spring 2013 study tips from fraternity and sorority scholars


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Advice for academic success from Spring 2013 Fraternity and Sorority Scholars


Fraternity and Sorority Scholars are those members

of fraternities and sororities at Indiana State Univer-

sity who earned a 3.0 GPA or higher during the

previous semester.

Kalyn Altherr

Alpha Omicron Pi

Senior, Nursing

[email protected]

I would definitely suggest investing in a planner. I

get one of the big ones you can buy from Target

or Walmart and each day of the week I write in a

space for each class. That way I have to write

something down even if we don't have anything

due. It also helps because I write in any upcoming

events for my chapter or philanthropy events in

the Greek community. It has proven to be a life-

saver over the years!

Elle Bathory

Delta Gamma

Freshman, Speech-Language Pathology

You can NEVER study too much! At one point, I was going to the li-

brary nearly every day after class, and I would be there for seven or

eight hours, sometimes even longer than that. You just need to find a

spot where you can push social media, your friends, and other dis-

tractions away so you can focus. I also suggest making flash cards for

some classes that have a great deal of important words and defini-

tions. Having all the vocabulary words on 3x5 cards makes studying

easier because you don’t have to go searching through your text-

book. Highlighting can help you keep track of key concepts as well.

Going to class is mandatory if you want to do well. Your professor can

change the syllabus at the last minute, and maybe even tell you an-

swers to test questions or give you feedback on a paper. And if you

find yourself singing along with your music and your study session has

turned into karaoke in the library, if it works for you, white noise or bin-

aural beats can help you focus.

Jonathan Bott

Phi Gamma Delta

Senior, Operations & Supply Chain Management

Organization is the key to staying on top of your

classes. Use binders and folders to hold every pa-

per related to your classes so you don’t lose some-

thing you might need later. Do the same with your

computer files. Also, write down what assignments

you have; the more times and places you write it

down, the easy it is to remember what you have

to do. Finally, do your work as soon as possible so

you can enjoy random nights with your brothers.

Nathan Bunnell

Phi Delta Theta

Senior, Mechanical Engineering Technology; Auto-

mation & Control Engineering Technology


Academic success is simple. The crucial part is to be pre-

pared: read your syllabuses, keep (and use) a planner, com-

plete your homework as soon as possible after it is assigned,

study and communicated with your classmates, and never be

afraid to talk with a professor about any issues you’re having.

This way, if you do have a problem with a class, it will be dealt

with long before it becomes a serious issue. There is a reason

for the expression “a failure to plan is a plan to fail!”

Adam Carey

Pi Kappa Alpha

Junior, Criminology

[email protected]

Utilize the library to its full potential, especially with

study groups or even working by yourself; it is a

motivating environment to get your work done.

Ashley Clarke

Sigma Kappa

Senior, Criminal Justice and Criminology


I found a study buddy who I could go to the library

with or just study with wherever. It didn’t matter if

we were in the same major. They helped me by

giving me advice and they made me push myself

and do my homework. I also made a wager with

my boyfriend that whoever got a better GPA for

the semester owed the other dinner at the end of

the semester. This pushed me to give it my all with

a friendly competition.

Annah Dalenberg

Alpha Phi

Senior, Speech and Language Pathology


I like to spend a good amount of time studying

alone. When I feel prepared enough I’ll study with

a group of people in my class. This way I can be

quizzed, see what other people are studying, and

go over any information that I did not fully under-


Breana Daugherty

Gamma Phi Beta

Senior, Elementary/Special Education

[email protected]

I have to stay organized and relaxed. I keep a day

planner up to date and organized by school,

work, and Gamma Phi. I always make sure that I

have enough free time to just hang out and spend

time with my sisters and friends!

Cheyanne Dawson

Delta Gamma

Sophomore, Art

[email protected]


I write down everything. I have a planner that I keep all of my home-

work, sorority events, and study hours in. That way I know what days I

have free to study or hang out with my sisters and friends! :) I also stay

ahead. If I know a big project is due on a week when a lot is due, I ei-

ther go to the library the next free day I have and work on that pro-

ject until it's done or split it between two days. The goal is to get it

done as early as possible so that I can look it over, proofread, and

concentrate on other projects that will be due that week. I try my

hardest not to procrastinate. Also, it reduces stress :)

Jarred Duebel

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Senior, Criminology


[email protected]

Utilize the library or a quiet study place, rather than

study in your room.

Caitlyn East

Senior, Chemistry/Mathematics


I’m very easily distracted while I’m studying, so I

usually turn the radio off on my phone and go

somewhere quite. I bring a friend with me some-

times to help keep me motivated. You’ve got to

watch who you bring with you though! Sometimes

your friends are the biggest distractions. :-)

Dustyn Fatheree

Pi Kappa Alpha

Senior, Communication: Journalism

[email protected]

Branch out of your comfort zone and take ad-

vantage of the many resources that ISU of-

fers. College is a time for growing as a person, a

professional, and as a scholar. If you leave ISU

as the same person that entered then your time

here was not as fulfilling as it could've been.

Michael Fenneman

Pi Kappa Alpha

Junior, Elementary Education


Talk to your professors because they are willing to

help you.

Jordan Gillenwater

Delta Gamma

Sophomore, Spanish and Pre-Medicine

[email protected]

Study the PowerPoint (or other lecture material)

from your instructor before and after lec-

ture. Studying the PowerPoint before lets you

know what to pay close attention to and prevents

feeling overwhelmed during class. Studying

the PowerPoint after lecture reinforces the materi-

al from lecture to help you remember the infor-

mation better.

Katherine Graham

Zeta Tau Alpha

Senior, Communications, Public Relations

[email protected]

Stay organized. Write down all events, homework,

assignments, tests, projects, etc. in your planner so

you know what your schedule looks like for that

day/week. Staying organized and on task will help

you succeed in the classroom and with your busy


Joni Hahn

Alpha Chi Omega

May ‘13 Graduate, Speech Language Pathology

Organization is key. I write down everything in my planner and

write millions of to-do lists! I always write the due date next to the assign-

ments/exams I write on my lists. This helps me stay aware of which as-

signments I need to first. I also highly suggest finding a couple of people

you can study with. I study with 2-3 people before every test, and I find

this very beneficial because they mention information that I may have

forgotten. After studying with these individuals, I go to a secluded area

where I can go over everything we went over and more. I also suggest

if you have an exam that requires you to answer in short answer/small

paragraphs, then you should practice writing the answers to possible

questions that may be on the test. This allows me to be more prepared

during the actual test. Most importantly, stay on top of your classes.

Don't fall behind, because more than likely, you will never catch up.

Hickory Ham

Pi Kappa Alpha

Junior, Professional Aviation

[email protected]

Preparation and planning are huge tools for success.

When signing up for classes or getting ready for a

new semester websites like Ratemyprofessor.com

can help you gauge how time consuming a class

or particular teacher will be. Keeping a schedule is

also extremely important. I use a dry erase board in

my room with my weeks schedule on it. That way I

can look through my entire week at one time and

decide when I have time to take care of my vari-

ous responsibilities.

Jules Hampton

Kappa Alpha Psi

Senior, Mathematics

[email protected]

Building relationships with colleagues, faculty and

staff has helped me in my academic success. By

being engaged in student organizations you meet

these different types of people that will hold you

accountable, make your feel your self worth, and

get you ready for life after college.

Kacey Harlow

Zeta Tau Alpha

Spring 2013 Graduate

Elementary Education/Reading/Early Childhood


Always keep your planner updated and with you

at all times! Your life will be in this planner, but it is

an easy way to keep track of all assignments and

events and to not overbook yourself!

Jaleigh Harlow

Chi Omega

Sophomore, Elementary Education

[email protected]


Finding your own way to study is the best for academic suc-

cess. In high school, studying wasn't really a requirement. In

college, it is! Many freshman don't know how to study until

they come to Indiana State. Find out what study pattern fits

for you! Whether its going to study by the fountain, the own

comfort of your dorm room, or my personal favorite: the li-

brary! It's a great place to lose yourself in some books and se-

clude yourself from your chatty personality! Plus, they give

free popcorn at midnight! Bon apetit!

Phillip Harpenau

Alpha Tau Omega

Sophomore, Nursing

I just always remember that I came to Indiana

State University to earn a degree and to better

myself academically first, then better myself social-

ly second. I always put my studies before anything

else even if I have to make a social sacrifice. I also

am never afraid to ask for help from fellow stu-

dents and/or staff. I have found out that asking for

help shows the professors that you really are con-

cerned with understanding the material when


Kylee Henson

Alpha Phi

Freshman, Exercise Science

[email protected]

Don’t procrastinate! When you know an assign-

ment is due, get in the library or wherever you feel

comfortable studying and get a head start espe-

cially on big assignments!

Katie Hill

Alpha Chi Omega

Junior, Heath Administration


Don’t procrastinate. It’s really hard to not wait until

the last minute to do an assignment, but you will

save yourself so much stress down the road if you

do your assignments without procrastinating. Set

aside time to study, find a quiet place, and get to


Mitchell Kilgas

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Senior, Operations & Supply Chain Management

Manage Greek Life, friends, and school work. Plan

your week every Sunday so that you know what

you need to do each day to stay ahead and nev-

er get behind through out the semester.

Kari Kirchner

Gamma Phi Beta

Senior, Elementary and Special Education

Always know your priori9ties. Of course have some

fun and relax now and then, but also don’t slack

to the point that you aren’t doing your work. You

are first and foremost a student. None of the other

campus organizations would be available to you if

you were not a student first.

Henry Kroll

Phi Delta Theta


Don’t study a subject for the test—study it as

though you will need to teach it.

Austin Krouse

Alpha Tau Omega

Junior, Political Science & Legal Studies

[email protected]

Work on good time management in college. I bought and used

a planner for the first time my freshmen year in which I organized

my daily activities Being a brother of Alpha Tau Omega has

taught me to be more organized in my daily tasks, and it overall

taught me to be a well-rounded person. I made it a habit to

write down everything. I would write down homework, projects,

meetings with professors and even intramural games all the

time. Having good organizational skills and having good people

around you to help motivate you in your school work is a must in

college. There is always one of my brothers either studying at the

house or the library which makes studying more enjoyable. By

being organized in your academic life and social life, you will

have a beyond rewarding college experience.

Noah Leininger

Lambda Chi Alpha

Senior, Music Education


Stay on top of coursework. Keep your syllabi or course calendars close

at hand and check them daily so you’re not caught off-guard by an as-

signment. Professors don’t always give reminders, and if it’s in your sylla-

bus, you don’t have an excuse.

Reach out to your peers—if you have a brother or sister in your major,

study with them. If not, find a friend who isn’t and study with them. Look

for tutoring sessions.

Use the Writing Center! Write your papers early enough that you can sit

down with the writing center staff and go over it with them. They’re ex-

ceptional writers and could catch things you’ve missed in your edits.

If you have an issue, email your professor early and be honest. No pro-

fessor has sympathy for someone who waits until study week to come

up with excuses about grades.

Connor Liegibel

Phi Delta Theta

Junior, Criminology/Criminal Justice

[email protected]

Use proper time management, or else your time at

ISU will be difficult. If you use time management

properly, you are able to get the important things

done first and have fun afterwards.

Mallory Mappes

Delta Gamma

Freshman, Human Development & Family Studies

[email protected]

Study and go to class.

Cameron McQuern

Theta Chi

Sophomore, Accounting & Management Infor-

mation Systems

I studied when I needed to and allowed myself

plenty of time to complete assignments.

Salena Mendoza

Delta Gamma

Sophomore, Textiles & Apparel Merchandising

[email protected]

Go to the library! Have a study buddy and some-

one to motivate you!

Logan Moscrip

Tau Kappa Epsilon

Sophomore, Exercise Science


• Listen to music while studying. Have a playlist

made so you don’t have to keep changing the


• Study alone. The only time you should study in a

group is if everyone in the group has the same

class or even major as you.

Mary Nagle

Alpha Chi Omega

Junior, Exercise Science

Organization is key, creating a schedule for completing

certain tasks on certain days can help ensure that you

are completing assignments on time and not feeling

rushed to complete them last minute. Also finding the

right environment and habits that help you complete

assignments, study for a test/quiz, or write a paper can

help you complete these tasks more efficiently and ef-

fectively. For me, it involves a quiet environment with no

distractions. Finding what works best for you and stick-

ing to it can make school work seem less demanding

and help keep you focused.

Jerrode Nalls

Kappa Alpha Psi

Senior, Packaging Engineering Technology

[email protected]

I keep my mind focused on finishing out my col-

lege experience and making sure everything is

done by the due date. There is a quote I live by is

"Business before pleasure always and forever".

Anthony Quarles

Kappa Alpha Psi

May 2013 Graduate, Legal Studies

[email protected]

Purchase a planner and fill it out for the whole se-

mester so you know what assignments, quizzes,

tests, and projects are due way ahead of time. I

did not start doing this until my junior year of col-

lege sadly but my last four semester I have earned

over a 3.0 GPA doing so.

Being organized is a key to success.

Matt Rayner

Kappa Alpha Order

Senior, Sport Management

[email protected]

Stay focused on the information you are studying.

Cut out all of the distractions that you may be

faced with while preparing for a test so you can

absorb all of the important information.

David Schimmel

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Sophomore, Legal Studies & Political Science


Make notecards right after class of the important

information in your notes, and then review those

notecards periodically up until the test.

Megan Schumacher

Alpha Omicron Pi

Sophomore, Nursing

[email protected]


Always show up for class and pay attention. Don’t

cram everything the night before a test.

Kara Sizer

Gamma Phi Beta

Senior, Elementary Education

I pretend I am in elementary school again and I

have to get my homework done before I can “go

plan with the other kids.” The moment I get out of

class I go to the library/study area and do the

homework that was assigned. This helps me re-

member what was just taught, keeps me from pro-

crastinating, and allows me to avoid all-nighters.

Austin Skaggs

Alpha Tau Omega

Sophomore, Chemistry/Pre-Dental

[email protected]


Try to balance everything that you have going on.

Schoolwork comes first, then other activities. Sometimes

you have to sacrifice social events to make sure school-

work gets done. Finding what studying tools work best

for you and utilizing the library are key to academic

success. Also contacting your professors if you do not

understand something and/or asking others in your

class for help is important.

Molly Smoot

Alpha Phi

Junior, Nursing

Manage your time wisely. Being part of the Greek

community and trying to maintain a good GPA is

manageable if your time is used to its full potential.

Dan Stechmiller

Alpha Tau Omega

Junior, Information Technology

[email protected]

I would highly recommend going to class every time, pay attention to the sylla-

bus. Also, buy a planner/assignment notebook. If not, at least use an app on

your smartphone to keep you organized in each of your classes, such as, a cal-

endar or my class schedule (it's free to download). These are two very helpful

apps to keep you on top of all your homework, projects, and exams. Further-

more, I would strongly encourage to get any homework or projects done as

soon as possible so you don't have to stress out about time crunches or any-

thing else popping up at the last minute. Don't study for hours at a time, but ra-

ther review constantly (or daily if possible). In doing so, you will always keep the

material fresh in your mind, and never have a need to cram. Additional-

ly, establish a personal relationship with your professor. They are very under-

standing people, but don't be afraid to talk to them or ask a question at any-

time, whether that is face to face or via email. And finally, two key factors that

will take you further than just in college are time management and priorities.

Hopefully the planner and/or apps will help you in doing just that. Good luck to

all :)

Bart Stucker

Pi Kappa Alpha

Senior, Communications

[email protected]

Study in the library or another quiet area devoid of

distractions. Don’t be afraid to take a study break

every now and then.

Jessica Sweeney

Alpha Phi

Senior, Communications: PR

[email protected]

Manage your time wisely and keep in touch with

your professors about your progress in each


Joslynn Trail

Alpha Sigma Alpha

Spring ‘13 Graduate, Athletic Training

[email protected]

Sett an hour to two hours of time aside daily to

study, utilize the quiet library rooms, use head

phones at the library to block out noise, and do

not stress or cram.

Brooklee Trout

Gamma Phi Beta

Junior, Business Administration


I believe that in order to be successful in one's

studies, one needs to fully commit themselves to

their academic field of study. I use a calendar for

everything that I do, especially for school due

dates and events with my sorority. Organization is

key for success and the people that I know that

are organized tend to do better in school. In order

to do well academically, a student must have bal-

ance in their life and stay organized.

Melissa Turpin

Zeta Tau Alpha

Senior, Communication

[email protected]

The strategy that i use for my academic success is a planner. I

figure out in advance when my homework, quizzes, and test

are, and I get them done at least a week in advance. For a

test for example, if I know it is on Thursday, then on Monday I

will write the information needed on note cards, on Tuesday I

will study half of my note cards, and then on Wednesday I will

finish studying. By Thursday, I am ready to take the test. If I

were to suggest a tip I would say to use note cards. I would

suggest note cards because I believe it helps you to remem-

ber information better and it is organized.

Philip Ulrich

Lambda Chi Alpha

Junior, Information Technology

[email protected]

Academic success is achieved differently for dif-

ferent people. For instance, staying busy helps me

be productive. Find what works best for you and

do it! Also, don’t be afraid to try new studying

techniques. There might be a better way to keep

you excelling academically that you haven’t tried


Jackie Wagle

Sigma Kappa

Senior, Elementary Education

Organization, time management, and determina-

tion are three very important tools that can be

used not only in maintaining excellent grades, but

also in achieving overall success. College is about

finding a balance between academics and extra

curricular activities.

Madeline Webster

Junior, Language Studies

[email protected]


During finals week, turn off Facebook entirely and

throughout the year limit it by keeping the library a

social media free zone (including texting!)

Jessica Weesner

Chi Omega

Senior, Accounting

[email protected]

My advice for academic success is to always at-

tend class and get to know your professors. I be-

lieve it is much easier to get help or have a profes-

sor be understanding when you have formed a

strong relationship with him or her.

Ben Wilcox

Pi Kappa Alpha

Freshman, Professional Aviation Flight Technology

[email protected]

Stay on top of all your assignments and use some

sort of an organizer.

Lea Zebrowski

Alpha Omicron Pi

Sophomore, Secondary Math Education


[email protected]

Find that one spot that you can just sit down and

focus. Mine would be on the lower level of the li-

brary. I can really focus and knock things out.