper products to the church narthex to help feed the hungry!

Job Openings

The Comboni Fathers of LaGrange Park would like to hire a new office manager, part-time, with the potential for full-time. Office operations, communications, special events, budget and finance, donor development/relations. Questions and resumes submitted to Fr. Chris Aleti ([email protected]) Job description available via e-mail. Check our parish website for job openings in our parish school!!

Volunteers Needed for Assumption Parish/Kolbe House Picnic

On Sunday, August 11 Assumption Kolbe House will be hosting a parish picnic from 1-5:30pm on parish grounds for the community and jail guards following Sunday Mass with a procession beginning at 11:30am. The day will be filled with fellowship, delicious food and games for the children. Volunteers are needed to help with:

Running the Children’s Games, such as a water balloon toss, tug of war, face painting and a cup cake walk

Donating homemade or store bought cupcakes for the cupcake walk game. Drop off at the Parish Center on Friday or Saturday, August 9-10 from 9am-1pm.

Adult beer servers

Volunteers willing to help with clean up Call Bill Bright at the Parish Center to talk about the picnic plans and to volunteer.

St. John of the Cross Parish

Children’s Choirs 2019-20

Cherub Choir (Boys and Girls Grades 1-3) Weekly Commitment: Wednesday Rehearsals 3:45 – 4:30pm Sing Monthly at Sunday 9:00am Mass First Rehearsal: Wednesday, September 4, in Church Youth Choir (Boys and Girls Grades 4-8) Weekly Commitment: Thursday Rehearsals 3:45 – 4:30pm Sing Monthly at Sunday 9:00am Mass First Rehearsal: Thursday, September 5, in Church Registration is available online or at the first rehearsal. There will be a parent/guardian meeting at 4:20pm the day of each choir’s first rehearsal. For more information, contact Ann Bourjaily-Maney(708)246-4171, [email protected]

“Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary.

What we need is to love without getting tired.” – Mother Teresa

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Understanding the Word for Children Nurturing Your Child’s Faith

Parents are responsible for the material well-being of their children. Yet we know our children are spiritual beings as well. Here are five gifts you can give to nurture the spiritual life of your child. 1. Explain to your child why you gave him or her the name you did. In the Bible, names carry a lot of meaning. Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (Greek for “rock”), which indicated Peter’s vocation as the leader of Christian community. By telling your child how you chose his or her name, you can highlight the spiritual hopes you have for your child and emphasize his or her connection to the larger community. 2. Tell stories about your ancestors. Explain, for example, how their grandparents or great-great grandparents came to this country if they are of immigrant heritage. Such stories—of the strength, perseverance, and faith of their forebears—will help them know that they are part of a larger, grander story than just their own. 3. Share with your child who your favorite saint is and why. Describe how you receive inspiration from the example or teaching of this saint (or saintly person, whether canonized or not). Explain to your child the reason you are devoted to this saint and talk about other people whom you admire. 4. Offer a story about how your faith helped you in a difficult time in your life. Think back to a time when you made an important decision and, if you are comfortable, share how your faith shaped the decision. Set aside time to also talk about how your faith helps you on a daily basis. 5. Give your child your time and attention; listen to their hopes and dreams. The care and concern you express for your child provides a foundation upon which your child can accept God’s love and the love of others. Every day you help to shape the attitude your child brings to prayer and worship. The loving attention you share with your child prepares him or her to encounter Jesus in the heart, in the Eucharist, and in other people. Loyola Press

Read the Gospel: Luke 11:1-13 Gospel Summary This Gospel reminds us of three things. First of

all the disciples asked Jesus how to pray and he gave them a model we call the Our Father. Jesus gave the disciples a form of prayer that praises and petitions God. Next there was the example of a friend who came in the middle of the night to another's house asking for bread. The visitor awoke his friend with a plea for bread, but the sleeping friend did not want to be disturbed. Perhaps it would not be their friendship that got the first man his loaf of bread, but his persistence. So, the only way to continue his night's sleep was for the second man to give his friend the bread. In this parable, Jesus made clear that we need to be persistent in prayer. Finally, Jesus asked what father would hand his son a snake when asked for a fish, or a scorpion when asked for an egg. The point of this illustration was to show the disciples that God would give us the most important gift, the Holy Spirit.

Reflection for Families It is easier for parents to appreciate the

love God has for each of us. We strive to care for our children and provide the things necessary for their well being. We see to it that they have nutritious meals rather than junk food each day. We find a way to provide warm clothing and shoes in the cold weather. We don't hand our children something that would harm them when they ask for something that would nourish or protect them. We learn from this Gospel today that the greatest gift God can give us is the Holy Spirit. Like a child, we only need to stretch out our arms and be open to receive this gift.

Bringing the Gospel Into Your Family As you pray the Our

Father this week, have each family member reword the prayer in a way that brings meaning to that person's life in the twenty-first century. What is the daily bread you require? What is it that you really need most? When you ask for sins to be forgiven, what are they? What are the hurts you need to forgive someone else for? What are the things that tempt us not to follow God's ways? As your family prays this week, focus on each phrase and encourage everyone to think about exactly what they are saying or asking for when they say the words of this familiar prayer.

Discussion Starters

1. There are many times God has answered my prayers. One time I remember in particular was when ... 2. One thing I do when it is difficult for me to pray is ... 3. One time when my persistence paid off was when ...RCLBenziger

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Summer Faith Fun for Kids

After you have finished reading today’s bulletin share this puzzle page on Communion and Sending Forth with your child. This activity has multiple steps. First, unscramble the word or words in the boxes. Then determine the correct answers for the statements in the list below and match them to the words in the boxes, putting the number of the matching statement in the correct box. When you finish, the numbers you have put in the boxes should add up to the same total across, up and down, and diagonally. Find the answers on our parish website.

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The greatest gift you can give to anyone is the giving of yourself. Jesus gives this truth a new level of meaning in the institution of the Eucharist during the Last Supper. He offers himself completely for all people for all time. God is not bound by time and space, and our celebration of the Mass brings the sacrifice of Jesus to the present time. When we receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist, we are united in an intimate way with Jesus, with one another, and with all believers. Loyola Press

How often do I consider Jesus’

great love for me when I receive Holy


What difference does it make in my life to be

able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist?


teacher, friend, and Savior,

thank you for sharing yourself

with me in the Eucharist.


Used with permission. St. Mary’s Press

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St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates the following families who had their infants baptized by Deacon John Schopp assisted by Baptism Team Leaders, Betsy and Sean Sullivan. Pictured from the left are: Brad and Rachel Zarling with Christopher John, Martin and Katherine Nelson with Finley Edward, Andrew and Rebecca O’Connell with William Andrew, Travis and Courtney Kipper with Annika Martha, Joseph and Victoria Badrov with Nathan Gabriel.

Parish News

New Baby? Ready for Baptism?

Call Theresa or Mary Beth at the Parish Center on

weekdays between 9am and 4pm.

Golden Wedding Anniversary

Couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary from across the Archdiocese of Chicago are invited to gather together for the Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass that will be celebrated on Sunday, September 8, 2019 by Cardinal Cupich. The Mass will be at St. John Brebeuf, 8307 North Harlem Avenue, Niles, IL 60714. Please call the Parish Center office to register.

Summer @ The Seminary: A Young Adult Gathering at Mundelein Seminary

Young adults and families are invited to the campus of Mundelein Seminary for an afternoon of summer fun on Saturday, August 10. The free event includes campus tours, Mass with Fr. John Kartje and a cookout dinner. Reserve tickets at:

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It’s time to find out more about RCIA! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process of spiritual and educational formation through which adults become

fully initiated members of the Catholic Church. What Is the Goal of RCIA? RCIA is all about conversion – growth and change taking place in our hearts and minds so that we can more fully live in relationship with God and each other. It is about deepening our faith, and exploring what belief in God means for our lives and how it is reflected in our actions. The purpose is not to check off a class requirement or to see how much information you can learn, but rather to assist you in becoming a living, breathing, active disciple of Christ! A note for those with mixed feelings: We are all on a journey. Many of us come to this process with different experiences of life and faith. Your thoughts about starting this process might range from “Great! When can I start?” to “Gee, this seems like an awful lot!” Wherever you are on that spectrum, we are excited about and open to walking with you as you explore how God might be inviting you into a deeper relationship. The RCIA process does entail a significant commitment, but time and again we hear participants say it was time well spent and how can’t believe how much I’ve learned about my faith and myself. The RCIA teams from St. John of the Cross and St. Francis Xavier work hard to provide encounters that are meaningful for you and those closest to you. If you are unsure this is the right step for you, you are not alone. In fact the first few weeks of the RCIA (called Inquiry) are intended to help equip you with insightful information so you can make an informed decision. Because the decision is ultimately yours and your loved ones, if you determine that the time is not right to continue in the process, we believe that is much the work of the Spirit as if you decide to continue. What’s Next? Please contact the parish office if you are interested and Steve Weigand [email protected] will return your call or be glad to set a time to meet. Additional information is also available @

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Parish News

Lend a Hand to the 2019 Women’s Club Fashion Show Proceeds from the Women’s Club Fashion Show support various local charities that support women and children in our community. You will have fun and be part of an awesome team of women looking to make an impact in the lives of others. We are currently seeking a volunteer to be our Major Gift Gatherer. A Major Gift Gatherer is resourceful and entrepreneurial, a go-getter who can solicit the donation of experiences (sports, recreational, etc.) and other one of a kind items for our auction.

Don’t miss the fun! Please consider joining our dynamic team

to help make sure this event is a beautiful success! Please contact either Rosaria Becker at [email protected] or 708-309-0351 or Cindy O’Malley at [email protected] or 312-259-4177.

The Comboni Fathers Invite You to Join Them at Their Annual

Saturday, August 17th

3pm Outdoor Mass,

with Festival to Follow Comboni Mission Center

1615 E 31st Street, La Grange Park

Free Admission, Bounce House Entertainment by Ballet Folklorico Sones


Volunteers Needed – Please contact us if you can help at 708.354.1999!

Evening Prayer in the

Style of Taizé

Tuesday, August 13

7pm in Church

Taizé prayer, a contemplative, candlelit prayer service, has its roots in the tiny village of Taizé, located in the eastern part of France. Since 1940, Taizé has been home to an international ecumenical monastic community whose prayer for peace, reconciliation, and unity is the center of their life. Today, visitors of all ages from many and diverse countries and religious traditions go to Taizé in pilgrimage to experience peaceful communion with God and with one another. Taizé prayer consists of simple, repetitive music interspersed with scripture readings and long periods of silence. The repetition of mantra-like musical phrases draws us into deep meditative prayer, to a space where we invite God’s voice to speak deep within us. Instruments such as flute, oboe, and cello help to elevate the music and create a truly prayerful environment.

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How does God guide us?

Does God Heal?

Why am I here?

How can I have faith?

How can I resist evil?



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Adult Formation & Pastoral Care

Seasons of Hope Grief Support

6 Monday evenings beginning

August 12 from 7-8:30pm

Sooner or later all families face the loss of a loved one and our parish is committed to helping families work through each step of the grief process. Our Seasons of Hope Support Group and the resources it provides can nurture and enrich one’s faith regardless of Christian denomination. Scripture assures us that those who mourn are blessed, and that they shall be comforted. Seasons of Hope offers an opportunity to come together with the support of the faith community, so we can give voice to our unique journey, as well as find healing and spiritual growth. Weekly sessions explore topics related to the grieving process and include scripture, prayer, reflection activities and faith sharing. Seasons of Hope is centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, traditions, and practices of the Catholic Church. No fee. Call the Parish Center today to register.

7 Week Journey Towards

a Deeper Prayer Life

Does your faith life feel empty? Are you searching for a deeper relationship with Jesus? Mayslake Ministries is excited to offer a 7 week course entitled, In Search of the Beloved. Tuesdays 7-9pm in the Parish Center beginning September 19. Participants will experience traditional methods of interior prayer which opens new pathways for individuals to deeper their relationship with Jesus. Different facilitators will lead each session. Watch for more in upcoming bulletins.

Page 14: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

What does it mean to “be born again, to “be born from above”? If you’re an Evangelical or Baptist, you’ve probably already answered that for yourself. However, if you’re a Roman Catholic or a mainline Protestant then the phrase probably isn’t a normal part of your spiritual vocabulary and, indeed, might connote for you a biblical fundamentalism which confuses you. What does it mean to “be born again”? The expression appears in John’s Gospel in a conversation Jesus has with a man named, Nicodemus. Jesus tells him that he “must be born again from above”. Nicodemus takes this literally and protests that it’s impossible for a grown man to re-enter his mother’s womb so as to be born a second time. So Jesus recasts the phrase metaphorically, telling Nicodemus that one’s second birth, unlike the first, is not from the flesh, but “from water and the Spirit”. Well … that doesn’t clarify things much for Nicodemus, or for us. What does it mean to be born again from above? Perhaps there are as many answers to that as there are people in the world. Spiritual birth, unlike physical birth, doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone. I have Evangelical friends who share that for them this refers to a particularly powerful affective moment within their lives when, like Mary Magdala in the Garden with Jesus on Easter Sunday, they had a deep personal encounter with Jesus that indelibly affirmed his intimate love for them. In that moment, in their words, “they met Jesus Christ” and “were born again”, even though from their very childhood they had always known about Jesus Christ and been Christians. Most Roman Catholics and mainline Protestants do not identify “knowing Jesus Christ” with one such personal affective experience. But then they’re left wondering what Jesus meant exactly when he challenges us “to be born again, from above”. A priest that I know shares this story regarding his understanding of this. His mother, widowed sometime before his ordination, lived in the same parish where he had been assigned to minister. It was a mixed blessing, nice to see her every day in church but she, widowed and alone, began to lean pretty heavily upon him in terms of wanting his time and he, the dutiful son, now had to spend all his free time with his mother, taking her for meals, taking her for drives, and being her one vital contact with the world outside the narrow confines

of the seniors’ home within which she lived. During their time together she reminisced a lot and not infrequently complained about being alone and lonely. But one day, on a drive with her, after a period of silence, she said something that surprised him and caught his deeper attention: “I’ve given up on fear!” she said, “I’m no longer afraid of anything. I’ve spent my whole life living in fear. But now, I’ve given up on it because I’ve nothing to lose! I’ve already lost everything, my husband, my youthful body, my health, my place in the world, and much of my pride and dignity. Now I’m free! I’m no longer afraid!” Her son, who had only been half-listening to her for a long time, now began to listen. He began to spend longer hours with her, recognizing that she had something important to teach him. After a couple of more years, she died. But, by then, she had been able to impart to her son some things that helped him understand his life more deeply. “My mother gave me birth twice; once from below, and once from above,” he says. He now understands something that Nicodemus couldn’t quite grasp. We all, no doubt, have our own stories. And what do the biblical scholars teach about this? The Synoptic Gospels, scholars say, tell us that we can only enter the kingdom of God if we become like little children, meaning that we must, in our very way of living, acknowledge our dependence upon God and others. We are not self-sufficient and that means truly recognizing and living out our human dependence upon the gratuitous providence of God. To do that, is to be born from above. John’s Gospel adds something to this. Raymond E Brown, commenting on John’s Gospel, puts it this way: To be born again from above means we must, at some point in our lives, come to understand that our life comes from beyond this world, from a place and source beyond out mother’s womb, and that deeper life and deeper meaning lie there. And so we must have two births, one that gives us biological life (births us into this world) and another that gives us eschatological life (births us into the world of faith, soul, love, and spirit). And sometimes, as was the case with my friend, it can be your own birthmother who does the major midwifing in that second birth. Nicodemus couldn’t quite get past his instinctual empiricism. In the end, he didn’t get it. Do we? Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser

What Does It Mean “To Be Born Again”?

SJC July 28, 2019 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 14

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

Confessions Saturdays after morning Mass Eucharistic Adoration Mondays 2:30-8:45pm Except Holidays Christian Meditation Mondays 10:30am (11th Step), Tuesdays 7:30pm, Wednesdays 2:30pm, Saturdays 8:00am St. John of the Cross Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404 Parish Center Summer Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-8:00pm Fridays 9:00am-4:00pm Weekends 8:00am-1:00pm Parish School Office 708-246-4454 Youth Catechesis Office 708-246-6760

Honor a loved one (deceased or living) with a Mass Remembrance. The person’s name will be printed in the Sunday bulletin, mentioned at Mass, and a card will be given to you or sent to the person you designate. The cost is $10 per Mass Remembrance. Call or stop in the Parish Center office for Mass Remembrances in 2019 and 2020. Sign Up to Receive our Weekly Newsletter and Bulletin: [email protected] Low gluten hosts are available by contacting a Sacristan before Mass in the sacristy. Childcare is available during the Sunday 9:00am and 11am Masses in the Rectory Garden Room. Enter at the north Rectory doors. No sitting on September 1.

Prayer Requests We Pray for Our Sick Mario Accettura, Heidi Adducci, Beth Beutell, Helen Bouchard, Sam Cibula, Amanda Cook, Jack DeMars, Helen DiNuzzo, Fran Domanskis, Linda Dorminey, Bart Frasier, Aggie Frolik, Frank Gembala, Jan Grabacki, Karen Hult, James Inicis, Thomas Ivaska, Don King, John Kost, Peggy Koucky, Tom Laskey, Aidan Marcus, Sophie Ann McDaniel, Bobbie Misiora, Ernie Misiora, Lee Lepinske, Jim Mulvenna, Gail O’Toole, Blanche Terry Pepin, Robert Plecaty, Al Piorkowski, John Ryan, Rachael Schopp, Rebecca Shannahan, Jim Slattery, Tatiana Streckert, Janet Sturges, Shawn Sweeney, Dominic Yocius We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Staff Sgt. Steven Foody, Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki, Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler USAF Pararescue, Corporal Daniel Pett, MAJ. James Maicke, Sgt. Robert Marburger, Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak, Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci, Seaman Riley Strafaci, Seaman Emily Strafaci, Sgt. Michael Grabarek, Spc. Douglas Junius, PFC Kevin Lawinger, Lieutenant James Viano, First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini, Captain Emily Kopec, Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg, LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy, Fr. Filbert Ngwila, Army Chaplain, ETN3 Joseph Kula, US Navy, Col. Mark Blanek, US Army

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Christopher Matthew Lipinski, son of Dr. Gary and Mary Kilmer Lipinski, brother of Maureen, Patrick and Mary Claire Linda Dingillo, wife of Donald, mother of Danielle Scarpelli and Lisa Kobayashi, sister of Ruth Serpe, grandmother of 6

Rev. Marc W. Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of Youth Catechesis [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Manager [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Manager [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Communications Coor [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Parish Operations [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Front Office Coordinator [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome Coordinator [email protected] Pat Surdyk, Liturgy & Music Assistant [email protected] Christina Turlek, Financial Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Mass Remembrances Monday, July 29 St. Martha 9:00am Deacon Robert Mueller † Tuesday, July 30 St. Peter Chrysologus 9:00am Alice & Al Sobey † Marie Burdi † Wednesday, July 31 St. Ignatius of Loyola 9:00am Ira Das Gupta † Aldon Kelly † Thursday, August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori 9:00am Eric Yates † Friday, August 2 St. Eusebius of Vercelli; St. Peter Julian Eymard

Join us for First Friday Coffee after Mass this morning!

9:00am Robert McNulty † Miroslav Chybik † Marilyn Caron † Saturday, August 3 Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00am Elizabeth Scanlan † Evening Mass 4:00pm Richard Maier † Tony Adolf † Michael McMahon † Sunday, August 4 18th Sunday in OT

7:30am Ryan Family Raymond Norbut † Paul Leary † Kathy & Mike Roche † 9:00am Ugur Ertan † Greg Perona † Don Vollmer † George Lombard † Rita Travers † Keith Borzym † Marilyn Caron † 11:00am Helen Delaney † Vale Raila † Brian Srmek † John Devona † Jose Flores † 5:00pm Joseph & Stanley Kuksta † Sam & Rose Canino † Ann Mores † Living Remembrance in Italics

SJC July 28, 2019 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 15

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

Help children at St. Gall and the surrounding community get ready for school!

DONATE New school supplies can be dropped off in the marked boxes in the church narthex or the Parish Center lobby. Please drop off the supplies by Sunday, August 11. Items needed include:

Backpacks ($5 backpacks purchased at Five Below are perfect) Pencil bags/boxes* Pens (black, blue, and red) Pencils Scissors* Crayons* Glue (stick and bottle)* Erasers* Colored pencils* Colored markers* Rulers Notebook paper (wide or college rule)

Shop at Five Below in Countryside on July 27-28 or August 3-4 and SJC will receive 10% back to buy more

school supplies! Simply print the coupon from our parish website.

VOLUNTEER Sort the donations on Tuesday, August 13 at 7pm

Volunteer on the day of the event: Wednesday, August 14 from 8am-1pm

Adults, teens, families, and Confirmation candidates (with a parent or adult) are needed to set up, unload and organize food and school supplies, distribute, assist the elderly, and help clean up. Volunteers will carpool from the SJC parking lot at 7:30am and arrive at St. Gall for the volunteer sign-in and setup by 8:00am.

Sign up to volunteer on our parish website home page.

Back to School Collection for the St. Gall Community

* Most Needed

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

009239 St John of the Cross Church (B) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170


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Page 18: St. John of the Cross Parish · Hello! I am so thrilled to be the Youth Minister at St. John of the Cross. I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by training, but I come to this position

009239 St John of the Cross Church (A) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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