spanish idioms, expressions and proverbs for the dele

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  • 8/9/2019 Spanish Idioms, Expressions and Proverbs for the DELE




    Spanish Idioms,Expressions &


    eDELE s.a.

    Buscar las patas al gato

    Excellentia Didctica:Espaol comoLengua ExtranjeraOnline Preparation for DELE Exams

    (Spanish as Foreign Language)

  • 8/9/2019 Spanish Idioms, Expressions and Proverbs for the DELE



    Spanish Expressions and idioms

    Ah, ya veo No desde

    Oh, I see Not since

    En vez de (Estar) de acuerdoInstead of To agree

    Cada cunto? Por cunto tiempo?

    How many times? How often? For how long?

    Est de malas? Una que otra vez

    Are you in a bad mood? Once in a while

    Falta poco Algunas veces / De vez en cuando / Una que otra vez

    Almost there Sometimes

    Puede hacerme un favor? Por primera vez

    Can you do me a favour? For the first time

    Hasta dnde? Por eso / Por lo tanto / Por consiguiente

    How far? Consequently / Accordingly / Therefore

    La gota que derramo el vaso Entonces

    The last straw Thus / accordingly

    Lo antes posible / lo ms pronto posible Acerca de / Sobre

    a.s.a.p. concerning / about

    Dnde estn los dems? Ningn

    Where are the others / rest of the group? None / Not a single

    Aprese! Nada

    Hurry up! None / nothing (referring to objects)

    As se hace! Nadie

    Well done! None / no one (referring to humans)

    Me cuesta + inf. Se acab / nada ms, gracias

    It is difficult for me Im done / nothing more, thank you

    Al pie de la letra Por qu no?

    Literally Why not?

    Me gusta ella Usted aqu!

    I like her appearance Here you are! / Ah! Its you! (Dr. Livingstone moment)

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    Me cae bien ella De ningn modo

    I like her personality No ways!

    Cuando quiera Qu tiene usted?

    Whenever you want Whats the matter?/ Whats wrong with you?

    Lo que quiera Qu tal? Cmo le va? Como ests? Qu pasa?

    Whatever you want How are you? How are things going? Whats up?

    Como sea Est seguro? Es verdad?

    Anyway / somehow / whatever Is that true / right? Are you sure?

    De vras? En serio?!

    Truly?! Are you serious? / No?! (expression of incredulity)

    Y qu? De ahora en adelante

    So what!? Henceforth

    Cueste lo que cueste An / Todava

    At any cost still (indicating continuation its still happening)

    De repente Siempre

    Suddenly always

    El da menos pensado Tal vez / Quiz(s)

    Unexpectedly Perhaps / maybe / who knows?

    Es lo de menos Nunca

    Makes no difference Never

    Tampoco Tambin (mi gusta azucar, tambin miel)

    And neitherdo I like As well as (I like sugar, and I like honey too)

    En vez de / en lugar de Demasiado

    In stead of Too much

    Desde entonces Bastante bin, gracias

    Since then Very well, thanks

    Hoy en ocho / quince Por todas partes

    One / two weeks from now Everywhere

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    De sobra le toca a usted / te toca a ti

    Left-overs / superfluous It s your turn

    Dejar dicho no importa

    Leave word with its not important (no matter / dont worry / forget it)

    Echarse para atrs una que otra vez

    Withdraw (a statement) a few times

    El gusto es mo / El placer es para mi resfriarse

    The correct reply to mucho gusto catch a cold

    Estamos a mano pinselo

    We got even think about it

    Est a gusto / cmodo? Ella est de compras

    Is it OK? Convenient? To your liking? Shes out shopping

    De vez en cuando no se preocupe

    From time-to-time dont worry

    Ni siquiera hgame saber

    Not even let me know

    A menudo / varias veces que tenga buen da / que te vaya bien

    Often / regularly have a nice day / go well

    Vecindario tener sueo

    Neighbourhood to feel sleepy

    A cado rato aliengena

    Every time alien (strange / extra-terrestrial)

    Todava Todava no

    Up till now Not yet

    Ya Ya! (emphasized)

    Already (as in theyre already here) right now!

    Ya mero Ya no

    Very soon no longer

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    Ahora Ahorita

    Now Right now

    Mientras raras veces / raramente

    While seldom / rarely

    Cmo as? Muchas veces

    What do you mean? Many times

    A lo mejor hallar

    Maybe to find

    Y qu? Es como esto

    So? it is what it is

    Conocido cul(es)?

    An acquiantance (not a friend) which one(s)? referring to objects

    Amigo quin(es)

    Friend which one(s)? referring to humans

    Amigo ntimo

    Close friend (not physical)

    Amante preparese!

    Lover prepare yourself / get ready

    A ninguna parte cmprelo

    Not going anywhere buy it

    Ya quisiera! Cunto tiempo se queda usted?

    I wish! You wish! How long are you staying?

    Por desgracia / Desafortunadamente as / de esta manera

    Unfortunately (do it) like this / in this way

    Por ejemplo qu pena! / qu lstima

    For example what a pity

    Jams encantada de conocerle

    Never nice meeting you

    Expresar / comunicar en el medio

    Express / convey a thought in the middle

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    Me simpatiza mucho ya lo tengo

    I like you very much Ive got it (I understand)

    Me alegro de conocerlo(a) / encantado darse la mano

    I am glad to meet you to shake hands

    Asas listo! / yoestoy listo(a)

    So-so done! (its ready) / Im ready

    Hgame el favor de sentarse pngalo all

    Please sit down put it there

    Me he divertido mucho ms o menos

    I have enjoyed myself very much more or less

    D mis saludos a usted est equivocado

    Give my regards to you are wrong

    Venga a vernos nmero equivocado

    Come to see us wrong number (telephone)

    Estoy aqui por negocios / de vacaciones creo que no

    Im here on business / holiday I believe not

    Tengo prisa no me diga eso!

    I am in a hurry dont tell me that!

    Me alegro doble a la izquierda / derechaI am glad turn left / right

    Lo siento muy seguido

    I am sorry very often

    Creo que s qu mal tiempo

    I think / believe so what bad weather

    Qu es eso? Sin duda

    What is that? undoubtedly

    Puede ser es obvioPerhaps / maybe its obvious

    Dispnseme no vale le pena

    Please excuse me its not worth the trouble

    No hay de que completo

    Its a pleasure / youre welcome (its) sold out

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    No tiene nada que ver con sea paciente

    Has nothing to do with be patient

    Por cierto es increble

    By the way its incredible

    Estar advertido es divertido

    Be aware of its funny

    Tal vez lo/la ve seguido?

    Perhaps do you see him/her regularly?

    Pronto sintase en su casa

    Soon make yourself at home

    Este/estathis(gender sensitive) no es?

    Ese / esathat(gender sensitive) not so?

    Ambos acerca de / sobre

    Both concerning / about (an issue)

    Qu mal! Por eso

    Too bad! therefore

    Anque rase / haba una vez

    Even for / although there once was / once upon a time (starting a tale)

    Por si acaso no lo puedo creerJust in case I cant believeit

    Sin embargo uno u otro (manera)

    However one way or another

    A pesar de de repente

    Despite suddenly

    Pero es la misma cosa

    But its the same thing

    Por otro lado no conozco nada

    On the other hand I dont know anything

    Segn no conozco a nadie

    According to I dont know anybody

    La mayoria no hay nadie aqu

    Mostly /the majority theres nobody here

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    Casi / por poco no slo eso

    Almost not only that

    Por lo menos estoy contenta

    At least Im happy / satisfied / contented

    Por supuesto / claro! Venga conmigo

    Of course come with me

    De acuerdo, esta bien son parecidos (objects, people)

    OK / I agree / its fine they look the same

    De acuerdo a conforme a l / ella

    according to according to him / her

    En vez de no lo haga!

    In stead of dont do it!

    Por casualidad crame

    By chance believe me

    Por lo visto en todo caso

    Apparently in every instance

    Por gusto en cuanto

    In vain as soon as

    Hagame caso a menos queObey me / do as I say unless

    Tener ganas de con tal que

    Would like to (informal) on condition that

    Deseo para que

    Would like to (formal) in order that

    Tener vergenza de a fin de que

    Be embarrassed with the aim to

    Llevarse a cabo en sin que

    Will take place at without

    Qu quiere decir? En caso que

    What do you mean? In the event that

    Dar abrazo ojal

    To embrace if God /destiny wills (said hopefully)

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    dar con normalmente

    Discover (encontrar) normally / usually

    Dar cuerda Dar de comer

    Wind up a watch / give rope feed

    Dar (pedir) haln Dar un paseo / dar una vuelta

    Hitch-hike going for a walk

    Dar vuelta Yo me doy cuenta

    Turn around I have realised

    Darse prisa Echar de menos

    Hurry up (oneself) To miss someone / something

    Te extrao te amo

    I miss you I love you

    Quin? who?

    Qu? what?

    Por qu? why?

    Cundo? when?

    Dnde? where?

    Cmo? how?

    Cunto? how much?

    Cunto tiempo? how long?

    Qu desea usted? Venga acWhat do you want? Come here

    Pase usted Espere un momento

    Come in / go ahead wait a moment

    Oiga! Cuidado!

    Listen! Watch out! (be careful)

    Qu debo hacer? Qu hora es?

    What am I to do? What time is it?

    Es temprano Ya es tarde

    Its early its late

    Anoche No encuentro mi cartera / bolsa

    Last night Ive lost my wallet / purse

    Perd mi tren / bus Olvid mi dinero

    Ive missed my train / bus I forgot my money

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    No tengo nada que declarar Todo esto es para mi uso personal

    I have nothing to declare (at customs) All of this is for my personal use (at Customs)

    Mucho cuidado con esto Dnde doy vuelta?

    Handle these very carefully Where do I turn?

    A qu distancia esta?- Hasta dnde est? Por aqu / Por all

    How far is it? This way / that way

    Dnde est? Puedo llegar a pie?

    Where is it? Can I walk there?

    Llmame un taxi mi carne: cruda/roja, trmino medio, bien cocida

    Call me a taxi I like my meat : rare medium well done

    Estn incluidos la propina y el servicio? Qudese con el cambio

    Are the tip and service charge included? Keep the change

    De hecho Adivine qu?- Ni sabe qu?

    Actually Guess what? Dont you know

    Por el cual De lo contrario

    For which On the contrary

    Es una lstima El trmino

    Its a pity Completion

    Acabado(a) acabar con(something) just finished to finish with

    Acabar en Andarse

    To end in To leave (walk away)

    Anda con dios Andar con cien ojos

    Go with god Go cautiously

    Andar a gatas Andar a caballo

    To crawl / on all fours To ride a horse

    Cmo andan los negocios? Anda despacio que tengo prisa

    Hows business? Make haste slowly

    Hay vengo ya voy!

    Ill be back Im coming!

    Ya vine Ya me voy

    Im back Im going (leaving)

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    Ya me tengo que ir Qu manda / qu pas?

    Ive to go what do you want?

    Ahorita vengo. Ya vengo Ya termin

    Ill be back in a moment Im done / Ive finished it

    Ya se ve! Echar un vistazo

    Of course! Certainly! To take a look at

    Verse las caras a mi ver

    To deal with an issue face to face in my opinion

    A ver! No tener nada que ver con

    Lets see! It has nothing to do with

    Quin vive!? Vivir a oscuras

    Who goes there?! To live in ignorance

    La vida es as! Vivir para ver

    Thats life! Live and learn

    Salga lo que salga altono pase

    Come what may stop no entry

    Qu te trae por aqu? Trae! / Traiga!

    What brings you here? Give it here! Give it to me!

    Traer cola traer buena / mala suerteTo bring trouble to bring good / bad luck

    En lo porvenir viene a ser lo mismo

    In the future it amounts to the same thing

    Dar la bienvenida venir a la cabeza / mente

    To welcome to come to mind

    Volver en s volverse triste / loco

    To regain consciousness to become sad / crazy

    Devolver devolver un artculo

    To go back, return to return an article

    Las andanzas Buena / mala andanza

    The events good / bad fortune

    A todo andar comer con gana

    At full speed to eat heartily

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    Comer a todo correr comerse la risa

    To wolf down the food / quickly to stifle (eat) oneslaughter

    Comer de todo comer como un pajarito

    To eat everything (without reservations) to eat like a little bird

    Comprar al contado comprar al fiado, a crdito, con rebaja

    Buy cash buy on tick, credit, with discount

    Conducir de prisa dar un paseo en carro

    Drive fast go for a drive in a motorcar

    Conocidamente , obviamente un desconocido

    Obviously a stranger (an unknown)

    Un conocedor poner en conocimiento de

    An expert to inform someone about something

    Muy conocido el conocimiento / desconomcimiento

    Very well-known knowledge / ignorance

    Reconocido la crtica constructiva

    Grateful constructive criticism

    Estar en el cuento contar con

    To be in the know / informed depend upon / rely on / to count on

    La cuenta tomar en cuenta

    The bill (at restaurant) to take into account

    Dar por descontado dar en el blanco

    To take for granted to hit the target

    Decirle al odo dormir a pierna suelta / como una piedra

    Whisper in someones ear to sleep soundly / like a log

    Pasar la noche en vela dormir la mona

    To have a sleepless night to sleep off a hangover

    Dormiln(a) tener la pierna/ mano dormida

    A lazy person / a sleepyhead to have ones leg / hand asleep

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    La entrada de datos entrado (a) en aos

    Entering of data advanced in years

    Escribir a mquina escribir a mano

    To typewrite write by hand

    Estar a sus anchas estar al da

    To be comfortable to be up-to-date

    Estar de boga estar de buenas

    To be in fashion to be lucky

    Estar de ms estar de pie

    To be superfluous to be standing

    Estar de vuelta no estar para bromas

    To have returned not to be in the mood for jokes

    Dar gusto tener gusto en

    To please to be glad to

    Gustoso(a) la habladura

    Tasty gossip / rumours

    Hablar entre dientes hacer el papel de

    Mumble to play the role of

    Ir con tiento llamar la atencin sobre

    To go quietly, softly call attention to

    Llevar a cabo llevarse bien con alguien

    To carry through, to accomplish to get along well with someone

    Mirar por encima del hombro mirarse las uas

    To look down ones nose at to twiddle ones thumbs (be idle)

    De odas desor

    By hearsay to ignore (be deaf to)

    Pagar al contado pagar contra entrega

    Pay cash pay upon delivery

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    Pagar un ojo de la cara pagar los platos ratos

    Pay an arm and a leg (an eye) pay for damages caused

    Pagar las culpas estar perdido / perderse

    Pay for ones sins to be lost / to get lost

    Perder el juicio perdidamente enamorada

    To go mad passionately in love

    No se puede / s, se puede no puede ser

    It cant be done / yes, it can be done it cannot be / its impossible

    No poder ms apoderarse de

    To be exhausted to take over / take possession

    Poner fin a / coto a poner la mesa

    To put a stop to to lay the table

    Poner el dedo en la llaga poner en claro

    To hit the nail on the head explain clearly

    Poner en marcha poner en ridculo

    To put in motion to ridicule

    Poner los puntos sobre las es reponer

    To dot the is and cross the ts to put back, replace

    Ponerse cmodo reponerse

    Make oneself comfortable / at home to calm down / to recover from sickness

    Ponerse a dieta la puesta del sol

    To go on a diet sunset

    Quedarse muerto(a) quedar bien / mal

    To be speechless, dumbfounded to turn out well / badly

    Soltar la risa un(a) sabidillo(a)/sabelotodo

    To burst out laughing a know-it-all

    Saber algo como el avemara que yo sepa

    Know it like the back of my hand as far as I know

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    Debe de ser / debe ser ser de ver

    It is probably / it ought to be to be worth seeing

    Sea lo que sea es de lamentar

    Whatever it may be its too bad

    Es una lstima para ser

    Its a pity in spite of being

    Ser de rigor ser todos odos

    To be indispensable to be all ears

    Si no fuera por si yo fuera usted

    If it were not for if I were you

    Es de mi agrado tener algo en la punta de la lengua

    I like it (to my liking) to have it on the tip of the tongue

    Tener lugar tener que ver con

    To take place to have to do with

    Ni siquiera


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    Andar pisando huevos cortar el bacalao

    Treading on thin ice to rule the roost (home)

    Te conozco bacalao aunque vengas disfrazado (recognize cod even when in disguise)

    I know what your game is; you cant fool me

    Caerse de su burro rer con risa de conejo

    Admit ones mistake to force a laugh

    Hay cuatro gatos / solo 2 o 3 pelones aqui llevarse el gato al agua

    Theres hardly a soul here to pull off a feat

    Acostarse con las gallinas largar a otro el muchuelo (owl)

    To go to bed early to pass the buck

    Estar como boca de lobo haberle visto las orejas del lobo

    Its pitch dark in here had a narrow escape

    Encomendar las ovejas al lobo sacudir la mosca

    To entrust the sheep to the wolf to cough up the money

    No or ni el vuelo de una mosca a otro perro con ese hueso!

    So quiet you could hear a pin drop dont try that story on me! come off it!

    Darle perro a uno pagar el pato

    To stand up a date pay for someone elses mistake

    Cuando las ranas cren pelo / el gisquil sea tener el corazn hecho pedazosColocho: When pigs fly to be broke-hearted

    Llenar la cabeza de pajaritos tomarle el pelo a uno (pull hair)

    To fill someones head with empty talk to pull someones leg

    Buscarle pelos al huevo / tres pies al gato llamar al pan pan y al vino vino

    To nitpick, to find fault to call a spade a spade

    Mandarle a alguien a frer esprragos no partir perras con nadie

    To tell someone to go jump in the lake to look out for number one only (own interests)

    Echar lea al fuego ir al grano

    To pour fuel on the fire to go straight to the point

    La ltima gota que hace rebosar la copa ponerse las botas

    The last straw to make a killing

    Estar de veinticinco alfileres (pins) salir de Guatemala y meterse en Guatepeor

    Dressed to kill from the frying pan into the fire

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    Vaciar al costal (empty the bag) caer chuzos de punta(falling sharp-pointed spears)

    To get it off ones chest raining cats and dogs (also: llover a cntarosbuckets)

    Estar entre la espada y la pared descubrir el polvorn (gunpowder)

    Between a rock and a hard place to uncover the secret

    Empezar / echar la casa por el tejado tener telaraas en los ojos

    To put the cart before the horse unable to see (assess) whats in front of your eyes

    Saber latn echar agua al mar

    To be nobodys fool to be pointless

    Estar en las nubes el mundo es un pauelo

    To be daydreaming the world is a small place

    Quien no se arriesga no pasa la mar como pez en el agua

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained like a fish in the water (in ones element)

    Agua pasada no mueve molino parecerse como dos gotas de agua

    Thats water under the bridge like two peas in a pod

    Hacer su santa voluntad ms feo que el pecado

    Do as one pleases (irrespective of) ugly as sin

    Venir con msicas cantar de plano

    Tell tall tales to spill the beans

    Fumarse / capiarse una clase no poder ver a alguien ni en pinturaSkip a class not to be able to stand the sight of someone

    Decirle a alguien cuatro verdades destornillarse de risa

    To give someone a piece of your mind to get unscrewed with laughter (split ones sides)

    Tener un tornillo flojo faltarle a un tornillo

    To have a screw loose (crazy) to be nuts (have a screw missing)

    Perder los estribos(stirrups) quemarse las pestaas

    Lose ones temper to burn the midnight oil

    Las paredes oyen en boca cerrada no entran moscas

    The walls have ears a closed mouth catches no flies

    Oficio quita vicio Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda

    Work is a counter to lifes vices a monkey clothed in silk is still a monkey

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    A lo hecho, pecho ms vale ser cabeza de ratn que cola de len

    Face up to whats done better to be the mouses head than the lions tail

    de tal palo, tal astilla ms sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo

    like father, like son The devil knows more by experience than by being devil

    nio que no llora no mama nunca es tarde para aprender

    the squeaky wheel gets the oil its never too late to learn

    los nios y los locos dicen las verdades el que no oye consejo no llega a viejo

    out of the mouths of babes he who doesnt listen to advice will not make old bones

    hombre prevenido vale por dos el que re ultimo re mejor

    forewarned is forearmed he who laughs last laughs best

    de noche todos los gatos son pardos mucho hablar y poco decir juntos suelen ir

    in the dark all cats are gray empty vessels make the most noise

    aprendiz de todo y maestro de nada vale ms una verdad amarga que muchas mentiras dulces

    jack of all trades, master of none honesty is best policy (bitter truth is better than sweet lies)

    antes que te cases, miro lo que haces con los aos vienen los desengaos

    look before you leap familiarity breeds contempt

    no hay que ahogarse en un vaso de agua dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres

    dont make a mountain from a molehill a man is known by the company he keeps

    perro ladrador, poco mordedor amigo en la adversidad, es amigo de verdad

    barking dogs dont bite a friend in need is a friend indeed

    ms vale tarde que nunca todo tiene solucin, menos la muerte

    better late than never for every problem theres a solution, except death

    una golondrina no hace el verano la experiencia es la madre de la ciencia

    one swallow does not a summer make experience is the mother of science

    del dicho al hecho hay largo trecho ms vale maa que fuerza

    between saying and doing is a big difference better brain than brawn

    con dinero baila el perro soar no cuesta nada

    money talks (also: con la plata baila el mono) dreaming costs nothing

    bien est lo que bien acaba poco a poco, se anda lejos

    alls well that ends well little by little can get you far

    el que mucho duerme poco aprende cada da se aprende algo nuevo

    he who sleeps a lot learns little you learn something new every day

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    comer para vivir y no vivir para comer la amistad no se compra

    eat to live, dont live to eat friendship cannot be bought

    el rbol se conoce por su fruta cuntaselo a tu abuela!

    a tree is known by its fruit tell that to your grandmother!

    Gato que duerme no caza ratnes al decir las verdades se pierden las amistadesIf you snooze, you lose telling the truth may cost you friendships

    El mal escribano le echa la culpa a la pluma no hay rosa sin espinas

    The bad craftsman blames his tools every rose has its thorns

    Donde hay humo, hay fuego para saber hablar, hay que saber escuchar

    Where theres smoke theres fire to know how to talk requires knowing how to listen

    El ejercicio hace al maestro no dejes para maana lo que puedes hacer hoy

    Practice makes perfect dont leave for tomorrow what can be done today

    Aquel hombre lleva una vida de perros cuando el gato va a sus devociones, bailan los ratones

    He leads a dogs life when the cats away, the mice will play; also:

    Cuando el gato no est, los ratones hacen fiesta

    El que la hace, la paga paga lo que debes y sabrs lo que tienes

    You have to pay the consequences pay what you owe and youll know what you posses

    Antes de hablar es bueno pensar lo que hoy se pierde, se gana maana

    Think before you speak what you lose today you win tomorrow

    El tiempo perdido no se recobra El que todo lo quiere, todo lo pierde

    Time wasted/lost is never recovered whoever wants everything, loses everything

    Querer es poder saber es poderWhere theres a will, theres a way knowledge is power

    Ver es creer hasta que no lo veas, no lo creas

    Seeing is believing dont believe it until youve seen it