springboard: 2014 careers guide

QUT Law Society Careers Guide 2014

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QUT Law Society presents 'Springboard', our annual legal Careers Guide. Featuring key dates and information for legal clerkship and graduate programs from major recruiters, Springboard is your go-to guide in taking the next step in your career.



    QUT Law Society Careers Guide 2014

  • Want the inside scoop on landing a role at Clayton Utz?Find it on Facebook! www.facebook.com/ClaytonUtzCareers


    Editor in Chief


    Chief Designers





    1st Tier

    2nd Tier

    3rd Tier

  • Contents

    Springboard 2014

    Introduction 1

    Welcome to Springboard 2

    QUTLS 3

    Articles 4

    The Summer Clerk Experience 5

    A Day in the Life of an M&A/ECM Lawyer 6

    Graduate Program at Clayton Utz 7

    Top Ten Tips for Graduate Success 8

    QUT's Practical Legal Training 'A' Team 1 0

    QUT Practical Legal Training 11

    Confessions of a Mid-Tier Lawyer 1 2

    Minter Ell ison Clerkship Program 1 3

    Firms 1 7

    Allens 1 8

    Ashurst 20

    Clayton Utz 22

    Corrs Chambers Westgarth 24

    DLA Piper 26

    Herbert Smith Freehil ls 28

    Hopgood Ganim 30

    K & L Gates 32

    King & Wood Mallesons 34

    Maurice Blackburn 36

    McCullough Robertson 38

    Minter Ell ison 42

    Norton Rose Fulbright 44

    Thomsons Lawyers 46

    Arnold Bloch Leibler 48

    Barry.Nilsson.Lawyers 50

    Carter Newell Lawyers 51

    Clarke Kann 52










    Allen & Overy

    Clifford Chance

    Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

    Hogan Lovell's

    Mayer Brown JSM

    Pinsett Masons

    Slaughter & May

    Simmons & Simmons91

    Cooper Grace Ward 53

    Gilbert + Tobin 56

    Gadens Lawyers 57

    Gilshenan & Luton Lawyers 58

    Hall & Wilcox Laywers 59

    Harmers Workplace Lawyers 60

    Harwood Andrews Lawyers 61

    Henry Davis York 62

    Herbert Greer 63

    Holding Redlich 64

    Hunt & Hunt 65

    HWL Ebsworth 67

    MacDonells 68

    Maddocks 69

    McInnes Wilson 70

    McMahon Clarke 71

    Mil ls Oakley Lawyers 72

    Mull ins Lawyers 73

    Piper Alderman 74

    Quinlan Mil ler & Treston 75

    Quinn & Scattini 76

    Rodgers Barnes & Green 77

    Shine Lawyers 78

    Sparke Helmore Lawyers 79

    Tri lby Misso 80

  • Springboard 2014








    1 00

    1 01

    1 02

    1 03

    1 04

    1 05

    1 08

    1 09






    Deutsche Bank

    Ernst & Young

    Grant Thornton

    Pitcher Partners


    Macquarie Group

    Moore Stephens


    Pricewaterhouse Coopers



    11 0

    Public Sector 111

    Attorney Generals Department 11 2

    AusAID 11 3

    Austral ian Competition and Consumer Commission 11 4

    Austral ian Customs & Border Protection 11 5

    Austral ian Government Solicitor 11 6

    Austral ian National Audit Office 11 7

    Austral ian Prudential Regulation Authority 11 8

    ASIC 11 9

    Austral ian Security Intel l igence Organisation 1 20

    Austral ian Security Intel l igence Service 1 21

    Austral ian Taxation Office 1 22

    ComCare 1 23

    Crown Law 1 24

    Dept. of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry 1 25

    Dept. of Communications 1 26

    Austral ian Signals Directorate 1 27

    Dept. of The Environment 1 28

    Dept. of Social Services 1 29

    Dept. of Finance and Deregulation 1 30

    Dep. of Foreign Affairs and Trade 1 31

    Dept. of Health 1 32

    Dept. of Human Services 1 34

    Dept. of Infrastructure and Regional Development 1 35

    Dept. of Justice and Attorney-General 1 36

    Dept. of Industry 1 37

    Queensland Treasury 1 38

    Not-For-Profit 1 39

    Amnesty International 1 41

    Arts Law Centre of Austral ia 1 42

    Austral ian Human Rights Commission 1 43

    Austral ian Institute of International Affairs 1 44

    Bayside Community Legal Centre 1 45

    Caxton Legal Centre 1 46

    Community Legal Centre 1 47

    Court Network 1 48

    Environmental Defenders Office 1 49

    Pine Rivers Community Centre 1 51

    Prisoners' Legal Service 1 52

    Queensland Council for Civi l Liberties 1 53

    Refugee and Immigration Legal Service 1 55

    Tenant's Union Queensland 1 56

    Women's Legal Service 1 57

    Youth Advocacy Centre 1 58

    Legal Aid (Queensland) 1 50




    Welcome to Springboard, the 2014 QUT Law Society Careers Guide.

    Springboard is your roadmap to success; within these pages lies all the key information you need for the next stage of your journey as a legal professional.

    Legal education gives you the opportunity to excel in many diverse and challenging areas of industry.

    In these pages we aim to offer a snapshot of these opportunities, showing you what is available, what you need to do, and who to talk to.

    Springboard contains profiles of most major public and private-sector employees, all in one place, to give you the edge in the job market.

    QUT Law Society wishes you all the best for your future endeavours - now get out there and make it happen!

    Within these profiles you will find information on firm culture, contact details information on firm culture, contact details

  • 3QUT Law Society is a non-for-profit organisation

    formed to assist Law Students in getting the most out of

    their experiences at university. QUT Law Society rather

    aims to work within the corporate and academic world

    to assist students with all the rigours that come with

    legal education. To do this, we hold a variety of

    events in conjunction major corporate firms to give

    students the opportunity to be exposed to a wide

    variety of experiences to help develop personal and

    professional skills.

    QUT Law Society comprises four key portfolios:

    Activities, Competitions, Education, and Communications.


    The activities portfolio handles all of the social events

    that the QUTLS offers. This team organises events such

    as the Meet the Profession Evening, the Law Dinner,

    and the crowd favourite the Law Ball. The activities

    portfolio also handles all sports teams, external sports

    competitions, and inter-university events, such as the

    QUT vs UQ Soccer and Rugby grudge matches. QUTLS

    encourages and strongly recommends that all students

    get involved in some aspect of this exciting portfolio, to

    encourage the development of a healthy social life, and to

    promote personal well-being.


    QUT Law Socety offers a range of legal and academic

    competitions across the year. Our competitions portfolio

    has an extensive range of mooting opportunities to

    enable students to flex their legal muscles outside of

    the academic setting. These include a Torts moot, a

    Contract Law moot, an International Law moot, an

    Arbitration moot, an Intellectual Property Moot, a

    Family Law moot, a Constitutional Law moot as well as

    many other moots for a variety of disciplines.

    Alongside this, there are competitions that students

    can participate in to qualify for a spot in the

    Australian Law Students Association national competitions

    held each year.


    The education portfolio deals with all aspects of

    education and development within the QUTLS. Education

    is a diverse portfolio, dealing with all matters relating

    to education, equity and wellbeing, careers, social

    justice, and Indigenous issues. The education

    portfolio manages all educational and professional

    events and workshops in conjunction with corporate

    sponsors. These workshops include resume writing

    sessions, interview tips, and research tips, amongst


    The Education portfolio also organises the Walk for

    Justice, the Indigenous Breakfast, and works in

    conjunction with the activities portfolio on the Meet the

    Profession Evening.


    The Communications portfolio (formerly Publications)

    is primarily concerned with all things communication.

    This includes management of the website, Facebook,

    and promotional activities in conjunction with all other

    portfolios. The communications portfolio also

    releases three periodical publications: the Careers Guide,

    a fortnightly newsletter and a bi-annual publication

    aimed at law students.

    Our Communications portfolio is undergoing some major

    changes this year, and welcomes aspiring writers to

    contribute to the newsletter and bi-annual publications.

    The newsletter is primarily designed to be a light-hearted

    update on evens in the law school. To contribute, keep your

    articles under 500 words and feel free to include any

    smaller pictures to include with your majestic words.

    The larger publication, our bi-annual magazine, is a

    more serious affair. This is where you get to show

    off your Hemmingway-esque wordsmithing. For the

    most part no topic is off limits, but stay away from

    anything generally deemed offensive or discriminatory.

    To contribute, send your >1,000-word page of

    distilled genius to [email protected].

  • Articles

  • Will Barker

    I remember applying for seasonal clerkships, spending time browsing law firm websites to identify the employer that would best fit my skills and aspirations. Most firms advertise themselves with the same buzz words: leading law firm, we advise on complex and critical matters, we deliver commercial solutions, and so on. Lets be honest, a lot of the marketing materials tend to look pretty similar.

    The truth is that if you work at any of Australias large law firms you will meet clever people working on deals that appear in the pages of the daily papers. What sets Ashurst apart?

    I was drawn to Ashurst by its depth of international expertise. Ashurst is a top 30 global firm with 28 offices in 16 countries. Many of the lawyers you interact with on a daily basis speak a foreign language and have experience working in multiple overseas jurisdictions. The firm is globally integrated. In the Brisbane office you can expect to work with colleagues in Asian offices on cross-border transactions. Graduates are offered the opportunity to undertake rotations in Hong Kong, Jakarta, Singapore or Tokyo. During my time with the firm I have seen junior lawyers head to each of these cities, as well as London and Port Moresby. As far as I can tell, for young Australians who wish to engage with Asia, working at a firm that was recently voted one of the top three in the region is a pretty good place to start.

    Australia Belgium China France Germany Hong Kong SAR Indonesia (associated office) Italy Japan Papua New Guinea Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Sweden United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America


    The Summer Clerk experience

  • Clayton Utz


    Springboard 2014

    For those that aren't aware:

    M&A stands for mergers and acquisitions which relates to

    sale and purchase of assets, businesses and companies;

    ECM stands for equity capital markets which relates to

    companies managing their share (equity) capital , most

    commonly through issuing prospectuses to raise money

    from the public.

    In short, the primary function of M&A/ECM lawyers is to

    help companies raise and spend money. Clayton Utz

    Brisbane's experience includes:

    Initial public offers and ASX listings - including

    Bil labong, Wotif.com, NEXTDC, Transpacific Industries,

    Virgin Blue Airl ines, Mastermyne, the Asia Pacific Data

    Centre Group, Onthehouse.com.au, Westside Corporation

    and UniTAB.

    Secondary capital raisings - including Bank of

    Queensland Limited, NEXTDC Limited, Transpacific

    Industries Limited and HFA Holdings Limited.

    Mergers and acquisitions - including for Shadforth

    Financial Group in its acquisition of Snowball Austral ia (to

    form SFG Austral ia), Hastings Deering in its acquisition of a

    company from US-based Caterpil lar and The Rock Building

    Society in its merger with MyState Limited.

    The role of M&A/ECM lawyers

    An important task performed by junior M&A lawyers at

    Clayton Utz is to analyse ownership aspects of a target

    asset, business or company, often while teams in other

    practice areas perform analysis from their perspective (a

    process known as 'due dil igence'). The end game of due

    dil igence is to try to assist your cl ient to pay (when acting

    for the buyer) or receive (when acting for the seller) a price

    that reflects the value of the target and to identify any risks

    to the transaction. As M&A lawyers gain experience, they

    wil l move into managing the other practice groups working

    on the transaction, documenting the transaction, managing

    stakeholders (such as the client, investment banks, share

    registries, other lawyers and regulators) and, eventual ly,

    assisting with strategic decision-making.

    As a junior Clayton Utz ECM lawyer, you wil l often be

    called on to verify that the cl ient has a reasonable basis for

    each statement it makes about its shares in a prospectus it

    releases when undertaking an IPO or seeking additional

    funds (known as 'prospectus verification'). As ECM

    lawyers gain more experience they might be called on to

    draft a prospectus, attend due dil igence meetings, manage

    other stakeholders and assisting cl ients with structuring

    and strategy.

    Other general day-to-day tasks include providing advice on

    discrete aspects of a cl ient's business or on corporate

    governance or tax questions, monitoring announcements

    by clients and their competitors and dealing with regulators

    including ASX, ASIC, APRA and FIRB.

    Why do M&A/ECM law?

    This area of law is demanding as the stakes are high and

    the product of your work is often out there (in documents

    given to ASX and ASIC) for the public to see. You wil l be

    challenged to quickly grasp complex legal, commercial and

    financial issues in businesses and areas of law you aren't

    famil iar with, and there is no hiding from the fact that you

    wil l be called on to put in late nights.

    However, I find these challenges actual ly provide the most

    rewarding aspects of the work, including the sense of

    camaraderie that the high pressure environment forges.

    You get a first-hand perspective of how companies operate

    and you can learn technical ski l ls (l ike valuing assets) and

    soft ski l ls (l ike teamwork and project management).

    A Day in the Life of an M&A/ECM Lawyer

    John Whitehill

    M & A Lawyer

  • 7Springboard 2014

    When graduating law school, it may feel to some like the end

    of a long journey, but real ly it is only the beginning. A career in

    the legal profession is an exciting and rewarding journey, ful l of

    opportunity and perpetual learning. There is a myriad of

    reasons why there is no better way to start such a journey than

    as a graduate at Clayton Utz.

    The graduate program at Clayton Utz is a 2 year program that

    fosters junior lawyers' development through several training

    initiatives. Graduates complete three 8 month placements and

    their development is further supplemented by an array of

    professional development programs, intensive research

    training and group specific inductions. These initiatives are

    designed to help graduates transition from a student mental ity

    into the working environment of a law firm and provide an

    essential platform for junior lawyers to successful ly launch

    their careers. Training sessions are presented by some of

    Austral ia's top commercial lawyers and corporate advisors and

    provide graduates with invaluable advice and knowledge.

    As Austral ia's leading independent law firm, Clayton Utz has

    lawyers around the country with diverse and broad-ranging

    legal experience, across a range of industry sectors. The 8

    month placements take place in a variety of practice groups

    across the firm enabling graduates to take their time deciding

    exactly where their passion in law lies. In every rotation a

    graduate has a buddy and a mentor to ensure that their

    development is supported to the greatest degree.

    During the first year of the graduate program the graduates

    complete their PLT training which is run through QUT both on

    campus and in the offices of Clayton Utz. Graduates are given

    time by their practice groups to complete the course work

    which is designed to complement the everyday activities and

    responsibi l ities of a junior lawyer. At the end of the first year of

    the program, graduates are admitted into the legal profession

    as ful ly qualified lawyers (an exciting time to say the least).

    Clayton Utz further provides junior lawyers with the opportunity

    to develop their ski l ls through involvement in their remarkable

    pro bono program. National ly, Clayton Utz has provided over

    429,204 hours of pro bono legal assistance and representation

    since 1 997, a record for any Austral ian law firm. Junior lawyers

    are encouraged to attend various legal cl inics such as the

    Homeless Persons Legal Clinic (HPLC) and the Queensland

    Civi l and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) volunteer cl inic.

    Through attending such clinics, junior lawyers are given the

    opportunity to directly assist people in need and deal with a

    variety of legal problems, which proves to be extremely

    rewarding. Our pro bono program also allows graduates to

    strengthen and further develop key core capabil ities such as

    fi le and time management.

    One thing that a graduate wil l notice after entering ful l time

    work is how incredibly different studying a subject at university

    is compared to practicing in that area of law. They may find

    that their favourite subject might not necessari ly be their

    favourite area to practice in. Each opportunity should be

    approached with an open mind and as an opportunity to learn,

    gain experience and used to build themselves into an even

    better lawyer.

    While at times the legal profession might seem overwhelming,

    it is important for a graduate to remember just how far they

    have come. Completing a law degree is no easy feat.

    Entering the workforce being surrounded by people with over

    40 years' experience can sometimes be overwhelming and

    lead a graduate to feel they aren't fit for the profession. I f a

    graduate reaches one of these moments, it's important for

    them to reflect on where they were 5 years ago and think of al l

    the things they have learnt.

    Clayton Utz

    Graduate Program at Clayton Utz

    Mark Teys and Emma Thompson

  • Corrs


    Springboard 2014

    Leading law firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, has helped

    hundreds of graduates make the successful transition from

    study to practice.

    According to Corrs Recruitment Partner, Jeremy Horwood,

    creating a place where people love their job and their work

    is a key priority of being an employer of choice and helps

    graduates fit in quickly.

    Jeremy says Corrs goes above and beyond to give their

    graduates a head start. Fortunately, hes happy to share

    some of Corrs prized tips with QUT students.

    We asked our staff for advice to help new graduates

    navigate the challenges and enjoy the opportunities

    presented during their early working years, Jeremy said.

    Here are their 1 0 top tips to help you make the most of

    your career, wherever you choose to begin it.

    1 . Remember the basics

    Being a great lawyer is more than just being great at the

    law. I t's also being a professional who provides great

    service to cl ients and colleagues. That starts with doing the

    basics well , l ike responding promptly to phone calls and

    emails, maintaining clear and organised fi les, presenting

    your work well , del ivering when you say you wil l and

    always preserving confidential ity. The most important basic

    is to always come prepared. Bring a pen and pad to

    meetings. Listen and take notes. I t's amazing how much

    you'l l learn.

    2. Keep learning

    University may be over, but the real learning starts now.

    The law and business are constantly changing. We need to

    stay on top and ahead of those changes. At Corrs, we

    provide a structured and ongoing professional development

    program and an enormous number of learning

    opportunities. But you also need to be prepared to drive

    your own learning. Always be alert and l isten when in

    meetings. Be curious. Find out as much as you can about

    the clients you're working for and learn about their

    industries so you can understand their needs better.

    3. You have internal and external clients

    As a grad, you'l l be asked to work for a variety of people

    including other lawyers, senior associates and partners,

    ultimately for the benefit of an end client. You should think

    of everyone you work for as a client. I f you impress your

    internal cl ients, you'l l have many more opportunities to

    impress external cl ients. So be professional. Be

    responsive. Think about how you can make life easier for

    the lawyers in your team. Make sure your work is high

    quality. And always deliver on time.

    4. Be a team player

    Teamwork is a huge part of the way we work at Corrs. We

    bring together lawyers from different practice areas, states

    and even countries, to provide an efficient and integrated

    service for our cl ients. As a grad, you wil l rotate through

    different practice areas and you'l l have an important role to

    play as part of those teams. Look for opportunities to

    contribute. I f youve finished the work assigned to you, find

    out if you can help anyone else. Also, remember to work

    with other graduates. Don't compete with them. You'l l al l be

    going through the same thing, so catch up regularly to

    share experiences.

    5. Your reputation is everything

    During your career, you wil l discover that your most

    valuable asset is your reputation. You start building your

    reputation from your first day as a graduate. So work hard.

    Its a long way to the top: Corrs top 10

    tips for graduate success

  • 9Springboard 2014

    Take care to produce quality. Always check your work

    before providing it to a lawyer or cl ient. Always keep your

    promises and deliver your work when you say you wil l . And

    if you can't, let the person expecting it know early so

    everyone can manage expectations. I f you make a

    mistake, admit it early and learn from it. Always be honest.

    6. Understand your clients needs

    Perhaps the biggest challenge you'l l face as a graduate

    lawyer is the shift from preparing assignments to creating

    commercial advice that achieves real cl ient outcomes.

    You'l l soon realise that cl ients don't want you to tel l them

    the law. They want you to tel l them how the law impacts

    their commercial objectives. And they want you to tel l them

    in a way that is clear, succinct and easy for them to use.

    So, always try to stand in the shoes of your cl ient. Think

    about what's important to them and what they are trying to


    7. Keep perspective

    The change from student to lawyer can be huge: different

    hours, different work and different challenges. I t can be

    easy to feel consumed by it al l , particularly as you wil l want

    to impress. Enthusiasm, commitment and application are

    great and the type of qualities we look for in our grads

    but, we also don't want you to become overwhelmed or

    burn out. So keep a little perspective. Think of your career

    as a marathon, not a sprint. I t's OK not to know everything

    al l at once. Work hard but also make sure you have

    interests outside work.

    8. Be positive

    There is nothing more infectious than positive energy. I t

    inspires and motivates others. People want to work with

    positive people. So always try to be positive. Don't

    complain or criticise. Take on every task with enthusiasm,

    no matter how big or small . Take an interest in other people

    and share experiences with them. Treat challenges as

    opportunities and always look for the upside. Enjoy the

    work. Have fun.

    9. Embrace opportunity

    During your career at Corrs, you wil l be presented with

    many wonderful opportunities, from the quality of work and

    clients to professional development, including studying and

    working overseas. As a graduate, every day wil l present an

    opportunity to learn, grow and contribute. Embrace all

    these with enthusiasm. Make the most of them: don't just

    do the minimum. The more you put in the more you'l l get


    1 0. Love what you do

    To be good at what you do, you have to enjoy it. To be

    great, you need to love it. Passion is a differentiator that is

    recognised by clients and colleagues alike. Passion fuels

    commitment and drives continuous improvement. And it

    makes hard work fun. So use your time as a graduate to

    explore different areas of law and find one that inspires

    you. Then commit to it, apply yourself and see where it

    takes you. You won't be disappointed.

  • QUT Practical Legal Training


    Springboard 2014

    Queensland University of Technologys practical

    legal training course offers an environment that

    simulates real-work tasks from the legal

    profession. This is complemented by real world

    lectures from experienced practitioners.

    On a weekly basis we were briefed by various

    professionals, ranging from barristers, to

    solicitors from top tier law firms; to

    representatives from various government

    organisations. This interaction was priceless and

    always provided us with the opportunity to ask

    questions outside the scope of the guest

    lecturers presentations.

    My experience over the past few months has

    been such an amazing journey. I am so grateful

    for the QUT practical legal training team and the

    energy that each and every one of them has

    contributed in guiding me to where I am today.

    The A Team as I cal l it - Al lan Chay, Liz Clark,

    Craig Smith, Kaylene Matheson, Susan Blunt,

    Jul ie Pastel las, Deborah Day, Christine Wil l iams

    and Irene Wiseman. Each and every team

    member mentioned is an absolute asset and

    credit to QUT, the PLT course and the legal

    profession. I t has been an honour to have been

    guided and mentored by such a fantastic team.

    They were all 1 00% committed, approachable

    and dedicated in developing fit and proper


    The A Team constantly conveyed to us that we

    are unique individuals; we have a purpose and

    we can make a change. They are truly a league

    of their own. I can say that in al l my years at

    uni, I have never come across a team that have

    my interests and my colleagues interests

    continuously at heart. I recommend this course

    to future colleagues, who desire a stimulating

    and supportive learning environment.

    I firmly believe that this course has given me the

    necessary foundations and professional

    standards required upon entering the legal


    QUT's Practical Legal Training 'A' Team

    By Graduate Katherine Steele

    Katherine Steele, QUT PLT Graduate

  • 11

    Springboard 2014

    Practically, the only choice for PLT is


    QUTs Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

    provides you with the knowledge, ski l ls,

    values and attitudes that you need to fulfi l

    the PLT requirements for admission to the

    legal profession.

    The course is flexible and offered

    throughout the year in ful l time, part time

    and online modes and it includes a four

    week placement in a law office, which we

    find for you. I f you are working in a law office

    while you are doing the course, you can

    apply for credit for this placement.

    Choose from:

    Ful l-time online or on campus (24 weeks)

    Part-time online (34 and 38 weeks)

    201 4 Courses


    Start date: Monday 23 June 201 4

    Available ful l-time on campus, ful l-time

    online and part-time online.

    201 5 courses

    JanuaryStart date: Monday 1 2 January 201 5

    Available ful l-time on campus, ful l-time

    online and part-time online.


    Start date: Monday 23 February 201 5

    Available part-time online.


    Start date: Monday 22 June 201 5

    Available ful l-time on campus, ful l-time

    online and part-time online.

    Note: Dates are subject to change.

    Apply now

    For more information about the course and

    applying, please contact Liz Clark on (07)

    31 38 2211 or [email protected].


    QUT Practical Legal Training

    Practically, the only choice for PLT is QUT

  • Thomsons Lawyers


    Springboard 2014

    I was a fresh-faced graduate, starting at a national (mid-tier) firm in Brisbane

    after finishing my undergraduate double in Law and Journalism from QUT.

    Now, several (mid-tier) firms later, I am both official ly old and sti l l firmly

    ensconced in the mid-tier. How did this happen? It has taken me a number

    of steps to come to terms with this and I have listed below some of the

    issues I have grappled with:

    Working 9-5, what a way to make a living

    I 'm a litigator which can be a dirty word in certain circles. I tried other

    areas of law when I first started my article clerkship (you heard me right, I

    was an articled clerk) but couldn't quite get the hang of it. I think that the

    key reason was that my letters were way too punchy for corporate law

    (which is al l about the loving, rather than the fighting).

    After a few years working in a commercial l itigation role, I moved to a

    special ist intel lectual property practice, where I primari ly worked on IP

    litigation. This is sti l l what I do at Thomsons, although I am now at the

    dizzying heights of Senior Associate.

    Life as a litigator can be a rol lercoaster. Sometimes, usually when you least

    expect it, it is on. Your work load increases dramatical ly. You need to buckle

    in, hang on and weather the storm. This can mean that you need to be at

    work for (far) longer than you had hoped. The fl ipside is, there can also be

    lul ls in l itigation where you can put your feet up for a well deserved break.

    I thought the work was supposed to be easier?

    Rightly or wrongly, IP has a reputation of being one of the more exciting

    areas of law. I think the reason for this is that lawyers and law students

    (again, rightly or wrongly) think deep down that they are artists or inventors.

    The work that I do can certainly be challenging. At the moment, much of my

    work relates to patent l itigation, which straddles both engineering / science

    and law. I f you ever read a patent, you'l l discover that patent attorneys

    speak (write and probably think) in an entirely different language. This

    means that you do rely on independent experts and patent attorneys to

    understand the concepts.

    I have also been involved in a number of copyright disputes, stretching from

    telephone directories, house plans, software and databases. These disputes

    can be really interesting, as many involve the overlap of technology. I have

    learnt more about how people copy and disseminate data than I ever

    thought possible!

    What do you mean no overseas secondments?

    I have been reading, I 'l l admit somewhat jealously, about overseas

    secondments. I have been overseas for work too, although I am not sure

    whether Tasmania counts. However, just because you do not work at an

    international firm does not mean that you do not get to travel (usually within

    Austral ia) or deal with overseas clients.

    One of my larger matters over the last 5 years has been a misleading

    conduct / fraud case regarding a transaction in the Middle East. This

    involved dealing with lawyers, witnesses and the client who were located in

    a time zone about 5 hours behind.

    Autonomy: you either love it or you hate it.

    Some people thrive when they are thrust into (what they think is) the deep

    end. When you work on a wide variety of matters (ranging across the

    spectrum of disputes) you are exposed to cl ients, the Court and a

    substantial amount of partner contact (perhaps more than you want!).

    IP matters can be difficult to resolve, so you do get exposed to both

    interlocutory injunctions and trials, which is fantastic experience. I f you work

    on smaller matters, it is also possible to master your nerves and appear

    before the Court in a contested application.

    This level of autonomy can be a challenge, just as it can be very rewarding.

    I thought the studying was supposed to stop. Like, actually stop.

    When I finished university, I thought that was it. No more studying for me.

    You can imagine my surprise when the partners I worked with at my

    previous firm (who I sti l l work with at Thomsons) informed me that they

    encouraged their sol icitors to complete a Masters of Laws.

    So. . . . Here I am, a l ittle over 1 0 years down the track with a Masters of Law

    safely under my belt, continuing to work hard (and sometimes, way past

    5pm), glamorously travell ing overseas (the Bass Strait is a sea, right?) and

    thoroughly enjoying the l ife of a mid-tier Senior Associate.

    Confessions of a mid-tier lawyer

    My name is Josh Henderson ... and ... I have worked at mid-tier

    law firms for over 10 years.

  • Corrs is a place that celebrates individuals. Were looking for spirited,determined graduates who think big and like doing things a little differently.In exchange for your energy and commitment well provide extraordinarylearning and work opportunities here and on the international stage.

    If you want more, visit our dedicated graduate website www.corrs.com.au/graduates



  • At Maurice Blackburn we fight for people who are up against the system; workers, families and all Australians who wouldnt otherwise have someone standing up for them.

    Our seasonal clerkships and traineeships provide you with real and practical experience in plaintiff law. If you want to become a lawyer to fight for people who deserve better, contact us to find out more.

    SPECIALISTS IN: Road accident injuRies WoRkeRs compensation medical negligenceasbestos diseases supeRannuation & insuRance claims public liability

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    fIrST PLACE.join tHe FiRm tHat FigHts FoR FaiR and make a

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    We have more than 2,000 lawyers spread

    across five continents allowing us to

    share our people, expertise, clients and

    most importantly our success. Your

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    exposure to high profile deals on an

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    Are you a visionary? Join us.

    Choosing a career at K&L Gates is selecting to be a part of a progressive and innovative law firm that continues to grow year on year. We work with market leaders across many industries in a range of exciting areas of the global economy.

    We offer you the experience of more than 2,000 lawyers across five continents. We have a one-company, one-team mentality, constantly seeking ways to add value to our clients and your career objectives.

    We look to recruit talented people, then provide the opportunities and support for them to achieve their best. Join us and you will join a team of passionate professionals dedicated to providing exceptional client service.

    Join us Graduate Program

    Applications for our Brisbane Graduate program open in August 2014.

    To apply and to find out more information about the firm, please visit our website at www.klgates.com.

    You can also follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/klgatesgraduaterecruitingaus.

    Join us on Facebook

  • Law Firms

  • Allens


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Allens is a leading international law firm, with

    partners, lawyers and corporate services employees

    across Asia and Austral ia.

    We work with many of the worlds leading

    organisations including 55 of the worlds top 1 00

    companies and more than 75 of Austral ias top 1 00

    companies. Through an integrated all iance with

    Linklaters, we provide cl ients with access to market-

    leading lawyers through a global network of 40

    offices across 29 countries.

    You might think every law firm is the same. Not quite.

    There are several important things that set us apart

    from our competitors.

    I t's our people who make us great. I t is our priority to

    ensure you are constantly challenged, recognised,

    rewarded and empowered throughout your career.

    Our environment is challenging and we expect high

    performance. We support our people at every stage

    to meet these challenges, and have created a

    collegiate, flexible and responsive environment in

    which you can succeed.

    We know youl l have interests outside work and that

    youl l want time to enjoy them. When things are busy,

    we work hard. When theyre not, we go home.

    We adopt a flexible approach to the way we work

    together that builds strong and diverse teams, and is

    one of the reasons lawyers tel l us a career at Allens

    is so rewarding. Unlike in other law firms, you wil l

    work with a range of partners and lawyers across the

    firm. You won't learn just one way of doing things, but

    wil l bui ld your skil ls and knowledge through exposure

    to many different ways.

    To meet the needs of lawyers of the future, weve

    also evolved to accommodate the ways that they

    want to practise, col laborate and advance through

    our firm. I ts about offering greater flexibi l ity, and a

    two-way career deal that rewards and promotes on

    performance, not seniority.

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    At Allens, our values are the foundation cornerstone

    of our culture. Our people want to make a difference

    not only in law and business but in the wider

    community. This passion to make a difference drives

    our Pro Bono, Charity, Footprint and Reconcil iation

    Action Plan committees' initiatives. These

    committees are comprised of a wide spectrum of

    Allens staff, who use their involvement to enrich their

    experience at the firm. We offer opportunities for

    secondments to both cl ients (including pro bono

    clients) and our international offices.

    Clerkship Program

    Whether you join us as a clerk or a law graduate,

    youl l discover a world of possibi l ities that wil l take

    you further than you ever imagined.

    We offer two clerkship programs over summer. Our

    programs run for three weeks the first starting in

    November and the second in January. Our programs


  • 19

    Springboard 2014

    coincide with most university holidays.

    You wil l work in one practice group with a range of

    different partners and lawyers. This wil l give you

    insight into the type of work we do and the clients we

    work for. Our Brisbane office has a particularly strong

    focus on natural resources, infrastructure, property

    development and corporate work.

    We are looking for law students in the penultimate

    year of their law degree to apply for clerkships.

    Graduate Program

    Law graduates spend their first two years rotating

    through two practice groups. Gaining extensive first-

    hand experience in two areas of interest can help you

    decide the area that you'd l ike to work in on a longer

    term basis. We believe that our 1 2-month rotation

    program provides a comprehensive, rather than a

    superficial , knowledge of each practice area and

    gives graduates an opportunity to develop strong

    relationships with their supervisors and other lawyers

    in the practice group.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    Students apply via our website

    www.al lens.com.au/careers and wil l need to submit a

    covering letter, a resume and their academic


    Contact Details


    (07) 3334 3051


    (07) 3334 3444

    Email: Christa Howat

    [email protected]



    Office Locations





    Numerous More


    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

    Graduate Program

    Opening: 4 August 2014

    Closing: 18 August 2014

  • Ashurst


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Ashurst is a leading global law firm. We advise

    Austral ian and international corporations, financial

    institutions and government cl ients.

    We have 28 offices in 1 6 countries including

    associated offices in Jakarta and Jeddah, and a best-

    friends referral relationship with an Indian law firm.

    With over 400 partners and 1 ,650 lawyers, we offer

    the international insight of a global network combined

    with local market knowledge and expertise.

    Our cl ients can access deep local knowledge and on-

    theground support wherever they do business from

    people they know and trust. We build teams that are

    specific to our cl ients needs, combining special ist

    legal ski l ls, industry experience and regional know-


    We have a track record of successful ly managing

    large and complex multi jurisdictional transactions and

    projects. Our focus is on getting to the heart of our

    cl ients legal needs

    and delivering practical, commercial solutions.

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    Ashurst has the bil l ion dollar deals, a global

    presence, great cl ients and all you would expect from

    a global firm. We work collaboratively. Respect goes

    both ways. Fresh ideas are l istened to.

    We place an equal emphasis on providing excellence

    in everything we do and strong rapport with our

    cl ients and each other. We understand our cl ients

    business needs and provide clear commercial

    advice. Were approachable, good listeners and easy

    to deal with. We attract people who contribute to our

    culture of high performance, openness, friendl iness

    and a healthy work l ife balance.

    We champion your career development and wil l help

    you become a better lawyer. Personal coaching,

    approachable partners, open discussion and the

    support from each of our practice teams wil l help you

    to develop quickly. Additional benefits including gym

    membership, sports teams, social activities, study

    leave and flexible work arrangements can also help

    make your l ife at Ashurst more enjoyable.

    There wil l be challenges throughout your graduate

    year and beyond, but you wil l find colleagues you wil l

    quickly cal l friends and a great working environment

    that wil l help transform you from a talented graduate

    into a trusted lawyer.

    What we look for in an employee

    We look for abil ities and strengths which experience

    tel ls us are critical to success as graduates and

    clerks and in the longer term. We seek graduates

    and clerks

    who can demonstrate an abil ity to build rapport with a

    range of people; an abil ity to work in a team-based

    environment; the academic capacity to excel; a

    demonstrated interest or expertise in a commercial

    legal environment; the wil l ingness to learn; resi l ience,

    motivation and a commitment to excellence in both

    work and client service.


  • 21

    Springboard 2014

    Clerkship Program

    Wondering what l ife as a lawyer might be like?

    Ashurst's clerkship program wil l help you make the

    transition from academic l ife to professional practice.

    A seasonal clerkship is a snapshot experience of the

    commercial legal profession and wil l influence your

    future career decisions. A clerkship is typical ly

    undertaken in the penultimate year of your Law

    degree. The program is completed over 1 2 weeks in

    our Sydney and Canberra offices and over 4 weeks

    in our Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide

    offices. For more information on your local program,

    including application opening and closing dates,

    please refer to your local office page.

    Graduate Program

    You wil l need more than a smart suit and shiny shoes

    to make the transition from law student to lawyer. You

    wil l need intel l igence, commercial awareness,

    motivation and ambition. With our graduate program

    you wil l have invaluable on the job learning

    opportunities, support for your continuing legal

    education and great professional experience with a

    friendly and approachable team.

    We offer an intensive 1 2 month Graduate

    Development Program. The program comprises three

    rotations in different practice areas. Each rotation is

    four months in duration. Prior to joining the firm, you

    wil l be given the opportunity to submit preferences for

    the practice groups that are of interest to you. You

    wil l receive an individual ly tai lored rotation plan for

    your graduate year which wil l include exposure to

    l itigious, transactional and advisory work.

    At the start of each rotation you wil l receive a team

    induction so that you know what to expect for the

    next four months. You wil l also be allocated a

    supervising partner, supervising lawyer and buddy to

    provide support and guidance throughout the

    rotation. You wil l participate in "real" legal work l ike

    conducting research, drafting advice and taking notes

    in cl ient meetings. There wil l be constructive

    feedback as you go and an opportunity to have a

    formalised appraisal discussion with your supervising

    partner at the end of each rotation. You wil l also be

    able to participate in any of the firm-wide professional

    development seminars and have regular contact with

    your People Development Consultant who wil l act as

    an additional support contact throughout your

    graduate year.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    Apply via website, through the office appropraite for

    your state.

    Contact Details


    (07) 3259 7000


    (07) 3259 7111

    Email: [email protected]



    Office Locations







    Numerous More


    Clerkship Program

    Graduate Program

    See website for details.

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

  • Clayton Utz


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Clayton Utz is Austral ia's leading independent law

    firm. We take a fresh, pragmatic, commercial

    approach to legal practice that focuses on getting the

    best results for our diverse and blue-chip cl ient base.

    By understanding their business and the environment

    in which our cl ients operate, we are able to match our

    people and their ski l ls to ensure our cl ients receive

    the best advice possible, wherever they do business.

    Our abil ity to bring together teams of lawyers with

    unique and diverse skil ls has seen us advise on

    some of the country's largest and most complex

    deals and litigation. We have also been called upon

    to bring our expertise to cutting edge international


    Our strong relationships at al l levels of Government

    mean we are at the forefront of critical pol icy

    development and regulation. We have a substantial

    commitment to making the legal system accessible,

    through our Pro Bono practice, and are actively

    involved in our community through our Community

    Connect Program.

    The Firm is organised into four core departments

    consisting of various practice groups. The Brisbane

    practice areas are:

    Corporate: Tax, Energy & Resources, Technology &

    Intel lectual Property, Mergers & Acquisitions,

    Government and Workplace Relations, Employment

    & Safety Banking and Financial Services.

    Litigation: Commercial Litigation, Corporate/Tax

    Litigation, Litigation & Dispute Resolution and

    Litigation & Risk.

    Property, Environment & Construction: Real

    Estate, Environment & Planning and Construction &

    Major Projects.

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    At Clayton Utz you wil l experience a work

    environment in which individual ity is embraced and

    innovation is actively encouraged. I t's a firm where

    you can choose the career path that's right for you.

    In 201 2 our Brisbane office was named Employer of

    Choice at the Brisbane Lord Mayor's Awards. The

    award recognises the market leading initiatives

    Clayton Utz has introduced recently demonstrating

    leadership in the development of our people,

    commitment to employee development, incentives

    and work/l ife balance.

    Clayton Utz is also committed to giving back to the

    community. Through our extensive Pro Bono program

    and our community volunteering opportunities, you

    wil l have a chance to enjoy some richly rewarding

    experiences that wil l add a new dimension to your

    working l ife.

    What we look for in an employee

    We are looking for future employees who are going

    to be a good cultural fit and are keen on living the

    firm's values on a day to day basis. We are building

    our culture based on the behavioural values of Trust,

    Respect and Cooperation, values we believe are

    fundamental in al l our relationships.


  • 23

    Springboard 2014

    Clerkship Program

    In our Brisbane office, we offer Vacation Clerk

    programs each year. These programs vary in length

    from three to four weeks and provide students in their

    second last year at university with an opportunity to

    become famil iar with our firm by working in our


    As a ful l-time paid vacation clerk at CU, you can

    expect to be ful ly integrated into our team

    environment and have the opportunity to:

    Share in the expertise of special ists

    Apply and develop your research and drafting skil ls

    Demonstrate and enhance your initiative, legal

    analysis and problem solving skil ls through exposure

    to challenging and complex matters

    Participate in the Community Connect and Pro

    Bono Program

    Observe interactions with cl ients and participate in

    internal cl ient meetings

    Attend and contribute to our comprehensive

    continuing legal education program

    Receive professional development support from our

    dedicated Learning & Development Adviser

    Enjoy peer support from recent Graduates and

    other Vacation Clerks through informal and formal

    social events.

    Vacation Clerkship Dates:

    Winter (30 June 201 4 - 1 8 July 201 4)

    Summer 1 (24 November 201 4 - 1 9 December 201 4)

    Summer 2 (1 2 January 201 5 - 6 February 201 5)

    To be considered for a clerkship, you must be in your

    penultimate year and be able to demonstrate the

    fol lowing:

    Superior academic results

    Relevant practical work experience - legal and non-


    Client service and team orientation

    Proven interpersonal ski l ls

    Balanced lifestyle and interests

    Graduate Program

    Clayton Utz is recognised for its Graduate Program

    which includes the highest quality training and

    mentoring. In our firm we emphasise continual

    improvement, teamwork, initiative and have a

    working environment that fosters excellence, success

    and mutual respect. Our graduates are part of a team

    of highly respected practitioners, recognised as

    leaders in their field. They are involved in real legal

    work and make a meaningful contribution to the legal

    services we provide.

    In the Brisbane office, graduates complete three

    rotations of eight months through our diverse practice

    areas. We encourage graduates to experience both

    contentious and non-contentious areas of law.

    Gaining experience in a number of practice areas is

    essential in assisting graduates to make the right

    choice for their future special isation.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    All Clerkship and Graduate applications must be

    made through our website www.claytonutz.com.

    For further information please visit our website

    www.claytonutz.com or l ike our Facebook page.

    Contact Details


    (07) 3292 7710


    (07) 3221 9669

    Email: - Angela Cave

    [email protected]



    Office Locations







    Hong Kong

    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

    Graduate Program

    Opening: 4 August 2014

    Closing: 18 August 2014

  • Corrs Chambers Westgarth


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Corrs Chambers Westgarth is a premium independent law

    firm. We emphasise the independent part because its

    important to who we are and how we work. Independence

    isnt just a description of our position in the market, it also

    describes how we think, our innovative style and bold


    Our vision as a world class law firm is to drive Austral ias

    competitiveness and economic engagement with Asia. We

    are based in Austral ia and operate international ly, wherever

    our cl ients need our services.

    With 1 000 employees, 550 lawyers and 1 25 partners, we

    have the scale that al lows us to take on the largest and

    most challenging matters for major organisations

    international ly. As well as be the right size for a culture of


    Corrs is a corporate law firm, acting for organisations,

    rather than individuals. The firm works through three main

    operating divisions:

    Corporate, Finance & Tax (Energy & Resources,

    Corporate Advisory, Banking & Finance and Taxation)

    Property & Development (Property & Infrastructure,

    Environment & Planning and Construction)

    Litigation and Workplace Relations (Litigation,

    Workplace Relations, Intel lectual Property, Technology &


    Corrs is a firm that thinks strategical ly, not just in its legal

    work, but also for the firms future and the success of its

    people. Corrs is known for its clear vision and abil ity to

    develop and implement strategy, as well as its lawyers

    abil ity to help cl ients achieve their business goals.

    Corrs culture of performance excellence drives this

    achievement and can be seen in our mentoring, coaching

    and comprehensive learning and development programs,

    both formal and informal. We draw on the best expertise in

    Corrs own lawyers as well as external special ists to make

    sure our people never stop learning.

    The combination of these factors creates a firm that

    celebrates its independence, is open to new ideas, has the

    courage to think and act differently from the rest of the

    market, and thrives on new challenges and opportunities.

    Our people thrive on this, too. We call it the inspiring


    Our cl ients compete globally and Corrs provides the legal

    services they need to do that effectively, no matter where

    they are. Our lawyers work across practice areas and

    geographic boundaries to drive commercial outcomes and

    transactions in multiple jurisdictions.

    We also have a global network of the worlds best

    independent firms who work with us to provide the most

    relevant special ist expertise where and when its needed.

    With 45 firms in 1 9 countries, we have an extraordinary

    range of talent at our disposal.

    Our independence means were not locked into one legal

    service provider. We connect with the best lawyers

    international ly to meet our cl ients specific needs.

    What we look for in an employee

    Corrs is a place that celebrates individuals. Were looking

    for spirited, determined graduates who think big and like

    doing things a little differently. In exchange for your energy


  • 25

    Springboard 2014

    and commitment wel l provide extraordinary learning and

    work opportunities here and on an international stage.

    We dont look for a Corrs type when we interview potential

    graduates. Corrs people are individuals, but they do share

    some traits.

    Because this is a high performance organisation, Corrs

    people are good at what they do. They are able to work in

    a team and bring out the best in the people around them.

    They want to achieve the best results for the client as well

    as the firm and they take pride in their work and

    achievements. Corrs people l ike to find new ways of doing

    things and arent afraid to be independent and bold in their


    This is a firm with a sense of purpose, so wel l probably

    look for that in you, too.

    Clerkship Program

    The Corrs Seasonal Clerkship Program is a great

    opportunity for you to experience the people, cl ients, work

    and culture that differentiates Corrs from other law firms.

    Youl l have the opportunity to work with some of Austral ias

    leading lawyers on high-profi le work for major Austral ian

    and international cl ients across all industries. Youl l soon

    discover the standards of quality and commitment to cl ients

    required to succeed at this level.

    Youl l be exposed to a broad range of interesting matters.

    You may also conduct research, review and present

    documents, as well as attend client meetings, mediations

    and settlements. The variety is enormous, so its the

    perfect way to discover the firm and the area of law that

    excites you most.

    Graduate Program

    Our commitment to developing world class lawyers starts

    at day one. Our Graduate Development Program, lays this

    foundation by providing rich, on the job training with a

    greater opportunity to work directly with partners and senior

    lawyers; structured learning; mentoring; and regular


    Supervised by partners, you wil l complete three six month

    rotations through a variety of practice areas including

    corporate advisory, banking & finance; l itigation &

    workplace relations; intel lectual property, tax, property,

    infrastructure, construction, planning, environment, and

    government, as well as pro bono opportunities.

    You are mentored by senior lawyers and your development

    is overseen by a dedicated Learning & Development and

    Human Resources team who work with partners and

    Division Leaders to provide you with guidance, ensuring

    your success.

    The program begins with a residential orientation that

    brings graduates together from around the country in a

    major city location. Apart from training that enables you to

    hit the ground running, this four day event del ivers

    professional relationships and friendships that last your

    years at Corrs and beyond.

    For more detai ls on all programs go to www.


    Contact Details


    (07) 3228 9465


    (07) 3228 9444

    Email: - Tania Connors

    [email protected].




    Office Locations





    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

    Graduate Program

    Opening: 4 August 2014

    Closing: 18 August 2014

  • DLA Piper


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Truly Global, Truly Local

    Joining DLA Piper means not only joining an

    experienced local team, but also being part of a

    global network of 4,200 lawyers in 76 offices and 30

    countries around the world.

    We're committed to conducting our business in a way

    that is consistent with our values, which are aligned

    to Our Clients, Our People and Our Communities.

    Globally, our lawyers provide cl ients with trusted local

    knowledge as well as seamless multi-jurisdictional

    legal capabil ities across a ful l range of critical

    services and sectors.

    In Austral ia, we advise approximately a third of ASX

    1 00 companies or their subsidiaries and all levels of

    government as well as international cl ients looking to

    enter the Austral ian market.

    Our Global Opportunities Program can support our

    peoples desire to experience working l ife in other

    parts of the world through the global DLA Piper

    network giving them opportunities to work on multi-

    jurisdictional, international matters with quality cl ients

    and colleagues around the world.

    The program offers a variety of ways for our people

    to work overseas including secondments (we are

    currently targeting opportunities in the UK, Asia and

    the US) and project assignments (most of these

    opportunities are in the fast-growing DLA Piper

    offices in Asia).

    Our key practice areas are: Litigation and Regulatory,

    Finance and Projects, Real Estate, Corporate,

    Intel lectual Property and Technology, Employment,

    and Restructuring.

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    Our 'everything matters' approach applies not only to

    how we support our cl ients, but also to the

    communities and environment in which we operate.

    In fact, our lawyers undertook more than 1 90,000

    hours of pro bono legal work globally last year,

    making us one of the largest providers of pro bono

    legal services in the world.

    When it comes to flexible work practices and

    embracing the whole person, our firm is amongst the

    best. We believe that our people should reflect the

    diversity of our communities.

    Were committed to providing and maintaining a

    workplace that supports both work and life

    arrangements. We know that people have different

    needs at different times in their l ives so we ensure

    that everyone is provided with the challenges,

    support and flexibi l ity required to achieve personal

    and professional satisfaction.

    We also have an active social club that organises a

    number of regular social and sporting events. This

    includes: weekly drinks, on-site exercise programs

    (boxing, yoga, boot camp etc), trivia night, discounted

    tickets to events, running club and participation in a

    variety of fun runs, marathons and triathlons and


  • 27

    Springboard 2014

    much more.

    What we look for in an employee

    We are from diverse backgrounds yet we share a

    commitment to excellence in legal practice and client

    services. Our goal through the recruitment process is

    to determine whether we wil l enjoy working with you

    but, more importantly, whether you wil l thrive and

    enjoy working with us and our cl ients.

    We know that not everyone fits every law firm. What

    we look for is simple: commitment and ambition,

    international awareness, commercial and client

    awareness, smart thinking, team skil ls and leadership

    potential , communication skil ls, a sense of fun,

    experience outside of academic l ife, strong

    relationship-building skil ls

    Clerkship Program

    Our seasonal clerks and graduates do real legal work

    with great cl ients, including attending cl ient

    conferences and mediations, attending court and

    preparing cases for trial or involvement in major

    commercial transactions.

    As part of our team, you'l l gain first-hand experience

    in the practice of law and an insight into the workings

    of a large firm under the guidance of some of the

    most approachable, experienced lawyers in their

    fields. Our partners and senior legal staff are always

    on hand to guide you through exciting and

    challenging projects. Youl l also have the chance to

    work alongside lawyers who are involved in

    international, multi-jurisdictional deals.

    Our clerkship program offers penultimate law

    students the opportunity to participate in a structured

    four week program where you wil l have the

    opportunity to get to know the real us. You wil l

    participate in induction training and a variety of

    practical workshops and seminars as well as being

    invited to join in an array of social and sporting

    activities. You wil l also be allocated a buddy and

    mentor for the duration of your clerkship.

    Graduate Program

    You wil l be provided with a buddy and mentor and

    participate in our Build your Career at DLA Piper

    Program which is a structured development program

    for lawyers designed to guide your development

    throughout your career at DLA Piper.

    Your Practical Legal Training is completed onsite and

    facil itated by The College of Law.

    You wil l participate in two rotations which are chosen

    in consultation with you. As well as experiencing a

    variety of practice areas you wil l also have the

    opportunity to apply for an international rotation in

    one of our Asian offices. We are very excited in the

    Brisbane office to be welcoming another graduate

    from our Hong Kong office as well as sending one of

    our graduates to Hong Kong for six months for the

    second year running.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    Apply online via CV Mail .

    Contact Details


    (07) 3246 4144

    Email: Sascha Wright

    [email protected]





    Office Locations






    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

  • Herbert Smith Freehills


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Herbert Smith Freehil ls is one of the worlds leading

    global law firms, with 23 offices located across Asia,

    Austral ia, Europe, the Middle East, the UK and the

    US. We guide many of the worlds largest and most

    respected organisations through their most important

    transactions, disputes and projects. We aim to bring

    a new perspective to our cl ients businesses, working

    with them to identify opportunity and manage risk in

    an uncertain marketplace.

    We understand becoming an exceptional lawyer

    goes beyond technical abil ity and that at its heart, the

    business of law is based on human relationships. For

    us this means a culture built on creating exceptional

    working relationships with cl ients and colleagues.

    From the start of your career you wil l get to know our

    cl ients, understand their perspectives, and develop

    your abil ity to deliver insightful and commercial ly

    astute advice.

    Our success depends on the expertise, knowledge

    and unique perspectives of al l our people. Thats why

    we have always placed such a high value on

    diversity. I t's also why we encourage you to explore

    different areas of law and decide how to shape your

    career. We wil l invest heavily in your development;

    through formal training, pro bono opportunities and

    the chance to work with inspiring people who are

    leaders in their fields. We wil l help you grow

    personally and professionally, in an environment

    where you can be your best.

    Wherever you go in the firm, were confident youl l be

    working with people who share the values we have

    worked together to define: a commitment to

    excellence, a collaborative approach, a desire to

    lead, and a focus on creating strong connections with

    colleagues and clients. Visit our website to meet

    some of our people and see what we mean

    herbertsmithfreehil ls.com/careers/our-careers-fi lm.

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    Our work in the community

    Across the world we share a long tradition of

    providing pro bono legal services and advocacy,

    which has developed into a broader program of

    volunteering and charitable giving. We are proud to

    be able to use our skil ls and resources to increase

    access to justice and opportunity within our local and

    global communities.

    All our lawyers are encouraged to do pro bono work

    and all pro bono work is bil lable. In addition, al l staff

    are encouraged to volunteer and able to take a days

    volunteer leave each year to work in the community.

    Many of our vacation clerks are able to participate in

    community and pro bono work and describe it as one

    of the highl ights of their clerkship.


    Having a diverse and inclusive workplace is central to

    our success in attracting great people, connecting

    with our cl ients, and providing perceptive advice. We

    are focused on creating a culture of openness and

    authenticity, al lowing our people to be themselves

    and perform to the best of their abil ities. Across the

    world we share a long history of embracing diversity.

    With the launch in 201 3 of our Global Diversity and

    Inclusion Group, we continue to build our global


  • 29

    Springboard 2014

    programs promoting diversity in areas such as

    gender, ethnicity, culture, sexuality and gender

    orientation, and family responsibi l ity.

    In 201 4 we were honoured to be named in the top 1 0

    of Stonewall s Global Index and recognised for our

    work on employee policy. We are proud also to be

    named as Employee Health & Wellbeing Firm of the

    Year 201 3 in the ALB Australasian Law Awards 201 3.

    For more information visit

    herbertsmithfreehil ls.com/about-us.

    What we look for in an employee

    We are interested in who you are and the strengths

    you can bring. We recruit employees from a wide

    range of backgrounds who possess the qualities we

    look for in our lawyers, such as intel lectual curiosity,

    confidence, clarity of thought, the ambition to grow

    personally and professionally, and the abil ity to

    develop exceptional working relationships with cl ients

    and colleagues. We look for students who want to

    pursue a career in commercial law and who

    demonstrate a commercial awareness. We are

    interested in your academic record, as well as

    evidence of strong communication and interpersonal

    ski l ls, a balanced university l ife, and abil ity to work

    effectively in a team.

    Weve prepared some more detai led guidance on our


    herbertsmithfreehil ls.com/careers/austral ia/graduates


    Clerkship Program

    Finding the right fit for you is key to deciding where to

    start your legal career. Since working together is a

    good way to get to know each other, we offer a range

    of summer and winter clerkships in each of our

    Austral ian offices.

    Spend part of your vacation with us and youl l get a

    great understanding of how we go about meeting the

    needs of our cl ients. The program includes a detai led

    introduction to the firm and to each practice group, as

    well as the opportunity to work with our legal teams

    on real matters.

    Graduate Program

    We encourage students to participate in our vacation

    clerkship program and we fi l l the majority of our

    graduate positions through this program. We do not

    currently have a separate graduate recruitment

    program planned.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    You wil l need to apply online via cvMail at

    www.cvmail .com.au.

    Contact Details


    (07) 3258 6571

    Email: - Tanya Dunbabin

    [email protected]




    Office Locations








    Hong Kong


    And Others

    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

  • 30

    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    In 201 4 HopgoodGanim is celebrating 40 years

    of providing exceptional legal service. Our

    culture is centred on a concept we call business

    mateship, which embraces friendship and

    collaboration at its core.

    We offer commercial ly-focused legal advice,

    coupled with rel iable and responsive service, to

    cl ients based locally, throughout Austral ia and

    across international borders. We have recently

    been final ists in both the BRW Client Choice

    Awards and ALB Brisbane Law of the Year

    Awards as well as ALB Gold Employer of Choice

    for the past four years and believe our culture of

    business mateship has been instrumental in our


    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    HopgoodGanim's internal culture is centred on a

    concept we call business mateship. Joe Ganim

    and Paul Hopgood, the founders of the firm,

    embraced the ideas of collaboration and

    friendship right from day one. The firm was built

    on this philosophy of mateship, not only

    between employees of the firm but with cl ients

    and other stakeholders as well .

    HopgoodGanim offers a wide range of benefits

    to our team members including flexible work

    arrangements, sporting and social activities,

    generous paid parental leave, bonus scheme as

    well as our lower than average bil lable hour

    requirements, set at 5.5 hours.

    HopgoodGanim offers a number of benefits and

    programs to support our commitment to work/l ife

    balance, and reviews these benefits on an

    annual basis to update the program with new

    initiatives. In addition to the other benefits

    outl ined on this website, we currently offer

    discounted gym memberships, subsidised

    health and fitness classes, free flu vaccinations,

    in-house mental health and wellbeing seminars,

    and an annual leave purchase scheme.

    What we look for in an employee

    We value personal qualities such as

    enthusiasm, loyalty, rel iabi l ity, pride in your work

    and a focus on client service. When considering

    applications, we take a holistic approach taking

    into account your academic performance,

    relevant work experience and life experience.

    We suggest that you take the time to research

    the firm and the role you are interviewing for.

    You can find out more about the work we do and

    the clients we act for on our website. Our

    website also includes profi les of our senior legal

    practitioners. I t's a good idea to find out who wil l

    be interviewing you and make sure you

    understand their experience and areas of


    On the day of your interview, please arrive on

    time and ensure you are well-presented.



  • 31

    Springboard 2014

    Clerkship Program

    Our clerkship programs are four weeks in

    duration, and you wil l work in two different

    practice areas in this time. Many of our vacation

    clerks go on to become graduates with HG.

    Vacation clerks may be invited back during the

    term to be a research assistant for the firm. As a

    research assistant, students have the

    opportunity to undertake research and prepare

    briefing papers on changes in legislation

    relevant to cl ients, as well as work on large

    project transactions in which the firm is involved.

    Graduate Program

    Our graduate program is a two year structured

    program comprised of two one year rotations.

    When we recruit our graduates we are recruiting

    our partners of tomorrow, so we ensure that you

    receive real opportunities and real challenges in

    a professional work environment.

    Application and Recruitment Process

    Apply through CV Mail , including your resume,

    covering letter and academic results.

    Contact Details


    (07) 3024 0348


    (07) 3024 0048

    Email: - Lisa Stockwell





    Office Locations



    Clerkship Program

    Opening: 3 March 2014

    Closing: 24 March 2014

    Graduate Program

    Opening: 4 August 2014

    Closing: 18 August 2014

  • K&L Gates


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    Choosing a career at K&L Gates is choosing to be a

    part of a progressive and innovative law firm that

    continues to grow year on year. We work with market

    leaders across many industries in a range of exciting

    areas of the global economy.

    We offer you the experience of more than 2,000

    lawyers in 48 ful ly-integrated offices across five

    continents. We have a one-company, one-team

    mental ity, constantly seeking ways to add value to

    our cl ients and your career objectives.

    Brisbane practice areas:

    Banking & Asset Finance

    Corporate & Transactional

    Labour, Employment & Workplace Safety

    Litigation & Dispute Resolution

    Real Estate Investment, Development & Finance

    Restructuring & Bankruptcy

    What other aspects aside from work canyour offer your employees?

    Opportunities to learn while developing your


    We are dedicated to helping you achieve your best.

    From day one, you wil l be professionally challenged

    in a collegial , team based environment where every

    person's effort matters.

    The firm wil l support your development through

    opportunities l ike on the job training, a

    comprehensive professional development program,

    further education support and secondment

    opportunities. We view your development as an

    investment in the firm's future success.

    At K&L Gates, you wil l be coached by talented

    leaders and lawyers who genuinely care about your

    professional development and well-being.

    A unique culture

    We offer a wide range of social, sporting and

    networking activities which you can choose to be

    involved in. Our commitment to corporate social

    responsibi l ity and pro bono work also allows you to

    give back to the wider community.

    As a firm, we are also committed to assisting women

    advance their careers, ensuring they have every

    opportunity that could and should be afforded to


    What we look for in an employee

    We look to recruit talented people, then provide the

    opportunities and support for them to achieve their

    best. Join us and you wil l join a team of passionate

    professionals dedicated to providing exceptional

    cl ient service.

    Graduate Program

    Our Graduate Program is designed to give you the

    technical expertise and commercial context to

    succeed as you are exposed to a variety of areas of

    commercial law.

    Throughout the program you are supported with a

    buddy, supervisor and mentor. Partners and senior

    lawyers wil l support and guide you through each


  • 33

    Springboard 2014

    rotation and ensure you get the necessary

    development. Your buddy, a junior lawyer, wil l help

    you transition into your new role.

    Your professional development program runs weekly.

    I t combines Practical Legal Training through the

    College of Law, with sessions presented by partners,

    lawyers, external presenters and our professional

    development team.

    You wil l have many opportunities to be involved in an

    array of firm events and activities to match your

    interest, whether they be social, sporting, business or

    community focused.

    Application and Recruitment Process


    All applications are to be submitted online in the

    Careers section of our website (www.klgates.com).

    Successful applicants for interview wil l be notified by

    telephone or email . I f you are not successful you wil l

    be notified by email .

    Recruitment Process

    You wil l participate in two rounds of interviews with a

    combination of Partners/Senior Associates and HR

    team members.

    Contact Details


    (07) 3233 1230


    (07) 3233 0900

    Email: - David Forner

    [email protected]



    Office Locations





    44 More Globally

    Graduate Program

    Opening: 4 August 2014

    Closing: 18 August 2014

  • King &Wood Mallesons


    Springboard 2014

    Who are we and what makes us unique

    King & Wood Mallesons is helping cl ients across the

    globe to make smart choices to shape their future

    success. As a global law firm, over 2,700 lawyers in

    30 international offices are cutting through the

    challenges facing business and providing commercial

    solutions that are transforming the way legal services

    are delivered. Our abil ity to connect emerging

    opportunities with market leading capabil ity is

    pushing the frontiers of what can be achieved -

    connecting Asia to the world, and the world to Asia.

    And, we want you to be part of this story.

    Here is a snapshot of what we offer:

    Vision : to create a global law firm, headquartered in


    Colleagues: over 550 partners and 2,700 lawyers

    Reputation : over 1 00 international and Asia-focused

    awards and 50 top-tier rankings, the go-to firm for

    inbound and outbound China investments

    Locations: strategical ly positioned in the worlds

    growth markets and financial capitals with 30

    international offices and the only global law firm

    network to be headquartered in Asia

    Clients: from global financial and corporate

    powerhouses to blue-chips, pioneers and decision

    makers across the globe (some for over 1 80 years)

    What we look for in an employee

    I f you rel ish the prospect of working in a dynamic

    team, learning from experts at the top of their game

    and being involved in cutting edge legal work, youre

    just the sort of person wed l ike as a King & Wood

    Mallesons clerk or graduate.

    Offering a strong academic track record, youl l be

    able to demonstrate a real interest in, and

    perspective of, commercial law. And wed hope you

    would be excited by the opportunity to step outside

    your comfort zone, develop new skil ls and working

    closely with leaders in their field.

    Being a great lawyer is more than simply knowing the

    law. I t involves work-l ife balance, being switched on

    to events shaping the future, and having a genuine

    drive for what you do. Were interested in your l ife

    experiences, interests outside of work, and the things

    you are passionate about.

    Were a friendly, approachable, and down to earth

    firm, so were looking for l ikeminded people who are

    a strong fit with the firms culture and our brand.

    The qualities we value are commitment, passion,

    teamwork, and the motivation to think differently.

    Clients are looking not only for superior technical

    knowledge, but also people who are great to work

    with and unafraid to push the envelope.

    Youl l work in an environment that wil l chal lenge your

    mind and technical capabil ities, supported with a

    strong team culture to help you succeed.

    I f this sounds l ike you, arrange to talk to one of our

    graduate resourcing consultants or find out more by

    visiting our website, www.kwm.com.

    Clerkship ProgramWeve designed a program to help you make the

    most of your time with us. During your clerkship,


  • 35

    Springboard 2014

    youl l learn:

    The day-to-day skil ls to get you started taking

    instructions, meeting with cl ients, drafting memos

    and documents, managing your practice and

    professional relationships.

    The core practice teams at King & Wood Mallesons

    who they are, what they do, how theyre structured,

    the cl ients they work for, and of course, your role

    within them.

    Our culture working within your team, youl l be

    exposed to (and encouraged) to get actively involved

    in the many activi