sqlite: light, open source relational database management system

Light, Open Source RDBMS SQLite Tanner Jessel Spring 2014 IS 592 - Big Data Analytics School of Information Sciences College of Communication & Information

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Overview of SQLite benefits including compatibility with R, Python, and ability to work with converted Microsoft Access databases.


Page 1: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

Light, Open Source RDBMS


Tanner Jessel

Spring 2014IS 592 - Big Data Analytics

School of Information SciencesCollege of Communication & Information

Page 2: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

• Big Data in a Little Package– Portable, No Server– Writes directly to

common media– Cross-platform

(Mac, Windows, Linux)

What is SQLite?

Page 3: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

• Portable– Small Gadgets (Windows

Phone, Android, iOS)• (500 KB, 300 KB)

• Embeddable– Computer Applications

(Chrome, Firefox, Skype)

• Single file database – Triggers– Tables– Indices– Views

What is SQLite?

Page 4: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

• Not a full database application– No forms– No reports– No saved queries

What it is not…

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*Free* • No Server (no mess)• Command Line Interface• GUI Interface• Works with R• Works with Python• Good for students to learn advanced

SQL queries, command line interaction• Good for small database projects

Why should you be interested?

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Alter, analyze, attatch, begin, commit, create (table, trigger, view, virtual table), delete, select, insert…

SQLite Query Language

“Mostly” SQL

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“Database Interface R driver for SQLite. This package embeds the SQLite database engine in R and provides an interface compliant with the DBI package. The source for the SQLite engine (version 3.7.17) is included.”

–Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)



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Command Line Shell

$ sqlite3 myexampledbSQLite version 3.8.4 2014-02-11 16:24:34Enter ".help" for usage hints.sqlite> CREATE table tbl1(one varchar(10), two smallint);sqlite> INSERT into tbl1 values('hello!',10);sqlite> INSERT into tbl1 values('goodbye', 20);sqlite> SELECT * from tbl1;hello!|10goodbye|20sqlite>

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*Free*• Feature Rich GUI• Cross-platform– Windows – Mac– Linux– Solaris

• http://sqlitestudio.pl/

SQLite Studio

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• Rstudio Console> install.packages("RSQLite")> library(RSQLite)> dbDIR <- "/Users/apple/Documents/IS592-Big-Data-Analytics/SQLite-Presentation"> dbFileName <- paste(dbDIR,"classHOBOData2013.db3", sep="/")>drv <- dbDriver("SQLite”)>con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = dbFileName)

Connect to Data

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• Rstudio Console> allDf <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from HoboTable ")>View(allDf)

Load Data to Frame

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Pendant monitor data from SQLite database in data frame

SQLite Table Data in R Studio

15,186 rows

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obsNum serialNo recNo dateTime temperatureC Min. : 1 Length:15186 Min. : 1.0 Length:15186 Min. :14.42 1st Qu.: 3797 Class :character 1st Qu.: 422.0 Class :character 1st Qu.:23.58 Median : 7594 Mode :character Median : 844.0 Mode :character Median :23.87 Mean : 7594 Mean : 844.5 Mean :26.43 3rd Qu.:11390 3rd Qu.:1266.0 3rd Qu.:25.12 Max. :15186 Max. :1722.0 Max. :59.81 intensityLight Min. : 0.0 1st Qu.: 0.0 Median : 10.8 Mean : 2524.8 3rd Qu.: 21.5 Max. :231468.2

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Pendant monitor data from SQLite database in plot


Temperature Data

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• Rstudio Console> temperatureF <- (allDf$temperatureC * (9/5.0))+32.0

Transformation C to F

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• Rstudio Console> temperatureF <- (allDf$temperatureC * (9/5.0))+32.0> newDf <- cbind(allDf,temperatureF)> dbWriteTable(con, "newTable", newDf)

Update Data Frame

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Pendant data .db3 file now has two tables

SQLite Table Data Modified by R

15,186 rows, new TemperatureF column added

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serialNo dateTime temperatureC1 10081427 2013-06-04 12:32:30 37.8242 10081427 2013-06-04 12:32:40 37.9353 10081427 2013-06-04 12:32:50 37.9354 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:00 37.9355 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:10 38.0466 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:20 38.0467 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:30 38.4908 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:40 38.4909 10081427 2013-06-04 12:33:50 38.60210 10081427 2013-06-04 12:34:00 38.602

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Quality Assurance / Control

• Import SQLite3import sqlite3conn=sqlite3.connect('/Users/apple/Documents/IS592-Big-Data-Analytics/SQLite-Presentation/classHOBOData2013.db3')c=conn.cursor()

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Quality Assurance / Control

• Find, list “errors”• Whatever you

define them to be• > 100 F in

Antarctica, for example

c.execute('SELECT obsNum,serialNo,temperatureF FROM newTable \ WHERE temperatureF > 100 OR temperatureF < 10')

Page 21: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

Quality Assurance / Control

• Check for Errors• Nice printed

messsage with your selected “errors”

• python QAQCdemo.py

#Fetch all the query resultsmyListOfNames=c.fetchall()# print them outprintprint("Range Errors for Temperature:")

for myTuple in myListOfNames: print("obsNum: "+str(myTuple[0])+" SerialNo: "+str(myTuple[1])+" Temperature: "+str(myTuple[2]))


Page 22: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

'SELECT obsNum,serialNo,temperatureF FROM newTable WHERE temperatureF > 100 OR temperatureF < 10'

>100 F: SQLite/Python QAQC

1,538 records where the temperature was over 100 F

Page 23: SQLite: Light, Open Source Relational Database Management System

Access SQLite

Convert Access to SQLitetjessel:~ apple$ cd documentstjessel:documents apple$ cd mdb-sqlite-1.0.2/tjessel:mdb-sqlite-1.0.2 apple$ ant distBuildfile: /Users/apple/Documents/mdb-sqlite-1.0.2/build.xml


compile: [javac] /Users/apple/Documents/mdb-sqlite-1.0.2/build.xml:45: warning: 'includeantruntime' was not set, defaulting to build.sysclasspath=last; set to false for repeatable builds

dist: [one-jar] ma

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Further reading


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