spatial and temporal allocation of agricultural pm10 ...crop1 crop2 crop3 0 0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2.5...

March June September December Monthly Emissions (tons)of PM10 from Land Preparation and Harvesting Activity Monthly Emissions (tons) of PM10 from Harvesting Activity Monthly Emissions (tons) of PM10 from Land Preparation Activity March June September December March June September December Agricultural land use information collected by the California Department of Water Resources and crop calendars are combined to spatially and temporally estimate the PM10 emissions from agricultural land preparation and harvesting in California. Crop specific emission factors are developed based on process specific emission rates, which are the result of extensive on-field testing performed by the California University, Davis. The data management and calculation are completed in MS Access ® and ArcGIS TM . Spatial and Temporal Allocation of Agricultural PM10 Fugitive Dust Emissions Using Land Use Information and Crop Calendars Hong Yu and Patrick Gaffney Planning and Technical Support Division, California Air Resources Board INTRODUCTION Fugitive dust from agricultural activities is potentially a significant source of the PM emissions for California, especially for the San Joaquin Valley. For air quality planning, it is important to know how, when, and where the emissions occur. Quantifying the emissions by crop types and presenting results temporally and spatially requires three elements: 1) Crop specific emission factors; 2) Crop calendars providing the number, type, and timing of agricultural operations for each crop; 3) GIS data set of detailed, spatially distributed crop acreage. In addition to these technical elements, a helpful and engaged community of agricultural experts was also required to extrapolate the limited available emission factor data to all the other California practices and crops. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER The figure at right provides a schematic of the entire emission estimation process. A database was created to manage all the data sets. All calculations and mapping were completed in ArcGIS and Access. Crop Passes Fraction of Farming Operations Cycles Per Crop Acreage Per Year Cycle Per Cycle Mulch Beds 1 1 1.0 Cultivation 1 2 1.0 CROP CALENDARS Crop calendars provide information about what harvest and land preparation activities are performed for each crop, as well as when they are typically performed. The crop calendars were developed through face-to-face meetings with growers and other agricultural experts for the most important crops (primarily based on acreage and potential emissions). Calendars were developed for alfalfa, almonds, citrus, corn, cotton, dry beans, garbanzo, garlic, grapes (raisin, table, and wine), lettuce, melons, onions, safflower, sugar beets, tomatoes, wheat, rice, and general land maintenance. Working with agricultural experts, we assigned the best-fit calendars to all of the other crops in the land use data set. RESULTS and DISCUSSION Using ArcGIS TM and MS Access ® , we calculated the PM10 emissions at the field level, and then aggregated the results into 4km x 4km gridded emissions. The state maps below show the emissions from harvesting, land preparation, and the sum of both for March, June, September, and December. By incorporating the crop calendars and GIS land use mapping into our methodology, the temporal and spatial variations in emissions for each activity or between activities are clearly visible. Also, by assigning activity specific emission factors to all land preparation and harvest activities and creating crop specific emission factors, the relative emissions between crops can be clearly compared (see following bar charts). LAND USE DATA 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 100 Wheat Beans * 100 100 * Note: fields attributes are changed for purpose of illustration Land Use Acreage Percentage Acres CROP SPECIFIC EMISSION FACTORS Over the past eight years, the researchers of University of California, Davis, have performed extensive field testing to develop geologic PM10 emission factors for a number of agricultural land preparation and harvest operations. These operation-specific emission factors were assigned to all of the land preparation or harvest operations in our crop calendar, and then all operations for each crop were summed to generate the crop specific emission factor (see following equation). × × × = per Year) Cycles Crop Cycle Per Acreage of Fraction Cycle Crop per Passes EF Specific (Operation EF Specific Crop DWR Crops Crop Calendar Olives Citrus Pistachios Almond/Walnut Grain sorghum Wheat/Barley Bush berries Grapes-Raisin Spinach Lettuce/ 1 season Field Corn Corn Harvest Emission Factor Assignments * Crop Name Crop Calendar Profile Harvest EF Base Factor Harvest EF Division Almonds Almonds Almonds 1 Beans, Dry Dry Beans Cotton 2 Corn, Grain Corn Cotton 2 Corn, Silage Corn Cotton 20 Rice Rice Cotton 2 Safflower Safflower Wheat 1 Tomatoes Tomatoes Cotton 20 * Not complete list Land Preparation and Harvest Emission Factors Activity Emission Factor (lbs PM10/acre-pass) Root cutting 0.3 Discing, Tilling, Chiseling 1.2 Land Planing & Floating 12.5 Weeding 0.8 Cotton Harvest 3.4 Wheat Harvest 5.8 Land Preparation Emission Factor Assignments * Land Preparation Operation Emissions Category Emission Factor (lbs PM10/ acre-pass) List & Fertilize Weeding 0.8 Roll Weeding 0.8 Spring Tooth Weeding 0.8 Seed Bed Preparation Weeding 0.8 Disc & Furrow-out Discing 1.2 Finish or Harrow Disc Discing 1.2 Post Burn/Harvest Disc Discing 1.2 Unspecified Operation Discing 1.2 Land Preparation, Gen. Discing 1.2 Subsoil-deep chisel Ripping 4.6 Float Land planing 12.5 Land Plane Land planing 12.5 Laser Level & Leveling Land planing 12.5 * Not complete list Land Preparation and Harvest Emission Factors Land Preparation Activity Emission Factor (lbs PM10/acre -pass) Root cutting 0.3 Ripping, Subsoiling 4.6 Land Planing & Floating 12.5 Weeding 0.8 Almond Harvest 40.8 Wheat Harvest 5.8 Crop Passes Fraction of Farming Operations Cycles Per Crop Acreage 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Compute Emissions by Activity Summarize Land Preparation Emissions Summarize Harvest Emissions Use Crop Calendars to Temporally Allocate Emissions - Crop acreage data - Activity specific emission factors (EFs) - Assign EFs to crop activities - Compute activity emission rates - Summarize emissions - Temporally allocate emissions Crop Calendar Crop Acres Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 0 0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2.5 5 - 25 Monthly PM10 Emissions from Land Preparation 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Tons Wheat Vegetables Tomatoes Sugar Beets Safflower Rice Onions Melon Lettuce Grapes-Wine Grapes-Table Grapes-Raisin Garlic Garbanzo DryBeans Cotton Corn Citrus Almonds Alfalfa Monthly PM10 Emissions from Harvesting 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Tons Wheat Vegetables Tomatoes Sugar Beets Safflower Rice Onions Melon Lettuce Grapes-Wine Grapes-Table Grapes-Raisin Garlic Garbanzo DryBeans Cotton Corn Citrus Almonds Alfalfa Monthly PM10 Emissions from Land Preparation and Harvesting 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Month Tons Wheat Vegetables Tomatoes Sugar Beets Safflower Rice Onions Melon Lettuce Grapes-Wine Grapes-Table Grapes-Raisin Garlic Garbanzo DryBeans Cotton Corn Citrus Almonds Alfalfa Agricultural land use data are available from the California Department of Water Resources. The data provides detailed agricultural use information for each identified field, including the acreage of the field, up to three crops planted in the field, and the percent of acreage for each crop. The data was created by combining air photo interpretation and ground survey data, and the total survey area covers most of the agricultural counties in California. The data set is only updated once every seven years for each county. AIR RESOURCES BOARD California Environmental Protection Agency 0 0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2.5 5 - 25 0 0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2.5 5 - 25

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Page 1: Spatial and Temporal Allocation of Agricultural PM10 ...Crop1 Crop2 Crop3 0 0 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2.5 5 - 25 Monthly PM10 Emissions from Land Preparation 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000

March June September December

Monthly Emissions (tons)of PM10 from Land Preparation and Harvesting Activity

Monthly Emissions (tons) of PM10 from Harvesting Activity

Monthly Emissions (tons) of PM10 from Land Preparation Activity

March June September December

March June September December

Agricultural land use information collected by the California Department of Water Resources and crop calendars are combined to spatially and temporally estimate the PM10 emissions from agricultural land preparation and harvesting in California. Crop specific emission factors are developed based on process specific emission rates, which are the result of extensive on-field testing performed by the California University, Davis. The data management and calculation are completed in MS Access® and ArcGISTM.

Spatial and Temporal Allocation of Agricultural PM10 Fugitive Dust EmissionsUsing Land Use Information and Crop Calendars

Hong Yu and Patrick GaffneyPlanning and Technical Support Division, California Air Resources Board


Fugitive dust from agricultural activities is potentially a significant source of the PM emissions for California, especially for the San Joaquin Valley. For air quality planning, it is important to know how, when, and where the emissions occur. Quantifying the emissions by crop types and presenting results temporally and spatially requires three elements:

1) Crop specific emission factors; 2) Crop calendars providing the number, type, and timing of agricultural

operations for each crop;3) GIS data set of detailed, spatially distributed crop acreage.

In addition to these technical elements, a helpful and engaged community of agricultural experts was also required to extrapolate the limited available emission factor data to all the other California practices and crops.


The figure at right provides a schematic of the entire emission estimation process. A database was created to manage all the data sets. All calculations and mapping were completed in ArcGIS and Access.

Crop Passes Fraction ofFarming Operations Cycles Per Crop Acreage Passes During Month

Per Year Cycle Per Cycle Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecLand Preparation Stubble Disc 1 1 1.0 Finish Disc 1 1 1.0 List & Fertilize 1 1 1.0 Mulch Beds 1 1 1.0

Planting 1 1 1.0

Cultivation 1 2 1.0

Harvesting 1 1 1.0


Crop calendars provide information about what harvest and land preparation activities are performed for each crop, as well as when they are typically performed. The crop calendars were developed through face-to-face meetings with growers and other agricultural experts for the most important crops (primarily based on acreage and potential emissions). Calendars were developed for alfalfa, almonds, citrus, corn, cotton, dry beans, garbanzo, garlic, grapes (raisin, table, and wine), lettuce, melons, onions, safflower, sugar beets, tomatoes, wheat, rice, and general land maintenance. Working with agricultural experts, we assigned the best-fit calendars to all of the other crops in the land use data set.


Using ArcGISTM and MS Access®, we calculated the PM10 emissions at the field level, and then aggregated the results into 4km x 4km gridded emissions. The state maps below show the emissions from harvesting, land preparation, and the sum of both for March, June, September, and December.

By incorporating the crop calendars and GIS land use mapping into our methodology, the temporal and spatial variations in emissions for each activity or between activities are clearly visible.

Also, by assigning activity specific emission factors to all land preparation and harvest activities and creating crop specific emission factors, the relative emissions between crops can be clearly compared (see following bar charts). LAND USE DATA

1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd100 Wheat Beans * 100 100 *

Note: fields attributes are changed for purpose of illustration

Land Use Acreage PercentageAcres


Over the past eight years, the researchers of University of California, Davis, have performed extensive field testing to develop geologic PM10 emission factors for a number of agricultural land preparation and harvest operations. These operation-specific emission factors were assigned to all of the land preparation or harvest operations in our crop calendar, and then all operations for each crop were summed to generate the crop specific emission factor (see following equation).

∑ ×××= per Year) Cycles CropCycle Per Acreage of FractionCycle Cropper Passes EFSpecific (Operation EFSpecific Crop

DWR Crops Crop CalendarProfile

Olives CitrusPistachios Almond/WalnutGrain sorghum Wheat/BarleyBush berries Grapes-RaisinSpinach Lettuce/ 1 seasonField Corn Corn

Harvest Emission Factor Assignments*

Crop Name Crop CalendarProfile

Harvest EFBase Factor

Harvest EFDivisionFactor

Almonds Almonds Almonds 1Beans, Dry Dry Beans Cotton 2Corn, Grain Corn Cotton 2Corn, Silage Corn Cotton 20Cotton Cotton Cotton 1Grapes, Wine Grapes-Wine Cotton 20Alfalfa Alfalfa Zero 1Oranges Citrus Cotton 40Pistachios Almonds Almonds 10Rice Rice Cotton 2Safflower Safflower Wheat 1Tomatoes Tomatoes Cotton 20Wheat Wheat Wheat 1*Not complete list

Land Preparation and Harvest EmissionFactors

Activity Emission Factor(lbs PM10/acre-pass)

Land Preparation Root cutting 0.3 Discing, Tilling,Chiseling


Ripping, Subsoiling 4.6 Land Planing & Floating 12.5 Weeding 0.8 Harvest Cotton Harvest 3.4 Almond Harvest 40.8 Wheat Harvest 5.8

Land Preparation Emission Factor Assignments*

Land PreparationOperation


Emission Factor(lbs PM10/ acre-pass)

List & Fertilize Weeding 0.8Roll Weeding 0.8Spring Tooth Weeding 0.8Seed Bed Preparation Weeding 0.8Disc & Furrow-out Discing 1.2Finish or Harrow Disc Discing 1.2Post Burn/Harvest Disc Discing 1.2Unspecified Operation Discing 1.2Land Preparation, Gen. Discing 1.2Subsoil-deep chisel Ripping 4.6Float Land planing 12.5Land Plane Land planing 12.5Laser Level & Leveling Land planing 12.5*Not complete list

Land Preparation and HarvestEmission Factors

Land PreparationActivity

Emission Factor(lbs PM 10/acre -pass)

Root cutting 0.3Discing, Tilling, Chiseling 1.2Ripping, Subsoiling 4.6Land Planing & Floating 12.5Weeding 0.8

Cotton Harvest 3.4Almond Harvest 40.8Wheat Harvest 5.8

Crop Passes Fraction ofFarming Operations Cycles Per Crop Acreage Passes During Month

Per Year Cycle Per Cycle Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Land Preparation Stubble Disc 1 1 1.0

Finish Disc 1 1 1.0 List & Fertilize 1 1 1.0 Mulch Beds 1 1 1.0

Planting 1 1 1.0

Cultivation 1 2 1.0

Harvesting 1 1 1.0

Compute Emissions by Activity





Use Crop Calendars to TemporallyAllocate Emissions� - Crop acreage data

� - Activity specific emission factors (EFs)

� - Assign EFs to crop activities

� - Compute activity emission rates

� - Summarize emissions

� - Temporally allocate emissions

Crop Calendar


Crop AcresCrop1Crop2Crop3

00 - 0.50.5 - 11 - 2.55 - 25

Monthly PM10 Emissions from Land Preparation












WheatVegetablesTomatoesSugar BeetsSafflowerRiceOnionsMelonLettuceGrapes-WineGrapes-TableGrapes-RaisinGarlicGarbanzoDryBeansCottonCornCitrusAlmondsAlfalfa

Monthly PM10 Emissions from Harvesting












WheatVegetablesTomatoesSugar BeetsSafflowerRiceOnionsMelonLettuceGrapes-WineGrapes-TableGrapes-RaisinGarlicGarbanzoDryBeansCottonCornCitrusAlmondsAlfalfa

Monthly PM10 Emissions from Land Preparation and Harvesting












WheatVegetablesTomatoesSugar BeetsSafflowerRiceOnionsMelonLettuceGrapes-WineGrapes-TableGrapes-RaisinGarlicGarbanzoDryBeansCottonCornCitrusAlmondsAlfalfa

Agricultural land use data are available from the California Department of Water Resources. The data provides detailed agricultural use information for each identified field, including the acreage of the field, up to three crops planted in the field, and the percent of acreage for each crop. The data was created by combining air photo interpretation and ground survey data, and the total survey area covers most of the agricultural counties in California. The data set is only updated once every seven years for each county.

AIR RESOURCES BOARDCalifornia Environmental Protection Agency

00 - 0.50.5 - 11 - 2.55 - 25

00 - 0.50.5 - 11 - 2.55 - 25