spot overview november 2011

Copyright © 2011 SPOT Consulting LLC 1 Overview of SPOT Consul2ng LLC November 2011

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Page 1: Spot Overview November 2011

Copyright © 2011 SPOT Consulting LLC 1

Overview  of  SPOT  Consul2ng  LLC  November  2011  


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SPOT Consulting LLC - Vision & Mission

•  Vision    –  Improve  the  opera7ng  effec7veness  of  clients  by  providing  the  best  technology  solu7ons  and  management  prac7ces  available  

•  Mission  –  Provide  outstanding  consul7ng  advice  –  Op7mize  revenue  genera7ng  opera7ons  and  cost  reduc7ons  to  hit  financial  and  opera7onal  objec7ves  

–  Stay  current  with  advanced  technologies  in  service  opera7ons  

–  U7lize  leading  edge  procurement  prac7ces  for  clients  who  wish  to  outsource  service  opera7ons  

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Corporate Overview

•  Business  performance  consul7ng    

•  Focus  is  contact  center  op7miza7on  

•  Blend  exper7se  in  opera7ons,  finance,  and  technology  to    –  Increase  sales  and  margins  

–  Improve  First  Call  Resolu7on  

–  Drive  higher  customer  sa7sfac7on  

–  Lower  transac7on  costs  

•  Headquartered  in  Aus7n,  TX  

•  Privately-­‐held  

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Core Capabilities

•  Market  Intelligence  –  Primary  &  secondary  research  on  contact  center  issues  –  Used  as  the  basis  for  opera7onal  improvement  ini7a7ves  

•  Chat  and  Social  Media  Op7miza7on  –  Based  on  extensive  Market  Intelligence  studies,  we  improved  PC  OEM’s  chat  channel  sales  results  by  over  27%  

•  Cer7fica7on  Services  –  SPOT  Performance  Management  Model  Tiers  1,  2,  3  

•  Vested  Outsourcing  –  Cer7fied  Deal  Architect  –  Contact  center  SME  for  University  of  Tennessee    

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We transform our client’s business performance

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The Problems We Solve

•  Organiza7ons  need  customer  service  strategies  that:  –  Improve  customer  sa7sfac7on,  while  reducing  customer  effort  

–  Lower  cost  of  service  via:  •  Improving  opera7ons  •  Outsourcing  •  Implemen7ng  mul7-­‐channel  approach  

–  Meet  or  exceed  targeted  revenue  and/or  margin  goals  –  Leverage  key  technologies  

• WFM  •  Training  •  Emerging  channels  

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Our People

•  Experienced  experts  –  Extensive  experience  in  North  America,  Japan,  La7n  America,  Europe,  Asia,  Australia,  and  emerging  markets  

–  Know  the  contact  center  industry  •  Opera7ng  /  op7mizing  cap7ve  and/or  outsourced  centers  •  Know  the  key  providers  and  issues  in  each  market  

–  Capabili7es  –  Pricing  –  Opera7onal  challenges  

–  Can  move  quickly  to  implement  real  change  in  the  field  –  Help  you  organize  and  manage  change  ini7a7ves  

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Our Partners

•  We  partner  with  providers  who  offer  leading  edge  solu7ons  for  your  issues.  

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International Experience

•  SPOT  staff  have  worked  with  centers  in  –  North  America  

•  US,  Canada,  Mexico  –  La7n  America  

•  Argen7na,  Brazil,  Costa  Rica,  Dominican  Republic,  El  Salvador,  Mexico,  Panama  

–  Europe  •  Bulgaria,  Germany,  Holland,  France,  Sweden,  UK    

–  Middle  East  •  Egypt,  Jordan,  Kuwait  

–  Asia  •  China,  Indonesia,  Malaysia,  Philippines,  Singapore,  Vietnam  

–  Australia    –  India    –  Sri  Lanka  

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Client Experience

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Over 80% of our clients are Fortune 100 organizations See for most current listing

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The Challenge

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Majority of executives think their contact centers cost too much and deliver too little

•  Contact  centers  are  caught  between  opposing  pressures  –  Requirement  to  increase  sales  –  Rising  customer  service  expecta7ons  –  Opera7onal  need  to  drive  down  costs  

•  No  common  set  of  opera7ng  measurements    –  Revenue  per  call?  –  Cost  per  call?    –  Cost  per  seat?  

•  Performance  and  data  metrics  from  opera7ons  and  IT  seldom  align  

Third party outsourcing only makes it worse


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Our Solution

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We enable you to deliver sustainable, cost effective customer satisfaction

•  Contact  center  performance  op7miza7on  –  Increased  conversion  /  sales  rates  –  Higher  first  call  resolu7on  –  Improved  customer  sa7sfac7on  –  Lower  opera7ng  costs    

•  Complete  vendor  management  solu7ons  

•  Sourcing  analysis  and  implementa7on  management      


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Typical Client Success Story

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The Challenge Results with SPOT

Ø  Needed to increase close rate in chat Ø  Lacked information on best practices for chat Ø  Did not have the right metrics for chat Ø  Customer experience erratic Ø  Agents not reflecting brand’s desired image

ü Close rate up 10.7% points ü Revenue per sales up 24.7% ü Margin per sale up 38.3% ü Customer satisfaction up 5.1% points ü Much closer reflection of brand image through

better communication styles

“SPOT’s consulting help added millions to our profits – it was a huge success!” Director, Consumer Sales, PC OEM


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Typical Client Success Story

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The Challenge: Results with SPOT:

Ø  Poor sales performance Ø  High call per incident rate Ø  Low customer satisfaction scores Ø  Managers had no metrics to improve results Ø  Additional staffing costs to meet peak demand

ü  10% sales increase ü  62% improvement in information accuracy ü  60% reduction in staffing requirements ü  12% of costs in additional cost savings ü  “Top” customer satisfaction scores

“We could not have asked for a better performance improvement partner.”

VP Strategy and Business Development

One of America’s Largest Electronic Retailers


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Typical Client Success Story

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The Challenge Results with SPOT

Ø  Excessive customer churn Ø  No accurate CSAT metrics or measurements Ø  High inconsistencies in service delivery Ø  Extremely low call issue resolution rates Ø  Operational gaps across global centers

ü Call volume reduced by 12 million calls in 2008 ü  $53.3 million savings from improved IR ü  28% improvement in CSAT in 12 months ü  13.6% year over year improvement in FCR ü New process implemented globally

“The 12 month improvement in contact center performance saved us $53M!”

VP Operations, Leading U.S. Telecommunications Provider


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For  addi7onal  informa7on,  email  [email protected]  or  phone  (+1)  512-­‐551-­‐2342  

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