sponsoring & advertising booklet · the 4-day congress programme will dig into the latest...

Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet 18 – 21 September 2018 IFSCC 2018 is organised by the German Society of Cosmetic Chemists (DGK) and supported by SOFW (Verlag für chemische Industrie, H.Ziolkowsky GmbH), a specialised publishing and congress organising company. Don’t miss your opportunity!

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Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet

18 – 21 September 2018

IFSCC 2018 is organised by the German Society of Cosmetic Chemists (DGK) and supported by SOFW (Verlag für chemische Industrie, H.Ziol kow sky GmbH), a specialised publishing and congress organising company.

Don’t miss



30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


I. Welcome to IFSCC Congress 2018 � � � � � � � � � 3

II. Sponsoring Packages � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 4 – 5 Platinum Gold Silver Bronze

III. Event Sponsoring � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 6 – 9 Welcome Reception Social Event Gala Dinner Workshop Keynote Lectures Exhibition Lunches Coffee Stations

IV. Promotion Articles � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �10 – 12 Bags Penbooks Lanyards Badges USB Sticks Room Cards

V. Online & Print Promotion � � � � � � � � � � � � � �13 – 15 Congress Catalogue Inserts in Congress Bags Pop Up Newsletter Welcome Note

VI. Terms & Conditions � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 16


Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


I� Welcome to IFSCC Congress 2018

“Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” is the motto of the 30th IFSCC Congress 2018, which is hosted by the German Society for Scientific and Applied Cosmetic in Munich, Germany, from 18th until 21st September�

The motto meets the needs of a modern society, which looks for a science that connects research and emotion, development and sustainability, thus creating a good feeling that reflects a young lifestyle�

The city of Munich has the reputation for combining a thriving city with a charming atmosphere. Munich is renowned for its lifestyle, beauty and fashion and is the ideal city to host this IFSCC Congress�

The 4-day congress programme will dig into the latest research of all cosmetic disciplines and bring together the international elite of cosmetic scientists�

You can become a sponsor of this prestigious and unique event:

• Get exposure to as many as 1500 participants�

• Connect with clients at your booth�

• Host and communicate with key accounts in your hospitality room�

• Be part of an extensive 3-year global marketing campaign�

• Show the decision makers of the industry your zeal for cosmetic science�

The German Society of Cosmetic Chemists invites you to explore the marketing opportunities in this Sponsoring Booklet�

Decide now and join the IFSCC Congress 2018�

30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


II� Sponsoring Packages

Price: 45,000 €

The Platinum Sponsorship includes:- Company name

recognised as Platinum Sponsor- Company logo on all official printed

documents- Company logo on the congress website

added and linked to the company website

- Company logo on all official congress newsletter added and linked to the company website

- Promotional leaflet inside congress bags- 4 congress tickets - 4 gala dinner tickets- 4 exhibitor tickets- 1 booth* (4x4 m) in the exhibition area- 1 hospitality suite at the congress venue- 1 full page colour advertisement in the

congress catalogue (DIN A4)

Price: 25,000 €

The Gold Sponsorship includes:- Company name

recognised as Gold Sponsor- Company logo on all official printed

documents- Company logo on the congress website

added and linked to the company website

- Promotional leaflet inside congress bags- 3 congress tickets - 3 gala dinner tickets- 2 exhibitor tickets- 1 booth* (3x3 m) in the exhibition area- 1 page colour advertisement in the

congress catalogue (DIN A4)

* Booth upgrade available upon request

Platinum Gold

Exclusive Limited to


com paniesSOLDSOLD

Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


Price: 15,000 €

The Silver Sponsorship includes:- Company name

recognised as Silver Sponsor- Company logo on all official printed

documents- Company logo on the congress website

added and linked to the company website

- 2 congress tickets - 2 gala dinner tickets- 2 exhibitor tickets- 1 booth* (3x2 m) in the exhibition area- 1 page colour advertisement in the

congress catalogue (DIN A4)

Price: 10,000 €

The Bronze Sponsorship includes:- Company name

recognised as Bronze Sponsor- Company logo on all official printed

documents- Company logo on the congress website

added and linked to the company website

- 1 exhibitor ticket- 1 booth* (3x2 m) in the exhibition area- 1 page colour advertisement in the

congress catalogue (DIN A4)

Silver BronzeLimited to


com panies

Limited to


com panies

Only 1



Only 1



30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


III� Event Sponsoring

1. Welcome Reception

Limited to 3 companiesService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,000 €

This welcoming sponsoring enables your company to be the first sponsor who presents the company to the delegates on the IFSCC Congress�

The Welcome Reception Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

Welcome Reception on Tuesday- Logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo projected at the location or

presented on roll ups (or similar)

2. Social Event

Limited to 2 companiesService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,500 €

This welcoming sponsoring enables your company to be the first sponsor who presents the company to the delegates on the IFSCC congress�

The Social Event Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the Social

Event on Thursday- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo projected at the location or

presented on roll ups (or similar)



Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


3. Gala Dinner

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 5,000 €

You will take one preferred table at the Gala Dinner with over 1,000 guests expected at this unique event�The Gala Dinner Sponsor receives recognition pre-senting the company logo within the table decoration or menu cards�

The Gala Dinner Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the Gala

Dinner on Thursday- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo on the table decoration or menu

cards- Premier choice for seating (maximum 10 persons)

4. Workshops

Exclusive for each WorkshopService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 2,000 €

This sponsorship provides you exclusive recognition during 1 of the 3 workshops on Tuesday, on all printed documents and on the congress website�

The Workshop Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor during 1 of

the 3 workshops- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on roll ups during the

appropriate workshop



30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


5. Keynote Lectures

Exclusive for 1 company per lectureService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 5,000 €

The Keynote Speaker Sponsoring gives you a high recognition in a valuable scientific surrounding. As the keynotes lectures are traditionally well attended, visibility of your company to a large audience is guar-anteed� The IFSCC congress 2018 features 5 keynote speakers�

The Keynote Speaker Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

keynote lectures- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the lecture screen (or


6. Exhibition

Limited to 3 companiesService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 2,500 €

The Exhibition Sponsorship includes recognition as one of maximum three sponsors in the exhibition area promoting the event during the day throughout a logo on a banner (or similar)�

The Exhibition Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

exhibition- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on a banner (or similar) in

the exhibition hall 50% discount on booth exhibit space

III� Event Sponsoring



Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


7. Lunches

Exclusive for 1 company per dayService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,500 €

This sponsorship provides recognition of your compa-ny during the lunch on one of the congress days�

- Company name recognised as sponsor of the lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on roll ups (or similar) in

the lunch areas

  8.  Coffee Stations 

Limited to 2 companies per dayService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,000 €

The Coffee Station Sponsorship includes company recognition on all coffee stations at the IFSCC con-gress in Munich, Germany.

The Coffee Station Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

coffee stations on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented at the coffee stations

30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


IV. Promotion Articles

1. Bags

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 5,000 € + production costs

Sponsorship for the IFSCC bags is the way to promote your company in a very prominent and visual way� The logo of the sponsoring company will be printed on each congress bag along with the IFSCC congress logo�

The Bag Sponsorship includes: - Company name recognised as sponsor of the bags- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the bags

2. Penbooks

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 2,500 € + production costs

Delegates particularly appreciate receiving penbooks which are useful for the sessions� This sponsorship offers the sponsoring company their printed logo on the penbooks�

The Penbook Sponsorship includes: - Company name recognised as sponsor of the

penbooks- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the penbooks


Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


Munich Chemistry

John Doe

Company Logo

Munich Chemistry

John Doe

Company Logo

3. Lanyards

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 2,500 € + production costs

Every attendee receives a lanyard with his/her badge� Since badges must be worn at all times while being in the congress area, the lanyards offer a broad visibility for the sponsoring company�

The Lanyard Sponsorship includes: - Company name recognised as sponsor of the

lanyards- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the lanyards

4. Badges

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 2,000 € + production costs

Every delegate must carry his badge at all times while being in the congress area. This effective sponsorship includes exclusive company recognition with the com-pany logo on the badge�

The Badge Sponsorship includes: - Company name recognised as sponsor of the

badges- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the badges

Munich Chemistry

John Doe

Company Logo

30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


IV. Promotion Articles

5. USB Sticks

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 3,500 € + production costs

The Conference Proceedings will be made available on USB sticks� Every delegate who attends the confer-ence will receive a copy. This sponsorship offers the sponsoring company their printed logo on the USB sticks�

The USB Stick Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

USB sticks- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added

and linked to the company website- Company logo presented on the USB sticks


6. Room Cards

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,250 € + production costs

This unique sponsorship will reach all attendees who have their rooms in the congress hotel and provides the sponsor high recognition with the company logo on the room cards�

The Room Cards Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

room cards- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo and/or advertisement on the room

cards envelope provided at check-in

Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


V� Online & Print Promotion

1. Congress Catalogue

Inner full page 1,850 €Inner half page 1,250 €Inner quarter page 850 €Inside front/back cover page 2,500 €

The congress catalogue will be distributed on site to every delegate� This will be an easy way for your company to reach the entire flavour and fragrance industry�

Format final: DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm (width x height)

Format required: 216 x 303 mm (incl� trim)Security space: Please layout text and logos with

min� 10 mm distance to edge of advertisement

Publishing Date: September 2018

Deadline: 30th June 2018

2. Inserts in Congress Bags

Limited to 3 companiesPrice: 1,250 € + production costs

An A4 sized double sided, colour or black and white flyer/promotional piece. This Flyer could promote your company‘s activities or it could be an existing corporate flyer giving information on your services or products�

Format final: DIN A4, 210 x 297 mm (width x height)

Format required: 216 x 303 mm (incl� trim)Security space: Please layout text and logos with

min� 10 mm distance to edge of advertisement

Publishing Date: September 2018Deadline: 30th June 2018


Congress Catalogue

18 – 21 September 2018



30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


3. Pop Up

ExclusivePrice: 2,500 €

This sponsorship is an exclusive way to promote your company. Everyone entering the official congress website will be pointed out to your company�

The Pop Up Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

pop up- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Company logo or advertising published as a pop up

when entering the official congress website

Format: 160x160 pixels

4. Newsletter

Service: all-inclusive [1]

1 Newsletter 1,250 €3 Newsletters 3,250 €6 Newsletters 5,800 €

Your company logo will be posted on the official IFSCC congress newsletter� This special sponsorship oppor-tunity is limited to one company in each newsletter� You will reach approx� 10�000 contacts per newsletter�

LogoPop Up

V� Online & Print Promotion

Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


5. Welcome Note

ExclusiveService: all-inclusive [1]

Price: 1,000 € + production costs

This unique sponsorship will reach all attendees who have their rooms in the congress hotel and provides the sponsor high recognition with the company logo on a welcome note placed in the hotel room�

The Welcome Note Sponsorship includes:- Company name recognised as sponsor of the

welcome notes- Company logo on all official printed documents- Company logo on the congress website added and

linked to the company website- Advertising text, ad or similar printed and

distributed in all congress hotel rooms

30TH IFSCC CONGRESS 18 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2018“Cosmetics: Science for Beauty and Lifestyle” INFINITY Hotel & Conference Resort Munich


The various sponsoring opportunities are subject to availability. A contract will be sent to you for signa-ture upon booking a sponsoring�Sponsoring opportunities are open to book for regis-tered attendees only� Coordination, Organisation, Layout and DesignIf not otherwise indicated, all coordination, organisa-tion, layout and design are in the sole responsibility of the sponsoring company� [1] “Service: all-inclusive” Sponsorings: Coordination, organisation, layout and design are in the sole responsibility of the IFSCC Organising Com-mittee� You just have to send in your company logo in high quality�

Picture Credits:

Page 1, 13 © Jörg Hackemann/Fotolia; Pages 2-3 © FooTToo/Shutterstock; Pages 4-5 © Marla/Fotolia; Page 6 © SunKids/Shutterstock, © BBMC Tobias Ranzinger; Page 7 © Kzenon/Shutter-

stock, Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock; Page 8 © Khakimullin Aleksandr/Shutterstock; davis/Fotolia; Page 9 © CandyBox Images/Fotolia, sabine hürd ler/Fotolia; Pages 10, 13 © lucadp/Shutterstock;

Page 10 © Gruffi/Shutterstock, Nordroden/Shutterstock; Page 11 © jehafo/Fotolia; Page 12 © Neamov /Shutterstock; Page 14 © pixelproHD/Fotolia; Page 15 © worldwide_stock/Fotolia

VI� Terms & Conditions

Cancellation TermsSigned contracts are binding, no cancellation or re-funds are possible� Terms of PaymentBalance is due 100% after receipt of the invoice�

Sponsoring & Advertising Booklet


Contact Details

Michaela ReitmayerOrganising TeamDorfstr� 4086470 Thannhausen/BurgTel: +49 8281 79940-44Fax: +49 8281 79940-50Email: michaela�reitmayer@sofw�com
