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Page 1 of 24 Issue #:0049 Vol: 5 November 2010 INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL SELF CONSCIOUSNESS MOVEMENT THE OPERATIONAL WING OF SAHAJAMARGA RAJA YOGA DHYANA GRUHASTHA ASHRAM INCORPORATED (Vishva Sarvatma Bhava Chaitanya Prasara Nilayam) Spiritual Patron Samartha SadGuru Sri Ramachandra Maharaj Spiritual Facilitator Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM Spiritual Doctrine, Conceptual Guidance - and - Motivators: Bhagavan Sri. Adi Sankara and Lord Sri. Krishna Paramatma (Gitacharya ) “UNIVERSAL SELF CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ULTIMATE AND LAST REVELATION OF DIVINE MESSAGE OF PROVIDENCE TO MANKIND”. Message from the Master Scriptures declare in no uncertain terms, that Jeeva (Individual self) and Ishvara God are akin except that Jeeva is under the subjugation of Mind, while Ishwara subjugates the Maya the Macro-cosmic Mind. Both Ishvara and Jeeva are engaged in creational process, respectively, with the help of Maya and Mind. Because of this difference in the nature of creational process, Man suffers the dualities of his creational process, while Ishvara remains neutral untouched, spectating, by the effects of His creational activities as “Lila Manusha Vigraha”. We suffer because of dualities of the Mind; and this is an effect of release of sanskaras for ‘bhoga’ ie: for enjoyment. While travelling on journey, we meet different kinds of Spiritual News Bulletin Page 2 of 24 sights on the road, some pleasing and other not that attractive, In the same way while doing meditation for spiritual enlightenment. The abhyasi should proceed on his way unmindful of all these. This kind of spiritual condition continues so long the sanskaras are there. The positive and negative currents flow in the mind-psych criss-crossing and occasionally neutralising each other at various points. This generates ‘samathavastha’ during meditation leading to vacuum of the heart providing space to fill the grace of Master, which is experienced as layavastha at various knots. Of course, there can not be absolute balance of neutrality, otherwise it leads physical death. Because, existential life is an effect of imbalance of three gunas of nature, the prakruti. As far as possible one should have complete layavastha in Brahman so as to have, the complete Knowledge of Reality, which is the source of all worldly knowledge’s. A Knower of Reality should have intuitive feeling of all happenings, the so called opening of Jnana-Chekshu, the ‘Third-Eye’. When this spiritual consciousness is attained, thriputi is neutralised and the Knowledge attains the divine state of trans-mental phenomenon. By the grace of Master one must know the yogic technique, of bringing consciousness down from TAM, it’s source of origin to infuse and divinise all atoms of the entire body. Honest love, devotion craving for the highest possible spiritual attainment, and surrender to guru, enables one to be blessed of this mystic yoga condition. An Astral Transmission Through Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM, HQ. Hyderabad-59, India Harmony and synchrony of Thought (Bhavana) Between Guru and Sishya, Is the foundation for Spiritual Attainment EDITORIAL

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Issue #:0049 Vol: 5 November 2010




(Vishva Sarvatma Bhava Chaitanya Prasara Nilayam)

Spiritual Patron Samartha SadGuru Sri Ramachandra Maharaj Spiritual Facilitator Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM

Spiritual Doctrine, Conceptual Guidance - and - Motivators: Bhagavan Sri. Adi Sankara and Lord Sri. Krishna Paramatma (Gitacharya )



Message from the Master

Scriptures declare in no uncertain terms, that Jeeva (Individual self) and Ishvara God are akin except that Jeeva is under the subjugation of Mind, while Ishwara subjugates the Maya the Macro-cosmic Mind. Both Ishvara and Jeeva are engaged in creational process, respectively, with the help of Maya and Mind. Because of this difference in the

nature of creational process, Man suffers the dualities of his creational process, while Ishvara remains neutral untouched, spectating, by the effects of His creational activities as “Lila Manusha Vigraha”. We suffer because of dualities of the Mind; and this is an effect of release of sanskaras for ‘bhoga’ ie: for enjoyment. While travelling on journey, we meet different kinds of

Spiritual News Bulletin

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sights on the road, some pleasing and other not that attractive, In the same way while doing meditation for spiritual enlightenment. The abhyasi should proceed on his way unmindful of all these. This kind of spiritual condition continues so long the sanskaras are there. The positive and negative currents flow in the mind-psych criss-crossing and occasionally neutralising each other at various points. This generates ‘samathavastha’ during meditation leading to vacuum of the heart providing space to fill the grace of Master, which is experienced as layavastha at various knots. Of course, there can not be absolute balance of neutrality, otherwise it leads physical death. Because, existential life is an effect of imbalance of three gunas of nature, the prakruti. As far as possible one should have complete layavastha in Brahman so as to have, the complete Knowledge of Reality, which is the source of all worldly knowledge’s. A Knower of Reality should have intuitive feeling of all happenings, the so called opening of Jnana-Chekshu, the ‘Third-Eye’. When this spiritual consciousness is attained, thriputi is neutralised and the Knowledge attains the divine state of trans-mental phenomenon. By the grace of Master one must know the yogic technique, of bringing consciousness down from TAM, it’s source of origin to infuse and divinise all atoms of the entire body. Honest love, devotion craving for the highest possible spiritual attainment, and surrender to guru, enables one to be blessed of this mystic yoga condition. An Astral Transmission Through Prof. Satyanarayana Chillapa President IUSCM, HQ. Hyderabad-59, India

Harmony and synchrony of Thought (Bhavana) Between Guru and Sishya, Is the foundation for

Spiritual Attainment


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Gain of mundane, worldly knowledge (Apara Vidya) is indirect involving the psychic phenomenon of Thriputi i.e. subject, object, and predicate (Karta, Karma, Kriya); it is the division of consciousness in

to trinity. So it is mental in scope called ‘Paroksha’. Where as spiritual knowledge (Para Vidya) is direct, bypassing the mind and called as ‘Aparoksha’. Spiritual experience transmitted, from guru comes under direct method, though it may involve scriptural recitation. Obviously, shishya has to tune his mind-psych to be in harmonious synchrony with the guru’s thought wave-length to get maximum benefit of a particular teaching-learning interaction session. Keeping in view the psychic aspects of teaching-learning process scriptures give the following mandate.

“Om! Sahana Vavatu Saha Nou Bhunaktu

Saha Veeryam Kara VA Vahai Tae Jasvi Na Vadhita Mastu

Maa Vidh Visha Vahai Om! Shantihi Shantihi shantihi”

Meaning: “May HE Protect us both (Preceptor and the disciple). May HE nourish us both! May we both work together with great energy! May our study be thorough and fruitful! May we never hate each other! Om Peace: Peace: Peace

It is something strange and paradoxical, that the abhyasi on spiritual path may some times develop without his awareness, mental resistance to the transmission of pranahuti, may be, because of hidden, un-discernable dislike to the preceptor, or to the methods of teaching, or organisational policies, blocking temporarily or permanently for further approach to the goal of realisation of the Ultimate. This may happen due to sanskaras that are released during the process of cleaning at (B) the point of causal body.

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In view of this contingency, in traditional systems of yoga based on ‘Pathanjali Ashtanga Yoga’ they do not allow any one to admit in dhyana yoga of meditation, until the seeker has come, sufficiently prepared by doing the spade-work by cleaning the sanskaras, having gone through the ‘shut-sampathi’ stages of yama and niyama, through self effort as evident in the following verses.

“ Aadhu Shama Dhama Prayair Gunnair Shishyam Vishodha Yeth Paschath Sarva Midam Brahma Shudha Satvamithi BodhAyaeth”

Meaning: “In the beginning examine the student carefully

for qualities of self-control and inner quietitude; there after, advise him “Thou Art, the Pure Brahman, who is the essence of this entire Universe”’ In IUSCM, and its Ashram SMRYDGA, mind is cleaned and purified bringing to the level of “Vishudha-Satvatma”’ by removing micro-impressions, Sanskaras, the Source-Material of impure mind with the help of Master’s Grace of “Pranahuti’”, resulting in experience of Universal SELF Consciousness, the empirical aspect of “That – Thou - Art” i.e. “Tath -Twam – Asi’”. To have the direct experience (Aparokshanubhuti) of manifested mode of Reality as Universal SELF Consciousness, it is minimum social and ethical obligation, on the seeker of Reality to present himself with the courteous approach to the Guru as mandated, in the following verses by Bhagavan Sri Krishna.

“Tat Vidhi Pranni Pathena Pari Prashnena Sevaya

Upadekshyanti Tae Gnanam Gnanina Statava Darishinah”

(Ref: Gita-4-Sl.34)

Meaning: ”Know and elucidate, by questioning and enquiring (Pariprashnena) That Knowledge of Ultimate

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Reality, Parabrahman, by approaching the Guru who is not only adept in scriptural theoretical knowledge, but also the one who has SELF Knowledge (Atma Gnani) and established in Parabrahman, by practical experience by bowing down with humility. Touching his feet, as the mark of obeisance.”

Bhagavan has indicated the above stated physical and mental discipline to be observed by the shishya, who is the seeker of Reality, in order to obviate, ego’s hidden resistance to the act of cleaning, modifying, and restructuring, the entire psycho-somatic structure of perceptional, feeler, and thinker personality levels of the Shishya (Seeker) through, transmission of grace of pranahuti. My Master Samartha Sadguru Sri Babuji Maharaj though, has not pronounced publicly, any such mandate as insisted by Bhagavan Sri Krishna, but lived a life of precept, by totally merging in Layavastha in His Guru Shri Lalaji Maharaj in a state of perpetual negation. Nay, He further advanced, by propounding the theory of “Negation - self” culminating empirically, in high exalted spiritual state of “Tam” the very source of origin of Consciousness, which is the womb of creational process of Reality. A Sidha Yogi alone is capable of going beyond the dualities of life (Dwanda Prakruti) involving love and hate, likes and dislikes etc. that may not be possible for yoga - uncultivated mind. Normally the hidden psychic condition, of dislike and hating guru, or preceptor should not arise in any organisation; but due to sanskaras if it comes, pray to Master humbly with sincere heart to erase-out the mental thought, pleading to forgive the unintentional sin; otherwise, it may block the worldly and spiritual welfare.


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Special Feature Column

1. Copy of letter from Dr. K. C. Vardachari, Tirupati, Dated 17-3-1955

Rev. Dear Shri Ramchandraji, Your kind letter to hand. I am deeply

moved by your kind letter. I am surely in need of all spiritual help to lead me to the Higher experience of Reality. I know not the obstructions and attractions of worldly, non-permanent things should be got over except through the grace of almighty. So I shall indeed be grateful for whatever you could do in depths of my being to rectify and make my progress sure and steady.

With sincere pranams, Yours sincerely Sd / -xx xx xx (K. C. VARDACHARI)

2. To Sri N. Kumaraswamy, Ref: 2078 / SRCM,

Dated 23-03-1955 My Dear Brother,

Received your kind letter dated 17th March, 1955. Read the contents therein. Which gave me a good deal of pleasure? When my Master made me his representative, he demanded the Guru Dakshina from me which is prevalent among the Hindus from the time immemorial so as to spread spiritualism throughout, because the method of transmission is fading away from amidst the Hindus. I solemnly affirmed that throughout my life, I shall devote myself for this sort of service. As such all my spiritual energy is secured for the service of you all. So often I become restless to impart spiritualism to my fellow beings. The work I did in the short tenure of power, the world will remember after me when those things would come to light that I have so far

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reserved. So if any body comes to me for the spiritual service I think myself indebted to him. I do not stand as a Guru to impart training, but as a servant of humanity; consequently, to be more frank I shall spare no pains in giving you every possible approach to a higher vision. The attraction of the transitory world of course is predominant in every mind, because we have been attracted towards it, by our own force. If that force be directed towards Almighty we will naturally be relieved of the things mentioned in your letter. You please leave all these things to me because this is my work and not the business of an abhyasi. There are practices too, which we all do in Mission. I am writing to you these practices to do for some time in the morning and in the evening. If you do them, you will soon develop your anubhava shakti and will be able to notice the condition of your mind very soon. In this way you will be helping me also in my work. If you have no time to do the practices even then your progress is sure and I am now taking your case in my hand from the night of 23rd March1955. But I will request you not to avoid prayer, given here in after; that you must do at bed times in the way I am writing to you. I promise you for full support but please make it a point to inform me condition fortnightly. I will take some time no doubt in removing the complexities, darkness and other impediments from your system, which I am reading from this place, infusing at the same time the Godly-effulgence. You will begin to feel light heartedness by the grace of God in a very short time. A few of my associates are again attracting me to South India and I am sure that I shall have to go there. If such opportunity presents itself I shall come there. Prayer “O Master ye are the real goal of human life. We are yet, but slaves of wishes putting bar to our advancement. Ye are the only God and power to bring me up to that stage”. Repeat the words once or twice in your mind and begin to meditate over its true sense and then try to get lost in it. This is real method of prayer and greatly beneficial.

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Sit for meditation in the morning, say for half an hour in the beginning and think divine light is present in your heart. Do this in quite simple and natural way, without forcing your mind to it. Never mind if you do not actually see the light there. Start with a mere supposition so to say and remain sitting in a meditative mood ( in one posture as far as possible ) with your inward eye turned towards the heart, in the most natural way, without trying to force yourself to concentrate. In the evening sit in the same manner for the same duration and think all inner complexities and grossness are going out from your back side in the form of smoke or vapours. For your information, I may point out through human grief that my prediction given at page138 in “Reality at dawn” is coming true. The Gulf Stream is changing its course vide Sunday Pioneer Magazine Section daily of Lucknow dated the March, 1955. With best wishes, Yours affectionately, Ad/-xx xx xx (RAM CHANDRA, PRESIDENT)

3. From Dr. V.P. Rao, dated, October, 2nd 2010, 3-39, Vidya Nagar Colony, Tirupati-517502 (AP.), India

Dear Prof. Satyanarayana

Pranam. I received your prompt and kind greetings yesterday. Thanks. I have completed 94 years age and stepped into 95th year. Having stepped into the system without any knowledge of SRCM, I was initiated in December-1959 unasked. After Satsangh the next day I met Dr. KCV and asked him why I was initiated unasked. I was not doing any puja and not visiting temples and how could I have deserved to be initiated into the system. He said my prarbdha brought me to Babuji, who called me and I was initiated. I was silent but followed the system. I

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have read few books by Divine Babuji, also Lalaji, and later Saint Sister Kasturiji. I have no knowledge, to date, of our scriptures, Religious forms and formulation etc., etc. I was also authorised to serve the abhyasis by Babuji from 1968.This is SERVICE. Lalaji, Babuji, Sister, K, all ONE - my divine Mother. So it is HIS power that is functioning, I SERVE. That’s all. The Sadhak minds his abhyas, exposes himself to Babuji’s Grace, and Realises HIM (the ONE). He the abhyasi is ALONE, not lonely but ALONE together with Babuji. It is a flight of the Alone to the ALONE, Babuji the ONE. Babuji visited Tirupati till 1971. Samadhi in April-1983. He is the Source. I only serve. You understand-devotion, service. The ONE’s blessings. Thanks. May the ONE bless your family and you, sound health, prosperity and Happiness? You’re affectionately V.P. Rao LETTERS (Pearl s of Wisdom) From: Gopala Krishna Rao, Hyderabad, India Pujya Swamiji, Pranam, This is with reference to the e-mail dt .18th October 2010 from Chi. Sow. Jyostna Vadela. The Spiritual enquiries were formulated on the the advise of Pujya Swamiji only for recording the dialogue by Shri Asish Menon during his recent stay at Ashram H.Q. Hyderabad. The inspiration for the enquiries is Swamiji. The regular weekly Sunday meditation, followed by Swamiji Pravachan enlightening many a spiritual concepts enabled me to formulate the questions. For the benefit of abyasis and readers of Spiritual News Bulletin, Swamiji included the enquiries in the current ( October 2010 ) issue of the S.Bulletin.

In this connection we should acknowledge the devotion and dedication in recording of the dialogue, Swamiji Pravachans and Ashram activities by Mr. Asish Menon.

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While thanking Chi. Sow. Jyostna Vodela for her appreciative comments on the formulation of spiritual enquiries, I submit that the answers provided by Swamiji are of highest spiritual order for enlightening the abyasis and readers of the Spiritual News Bulletin of IUSCM. Seeking Guru's Grace, Your Own Self, VG K Rao From: Jyotsna Vodela 18th October, 2010 With Master's grace, I would like to take this opportunity, to thank Dr.Gopalakrishna Rao garu and appreciate his efforts in encapsulating all the spiritual inquiries put forth to Swamiji during the interview process at the Hyderabad ashram. This has given us a chance to read such invaluable responses from Swamiji in the News Bulletin. I humbly request Swamiji to present a small token of appreciation in this regard to Prof. V. Gopala Krishna Rao. Regards, Jyotsna From: ASISH MENON , Sydney Australia,15th October 2010 Dear Divine souls Please join us in our monthly Satsang @ Nth Parramatta ashram this Sunday 17th Oct. Let's share the divine power as we near closer to our true selves, stripping the layers away to reveal the natural bliss and peace that we all deserve. WHEN- Sun 17th October TIME- 2PM for 2.30 start WHERE- 2/100 O'Connell st, Nth Parramatta 2151 Why- For true freedom! “See your self in others, and others in your own self " (swamiji) Asish Menon From: Anita Koovarjee, Melbourne, Au. Namaste Swamiji,

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Following is an introduction of our new abhyasi Michelle French who has been initiated into pranahuti meditation. With pranams and gratitude for the divine guidance and grace which is being showered upon us daily. Anita. From: Michelle , Melbourne, Au.12th October 2010 Hello Lovely Anita, I am so sorry it has taken me so long to actually sit down in front of my computer and write this message. Everything I am writing to the Swamiji, I am also saying to you too, as you were the one that actually taught me the technique of Pranahuti Meditation.

I am looking forward to our group meditation as I feel that I need a re-charge to my meditation. Hope all is well. Love Michelle Dear Swamij,

I would like to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing the Pranahuti meditation with Anita Koovarjee who taught me the technique. I have had many different benefits from practising each day and I am so grateful for the experiences I have gained. Please find the main ones listed below.

• I feel a lot calmer and I am noticing my previous habit of getting frustrated and angry easily. As I am able to notice this more I am able to change my reactions.

• I am gaining a real sense of patience and understanding of other people.

• Learning heaps about myself - things I hadn't noticed before. Sometimes it feels like I am observing a different person as I am not caught up in the emotion of the moment and can alter my previous bad habits.

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• Starting to give myself the love I have always craved and deserved. Noticing the good traits I possess instead of always only focusing on the negative ones.

• Wanting and actually following through to break my bad habits that no longer serve me.

• Removing my blinkers and really starting to see all the beauty surrounding me from other people and this wonderful world we live in. I was dropping a car off for work and I caught a glimpse of Melbourne city landscape and had a feeling come over me of gratitude and love for the place I live.

• Enjoying everything I do, even things I use to think of chores in the past.

• Learning and understanding that this is a journey that I am always on and I will achieve everything I am suppose to with commitment to practising acts that better and further me.

• Once again, thank you very much for this experience. Love Michelle From Swamiji Dear Sister Michelle Ashirwad Welcome to IUSCM and its Ashram

• The yoga mystic experience as indicated in your letter shows, the effect of Pranahuti has started.

• It is necessary that instructions about the method of doing meditation given by your preceptor Anita Koovarjee have to be followed to achieve the expected results.

• Evening meditation on point (B) to remove the Karmic-sanskars is the essential part of method of meditation with Pranahuti.

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• The diary shows that you have completed the journey at the yoga points 1 and 2 at heart region.

• The purpose of Pranahuti meditation is to merge in Ultimate Reality, traversing through various regions of mind-psych.

• In this process of yoga meditation individuality, perceived as (i) the parochial ego is sublimated and trans-mutated

into universal Self Consciousness denoted as (I). Universal Self Consciousness is the manifesting mode of Reality, the Para Brahman.

• Be regular in writing the diary every day after the meditation is over, noting the mental, emotional feelings, and perceptions about yourself, the system of meditation, people, events of daily life, and the spiritual goal visa-vis the daily practice of meditation.

• Send the diary once in fortnight to Swamiji for scrutiny marking a copy to your preceptor.

Swamiji From: Swamiji Dear Sow. Jyotsna Ashirwad For the required answer refer the Q- Answer column, of the Oct 10 SN bulletin From: Jyotsna Vodela Dear Tata, Namaskarams!!! Can you please elaborate on the three aspects that are not clear to me. (i) Pragnanam (ii) Pratyagatma (iii) how sanjaya is not blessed with Vishwaroopa darshana? Regards, From: Govind Sami, To: Anita Bobba, Sydney, Au. Dear Beti Anita

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Thank you for your genuine effort in promoting IUSCM in the region. Your contribution is very much appreciated. May Swamiji shower his divine grace upon you at all times. With Masters Blessings Your Own Self Govinda Sami From: Anita To: Govinda Sami , Sydney, Au. Sep 2010 Dear Uncle ji,

Please find the following update on Satsangs; with Babuji’s (Swamiji’s) grace and blessings I had conducted following Satsangs.

We had Satsang at Strathfield Ashram on 12/09/2010 at 2.30pm. Satsang was attended by following people: Gayatri, Gayatri’s Mother, Nancy, Srinivas, Christine, Vijaya Lakshmi

We had another Satsang at my Office i.e Cancer Institute on Monday 06/09/2010 at 12.00 noon. This Satsang was attended by: Maria, Monika, Devi, Christine.

In both the Satsangs we started with Meditation session

followed by brief description on Master’s Message and Discussed about the highlights of Chapters (‘Self realization’ and ‘My Vision’) from the Book “Reality at Dawn”. With Regards, Your Own Self Anita (AB) From: Govind Sami To: Satya Sunkara, Sydney, Au Dear Satyanarayana Sunkara Thanks for the blank Authority form. We need to include wordings on the form so that they are all same. I just return from Fiji after presenting the Merit Award to Preceptor Rajiv Raj on behalf of Swamiji.

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The Merit Certificate was presented to him at Tanoa International Hotel in Nadi. I will send you the presentation photo in the weekend after downloading it from my camera. Rajiv was very happy.

I went to Fiji on Friday and came back on Sunday night. I will attend to the "Authority Form" and the Disclaimer in the weekend. For Australia or any other western and Pacific Island countries the disclaimer is very important. It is a safety net to the Editor and the Editorial board. Recently Pacific Home Loans Pty Ltd was taken to task but got saved by the disclaimer. Warmest regards Your Own Self Govinda Sami

Meditation / Spiritual Diaries

(1) Dear Sangle Sahab Ashirvad. Letter dated 19th is received. Sent a letter on 19th

• As indicated a set of (10) photos of master is enclosed. If indicated more will be sent. I wish

that every abhyasi should keep one photo of master. It will help greatly in spiritual sadhana .

• In traditional system of adhyatma sadhana, the guru transmits initiating through a “mantra” in which he is adept. It is done once for all. There may not be any contact with the guru for considerable period of time. The guru may visit the “shishya” once in a year for guru dakshina. Then it is left the shishya to practice throughout life. There is no means to check this progress and moksha is left to the destiny.

• But in sahajmarga system of rajayoga it is necessary that the preceptor should be in touch with the abhyasi regularly.

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• In sahajamarga system of rajayoga sadhana, conceptually, once initiated and practiced there is no re-birth ie: transmigration cycle ( TMC ) is dissolved.

• This type of ideation is distinct and unique to Sahajamarga yoga. No other system of yoga path proclaim this type of conceptual thought.

• What is needed is faith on the conceptual thought and honest practice, with close touch with the preceptor.

• All the abhyasis, initiated by you may be informed about the distinct advantage of the theoretical school of thought of “moksha”.

• It may be stressed that they must be in touch with the preceptor once in a week physically for receiving pranahuti transmission.

• Hindus by nature are oriented towards moksha line of thought in life and would undertake any pain of efforts and sacrifice to secure the ‘Eternal Life’ without rebirth either in ‘Kailasa, Vaikunta, Swarga, or Brahmaloka’ depending upon the ‘Saguna’, or ‘Nirguna’ concept of orientation.

• All the Hindus know by birth that the life in swarga or narka is only sojourn, transitory stay awarded by ‘punya’ or ‘papa’ phala.

• Of course, it is an empirical fact that people approach guru to alleviate their miseries in life or to gain material welfare in life.

• This psychological tendency of an average person of day to day life has been well recognised by our sages including Bhagavan Sri Krishna Paramatma ( G.7-Sl.16 to 18 ) and He conceded as a directive to all future Gurus to oblige the ordinary seeker of ‘Truth’ in initial stages of yoga sadhana with their aspirations for physical wellbeing and material prosperity, while so as to helping them gradually would lead their life. for ‘Moksha’

• In Sahajamarga system of raja yoga sadhana we recognise all these material and psychological factors, in guiding them on spiritual path.

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My Master would like you to bring, these ideas, to all abhyasis through personal talks, and by distributing simple literature in Marathi language. Ashirwad to all members in the family and satsangh. Swamiji 2 From: ASISH MENON 13th October, 2010 Diary Thursday 7th Oct 2010 Transformational progress

Feeling big shifts with the mind becoming more pervasive. Old restrictions seem to have dissipated with master’s grace. With My recent visit to India, Master had pushed the transformational progress 24/7 for at least 5 weeks. Babuji would say when he did more work to speed up progress, disturbance would come which the aspirant did not like, bringing about tension. I would be one of those strange people that like it even if brought much stress. I honestly can say i have never been transformed so much in such a short period of time. Transformation is something I've been used to over the last 4 years, but not to this extent. At times it felt like I'd never meditated before, my mind was extremely heavy. When this occurred the outer world generally becomes a challenge, the simple things became difficult. The question always remained; did i deal with the situation OK? Kept thinking to myself, God is the doer! But in saying that i knew it would pass, knowing it would propel my evolutionary state much further. This occurred under the divine guidance of Master through his own divine reflection of Swamiji. Sahajamarga can bring about speedy progress to the sincere aspirant whom yearns for realisation. With Swamiji's words that rung in my mind “make it your own",

Your guru can take you to a high level, but it's your job to immerse yourself intuitively and make the condition 'your own'. With masters blessings Asish Menon

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Quotable Quotes (References quoted are duly acknowledged)

(1) By Audi Guru Sri. Lalaji Maharaj :

“Then a third condition opens, which can be called a point of spiritual state. It is the condition of mental contentment and is called mainly the Satoguni state. At this juncture, the mind of a man is at rest which is bestowed upon him by God himself. He goes towards God. “He is happy with him, and he is happy with Him”. It is a stage when the mind finding deliverance from its shortcomings is filled with many spiritual powers. It establishes a relation with Almighty without which it cannot remain alive. As it flows down from above with all it’s activities, it removes all the hurdles on its way and comes down with a great speed. As per the principle of Invertendo (ulti lag), it flows towards God. Consequently in this very life (and not after death), it brings about a great change and it is where it enjoys Heaven in this world and no where else. It goes back towards God the protector. Divine love is its diet and it is the spring from which it takes water and so seeks entry into the gate that leads to deliverance from death.” (Ref. The complete works of Ram Chandra Maharaj (Sri Lalaji Maharaj) Vol. 2. P.148, Pub. SRCM Chennai-18, India ) (2) By Samartha Sad Guru Sri Ram Chandra Maharaj ( Sri Babuji Maharaj ) “You do not know that you are tossing in your own ideas. You have made yourself quite distracted and disturbed. Why do these things happen? Why do such ideas flash in the HEART and nothing else. You have yourself made your heart in this fashion, bringing out such results. The consequence is nothing but disturbance. All these thoughts were due to the heart, and subsequently all your actions will be governed and regulated by this thing only at the first step, wrongly, if unwisely directed,

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correctly, if properly directed. It means that it is the master of them all. It is the controlling agency in itself; this is the condition of your heart within you. It is working in different ways and colours. The main artery of Almighty with the idea of creation is working through it. The pendulum-like movement in you heart is nothing but the effect of invisible motion below the Centre.” (Ref: EFFICY OF RAJA YOGA, P.19; Pb. SRCM Dated 9-12-1949) (3) Letter from Saint Kasturiji, Lakhimpoor, Dated 12-1-1950 (Ref: Ananta Yatra Vol.1; P.89) Revered Shri Babuji Sadar Pranam!

You would have received my

last letter. Everybody is well here and hope you shall be also well. I have already written to you about my spiritual condition but this condition is going on for the last three or four days, that it seems that neither I have ever done pooja nor it is being done at present. Now it seems that I am devoid of all ‘pooja’, and neither I feel poor nor rich. The condition of my memory has so much deteriorated that now I do not soon feel remembering even the breathing. Due to this when some times some uneasiness develops, I, then remember and therefore I remove the uneasiness in the body by breathing very fast. Babuji, now I am not concerned about my pains (discomforts) and pleasures (Comforts). There is no pleasure (comforts) more than the pleasure of the Master with me and there is no pains (Discomforts) more than the slightest of His displeasure. These days I feel as if I am totally blank and hence the restlessness often takes a violent shape. I have the condition like that of weeping for the last two or three days. During working yesterday while sitting, the tri-coloured flag of India appeared flying in ‘P’. By the grace and power of the ‘Master’, the ‘working’ is going on well. Mother conveys her blessings to you.

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Now I shall present myself before you on the 21st of January. Your humble daughter, Kasturi (4) Srimad Bhagavata Purana (Parmahamsa - Samhita) Vidur uvacha:

(a) “Brahman Katham Bhagavat Chin Matrasya Vikarinnah Leelasya Chapi Yujair Nirgunnasya Gunnah Kriyah

(b) Kridayam Udhyamo Arbhasya Kaama Schikridi Sha Nyatah Svata Struptasya Cha Katham Nivruttasya Sadanyatah (c) Astra kshid Bhagavan Vishvam Gunnamaya Aatma

MayayaTaya Sunstapaya Teyata AtbhuyahPratyabhi Dhasyati (d) Deshataha Kaala Tho Yuo Asava Avastha Taha Svato

Anyataha Avi Lupta VA Bhodatmaa SA Youjyo Ta Jaya Katham (e) Bhagavaneka Ai Vaisha Sarva kshetrai Shva Avasthitha Amushya DurbhaGatvam Va Klesho Va karmabhi Kutaha”. Meaning: Vidur Asked • ”O holy sage, how can the Lord, who is pure

consciousness, immutable and unqualified (absolute), come to be associated with attributes and activity even in sport?

• It is the hankering (for pleasure) and the desire to play with another (child or playing) that impels a child to take itself to play. But how can the Lord, who is satisfies in Himself and ever one without a second, take to play?

• It was through His own Maya; NAY! it is through the same Maya that He sustains it and shall finally withdraw it.

• How can He whose knowledge, which is His very nature, is never obscured by space, time, or circumstance either by itself or through any other external cause, be associated with Maya?

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• It is the Lord alone who is present in all bodies as the enjoyer; how can there be an ill luck for Him, and how can He suffer any agony due to karmas?

• My mind O Sage, is much distracted, stuck as it is in this morass of ignorance. Remove, my lord, this great confusion of my mind.”

Sage Maitreya Replies to the Above questions:-

• That the Spirit, who is the ruler of Prakruti (Nature) and

ever free, should feel into bondage is against all logic; yet such is the Lord’s Maya.

• It is because of this Maya that the jeeva appears to be bound etc; even though such bondage does not exist in reality, akin to, a man sees himself beheaded in a dream.

• Again just as trembling and other characteristics, which are attributable to water alone, are seen in the moon (as reflected) in water, though really non-existent there in, so the attributes of the body ( which is not the soul) appear in the soul that has identified itself with a body.

• That false identification gradually disappears through practice of devotion to the Lord, which is possible only by the grace of Lord Vasudeva ( Sri Krisna ) which in turn is secured by discharging one’s duties in disinterested spirit in this world.

• When the senses have withdrawn from their objects and get exclusively devoted to sri Hari, the Supreme Spirit and Seer, all the distractions of the soul ( in the shape of attachment and aversion etc.) vanish as in the case of a man in deep sleep.

• all one’s afflictions are got rid of by uttering and hearing the praises of Sri Krishna ( the slayer of demon Mura ); what wonder, then, that such a result should be brought about by fondness developed in one’s heart for worshipping the dust of His lotus feet?

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(5) Ashtavakra Geeta (Ref: Chapter 15, Brahman, The Absolute Reality Sl.11)

“Thwayya Anantha Mahaambhodhau Viswa Veechihi Swabhaavatahah Udaethu VaaAstham Aayaathah

Na Thae Vriddhir Na Vaa Kshathih”. Meaning: “In you, who are the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness let the waves of the universe spontaneously rise and disappear. There can be no gain or loss to You.”

Explanation: Creation and dissolution of the universes are thus illusion of the mind. They are valid only at the plane of the ego, they have no existence at all in the State of Pure Consciousness. Let dreams come, stay and disappear. How does it add to or take away from the waker? (6) Book of Knowledge Divine:


“To be more elaborative, Eternal Awareness keeps In It SELF the mind either in potential or dynamic form, and cyclically unfolds, and activates the mind to See IT-SELF and then involutes the mind, thus leaving It SELF as Awareness alone.

The mechanics of periodical mental and de-mental state of consciousness is called in common jargon as life and death. Remembrance of identity of ego-self in continual form is what is termed as life” (Ref: Decoding the Death Secret, P.63, Pub. IUSCM, Hyderabad-59, 2001) (7) Swamiji: Method of Divinising All Body Cells

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(a) Classical Method

• In this the procedure is first imbibe and internalise the power coded in any Vedic Mantra that has been taken for Upasana. This is done by intuitively becoming identical by merging with meaning (Artha) and bhavana of the Manthra. The Power inherently coded in the Manthra by the concerned Rushi would be released only when appropriate procedure is followed in reciting the Manthra.

• It is clearly indicated here, that the numerical number of times say, 100, 1000, or 10,000, or 100000, reciting the Manthra is nothing to do with the decoding of the Manthra and consequent release of power to be utilised for divinising the systems of the body. This is a false and futile assumption as advocated by innocently ignorant, immature spiritual, zealous charlatans, of vested interests.

• The Vedic Manthra recitation-pattern should follow re-tracing back the procedural steps of manifestation of Reality viz.1- Vaikhari, (2) Madhyama, (3) Pashyanti, (4) and lastly Para the state of Absolute Silence ( Mauna ).

• These steps gradually lead to Turiya the Silent Source of Pranava-Om in the ocean of waveless Consciousness.

• All Vedic Manthras start with an Om prefix that dynamise

the power coded in the manthra • The release of power from Manthra on successful

upasana, passes the stages of “Savikalpa” and “ Nirvikalpa” samadhi before fructifying into accom-plishment (Jepa Phala Sidhi) of uniting the reciter in to the deity of manthra (Devata).

• The released power is taken by guidance to the fleshy anatomical structure, hanging from the upper palate in the mouth, called ‘Ula’. There is a ultra micro opening in the Ula which admits only energy of the power released from the Manthra.

• This then is further guided to the brain where all the cells are energised throwing golden-blue hue.

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• The golden-blue colour radiation from the brain is brought down through all nerves that percolate into billions of body cells at various systems viz. skin, muscles, bones, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stomach, eyes, etc.

• The entire body personality levels of perceptional, feeler, and thinker are thus, energised to glow with Divine effulgence.

• It is a very delicate procedure to merge in to Manthra Devata and internalise the released Power of the manthra. The reason is not that difficult, to decipher. The Manthra was coded by some original Rushi under strict mental discipline and as time passed, that stamina of mind-psych discipline was lost.

(b) Modern method: The same technique is followed, except the difference is,

the use of pranahuti as available in Sahajamarga Raja Yoga Dhyana Gruhastha Ashram (SMRYDGA), instead the power released by decoding the Manthra that a siddha yogi is adept. The above described methods of divinising the entire body systems to bring to the level of devatas whose bodies glow with energy, obviously, are a technology science, and have to be learnt with devotion from a Sidha guru.

Editorial Board: Hyderabad - Professor V.Gopala Krishna Rao, Prof.M. Pochiah,

Dr.I.Srinivasa Rao, Sri Anjaneya Prasad, Sydney - Mr.Govinda Sami, Mr.Satyanarayana Sunkara, Mr.Hari Chillapa

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