specific ion effects on the self-assembly of ionic ... pub...specific ion effects on the...

Specic Ion Eects on the Self-Assembly of Ionic Surfactants: A Molecular Thermodynamic Theory of Micellization with Dispersion Forces Boris Lukanov and Abbas Firoozabadi* ,Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, 595 Lytton Avenue, Suite B, Palo Alto, California 94301, United States Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States * S Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules is a key process in numerous biological and chemical systems. When salts are present, the formation and properties of molecular aggregates can be altered dramatically by the specic types of ions in the electrolyte solution. We present a molecular thermodynamic model for the micellization of ionic surfactants that incorporates quantum dispersion forces to account for specic ion eects explicitly through ionic polarizabilities and sizes. We assume that counterions are distributed in the diuse region according to a modied PoissonBoltzmann equation and can reach all the way to the micelle surface of charge. Stern layers of steric exclusion or distances of closest approach are not imposed externally; these are accounted for through the counterion radial distribution proles due to the incorporation of dispersion potentials, resulting in a simple and straightforward treatment. There are no adjustable or tted parameters in the model, which allows for a priori quantitative prediction of surfactant aggregation behavior based only on the initial composition of the system and the surfactant molecular structure. The theory is validated by accurately predicting the critical micelle concentration (CMC) for the well-studied sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant and its alkaline-counterion derivatives in mono- and divalent salts, as well as the molecular structure parameters of SDS micelles such as aggregation numbers and micelle surface potential. I. INTRODUCTION Specic ion eects are ubiquitous in chemistry and biology. They occur in bulk solutions, where the solubility of comparable mono- and divalent salts can dier by orders of magnitude, and at interfaces, where the surface tension can vary considerably. Salts aect the stability of proteins, 1,2 play a major role in atmospheric and ocean chemistry, 3,4 inuence the interaction between colloid particles, 5 and aect the aggrega- tion of amphiphilic molecules such as surfactants. 6 Surfactants nd countless applications in modern society, ranging from household products such as pharmaceuticals, foods, paints, detergents, and cosmetics to industrial processes involving coatings and lubricants (e.g., enhanced oil recovery) as well as applications in the emerging elds of nanotechnology and nanomedicine. The numerous practical uses of surfactants stem from the intrinsic duality in their molecular structure; they contain a hydrophobic tail that can be a hydrocarbon, uorocarbon, siloxane, or polymer and a hydrophilic headgroup that can be ionic or nonionic (polar). This variety in the structure of surfactants allows for extensive variation in their behavior in solutions, in microemulsions, and at interfaces. As a result, a detailed understanding of the link among salt eects, surfactant molecular structure and solution physicochemical properties is essential to discovering novel applications or improving the eciency of existing surfactant-based processes. At the same time, given the numerous household and industrial pathways through which surfactants enter the environment, a deeper understanding of the structure and aggregation behavior of these materials can help us design and synthesize them with minimal environmental impact. Ionic surfactants with hydrocarbon tails are the most widely used class of surfactants in both industrial applications and academic research. When ionic surfactants are dissolved in electrolyte solutions, an increase in the solution ionic strength leads to a signicant lowering of the critical micelle concentration (CMC) at which they start to aggregate. The lowering of the CMC can be attributed to the incorporation of salt counterions into the micelle surface, where they screen the electrostatic repulsions between the charged ionic surfactant headgroups, as well as to the eect of ions on the interfacial tension, dielectric constant, and density of the electrolyte solution. Micelle surfaces are porous, nonuniform, uctuating entities, a feature that can allow for the accumulation of counterions between surfactant headgroups. A self-consistent eld lattice model study of ionic surfactant micelles 7 and molecular dynamics simulations of anionic sodium dodecyl Received: March 20, 2014 Revised: May 11, 2014 Published: May 15, 2014 Article pubs.acs.org/Langmuir © 2014 American Chemical Society 6373 dx.doi.org/10.1021/la501008x | Langmuir 2014, 30, 63736383

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Page 1: Specific Ion Effects on the Self-Assembly of Ionic ... Pub...Specific Ion Effects on the Self-Assembly of Ionic Surfactants: A Molecular Thermodynamic Theory of Micellization with

Specific Ion Effects on the Self-Assembly of Ionic Surfactants: AMolecular Thermodynamic Theory of Micellization with DispersionForcesBoris Lukanov† and Abbas Firoozabadi*,‡

†Reservoir Engineering Research Institute, 595 Lytton Avenue, Suite B, Palo Alto, California 94301, United States‡Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, United States

*S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: The self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules is a key process innumerous biological and chemical systems. When salts are present, theformation and properties of molecular aggregates can be altered dramaticallyby the specific types of ions in the electrolyte solution. We present amolecular thermodynamic model for the micellization of ionic surfactantsthat incorporates quantum dispersion forces to account for specific ioneffects explicitly through ionic polarizabilities and sizes. We assume thatcounterions are distributed in the diffuse region according to a modifiedPoisson−Boltzmann equation and can reach all the way to the micellesurface of charge. Stern layers of steric exclusion or distances of closestapproach are not imposed externally; these are accounted for through the counterion radial distribution profiles due to theincorporation of dispersion potentials, resulting in a simple and straightforward treatment. There are no adjustable or fittedparameters in the model, which allows for a priori quantitative prediction of surfactant aggregation behavior based only on theinitial composition of the system and the surfactant molecular structure. The theory is validated by accurately predicting thecritical micelle concentration (CMC) for the well-studied sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) surfactant and its alkaline-counterionderivatives in mono- and divalent salts, as well as the molecular structure parameters of SDS micelles such as aggregationnumbers and micelle surface potential.


Specific ion effects are ubiquitous in chemistry and biology.They occur in bulk solutions, where the solubility ofcomparable mono- and divalent salts can differ by orders ofmagnitude, and at interfaces, where the surface tension can varyconsiderably. Salts affect the stability of proteins,1,2 play a majorrole in atmospheric and ocean chemistry,3,4 influence theinteraction between colloid particles,5 and affect the aggrega-tion of amphiphilic molecules such as surfactants.6 Surfactantsfind countless applications in modern society, ranging fromhousehold products such as pharmaceuticals, foods, paints,detergents, and cosmetics to industrial processes involvingcoatings and lubricants (e.g., enhanced oil recovery) as well asapplications in the emerging fields of nanotechnology andnanomedicine. The numerous practical uses of surfactants stemfrom the intrinsic duality in their molecular structure; theycontain a hydrophobic tail that can be a hydrocarbon,fluorocarbon, siloxane, or polymer and a hydrophilic headgroupthat can be ionic or nonionic (polar). This variety in thestructure of surfactants allows for extensive variation in theirbehavior in solutions, in microemulsions, and at interfaces. As aresult, a detailed understanding of the link among salt effects,surfactant molecular structure and solution physicochemicalproperties is essential to discovering novel applications orimproving the efficiency of existing surfactant-based processes.

At the same time, given the numerous household and industrialpathways through which surfactants enter the environment, adeeper understanding of the structure and aggregation behaviorof these materials can help us design and synthesize them withminimal environmental impact.Ionic surfactants with hydrocarbon tails are the most widely

used class of surfactants in both industrial applications andacademic research. When ionic surfactants are dissolved inelectrolyte solutions, an increase in the solution ionic strengthleads to a significant lowering of the critical micelleconcentration (CMC) at which they start to aggregate. Thelowering of the CMC can be attributed to the incorporation ofsalt counterions into the micelle surface, where they screen theelectrostatic repulsions between the charged ionic surfactantheadgroups, as well as to the effect of ions on the interfacialtension, dielectric constant, and density of the electrolytesolution. Micelle surfaces are porous, nonuniform, fluctuatingentities, a feature that can allow for the accumulation ofcounterions between surfactant headgroups. A self-consistentfield lattice model study of ionic surfactant micelles7 andmolecular dynamics simulations of anionic sodium dodecyl

Received: March 20, 2014Revised: May 11, 2014Published: May 15, 2014



© 2014 American Chemical Society 6373 dx.doi.org/10.1021/la501008x | Langmuir 2014, 30, 6373−6383

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sulfate micelles8−10 indeed indicates that a significant fraction ofthe counterions released by surfactant heads may accumulatebetween them, effectively reducing the charge in the interfacialregion. A sound molecular thermodynamic model ofmicellization should therefore allow for the presence ofmicelle-bound counterions intercalated between the head-groups on the micelle surface.The specific counterion type can have a similarly strong

effect on the micellar properties, even when the counterions areof the same valence. For anionic dodecyl sulfates, for example,the CMC follows the Hofmeister (lyotropic) series as the alkalicounterion size is increased: CMCLi

+ > CMCNa+ > CMCK

+ >CMCCs

+.11 This phenomenon cannot be explained by classicalelectrolyte theories such as the Derjaguin−Landau−Verwey−Overbeek (DLVO) theory of colloids or the Onsager−Samaras(OS) interface theory, which do not distinguish betweendifferent 1:1 salt solutions. The Hofmeister effect was firstobserved more than 100 years ago,12 yet it has remained anenigma for over a century. Only recently have more cogentanalytical approaches to explaining ion specificity started toemerge in the scientific literature.13

One approach is based on Collins’s concept of matchingwater affinities.14 Depending on how they interact with water,ions can be divided into two main groups: kosmotropes andchaotropes (Figure 1). Kosmotropes are smaller, have a higher

charge density and a lower polarizability, and interact stronglywith the water dipole. This creates a hydration shell around theion with water dipoles pointing toward or away from it,depending on the ion type (cation or anion, Figure 2a,b).Chaotropes, in contrast, are larger, with low charge density andhigh electrostatic polarizability. They interact weakly withwater, and the water molecules form a stronger hydrogen bondnetwork (cage) around the ion, much like they do aroundnonpolar solutes (Figure 2c).16 When a salt contains two smallkosmotropes (like NaF), strong electrostatic interactions keepthe two ions close together (Figure 2d).17 In a salt containingtwo large chaotropes (like CsBr), the ions still remain closetogether even though they interact weakly because the watermolecules prefer to form a stronger hydrogen bond networkaround them (Figure 2e). However, a salt having one small andone large ion, such as NaBr, is very soluble in water because thesmall ion prefers to solvate water molecules than to interactwith the large ion. The two ions remain separated, with intacthydration shells as in Figure 2f. The picture outlined above can

be quantified in theoretical models by incorporating variousionic hydrated sizes, degrees of hydration shell overlap, anddistances of closest approach between different ions.17

A more analytical approach to ion specificity has beendeveloped by Ninham and collaborators in a series of paperspublished over the past decade and a half.18−21 Theydemonstrate that the proper inclusion of quantum mechanicalnonelectrostatic dispersion interactions missing from theclassical theories of electrolytes can account for ion-specificeffects at surfaces and in colloidal suspensions. Dispersioninteractions involve the frequency-dependent dynamic polar-izabilities of the ions and include the van der Waals induceddipole−induced dipole dispersion (London) forces betweenthe ions and the interface. The dispersion forces can beextracted from extensions of the Lifshitz theory22 and are highlyion-specific. It seems that in a consistent and predictivemolecular thermodynamic theory these forces should beintegrated at the same level as “normal” electrostaticinteractions in order to account for specific ion effects fully.Despite considerable progress in the study of micellar

solutions and the extensive experimental data in the literature,there are few molecular thermodynamic theories of micelliza-tion that assess the role of ion specificity and counterionbinding in the aggregation of ionic surfactants. Nagarajan andRuckenstein23 neglected counterion binding onto the micellesurface and assumed the released counterions to be distributedin the electrical diffuse layer surrounding the micelles asdescribed by the Poisson−Boltzmann (PB) equation. In theclassical Poisson−Boltzmann formulation, dispersion potentialsare disregarded and all ions are treated as point charges with nophysical volume, a priori ignoring any ion-specific effects.Srinivasan and Blankschtein24,25 allowed for counterion bindingonto the micelle surface, but ion-specific effects were still largely

Figure 1. Group IA alkali cations and group VIIA halide anionsdivided into kosmotropes (strongly hydrated) and chaotropes (weaklyhydrated) according to their size.14 The ions are drawn approximatelyto the scale of their bare radii.15

Figure 2. Specific ion interactions and salt solubilities in water. (a)Water’s dipole points away from a kosmotrope cation. (b) Water’sdipole points toward a kosmotrope anion. (c) Hydrogen bondingaround a chaotrope anion. (d) Water structure around twokosmotrope ions. (e) Hydrogen-bond cage around two chaotropeions. (f) Separation (dissolution) of a kosmotrope−chaotrope pair.The black arrows indicate water dipoles.

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ignored; the only effect considered was the hydrated size of thecounterions adsorbed onto the micelle surface. In an earliermodel,26 we adopted Srinivasan and Blankschtein’s idea ofcounterion binding onto the micelle surface and made anattempt to quantify ion-specific effects by incorporatingCollins’s concept of matching water affinities. This wasachieved through a somewhat ad hoc approach involvingvarious Stern layers, headgroup−counterion hydration shelloverlap, and contact distances. These parameters are not easilyaccessible through experiments and are essentially adjustable tofit the experimental data.In this article, we put the theoretical treatment of ion-specific

effects in micellization on more solid analytical footing byincorporating dispersion forces in the framework of a moregeneralized Poisson−Boltzmann (PB) theory. We will see thation specificity emerges naturally from the calculations andspecific-ion effects are adequately implemented through ionicpolarizability and size only, without the need for externallyfitted unknowns such as Stern layers, headgroup−counterioncontact-pair overlap estimates, and so forth. These constraintsare naturally accounted for via dispersion interactions. In thissense, the model is simple and predictive; all parameters areobtained from experimental data or from first principlescalculations available in the literature. Another theory ofmicellization with dispersion forces has recently been publishedby Koroleva and Victorov.27 As in our earlier model, theauthors employ various ionic distances of closest approach,which are adjusted to match experimental data. Moreover, thedispersion coefficients and salting-out (Setschenow) constantsfor different ions are not calculated explicitly, effectivelyincreasing the number of fitted parameters. In the model wepresent here, these parameters are fixed (either calculatedexplicitly or adopted from the literature) and thereforenonadjustable.Our results successfully reproduce the ion-specific variations

of the CMC of alkyl dodecyl sulfates in both mono- anddivalent salts and are in better agreement with experiment thanprevious theories. The model also provides a detailed glimpseinto the molecular structure of ionic micelles by deliveringinformation on variables such as micelle aggregation number,degree of counterion binding, counterion radial densitydistribution, and micelle surface potential. These results alsoreveal significant ion-specific variations that replicate thelyotropic series and follow the trends established inexperimental studies.

II. THERMODYNAMICS OF MICELLIZATIONA. Model Basics. We consider a multicomponent system

with a fixed composition of water, surfactant, and electrolyte.The total numbers of molecules of each are NW, NS, and Nsalt,respectively, where the latter is the number of ionic pairs ofadded inorganic salt. The temperature T and pressure p for thesystem are fixed. Thus, there are five fixed parameters thatcharacterize the system: NW, NS, Nsalt, T, and p.The Gibbs free energy of the system can be expressed as

= + +G G G Gf m i (1)

where Gf is the free energy of formation, Gm is the energy ofmixing, and Gi is the free energy of interaction between thespecies. We assume a dilute solution and no micelleinteractions. Thus, Gi can be neglected, and

= +G G Gf m (2)

Let us analyze each of the two energy contributions on theright-hand side of eq 2 separately. The first, the free energy offormation Gf, can be written as the sum of the formationenergies for each of the various system components. Thecomponents are water molecules, monodisperse (nonaggre-gated) surfactant molecules, micelles (composed of surfactantmolecules and micelle-bound ions), and free ions in thesolution:

μ μ μ


= + * + *

+ *=

G N T p N T p N T p

N T p

( , ) ( , ) ( , )

( , )

gg g

ii i

f W Wo

1S 1S2



where we have introduced several new variables: N1S is thenumber of monodisperse surfactant molecules; Ng is thenumber of micelles of size g (with g being the number ofsurfactant molecules in the micelle); Ni

free is the number of freeions of species i in the solution; μW

o (T, p), μ1S* (T, p), μg*(T, p),and μi*(T, p) are the respective chemical potentials, where thesuperscript ° signifies the standard-state chemical potential for apure substance and * signifies infinite dilution. N1S, Ng, andNi

free can be defined from the following material balanceequations:

= +N N gNgS 1S (4a)

β= + =N N g N ifor 1, 2, 3, 4, ...i i i gfree


Here Ni is the total number of ions of species i in the system(free + micelle-bound), and βi is the degree of counterionbinding of species i, i.e., the fraction that represents the averagenumber of bound counterions of species i per surfactantmolecule in the micelle.24

Ni can be calculated from the valence of the various speciesand from the total number of added ion pairs Nsalt. Let zS be thevalence of the surfactant ionic head, let z1 be the valence of thecounterion if the surfactant head is anionic, and let z2 be thevalence of the counterion if the surfactant head is cationic. Thesurfactant headgroups are assumed to be fully dissociated, i.e.,every counterion is released in the solution. Then

= =Nzz

N Nand 01S

1S 2


when the surfactant is anionic (zS < 0) and

= =N Nzz

N0 and1 2S



when the surfactant is cationic (zS > 0).If one type of salt is added to the solution, then we will have

salt ions in the solution besides the surfactant counterions. Letz3 and z4 be the valences of the cation and anion of the addedsalt. Assuming that the salt is fully dissociated,

= | |N z N3 4 salt (5c)

= | |N z N4 3 salt (5d)

Additional salts can be added to the solution in a similarmanner. Note that all Ni depend only on the fixed variables NSand Nsalt.We assume that the micelles are monodisperse. This

assumption is known as the maximum term approximation

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and is based on the recognition that for spherical and globularmicelles the size distribution is usually very narrow; hence, theconcentration of aggregates other than that corresponding tothe maximum in the size distribution is assumed to be small.28

With this assumption, we eliminate the summation sign in eq 3,and the formation free energy becomes

∑μ μ μ μ= + * + * + *G N N N NW g gi

i if Wo

1S 1Sfree


By substituting mass balance eqs 4a and 4b into eq 6,

∑μ μ μ

β μ

= + − * + *

+ − *

G N N gN N

N g N

( )

( )

g g g

ii i g i

f W Wo

S 1S


and reorganizing,

μ μ μ μ β μ


= + * + * − * − *

+ *

G N N N gN g N


S g g gi

i g i

ii i

f W Wo

1S 1S



∑μ μ μ μ= + * + Δ * + *G N N N g Ng gi

i if W Wo

S 1S(9)

Here, we have defined Δμg* = (μg* − gμ1S* − ∑i gβiμi*)/g as thefree energy of micellization per surfactant molecule in themicelle. It is the difference in the standard-state chemicalpotentials between a surfactant molecule in an aggregatecontaining g surfactant molecules and ∑i gβi adsorbedcounterions and singly dispersed surfactants and single ionsdissolved in water. The various contributions to the free energyof micellization will be discussed in a separate section below.Next, we define the expression for the free energy of mixing

Gm. Assuming an ideal solution (no enthalpy of mixing,negligible interactions), the free energy of mixing is simply theentropy of mixing × T:

∑= + +


G kT N X N X N X


[ ln ln ln

ln ]

g g

ii i

m W W 1S 1S

free free


where k is the Boltzmann constant and Xl is the mole fractionof the species l:

=+ + + ∑


N N N Nll

g i iW 1Sfree


= =g i ifor l W, 1S, , ( 1, 2, 3, 4...)

Combining eq 1 with eqs 9 and 10, we obtain the expressionfor the total Gibbs free energy of the system:

μ μ μ μ= + = + * + Δ * + *

+ + + +

G G G N N N g N

kT N X N X N X N X[ ln ln ln ln ]

g gi

i i

g gi

i i

f m W Wo

S 1S

W W 1S 1Sfree free


Since some of the terms in the expression above depend onlyon the fixed variables, we can subtract those terms and defineG′ as

μ μ μ


′ = − − * − * = Δ

* + + +


G G N N N gN

kT N X N X N X


[ ln ln ln

ln ]


i i g

g g g

ii i

W Wo


W W 1S 1S

free free


Dividing by kT provides the final expression for the Gibbs freeenergy:

μ′ =Δ *

+ + +






ln ln ln


g gg g

ii i

W W 1S 1S

free free


To find the minimum of the total Gibbs free energy, eq 14 isminimized with respect to the independent variables g, Ng, andβi subject to the material balance constraints (eqs 4a and 4b)under the maximum term approximation. g and Ng appear in eq14 explicitly, while βi appears implicitly through the term Δμg*.Minimization is executed using the FSQP algorithm,29 and theresult of the minimization is compared to the equivalentexpression for the system without micellization:

∑′ = + +GkT

N X N X N Xln ln lni

i iW W 1S 1Sfree free


The minimum of the total Gibbs free energy is determinedby the lower of the two values and is the necessary andsufficient condition for chemical equilibrium. In the literature,the equality of chemical potentials is often used as thecondition for chemical equilibrium. While the equality ofchemical potentials is a necessary condition for equilibrium, it isnot always a sufficient one as it does not ensure the globalminimum of the Gibbs free energy.

B. Micellar Structure and Solution Properties. Wemake several important assumptions about the micellarinterface structure, the effects of counterion binding, and thesolution properties near the micelle surface. A schematicrepresentation of our model is shown in Figure 3. For sphericalmicelles, the radius of the hydrocarbon core is labeled Rc. Thecenter of charge of the surfactant heads lies on a surface ofradius Rch = Rc + dch referred to as the micellar surface ofcharge. The surfactant heads, surfactant, and salt counterionsand salt co-ions are assumed to be spherical, and their radii areobtained from ref 30.In contrast to earlier models, we do not artificially impose

various Stern layers at the micelle−water interface andcounterions are allowed to reach all the way to the micellesurface of charge. We believe that this is a reasonableassumption, given that micelle surfaces, unlike solid surfaces,are porous, nonuniform, fluctuating entities that can allow forthe accumulation of counterions between the surfactant heads.As mentioned in the Introduction, several studies haveindicated that a significant fraction of the counterions releasedby surfactant heads accumulate between them, effectivelyreducing the charge in the interfacial region.7−10 Similar toSrinivasan and Blankschtein, we assume that a fraction of thecounterions are adsorbed (bound) at the micelle surface ofcharge. As such, they are expected to reduce the Gibbs freeenergy of the micelle−electrolyte interface formation byshielding parts of the interface, to participate in stericrepulsions, and to contribute to the headgroup−counterionentropy of mixing at the interface. The fraction of adsorbedions per surfactant molecule for each of the counterion species

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is determined by the respective degree of counterion binding βi.In Figure 3, the two types of adsorbed counterions are thuslabeled β1 and β3, in accordance with eqs 5a and 5c. Thesurfactant heads and the bound counterions are assumed to bearranged randomly on the micelle surface of charge and anydiscreteness of the g surfactant heads and the gβi boundcounterions is neglected, resulting in a surface of uniformcharge density. Srinivasan and Blankschtein carefully evaluatedthe importance of discrete ion charges at the interface andconcluded that neglecting discreteness does not significantlyalter the physics of counterion binding since the high degree ofscreening from the diffuse ion cloud reduces the net self-potential of each discrete ion at the interface.24

The counterions remaining in the bulk solution assemble toform the diffuse ion cloud around the micelle. In the diffuselayer, we incorporate ion dispersion forces within the Poisson−Boltzmann theoretical framework of Coulombic interactions.Dispersion potentials depend on both the ionic size and ionicpolarizability, as will be shown below. Moreover, we will seethat the incorporation of dispersion forces significantly affectsthe counterion radial density profiles around the micelle. Ion-specific properties emerge naturally from these profiles. As aresult, the counterion distances of closest approach related tothe ions’ kosmotropic or chaotropic attributes are automaticallyaccounted for through the dispersion potentials without theneed for externally imposed Stern layer estimates.C. Free Energy of Micellization. The most important

term in our expression for the total Gibbs free energy of thesystem (eq 14) and one which we have not yet discussed is thefree energy of micellization Δμg*. This free-energy changeassociated with the formation of the surfactant aggregate (i.e.,the energy change in forming a micelle from singly dispersedsurfactants molecules) can be expressed as the sum of six free-energy contributions that are calculated from the chemical

structure of the various micellar components (surfactantmolecules, ions) and the solution properties:23,24,26

μ μ μ μ μ

μ μ

Δ * = Δ * + Δ * + Δ * + Δ *

+ Δ * + Δ *

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

g g g g g

g g

transf deform interface steric

entropic ionic (16)

The first three terms are related to the formation of themicellar core, which is assumed to be like a liquid hydrocarbon.These terms account for the transfer of the surfactant tail fromthe solution to the hydrocarbon core, deformation of the tailwithin the core, and formation of the hydrocarbon−solutioninterface. The last three terms account for the formation of themicelle−water interfacial shell where the ionic headgroups andcounterions reside. Explicit expressions for the first five terms ineq 16 have appeared in the literature,23,24,26 and we will notdiscuss them here. (For the sake of completeness, we providedetailed expressions and derivations in the SI.) Instead, wefocus on the last term of eq 16, which embodies our mostsignificant departure from previous theories.

D. Ionic Free Energy (Δμg*)ionic and DispersionPotentials. We evaluate the ionic free energy of micelleformation based on the structure of the micelle interfacial shellas depicted in Figure 3. The ionic free energy of the micellesurface and double layer around it is equal to the amount ofwork performed in building up the charged surface and thedouble layer around the micelle by a reversible and isothermalprocess. It is given by the Guntelberg charging process:31,32


ϕ σ σΔ *

= ′ ′σ


( )( ) d

g ionic ch

0 0 (17)

Here, σ is the final surface charge density at the micelle surfaceof charge per surfactant molecule, ϕ0 is the electrical potentialat the micelle surface of charge per surfactant molecule, and achis the area per surfactant molecule at the micelle surface ofcharge:






The integration variable σ′ in eq 17 is the instantaneoussurface charge density which varies from 0 to σ as the surface ischarged. The trapezoidal rule is used for the numericalintegration of eq 17. The final charge density σ is given by


=+ ∑e z z


[ ]i i iS

ch (19)

The electrical potential at the micelle surface ϕ0 in eq 17 isgenerally determined by solving the Poisson−Boltzmann (PB)equation in spherical coordinates

∑ϕ ϕ ϕ+ = −

ϵ ϵ−∞ ⎧⎨⎩

⎫⎬⎭r r re

z nz e r


2 dd

exp[ ( )]

ii i


20 sol


where ni∞ = 103NAvogadroCi

∞ is the ionic concentration at r = ∞.Equation 20 is a second-order differential equation that wesolve numerically (using finite differences) with two boundaryconditions. The first is that the potential vanishes at infinity:




∇ =→∞


lim 0

lim 0r

r (21)

Figure 3. Three-dimensional schematic representation of a micellewith the diffuse region around it. Rc is the radius of the hydrocarboncore. dch is the distance to the micelle surface of charge where theheadgroups and bound counterions are located. Color scheme:headgroups (yellow), headgroup counterions (red), salt counterions(blue), salt coins (green). The size of ions of the same color mayappear different due to the 3D perspective.

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The second is the electric field at the surface of charge:

ϕ σ∇ | = −ϵ ϵ=r R

0 solch (22)

We have already discussed some of the severe limitations ofeq 20 in which ions are effectively considered to be pointcharges interacting only through Coulombic forces with themicelle surface (ionic valence is the only relevant factor). Themissing quantum fluctuation (dispersion) forces in the PBformulation clearly play a significant role in ion-specific effectsand ion/surface hydration. Thus, in a consistent and predictivetheory, dispersion effects will have to be included at the samelevel as the nonlinear electrostatic forces that form the skeletalframework of the classical theory.In several recent theoretical papers, Ninham and co-workers

have generalized the Poisson−Boltzmann theory to account forion properties such as the ionic polarizability and hydratedsize.18,19,21 They have shown that ions of different polarizabilityexperience significantly different dispersion interactions with acharged surface, which can induce up to a 2-fold change in theelectrostatic surface potential compared to that predicted byclassical electrolyte theory. The effects considered by Ninhamet al. underline the central role of ionic polarizabilities and ionsizes. Here, we follow their approach to account for ion-specificdispersion effects.The relative equivalence between electrostatic and dispersion

forces is established by taking the interaction potential betweenions i and the micelle surface to equal

= +U r U r U r( ) ( ) ( )i i ielectrostatic dispersion


where the electrostatic part is simply Uielectrostatic = zieϕ(r) as in

the exponent in eq 20 and Uidispersion(r) describes the

nonelectrostatic dispersion energy of an ion a distance r froman interface. By adding the dispersion term, the generalized PB(eq 20) becomes

ϕ ϕ


+ = −ϵ ϵ

−+∞ ⎪


r r re

z nz e r U r



2 dd

exp[ ( ) ( )]

ii i

i i


20 sol



The exact form of the dispersion potential can be extractedfrom Lifshitz theory33,34 and has an r−3 form,

=U rBr

h r( ) ( )ii


3 (25)


π= + − − − +








⎞⎠⎟h r






( ) 12 2

1 exp 14

erfcii i i i i








is a form factor that accounts for the finite size of the ion and aiis the Gaussian radius of the ion based on the assumption thatthe radial dependence of the polarizability of the electron cloudaround a molecule can be approximated by a Gaussianfunction.34,35 The ionic size is thus included in the calculations,taking us beyond the limitations of point-charge models. For apoint ion, hi(r) ≡ 1, and for an ion sufficiently far from theinterface, hi(r) ≈ 1, whereas the dispersion energy at contactwith a surface reaches a finite limit such that Ui

dispersion(r = 0) =16Bi/3π


The dispersion coefficients Bi can be determined from thedynamic polarizability αi(iω) of the ion and include dipolarcontributions from all electromagnetic frequencies. They can bepositive (repulsive potential) or negative (attractive potential),depending on the solvent, surface, and ion properties (dielectricfunctions, polarizabilities, and ionic sizes). More precisely, thedispersion coefficients are determined from the effective excesspolarizability αi*(iω), which accounts for the depolarizationeffects of the solvent, modulated at all frequencies by thedifference in the dielectric functions εhc(iω) of the surface(hydrocarbon) and εW(iω) of the solvent (water)21

∑ δα ω ω

ε ω= −

* Δ



(2 )(i ) (i )

(i )in

ni n n


w (27)


ωε ω ε ωε ω ε ω

Δ =−+

(i )(i ) (i )(i ) (i )n

n n

n n

w hc

w hc (28)

is the difference in the dielectric responses of the micellesurface and the solvent. The summation in eq 27 is overimaginary quantized oscillator frequencies iωn, where ωn =2πnkT/ℏ. The (2 − δ0,n) factor indicates that the n = 0 term istaken with a factor of 1/2 compared to the other terms in thesummation.By treating the ion as a dielectric sphere with a Gaussian

volume Vi, Landau and Lifshitz have deduced an expression forthe ionic effective polarizability34,36

α ωπ

ε ω ε ωε ω ε ω

* =−+

V(i )


[ (i ) (i )][ (i ) 2 (i )]i n

i i n n

i n n


w (29)

with the dielectric function of the ion derived from its intrinsicdynamic polarizability in vacuum αi(iωn):

ε ω πα ω

= +V

(i ) 1 4(i )

i ni n

i (30)

The dynamic polarizability, in turn, can be decomposed intoa series of electronic transitions each characterized by frequencyωj with oscillator strength f j multiplied by the ion’s intrinsicstatic polarizability α0:


∑α ω α=+ ω


f(i )

1i n i


j i0,



j i


,2 (31)

Thus, to calculate the effective ionic polarizability αi*(iωn) weneed the values of f j, ωj, α0, and V for each ionic species i. Weuse the values obtained by Parsons and Ninham, who used abinitio calculations with coupled cluster single and double(CCSD) excitation-level theory and density functional theory(DFT) to obtain f j, ωj, α0 and, similarly, ab initio calculations ata Hartree−Fock (HF) level of theory to obtain the ionicGaussian volumes and radii Vi and ai.

30,34 For kosmotropic ions,we use the hydrated radii as suggested by the authors.We plot our calculated values for the effective ionic

polarizabilities versus angular frequency for several monovalentcations (Figure 4a) and anions (Figure 4b). We notice that theeffective polarizabilities of ions in water vary according to theHofmeister series and in fact appear negative for kosmotropicions (Li+, Na+, and F−) and positive for chaotropic ions (K+,Cs+, Cl−, Br−, and I−) (cf. Figure 1). It thus seems that ion-specific properties emerge naturally from the above equations.

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This is a very powerful result. Conventionally, ions are dividedinto kosmotropes and chaotropes based on the empiricalJones−Dole viscosity coefficients, which are essentially ameasure of the ion−water interaction strength.14 The viscositycoefficients happen to be positive for some ions (kosmotropes)and negative for others (chaotropes). We see that the samedistinction emerges naturally from the equations above, now aresult of an analytic theory rather than an empirical observation.In order to calculate the summands in eq 27 and the

dispersion coefficients Bi, we also need to know the frequency-dependent dielectric functions of the solvent and the micellesurface. For a molecule with one characteristic absorptionfrequency (the ionization frequency ωI), the dielectric functioncan be approximated by a simple one-oscillator model:21,37,38

ε ω = + −

+ ωω

n(i ) 1





I2 (32)

For the refractive indices of water and dodecane, we use thevalues nW = 1.333 and nhc = 1.42, respectively, and for thecharacteristic absorption frequencies, we use ωI,w = 2π(hvI,w)/hwhere hvI,w = 2.0 × 10−11 erg and ωI,hc = 1.9 × 1016 [rad/s].37,39

We plot the frequency summand of eq 27 in Figure 4c forcations and 4d for anions.We can see that the summand is positive for kosmotropic

ions and negative for chaotropic ions. The dispersioncoefficients are now straightforward to calculate (eq 27) andare listed in Table 1. We see that they too are positive forkosmotropes, resulting in a repulsive potential with the

chaotropic hydrocarbon−water micelle interface, and negativefor chaotropes, resulting in an attractive potential with thechaotropic micelle surface. Interestingly, these values reflectCollins’ concept of matching affinities: the like ion/surface pairsare attracted to each other and the dissimilar ion/surface pairsare repelled from one other. Thus, the chaotrope−kosmotropeinteractions discussed in the Introduction emerge naturallyfrom the treatment above in a simple and straightforwardfashion. We will see that they are also reflected in the ion radialdensity profiles around the micelle and that the distances ofclosest approach can be extracted from the profiles.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA. Critical Micelle Concentration of Alkyl Dodecyl

Sulfates. We now transition to the validation of our model byapplying it to one of the most widely studied and usedsurfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and its counterionderivatives, alkyl dodecyl sulfates. We use a value of 25 Å2 forthe cross-sectional area of the sulfate headgroup24 and a valueof dch = 3.5 Å for the distance from the micelle core to thesurface of charge (one sulfate radius plus half a C−O bondlength). The critical micelle concentration (CMC) is the mostimportant characteristic of surfactant systems and the one mostaccurately determined in experiments. We calculate it byminimizing the Gibbs free energy of the system for differentvalues of NS and construct a plot of the monodispersesurfactant concentration X1S versus the total surfactantconcentration XS = X1S + gXg. The plot is marked by a sharpchange in the slope as the concentration reaches the CMC.Similarly, the experimentally measured physical properties ofthe solution such as surface tension, electrical conductivity, andlight-scattering intensity exhibit a sharp change at the onset ofmicellization. The experimental values for the CMC obtainedby these different methods are usually close to one another,although not necessarily identical.40

We first investigate the role of the specific counterion in theCMC of dodecyl sulfates. In Figure 5a, we plot the calculatedCMC of Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, and Mg2+ dodecyl sulfates versus theexperimental data obtained from various sources andtechniques. Ideally, all points should fall on the diagonal line.As evident, the agreement between predicted and experimentalvalues is very good, both in terms of the trend (Hofmeisterseries) and the quantitative values. In fact, our values are insignificantly better agreement with experiment compared to ourprevious model26 (to the best of our knowledge, the onlymodel to study counterion specificity in dodecyl sulfates), eventhough we have no adjustable or fitted parameters. Themultiple points along the vertical (experimental) axis are due todiscrepancies between the different experimental studies. Forexample, the experimentally determined CMC of SDS may varyfrom 7.6 to 8.3 mM at 25 °C.To evaluate the effect of increasing salt concentration, we

calculate the variation of the CMC of SDS in NaCl (Figure 5b).The correspondence with experimental data is excellentthroughout the salt concentration range, and the observedlowering of the CMC is accurately reproduced. The agreementis better than in any of the previous models.23,24,26,27 In Figure5c, we add calculated CMC for SDS in two other monovalentchloride salts (LiCl and KCl) and one 2:1 salt (MgCl2). Thecalculated dispersion coefficient for Mg2+ is 0.343 × 10−50 J m3.Like Figure 5a, Figure 5c shows that we can predict thelyotropic series with reasonable quantitative agreement. Thedramatic lowering of the CMC in the divalent MgCl2 salt is also

Figure 4. Excess polarizability of cations (a) and anions (b) in water.Frequency summand for the interaction energy between the water−hydrocarbon interface and cations (c) or anions (d). Shown from ω1to ωn for n = 2100 in the frequency summation. The lower limit of thefrequency range is given by the first nonzero frequency, which at roomtemperature is 2.14 × 1014 rad/s.

Table 1. Calculated Dispersion Coefficients for SeveralMonovalent Cations and Anions with a Hydrocarbon−WaterInterface

cation Li+ Na+ K+ Cs+

B [10−50 J m3] 1.16 0.398 −0.34 −0.79anion F− Cl− Br− I−

B [10−50 J m3] 0.102 −0.98 −1.16 −1.58

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accurately replicated. When dispersion potentials are not takeninto account (not shown), we find that ion specificity isvirtually lost (all lines collapse into a single line), and the ion-specific variations of the CMC are no longer reproduced by themodel. This highlights the vital role that quantum fluctuationforces play in the accurate implementation of ion-specificeffects.B. Molecular Structure of SDS Micelles. There is

considerable interest nowadays in exploring the detailednanostructure of molecular self-assemblies such as micelles.Ion-specific effects can have a dramatic effect on the size andcomposition of molecular aggregates, and we employ ourmodel to shed light on the mechanisms that govern self-assembly. An analysis of the molecular structure of a micelle caninvolve several parameters, including aggregation numbers,

micellar radius, degree of ion binding at the micelle surface ofcharge, counterion density profiles in the double layer aroundthe micelle, micelle surface potential, and so forth. In general,these attributes are difficult to determine experimentally, andthe error in experiments may be much higher than that in CMCmeasurements. Theoretical models such as the one presented inthis article can potentially be useful in filling in the gaps inexperimental data.Figure 6 shows the predicted aggregation numbers for SDS

micelles in NaCl and LiCl salts. Our calculated aggregation

number for SDS in water (without salt) is 63 molecules,matching the experimental data well. The well-established trendthat the aggregation number increases with salt concentration iscaptured as well, and so is the lyotropic series (not shown),with micelle size increasing as the counterion is varied from Li+

to Na+, K+, Cs+, and Mg2+. At higher salt concentration, theagreement with experiment for NaCl slightly deteriorates, mostprobably due to changes in the micellar shape that are notcaptured in the theory. In our model, we consider onlyspherical and globular micelles and do not include the sphere-to-rod transition.The degrees of counterion binding onto SDS micelles for

four different monovalent salts are shown in Figure 7a. The roleof βi in the free energy of micellization is complex, as it affectsthe steric repulsions through the ionic hydrated radii (Li > Na)and the interface formation energy through the bare ionic radii(Li < Na). The solid lines in Figure 7a indicate the totalcounterion binding, the dotted lines, the binding of Na+ ionsdissociated from surfactant heads, and the dashed lines, thebinding of salt counterions. We see that the binding ofkosmotropic ions, such as Na and Li, increases, while thebinding of chaotropic ions such as K and Cs, decreases with saltconcentration. The predicted degrees of counterion binding aresignificantly lower than in experimental data. One reason maybe that in practice there is no unambiguous distinction betweenbound and free counterions, and there is no well-definedtransition point between the two. Thus, it is not surprising thatdata on counterion binding in different types of studies varieswidely.Perhaps a more informative feature of the system is the

counterion density profiles in the double layer around themicelles. The calculated counterion profiles for four differentsalts (at c = 0.3 M) are shown in Figure 7b. In general, withoutdispersion forces, the counterion concentration as a function ofthe distance from the micelle surface shows a gradual decreasewith no well-defined transition point, and the profiles for

Figure 5. (a) Calculated vs experimental41−50 CMC of dodecylsulfates. (b) CMC of SDS as a function of NaCl concentration. Themarkers are experimental data,47,50−52 and the solid line is the modelprediction. (c) CMC of SDS as a function of chloride saltconcentration. The markers are experimental data, and the lines aremodel predictions: solid line and diamonds52 for LiCl; dashed line andcircles52 for NaCl; dotted line, green triangles52 and square53 for KCl;and dotted-dashed line and purple triangles54 for MgCl2. Allcalculations are at 25 °C.

Figure 6. Aggregation numbers for SDS micelles in salts as a functionof salt concentration. Markers, experiment;42,55,56 lines, theory.

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different monovalent ions are the same (no ion specificity). Theprofiles change drastically when dispersion potentials areincluded. We see that for the chaotropic ions (K+, Cs+),which experience an attractive dispersion potential with thesurface, there is a significant increase in the concentration closeto the micelle surface and a corresponding depletion away fromit.In contrast, for the kosmotropic ions (Li+, Na+) which

experience a repulsive dispersion potential, we see significantdepletion very close to the micelle surface (within 1 Å of it) andaccumulation slightly further away from it. Figure 7b clearlydemonstrates the importance of dispersion forces and whyexternally imposed Stern layers or distances of closest approachare not needed when dispersion interactions are included.These distances are automatically taken into account throughthe counterion concentration profiles. We see that K+ and Cs+

can get very close to the surface and reach all the way to thesurface of charge, whereas Li+ and Na+ have a distance ofclosest approach, slightly closer for Na (less kosmotropic) andslightly further from the micelle surface for Li (morekosmotropic).We can also integrate the ion concentration profiles to

calculate the fraction of bound charge. The fraction of boundcharge per headgroup, equal to the surface adsorption excessnear the micelle surface, is given by

∫β π= + −∞

+ −gr r c c c

4d ( 2 )



ch (33)

where c+ and c− are the counterion/co-ion concentrations and cis the bulk concentration. When we calculate β for Na+ using eq33, we obtain a value of 0.65 which is in good agreement withthe experimental values.

Finally, following the approach of Srinivasan and Blanksch-tein, we compare our calculated values for the surface potentialof SDS micelles with published experimental results obtainedfrom spectroscopic measurements of acid−base indicators (pKaprobes) that reside at the micelle−water interface (Figure 8).

The pKa value of the acid−base indicators is related to themean electrostatic potential at their site, which is convention-ally taken to be at the plane of the surfactant heads. In reality,the acid−base indicators may reside further from the micellesurface depending on whether they have a distance of closestapproach, much like the kosmotropic ions in Figure 7b. To thiseffect, we have also plotted the predicted micelle surfacepotentials 1 and 2 Å from the surface of charge in Figure 8. Asevident from the figure, we find that the calculated value at thesurface of charge slightly overestimates the surface potential,while the predicted values 2 Å from the interface slightlyunderestimate the surface potential. The calculated potential at1 Å, however, is in agreement with experimental data. The ϕ0decrease with salt concentration due to the screening of surfacecharges is also captured well.The fact that the acid−base indicators may reside at a

distance of about 1 Å from the micelle surface of charge issupported by glancing back at the Na+ density profile in Figure7b. We notice that the Na+ counterions start to accumulate inthe double layer about 1 Å away from the micelle surface ofcharge. We find it reasonable to expect that the acid−baseindicators may not penetrate any further than the screeninglayer of Na+ counterions. Regardless, the micelle surfacepotential is captured well both qualitatively and quantitatively.This result indicates that the electrostatic effects associated withmicelle formation are quantified accurately by the modifiedPoisson−Boltzmann theory (with dispersion forces), lendingcredence to the validity of our model.

IV. CONCLUSIONSWe have presented a molecular thermodynamic theory ofmicellization for ionic surfactants with added mono- anddivalent electrolytes. We incorporate the work of Ninham andco-workers to demonstrate that dispersion forces play a vitalrole in the aggregation of ionic surfactants and can account forvarious specific ion effects without the need for externally

Figure 7. (a) Degree of counterion binding onto SDS micelles as afunction of salt concentration at 25 °C. (b) Ion-specific concentrationprofiles relative to the bulk for four different alkali counterions as afunction of distance from the micellar surface.

Figure 8. Comparison between the predicted and experimental56−58

micelle surface electrostatic potential, ϕ0, for SDS micelles at 25 °Cand at an SDS concentration of 10 mM as a function of NaClconcentration. The predicted potentials are for the micelle surface ofcharge at Rch (blue dashed line), 1 Å from it (solid red line) and 2 Åfrom it (dotted green line).

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imposed constraints. Our model is predictive and does not haveadjustable parameters. We have shown that the concept ofchaotropic and kosmotropic ionic behavior, previouslyaccounted for primarily through empirical parameters, nowemerges naturally and powerfully through the calculations ofionic polarizabilities and dispersion coefficients with themicelle−water interface. The counterion distribution profilesdepicted in Figure 7b are in line with Collins’s concept ofmatching water affinities and automatically incorporatedistances of closest approach to the micelle surface into thetheory. Our calculations illustrate the fact that ion-specificbehavior is integrally dependent on the interacting parts of theinterface, macromolecules, and counterions.The model is validated by comparing our theoretical

predictions for the CMC, the micelle molecular structure,and the micelle surface electrostatic potential with the availableexperimental data. Our results show better agreement withexperiment than previous theories, with no adjustableparameters in our model. Stern layers and other ion-surfaceinteraction constraints are not imposed, resulting in a simplertheoretical approach. All of this highlights the vital role of thepreviously neglected dispersion forces in the molecularthermodynamic modeling of micellization. Our results for theCMC of SDS and other dodecyl sulfates successfully reproducethe lyotropic series and CMC variations with salt concen-tration. The molecular properties of micelles, such asaggregation numbers and surface potential, are also inagreement with the literature data. In future work, we plan toapply the theory developed here to include other ionicsurfactants, investigate the effect of temperature on variousmicelle parameters, and include the sphere-to-rod transitionand correlation effects in order to study the role of higher saltconcentrations on the aggregation of surfactants and macro-molecules in general.

■ ASSOCIATED CONTENT*S Supporting InformationExpressions and derivations for the various free-energycontributions to micelle formation. This material is availablefree of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org.

■ AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Author*E-mail: [email protected] authors declare no competing financial interest.

■ ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe are grateful to Livia Moreira for her input in developing theinitial stages of the model and Felipe Jimenez for many helpfuldiscussions. We thank the member companies of the ReservoirEngineering Research Institute (RERI) in Palo Alto, CA, fortheir financial support.

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Langmuir Article

dx.doi.org/10.1021/la501008x | Langmuir 2014, 30, 6373−63836383