spanish~ ontario~ .:r ad( ·...

THE R INK G ARN IER RESmENTIAL SCHOOL .:r"" A happy Ea s t e r to all of Ga !' ni er" frie nds We tho u ght yo u wOLl.ld li ke to know' that we a t-ill h ave ice in 01).1' .. , five f ull inches of so l i d i ce 0 Fro::.n ::03 fir st fl ooding in December, ? the h:::.s; b8 en L he Bcene of c ont inuous hockey a: nd P:;, '3.u·0i.ce and l eague s and cBr and slca: ::, i ng a r:.d b r oomball and sports t daWS; and ic e show3 and skat i ng a pau.' ti es" Tho se fi ve inches of i ce coul d t e ll :t:. wonde r fu.l otory of t he eve nts tha t t ook pl ace in t he :<. .n f a, YJ.r.y ska te :'s the impo rt aJIrc. g2.:Jl3 3,'1 ',he spee (; he s at t he grand ope ni ng, a.,r. ,d l .nsignifi cant begi :1Lers on t r,e happy ::.nomecc, s.9 t he f:rave d t empel 'S .n un.i<:i.: .l d wo::Js wnd t he swee t not.h in gs 0 wi tne ss ed pi.:1. ye13 of ano ther de cade chaQl e nge the yo uth of 2,nd < , hen YOV; ",:,0 ·c.p t , he ir s: ka.t es forever and it s aWi thos e same player s COll ':; b ack f OI ' mo re Tc wir. ced at the bruis ed shins and cuts i nvo l ved in ever y h ocke y ,:; laS h cCl: -two it p la yed hoat to the S 00 Ra.p id s, t he team that is 'Ie J...J.. on i 'c,s v :?y t o be Jr:ven il e Hockey champs of Ontaalr'i oo It fe lt cheated that iu d id n ot :J88 tice f ir s0 ga me of the ho ckey p la y-o ffs wi th Blind River" It we l comed t eaIT: s f !' om K.1 pa no 13. ; J uve nil es and Se ni ors, fr om Blind Rive r, Wi kwe mik on g" Bay,9 ,3pa, r,ish Vi llage, M:lJs s ey, Sa ult St e Ma rie c I t was: b u sy e ve r yday (. '- n oo: 1. ;; 0'; ; ...j. J 00 0; and from 6. 00 o 'clo ck till 9030; t he r e we r e :::'eag"' . es 8.: '1d mi dge':; l ecg u e{ 3 wi th o utsi de t eams and village l ea gue s and o ne l ong ho ur- 0 .1:' f or the Jri. ven il es 0:) The n the ho lidays we r e v ery bu sy days fer there 'Has s ome .7.nd gene rally several game s--ladies pl ayed" chiJ.dre n pJ. ay.::! d a :Gd me n played:> Be s i de s e xhi b ition games:; be t ween t wo out si de t eam s, t eam p lJ. }'Bd th: !.. rty-·f i ve game s a nd wo n t we nt y -five" It kn ows: f ul l we l J.. to he ':-· eaT'l won so we ny games: f or the rink had to be r eady for eve ry p:JaciJ1. r;e , :: .:t. WP1.S3 p :coud " ':'0 C8 ':ihe Se DGe of ao m an y wo nde rful events and above a ll Tio be 'l ihe hone :: .. C3 of t'l8 w:u J.r.e rs of the Linco ln tr ophyc A nd I aupp o0e t hat is why i 'e li nge l's ::: 0 J. o:;,g be f oTe d epa.:c' t ing f or it r emembe rs; the the S'tars and the sha mr oc ks and t he de si gno c:o":'"ered its surfac e and t he crowds t ha t ga ther ed a r ound f OT 2. 11 eve nt s., We s till have fiv e inche s of BASKE TB A LL Cong::atula t:i on : New baske t ba ll uni fo rms have pants are black wit h a whit e stripe dowa the side s, the tops whit e with b l a ck numbe rs 0 Co urts , aire be ing made rea dy in the ri nk , a t l ea st three" Espa nol a is wa iting f or s ome games " Filit he r Conl on will c oa ch the t eamo Wa tc h out fo r the Ga r nier t eam. Ea ts off OJ jv8 ::"9 c oa ch of t he G2 rn:Le r Juve :1il es H or t h C ho r e Cha mp io ns 0 He c. : Ld a YlOr ,do rf'- 'i l j ob of coach ing ,. , Every ni ght me d !lt hard l ong p ra ct i ce ('I He jns::d.. S3ced on pl a. y and t eam p laty a; nd +; he player who fa iJ e d t o pl ay a s a t eam me m be T f OUI ld himself warmi ng tl1e be nch a Thi s c.-cil ling p a i d off i n t he game s 0 =t W2}j a t:,.'eat t o t he l ines pasS' back and forth a nd se t. one anot he r up f o:c the scc. :--e v Spe ctato r s came t o ",ra t oh th em p l a y -::'his brand of hocke y" H is strategy 't ";·')w; ht. t.we nty-fi ve wi r: o t o Post9a r d s f or s a l e s -Po stcards a of t he Gar n i e r C hampi on shi p t eam a r e n ow on s ale at Art st o Be nis ' st ore c FIRST Grade XII C Mc Com ber 85% in Gr ad e XI Te McGr a th 7CJf. CLASS Grade X E r, pr,: <Zl.va3,;: :C?i -.v;8:.% I) . IX Bo Pe ta t he goo se 8l$ G32:' Cl'c,b a nd the :' .:in coln tr ophy to G3.r ::1i .e r :; Cm:gr A. t ulati o ns , F:;t he r ., 0 11 icing a good 'Geam c:... nd a cha.mpi o nshi p t eam o

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Page 1: SPANISH~ ONTARIO~ .:r AD( · 2016-02-22 · Every night med!lt hard l ong practi ce ('I He jns::d..S3ced on pl a.y and





AD (lvo~

A ve~y happy Eas t e r to all of Ga!'n i er"

f r i ends

We thou ght you wOLl.l d like to know' that we a t-ill have ice in 01).1' rink~ .. ,five f ull inche s of so l i d i ce 0 Fro::.n : :03 f i r st flooding in December,? the ::-' ~Lnk h:::.s; b8 en Lhe Bcene of continuous hockey a:nd P:;,'3.u·0i.ce and l eague s and cBr nivc~13 and slca:::,i ng a r:.d b r oomball a nd sport s t daWS; and ice show3 and skat i ng a pau.'t i es" Those f i ve inches of i ce coul d t e ll :t:. wonde r fu.l otory of t he eve nts that t ook p l ace in t he :<..nk· ·-~t,hA f a,YJ.r.y ska te:'s ~ the impor t aJIrc. g2.:Jl3 3,'1 ', he spe e (;hes at t he gr a nd ope ning, faL~ous. s. ~c2; e !'f a.,r.,d l.nsigni f i cant be gi :1Le r s on i~9~, t r,e happy ::.nomecc,s.9 t he f:rave d t empel'S .n '~ :1e un.i<:i.:.ld wo::Js wnd t he swe e t not.hings 0 I'~ wi tne ssed pi.:1.ye13 of

a nothe r de cade chaQl e nge the youth of to~·day 2,nd <,hen YOV; ",:,0 ha~lg ·c.p t ,he ir s:ka.te s f or eve r and it s aWi thos e same players COll':; back f OI ' mor e hockey~ Tc wir.ced a t the bruised shins a nd cuts i nvo l ved in every hocke y ,:;laSh cCl: -two oc(~asions it played hoat t o the S 00 Ra.pi ds, t he team that is 'Ie J...J.. on i 'c,s v:?y t o be Jr:ve nile Hockey champs of Ontaalr'io o It f e lt cheated that iu did not :J88 tice f irs0 game o f the ho ckey play- offs with Blind Rive r " I t we l comed t eaIT:s f !'om K.1 pa no 13. ; J uveniles a nd Se niors, fr om Blind River, Wi kwe mikong" Wes l~ Bay,9 l\ 1 -::; K:: :;'~:COVf~ ,3pa,r,ish Village, M:lJs s ey, Sa ult St e Marie c I t was: b usy eve r yday (. ' - noo:1. ;; 0'; ;...j. J 00 0; c~,oclc a nd from 6. 00 o 'clock till 9030 ; t he r e we r e intra~~mural :::'eag"'.es 8.:'1d mi dge':; l ecg ue{3 wi th outside t eams a nd village l eague s and one l ong h our- 0 .1:' p:,~ac'c,ice f or the Jri.v enile s 0:)

The n the holidays we r e very b usy days f er the r e 'Has "~0 ua s ome g:i.~8 .7.nd gene rally s ev e r a l games--lad i e s pl ayed" chiJ.dre n pJ.ay.::! d a :Gd me n played:> Be s i de s

exhib ition games:; be t ween t wo outs i de t ea ms, t~e C~Br ll~.e :: t eam plJ.}'Bd th:!..rty-·f i ve game s a nd won t wenty-five " It knows: f ull we l J.. wl~y tohe ':-·eaT'l won s o we ny games: f or the rink had t o be r eady for eve r y p:JaciJ1.r;e , ::.:t. WP1.S3 p:coud "':'0 C8 ':ihe SeDGe of ao many wonde rful events and abov e a ll Tio b e 'lihe hone :: .. C3 of t'l8 w:uJ.r.e r s of the Lincoln trophyc And I auppo0e t hat is why i 'e l i ngel 's ::: 0 J.o:;,g be f oTe depa.:c't ing f or it r emembers; the the S'tars a nd the sha mr ocks a nd t he de signo '~hat c:o":'"ered its surface a nd t he crowds t hat ga the r ed a r ound f OT 2. 11 ':~ :r 8 se ev ents., We s till hav e five inches of i~e~

BASKETBALL Cong::atula t:i on :

New baske t ball unifor ms have arrived~-the pants a r e b l a ck with a white stripe dowa the sides, the tops ~re white with b l a ck numbers 0 Courts, aire be ing made ready in the rink, a t l east three" Espanol a is waiting f or s ome games " Filit he r Conlon will coa ch the t eamoWatch out for the Gar nier t eam.

Ea ts off ·~o Fa~12 r OJjv8::"9 c oa ch of t he G2 rn:Ler Juve :1ile s ~ H or t h Chor e Champ i ons 0

He c. :Ld a YlOr ,dorf'-'il j ob of coachi ng ,., Every night med!lt hard l ong practi ce ('I He jns::d..S3ce d on pl a.y and t ea m platy a;nd +;he pla ye r wh o f a iJ e d t o pl ay a s a t eam membeT f OUIld himself warmi ng tl1e be nch a

Thi s cons~ljar:;:L c.-cil ling pa i d off i n t he game s 0 =t W2}j a t:,.'eat t o wa~jch t he l ine s pasS' back and f orth a nd se t. one a not he r up f o:c the s c c.:--e v Spe ctator s came t o ",rat oh them pl a y -::'his brand of hocke y" His strategy 't";·')w; ht. t.we nty- f i ve wir:o t o

Post9a r d s f or sa l e s -Postca r d s w~th a p~cture of t he Gar ni e r Championshi p t eam a r e now on sale a t Art st o Be nis ' stor e c

FIRST Grade XII C McComber 85% in Gr ade XI Te McGr a th 7CJf.

CLASS Grade X E r , pr,:<Zl.va3,;: :C?i-.v;8:.% I) .

Gra~9 IX Bo Pe ta t he goose 8l$

G32:' !;.:Le:.~ Cl'c,b a nd the :'.:incoln t r ophy t o G3.r ::1i .e r :; Cm:gr A.t ulations , F:;t her ., 0 11

icing a good 'Geam c:... nd a cha.mpionshi p t eam o

Page 2: SPANISH~ ONTARIO~ .:r AD( · 2016-02-22 · Every night med!lt hard l ong practi ce ('I He jns::d..S3ced on pl a.y and


HERE a nd


The story of the winning of the Linc oln trophy is a familiar one ~ oo the story of the game that wasn't played ••• the story of the presentation of the trophy after the game . Some wonder whether the bribe ofa chicke n dinner a nd a holiday had s omething t o do with the winning of that game in Blind River~ ••••• All the t eac hers~ a ttended the banquet t o honor the players oe ... The movie GREAT EXPECTATIONS rOQ~ded out the ce l ebrationseo •••• The eighth wonde r of the world --no homework for f our days f or winning the trophy; thanks Mro SammoL~ •••••• Fathe r Barry coached the girls'

hockey t eam from the girls I school; they trounced The ssalon Lad i e s and the Village girls coa ched by Fat he r McElligott~" 0 r. <' 0< Maxi e Simon was; in gr eat style when Wikwemikong played here in Marchp how di d he succeed in getting the puck from the scramble at the far side and bring i t, behind the net a nd slip it in; Ronnie Jacobs wonders t oo ; it was smar-t, pl aying" 0 0 c ••• Harold Bellea u is in Blind River Hospital and is ge tting bet t er nicely; he we nt llnot s o much t o be che cked, as to

check" Days he; what does he nean?oooo"o"Sa.vard, Leclair Br os a nd Leo Jacques bolstered the Garnierteam in the games with Soo Rap i ds o. u, oPe t e r Armstrong, Boniface

Abel and Gordon Cor biere r each swee;t six-ceen; new vistas open up before them ••••• A fea,ther in M:"'c Murphy's cap ; we have discove y-ed another Arthur Murray; Wayne's dancing was a credit to his teache r ,. 0 •• " 0 ~ Q ,;Who was> number e i ght on the Juvenile Hockey t eam? eo 0"" oWho is cowboy'? c ,)" 0 0 Q 0 '1he g:i.:::ols wonde r why Gordon Manitowabi cannot have a. G on his SWea~Gel'o ftst e r a.ll Alan has A on his and Contin has C on his" THErefore f) o. ~, •• The valentj_ne Dance was . tremendous success; eve ryone e nj oyed it from beginning -:'0 e !ld oo ,' '> ~ ~On Februar y 3rd Br other Voisin t ook his final vows at Guelph" Congratulations J Br othe:" Voisinoo~"c; o <>How d i d Gilbert get the bump on his f orehead ?" 0 •• eo" c "Fahlous sayings of f amous men; who said them? "Yes dear II , "l hav e nothing t o sail, "Sweet spito"ol')" .o",",o",F&ther Richa r d ce l ebr a t ed his ninety-eighth birthday earl y j.n F'ebruaryo ... not bad H •• The General of the Jesuits in Rome sent him a gift of ninety·,eig~1t mas ses ; one f or every year of his l ong life.

He is still in wonderful health and. spirits ~ 0 () c c: GHave you ever hear d this story from him? The host at a big dinner asked the cook to serve the very best in meat. Tongue appeared on the tabJe 0 The host ques t ioned the cook! s choice but wa,a; SlSsured that t ongue wa.£, the best ., Then he asked the cook t o s e rve the worst meat possible 0 Again t on gm.e appeared on the table : When the hos t r emonstrated tha t the same t ongue could not be the worst and :·h8 bes t, :; he vyas' informed that it coul d ; the t ongue i s the best. i f used pr operly a nd -j-,he worst if misused ...... Ever yone e nj oyed Father ts Magic Show; many boys and girls would l ove t o be able t o pr oduce I'abb i-c,s so easily" He e nded it with t wo thrilling storie s which everyone e nj oyed--Dutcher Doy 3 l'h8 Monkey ' s Paw.) 0 o. oStanley Mos e s, Herbie Mitchell and . Clyde Bannon are throwing marbles furiously these days t o de cide the CkB'I'.ll}~:!":~:'10 The ki d Jir.e :Ln hockey~ Vlhiteduckr Nortcm and Nadjiwan.,

DRAMA In honor of B:cother Voi sin 1 s Fii'.al Vow Day.!' Fat her Conlonstaged at cowboy concerte Cowboy songs f-rom beginning t o end" Ver y gooe. it \'V3.s ~ t oo . On March 17th both schools combi ned to stage a festiva 1 of singing and dancing" It wau, enjoyed bya lJ. o The encore s proved that"

The Pow/Wow Ice featured dances and singing o A &kating cast of f orty and a .. massed chorus of seven-t,y put O:l. a wonderful show on ice.



,.'-'" . ~ :! ( I C ('J


in SUDBURI o 0 e 0

VfRO ARE THE ':C11 SCHOOIS I N THE NOSSA'( Blind Rive r High, Espanol a High? II Garnier High, Cobalt High) Smooth Rock Fa.Us High", Englebart High c

HIGH LIGHTS FROM SOCIAL STUDIES EXA.J\L" oDen Johnston was a do ctor" Guy Fawkes> was hiding under the house of ~Go:('d;-'i and wa..ssuspected o c c () cWalter Raleigh waJ3 the first to smoke a t pipe full of toba,ccn aUld he::"p -~he que e n across at puddl e a..t the same time ••• ~M3.tthew Hopkins disc-over ed -[jhe ::> ircul at ion of bl ood in the we ins 0 .. To play cricket you get a horse a nd hit the ball al~ou..."1do It,! s something ::Like hockey ••• John Hawkins was the gr eat est. fi3herm3.n tllat lived 3.t tnat time ... oIn ect:' lY time s in England they pl ayed onl y cards and Skl ting -Ghatc al l the y did~" Q In England if yuu wan ted to travel you had to take a.i sisage coach.¥ i f you walnted to travel further you hail. t o take another stage coach ,, 1'::;a)ts the way tJ.1ey t:r'3.velled~H .Spanish galleon is whe re- people are killed;) the Cj)uarters ~,jaff is whe:;:'G they we r e tOltured ••• One of the early game s: was c!.'oque t", ,, ~ o Habean' corpus is at dead body,)" 0 C o Roundheads: were people who got the ir heads. cut short" Q 'J 0 ~Pochahontas is a kine, of plant; they ca ll i":i po chahontas0 0 o •• The games they played then, no running shoes Jr shoulde r patchen for football or even, ,, is a small number of peopl e onThe Divine Right of Kings is; so ol d hardly anyone knew what it is about? . Ben J ohnson waman explorer who plunde r ed ships~o~cetc e tc et c?~


Page 3: SPANISH~ ONTARIO~ .:r AD( · 2016-02-22 · Every night med!lt hard l ong practi ce ('I He jns::d..S3ced on pl a.y and

Just be f or e Eas t e r when t he ice was sta rting t o melt a bit, RESERVE the Seni or Boys we r e or ganized into t eams a ccor ding t o the

r e serve from which they hailed . Ever y night the wa ter was LEAGUES dra ined off the ice and snow shovelled a cross the surface t o

s op up the puddl es. So a1t 8.30, after s tudy, t wo r esBrves cla s hed till the champi onship was de cided. The l eague was successfuJ.; it f ool ed those who da r ed t o bet. ( Ri ght, Brother Mara .. ?). The t eams dr ew l ots t o pl ay. In the opening game Wikwemikong cwtained by Gor don Mall1itowabi faced Southern 'ntario under the guidance of Arnol d Nadjiwan. At the end of an hour

the t eams were tied. So they pl ayed and the first goal in overtime would decide the winnner. It t ook seven minutes be f or e s omeone di d score and tha t someone was Arnol d Nadjiwan. Then the North Shore with Ronnie Ja cobs as captain and goalie played Sudbury and District who had the captain of the Juveniles for their captain. Sudbury and District won 5-1. Sout hern Ontario then pl ayed Caughnawa gha-St EB gis and l ost t o the tune of 3-8. Jim Norton's t eam from Caughnawagaha met fac e t o f~e with Sudbury and District t o decide the champi onshi p . It was a close game . The score wa.a 5-4 f or the st. L:l.wrence pl ayers. So they ca rry the trophy f or this year e

The t eams:: WIKWEMIKONG South, Bay, Kaboni, Rabbitt Island a nd Buzwa Gordon manitowabi, Boniface Abe l, Agillius ~minika , Bill Kinoshameg, Stanley Fittawana~~t, Gordon Cor bi er e , I gna t i us Kanasawe , Julien Man itowabi, Fr ank Abel. SOUTHERN ONTARIO The Cape , Wal pol e I sland, Men iwaki Arnols Nadjiwan, Gilbert Whiteduck, Harvey Ermitanger, Louis Lava lley, Ed Lavalley, Pet er J ohnston, Arthur Cooco , J ohn Tawlor, Ke n Na djiwan, Teddy J ohnston SUDBURY AND DISTRICT Sudbury, Birch Island, Shishigwaning, West Bay Alan 1~cGregor, Dominic Contin, Pet er Ar mstrong, Victor Co~man da , Ke n Antoine, Cecil WaJbegijig, Bill Shinos, J oe Debossige , Gus Bebami kwe , J onas Endanawas NORTH SHORE Ronnie Ja cobs, Terry Jacobs, Romeo Bissaillon, Emmett Chi bl ow, .Bill Boyer, Tim Daybutch, Lloyd Commanadat, Victor Day, Pet ey JJ ones, Moses Toulouse CAUGHNAWAGHA-8T REGIS Jim Norton, J oe Bonap arte , Bob Sunday, Mickey Jacobs , Corne liu~ McComber, Robin WilliaBs, M3.rvin Del ormier, Bruce McC omber, Al bert Bonaparte, Wayne Del ormien.


As at final game Wikwemi kong or r at her Manitoulin pl ayers challenged till players of the World . It was; the l ast Friday night be f or e Easter vacations. After three full twenty minutes of pl ay the scor e was; still 3-3. So they paayed five mi nutes overtime . The score was still 3- 3. So they pl ayed on and t he f irst goa l wa.s" t o count. But Al an McGregor f or the Island and Honnie Jacobs f or the Worl d simpl y

would not let the puck go in t he net. After t wenty minut es of pl ay t he score was, still 3-3. The girls wer e tired and so we r e the players s o it was agr eed t o continue the duel on Sunday afternoon. On Sunda y aft ernoon be f or e a capacit:.­audi ence from both schools, the World won by t wo goal s, 2-4 MANIOULIN Alan McGregor, Gor don Man itowabi, Boniface Abel, Agillius Ominiks, Pet er Armstrong Bill Kinoshameg, Stanley Pittawanakwat, Harvey Ermitanger, Arnol d Nadjiwan WORlD Dominic Contin, Ronnie Jacohs , Terry Jacobs, Jim Norton, Gilbert Whiteduck, Victor Commanada , Romeo Bissa illon, Bob Sunday, Joe Bonaparte , Tim McGr ath, Chibl ow

SPECIAL MENTION Br other Mar a. wE1!&, officially and unanimously made a memeber of the Juvenile Hockey t eam. No pl aye r worked ha r de r and exhorted mor e f ervently than di d Br other Mat!'a . So he donned at sweater and posed YlLhth the hockey stars f or a picture.

SPECIAL CONTEST Grade s 6,7 8 played Grades 9 and 10 (regi s t er ed Juvenile s barred) . After six games ea ch t eam had won two and l ost t wo and tied t wo . F~ther Conlon coached 9 ~nd 10; ~k Schnurr coached 6,7, 8, , The f 1.nalgame waE; t o be a t est f or ye~ and coaches. Who enjoyed sIperiority? Gr ades 9 and 10 won.

HOUSE LEAGUE: Canadi ans won in Senior division; Leafs in intermedi at es; l eafs in Junior.

FINAL GAME : In Easter Monday, April 14th.