sped 417/517

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SPED 417/517. Atypical Sensory and Motor Development. Atypical Sensory-Motor Development. Muscle tone is abnormal Primitive reflexes persist Postural control and movement are difficult Positioning and handling problems lead to orthopedic problems Functional skill development is interrupted. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • SPED 417/517Atypical Sensory and Motor Development

  • Atypical Sensory-Motor DevelopmentMuscle tone is abnormalPrimitive reflexes persistPostural control and movement are difficultPositioning and handling problems lead to orthopedic problemsFunctional skill development is interrupted

  • Sensory-Motor InterventionsCreating interventions based on sensory qualitiesCreating interventions based on motor qualities

  • Frames of ReferenceNeurodevelopmentalSensory IntegrativeBehavioralCognitiveDevelopmentalAdaptive approachesOtherJoint mobilizationMyofacial release techniquesCraniosacral therapy

  • Westling & Fox Chapter 13Atypical sensory responsesLimited experience with touch input leading to tactile defensiveness Inappropriate proprioceptive input due to tone differences impacting movementDifficulty processing vestibular input leading to difficulty with position changesRestricted diets interfere in taste experiences leading to resistance with tastes and smellsIntervention techniquesModify sensory inputs from environmentProvide sensory inputs as needed

  • Westling & Fox Chapter 13Abnormal muscle toneAffects ability to produce controlled muscle contractionsInterferes in posture and movementIntervention techniquesInhibition and facilitationEnvironment and physiologymedicationenvironmental visual & auditory inputsinteractionsfatigue & mood

  • Westling & Fox Chapter 13Primitive reflexesAsymmetrical tonic neck reflex (ATNR)Symmetrical tonic neck reflex (STNR)Tonic labyrinthine reflex (TLR)Intervention techniquesavoid positions which trigger responsefacilitate opposing posturesnormalize tone

  • Westling & Fox Chapter 13Posture and movementCycle of development of abnormal movementTone differenceDifficulty sustaining body alignmentProximal adjustmentsCompensatory movement patternsStereotypical posture & movementChange in muscle lengthOrthopedic changes

  • Westling & Fox Chapter 13Intervention techniquesPositioningRemedialCompensatoryHandlingNormalizing toneFacilitating normal postures

  • Atypical DevelopmentProneSupineSittingStandingWalkingAll-foursOral-motorUpper bodyGeneral mobility

  • Development of proneToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life taskslimited sleeping positionsdecreased play optionslimit development of trunk controlinterfere with mobility development

  • Development of supineToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life taskslimited sleeping optionsdecreased play positionslimited opportunity for use of handsinterferes with development of general mobility

  • sittingToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life tasksdecreased overall independencelimited play optionsinterferes with daily caresimpacts social interactionsinterferes with development of attention and learning

  • StandingToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life tasksdecreased overall independencelimits mobility preparationdecreases access to environmentimpacts growth and development

  • walkingToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life taskslimits overall independence in daily tasksdecreased mobilitylimits play optionsinterferes with personal interactionlack of exploration

  • all-foursToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life tasksimpacts development of postural controldecrease mobilitylimits play optionslimits explorationlimits sensory opportunities

  • oral-motorToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life tasksimpacts daily nutritioninterferes with sensory explorationimpacts development of communicationaffects personality and social interactions

  • upper bodyToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life taskslack of exploration of environmentdecreased dexterity and bilateral controllimits play skills and learning potentialinterferes with daily life tasks

  • general mobilityToneQuality Quantity

  • Dysfunctionincreased, decreased, fluctuating tonefluidity, efficiency, effortalignment, adaptability

  • Affected life tasksaffects independenceinterferes with play skillslimits exploration of environmentlimits transitionsimpacts development of postural control

  • ApplicationConsider routine taskHow does difference in tone affect task?How does quality of movement affect task?How does quantity of movement options affect task?