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Special Report - What Our Skin Tells Us about Our Health

Tips on How to Take Care of Your Skin

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The inside of our bodies may be hidden from view but what goes on in there is not. It is a fact that changes inside will show up on the outside, namely in our hair, skin and nails. Scientists can test a hair follicle to gain insight into your life.

For instance, if you have been taking any type of drug, it will show up in your hair. The effect is similar to the life rings on a tree. Each one has a story to tell about the life of that tree during that year. Chemicals separate out in your hair like rings yielding a timeline of use or abuse.

The largest organ in your body is your skin and it happens to be on the outside of you. It provides a protective layer for the rest of the organs of your body. Because it has such a big job, it would stand to reason that it is affected by changes we don’t normally see.

This is not bad news. The skin can give early warning signs to us about conditions that need to be dealt with right away. You wouldn’t go to the doctor unless you felt or saw something that was out of the ordinary. Thanks in part to your skin, many diseases can be caught in the early stages and treated.

So, what does your skin say about your health? It may say more than you are letting on. In this report we will explore some of the common skin conditions that people see but ignore because they don’t understand what they mean. With some of the signs, the underlying causes may be obvious and some may not. Either way, it is an eye-opener into the complex world of your skin.

Taking proper care of your body involves more than just exercise, nutrition, and treating diseases or ailments; it can also mean maintaining standards of personal hygiene and treating yourself right on the outside. Often seen as luxuries, it’s important to keep up with personal care because it can have immense healing effect on both the mind and body.

Many ailments can affect your outward appearance and cause severe discomfort both physically and mentally. From simple issues like dry skin, damaged hair or poor nail care, to more complex conditions such as psoriasis, balding, acne or weight troubles, taking care of your personal hygiene and outer body can be a big part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

At Native Remedies you will find a comprehensive set of herbal remedies to help you with beauty and personal care – naturally and safely.

Anatomy of the Skin

Your skin is a living organ. It has more than one layer and more than one purpose. Let’s begin with the layers. There are three of them: the epidermis, the dermis and the adipose layer. The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin. It is continuously sloughing off dead skin cells, on the surface, and replacing them with new ones, that move up from below. Skin rejuvenation happens all the time but we don’t notice it.

The cells that are responsible for pigmentation are located in this outermost layer of the skin. We all have melanocytes but people with darker skin have more pigment present.

The middle layer of skin is called the dermis. Here is where all of the structures are found in your skin. Its blood supply rises from this layer. Your hair follicles live here and so do sweat glands and lymphatic vessels. There are nerve endings here that respond to pain as well as touch.

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The dermis is made up of a meshwork called collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives skin its strength and tone as well as elasticity. When skin gets saggy it is lacking a strong collagen framework.

The deepest layer is the subcutaneous or adipose layer of the skin. This is where your fat cells reside. But fat is not all bad. In your skin, the fat layer acts as a cushion or “shock absorber.” It also holds in heat in the winter so that your body can maintain a constant temperature. Collagen is also present in this layer of the skin.

The function of the skin is to provide a barrier to moisture loss, regulate body temperature and protect the inner organs from injury. The skin also stores vitamin D that it receives from the rays of the sun. There are many pain receptors in the skin. Detecting heat from a hot stove can prevent a more serious injury to the deeper tissues.

Invigorate Skin Tonic is a 100% safe, non-addictive, natural herbal remedy formulated by a team of experts in the field of natural medicine to rejuvenate and nourish for firm and supple skin. Invigorate Skin Tonic improves the healthy functioning of the epidermis and skin tissue, thereby helping you to care for your skin by encouraging healthy, youthful skin from the inside out. This remedy contains a high concentration of skin-supporting herbal nutrients for improved skin tone, clarity and a fresh, healthy look.


Your skin has quite the job to do. So, it is that much more distressing when changes occur. Besides the normal responsibilities, your skin also channels internal changes. Everything that you see on your skin is not necessarily the result of outside incidents. Knowing your skin can help you to be alert for any differences that come about.

Skin Color

We each have varying degrees of melanin in our skin. That is what gives humans their unique color palette. Even with those natural colorations, there are some that are not so natural. Let’s discuss a few.

What comes to mind when someone says that they have “yellowing of the skin?” Jaundice is a condition of the liver that leads to yellowing of the skin and the white portion of the eye. The liver enzymes are off for some reason.

What about a dark bruise on the skin? Even bruising is an outward sign of an internal problem. When blood vessels under the skin are injured, they break open and bleed into the layers of the skin. That is how we get a bruise. When someone bruises easily it can be a sign of a blood clotting problem, clumsiness (which can be a symptom of yet another condition) or poor nutrition.

The sun even causes changes in the skin. Most sun bunnies call it tanning but discolorations on the skin can be due to skin cancer formation from too much exposure to the sun without proper protection. Most skin cancers are treatable when caught early.

What about bluing of the skin? This is referred to as cyanosis. It demonstrates a lack of oxygen in the blood. Blood that returns to the lungs is blue in color because it needs to replenish its oxygen supply. The oxygenated blood then delivers oxygen to the cells of the body including the skin. A lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues will be evident on the skin.

Learn More About Natural Health http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/

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Lack of Sleep

Sleep is important for many reasons. The biggest reason is that the body uses that time to repair itself. As we go crashing and thrashing through the day, we are exposed to a variety of conditions that we don’t even think about. Free radicals, that damage our internal organs and lead to premature aging, are introduced into our bodies via smog-filled air, car pollution, smoking, stress, chemicals found in the foods we ingest and the chemicals we apply to our bodies.

During the cycle of sleep, the body goes about fixing the damage and also getting our bodies ready for the next day. Each person has a different sleep requirement. Children, for instance, need around nine hours of sleep a night. Babies sleep an average of sixteen hours a day. Teenagers have erratic sleep patterns due to growth spurts but when they need sleep they get it (even on their desk at school). Adults vary with their sleep depending on age but most need between six and eight hours of unbroken deep sleep for optimum cellular health.

When we don’t get enough sleep, it shows. Cramming for exams or staying up late when you are out with friends is not a regular occurrence. Your body can recover without any telltale signs. Chronic sleep deprivation is a different story.

So how does your skin look without sleep? Most people notice the dark discolorations under the eyes first. Skin seems to lose its elasticity resulting in fine lines and wrinkles. Puffy eyes or “bags” are also common in sleep-deprived people. No matter how much someone protests that they are okay, their skin is saying otherwise.

SerenitePlus is a natural, safe and effective herbal/homeopathic formula especially formulated to treat the symptoms of insomnia, especially sleep onset insomnia (difficulty falling asleep) and to assist in the treatment of chronic insomnia. SerenitePlus has been used safely and effectively for many years to help with sleep problems. Using up-to-date scientific knowledge of insomnia and natural sleep patterns, this remedy combines herbal and homeopathic remedies in a new and improved formula. SerenitePlus may also be combined with Serenite-LT for a long term solution to insomnia. Formulated by a clinical psychologist, SerenitePlus is pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.


Most health professionals would agree that smoking is bad for you. It is not only bad for your lungs and other internal organs it is also bad for your skin. You can probably tell how long someone has smoked and even the fact that they are a smoker by the look of their skin.

Smoking deposits particles of nicotine and other particulates into the lungs. The more you smoke, the more your lungs fill up with this stuff that fills the air spaces, making it harder for you to breathe. Some of it is removed but over time more and more of it stays behind.

For your skin, smoking gives it a lackluster look. Some may even say that smokers have ashen or gray skin. It certainly doesn’t glow like the picture of health. Why is that?

Skin is nourished by a network of blood vessels, including the smallest, capillaries. The smoke can literally choke you and limit the healthy blood supply to your skin. The supply is restored after you stop smoking but not right away. If you are a chain smoker, the effects can be worse.

Also, smoking can lead to wrinkles and lines. The next time you look at a smoker, examine their lips. They purse their mouth to puff on the cigarette and then squint to avoid the smoke they are blowing out. Over time, this “drawing” of the face can prematurely age it.

Learn More About Natural Health http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/

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Kicking the habit and stopping smoking is extremely difficult and requires willpower, determination and support. Once you have made the decision that you want to stop smoking, there are various treatment options available to assist you including nicotine replacement therapy, hypnosis, counseling and prescription medications.

Natural and holistic treatments can also lessen the urge to smoke and help you to restore balance in your body. Treatments like herbal and homeopathic remedies are safe and effective to use. They contain a combination of ingredients such as Avena sativa, Garcinia cambogia and Gotu Cola (Centella asiatica) to reduce nicotine cravings and balance the mood. Consult a reputable homeopath, herbalist or naturopath for guidance on a management plan tailored to suit your needs.

The StopSmoking UltraPack helps support balanced mood, soothe nerves and enhances emotional well being with homeopathic remedies for relief from restlessness and agitation while quitting cigarettes. The complete solution – StopSmoking UltraPack – includes one of each:

RXHale – A natural, safe, and effective herbal stop smoking medication that treats symptoms of nicotine withdrawal naturally – before they start! Rx-Hale Tablets contain a unique combination of herbal and mineral ingredients to assist with the management of depression and mood swings. Taken during the month before you stop smoking and continued for a few months until the worst is over, Rx-Hale Tablets ensure that your efforts to stop smoking are not foiled by depression, mood swings and sugar cravings. Taking the tablets every day during the 30 days before you stop also prepares you psychologically for nicotine withdrawal and ensures that you begin the process feeling strong and ready to face the challenges ahead of you!

Crave-RX – a natural, safe, and effective herbal stop smoking medication that controls nicotine craving, severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms, and nicotine withdrawal duration without using harmful and expensive nicotine products! Crave-Rx Drops contain a unique combination of selected herbal ingredients which have been clinically proven to reduce the craving for nicotine due to their balancing effect on the brain chemicals known to be associated with addiction. Crave-Rx Drops also contain herbs which will help to prevent the sugar cravings and compensatory overeating which often cause people to go back to cigarettes due to unwanted weight gain. Now you can safely stop smoking without gaining weight!

NicoTonic – a proven, safe and effective natural remedy that is an excellent and very effective aid in reducing emotional ability and restlessness associated with withdrawal from nicotine or other addictive drugs. Tissue salts are easy to take, pleasant tasting and even children love to take them! Safe during pregnancy and nursing and free of side effects. Regular use ensures systemic balance of biochemic tissue salts in the body, optimizes health at the cellular level, relieves symptoms of disease, restores health and vitality, optimizes the therapeutic effects of other remedies by improving systemic functioning and metabolism.

Formulated by a clinical psychologist, these remedies within the StopSmoking UltraPack are pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.

Sun Exposure

The sun provides light for our bodies and vitamins for your skin. After all, if you need a little bit of vitamin D, spend about fifteen minutes in the sun and absorb it through your skin. Many people in the sun are not concerned about filling their daily allowance of vitamins but to have fun and get the bronzing tan.

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Excess tanning and time spent in the sun without protection has led to an increase in skin cancers. Remember that skin is an organ so it is susceptible to cancer. Cancer is, in a word, an over proliferation of cells which is abnormal. But, if not treated, it can spread and kill you.

Exposing our bodies to the sun without protection bombards our skin with harmful ultraviolet radiation. The rays that can penetrate the outer skin layer are zapping us. Sunscreen lets some radiation in but how much depends on the SPF factor. What does get in can still be harmful. Sunblock stops all rays but doesn’t provide the tan that many people want.

These rays can change the look, feel and makeup of your skin. For one, overexposure and constant sun damage through sunburn has lead to leathery skin. That’s when you see someone with brownish skin that is shiny and hard like worn leather.

Skin also wrinkles faster from too much sun exposure. You’ll see age spots develop. No they are not freckles because they are too big and you weren’t born with them. These skin discolorations can also change color, shape and size on you. If that happens, the cause may be skin cancer.

Moles are also affected by sun exposure. They can develop irregular edges and a darker color. Oozing or bleeding from these areas is another sign that cancer is present. Yearly skin mappings by your dermatologist can detect any skin cancers present.

Most are common skin cancers are curable if caught right away. Melanoma is the exception. It is not as common as squamous cell or basal cell carcinomas of the skin but it is definitely more aggressive when present. It can be fatal if not detected and treated.

Poor Diet

The saying “you are what you eat” seems to be proven more prophetic every day. What types of foods you eat or don’t eat are reflected in the way that your skin looks to yourself and others. Consider the ramifications of not getting the nutrients your body needs through your food.

Eating a lot of fried foods and sugary snacks can lead to increased breakouts on the skin. If your skin is already prone to acne, these foods can make it worse. All of the excess oil is trying to escape your body via your face. Another food that is good for that is chocolate.

Skin can look dull if you are not drinking enough water. Sodas, fruit juices and coffee can show up as acne prone skin or dry skin that easily cracks. Your body needs water to properly hydrate the tissues and provide oxygen.

The foods that we eat provide vitamins and minerals our bodies need to perform certain functions. Without them, certain diseases and conditions may develop. Lack of vitamins like A and the B vitamins can manifest as dull skin that is dry and cracked. Along those same lines, the nails and hair become brittle and fall out or shed.

A deficiency of potassium can lead to clotting problems. More widespread bruising under the skin may be a sign of this condition. Deficiencies in vitamin C can lead to skin rashes.

Most people will have to go a prolonged amount of time with these vitamin deficiencies to show the signs. Depending on how sensitive your body is to the changes and your age, they may appear sooner rather than later.

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Xtend-Life Multi-Xtra is a natural multi vitamin/supplement using only the finest natural vitamins available on the market today. Some manufacturers call the vitamins they use in their products ‘whole food‘ vitamins, but that is somewhat misleading.

They are natural but they are grown using bio-technology and are not extracted directly from plants. What is important is that we do NOT use vitamins which are derived from petrochemicals. Multi-Xtra contains 48 bio-available ingredients. Unlike a ‘normal’ multi it contains much more than just a basic vitamin/mineral mix. Multi-Xtra is probably the best multi vitamin/mineral supplement in the world and undoubtedly provides the best value for money available anywhere.


Diabetes is becoming more common in our society as more and more people are overweight. Eating a poor diet contributes to the excess weight gain. Gaining lots of weight rapidly can cause early onset of diabetes. If diabetes is suspected, your skin can give your some clues.

Some people develop skin conditions as a result of diabetes. If you notice red, itchy skin on your knees, it could be an early warning sign of the condition. Also, darkened patches on the neck and face could signify diabetes. This is called acanthosis nigricans. It also shows up on people who are obese but may not have diabetes.

Another sign of diabetes is a wound or sore that won’t heal properly. The skin is still open and infections may set in. lack of proper blood supply to the area can be a result of unmanaged diabetes. This condition can be serious because lack of a nourishing blood supply can end in amputation.

Diabet-Eze – Balancing blood sugar is critical but it is only part of the overall ‘equation’. It is important that you provide your body with extra nutrients of the right type to help prevent your body deteriorating and be impacted by one of the associated conditions. There are many products on the market today that will help naturally balance blood sugar but it is necessary to go beyond this alone.

You need to consider the damage the diabetes is doing to your body’s organs and aim to minimize it. This is what our R & D people set out to do under the direction of our chief researcher Prof. Dr. A Munem Daoud PhD. The result was Diabet-Eze which is an advanced natural supplement for diabetes sufferers.

Auto-Immune Conditions

Auto-immune conditions are present when the body begins to attack itself. For some reason the body no longer recognizes itself and the guardians of the immune system begin attacking healthy cells of the organs. Some auto-immune conditions can be fatal if they are not diagnosed and treated.

One such disease is lupus. It is a widespread condition where the body attacks cells of several different systems. Since your skin is an organ, it is also affected. A telltale sign of possible lupus is a butterfly rash that spreads across the face.

Discolored patches can appear on the skin of the face and hands. This could be a sign of lupus of the skin. By itself, the condition of the skin may be attributed to other diseases. But, in conjunction with other signs, your doctor may suspect lupus.

Another auto-immune disease is alopecia areata. Alopecia refers to baldness. It can happen in men and women. Losing patches of hair on your head or a widespread loss of hair on your body can be a sign that your body is attacking its hair follicles. With treatment, the hair may grow back.

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ImmunityPlus is a natural, safe and effective liquid herbal formula that is a blend of African, Asian and other herbs specifically formulated to optimize immune functioning. ImmunityPlus is a potent, complex remedy that contains ingredients to provide a wide range of benefits to those suffering from depressed immune systems or wish to boost their optimal functioning.

This includes a liver tonic; immune system strengthening; improved body functioning; detoxification; and enhanced convalescence. ImmunityPlus can be used to tone and strengthen the immune system during and after illness and is a useful overall tonic for the body. Created by a clinical psychologist, ImmunityPlus is pharmaceutically manufactured to the highest standards.


Changing your Habits

While the skin can tell us what may be happening just below the surface, it is not the main problem. To take care of what you see on the outside, some changes need to be made that correct the underlying condition.

If caught early, most conditions predicted by your skin may be treated or reversed. Some skin signs are warnings of a progressive nature and it may be too late to totally combat the damage. The key here is to bring attention to any skin conditions when they happen.

Let’s take poor nutritional habits as an example. We’ve already discussed the fact that the skin becomes dull and lifeless looking when certain elements of our diet are missing. Mostly this involves the vitamins and minerals the cells need to carry out their everyday functions.

Also eating fatty foods and processed sugary snacks and sodas can aggravate skin conditions that you already have. Too much saturated fat can lead to obesity which can bring on metabolic disorders like diabetes.

The key here is to change your lifestyle to transform your body from the inside out. As long as you are still breathing, your body can be reshaped by what you put into it. Eating more natural foods that contain whole grains, unsaturated fats, healthy oils and the essential vitamins can get your body back on track.

What are these foods? Here is an abbreviated list: fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, beans, cold water fish like salmon, lean meat, seafood, low fat dairy products and grain breads and pasta. That is the entire food pyramid in one sentence. In essence, if you give the body what it needs to survive, it will do the rest.

Over a period of time, your skin will regain its color and tone. With sufficient vitamin K, any bruising due to clotting problems may clear up. Drinking plenty of water rehydrates the body and the skin leading to a healthy glow.

Even diabetes can be affected by your change in diet. Many people, who were obese and developed diabetes, may be able to reverse this condition when they lose weight and choose better foods. With the body working properly again, wound healing will benefit and not lead to gangrene. Other skin symptoms of diabetes may disappear also.

Learn More About Natural Health http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/

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Other conditions like cancer, lupus, and alopecia also affect the skin. In these cases, early detection can lead to better management of the condition. Your skin condition may not go away but on the inside, your body will be getting the treatment that it needs to fight back. Early detection improves the outcome for many conditions that are forecast on your skin.


The skin is the largest organ of the body. It is designed to protect the internal environment from the harshness of the outside environment. Your skin retains moisture, promotes homeostasis, regulates body temperature and gets rid of waste toxins. It has to be all things to all systems.

But, did you know that your skin can also be an internal alarm? When problems arise inside, they are manifest on the skin in the form of rashes, bruises, raised bumps, moles, discolorations and the like. Investigating these skin changes just may save your life.

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If your skin is trying to tell you something, listen.

Learn More About Natural Health http://www.natural-holistic-health.com/

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Alternative Healing Academy - Distance Learning Home Study Courses for Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Anatomy and Physiology and Color and Crysta...

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Alternative Healing AcademyAdvanced Color/Crystal Reflexology Practitioner | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | Basic Reflexology Practitioner

Basic Aromatherapy Practitioner | Advanced Reflexology Practitioner | Advanced Aromatherapy Practitioner Basic Color/Crystal Therapy Practitioner | Mini Courses | Advanced ReflexAromatherapy Practitioner

With the increasing popularity of aromatherapy, reflexology, color & crystal therapy and areturn to a more holistic lifestyle, people have begun searching for ways to earn moremoney; expand their skills; improve the health of themselves, friends & family; andincrease their knowledge of alternative medicine.

The Alternative Healing Academy has developed several new courses in the holistichealth care field for those who would like the opportunity to learn a healing modality attheir own pace and in their own homes.

A Doctor of Reflexology with The Alternative Healing Academy is teaching classes withcurriculum very similar to the Reflexology Practitioner Course and the Basic Aromatherapyat her local community college.

Our holistic health courses were developed by professionals in the Holistic Health Carefield trained in the following modalities: Aromatherapy, Advanced/Master Aromatherapy,Reiki, Tuning Fork Therapy, Color and Crystal Therapy, Homeopathy, Herbalism, and Advanced Reflexology.

Furthermore, since we at the Alternative Healing Academy also realize that not everyone wants to make alternative medicinea career choice, we also offer basic courses as well as several Mini Courses which will teach you the skills you need to helpimprove the health and quality of life for yourself, your family and your friends.

Check out our Affordable Payment Plans!

All graduates of an Alternative Healing Academy home study course will receivea 20% discount off AHHA Practitioner Membership if they meet qualifyingcriteria and join within six months of their graduation date.

About Our CoursesWould you like to learn accurate, detailed aromatherapy, reflexology and/or color & crystal therapy information at your ownpace in the comfort of your home? Would you like to become certified in Reflexology, Aromatherapy or Color and CrystalTherapy? An Alternative Healing Academy Distance Learning Course could be what you're looking for...

If you own or work for one of the following:

Natural Foods Store, Aromatherapy Store,New Age Retail Store, Gift Shop, Herb Store,

Home StudyHomeContactColor/Crystal Reflex.Basic AnatomyReflexology Pract.Adv. ReflexologistAromatherapy Pract.Adv. AromatherapistColor/Crystal therapistReflexAromatherapistmini CoursesAffiliates

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Alternative Healing Academy - Distance Learning Home Study Courses for Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Anatomy and Physiology and Color and Crysta...

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Aromatherapy Manufacturer,Massage Center, Holistic Center, Day Spa, or any type of Salon

If you are a practitioner:

Massage Therapist, Esthetician, Chiropractor, Nurse, Herbalist,Acupuncturist, Bach Flower Therapist, Body Worker, Reiki,Doula, Midwife, Energy Worker

If you are interested in personal development or improving the health of yourself and your family - these courses arealso for you!

Advanced Color/Crystal Reflexology Practitioner | Basic Anatomy & Physiology | Basic Reflexology Practitioner Basic Aromatherapy Practitioner | Advanced Reflexology Practitioner | Advanced Aromatherapy Practitioner

Basic Color/Crystal Therapy Practitioner | Mini Courses | Advanced ReflexAromatherapy Practitioner

Common Questions Asked About Holistic Health Distance Learning Courses:

What is Certification?

Most schools will offer an exam that tests the student'sknowledge of the material taught in the respective course.Upon successful completion of this exam, a Certificate orDiploma will be issued by the school attesting that the studenthas successfully met the requirements as specified by thatschool. The only governmental recognition of Aromatherapy inNorth America is the occupational title designation granted tothe BCAOA under the Societies Act of British Columbia.

What is a Certified Aromatherapist or Reflexologist?

Most prospective students want to know whether taking ourcourses will lead to their becoming 'Certified' in that healingmodality, thereby leading to the title of CertifiedAromatherapist, Certified Reflexologist or CertifiedColor/Crystal Therapist. The answer to this really depends onwhat you mean by 'Certified." We believe it can be misleadingto purport that completing a course in a healing modality suchas reflexology, aromatherapy or color/crystal therapy will leadto a designation of 'Certified' Therapist. These are not official

title designations nor are they ones which are recognized by any country's governmental body. All that these titles mean isthat this is what an Individual Instructor, School or Institution decided to put on the Diploma it awards those who successfullycomplete their course.

What is an accredited course in Aromatherapy or Reflexology?

The answer to this will depend on who you are asking. At the present time, British Columbia is the only government torecognize Aromatherapy as a distinct profession and has granted Occupational Title Protection to the members of the BCAOA(British Columbia Alliance of Aromatherapy) with the exclusive right for its members to call themselves RegisteredAromatherapists (R.A.).

At this time, neither Reflexology nor Color/Crystal Therapy have such occupational designations in any country although oneprominent Reflexology school in Colorado, The Modern Institute of Reflexology, has gained occupational designation for theirinstitution in that state. MIR has been designated by the Colorado State Division of Private Occupational Schools - Dept. ofHigher Education as an approved school. Our Reflexologist who developed the reflexology modules for our courses was trainedat MIR as a Certified Reflexologist, a Master Reflexologist and a Dr. of Reflexology.

In the United States, the NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) has put into place their Approved Standardsfor Aromatherapy Training. The Alternative Healing Academy's Advanced Aromatherapy course meets and exceeds thesestandards and we are in the application process of becoming an approved program through the NAHA.

In Canada, there are a number of different Associations including the BCAPA (British Columbia Association of PracticingAromatherapists and the CFA (Canadian Federation of Aromatherapists). Time will tell if one authoritative body or associationbecomes the standard by which to judge and govern the educational offerings of these alternative healing modalities.

It has to be noted that NO form of aromatherapy "certification" is currently recognized in the USA by anyone other thanthose in the trade, nor is aromatherapy (or essential oils in the aromatherapy trade) regulated by any governmentalbody.

Some information about the courses we offer:

1) You can receive the course in one of two ways: A cd with themodules and tests in PDF format can be shipped to you; or, Themodules can be emailed to you three at a time. Each time youcomplete the tests for the current three modules, a new set of threemodules will be emailed to you.

2) All modules are clearly explained, are in pdf format and fully

Page 13: Special Report - What Our Skin Tells Us about Our Health Food... · ailments; it can also mean maintaining standards of personal hygiene and treating yourself right on the outside

Alternative Healing Academy - Distance Learning Home Study Courses for Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Anatomy and Physiology and Color and Crysta...

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3) The Advanced Aromatherapy Practitioner and the AdvancedReflexAromatherapy Practitioner courses are designed to meet theNational Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) guidelines.

4) A tutor will be available via email to answer any questions you mayhave.

You will be contacted after purchase to find out how you would likeyour course delivered. All tests for the course can be either emailed orsnail-mailed to The Alternative Healing Academy.

Upon successful completion of any full diploma or certification course (with a score of 80% or higher), you will receive abeautiful Diploma, suitable for framing.

Course Testimonials"I'm done! Going through the final and the case studies and having such amazing experiences and opportunities to helppeople, I truly feel blessed and honored to have had the intense education that came with this course. I discovered in me anew ability to serve others, not only through education but through the power of healing that comes with the use ofessential oils. I am continuing to train personally with Alexandria Brighton and have begun work toward opening anaromatherapy practice. Thank you so much for your patience and knowledge. Most of all thank you for this new way ofliving and enjoying Life."

~A. Lindquist - Advanced Aromatherapy Practitioner

"I am finding the course great. It is written very well so even people like me can understand the human body a whole lotbetter. I just hope that I can remember it all. I don't think I have a chance of remembering the names of everythingin the muscular system or the movement system. But, I do have more of an understanding of how everything works now. Ifind it just amazing. Thanks Heaps."

~M. Oliver - Basic Anatomy & Physiology

"This information is great that you are teaching. I would really like to talk my oldest daughter into taking your course. Itreally goes into detail which is very informative."

~Debbie F. - Basic Reflexology

"Seven years ago I started to see a reflexologist for migraines and sinus problems. I was amazed that I finally found reliefwithout medication. I decided this year to search out a course in reflexology so I could help family and friends and showthem the benefits of reflexology. I researched various courses on the internet and decided to go with the basic coursethrough the Alternative Healing Academy. I was impressed with course material and the ease of receiving the coursematerial.

"I was given an choice of having a CD sent to me or to receiving and sending back the assignments through email. I chooseemail. I received 3 lessons at a time that I could read and study on my own time frame and return the lessons when I wasdone. Everything was sent in a very timely manner and communication was open and quick. If I needed help, I knew it wasonly a click away and the response time was very quick. The techniques used also came in a video mode in the email that Icould replay as much as I needed to.

"I felt I learned a lot and am able to help myself and others. Being able to log 20 hours of treatment time and writing thecase histories for the final exam was extremely rewarding and helpful. I would recommend this course to others interestedin reflexology because the course material was very informative and complete and written in easy to understand language."

~Jean Russell - Basic Reflexology Course

"I'm so excited about (the Advanced Aromatherapy course) and I'm particularly excited about the possibility of makingcustom blends for people! I hadn't anticipated having that opportunity when I took the course so I'm excited to haveeverything done! I'm very excited to have finished. I really enjoyed this course and really appreciate all the work you've putinto it! This has been a fabulous jumping off point for me and I'm so glad I took it.

"p.s. I know the boys are much slower at the Reflexology, but my son is loving the classes."

~Megan P. - Advanced Aromatherapy Course

Page 14: Special Report - What Our Skin Tells Us about Our Health Food... · ailments; it can also mean maintaining standards of personal hygiene and treating yourself right on the outside

Alternative Healing Academy - Distance Learning Home Study Courses for Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Anatomy and Physiology and Color and Crysta...

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Copyright 2010 AlternativeHealingAcademy.com - 7081 Road 47F Torrington, WY 82240

Our AssociationsOrganizational Member of the American Holistic Health Association - http://www.ahha.org/ Professional & Business Member of the National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy - http://www.naha.org/ Professional Member of the International Reflexology Association - http://www.holisticbenefits.com/ima/international-reflexology-association.htmlProfessional Member of the International Aromatherapy Association - http://www.internationalaromatherapyassociation.com/

Payment plans are available, please Click Here for More Info

Sales & Refund PolicyWe will, within 30 days, refund the purchase price of any course you purchased *MINUS* the cost of the modules you havealready received. This policy does *NOT* apply to our informational Mini Courses. Please see the Mini Courses page for moreinformation on those. Please email support if you wish to be refunded or have questions about our refund policy.