ssc mains maths mock test 1

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  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 1


    1. The diameters of two cylinders, whosevolumes are equal, are in the ratio 3 : 2

     Their heights will be in the ratio(A) 4 : 9 (B) 5 : 6

    (C) 5 : 8 (D) 8 : 9

    2- In an election there were only twocandidats. One of the candidates secured46% of votes and is defeated by the othercandidate by 3680 votes. The total

    number of votes polled is -

    (A) 8000 (B) 46000

    (C) 6814 (D) 248403. A trader marks his goods 40% above the

    cost price and allows a discount of 25%. The profit he makes, is(A) 15% (B) 10%(C) 5% (D) 2%

    4. With a 5% discount on the cost of sugar, abuyer could purchase 2 kg more sugar for

     `  608. Selling price of sugar is(A) ` 15.50 (B)  ` 15(C) ` 16.50 (D) ` 16

    5. The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their

    LCM is 48. The sum of the two numbers is(A) 32 (B) 28(C) 26 (D) 24

    6- If 2A = 3 B = 4C, then A : B : C is(A) 2 : 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 3 : 2(C) 6 : 4 : 3 (D) 3 : 4 : 6

    7-  The ratio 43.5 :25 is the same as(A) 4 : 1 (B) 2 : 1(C) 1: 2 (D) 1 : 4

    8- 12 kg of rice costing `  30 per kg is mixedwith 8 kg of rice costing `  40 per kg. Theaverage price per kg of mixed rice is

    (A) `  38 (B) `  37(C) `  35 (D) `  34

    9-  The area of the greatest circle, which canbe inscribed in a square whose perimeter

    is 120 cm, is

    (A)  215


    22)(×  cm2 (B)





    22)(× cm2





    22)(× cm2 (D)





    22)(× cm2

    10- A cube of edge 5 cm is cut into cubes

    each of edge 1 cm. The ratio of the totalsurface area of one of the small cubes to

    that of the large cube is equal to

    (A) 1 : 125 (B) 1 : 5(C) 1 : 625 (D) 1 : 25

    11. Starting from his house one day, a

    student walks at a speed of 2.5 km/hr andreaches his school 6 minutes late. Nextday at the same time he increases hisspeed by 1km/hr and reaches the school

    6 minutes early. How far is the school

    from his house?

    (A)  2 km (B) 2

    11  km

    (C) 1 km (D)  43

    km12. A man travelled a certain distance by 

    train at the rate of 25 km/hour andwalked back at the rate of 4 km per hour.

    If the whole journey took 5 hours 48

    minutes, the distance was

    (A) 25 km (B) 30 km(C) 20 km (D) 15 km

    13- If both the radius and height of a rightcircular cone are increased by 20%, its

    volume will be increased by 

    (A) 20% (B) 40%(C) 60% (D) 72.8%

    14- In an examination, 52% students failedin Hindi and 42% in English. If 17% failedin both the subjects, what percentage of students passed in both the subjects?(A) 38% (B) 33%

    (C) 23% (D) 18%

    15-  The least number, which must be added to6709 to make it exactly divisible by 9, is

    (A) 5 (B) 4(C) 7 (D) 2



    +××is equal to

    (A) 9.3 (B) 10.3(C) 11.3 (D) 12.3

    17-  The greatest number, that divides 122 and243 leaving remainders respectively 2 and 3 is

    (A) 12 (B) 24

    (C) 30 (D) 120

    18- A boy, after giving away 80% of his pocketmoney to one companion and 6% of the

    remainder to another, has 47 paise leftwith him. How much pocket money did

    the boy have in the beginning?

    (A) `   2 (B) `  2.50(C) `  5 (D) `  10

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 2 

    1- nks leku vk;ru okys cs yuks a  ds O;kl 3 % 2 os Q vuq  ikr  es a  gSA mudh Å¡  pkb;ks a  es a  vuq  ikr gks xk (A) 4 : 9 (B) 5 : 6

    (C) 5 : 8 (D) 8 : 9

    2- ,d pq   uko es a  s  ds oy nks  mEehnokj gS a A mues a   ls  ,d  mEehnokj dks 46% er iz kIr gks rs gS a  vkS j iQyLo:i  og nw  ljs mEehnokj ls 3680 erks ls ijkftr gks rk gSA Mkys x, erks dh dq  y la  [;k gS &(A) 8000 (B) 46000(C) 6814 (D) 24840

    3.  dks bZ   O;kikjh vius  eky ds Ø; ew  Y; ls  40» vf/d va  fdr djrk gS rFkk 25» dk ,d cV~  Vk ns rk gSA mldk  ykHk gS(A) 15% (B) 10%(C) 5% (D) 2%

    4.  phuh os Q  ewY; es a 5» dk cV~Vk iz kIr djus ij ,d [kjhnkj  `  608 esa 2 foQ-xzk- vf/d phuh [kjhn ldkA phuh dk fooz Q;  ew  Y; gSA(A) `  15.50 (B)  `  15(C) `  16.50 (D) `  16

    5.  nks la  [;k,¡  3 % 4 os Q vuq  ikr es a  gS a  rFkk mudk y-l- 48 gSA

     mu nks uks a  la  [;kvks a  dk ;ks x gS &(A) 32 (B) 28(C) 26 (D) 24

    6- ;fn 2A = 3 B = 4C gks] rks A : B : C gS &(A) 2 : 3 : 4 (B) 4 : 3 : 2(C) 6 : 4 : 3 (D) 3 : 4 : 6

    7- vuq   ikr 43.5 : 25  mruk gh gS ftruk (A) 4 : 1 (B) 2 : 1(C) 1: 2 (D) 1 : 4

    8-  `  30 iz fr fd-xz k- ew  Y; okys 12 foQ-xz k- pkoy es a   `  40 iz fr foQ- xz k- ew  Y; okys 8 foQ- xz k- pkoy dks feyk fn;k 

     x;k gSA fefJr pkoy dk vkS lr ew  Y; iz fr fd-xz k- gS%(A) `  38 (B) `  37(C) `  35 (D) `  34

    9- 120 ls-eh- ifjeki okys oxZ  ds vUrxZ  r [kha  ps x, lcls cM+ s o` Ùk dk {ks =kiQy gks xk 

    (A)  215


    22)(×   ls-eh-2 (B) 2




    22)(×  ls-eh-2





    22)(×  ls-eh-2 (D) 2




    22)(×  ls-eh-2

    10- 5 ls-eh- fdukjs okys ?ku dks 1 ls-eh- fdukjs okys ?kuks a  es a  dkVk tkrk gSA Nks Vs ?ku os Q lEiw  .kZ  i ̀"B dk {ks =kiQy  cM+ s ?ku os Q lEiw  .kZ  i` "B {ks =kiQy ls vuq  ikr gSA(A) 1 : 125 (B) 1 : 5(C) 1 : 625 (D) 1 : 25

    11.  fdlh fnu ,d fo|kFkhZ  2.5 fd-eh-@?ka - dh pky lsvius ?kj ls pydj Low  Qy 6 feUkV dh ns jh ls igq  ¡  prk 

     gSA vxys fnu og viuh pky es a  1 fd-eh-@?ka - dh o` f¼  dj ns rk gS rFkk Ldw  y le; ls 6 feuV igys igq  ¡  p  tkrk gSA mlds ?kj ls Low  Qy dh nw  jh fdruh gS\

    (A)  2 fd-eh- (B) 2

    11   fd-eh-

    (C) 1 fd-eh- (D) 4

    31   fd-eh-

    12.  fdlh O;fDr us 25 fd-eh-@?ka - dh pky ls pyus okyh  js yxkM+ h }kjk ,d nw  jh r; dh rFkk ogh nw  jh okilh es a  mlus4 fd-eh-@?ka - dh pky ls  iS ny pydj r; dhA ;fn vkus&tkus es a  mls oq  Qy le; 5 ?k.Vs 48 feuV yxk gks] rks nw  jh Fkh (A) 25 fd-eh- (B) 30 fd-eh-(C) 20 fd-eh- (D) 15 fd-eh-

    13- ;fn fdlh yEc o` Ùkkdkj cs yu ds vk/kj dh f=kT;k  rFkk mldh Å¡  pkbZ  nks uks a  es a  20» dh o` f¼ dh tk,] rks mlds vk;ru es a  fdruh o` f¼ gks xh\(A) 20% (B) 40%(C) 60% (D) 72.8%

    14- fdlh ijh{kk es a 52» fo|kFkhZ fgUnh es a rFkk 42» vaxzs th  ea  s is Qy gq,A ;fn 17» fo|kFkhZ bu nks uksa  fo"k;ks a es a is Qy  gq  , gksa  a] rks fdrus izfr'kr fo|kFkhZ  nks uksa  fo"k;ks a es a ikl gq  ,\(A) 38% (B) 33%(C) 23% (D) 18%

    15- og lcls NksVh la  [;k] ftls  6709 es a tksM+us ij  ;ks xiQy 9 ls foHkkftr gks rk gks] gks xh (A) 5 (B) 4(C) 7 (D) 2



    +×× cjkcj gS

    (A) 9.3 (B) 10.3(C) 11.3 (D) 12.3

    17- og cM+ h ls cM+ h la  [;k] ftlls 122 rFkk 243 dks Hkkx  ns us ij oz Qe'k% 2 rFkk 3 'ks "k jgrs gks a ] gks xh (A) 12 (B) 24(C) 30 (D) 120

    18- ,d yM+ ds }kjk vius ts c [kpZ  dk 80» ,d lkFkh dks rFkk cph gq  bZ   jkf'k dk 6» nw  ljs  lkFkh dks  ns us  ds

     mijkUr] mlds ikl 47 iS ls  'ks "k jgrs  gSA vkjEHk es a  yM+ ds os Q ikl fdruk ts c [kpZ  Fkk\(A) `  2 (B) `  2.50(C) `  5 (D) `  10

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 3

    19-  There is a rectangular tank of length 180m and breadth 120 m in a circular

    field. If the area of the land portionof the field is 40000 m2, what is the

    radius of the field? ( Take7

    22=π  )

    (A) 130 m (B) 135 m

    (C) 140 m (D) 145 m

    20- If the compound interest on a sum for 2

     years at %2

    112  per annum is ` 510, the

    simple interest on the same sum at the

    same rate for the same period of time is :

    (A) `  400 (B) `  480

    (C) `  450 (D) `  460

    21- A tradesman sold an article at a loss of 20%. If the selling price had been in-

    creased by  `  100, there would have been

    a gain of 5%. The cost price of the article


    (A) `  200 (B) `  25

    (C) `  400 (D) `  250

    22- A man took a loan from a bank at the rateof 12% per annum at simple interest.After 3 years he had to pay  ` 5,400 as

    interest only for the period. The princi-

    pal amount borrowed by him was

    (A) `  2, 000 (B) `  10, 000

    (C) `  20, 000 (D) `  15,000

    23- A sum of money at simple interest

    amounts to ` 1,012 in2

    12   years and to

     ` 1,067.20 in 4 years. The rate of interestper annum is

    (A) 2.5% (B) 3%

    (C) 4% (D) 5%

    24-  The value of    5012832   +− correct to

    3 places of decimals is

    (A) 1.732 (B) 1.141

    (C) 1.414 (D) 1.441

    25- A man can row at 5 km/hr in still water.If the velocity of current is 1 km/hr and

    it takes him 1 hour to row to a place andcome back, how far is the place?

    (A) 2.5 km (B) 3 km

    (C) 2.4 km (D) 3.6 km

    26- A trader marked his goods at 20% abovethe cost price. He sold half the stock atthe marked price, one quarter at a dis-

    count of 20% on the marked price andthe rest at a discount of 40% on the

    marked price. His total gain is(A) 2% (B) 4.5%(C) 13.5% (D) 15%

    27- A man had a crtain amount with him. Hespent 25% of that to buy an article and10% of the remaining on clothes. Thenhe donated Rs. 531.25. If he is left with Rs.

    8,000, the amount he spent on the clothes is(A) `  6562.50 (B) `  2625

    (C) `  25718.75 (D) `  1968.75

    28- A tap can fill a cistern in 40 minutes anda second tap can empty the filled cisternin 60 minutes. By mistake without closingthe second tap, the first tap was opened.In how many minutes will the empty 

    tank be filled ?(A) 72 (B) 84(C) 108 (D) 120

    29- A man goes from Mysore to Bangalore ata uniform speed of 40 km/hr and comesback to Mysore at a uniform speed of 60km/hr. His average speed for the whole

     journey is :(A) 48 km/hr (B) 50 km/hr

    (C) 54 km/hr (D) 55 km/hr30- A boat goes 12 km downstream and

    comes back to the starting point in 3hours. If the speed of the current is 3 km/hr, then the speed (in km/hr) of the boat

    in still water is(A) 12 (B) 9(C) 8 (D) 6

    31- If A exceeds B by 60% and B is less thanC by 20%, then A : C is(A) 32 : 25 (B) 25 : 32

    (C) 8 : 5 (D) 4 : 532- A sum of money amounts to ` 1,352 in 2

     years at 4% per annum of compound

    interest. The sum is

    (A) `  1, 200 (B) `  1, 250(C) `  1, 280 (D) `  1, 296

    33- If x = 19 and  y = 18, then the value of 





    ++ is

    (A) 1 (B) 37

    (C) 324 (D) 361

    34- Which one of the following is a factor of thesum of first twenty-five natural numbes?

    (A) 26 (B) 24

    (C) 13 (D) 12

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 4

    19- ,d o` rkdkj eS nku es a  ,d 180 eh- yEck rFkk 120 eh-

     pkS M+ k vk;rkdkj VS a  d gSA ;fn eS nku os Q Hkw &Hkkx (VS a  d 

     dks Nks M+ dj) dk {ks =kiQy 40000 eh-2 gS] rks o` Ùkkdkj 

     eS nku dk v¼Z  O;kl fdruk gS\ (7

    22=π   yhft,)

    (A) 130 eh- (B) 135 eh-

    (C) 140 eh- (D) 145 eh-

    20- ;fn fdlh /ujkf'k dk %2

    112  okf"kZ  d nj ls 2 o"kZ 

     dk pØo` f¼ C;kt  ` 510 gks] rks mlh /ujkf'k dk mlh 

     nj ls mruh gh le;kof/ dk lk/kj.k C;kt gks xkA(A) ` 400 (B) `  480

    (C) `  450 (D) `  460

    21- ,d O;kikjh us fdlh oLrq  dks 20» dh gkfu ij cs pkA

     ;fn oLrq  dk fooz Q; ew  Y;  `  100 vf/d gks rk rks ml 

     ij 5» dk ykHk gq vk gks rkA oLrq  dk oz Q; ew  Y; Fkk (A) `  200 (B) `  25

    (C) `  400 (D) `  250

    22- ,d O;fDr us  ,d cS a  d ls lk/kj.k C;kt dh 12»

     okf"kZ  d nj ij Í.k fy;kA rhu o"kZ  os Q i'pkr mlus  ` 

    5] 400 ml le;kof/ ds fy, os Qoy C;kt ds :i es a 

     ykS Vk,A Í.kLo:i yh x;h ew  y /ujkf'k Fkh (A) `  2, 000 (B) `  10, 000

    (C) `  20, 000 (D) `  15,000

    23- lk/kj.k C;kt dh fdlh nj ls dks bZ  /ujkf'k2

    12  o"kZ 

     es a   `  1] 012 rFkk 4 o"kZ  es a   `  1] 067-20 gks rh gSA C;kt 

     dh okf"kZ  d nj gks xhA

    (A) 2.5% (B) 3%(C) 4% (D) 5%

    24-   5012832   +−   dk n'keyo osQ 'kq¼ rhu 

    va  dks rd eku gS(A) 1.732 (B) 1.141

    (C) 1.414 (D) 1.441

    25- ,d O;fDr 'kkUr ty es a  5 fd-eh-@?ka - dh pky ls uko 

     pyk ldrk gSA ;fn fdlh LFkku ij uko }kjk tkus rFkk 

     okil vkus es a  mls ,d ?k.Vs dk le; yxrk gS tcfd 

    /kjk dh xfr 1 fd-eh-@?ka - gS] rks ml LFkku dh nw  jh  fdruh gks xh\

    (A) 2.5 fd-eh- (B) 3 fd-eh-

    (C) 2.4 fd-eh- (D) 3.6 fd-eh-

    26- ,d O;kikjh us viuh oLrq vks a  os Q ew  Y; dks muds oz Q;  ew  Y; ls  20» vf/d ij va  fdr fd;kA mlus vk/h 

     oLrq vks a  dks muos Q va  fdr ew  Y;] ,d&pkSFkkbZ  dks 20» dh Nw  V ij rFkk 'ks "k dks 40» dh Nw  V ij cs pkA mldk  oq  Qy ykHk gks xk (A) 2% (B) 4.5%(C) 13.5% (D) 15%

    27- ,d O;fDr ds ikl dq  N jkf'k gSA og ml jkf'k dk 25» ,d oLrq  [kjhnus es a  [kpZ  djrk gS rFkk cps gq  , jkf'k dk 10» diM+ ks ij [kpZ  djrk gSA fiQj og  `  531.25 nku 

     dj ns rk gSA vc ;fn mlds ikl  `  8000 cps gS rks mlds }kjk diM+ ks ij [kpZ  fd, x, gS a &(A) `  6562.50 (B) `  2625

    (C) ` 

     25718.75 (D) ` 

     1968.7528- ,d uy fdlh ikuh dh Va  dh dks  40 feuV es a   Hkj 

     ldrk gS rFkk ,d nw  ljk uy Hkjh gq  bZ  Va  dh dks 60 feuV  es a  [kkyh dj ldrk gSA xyrh ls nw  ljs uy dks cUn fd,  fcuk gh igyk uy [kks y fn;k x;kA [kkyh Va  dh fdrus feuV es a  Hkjs xh\(A) 72 (B) 84(C) 108 (D) 120

    29- ,d vkneh eS lw  j ls  ca  xykS j 40 fdehú@?ka ú dh ,d  leku pky ls tkrk gS rFkk okil eS lw  j 60 fdehú@?ka ú dh ,d leku pky ls vkrk gSA iw  jh ;k=kk ds  fy, 

     mldh vkS lr pky gS(A) 48 fdehú@?ka ú (B) 50 fdehú@?ka ú(C) 54 fdehú@?ka ú (D) 55 fdehú@?ka ú

    30- ,d uko /kjk ds  vuq  fn'k 12 fdehú tkdj okil  iz LFkku fcUnq  ij 3 ?ka  Vs es a  ykS Vrh gSA ;fn /kjk dh pky 3 fdehú@?ka ú gS] rks  'kkUr ty esa   uko dh pky (fdehú@?ka ú es a ) gks xh (A) 12 (B) 9(C) 8 (D) 6

    31- ;fn A, B ls 60» vf/d gS rFkk B, C ls 20» de gS]  rks A : C gks xk (A) 32 : 25 (B) 25 : 32(C) 8 : 5 (D) 4 : 5

    32- dks bZ  /ujkf'k pØo` f¼ C;kt dh 4» okf"kZ  d nj ls 2 o"kZ  es a   `  1] 352 gks tkrh gSA og  /ujkf'k gS(A) `  1, 200 (B) `  1, 250(C) `  1, 280 (D) `  1, 296

    33- ;fn x = 19 rFkk y = 18 gks rks 3322



    ++ dk eku gksxk 

    (A) 1 (B) 37

    (C) 324 (D) 361

    34- fuEufyf[kr la  [;kvks a  es a  ls dkS u&lh la  [;k izFke iPphl  iz kÑr la  [;kvks a  ds ;ks xiQy dk ,d xq  .ku[k.M gS\(A) 26 (B) 24

    (C) 13 (D) 12

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 5






     + simplifies to


    12 (B)




    14 (D)



    36-  The sum of all even numbers between 21and 51 is

    (A) 518 (B) 540

    (C) 560 (D) 596

    37-  The difference of 5.76 and 2.3 is

    (A) 2.54 (B) 3.73

    (C) 3.46 (D) 3.43

    38- (0.5 × 5 + 0.25 × 0.5 + 0.5 × 4 + 0.5 × 0.75)is equal to

    (A) 5 (B) 10

    (C) 15 (D) 20

    39-  Three numbers A, B  and C are in the ra-tio 1: 2: 3. Their average is 600. If A is

    increased by 10% and B is decreased

    by 20%, then to get the average increased

    by 5 %, C  will be increased by 

    (A) 90 (B) 100

    (C) 150 (D) 180

    40-  The average weight of 6 persons decreasesby 3 kg when one of them weighing 80

    kg is replaced by a new person. The

    weight (in kg) of the new person is

    (A) 74 (B) 68

    (C) 62 (D) 77

    41-  The average weekly salary of A, B  and C is  `  4,000  and that of B, C and D is  ` 5,000. If the weekly salary of A  is ` 2,750

    then the weekly salary of D  is

    (A) `  5, 750 (B) `  4, 750

    (C) `  5, 280 (D) `  3, 800

    42- Asha's salary was increased by 10%. Inorder to bring her salary back to the

    original value, her new salary must be

    decreased by 

    (A) 10% (B) %11


    (C) 11% (D) %9


    43- If a selling price of ` 24 results after 20%discount on the list price of an article,

    the selling price that would result after

    30% discount on the list price is

    (A)  `  17 (B) `  23(C) `  18 (D) `  21

    44- A single discount, equivalent to thesuccessive discounts of 30%, 20% and

    10%, is

    (A) 60% (B) 49.60%

    (C) 47.40% (D) 40%

    45- A work could be completed by certainworkers in 22 days. However, due to 3workers being absent, it was completed

    in 24 days. The original number of 

    workers was

    (A) 33 (B) 18

    (C) 36 (D) 25

    46- A and B together can do a piece of workin 18 days, B and C in 24 days, and Aand C in 36 days. The number of days,

    all of them working together take to com-

    plete the work, is

    (A) 18 (B) 16

    (C) 17 (D) 15

    47- A ladder 20 m long is placed in street soas to reach a window 16 m high. On turn-

    ing the ladder on the other side of the

    street, it reaches a point 12 m high.The

    width of the street is

    (A) 28.5 m (B) 28 m

    (C) 27 m (D) 32 m48- A person buys certain number of marbles

    at 20 per rupee and equal number at 30

    per rupee. He mixes them and sells themat 25 per rupee. His gain or loss in the

    transaction is

    (A) 2% loss (B) 4% loss(C) 2% gain (D) 4% gain

    49- A horse and a cow were sold for ` 12,000each. This gave a loss of 20% on horse

    and a gain of 20% on cow. The entire

    transaction resulted in

    (A) no loss no gain (B) loss of ` 1,000

    (C) gain of ` 1,000 (D) loss of ` 100

    50- When an article is sold for ` 116, the profit

    percent is thrice as much as when it is soldfor ` 92. The cost price of the article is

    (A) `  68 (B) `  72(C) `  78 (D) `  80

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 6






     +  dks ljy djus ij iz kIr gks xk &


    12 (B)




    14 (D)



    36- 21 ls 51 ds chp vkus okyh lHkh le la  [;kvks a  dk  ;ks xiQy gS(A) 518 (B) 540

    (C) 560 (D) 596

    37-   765.  rFkk 32 .  dk vUrj gSA(A) 542. (B) 733.

    (C) 463. (D) 433.

    38- (0.5 × 5 + 0.25 × 0.5 + 0.5 × 4 + 0.5 × 0.75) cjkcj gS(A) 5 (B) 10

    (C) 15 (D) 20

    39- rhu la   [;k,¡  A, B  rFkk C, 1: 2: 3 ds vuq  ikr es a  gS a A mudk vkS lr 600 gSA ;fn la  [;k A es a  10» dh o` f¼  rFkk B  es a  20» dh deh gks tk,] rks muds vkS lr es a  5» dh o` f¼ djus gs rq  la  [;k C ea  s fdruh o` f¼ djuh gks xh\(A) 90 (B) 100

    (C) 150 (D) 180

    40- 6 O;fDr;ks a  ds vkS lr Hkkj ea  s 3 fdú xz kú dh deh gks tkrh gS] ;fn mues a   ls  80 fdú xz kú Hkkj okys  ,d  O;fDr dks ,d vU; u;s O;fDr ls cny fn;k tkrk gSA u;s vkus okys O;fDr dk Hkkj (fdú xz kú es a ) gS(A) 74 (B) 68

    (C) 62 (D) 7741- A, B rFkk C  dk vkS lr lkIrkfgd os ru  `  4]000 rFkk 

    B, C vkS j D  dk  `   5]000 gSA ;fn A  dk lkIrkfgd  os ru  `  2750 gS] rks D  dk lkIrkfgd os ru gks xkA(A) `  5, 750 (B) `  4, 750

    (C) `  5, 280 (D) `  3, 800

    42- vk'kk ds os ru es a  10» dh o` f¼ dh x;hA mlds os ru  dks okfil iz kjfEHkd :i es a  ykus ds  fy, mlds  u;s os ru es a  fdruh deh djuh iM+ s xh\

    (A) 10% (B) %11



    (C) 11% (D) %9


    43- ;fn  `  24 dk ,d foØ; ew  Y; fdlh oLrq  ds lw  ph  ew  Y; ij 20» Nw  V ns us ls iz kIr gks rk gS] rks fdruk foØ; 

     ew  Y; mlds lw  ph&ew  Y; ij 30» Nw  V ns us ls iz kIr gks xk\(A) `  17 (B) `  23(C) `  18 (D) ` 21

    44- 30»] 20» rFkk 10» ds  Øfed cV~  Vks a   ds  lerq  Y;  ,dy cV~  Vk gks xk (A) 60» (B) 49-60»(C) 47-40» (D) 40»

    45- fdlh dk;Z   dks dq  N Jfedks a  }kjk 22 fnuks a  es a  iw  jk fd;k  tk ldrk FkkA fdUrq  3 Jfedks a  ds vuq  ifLFkr jgus ds dkj.k] mls 24 fnuks a  es a  iw  jk fd;k x;kA vkjEHk es a  yxk, 

     tkus okys Jfedks a  dh la  [;k Fkh (A) 33 (B) 18(C) 36 (D) 25

    46- A rFkk B feydj fdlh dk;Z  dks 18 fnuks] B rFkk C  feydj 24 fnuks rFkk A vkS j C feydj 36 fnuks a  es a  iw  jk  dj ldrs gS a A rhuks a   feydj ml dk;Z  dks  fdrus fnuks a  iw  jk dj lds a  xs\(A) 18 (B) 16

    (C) 17 (D) 15

    47- 20 ehVj yEch ,d lh

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 7

    51. If the total cost of 73 articles having equal

    cost is `  5, 110 and the total selling priceof 89 such articles is `  5, 607, then in the

    transaction, there will be(A) a loss of 15% (B) a gain of 10%

    (C) a loss of 10% (D) a gain fo 15%52. By selling an articles for `  665, there is a

    loss of 5%. In order to make a profit of 12%, the selling price of the article mustbe(A) `  812 (B) `  800(C) `  790 (D) `  784

    53. Nitin’s salary was reduced by 10% andthen the reduced salary was increased by 10%. His new salary in comparison with

    his original salary is(A) the same (B) 1% more

    (C) 1% less (D) 5% less

    54. If 732.13 = is given, then the value of 




    (A) 11.732 (B) 13.928(C) 12.928 (D) 13.925

    55.   )10272(   −+  is equal to

    (A) 2 (B)   7

    (C)   5 (D)   52

    56. The number, which is to be added to 0.01to get 1.1, is(A) 1.11 (B) 1.09(C) 1 (D) 0.10

    57. If ,977





    2=+++   nnnn  then the value

    of n  is

    (A) 40 (B) 42(C) 44 (D) 46

    58. The height of a cone is 30 cm. A smallcone is cut off at the top by a plane paral-

    lel to its base. If its volume is27

    1of the

    volume of the cone, at what height, abovethe base, is the section made?(A) 6 cm (B) 8 cm(C) 10 cm (D) 20 cm

    59. A loss of 8.5% gets converted into a profitof 6.25% when the selling price of an

    article is increased by Rs. 590. The costprice of the article is(A) `  4000 (B) `  5900

    (C) `  9440 (D) `  26222.22

    60. A tradesman marks his goods at 25%

    above its cost price and allows purchas-

    ers a discount of %2112   for cash pay-

    ment. The profit, he thus makes, is

    (A) %8

    39 (B) %



    (C) %2

    18 (D) %



    61. A shopkeeper allows 4% discount on his

    marked price. If the cost price of an articleis  ` 100 and he has to make a profit of 

    20%, then his marked price must be(A) `  96 (B) `  120

    (C) `  125 (D) `  130

    62. Diameter of a wheel is 3m. The wheel re-

    volves 28 times in a minute. To cover5.280km distance, the wheel will take


    22=π   )

    (A) 10 minutes (B) 20 minutes

    (C) 30 minutes (D) 40 minutes

    63. The sides of a triangle are 3 cm, 4 cmand 5 cm. The area (in cm2) of the triangle

    formed by joining the mid points of thesides of the triangle is

    (A) 6 (B) 3





    64. A cistern of capacity 8000 litres mea-

    sures externally 3.3 m × 2.6 m × 1.1 mand its walls are 5 cm thick. The thick-

    ness of the bottom is

    (A) 1m (B) 1.1m

    (C) 1dm (D) 90 cm

    65. Given 2 = 1.414. The value of 

    50412833228   +−+  is

    (A) 8.484 (B) 8.526

    (C) 8.426 (D) 8.876

    66. A cylindrical tube open at both ends is

    made of metal. The internal diameter of tube is 11.2 cm and its length is 21cm.

     The metal everywhere is 0.4 cm thick.

     The volume of the metal      = 722π Take  is

    (A) 316 cm3 (B) 310 cm3

    (C) 306.24cm3 (D) 280.52cm3

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 8

    51.  ;fn leku ew  Y; okyh 73 oLrq vks a  dk dq  y oz Q;&ew  Y;  `  5,110 rFkk ,slh  89 oLrq vksa  dk oq  Qy foozQ;&ew  Y; 

     `  5,607, gks] rks lkS ns es a  gks xk (A) 15% dk uq  dlku  (B) 10% dk iQk;nk (C) 10% dk uq  dlku  (D) 15% dk iQk;nk 

    52.  fdlh oLrq  dks  `  665 es a  cs pus ls 5% dh gkfu gs krh  gSA ml oLrq  ij 12% ykHk iz kIr djus os Q fy, mldk  fooz Q;&ew  Y; j[kuk gks xk (A) `  812 (B) `  800

    (C) `  790 (D) `  784

    53.  fufru ds os ru es a  10% dh deh dj nh x;h rFkk iq  u% de gq  , os ru es a  10% dh o` f¼ dj nh x;hA mlos Q 

    vkjfEHkd os ru dh rq  yuk es a  mldk u;k os ru gks xk (A) cjkcj  (B) 1% vf/d (C) 1% de  (D) 5% de 

    54.  ;fn   732.13 =  fn;k gS] rks32


    + dk eku gks xk 

    (A) 11.732 (B) 13.928

    (C) 12.928 (D) 13.925

    55.   )10272(   −+   cjkcj gS

    (A) 2 (B)   7

    (C)   5 (D)   52

    56.  og la  [;k] ftls 0.01 es a  tks M+ us ij 1.1 iz kIr gks xk] gS(A) 1.11 (B) 1.09

    (C) 1 (D) 0.10

    57.  ;fn   977





    2=+++   nnnn   gks] rks n dk eku 

     gks xk (A) 40 (B) 42

    (C) 44 (D) 4658.  fdlh 'ka  oq  Q dh Å¡  pkbZ  30 ls-eh- gSA 'ka  dq  ds vk/kj os Q 

     lekUrj ,d lery }kjk 'ka  oq  Q ds Åijh Hkkx ls ,d Nks Vk  'ka  oq  Q dkVk x;kA ;fn bldk vk;ru 'ka  oq  Q ds vk;ru dk 


    1 gks] rks vk/kj ls fdruh Å¡  pkbZ  ij 'ka  oq  Q dks dkVk x;k 

     gS?(A) 6 ls-eh- (B) 8 ls-eh-(C) 10 ls-eh- (D) 20 ls-eh-

    59.  ,d oLrq  ds foØ; ew  Y; dks  `  590  ls c

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 9

    67. The value of 

    1÷[1+1÷{1+1÷(1+1÷2)}] is

    (A) 1 (B)85

    (C) 2 (D)2


    68. The difference between two positive num-

    bers is 3. If the sum of their squares is

    369, then the sum of the numbers is

    (A) 81 (B) 33

    (C) 27 (D) 25

    69. Let the least number of six digits which

    when divided by 4, 6, 10, 15 leaves in each

    case same remainder 2 be N. The sum of 

    digits in N is

    (A) 3 (B) 5

    (C) 4 (D) 6

    70. Of the following, the largest fraction is















    71. Simplify 

















     +×÷  of











    72. If13


    += x  and




    −= y , the value of 

    x 2 + y 2  is

    (A) 14 (B) 13

    (C) 15 (D) 1073. HCF and LCM of two numbers are 7 and

    140 respectively. If the numbers are be-

    tween 20 and 45, the sum of the num-bers, is

    (A) 70 (B) 77

    (C) 63 (D) 56

    74. The present age of a father is 3 years more

    than three times the age of his son. Three

     years hence, father’s age will be 10 years

    more than twice the age of the son. The

    father’s present age is

    (A) 33 years (B) 39 years

    (C) 45 years (D) 40 years

    75. Three numbers which are co-prime to one

    another are such that the product of the

    first two is 551 and that of the last two is

    1073. The sum of the three number is

    (A) 75 (B) 81

    (C) 85 (D) 89

    76. A number of boys raised `  400 for a fam-

    ine relief fund, each boy giving as many 25 paise coins as there were boys. The

    number of boys was

    (A) 40 (B) 16

    (C) 20 (D) 100

    77. A circular park has a path of uniform

    width around it. The difference between

    outer and inner circumferences of the cir-

    cular path is 132m. Its width is





    22π Take

    (A) 22 m (B) 20 m

    (C) 21 m (D) 24 m

    78. The perimeter of a rhombus is 40 m and

    its height is 5m. Its area is

    (A) 60 sq. m. (B) 50 sq. m

    (C) 45 sq.m. (D) 55 sq. m.

    79. The area of the biggest circle, which can

    be drawn inside a square of side 21cm





    22π Take  is

    (A) 344.5 sq. cm. (B) 364.5 sq. m.

    (C) 346.5 sq. cm. (D) 366.5 sq. m.

    80. If the length and the perimeter of a rect-

    angle are in ratio 5 : 16, then its length

    and breadth will be in the ratio

    (A) 5 : 11 (B) 5 : 8

    (C) 5 :4 (D) 5 : 3

    81. A and B are two alloys of gold and copper

    prepared by mixing metals in the ratios

    5 : 3 and 5 : 11 respectively. Equal quan-

    tities of these alloys are melted to form a

    third alloy C. The ratio of gold and copperin the alloy C is

    (A) 25 : 33 (B) 33 : 25

    (C) 15 : 17 (D) 17 : 15

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 10

    67. 1÷[1+1÷{1+1÷(1+1÷2)}] dk eku gS

    (A) 1 (B) 8


    (C) 2 (D)2


    68.  nks /ukRed la  [;kvks a  dk vUrj  3 gSA ;fn muos Q oxk±  s dk ;ks x 369 gks] rks mu la  [;kvks a  dk ;ks x gS(A) 81 (B) 33

    (C) 27 (D) 25

    69.  eku yhft, ,s lh 6 va  dks a  dh U;w  ure la  [;k N gS ftls4, 6, 10, 15 ls Hkkx ns us ij iz R;s d n'kk es a  'ks "k 2

    vkrk gSA N es a  va  dks a  dk ;ks x gS(A) 3 (B) 5

    (C) 4 (D) 6

    70.  fuEu es a  lcls cM+ k fHkUu gS













    (C) 6


    (D) 8


    71.  ljy dhft, 


    3 dk 


























    72.  ;fn  13


    += x  vkS j 




    −= y  gks rks x 2 + y 2   dk 

     eku gS(A) 14 (B) 13

    (C) 15 (D) 10

    73.  nks la  [;kvks a  os Q e-l- rFkk y-l- oz Qe'k% 7 vkS j 140

     gS a A  ;fn la  [;k,¡  20 vkS j 45 os Q chp dh gks a ] rks mu  la  [;kvks a  dk ;ks x gS(A) 70 (B) 77

    (C) 63 (D) 56

    74.  firk dh orZ  eku vk;q  vius iq  =k dh vk;q  ds frxq  us ls 3 o"kZ  vf/d gSA rhu o"kZ  ds ckn] firk dh vk;q  iq  =k dh 

    vk;q  os Q nq  xq  us ls 10 o"kZ  vf/d gks xhA firk dh orZ  eku vk;q  gS(A) 33 o"kZ  (B) 39 o"kZ (C) 45 o"kZ  (D) 40 o"kZ 

    75.  rhu la  [;k,¡  tks ijLij vlgHkkT; gS a ] bl iz dkj gS a  fd  izFke nks  dk xq  .kuiQy 551 gS  rFkk va  fre nks  dk  xq  .kuiQy 1073 gSA rhuks a  la  [;kvks a  dk ;ks x gS(A) 75 (B) 81

    (C) 85 (D) 89

    76.  oq  QN yM+ dks a   us  vdky jkgr ia  QM os Q fy,  `   400

     ,df=kr fd,A iz R;s d yM+ dks a  us 25 iS ls ds mrus flDds fn, ftrus dq  y yM+ ds  FksA yM+ dks a  dh la  [;k Fkh (A) 40 (B) 16

    (C) 20 (D) 100

    77.  fdlh o` rkdkj ikoZ  Q ds pkjks a  vks j ,d leku PkkS M+ kbZ  dk  ,d iFk cuk gq vk gSA bl o` Ùkkdkj iFk dh ckgjh vkS j vka  rfjd ifjf/;ks a  dk va  rj 132 eh gSA mldh pkS M+ kbZ 

     gS (7

    22=π    yhft, )

    (A) 22 eh  (B) 20 eh (C) 21 eh  (D) 24 eh 78.  fdlh leprq Hkq  Z  t dk ifjeki   40 eh gS  vkS j mldh 

     Å¡  pkbZ  5 eh gSA bldk {ks =kiQy gS(A) 60 oxZ  eh- (B) 50 oxZ  eh-(C) 45 oxZ  eh- (D) 55 oxZ  eh-

    79. 21 ls eh Hkq  tk okys ,d oxZ  osQ va  nj [khaps tk ldus okys

     lcls ls cM+s òÙk dk {ks =kiQy  (7

    22=π    yhft, ) gS

    (A) 344.5 oxZ  ls eh- (B) 364.5 oxZ  ls eh-(C) 346.5 oxZ  ls eh- (D) 366.5 oxZ  ls eh-80.  ;fn fdlh vk;r dh yEckb Z   rFkk mldh ifjeki 

    5 : 16 ds vuq  ikr es a  gks] rks mldh yEckbZ  rFkk pkS M+ kbZ  dk vuq  ikr gks xk (A) 5 : 11 (B) 5 : 8

    (C) 5 :4 (D) 5 : 3

    81. A vkS j  B nks  feJ /krq  ,¡   gS a   ftUgs a  lks us  rFkk rk¡  cs dks oz Qe'k% 5 : 3  rFkk 5 : 11 os Q vuq  ikr es a   feykdj  cuk;k x;k gSA bu nks uks a  /krq vks a  dh leku ek=kkvks a  dks

     fi?kykdj ,d rhljh feJ /krq  C cuk;h xbZ  gSA feJ /krq  C es a  lks us ,oa  rk¡  cs dk vuq  ikr gks xk (A) 25 : 33 (B) 33 : 25

    (C) 15 : 17 (D) 17 : 15

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    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 11

    82.  ` 561 are divide among A, B and C such

    that A’s share is ` 120 more than B’s share

    and `  120 less than C’s. B’s share will be

    (A) `  73 (B) `  80

    (C) `  67 (D) `  76

    83. In an alloy, the ratio of copper and zinc

    is 5 : 2. If 1.250 kg of zinc is mixed in 17

    kg 500 gm of alloy, then the ratio of cop-

    per and zinc will be

    (A) 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 3

    (C) 3 : 2 (D) 1 : 2

    84. If 378 coins consist of rupees, 50 paise

    and 25 paise coins whose values are in

    the ratio of 13 : 11 : 7, the number of 50

    paise coins will be

    (A) 132 (B) 128

    (C) 136 (D) 133

    85.  ` 500 was invested at 12% per annum

    simple interest and a certain sum of 

    money invested at 10% per annum

    simple interest. If the sum of the inter-

    ests on both the sums after 4 years is

     `  480, the later sum of money is

    (A) `  450 (B) `  750

    (C) `  600 (D) `  550

    86. A money lender finds that due to a fall

    in the annual rate of interest from 8% to


    37 %, his yearly income diminshes by ` 

    61.50. His capital is

    (A) `  22400 (B) `  23800

    (C) `  24600 (D) `  26000

    87. The average age of 40 students of a class

    is 15 years. When 10 new students are

    admitted, the average age is increased by 

    0.2 years. The average age of new students


    (A) 15.2 years (B) 16 years

    (C) 16.2 years (D) 16.4 years

    88. A man travels a distance of 24 km at

    6 km/hr another distance of 24 km at 8

    km/hr and a third distance of 24 km at

    12 km/hr. His average speed for the

    whole journey (in km/hr) is


    28  (B) 8


    102  (D) 9

    89. A cricketer has a certain average of runs

    for his 8 innings. In the ninth inning he

    scores 100 runs, thereby increasing his

    average by 9 runs. His new average of runs is

    (A) 20 (B) 24(C) 28 (D) 32

    90. The diameter of the iron ball used for the

    shot-put game is 14 cm. It is melted and

    then a solid cylinder of height3

    12 cm is

    made. What will be the diameter of the

    base of the cylinder?(A) 14 cm (B) 28 cm


    14cm (D)


    28 cm

    91. The length of a rectangle is decreased by 

    10% and its breadth is increased by 10%.

    By what percent is its area changed?(A) 0% (B) 1%

    (C) 5% (D) 100%92. A cistern, 6 m long and 4 m wide, con-

    tains water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm.

     The total area of the wet surface is

    (A) 55m2

    (B) 53.5m2

    (C) 50m2 (D) 49m2

    (Q. Nos. 93-96): The table given below showssurvey carried out at New Delhi RailwayStation for the arrivals/departures of trainsfor the month of January, 2011. Study the

    table and answer the following questions:

    Delay (in min.)

    Number of arrivals

    Number of departures

    0 1250 1400

    0 - 30 114 82

    30 - 60 31 5

    over 60 5 3

     Total 1400 1490

    93. The total number of late arrivals of trains is

    (A) 90 (B) 95

    (C)145 (D) 15094. The total number of late departures of 

    trains is

    (A) 85 (B) 87

    (C) 90 (D) 150

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 12

    82.  ` 561 dh /u jkf'k dks A, B rFkk C es a   bl iz dkj  foHkDr fd;k tkuk gS rkfd A oQks B ls  ` 120 vf/d 

     rFkk C ls  `  120 oQe feysA B oQk Hkkx gks xk (A) `  73 (B) `  80(C) `  67 (D) `  76

    83.  fdlh fefJr /krq  es a  rk¡  cs vkS j tLrs dk vuq  ikr 5 : 2 gSA ;fn bl fefJr /krq   ds  17 fd-xz k- 500 xz k es a 1.250 fdxz k- tLrk feyk fn;k tk,] rks rk¡  cs vkS j tLrs

     dk vuq  ikr gks xk (A) 2 : 1 (B) 2 : 3

    (C) 3 : 2 (D) 1 : 2

    84.  ;fn  378 flDds ,d :i;s]  50 iS ls rFkk 25 iS ls ds flDdks a  ds :i es a  gS a  rFkk buds eku  13 : 11 : 7 dsvuq  ikr es a  gS a ] rks 50 iS ls os Q flDdks a  dh la  [;k gks xh (A) 132 (B) 128

    (C) 136 (D) 133

    85.  ` 500  dh ,d /ujkf'k 12% okf"kZ  d lk/kj.k C;kt  dh nj ls fuos f'kr dh tkrh gS rFkk ,d vU; /ujkf'k 10% okf"kZ  d lk/kj.k C;kt dh nj ls  fuos f'kr dh 

     tkrh gSA ;fn 4 o"kZ  ckn nks uks a  /ujkf'k;ks a  ij iz kIr dq  y  C;kt   `  480 gS] rks vU; /ujkf'k gS(A) `  450 (B) `  750

    (C) `  600 (D) `  550

    86.  fdlh lkgw  dkj dks irk pyrk gS fd okf"kZ  d C;kt dh 

     nj 8% okf"kZ  d ls 4

    37 %  okf"kZ  d jg tkus ls mldh 

     okf"kZ  d vk; es a   `  61.50 dh deh vk xbZ  gSA mldh  iw  ¡  th gS(A) `  22400 (B) `  23800

    (C) `  24600 (D) `  26000

    87.  fdlh d{kk os Q 40 fo|kFkhZ  ;ks a  dh vkS lr vk;q  15 o"kZ  gSA 10 u;s  fo|kFkhZ  ;ks a  os Q iz os 'k djus os Q mijka  r vkS lr vk;q  es a  0.2 o"kZ  dh ò f¼ gks tkrh gSA u;s fo|kFkhZ  ;ks a  dh vkS lr vk;q  gS(A) 15.2 o"kZ  (B) 16 o"kZ (C) 16.2 o"kZ  (D) 16.4 o"kZ 

    88.  ,d vkneh 24 fdeh dh ,d nw  jh 6 fdeh@?ka - dh pky  ls, ,d vU; 24 fdeh 8 fdeh@?ka  Vk dh pky ls rFkk  ,d rhljh 24 fdeh dh nw  jh 12 fdeh@?ka - dh pky ls r; djrk gSA iw  jh ;k=kk ds  fy, mldh vkS lr pky ( fdeh@?ka  es a ) gS

    (A) 3


    (B) 8


    102 (D) 9

    89.  fdlh foz Qoz s QV os Q f[kykM+ h dk mlds }kjk [ks yh x;h 8 ikfj;ks a  es a  cuk, x;s juks a  dk dks bZ  vkS lr gSA ukS oha  ikjh 

     es a  og 100  ju cukrk gS ftlls mlds juks a  ds vkS lr  es a  9 dh o` f¼ dh tkrh gSA mlds juks a  dk u;k vkS lr  gS(A) 20 (B) 24(C) 28 (D) 32

    90.  'kkW  V&iq  V [ks y ds fy, iz ;q  Dr dh tkus okyh yks gs dh 

     xs a  n dk O;kl 14 ls-eh- gSA bls fi?kykdj ,d3


     ls-eh- Å¡  pkbZ  dk ,d Bks l cs yu cuk;k x;k gSA cs yu  ds vk/kj dk O;kl fdruk gks xk ?

    (A) 14 ls-eh- (B) 28 ls-eh-


    14 ls-eh- (D)


    28  ls-eh-

    91.  ,d vk;r dh yEckbZ  dks 10%  de fd;k tkrk gS rFkk mldh pkS M+ kbZ  es a  10% dh o` f¼ dh tkrh gSAvk;r dk {ks =kiQy fdrus iz fr'kr cny tk,xk ?(A) 0% (B) 1%

    (C) 5% (D) 100%

    92.  ,d  6 eh yEcs rFkk 4 eh- pkS M+ s gkS t es a  ikuh dh xgjkbZ 1  eh- 25 ls eh- gSA gkS t dh xhyh /jkry dk oq  Qy 

    {ks =kiQy gks xkA(A) 55 eh 2 (B) 53.5 eh 2

    (C) 50 eh 2 (D) 49 eh 2

     (iz 'u la  [;k 93&96)% uhps nh x;h rkfydk o"kZ 2011 ds tuojh ds ekl es a  fd, x, los Z{k.k }kjk ubZ fnYyh  js yos LVs 'ku ij js yxkfM+;ks a  ds vkokxeu dks n'kkZ rh gSA rkfydk dk vè;;u dhft, vkS j fuEufyf[kr iz 'uks a  ds mÙkj nhft, :

     ns jh (feuV es a )

     igq  ¡pus okyh js yxkfM+;ks a  dh la  [;k 

     Nw  Vus okyh js yxkfM+ ;ks a  dh la[;k 

    0 1250 1400

    0-30 114 82

    30-60 31 5

      60 ls vf/d  5 3

     oq  Qy ;ks x  1400 1490

    93.  ns j ls igq  ¡  pus okyh js yxkfM+ ;ks a  dh oq  Qy la  [;k gS(A) 90 (B) 95

    (C)145 (D) 15094.  ns j ls Nw  Vus okyh js yxkfM+ ;ks a  dh dq  y la  [;k gS

    (A) 85 (B) 87

    (C) 90 (D) 150

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854, 08860-333-333 13

    95. The percentage of number of trains arriv-

    ing late at the station is

    (A) 6% (B) 10.4%(C) 10.7% (D) 10.9%

    96. If the punctuality of railways is defined

    as the number of occasions on which

    trains arrived or departed in time as a per-

    centage of total number of arrivals and

    departures from the station, then the

    puncutality for the month under obser-

    vation is

    (A) 94.3% (B) 91.7%

    (C) 89.2% (D)75%97. If (x - y ) is 6 more than (w + z ) and (x + y ) is

    3 less than (w - z ), then (x - w ) is

    (A) 0.5 (B) 1.0

    (C) 1.5 (D) 2.0

    98. When simplified, the product



























    n   )1(2   −(D)




    99. The value of 

    ( ) ( ) ( )2332333   +−+is

    (A) 5.375 (B) 1(C) 6 (D) 5

    100. A man bought a second-hand typerwriterfor `  1200 and spent `  200 on its repairs.He sold it for `  1680. his, profit percent is(A) 20% (B) 10%

    (C) 8% (D) 16%

  • 8/17/2019 Ssc Mains Maths Mock Test 1




    Ph: 011-27607854 08860-333-333 14

    95.  ns j ls igq  ¡  pus okyh js yxkfM+ ;ks a  dk iz fr'kr gS(A) 6% (B) 10.4%

    (C) 10.7% (D) 10.9%96.  ;fn js yos  dh le;&fu"Bk dks] js yxkfM+ ;ks a   os Q js yos

     LVs 'ku ij fu/kZ  fjr le; ij igq  ¡  pus vkS j Nw  Vus ds voljks a 

     dh la  [;k dk dq  y igq  ¡  pus vkS j Nw  Vus ds voljks a  dh 

     la  [;k ds iz fr'kr ds :i es a  ifjHkkf"kr fd;k tk,] rks

     los Z {k.k okys ekl es a  js yos dh le;&fu"Bk gS(A) 94.3% (B) 91.7%

    (C) 89.2% (D)75%

    97.  ;fn  (x - y ), (w + z ) ls 6 vf/d rFkk  (x + y ), (w - 

    z ) ls 3 de gks] rks (x - w ) dk eku gks xk (A) 0.5 (B) 1.0

    (C) 1.5 (D) 2.0





















     dks ljy djus ij iz kIr gks rk gS






    n   )1(2   −(D)




    99.   ( ) ( ) ( )2332333 2.58.753.52.53.5   +−+ dk eku gks xk (A) 5.375 (B) 1(C) 6 (D) 5

    100. fdlh O;fDr us ,d iq  jkuh Vkbi dh e'khu  `  1200 es a  [kjhnh vkS j mldh ejEer ij   `  200 O;; fd,A mlus mls  `  1680 es a  cs p fn;kA mldk ykHk iz fr'kr gS(A) 20% (B) 10%(C) 8% (D) 16%