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  • 7/31/2019 Sri Wahyuni Te.090416


    Nama : Sri Wahyuni

    Kelas : BI VI C

    NIM : TE 090416




    A. The background

    Education is a fundamental aspect of life for a nation to build a country. Education in

    school is involved teachers as educators and students as learners; it is realized by the interaction

    of learning and teaching or learning process. In the context of this implementation, teachers

    with a conscious plan teaching activities in a systematic and guided by a set of rules and a plan

    of education that is packaged in a curriculum.

    The curriculum continually refined to improve the quality-oriented education and

    advancement of national education systems, seem not yet to be realized to the fullest. One of the

    problems faced in education in Indonesia is the weakness of the learning process.

    Based on real observations in the field, the learning process in schools nowadays less

    enhance students' creativity, especially in learning English. Many educators use conventional

    methods monotonically in learning activities in class, therefore it causes an atmosphere of

    learning seems rigid and is dominated by the teacher.

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    The learning process is done by many educators now is tending to target curriculum

    materials, more emphasis on memorization rather than understanding concepts. It can be seen

    from the learning activities in class that is always dominated by the teacher. In the delivery of

    material, usually teachers use lecture method, where students just sit down, record, and listen to

    what it conveys and few opportunities for students in asking questions. Thus, the atmosphere is

    not conducive to learning in order students become passive.

    To improving the ability to understand English language learning, teachers need someone

    who professional, skilled and creative by using one of the picture media. It expects that students

    understand and develop students' ability to develop well. Thus, the teaching objectives can be

    achieved by a good and optimal.

    Based on explanation above, the writer will take an example of vocabulary learning,

    where students in memorizing vocabulary faced many challenges. Vocabulary holds significant

    role in order to understand whole sentences, as we know vocabulary is group of words which

    can be interpreted its meaning and useful in kind of language, in other words it usually defined

    group of words which can be understood to make a sentences.( ).

    Therefore, in this writing the writer tries to examine about picture media in Junior High

    School. Because by learning vocabulary will make students easier to make a sentence.

    The way to learn vocabulary is to use picture media method because by this method

    teaching learning process will easy and will be fun for students and the teacher. Besides, by

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    using picture media will be easy to remember the lesson because more practices and enjoyable.

    The researcher chooses this method because it is suitable for teaching foreign language

    especially in English.

    The researcher hopes this method can improve the students ability in learning vocabulary.

    For example, when a topic of learning is about the jungle, and then the teacher will show some

    pictures related to jungle itself, it can be picture of trees, river, animals, etc. After showing the

    picture, the teacher will pronounce it one by one and the student will repeat it. Therefore,

    teaching learning process will make them fun and enjoyable.

    Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in studying the research by the



    B. The Formulation of the problem

    Based on the background above, the problem of this study formulated in the

    following question:

    1. How to use picture media in memorizing vocabulary At Class VIII Junior High

    School XX ?

    2. What are the difficulties of memorizing in memorizing vocabulary by using picture


    3. How is the result of teaching vocabulary by using picture media?

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    C. The Limitation of the problem

    To make this research focuses, the writer limits the problems in analyzing how to

    memorize vocabulary by using picture media at class VIII SMP XX , as mentioned bellow;

    1. The using of picture media in memorizing vocabulary at Class VIII Junior High

    School XX

    2. The difficulties of memorizing vocabulary by using picture media.

    3. The result of teaching vocabulary by using picture media.

    D. The Objective of Research

    1. The Objective of Research

    a. To know teaching vocabulary process by using picture media

    b. To know students problem in vocabulary process by using picture media

    c. To find the result of teaching vocabulary by using picture media

    E. The Framework of Theory

    1. Memory

    Memory is soul power to receive, store and reproduce impressions. There are three

    elements in the act of memory, impressions is receive, store, and reproduce. With the

    ability to recall in humans, there is an indication that humans are able to store and re-

    create something that never experienced. However, does not mean that all who

    experienced it will ever remain entirely in memory, therefore memory is a limited

    capability. Abu Ahmadi (2009 : 73)

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    Galotti (2004) mendefinisikan memori sebagai suatu proses kognitif yang

    terdiri atas serangkaian proses, yakni : penyimpanan (storage), retensi, dan

    pengumpulan informasi (information gathering). Sebagai suatu proses, memorimenunjukkan suatu mekanisme dinamik yang diasosiasikan dengan

    penyimpanan (storing), pengambilan (retaining), dan pemanggilan kembali

    (retrieving) informasi mengenai pengalaman yang lalu (Bjorklund, Schneider,& Hernndez Blasi, 2003; Crowder, 1976, dalam Stenberg, 2006).

    Galotti (2004) defines memory as a cognitive process, which consist of a series of

    processes, namely: storage, retention, and the collection of information. As a process,

    memory suggests a dynamic mechanism associated with the storing, shooting, and

    recalling information on experience.

    Irawanto (1999) memory as the ability to store information so it can be used again in the




    Memory in the abstract and most general sense, that characteristic of living

    organism, in victue of which that they experience leaves behind effects whichmodify future expriences and behavior, invirtus of which they have a history,

    and that history is recorded in themselve; than charatestic which underlines alllearning, the essential feature of which is retention; in a narrow sense it covers

    recall and recognition what we call remembering but there may be learningwithot remembering (Drever, 1960: 165).

    With what is argued by these drever illustrates that memory is not only limited to the

    matter of remembering it. Woodworth and maqueis (1957) as also point it out.

    Memory consists in remembering what has previously been learned. It would

    be better, however to say that memory consist in learning, retainingandremembering, what has previously been learned.... we have thus three maintopics under the general head of memory: learning, retention, remembering

    (woodworth dan marquis, 1957:542)
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    2. Definition of Media

    Azhar arsyad (2003:3-4) provides a sense of the media by citing the opinion of

    several experts in their fields, including the definition according by Gerlach & Ely

    (1971) says that the media in general is human, material, or events that establish the

    conditions that make students able to acquire knowledge, skills, or attitudes. AECT

    (Association of Education and Communication technology, 1977) defines as all forms

    of media and channels used to give messages or information. Meanwhile, Heinich et al

    (1982) defines media as an intermediary that delivers information between source and

    receiver. From some sense it is understandable that the media are things that can help

    Submitting a message from its message (the teacher) to the recipient of the message

    (students). Thus the media serves as a means of delivering a message from the giver to

    the receiver.

    3. The function of Media in Learning

    Utilization of instructional media in teaching component as part of efforts to

    enhance the process of interaction with teachers and colorations students in learning and

    teaching environment, the function of media to stimulate learning. by nana Sudjana

    (1991) by which:

    1. The use of media in teaching and learning is not an additional function, but has

    its own function as a tool to achieve effective teaching and learning situations.

    2. Use of instructional media is an integral part of the overall situation of

    teaching. That the medium of instruction is one element that must be

    developed teacher.

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    3. Media in teaching, its use is integral to the purpose and content of lessons.

    4. The use of media in teaching rather than as mere entertainment alt used just

    complete the process of learning to better attract the attention of students.

    5. The use of media in teaching more mainstream to accelerate the learning

    process and assist students in capturing the sense of a given teacher.

    6. The use of media in teaching preferred to enhance the quality of teaching and


    7. When the function is applied to teaching media in teaching and learning, then

    seen its role as follows.

    The media used by teachers as an explanation of the statement of a

    material that teachers convey

    Media can bring problem weeks to be further reviewed and resolved by

    the students in the learning process. At least teachers can acquire the media

    as a source of questions or the stimulation of student learning.

    Media as a source of learning for students. Media as a tool concrete

    contain ingredients that must be learned students, either individually or in

    groups. Concreteness media properties will help the teacher in teaching

    and learning activities.

    4. Picture of media

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    Picture is the most common medium used by people. Therefore, this medium is

    easy to understand and enjoyable, easily obtained and are found everywhere, and

    many give an explanation when compared to the verbal.

    Presentation of learning materials by using pictures, of course is the main

    attraction for learners. So the use of images must be in accordance with the learning

    material is taught, so that the desired goal is reached. In addition, the use of images in

    the learning process depends on the creation and darting through the initiative of

    teaching itself, provided that the image of the fine arts and in accordance with the

    purpose of learning.

    a. Excess picture media that is:

    1. Properties of concrete, more realistic shows on the subject matter when

    compared with purely verbal language.

    2. images can overcome space and time

    3. images can overcome the limitations of sensory observations

    4. clarify a dish problem in any field and for any age level

    5. This media is cheap, easily obtained and used without requiring special


    b. The weakness of the media image that is:

    1. greater emphasis on perception in vision

    2. objects are too complex, less effective for learning

    3. size is very limited for large groups

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    In addition, media images as a medium of instruction, must meet three criteria,


    1. Must be authentic, meaning that the picture should be honestly described the

    situation as is in accordance with the original object.

    2. simple, meaning that the composition must be sufficiently clear indicate

    points play in the image

    3. Relative size, that is, not too big or too small, but tailored to the needs.

    5. Vocabulary

    a.Definition of vocabulary

    Vocabulary is one of important elements in learning of language, because

    without vocabularies, we can not understand enough to speak and make the

    communication with other if we do not supply the words in our conversation.

    vocabulary knowledge is fundamental to read comprehension.


    Vocabulary is all the words used by a certainly person or certain work.

    Vocabulary is a list of word with their meaning (Websters English dictionary,

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    Vocabulary is a list or collection of words and phrases; alphabetically

    arranged and explained of the fined; or sum or stock of words employed by a

    language, group, individual or work in a field of knowledge.



    Vocabulary is one of language component, which needed the learners to develop their

    skills. For the second language learners, acquiring vocabulary take an important role. Earle W.

    Brockman (1971; 1) Once a student has mastered the fundamental grammatical patterns of a

    language, his next task is to master its vocabulary or at least that part of its vocabulary that he

    needs. Nobody ever learns all the words in any language.

    Renny Ur (1996; 60) Vocabulary can be defined, roughly, as the words we teach in the

    foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. Nasrul

    Mahmud (1997; 1) a good vocabulary goes hand in hand with ability to think logically and to

    learn easily and quickly, it makes school work easier and more rewarding.

    David Nunan (1999; 56) Vocabulary is more than lists of target language words. As part of

    the language system, vocabulary is intimately interrelated with grammar.

    So, it means that vocabulary is the main component in learning a language and every

    student has to enrich their vocabulary with different ways to make their better language.

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    A. The Scope of Research

    This research is design descriptively with one variable. Descriptive is design to obtain

    the real information concerning the status of phenomenon (Arikunto.1993:122). In addition,

    this research still is done at the eight classes SMP XX

    B. Kind and source Data

    a. The kinds of data

    1) primer data

    Primary data are obtained directly from the data resource for the special purpose

    of research (Mukhtar, Bimbingang skripsi, 2004 : 145). In this research, the primary

    data are concerned with the focus of this research are Memorizing vocabulary by using

    picture media and the difficulties of he student in applying picture media, the

    observation result and some interviews result.

    2) Secondary data

    Secondary data are taken from the source such us document, opinion, facilities,

    and structure of organization, geographical and social condition. The secondary data in

    this research is taken from some experts (Mukhtar, Desain Intruksional: 2006).

    The source of Data

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    The source of data in this research is including the student, documentations and

    experts opinion. The data source in this research is the subject where the data get. As


    1. The Head Master of Junior High School XX

    2. The English teacher of junior High School XX

    3. The Students of eighth class Junior High School XX

    4. Documentations, and the teacher that relating with English


    C The setting of research

    This research will be conducted in Junior High School XX in second semester of

    academic years 2011/2012 at eight grade. This class has many various student that

    have different background of knowledge, skill and intelligence. From this case, it can

    give a significant of this research.

    D. The method of Collecting Data


    Observation is the technique of observation and systematic notes to

    phenomena exited in the research subject (Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan,

    2008: 310). In this case, the technique used in this research is participant

    observation, where the researcher will participate in daily routines of teaching

    learning process in Junior High School 26 Sarolangun.

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    b. Interview

    Interview is dialogue that used by interviewer to get information from

    interview. The technique interview had been done to completing data that derived

    from observation and questionnaires (Arikunto, 1993: 126). The interview is

    applied between English teacher and student.

    c. Documentation

    Documentation is a method to look for something or variable like notes, book,

    newspaper, magazine, and meeting. The method used to get information as

    geographic condition, teacher condition, facilities, and students score.

    E. Techniques of Data Analysis

    Moleong Said that the data analysis the process organization and out the data in

    to pattern, category, and unit of base analysis until can found them and until can

    summarized the work hypothesis the suggested by the data which have exist. (Lexi

    Moleong, 2001:103). After the data collected and checked, then the data is analysis.

    In this research the script writer use the qualitative research, so this research the

    analyzed data that use are:

    a) Domain Analysis

    Domain Analysis is used to get general description research about the

    problem that researched (Sanafiah Faisal, 91). This analysis is utilized to

    analyses the data relating to general description of research location. Namely:

    geographical condition and the history of establishment; facilities and pre-

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    facilities; and Student and Teacher situation at Junior High School 26


    b) Taxonomy Analysis

    The taxonomy analysis is to get description research that more focuses, special

    about the problem that research (Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2006: 91). In this analysis,

    the scriptwriter more underlines and expresses some problems and events. This

    happened in the field. Taxonomy analysis has toward the specific discussion and

    emphasis the problem have done in the field. To give accurate solution and

    concrete for suggestions this discussed in this script. Therefore, have categorized

    and accurate and it is discussion.

    c) Componential Analysis

    Componential analysis will be done after the research have much facts or

    information from interview or observation which investigate contract between

    domain (Arikunto, Suharsimi, 2006: 102). Componential analysis taken from

    interview and observation that is data has been select. This mean to get more

    objective and concrete data.


    F. Triangulation

    Triangulation is technique of checking the validity of data by using the other

    data out of the research or to compare of data (Iskandar, 2004: 230) some ways in

    triangulation are:

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    1. Comparing the result observed data with the result of


    2. Comparing between some ones in front of public with

    ones opinion personally.

    3. Comparing between some ones opinion about

    observation situations with his/her opinion every time.

    4. Comparing between some ones condition and

    perspective with some an opinion and views such the common people, middle

    and high educated people, the rich, and the officer.

    5. Comparing between the result of interview with

    content of related document.

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