sr medicon grand test paper - 30-10-13

Sr MEDICON EAMCET GRAND TEST Date : 30-10-13 SRI CHAITANYA EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, A.P. SR.MEDICON EAMCET GRAND TEST DATE : 30-10-13 SUB : BOTANY (ON 2 ND YEAR) Max.Marks : 160 1. Respiration is totally absent in 1) Rhizobium 2) Chlorella 3) Bacteriophage 4) E.coli 2. Study the following regarding krebs cycle Name of reaction Substrate Product 1)Decarboxylation Ketoglutaric acid Succinic acid II) Cleavage Succinyl co entyme-A Succinic acid III) Oxidation –III Succinic acid Fumaric acid IV) Oxidation – I Oxalo succinic acid Isocitric acid Identify the correct combination 1)I, II, III & IV 2) II & III only 3) II, III & IV only 4) I & IV only 3. Total number of ATP produced during complete oxidation of 1 Mol of DHAP is 1) 18 2) 19 3) 17 4) 16 4. A bacterium which is capable of utilizing one of the most abundant gas in atm for one metabolic path way and can not utilize second most abundant gas in atm for another metabolic path way is 1) Azotobacter 2) Clostridium 3) E.coli 4) Xanthomonas 5. What would happen if a mRNA coding for a polypeptide chain of 60 amino acids, 30 th codon is mutated to UAG from UAU 1) A poly peptide with 30 A A is formed 2) A poly peptide with 29 A A is formed Sri Chaitanya Page 1 Vijayawada

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SUB : BOTANY (ON 2ND YEAR) Max.Marks : 160

1. Respiration is totally absent in1) Rhizobium 2) Chlorella 3) Bacteriophage 4) E.coli

2. Study the following regarding krebs cycle

Name of reaction Substrate Product1)Decarboxylation Ketoglutaric acid Succinic acidII) Cleavage Succinyl co entyme-A Succinic acidIII) Oxidation –III Succinic acid Fumaric acidIV) Oxidation – I Oxalo succinic acid Isocitric acidIdentify the correct combination1)I, II, III & IV 2) II & III only 3) II, III & IV only 4) I & IV only

3. Total number of ATP produced during complete oxidation of 1 Mol of DHAP is1) 18 2) 19 3) 17 4) 16

4. A bacterium which is capable of utilizing one of the most abundant gas in atm for one metabolic path way and can not utilize second most abundant gas in atm for another metabolic path way is1) Azotobacter 2) Clostridium 3) E.coli 4) Xanthomonas

5. What would happen if a mRNA coding for a polypeptide chain of 60 amino acids, 30th codon is mutated to UAG from UAU1) A poly peptide with 30 A A is formed 2) A poly peptide with 29 A A is formed3) A poly peptide with 60 A A is formed 4) A poly peptide with 59 A A is formed

6. In Eukaryotes which part of a gene is transcribed but not translated is1) Cistron 2) Intron 3) Exon 4) Operator

7. Connecting link between Glycolysis & krebs cycle is a precursor forI) Auxin II) G.A III) Ethylene IV) ABA1) I & IV 2) II & IV 3) II & III 4) III & IV

8. The micro essential element required for the biosynthesis of IAA is

1) Fe 2) Zn 3) 4) Mg

9. Reverse transcriptase is1) DNA dependent DNA polymerase 2) DNA dependent RNA polymerase 3) RNA dependent RNA polymerase 4) RNA dependent DNA polymerase

10. Genetic code determines1) Sequence of amino acids in a proteins 2) Sequence of genes in a chromosome3) Structural pattern of an organism 4) No. of variations in an offspring

11. Enzyme Hexokinase can be inhibited by1)Fructose 2) Glucose

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3) Glucose-6-phosphate 4) Fructose-6-phosphate12. Formation of gas bubbles in a xylem vessel is known as

1) Cavitation 2) Embolism 3) Ascent of sap 4) Transpirational pull13. Assertion (A): Higher plants can absorb nitrogen from the soil in the form of Nitrate

alsoReason (R): All prokaryotes can convert dinitrogen into ammonia1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A 2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

14. 8 Mol of aldolase enzyme and substrate molecules are taken in a test rube. After 10 min 2400 mol of products are formed. What is the TON of aldolase enzyme1) 30 2) 45 3) 90 4) 15

15. The excess amount of energy utilized by a plant than the plant in the production of

one glucose mol is1) 686 K.Cal 2) 273.6 K.Cal 3) 91.2 K.Cal 4) 56 K.Cal

16. Which of the following is not related to the compound that acts as a substrate for last oxidation in krebs cycleI) It is a product of decarboxylation in krebs cycleII) It is an osmotically active in guard cells

III) It undergoes oxidative decarboxylation in bundle sheath cells of plants

IV) In CAM plant mesophyll cells this compound is stored in vacuoles during night time1) I only 2) All except 3) Except I & IV 4) I & II only

17. Assertion (A): Antibiotic resistant genes in a cloning vector acts as a selectable markersReason (R): Selectable markers are useful in selecting the transformed cells1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A 2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

18. Assertion (A): R Q value for fats is less than 1Reason (R): The proportion of oxygen atoms to carbon atoms is very less when compared to carbohydrates 1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A 2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

19. Assertion (A): RNA is not suitable as a genetic material when compared to DNAReason (R): OH group present in second carbon in ribose sugar makes RNA more reactive and makes it unstable.1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A 2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

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20. Assertion (A): The large holes in swiss cheese are due to production of large amount of

Reason (R): Swiss cheese is produced by using saccharomyces1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A 2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

21. Girdling experiments can not be performed in monocots (like sugar cane) due to1) Scattered vascular bundles 2) Cu path way3) Krant anatomy 4) It can not tolerate injury

22. When a cell is kept in 0.5 M sucrose solution, its volume does not change. If the same cell is placed in 0.5 M NaCl solution, the volume of the protoplast1) Increases 2) No change 3) Decreases4) Initially increases and later no change

23. Critical concentration of an essential element is1) Concentration of an element below which growth is retarded2) Concentration of an element below which growth is enhanced3) Concentration of an element below which plant remains in vegetative phase4) Concentration Of an element at which plant enters in flowering stage

24. Assertion (A): Deficiency symptoms of Ca & S first appears in younger tissues.Reason (R): Ca & S are not a part of structural component of the cell.1) A and R are true R is correct explanation to A2) A and R are true R is not correct explanation to A3) A is true R is false 4) A is false R is true

25. A chlorella cell is kept at 300 ppm Co2 conc what will happen to it1) Plant will die soon 2) Plant will neither grow nor die3) Plant will show normal photosynthesis 4) Respiration will be greatly decreased

26. Growth represented in linear curve can be calculated by using the formula

1) 2) 3) 4)

27. Highly selective transport is1) Simple diffusion 2) Facilitated diffusion 3) Active transport 4) Both 2 & 3

28. Which of the following is a redifferentiated tissue1) Wood 2) vascular cambium 3) Inter vascular cambium 4) cork cambium

29. The most commonly used cloning vector in the transfer of gene into plant cell is1) Ti plasmid 2) PBR 322 3) PUC 19 4) PUC 201

30. A ds DNA with 30 helices transcribes an mRNA, which translates a polypeptides chain, the number .of translocations involved if 5 ribosomes are attached to mRNA1) 495 2) 490 3) 500 4) 1500

31. Down stream process includes steps1) After Biosynthesis 2) Before biosynthesis

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3) During biosynthesis 4) After separation

32. In Lac operon inducer is1) lactose 2) Allolactose 3) Transacetalase 4) Galactose

33. RNA interference is1) Inactivation of mRNA after translation 2) Inactivation of mRNA before translation3) Activation of mRNA after translation 4) Activation of mRNA after translation

34. In gene amplification process in PCR primers are 1) Short ds DNA 2) Short ds RNA 3) Short ss DNA 4) Short ss RNA

35. Match the following variety with their respect crops Variety CropA) Pusa swarnim I. OkraB) Pusa sadabahar II. ChilliC) Pusa sawani III. BrassicaD) Pusa snowball k 1 IV. Cauliflower


36. Which of the following varieties are developed by mutation breeding1) Resistance to yellow mosaic Virus in mungbean2) Resistance to yellow mosaic virus in bhindi3) Pusa Gaurav 4) Pusa sem 2

37. Vitamin ‘C’ enriched vegetable among the following is1) garden peas 2) spinach 3) bathua 4) pumpkin

38. Virus free sugar cane plants can be produced from virus infected sugar cane plants by1) Embryo culture 2) Anther culture3) ovule culture 4) shoot apical meristem culture

39. The law of independent assortment states that :

1) In fertilization , the combining of sperm and eggs is random.

2) In meiosis, crossing over creates genetically diverse gametes

3) In any dihybrid cross, it is possible to get any combination of phenotypes.

4) During gametes formation, gene pairs are transmitted independently of each other

40. A plant of unknown genotype with yellow seeds and purple flowers is crossed to a plant with

green seeds and white flowers. The offspring all have yellow seeds, but some have purple

flowers and some have white flowers what is the genotype of yellow seeded, purple flowered

parental plant ?

1) YyPp 2) Yypp 3) YYpp 4) YYPp

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ZOOLOGY41. Assertion (A): Bile is essential for the digestion of lipids

Reason (R): Bile juice contain enzymes like bilirubin and biliviridin1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 2) Both A and R are true R is not correct explanation of A3) A is true but R is false 4) Both A and R wrong

42. Crypts of lieberkuhn secrete1) gastric juice 2) pancreatic juice 3) bile juice 4) succus entericus

43. Incorrect one of the following is1) parietal cells – HCl 2) peptic cells – pepsinogen3) neck cells – mucus 4) chief cells – intrinsic factor

44. Kupffer cells are found in1) blood 2) heart 3) kidney 4) liver

45. Correct one of the following regarding respiratory capacities is1) FRC = ERV+RV 2) VC = IC – ERV 3) IC = ERV+VC 4) EC = IC-ERV

46. Respiratory rhythm centre is present in this part of brain1) cerebral hemispheres 2) cerebellum 3) diencephalon 4) medulla oblongata

47. A respiratory disorder in which respiratory surface is decreased is1) asthma 2) emphysema 3) cirrhosis 4) silicosis

48. Which of the following ions play important role in blood clotting1) Mg 2) Na 3) K 4) Ca

49. Action potentials are generated at maximum frequency1) bundle of his 2) Purkinje fibres 3) SAN 4) Ventricles

50. This one is used during haemodialysis to prevent blood coagulation1) Warfarin 2) Haemolysin 3) Heparin 4) Hirudin

51. Which of the following occur in epithelium of Bowman’s capsule1) Nephrocytes 2) Podocytes 3) Neural cells 4) Protonephridia

52. Atrial Natriuretic Factor (ANF)1) Causes vasodialation 2) increases blood pressure3) decreases GFR 4) activates renin

53. Match the following regarding excretory system and choose correct oneColumn – I Column – IIA) JG cells 1) VasodilatorB)Hypothalamus 2) VasoconstrictorC) Angiotensin – II 3) VasopressinD) ANF 4) Renin1) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 2) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-43) A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4 4) A-2, B-1, C-4, D-3

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Sr MEDICON EAMCET GRAND TEST Date : 30-10-1354. Isotropic band of a muscle cell contain

1) actin 2) myosin 3) M line 4) sacromere

55. In man vertebrochondral ribs are1) 3 pairs 2) 12 pairs 3) 2 pairs 4) 7 pairs

56. Wild contractions in a muscle due to low is

1) gout 2) tetany 3) arthritis 4) osteoporosis57. Scotopic vision is the function of

1) rods 2) cones 3) pupil 4) iris58. Part of ear has hair cells that acts as auditory receptors is

1) basilar membrane 2) tympanum 3) stapes 4) otolith organ59. Assertion (A): Organ of corti rests on tectorial membrane

Reason (R): It helps to maintain equilibrium of body1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 2) Both A and R are true R is not correct explanation of A3) A is true but R is false 4) Both A and R wrong

60. Match the following and choose correct one Column - I Column - IIA)Addison’s disease 1. PituitaryB) Tetany 2. ThyroidC) Acromegaly 3. Adrenal cortexD) Myxoedema 4. Parathyroid1) A-3, B-2, C-1, D-4 2) A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 3) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 4) A-3, B-4, C-2, D-1

61. PTH is1) hyperglycemic hormone 2) hypoglycemic hormone3) hypocalcemic hormone 4) hypercalcemic hormone

62. Secretin acts on the1) liver 2) stomach 3) pancreas 4) small intestine

63. Find the odd one out1) parathyroid – tetany 2) pancreas – diabetis insipidus3) adrenal cortex – Cushings syndrome 4) thyroid – goitre

64. Androgens are synthesized inside the testes in1) Interstitial cells 2) Sertoli cells 3) Follicles 4) Seminiferous tubules

65. Match the items of column – I with those in column - II Column - I Column - IIA)Inguinal canal 1. Network of seminiferous tubulesB) Rete testis 2. Secondary sexual charactersC) Leydig cells 3. For descending testisD) Prepuce 4. Dorsal bundles of musclesE) Corpora cavernosa 5. Terminal skin of penis1) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-5, E-4 2) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2, E-5

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3) A-2, B-4, C-3, D-5, E-1 4) A-3, B-1, C-2, D-5, E-4

66. The following hormone acts on anterior pitutary gland and helpful in release of FSH and LH after the age of puberty1) ACTH 2) TSH 3) GnRH 4) GnTH

67. Assertion (A): As long as the mother breast – feeds the child fully, chances of conception are almost nil.

Reason (R): Lactational amenorrhea can be seen during the period of intense lactation following parturition1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 2) Both A and R are true R is not correct explanation of A3) A is true but R is false 4) Both A and R wrong

68. Vaults prevent conception by 1) Phagocytosis of sperms 2) Releasing hormones3) Killing Ovum 4) Blocking the entry of sperms

69. Which of the following organisms causes the sexual disease syphilis1) Neisseria gonorrhoeae 2) Treponema pallidum3) Pasteurella pestis 4) Clostrodium botulinum

70. Each antibody is made up of1) Two peptide chains 2) Three peptide chains3) Four peptide chains 4) Six peptide chains

71. Humoral immune response is mediated by1) T lymphocytes 2) Antibodies 3) Neutrophils 4) Interferons

72. rDNA technology is used in developing vaccines against1) Tetanus 2) Polio 3) Small pox 4) Hepatitis B

73. The type of immunoglobulin present in the colostrums secreted by mammary glands is1) Ig A 2) Ig O 3) Ig D 4) Ig E

74. The full form of HGP is1) Human Genome project 2) Human Gene profile3) Human Genome programme 4) Human Genomic process

75. DNA finger printing can resolve1) Identification of a person 2) Paternity dispute3) Maternity dispute 4) All of the above

76. Haemophilia is due to mutation in1) X and Y – chromosomes 2) Y-chromosome 3) X-chromosome 4) autosomal chromosome

77. Which of the following is not a hereditary disease1) Sickle cell anemia 2) Thalassemia 3) Cretinism 4) Cystic fibrosis

78. Who is known as founder of theory of catastrophism ?1) Oparin 2) Haldane 3) G cuvier 4) Darwin

79. Darwin proposed the theory of

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1) inheritance of acquired characters 2) natural selections 3) recapitulation 4)continuity of germplasm

80. A group of animals related by descent and similar in appearance, configuration is1) Genus 2) Species 3) Breed 4) Class

PHYSICS81. A source of unknown frequency gives 4 beats/s, When sounded with a source of known

frequency 250 Hz. The second harmonic of source of unknown frequency gives five beats per second when sounded with a source of frequency 513 Hz. The unknown frequency is1) 254 Hz 2) 246 Hz 3) 240 Hz 4) 260 Hz

82. A source of sound is travelling towards a stationary observer. The frequency of sound heard by the observe is 25% more than that actual frequency. If the speed of sound is ‘V’, that of source is

1) 2) 3) 4)

83. A sonometer wire of length 1.5 m is made of steel. The tension in it produce an elastic strain 1%. What is the fundamental frequency of steel if density and elasticity of steel are and respectively1) 188.5 Hz 2) 178.2 Hz 3) 200.5Hz 4) 770 Hz

84. A magnet is parallel to uniform magnetic field. The work done in rotating magnet through is . The work done in rotating through another is1) 2) 3) 4)

85. Two converging lenses ‘A’ and ‘B’ have focal lengths in the ratio 2:1. The radius of curvature of first surface of lens ‘A’ is 1/4th of second surface where as the radius of curvature of first surface of lens ‘B’ is twice that of second surface. Then the ratio between the radii of first surfaces of A and B is1) 5 ; 3 2) 3 : 5 3) 1 : 2 4) 5 : 6

86. A ray of light is incident normally on one of face of prism of angle and refractive index . The angle of deviation will be1) 2) 3) 4)

87. When a light incident on a medium at an angle of incidence ‘I’ and refracted into a second medium at angle of refraction ‘r’, the graph of sin I and sin r is as shown in diagram, then the critical angle for the two media is

1) 2) 3) 4)

88. The focal lengths of objective and eye piece of a microscope are 1 cm and 5 cm respectively. If the magnifying power for the relaxed eye is 45, the length of microscope


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1)30 cm 2) 25 cm 3) 15 cm 4) 12 cm89. The frequency of oscillation of a magnet at a place is 8Hz. When it is remagnetised so that pole strength becomes 6 times the initial value and placed at a place where horizontal magnetic field is twice that of initial place, the new frequency of oscillation is

1)16Hz 2) 3) 4) 4 Hz

90. Statement (A) :Intensity of all bright diffraction fringes is not same Statement (B) : The minima of a diffraction pattern are not perfectly dark.

1)A is false and B is true 2) A is true but ‘B’ is false3) Both A and B are true 4) Both ‘A’and ‘B’ are false

91. Unpolarised light of intensity 32 passes through three polarisers such that the

transmission axis of last polariser is crossed with first. If the intensity of emerging light

is , the angle between the axes of first two polarisers is

1) 2) 3) 4) zero

92. If be the angles of dip observed in two vertical planes at right angles to each

other and be true angle of dip, then.

1) 2)

3) 4)

93.In young’s double slit experiment, the fringes are displaced by a distance ‘x’, When a glass plate of refractive index 1.5 is introduced in the path of one of beans. When this

plate is replaced by another plate of same thickness, The shift of fringes is x. The

refractive index of second plate is1) 1.75 2) 1.50 3) 1.25 4) 1.00

94. When a light of wave length and photon energy 2ev falls on a metal surface, electrons are emitted with maximum speed V. If the wave length is decreased by 25%, the maximum speed of emitted electron becomes 2V. The work function is1) 2.4ev 2) 1.78ev 3) 4.2ev 4) 3.6ev

95. The magnetic susceptibility of a material of a rod is 499. Permeability of Vacuum is

. The absolute permeability of the rod in Henry/m is

1) 2) 3) 4)

96. As the electron in Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom passes from state n = 2 to n = 1, then KE (k) and PE (U) change as1) K two – fold, U also two fold 2) K four fold, U also four fold3) K four fold and U two fold 4) K tow fold and U four fold

97. The work functions of metals A and B in the ratio 1:2. If the light of frequencies f and 2f are incident on metal surface of A and B respectively, the ratio of maximum kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted is (f is greater than threshold frequency of A and 2f is greater than threshold frequency of B)10 1:1 2) 1:2 3) 1:3 4) 1:4

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Sr MEDICON EAMCET GRAND TEST Date : 30-10-1398. The number of half life periods elapsed before which 93.75% of radioactive sample has

decayed1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5

99. 1 gm of hydrogen is converted into 0.993 gm of Helium in a Thermonuclear reaction. The energy released is

1) 2) 3) 4)

100. For a transistor to work as an amplifier1) Its emitter Junction is in reverse bias and collector Junction is in forward bias2) The transistor must have breakdown region3) Its emitter Junction is in forward bias and collector Junction is in reverse bias4) Its emitter and collector Junctions are in forward bias

101. The output (X) of the logic circuit shown in figure will be

1) 2) 3) 4)

102. Assertion (A): The maximum range of coverage by the ground wave propagation is limited up to a few M Hz.

Reason (R):The attenuation of ground wave increases very rapidly with frequency1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 2) Both A and R are true R is not correct explanation of A3) A is true but R is false 4) Both A and R wrong

103. Two charges 12 and - 6 are separated by a distance of 20 cm. The net electric

potential is zero on the line joining them

1) At a distance of 6.7 cm from - 6 in between the changes

2) At a distance of 0.2 m from - 6 outside the changes

3) Both of the above 4) None of the above

104. The electric field in a region of space is given by . The electric flux due to this

field through an area lying YZ plane, in Si units, is

1) 10 2) 20 3) 4)

105. If the effective capacity between x and y is ‘c’ in the given circuit, the capacity of condenser ‘P’ is

1)1C 2) 2C 3) 3C 4) 4C

106. If an electron revolves in the circular path of radius at a frequency of

cycles/sec, the equivalent electric current is1) 0.4mA 2) 0.8mA 3) 1.2mA 4) 1.6mA

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Sr MEDICON EAMCET GRAND TEST Date : 30-10-13107. When a resistor of 11 ohm is connected in series with an electric cell the current flowing

in it is 0.5A. Instead, when a resistor of 5 ohm is connected to the same electric cell in series, the current increases by 0.4A. The internal resistance of cell is1) 1.5 2) 2.5 3) 2 4) 3.5

108. When an unknown resistance and a resistance 6 are connected in the left and right gaps of a meter bridge, the balancing point is obtained at 50 cm. If 3 resistance is connected in parallel to resistance in right gap, balance point1) Decreases by 25 cm 2) Increases by 25 cm3) Decreases by 16.7 cm 4) Increases by 16.7 cm

109. In an experiment to determine the internal resistance of a cell with potentiometer, the balancing length is 165 cm. When a resistance of 5 ohm is joined in parallel with the cell the balancing length is 150 cm. The internal resistance of the cell is1) 2.2 ohm 2) 1.1 ohm 3) 3.3 ohm 4) 0.5 ohm

110. Match the following List – I List – IIa)Fleming’s left hand rule e) direction of induced currentb) Right hand thumb rule f) Magnitude and direction of magnetic

inductionc) Biot savart’s law g) Direction of force due to magnetic

inductiond) Fleming’s right hand rule h) direction of magnetic lines due to current1) a-g, b-e, c-f, d-h 2) a-g, b-h, c-f, d-e 3) a-f, b-h, c-g, d-e 4) a-h, b-g, c-e, d-f

111. A proton, a deuteron and an -particle whose kinetic Energies are same enter at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. The ratio of the radii of their circular paths is

1) 2) 3) 1:2:1 4) 2:2:1

112. To convent a 800mv range voltmeter of resistance 40 into a milli ammeter of 100mA range, the resistance to be connected as shunt is1) 10 2) 5 3) 2.5 4) 1

113. A circular coil of radius 2R is carrying current ‘I’. The ratio of magnetic fields at the

centre of coil and at a point at a distance 6R from the centre of the coil on the axis of coil


1) 10 2) 3) 4)

114. The flux linked with a coil at any instant ‘t’ is given by . The induced

EMF at t = 3 sec is

1) -190 V 2) -10 V 3) 10 V 4) 190 V

115. A copper disc of radius 0.1 m is rotated about its natural axis with 10rps in a uniform

magnetic field of 0.1 T with its plane perpendicular to the field. The EMF induced

across the radius of the disc is

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1) V 2) V 3) V 4) V

116. A transformer has 1500 turns in the primary coil and 1125 turns in the secondary coil. If

the voltage in the primary coil is 200V, then the voltage in secondary coil is

1) 100 V 2) 150 V 3) 200 V 4) 250 V

117. An alternating current is given by I = . The rms current will be

1) 2) 3) 4)

118. In a series L-C-R circuit the voltage across resistance, capacitance and inductance is

40V, 80V, and 40V respectively. Then the voltage across A.C source is

1) 2) 3) 80 V 4)

119. For a series L-C-R circuit, The impedance of the circuit and phase

difference between voltage and current will be

1) 2) 3) 4)

120. The time varying electric and magnetic fields in space

1) Produce EM wave which is propagated with a velocity less than velocity of light

2) Do not produce EM wave

3) Produce EM wave which propagates with a velocity greater than velocity of light

4) Produce EM waves which propagates with the velocity of light


121. 0.2 percent solution of phenol is a1) Antiseptic 2) Disinfectant 3) Antibiotic 4) Antifertility drug

122. List – I List – IIA) Retinol I) ScurvyB) Nicotinamide II) XerophthalmiaC) Biotin III) ParalysisD) Ascorbic acid IV) Burning feet

V) PellagraThe correct match is


123. The water soluble carbohydrate which can’t reduce Tollen’s reagent is1) Sucrose 2) Starch 3) Cellulose 4) All

124. The alloy used to reduce nitrites or nitrates to is

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1) German silver 2) Gun metal 3) Devardas alloy 4) Aluminum Bronze125. The oxyacid of chlorine with highest Cl-O bond energy is

1) 2) 3) 4)

126. The ratio of bonds in respectively

1) 1:1 2) 1:2 3) 2 : 1 4) 2 : 3127. The slag formed in the extraction of iron from haematite is

1) 2) 3) 4)

128. Assertion (A): Rate constant increases in the presence of catalyst.Reason (R): In the presence of catalyst reaction changes from high threshold energy path to low threshold energy path1) Both A and R are true and R explains A 2) Both A and R are true but R doesn't explain A3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true

129. = 0.337V. At which concentration of its reduction potential will become

0.277v.1) 0.1 2) 0.01 3) 0.05 M 4) 0.5M

130. The coordination number of sodium metal in its lattice is1) 12 2) 8 3) 6 4) 3

131. Among the following which has lowest freezing point

1) 1.0m urea 2) 0.01 m NaCl 3) 0.01m 4) 0.1m

132. Which of the following can undergo aldol condensation but does not respond for Haloform test.

1) 2) 3) 4)

133. Among the following which will give acetic acid on oxidation with acidified ?

I) butyl alcohol II) Isopropyl alcohol III) Acetone

IV) Diethyl ether V) VI)

1) IV, V, VI 2) I, II, III 3) III, IV, V 4)All134. Which of the following is a condensation and copolymer

1) Nylon-6 2) Teflon 3) Buna-s 4) Bakelite

135. For coagulation of negatively charged , among the following electrolytes which

one is most effective

1) 2) 3) 4)

136. The complexes and can be identified by


1) I only 2) II only 3) I & III 4) I and II137. Assertion (A): Argenitite is leached with the solution of NaCN in the presence of air

Reason (R): of air oxidises to and prevents the reverse reaction

1) Both A and R are true and R explains A

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2) Both A and R are true but R doesn't explain A3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true

138. If the molar solubility of a sparingly soluble salt is ‘a’ mole/lit, then the solubility

product of is

1) 2) 3) 4)

139. The correct sequence of reactions involved in the nitration of aniline are repectively1) Acylation, nitration, hydrolysis 2) Hydrolysis, acylation, nitration3) Alkylation, hydrolysis, nitration 4) Alkylation, nitration, hydrolysis

140. Compound ‘Z’ is

1) Dimethyl ether 2) Ethyl acetate 3) Diethyl ether 4) methyl formate

141. The IUPAC name of

1) Potassium Alumino oxalate 2) Potassium trioxalato aluminate (III)3) Potassium aluminium oxalate (III) 4) Potassium trioxalato aluminate (VI)

142. In natural rubber, the isoprene units are joined by1) Head to head by 1,4 links 2) tail to tail by 1,4 links3) head to tail by 1,4 links 4) head to tail by 1,3 links

143. X-rays of wavelength equal to 0.134nm gives first order diffraction from the surface of a

crystal when the value of is .The distance between the planes in the crystal

parallel to the surface is

1) 0.368 nm 2) 0.184 nm 3) 0.726 nm 4) 0.92 nm


Correct statements among the following

I) A is II) A is

III) P is IV) P is

1) only I and III 2) only II and IV 3) only I and IV 4) only II and III145. Coloumn – I Coloumn– II

A) Natural polymer I) DextronB) Elastomers II) Nylon 6,6C) Inorganic polymers III) WoolD) Biodegradable polymers IV) Silicone rubber

V) Buna-SThe correct match is


146. Correct statements regarding 15th group elements a) Nitrogen occurs in free state in air to the extent of 80% by volume

b) bond angle in white phosphorous is

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c) Phosphorous tetrahedran polymerises to yield more inactive red phosphorous1) All 2) a, b only 3) b only 4) b, c only


Where X and Y respectively are

1) 2) 3) 4)

148. The weight ratio of Al and Ag deposited when same quantity of electricity is passed

into and Solutions is

1) 3:4 2) 1:12 3) 4:3 4) 12:1149. Which of the following crystal system has four Bravis lattices

1) Cubic geometry 2) Monoclinic geometry3) Tetragonal geometry 4) ortho rhombic geometry

150. The following graph represents a first order reaction

151. The degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte, is related to vant Hoff factor (i) by the expression

1) 2) 3) 4)

152. Correct statement is

1) Xe is hybridised in 2) Shape of is trigonal planar

3) is formed in first excited state of Xe

4) Central atom of has no lone pairs

153. Which of the following represents the correct graph for physical adsorption

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154. The reaction products follows first order kinetics. In 40 minutes the concentration of ‘X’ changes from 0.1M to 0.025M. Then the rate of the reaction when the concentration of ‘X’ is 0.01M.

1) 2) 3) 4)

155. When electrons are used in the electrolysis of a metallic salt, 1.9 gm of the metal is

deposited at the cathode. The atomic weight of the metal is 57. So the oxidation state of the metal in the salt is1) +2 2) +3 3) +1 4) +4

156. In a cubic packed structure of mixed oxides the lattice is made up of oxide ions, one fifth of tetrahedral voids are occupied by ‘X’ ions. While one half of the octahedral voids are occupied by ‘Y’ ions. Then the formula of oxide will be

1) 2) 3) 4)

157. obeys EAN rule. Value of ‘X’ is

1) 5 2) 10 3) 6 4) 4158. Which of the following is not formed when Ethanal and propanal are heated in presence

of dilute alkali1) 2 – pentenal 2) 2 – butenal 3) 2 – hexenal 4) 2 – methyl 2- butenal

159. Highest is for

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D160. Which of the following is water insoluble

1) 2) 3) 4)

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