ssrp calendar 2011

For entry into next year’s competition, please check the back of the calendar for details and competition rules. 2011 Calendar Road Safety Competition Artwork by: Aayushi Trivedi - Year 4 Waterfield Primary School, West Sussex Safer Roads Safer Communities Sharing the Responsibility

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A childrens road safety competition calendar produced by the SSRP every year


Page 1: SSRP Calendar 2011

For entry into next year’s competition,please check the back of the calendar

for details and competition rules.

2011 CalendarRoad Safety Competition by: Aayushi Trivedi - Year 4 Waterfield Primary School, West Sussex

Safer RoadsSafer Communities

Sharing the Responsibility

Page 2: SSRP Calendar 2011

JANUARY 2011 Amelia Aburrow - Year 4Birdham Primary School

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

216543 7 8 913121110 14 15 1620191817 21 2227262524

3128 29 30


Bank Holiday

New Year’s Day

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FEBRUARY 2011 Dionne Clarke - Year 6West St Leonards School

East Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

321 4 5 610987 11 12 1317161514 18 19 2024232221 25 26


Valentine's Day

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MARCH 2011 Natasha Hawkes - Year 4Birdham Primary School

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

321 4 5 610987 11 12 1317161514 18 19 2024232221 25 26

29 302827


Shrove Tuesday(Pancake Day)

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APRIL 2011 Jack Anderson - Year 6West St Leonards School

East Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 2 37654 8 9 1014131211 15 16 1721201918 22 2328 29 30272625


Good Friday

Bank Holiday

Easter Sunday

Mother’s Day

St George’s Day

Royal WeddingBank Holiday

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MAY 2011 Chloe Wooden - Year 5Lindfield Primary School,

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

15432 6 7 81211109 13 14 1519181716 20 2126252423

30 3127 28 29


Bank Holiday

Bank Holiday

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JUNE 2011 Lucy Lavender - Year 6All Saints CE Junior School

Hastings, East Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

21 3 4 59876 10 11 1216151413 17 18 1923222120 24 2530292827


Father's Day

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JULY 2011 Phoebe Collins - Year 5Lindfield Primary School

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 2 37654 8 9 1014131211 15 16 1721201918 22 2328 29 30 31272625


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AUGUST 2011 Briony Thornton - Year 6West St Leonards School

East Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

4321 5 6 7111098 12 13 1418171615 19 20 2125242322 26 27 28

30 3129Bank Holiday

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SEPTEMBER 2011 Carys Keeley - Year 1Parkside Community PrimarySchool, Heathfeild, East Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 2 3 48765 9 10 1115141312 16 17 1822212019 23 2429282726 30


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OCTOBER 2011 William Kyte - Year 7Birdham Primary School

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

216543 7 8 913121110 14 15 1620191817 21 2227262524

3128 29 30



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NOVEMBER 2011 Jack Burnett - Year 4Saltdean Primary School

Brighton & Hove

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

321 4 5 610987 11 12 1317161514 18 19 2024232221 25 26

29 302827

Guy Fawkes Night

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DECEMBER 2011 Jackson Chamberlain - Year 5Birdham Primary School

West Sussex

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

1 2 3 48765 9 10 1115141312 16 17 1822212019 23 2429282726 30


31Christmas Day

Boxing Day Bank Holiday

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The Government grant received is currentlybased on casualty data between 1994-1998.This grant was made available for four yearsvia local authorities and will expire inMarch 2011.

There is also a wide range of variedinitiatives and activities in Sussex to helpreduce collision and casualty numbers.Please keep an eye on our website andcheck local media for more details.

Your Partnership needs your continuedsupport, comments, questions and ideas towork most effectively throughout the countyto save lives. If youʼve got anything to say,please visit: contact us at the address below.

Sussex Safer Roads PartnershipPO Box 2094Shoreham-by-SeaWest SussexBN43 6XT

The Sussex Safer Roads Partnership(SSRP) is funded by Government grant tothree local authorities, East and WestSussex County Councils and Brighton andHove City Council. Other key partners areSussex Police, the Fire and RescueServices, Highways Agency and HMCourtsʼ Service.

The SSRP works to reduce road casualtiesacross Sussex through education,engineering and enforcement. Each year,we develop strategies in these three keydisciplines to create safer roads and safercommunities by encouraging people toshare the responsibility.

By displaying this calendar and supportingour work, you are another vital asset in thedevelopment of safer roads and reducingroad casualties in Sussex

We also continue with our Safety Cameraprogramme, however monies raised fromspeeding fines are not directly fundingour activities.

About the SSRP Guthrie - Year 5 Lindfield Primary School, West Sussex

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We hope you enjoyed this year’s calendar.Thanks to all those who have got involved and submitted pictures. To see this years runnersup visit: you would like to take part by having your picture and message used next year - wewould love to hear from you ! Remember, we are looking for the most creative, seasonal andup to date ideas on road safety issues from all of our young Sussex residents.

The rules:• To take part you must be under 14 years of age• Images must be A4 Landscape• Images must have a road safety message, be colourful and inventive, using paints, crayons,

colouring pencils or collage (ideally NOT computer generated)• The Competition closing date is the 30th September 2011

• All entries must include your full name, school, class year and contact details, so we can contact you ifyou are amongst the winners and can correctly credit the artwork

• Please don't write your name or contact details on the front of the image itself (ideally put theinfo on the back)

We will accept entries submitted by classes, or individuals sent to:Sussex Safer Roads Partnership PO Box 2094, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6XT

Application FormEntry Type: (please tick) Individual ClassName: Year: School:

Contact Telephone: Contact Email:

Sussex Safer Roads Partnership CalendarTerms and Conditions:-1. The calendar competition is free to enter.2. Multiple entries will be accepted from individuals.

Each one must be on a separate sheet andaccompanied by clearly marked entrantʼs details.

3. Entries should conform to the competitionʼs rules asalready stated.

4. All valid entries will be considered for inclusion in the2012 SSRP official calendar.

5. The competition will be judged by the SSRPʼsCommunications Team, whose decision is final.We regret that we can not enter into anycorrespondence regarding individual entries.

6. We reserve the right to use images in futurepromotional work for the SSRP. However, if/when animage is used, we will credit it as per the calendarentries. No additional prizes will be awarded foradditional image usage.

7. We shall keep the personal details of all winningentrants on file for a maximum period of 12 months,after which time they will be disposed of securely.We shall not pass these details to any third party orother body outside of the SSRP CommunicationsTeam.

8. We reserve the right to edit the image and itsdimensions as required to ensure that they fit theformat of the calendar.

9. Should you wish artwork to be returned, pleaseenclose an SAE with your entries. If no SAE isreceived, the entries will be held for a maximumperiod of two months from the competition deadline,after which they will be disposed of securely.

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Sussex Safer Roads PartnershipPO Box 2094Shoreham-by-SeaWest SussexBN43

Thank you for your support from the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership.Don’t forget to enter your images for the 2012 Calendar.