st. anthony’s parish archdiocese of vancouver

ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver 2347 Inglewood Avenue West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 Office: (604) 926-6881 Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: [email protected] Website: Archdiocesan Website: SIXTH SUNDAY of EASTER May 26 th , 2019 MASS SCHEDULE & I NTENTIONS SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 PM; Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM. DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM; Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM. CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass; Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM. Pastor: Fr. Gary Franken: [email protected] Asst. Pastor: Fr. Larry Lynn: [email protected] Parish Deacon: Mr. Tony Gray: [email protected] PREP: Sr. AngelaMarie,FSE: [email protected] LGH Deacon: Mr. Richard Podgurski: [email protected] Parish Office: Mr. Joseph Maravillas/Mrs. Isabella Raynard I n 1888 a man came down for breakfast in his home in Stockholm, Sweden. When he opened the morning news- paper, he was shocked to find his own obituary! Through a confusion of names, his death had been falsely reported to the local paper. The editors quickly put together information for his death notice. This was not a difficult thing to do, because the man in question was a famous scientist who had created the formula for making Dynamites which, at that time, was the most powerful explosive in the world. So, this man had the rare opportunity to read himself what other people would say about him at his death. And what they said was not good. The title of the obituary was The Merchant of Death Dies”. It continued, The man who became rich by finding ways to kill more people more quickly than ever before, died himself yesterday.The scientist was appalled to realize that he would be remembered as the merchant of death.Right at that moment, he resolved to spend the rest of his life trying to change his legacy. He used his considerable for- tune to promote efforts of peace and human advancement. In the end he was successful. The scientist was Alfred Nobel. We know him today, not as the inventor of dynamite, nor as the merchant of death, but as the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, Alfred Nobel wanted to become an agent of peace to change what people thought about him. We, as followers of Jesus, have an even greater motivation to be peacemakers. In todays Gospel Jesus gives His disciples His peace as His final gift to them. That gift is meant to be shared. Jesuspeace is not simply a personal gift to make us feel calm and reduce our wor- ries. Jesuspeace is a call to make peace a greater reality in our world. Now we do not have the ability to change the course of international events. We cannot stop ISIS from engaging in terrorism or end the war in Syria. But each one of us, every day, makes choices that either foster or harm the peace around us. Jesus gives us His peace so that we can be peacemakers in our families, to treat the people in our lives with the respect and dignity they deserve. Jesus gives us His peace so that we can be peacemakers, so we can find ways to work together and coop- erate with one another without leaving anyone behind. Jesus gives us His gift of peace so that we can be peacemakers, so we can influence family and friends to make political decisions that will promote understanding and the common good. We do not have the resources to establish an international monetary prize for peace. But we can be peacemakers. We can take the peace that Jesus give us and use it to move the world one step closer to the Kingdom of God. St. Anthonys Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email: [email protected]. Catholic Cemeteries are a link between the living & the departed. Sun May 26 th 6 th SUNDAY EASTER 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Sp. Int. Deacon Tony FOR PARISHIONERS Mon May 27 8 am Torresan Families Ellerbeck Families Tue May 28 8 am 7:00 PM Reinis Family Sp. Int. Gisela Wegner Wed May 29 8 am Bob Goehring Thu May 30 8 am Sp. Int. Terence Chung Fri May 31 The Visitation 8 am Nancy Lynch Sat June 1 St. Justin 9 am 5 pm FOR VOCATIONS Basim Azzam Sun June 2 nd The Ascension of the Lord 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Sp. Int. Nadia Millare Ng FOR PARISHIONERS ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011; [email protected] S. T. A. HIGH SCHOOL (604) 987-4431 DATE Sat. June 1 st : 5 PM Sun. June 2 nd : 9 AM Sun. June 2 nd : 11 AM HOSPITA LITY THE WALTONS WENDY GRAY VALERIE DUNCAN RITA RACZ LORNA DALINGHAUS LECTOR THE WALTONS PETER BALOGH DANTE AGOSTI-MORO EMHC DEACON TONY DEACON TONY DEACON TONY SOCIAL HOSTS ROSE MOJECA KAREN BALOGH Fr. Joseph

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Page 1: ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH Archdiocese of Vancouver

ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH - Archdiocese of Vancouver 2347 Inglewood Avenue

West Vancouver, B.C. V7V 1Z9 Office: (604) 926-6881

Fax: (604) 926-3852 Email: [email protected]

Website: Archdiocesan Website:

SIXTH SUNDAY of EASTER May 26th, 2019



Sunday: 9:00 and 11:00 AM.

DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM;

Saturdays & Public Holidays, 9:00 AM.

CONFESSIONS Mon - Fri: before 8 AM Mass;

Sat: 9:30 AM & 4:15 - 4:45 PM.

Pastor: Fr. Gary Franken: [email protected] Asst. Pastor: Fr. Larry Lynn: [email protected] Parish Deacon: Mr. Tony Gray: [email protected] PREP: Sr. AngelaMarie,FSE: [email protected] LGH Deacon: Mr. Richard Podgurski: [email protected] Parish Office: Mr. Joseph Maravillas/Mrs. Isabella Raynard

I n 1888 a man came down for breakfast in his home in Stockholm, Sweden. When he opened the morning news-paper, he was shocked to find his own obituary! Through

a confusion of names, his death had been falsely reported to the local paper. The editors quickly put together information for his death notice. This was not a difficult thing to do, because the man in question was a famous scientist who had created the formula for making Dynamites which, at that time, was the most powerful explosive in the world. So, this man had the rare opportunity to read himself what other people would say about him at his death. And what they said was not good. The title of the obituary was “The Merchant of Death Dies”. It continued, “The man who became rich by finding ways to kill more people more quickly than ever before, died himself yesterday.” The scientist was appalled to realize that he would be remembered as the “merchant of death.” Right at that moment, he resolved to spend the rest of his life trying to change his legacy. He used his considerable for-tune to promote efforts of peace and human advancement. In the end he was successful. The scientist was Alfred Nobel. We know him today, not as the inventor of dynamite, nor as the merchant of death, but as the founder of the Nobel Peace Prize. Now, Alfred Nobel wanted to become an agent of peace to change what people thought about him. We, as followers of Jesus, have an even greater motivation to be peacemakers. In today’s Gospel Jesus gives His disciples His peace as His final gift to them. That gift is meant to be shared. Jesus’ peace is not simply a personal gift to make us feel calm and reduce our wor-ries. Jesus’ peace is a call to make peace a greater reality in our world. Now we do not have the ability to change the course of international events. We cannot stop ISIS from engaging in terrorism or end the war in Syria. But each one of us, every day, makes choices that either foster or harm the peace around us. Jesus gives us His peace so that we can be peacemakers in our families, to treat the people in our lives with the respect and dignity they deserve. Jesus gives us His peace so that we can be peacemakers, so we can find ways to work together and coop-erate with one another without leaving anyone behind. Jesus gives us His gift of peace so that we can be peacemakers, so we can influence family and friends to make political decisions that will promote understanding and the common good. We do not have the resources to establish an international

monetary prize for peace. But we can be peacemakers. We can take the peace that Jesus give us and use it to move the world one step closer to the Kingdom of God.

St. Anthony’s Parish Religious Education Program (PREP): Every Wednesday for students in Grades 1 - 7 not attending Catholic Schools. For other Sacramental Information, phone the Parish Office or email: [email protected].

Catholic Cemeteries are a link between the living & the departed.

Sun May 26th 6th SUNDAY


9:00 AM

11:00 AM


Mon May 27 8 am † Torresan Families † Ellerbeck Families

Tue May 28 8 am 7:00 PM

† Reinis Family Sp. Int. Gisela Wegner

Wed May 29 8 am † Bob Goehring

Thu May 30 8 am Sp. Int. Terence Chung

Fri May 31 The Visitation

8 am † Nancy Lynch

Sat June 1 St. Justin

9 am

5 pm


† Basim Azzam

Sun June 2nd The Ascension

of the Lord

9:00 AM

11:00 AM

Sp. Int. Nadia Millare Ng FOR PARISHIONERS

ST. ANTHONY’S SCHOOL (604) 922-0011; [email protected] S. T. A. HIGH SCHOOL

(604) 987-4431

DATE Sat. June 1st: 5 PM Sun. June 2nd: 9 AM Sun. June 2nd: 11 AM










Page 2: ST. ANTHONY’S PARISH Archdiocese of Vancouver

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION . . . “…do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”

(John 14:27) Our limited human understanding cannot begin

to understand the immense power of God. Instead of trusting in God,

we think we can control every outcome. Do you want to make God laugh?

Tell Him your plans. The next time worry, anxiety or fear creeps in,

thank God for all He has given you and trust that He has a better plan for you.

Copyright © 2019 Archdiocese of St. Louis

ROLE OF LAITY: REFORM OF THE CHURCH Monday, May 27th, 7 PM @ UBC, Westbrook Room 100

Presenters: Dr. Michael Higgins, Sr. Sue Mosteller, Dr. Angus Reid, and Fr. Ronald Rolheiser.

“How the laity can shape Church leadership”. FREE Admission!

PRO-LIFE MASS & PRAYER VIGIL Sat. June 1st, 9 AM, @ Holy Spirit Parish,

New Westminster Join us for a peaceful, prayerful vigil for unborn children and their parents followed by Rosary.

For upcoming dates, visit:

MAGNIFICAT BREAKFAST FOR ALL WOMEN Saturday, June 1st, 10 AM, @ JPII Pastoral Centre

Join fellow women for breakfast, fellowship and prayer. $25/person. Phone Anna: (604) 818-4919.

FEAST OF PENTECOST Saturday, June 8th, 10 AM, St. Stephen’s Parish

Join us to celebrate and experience the Power of Pentecost. Hosted by Vancouver Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services.

MAN’S DESTINY MEN’S CONFERENCE Sat. June 8th, 8:30 AM, St. Matthew’s Parish, Surrey

In today’s fast-paced world filled with distractions, many of us are hard pressed to know if we are winning or

losing; and not just that, some of us aren’t even sure what battle we are in or who it is we’re fighting.

At this year’s 2019 Man’s Destiny Conference we will be looking at this all too common problem through a series of talks

delivered by Deacon Ralph Poyo, from Steubenville, Ohio. Register On-line:

SAVE THE DATE WITH THE ARCHBISHOP Tuesday, October 22nd @ The Hyatt, Vancouver

ANNUAL ARCHBISHOP’S DINNER. For more information: [email protected].

ST. ANTHONY’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Applications for Junior Kindergarten are NOW on-going.

Email: [email protected]. STA HIGH SCHOOL

Spring Concert: Tuesday, May 28th, 7:00 PM @ The Centennial Theatre;

BC High School Track & Field Championships:

May 30th - June 1st, Kelowna. 13 STA athletes qualified.

Congratulations & Good Luck!

NEXT WEEK: • Funeral Mass: +Ken Burridge, Saturday, June 1st, 10:30 AM; • Special Collection: Catholic Missions in Canada; • Lobster Dinner Tickets Sale after all Masses.

FIRST COMMUNION CLASS 2019! TODAY, at the 11 AM Mass, we rejoice and

congratulate our PREP children who receive our Lord Jesus into their lives for the first time in

Holy Communion. We thank the parents and families for being

collaborators in helping the children grow in God’s love. Thank You to the teachers of our Parish Religious

Education Program (PREP), for your faithful and devoted work in preparing the children.

Congratulations to . . . Leopold ADAM, Nicolas COWLEY, Samuel COWLEY, Maximillian DREWITT,

Sophia Luz MONTGOMERY, David SOWDEN, Evangeline SOWDEN, Brandon STEPHENSON, and Mara TISDELLE.

Welcome children, to the Table of the Lord . . . “Taste and see that the Lord is good “. His love is everlasting!”

CWL MASS & CROWNING OF MARY Tuesday, May 28th, 7:00 PM

All Ladies who are members of St. Anthony’s CWL are reminded to mark this date on their calendars.

Aside from the Mass we will also honour our Blessed Mother by crowning her statue.

All parishioners are welcome to attend the Mass.


We’re having a Faith-based Addictions Recovery Meetings Every Monday, 7:00 PM: June 3rd through to July 29th.

What does the Bible say? How can Jesus help?

“For the Son of Man has come to save what was lost.” Matthew 18:11

Contact: [email protected]. ALL WELCOME!