sri jayathirtharu (teekarayaru) -...

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 1 Figure 1Drawings by Vaidya Srinivasachar qÉÉkuÉaÉëÇjÉÉlÉç xuÉoÉÇkÉÔÌlÉuÉ xÉUxÉ™SÉ ssÍsÉÇarÉ ÌuÉ¥ÉÉiÉpÉÉuÉ: | xÉÇrÉÉåerÉÉsÉÇM×üiÉÉÍpÉ: xuÉxÉWûeÉqÉÌiÉxÉÇpÉÔiÉuÉÉÎapÉuÉïkÉÔÍpÉ: | M×üiuÉÉ slrÉÉå£ü϶ÉSÉxÉÏoÉÑïkÉ™SrÉaÉ×WÇû mÉëÉæRûuÉרÉ즃 uÉרÉÏ: | SiuÉÉ slrÉÉålrÉÉÍpÉrÉÉåaÉÇ eÉrÉqÉÑÌlÉUxÉM×ü²Ï¤rÉ UåqÉå M×üiÉÉjÉï: || | uÉÉÌSUÉeÉiÉÏjÉï ´ÉÏcÉUhÉM×üiÉ iÉÏjÉïmÉëoÉÇkÉå |

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Page 1: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 1

Figure 1Drawings by Vaidya Srinivasachar

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Page 2: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 2

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m¡dhvagra¯th¡n svaba¯dhÀniva sarasah»d¡li¯gya vij²¡tabh¡va:|

sa¯yµjy¡la¯k»t¡bhi: svasahajamatisa¯bhÀtav¡gbhirvadhÀbhi:|

k»tv¡nyµkt§¾cad¡s§rbudhah»dayag»ha¯ prau¢hav»tt§¾ca v»tt§:|

datv¡ nyµny¡bhiyµga¯ jayamunirasak»dv§k½ya r£m£ k»t¡rtha:||

| v¡dir¡jat§rtha ¾r§cara³ak»ta t§rthapraba¯dh£|

Saligraamaas used by Sri Jayateertharu

Sri Jayateertharu is the sixth Pontiff of our Sri Madhwacharya Peetha and is

popularly known by “Teekarayaru”, “Teekacharyaru” and “Teekakrutpadaru”,


Teekacharya - In Dwaitha Vedanta the name of Sri Jayatirtharu is always to be

remembered for his contributions. No one is comparable to his style of writing

Teeka and upholding the Madhwa Philosophy. Almost all the Granthaas, teekaas,

vyakyaas that have come after Jayatirtha are based on his Teekaas only. That is

why he is called as Teekacharya.

Page 3: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 3

Poorvashrama name Dondo Raghunatha Pantha

Wife Bheemabai

Sanyasashrama Period 1364-1387

Vrundavana Malakheda

River Kagini + Bennetore sangama ; PÁVt + ¨ÉuÉÚvÉÆgÉ

¸ÀAUÀªÀĸÀܼÀ MüÉÌaÉÍhÉ + oÉãhhÉãiÉÉãUã xÉÇaÉqÉû

Ashrama Gurugalu Sri Akshobhya Thirtharu

Ashrama Shishyaru Sri Vidyadhiraja Thirtharu; Sri Vyasatirtharu

Vidya Gurugalu Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu

Aradhana Ashaada Krishna Panchami

Family Name Deshapande

Amsha Indramsha

Avesha Sheshadevaru

Place of Tapassu Yeragola Cave

Vidyanugraha Bharatee Devi

Ankita Raama Vittala

Original Place Mangalavede, 15 miles from Pandarapura

Contemporaries Akshobhya Tirtharu, Vidyaranyaru, Vijayadwaja

Tirtha of Pejavara Mutt, Vadeendra of Shrungeri

Peeta, Delhi King Firoz Shah Tughlak

Childhood Education learnt Horse Riding, Khadga fighting, etc, Accounting,

Administration, etc

Word which gave him vairagya “Kim pashu poorvadhehe: by Akshobhya Tirtharu

Previous janma As an Ox in the service of Acharya Madhwa

Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa LakshaNa

Vijayadwajaru gave to him Bhagavatha Vyakyana “PadaratnaavaLi”

Vyakyana for Tantrasara “Padyamala”

Teeka for Geetha Tatparya “Nyaaya Deepika”

Saying on “Nyayasudha” Sudha vaa paTanIya vasudhaa vaa paalanIya

Acharya Madhwa on the ox “vyaaKyaasyatyESha gOraaT”

Durga & Saraswathi gave him GanTa, betel nut to rub after writing on the leaves, Vyasarajaru on Jayatirtharu “EduraarO guruvE samaraarE”

Other Names Teekarayaru, Teekakrutpaadaru

Performed as Vice Chancellor At Buddhist University in Gujarat as per request of

King Kamadeva

Pramana Lakshana Teeka Pramana Paddati

Anuvyakyana Teeka Srimannyaya Sudha

Vadavali deals with Jaganmithyatva Khandana

Padyamala deals with Bhagavatpooja paddati as per Tantrasara sangraha

Mruttika Vrundavanas More than 20 at Bangalore, Hospet, Harihara,

Coimbatore, etc

Page 4: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 4

Sri Jayatirthara + Rayara Vrundavana @ Hospete

Jayatirtharu, Raghottamaru @ Bangalore Uttaradimutt

Page 5: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 5

Yeragola Cave - This is the place where Sri Jayatirtharu wrote Srimannyaayasudhaadi

granthaas. This is situated in just one kilometre from Chittapura in Yadgir District. Once upon

a time, this Cave was the tapobhoomi of Shanka named muni.

Jayateertharu used to sit there in the lonely place for writing commentaries with great patience,

knowledge and intense Aparoksha Gnyaana. It is here on this holy land that majority of his

Teekas took birth. Sri Ramachandra Tirtha’s and Sri Vidyanidhi Tirtha’s Vrundavana also

there near Yeragola.

1. Yeragola Cave entrance, Yadgir District, Gulbarga District 2. Sri Jayathirtharu in the form of a snake in Yeragola Cave where he used to write all his granthas. His earlier avataraas -

He is the amsha of Sri Indra Devaru

He was born as Waali, the brother of Sugriva and was killed by Sri Ramachandra in


He was born as Arjuna and had Geetopadesha by Sri Krishna Paramathma in Dwapara


Page 6: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 6

He was born as Bullock, during Srimadacharyaru’s period and he carried Sarvamoola

Grantha for nearly 18years from place to place. When Srimadacharya used to do paata

for his Shishyaas, he used to sit next to Acharya Shishyaas and hear all the shastraas.

Why was he born as a bullock? - The Pandavaas after being victorious in Kurukshetra,

were remembering and discussing the past incidents of Mahabharata Maha Yuddha. At that

time Arjuna forgot Sri Krishna and boasted before Bheema that he is responsible for the entire

victory. Immediately Bheema told “You are boasting like an animal, you forgot Sri Krishna’s

anugraha. Immediately Arjuna realized his ajnaana (ahambhaava - Indra is not free from Kali

Avesha) and repented. As the wordings of great personalities will never be false, they will

become true. And that he will definitely take the birth of a beast. Arjuna forgot Sri Krishna

Paramathma for a while and got the life of a bullock. The same bullock became Sri


Acharyaru showing the bullock (Teekakaryaru) will write Teeka "urÉÉZrÉÉxrÉirÉåwÉ aÉÉåUÉOèû" for his granthas :-

One day when Srimadacharyaru was teaching his disciples, one of his shishyaas raised the topic

that “who will write - Compose the Commentaries to His Works”. All the Pandits were seeing

their faces each other with a smile that Srimadacharyaru will suggest their names. On the

contrary Srimadacharya said "urÉÉZrÉÉxrÉirÉåwÉ aÉÉåUÉOèû" – that the bullock which was sitting in front

will write the commentaries to His Works. The Pandits became angry and cursed the bullock to

die with the Serpent bite. Within a few days the bullock, due to the Serpent bite was suffering

a lot and died. It was the same bullock that provided as the entire Teeka of Acharya Madhwa.

He had heard the entire Sarvamoola directly from Srimadacharyaru.

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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 7

Drawing : Curtesy Sri Vaidya Srinivasachar, Hyderabad

'Kim Pashuhu Poorvadehe "ÌMÇü mÉzÉÑ: mÉÔuÉïkÉå:" - Sri Akshobhya Thirtharu was searching for a

shishya for his Sarvagna Peeta. One day, he was sitting on the bank of the River

Bheemarathi. There a young handsome boy, named Dondu pantha or Donduraya, riding a

horse, being thirsty, came and went into the river, sitting on the Horse itself and drunk the

water without using his hands. Shree Akshobhya Thirtharu saw this scene and uttered in

Sanskrit with Loud “Kim Pashu Poorvadehe” "ÌMÇü mÉzÉÑ: mÉÔuÉïkÉå:" In the previous Janma Had you

been a Beast? (Pashu).

Hearing this Dhondooraya stunned and remembered his previous Janmas – Arjuna, His Bullock

Janma in the period of Srimadacharyaru, Vrashabharoopa and all. Immediately Bowed to Sri

Akshobhya Teertharu and requested for Yati Ashrama. Akshobhya Teertharu’s Joy knew no

bonds, Actually Dondu Raya is the Akshobhya Thirthara poorvashrama brother’s son. Sri

Akshobhya Teertharu asked Dhonduraya to get the permision of the Elders. Dhonduraya did

not listen and insisted him to give Ashrama immediately. Raghunath Deshpande, on hearing

this, rushed with anger near Akshobhya Tirtharu. He simply cried loudly. Dhondoraya told that

Akshobhya Tirtharu has not forcibly given the Ashrama, at his own will and wish became Yati.

But his father forceably took him home and arranged for the First night for Dondurayaru with

his wife Bhamamani. But for the girl, Dhonduraaya looked like a serpant. She tried to came

near him, but the snake was not allowing her to come near him. After all his efforts are

failed, his father realized that he was wrong in bringing Donduraya, the Jayathirtharu to his

home for first night and took him back to Akshobhya Thirtharu and asked his excuse for his


Page 8: Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) - · Grantha shown to Vidyaranya Teeka for Acharya Madhwa’s PramaNa

Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 8

Studied under Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu - Even though he had knowledge from what he

had learnt from Acharya Madhwa when he was an ox, he further studied under Akshobhya

Tirtharu, who taught him like “shukavaani”. He himself has quoted in his granthas that

“akshobhyatirtha guruNaa shukavakShischitasya mE”|

In most of his granthas, he has praised his guru Akshobhya Tirtharu.

padavaakya pramaaNaagnaan prativaadidachchida: |

shrImadakShObhyatIrthaaKyaanupatiShTE gurUnmama |

padavaakya pramaaNagnaanpraNamya shirasaa gurUn |

vyaakariShyE yathaabOdhaM viShNutattvavinirNayaM |

Penance at Durga betta - After the vrundavana pravesha of his Gurugalu Jayatirtharu

decided to start grantha rachane. Before starting the grantha rachana work he went to Durga

Betta for tapassu. He did the tapassu like Druvarayaru by eating green leaves, dry gross,

panchagavya prashana, etc. He got the anugraha of Saraswathi and Bharatee Deviyaru.

Sheshadevaru also came and did the anugraha on his tongue. So, there was the avesha of

Sheshadevaru also in him.

Jayatirtharu on Acharya Madhwa - “For doing the vyakyaana on Acharya Madhwa

Grantha only gods are capable. Even the effort of doing the vyakyaana itself looks like a

comedy, but I have done the vyakyaana with the utmost devotion to Acharya Madhwa –

this is also a vibhushana for his grantha”.

Svaahankara khandana by Jayatirtharu - He says that “he is not an expert in Vyakarana

Shastra. Not an expert in Vedavaakya or Nyaya shastra. Not learnt all. Whatever I have

done is only with the anugraha of Sarvajaacharya’ –

na shabdaadou gaaDaa: na cha nigamacharchaasu chaturaa |

na cha nyaayE prouDhaa na cha viditavEdyaa api vayaM paraM |


prapannaa manyaa: sma kimapi cha vadaMtOpi mahataaM |

Anugraha by Jayatirtharu - There is a canal nearby wherein Sri Jayatirtharu just stopped water by giving his handful of

mud to the Gouda of that village. Once it so happened that the main Gowda of that village

thought of constructing a canal for the village people. He constructed the canal and the same

was filled with water but in a very short period it was dried and the gowda was forced to wait

for another rainy season. Then again rain came and canal was filled but was dried again. One

night he got a dream wherein he was told to meet a sage nearby who is doing the penance, and

he will help you. The gowda immediately met the sage nearby, who was none other than Sri

Jayatirtharu, who in turn gave him a handful of mud after doing some abhimantrana to the

gowda and asked him to put in the pond. The gowda did as instructed by the sage and the canal

was saved and even today so many villagers are being benefited by the canal which was the

anugraha of Jayatirtharu.

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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 9

“Koneri Pranesha” - Once after the completion of the pooja, a monkey came near him and

wrote “geetha” "aÉÏiÉÉ" on a rock nearby. Sri Jayatirtharu realized that it was the order of

Mukyapranadevaru to write “Geetha Bhashya Teeka”, and he wrote the monkey’s figure on the

same rock. He also did the prana pratiste of the monkey. Subsequently Koneri family people

built one mantapa for Mukyaprana.

Anugraha to Muslim King Firozeshah - Once Muslim King Firozeshah sent one of his

servants to invite Jayatirtharu to his palace. Jayatirtharu came but stayed in a temple in

Kurukshetra. At the same time many Hindus were doing upavaasa in front of the palace as the

King was taxing exhorbitantly on Brahmins and was forcing the Hindus to be converted to

Muslim Community. As the branhims were fasting, Jayatirtharu refused to enter the city. Then

the King came personally and asked him to come to his palace.

He told Jayatirtharu that his son was suffering from severe decease which has not been cured

by any doctors and asked for anugraha to his son. Jayatirtharu insisted a condition that king

must free the Brahmin community from exhorbitant taxes and avoid conversion. The King

agreed. Jayatirtharu did the pooja and after naivedya and his tirtha prasada, he gave some

prasaada to the Muslim King, which prasada cured the prince from his severe decease. The

King was delighted and decided to invite Jayatirtharu to Delhi and give all the honours of the

Kings. But the sage refused and told him that the entire thing happened with the blessings of

Sri Ramachandra only and it was because of Srimadwacharya’s anugraha that the king’s son’s

health was improved and the entire honour must go to them only.

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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 10

Then the king did the honour to Sarvamoola grantha and Sri Moola Ramachandra Vigraha

with ambari elephant throughout the Delhi city.

Vrundavana Pravesha of Akshobhya Tirtharu - Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu told

Jayatirtharu to write Teeka Granthaas for Srimadacharya’s sarvamoola. He told Acharya’s

work are not easily reachable for the common man and told that the bhashyaas to be done by

Jayatirtharu will help everyone to understand Acharya Madhwa Tatwa. Akshobhya Tirtharu

gave ashrama to Sri Trailokyabhooshana Tirtharu, who became the head of the Arya

Akshobhya Tirtha Mutt. Then Akshobhya Tirtharu entered Vrundavana at Malakheda.

His direct Shishyaas –

a) Sri Vidyaadhiraaja Tirtharu – He was not only his shishya but also was the

uttaradhikari. He composed the vyaakyaana for Bhagavad geetha and Vishnu sahasra naama.

Once he had the darshana of Bhaageerathidevi when he was near the Bheemarathi river.

Initially he gave ashrama to Sri Rajendra Tirtharu, who went to Bangala region for

tatvaprachara and stayed for more time. Since he didn’t returned for a long time, Sri Vidyaraja

Tirtharu gave ashrama to Sri Kavindra Tirtharu. As such, two parampare came into existence

one with the Rajendra Tirtha parampare which subsequently became Vyasaraja Mutt. Sri

Kavindra Tirtha parampare was subsequently divided into another two fractions one

Vibudendra or Rayara Mutt and another Uttaradi Mutt.

b) Sri Vyasatirtharu – He is another vidya shishya and ashrama shishya. But he was not

throned the peeta. He has done the Teeka for Dashopanishat Bhashya for the Vyaakyaana of

Teekarayaru (except Shatprashnopanishat Bhashya). He has done Bharata bhaavapanchika

(byaakyana for Mahabharata Tatparya Nirnaya). It is said that he has written vyakyana for

Acharya Madhwa’s Tantrasara sangraha and “pramana malika”. He has written Jayatirtha

Vijaya and Anu Jayatirtha Vijaya, which contain the full life history.

c) Sri Srinivasaacharyaru - He was one of the gruhasta shishyaru. He has written vyakyana

for “vande vishNum namaami” taaratamya stotra.

Vaadi nigraha - Digvijaya :- A Peetadhipathi’s main duty is to ensure that Srimadacharya

siddantha sthapana and paramatha khandana. If any Khandana is written on any Madhwa

Grantha, the peetadhipathi must immediately do the Mandana condemning the Khandana with

satisfactory documents. The Sanyaasees used to go on Digvijaya to various places, wherein he

has to invite pundits of other siddanthaas and do vaakyaartha and defeat them.

a) Defeat of Vidyaranya, a famous Advait pandit - Once when Vidyaranya, a famous

Advaitha Philosopher, said to be an incarnation of Shankaracharya himself by Advaitha

followers, visited Malakheda. There, he came to know about Jayathirtharu, the Shishya of Sri

Akshobhya Thirtha. Sri Akshobhya Tirtharu had defeated him when there was a long debate

about “Tattvamasi” "iɨuÉqÉÍxÉ" at Mulabagalu. He wanted to see the Shishya of Akshobhya

Thirtharu. He came there directly to Yeragola Cave where Sri Jayathirtharu was writing Teeka

for Srimadacharya’s Grantha – “Pramanalakshana”. Jayathirtharu handed over to him the

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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 11

Pramanalakshana Grantha of Srimadacharya. Vidyaranyaru saw the entire Grantha but could

not understand anything. Then he told “Baala VakyEna kim ME”. Then Sri Jayathirtharu gave

him the Teeka which he had written for the Pramana Lakshana Grantha. Vidyaranyaru, went on

reading the pages (Taale Oleya Gari) one by one, he was filled with joy. There is no jealousy

for good qualities. He expressed “What a great work. The style, descriptions, the way of

presentation, imagination, knowledge and language impressed a lot”. He further told that he

had never seen such a great work so far and praised that Jayateertharu is the real Teekakaara.

Vidyaranya did sastaanga namaskaras to Sri Jayathirtharu. He arranged for the honouring of Sri

Jayathirtharu, with chariot prepared comprising of ambari elephant, keeping all the sarvamoola

granthas and Jayathirtha’s Teeka Granthas.

b) Defeat of Bhairava Somayaji.

c) Defeat of Vidyasaagara Vadeendra, another Advaitha famous pandit - This

incident has been narrated in Sri Bidarahalli Srinivasakruta “Sri Jayaaryastuti”. Vidyasaagara

Vadeendra is said to be the guru of Brahmananda Bharathi who had written “Purushartha

Prabodha” titled grantha. Once during his visit to Kolhapur, he had a long vakyartha with Sri

Vadeendra, and defeated him. The Vakyartha was in the context of “Tathvamasi” and “Jeeva-

brahma Aikya”.

d) Defeat of ShaktEya team in Sriranga. - This team of ShaktEya having known of the

fact that they could not defeat Jayatirtharu with Granthaas, tried to defeat through miscreant

method. They did the araadhana of some kshudra devate and got the blessings of that kshudra

devate. They brought a new way of argument that “Shakthi devate” herself is responsible for

the srusti of this world and not Vishnu. They further told that “Brahma, Rudra, and Vishnu”

are the santaana of Shakthi only. Sri Jayatirtharu through his Tapa shakthi made the kshudra

shakthi seem nothing and with his vyaakyaana of “UtpattasambhavaadhikaraNa” of

Brahmasootra and defeated them all.

e) Defeat of Kamadeva, a bouddha pandit in Ahmedabad. After having been

defeated by Jayatirtharu and accepting his defeat, Kamadeva, requested Jayatirtharu to become

the Chancellor of the Bouddha Vishwavidyanilaya at Ahmedabad. So, when Kamadeva went

to Tibet, for some time Jayatirtharu performed his duty as the Chancellor of the Ahmedabad


Sri Pejavara Adhokshaja Mutt Swamiji Sri Vijayadhwaja Tirtharu, met Sri

Jayatirtharu and handed over the Grantha written by him titled “Padrathnavali” "mÉSU¦ÉÉuÉÍsÉ" a Vyakhyana for Srimad Bhagavatha and asked Sri Jayathirtharu to scrutinize the grantha and

bless him. The Vyakhyana is also called as “Vijayadhwajeeya vyakhyana”

"ÌuÉeÉrÉkuÉeÉÏrÉ urÉÉZrÉÉlÉ".

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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 12

Teeka Granthas on Madhwa Siddantha can be grouped into three., viz., a) Ancient Teekaas – i.e., for the period from Srimadacharya’s Badarikashrama pravesha

to Sri Jayateertharu’s period ( 1317 to 1365AD)

b) Jayatheertharu’s Teekaas – Period 1365 to 1388

c) Arvaacheena Tippanees – After Jayatheertharu’s period till date.

Sri Jayatheertha’s Granthas can be grouped as 6 parts. They are : i) Sootra Prasthaana ii) Geetha Prasthaana iii) Upanishat Prasthaana

iv) PrakaraNa Granthaas v) Ruk Prasthaana vi) Swatantra Granthaas

In Soothra Prasthaana :-

i) Brahmasootra Bhashya Teeka - Tatvaprakashika

ii) Anuvyaakyaana Teeka – Srimannyaaya Sudha

iii) Nyaaya VivaraNa Teeka

In Geetha Prasthaana : -

i) Geetha Bhashya Teeka – Prameya Deepike

ii) Geetha Tatparya Teeka – Nyaaya Deepika

In Upanishat Prasthaana :-

i) IshaavasyOpanishad bhaashya Teeka

ii) Shat PrashnOpanishad bhaashya Teeka

In PrakaraNa Granthaas :-

i) Tattva sanKyaana Teeka

ii) Tattva VivEka Teeka

iii) TattvOdyOta Teeka

iv) Maayaavaada KhandaNa Teeka

v) UpadhikhanDana Teeka

vi) Prapanchamithyaatvaanumaana KanDana Teeka

vii) Karma NirNaya Teeka

viii) Kathaa LakshaNa Teeka

ix) PramaaNa laKshaNa Teeka

x) Vishnu Tattva NirNaya Teeka

In Ruk Prasthaana – Rugbhaashya Teeka

In Swatantra Granthaas –

i) VaadaavaLi ii) PramaNa paddati iii) Padyamaala

(Total Grantha sanKye – 55000. Note : for every 32 aksharaas one grantha)

He has written 21 granthas. He has written commentary on majority of Sarvamoola


1. Tathvaprakashika - brahmasootra bhashya Teeka –

Before Srimadacharya, there were 21 Kubhaashyaas on Brahmasutra. As such, Vedavyasaru

insisted Srimadacharyaru to write Bhashya for Brahmasootra which is in line with

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Vedavyasaru. So Acharyaru wrote Brahmasutra Bhashya wherein he has said there are 564

sootraas, which contained 4 adhyaayaas, 16 paadaas, and 223 adhikaranaas.

Tattva Prakashika contains : – Prathama adhyaaya (samanyadhyaaya) – Sri Maha Vishnu is the only Parabrahma. He is

anantha Kalyana GuNa paripoorna and has atha kartrutva shakthi viz., a) Srusti, b) sthithi, c)

laya, d) jnaana, e) ajnaana, f) niyamana, g) bandha, h) moksha. Srihari is sarva shabda

vandya as said in anantha vedaas.

Dviteeya adhyaaya (avirOdhaadhyaaya) - It is said that Srihari is Sarva doosha doora. It gives

evidence to prove that Saankya, vaishEshika, bouddha, jaina, shakthi, chaarvaka and

Paashupata matha are apraamaana and are not reliable. It says Jeeva – Parabrahma relation

(sambhandha) is that of servant and King relation.

Triteeya adhyaaya (saadhanaadhyaaya) says – Those adhikaaree jeevaas must have Virakthi,

bhakthi, jnaana and do upaasaana in order to get Moksha.

Fourth Adhyaaya (Phaalaadhyaaya) – Here it is mentioned about karma kshaya, utkraanthi,

route and phala. “Brahma” shabdha means mukyataha “Vishnu” only. He is ananta kalyaana

guna paripoorna, sarvadosha varjita, svagatabedha rahita, jagajjanmaadi kartaa, he is bhinna

from nityamukta jeeva, he is karmaphala dhaatru, sarvachestaprada, muktagamya. This has so

many Teekaas and TippaNees – viz., Sri Vyaasarajaru’s Tatparya Chandrika, Sri Raghunatha

Tirtha’s Shesha Tatparya Chandrike, Rayara Bhaavadeepa, Kundalagiri Acharya’s

Rasakoolankasha, Pandurangi Keshavaachaarya’s gururaajeeya, Vyaasa Tatvajna Tirtha’s

Tippani, Raghottama Tirthara Bhaavabhoda, Tippani by Ratna garbha Odeyar, Vaadiraja’s

Gurvartha Deepika, Vishnu Tirtha’s Rasaranjini, Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtha’s vyaakyaana,

Vijayeendraru, Sumateendraru, Chalari Sankarshanacharyaru, Srimushnam Ananthabhattaru,


2. Srimannyaaya sudha – (Anuvyaakhyaana Teeka – Sudha –

Vishamapada vaakyaartha vivrutti ) –

"xÉÑkÉÉ uÉÉ mÉPûlÉÏrÉÉ uÉxÉÑkÉÉ uÉ mÉÉsÉlÉÏrÉÉ" - This is the honourable word given to this great grantha.

In this grantha Teekarayaru has analysed and condemned many kubhaashyaas, Some of the

granthaas analysed and condemned by Teekarayaru are “Padmapaada”, “Prakaashaatman”,

“saanKyatattva kaumudee”, “Chitsukhee”, “Nyaayaleelaavathi”, “Nyaaya Kandali”,

“Nyaayavaarthika taatparya “

This has Omkaara artha vichaara, jeeva kartrutva vichaara, “ithi” shabdaartha, “iva”

shabdaartha, karma kartrutva vichaara, pada shakthi vichaara, laya vichaara, bedha vichaara,

saakshi vichaara, srushTi Vichaara, jnaana taaratamya vichaara, avayava vichaara, asiddhi

vichaara, apraamaaNya paratatva vichaara, veda pramaana vichaara, etc.

This has reference for many nyaayaas viz., “AjaakRupaaNi nyaaya, kaakShinyaaya,

kaphONiguDhanyaaya, kUrmarOma nyaaya, gObalIvardaanyaaya, parisaMkyaanyaaya,

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pUtikuShmaaNDa nyaaya, bhikShupaada prasaraNa nyaaya, mahaa mallEsha bhaNganyaaya,

vIchI taranganyaaya, suptaprabuddhan nyaaya, etc.

There are many Tippanees – viz., Vyasatattvajnaru, Kundalagiri Acharyaru, Vidyaadeesharu,

PandurangI Keshavacharyaru, Kashi TimmaaNNaachaaryaru, Yadupatyaachaaryaru,

Ratnagarbha Odeyaru, Rayaru (Parimala), vaadiraajaru, KambaalUru Raamachandra Tirtharu,

Tamraparni Anandatirthacharyaru, Madanooru Vishnu Tirtharu, Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtharu,

Ayi Satyanaathachaaryaru, Satyanatharu, Satyaprajnaru, Satyavrataru, etc.

3. Nyaaya vivarana Teeka – This is an uncompleted Teeka. Here Jayateertharu has done

Teeka for the first Adhyaya and first two paadaas of second adhyaaya, and for the rest Sri

Raghottama Tirtharu has done the Teeka.

4. Prameya Deepika - Geetabhashya Teeka - Without this grantha, it is very

difficult for us to understand the Geetha Bhashya of Srimadacharya. Here while writing Teeka

on Srimadacharya’s vaakya, Teekarayaru has narrated the meanings given by Shankaracharya

and Bhaskara and condemned them. Here he has given the reference of Narahari Tirtha’s

Vyaakyaana. In some of the cases wherein some Advaitees have tried to find fault with the

Grammer of Srimadacharya, Teekarayaru has established that the Grammer used by Acharya is

accurate and appropriate.

Here he says lÉlÉÑ uÉåSÉÇiÉæ: DµÉUÌlÉirÉiuÉÇ eÉÉlÉÇiÉ: iɧÉæuÉÉå£Çü eÉÏuÉÌlÉirÉiuÉÇ MüjÉÇ lÉ eÉÉlÉÉÌiÉ |

nanu vEdaaMtai: IshvaranityatvaM jaanaMta: tatraivOktaM jIvanityatvaM kathaM na jaanaati |

lÉ cÉ ApÉÉuÉ: iÉÉUiÉqrÉuÉÉlÉç | na cha abhaava: taaratamyavaan |

- There can’t be gradation in the case of non existing


Persons who know Vedanta, when they understand Nityatva of Eshwara from Vedas, they will

also understand that Jeevaas are also Nitya. He says that Jeeva is Nitya and Eshwara is parama


5. Nyaya Deepika - Geeta Tatparya Teeka – This is the Vyaakyaana for Srimadacharya’s

Geetha Tatparya NirNaya. This has Tippani in the name of “Kiranavali”. Whatever was not

clear in Geetaa Bhashya was clear in Geetaa Tatparya. There are many pramEyaas which are

untold in Geeta Tatparya.

Bhagavad Geetha can be summarized as : Jeeva Isha Aikya, Jaganmityaatva, all are

apraamanika. Vishnu is Sarvottama, there is pancha beda, taaratamya, jagat satyatva, etc.

Paramathma is Anantha Kalyana Guna in all his roopaas, avataaraas, he is sarva dosha

vivarjita, sarvottama, he is bhinna from all, all are under him only. He is swatantra. All

Shastraas tell him only.

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Jeeva is nitya. Jeeva is bhinna from Eshwara. Bhinna individually, there is taaratamya. Jeeva

is alpa shakta, paratantra, apoorna. Jeevaas are of three types - Uttama, Madhyama and

adhama. Uttama is mukti yogya, madhyama is samsaarayogya, and adhama is tamoyogya.

Vishnu Bhakthi is the superior sadhaane. Vishnu Sarvottamatva Jnaana is the best jnaana.

There is no one which is superior to Moksha. Mukthaas will not have prakruta deha. Even

mukthaas do not have JeevEsha Aikya.

This has following Teekaa and tippanees - Rayara Bhaavadeepa, Tamraparni

Srinivaasaachaarya’s Kiranaavali, satyaprajna Tirtha’s bhaavaprakaasha, and Satyanaatha

Tirtha’s Tippani.

6. Ishavaasya upanishadbhashya Teeka – This is the Teeka for Srimadacharya’s

IshavasyOpanishad, (Ishavasa Upanishad has twenty shlokaas). Swaayambu Manu prayed

Yajna naamaka Vishnu through Ishavaasya Mantra as per Brahmaanda Puraana. This Grantha

quotes Jagat swaroopa, Isha swaroopa, Phala for Brahma Jnaani, Phala for AnyatOpaasaka,

Here Sri Jayateertharu has condemned the bhashya of Advaita and Vishistadvaita from the first

shloka itself and done the pratipadane of Bhagavantha’s sarva vyaptatva & on all.

7. Shat Prashnopanishad Bhashya Teeka – This is the Teeka for Srimadacharyaru’s

Shat Prashnopanishad Bhashya. Here six sages (Rushees) will ask questions. The six sages

are Kabandee kaatyaayana, VaidarbhI bhargava, Kausalya Ashwalaayana, SouryOmaNi

gaargya, Shaibyascha Satyakaama and SukEshacha Bhaaradhwaaja. For these six Rushee’s

questions answers were given by another sage Pippalaada. This has Tippanees of Vadiraajaru,

Chalari Narasimhacharyaru, Chalaari ShEshaachaaryaru, LingEri Vyaasacharyaru,

Taamraparni Srinivaasachaaryaru and Rayaru.

8. Tathvasankhyaana Teeka - This is the Vyaakyaana for Tattva sankyaana of

Srimadacharya. This has Madhwa matha prameyaas. This grantha tells – Tattva Swaroopa,

anaarOpitattvam, tattva saamaanya lakshaNam, vEdapraamaaNya. This explains parabrahma

tattva, lakshmi tattva, jeeva swaroopa, and proves that Sri Vishnu is only swatantra and all

others are under him only.

Acharya Madhwa says in the beginning itself – svatantraM asvatantraM cha dvividhaM

tattvamiShyatE| xuÉiÉl§ÉÇ AxuÉiÉl§ÉÇ cÉ Ì²ÌuÉkÉÇ iɨuÉÍqÉwrÉiÉå|. For this there is a comment that Acharya

Madhwa has not done the Mangalacharana itself while starting the grantha. For this Sri

Jayatirtha has replied that Acharya Madhwa must done the Mangalacharana in mind itself.

Acharya Madhwa being the greatest “aastika”, this can be inferred easily. There need not be a

suspicion about this. Jayatirtha further states that the word “svatantra” itself is

Mangalacharana. The best way of calling Vishnu is “svatantra” xuÉiÉl§ÉÇ - i.e., independent. This

quality rests only in Maha Vishnu and not in anyone else. All are dependent on HIM. As

such, “svatantra” itself is Mangalacharana for this grantha.

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There are many Tippanees viz., Srimushnam anantabhattaru, Pandurangi Keshavacharyaru,

Kaashi Timmannaacharyaru, AyI narasimhaacharyaru, VaNIvaalI Narasimhaacharyaru,

Chalaari Narasimhacharyaru, Nrusimha Bhikshu, Bhagavanta raayaru, Yaadavaachaaryaru,

Raayaru, Varada Tirtharu, Kumbhaari Vaasudevaacharyaru, Vijayeendraru, Tamraparni

Ananda Tirthacharyaru, Vittalacharyaru, Lingeri Vyaasaacharyaru, Chalari SheShaachaaryaru,

Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtharu, Lingeri Srinivasacharyaru, Tamraparni Srinivasacharyaru,

Satyadharmaru, Satyaprajnaru

9. Tattvaviveka Teeka - This is the vyaakyaana for TattvavivEka of Srimadacharya.

This explains chEtanassatva, swatantratva, svabhaavatva, chEtanatva, nitya muktatva, nityatva.

This has many Tippanees – viz., Keshavacharya Pandurangi, Kambalooru Ramachandra

Tirtharu, Varada Tirtharu, Vyaasarajau (Mandaara Manjari), Bidarahalli Srinivasa tirtharu,

Taamraparni Srinivaasacharya.

10. Tattvodyota Teeka – This is the Teeka for TattvOdyota

Of Srimadacharya. This grantha is mukya saadhana for Advaita matha Khandana and dwaita

matha sthaapana. Topics discussed here are :

a. Jeevesha Bedha Samarthane,

b. Shoonya vaadi – Maayaavadi saamya samarthane

c. Sakala Guna paripoornatva saadhane

d. Jagat satyatva samarthane

e. Vishnu Sarvottamatva samarthane

11. Maayaavada Khandana Teeka – This is a small grantha. This is a Teeka for

Srimadacharya’s Mayavaada Khandana Grantha. Maayaavada Matha says - Jeeva himself

is Brahma, Brahma – Athma aikya (oÉë¼ - AÉiqÉ LåYrÉ ) is the mukya artha qÉÑZrÉÉjÉï for

Veda. Srimadacharya has condemned these in his Mayavada Khandana Grantha and

proved that Srihari is Sarvottama, sakala Guna paripoorna. This has Teeka from

Vyasarajaru (Mandaara Manjari), Satyanatharu (Parashu), Rayaru, Keshavacharya

Pandurangi, Vadirajaru, and Anantha Bhattaru

12. Upadhi Khandana Teeka - Prapancha mithyaatvaanumana Khandana Teeka -

Advaita says that Jagat mithya through the vaakya ÌuɵÉÇ ÍqÉjrÉÉSØzrÉiuÉÉiÉç.

There are doshaas in Advaita vaakya. They are : AÉ´ÉrÉÉÍxÉ®: mɤÉ:, AmÉëÍxÉ® ÌuÉzÉåwÉhÉ: mɤÉ:,

ÍxÉ®xÉÉkÉlÉiÉÉ, AÍxÉ®Éå WåûiÉÑ:; ÌuÉ® WåûiÉÑ:, AlÉåMüÉÇÌiÉMü WåûiÉÑ:, MüÉsÉÉirÉ rÉÉmÉÌS¸:, mÉëMüUhÉ xÉqÉ:, xÉimÉëÌiÉxÉÉkÉlÉ:,

xÉÉkrÉÌuÉMüsÉ: SظÉÇiÉ:, xÉÉkÉlÉ ÌuÉMüsɶÉSظÉÇiÉ: EmÉÉÍkÉ:. There are many Teekaas for this Grantha –

They are Keshavacharya Pandurangi, Rayaru, Vyasarajaru, Adya SheShaadaasaacvhaaryaru,

Bidarahalli Srinivasa tirtharu, Lingeri Srinivaasaachaaryaru, Satyanatharu and Vadirajaru.

13. Karma nirnaya Teeka – This is the Teeka for Srimadacharya’s Karma Nirnaya.

The PramEyaas available in this Grantha are meaning for Mahaanaami Ruk, NiroopaNa of

Indraadi sarva naama in Parama mukhyataya Parabrahma.

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14. Katha Lakshana Teeka – This is a Teeka on Srimadacharya’s Kathalakshana. This

contains the rules to be followed during “Vaada” or “Vaakyaartha”. This has

kathaprabhedhaas, vaada jalpavitanda, vaada kathaalakshana, praashnika lakShaNa (method of

Questioning), nirNaya karma (Decision method), jayaapajaya reasons ( reasoning of Win-

Loose). This has several Tippanees viz., Keshavacharya Pandurangi, Rayaru, Vijayeendraru,

Vedesha Tirtharu, Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtharu.

15. Pramana Lakshana Teeka – This is also called as “Nyayakalpalatha”. This

contains Different Pramaanaas, their sub-divisions, and their lakshanaas, linga vishesha,

upapatti doshaas, nigraha sthaanaas, parOkSha pramaana niraakaraNe. This Grantha has

Tippani by Vijayeendraru, Rayaru, Vidyaadeesharu, Vedesha Tirtharu, Keshavacharya

Pandurangi, Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtharu, Anantha Bhattaru, Chennakeshavacharyaru, etc..

16. Vishnutathva Nirnaya Teeka – This is one of the Prakarana Granthaas. It has

reference of Sri Padmanabhatirtha and Sri Narahari Tirtha’s vyakyana. Here he has condemned

all the comments by Advaitees on the “Bedha Chintane” of Sri Madhwacharya. Here Srihari

has been proved as Doshadoora, sakala kalyaana GuNa paripoorna, he is supreme among

kSharaksharaas, Veda pourushatva, veda nityatva, jeeveshwara bedha, Vishnu sarvottamatva,

bedha swaroopa, meaning of mitya, bedha satyatva, jagatsatyatva, jaganmithyaapoorvaka


This grantha has 3 divisions – first proves Vishnu is atyantha bhinna from Sarva jagat and he is

sarvottama. Second says Vishnu is supreme than ksharaas brahmaadi and aksharaa

Mahalakshmi. Third says Vishnu is dosha rahita and guNa paripoorna.

This has many tippanees viz., Pandurangi Keshavacharya, Raghoottamaru, Rayaru, Aiji

Acharyaru, Vijayeendraru, Vedesha Tirtharu, Rayachur Acharyaru, Bidarahalli

Srinivasacharyaru and Anantha Bhattaru.

17. Rugbhaashya Teeka - Srimadacharya has written Rugbhashya. Vedaas can be divided

into two. They are :

a. Astaka, Adhyaya, Varga, Ruk

b. Mandala, Anuvaak, Sooktha, Ruk.

Rugveda has 8 Astakaas and 8 mandalaas. Srimadacharyaru has written Bhashya for the first

three adhyaaya of prathama astaka. These three adhyaya has 96 vargaas and 489 Ruk. Veda

has three meanings -

They are - :- i. agnyaadi dEvataapara artha

ii. tadantaryaami paratva

iii. Adhyaatma paratva

This has several Tippanees – viz., Arogyahari, Keshavacharya Pandurangi, Chalaari

Narasimhachaarya, Kambaalooru Ramachandra Tirtharu, Bidarahalli Srinivasa Tirtharu,

Lakshmi Narayanacvharyaru, Varahaacharyaru, Rayaru, Satyanatharu, Sumateendraru.

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18.Vaadaavali – This is an independent Grantha by Jayatirtharu. The main aim of this grantha

is condemning the Jaganmityaatvavaada. ÌuÉqÉiÉÇ ÍqÉjrÉÉ SØzrÉiuÉÉiÉç, eÉQûiuÉÉiÉç, mÉËUΊ³ÉiuÉÉiÉç - Sri

Jayatirtharu has given the remedy for all these anumaanaas. Some of the topics covered in this

book are –

a. Avidya Lakshana & its Khandana

b. “Mithyaatva” lakshana and its khandana

c. Drushyatva, Jadatva, Parichinnatva – Reason and its khandana

d. Yathaartya of svapna Jnaana

e. “Jagat Satyatva” and its reasoning – He has condemned all the khandana on Jagat


f. lÉåWûlÉÉlÉÉÎxiÉ, LMüqÉåuÉÉ̲iÉÏrÉqÉç - Nirupana of these Shrutees based on Madhwa Siddaantha

g. "pÉåS: kÉqÉïxuÉÃmÉqÉåuÉ" - Samarthana of Bedha Swaroopa

19. PramaNa paddati – This is one of the svatantra or independent grantha of Sri


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This has three divisions – first is Pratyaksha parichcheda, second anumaana parichEda, and the

third Agama parichcheda. Srimadachaaryaru in his Pramana Lakshana Grantha has explained

the “Pramana Lakshana”, but it is not easily understandable for alpa jnaanees and many of the

vaakyaas are very difficult to understand. That is why Jayatirtharu has written this Grantha

Here he has given the swaroopa lakshana, and its division, and their jnaana sadhanatva,

pramana swatatsva, apraamanya paratastva

20. Padyamaala – Here Jayateertharu has briefed about the Bhagavat pooja paddati based on

“Tantrasaara sangraha” of Srimadacharya. This Grantha has Devata gruha pravesha, keeping 5

or 7 kalashaas.

Bringing Tulasi and flowers - Flowers must not have been bought or stolen or must not have

been brought from abraahmanaas, it must not have fallen on the floor, the flowers must not

have been packed in a cloth.

Other formalities in Devata Gruha – Dikpaalaka namaskara, open the devata gruha with vaayu

mantra, deepam prajvaalya, bhootochaatane, brahmapaara stotra pathana, Gantaanadaana, Peeta

Pooja, AavaraNa pooja, Desha Kaalaadi Sankalpa, praanaayaama, Uchaarane of Beeja mantra,

prarthane of Bhagavantha, kalasha pooja, sthapane of kalasha traya, pongee phala samarpana,

taamboola, dhoopa, neeraajana, pushpaanjali, mantrapushpa, chaamara, vyajana, darpana,

chatra, vaahanaadi, geeta, nrutya, raajopachaara samarpane, dhenu mudraadi pradarshana,

shanka pooja, shankaadi mudra pradarshana, paatra saadhana. Tulasi samarpane,

shankodakena pooja dravya prokshane, inviting Srihari, peeta avaahana, panchamruta

abhisheka, purusha sookta, manyusookta, jitante stotra pathana, vastra samarpana,

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sarvaabharana alankara, yajnopaveeta samarpana, tattvan yaasa, maatrukaanyaasa, lakshmee

pooje, dhaaraa pooja, kRudholka, vIrolka, dyulka, sahasrOlka namana, keshavaadi

chaturvimshati naamena pooja, garuda pooja, sauparni pooja. Doopa, deepa, mangalaarathi,

naivedya samarpana, dhenu mudra pradarshana, aposhana, bhojana, paaneeya, uttaraaposhana,

taamboola samarpana, dakshina samarpana, punardhoopa samarpana, neerajana, pushpa

samarpana, kusumaanjali samarpana, vedamantra pathana, chaamara seve. Theertha for Ramaa

brahmaadees, hasta prakshalana, sarva samarpana with Vishnu and end the pooja with

yasyasmrutyaacha mantra.

21.Adhyatma Tarangini - This is written by Sri Jayatirtharu as per “Satkatha” "xÉiMüjÉÉ" – but unavailable.

His ankita – “raama vittala”. It was for the first time that “vittala” ankita was

introduced in Haridasasahitya, that too by Sri Jayatirtharu. This means that Sri Jayatirtharu is

the next to Sri Narahari Tirtharu for contribution to Kannada Haridasa sahitya.

Jayatirtharu and Haridasa Sahitya –

Apart from so many Sanskrit Granthaas, he has written some devaranamagalu in Kannada.

One of them : -

lÉÏsÉ qÉåbÉ zrÉÉqÉlÉ MüÉåqÉsÉÉÇaÉlÉ MÇüQãû lÉÉ | mÉ |






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Sri Jayathirtharu (Teekarayaru) Narahari Sumadhwa Page 20

Jayathirtharu, Rayaru, Raghottamaru & Satyapramodaru @ Harihara

Vrundavana pravesha - Malakheda – which is in Sedam Taluk of Gulbarga District and is

about from 40Kms from Gulbarga to Sedam. This is the place where “Kusha” (son of

Ramachandra devaru) did the penance. It is near the sangama kshetra of Kagini river and

Bennetore (MüÉÌaÉÍhÉ + oÉãhhÉãiÉÉãU)ã xÉÇaÉqÉû rivers.

Sri Jayateertha Guruvantargatha Hanuma Bheema Madhwantargatha mama kuladaivata

Chintalavadi Lakshmi Narasimhaabhinna Krishnaparnamastu.

Source –

Sri Dr. Vyasanakere Prabhanjanacharya

Sri Dr BNK Sharma

Sri Korate Srinivasarao

Sri T S Raghavendran

By Narahari Sumadhwa