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Spiritual Growth Lessons Taken from Holy Spirit Encounter Bible

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Lessons Taken from Holy Spirit Encounter Bible

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #1

Adam & Eve

Read Genesis Chapter Two

God’s Spirit breathed life into Adam’s body, and man became a living person. (Genesis 2:7).

God’s breath (ruac) is His Spirit.

Though intimate with God’s Spirit from the moment of creation form talking and walking with

Him in the garden, and from being the beneficiaries of everything in Eden, Adam and Eve still

chose to believe a lie from the serpent (Genesis 3:1-7).

God’s Spirit never lies (Numbers 23:19). The Spirit guides us in all truth (John 15:26, 16:13).

When Adam and Eve ignored their source of truth and life – God’s Spirit – they possessed only

deceit and death.

Upon what source do you depend for your truth? Prioritize your sources from the most truthful

(1), to the least truthful (12):

God’s voice The Bible Prophets Believers Church

Preachers Media Books

Friends Family


Now read John 16 and I John 4 Evaluate your priorities with these text. Would you change

any of your priorities based on what you read in God’s Word?

We can trust the truth we encounter from God’s Spirit, or we can experience the consequences

of relying on unreliable sources.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #2


Read Genesis Chapter Fifteen

The Spirit of God spoke to Abraham through a vision to reveal His covenant. Through a vision,

God made a covenant with Abram to guarantee that his future descendants would be blessed

and protected (Genesis 15:9-21).

God’s Spirit gives visions and certifies their truth. He gave His Word or covenant and then shed

His blood to seal His promise. God’s promise to Abraham has been fulfilled through the

millennia to our day.

What covenant promise has God’s Spirit made with you that is sealed with blood? Read

Romans 4:1 – 5:11, and summarized how Abraham’s faith is an example for your life in the







By Faith, we like Abraham enjoy the covenant promises of God as His children. “Through the

work of Christ Jesus, God has blessed the Gentiles with the same blessing he promised to

Abraham, and we Christians receive the promised Holy Spirit through faith” (Galatians 3:14).

Complete the following sentences:

I received the promised Holy Spirit when _____________________________________


One promise God has fulfilled in my life is ____________________________________


By faith we encounter the Holy Spirit and receive His blessings and promises.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #3


Read Exodus Chapter Thirty-Three

Joshua’s boot camp for the battlefield was not a training camp but rather a tabernacle. His

preparation for warfare came not through studying the strategies of the enemy but in knowing

his Commander’s ways. After all others left, “Joshua son of Nun, stayed behind in the Tent of

Meeting” (Exodus 33:11). Communing with the Spirit of God prepared Joshua for each battle he

would ever face.

The source of Joshua’s courage and strength came from knowing God’s Word and trusting His

Spirit to lead (Joshua 1:1-9). Joshua did not fight any battle that God’s Spirit had not already

won. Joshua did not face any enemy that God’s Spirit had not already defeated.

Place a checkmark to indicate battles you face:

___ Temptations

___ Guilt and past failures

___ Feelings of inadequacy

___ Accusations and rumors

___ Uncontrolled thoughts

___ Destructive habits

___ Hurtful relationships

___ Financial burdens

___ Family or marriage problems

Read Joshua Chapter One. Now enter God’s presence in the Tent of Meeting. Seek out His

Spirit. Receive His preparation, strength, and courage to face your battles.

Being in His presence will empower you to overcome every enemy and win every battle. God’s

Spirit has already defeated your enemies. Are you on His side, fighting at His command, and

using His weapons?

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #4


Read Numbers Chapter Eleven

The anointing that was on Moses’ life by the Spirit of God was also put upon the leaders who

served God’s people alongside him (Numbers 11:16-17).

Notice that the anointing for leadership is conveyed to those under the authority of God’s

appointed leader. Spirit-empowered leadership always springs first from serving and following

anointed leaders. This is the paradox of leadership: We follow to lead and serve to be served.

Moses was the most humble of servants, so God exalted him to a position of leadership and

raised up other leaders to help him. (Numbers 12:3).

Do you aspire to leadership? Then ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to serve. Write down

what each of the following Scriptures say about the qualities of inspired leadership:

Exodus 3:10 _________________________________________________________

Joshua 1:1-14 ________________________________________________________

II Chronicles 8:14 _____________________________________________________

II Chronicles 13:12 ____________________________________________________

Psalm 43:3 __________________________________________________________

Matthew 23:11-12 _____________________________________________________

Matthew 25:21 _______________________________________________________

Mark 9:35 __________________________________________________________

Mark 10:24-25 _______________________________________________________

Philippians 2:1-11 _____________________________________________________

Submit to anointed authority. The Spirit’s anointing for leadership is poured upon those who

have faithfully served in small things. Do not despise small beginnings that the Spirit uses a

preparation for becoming a servant-leader.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #5


Read Judges Chapters Four and Five

In the Old Testament, the Spirit of the Lord came upon the judges to empower them to lead

God’s people against their enemies. Deborah was both a prophet and a judge (Judges 4:4). Her

encounter with eh Spirit transformed her into a mouthpiece for His Word and a leader for His


When victory came, Deborah gave the credit and glory to God. She sang unto the Lord a song of

praise (Judges 5). The key stanza of her song was: “When Israel’s leaders take charge, and the

people gladly follow – bless the Lord!” (Judges 5:2)

The judges were able to take charge only when the Spirit took possession or control of them

(Judges 6:34). We need the Spirit to take control of our lives just as He did Deborah, Barak,

Gideon, and others.

Put an “x” on the line that indicates the amount of control the Spirit has in each of the following

areas of your life:

Complete Control No Control

My actions __________________________________________________

My thoughts __________________________________________________

My feelings __________________________________________________

My prayers __________________________________________________

My words __________________________________________________

My desires __________________________________________________

My worship __________________________________________________

My praise __________________________________________________

My heart __________________________________________________

Encountering the Spirit requires making a complete surrender.

We are no longer in control – He is!

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #6


Read Judges Chapter Six

God’s Spirit recognized potential in Gideon that he never saw in himself. As he cowered in

hiding from the Philistines, an angel from the Lord exclaimed, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with

you!” (Judges 6:12)

Gideon’s potential became potent through the power of the Spirit. His obedience to God’s voice

released the power of God’s anointing on him. God replaced the spirit of fear on his life with the

Spirit’s power, love, and self-discipline (See II Timothy 1:7).

What keeps you from becoming a Spirit-empowered hero of the Lord? Circle each hindrance to

the Spirit in you:

Fear Guilt Past Failure Feelings of inadequacy

Despair Depression Ignorance Confusion

Resisting the Spirit’s anointing

Pray about the things that you have circled. Exchange your weakness for the power of Christ.

Ask God to fill you with the Spirit’s anointing to enable you to activate the mighty potential in

you. Write your prayer.





Without encountering the Spirit, the hero within you will never emerge. Follow God’s voice so

that His powerful anointing will release your potential.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #7


Read Judges Chapter Fourteen

The Spirit “powerfully took control of” Samson (Judges 14:6, 9). When the Spirit was in control,

Samson could do the miraculous and the impossible. But when he did things his way both

Samson and the nation suffered at the hands of his enemies.

We can do things God’s way or ours. However, the anointing of His Spirit rest only on His way.

By doing things his way, Samson lost his freedom, power, and ultimately, his life. “There is a

path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death” (Proverbs 16:25).

Apply this truth to your own life. Complete the following sentences:

Doing things my way results in ____________________________________________

Doing things God’s way _________________________________________________

When I do things my way, others are affected by ________________________________

Samson broke his Nazirite vows, violated the prohibitions against intermarriage for Jews, and

let his anger and ego go uncheck. His disobedience and rebellion blocked the work of the Holy

Spirit in his life. How is your obedience and submission to the Spirit?

Obedience releases the anointing of God in our lives.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #8


Read I Samuel Chapter Ten

Saul’s encounter with the Holy Spirit changed him and empowered him to prophesy. “At that

time the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you with power, and you will prophesy with them.

You will be changed into a different person” (I Samuel 10:6).

When the Spirit came upon Saul he changed in dramatic ways. Without the Holy Spirit, we can

never change. But in the Spirit, we change continually (see II Corinthians 3:18).

How is God’s Spirit working to change your life? Complete the following lists showing how His

Spirit is changing you.

Areas the Spirit is changing the most are:

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

Areas I am not allowing the Spirit to change are:

1. _________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________

Ask the Spirit to change the areas that need the most change.

Saul refused to allow change in certain areas of his life. As a result, the presence of God departed

from Him. Pray: “Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me. DO not

banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit from me” (Psalms 51:10-11).

A lasting encounter with the Holy Spirit produces a lasting change in our lives.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #9


Read I Samuel Chapter Sixteen

Actually, David’s first encounter with the Holy Spirit happened prior to his physical birth. “I

[David] can never escape from your [God’s] spirit! I can never get away from your presence!”

(Psalms 139:7).

In the Old Testament, priests, prophets, and kings were anointed with oil. Oil symbolized the

presence and power of God’s Spirit upon their lives. When David was anointed king of Israel,

olive oil was poured on his head, and “the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon him from that

day on” (I Samuel 16:13).

As a believer in Christ, we also experience the anointing of the Holy Spirit. God pours out His

Spirit in anointing upon our lives in mighty ways (Acts 2).

Read the following Scriptures, and summarize the results of the anointing that is on a

believer’s life:

Exodus 19:1-6 ________________________________________________________

Isaiah 61:1-7 _________________________________________________________

Acts 2:17-21 _________________________________________________________

Romans 8:1-4 ________________________________________________________

Galatians 5:16-18 _____________________________________________________

When we encounter the Holy Spirit as David did, we reign with Christ through the Spirit’s


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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #10


Read I Kings Chapter Three

Solomon asked God for wisdom. The anointing for wisdom empowered Solomon to discern

truth from falsehood and right from wrong. The source of all wisdom is God’s Spirit. When we

are filled by His Spirit, we receive the gifts of wisdom, intelligence, and skill (Exodus 31:3; 1

Corinthians 2:6-8).

Wisdom is the supernatural ability to see reality from God’s perspective.

No matter how wise we may be, there will be times when we need to receive the correction of


Solomon was wise, but at the end of his life he married pagan women and worshiped their gods.

He was blind to his own sin. Listening to God’s wisdom from others receiving correction can

protect us from the kinds of folly and sin that Solomon experienced at the end of his life.

Solomon’s proverbs revealed God’s perspective on a multitude of subjects. The gift of wisdom

from God’s Spirit has many benefits.

Turn to Proverbs Chapter Two, and list all the benefits that Solomon found in wisdom:




Now review your list. Circle the aspects of wisdom you need now in your life. Ask God to fill

you with that wisdom through His Spirit.

The Spirit of wisdom helps us to see reality from God’s perspective and to avoid sin.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #11


Read I Kings Chapter Nineteen

God’s Spirit spoke to Elijah as “the sound of a gentle whisper” (I Kings 19:12). After the great

miracle on Mt. Carmel, after mighty acts of nature – windstorm, earthquake, and fire – Elijah

encountered the voice of God’s Spirit in the quiet stillness. “Be still in the presence of the Lord,

and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their

wicked schemes” (Psalm 37:7).

Consumed with worry and fear over Jezebel’s plan to kill him, Elijah fled from the victory at Mt.

Carmel to a place of hiding in a cave. He allowed fear and doubt to silence the Spirit’s confident

voice in his life. Isn’t it strange that sometimes after one of God’s greatest miracles in our lives

we face one of our greatest test of faith?

In order to hear God’s voice we must silence every other voice. What voices do you need to

silence to hear His voice in your life? (Place a checkmark to indicate all that apply.)

___ Past guilt ____ Hurt ____ The advice of others ____ Fear

___ Worry ____ Anxiety ____ Depression ____ Doubt

Ask the Spirit to speak to you as you pray: “Lord, silence the voices of (name the distraction) so

that I may clearly hear Your Holy Spirit speak to me. Amen.”

Only when every other voice is silenced will you hear the Spirit’s gentle whisper.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #12


Read II Kings Chapter Two

The same anointing that rested on Elijah came upon Elisha (II Kings 2:15). Elisha had requested

from Elijah a “double share of your spirit” (2:9 KJV). Elisha’s request was not for more miracles

or greater power than Elijah, though in many ways the signs and wonders of his ministry

surpassed Elijah. At the core of Elisha’s request is more of the Holy Spirit. The cry of Psalm 42

was Elisha’s desire. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for

God, the living God” (vv. 1-2).

Nothing else mattered to Elisha. He left everything, including the other prophets, to be with

Elijah and under his anointing. In his mentor, Elijah, Elisha saw the presence of God and the

power of His Spirit. He desired a double share of the anointing. Elisha knew that he would

continually need more and more of the anointing to fulfill God’s purpose for his life.

How much more of His Spirit do you desire? How thirsty are you for the living waters of His

Spirit? Shade the graph below to the degree of thirst you have for His Spirit now in your life:

None of His Spirit Filled with His Spirit

If your graph isn’t shaded all the way to the right and overflowing, then make Elisha’s request of

God for more and more of His Spirit.

The anointing in the lives of others will be the salt to make you thirst for even more of His

Spirit in your life.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #13


Read Isaiah Chapter Six

Entering the presence of God, Isaiah encountered the Spirit’s conviction and cried out, “My

destruction is sealed, for I am a sinful man and a member of a sinful race. Yet I have seen the

King, the Lord Almighty!” (Isaiah 6:5). An encounter with God’s Spirit brings conviction as well

as the assurance of God’s grace.

Fire is also a symbol of the Spirit. God takes burning coals from the altar and touches Isaiah’s

lips, cleansing his guilt. We need the fire of God’s Spirit to convict us of sin and to cleanse us

from guilt by His grace.

When you encounter the Spirit’s presence, what conviction fills you? (Circle what the Spirit’s

conviction leads you to do.)

Confess my sin

Repent of guilt

Seek forgiveness

Desire His grace

Seek the cleaning fire of His Spirit

When you encounter His Spirit, do not flee. Do what Isaiah did – confess your sin. Experience

God’s grace. Receive the cleansing of the Spirit’s fire in your life. Pray the following prayer,

filling in the blank:

Lord, I confess _______________________________________________________

and I receive the cleansing fire of your Spirit. Amen.

Encountering His Spirit confronts us with our sin and His grace. Repent. Receive grace and

the Spirit’s cleansing fire.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #14


Read Ezekiel Chapter Three

The Spirit was continually lifting Ezekiel up and taking him to see different places. Wherever

Ezekiel was taken, the Spirit had a revelation or vision for him. Implied in the action of being

lifted up is the willingness to go. The Spirit cannot take us to places we are not willing to go. He

cannot show us revelation we are unwilling to see.

“The Spirit lifted me up and took me away. I went in bitterness and turmoil, but the Lord’s hold

on me was strong,” reflected Ezekiel (3:14). Though willing to go, Ezekiel found his journey with

the Spirit filled with sorrow. Not every journey in the Spirit will be pleasant, but His strength

and inner joy will uphold us.

Where does the Spirit of God desire to take you? Are you willing to go even if the journey is

unpleasant physically, mentally, or emotionally? Put an x on the lines below to indicate your

response to God’s Spirit.

____ Willing to go where the ____ Unwilling to go where the Spirit leads. Spirit leads. ____ Willing to accept temporary ____ Unwilling to suffer any pain pain for spiritual gain

Read what Paul says: “So we don’t look at the troubles we can s ee right now; rather, we look

forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to

come will last forever” (II Corinthians 4:18).

Encounters with the Holy Spirit lifts us up, sets us on our feet, and take us to where we can

receive His revelation regardless of the price we must pay or the pain we are privileged to


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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #15


Read Matthew Chapter One

“For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20). The Holy

Spirit birthed in Mary the Word of God. “The Word became human and lived here on earth

among us” (John 1:14). Mary yielded herself, her reputation, her relationships, and her destiny

to the Holy Spirit. She would face shame, rejection, pain, and the intense agony of seeing her son

die on a cross. Nonetheless, she said to the Spirit, “I am the Lord’s servant, and I am willing to

accept whatever he wants” (Luke 1:38).

Are you willing to be so yielded to the Holy Spirit? He desires to birth new life in you. “What this

means is that those who become Christians become new persons. They are not the same

anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!” (II Corinthians 5:17).

Like Mary, you can yield to the birthing of God’s Word in your spirit. “Let the words of Christ, in

all their richness, live in your hearts and make you wise” (Colossians 3:16). What do you need to

do to yield completely to the work of the Holy Spirit? Place a check mark to indicate what you

need to do to yield to the Spirit:

_____ Repent of past sin

_____ Confess Jesus as my Lord and Savior

_____ Surrender my will

_____ Set aside my reputation and pride

_____ Yield my destiny to Him

_____ Be willing to risk shame

_____ Overcome fear

Yielding to the Holy Spirit births new lie within us and determines that our destiny is shaped

by God and not by us.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #16

Jesus the Messiah (Christ)

Read Matthew Chapter Twelve

God put His Spirit upon Jesus, who was designated by His Father to be the Anointed One – the

Christ or Messiah. Jesus the Anointed One established justice in the world. His name meant

hope (Matthew 12:21). Justice and hope can come only through the Anointed One – Jesus the


Through Jesus flows the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Through Him comes the final victory for

all who are weak, downtrodden, and helpless. The Anointed One casts out every demon by the

Spirit of God (Matthew 12:28).

The anointing belongs to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is His to give to anyone who asks. Apart from

the Messiah, there is no anointing. Read Luke 4:18019 and list the benefits of the anointing

through Christ for your life.

Christ’s anointing. . .

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________

Look over your list, and circle the work of His anointing that you most need in your life.

Ask Jesus to pour the anointing of His Spirit upon your life to strengthen you at weak

moments and to use you as an instrument of His justice.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #17

John the Baptist

Read Luke Chapter One

The Holy Spirit filled John’s parents at His birth and directed John’s life as he prepared the way

for the Anointed One. The Sprit gave John the wisdom to understand His place and role in God’s

plan. He was not the Messiah, but the anointing on his life paved the way for the Messiah (Luke


The anointing on John’s life helped him to understand his relationship to Jesus, “He [Jesus]

must become greater and greater, and I [John] must become less and less” (John 3:30).

The Holy Spirit will give you that same understanding. As you humbly serve Him, becoming less

and less in your own eyes, He will exalt you (James 4:10; I Peter 5:6).

Where does the Spirit need to increase in your life? Below is a pie chart representing your life.

Shade each portion to the degree that He is completely exalted in that area of your life.

Ask Jesus to help you decrease, and give Him permission to increase in those areas that are not

completely shaded.

The anointing on your life will increase to the degree that self-decreases and exalting Jesus



Discipline Relationships





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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #18


Read Luke Chapter One

Elizabeth was righteous in God’s eyes, obedient to His commands, and earnestly seeking God’s

answer to her prayers. She was barren and desired a child. God answered her prayers and filled

her son, John, with the Holy Spirit. When pregnant Elizabeth met her cousin Mary, Elizabeth’s

child leaped within her, and she was filled with the Spirit.

Notice there was joy and not envy in Elizabeth’s greeting to Mary – the anointed mother of Jesus

(see Luke 1:39-45). Elizabeth could have been jealous because of the special position her cousin

Mary had been given as the mother of the coming Messiah. Instead, with blessing and joy,

Elizabeth recognized the anointing on Mary. Perfect love rejoices in God’s blessing upon the

lives of others (I Corinthians 13).

How do you respond when God’s Spirit blesses someone else? Place a checkmark to indicate

your most common reactions:

___ Joy ____ Envy ____ Blessings ____Jealousy

___ Frustration ____ Praise ____ Disappointment

The presence of God’s Spirit in us brings joy (Romans 15:13). The ability to rejoice over the

blessings that others receive springs from the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Rejoicing when others rejoice gives evidence of God’s Spirit alive in us.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #19

Jesus – Healer and Deliverer

Read Luke Chapter Four

The anointing of the Holy Spirit upon Jesus’ life empowered Him to heal. The Holy Spirit

empowered Jesus during all of Jesus’ ministry (Acts 10:38). He needed the Holy Spirit to

empower Him as the Son of man just as we need the Spirit to empower us to minister in His

gifts (I Corinthians 12).

If Jesus could not minister without the anointing of the Spirit, we certainly cannot. He anoints

us to do even greater works than Jesus did (John 14:12). Seek His anointing for every thought

and act. Allow His anointing to fill you with the power to heal and deliver others in Jesus’

mighty name.

Read the following verses and write down how Jesus encountered the Holy Spirit and

experienced His presence before His ministry even began:

1. Luke 1:35 _____________________________________________________

2. Luke 2:25-35 ___________________________________________________

3. Luke 3:16 _____________________________________________________

4. Luke 3:21-22 ___________________________________________________

5. Luke 4:1 ______________________________________________________

6. Luke 4:14-15 ___________________________________________________

Jesus anoints His people with the same power to heal and deliver others that He had through

the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #20

Jesus – Giver of the Holy Spirit

Read John Chapter Fourteen

Jesus remains constantly at our sides and in our hearts through the gift of His Holy Spirit. As

the Son of Man, Jesus was limited by His physical body to being in one place at one time. But as

the Son of God reigning on the right hand of God, Jesus sends His Spirit to be our Paraclete –

counselor, companion, and ever-present friend.

You are never alone. When you need advice, the Spirit counsels you. When you need comforting,

the Spirit lifts you up in God’s mercy and compassion. When you need truth, He reveals all truth

to you. When you are weak, He strengthens you.

What do you need from Jesus? The Word promises that God will supply all of our needs through

His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Believe it! When you have a need, Jesus

sends His Spirit immediately to meet your need.

Write a prayer, asking Jesus to meet whatever need you have through His precious Holy





Ask Jesus to send His Holy Spirit to meet your every need. Take all your needs to the only one

who can meet them – Jesus, Giver of the Holy Spirit.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #21


Read Acts Chapter Two

How does an uneducated fisherman who denied his master become a leader who helped turn the

world upside down? By being filled with the Holy Spirit!

Remember Peter’s denial (Matthew 26:69-75)? Shamefully cursing Jesus, Peter had rejected the

Lord before the crucifixion. But then something happened to him. First, he encountered the

risen Jesus and received complete restoration on the seashore of Galilee. Then, as one of the

hundred and twenty believers gathered in the upper room, he was baptized with the Holy Spirit

at Pentecost.

This broken, fearful, and ignorant man became a powerful, articulate, and anointed preacher

through whom thousands were converted to Jesus.

When you encounter the risen Lord and are baptized by His Spirit, his purpose and destiny for

your life are unlocked. You become a mighty instrument in the hand of God for witnessing the

reality of the risen Christ.

Complete the following sentences:

I encountered the risen Christ when __________________________________


I encountered the baptism of the Holy Spirit when _________________________


Like Peter, God is using me mightily to _________________________________


If you had difficulty completing these sentences, invite the risen Christ into your life as Lord and

Savior, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and encounter His baptism of fire.

Encountering the Spirit’s baptism transforms us from useless sinners into conquering saints

for Christ.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #22

Ananias and Sapphira

Read Acts Chapter Five

Most of the characters we examine in our profiles of people who encountered the Holy Spirit

were used by the Spirit in wonderful ways. However, Ananias and Sapphira encountered the

power of the Holy Spirit in a much different way.

Because they kept some of their possessions for themselves and tried to deceive the apostles into

thinking they had given all, they lied to the Holy Spirit. Deceiving other believers is equivalent to

lying to the Spirit. What a powerful lesson this was for the early church and for us. Ananias and

Sapphira encountered the awesome judgment of the Spirit. They dripped dead. After their

deaths, great fear gripped the church. But this was followed by many signs and wonders.

What lessons can you learn from this encounter with the Holy Spirit? Write down three





The Holy Spirit holds us accountable to God and one another for our actions as Christians.

An encounter with the Spirit’s power inspires awe, signs, and wonders and profound personal

accountability to God and the church. Spiritual power mandates responsibility.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #23


Read Acts Chapter Six

“None of them was able to stand against the wisdom and Spirit by which Stephen spoke” (Acts

6:10). Jesus promised that when accusers persecute believers the Holy Spirit would put the right

words in the mouths of the believers (Luke 12:11-12). That promise was fulfilled in Stephen’s life.

He had a holy boldness that astounded his critics and opened the windows of heaven.

How full is your tank of boldness in the Holy Spirit to witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ? On

the graph below, shade to the level to which you are filled with His boldness.

Empty Full

If your “boldness tank” is not completely full, ask Jesus to overflow you with Holy-Spirit

audacity for witnessing. Write down the names of people around you who need to hear the

gospel from you, and then pray for the right words to say to them.

Spirit of God; fill me with boldness and the right words to witness to:

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

Ask to be filled with the boldness to witness and share the gospel of Christ with others

regardless of the adverse public opinions or the suffering you might face.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #24


Read Acts Chapter Eight

When the Spirit said go, Philip went. An Ethiopian eunuch needed to hear the gospel, so the

Spirit sent Philip and empowered him with wisdom to share the gospel. As a result, the

Ethiopian was saved, and Philip was taken by the Spirit to another place that needed the gospel

(see Acts 8:26-40).

Obeying the leading of the Holy Spirit opened Philip for an anointing to see salvations, signs,

and wonders.

When the Spirit says go, what is your first response? Place a checkmark to indicate the

responses the Spirit wants you to make. Circle the response which is most often your first


_____ Fear ______ Expectancy

_____ Questions ______ Inspiration

_____ Doubt ______ Boldness

_____ Excitement ______ Hesitancy

_____ Obedience ______ Caution

_____ Joy ______ Resistance

_____ Willingness

Immediate, willing responsiveness to the Spirit opens us up to be vessels for the outpouring of

God’s salvation, signs, and wonders.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #25


Read Acts Chapter Nine

Talk about encountering the Holy Spirit! Saul had an ultimate encounter on the road to

Damascus. He set out to persecute and kill Christians. On the way, He encountered The Way –

Jesus of Nazareth. New life was birthed in Saul, transforming him into Paul – the apostle to the


Throughout Paul’s ministry, the Spirit spoke to him, led him, and used him for the salvation,

healing, and deliverance of scores of people. Paul instructs us to follow his example (I

Corinthians 4:16, 11:1).

Paul was continually spoken to, led, and directed by the Holy Spirit in all that he said, wrote,

and did. His life epitomizes a Spirit-led life. Such a life has no thought for tomorrow’s trials

because now is the time God is acting by His Spirit to save, heal, and deliver (II Corinthians

6:2). Are you ready to be Spirit-led now?

Look up the following passages that give us an example of how the Spirit worked in Paul’s life,

and then ask Him to work the same way in your life:

Acts 9:17 ____________________________________________________

Acts 13:1-4 ___________________________________________________

Acts 13:9-12 __________________________________________________

Acts 16:6-7 ___________________________________________________

Acts 19:6 ____________________________________________________

Acts 19:21 ___________________________________________________

Acts 20:22-23 ________________________________________________

Not bound by the past or anxious about the future, the Spirit-led life follows every prompting of

the Spirit now!

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #26

Cornelius and the Gentiles

Read Acts Chapter Ten

Before he ever knew Jesus as the Christ, Cornelius feared God and hungered to know more

about Him. That hunger for God exists in each human life, for all are created with a God-shaped

void that only His Spirit can fill.

Once Cornelius and his household heard the Good News from Peter, the Holy Spirit fell upon

them, and they began speaking in tongues and praising God (Acts 10:44-46).

The door was opened for the gospel to be preached to the Gentiles because Cornelius prayed,

gave to, and earnestly sought God. Cornelius did everything he could, and then God took over

and did the rest. God’s Spirit requires of us all that we can do, and then He does the rest!

Do you passionately desire God the way Cornelius did? Are His presence and Spirit more

important to you than any earthly desire?

Are you seeking God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? Check all that the Spirit is

requiring of you right now to see Him move on your behalf:

_____ Praying

_____ Giving tithes and offerings

_____ Reading His word

_____ Ministering to the saints

_____ Serving the poor

_____ Waiting upon Him

Do whatever the Spirit requires of you and then let Him do everything else.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #27


Read Acts Chapter Eleven

The nickname given to Joseph, the Levite from Cyprus, by the early believers was Barnabas or

Paraclete – which means “comforter, counselor, and helper” (Acts 4:36). In other words, he was

given the same name Jesus gave to the Holy Spirit (John 14). Awesome!

Barnabas was so filled and anointed by the Holy Spirit that, whenever he was present, the early

believers experienced the presence of the Spirit. Barnabas was full of the Holy Spirit and strong

faith (Acts 11:24).

Will you pray this prayer based on the example of Barnabas?

Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit as you filled Joseph, nicknamed Barnabas. Get me out of the

way so that whenever I minister, others will encounter the Holy Spirit and not me. Amen.

Discover how the Spirit used Barnabas.

Acts 4:36-37 ___________________________________________________

Acts 9:27 _____________________________________________________

Acts 11:22-25 __________________________________________________

Acts 11:30 ____________________________________________________

Acts 12:25 – 13:52 ______________________________________________

Acts 14 ______________________________________________________

Acts 15 ______________________________________________________

Galatians 2 ___________________________________________________

When the Spirit so fills us that we are no longer in His way, then others will give all glory and

honor to Him and not us.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #28

Lydia and Priscilla

Read Acts Chapter Sixteen and Eighteen

Both Lydia and Priscilla used their homes to minister to believers. The Spirit stirred up His gifts

in them to reach the lost for Christ and to equip the believers.

Remember that the Holy Spirit is poured out on men and women to do His work (Acts 2; Joel

2). Each of these women, and so many more in the Gospels and Acts, are used mightily by the

Spirit to accomplish His purposes.

Priscilla and her husband, Aquila, were coworkers with Paul in ministry (Romans 16:3). The

Spirit used them powerfully to form house churches, help Paul and accurately teach God’s Word.

God’s Spirit used them to advance the gospel and to support the apostles.

While women like Priscilla and Lydia were not always in the foreground of ministry, their

faithful service to the early church made a significant impact in the spreading of the gospel.

Read the following Scriptures and list how these New Testament women were used by God’s


Mary (Luke 1)__________________________________________________

Mary Magdalene (Luke 28) ________________________________________

Dorcas (Acts 9) ________________________________________________

Lydia (Acts 16) ________________________________________________

Priscilla (Acts 18) ______________________________________________

Eunice and Lois (II Timothy) ______________________________________

The Holy Spirit pours out on men and women to use them in many capacities to advance the

gospel of Jesus Christ into the world.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #29

Jesus – Raised from the Dead

Read Romans Chapter Eight

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, living in you. And just as he raised Christ

from the dead, he will give life to your mortal body by this same Spirit living in you” (Romans


Because the Spirit lives in believers, the resurrection power of God lives in those who believe in

Christ. The most powerful force in the universe – the resurrection power of new life in Christ –

is living in us!

What is crucified in you (Galatians 2:20) can be raised to new life in Jesus Christ.

How are you encountering the risen presence of Christ in your life? As your sinful nature dies,

the Holy Spirit controls more and more of your thoughts and actions. Complete the following


I have encountered God’s Spirit raising me from the death of


The Holy Spirit is in control of


I need to crucify ________________________________________ in my sinful


Thank God for His Spirit that lives in you and gives life to your mortal body.

The same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead gives new life to your mortal body. Die to self

and experience His resurrection power at work in you.

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Anointed By the Spirit - Lesson #30


Read Revelation Chapter One

As John worshiped in the Spirit on the isle of Patmos, he encountered the risen Christ.

Worshiping in the Spirit brings us to a point of praise and adoration. “All praise to him who

loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding his blood for us,” declares John (Revelation


Worshiping in the Spirit gave John a revelation of Christ Himself. John was so overcome by the

revelation that he fell before Christ’s feet as dead (Revelation 1:17).

John’s encounter in the Spirit with Christ revealed the awesome nature of Jesus – the Alpha and

Omega. As we worship in the Spirit, we will also receive a vision of Christ that unveils how He is

both our beginning and our end. His plan to save us was laid before the world began (Revelation


Do you need a revelation of Christ? Then begin to worship Him in the Spirit. Allow the Holy

Spirit to reveal Jesus to you as the Alpha and the Omega.

Complete the following sentences:

When I worship in the Spirit, I see a vision of


Jesus Christ as the Alpha of my life started in me _________________________


Jesus Christ as the Omega and perfection of my faith, has completed these works in me


I desire for Christ, as my Alpha and Omega, to still begin and finish these works in me


The Holy Spirit worships and praises Jesus through you. All praise flows from the Spirit through

us to the throne of God.