spirited no

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Post on 07-Jul-2018




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  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No



    The blue house on the corner.

    Yeah, that's it.

    We're one road down...

    Can we get to our house this way?

    No way. We always get lost like this...

    Just a little while longer, ok?

    What were those piles o rocks that looked like houses?

    !ock te"ples. They're the #ods' houses.

    $ad, are you sure you know the way?

    %ea&e it to "e

    Chihiro, sit down.

    Honey, stop ooling around

    ( tunnel

    What is this building?

    )t looks like an entrance...


    %et's go back... honey



    )t's "ade out o wood, but it looks like a new building...

    )t's sucking in air...

    What is it?

    Want to go inside? We can see what's on the other side.

    Title+ untitled-

    riginal /cript+ unknown-

    Chihiro, #ood luck 0 Till we "eet again

    Chihiro... Chihiro, we're al"ost there.

    ) knew it was out in the country... %ooks like we'll ha&e to go shopping in

    the ne1t city.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    The 2ay (rea was the only place we could ind.

    %ook, that's the ele"entary school.

    Chihiro, that's your new school.

    )t looks like a nice school.

    3y old school was better...

    No Nooooo 3o", the lowers are drying out

    )t's because you'&e been holding the" the whole ti"e.

    When we get ho"e, 4ust put the" in so"e water. They should be ine.

    The irst bou5uet o lowers )'&e e&er gotten. )t's too bad they were a

    going0away git...

    H"""? You got a lower on your last birthday.

    Just one, and ) wouldn't e1actly call that a bou5uet.

    Here, your card ell out. )'ll open the window, so please 4ust sit still.

    We'll be &ery busy today.

    /6)!)T7$ (W(Y 00 TH7 3Y/T7!)8/ $)//(67(!(NC7 9 /7N (N$ CH)H)!

    What? $id ) take a wrong turn?

    That's weird...

    %ook, ) think it's o&er there...

    Why, aren't you the little scaredy0cat...

    Want to go inside? Just a little?

    The "o&ing &an is on its way to our house.

    )t's ine. ) ga&e the" a key.

    There're houses around here?

    There's no doubt. This is a the"e park.

    )n the :;'s there were lots o plans or the", but "any didn't succeed.

    This is probably one o the".

    What? We're still going? $ad, let's go back.


    3o", that building's "aking noises...

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    )t's 4ust the wind.

    This place eels nice. ) should ha&e brought a sandwich ro" the car.

    %ooks like they tried to build a ri&er here.

    $o you s"ell it?

    )t's a wonderul aro"a...

    h, really?

    3aybe so"eone is still in business...

    Chihiro, hurry up...


    This way...

    How disappointing. nly ood shops...

    )t doesn't look like anyone's here...

    &er there

    Co"e on, co"e on...

    This way, this way

    Wow, this looks great

    71cuse "e, is anyone here?

    Chihiro, co"e look at all this good ood...

    71cuse "e?

    )t should be okay. When they co"e back, we'll pay or it.

    Yeah. ) wonder which one ) should try...

    ) wonder what kind o bird this is...

    $elicious Chihiro, it's really good

    ) don't want any...

    %et's go back, we're going to get in trouble...

    )t's okay. ) ha&e "y credit card and so"e cash.

    Chihiro, co"e and eat. )t's nice and sot.



  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    3o" $ad

    How weird...

    ( train

    You can't stay here #o back right now


    2eore it gets dark

    %ea&e right now

    6ublic 2athhouse

    The lights 4ust ca"e on Hurry

    )'ll buy you so"e ti"e... #o past the ri&er

    What's wrong with hi"?


    %et's go ho"e, dad...


    $ad 3o"



    This isn't right... This "ust be a drea"

    Wake up Wake up Wake up...

    /top it. ti"er-

    This has to be a drea"...

    #o away... #o away...

    ) can see through the"?

    ( drea"... This is deinitely a drea"...


    $on't be araid. )'" on your side.

    No No No

    pen your "outh and eat this.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ) you don't eat it, you'll disappear.


    $on't worry.

    )t won't hurt.

    )t's alright now. Touch "e.

    ) can touch you...

    ) told you so. Now, co"e with "e.

    What about "y "o" and dad? Where are they? They're not pigs, right?

    )t's not possible right now, but e&entually you'll see the" again.

    /tay 5uiet.

    )t's looking or you.

    We don't ha&e any ti"e. %et's run.

    ) can't stand up. )'" too weak.

    !ela1. Take a deep breath.

    #i&e this child power, please...

    /tand up

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No



    where ha&e you been?

    What? ( hu"an?




    /o"eone's here )t s"ells like a hu"an

    We'&e been spotted.


    No, you did your best.

    Tell you what...

    They'll ind us i we stay here.

    )'ll get their attention.

    When ) do, run away.

    No /tay with "e 6lease don't lea&e

    ) ha&e to stay in this world.

    This is the only way to sa&e your parents.

    /o ) guess this isn't a drea" ater all.

    /tay still.

    We still ha&e so"e ti"e.

    You can escape through the back door.

    #o all the way to the botto" o the stairs, and go into the boiler roo".

    #randpa =a"a should be there. Talk to hi".

    #randpa =a"a?

    (sk hi" to let you work here.

    7&en i he says no, beg hi".

    Yobaba will ind you i you don't get a 4ob.

    Who's Yobaba?

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    You'll know her when you see her.

    /he's a witch that rules this world.

    $on't say >No> or >) want to go back,> 4ust say you want to work.

    ) know it's hard, but i you do this, Yobaba won't lay a hand on you.


    Haku0sa"a Haku0sa"a

    ) ha&e to get going.

    $on't orget, Chihiro... )'" on your side.

    How do you know "y na"e?

    )'&e known you since you were little.

    3y na"e's Hakura.

    )'" right here

    rogs + Haku0sa"a Yobaba0sa"a said...

    ) know, that's why ) was out...

    8""", e1cuse "e...


    (re you #randpa =a"a0san?

    Haku sent "e. 6lease let "e work here?

    Too "uch to do.

    %ittle ones, it's ti"e or work

    )'" #randpa =a"a, an old "an used or kuroa"a )%%8/)N@

    %ittle ones, would you hurry up?

    8"""...please let "e work here?

    There's already "ore than enough help here.

    )'" sorry...

    Hold on a second...

    You're in the way.

    What do ) do with this?

    Can ) lea&e it here?

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ) you're going to help, do it right

    Hey %ittle ones $o you want to turn back into a pile o ashes?

    (nd you $on't interere with their work and "ake it easier on the"

    ) they don't work, their "agic will disappear.

    There's no place or you here. #o look so"ewhere else.

    What? You guys ha&e so"ething to say?

    Work Work

    9ood's here.

    (re you guys ighting again?

    %ea&e the" alone.

    Your bowl.

    ) told you to ha&e it ready.

    Ti"e to eat

    )t's a hu"an

    6eople are talking about you up there

    )t's "y grandchild.


    /he wants to work here, but we're ull.

    Can you take her to Yobaba?

    /he'll take care o it.

    No way )'ll get killed

    How about so"e burnt li*ard?

    7ither way, in order to work, she needs to ha&e a contract ro" Yobaba.

    Hey kid, ollow "e.

    Hey, can't you be "ore polite and say >6lease help "e> or so"ething?

    h, yes...

    Co"e on, ollow "e.

    Yes "a'a"...

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    What are you doing holding your shoes? (nd don't orget to take o your

    socks, too

    Yes "a'a"...

    Hey $on't you need to thank #randpa =a"a?

    He helped you out, right?

    Thank you &ery "uch.

    #ood luck.

    Yobaba is on the top loor.

    Hurry up,

    r you'll lose your nose.

    We'll ha&e to switch cars again.


    (l"ost there.


    This ele&ator isn't going up.

    6lease ind another one.

    He's ollowing us.

    /top being so ner&ous.

    Here we are.

    6lease keep to your right.

    H""", !in?


    $on't you s"ell so"ething?

    ( hu"an. You s"ell like a hu"an.

    h, really?

    ) s"ell it, ) s"ell it.

    )t s"ells kinda good.

    (re you hiding so"ething?

    Tell the truth.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    )s it this?

    2urnt li*ard

    #i&e it to "e

    No way. 3y sisters order this or "e. ti"er-

    6lease, 4ust a little? (t least a leg?

    /ir, that's going up.

    6lease pull the le&er?

    You don't e&en knock

    Well now, what a rude child

    Now, co"e here.

    Co"e here now.

    2e 5uiet, would you?


    3ay ) please work here?

    /top with your stupid talk.

    What can ) do with a weakling?

    This isn't a place or hu"ans.

    )t's a place or the #ods to get so"e rest and rela1.

    %ook at your parents, eating our guests' ood like pigs.

    They deser&ed that.

    You won't be able to go back to your world.

    ) should turn you into a piglet.

    Hahahahahahaha You're shi&ering right?

    2ut you ca"e this ar...

    Who helped you? )'ll gi&e the" "y co"pli"ents.

    Who is it? Tell "e...

    ti"er- Check the abo&e line, esp. A:B, sounds like there's so"ething else at

    the beginning.

    h, please let "e work here?

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    You're still saying that?

    ) want to work here


    Why should ) hire you?

    You look like a weak, spoiled crybaby.

    (nd stupid, to boot

    Why should ) gi&e you a 4ob?

    r should ) gi&e you the hardest and "ost diicult 4ob, and work you until

    you die?

    ti"er- $einately not getting the abo&e lines to work right.

    /top it h, what happened?

    Co"e on, be good now.

    You're still here? Hurry up and go

    ) want to work here

    $on't "ake so "uch noise uch

    h, hold on, you're a good child. Cal" down.

    6lease let "e work

    kay, be 5uiet.

    (wwww, good boy, good boy.

    That's a contract.

    6ut your na"e there and )'ll let you work.

    2ut i you say, >) want to go ho"e,> or >No,> )'ll turn you into a pig.

    8"", do ) sign here?

    Yeah. /top stalling and sign it.

    h, gosh. What a stupid 4ob.

    #i&ing work to people...

    $id you sign it?


    H""". Your na"e is Chihiro.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No



    ti"er+ "issed line?-

    9ro" now on, your na"e is /en.

    kay, /en?

    ti"er- check line ;, sounds like another line is there.

    Yes "a'a".

    $id you call or "e?

    This kid's going to work here ro" now on.

    Take care o her.


    What's your na"e?

    Chi... ah... )t's /en.

    )%%8/)N 0 3)//7$ %)N7, ti"er+ >Then /en, co"e with "e.>@


    $on't say too "uch.

    Call "e Haku0sa"a.

    7&en i it's Yobaba's orders,

    We still e1cuse@ hu"ans )%%8/)N@

    /he has a contract.


    Thank you &ery "uch...

    $on't put her near us. We'll s"ell nasty, like a hu"an.

    Her s"ell won't go away or days. )%%8/)N

    ) she doesn't pro&e useul by then, burn her, boil her, do as you wish.@

    #o back to work

    Where's !in?

    What? (re you going to put her with "e?

    You wanted a ser&ant, right?

    #o ahead, take her.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    !in + #ee*.

    /en, go ahead...

    Yes sir.

    ) can't stand this.

    ) want a raise.

    Hurry up and go.

    Co"e on.

    You did 5uite well.

    /ince you see" so"ewhat du"b, ) was worried.

    $on't worry. ) you need help, ask "e, okay?


    What's wrong?

    3y eet are tired.

    This is our roo".

    7at so"ething, get so"e sleep, and you'll be okay.

    Here are so"e clothes.

    You ha&e to wash the" yoursel.

    /ince you're so s"all...

    These "ight be a little big.

    3s. !in, u""...


    (re there two Hakus here?

    Two? ) there were two o hi" we'd be in trouble.

    He's Yobaba's ser&ant, so be careul.


    ) ound it

    What happened?

    #et a hold o yoursel...

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ti"er+ "issed line, sleeping wo"an Dthing?E- /ounds like >2e 5uiet shut

    up-. What is it !in?

    What happened, are you sick?

    Co"e with "e. )'ll let you see your "o" and dad.

    3y shoes are gone...

    Thank you.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ) don't want to eat.

    ) "ade it, so don't worry.

    Here, eat.

    )t "ust'&e been hard. Here, eat so"e "ore.

    You can go back now, right?

    Haku, thank you. )'ll try to stay strong.

    Where did you go? ) was worried

    )'" sorry.

    3o&e out o the way.

    /en, can't you put "ore strength into it?

    !in and /en. 9ro" now on you ha&e to clean the bath.

    )sn't that the rog's 4ob?

    rders are orders.

    Just ollow directions.

    8"", aren't you getting wet out there?

    /en, hurry up

    Yes "a'a"

    )'ll lea&e this open or you.

    !in, you ha&e a new 4ob?

    %ea&e "e alone.

    Wow. This hasn't been washed in a while.

    We ha&e to wash this "ess. )t see"s like it's stuck and won't co"e o.

    !in, /en, our irst custo"er will be co"ing soon.

    Yes, al"ost done

    $a"n, this won't co"e o.

    /en, go get so"e tonic and so"e tools.

    Tonic and tools?

    ti"er- "issed line F

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ti"er- "issed line A

    ti"er- "issed line

    ti"er+ "issed lines. !en says so"ething G Chihiro answers >Hai> and

    Chihiro co"es back and asks so"ething else.-

    What is that? /o"ething's here...

    /o"ething is hiding in the rain...

    %ike we can aord to waste things like that.

    #ood "orning

    $id you sleep well?

    9or Catsura0sa"a...


    ti"er- check abo&e line.

    Just rinse it with your hands.

    ti"er- %ine check.

    #ood "orning

    8se your hands... hands...

    2ut she said it had to be done with tonic.

    /ee"s like you don't e&en know or sure.

    guy + Ha&e a nice day

    ti"er- check line.

    Yes? /peaking

    Thank you &ery "uch

    Hey... no...


    What happened?

    h, nothing.

    /o"ething is co"ing.

    ( hu"an?

    That's what you need to ind out, since Haku's not here.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    Wow, he ga&e us a good one.

    This goes to #randpa =a"a.

    )t's not crowded so people should be co"ing soon.

    6ull this and the hot water will co"e down. Try it.

    You're really clu"sy.

    Wow, what a weird color.

    )t contains dried wor"s.

    ) it's so"ething this strong, we won't ha&e to rinse it.

    When it gets ull, pull it again and the water will stop.

    You can let it go or now.

    )'ll go get so"e ood.


    8"", the bath isn't ready yet.

    ti"er+ "issed line?-

    You're gi&ing this to "e?

    ) don't need this "uch.

    No, it's okay...

    h "y ti"er+ not there-


    ( "onster?

    Yes, a really big one

    ti"er+ "issed line. Two creatures in ront o yobaba talking-

    6lease go back. 6lease go back.

    6lease go back.

    H"", this wasn't what ) sensed but...

    h well, let hi" co"e.

    ti"er+ "issed lines? 2aba talking-

    7&eryone, please lea&e Hurry Hurry

    !in and /en, Yobaba is calling or you.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    Yes sir.

    $o you get it?

    )t's your irst 4ob, so help take care o this custo"er...


    $on't talk back

    ti"er+ "issed lines? Yobaba saying so"ething?-

    #oblin + )t's here.

    /top that You're being rude to the custo"er


    Hope you're ha&ing a nice day...

    /en... /en... hurry...

    Yes "a'a"...

    What are you doing?

    Hurry up and show hi" the way

    6lease co"e this way...



    The ood

    pen the windows (ll o the"

    Hold on a second...

    How nasty.

    This isn't so"ething to laugh about.

    ) wonder what that girl will do?

    Trying to get "ore water...

    ti"er- 3issed line. #oblin speaks.

    $id you gi&e her "ore "oney?

    No way, what a waste.

    Wow, that's a lot.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No



    Where are you?

    3s. !in

    (re you okay?

    ) told #randpa =a"a to gi&e you a lot o strong tonic or the bath

    ti"er+ "issed lines? !in talking?-

    Thank you

    8""... There's a thorn or so"ething stuck in here...


    )t's deep, and hard to get.

    Thorn? Thorn?

    #o get a bunch o people down there.


    Hurry up

    /en, !in, thats not what you think it is

    Tie this to the thorn

    Yes "a'a"

    Hold on tight


    /top stu"bling around Hurry up and work together

    )t's tied on

    7&eryone work together







    ( bicycle?

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    That's what ) thought.

    Now hea&e


    /en (re you okay?

    3uch better.

    ti"er+ "issed lines? background talking-

    2e 5uiet The custo"er is still resting

    /en, you're in the custo"er's way 3o&e

    3ake way, he's lea&ing

    /en, good 4ob

    We're going to "ake a lot o "oney

    ) will add one or you /en.@ )%%8/)N

    ti"er+ 3ore "issed words-

    Want so"e?

    Thank you.

    Well, well...

    Haku wasn't here today...

    (gain with Haku...

    /o"eti"es he 4ust disappears.

    (ccording to the ru"ors, Yobaba "akes hi" do horrible things.

    ) see. ti"er 0 check-

    !in, )'" going to turn it o.

    #o ahead.

    There's a town o&er there. )t looks like it's under a ri&er.

    course. When it rains, it creates a ri&er.

    /o"eday )'ll 5uit this 4ob and go to that town.

    What's the "atter?


  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    8hh... Hey, who are you?

    You can't stay there i you're not a custo"er.

    #old #old

    You can "ake gold

    #i&e "e

    #i&e "e so"e

    (nyone there?

    )t's past closing ti"e already.

    Hey you, )'" hungry.

    That &oice, you're...

    Here's so"e "oney. Take it.

    )'" a custo"er.

    (nd ) want to take a bath, too.

    $ad, 3o", ) got this ro" the last custo"er.

    ) you eat it, you can return to nor"al.

    $ad, 3o", where are you?


    What a bad drea"...


    No one's here...

    Wow, it really turned into an ocean

    ) can see where "y parents are ro" here.

    #randpa =a"a is "aking ire.

    $id ) o&ersleep?

    #ather a lot o ood

    7&en old and waste@ )%%8/)N

    2ring a lot o ood


    3s. !in

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ) was 4ust about to wake you up.

    %ook at this gold ) got

    ( really good custo"er ca"e

    )'" still hungry =eep bringing ood

    What does the custo"er look like?

    /en, you co"e too. Yobaba is still sleeping, so we ha&e a chance.

    ) ha&e to go to #randpa =a"a.

    You shouldn't go there now. He's in a bad "ood because he got woken up.

    !in, lets go back.


    What i ) can't recogni*e "y parents?

    ) hope dad isn't that at...

    )'&e seen that beore.

    )t's co"ing this way

    ) wonder what it is? )t's not a bird...

    Haku, get a hold o yoursel



    )t's 4ust paper.

    Haku, it's you right?

    Haku, are you hurt?

    The paper birds are gone... )t's okay...

    He's going to Yobaba's place

    What should ) do? Haku's going to die

    Co"e and beg and go along with this play...


    Crowd yelling+ Can ) ha&e so"e? Can ) ha&e so"e gold?

    ti"er+ "issed line, let "an-

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ti"er- "issed line

    ti"er+ "issed line, right wo"an-

    ti"er+ "issed line, rog on right?-

    Hey, what are you doing?

    ) need to go up

    No, no.

    7h? 2lood

    3o&e 3o&e

    Custo"er co"ing through

    Thank you or beore...

    What are you doing? Hurry up and...

    ) don't want it, it's okay.

    )'" busy, so e1cuse "e...

    Hey, e&eryone Cal" down Cal" down

    /tay back /tay back

    /orry about that, she's 4ust a new hu"an girl...

    Hey you, why are you laughing?

    You 4ust laughed

    ti"er+ "issed line, guy speaks-


    3y gosh, look what happened.

    That "ust be No 9ace.

    How dare he "ess this up?

    ti"er+ a lot o "issed lines here.-

    You guys, take care o Haku

    ti"er+ one "issed line here?-


    You're not sleeping in the bed again?

    h, sorry /orry You were being such a good baby, sleeping 5uietly.

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    ) ha&e work to do.

    2e good and sleep.

    uch %et go

    h, thank you or sa&ing "e.

    )'" in a rush to go so"ewhere...

    Can you please let go?

    You ca"e to spread bad ger"s.


    There are only bad ger"s outside.

    )'" a hu"an. ) know ) "ight see" a little strange in this world.

    )t's bad or you to go outside. /tay here and play with "e.

    (re you sick?

    ) ) go outside, then )'ll get sick. /o ) stay here.

    ) you stay here then you will be sick.

    8"""...3y riend is really hurt so ) ha&e to lea&e pretty soon.

    Can you please let go?

    ) you go )'ll cry.

    ) ) cry Yobaba will co"e and kill you.

    This weak hand will break pretty easily.

    uch uch )'ll co"e back and play with you...

    No We play now

    2lood You see? 2lood


    What are you guys doing? /hoo /hoo


    are you okay? Haku?

    2e 5uiet Haku?

    #o away #o away

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No



    ) don't care about a little blood.

    ) you don't play with "e, )'ll cry.

    6lease wait, you're a good kid.

    ) you don't play with "e, )'ll cry.

    6lease wait.

    6lease be 5uiet.

    ti"er+ "issed line. Yobaba twin-

    kay, you're a little dense.


    ti"er+ "issed line. baby speaks. >yobaba>?-

    Can't tell the dierence between "e and your "o"?

    ti"er+ "issing line? Yobaba says so"ething to baby.-


    what should ) do with you guys.

    2e 5uiet about this, kid.

    ) you tell, so"ething bad will happen.

    Who are you?

    Yobaba's twin sister.

    Thanks to you, ) was able to e1plore this whole place.

    Now gi&e "e that dragon.

    What will you do with Haku? He's in a lot o pain.

    He's "y sister's ser&ant, a dragon thie.

    He stole ro" "e.

    Haku couldn't do such a thing. He's a nice person

    $ragons are all nice and wise.

    Take "y sisters "agic and beco"e her ser&ant.

    ti"er+ abo&e line? does it it?-

    ti"er+ "issing lines-

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    Now "o&e out o the way.

    This dragon won't sur&i&e anyway.

    The stu he stole ro" "e had a curse on it that who e&er took it would die.

    No, don't

    What is up with these guys?

    /top that and go back to your roo".

    3y guard was down...


    ti"er+ "issed line. sounds like chihiro sound >da"e>, >don't>?-

    ti"er+ "issed line. Chihiro >Haku>-

    What's going on?


    Hold on


    $oes it hurt?

    This isn't good...

    Haku, hold on

    What should we do? Haku will die

    /o"ething is eating hi" up ro" the inside.

    9ro" inside?

    )t's a strong "agic. ) won't be able to help...

    Haku, the !i&er #od ga&e "e this.

    7at it and it "ight help.

    Haku, open your "outh.

    Haku, please eat it.

    /ee? )t's okay...

    )s that a dango?

    You're a good kid, now swallow it...

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    )t's okay...

    ti"er+ "issed line, Chihiro speaks-

    )t ca"e out That's it

    The sta"p

    )t ran that way That way

    3ake a circle 3ake a circle

    Cut it

    ti"er+ )s there so"e signiicance in what they're doing? /o"e Japanese


    #randpa, this is Yobaba's sister's sta"p.

    ( witch's stu?

    That's bad...

    ti"er+ "issed line? =a"a speaks-

    ) thought so

    #randpa, it's Haku

    Haku Haku Haku

    #randpa, he's not breathing

    %ooks like the curse isn't co"pletely gone.

    ti"er+ recheck, "ight be an e1tra line here.-

    Hopeully this will settle hi" down a little.

    Haku ca"e here suddenly ro" out o nowhere, 4ust like you.

    He said he wanted to be a wi*ard.

    ) disagreed, because being a witch's ser&ant is no good.

    2ut since he had no way to go ho"e,

    He beca"e Yobaba's ser&ant.

    $ay by day he looks worse and worse...

    #randpa =a"a, )'ll go return this to Yobaba's sister.

    )'ll apologi*e and try to get her to orgi&e Haku.

    6lease tell "e where she li&es.

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    eniba's place?

    /he's a scary witch.


    Haku sa&ed "e.

    Now ) want to sa&e Haku.

    You "ight be able to go there but the way back...

    Hold on,

    ) ha&e it here so"ewhere...

    7&eryone, please get "y shoes.

    /en )'&e been looking all o&er or you

    3s. !in

    )sn't that Haku? Why is he here?

    Who are they?

    3y new riends.

    Yobaba's "ad, and she's looking or you.

    The >good custo"er> turned out to be a bad one.

    /he says you brought hi" in.

    3aybe so...

    What? !eally?

    ) thought he was a custo"er.

    What are you going to do?

    )t ate people already...

    Here it is

    /en, ) ound it

    #randpa, we're a little busy right now...

    You can use this

    )sn't that a ticket? Where did you "anage to get this ro"?

    ) had this ticket let o&er ro" I; years ago.

    kay /en, the Bth station called >/wa"p's 2otto".>

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    Yes. (nyways, the Bth station.

    Bth one. kay.

    $on't "iss it. There used to be a return train but nowadays, who knows.

    You still want to go?

    Yes, )'ll ollow the railroad on the way back.

    What about Yobaba?

    )'ll get going now.

    Haku please wait until ) co"e back. $on't die...

    What happened here?

    $on't you know? This is lo&e... lo&e...

    )t's getting bigger and bigger

    ) don't want to be eaten...

    Here she co"es...

    /en #ood

    Yobaba's getting too out o control or us to handle.

    ti"er+ "issed line, background speech-

    Where is /en? Where is /en?

    There Hurry, hurry...

    3rs. Yobaba, here's /en...


    Here, sir, /en is here. Hold on a "o"ent...

    Took you long enough

    Take a lot o gold ro" hi"?

    What's with that ugly rat?

    $on't you recogni*e hi"?

    Why should )?

    )'" going now.

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    Take your ti"e...

    Will /en be alright in there by hersel?

    You want to switch places with her?

    Want to eat this? )t's good.

    Want "e to bring out "ore gold?

    Co"e o&er here. What do you want?

    Na"e it.

    Where did you co"e ro"?

    ) ha&e to go to so"ewhere &ery soon.

    You should go back where you ca"e ro".

    You can't gi&e "e what ) want.

    Where do you li&e?

    You ha&e a "o" and dad right?

    No... ) don't.

    )'" lonely. )'" lonely.

    You don't know where you li&e?

    ) want /en ) want /en

    Take the gold.

    ti"er+ "issed line. Chihiro says so"ething, probably, ) don't wantneed


    ) don't want it.

    Take it.


    2eore you eat "e, eat this irst.

    ) wanted to gi&e it to "y parents, but here...


    What did you "ake "e eat?

    7&eryone "o&e

    Take this

  • 8/18/2019 Spirited No


    )'" o&er here

    &er here

    ) won't orgi&e her

    /en &er here

    &er here

    Why are you calling it?

    That thing is causing proble"s in there.

    We need to get hi" out.

    (nd take hi" where?

    ti"er+ you sure that's all she says?-

    ) don't know.

    What do you "ean, you don't know?

    He's ollowing us.

    Walk ro" here.

    You'll ind the station i you keep going.

    Thank you.

    You better co"e back


    /en, ) called you du"b, but ) take it back

    Hey, No 9ace

    $o so"ething to /en and ) won't orgi&e you

    That's it

    The train ca"e )t's co"ing

    6lease take "e to >/wa"p 2otto".>

    $o you want to ride too?

    6lease take hi" too?

    Co"e here.

    /tay still.


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    h, Haku, you're awake?

    #randpa, where is /en?

    What happened? 6lease tell "e.

    You don't re"e"ber anything?

    ) only re"e"ber a little.

    $arkness, Chihiro kept on calling "y na"e.

    ) ollowed the &oice and woke up here.

    Chihiro? Her na"e is Chihiro?

    How great is the power o lo&e...

    #osh, stupid /en

    What does she ha&e to say or all this...

    2ecause o /en, we were all reed...

    )t was her ault anyway

    /he took o and betrayed her "other

    ti"er+ gee... "ore "issed lines?-

    3aybe we should "ake her parents into ha", or bacon...






    6lease wait.

    3aster Haku

    Well, well. You're still ali&e...

    You still don't see it. /o"ething i"portant has changed.

    /ince when did you get s"art enough to talk back to "e?

    ti"er+ "issed line. 9rog says so"ething?-

    3y boy 2aby ti"er+ don't hear these lines, listen again-

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    3y boy 2aby Where are you?

    Co"e out Co"e out


    WH7!7 $)$ Y8 68T 3Y 2(2Y

    eniba's place.


    ) see. The witch thinks she can beat "e like that...

    (nd? What do you plan on doing about it?

    )'ll get your baby back.

    )n e1change, please return /en and her parents to their world.

    (nd ater that what will happen to you? $o you care?

    This should be the right station. %et's go.

    You can go on "y shoulder...

    Co"e in...

    Thank you &ery "uch.

    ) you're going to co"e in, "ake it ast.

    Co"e on.

    You all ca"e here ro" ar away.


    )'ll bring you so"e tea.

    3rs. eniba, this is the sta"p Haku stole.

    ) ca"e to return it.

    $o you know what this is?

    No, ) don't, but it's really i"portant to you,

    (nd ) ca"e to apologi*e or Haku. )'" sorry.

    You were holding this and nothing happened?

    The protector bug isn't on this...

    /orry, ) stepped on it and killed it.

    /tepped on it and killed it

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    That's the bug "y sister put into the dragon to control it,

    (nd you stepped on it and killed it...

    ti"er+ )'" pretty certain she tells chihiro to sit down or so"ething here,

    like+ >Here, sit down. h, you "ust be No 9ace. You sit too.>,etc...-

    h, you "ust be No 9ace. /it down.

    6lease turn these people back to the"sel&es...

    You two? The "agic wore o a long ti"e ago.

    Turn back whene&er you want.

    We're supposed to be twins,

    but our opinions on things 4ust don't agree.

    ti"er+ ) think there's a line here-

    What a bother. ) want to help you too,

    but ) can't since it's the law...

    ti"er+ and another one here?-

    (bout your parents and your boyriend Haku...

    2ut, "ay ) at least get a hint?

    Haku and ), it see"s like we'&e "et beore...

    Then your story's si"ple.

    nce you "eet people, it's hard to orget.

    You 4ust can't re"e"ber.

    2ut it's late now, so go ahead and get so"e sleep.

    Would you two help "e?

    Co"e on, keep trying.

    Yeah, yeah, that's it. You're great too.

    ) ) "ake it with "agic it doesn't "ean as "uch.

    3ake a knot and continue like that.

    #rand"a, ) think )'" going to go.

    2ecause, while ) stay here, Haku "ight be dying

    and "y parents "ight get eaten.

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    Just wait a little "ore.

    Here... use this or your hair.

    Wow, pretty

    )t's all our lo&e put together.

    Thank you.

    #ood ti"ing. We ha&e a guest.

    6lease open the door.




    ) wanted to see you, are you okay?

    )'" glad he's here.

    #rand"a, Haku was ali&e

    Haku, )'ll orgi&e you, but take good care o /en.

    Now you two, it's ti"e or you to lea&e. 6lease co"e again.

    (nd you, stay here, and help "e.


    thank you or e&erything.

    ti"er+ "issed line, eniba says so"ething-

    3y real na"e is Chihiro.

    Chihiro. That's a nice na"e. Take care.

    Thank you.

    Now, go on.

    ti"er+ "issed line, Chihiro, >un>Yes-

    #rand"a, thank you #oodbye

    Haku, listen.

    ) heard this ro" "y "other but, when ) was s"all ) ell into the ri&er.

    ti"er+ "ore lines not here-

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    2ut that ri&er was replaced with a "ansion.

    That ri&er's na"e was =ohaku !i&er.

    Your real na"e is... =ohaku !i&er.

    Chihiro, thank you. 3y real na"e is Nigihaya"i =ohakunus.


    Nigihaya"i =ohakunus.

    What a great na"e )t sounds like a god.

    ) 4ust re"e"bered. The ti"e you ell into "e, you al"ost drowned.

    Yeah =ohaku, you sa&ed "e, and brought "e to the shore.

    )'" so happy...

    They ca"e back

    You ca"e back with "y baby, right?



    (re you okay? (re you hurt?

    You can stand on your own now?

    3rs. Yobaba, it's a pro"ise, please return Chihiro and her parents

    )t doesn't work like that. )n lie, there are laws

    /hut up

    /tingy 2aba. Just stop. ) had a lot o un.

    2ut this is a law, the curse can't be broken.

    ) you "ake /en cry, )'ll hate you.




    ti"er+ "issed line. Chihiro says so"ething-

    The curse C(N be broken.

    ) heard about the law ro" Haku.

    Hope you're ready or it.

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    Here's your contract. Co"e o&er here.

    2aby, it'll be o&er soon.

    )t's okay.

    9ind your parents in here.

    You ha&e one chance.

    ) you get it right on the irst try, you guys are ree.

    #rand"a, "y parents aren't here.

    They're not? )s that your answer?


    #ood answer

    #ood 4ob #reat

    7&eryone, thank you

    #o on. You win. Hurry up and go

    Thank you or taking care o "e.


    Thank you

    /ee you again


    %et's go...

    Where are "y "o" and dad?

    They're up ahead...

    The water's gone...

    ) can't go this way.

    Just go back through the way you ca"e in but don't look back until you e1itthe tunnel.

    Haku, what about you, Haku?

    )'ll ha&e to talk to Yobaba, and 5uit working with her.

    )'ll be okay, and )'ll get "y real na"e back.