srs for library management system

Software Requirements Specification For Library Management System Version 1.0 approved Prepared by Ankush Mishra Copyright © 2010 by Ankush mishra.

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Software Requirements SpecificationForLibrary Management SystemVersion 1.0 approvedPrepared by Ankush MishraMarch 16,2010Copyright © 2010 by Ankush mishra.Software Requirements Specification for LMSPage iiTable of ContentsIntroduction...................................................................................................................................1Purpose ........................................................................................


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Software Requirements



Library Management System

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Ankush Mishra


March 16,2010

Copyright © 2010 by Ankush mishra.

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... ii

Revision History........................................................................................................................ iii

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 1

Purpose............................................................................................................................ 1

Document Conventions.................................................................................................... 1

Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...................................................................2

Project Scope................................................................................................................... 3


2. Overall Description.............................................................................................................. 5

Product Perspective.......................................................................................................... 5

Product Features............................................................................................................... 5

User Classes and Characteristics....................................................................................... 6

Operating Environment.................................................................................................... 6

Design and Implementation Constraints...........................................................................7

User Documentation......................................................................................................... 7

Assumptions and Dependencies..............................................................................................8

3. System Features................................................................................................................... 8

System Feature & module description..............................................................................8

4. External Interface Requirements......................................................................................11

User Interfaces............................................................................................................... 11

Hardware Interfaces....................................................................................................... 11

Software Interfaces......................................................................................................... 12

5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements..................................................................................12

Performance Requirements............................................................................................. 12

Safety Requirements....................................................................................................... 13

Security Requirements.................................................................................................... 13

Software Quality Attributes...................................................................................................14

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Revision History

Date Version Description Author

16/Mar/2006 1.0 Software Requirements Specification

Document Initial Release.


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The purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to

describe the external behavior of the Online Library System. Requirements Specification

defines and describes the operations, interfaces, performance, and quality assurance

requirements of the Online Library System. The document also describes the nonfunctional

requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design constraints that are to be

considered when the system is to be designed, and other factors necessary to provide a

complete and comprehensive description of the requirements for the software. The Software

Requirements Specification (SRS) captures the complete software requirements for the

system, or a portion of the system. Requirements described in this document are derived from

the Vision Document prepared for the Online Library System

Document Conventions

Font Style Size

Heading Times New Roman Bold 18

Sub-Heading Times New Roman Bold 14

Other’s Arial Regular 12

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Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

We are developing our project Library Management System for the college or

any Institute. But this project can be deployed in any organization. This SRS is mainly

developed for the project development team. In this team there are the project manager,

developer, coder, tester and documentation writer and the user of the project also.

User (Customer)

This document is intended to user and customer to make them ensure that this

document is well meeting the need of the users.

Project Manager

This SRS document is also very important for the project manager to ensure that

can estimate the cost easily by referring to the SRS document and that it contains all the

information require planning the project.

Project Developer

The project developer will refer to the SRS document to make sure that they developed

exactly hat the customer requires.


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The tester will read this SRS document and he will ensure that the requirements

are understandable from functionality point of view so that he can test the software and

validate its working.

Document Writer

The document writer is reading the SRS document is to ensure that they

understand the document well enough to be able to write the users manuals.


The SRS document helps the maintenance engineers to understand functionality

of the system, a clear knowledge of the functionality can help them to understand design and



1. The user can read the whole SRS document but for him Introduction, Overall

description and System features is much required the software performance.

2. For the project manager the system features is very important.

3. The developer must go through the whole SRS for understanding the

requirement and functioning of software.

4. The designer and coder must see the class and object diagram and state

transmission diagram for coding the modules.

5. A tester must be aware of coding language and visit through the code section

and check the required output.

6. The document writer should write the qualitative document so that it becomes

easy and understand to every one.

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Project Scope

The Software Requirements Specification captures all the requirements in a single

document. The Online Library System that is to be developed provides the members of

the Library and employees of the library with books information, online blocking of

books and many other facilities. The Online Library System is supposed to have the

following features.

The product provides the members with online blocking of books capabilities and

the Online Library System is up and running all day.

The system provides logon facility to the users.

The system provides the members with the option to check their account and/or

change their options like password of the account whenever needed all through the

day during the library hours.

The system allows the members to block the books 24 hours a day and all the

through the semester.

The system lets the library staff to check which all members have blocked the books

and whether they can borrow any more books or not.

The system allows the Librarian to create the books catalog, add/delete books and

maintain the books catalog.

The system updates the billing system as and when the member borrows or returns a


The book catalog is automated and the decision of offering the book based on the

category of the book is automatically decided.

We also have an order department, which manages to add or remove a book from the


The features that are described in this document are used in the future phases of the software

development cycle. The features described here meet the needs of all the users. The success

criteria for the system is based in the level up to which the features described in this

document are implemented in the system.

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Web Address


Overall Description

Product Perspective

The Online Library System is a package to be used by Libraries to improve the

efficiency of Librarians, Library employees and Users. The Online Library System to be

developed benefits greatly the members and the Librarian of institute. The system provides

books catalog and information to members and helps them decide on the books to borrow

from the library. The Librarian can keep the books catalog updated all the time so that the

members (students and the professors) get the updated information all the time.

Product Features

The Online Library System provides online real time information about the books

available in the Library and the user information. The Product functions are more or less the

same as described in the product perspective. The functions of the system include the system

providing different type of services based on the type of users [Member/Librarian].

The member should be provided with the updated information about the books


Provisions for the members to borrow the books they want, if all the other

required rules hold good.

The member is given a provision to check his account information and change

the account information any time in the given valid period.

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The members are provided with the books available roster and allowed to choose

the books, which they want to use in the coming up days.

The librarian can get the information about the members who have borrowed or

returned the books.

The librarian is provided with interfaces to add/delete the books available in the

book catalog.

The members when complete the book borrowing or returning process, the due

to be paid by the member must be calculated and the information about the

member and the due amount is sent to the university billing system.

User Classes and Characteristics

The users of the system are members, librarian of the institute and the

administrators who maintain the system. The members and the librarian are assumed to have

basic knowledge of the computers and Internet browsing. The administrators of the system to

have more knowledge of the internals of the system and is able to rectify the small problems

that may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and other catastrophes to maintain the

system. The proper user interface, users manual, online help and the guide to install and

maintain the system must be sufficient to educate the users on how to use the system without

any problems.

Operating Environment

Software Requirement

Operating System -: Window XP, Mac

Database -: MySQL

Language -: PHP 5.0

Web Server -: Apache

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Hardware Requirement

512 MB RAM, Pentium P3/P4, 20/40 GB Hard disk

Design and Implementation Constraints

The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible

by the Online Library System. The university information security system must be

compatible with the Internet applications. The Online Library System is connected to the

institute computer and is running all 24 hours a day. The users access the Online Library

System from any computer that has Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet

connection. The billing system is connected to the Online Library System and the database

used by the billing system must be compatible with the interface of the Online Library

System. The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into the Online

Library System.

User Documentation

Online help is provided for each of the feature available with the Online Library

System. All the applications provide an on-line help system to assist the user. The nature of

these systems is unique to application development as they combine aspects of programming

(hyperlinks, etc) with aspects of technical writing (organization, presentation). Online help

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is provided for each and every feature provided by the system. The User Manual describes

the use of the system to Librarian and Employees. It describes the use of the system on

mobile systems. The user manual should be available as a hard copy and also as online help.

An installation document will be provided that includes the installation instructions and

configuration guidelines, which is important to a full solution offering. Also, a Read Me file

is typically included as a standard component. The Read Me includes a “What’s New With

This Release” section, and a discussion of compatibility issues with earlier releases. Most

users also appreciate documentation defining any known bugs and workarounds in the Read

Me file. Since the installation of Online Library System is a complex process, our experts

will do it. So an installation Guide will not be provided to the user.

Assumptions and Dependencies

The users have sufficient knowledge of computers. The institute computer

should have Internet connection and Internet server capabilities. The users know the English

language, as the user interface will be provided in English. The product can access institute

student database

System Features

Descriptions and Priority

1. First priority goes to the welcome form. when user will login the system there will be

welcome screen which will assure to the use either ha wants to enter or exit.

2. After the welcome form there will be login form. Through this form only authenticated

users can login the system just by entering their name and password.

3. Second priority goes to the menu form where the contents, manuals, and some others

functions of the system. From the menu form the user can go any form of the system.

4. In the menu form there will be a facility to select their choice for working like if the user

just only wants to search the book then he will only select the search field and go to the


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5. Similarly if the user wants to just show the report then he will go to the report section

and present the report in the desired format.

6. He priority given through user basic.

7. The menu show according to user and they can access all information .

Functional Requirements

In this system there are lots of functioning.

The user can Search book and see his/her account information.

He will be able to get the records in any format.

There will also be a reminder and digital diary through this he can go to know about its

important date like his book submission date.

Admin can add new record and saw all record of any student as well as library.

Module Description

Type of user

Administrator (librarian)

HOD of all Department




Administrator module:

Budget (for all department)

Stock verification

Create user

Accept/Reject user

Change password

Book inventory

User information

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Report generation

Search Book


All user can send their complaint

User module

Change password

Book Search

See account information

Fine information

All user check their fine

Fine by date & Month

Book inventory

Purchasing book information

Maintain book inventory

Book search

Normal search by alphabet

Quick search by type(Book id, Author, ISBN,Publication)

Other charges

Book Binding, chair , Rack


News paper

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External Interface Requirements

User Interfaces

The design or layout of every form will be very clear and very interactive to the user.

When the user open the software the welcome window will appear.

In the login window the user can easily entered the desired password and login name.

Then it will give the successfully login message.

From each and every window the user can easily go to any desired window that is there is

will be a absolute and relative linking.

In every window & Mac there is help and support option is present for the ease of user.

There will be a proper collection of GUI interface, which will provide better look and feel.

In the screen layout the background color is very light and the graphics and font style will

be in proper manner and well organized.

If the user will print any error statement then it will give the proper error message display.

In each and every window there will be alert, confirm etc message box for displaying


The user will be able to search any data from the record by using proper guideline shown in

the window & Mac.

In the opening of the software there will be a menu window where the overall table contents

of the software will be present through which the user can move to any desired window &


This will provide the better security data because the menu window will be displaying

according to the login (admin or normal user).

User can easily save its data in to the database and keep track of the records of purchase,

vendor and inventory etc.

This software will be easily understandable and operable by the user.

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Hardware Interfaces

The existing Local Area Network (LAN) will be used for collecting data from the users and

also for updating the Library Catalogue.

Software Interfaces

A firewall will be used with the server to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

Communications Interfaces

The Online Library System will be connected to the World Wide Web.

Other Nonfunctional Requirements

Performance Requirements

This software is not breakdown suddenly in any disaster like power failure.

The development of the software will be based on the object oriented model.

The timeline of this software must be in our mind.

The performance of the functions and every module must be well.

At every step the output of the one phase is the input of the other phase and it will be

reliable and accurate.

The risk factor must be taken at initial step for better performance of the software.

For individual function the performance will be well.

For login to the software password and user name will be matched to the password and


saved in the database and thus only authenticated users are allowed to the login.

There will be various ways of retrieving data and it takes less time.

There will be ambiguity in the data and the record.

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This software will be well supported to the other embedded software such as digital

dairy, notepad etc.

The overall performance of the software will reliable and enable the users to work


Security Requirements

There will be proper security regarding to the accessing of data.

The external security can be provided by given the login authentication.

The data that are stored in the database must be private.

There is also required a user authentication.

There is also the facility that the admin can lock his private data that will not be

accessed by anyone.

The whole software is secure from the outside accessing.

Software Quality Attributes

Our software has many quality attribute that are given below-

Adaptability This software is adaptable by any organization.

Availability- The availability of the software is easy and for everyone.

Correctness- The results of the function are pure and accurate.

Flexibility- The operation may be flexible and reports can be presented in many ways.

Maintainability- After the deployment of the project if any error occurs then it can be

easily maintain by the software developer.

Portability-The software can be deployed at any machine.

Reliability-The performance of the software is better which will increase the reliability

of the software.

Reusability-The data and record that are saved in the database can be reused if needed.

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Robustness-If there is any error in any window or module then it does not effect the

remaining part of the software.

Testability-The software will be tested at every.

Alpha Testing

Beta Testing

Acceptance Testing

Usability-To performs any operations and to understand the functioning of software is

very easy.

Productivity-This software will produce every desired result with accurately.

Timelines-The time limit is very important. It will save much time and provide fast


Cost effective-This software is less in cost and bearable by any organization.