space for innovation - caverion group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o...

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Page 1: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Space for Innovation

Page 2: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Space for Innovation Tour Map

Space for Innovation | Tour Map | 0302 | Tour Map | Space for Innovation

Page 3: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather





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Caverion Krantz

Our vision is to be a leading European provider of advanced and sustainable life cycle solutions for buildings and industries.

Caverion was established in June 2013 when the Building Services and Industrial Services businesses were demerged from YIT Group into a new, independent company.

The Caverion shares are traded on Nasdaq Helsinki.

We design, build, operate and main-tain intelligent and energy-eff icient solutions for buildings and industries.

Our aim is to ...ensure business continuity, safe and comfortable conditions, optimised per-formance, and cost control for our clients.Our clients represent ... among others, real estate owners and developers, real estate users, general contractors, public institutions and industrial companies.

We are a truly European company with roots in our operating countries across Northern, Central and Eastern Europe and a history dating back to the late 1800s.

Krantz ...

... is a trademark of Caverion.

... develops, designs, manufactures and distributes air distribution systems, cooling and heating systems for ceiling and facade installations, as well as exhaust gas filtration, dampers and clean air solutions.

The products are well-known in public and business premises, but also in places where quality and reliability are extremely important, like clean rooms, nuclear facilities, biosafety laboratories or isolation wards.

12 countries

€ 2.4billion revenue

17,000 personnel

Headquartered in Helsinki, Finland






Denmark Russia



PolandCzech Republic



Huber Oy(1879)

Calor AB(1898)

ABB building systems


MCEbuilding systems


Caverion GmbH(2007)

M+W Zander (1998) | Meissner+Wurst (1912) Krantz (1882) | Zander (1950) | Stangl KG (1929)

MAB Anlagenbau Austria GmbH | Rohr- und Heizungsbau GmbH (1955) | Voest-Alpine MCE Austria | Allmänna Ingeniörsbyrån (1901) | Carl Christensen & Co. | Brdr. Petersens Eftf. A/S | Gerdes & Wesenberg | Monies &

Andersens Eftf | E.Rasmussen/ER Electric A/S (1907) EB Installasjon (1988) | Asea Brown Boveri (1987)

Asea Per Kure AS (1897) | A/S Norsk Elektrisk & Brown Boveri (1908) | Elektro Union National Industri (1917)

Elektrisk Bureau AS (1882) | Frognerkilens Fabrikk Norsk Elektrisk Aktielag (1873) | AS Norsk

Viftefabrik (1932) | Elmek (1990) | Emico AS (1992) Tehsistem SIA (2001)

04 | Caverion & Krantz Story | Space for Innovation

Power plant c



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Denmark Russia



PolandCzech Republic

KrantzHuber Oy Calor AB ABB MCE Caverion GmbH

M+W Zander (1998) | Krantz (1882) | Zander

MAB Anlagenbau Austria GmbHGmbH (1955) | Voest-Alpine MCE AustriaIngeniörsbyrån (1901) | Petersens Eftf. A/S

Andersens Eftf | E.Rasmussen/ER Electric A/SEB Installasjon (1988) |

Asea Per Kure AS (1897) | Boveri (1908) | Elektro Union National Industri

Elektrisk Bureau ASNorsk Elektrisk Aktielag

Viftefabrik (1932) | Tehsistem SIA

Caverion Corporation (est. 2013)

Page 4: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

The Research & Development Centre in Aachen is Caverion’s creative hub: on 1,000 m² of floor space we realise today the building services of tomorrow by making them reliable, safe, comfortable, efficient and sustainable.

Caverion has specific competence in deliveries for demanding properties, such as gas-tight biosafety labs and clean rooms, acoustically sensitive theatres and TV studios, and comfortably air-conditioned auditoriums, exhibitions and plenary halls.

We also develop our own products and solutions for ventilation, building automation, systems integration and automated waste collection.

Aachen R&D centre

o Specialises in the research and development of advanced products related to ventilation, cooling and heating

o Runs test stations to simulate ventilation, cooling, heating and acoustics concepts under real-life conditions for demanding sites and building systems

o Validates the functions of ventilation and air conditioning components and systems in laboratory tests on a 1:1 scale

to guarantee high standards of comfort, airflow and noise emissions requirements

o Uses computer simulations (CFD – Computational Fluid Dynamics) to calculate airflows in a room based on a computer model in cases where lab testing on a 1:1 scale is not feasible e.g. regarding airports, sports arenas, auditoriums or theatres

Test stations

o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurementso Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade

where summer and winter weather conditions can be simulatedo Test room for indoor climate testing where comfort parameters

can be set according to your specific needso 12-m-high climate hall for air conditioning in event venues

with air volume flows of up to 20,000 m²/h and cooling capacities of up to 250 kW

The R&D Centre in Aachen is focused on creating highly functional solutions that keep people and their working and living environments safe, healthy and comfortable.





06 | Caverion shapes the future | Space for Innovation

Caverion shapes the future

Space for Innovation | Caverion shapes the future | 07

Space for Innovation

Page 5: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

How well do you manage energy consumption?Caverion’s specifi cally designed services and solutions optimise a property’s energy consumption throughout its life cycle. With the help of Caverion’s solutions, you can lower the energy costs of your premises, reduce their environmental impact and comply with the EU’s tightening energy goals.

Buildings account for approximately 40 % of energy consumption and 36 % of CO2 emissions within the EU. Designing and maintaining energy-eff icient buildings has a major impact in slowing down climate change.

Caverion supports you in decreasing the environmental impacts of your operations. For example, remote management helps prevent business interruptions which could often result in increased energy consumption. Our competence and ability to analyse large volumes of data together with advanced building automation solutions and monitoring tools support overall industrial productivity and energy savings targets.

Caverion’s energy eff iciency specialists provide analyses and recommended actions from energy inspections extending to complex energy contracting business models where savings are guaranteed.


Mora municipality promotes long-term sustainable development ... ... to reduce the energy consumption in municipality-owned buildings in a profi table way. The improvement of energy eff iciency is fi nanced with the accrued savings.

Mora municipality, Sweden

Space for Innovation | Energy Eff iciency | 09

Challengeo Guarantee energy eff iciency

for 120,000 m² of property holdings

o Reduce energy costs o Increase quality

of property maintenanceo Improve the state

of the environment

Solutiono Detailed measures

per property object based on comprehensive analyses of heating, ventilation, control, electricity and building envelope

o Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) guarantees savings and reduces client’s fi nancial risk

o Cutting yearly costs by €500,000

08 | Energy Eff iciency | Space for Innovation

Page 6: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Helsebygg Midt-Norge: Hospital Development Project for Central Norway ... ... manages Norway’s largest hospital development. The aim was to build one of the best university hospitals in Europe, and the basis for all planning has been the needs of the patients. All materials used are sustainable and safe for people’s health, which makes the hospital a versatile and patient-friendly building.

One of the buildings is the Knowledge Centre, a building for research, teaching and patient treatment. It houses the university hospital’s auditorium with 380 seats, a medicine and health library, and workspaces for students and facilities for research and teaching.

Knowledge Centre, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim, Norway

Space for Innovation | Indoor Climate | 11

Are people satisfied with the environment in your building? What is their productivity level?At Caverion, we support our clients in the management of property, such as hospitals, schools, sports venues and office buildings. This translates into cost-efficiency and environmental friendliness for years to come, whether the portfolio consists of older buildings or where there is a need for rebuilding.

More than 90 % of our lives are spent in enclosed spaces of built environments. The psychosocial environments have been given a lot of attention, but research shows that also optimal indoor air quality increases productivity and satisfaction, improves per-formance as well as reduces absences.

Caverion offers innovative and modular solutions throughout the building’s life cycle to ensure comfortable, pleasant, safe and healthy indoor conditions.

In a broad-based Norwegian research project, Dr Ragnhild Wiik has shown that great gains in productivity are achieved by improv-ing air, sound and aesthetic conditions. Research concludes that 25 % of our productivity is controlled by the indoor environment.

Caverion has developed a tool called ByggSim based on this four-year research into how much more productive employees can be in optimal conditions and what this actually translates into in hard cash on the bottom line.

ByggSimo Building simulator tool for builders and

property developers

o Shows how increased productivity translates into hard cash in energy, operational and maintenance costs

o Estimates how much more productive your employees can be in optimal conditions


Challengeo Special requirements, e.g. for

surface materials, to prevent the spread of infections

o Technical installations to be adapted to varying functional needs of the hospital building

o Stringent annual net energy demand requirement for achieving the passive house standard

o Flexible technical solutions for easier future renovations

Solutiono Energy consumption reduced

through additional insulation, extra density, heat recycling, low-energy lighting, exterior shading devices and demand control of light and air flow

o Passive house standard is achieved by Caverion’s patented ClimaCeil solution

o Total technical solution and intelligently controlled from a centralised system

o Utilisation of BIM for collab-o rative design, construction and operation throughout the building’s life cycle

10 | Indoor Climate | Space for Innovation

Page 7: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

The Triotto office building ... ... is an extension of the Duetto Business Park. Triotto, measuring 16,000 m² in area, was completed in 2012. Telecom group DNA Ltd and national grid company Fingrid Oyj are headquartered in the building. The owner of Triotto is the German real estate investor Hansainvest.

Triotto consumes less energy but also encourages ecological behaviour. It provides an energy-efficient and flexible work environment. The building has been awarded Gold level LEED environmental certification based on LED lighting, energy use monitoring and the building’s location.

12 | Indoor Climate | Space for Innovation

Triotto office building, Helsinki, Finland

Challengeo High security control

rooms for tenanto Data centre redundancieso Indoor conditions handling

in high utility rate call centreo Energy consumption


Solutiono Design, engineering,

assembly and delivery of total technical solutions

o LuxCool suspended ceiling element used in the building contain-ing all technical elem ents including LED lighting

o Five-year guarantee for energy consumption level and system functionality

Space for Innovation | Indoor Climate | 13

John Deere is the world’s leading manufacturer ...

... of agriculture machinery established in 1837. The EDPC aims to reduce transportation costs and environmental impact by improving the product flow between factories, suppliers and parts distribution facilities in Europe.

Krantz have installed the AVACS multifunctional sails in the office spaces (ground floor, 1st and 2nd floor) of its administrative building, the European Parts Distribution Centre in Bruchsal, Germany.

John Deere European Parts Distribution Centre (EDPC), Bruchsal, Germany

Challengeo Ensuring thermal comforto Optimising exchange

of fresh and stale airo Providing a draught-free


Solutiono Controlled air flow

above and below sailo Changing of air

ensured by combination of supply air outlet and return air inlet

o High output with integrated active fresh air supply

o Invisible supply air outleto Enhanced room acousticso Flat shape and attractive designo Special discharge pattern

prevents the ceiling sail from dirtying

Page 8: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

14 | Indoor Climate | Space for Innovation Space for Innovation | Indoor Climate | 15

Integrated building systems

Caverion has extensive know-how in the design and installation of ventila-tion and air-conditioning products. We are an independent supplier and can design the best possible solution for each individual customer, complete with the hardware needed.

We also offer our own proprietary products and solutions, such as the LuxCool element, ClimaCeil ceiling system and Krantz ventilation components.

LuxCoolLuxCool is an innovative chilled beam which integrates building systems in one ceiling element. It provides a compact and cost-eff icient solution where one device is equipped with high-quality induction units including lighting, presence detectors and other necessary off ice building technol-ogy. LuxCool’s excellent technical features and advanced design allow for eff icient cooling and heating and also quiet ventilation. Lux Cool enables fl exible adapt-ability of off ice space and it is ideal both for new buildings and also for renovation projects where alter-ations are easy to implement.

AVACSThe AVACS (Air Ventilation And Cooling System) multifunction sail is designed to build an attractive cooling/heating ceiling system. There are a number of confi gur-a tions available, e.g. made up of one or several pieces, rigid or pull-down design, with or without supply air distribution, optionally with return air extraction, option-ally fi tted with inspection element for maintenance of control valves installed by the client. AVACS sails come into use in off ices, meeting rooms, foyers, exhibition rooms, libraries, among others.

ClimaCeilClimaCeil is an end-to-end solu-tion that gathers all the technical installations in one place, including ventilation, electrical and ICT cables, sprinklers and pipes. The various parts are made in advance, so that they can be quickly assembled on the construction site, if a standard base installation is in place.The product can be customised, for example, according to noise and fi re requirements. With large parts of the technology in the same pathway, and with fl exible prefabri-cated modules and well-planned production, time is saved on con-struction sites. The solution allows for quick room alterations and lower energy consumption levels, resulting in signifi cant cost savings during the building’s life cycle.


Featureso Shifts a large part

of the work away from the site to prefabrication

o Elements are delivered ready to install and plug in

o Conserves space as no separate radiators are required

o Flat and glare-free lighting

o Choice of colours

Functionso Lighting

o Ventilation o Cooling o Heating o Electricityo Communications cableso Automatic control


Featureso Silent

air supply

o Eff ective cooling capacity

o Modular and quick installation

o Easy retrofi t with space-saving solutions

o High level of fl exibility

Functionso Joint infrastructure

routes for all disciplines

o Ceiling with acoustic damping

o Demand control of air, light and temperature


Featureso High performance

in comparison with closed chilled ceiling systems

o Invisible air diff user from below

o High thermal comfort

o Low installationheight / customised lengths and widths

o Sound absorptionby optional sound absorbers

o Layout proposals by selection program

Functionso Cooling

o Heating

o Indoor air circulation and sound absorption

o Thermal comfort

o Dirt accumulation on the ceiling minimised

Page 9: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

What is the life cycle cost and how efficient is the technical investment payback? Will your property last for decades to come? A life cycle perspective is included in everything Caverion does. For clients, this means their buildings are functional, safe, sustainable, and energy and cost-efficient. Energy efficiency is a vital element for lowering life cycle costs, increasing eco-friendliness, improving sustainability and preserving property value in the long run.

At Caverion, we can take responsibility for designing and installing all of the technical systems and solutions as well as for the service and maintenance of the property or industrial plant. This includes managing your properties’ labels, certifications and regulations, reducing risk and increasing rent income.


16 | Smart Future | Space for Innovation

Huhtasuo school and day-care centre, Jyväskylä, Finland

The Huhtasuo school and day-care centre ...... is a learning facility for children in day care up to youngsters in elementary school. The school hosts almost a thousand pupils of which more than 100 are children with special needs. Thus, innovative technology is at the core of everything, ensuring that the children can spend their days in a healthy indoor environment.

The buildings are also full of life in the evenings when recreational activities take place and the modern facilities are available to near-by residents.

Challengeo Maintaining the facility

in good condition for years to come

o Optimising indoor conditions for children, pupils and staff

o Ensuring that the municipality need not invest in unplanned and corrective maintenance

o Guaranteeing high energy efficiency

Solutiono 20-year service agreement

with Caverion ending in 2033o Installation and maintenance

of systems o Real-time property

management and monitoring with fully integrated systems

o High-speed fibre network connections

o Predictive maintenance model for regular facility management

o Optimised levels of energy consumption and efficiency, light-ing, air conditioning and cooling

o Quality of the facility remains stable for its entire life cycle

Space for Innovation | Smart Future | 17

Page 10: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

National Courthouse, Viborg, Denmark

The new National Courthouse for Western Jutland in Denmark ... ... was completed in 2014 as part of a PPP (public-private partnership) project together with the authority for the courts of Denmark. Caverion has carried out the technical design and installation and will have the full facility manage-ment responsibility in its 25 years of service.

Challengeo New national courthouse

for the western part of Denmark

o High architecturaland technical standards

o Improved life cycle performance compared to other public building projects

Solutiono A. Enggaard and Caverion

as partners in a public-private partnership

o Design, construction andmaintenance of the building

o Caverion responsiblefor most of the technical design as well as the installa-tion and management of the whole facility

o The maintenance contractincludes full responsibility of energy usage

Space for Innovation | Smart Future | 19 18 | Smart Future | Space for Innovation

Page 11: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

How smart buildings communicate?When a building’s operating environment is functioning correctly, it increases productivity and end-user comfort. With the automation and remote management technology available today, clients can achieve dramatic improvements in building and process energy efficiency as well as in cost and quality control.

Business continuity is ensured with smart solutions providing high predictability and security of operations. This minimises the need for expensive shutdowns and lets end users focus on their core business activities, helps in predicting and reducing operational costs, and improves scheduled maintenance.

Caverion’s solutions require in-depth expertise in integra ting various types of total technical and IT solutions and skills in analysing and utilising data from numerous sources. This applies to underfloor heating, LED technology, motion detectors, presence-based ventilation, or the combining of terrestrial heat and solar collectors alike.

In addition, Caverion offers its modern ServiFlex service concept for preventive planned maintenance for single or multiple technical systems. The objective is always to offer ease and efficiency in everyday operations. ServiFlex prolongs the life of the technical installation and increases the value of the building.


Max Hamburgers, Sweden

Max was one of the first burger chains in Europe ...... and was founded close to the Arctic Circle in 1968. Max runs 97 restaurants in Sweden, three in Norway and one in Denmark. Most restaurants are located in their own freestanding buildings.

The Max Hamburgers chain has a nationwide ServiFlex agreement with Caverion for preven tive maintenance covering 93 restaurants in Sweden.

Challengeo Uniform technical

maintenance across 93 Max restaurants in Sweden

o Combining maintenance with several on-going installation projects

o Standardised services in all restaurants, including reporting to authorities

o Quick response time

Solutiono Fixed contract

for technical maintenance with pre-agreed prices

o Focus on preventive maintenance with corrective maintenance easy to add

o Quality-assured processes and standardised services

o Administration of reports according to authority regulations

o 24/7 help desko One contact person from

Caverion in charge of all serviceso Energy-saving

measures frequently identified

20 | Intelligent Solutions | Space for Innovation Space for Innovation | Intelligent Solutions | 21

Page 12: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Seabrokers, Stavanger, Norway

Seabrokers are experts ...... in shipbroking, real estate, facility management, construction, sea surveillance, and safe lifting operations. Amongst others, they own and operate fi ve buildings in western Svanholmen in Forus, Stavanger, Norway.

The tenants are high profi le companies and the buildings are often referred to as “gullrekka“ (“the golden line”). The tenants of these fi ve buildings are Statoil with two buildings, Gas de France, Sandnes Sparebank and ENI.

Challengeo Maintenance of technical

installationso Designing of functional

buildings for high-profi le tenants

o Provide a healthy indoor climate

Solutiono ServiFlex agreement

covering all fi ve buildingso Includes electrical installations,

ventilation and air conditioning, security and piping

o Caverion’s service and bi-annual maintenance of the ventilation and air condi-tioning and annual maintenance for the other discplines

22 | Intelligent Solutions | Space for Innovation Space for Innovation | Intelligent Solutions | 23

Page 13: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany

The work of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, ...... Federal Research Institute for Animal Health (FLI), focuses on farm animal health and welfare and on the protection of humans from zoonoses, i.e. infections which can be trans-mitted from animals to humans. Aims of the work are the prevention of diseases by developing and improving rapid diagnostics and prophylactic measures, providing the back-ground for modern control strategies for animal diseases and zoonoses, improving farm animal husbandry in compliance with animal welfare, preserving the genetic diversity of farm animals and supporting the efficient utilisation of animal feed as basis for the production of high-quality animal-based food-stuffs. The FLI was founded in 1910.

Challengeo HVAC systems

for high biosafety level laboratories

o HVAC and fire protection systems for pressurised spaces

o Gas extinguishing systems for pressurised spaces

Solutiono Installation

of a high-end clean room HVAC system

o HEPA filtering of supply and exhaust air

o Development of a solution for sensitive areas

o Installation of extinguishing systems with halon substitutes

Space for Innovation | Safe Environment | 25

© F








24 | Safe Environment | Space for Innovation

How safe and reliable is your facility?Urbanisation is growing fast everywhere. Municipalities need to invest in cities and growth centres to provide attractive, functional and safe built environments. At the same time, there are industries and organisations in densely built areas that deal with hazardous sub stances. This could cause serious danger to multiple people or the environment, either on- or off-site.

Today, new buildings are designed for flexible and multiple use. In addition, existing industrial buildings are being converted into new use. Infrastructure often needs to be upgraded to respond to such diverse needs. All this aims at developing safe and ecological physical environments for citizens and communities enabling daily functionality and wellness.

Caverion provides reliable solutions for safety and well-being, taking into account indoor and outdoor conditions, tight building regulations, biosafety issues as well as the broader needs of complex and networked infrastructures in urban environments.


Page 14: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Complete clean room solutions

Designing and developing high tech and pharmaceutical clean rooms requires in-depth understanding of controlled process environments, e.g. regarding microbiological control. Customer requirements need to be transferred into system and building solutions including the design of HVAC, piping and electrical systems.

Caverion has a solid track record in working with regula-tory demands required for building and validating clean rooms and pharmaceutical projects and the competence to conduct qualifi cation activities. We have developed ...

... innovative clean room systems where highest demands on quality, fl exibility and modularity are achieved in production facilities.

o Complete delivery of clean rooms with Cleanplus® system and Krantz components

o Compliance with GMP applications

o Turnkey contracts including design, installation and validation

o Modular systems with short installation times

o HVAC engineering and electrical engineering

o Validation activities including commissioning and OQ

Featureso Flush-mounted light fi ttings

with hygienic accesso HEPA fi lter inlets

with pull-down outlet elemento Self-lifting

door hinges for easy cleaningo Hygienically

integrated windowso Dust-free steel doorso Control system

for airlocks, code locks, card readers

Reference customerso Cepheid, Swedeno Karolinska University Hospital, Swedeno Astra Zeneca, Swedeno Nanolab, NTNU, Norway

Technical installationso Clean room envelope o Ventilation o Automation o Piping o Electricity o Cooling

o Friedrich Loeff ler Institute, Germanyo Bernard-Nocht-Institute, Germanyo Fraunhofer IIS and Frauhofer IPA, Germanyo DKFZ, Germany

Page 15: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

How to create most value and quality?As much as 54 % of the world’s population live in urban areas today, a proportion that is expected to increase to 66 % by 2050. In Europe, by 2014 72 % were already living in urban environments. This trend is growing fast and will have a huge impact on working and living environments as well as on the design and maintenance of buildings.

Providing public transportation, as well as housing, electricity, water and sanitation for high-density city areas is typically more cost-efficient and reduces the human impact on nature. Functional and controlled systems enable a comfortable urban life, where safety is the perfect interaction of technology and human behaviour.

Caverion provides opportunities to make cities and growth centres connected and accessible with reliable infrastructures. Also, the property value of existing buildings can be significantly increased through their new use. Caverion’s expertise covers the full scope of technical design, installation, project management and maintenance – competence areas required for major infrastructure and urban solutions.


26 | Reliable Infrastructure | Space for Innovation

Ardning tunnel monitoring control room, Ardning, Austria

ASFINAG is responsible for Austria’s 2,200 km top-tier road network ...... and due to the topographical features of the country, a ma-jor part of its work is tunnel construction. In order to comply with the extremely stringent safety requirements, ASFINAG’s state-of-the-art tunnel monitoring control room system will eventually cover the whole of Austria. On a daily basis, 25,000 cars and 2,500 lorries pass through the tunnel systems moni-tored by Ardning.

Challengeo Monitoring

43 km of 25 tunnel structures on the A9, a heavily-used north/south transit corridor

o Use of process control technology to be flexibly adapted to expansion stages, including all peripheral devices

o Highly complex converging of more than 200,000 data points

Space for Innovation | Reliable Infrastructure | 27

Solutiono Development and expansion

of the Ardning tunnel monitoring control room

o Process control engineering o Installation

of technical building systemso Projection screen with 16 moni-

tors controlling the motorway and highway camera network

o In-house development of video stream connection and control software

o Compliance with stringent safety require-ments for 24-hour operations including backup systems

Page 16: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Henninger Tower, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

A new 140-m-tall residential tower ...... which is externally inspired by the old grain silo of the former Henninger brewery, will replace the former city landmark. It covers 77,000 m� and will contain more than 200 luxury apart-ments over its 40 fl oors. A U-shaped block development will provide additional fl oor space for commercial service providers. The corner-stone for this project was laid in June 2014 and the fi rst residents are expected to move into the building in 2016.

Challengeo Unique residential building

project due to the location, building method and tech nic-al equipment of the tower

o Securing top quality project execution and smooth on-site logistics despite the tight time frame

o Space and storage limited in the city centre location

Solutiono Caverion is responsible

for delivering the total technical solution

o Years of experience in high-rise buildings and logistical processes

o Multidisciplinary work as technical general contractor

o Geothermal energy system for heating and cooling

o Use of prefabrication to shorten mounting time

Page 17: Space for Innovation - Caverion Group · o 200 m² echo chamber for acoustic measurements o Measuring room for HVAC systems equipped with a facade where summer and winter weather

Caverion CorporationP.O. Box 59 (Panuntie 11)00621 HelsinkiFinlandTel. +358 10