spid e r b usiness s ystem dave mitchell channel it


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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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  • SPID E R B USINESS S YSTEM Dave Mitchell Channel IT
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  • Business ProcessBusiness Process 1 Explore System FeaturesExplore System Features 2 Next StepsNext Steps 3 Topic Overview
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  • Running a business can often be a balance between appearing on the outside to be professional, structured and controlled..
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  • ..whilst remaining calm about the organised chaos that reigns on the inside.
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  • Standard Process Implementation and Delivery Resource So how is it possible to manage varying processes, tasks and timescales in depth, using only one system.? With. SPIDeR
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  • Business Tools
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  • A Typical Sale Mailshots Email Campaigns AdvertisingSales Visits CRM Quotes Orders Installation Invoicing Word Excel Line 50 Sage SPIDeR There are plenty CRM systems that allow you to contact customers and generate opportunities.. but once you have the opportunity; there is a huge process to go through that can generate word documents, forms, spreadsheets, notes etc. How do manage these core tasks and activities all in one place? Then of course, you have to type it all into Sage. Not just sales invoices but supplier invoices. This is requires more resource and leads to more typo errors. SPIDeR takes a one entry approach to it all
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  • Key Features of SPIDeR Records all Jobs One client database. Handles business clients and consumers. Add contacts to jobs. Attach multiple files, documents and photos. Add notes with date stamps. Auto populates your forms. Organises Jobs into steps. Gives warnings when job slips. Monitors progress Sets timescales. Can link to Activities and Check points for quality control. Diary/Appointment System. Multi- template job types. Complaints system. Employees Accreditation Records. Suspend and cancel jobs.
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  • Contd Handles multi contacts and branches by client. Filter by project. Search jobs features. Quote builder and bundle builders. Generates Sales invoices. Basic Order management system. Holds Client controlled documents. Access control for users. Sales Invoice generation. Recurring Invoice generation. Supplier Invoice matching. Sales and Supplier Invoice export to Sage Line 50. Basic Client Inventory System. Issue controlled document library. Flexible Tagging system for auto Form generation. Keeps backup issue controlled copies of attachments.
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  • Contd Asterisk VOIP integration. Click to dial from screen. Incoming Sales desk (Screen popping of account) Sales screen allows new jobs to be created from Incoming call. Displays purchase history of calling clients. Handle high volume incoming documents to cases. Scan documents from scanner directly to job. Classify scanned document as document type. Bulk Activity monitor (Building Industry) Use Teams on a job instead of assignees. Optional Features CRM Campaign Mailer Mailshots to potential clients. Help/Support Desk ticket system. Bulk Client contacts import.
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  • Y OUR B USINESS P ROCESS Starts with a Request from your client. That requests leads you to follow a number of steps to fulfil the request. These steps can be Strategic Tasks or less strategic, but just as important, Activities. Data is being collected. Quality checks are being completed. Documents are stored and versioned. Safety is being maintained. At points along the process you may also have checkpoints to ensure :
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  • Business Process Creation You build your process in Layers: New Business Process Site SurveyQuote Prepare Tender Tender Review Submit Tender CloseV&A Provider Funding Survey? Activity? Consider initial documentation and decide whether we can tender for it. Start to get a flavour of the size and scope of the request. Decide which process template to use. Safety CP Survey is a critical path activity so becomes a strategic task. Check Survey required
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  • Strategic Process Steps Validate Request Prepare Tender Review Tender Submit Tender Client Response Next Steps Record Documents Prepare Quote Register Client detail Site Survey Assess Survey Strategic Tasks Take Photos Take measurements Do Safety Assessment Safety Check Points recorded Activities/Check- Points Work Instructions
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  • Process Terminology Request Any request for products or services originating either from a client or internally. Task Any Critical Path milestone that requires specific data collecting or standard Management Information measurement. Activity Any milestone that has ownership but can be carried out in parallel with Strategic tasks and does not require specific data recorded. Check Point Any Activity that can be carried out in parallel with other Tasks/Activities but requires a record of the check being made and by whom. It is intended to underpin Quality Management checks.
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  • Strategic Tasks
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  • Templates
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  • Activity Templates Configure parallel activities to start and end at pre-determined points. Prevent strategic tasks being progressed without completing associated activities.
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  • Check Point Templates
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  • Check-Point Template Assign
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  • Business Process Pipe Concept Excel Approach Business Process System
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  • Job List
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  • Jeopardy Management The system provides effective jeopardy management for tasks in a users list, changing colour to signify which state of jeopardy theyre in: Green Amber/Yellow - needs attention as its been suspended or failed - passed its jeopardy warning Red - passed its target date - within its target Blue Target Dates & Jeopardy warnings (in working hours & minutes) are set by owners.
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  • Activity List
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  • Check Points for Jobs
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  • Attachments
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  • Contacts
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  • Exception Handling Raised Design Pricing Fail = Exception Previous Owner Current Owner
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  • Contact Types Consumer Individual consuming (receiving) the goods and services. Client Individual raising and funding the request. This could be Business client or single Consumer. User Individual with a logon and password to the SPIDeR system. Assignee Individual assigned to tasks, request or activities. Operative (Sub-Contractor) External individual who [usually] has no logon & Password. Assessor, Provider, Supplier (Non System) Multiple contact types can be created and used to categorise a contact.
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  • Notes
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  • Notifications (SMTP Server required) Automated Switch on/off automated mail distribution Both Notification & Jeopardy mails available Alter message content Include/Exclude a predetermined selection of recipients, but .configurable!
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  • Scheduler
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  • Reports
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  • S ECURITY AND R OLE A CCESS SysAdmin Role - System Maintainer. Has access to everything. Admin Role Access to Day to day configuration, reports set up screens. Managers Role Access to all screens but limited access s to configuration screens. User Role Access to day to day operational screens. No access to configuration or reports. Financial Access to User Role and Financials.
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  • Jeopardys The system provides effective jeopardy management for tasks in a users list, changing colour to signify which state of jeopardy theyre in: Green Amber/Yellow - needs attention as its been suspended or failed - passed its jeopardy warning Red - passed its target date - within its target Blue Target Dates & Jeopardy warnings (in working hours & minutes) are set by owners.
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  • System Requirements Windows Server 2003 or later. IIS Server (version 7 onwards) SQL Server 2008 Standard Preferred Tier 1 Server hardware. (Can be virtualised) Preferred Active Directory domain System Separate IIS and SQL servers recommended but not necessary.
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  • Quote System
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  • New Features (As of October 2013) Full Quote System Sage Integration (For local server systems) Document Scanning and progression Call Centre VOIP System for Help Desk calls Full Quote System Sage Integration (For local server systems) Document Scanning and progression Call Centre VOIP System for Help Desk calls
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  • Auto Populate Forms
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  • Next Steps Business ProcessBusiness Process 1 Explore System FeaturesExplore System Features 2 Next StepsNext Steps 3
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  • Configuration Requirements Provide user names and email addresses Provide Templates with Strategic Tasks. List any Parallel Activities. List any Check-Points and hold points. Timescales and Jeopardies for Tasks/Activities Provide Contact Type List for configuration.
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  • Time Jobs Processed Get Familiar Second Nature Adopting the System Get Experienced
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  • Customer comments Jefferson Hobbs ChannelIT have supported us through numerous changes in our business model, and are flexible in their approach to new requirements and support. This in turn allows us to react quickly to changes in the business environment. ProClaims When we first went to Channel-IT, we presented them with a very tall order. Put our IT right, ensure our communications are correct and design a system to allow us to handle more work without taking on more employees They have done all of this, allowing us to scale dramatically and more than quadruple our turn over. They are without doubt, our preferred supplier. Wright Financial Advice As financial consultants we know how important it is to get the right advice. There isnt a lot that ChannelIT dont know about IT but if something does crop up, we know they will research the Best Practice advice, saving us time and money. SearchMove.co.uk In IT terms, we knew where we wanted to go and what we wanted to achieve. ChannelIT enabled us to put this strategy into action. This one stop shop supplier has enabled us to treat our IT seriously, without having to invest in IT employees.