sponge bob daily routines the present simple tense

Spongebob square pants Hello, i go to tell you about the daily routines of sponge bob square pants.

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Spongebob square pants Hello, i go to tell you about the daily routines of sponge bob square pants.
  2. 2. Every morning,he gets up at quarter past six.
  3. 3. After that, he takes a shower.
  4. 4. He brushes his teeth.
  5. 5. After that, he gets dressed.
  6. 6. At quarter to seven , he has special pills for breakfast.
  7. 7. He goes to work at seven oclock.
  8. 8. But he starts at quarter past seven.
  9. 9. At midday, he has burger for lunch.
  10. 10. At five , he returns to his home.
  11. 11. After that , he goes play with his friend patrick.
  12. 12. At eight , he has dinner with his snail.
  13. 13. After dinner , he watches his favourite cartoons.
  14. 14. At ten , he goes to bed.
  15. 15. The end Ilhem Sayeh 7 form 4 C.p.k.t 2014/2015 Teacher: mrs abid sawsen